#Wow Miku is actually a teenager
wrathofnature · 2 years
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Wowowowowowow it is Hatsune Miku’s birthday! Happy birthday our lord and savior miku! Also I drew an sakura Fae design for a friend XD
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digitalcactusblog · 2 months
song ask meme!!! tagged by @hybridcitrus, thank you for the tag!!!!! >:3c i do so love inflicting my music taste on others :3c
Shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people
God's Plan - Mother Mother y'all, the new mother mother album FUCKS HARD. i missed their old sound so much and it's back with this album!!!
The Glow (feat. Kimbra) - Big Data great song to blast in the car while you're driving to feel cool and also if you love heavy bass which i do :3
Kill All Your Friends - My Chemical Romance i actually only discovered this song like, recently??? by recently i mean like in the last two years, but considering i first listened to the Black Parade album like........ 10-12 years ago??? cannot believe. anyways this song gives me oc brainworms (shaoyuan my beloathed) for some fucking reason.
Astral Travel - Kikuo & Hatsune Miku i've been listening to Kikuo's stuff for a while but somehow i didn't notice that they dropped a new album?? honestly that's how it goes most of the time for me, it's always a fun surprise
Whisper - The Dear Hunter i'm kinda surprised it took 4 other songs before i hit a TDH one tbh but yeah this one!!! the migrant album was the album that got me into TDH, actually, and it's in my top 3 albums i think??? this song is especially fun to scream-sing loudly when you're feeling emotions. what emotions, you may ask? who knows! just as long as there's lots of it! just look at the lyrics cmon. also not to sing casey crescenzo's praises to the sun and back but, this man's voice. when you hit the chorus, man oh man. i love it.
The Carousel - Best Frenz & Joywave JOYWAVE joywave my beloved!!!!!!!!!! joywave's another band that i completely failed to follow along with and then suddenly i re-found some of their music, went "this is so good please tell me there's more" and then found all their albums??? and then there were NEW ALBUMS??? this is one of the tracks from one of them. this ALSO gives me tremendous oc brainworms (shaoyuan my beloathed again)
The Moments in Between - The Reign of Kindo if you like TDH, you'll probably also like the Reign of Kindo, because that's how i found them lmao. completely unrelated, if i have enough brainworms about an oc, i inevitably end up associating them with a band/multiple bands, and this band i strongly associated with tora. not even sure why!!
Burning Pile - Mother Mother wow, what a blast from the past. i used to listen to this as a sad depressed teenager!! and now i am a sad depressed adult, and i have different music i listen to, but this one still hits the same. damn. i'm such a sucker for a song that sounds happy and then you listen to the words and you're like fuck.
Ring 1 - Tower - The Dear Hunter ANTIMAI MY BELOVED. i cannot, for the life of me, decide which my absolute favourite song from the album is, because i love them all. but this one is definitely one of the top top faves. when the music slows down around the 2 minute mark?????? and the narrator in the song gets all smugly menacing?????????? and the instrumentals get all chill????????????? i simply die
Sword of Drossel - OSTER Project i think i found this track when i was in my late teens?? and then i forgot about it for a while, and then relatively recently (in the last 2 years) i had a sudden vocaloid nostalgia kick, and then i actually found this one on my streaming service and i was like oh shit???
man this was really fun!!!!! thank you again for the tag :D
i shall tag... @fangirling-phoenix @exilley @saiyanblood2 @bumble-b-goode @aboxthecolourofheartache @strawberry-hyacinth @mintchocolateleaves @artemisrockatansky @simplyaskeleton @skadren and anyone else who wants to do it!!!
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neon-vocalist · 6 months
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wow look!!! headcanons for my upcoming fic collection that you guys should read and subscribe to when it comes out 😎 this isn’t everyone but it’s everyone i’ve been writing with so far. more will be revealed!
the universe in which the fic(s) take place is, for now, very VBS focused. all 4 members of VBS are part of the central friend group that the fics revolve around, and the first 2 of the series are touya-centric and an-centric, respectively. there is also a lot of mizuki and ichika because they’re my favourites.
my fics switch POV all the goddamn time but never fear, i will always make it clear whose head we’re metaphorically inside, and they are third person. not first person. “evie, when will you write a first person fic?” never. over my dead body.
there will never be explicit smut but there will be Implications so do with that what you will.
time for story notes :)
this sheet has 3 people in love with mizuki. there are at least 4 but airi is not shown.
shiho and honami are dating
airi is polyamorous and dating shizuku with an unrequited crush on mizuki
an is a bit of a slut
an has previously cheated on kohane with saki, but now that saki is officially dating ichika, they leave each other alone
tsukasa loves to pull pranks
tsukasa is of course dating rui
tsukasa and akito hate each other
SEKAI has weird mechanics which i can get into later as a post of its own but the main things to know are once you are part of SEKAI you can travel between universes (same as a VIRTUAL SINGER) and SEKAIs can be travelled between
akito and touya both see kohane as a bit of a little sister and aim to improve her self esteem
ken sees kohane as a daughter (kohane is his favourite child) and tsukasa’s father sees akito as a son (akito is not his favourite child)
mizuki would have a very long criminal record if they ever got caught
the VBS kagamine twins are like. 12 years old.
VBS miku is around her mid-20s
VBS meiko is in her late 20s / early 30s
N25 miku is like 19
(the actual teenagers exist in their nebulous late high school age forever and ever)
this is NOT a no band AU, the bands exist and are important parts of the story in certain places
mizuki loves to play dress-up with their friends; ena hates being played dress-up with
saki is so, so, so autistic
shizuku is the older sister of all time
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
I want to buy a lolita print dress too but according to the internet girls with my body type can't wear that style :( I'm 5'6 with broad shoulders and mature features and most lolita girls are short and small-boned with soft cute facial features not to mention I'm not a teenager anymore... I know it's a toxic misogynistic standard and I shouldn't care what people think and all that good stuff but I still have all these fears that I'll look weird and gross since I don't have that cute dainty body structure. I'll live my best shojo anime princess life someday but for now I gotta deconstruct all these toxic standards of femininity and fear of ridicule. I wish people weren't so gatekeepy about this shit online … look what happened to poor Pixyteri back in the day for expressing herself without the typical cute lolita body type and youthfulness. Sometimes I look at girls like Venus Angelic and Taylor R and just sigh... it's so weird for my natural body type to be so far away from how I feel in my head. I guess I gotta build confidence and be a trailblazer for the bigger girls in lolita ^_^ big and mature girls can be cute and delicate too.
It sounds like we have a similar body type haha, I think I'm 5'6 but I've also been told 5'5 (one of those 'was I wearing shoes at the doctors' moments maybe)
When I think about it, I think a lot can depend on the dress itself? For example some dresses are sewn in ways where they have a more corset like shape around the torso and that can make the skirt kind of puff more and I feel like that is, relatively accessible compared to some of these dresses that are kind of, straight up and down? Or I've also seen sometimes girls will put extra layers of skirts or some sort of lace layering under their skirts which gives it more lift? I just think aesthetically the skirt having a bit of a poof makes it more flattering maybe? That's kind of a general preference I have though. Maybe I guess I would describe it as "bell shaped" 🔔 and some girls like to add layers to lift them even higher or there's some sort of like hoop system involved
This is kind of off topic but also somewhat related because it's still lolita, but a video I watched that I really fell in love with is Sarah Spaceman making her Strawberry Miku cosplay because wow holy shit not only an insane amount of work but she also entered in a cosplay contest and won one of the categories. I know absolutely nothing about handmaking clothes and I really respect people who know how to do it. It sounds so practical and useful and fun, and maybe when I get more confident, I may pick it up as a hobby someday. I dunno. I've been kind of, I wouldn't say soul searching recently been I realized I have these really strong urges to create things, I just somehow cannot. Manifest the actual will to do it. There are all sorts of skills and hobbies and things I want to learn but I'm also you know working 40 hour work weeks and it's occasionally kind of sucking the life out of me 😅
But yeah sounds like we just both need a lil bit more confidence, friend ^^ just hang in there and keep being you and I'm sure it'll all work out eventually
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floppyhatwitch · 5 months
This is Part 2 of my 2023 new year's resolution recap. If you want to see part 1, click here.
And we're back! If you've read the first part, you're all caught up with the gist of everything, so I'll spare the extensive intro.
Long post coming up again, art under the cut :)
This is one of my favourites
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I saw some tips on how to make a sketchbook more fun that included working with the fact the drawings are within a book and so I decided to make a portal between two characters.
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How whimsical!
I reused the cutout bits to decorate the glossy front cover of the sketchbook too, which resulted in me having to glue it back on more times than I'd like to admit.
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The return of my son <3
I think the key features to really nail down when drawing bonnie are the upper jaw and the eye socket. Obviously not the be all and end all, but they really add to his signature style. I mention this only because my bootleg bonnie plush is widely different for both those features, which I find funnier than it has any right to be.
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This one was a joke about drink driving and getting pulled over, but it was probably the best anatomy lesson I had all year. I somehow managed to portray the likeness of my friend half decently while working with dramatic lighting. I mean, it's no like, groundbreaking work or anything, but it's one that I take great pride in.
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If I could do this one again (which I inevitably will because look at them) I would definitely make Jerma more like the creature he is and exaggerate his distinct features a little more.
Anyway the reason I put this up is because I accidentally titled it "Jerma and Hatsune Mike" because of autocorrect, which led to the creation of
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Miku's older and less famous sister. Although from what I've been told, her slices are the best in Queens, hands down.
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Quick Australian politics tangent. We recently had a referendum that proposed adding an advisory group for First Nations peoples into the constitution. It was like the tiniest step forward towards actually repairing the generational trauma and long-term effects of colonialist genocide by simply asking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people how they could be best assisted.
Despite being one of the easiest choices I've ever seen in my life, the referendum DIDN'T PASS. I was genuinely pissed when I found out so I tore up the bullshit misinformation flyers handed out by the opposition volunteers and made it into this. It's probably the most "teenager with too much angst and no actual action" thing ever, but it was how I felt at the time.
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After that whole debacle I went through a phase where I used a lot of imagery of revolutions to try and process the feelings I was experiencing on the matter.
I thought the foreshortening and perspective on this one kinda popped off. The decision to place the viewer at the level of the executed was intentional. It's one of the only angles anyone would have seen a guillotine this close up in practice.
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On Day 300 I saw the FNAF movie and wow was it different than what I expected. I drew my son looking on in horror as his character was assassinated in front of his eyes. Looking back, it might have been a little dramatic, but I'm just like that at the end of the day.
BONUS: If you wanna see my full review of the FNAF movie, you can read it here
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I really wanted to get some expressive posing and particle effects going so I took inspiration from that "THINK FAST CHUCKLENUTS" meme and tried to imagine what it would look like if it was an overedited comic strip.
I lobe scou tf2 :))))
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This was the day before my Media exam and holy hell was I nervous. If I'm remembering correctly, I was actually so anxiety-ridden that I was nauseous, which doesn't happen often. I channeled my borderline religious regard of the exams power into creating a monument to its supreme importance. That's me praying underneath it.
As you can tell, I was hoping so hard that I would do well on it, which makes the next one just even more satisfying.
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I legitimately felt like omni man afterwards, so I did a study of that scene where he crushes red rush's head. It's a bit rough around the edges but that final panel still gets me. I should watch the new season.
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Spidergwen Spidergwen Spidergwen Spidergwen Spidergwen
I'll know I'm a good artist the day that I make a couple pages as good as Miles does in atsv. Like that dude is talented as hell WHY CAN'T I DO THAT.
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Speaking of the dude. Spider-Man, Spider-Man and his pal Spider-Man. Technically spectacular spider-man, but I kinda messed up the head shape a bit so it's not as obvious. Whoopsieeeee
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I will always consider myself superior to fish because if I saw a mysterious hook in my environment I would simply disregard it. I will however, walk blindly into a situation that will inevitably lead to my downfall under the pretense that it will be beneficial for my future. No I don't see the irony in that, it's different I swear.
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FUN ANGEL FACT! While it is technically correct to refer to these as "biblically accurate angels", they aren't the only forms of them. These are specifically referred to as Ophanim, and they're like wheels? I don't know, my knowledge kind of falls off after that point, the way they're described reminds me of those eldritch horrors that make people insane from their incomprehensibility.
Anyway I adore theological imagery but steer far away from the actual implications of any of it. To quote one of my favourite tumblr posts of all time, "narratively christianity is pretty cool i think it should have been a jrpg instead of a religion though" - Roisheep
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This one came straight out of the brain tubes after I accidentally created an endless loop in my twine project and I got scared shitless that it was gonna brick my computer or something. In reality, it was the equivalent damage of refreshing a page a whole bunch of times, but I'm always jumpy when it comes to techy stuff.
One little detail I really like about this one is that the green light from the screen is actually reflected on the face and eyeballs! How fun!
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This is how I'm gonna die, if it has to happen. To dissipate into a swarm of butterflies and have your cloak float down to the ground is to have lived a fulfilling life. They gotta have some pink ones though, I like those ones.
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I saw a tiktokker who shades with a whole bunch of dots like some crazy kind of pointillism (if you know who I'm talking about PLEASE tell me, I can't find them) so I wanted to give it a crack.
It's nowhere near the same thing that they do, but I think it really sells the macabre and grotty nature of the cow skull and doesn't look half bad in the process. One day I'll do the cool stuff though.
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Still gotta learn how to render cloth folds.
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This was me dramatically kicking the door down when I realised I had a new idea for a video game to make. This is definitely a more accurate depiction of how inspiration feels for me than anything else.
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I knew from the moment I started studying metallic objects under light that I had to take a crack at the illest villain. Even just from recreating the album cover, I feel so much more knowledgeable in shading metal. You gotta get those hard transitions between highlights and shadows to sell the shine.
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Almost there! This was a tribute to all the PHENOMENAL art I find on here. Like HOLY HELL everybody is so talented. Sometimes it can be demotivating, but then I remember that I could be phenomenal if I keep up with the practice. And that is the BEST feeling.
Seriously though, if you're an artist on tumblr and you're reading this, without exception you are unbelievably amazing at what you do. I haven't seen a single piece that didn't absolutely rock.
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And that brings us to the last one!
I did a little caricature of all the different forms of art and expression I did throughout the year.
Clockwise from the green we have witch, punk, cyber, trans, goth, everyday, Rodney (character in my short film) and media versions of who I am. Isn't that cute?
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Decided to go back and do a rundown of all my pieces and make a little recap within a recap.
But that's the lot! 2023 was a super fun year and I attribute a majority of that to this project. If you're reading this and you have something you want to do, this is your sign to just do it! Forget about new years resolutions, start today. Right now. Doesn't matter what it is, if you start now and do it every day, you'll get it done. 5 minutes, an hour, 30 seconds, whatever. This is the best choice I've ever made and that's why I'm doing it again!
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A lot of the stuff I make is private or classified, but I'm gonna post all the publicly presentable stuff here, cause why not!
Anyway, that's all. Take care, stay hydrated, eat your greens, love you xx
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mysteira6 · 4 years
FukaFlower - Holding Your Left Hand
She wasn’t gonna let him feel bad for holding his left hand.
Setting: Fukase and Flower are in the same high school grade and are around 17 - 18 years old. Also, they’re already a couple in this one-shot. Read on for fluff, angst and a little sweet moment at the end. ^3^
Autumn-coloured lamps decorated the streets, surrounding the many stalls by the pathway in a warm-coloured glow. Young adults in ankle-length yukatas and young children with bags of candy and treats in their hands littered the road before them, the small-talk between groups of teens and squeals of delight amongst children filling their ears. Stall owners left and right were hollering customers over, hoping to catch their attention to play their games or buy their fun-coloured snacks.
The white-haired teen blinked at the sight. “Wow,” She muttered. “I know Miku was warning us when she said this year’s carnival would be ‘packed as sardines’, but I wasn’t expecting it to be this… crowded…”
She heard a light-hearted chuckle from the young man standing beside her. “Welp, I guess that’s a lesson learnt,” He said jokingly.
“What lesson?”
As he turned to her, his scarlet right eye sparkled jovially. “That we should actually listen to the ‘popular diva’ instead of assuming that she only talks about rumours,” He noted, another laugh emerging from his mouth.
The thought of that made her narrow her eyes a little. “I’m not so sure about that, Fukase,” She murmured skeptically, shaking her head. “She talks more about gossip than anything remotely useful-”
“But if we had listened to her, then we wouldn’t be caught in this human traffic jam now, wouldn’t we?” The redhead replied, though soon after, he heaved a sigh and shrugged his shoulders sheepishly. “Oh well, we’re here anyway and the night is young, Flower! Hopefully, the crowd will thin out in a bit,”
Despite her initial disappointment of not having a peaceful stroll with him, the optimistic grin on his face was enough to wash her negativity away. Of course he would try to cheer her up like this. After all, this date was his idea, something that he came up with during their lunch hour when all the other students were talking about the upcoming summer festival and how carnivals were being set up in dozens of neighbourhoods. Given that they had just finished their school term, it seemed like a perfect time to start their summer break with a fun little getaway with just the two of them.
Flower puffed in mild annoyance. When Fukase asked her to go to the carnival in their neighbourhood together, she got giddy with excitement as she always was when it came to their dates. That was one of the strangest things about being with him; somehow, he had managed to break down her curt demeanor and unpack her sweet side that very few people saw. All it took was him being a cheerful jokester who not only tried his best to make everyone smile, but also possessed a kind heart to help anyone he could. Funny then, that he would be interested, and eventually fall in love with, a pessimistic girl who was essentially a stoic emotional wall.
Oh well. Life can be that weird sometimes. In fact, what was more weird was that as he talked to her everyday, cracking a joke here and there, Flower found herself becoming more conscious of how she presented herself in front of him. The little things that she barely cared about before gradually took priority in her appearance as he tried everyday to make her smile a little. Smoothing out her skirt and brushing her hair behind her ears were only two of the dozen things that crossed her mind as soon as she heard him talking to her.
Tonight was no exception to her new routine of fussing over her appearance; as soon as she got home, Flower immediately made a beeline for her preppy younger sister, Xin Hua, who was lounging on the sofa and scrolling through the feed on her phone as usual. However, after Flower explained her situation, the cobalt-haired teen quickly placed her phone aside and partook in the giddy excitement that her older sister was feeling. One trip to Sachiko’s yukata gallery and another to Mizki’s hair accessory treasury was enough for the aspiring fashionista to dress her sister up for her special summer date.
“Flower? Flower!” The sight of his bandaged hand waving front of her was enough to snap the short-haired teen back to reality, her violet eyes blinking a few times to readjust her field of vision. “Hey, are you okay?” Fukase asked her, a worried frown inscribed on his lips as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
“O-oh, sorry, I… I’m okay,” She stuttered in embarrassment, slightly ashamed that she spaced out in the middle of nowhere. Her instinctive reaction of looking down whenever she got awkward got her looking at the yukata that Xin Hua had picked for her. It was of a deep violet shade, accompanied by prints of lavender and white coloured cherry-blossoms and outlines of round lanterns scattered across her sleeves and skirt. She had a grape-purple obi tied around her waist to keep her outfit together and Ms Sachiko even gave her complimentary wooden sandals and a hickory-coloured basket for her necessities to complete the ensemble. ‘Cherish your youth’, she had said with a warm smile after Flower had told her the reason for her purchase.
Meanwhile, Fukase chuckled at her quiet response and quietly slid his right hand under her chin, gently lifting her gaze to look at him. There wasn’t an obvious height difference between them (except for a few centimeters that Flower had but Fukase didn’t) but even then, Flower felt rather small under the gaze of his right eye, his left one being concealed under his white eye patch. Having him stand close to her also allowed her to take in his outfit for the night; a muted red yukata with black lines resembling tree branches drawn on its cloth all held together by a thin bright red obi.
“You sure?” He smirked at her like a cheeky devil would, the jokester side of him showing. “You’re blushing, you know,”
His words rooted her to the spot. “No, I am not!”
“Sharp response. I thought you were a kuudere, not a tsundere,”
“I-Does that really matter right now?!”
Her flustered response was met with a fit of laughter from Fukase, his red curls dancing in the air as he shook his head jokingly. “I kid! I kid!” He sang out as he held his hands up as if surrendering. “Please spare me from your silent treatment, Hana-chan~”
She puffed her cheeks. “You’re only lucky that I decided to dress up for tonight and I don’t want to ruin our date,”
“Oh right, I was gonna say,” His expression lit up as he continued. “You look… as pretty as a flower tonight,”
He half-heartedly expected a startled response and was unsurprised when she only snarkily replied: “A pun-related flirt isn’t going to get to me, Fukase,” Of course she’d say something like that.
“Darnnit, that didn’t work as well as I had hoped,” He pretended to be upset for a moment before raising his right hand towards her, cueing the snow-haired girl to blink at him a few times.
“Well anyway,” He began, tilting his head at her cutely. “Now that we’ve been chatting here for a while, I believe it’s about time for us to head down there, yeah?”
She found herself beaming as she accepted his hand. “Yes, let’s,”
“Come and catch your own kingyo! Only 200 yen to bring one home!”
“Fresh shaved ice and candied apples for sale! Come and get them before they’re gone!”
As their evening continued, the crowd really did grow thinner as most of the younger children were brought home by their parents and some of the teenagers were heading home as well. Since the both of them were night owls on a daily basis, the moon climbing up the sky did not bother them. Fukase’s enthusiasm for them to visit every stall did not falter even as the night went on. Beside him, Flower held tightly to his right hand, a small smile on her face as she witnessed him bring her all around the carnival. She could tell that he was excited for it.
“Are you hungry? We should get some mochi here,”
“I think those pinwheel headbands would look cute on you,”
“Hey, this fruit tea tastes great! Try some!”
Perhaps it was a little selfish for her to say it, but Flower really liked the attention that he was giving her tonight. It wasn’t odd for Fukase to treat her so kindly (he was literally known for being the kindest person for a lot of people) but hearing him talk to her alone made her feel warm and fuzzy inside, a feeling that only he could generate. However, tonight it felt like Fukase’s gentlemanly nature was much more prominent than usual… Was it because they were wearing such fancy clothes?
Whatever the reason was, she didn’t really care about it. After all, who would turn down a kind, pampering boyfriend like him? Even though Flower was slow to understand social norms as a wallflower, she knew enough to recognise that Fukase was kind of spoiling her (not that she was complaining, mind you).
Her train of thought was interrupted when something at a shelf on her left managed to catch her attention, silently motioning her to get closer to the stall with multi-coloured stacks of cans lined up in pyramidal formation behind its counter. She couldn’t take her eyes off one of the prizes at the game stall; a small lavender rabbit with a translucent maroon ribbon wrapped around its neck and a top hat sewn onto its head. Its subtle resemblance to Fukase’s normal outfit was probably what caught her eye.
“Whatcha looking at?” The very person she was thinking about turned his head in the same direction as she was facing, his eyes scanning the game stall for whatever had caught her attention. “Do you see that little rabbit on the shelf?” Flower whispered to him while leaning close to his ear. “It’s kinda cute. I just thought that it looked like you in your coat, doesn’t it?”
The redhead has his eyes trained on the stuffed toy that had caught his girlfriend’s attention. It didn’t take him long to mutter a ‘let’s head over there’ as he brought them both over to the stall, his hand never letting go of her despite her initial surprise. After he forked out some coins for the stall owner, a basket with brightly coloured plastic balls was placed in front of him, the challenge of knocking over all the cans in three hits now laying before him.
“Fukase, you don’t have to do this for me,” The white-haired girl standing behind him said timidly, a bit uneasy that he decided to play this game just for her.
The redhead smiled at her. “But I want to,” He simply said, picking up the first ball from the basket. “Besides, you like that rabbit doll, right?”
“Well, yeah, but-”
“Then just sit tight and watch me win it for you!” He gleefully replied as he aimed for the base of one of the can pyramids before hurling his ball at them, nailing a hit on the cans at the bottom for his first throw. The coloured cans tumbled onto the table with loud clatters and clangs as the pyramid fell, knocking down all the obstacles quickly. He grinned at his victory.
“Wow, you got them all in one shot!” The stall owner commended, lightly clapping her hands to his success. “Congratulations! You’re welcomed to choose any prize you want for winning,”
“Any prize?” Fukase glanced over to her as the lady nodded, her satin pink hair bouncing up and down. He soon turned his eyes back to the little rabbit that Flower had been eyeing this whole time, the smile on his face widening. “Can I have the little rabbit over there? The one of that shelf, please,”
“Sure thing!” She replied as she gently lifted the rabbit doll off the shelf and handed it over to him. “Thank you for playing!” The store owner sang out as Fukase received the doll from her, turning back to his girlfriend. Holding out the lavender rabbit doll in his two hands, he smiled warmly at her. “Ta-da! Here you go, Flower,”
Her face shone as she held the doll in her hands, now able to marvel its cuteness up close. It really did look similar to Fukase in his fancy outfit. “Thank you,” She unknowingly broke into a wide smile as she petted the rabbit’s head the same way she did to Point, Fukase’s pet doll. “It’s really cute…” She giggled.
He grinned at her, a warm feeling washing over him at the sight of Flower’s smile. It never failed to make him smile back at her, or to make his cheeks feel a little warmer than usual. Deep down, he wished she did that all the time, but he also understood her take on it; it was better to let her slowly get into the habit of smiling instead of forcing it on her.
Instead, he raised his hand towards her again, hoping to continue their stroll through the carnival until he noticed which one he was holding up to her. In a hasty maneuver, Fukase swiftly relocated himself to be standing on her right side as he offered his hand to her again, disregarding the confused expression on her face. “Shall we go back to the path, milady?”
She giggled again at his formal demeanor. “You don’t have to be so formal,” She quickly packed her new rabbit doll into her basket as she accepted his hand again. Although she was already well aware of his odd behaviour from before, Flower knew better to not bring it up and make him embarrassed.
Unfortunately, the more she thought about it, the more it started to bug her. Especially when she started to realise how often such situations would occur multiple times that night. Upon closer inspection, there was one thing that they all had in common; the fact that Fukase had never let her hold his left hand.
As much as she didn’t want to sound like some prissy girl complaining on their date, the urge to ask him about it was stronger than those worries. “Hey, Fukase?” The white-haired teen began, tugging a little on their interlocked hands to get his attention. “Can I… ask you something?”
He eagerly turned to her. “What is it?”
“Can I hold your left hand?”
The question alone was enough to wash his bright smile away, replacing it with an astonished frown on his face and a startled expression in his eye. His footsteps immediately stopped in the middle of the pathway as his grip on her hand tightened a little. For a while, Flower started to regret asking that question; she would’ve not done so if it meant that she was going to be subjected to him staring at her, downright baffled at her words. Now, she felt as if she was riveted to the ground by his gaze, feeling her heart climbing up her throat as she gulped loudly.
Fortunately for her, he broke their staring contest by turning his head away from her for a bit, his left hand covered from top to bottom in bandages rising up to cover his face. In a low, apologetic tone, he muttered: “Uh, sorry about that,”
She was speechless. “Eh?”
“I know you don’t like it when people stare at you, so… sorry that I was doing that just now.” He hastily apologised before continuing. “A-anyway, why do you want to h-hold my left hand? I mean-! Is there a reason? N-not that you have to tell me, wait I mean-!”
As the redhead stumbled over his words, the gears in Flower’s head started turning. A line of stuttering dialogue from Fukase convinced her that her asking him about it was the right thing to do; in a normal everyday conversation, he would never ever trip over his own words. As far as she could remember, his confidence in speaking has never failed him, only faltering a little whenever Flower managed to sneak a sweet, unintentionally affectionate line of dialogue to him. So to hear him uncharacteristically stutter so much while talking to her normally… Flower quickly realised that something was up.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, Fukase,” She tried to ameliorate the situation, hoping that he wasn’t too embarrassed. “I’m really sorry that I asked it so randomly-”
“It’s not that, it’s just…” He trailed off as his eyebrows furrowed, his gaze shifted to the sight of his left, bandaged, roughly-surfaced hand. A sigh left his lips; he was gonna have to tell her something eventually, so why wait?
“The truth is,” He started, hoping that he didn’t sound too nervous. “No one… has ever held my left hand before…”
“Why?” She blurted out as her curiosity overrode her politeness.
“I never offered it to them,” He explained slowly, gaining a bit more confidence as he confessed to her. “I mean, you know how my hand looks; it’s a mess. And even with these bandages, it’s still really… you know, coarse and rough,”
Flower found herself frowning at the mention of what his left hand really looked like. It called back a past memory of their time together, when Fukase had told her the events that caused him to look as he is now. That day, he even slowly, very gingerly, took off his bandages and eye patch to show her the scars he had hidden from everyone for so long, the damaged side of him that he refused to show in public in the fear that he would be met with disgust and disdain.
But on the contrary to his fear of Flower leaving him, Fukase was embraced by her love and adoration for him, the emotions in her that he managed to call out now being gifted to him instead as some form of mutual bond. In the same way that he helped her break down her emotional barriers, she had helped him overcome his trauma-induced obstacles. It was a relationship between them that nothing in the world could break.
And tonight was just another testament to it, Fukase realised as Flower quickly shook off his hold on her own hand, instead reaching for his left, roughly-surfaced one covered in white straps of cloth. Her fingers brushed across his as she matched them to line up with hers, a small yet ever-so-kind smile on her face encased in her lips. Fukase unknowingly gulped at the sight of his girlfriend looking at him with so much kindness and care, her beauty brought out even more tonight with her neatly combed tomboyish hair and lilac-coloured butterfly pin.
“Fukase,” She broke the silence between them as she whispered softly. “Does it feel any different when I hold your hand like this?”
He averted his eyes at her question. “Well, for me, it feels the same but for you-”
“It’s the same for me too, you know,” She interrupted him gently, shifting her right hand to the side a little as she interlocked their hands together. “I know you’re always worried about how your scars might change how I see you, but… You know that’s never gonna happen, right?”
As soon as she spotted the skepticism in his eyes, she took it as a sign to continue. “Whichever hand I’m holding doesn’t matter to me so long as it’s yours, Fukase. You don’t have to be worried about how you look when you’re with me; I don’t mind any of it at all,”
“ … Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. Besides,” She chuckled as she recalled another memory. “Didn’t I already tell you before that I liked your scars?”
“W-well yeah, but…” After baring out the truth to her, the red-haired boy felt unnaturally vulnerable, the somewhat playful tone in her voice making him blush. He still wasn’t used to her telling him that she liked the permanent markings on his skin. For a long time, he hated them and wished that they would just disappear, especially since they were a reminder of that dark side of him. And yet to listen to her words when she said that she liked them… it felt like letting go of a breath of air that he’d be holding for a long time. ‘Because they’re a part of you too’, Flower had told him back then. ‘That’s why I like them’
Meanwhile, the girl standing before him gently pulled their interlocked hands back down, her left hand holding tightly to her basket as she turned back to the path. “I really don’t mind holding your left hand, Fukase,” She reassured him again with a soft smile. “So… let’s keep this date going, okay?”
Flower hadn’t even taken one step forward before she was tugged back towards the red-haired boy, his uncalloused hand cupping her face as he pulled her closer to him. Just like the beginning of their date when he had commented on her blushing cheeks, the snow-haired teen found herself hypnotized by his armour-piercing gaze, his right red eye staring intently at her for a short while only to soften as he leaned his face close to her, closing his eyes and landing his lips onto hers. As her cheeks heated up like red-hot iron, she knew in absolute certainty that she was blushing now.
It seemed as if time stood still as Fukase kissed her, the action and noises in their surroundings seeming to pause as her eyelids slid shut in conjunction to his daring public display of affection, his head tilting slightly to deepen their kiss as Flower mimicked his actions. It felt like hours had slipped by them as they parted from their kiss, the commotion from the carnival returning to their field of vision and awareness.
Fukase’s face was almost as red as his hair as he chuckled lightly, his iconic bright smile back on his face. “Hana-chan, thank you,” His voice was teeming with gratitude as he thanked her. “You always seem to know exactly what to say,”
Flower was blushing equally as much, her wallflower shyness emerging from her. “I’m just being honest,” She humbly replied.
“How in the world did I get a girlfriend as amazing as you?”
“I could say the same for you, you know,”
“Me? What did I do?”
“I mean, how in the world did I get a boyfriend as sweet and funny as you?”
“Hey! Don’t copy my words!”
“But it’s true!”
The both of them laughed at each other’s antics, their hands interlocked with one another as they continued to stroll down the dirt-trodden path.
A/N: GAAAAAHHHH these two make me soft~ ;-;
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tsunflowers · 5 years
it was actually really stupid in megaranger when miku was milking a cow and said “wow it’s as soft as chisato’s breasts” bc it was pure fanservice and no teenage girl would say that but the fact that she follows it up by saying she “just went for it” is what salvages the scene and makes it an iconic moment
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/eA8V8J #
Netflix’s highly anticipated action film Kate is out September 10. Starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead in the titular role, the film also features Woody Harrelson, Miku Patricia Martineau, and Miyavi. The film is directed by Cedric Nicolas-Troyan, who ComingSoon was able to chat with ahead of the film’s release.
“Meticulous and preternaturally skilled, Kate is the perfect specimen of a finely tuned assassin at the height of her game,” says the official synopsis of Kate. “But when she uncharacteristically blows an assignment targeting a member of the yakuza in Tokyo, she quickly discovers she’s been poisoned, a brutally slow execution that gives her less than 24 hours to exact revenge on her killers. As her body swiftly deteriorates, Kate forms an unlikely bond with the teenage daughter of one of her past victims.”
ComingSoon Editor-in-Chief Tyler Treese spoke with Kate director Cedric Nicolas-Troyan about the action flick, working with Woody Harrelson and Miyavi, and how anime had an impact on the film.
Tyler Treese: Woody Harrelson, what a great performance by him. He’s such a versatile actor and I thought he fit this role so well. Could you just speak to his performance?
Cedric Nicolas-Troyan: So Woody was like, when we were talking about the character of Varrick, we were looking for someone that’s going to embody warmth, but also can turn on a dime. Someone that can be like, you want to hug that person, but then the next minute you’re like, oh no, that guy is actually scary. Woody is just right there, top of the list because he has all those. He has made all those performances where you just kind of love the guy, like, oh, this guy is the coolest, and then all of a sudden you’re like, hold on, wait, what, he might be scary actually. It can turn like that.
He modulates his performance and those looks and those things. He does the smile and then he turns into a look and you’re like, oh. It brings a swagger, and also one thing that is really cool with Woody is that he loves playing. So when I was saying, “Okay, let’s play a little bit on that line. Let’s improv a little bit on this.” He was always up for it. So he brings that swagger and this and that kind of attitude to the film. I wanted to have that rock and roll attitude to have that swagger. So, he brings that all the time and he’s fun.
I saw that you mentioned that you’re a big fan of anime and Hayao Miyazaki as is an influence on your overall work. We see Tokyo Ghoul in one scene, but I’d love to know how anime really influenced this film and the style of Kate?
Yes, absolutely. I grew up with Japanese culture like Grendizer and [Message from Space:] Galactic Wars. All of that was big deals in France. So I was really drawn into that kind of anime culture very, very young and to this day my son is very much into it, so I never really kind of gave up. So that was a big part of the design and the look.
I wanted to find something that was connecting, and that’s why Tokyo Ghoul is in the film because I was looking for a connection with Kate and with the [Ken] Kaneki character has that connection. So to create those images that people who are [fans] of that kind of style, can be like, “oh yeah,” and they know why. People that don’t know Tokyo Ghoul, they’re going to be like, oh, it’s just a cartoon on the building. But people that know they’re going to be like, oh, I can see why Kaneki and Kate are together. Actually, I wrote a letter to the creator of Tokyo Ghoul to ask him to put it in the movie.
Awesome. The casting is just so inspired all around. I loved Miyavi’s role. What led to the samurai guitarist being brought into this film?
Well, Miyavi, he’s like he has that kind of striking look. He’s just so charismatic and I’d seen him in Angelina Jolie’s Unbroken, and he was reminding me of the Ryusuke Sakamoto character in Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence, and I thought it was like he had that really great presence. Then he has this amazing look, you know? So when it was about who is going to play Jojima, Jojima is the only person in the film that beats the crap out of Kate and literally should have win the fight [against Kate].
I wanted that one scene to have someone that you just kind of like, wow, and a friend of mine, Mr. Hide, who is a Japanese director, we were talking about him and he happened to be friends with him and he’s like, “Oh, you know, you should totally get him,” and he texted Miyavi and then Miyavi came to audition for me when I was in Tokyo. Right away, it was great. I’m so blessed he accepted to do the movie. He thought, “Yeah, that’s kind of fun. I never did that. Let’s do this,” and he just came in like, bam. He’s amazing.
The post Interview: Kate Director Cedric Nicolas-Troyan Talks Woody Harrelson, Anime’s Influence appeared first on ComingSoon.net.
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itsya1upboy-blog · 6 years
Shadows of Liberation
Summary: Marianne and Edge sit down with Lis to discuss something that they’ve been concerned about. What could it possibly be…?
Notes: This is basically seven-ish Google Docs pages of bi positivity with some poly positivity thrown in too, but I swear it’s relevant to the characters! (Also, wow, Edge is sober and being a supportive figure for the younger ones. Who’d’ve thunk it?) Happy Pride!~
Lis looked at Marianne and Edge nervously.
“I’m a bit confused…” he said. “Have I not been pulling my weight? I’d like to think that I have…”
“That’s not it at all,” Marianne replied with a kind smile. “Rather, the two of us have come together to ask you about a bit of a personal matter, if that’s alright with you.”
“I dunno if I want Edge knowing all of my personal business, given his track record with keeping secrets…” Lis mumbled.
“The stuff I say at the bar is just drunken boasts,” Edge grumbled, glancing away. “They carry no weight.”
“Ah, speaking of the bar… We noticed something, Edge and I,” Marianne interjected. “Well, we’ve been noticing it for a while, actually… When we were speaking to Whirlwind, and when we met that pirate from Armoroad, you were looking at them a bit strangely.”
“That ‘Dark Hunter’ of Lagaard too,” Edge continued. “Marianne tiptoes a bit with sensitive matters, but I won’t beat around the bush. We could tell you wanted to fuck them.”
“Wh-wh-wh… What?!” Lis yelped, his face turning beet-red at the accusation. “I’m straight! You know that!”
“We know what you’ve told us…” Marianne said with a sympathetic expression. “But we also know that you were raised rather conservatively. Of course, I don’t know the full extent of your upbringing, only what you’ve told me… However, I do know about the “Light of Salvation” in the Hampton area, where you grew up, and how their values permeated even the secular communities…”
Edge suddenly perked up. “What’s that?” he inquired.
“Long story short, they’re a really conservative religious group,” Marianne replied.
“A cult, more like it,” Lis muttered. “I was…”
He shook his head.
“I was raised in their enclave and I was groomed to be one of their priests. That’s why I know so much about handling poisons. Their priests are their assassins, too.”
“Oh shit, dude…”
Edge put a hand on Lis’s shoulder and looked him in the eyes with a serious expression, much unlike his usual playful self.
“I imagine it’s hard, being so far from home… Even though you’ve said you left on your own and won’t ever go back there… It’s still hard being out in the world with no home and no connections. Believe me, I’d know.”
He laughed darkly.
“And relearning everything you thought you knew about the world… Tell us if you ever have any questions about anything.”
Lis huffed and glowered at Edge. “I’m learning things just fine, thank you very much. Besides, I’m happy to be out of there. I don’t miss anything about it.”
Marianne sighed. “Look, he has a good point, Lis. And I brought up the Light of Salvation because I remember some of their teachings from when Father and I were in the area. I feel like they may be relevant here.”
“Alright then,” Lis said, looking back at the blonde Fortress. “Hit me with it.”
“Well… I remember that they taught that being gay is a choice. That was when Father told them to leave, actually, though in much cruder terms; he wasn’t going to let them disparage his only child.”
Marianne chuckled at that memory, but quickly grew serious again.
“Lis, I… I know how hard it is to get past the things you were taught as a child. But it’s okay to be attracted to men…”
“Wait, Marianne. He eyes women up, too. He and Miku practically fuck with their eyes ev---”
Lis jumped in his chair so sharply that it squeaked back a bit on the floor and buried his face in his hands as his ears grew hotter and hotter.
“EDGE! No need to be so crude about it!”
Edge grinned lazily and shrugged. “ ‘Sa normal part of being a teenager, Marianne… Lis is only eighteen, Miku’s only sixteen… They’re in the prime of adolescence right now.”
“But still…! You’re embarrassing the poor boy!”
Marianne leaned over in her chair and patted Lis lightly on the shoulder. “Hey, look up at me…” she said soothingly. Lis glanced up at her between his fingers; his eyelashes seemed a bit wet, though whether it was from tears or just squeezing his eyes tightly shut, Marianne couldn’t tell.
“It’s alright to be attracted to women and men,” the blonde woman said.
“I-I don’t get it,” Lis stammered. “D-don’t I have to choose?”
Marianne and Edge looked at each other with expressions of genuine confusion.
“What…?” Edge said. “No, dude, there are plenty of folks who like both.”
“Yeah, but…”
Lis sighed in exasperation.
“Why did you two choose being gay over being straight?”
Edge and Marianne blinked and stared at Lis for a few good minutes before grinning.
“Lis, I… I don’t like men. I didn’t choose to like women,” Marianne explained.
“And I see no appeal in the bodies of women,” Edge concurred. “I didn’t choose to go with men.”
“I think I understand now…” Marianne mused.
Lis was at a loss of understanding. “B-but… I don’t get it…” he mumbled. “I figured everyone made their choice and some…some people…”
“Lis, is this to do with what your church taught you?” Marianne asked, grabbing Lis by the shoulders suddenly and looking him dead in the eyes. Lis stammered for a moment, trying to find the right words, before looking over at the wall and sighing in defeat.
“I… I figured… They said being gay was a choice, and straight sex was what made babies and glorified God… So I figured everyone had a...a straight side and a gay side. One was for glory, and one was for sin. Some people couldn’t fight their sin and succumbed… I thought I was better than them for not succumbing…
“Even when I got out, I thought you had to ‘choose’. I’d become so used to hiding my lust for men that it was easier to stay straight rather than change my ways… And besides, you can’t have your cake and eat it too… You can’t have a woman and a man. But I...I guess I wasn’t as good at hiding it as I thought.”
Marianne and Edge seemed to have taken pity on Lis, and the Nightseeker glared at the floor and blushed furiously.
“You can totally be attracted to both, man,” Edge said quite suddenly, breaking the silence. “In fact, there are some folks who even marry both, ‘cause they have so much love it can’t all be given to one person. And lust, too, on that topic…”
“But more often than not, people are like Edge and I,” Marianne added. “Only attracted to one type, only wanting to marry one person. You can like both and only marry one, of course… But that’s all up to you.”
Lis stared at Edge and Marianne in complete and utter shock and awe. He seemed to have received some sort of divine enlightenment, and perhaps that wasn’t far from the truth.
A wide grin broke out on the Nightseeker’s face, and he began laughing uncontrollably.
“You mean I… I don’t have to choose?” he asked joyfully. “I don’t have to hide one part of me? And I can even indulge in both those parts if I want?”
Marianne smiled at the young man and nodded.
Lis’s smile grew even wider and tears started forming at the corners of his eyes.
“Th-this is amazing…” he whispered. “If I’d known this before…”
He hugged himself tightly to stop himself from shaking and stared down in front of him, a blissful smile on his face.
“Look, I know it’ll be… It won’t totally be smooth sailing from here on out,” Edge said. “You’ll probably still struggle with how you were raised, versus who you truly are. But I’m glad we could help you realize something about yourself tonight.”
“We’ll let you be alone with your thoughts for a while,” Marianne said, standing up and pushing her chair against the wall. “Good night, Lis.”
“Yeah, good night, Lis.”
Edge stood up as well and pushed his chair back before nodding at Marianne and leaving Lis’s room.
Marianne closed the door behind her and smiled.
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randomuserno32 · 7 years
Your Name (Kimi No Na Wa) - Review
To put it bluntly I watch a fair amount of anime, and Anime Youtubers as well for that matter. Mother’s Basement, Gigguk, Digibro, Exclamation Point (who deserves more subs to be honest), you name one: I’ll probably have watched them.
Recently one of them in particular, Gigguk, posted a video speaking about his own personal favourite anime film, the latterly released film “Your Name” (or otherwise known as “Kimi No Na Wa”), which was directed by Mikoto Shinkai. Of course, upon starting up the video, I was greeted with a spoiler warning, which understandably made me click off the video and gave me the urge to watch the film for myself.
Mikoto Shinkai is a name I’m definitely familiar with in the anime and film industry, primarily after watching his 2007 film “5 Centimetres Per Second”, which became one of my personal favourite films, mainly due to its bittersweet mood and the film’s main message of the harsh reality of “not knowing what you’ve got till it’s gone”, I felt spurred on even more to check his latest piece of work out.
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First off let’s talk about the fairly obvious elephant in the room, the animation. By god, this film is breathtakingly beautiful. You can tell that Shinkai has put an almost extreme amount of effort into this film as each frame is bursting with colour and detail, specifically on buildings or natural landscapes. So much so that every single one would probably be adequate on your desktop background. Plus, there’s the very impressive tracking shot that flies off from Taki’s house in Tokyo between the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, all the way out to Mitsuha’s home in Itomori. It’s a stunning shot and not only is it a complete marvel to watch, it also sells the in-movie distance between the two main characters. There’s another factor that also further improves the quality of the animation and that’s Shinkai’s usage of Licencing. Just as an example, in some of the scenes set in Tokyo during the film, a keen eye would notice that on certain buildings there are logos for such companies as Sony, Panasonic, Sharp, Toshiba, the list goes on. This is how much Shinkai pays attention to the detail and it definitely pays off, immersing the viewer further into Your Name’s world.
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Secondly, the best part of any film, the story – I’ll be covering the plot and characters of the film here.
The film begins from the perspective of Mitsuha Miyamizu, a high school girl living in the fictional Japanese rural town of Itomori. It’s apparent early on that Mitsuha isn’t keen on living a quiet life in the somewhat desolate town (or out in the boonies as the dub occasionally mentions) and wishes that she could be a handsome Tokyo boy in her next life. Enter Taki Tachibana, a high school boy working a small part time job at an Italian restaurant and living in Tokyo (what are the odds!). Suddenly and randomly every few days, the two swap bodies and are able to live out the other person’s life for a day (think of it a lot like Freaky Friday just not permanently). Thus, the two unanimously decide to work together to keep each other’s lives in check and also attempting to discover why both of them keep switching places, while also improving certain aspects within their lives (Mitsuha helps Taki to strike up a relationship with Miku Okudera, one of Taki’s co-workers, while Taki helps Mitsuha to become more popular at school).
I was considering going into practically extreme detail about the actual plot of the film but I realised that it would take up a large portion of the review and would (obviously) spoil the entire film. I’ll still be briefly mentioning certain characters or events that aren’t extremely important to the plot or that I haven’t mentioned so you may have to ya know, watch the actual film or follow the links below for the entire story overview.
One of the main grabs of the film is that it is able to draw you in and can make the viewer really care for Taki, Mitsuha and their relationship with one-another. I’ve heard criticism of Taki and Mitsuha for being too simplistic and somewhat bland, but I would say that while you can’t call them perfect characters, to say that they are bad or mediocre would be just plain lying. They’re simplistic characters - because a majority of normal human beings are like that. Most people don’t have a hidden backstory or an underlying problem in their lives and don’t need to be incredibly complex characters in order to be good characters. The side characters are pretty good too, with Tessie being hot-headed, but friendly and understanding, and Miku being easy-going, yet thoughtful and likable. The actual story itself (which as I previously mentioned I won’t be spoiling here) is a genuinely heart-warming experience and the main twist of the film will definitely catch you off guard (trust me it’s very subtle and is revealed fantastically). The love story is also built up fantastically, and as Shinkai has done with his other films, he is able to accurately understand and portray a teenage romance, making it feel fairly natural and ordinary. The story and characters are comprehensively incredible (well to me anyway).
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Next up, the soundtrack. This is a truly sublime soundtrack and the main songs of the film (“Dream Lantern”, “ZenZenZense”, “Sparkle”, etc) by Radwimps are stellar and match each scene perfectly both in mood and tone. Especially when you consider that the music was basically what shaped certain scenes of the film. Shinkai intentionally changed certain parts of the story / script to work around Radwimps’s music. This in turn helps to “supplement the dialogue and monologue of the characters” (to quote Shinkai himself). The music just syncs so well with the moments of the film and the soundtrack in general works wonders during the more emotional, awe-inspiring and light-hearted moments. Overall, a fantastic soundtrack.
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Lastly, I’ll be going over the voice acting (subbed AND dubbed). And to be perfectly honest, both were pretty solid. While the dub’s no Cowboy Bebop (cause ya know every dub ever made has to be compared to Cowboy Bebop), Michael Sinterniklaas (Taki) and Stephanie Sheh (Mitsuha) put in a good shift with the exception of the odd occasional line coming across as slightly melodramatic, and (as much as I personally prefer dub to sub) the sub is of course as you’d typically expect pretty exceptional. Ryunosuke Kamiki (Taki) and Mone Kamishiraishi (Mitsuha) portray their characters and their emotions remarkably well. The side characters of both sub and dub are also fairly impressive and there is no specific actor / actress that could be pointed out as a weak point of the casting. The casting overall for both sub and dub was of the highest degree.
Final Word
Your Name was just…wow. This was a very surprising movie to me, as I hadn’t really set the film any kind of benchmark going into it and I haven’t really been a big fan of romance films over the course of my life. But Your Name has changed that for me. It’s heart-warming and charming, upbeat and dramatic, detailed and visually stunning…there’s just no perfect word to describe the film... asides from maybe beautiful. The characters are memorable and are portrayed fantastically, the animation and detail is immaculate, the story just clicks perfectly into place, it is a modern anime classic and is truly deserving of the records it has broken; even if Mikoto Shinkai disagrees with it. Just go see it. Trust me. You won’t regret anything.
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Favourite Quote: “This feeling has possessed me when I think from that day...That day when the stars came falling. It was almost as if...as if a scene from a dream. Nothing more, nothing less...than a beautiful view.”
Story: 9/10
Characters: 9/10
Voice Acting: 8/10
Animation: 10/10
Soundtrack: 9/10
Overall: 9.5/10
Got any suggestions for what i should review next? Just send them to me via messages or via a post on the blog and ill see what i can do! Thanks for any and all support! :)
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rpchive · 6 years
107th Encounter-- Smoking Barrel
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The background noises of the IT travelling come to a stop as it reaches its next destination. Collin looks up from the table in his room where he is currently working on something with his magic. He quickly moves the project into a drawer and turns himself around in his chair to look back for Jay. "Sounds like we've finally landed somewhere. Do you wanna go see what we've got?" Shifting to a seated position on the bed, Jay nods. "Always should." Collin hops up out of his chair and walks over to Jay as he gets up. Taking Jay's hand in his, they make their way down the hall to the console room. Nydins; Demo; and Maya are all patiently waiting around the console. Rio's chair remains empty as she remains with XL and Hod. Collin: Hey guys. Man, I know Rio isn't always in here, but it feels even weirder than usual not to see her... Nydins: I know. Late nights got a lot quieter suddenly...I keep having to visit her in XL's room now. Collin: You know you don't always have to be in here, right? It's fine to leave the console for a while; I think the IT can handle itself somewhat. Nydins: Yeah, but if something weird happens to our coordinates, who's gonna tell everybody? Collin: I guess that's fair. I wish this thing had a PA system or something so it could just say when stuff was getting weird.
look me in the eyes and honestly tell me you want the IT to start talking and I’ll do it
Fawkes enters the room, quickly jumping into the conversation. "I do find it a little odd that a ship as complicated as this one doesn't have any automated alert systems. Verbal ones, at least." Demo: Wow, you're about the last guy I expected to see show up. Is it a special occasion? Fawkes: Not exactly. I finished decommissioning the speedwell weapon I installed a while back, and I figured I've spent enough time working on another personal project for now. I thought now would be as good a time as any to join you for a change. Demo: The more the merrier, I guess. Anyone gonna take a look outside first? Collin: I guess I can do that real qui-
He gets cut off as Daedalus quickly hurries into the console room, Clair closely behind him.
Daedalus: Wait wait wait, hang on a second. I was on my way here when I ran into a tag-along. You guys already got a full group yet? Demo: Well no, but I guess we can make this a field trip if we're gonna bring half the IT. At least we aren't bringing everyone who can fight.
Maya: Eh, I'll hang back unless you need me. Looks like Nydins could use the company anyway. Collin: I think we can manage. We've got a pretty decent group right here. Everyone ready then? alienrabitt: Looks like it. Daedalus: Cool, let's see what we're dealing with then.
Fawkes, Collin, Jay, Demo, Daedalus, and Clair step out of the IT and find themselves standing in an alleyway between two tall brick buildings that have seen happier days. The sound of numerous voices clamor at the end of the alley, and sand swirls around their ankles as the wind sweeps the worn pavement. They head out of the alley and find themselves at the far end of a long stretch of market stalls. Colors, smells, and sounds rush toward them in a wave, trying to convince them to come further.
Clothing lines run across the buildings on either side of the market, various personal belongings hanging from them in the breeze. On the rooftops are numerous personal windmills that seem to provide power to the buildings, and solar panels dot the outer walls to catch the sun as it moves across the sky. The wind that spins the windmills above continues swirling sand through the market occasionally, though the locals seem to pay it no mind. Demo: I feel over-dressed...what kind of place is this? Daedalus: Beats me. The IT doesn't exactly print out a tourist pamphlet whenever we go somewhere.
Fawkes: It feels like Earth, but something also feels... off. I can't quite identify what it is though. Demo: I'm more trying to figure the time period out...
alienrabitt: Won't figure anything out standing around here... Collin: In we go, then. Maybe someone can help us out...?
As the group enters the marketplace and begins looking around, they quickly find themselves pulled along in the current of people. Fawkes occasionally draws an interested or admiring glance, although no one seems to perplexed by his presence. Several members of the group are assailed by a barrage of invitations to come look at stalls or deals as they make their way through, but even those are hard to place in the confusion. alienrabitt: This is way too many people...
Clair: They're not weirded out by you guys? Between your arm and Fawkes, I kinda expected a lot of attention...
Demo: As if this crowd isn't?! A voice suddenly calls out to them through the crowd. "E-Excuse me, Mr. Robot? Can you and your friends come here for a minute?"
Fawkes perks up and spins his head around, finding the source of the voice to be a girl in her late teens at the latest standing in the front of another alleyway, waving to them.
Fawkes: Well I can't say no, can I? She called me "mister". Demo: Anything to get away from all these people...
I never inherited mom’s claustrophobia but since Jay is “me” Demo did, which is surreal
Fawkes ushers the group through the crowd into the alleyway with the girl.
Fawkes: Alright, what is it you need, little miss? Oh, and you can call me Fawkes. "Mr. Robot" is my father.
domo arigato
it’s actually hard for us to sing that song because Miku always falls into the phonetics during that part (domo arigato meestaa robotto)
The girl gives a small bow to them, brushing a stray hair behind her ear as she stands back up. "I'm Senri. I... really appreciate you coming over here. I know it's probably strange getting flagged down like that. You're travelers, right? I doubt there's a family here with a working robot and a hard light prosthesis that I don't know at this point." Demo: How'd you know...? Senri: That you weren't from here? Like I said, I know everyone in town with tech like yours. When you run a newspaper, you need to know your audience, right? Clair: A newspaper? Is that why you flagged us down? Senri: N-No, not quite. I lost track of my younger sibling, and I've looked in all the normal places where he usually plays. No one else has seen him in a while either, and I'm worried he might've gone into the... sketchier part of town. If you could find him, I'll give you anything you want. I've got some money saved up, or maybe I have something at home to trade... alienrabitt: What exactly do you mean by sketchy, anyway? Senri: Well, you probably know this is arguably the biggest trading city in the Burning Blight. Obviously you need places to store those goods. There's an old storage depot at the far end of town, but some of those areas are owned by... seedier individuals. If Raz is over there, I'm afraid someone might decide he'd be a... valuable asset.
The thought forces her to pause for a second before she continues. "I just need someone to go look and make sure that he's not over there."
so I remember a trillion years back you said that Daedalus likely had a secondary love interest from Somewhere and part of me was like “is this her” but this is a Teenager and we’re all in our 20s so Probably No
Demo: Say no more; we're on the case. ...Unless it's more info on the case; then probably say what you can. Senri: Well, he's... about this tall, twelve years old. I... shoot, I can't remember what he was wearing today, but he always has his toy laser gun with him. It's white with red markings, the only one like it that I've seen. Does that help?
did you give him the fucking Nuka Blaster
Demo: Well, unless this seedy part of town is the hip hangout for teens and tweens, I think we'll be able to work with that. Senri: It shouldn't be, not for kids his age. I've told him not to go there, but... Please, just help me find him. The depot is down this alleyway and to the right. Just follow the road and eventually it'll be on your left. Demo: Alright then, let's get going! The group leaves through the other side of the alleyway and start following her directions.
Daedalus: Sheesh, finding lost kids? The IT has a weird classification for "emergencies" sometimes, huh? alienrabitt: What's gotten into you, anyway? Helping people find little kids isn't really your thing.
Demo: Well, I helped pull you out of the ground like a potato; might as well try to beat somebody to the punch for once.
alienrabitt: D--don't say that!! Ugh! This is somebody's brother we're talking about!
Demo: And? So were you; but they definitely don't know that now. So let's try not to make the same mistake twice, alright? Save the kids before there's trouble; not when they're gods that wind up falling in love with a god magnet. Collin: It's like a good intention buried under several feet of manure... alienrabitt: A salt brick road to a shit brick house; but at least it's paved with good intentions?
probably the first and only time you won’t make fun of me for saying “shit brick” instead of “brick shit”
Daedalus: Alright alright, as funny as it is roasting Demo like a grumpy marshmallow, I think we're getting close. Geez, this place really has seen better days though...
On the group's left is a line of large storage depots, just as Senri said. The structures are very clearly lacking maintenance and appear to have scorch marks along most of the outer walls on the right side of each building. Some depots even have holes hastily patched with clay or other various materials. A few men seem to be moving items in and out of a few of the storage buildings, although the workers are fairly spaced out between depots. alienrabitt: So, how should we be doing this? Surely we can't just check all of these one by one...
Demo: I think there's juuuust enough sand blowing around for me to be able to sneak some anubis out; but we'd have to wait for them to come back; and we're kind of a big group... Fawkes: ... How stealthy can your anubis be? Demo: As quiet as the wind and as dark as the shadows. Unless someone would just really get upset about seeing more sand somewhere, my anubis will be fine. Fawkes: Sounds perfect. Could you have one look around the far side of that last depot in the row? I think I just saw someone suspicious go around the corner outside, but I wasn't able to zoom in fast enough to get a better look. Gently tilting her head in the direction briefly, Demo watches the smallest cloud of black grains of sand blow off towards where Fawkes mentioned. "It'll lay low from here." After a minute or so, the anubis returns to Demo and reports back to her. Two men were holding a small child up by the arms, and a taller, third man with a mechanical right arm was giving orders to the first two men while twirling a white and red gun in his metallic hand. After a few more moments getting the child under control, they took a side entrance through a hole in the wall on that side. Demo: ...Sounds like we found our guys. At least three of 'em; one's got a prosthetic right arm. They took some side entrance through a hole. Hopefully they aren't expecting company. Fawkes: I would expect more company. That seems like a large building for only three people to use.
Daedalus: It's really weird to hear you get so tactical, you know that?
Fawkes: I was originally designed to be a military turret, you know. Sometimes the files come in handy.
Collin: So we go in through that side entrance; then what?
Fawkes: I'll try and do one final sweep to identify hostiles. We priortize targets, take them out, and save the child. Any thoughts? Demo: Sounds good to me. Worst case we hope Azreldeh's riding around in someone's shadow again; though I guess she wouldn't be able to drag someone with her with the magic she has after what she pulled in Lobotomy... Fawkes: Alright. These are probably simple thugs, so I doubt lethal force will be necessary. Now we just need to wait for a moment...
The group waits as some of the other depot works in the other buildings continue their own work. Once they are suitably busy, the group hurries across the open space between the street and the depot and ducks behind the outer wall. They soon find the side entrance and sneak inside.
The inside of the building is full of tall racks full of various crates and other items, with a larger open space in the center. Everyone hides behind a few boxes on the closest shelf while Fawkes pokes his visor just over a box. He scans side to side for a few minutes, then turns back to the group. Whispering under the cover of the people moving and talking inside, he relays his findings to the others.
Fawkes: Alright, definitely more than three. There are at least fifteen people here, although luckily only two have any sort of firearm, and they're both up on a balcony. I can take one out with several tranquilizer rounds if you can dispatch the other one, Collin.
Collin: Yeah, I can do that, no problem. After that, should we just group up and take out the others?
Fawkes: I think pairs will work best. You and Jay, Daedalus and Clair, and Demo and myself. Any objections? Demo: ...Yeah, I guess that's fine. Do your thing, then. Fawkes: Alright, on three then. One... two... three!
Collin and Fawkes dash out from their hiding space and fire simultaneously up toward a balcony across from them. Two surprised shouts and thuds echo out in response, spurring the rest of the group into action as the people inside start to go on the alert. Sneaking through the shelves, Demo attempts to group up with Fawkes as planned, while Jay heads for Collin. Clair, unsure of what to do in the commotion, sticks close to Daedalus. As the pairs come out of hiding, the gang members inside pick up various pieces of junk or tools as makeshift weapons and start charging in to meet them. The gang is far outmatched by the strength of the IT crew, however, and quickly start falling one by one. Half of the gang is down by the time a voice finally shouts, reverberating off the walls of the depot, "Enough!"
The man with the mechanical arm grabs Raz by the back of his shirt and deploys a razor sharp blade from the underside of his prosthetic wrist, then quickly holds it against the boy's throat. "One more move and I slice the kid open like a pig!"
okay so idk if you intended this or not but all I could visualize for this dude was that pirate captain from fucking Treasure Planet
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Glaring coldly, Demo backs down first. "Put the kid down...he doesn't have anything to do with this." ?: In the long run, absolutely. Right now though, he makes some great leverage. Now, why don't you all be good little boys and girls and get on your knees right over there? I think we should have a little chat before you give anyone else a fucking concussion. No sudden moves, remember... 
He motions with the knife for a moment and gestures toward a small area fifteen feet or so away from him. Reluctantly, Jay backs down as well; Clair, offering no resistance to begin with, follows suit. Fawkes, Collin, and Daedalus follow suit behind them, although Daedalus can hardly keep himself still.
?: Now, let's start simple, alright? The name's Cidney, and within a few minutes I'll have the power to hold this entire stinking trade center in my palm. Should've figured someone would come looking for this little brat, but I didn't figure they'd send a group so....spirited. Guess I should've tried to snatch the kid faster, but eh, what can you do? Demo: What the hell are you going on about? Cidney: Not surprised you don't know. Most people don't, as it turns out. So, quick storytime for ya, back before the war, one of the old governments decided to try making an orbital laser cannon, but not just any laser, no no. This sucker is solar powered; literally infinite use, at least until the sun burns out in another few billion years or whatever. The problem is that the whole thing was still in the testing phase before shit hit the fan. Fast forward to now, and the whole thing is still useless without its target designator. Do you know how hard it is to find a target system for a weapon that no one knows about? Demo: Clearly somebody had to know if you know. So I'm guessing you found one...or someone that could make one. Cidney: Well, I did have a diagram of it, which helped when trying to look around and ask people what they knew. Rumor after rumor led me aaaall the way to here, and wouldn't you fuckin' know it...
He whistles, and one of the surviving thugs walks over and takes over holding Raz hostage, holding their own knife against his neck. Cidney steps over and grabs Raz's toy gun from a table, twirling it around his finger as he walks in front of the group. "Hiding in plain sight." alienrabitt: You've gotta be kidding me... Cidney: I know, right? The fucking kid could've brought the wrath of the fuckin' sun on this city at any moment in the last couple of months if it weren't for one teeny tiny detail...
He grabs the barrel of the gun, pushes it inward, twists it back and forth in a specific pattern, and releases the barrel. The gun makes an ominous charging up tone, forcing Cidney to hold the gun much more carefully. "The damn safety was on. Lucky him, right?" Demo: What the hell do you think you're gonna get out of this place if you blast it to bits with the sun?! Cidney: The best weapons are the ones you never have to fire, sweetheart. With the threat of annihilating entire buildings with a single shot, they'll have no choice but to turn over control of the city to me. 'Course that's just the start of everything, but I won't bore you with that. Back to you guys, then. I'm feeling pretty generous, so I'll tell you what. I pick one of you to test this bad boy out on, and the rest of you get to live! 'Course, I'm taking all your stuff and selling you to slavers the next town over, but you'll be alive at least, right? Demo: You won't get away with this... Cidney: That's what everyone says. Hmm, now then...
Fawkes: Just pick me.
Collin: Fawkes, no!
Cidney: What, are you kidding me? Who's gonna cry about a melted hunk of slag and circuitry? You're worth way more in parts, frankly.
Cidney makes a dramatic exaggeration of him trying to make a choice, then finally points the gun in Clair's direction. "Alright, you're up, blondie. On your feet." Flinching as she's called upon, Clair shakily stands up. "...F-fine...just leave them alone..." Daedalus stands up right after her. "Absolutely not. I'll go."
Cidney: My my, what unexpected chivalry! You don't look like the type for sacrifice, buddy!
I mean, he looks like his “twin,” and that’s right up Collin’s alley, soooo...yeah he does?
Daedalus: Shove it up your ass, "buddy". Leave her out of this.
Cidney: Hmm... Y'know what, sure! This should be good.. You're free to get back down, sweetheart. Demo practically attempts to launch herself off the floor, but Jay yanks her down, desperately attempting to keep her from getting anyone else hurt as she swears profusely and attempts to shove Jay away from her with an equal sense of desperation and anger. Clair, frozen to the spot with fear and heartbreak, collapses to her knees, tears already beginning to fall as she barely chokes out an objection that she cannot back with any effort, instantly overwhelmed with grief. Cidney points with his gun a fair distance away from everyone else, and Daedalus resolvedly strides over to the spot, turning back to stare him down. Cidney pulls the trigger while pointing directly at Daedalus' feet, then casually blows the barrel off. A loud sizzling noise can be heard from above the roof as it seems to get brighter outside. A few seconds later, a piercing column of sunlight rips through the roof of the building and slams down where Daedalus is standing. Air rushes away from the intense heat source as the ground cracks underneath the beam.
The beam's width begins to shrink at the bottom, gradually tapering into a single point as if it were being pulled inwards. Cidney's look of confidence finally breaks into one of confusion as the beam starts to rise upward off the ground. A towering humanoid figure of golden light appears to be sucking in the sun's laser as it pushes it upwards, while a fully armored Daedalus begins to push himself off the floor. His armor is clearly based on that of a knight's, but significantly streamlined and modernized, with mesh-like accents around the shoulders and stomach. Both the figure and Daedalus stand to their full height, and a moment later the beam is completely consumed, and a blast of blinding light shakes the very ground.
When the light clears, a huge armored figure stands behind Daedalus, banners and tapestries with depictions of a sun emblazoned upon it. Its face is a golden mask with an expression of joy and determination, as though excited to face whatever challenge stands before it. The mesh parts of Daedalus' armor now have a fire raging inside of them like a roaring forge. The figure behind Daedalus raises its arms in the air triumphantly, and a deep voice bellows forth.
Demo: Wh-what?! What the hell is...?! The figure bends over so that its "face" is next to Daedalus', then casually glances over at him and speaks in a much softer voice. "I think you know what to do." A harsh grinding noise and a rush of air is Cidney's only warning as Daedlaus suddenly lunges forward, grabbing both him and the thug holding Raz hostage as he blazes through a charge, knocking Raz over but leaving him otherwise unharmed. The thug is then hurled head over heels into one of the shelving units, then crashes to the ground. Cidney however is hurled straight up toward the ceiling. Daedalus kicks off the ground and launches himself clear to the ceiling, conjuring an enormous searing halberd on his way up. He then kicks off the ceiling and drives the weapon straight through Cidney's stomach as they plummet back down to the ground.
Once back on the ground, Daedalus removes the weapon and allows it to dissipate. He calmly turns his back to Cidney and takes three confident steps toward the others before promptly collapsing to the ground, the flames in his armor fading away. Stunned by the display, Jay is easily pushed off of Demo, who quickly gets off the floor and rushes over to Daedalus. Forcing her legs to function, Clair shakily stands once more, stumbling initially as she hurries over but drops to his side just as quickly.
Demo: What was all that?!
Clair: A-are you okay?! Daedalus: I... think we... figured out... the fire thing.
The armored figure strides over to where the laser target sits on the ground and picks it up in one hand. He glances at the few remaining thugs in the room and then emphasizes one single command by crushing the weapon in his grip. "BEGONE!"
The thugs, to their credit, quickly accept the man's request and scramble out of the depot, running for their lives. "There, that settles that business." alienrabitt: Who...who are you? ?: Hmm? Oh, of course, we haven't properly met the rest of you yet, have we? I am-
The sound of a crowd of people shouting and approaching the building suddenly drifts through the open doors of the building. "- going to have to answer that question in a bit! I'll see you on the IT!"
With no further explanation, he bursts into a shower of sparks, letting the remains of the gun drop to the ground. Demo: ...Come on, help me get him off the floor; we need to get that kid back to his sister and get the hell out of here, we've got a corpse to answer for now... Fawkes approaches the trio and lifts Daedalus off the ground. "I'll handle him. This armor makes him much heavier than normal."
Collin quickly gets up and hurries over to Raz. "C'mon bud, we need to get you back home. You're safe now, don't worry."
Still stunned from the events of the day, Raz quietly nods and glances sadly at the remains of his gun as the group makes a hasty escape out of the depot. As they exit the side of the building, they run into Senri, who seems just as surprised to find them there.
Senri: Oh, it's you! Wait, please tell me you found- Raz!
Raz doesn't even try to let go of Collin's hand as he sprints forward into Senri's arms, yanking him forward slightly. The pair embrace tightly as Senri spins him around a couple of times. She brushes the back of his head as she speaks again. "Oh thank you, thank you... I'm so glad you're okay..."
She looks back up at the others, tears running down her face. "Thank you so much for finding him. I didn't realize it was going to be that much trouble or I would've warned you!" Demo: Sweetheart, I don't think anybody could've warned us for all that. If he brings home something like that again, maybe check for batteries or something next time first. Senri: Wait, what are you... are you saying that was because of...? Demo: Yes. Senri: ... Oh.
She seems almost too stunned to properly change her facial expression for a second.
Collin: Wait, how did you know we would be coming out here this way anyway?
Senri: Huh? Oh, well that's easy, at least. I know most of this city like the back of my hand, and a good reporter never uses the front door.
Fawkes: ... Well, you can't argue with that logic. Demo: Right, a reporter. ...Look, this story's a little big for your breeches; I don't think you're ready for this yet. Senri: Hey, don't underestimate me just because I'm small! But... this time, I have more important things to deal with right now. Is there anything I can do to repay you all? Demo: Yeah, just keep your brother-- oof!
Demo's cut off as Jay elbows her in the ribs.
alienrabitt: I think we're good for now! We'll...let you know sometime, though. Senri: Alright, my newstand is in the marketplace when you need to find me! I think everyone's inside the depot now, so you should be good to go if you hurry. See you later!
The pair hurry off ahead of the others, quickly making their way back home.
Collin: All in favor of following their example?
Daedalus: ... Aye... Demo: Do you even have to ask? Let's get the hell out of here.
me, visibly attempting to reel in the BPD salt, knowing full well there’s no reason to be angry:
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The group quickly makes their way back through the streets and the marketplace to the IT. The crowd is now so abuzz with the news from the depot that no one even really pays any mind to them as they pass back through, and eventually they wind up back in the console room, safe and sound. The instant the door closes behind them, a glowing ball of light appears in the console room with them and then bursts back into the masked figure from earlier. "Ah, home sweet home." Nydins: What the hell is that?! ?: Oh, my apologies! I didn't see you there! Forgive my rudeness for earlier and now. As I was saying earlier, I am Voltarus, embodiment of the Radiant aspect of the stars, twin god of the art of Astral Sorcery, and companion to your friend Daedalus, at your service.
He prostrates himself in a deep bow, then rises back up to his full height. "It is good to finally meet all of you in person." alienrabitt: Twin? So there's a second one somewhere? Voltarus: Of course!
The mask where his head should be suddenly flips like a coin, revealing a silver side with a much more calm and blissful smile, its eyes closed peacefully. Voltarus' body suddenly changes color and shape, swapping heavy armor for graceful robes of deep blue and black, studded with diamonds. A short bob of "hair" circles around its head, although an aurora would be a more apt description of its appearance. The new figure folds its hands in front of itself and gives a small curtsy.
?: Ah, my turn already? Well, I am Vintillo, embodiment of the Serene aspect of the stars, twin god of the art of Astral Sorcery, and companion to your friend Daedalus. It is truly a pleasure.
vinti skinny mocha chai god
Demo: A-are you a golem or something?! Vintillo giggles, a surprisingly sweet and bubbly sound. "Of course not! We are not such a mundane being. We are merely two sides of the body that is the heavens and the stars. In the same way a flame can both burn and illuminate, so too do the stars burn and combust with unparalleled ferocity, and yet guide us through the world and inspire awe and wonder... Do I make sense? It's been a while since I've given this speech, hmm hmm! Demo: S-so you're...stars? Vintillo: Mm, yes and no? It's a little more complex than that, but... alienrabitt: I think she's just trying to figure out if you just twisted a physical neck around like an owl or something... Vintillo: Oh! No, we don't have a neck!
Collin: You say that a little too casually... Daedalus: So.... hang on... Is this some bullshit... like what Collin had until recently?
Vintillo: Ah, good question! Our connection is similar but notably different. As you can see, we can project ourselves into the material world already. In addition, our connection is a contract rather than a bond. At the time of your resurrection into this world, we were given the opportunity to enter the physical realm once more, although we had to lend you our strength in order to do so. If you decide that you would rather not have our strength, or if we deem you unfit to wield it, the contract can be broken at any time.
Daedalus: I don't remember.... anything like that happening.
Vintillo: It was all a bit of a blur for even us, truthfully. The process took its toll on us, which is why we were unable to be present immediately upon arriving. Luckily someone fed us energy directly from a star, which greatly accelerated the process! alienrabitt: So, do the rest of the gods know about you? Collin: I certainly don't, so I have a feeling they might not either....
Vintillo: This is most likely the case. We are... not quite from the same realm as each other. They may praise our influence, but they will not know us. But I'm sure they wouldn't mind a new companion though, right? Hmm hmm!
[muffled da vinci noises]
Daedalus: Listen, I appreciate the honesty, but... this armor is hot as hell and my entire body hurts. Can we hold off on this until tomorrow or something?
Vintillo: Oh, of course. We will leave you with your friends for now. Let us know when you wish to speak again!
Vintillo's body dissolves into a sparkling mist and then vanishes entirely.
Daedalus: Alright, well, I think you can put me down now, Tiny. I'm pretty sure I can hobble to my room at this point.
Fawkes: If you insist.
He moves his arms to let Daedalus down onto the ground. Daedalus stumbles for a second, but finally manages a shaky standing position.
Daedalus: Okay... I think I can do this. Someone mind walking with me just in case? Clair: Um...yeah, of course! The pair make their way down the hallway to Daedalus' room. Stepping inside, Daedalus slowly moves over to his couch and rests his hand on the back of it to steady himself. "Okay, this armor sucks to wear when you're tired. Can you close your eyes for a second?" Covering her eyes with her hands, Clair nods. "Go ahead." A loud clattering sound of metal suddenly dropping onto something further away in the room rings out for a second, followed by the soft thump of something dropping into the couch. "Alright, you're good." Letting her hands fall down to her sides, Clair glances over to the couch. Daedalus is now lying in the closest available seat, already changed into his normal shirt and a pair of shorts. His armor is still wobbling slightly on the rack across the room as it comes to rest. Letting out a long sigh, he leans his head back and speaks a moment later. "You can sit if you want to. I'm... sorry for scaring you back there." Clair: ...Did you know you'd be okay? Daedalus: It was... a weird feeling. It almost felt as if I needed to do it. Maybe that was mister and miss sunshine's way of nudging me along so that they could recharge, or maybe I was just... stubborn or something. The whole thing feels like a haze now. I guess more than anything, I just couldn't bear to let that happen to you. Clair: M-me?! What about me?! I...you can't stand the thought of losing your only friend, but if those two hadn't been there, I would've lost everything! I lost my parents; I lost Zenith; and I couldn't do anything to change that; and then all of a sudden I get wrapped up in another situation where I'm totally helpless, and all you can think about is--!! Do...do you seriously just think so little about yourself that you thought you could just...risk throwing yourself away like that?! I...I just...!! Why does this keep happening?! Why does everybody...?
Crying to the point where she can quite literally no longer stand it, Clair falls to her knees, burying her face in her hands. "...Why does everybody I care about keep trying to leave me like this?!"
quit being dramatic and making everything about you, ffs, this is what I hate about you
Daedalus is quiet for a moment. He pushes himself back up and walks over to the side of the couch, then drops back down to sit on the floor with his back against its side. "I wasn't trying to leave you. For the first time in my life, I think I felt like I could actually protect someone; that I wanted to, even. I know that wasn't fair to you given... literally everything else."
He takes off his sunglasses and sets them on the floor next to him. "I... really am sorry, Clair. This was probably the last thing you needed right now. Is there... Is there any way I can make this right with you?" Clair: Just...just don't do that again...! Everybody keeps leaving me behind; I just...I don't want to keep replacing people...I want to help everybody; but I can't even do anything...I can't fight; I can't protect anyone...what am I supposed to do...? Daedalus: I think it's time we really started trying to figure out what exactly you can do. You're half kleivenn now, that's gotta mean something. Maybe you can't summon spears or shoot missiles or whatever, but there's gotta be something you can do with all that magic. Clair: ...M-maybe, but I don't know what...I thought that if something like this happened, I'd be able to do something in the moment, but I couldn't do anything at all... Daedalus: Maybe you just need a different push or something. First though, can we continue the conversation off the floor? This isn't exactly helping my- agh, fuck!
He moves to pull himself up onto his feet but suddenly winces and drops back down, clutching at the left side of his chest. "Okay, that still hurts..." Clair: ...What's wrong? Daedalus: I uh.... may have cooked myself slightly in all of that back there. Didn't think that was possible but shows what I know. The adrenaline's wearing off so now the pain's starting to kick in. I'll live, just hurts. Guess I had that much coming, though. Clair: Um, well, l-let's get you off the floor first...I guess XL has a way to help... Standing up, Clair offers Daedalus her hand. Daedalus hesitates for a second as an odd look crosses his face momentarily, but then takes her hand. Clair: Wh-what? Is there something wrong...? Daedalus: No, it's... Hang on, let me just sit for a second.
He slides over to the couch and takes back his old seat. "I'm... not really used to touching people yet. I know that sounds stupid but it's true." Clair: Oh! I, uhh...I can stop? Daedalus: No, you're... you're fine. It's just that historically speaking, anyone touching me meant bad news. Sorry, I've gotten us off track again, shit. Listen, I... I promise I won't do anything like what I did back there again. Clair: Believe me, the last thing I'd want to do is hurt you. And...I'm gonna hold you to that; so don't let me down, okay? ...But seriously, how badly are you burned? If it's something small, you could probably avoid XL, but if it's bad, you seriously need help. Daedalus: I'm not well done, don't worry. I try to stay further on the rare side of the cooking spectrum. Clair: Haha; alright. Just make sure you get it checked if it starts bothering you. Daedalus: I'll keep it in mind. So... are we good? You're not angry or anything? Clair: I'm still shaken, but I think I'm calming down. I'll be okay... Daedalus: We can still talk about it if you want. I'm not kicking you out or anything. Taking a seat beside Daedalus on the couch, Clair lets out a sigh of relief. "I'm just glad you're still here! Watching you walk over like that felt like someone just straight up pulled the wind out of me..." Daedalus: I guess I underestimated how bad that was gonna be for you guys. It's strange, honestly. Not so long ago everyone was probably glad to be rid of me, and now suddenly it's a big deal when I'm in danger. I guess I'm just not used to people feeling that way about me. Clair: I mean, you still mean something to them too...they might not be close friends or anything, but they do care... Daedalus: Maybe so. I'm just not in the habit of thinking about it. Guess I've got more to work on than I thought.. Clair: Probably doesn't help that you spend a lot of time in here... Daedalus: ... Well, you've got me there too. If this conversation was a game of chess, you'd be kicking my ass right about now. Clair: Haha! I've never actually played chess. Or...most games, I guess. Daedalus: Really? What have you played? Clair: Um, well; I did draw a lot back when I was younger; but I guess that doesn't really count. I used to draw all the interesting things I saw when dad took me to visit other places... Daedalus: Huh, go figure. I'm guessing you don't have any of your drawings now, though...? Clair: I...actually have one sketchbook I managed to sneak around. It was from our trip to some snowy place I haven't seen again; I don't know the name... Daedalus: No kidding? Well, I'm glad you were able to keep something. Would you mind showing me some time? Clair: Of course! I'll have to find it again first, though. I put it in my bookshelf; but I've done a lot of reading since... Daedalus: What, you get to read books all day but I'm the one being a shut-in? I think I smell a double standard somewhere on this couch...
that might just be your fucking burnt flesh
also now that I think about it this game is basically what you did with that gun
His normal teasing demeanor starts to sneak back into his tone as he grins cheekily at her. Clair's face turns a little pinkish red. "W-well, I can't defend myself if anything happens outside, so I just...stay in." Daedalus: Bah, don't be like that. There are plenty of people on here that would be able to keep you safe if something happened. Don't be afraid to live a little, you're safe here. Clair: ...At the least, I'd like to know what I can do before I wind up going out again. I've tried asking Karumet, but she keeps ignoring me for the most part. All she's really said is that, whatever I can do, I can do it because of what I wanted when I tried to get back up; but everything in that moment is so hazy, I wouldn't know where to start... Daedalus: Oh, you meant going outside. I just thought you meant around the IT, sheesh... Well, do you remember anything from when all of that happened? Any detail is a possible clue at this stage. Clair: I just wanted...I wanted Zenith to be okay. I felt like I really messed up by being there...I shouldn't have gone back then either...now it just kind of feels like, if I go anywhere, people will get hurt or worse...and that's about the last thing I want... Daedalus: Hmm...
He starts getting lost in thought as he processes Clair's words, unintentionally staring straight at Clair. Clair: ...Um...are you okay? Daedalus: ... Oh, sorry. It's just that last bit you said got me thinking. If hurting people is the last thing you want, maybe your powers aren't meant to hurt? Clair: ...Maybe not; but if I could defend people, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have gotten shot with the sun... Daedalus: You've got a point there... What about healing? It doesn't get much more opposite from pain than that, right? Clair: I...haven't tried that, actually. But if you don't want to be touched, I'm sure you definitely don't want me trying to touch where you're hurt... Daedalus: I'll survive. It helps that I'm expecting it, for starters. Ever so gingerly, Clair attempts to touch the area where Daedalus was burned; however she makes no effort to remove his shirt. Nothing seems to happen, and Clair pulls her reach away. "...I...don't think that worked." Daedalus: Doesn't feel like it, either. You... don't think it's the shirt, do you? Clair: Maybe? B-but you don't need to take it off or anything; I can just...wait for somebody else to get hurt somehow? Daedalus: I don't think I need to take the whole thing off, you know. Look, if it helps you figure out what you can do... I can deal with it. I sorta owe you after today anyway.
Not waiting for a response, he takes one deep breath and then lifts up his shirt up just above his stomach. A bright red patch of skin stretches along most of the revealed area. A little surprised to see him lift his shirt, Clair turns her head away almost immediately. "Uhhm...! Ah, right; I-I guess it won't work too well if I can't see where I should...haha..."
Nervously, Clair slowly returns her gaze back to Daedalus, but only long enough to see where to place her hands. Closing her eyes, she returns her hands to Daedalus' side. With a small, but not harsh, flash of pink light, the burned area returns to normal, with little more sting to it than an average sunburn. Daedalus: ... Wow, uh... That was fast. Clair: H-huh? ...Oh! Oh, you're better now! I...uhh...y-you can put your shirt back... Daedalus: Right, right.
He lowers his shirt back down and tentatively pats his stomach slightly. "Man, that really did help though. Looks like this place finally has someone that can heal people. Quickly, I mean. Are... you alright?" Clair: Yeah, I'm just a little winded, I think... Daedalus: I guess using magic for the first time is pretty draining... Do you need to lie down or something? I can take you back to your room if you want. Clair: N-no, I'm okay...! Just...probably shouldn't get up too fast. What about you...? Daedalus: I'm... definitely feeling better, honestly. Shame about the skin-to-skin thing though. Here's hoping no one gets their literal butt kicked and needs your help before you find a way to get through clothes.
okay so basically I know why Clair’s powers are “held back” and the only vague comment I’m gonna make to keep it no spoilo is that they’re like that because her magic and stuff draws from an unexpected source
Clair: I...might be able to figure out how to do it without touching people; but I think it'll take practice... Daedalus: Oh I'm sure you can. You're always full of surprises like that. 'Course, not sure how you're gonna practice that, but y'know.... Clair: I'll probably just wait for someone to bang their knee at breakfast or something. Seems easy enough... Daedalus: Guess so. Just don't start punching people or something; that'll just get 'em annoyed with you, trust me. Clair: Haha, I won't! I'm not exactly tough enough for it to hurt, anyway. Daedalus: Maybe we need to start taking you to the gym then. We'll have you benching 250 in no time. Clair: 2:50? Nah, I'd be benched the whole time! Daedalus groans and covers his face. "Please no, not corny jokes. Someone get that laser gun again, I need out of here." Clair: H-hey, it wasn't that bad...! Daedalus flops over on the edge of the couch. "Nope, it's killed me. Farewell, world." Clair: ...Well, I can't heal that. Guess I better go show everyone your sunglasses since it's all we'd have left...maybe we'll make a little memorial thing at the breakfast table with em; people will get all emotional and stuff; it'll be great. Daedalus: Yeah, and then I'll haunt you all from beyond so you have to deal with me forever... Although actually lying here is making me realize how tired I am. I should probably take a power nap or something. Clair: I don't blame you; I'd be pretty tired if I had to go through all that too. Alright, I'll leave you be, then.
Getting up from the couch, Clair heads for the door. Perking his head up, he looks at her as she leaves. "Don't forget to look for that notebook of yours." Clair: I won't! Just don't expect it to look too good; I wasn't even 10 yet. With that, Clair leaves the room. Daedalus puts his head back down and is asleep within a minute.
the next log is gonna be something I find Particularly Interesting and I can’t wait to expand on it
0 notes
{First Post~! Since this is el numero uno, why don’t we start off with some easy bait?}
(y/n)= Your name
(l/n)= Last name (f/c)= Favorite color (h/c)= Hair color (h/l)= Hair length (e/c)= Eye color (h/s)= Hair style
{Remember this key. It’ll help you for whenever you’re too lazy to come up with your own fantasies.}
Thank you, and enjoy
(P.S: I’m not going to put mature content on, but lemme warn you: THINGS COULD GET SEXY
)                                               ~~~~~
{“THINGS COULD GET SEXY”. Obviously a twelve year old. Obviously a twelve year old… or an adult with the immaturity of a twelve year old. It’s the equivalent to saying “he stuck his thingy in my you-know-what, and we did it for the first time”… actually, it’s the same exact thing.}
My breathing fogged the once stainless glass of the window. I watched the snow fall gently to the ground, building up every second. Many people walked by, laughing or conversing.  I sighed again, running my fingers on the glass.
{The way they describe the environment is so… dramatic? I don’t know, perhaps that’s just the way I read…}
Suddenly, I felt a hand curve around my waist. I turned and saw him. Our gazes met, and I was half a world away. Apparently, he had that effect. My breath caught in my throat as he flashed me a smile. I blinked twice so I could focus.
{Ooo, the “I’m a self-conscious, shy girl” approach. ENTICING}
“H-hey,” I murmured, looking down for a second.
“Hey yourself,” he replied.
I grimaced; his voice was music to my ears. His cerulean blue eyes trailed to the spiked choker on my neck. He slightly raised a brow at this new addition to my style, and was probably disappointed that he couldn’t kiss my neck, which was my goal.
{Aw, you sexy beast Len~ You sexual, totally not gay, 14 year old.}
“Are you avoidng my love?” He asked skeptically, tracing a spike on the choker.
{Aha! I knew it!! You can’t go a whole fanfic without an edgy YN. Now to cross off a box on my bingo card~}
I swore silently; he figured it out. “No,” I lied hopelessly. “I just really like this choker.”
“More then you love me?”
{Oh my GOD! Forget about your vampiric fantasies for a second. You know, there’s more places open for kisses. Why not somewhere on the face? Or maybe the collar bone? And if that’s not sexy enough, what about her fucking tit?}
I sighed. There he went, with his word play that never failed to make me guiltly. “I–no, it’s not that…”
“You don’t want my love?”
Wow, how much of a sucker was I for guilt traps.
“You know I do.”
He used his hand to pull me chin up closer to his face.“Then whats the problem?” He asked grinning. His sweet breath fanned across my face, attacking my nostrils. “I..um..err..”
{Haha. Look at those descriptive words. “ATTACKING MY NOSTRILS”. This fanfic is brought to you by someone who only reads drama books or by someone who is trying to get enough words in by being SUPER DESCRIPTIVE.}
My eyes widened and my breath shortened. I guess I still wasnt used to his kissing. It was unique, not like anything I’ve ever done or experienced. Passion took over his lips and he connected them with mine. Of course, I kissed back, curious and confused at the same time.
{How do you kiss someone curiously? Are you curious about the insides of his mouth?}
When he pulled away for the need of air, I was slightly dizzy, my face flushed from his contact. He was breathing heavily, as I was. It was always unexpected when he’d kiss me, so I didn’t have any time to prepare. Or maybe he did give me a warning, and I was just too clueless to figure it out.
I took note of the lust in his eyes. “I’m not ready to lose my virginity yet,” I answered his earlier question, burying my face in his chest.
“So, I’ve noticed,” he said wryly.
“I’m serious. I know you want me,” I said, playing coy.
“Yes, your right, but if your not ready, then I’ll resist for now.”
I scoffed. “For now.”
{Hah? 14? Don’t get me wrong, I know how many 14 year olds are out there watching porn and getting wet but… to actually do it? Not only that, but how out of character this is for Len, a vocaloid that has no assigned personality.}
“I think it’s cute when you play hard to get.”
“I’m not cute or playing hard to get.”
“At least I think you are.”
{Lol? She’s not really playing hard to get. Especially when you’re already dating. If you say this because she doesn’t want sex, that’s still not playing hard to get. You can say no in a relationship?}
He chuckled and buried his face in my hair. I sighed, for the fourth time. “What’s on your mind, (n/n)?” He asked me, sounding concerned.
“Not much, just stressing out on the idea of Miku and Rin literally exploding when they see the house,” I said, resisting another sigh.
{Let me guess… “RIN AND MIKU ARE SUCH BITCHES *pity, pity, pity*”. What a cliché :)}
“Eh, it wont be that bad.” Just then, as if on cue, the doorbell rang.
“Speak of the annoying,” I muttered, “and the annoying shall appear.”
He laughed again then left me to get the door. He let Miku and Rin in. They exploded!… into annoying squeals, that is.
“Ooh! How pretty!” Miku said in amazement.
“It’s perfect!” Rin added, twirling around.
Len shot me a look that said, “I told you so.” I covered my ears in  irritation. It wasn’t like I didn’t like them; they were my best friends. They were just highly annoying. “Hey, (n/n),” they said in unison, coming at me from all sides.
{I was wrong… slightly. They aren’t bitches per se, the “protagonist” is. How ironic is it that she finds Rin and Miku annoying when Rin has the same voice actor as Len and Miku has a much lower (natural) voice than both of them.}
I stiffened. “Hey…”
“So are your pregnant yet?” They said excited.
{Haha teenage pregnancy. Nice to know Len’s sister is excited to be an aunt~ And, for the record, grammar won’t be focused on unless it’s really fucked.}
My face became a cherry. “Wh-whaa? Pregnant?! Yet!?”
“Don’t play dumb,” Rin said, “your relationship has gone too far to not have done it.” “You say that like you’re an expert,” I muttered.
“Of course we are!” Miku argued. “It’s what friends do for their virgin friends!” “Your a virgin too!”
“For as much as you know!”
I face-palmed myself.
{HahahahahHAHAHAHA so funny! I really enjoy hearing that teenage idols aren’t virgins? Really makes me wet.}
“C'mon, (n/n).. You have to give off hints as to want your want.” Rin paused for a second. “Don’t even think about denying me; we all know you want him.”
Now my face was a tomato. “Umm…” I said. “What kind of hints?”
“Firstly, open up to him. Stand close to him at all times,” Miku inserted in a matter of factly tone.
“Next, embrace him passionately. Speak softly and alluring, and get him in the mood,” Rin instructed. “Also, get him to touch your lady parts without being conspicious. You must always strike when the iron is hot.”
I sweatdropped and sighed. “Okay okay I get it, leave me alone.” “Ooh! I’m so excited!” Miku squealed. “I gotta go, but call me when the sauce is spicey!”
{“I sweatdropped”. That alone is part of anime hell. Also, if Rin and Miku were talking to me, like hell I’d tell them to leave me alone. You think you’re better than them? At least they don’t have the name N/N}
Rin walked her to the door. I stood and walked upstairs to our room. He was there, laying on the bed, eyes shut. I could tell he wasn’t sleeping, but deep in thought.
I stood in the  doorway, shyly holding the door halfway open. “Len?” I said quietly. He opened one eye and peered at me before sitting up. He opened his arms wide, a gesture for an embrace.  I grimaced, thinking of what Rin said, and went for it, wrappng my arms around his neck.
“Speak softly and alluring,” were Rin’s exact words. I didn’t actually believe their advice would work, but I guess I could give it a shot. What have I got to lose anyway, nothing but my dignity and my courage of course.
“L-Len?” I whimpered. “I…I need to ask you something..” Wow, you wouldn’t guess how embarressing this was, or how much I was blushing.
{What is she trying to accomplish again? Sex? What made her change her mind so quickly? I don’t remember Rin or Miku saying anything other than “I know you want him”.}
“Oh really?” He said, raising an eyebrow. “What is it?”
He looked at me, waiting for an answer.
I nodded timidly as I raised my shirt over my head, revealing my black bra. My face must have been a freaking rose by now.
I grimaced, deciding I’ll kill Rin later, and pulled him even closer to me. He, utterly confused, hugged me back.
“Is there something wrong? Your not acting like you?”
I felt my lip quiver. “I-I.. just feel too.. attracted to you.” I paused, trying to get my wordplay right. “I-I want you.”
{Even though I flat-out told you “no” less than an hour ago. She was too timid to let him kiss her neck. Maybe she’s just very indecisive…}
His eyes widened with shock. Then he let go of me and backed away until he reached the end of the bed. I crawled towards him, highly aware of the budge in his pants.
“Don’t you want me too?” I asked, putting a hand to my lips as my innocence act.
Gently, I pushed him down and laid ontop of him.
“(n/n)–I, uh..”
{Lol, is he gonna be like “no” after saying how “she’s playing hard to get” and how much you wanted her. Don’t get me wrong, sexual acts should always be consensual and never assumed. But in the case of a fanfic written by a 12 year-old… at least try to keep the characters consistent.}
I interuppted him by kissing him. He pressed back for a second, them turned his head to the side, breaking the kiss.
“(n/n)–stop, what are you doing?”
I sat up, feeling defeated. I sighed running a hand through my hair. “I wanna have sex,” I mumbled, almost incoherent.
“I thought you weren’t ready to lose your virginity?”
“Yeah, but Rin and Miku talked me into it,” I muttered.
He sighed too,  and sat up to face me. “Don’t let what they say get to your head, you know better.”
{What did I say? Len’s supposed to be seductive, yes? If you want a ticket out of having to write sexual intercourse at least give it a better reason. Perhaps YN never even wants it? It’s strange for both perspectives to change so quickly.}
“Don’t give me a lecture, alright. I’m desperate.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I said stupidly.
He patted my head as a sign of forgiveness and gave me another beautiful smile. I puffed my cheeks. At least this was over, I guess. I couldn’t believe how stupid I acted, and because I actually believed what Rin said would get me what I wanted. Being OOC is not a very easy thing.
{She wants it, he DID, but not anymore? I’m just confused. Maybe he has a tiny dick and realized he could never live up to it after sexing it up.}
I plopped down on my back, pulling out my iPod. I listened to “World Is Mine- Kagamine Len Cover” humming softy.
{I’m 90% sure the Len cover of World is Mine is him singing about how much he loves his sister. If you’re talking about a different cover, then either it’s gay or he’s talking about a non-specified girl. Or maybe you just want to hear his MOST BEAUTIFUL VOICE~~~~}
He laid next to me and stole an earphone to listen as well. He shot me a look when he realized it was his song.
{Yes. HIS song. Who’s Ryo? Miku? Lol. Len’s the only vocaloid. The. True. Vocaloid.}
Len moved closer to my ear and whispered, “Daisuki dayo” right on cue with the song.  I curled the headphone cord with my finger, staring innocently at him. He stared back, that lust look in his eyes again.
“Strike when the iron’s hot,” Rin’s words echoed in my head again. With a small bit of hope,  I shuffled closer to him, my face in his neck. I pulled off my spiked choker and dropped it to the floor. I pulled the silky red ribbon out of my hair, setting it with the choker. My hands curved around his neck as I pulled him closer. He seemed surprised at my actions, but didn’t protest. He stared down at me, clearly amused, but I refused to meet his eyes.
I pecked at his neck, slowly moving my hands through his hair. He hummed in interest and moved a hand down my side. I flinched at his touch, and lifted my head to kiss him. He responded eagerly, sucking on my bottom lip before going to play with my tongue. I resisted, but he forced my mouth open.
{The “he forced my mouth open” cliché. Another one to cross off on my bingo card. Gee, I sure hope “our tongues fought for dominance” is in this too.}
While he was distracted by that, I removed my hands from his head and moved them to his shirt, carefully unbuttoning it.
His lips froze on mine. He disconnected them to glare at me. I could only stare back feebily. He grabbed both my wrists with one hand and pinned them over my head. With the other he rebuttoned the two I managed to undo.
“(n/n), love,” he said through clenched teeth. “Just what do you think you’re doing?” I looked down, not answering. With his free hand, he forced me to look at him. “Tryna seduce you,” I said, barely audible.
He sighed, and squeezed my wrists tighter. “Not tonight.”
“Len…” I whined.
“(y/n), I’m serious.”
I frowned. “I know you are; you used my full name.”
He gave me a wry look.
“Why isn’t tonight as good as any other night?”
“I know you’re not ready.”
“Oh and you are?” I retorted.
He smiled. “I never said I was; you’re the persistant one.”
I scoffed. “If I wasn’t persistant, then who would be?”
“Exactly. So, I’m saying not tonight.”
“What, you’re afraid of hurting me?”
He nodded.“If you’re gonna be persistent, then I have to be the careful one.” He released my hands.
{This whole conversation doesn’t make sense to me. Before he was talking about how he was going to “take you” without a care. But now he’s trying to avoid it. I get it, you want to be careful at 14, yeah? But what would happen if she kept denying his requests? Would he keep talking about how much he wants her? What if she immediately gave in? Would he have to say “WOAH THERE! We need to be careful!!”?? What changed his mind so fucking quickly?}
“Persistent or not, I wanna have sex,” I growled, yanking open the first button of my blouse.
I crushed my lips onto his before he could protest, kissing him angrily.
“Careful, love,” he said against my lips.
Finally he pulled away and groaned in frustration.
“(n/n),” he said in a stern voice. “Would you please stop trying to take your clothes off?”
“Do you wanna do that part?” I asked, confused.
{Are you fucking stupid? I know I’ve been saying that he changed his mind so quickly without a reason but you should still respect his wishes. He’s being VERY clear that he does not want it. Being stubborn won’t change it. It’ll just force it on him.}
This earned a small chuckle. “Not tonight,” he said, sitting up.
I stayed down.“Why not?”
“(n/n), we are done discussing this.”
“Well, I’m not.”
I grabbed his shirt in an attempt to pull him back down. He sighed and complied, staring straight at me.
I once again buried my face in his chest. “Do you not love me enough?” I asked. “What an idiotic question; you know I do.”
“Then why cant we–”
{FUCK! She just doesn’t learn! Either that or he’s not being specific enough for her tiny brain!}
“Because I know you; you’ll do anything to get what you want, no matter the consequence.” I closed my eyes and frowned. “I can handle it.”
He laughed once. “Okay, fine.”
I perked up. “You promise?”
“Yes but on one condition.”
I groaned; I should have known he’d pull something like this. “What is it?”
“Marry me.”
{Is this going down the “get married before sex” route? While I understand that belief, it still makes him a hypocrite, especially when they’re in their teens.}
“No way,” I declined automatically.
He huffed. “And why not?”
“Dude, I practically just finished high-school,” I nearly yelled, laughing hysterically in between words,“I’m not gonna be that idiot that just graduated and is already married.” I felt his raise a hand to his face. “(n/n), don’t say stuff like that.” “But you know its true,” I retorted. “Who knows what other people will say when they find out?”
{They aren’t 14 anymore? Well shit. Also, does he REALLY want to get married right after high school? What about college? Or do vocaloids not need college…? Either way, marrying at 21 is really young. 18 is even younger. I don’t recommend that.}
“Since when did you care what other people think?” He asked with a slight edge to his voice.“Besides, they wont even find out.”
“But still…”
“(y/n),” he said softly,“This is basically a once-in-a-lifetime offer. Either marry me, or go to collage.”
{Woah. That almost sounds like a threat. Risk your education and getting a really good job just to marry a high school crush you’ll forget in 2 years. Sounds great!}
I tensed. “Don’t you ever say that cursed word in my presence again.”  I shuddered at the thought of going to collage.
“Take it or leave it.” I could hear the grin in his voice.
{Never mind? She doesn’t want to go to college? If not, then what’s the point of even bringing it up? She doesn’t want to go, so where the threat?}
I gave up all together, sighing in defeat. “Please Len,” I begged, voice breaking,“ it’s the only thing I want. I’ll.. go get my driver’s license, and I’ll let you buy me that stupid car.” You wouldn’t guess how much he’s been complaining about getting me a vehicle. “I’ll marry you, and I’ll even go to collage if that makes you happy,” I whined, hopeless,“ just please.”
{Wait, so he wants her to go to college, but he just threatened her that she won’t??? And it sounds like she knew about him wanting her to get an education so, why did she tense up? Either I’m very stupid or this is very inconsistent.}
I held my breath, waiting for the final “no”. When his answer didn’t come immediately, I got suspicious and peeked at his face.
His expression was heart-breaking. It was mixed with confusion and indecision. He stared long and hard at me.
“(n/n)…” he began slowly. “Do you know.. how hard it is.. to refuse, when you’re begging like that?”
“Then don’t refuse?” I suggested breathless.
He shot me a look. “No, I can’t, and I wont. No.”
{But you said you would if she followed through on that one condition. And she did! She followed through on that one, and many more! Yes, sex is consensual. But when you make someone agree on something as important as marriage just to have it… I think it’s important to at least say you’re just uncomfortable with it afterwards, and not because you think the other person is. At this point, you’re just being a dick.}
The word was hard and cold. I grimaced as realization sunk in; I wasn’t wanted and I was unwantable.
I looked down, and planted my face back into his shirt, trying to stop the word from replaying in my head. I shut my eyes and tried to fight the stupid tears from forming. “What now?” he demanded.
I didn’t answer, or look at him. I grind my teeth tightly.
He once again pulled my chin up so that I’d look at him.
A pained look crossed his features. “Did I hurt your feelings?” he asked, horrified.
“No,” I lied, trying to avoid his gaze.
“(n/n), you know why we cant,” he said softly in my ear.“I want you just as much.”
{And she wants you too! You’re both 18 and she agreed to marry you! I don’t understand the problem.}
“Do you really?” I asked, my attempt at being wry failing.
He smiled. “Yes, I do.”
“Don’t seem like it,” I said under my breath.
He sighed. He rolled over, so that I was under him. He grabbed my leg and wrapped it around his waist.
I stopped breathing.
He moved closer, his manhood pressing against my lady part. One hand slid up my shirt to my chest, and the other locked in my hair. His lips reached my neck’s weak spot, and I squeaked in pleasure and shock.
He bit me lightly, but it was enough to make me cry out. I bit my lip tightly.
“Len,” I gasped,“ wh-what are you–”
He cut me off by kissing me fiercely. He slipped his tongue in and widened my mouth. His mouth trailed to my ear piercing. “Satisfyed?” he whispered seductively.
“I- you just..I” I stammered.
He laughed once before sitting up. He pulled me up with him and practically squeezed me to death.
“See, you’re not ready,” he laughed. “If you can’t even handle a sample what makes you think you’re ready for the real thing?”
{I think being like that during such embarrassing moment is normal? And it was really uncalled for after you kept telling her “no” over and over. Either way, if you wanted to prove that to her, why didn’t you do that from the start of the argument instead of wasting 40 minutes getting nothing done? I don’t understand his logic behind any of this.}
He was right; I wasn’t ready. “Hmph.”
I pulled back to look at him. “Very funny, getting my hopes up,” I told him sarcastically.
“Sorry, but it was the only way to convince you,” He grinned.
“Okay fine, I’m not ready,” I admitted.
“That’s what I thought.” Then he sighed, let me go, and went to open the door. Rin and Miku tumbled onto the floor.
My face went neon red.
“Hi there,” Rin said, smiling awkwardly.
“Ehehe..” Miku giggled nervously.
“Evesdropping, huh?” Len asked, raising a brow.
They nodded; Rin was unashamed.
He rubbed his temple. “Don’t implant things in her head, you’ll make her do something she’ll regret,” He told them.
“Hey wasn’t out fault,” Rin argued. “If she didn’t want to make a move, then she wouldn’t have listened!”
{No, I don’t think it’s that. I think it’s more of “if she didn’t want to make a move, then she wouldn’t have made a move!”. They didn’t say ANYTHING convincing other than “I know you want it ;)”.}
“Don’t blame this on me!” I exclaimed, face still flushed.
“Hey, you got what you wanted didn’t you?” Miku said, a creepy expression on her face.
I sweatdropped. “No,” I mumbled, running a hand through my hair, face glowing even more red.
“Alright, get out,” Len said, pointing to the door.
Rin winked at me before leaving and Miku flashed me a grin and two thumbs up before following her.
Len closed the door and turned to me. He smiled sweetly. My blushed lowered to a small red coat around my cheeks as I sheepishly smiled back.
{All in all, this story is inconsistent and fucking stupid. It can’t decide who wants what and when it does, it can’t decide why. Not only that, but it’s conversations linger for forever! It took a good 40 minutes for Len to finally “convince” her.
And that’s it! Wooo! I know, easy bait. But for my first post, might as well.}
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Manga the Week of 7/19/17
SEAN: Duck folks, here comes another week.
SEAN: We start off with Dark Horse, which has a 2nd volume of Hatsune Miku: Rin-chan Now!
They also have the first in a series of collections of H.P. Lovecraft manga, The Hound and Other Stories. These are by Tanabe Gou, who seems to specialize in Lovecraft horror manga adaptations, and ran in Enterbrain’s Comic Beam (something Dark Horse actually point out, showing how big a name Comic Beam now has among Western manga fans).
ASH: Wow, two Dark Horse titles in one week? I don’t really have a particular interest in Hatsune Miku, but The Hound and Other Stories looks to be very intriguing.
SEAN: J-Novel has 3 titles coming out next week, as they continue to increase their publications. We get the 2nd Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest, which is very, very “what teenage boys with a power fantasy want”.
ASH: For those who prefer physical media, it was recently announced that Seven Seas will be working with J-Novel to release Arifureta in print, too.
SEAN: And we have the 4th I Saved Too Many Girls and Caused the Apocalypse, which I find slight but amusing.
And the 4th Mixed Bathing in Another Dimension, a title I enjoy far, far more than its fanservicey title deserves. Can’t wait.
Kodansha still has digital Del Rey rescues, with Alive 19 and School Rumble 21 (which may be its 2nd to last, depending on whether Kodansha cares about the one-volume School Rumble Z or not).
There’s a pile of print releases for once, starting with Aho Girl, a broad 4-koma series (which Kodansha itself noted they rarely do) about the titular girl, who is… well, as the title says. It runs in Weekly Shonen Magazine, and is best known as the 4-koma that isn’t Seitokai Yakuindomo.
In/Spectre seems like it may be coming to a climax, though I’m not sure how many volumes the manga will be. This is the 5th.
In digital news, there’s a 3rd Kasane coming out.
Princess Jellyfish has a 5th omnibus, as they try to save the farm by putting on a show in best Judy Garland/Mickey Rooney style.
MICHELLE: Hee. I’m looking forward to this. It’s less depressing than Tokyo Tarareba Girls!
ASH: I’m still thrilled this series was picked up for a print release. (Also, here’s hoping that Kodansha’s recent “digital-first” trend is truly digital-first and that we’ll eventually see titles like Tokyo Tarareba Girls in print, too.)
ANNA: Looking forward to this as well!
SEAN: Kodansha also has the 7th Sweetness and Lightning.
ASH: I’m really enjoying Sweetness and Lightning. It can be bittersweet and absolutely adorable in turns.
SEAN: The other print debut is Waiting for Spring, a “shosei” manga from Dessert about a shy girl who gets some life lessons from a group of handsome men. Despite that description making me wary, it’s apparently pretty cute and fluffy.
MICHELLE: I am cautiously optimistic.
ANNA: Might be worth a shot!
SEAN: The last Kodansha title this week is the 6th Welcome to the Ballroom. Will we finally get a more permanent dance partner for our lead?
One Peace has a 5th Kuma Miko, which some comics shops may have gotten already. It’s highly beariable.
Seven Seas has a 2nd volume of cute yuri title Hana & Hina After School.
ASH: I tend to enjoy Morinaga’s manga, but I still liked Hana & Hina After School more than I was expecting.
SEAN: There’s also a 4th Lord Marksman and Vanadis.
And lastly, a 7th volume of Magika Swordsman and Summoner (has he hit 72 yet?).
Vertical’s big debut is the first volume of Mobile Suit Gundam WING. This is actually the Endless Waltz manga – OK, the longer and better variation of the Endless Waltz manga – and currently runs in Gundam A magazine. Will it have Relena Peacecraft, that’s my question…
Vertical also has the 9th and penultimate volume of Nichijou. You’ll never guess the plot twists!… wait, no, Nichijou. You’ll never guess the random gags!
Viz’s Terra Formars has reached 18 volumes. My word.
SEAN: Yen On’s titles mostly ship the week after next, but next week does give us the 3rd and 4th Sword Art Online: Progressive volumes digitally.
Yen’s manga titles are (mostly) shipping next week, starting with the 11th Akame Ga KILL!.
A mere 4 years after the last volume, here is the 7th The Betrayal Knows My Name. That should excite folks.
MELINDA: Woo hoo!
SEAN: A Certain Magical Index’s manga reaches double digits, and I think is still adapting the 7th novel.
And Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody has a 4th book.
Yay, a book I’m buying! An 8th Horimiya, a series I always look forward to.
MICHELLE: Me, too.
ASH: It is a great series.
SEAN: More light novel adaptations with the 7th Danmachi manga.
A print debut for a digital-only title from a while back, now getting an anime, Kakeguri – Compulsive Gambler combines the thrills of survival game-style manga with the joys of gambling.
ASH: While it’s not Kaiji, I’m still rather curious about this series.
SEAN: MORE light novel adaptations with the 4th KonoSuba manga.
Liselotte & Witch’s Forest has its 5th volume, which may catch us up with Japan – the author has been busy with her incredibly mediocre sequel to Fruits Basket lately.
MICHELLE: Yeah. Sigh.
SEAN: And an 8th Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun, which I think has also caught up with Japan, though that’s for more normal reasons.
MICHELLE: I might have to hoard this one for a rainy day.
ASH: I can’t blame you for that; Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun is SO GOOD! It always makes me happy to read it.
SEAN: Watamote, whose title is too exhausting to type out, has its 10th book.
The Royal Tutor is moving fast now that it’s in print – here’s Book 2.
ASH: The first volume was a little goofy, but fun!
SEAN: And we get a 2nd Smokin’ Parade.
And a 13th Spice & Wolf – is the manga wrapping up soon?
There is also a 7th Taboo Tattoo.
Lastly, we have a 13th volume of Triage X, which is lucky for me as I’m not reading it.
SOOOOOOO much. What interests you?
By: Sean Gaffney
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