#What Value does WAX offer?
empresa-journal · 2 years
Can Wax (WAXP) make money from NFTs
Can Wax (WAXP) make money from NFTs
WAX (WAXP) or the Worldwide Asset eXchange, is a blockchain platform built for trading NFTs, dApps, and video games. They call WAX the King of NFTs because it has facilitated millions of nonfungible token (NFT) trades. WAX users include Topps, Capcom, Atari, and Sony. Topps makes trading cards for Major League Baseball and other popular sports. Some major entertainers, including Star…
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free-for-all-fics · 10 months
Joy Ride and House of Wax crossover prompt! This started as a silly little idea shared with my bestie @tinalbion but it just hit me hard and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these ideas and I’d love to read it! 🛻💙
You were forced to take a detour and accidentally ended up in Ambrose while on a road trip with your friends after you got lost. What the hell is this town? It wasn’t even on the map. Bo sabotaged your car and broke your fan belt while you were all asleep and camping out in the woods. He also destroyed your CB radio so you couldn’t call anyone for help since there’s no cell reception out here. Bo was so confused as to why you even had that anyway, since you don’t drive a truck. The friends you’re with are so naive and gullible. They soak up every word Bo says as he tells stories of Trudy and Victor, their boys, and what this town once was. Your idiot friends take it all at face value, honest to God believing he’ll help them. You’re the only person who doesn’t buy his friendly mechanic shtick for a second. You try to catch him in a lie or call out his bluff. He does look handsome in his mechanic outfit and he does know a thing or two about cars, but he’s so full of shit.
He and his brother, Vincent, chase after your friends and kill them one by one. Vincent then takes them to his workshop to be made into wax. But Bo has a very hard time with overpowering and subduing you. You’re feisty and strong with a high endurance. You know how to fight back and use your surroundings to your advantage. You get the drop on him and Bo is lowkey impressed. Damn, baby! Are you a professional survivalist or something? You fuck him up good and barely flinch when he lands some kicks or punches. You must have a very high pain tolerance - that could be kinda kinky 😏. Bo thinks you’re hot, even if you make him bleed. But what really shocks him is when you kill your own friend before he can. Wait, what?
You tell Bo they weren’t really your friends. Just a bunch of randos you met that day or the day before. You offered them a ride and played nice so that their guard would be down. You boast that your daddy taught you everything you know about huntin’ and killin’. You also warn Bo that he fucked up big time when he wrecked your CB radio. Your daddy gave you that CB and made a strict rule to always call him at least twice a day, once in the morning/afternoon and once at night. He’s gonna assume the worst if you miss a call: That something bad must’ve happened to you, his only child and baby girl. He’s gonna come looking for you and will do unspeakable things to anyone who may have hurt you. If Bo thinks his truck is big, he ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Despite the unusual circumstances, you really like Bo. His brothers, Vincent and Lester, are also really nice and have their own interests and hobbies which they’re eager to share with you. You spend time with each of them. Vince has made a cozy spot for you to sit and relax in his workshop so you can watch him while he’s making new mannequins or sculpting new objects for the museum. You and Les find animals to hunt and skin, or pick up animal remains to throw in the pit after you collect cool bones and teeth, etc. And Jonesy is an absolute sweetheart! She is best girl and can do no wrong in your eyes. You love this dog to pieces and spoil her.
You admire what Bo and his brothers have done here, how they’ve made their kills into art for their wax museum. You’re not even mad he tried to kill you. Instead you praise him for the valiant effort and feel flattered he finds you pretty enough to be made into wax and put on display. Damn, Bo thought that you were smoking hot when you were fighting him and kicking his ass, but now that he knows you have a murderous side, he finds you irresistibly sexy.
You start dating and when your dad finally shows up in Ambrose to find you, Bo nearly pisses himself at the size of your dad’s truck. Holy fucking shit that’s the biggest, scariest looking rig he’s ever seen in his life. You leave Bo’s side and run to your daddy’s arms to give him a big bear hug. Meanwhile, poor Bo is frozen in sheer terror. He’s never been afraid of another man before, not even his own father. Hell, he killed Victor himself. But your father is Rusty Nail, and he’s a mountain of a man. A behemoth. He makes Bo feel small when he blows a puff of smoke from his cigarette and looks him up and down before offering a firm handshake. Bo can’t tell if his hand is sweaty from the southern heat or his nerves, but he knows Rusty could’ve broken his hand just from that handshake if he wanted to. Rusty stays in Ambrose with you and the Sinclairs so he can get to know them all, especially the boy that stole his darling daughter’s heart.
When he and Bo have one-on-one time, Rusty shows his true colors. He shows Bo the goods that he’s hauling in his trailer: Weapons, torture devices, death contraptions, trophies from his past murders, etc. (There might even be photos of you and Rusty from when you were growing up decorating the interior of the trailer. Y’know, just cute family photos of daddy and daughter celebrating her first kill, etc. Normal stuff.) When more people come into Ambrose, Rusty introduces Bo to his dice game. He ties up two victims and explains the rules, then makes Bo watch as he forces them to roll. Or maybe Rusty intimidates Bo into participating and dealing out the torture himself. But Rusty is firm in that the snake eyes kill is all his. Bo may not have much of an issue with doing as Rusty says; he’s no stranger to blood, gore, or violence.
But Jesus Fucking Christ when one of the poor sons of bitches rolls snake eyes. Watching Rusty murder is unlike any death Bo’s ever seen. Your father is the most sadistic and petty man he’s ever met, but he’ll still laugh nervously at Rusty’s dad jokes and puns while he’s torturing victims or after he completes a kill. The damage you laid on Bo when you first met is nothing compared to what your dad could do to him. Rusty could absolutely fuck him up six ways from Sunday. Bo isn’t suicidal, so he would rather not get on his bad side.
Rusty actually really likes Bo and thinks he’s perfect for you. He’s shared cigarettes and beers with him, played card games with him, etc. He’s had lots of time to sit down with Bo and bond with him. He’s gotten to know what kind of man he is through long talks on the porch, etc. He already knows the eldest Sinclair will treat you right and make you happy, so he approves of your boyfriend. When the time comes, he’ll give Bo his blessing to marry you - He just might play some “practical jokes” on him first whenever he finally works up the courage to formally ask for your hand. Rusty thinks it’s hilarious to see Bo so scared of him and nearly shit himself. Bo asked him what his real first name was once and his reaction when he thought he crossed a line was comedy gold. Even if you ask your dad to go easy on Bo, he can’t help but fuck around with him a little bit and keep him on his toes! It’s just his love language!
Bo @ Rusty Nail like:
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toxinellebug · 6 months
Paris Special HEADCANONS
Marinette only became emo after Chloe posted the video of Kim humiliating her online because there was no Socqulien to stop her.
Marinetter didn’t wear fishnet gloves or a scarf until those black veins started to appear.
Adrien only cut his hair after his father FORCED him to go to school, (because socializing with kids his own age would be good for his mental health) as an act of rebellion.
When the black lines started to appear, Adrien took inspiration from the Baker girl’s emo makeup to hide it.
Marinette ended up in Ms. Mendeliev’s class, NOT Ms. Bustier, which is why she never met Alya or met Adrien personally, but knew he was a spoiled brat because Chloe paraded him around the school as her Adrikins.
Adrien, who resented being sent to school, followed Chloe’s lead and probably bullied Nino, while Chloe made Alya her new fav target.
Marinette never met Luka since she and Juleka never became friends.
The Crush who thinks she’s a pathetic loser that she references is Kim. (In eng dub she says bf, which makes no sense since the special takes place at the begining of S5 after they got the Rabbit back and right after Cat Noir cataclysmed Monarch at the wax museum- and at this time Adrien has not yet fully accepted his feelings for Marinette and Marinette had broken up with Luka in ep 1 of s4 so she doesn’t have a boyfriend, which would be clear in her diary, but she does have a crush who sees her as a very good friend, whereas bad marinette’s last crush would have been Kim)
Adrien probably enjoys fame and modeling. His mother wanted to be a famous movie star after all. Also, he praises the perfection of Adrien Agreste when he is Claw Noir/Griffe Noir, and frowns when Shadybug/Toxinelle insults him. But Cat Noir has said that he is better looking and better dressed than Adrien and doesn’t understand why girls were fighting over him. Enjoying his fame and possibly relishing in signing autographs at school could also reinforce Marinette’s belief that he is self-centered despite not knowing him… Cuz remember, she was surprised that he seemed to know her, which means they aren’t classmates.
Good Gabriel obviously made Adrien go to school since being alone isn’t healthy for a teen, and Gabriel can’t design for his brand, save the world AND homeschool his son all at the same time. Plus, making friends and learning social skills would help Adrien overcome his grief.
The Centralist nature of the world ruled by the Supreme would result in Sabine having more conservative values, which would make her a more harsh disciplinarian who criticizes her daughter frequently.
Good Gabriel could not risk someone else suffering from the peacock, nor having his identity exposed to the Supreme, therefore FELIX was never born because Fathom Colt could not be trusted. (Sure, you could argue that the Supreme willingly lent Colt the peacock in exchange for something and that’s where Gabriel got the idea from but he had nothing to offer so he stole it, but since his wife is Amalie’s twin and suffered from the same infertility issues, it would be too suspicious if Emelie just miraculously got pregnant when it was impossible for her suster to do so without a miraculous.) The Gorilla was sent at Amalie’s insistence since Adrien is the heir of the precious DeVanilly bloodline and thus must be protected!
Gabriel accepted only because it stopped Amalie from insisting that she be allowed to adopt her nephew after her sister’s death.
This would also mean Amalie sees Adrien as the rightful owner of the DeVanilly twin rings and she would not insist on having them back, which means Gabriel could claim to keep them in a safe until Adrien comes of age because he knows Adrien will lose his free will if anyone gets their hands on those rings and good Gabriel respects his son’s autonomy as a person.
Gabriel never met Nathalie. She was a relic hunter, and since Gabriel stole what he needed from the Supreme, he never needed to hire Nathalie to search for magic jewels.
XY is famous and popular, Jagged Stone is either a nobody or his music is strictly underground indie because it is banned for it’s anarchist nature.
Andre never became Mayor, but he still has the Hotel and is a Movie Director. Chloe’s bad attitude still comes from her father’s wealth and Mother’s influence.
Mylene would not be allowed to attend Francios Dupont.
(Let’s face it, it is a Private school and all the kids who go there are either rich, middle class, or have show biz connections. They have an exclusive curriculum, including textbooks no other school uses, and no handicap access. Nino DJ’s as a hobby- do you know how expensive equipment is? For a 14 year old kid to have that as a hobby he needs to come from money. Building an AI robot isn’t cheap either, Max- son of an astronaut. Alya’s dad has at least a Master’s Degree if not a Doctorate in order to be a zookeeper and her mom is a chief in a 5 star hotel which affords her an apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the world, and ALYA, despite having 3 sisters, has her own bedroom with a balcony. Bakers in Paris also earn more than just a decent living, and sewing is not a cheap hobby either for a 13/14 year old who could lose interest because she’s a teenager. Mirelle and Aurora have the networking and connections to get on TV, you really think their parents wouldn’t send them to a highly rated private school? Chloe is repulsed by public transportation, do you think she’d be caught dead in a public school? Do you think the daughter of the Mayor and the Queen of fashion would go to public school? Do you think Gabriel Agreste who has a bodyguard for his supermodel son would allow him to attend public school? Do you think a world famous Fencer who also runs for political office would teach at a public school? Do you think Tsurugi san, who demands perfection and nothing short of the best, would allow Kagami to join a fencing club at a public school? No, Francois Dupont is a private school, and the only reason Mylene is able to attend is because her dad works there as a janitor. That’s why Chloe is always digging at how poor her clothes are.)
Betterfly said mutual aid is a crime in his world, meaning it is Centralist politics, which means Mylene and Ivan would not be able to protest anything legally and Ms. Bustier would not be able to get a job as a teacher with her idealistic liberal values… meaning she is not a teacher, or she is a mean teacher and probably even has a husband rather than a wife.
Post Paris Special, in addition to being homeless fugitives, Adrien will be a mess because the girl he has been yelling at, calling a cockroach, and trying to steal from is also the girl he’s been head over heels in love with but never had the guts to actually TALK to and it turns out she HATES his civilian identity and he has no idea how to talk to her without his mask but wearing the mask he falls into old habits and has to constantly correct himself before calling her cockroach and he constantly berates himself “WHY did I say that?? Stupid, stupid!” Everytime he ends up saying something snarky, rude, or tries to flirt and it just comes out cringe because he REALLY wants her to like him but he is also low key terrified of her hating him, yet just her grabbing his hand turns his brain into mush and have him daydreaming about wedding bells and a hamster.
Meanwhile, Marinette has never had a friend before, and has zero idea how to work as a team, especially with a moron who is as conceited and spoiled as Adrien Agreste, but they are stuck together now, and she DOES want to give it a shot, especially if it means she can change her crappy life and NOT be destroyed by her own powers. But she has no idea why her so called Partner is so bi-polar; one minute he’s acting smug and showing off, the next aloof (trying to play it cool), then he’s trying to crack jokes and get her praise, then he seems like he’s ready to snap and call her shittybug only to become apologetic, nervous/embarressed/awkward, and try to change the subject. Sometimes he acts like her touch burns him, othertimes he acts like he wants to hold her hsnd and follow her like a lost puppy. But most annoying is when he screws up her plans by trying to protect her by becoming a human shield or tackling her out of harms way (and spending way too long on top of her) when he used to be content to let her hit the ground and laugh about it. She doesn’t know if treating her like a damsel in distress is his idea of “team work” but it is annoying because for her plans to work he needs to focus and do the jobs she TELLS him to!
Marinette is still anti-love after her trauma from Kim so she has no romantic interest in anyone and is completely clueless to Adrien’s feelings and gets annoyed because she sees Paw Noir’s pathetic attempts at flirting as him mocking her even though they are supposed to be “good guys” on the same team now.
Gabriel is aware of both their feelings and it gives him a headache because teen romance is the worst and he knows Claw Noir would sooner drop dead from embarrassment than accept love advice from him, and quite frankly, Gabriel is far more worried about these children being put in danger and all the school they are missing and how worried Marinette’s parents must be with their daughter missing. But he knows the Supreme would show these two no mercy so they can’t return to their civilian lives until the Supreme is defeated.
IDK if Gabriel was able to remove Nooru’s muzzle, or if the Supreme started muzzling Kwami’s after the butterfly and peacock was stolen, but if Ladybug and Paw Noir are going to use their miraculous the right way, they will need to feed their kwamis.
Plagg still does not trust Adrien; it’s not the first time his miraculous has fallen into the wrong hands and been misused and the whole thing has left him jaded with a strong dislike of humans (who are only good for making cheese!) so Plagg will hate and be an asshole towards Adrien for a while before the kid can earn his trust and friendship.
Tikki wants to trust but she is nervous and dispirited from all the harm that has been done with her powers. She wants to believe there is still hope for her young holder, but she’s also not ready to open up her heart just yet. Marinette also is not used to showing or receiving affection, but she knows from reading her other self’s diary that Tikki is supposed to be her friend but she has no idea how to open up to the tiny creature that until now has only been her slave.
Gabriel feels great sympathy towards Marinette who has suffered so much abuse, and great guilt towards Adrien who has never learned how to socialize with kids his own age or deal with negative emotions in a healthy way, but he is certain that these two kids are made for each other.
Nino is still terrified of Paw Noir, and is super weirded out that the biggest bully in School after Chloe is now suddenly, awkwardly, trying to talk to him and asking about his favorite movies for dome reason? But they are members of the underground resistance together now and he’s not going to risk ticking this kid off and getting cataclysmed.
Alya is wary because Shadybug has tried to kill her several times these past few months… and now they are suddenly allies? Sure, that’s not weird or suspicious AT ALL.
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
Heart of Gold
This is for the marvelous, majestic, incredible birthday geese, @geesenoises. My love, I don't quite know what I'd do without you and your big heart and smart brain. You are so full of kindness, wisdom, humor and generosity. I simply adore you.
Thank you, also, for introducing me to Griff. For you, I have a little songfic offering based on "Heart of Gold," which as we've discussed is a great Drarry song. I hope I've done it justice. Enjoy!
Draco wonders when Harry will figure it out.
There will come a day, Draco knows, when Harry will come to his senses and realize that Draco—even at his best—isn't nearly good enough for him.
That idea is still somewhat foreign to Draco, still—this notion that being "good enough" can't be measured by a figure in a bank account, but is an imaginary value altogether that Draco has yet to calculate for himself. And yet he knows, viscerally, that on the hierarchy of Goodness, he is several rungs below Harry—shiny, smiling, giving, warm-hearted Harry.
Harry gives to charity at the supermarket. He holds the door for people. He picks up litter on the street. He volunteers at the animal shelter once a month. He has a smile for everyone and genuinely tries his best in everything he does.
Draco brushes past people handing out flyers on the street. He shamelessly takes the last muffin at work without asking if anyone wants it. He's selfish and he can be callous. He lets his anxiety and the urge to stay in his comfort zone overpower the shreds of a moral compass he's holding together in his soul with duct tape.
But more than that, Draco—deep down—still struggles to unlearn the lessons of his youth. He loves Harry—deeply, irrevocably and forever—and yet he still, constantly, has to swallow the instinctual judgment and prejudiced fear he was taught to internalize for so long. He doesn't act on it; he pushes the thoughts back down with all his might. But part of him hates himself a little every time it happens. He hates himself a little for knowing he doesn't measure up to what Harry deserves.
And, selfishly, he'll hold on to Harry–to this sacred love—for as long as he can.
Harry wishes Draco knew.
He sees it, sometimes; the flicker of self-flagellation in Draco's expression. Harry didn't know what it meant, in the beginning, but now he sees it for what it is—knows that it's Draco giving himself a mental slap for some imagined or arbitrary transgression.
Harry wonders if Draco knows it's okay to be imperfect—that he hasn't used up his chances in life to be wrong, to make mistakes and bad choices. He wonders if Draco will start to see that the best thing a person can do is try to do their best, each day.
He wants, so badly, to tell Draco all this. He could wax poetic about his love for Draco until he turns blue in the face; he could offer platitudes and comfort and reassurances. He could talk about how proud he is of Draco and how far they've come. He could tell Draco that everyone has thoughts they're not proud of—ones that make them cringe and scold themselves—but that what's important is how we act and treat others. And how we treat ourselves—with education and forgiveness.
But he knows words won't do what time can. Nothing will prove to Draco that Harry wants to be with him other than doing it. Living it out. Harry wants to give him forever, and that's a gift he can give every day, even if Draco doesn't see it at first.
And that's okay. Harry will give him time—as long as he needs—to figure it out.
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dujour13 · 1 year
Uno reversed the previous challenge of the KC explaining why they chose their LI - now it’s the LI’s turn!
Tagging everybody who wants to do this 💕
After the incident with the Abyssal huntresses, a decision had to be made whether to skirt the gorge or risk traveling through it. The chief had gone off scouting with Lann.
Up here on the ridge gusts of inconstant wind made Woljif's eyes water. He watched them disappear behind a twist in the path, tucked his hands in his armpits and headed back down.
In the sheltered hollow where they had set up camp he spied Daeran lounging about looking dangerously bored, fixing him with that pensive stare that meant he was cooking up a few dirty jokes or at least some juicy gossip.
Woljif sauntered over.
With a flourish like it was a gilt chair, Daeran offered him a rock and smiled with satisfaction as he took a seat. “I’m going to ask you an importune question.”
Oh. One of those conversations. Woljif rolled his eyes. “How about—"
“Why are you still here?”
Daeran and his importune questions. Just shy of rude enough to deserve a handful of Worldwound fire ants in his boots, and always expertly applied to a sore spot.
“The beans. Free food.”
“Come now, Your Unholiness, we both know your tastes run to the finer pleasures.”
“Finer pleasures like your ‘importune’ high-born company?”
Daeran laughed. “Indeed. I’m sure there has been many a moment when your feet may have carried you off, but my tongue held you back.”
“All right, I’ll stop. If you play along. Tell me: why are you still here?”
“You know the answer to that.”
“I want to hear it from you. I want to hear you wax poetic in your street vernacular. I want to hear the crow sing.”
“Yeah, so you can have a good laugh.”
“Not at all.” Daeran grew serious. “Truly, I assure you. I ask you as a friend because I want to know. I have opinions on the topic of love that I sometimes fear are… ingenuous. Poorly informed. I’m the lone and helpless man on the shore, watching the ships crack against the rocks. Never the poor sailor clinging for dear life, or sinking into the cold, crushing abyss, or the brave captain facing the inevitable.”
Woljif screwed up his face.
“I’m sincerely curious.” Though dulled by Worldwound gloom the emeralds of Daeran’s eyes seemed to smolder.
“Well, I dunno. You know the chief, you see it. I hear you even propositioned him once.”
“I proposition everyone.”
“Not me,” Woljif protested.
“True. I value your platonic companionship too highly.”
It was impossible to tell whether he was being sarcastic. “Yeah, right.”
“So you know what I mean,” Woljif shrugged.
“That doesn’t answer my question. It’s not just the fuckable charm.”
“It’s part of it.”
“And it’s not just a case of abasing yourself at the feet of the first person to ever toss you a scrap.”
“Why am I even talkin’ to you?”
“What? I said it’s not that. Stay right where you are. Please.”
Woljif sat back down but he wasn’t going to look happy about it.
Daeran once again fixed him with his intense green gaze. “Tell me. I beg you. What keeps you coming back to this godsforsaken crusade, to this—” He swept a ringed hand across the dismal campsite “—when you could be leagues from here?”
“All right.” Woljif looked over at the trail as if he could see the chief hiking back up over the ridge with his hair loose in the wind and his mismatched but oddly comforting colors, laughing at one of Lann’s lame jokes. “He’s nice. That sounds stupid but seriously. At first I thought he was a rube, but pretty quick I realized bein’ nice is his angle. I mean, I couldn’t get away with it, but he makes it work.
“And he’s nice without bein’ some holier-than-thou crusader. He’s good fun.”
“I concur wholeheartedly, and yet I’m not doe-eyed smitten with him. There must be something more.”
Woljif squirmed. His tail stirred the dust behind him. He’s gentle and warm and everything I always wanted and never had. A friend. A lover. Somebody I can actually trust to have my back. He sings nice. He massages my feet.
“I can’t explain it,” he shrugged. “He’s just him.”
Daeran shook his head and sighed theatrically.
Woljif blinked down at his boots. In his mind’s eye the chief came up and laid a warm hand on his shoulder. Said something funny like Just wait til you see what Lann scared up for supper. Played guitar and looked at him with those soft eyes he got.
“When I’m with him I feel good. I feel safe,” he confessed quietly. “I mean… I feel like it’s ok to be me.”
In the silence that followed Daeran turned his face away for a long time. At long last he nodded, rose, and retired to his tent without so much as a thank you, Woljif.
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inundatae · 6 months
a package for neuvillette just arrived! the wrapping is a pretty royal blue with intricate silver patterns all throughout. it's held together with a wide, translucent white ribbon tied into a neat bow at the top. the contents within contain an ornate stationery set consisting of a bundle of high quality, embossed note paper and a set of color coordinated wax sticks for sealing letters. beneath a weighted pen lies a stamped letter stating, in neat, wide spaced cursive...
iudex neuvillette, i regret that i will not be in fontaine by the time your birthday comes, so i hope that this gift finds you well. one can never have too much stationery, so i thought that this set from snezhnaya i came across a few months ago would make a lovely gift. please do tell me what you think of everything when we have tea again. may the skies stay clear, lord arlecchino.
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 anticipate when the seasons turn and autumn bows with all the grace and subtlety of a dancer upon the stage to the coming of winter. Already are the skies bright with the chill and promise of snowflakes still yet to descend. And yet for Neuvillette, snow is but a natural part of the world. Indicative only of the passage of time when for a nigh eternal being such as he, it is so easy to lose himself with the blurring of days. When the hours bleed together and he finds himself peering once more upon another sunrise, having yet to leave his office.
But it is not the snow that tolls the ending of the year, but another slow yet inexorable arrival that is as inevitable as the coming of the spring. The first of which awaits him, set with care upon his desk and so strikingly out of place amidst his papers and pens that he notes its presence immediately.
Ah, so it is to be that time then. The stray thought that always flits through his mind, the first confirmation and awareness aside from the casual minding of the dates that it is no longer fall. He cares so little for his own ‘birthday’ that he thinks to set it aside to be sorted through on another day. But as he turns the gift upon his desk, sliding the card attached to the parcel towards him for better perusal, he recognizes the elegant script addressed to his name at once.
So much to do, case files that still need to be read, a trial pending for the afternoon. And his day has yet to start. But with great care, Neuvillette begins to unwrap the present, gently lifting the edges of tape so as not to ruin the fine paper until at last he can work free the contents within. A quick read through of the missive offers clarity and in the comfort and privacy of his own office, he allows himself the smallest smile.
She is right of course. For all the many papers that line his desk, stacked within his drawers and atop the bookshelves, stationary given with sentiment will always hold far more value. It feels almost a crime to tear the first sheet free, but also fitting to pen his reply and thanks. The ink flows freely, his own precise script looking to her health and how Fontaine is considerably less with her away. Or rather, perhaps it is his own dubious attachment that’s blossomed since discovering something of a kindred spirit in the most unlikely of places.
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He does not add that thought to the letter of course, but he is more than satisfied with what he has written. The stationary and the pens take a place of honor on the corner of his desk. As for the wrapping and the bow itself, well, he places it within the top most drawer, filled with oddities one would not expect of the Iudex. But he is allowed his own quirks, and none but he are aware of the existence of the drawer containing trinkets and small tokens gifted to him through the years, mechanical gears and sea shells from Merusea Village. He takes care that it is not crushed as it joins the honored number and with another small smile, slides the drawer shut.
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ayamari-no-goshi · 2 years
Chasing Shadows (5)
AO3 -> First, last, next
Fandoms: Danny Phantom (DP) / DC universe
Summary:  THIS IS A CROSSOVER. As Bruce Wayne begins to slowly recover from the loss of his son, two separate mysteries open up old wounds. Who is the unknown leaving clues  hinting at a return to Gotham, and who is the phantom pretending to be  his lost son? Is it just a coincidence they’re active in Gotham at the  same time? Or are they connected?  
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, and questionable mental health
Parings: none
Notes: originally uploaded to AO3. Cross-posted to tumblr
After the trip to the graveyard, Bruce made plans with Alfred to remove the casket so it could be examined in the cave before heading to Arkham to talk to the Riddler. Nygma again denied knowing what happened to Jason’s body, even after having a couple of his fingers broken. Bruce believed him after that. He also didn’t recognize the wax covered pomegranate but was openly intrigued by it. Deciding it might be beneficial to let Nygma know this was the same person who sabotaged him months ago, he sat back and watched the man fume before offering his services to help.
Would it help in Bruce’s investigation into the “famous nobody”? Unlikely, but perhaps seeing the clues might jog something he heard or saw when he orchestrated the Hush plot that didn’t mean much to him at the time. He would bring photos of the clues to Nygma after he further examined the pomegranate.
After returning to the cave, Tim hesitantly checked on him before leaving him to his work. While he appreciated the concern, he didn’t want to be bothered for now.
The pomegranate ended up just being a simple pomegranate, but the wax preservation made it difficult to verify how old it was. However, he did discover the wax was made from Esparto.
While the plant found most of its modern use making paper and wax, Esparto was once heavily used to make ropes specifically for use on boats, and in parts of the Mediterranean, beekeepers would burn the plant to make the smoke needed to gather honey, honeycombs, and beeswax. Ropes and wax, more ties to the ancient epic.
Even the pomegranate had another tie to the story than he originally believed. In a few carvings of the Sirens, they were shown holding the fruit which signified their ties to death. This person did his research.
The next evening, he and Alfred removed the casket from the cemetery before he once again returned to Arkham. Nygma couldn’t hide how his features lit up when he reviewed the images of the clues from Nobody.
“While I wouldn’t have chosen such a subtle way of doing this, these are good,” he grudgingly admitted. “It’s interesting how this person keeps referencing life and death. Whoever your person is, he’s on his way back home and had been presumed dead, but you knew that already.”
Bruce knew that his silence on the matter would be taken as an affirmative. “Does anything about this seem familiar?”
“No, but this is the person who took that important object from you.” The Riddler’s eyes drifted towards the door where there were guards within earshot to let him know why he phrased it that way. That was strangely courteous, but it didn’t improve Bruce’s mood. “Hush didn’t take my words about you at face value. He received a second confirmation from someone else. While I didn’t personally meet him, Hush is the only one who did, I know he’s the one who caused you to fall which set everything in motion. This person knows an awful lot about you. I’m almost jealous.”
He knew his cut line had been purposeful, but it was nice to have a confirmation on who it was. It specifically put him in crime alley where he had met Jason. Whoever the ‘famous nobody’ was, there was a connection to his son, but what was it? Why had gotten Clayface to take on the appearance of an adult Jason? Why had he taken him? Knowing he wouldn’t gain anything further from Nygma, he took his leave and ran his patrol for the evening.
When he returned home, the casket waited for him. The first thing he noted was how pristine it appeared. The son of the man who made his parents coffin had made the one for Jason. His craftmanship eclipsed the work of his father, but even with the skill, it should have shown signs of time, especially inside of it. But there was nothing there. After examining every inch of it, he couldn’t find traces of decay from Jason’s body. His son had never been in it.
He knew full well he buried his son, but whoever took him had the coffin replaced. With it being identical to the original, he knew someone had gotten the coffin maker to duplicate it. Due to the cost involved, whoever asked for it must have either a great personal wealth, or the more likely situation judging by what he knew of the unknown, good connections.
Although it was unlikely the craftsman would give him any information, he would still try to reach out as Bruce Wayne to see if he could give him any hint of who may have commissioned the replacement. Even if he decided to provide any information, it would still take time to get it.
It seemed as if the replacement occurred recently. Perhaps, just prior to the Hush plot. But if that was the case, why would Phantom have said Jason was missing for at least two years? His body language hadn’t suggested a lie, so he at least believed it. It was likely that’s what the ‘famous nobody’ told him.
Though, there was the possibility that the ‘nobody’ didn’t have the coffin replaced. Instead, he was just aware of it and wanted to bring it to Bruce’s attention. If that was the case, maybe Jason was missing longer than he wanted to admit.
He needed to take a step back and reevaluate everything. Firstly, he would need to review who might have ties to Jason outside their family. Because, if he understood the motivations of this ‘nobody’ correctly, everything he did centered around his son. If he could figure out who it might be, he would be able to return Jason home faster. But if he couldn’t, he knew he wouldn’t be able to locate him until he found the final clue, and he had no idea how long that would take.
Dick found out about Jason’s empty casket from Tim. Of course, Bruce wouldn’t tell him. Just like how he didn’t tell him that Jason died. But this time, Dick could see the grief. He knew this was something he wanted to handle on his own.
That didn’t mean Dick couldn’t put feelers out for information when he was in Gotham. That’s why he was currently stalking the shadows of Crime Alley. Sometimes the low levels chatted when they thought they weren’t in earshot.
But right now, the most interesting conversations were about someone new in the area. They didn’t know much about him other than he was slowly pushing the low-level thugs, traffickers, and drug dealers out of the area. They were calling him the Red Hood due to the red helmet he wore. While it wasn’t much, it did potentially match up with the unknown pulling the strings regarding the ‘famous nobody’ and even Phantom.
He didn’t seem to be present all the time in Gotham per what he’d gathered, but he seemed to be coming and going more frequently than he was. The criminals didn’t know anything about the man other than he seemed to work alone, and that he was well-trained. Once, he even heard someone mention he was just as stealthy as Batman as no one seemed to hear him coming. If that was true, it made him even more dangerous as few people could do that.
Eventually, he made his way to a warehouse on the edges of Crime Alley that a few thugs had reported seeing Phantom near recently. While it wasn’t the Unknown he wanted to find, if they could locate Phantom’s base of operations, it could lead them back to the other one.
Slipping into an open window, he carefully made his way around the upper perimeter of the building. At first, he didn’t catch sight of anyone, but as he moved towards the east side, he began hearing voices. They were indistinct at first, so he crept closer.
“… getting worse.” The strange voice with the echo could only belong to Phantom.
Dick took the chance to move a little faster in order to see the meta. He was floating near another large figure who was facing away from Dick. The unknown man had his shirt removed, and there seemed to be strange greenish markings on him. Were they tattoos?
If only he could get closer, but that would further risk him being spotted. For now, he just needed to wait and watch.
“They weren’t visible like this until after I faced the old man,” he explained as he rubbed his hand along his left arm, almost tenderly tracing what Dick could make out of the markings. So they weren’t tattoos? Or were they something more mystical?
He also noted the Unknown’s voice held a Gotham accent. But if Dick wasn’t mistaken, it also sounded a lot younger than he expected. Was this person only in their teens or early twenties? That would line up with someone who might have known Jason when he was still alive.
Phantom shifted so he looked like he was sitting in the air. “The last time that happened, was when you let Robin catch sight of you. Are you sure you want to continue this?” When the other man tensed in preparation to speak, Phantom held up his hands. “I know why you’re doing this. Heck, I even agree with you, why else would I be helping? But whatever that woman did to you did something to your body. You know it. I know it.”
So Phantom was working with this unknown, and he, at least, believed he was willingly doing so. That didn’t rule out he was tricked into believing that.
“I don’t recall ever mentioning that to you.” A clear warning crept into the unknown’s voice.
“Oh, the scary eyes.” Sarcasm dripped off of Phantom’s voice before it shifted to a more serious tone. “Look, I can sense it. Whatever it is, it’s similar enough to what prevented me from having a true death.” He angrily gestured at the man. “I’m worried it’s tipping your goals into a true obsession. You promised me the only people you’d hurt were criminals, and, if it came to it, Batman. You could have killed Robin with that stunt in the cemetery! He had nothing to do with what happened to you! And don’t get me started on what you pulled with Man-Bat! You didn’t warn me about that one because you know I would have tried to stop it, right?”
A flash of anger raced through Dick’s body. This man was the ‘famous nobody.’ The one who hurt took his brother’s body.
Phantom also suggested he was the one who hurt Tim. But Bruce had been absolutely certain that was Clayface. Was it possible they’d switched places sometime during the fight? The cowl footage of the fight did show the unknown bleeding at one point, and Bruce did loose track of him in a few frames. That would make sense with how he showed himself at that press conference. It also helped strengthen the claim that Tim briefly saw him when he was in civies.
What in the world was this man after? If he hadn’t altered his appearance, then he did look a great deal like Jason would have, if he ever had a chance to grow up. Though, he was a lot bigger than any of them would have expected. His brother was believed to have stunted growth due to malnutrition.
But Jason was dead. He knew that, but something in the back of his mind kept nagging at him. Could it be possible he was somehow back?
That didn’t make any sense. While Dick personally knew a few people who had come back from death, the miracles that gave them back their lives hadn’t touched his brother. Besides, what would Jason have gotten out of doing all of this? It also wouldn’t explain who or what Phantom was. The more he learned, the more confusing it got.
“I… I went too far with the kid.” Nobody’s voice sounded troubled as if he was confused with his actions. “It should have gone no further than the threat. I just needed to see how he’d react… I wanted to see if there was regret... pain… something.” He gave a humorless laugh as he grabbed his shirt off the nearby table and put it on.  
“Good,” Phantom gave a sharp nod, “as long as you’re aware of that.”
“I should give you the same warning.” When the meta jolted in surprise, Nobody gave a fond chuckle. Dick still couldn’t see his face. “Dove, you know how I feel about teen heroes, but I should have known that nature of yours would cause you to get directly involved in the fights. Even without all the ghostly bullshit you deal with, the feeling of stopping the bad guys and helping the innocent can be addicting.”
“Don’t call me that, and I’m being careful!”
“For now you are.” Nobody sighed as he ran his hand through his dark hair. “Look, don’t take any unnecessary risks. You’ve been a big help, and I don’t want to hear you walked into a trap. Even the best heroes fail eventually, and I still won’t be in the city full time for a while.”
“Can I at least get a warning of what you’re planning next time?”
“What? And ruin the surprise?” Nobody fingered a red helmet that was sitting near where his shirt had been for a moment before putting it on. “Besides, you never know when a little birdy is watching.” That statement seemed a little too pointed. Did he know?
“Head home, kid,” the man ruffled Phantom’s hair before gently shooing him.
After brushing his hands away, the teen smoothed his hair before sticking out his tongue. “Don’t call me that. You aren’t all that much older than me.”
“But I’m still older.” Even through the voice modulator of the helmet, Dick could hear Nobody’s playful tone. No matter what this man was, he seemed to have a genuine fondness for Phantom. “You’ve been doing a lot recently, so make sure you take time to rest. I don’t want to hear you were back on the streets tonight. You know I have ears everywhere.”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t go dying again on whatever trip you’re taking.” With that, Phantom faded from view.
Dick quickly switched to the thermal and watched a cold form slip through the east wall. Sending a message to Tim, Babs, Steph, and Cass, he hoped one of them was close enough that they might be able to further track him.
But there was another abnormality on the thermal, Nobody. He was so cold it almost was as if he was a cooling corpse. How was this man alive? Was he even human?
Nobody, the Red Hood, glanced in his direction. Oh, he absolutely knew Dick was there. Crap. Well, the man was in a talkative mood, he might as well oblige.
“Nightwing,” the man greeted as Dick dropped down to the floor. He made no defensive move but with the helmet covering his head, it was difficult to gage any tells he might have regarding what he was planning.
“I’ve been hearing people calling you the Red Hood.” Dick remained on guard as he watched the man. Now that he was closer, he could verify the man was nearly as tall as Bruce and built similarly. He also wore several gun holsters, all of them filled. They knew he had some sort of firearms training, but they didn’t know the extent of it.
Hood shrugged. “Several people have used it throughout the years. What’s one more?”
“Right.” There was something about the way he phrased it that made Dick pause. Not many people were aware that the moniker had been used periodically throughout the years. “What’s Phantom to you? If you’re harming him…”
“Oh, have you developed a fondness for the little ghost? Does he remind you of the brother you lost?”
Ignoring the sting of his words, Dick grabbed his escrima sticks. “That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Nor does it answer mine,” Hood tilted his head slightly, “but I’ll indulge you. I have only asked him to help me place my clues when the occasion needed it. He took it upon himself to watch over you and the others. If I could, I’d stop him from getting involved with the costumes of Gotham, but I can’t do anything to stop a ghost’s obsessive nature other than redirect it.” He retrieved one of his handguns from its holster and pointed it at Dick. “Heed my warning, Nightwing. If you or the others let anything happen to him, there will be hell to pay. Even the dead can die again.”
Dick didn’t wait for Hood to pull the trigger. Instead, he bounced out of the line of fire and lunged at the man. Strangely, the man stayed on the defensive and pulled away as opposed to immediately fighting back. That changed when he leaped over the table his gear had previously been on and kicked it at him.
As he dodged and attempted to find Hood again, he felt something hard press into his back. He went still as he tried to gage the best way of escaping.
“I’m not interested in fighting you,” Hood told him. “My grievances are with Batman, and only Batman. You and the others don’t need to get into the crosshairs.”
He twisted in hopes he could knock the gun out of the man’s hand, but Hood seemed to be aware of what he’d try and pulled back just in time. “What do you want with him? And why, why would you take Jason?”
“I didn’t take the lost Robin,” he responded slowly, almost as if he was carefully choosing his words. “He was in that grave less than a year, but no one ever knew because no one bothered to visit.” He slipped a smoke bomb out of his utility belt and detonated it. “And for why I’m here… Ever think that sometimes the dead can’t rest until they’re fully avenged?”
Dick tried to switch back to the thermal to see where Hood went, but the smoke disoriented him enough to prevent more than catching his strange heat signature moving up into the rafters before disappearing. Nothing about what just happened made any sense to him. Red Hood, who had brutally dispatched some of the criminals in Crime Alley and purposely caused a fight between Batman and Man-Bat, hadn’t been interested in fighting and provided more questions than answers.
Had he taken Jason? Or did someone else did, and he was making an elaborate game out of their ignorance of the situation? While Bruce would want a report, Dick decided that he wanted to verify the timeline Hood suggested first. Calling Babs, he asked her to help him find any evidence that his brother had been missing for years longer than they ever expected.
In the month that followed Dick’s confrontation with the Red Hood, they made little progress in determining who he was. Bruce had retraced Jason’s life and anyone who he associated with before and after coming to the manor. Every person had been reliably accounted for, whether alive or dead.
Their best chance at identifying him, outside of questioning Phantom, lied in the strange markings on his body. They didn’t appear to be traditional tattoos. Judging by what Dick overheard, they were possibly a type of illness or even a curse. He had hoped to consult Zatanna at the next League meeting, but everything related to the Red Hood had temporarily been put on hold due to Tim’s exit.
Jack Drake, Tim’s father, discovered his son was the current Robin. Infuriated, he threated to expose everything Bruce and his immediate and extended family worked for over the years. Tim made the impossible decision to hang up the cape and go willingly with his father. As much as he missed the boy’s presence, Bruce couldn’t fault him.
Just as he was getting used to the idea of working primarily by himself again, Stephanie Brown broke into the Batcave. She’d been helping them as Spoiler for a while, but her skills were lacking but improving. However, she admittedly blindsided him when she showed up in a homemade costume which looked similar to Tim’s and demanded to become the new Robin. With some reservations, he agreed as long as she was willing to undergo better training.
For a while, it appeared she would be a great Robin, but after a nasty run in with Mr. Zsasz, a psychotic serial killer who had escaped Arkham, Bruce had second thoughts. The man attempted to take Stephanie as his next target, but she fought back and nearly killed him. While Bruce understood the need to protect herself, Stephanie had taken it too far. It was especially troubling after Bruce learned Phantom helped her escape, and she went back to incapacitate the criminal.
But the finally call came when she openly disobeyed his orders. Yes, she did so to help him, but she’d proven multiple times she wouldn’t follow instructions to the point it created more issues. He couldn’t trust her, and as a result, forbade her from donning the cape ever again. He should have known she wouldn’t listen to him.
odyssey clues:
Stop 8 was the island of the sirens. This one was a little trickier which is why there were 2 plants. Firstly, some carvings of the sirens depict them with pomegranates. Those are famously associated with death due to the myth of Hades and Persephone. But the Esparto has a neat connection too. Ancient cultures, including the Greeks, used the fibers to make boat ropes. Odysseus tied himself to the mast while they passed the island. It can also be used to max wax, which Odysseus' men put in their ears, but in some places, the fibers were used to make smoke for beekeepers to get honey, honeycombs, and beeswax.
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quietlyimplode · 2 years
kiss the dread
(And darling I hope you remember, to kiss the ghosts goodnight, they are old versions of you)
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travel through the shadows with me - pt 1 // pt 2
(Warnings for implied csa (not discussed just alluded to as a throw away line), poor coping strategies including stress positions and dissociation; gif not mine)
Chapter One
She’s found him in an apartment block in Serbia.
For a spy, he’s easy to surveil.
He doesn’t do much.
She sets up cameras in his apartment when he goes out, gently touching his belongings with gloved hands and then sets his most basic traps back to how they were.
She knows that the simplest of traps are often then most effective but these are the mark of someone who doesn’t value his life.
Natasha rents the apartment nearby, close enough to be piggybacking off his WiFi, which makes hacking into his computer and email easy.
It’s dangerous perhaps, but she doesn’t think she has anything to fear from him.
A week she watches.
She comes to know him, more than what his dossiers say. Abused as a child, lived in the circus, military man, and someone who uses arrows instead of guns.
And has a near perfect shot.
He’s strange.
He’s nothing like she’s ever experienced.
As she watches him she also realizes that Hawkeye, is measured, and consistent; he seems almost normal.
This is the man that saved her life.
He likes watching documentaries over sport, he knows how to cook and he just seems kind.
He feeds the pigeons on the balcony every morning and buys flowers in the market.
Natasha watches and contemplates life. He offered her a way out; employment, defection.
The daunting feeling of entropy is terrifying.
There are days that she feels like everything is too hard. It’s where she loses time in dissociation and panic.
The reason she gets out of bed, is to make sure he’s still there.
Those days, she comes away with scratches she doesn’t remember doing, a sore head and stiff body.
She tries to find ways of grounding herself.
There’s a candle she buys when she’s following him into the market; and when she feels herself spiraling, the scent helps.
When she lights it, she watches the match until it burns down to her fingers and she drops it down into the wax.
She likes the concept of fire, of rising from the ashes, and the theory of renewal.
She doesn’t know how long she watches it for but it reminds her breathe, the soft flicker of a flame burning bright, gives her a sort of hope.
Natasha passes the days deep diving into Shield. She looks for anything on the Red Room but there’s not much, if she goes further it will set off alarms; so she restrains herself and her curiosity.
But only just.
She wants to know if they know anything about the North Project, about Melina, Alexei, god especially Yelena.
There’s nothing she can see, but it’s not to say it’s not there.
There’s information on Hawkeye, on Nicolas Fury, the head of Shield. The man has one eye. A fact that she finds humorous.
How does he watch everything?
Everyone? She laughs to herself and leans back. There’s not much information she can find on him, or his second in command, Maria Hill.
But at least she has the names.
And names mean something.
She deliberately triggers herself watching Disney films.
It’s familiar, the feelings of panic and stress. She prefers it than the nothingness that she sometimes feels, the cold empty feeling that she’s not really even here.
Overloading her brain, bringing forth her memories gives her a power over herself and time away from dissociation.
It means that she can feel herself in her body, her heart rate increases and the hollow feeling recedes.
Natasha repeats the words, and is on auto pilot, word for word, and it’s comforting; until it’s not.
It helps her to pass the time especially at night, and sometimes she falls asleep reciting the words.
It’s not healthy, she knows, she has enough insight into herself that it’s self destructive, but there are times that she can’t sleep, can’t regulate down without something that matches how she’s feeling.
It turns into nightmares most nights. Natasha wakes up out of breath, panic clawing at her skin.
Other times she wakes up, overheated and sweating, no memories or reason why, but the overwhelming feeling that something is wrong.
The lack of sleep puts her on edge, and it’s the most frustrating feeling because when she isn’t doing anything, she feels like she should be.
Natasha resumes her exercise routines, the ones from before her capture.
It helps to bring normalcy to her day and she notices that he does it too.
The days that she can do it, she does, the days she can’t, the ones that she can’t get out of bed and intrusive thoughts beat her up, she makes herself sleep, grief and pain bearing down heavily.
His routines don’t seem so intense as hers, but as she watches him talk to his handlers, there seems to be more camaraderie in his interactions.
There’s give and take, and negotiation and as she listens in, there almost seems to be familiarity and friendship.
SHIELD does not seem like the worst option.
The day comes where she’s almost spotted, made, and Clint Barton realises that there’s someone following him.
She hopes he hasn’t realised it is her.
She’s not ready for it, not ready for the decision or to make contact; she’s happy in this weird holding pattern.
She runs home, and makes it through the threshold of the door, and promptly vomits in the toilet.
It’s not a failed mission.
It’s not.
She’s in charge.
No one is coming for her.
No one will torture her for fucking up.
Her panic bubbles and she stares at the cameras for any clue about what he noticed.
She doesn’t stop staring as he makes contact with his handler; as he gets told he’s being pulled from Serbia, and that if he thinks his mission is compromised then he needs to return home.
He negotiates a week extension, and she can’t help but wonder why.
She’s being pushed into decisions that she doesn’t want to make yet.
She has a week.
A week to decide whether she defects her country.
To go against everything she’s ever known.
To become someone else; and maybe not be her any more.
Not that she likes what they’ve made her.
It sends her into a spiral. It’s a panic deeper than anything she’s felt in a very long time. She can’t get her breathing under control.
The decent is terrifying.
She tries grounding herself.
She tries triggering herself.
She tries going to bed.
It doesn’t work.
The longer it goes on, the worse it is, her brain won’t even let her dissociate; the thoughts going round in her head give her a migraine and the only way she knows to cope is to sit on the bathroom floor.
The coolness seeps into her legs and it’s not enough. She lays down, and it’s still not enough. She has an option.
It’s a last resort.
Time honored punishment as a child in the red room.
She hates herself as she moves into her favourite stress position.
The one she found easiest, but never failed to clear her mind.
Kneeling on the tile, knees pulled apart, pain radiates up through her thighs and into her adductors, her back already painful as she laces her fingers together behind her head.
She starts counting doubles.
When the binary digits get large enough that she can’t hold onto them anymore she stops, her brain finally quiet.
She releases her position and sits against the wall, pain radiating but breath slow.
What is she going to do?
What was it she told him?
Trust takes time?
What is it that she wants most in life?
The answer comes to her as soon as she thinks it.
She wants Dreykov dead.
She doesn’t much care about herself and her future but if she accomplish that… it would be something.
If it ends in her defection then so be it.
If it ends in her death, then that’s ok too.
Decision made and propositions running around in her head, she devises a plan.
Natasha takes the day away from watching him. There are some things she needs to do for herself.
Getting her ears pierced and getting her hair colour back to her own is important to her. If she’s going to do this, she’s going to do it as herself.
They pierced her ears when she was 5, told her she needed to look pretty.
They didn’t say who for and when it came time for that mission, she wanted nothing more than to be the ugliest girl in the room.
The men that had stared, and told her she was a good girl, a pretty girl and she should come and sit on their laps.
She hadn’t understood then what she knows now.
Natasha heads to the beauty salon and asks them to pierce her ears and colour her hair. They invite her in, all smiles and kindness.
A woman approached Natasha and introduces herself as Milica.
Natasha nods, explaining what she wants. Two piercings in her left ear, just above her earlobe; one for leaving and one for the journey ahead.
Milica nods her assent and gets it done quickly, inserting the studs in, the quick shot painless, but it makes Natasha feel different somehow.
Body autonomy is so rare, that she feels emotional as the lady holds up a mirror to show her.
“Your neck looks sore.” The stranger remarks.
Natasha touches it self consciously. The mark is from before her capture, healed almost, the stitches falling out weeks ago.
“Sorry.” Milica says. ”I have a similar one.” She pulls her hair away from her neck to reveal a burn scar running from her ear to her neck.
“I’m sorry,” Natasha whispers, looking at it, mesmerized.
“It was a long time ago.” She says with a smile, and it’s true, the skin is mottled and still slightly discolored, but healed all the same.
“Yours looks slightly newer.” She remarks.
Milica starts on Natasha’s hair, talking as she brushes it, and begins to wash it.
“I only say something, because sometimes, no one has given the opportunity to do so. I am a stranger, to you, if it’s something you’d like to talk about, or anything really, it’s likely you’ll never meet me again.”
Natasha’s eyes well, her head tipped back, vulnerability at its peak.
“You’re not from around here, are you?” The lady asks, perceptively. “You speak Serbian well, but your accent. Maybe, not the same.”
Natasha pauses.
“Russia.” She admits.
Milica nods. “Russia.” She affirms. “Are you safe?”
The woman is oddly perceptive, as Natasha nods her head, wondering just how much to divulge.
She takes a deep breath.
“I’m leaving.” She’s deliberately vague, unsure of her words.
Milica nods.
“You are brave. I think.”
Natasha pauses.
No one has ever called her brave. Stupid. Lazy. But not brave.
“I’m not.” She refutes.
There’s a guffaw and she leans back to see the smile on her face.
“That’s a lie.” Milica tells her seriously as they make eye contact. “Leaving anywhere is hard. Being anywhere new, leaving what you know, in any sense of the word, is one of the more difficult things in life.”
They’re silent for a while, as Natasha ruminates on her words.
“Endings are hard. But beginnings can be good too.” Milica says serenely. “Even if they end up somewhere you don’t expect to go.”
Natasha is silent as the woman continues to blow dry her hair.
“What if don’t think you can do it?” She asks quietly. She’s not even sure that Milica hears her over the hair dryer.
She feels hands on her shoulders, and suppresses the shudder, the feeling of human contact foreign.
“You can do it. Even if no one else believes in you, I believe in you.”
Natasha bites down on her lip, emotions swelling and threatening to break through.
“Thanks.” She whispers.
Milica lets her up, and hands her back her hair ties. “Do you want me to braid it back?” She asks, referring to the way Natasha entered the store.
It’s one step too far, having someone braid her hair, too intimate, too close to familial emotions. She shakes her head and puts it into a low bun.
She turns and finds Milica looking at her up and down.
“Can I give you a hug?” Milica asks.
Natasha nods. And it’s the second time, in the past couple of months that’s she’s voluntarily taken on touch.
The hug is deep and quick with a whisper in her ear.
“Good luck. You can do this.”
Natasha heads to the front of the shop with one last look at perhaps her only supporter in life, pays with cash, and leaves.
Natasha stands outside of MTS, the electronic store is mostly white, and admires her hair, now almost back to it’s natural colour.
She spots one the archer had used and buys two outright to the woman’s surprise.
She gives over a fake ID and asks her to hook up two SIM cards to the service. The throw away ID is easily disposed of later, but, she honestly thinks it doesn’t matter.
She puts the numbers into each phone so there is only one number.
She sets the phones up to how she likes it, and then shuts them off, leaving the shop and thanking the lady.
Picking up a milkshake, from the ice creamery in the same bank of shops, she walks through the shopping centre, sipping on her drink taking the time for herself.
She stops in front of the jewelry shop, and stares. In the front, there is a necklace with an arrow.
She doesn’t know what overcomes her, her legs taking her inside, her mouth agape.
“Ma’am?” The sales lady approaches her, she thinks assuming she’s American.
She answers her in Serbian, asking how much the necklace is.
The woman smiles.
“For your partner?” She asks, with a smile.
Natasha fakes a smile back. “Something like that,” she answers, not elaborating.
She buys it.
Maybe as a thank you for saving me, maybe she keeps it for herself as a reminder of the arrow man that saved her life.
She’s not sure just yet.
As she walks away, and heads back to her apartment, she feels grounded for the first time in a long time.
Natasha waits until he goes to bed. She situates the phone and the necklace on his balcony, hoping that the morning glisten of the necklace will catch his eye.
If not, she’s going to have to call it; but she likes the idea of him making contact with her first.
She settles back in her apartment, laying down, knowing that if things go to plan, nothing will ever be the same again.
She wraps a handcuff around her wrist, the calm washing over her, as she situates the laptop to her right laying on her side to watch him too.
As day breaks, she watches with interest as he packs up everything.
He keeps turning on the kettle and not making tea, sidetracked and busy with other things it seems, she watches him carefully.
The third time, he clicks the button on the kettle, he walks off, finally moving to the balcony.
It takes a moment, but he spots her package, perhaps the glint of the necklace, he looks surprised and she can’t keep the smile off her face.
He unlocks it and presses the call button.
Twice, she lets it ring.
“Hello, Clint Barton.”
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ultraguardindia · 12 days
How PPF Protects Your Car's Paint from Scratches and Chips
Automobile lovers care for their cars as if they are their kids, and their main concern is that they do not get a single scratch. It is not feasible to leave your automobile unattended in an open area as there are numerous reasons and opportunities for it to be ruined. This is where PPF comes into play. However, we will teach you inside this blog how PPF Coating for Car can be used to shield your vehicle from unintentional damage, so read on for more information.
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What is PPF Coating for Car?
Paint Protection Film (PPF) is a polyurethane film coating that is put to the outside of your car and is transparent and long-lasting. It serves as a protection, keeping the paint safe from stains, chips, and other types of damage brought on by rocks, bugs, road debris, and even inclement weather.
How Does PPF Work?
Car Paint Protection Film forms a protective shield between your car's paint and outside factors when it is expertly applied. Because of its self-healing qualities, your car will continue to look perfect over time as little dings and swirl marks fade.
The Benefits of Using Paint Protection Film for Car:
Ultimate Protection: PPF offers unparalleled protection against scratches and chips, preserving the pristine appearance of your car's paint.
Long-lasting: With proper care, PPF can last for years, ensuring that your car maintains its resale value.
Aesthetic enhancement: The transparent property of PPF allows your car's original paint color to shine through, Which helps in enhancing its overall appearance.
Easy Maintenance: Unlike waxing or polishing, PPF requires minimal maintenance. Simply wash your car as usual, and the film will continue to protect without needing additional treatments.
Why Choose PPF over Traditional Methods?
Using waxing or ceramic coatings, as a traditional method has come a long way. They offer some level of defense but lack the durability and comprehensive coverage provided by PPF. Paint Protection Film (PPF) is specifically designed to withstand the rigors of daily driving, offering peace of mind to car owners.
PPF Application Process:
Surface Preparation: Before applying PPF, the car's surface is thoroughly cleaned and prepped to ensure proper adhesion.
Precise Application: Skilled technicians carefully apply the PPF to each panel of the car, ensuring a seamless and bubble-free finish.
Customization: PPF can be customized to fit the contours of any vehicle, including complex shapes and curves.
The Growing Trend of PPF in India:
Nowadays everyone searching for the best paint protection film in India. Because, where road conditions can be challenging, the demand for paint protection film is on the rise. Car owners are increasingly opting for PPF to safeguard their vehicles from the harsh elements and maintain their aesthetic appeal.
Paint Protection Film (PPF) is a game-changer for car enthusiasts who want to keep their vehicles looking pristine for years to come. With its advanced technology and comprehensive protection, PPF offers the ultimate defense against scratches and rock chips, ensuring that your car's paint remains flawless. Say goodbye to worrying about unsightly blemishes and hello to a sleek, showroom-worthy finish with PPF.
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expresscbd · 12 days
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ultrashieldx · 13 days
What Is Paint Protection Film (PPF)?
I. Introduction
Imagine driving your brand-new car off the lot, its paint gleaming under the sun. But as the miles add up, so do the scratches, chips, and fading. This is where Paint Protection Film (PPF) comes to the rescue. In this blog post, we’ll dive into what PPF is, its benefits, application process, and how it stacks up against other paint protection methods.
II. What is Paint Protection Film (PPF)?
Paint Protection Film is a clear, durable film made from thermoplastic urethane applied to the exterior surfaces of a vehicle. Originally developed for military applications to protect helicopter blades from debris, PPF has evolved into a popular solution for protecting automotive paint.
III. Types of Paint Protection Film
Self-Healing PPF: This type of PPF has a special topcoat that can repair minor scratches and swirl marks with heat from the sun or a car’s engine.
Matte PPF: Unlike traditional glossy PPF, matte PPF provides a unique, non-reflective finish while still offering the same level of protection.
Customizable PPF: Available in various colors and patterns, customizable PPF allows car owners to personalize their vehicle’s appearance while protecting the paint.
IV. Benefits of Paint Protection Film
Protection from Physical Damage: PPF shields your vehicle from scratches, chips, and abrasions caused by road debris.
UV Protection: It prevents paint from fading due to prolonged exposure to the sun.
Chemical Resistance: PPF protects against bird droppings, tree sap, and other corrosive substances.
Aesthetic Preservation: Maintains the showroom shine of your vehicle.
Cost Savings: Reduces the need for frequent repairs and repainting, saving money in the long run.
V. Application Process of Paint Protection Film
Preparation of the Vehicle: The vehicle’s surface must be thoroughly cleaned and prepped to ensure proper adhesion of the film.
Installation Techniques: While DIY kits are available, professional installation is recommended for the best results. Professionals use specialized tools and techniques to apply the film smoothly and without bubbles.
Post-Installation Care: After installation, it’s crucial to follow care instructions, such as avoiding car washes for a few days to allow the film to cure properly.
VI. Comparison with Other Paint Protection Options
Ceramic Coatings: Offer excellent protection and a high-gloss finish but do not provide the same level of physical protection as PPF.
Wax and Sealants: Traditional methods that offer temporary protection and require frequent reapplication, unlike the long-lasting protection of PPF.
VII. Frequently Asked Questions about PPF
How long does PPF last?
High-quality PPF can last between 5 to 10 years, depending on environmental conditions and maintenance.
Can PPF be removed?
Yes, PPF can be professionally removed without damaging the underlying paint.
Will PPF affect the appearance of my car?
PPF is nearly invisible and designed to maintain the original appearance of your vehicle.
Is PPF worth the investment?
For many car owners, the long-term protection and preservation of their vehicle’s value make PPF a worthwhile investment.
VIII. Choosing the Right PPF for Your Vehicle
When selecting PPF, consider factors such as climate, driving conditions, and the level of protection needed. Reputable brands like XPEL, 3M, and SunTek offer high-quality films. Reading reviews and consulting with professional installers can help you make an informed decision.
IX. Real-World Examples and Testimonials
Many car owners have experienced the benefits of PPF firsthand. For instance, one owner reported that their PPF-protected car remained pristine even after a cross-country road trip. Professional installers also attest to the film’s durability and ease of maintenance.
X. Conclusion
Paint Protection Film is a smart investment for anyone looking to preserve their vehicle’s appearance and value. By protecting against physical damage, UV rays, and chemical contaminants, PPF keeps your car looking new for years. Consider exploring PPF options and consulting with professionals to protect your vehicle effectively.
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herculescarwash · 17 days
Safety Features in Modern Car Wash Systems
Safety and efficiency are essential in modern-day car wash systems. Machines from reliable manufacturers incorporate advanced features to protect the vehicle and operator, accelerating the cleaning process. Let's explore what makes touchless car wash equipment popular in the auto maintenance industry and what's in for you.
Key Safety Features
Choosing a suitable car wash equipment for sale involves careful consideration. These machines are fast, safe, and help keep your expenses low. In most cases, safety is the number one priority, after performance and several other factors. So, the three most important features that make these modern-day systems invaluable include the following:
·      Damage Prevention
This is one of the most important safety features in a car wash machine. It prevents vehicle damage during washing, waxing, and sealing applications. This not only retains the vehicle's appearance and integrity but also maintains your relationships with high-value customers. 
·      Spot-Free Rinse
Modern equipment also includes spot-free rinsing capabilities to reduce human error and manual drying processes. This feature again enhances vehicle safety, boosts efficiency, and allows handling more vehicles with less time and effort.
·      Maintenance Protocols
New-age systems are also easy to maintain. Just a few minutes every month, and you're done. This reduces the likelihood of accidents or malfunctions while promoting a safe and more productive working environment. 
Importance for Operators
What's in for the operators? Better safety features can translate into multiple operational benefits. Three important ones include: 
·      Reduced Liability
Improved safety features lower the risk of damage to the vehicles being cleaned. They also ensure that the operators and employees remain safe, reducing liabilities. 
·      Increased Productivity
With a system designed to wash, wax, and seal over a hundred vehicles in a day, operators have peace of mind. They can achieve better output with less manual labor, boosting productivity. 
·      Cost-Efficiency
Operating and maintaining an automated car wash system reduces long-term operational expenses. You can cut down labor, repair, and replacement costs, getting the best bang for your buck.
The Role of a Professional System Manufacturer
Now, getting your own car wash bay is one thing, but getting it from a reliable manufacturer is entirely different. Someone like Hercules Systems, Inc. can help you choose best-in-class solutions for your unique needs. They can also offer personalized advice to help you get started with this lucrative opportunity. A car wash bay installed at your car dealership, taxi fleet, or ambulance service can help you remain on your toes. You don't have to rely on any third-party business for this service. Not only does it bolster your business model, but it also helps maintain top-notch vehicle care. 
Partner With Hercules Systems for Assistance
At Hercules Systems, we've provided innovative car-washing solutions to countless customers over the last few decades. Our services are tailored for high-volume businesses like municipal fleets.
Our bestsellers—Hercules 3000 and Hercules 6000—possess the quality and efficiency needed in these fast-paced vehicle wash settings. They are engineered to turn a simple wash bay into a profit center for you. 
If you're looking for a custom car wash mechanism for your business, you're at the right place. Let's connect, and you'll see the difference yourself.
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royshepherd58 · 1 month
10 Strategies For Organizing Residence Office
And, if require get a response within 1 week or two, you can remove their link from your own personal website. Don't hesitate to enjoy the fun along right onto your pathway to relationship happiness! Another time I went through the an ebook that hasn't been cheap to buy and it just didn't contain too much I didn't already become familiar with. I was just about to ask about for a refund (and no,I don't make that happen often, just a few times EVER) when I made the decision to look again in the ads that made me bite on your offer. The seller had not misrepresented anything. And his offer and presentation were not "junky". I merely had learned more about the subject than Believed and hadn't realized thought. Good for me! The additional value for me then became studying the fact that very good ad repeat. I didn't ask for that refund. View More: topquangngaiaz.com - Top Quang Ngai AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Ngai AZ: Bùi Trúc Hạ - Bui Truc Ha Keep the shaven area well moisturized between shaves by a new skin moisturizer or baby lotion. Tin Top Quang Ngai AZ Higher . reduce the uncomfortable effect the stubble may cause between shaves. In Canada, exports are "zero-rated" sales for F.S.T. purposes. This retail environment significantly when you ship solution praised to someone outside Canada, you don't charge W.S.T. Yet, you start claim (or deduct contrary to the G.S.T. collected by you) all the "input tax credits" (G.S.T. that you paid for business purposes) to make that ship. The idea, I suppose, is actually encourage forwarding.
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View More: topquangngaiaz.com - Top Quang Ngai AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Ngai AZ: Bùi Trúc Hạ - Bui Truc Ha What is it these types of performers and their national politics? Do they really think that people who pay $100 or more to hear them sing want to hear them utter political opinions? The audience pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to see and hear a performer PERFORM. You need to spout politics, run for freakin office, you moron! When performers use a paid venue to play politics they are abusing the paying audience, the venue, the sponsors and everyone connected to their artistic performance. It's an inappropriate venue and inapproprite behavior to voice your political viewpoint, you jerk! And they usually wonder why people boo. Let me give you with a specific illustration. As all experienced Internet marketers know, "the money with the list." Simply put, you wish to build a mailing list of subscribers who can be interested of what you provide. Tin Top Quảng Ngãi AZ News Eyebrow hair differs in a the most of them at any moment are all of the resting or telogen point. This means their regrowth rate is slower than other hair. It is wise therefore to avoid over plucking eyebrow look of your hair. Check the salon that does Brazilian waxing beforehand to confident it is hygienic Quang Ngai Viet Nam as well as the aesthetician is authorized. The license will likely be displayed.
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Option 5 various. Bend the knees and keep the legs wide apart therefore the genital areas are to be able to work in relation to. Put a mirror on the ground if necessary better master. One of my daily habits this is actually the foundation of my every day life is spending 1-2 hours every single morning feeding my body physically by taking exercise and feeding my mental spirit by reading or listening together with motivational marketing. This habit warms me up during ahead. Avoid showering and need to hair wet prior to waxing. Hair absorbs normal water making it soft and much less likely to adhere well to your wax. Tough hair is easier to pull off. Everything we do is northwest producers for personal growth. Because get better at integrating your business activities with who an individual might be and your priority of values for your period of their time that are generally in, you will begin notice yourself operating your business in a first-class new degree of effectiveness and profitability.
So in order to this new camera. Now you're browsing front of something like a display in excess of film that you've ever enjoyed. All you want to do is take some great family photos anyone don't know where to start. Here's short guide to help you started. As for the link cheaters, in the interest of internet honesty and fair play, webmasters who offer a reciprocal link exchange should abide by the arrangement. If someone links you you should honor the web link exchange and reciprocate. Suggests adding another party's link to your pages. Or, if you smart idea not to reciprocate really have the professional courtesy to email the other party stating that their link has not been favored. Many of them devices have tweezer discs in the pinnacle which rotate picking within the hair in the way and plucking them out of your root. Many are contoured in a way related to glide easily over every aspect of the body. As Quang Ngai Viet Nam dead skin cells are removed in this process the skin can feel quite smooth afterwards. The hair waxing action does increase the risk for skin to sting as well as several find a soothing skin healing cream end up being helpful afterwards. Some persons find the skin responds to redness and bumps which disappear after a few hours. They are really simple to use with any existing hair removal method (excluding depilatories). They reduce in addition to stop new hair growth. They may not work with everyone. Results: After 3-6 months, significant reduction in hair growth, in a few cases, irreparable. Walking in integrity means our thoughts; actions and feelings are normally aligned, all in accordance all congruent (in agreement). Actively and consciously inhibiting and holding back our thoughts and feelings takes work Allow it to lead to stress, ultimately affecting our immune system often putting us in danger of major and minor disease. Have fun describing yourself without making excuses about why you're on the internet site or who convinced that finally use the internet. Tell us what makes you unique. In conclusion: Shaving is one of probably the most common for hair removal the world over. It is inexpensive, quick, and conveniently done at quarters. Tin tổng hợp Top Quảng Ngãi AZ The negative factors are that it has to be made frequently and the skin can suffer unless precautions are taken. .c. The engraver may lack the confidence or expertise on the inside particular area of engraving asked for. There are many forms of engraving. Most engravers do not specialize in a variety of areas. Chances are you'll need to referred to another engraver better equipped to perform task. Say you sold a subscription for accessing digitized content (from various sources) against your own Canadian site to a customer in united states of america. Since there are no restrictions in terms of where the intangible personal property may be used, along with the property is not considered intellectual property (nor the provision of a service), the American customer is subjected to G.S.T., even when he never comes to Canada. View More: topquangngaiaz.com - Top Quang Ngai AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Ngai AZ: Bùi Trúc Hạ - Bui Truc Ha Written By Author in topquangngaiaz.com: Võ Thị Như Thắm - Vo Thi Nhu Tham Written By Author in topquangngaiaz.com: Trương Hoàng Nhật - Truong Hoang Nhat
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damgaardclemensen72 · 1 month
Using Those Business Cards
And regularly test new in order to see the direction they work an individual. Final word: It must be said each and every individual responds to shaving differently. Print copies of the things you come. Another time I undergo an ebook that hadn't been cheap spend money on and just didn't contain too much I didn't already acknowledge. I was just about to check out a refund (and no,I don't do that often, only a few times EVER) when I decided to look again in the ads that made me bite on a offer. The seller had not misrepresented a thing. And his offer and presentation were not "junky". I simply had learned more regarding the subject than Believed and hadn't realized the house. Good for me! The additional value for me then became studying ideas presented very good ad copy. I didn't ask for that discount. View More: topquangnamaz.com - Top Quang Nam AZ
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Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Nam AZ: Nguyễn Thị Mai Huyền - Nguyen Thi Mai Huyen Professional engraving is more costly. Top Quang Nam AZ It takes several experience to increase the skill and to get the tooling necessary you should do the performance. Tin Top Quang Nam AZ 24h It is quite normal for uncover a bargain of the engraving to exceed the price of of the items by often times. Only the can evaluate if the finished article get worth it to them or always. Tin tổng hợp Top Quảng Nam AZ They are really easy to use with any existing hair removal method (excluding depilatories). They reduce properly stop growth of hair. They may not enhance everyone. Results: After 5 to 6 months, significant reduction in hair growth, in several cases, on going.
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View More: topquangnamaz.com - Top Quang Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Nam AZ: Nguyễn Thị Mai Huyền - Nguyen Thi Mai Huyen So shaving tools and accessories effort for one may not serve as well a different. Hence the need for experimentation and practice to get the ideal shaving results. After you really stop and think about it, manage your new friend's reaction is large advertisement if when you meet in my ballet shoes it's obvious you're not the person they thought they would be summit? "Oh . hi. I see you have been dishonest with me from the get-go here, but hey, I'm still thinking now we have a great shot at having an open, trusting relationship for your long-term" Obviously not. As dead skin cells Quang Nam Viet Nam cells are removed in this particular process your skin can feel quite smooth afterwards. The hair waxing action does make the skin to sting several find a soothing skin healing cream to helpful subsequently. Some persons consider the skin reacts with redness and bumps which disappear after a few numerous. Items that lack certain qualities can be ruined by attempts to engrave themselves. Many items today aren't solid metal but are cast a great inexpensive alloy and plated finish. In all of the cases quality plating can survive some engraving processes but more often than not the plating will peal or allow corrosion under the engraving causing severe problems down the way. Professionals will minimize the amount of of repeat applications the actual same determine. Those not so skilled comes over and the same area thus prolonging the pain sensation or uneasiness. Opt for any more expensive good quality razor as compared to a cheap throw away which is more likely to cause nicks, soreness and razor burns in this sensitive territory. You ain't ever gonna get rich selling $20 items. Seriously, include some higher priced goods and services in your marketing. They'll give you less sales, but more profits. You will know when sell and soon you try! Attempt not to fall into the trap of advertising any old thing since get a substantial commission. Integrity is important, too. When researching the main cause of hair decrease in women sorts to the role of DHT and oil. Understanding how they customize hair follicle can assistance developing a method to together with hair hurt.
What is it with these performers and also politics? Do they think people today who pay $100 or maybe to hear them sing want to listen them utter political views? The audience pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to see and hear a performer PERFORM. Anything to spout politics, run for freakin office, you moron! When performers make use of a paid venue to play politics effectively abusing the paying audience, the venue, the sponsors and everyone connected to artistic record. It's an inappropriate venue and inapproprite behavior to voice your political viewpoint, you snazzy jerk! And they wonder individuals boo. Running the fingertips in the shaved area is an effective method of ensuring an end thorough gently slice. The sense of touch will alert for you to stubble and missed patches it always be difficult to determine in the mirror. They're in order to be hurt, and unhappy. And, your relationship is unlikely to pass over the wave goodbye simply because friend gets back in their car to travel home. This laser hair removal method can mainly for eyebrows and facial hair. A person skilled in threading should perform technique. Results: Up to a few Quang Nam Viet Nam weeks. It one other important that you re-invest part of your profits into your business! That way, distinct will company continue to grow, it's GROWTH RATE will as well as improving! This consequently brings in profits, enables you to invest MORE within the business. A person see a pattern!? Soon, this became the norm, not the exemption. There were constant problems within my houses. Unhappy tenants produced poor upkeep of the property and far more maintenance circumstances. About one year, after Experienced amassed 26 houses, I felt having along with roughly 10-15 houses and/or tenants 7 days. I was evicting a minimum of two tenants each month, and approximately four to seven tenants were either behind on rent or even otherwise paying within. Promises were made, payment plans arranged and few, if any, ever followed through. Now, if good grammar isn't your strength, donrrrt worry! I write and edit for a living, so this stuff is my backpack. My point is this : you should *check and double-check* all communications you return out, an individual risk blowing your standing. Don't even think these 4 marketing fiction. They're not true. Marketing based on it will a person to to lose sales. Instead, apply the related marketing tips I included after each myth to boost your quick sales. Believe it or not, being a dater much more places upon the fringes of society or even in the fraction. Online dating has almost adults and moved into the mainstream, and so you are now able to happily think the face-saving qualifiers of past times online are usually obsolete. And, more importantly, just be aware that they don't help your cause when meeting others online. Strangely, operates logic doesn't apply when an American buys a normal book (or a car) which might bring into Canada with him and employ here. Occasion true which is easier for Canada to assess such items at the border in comparison with cyberspace, however i know of no cases of Americans being taxed on the books or cars they bring all of them when presented to live Canada for roughly half the majority. View More: topquangnamaz.com - Top Quang Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Nam AZ: Nguyễn Thị Mai Huyền - Nguyen Thi Mai Huyen Written By Author in topquangnamaz.com: Võ Văn Duy Lâm - Vo Van Duy Lam Written By Author in topquangnamaz.com: Nguyễn Trần Bảo Trâm - Ngyen Tran Bao Tram
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faberhester87 · 1 month
Using Repackaging To 'Go Big' Utilizing Online Biz
You'll definitely need professional advice to convince you through E-Commerce Taxland. Now with CoolGlide technology, all kinds of skin can be treated. As well, each province and territory has specific rules. If obvious true, only businesses that charge cheap prices would exist. Way to obtain backlinks buy where they get the cheapest selling price. But most consumers are more considering about getting value for their money than acquiring a great deal. View More: topquangnamaz.com - Top Quang Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Nam AZ: Nguyễn Thị Mai Huyền - Nguyen Thi Mai Huyen As for that link cheaters, in a persons vision of internet honesty and fair play, webmasters who offer a reciprocal link exchange should observe the choice. If someone links to you you should honor the web link exchange and reciprocate. Big adding another party's backlink to your webpages. Or, if you made our minds up not to reciprocate perhaps have the professional courtesy to email the other party praoclaiming that their link has not been accepted. Many dermatologists warn however that shaving against your hair growth can trigger ingrown hair and irritation and it can make the skin sore and sensitive.
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View More: topquangnamaz.com - Top Quang Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Nam AZ: Nguyễn Thị Mai Huyền - Nguyen Thi Mai Huyen Shaving is one of many popular method of removing unwanted body hair out of all the hair removal methods available. Top Quang Nam AZ News It's economical, and it could be done at condo. When something interesting happens in your life, tell us about it in your profile sentiment. This is a great way permit your online friends in on this might be like to actually spend time with you can. That's the main goal of internet dating isn't it, to find people you'd finally in order to meet and spend time with face-to-face? Anyways, it is actually more fun to learn about a crazy experience you've just had than liposuction costs the same descriptions individuals and your cat which have been on a profile for months from this day forward. You ain't ever gonna get rich selling $20 items. Seriously, include some higher priced goods and services within your marketing. Acquire less sales, but more profits. You will not know when sell and soon you try! Attempt not to fall in the trap of advertising any old thing anyone get a significant commission. Top Quảng Nam AZ 24h Integrity is important, too. The hazard of this myth is that it causes many marketers to believe they can succeed without doing much marketing or giving. Top Quang Nam AZ News They think their services is so special that you ought to automatically generate hordes of paying customers. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen that way. Apply lots of shaving foam or gel over region and leave for for several minutes to soften further. Ordinary soap is not suitable because does not lock inside of the moisture Quang Nam Viet Nam into the hair how the shaving preparation cream or gel definitely does.
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Tip: Another thing limit your customer's decision making to either "Yes. Tin Top Quảng Nam AZ I'll buy." or "No. I won't buy". Don't risk losing them by including "which one" decisions. In conclusion: Depending on your own level of skin sensitivity or pain toleration, texture of hair and rate of hair growth, waxing hair removal may definitely viable option for you. Check out the links in the resource box for suggestions on how to make benefits last longer and to confirm out a quality supplier to enjoy a huge range of the latest waxing merchandise.
Color is everywhere and conveys some text even if we don't realize it. Could message can vary by culture cash advance lenders to know what colors "say" in your own corner of the universe, and even what color to be able to your target niche. One of the most means to beat to increase your mailing list is make use of a pay-per-lead service an individual PAY a small business to bring targeted subscribers to you have. The company will run an advertising campaign in which you and deliver motivated, opt-in subscribers to one's list. The cost can vary greatly determined by the information you have. The e-mail lead packages I've been using recently coming from $.10 to $.35 per lead. Possess really stop and assume it, whatrrrs your opinion your new friend's reaction is will be if have got meet the first time it's obvious you're not the person they thought they were going to be hooking up with? "Oh . hi. I see that you've got been dishonest with me from the get-go here, but hey, I'm still thinking we certainly have a great shot at having an open, trusting relationship for the long-term" Obviously not. As dead skin cells cells are removed in this process Quang Nam Viet Nam skin can feel quite smooth afterwards. The head of hair waxing action does increase the risk for skin to sting is actually find a soothing skin healing cream to get helpful eventually. Some persons run across skin reacts with redness and bumps which disappear following a few hours. Goods shipped to Canada are susceptible to G.S.T. on importation. Such tax is usually assessed at the border. Top Quang Nam AZ 24h But what when you are a Canadian registered for Gram.S.T., selling to a Canadian customer but your supplier is in a foreign country? You ain't ever gonna get rich selling $20 items. Seriously, include some higher priced goods and services with your marketing. You can obtain less sales, but more profits. Will not know when they sell soon you try! But don't fall into the trap of selling any old thing when you get the commission. Integrity is important, too. Everything we all do is an opportunity for personal growth. Anyone get better at integrating your business activities with who happen to be and your priority of values for your period of the time that you are in, can actually begin notice yourself operating your business in a remarkable new associated with effectiveness and profitability. In Canada, exports are "zero-rated" sales for .S.T. purposes. This means that if ship anything to someone outside Canada, you don't charge W.S.T. Yet, you get to claim (or deduct from the G.S.T. collected by you) all the "input tax credits" (G.S.T. that you paid for business purposes) to make that foreign trade. The idea, I suppose, end up being encourage exporting. Be particular to wash skin color thoroughly and dry rid of it beforehand to remove any lotions or oils which may prevent the wax from adhering closely towards the skin. View More: topquangnamaz.com - Top Quang Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Quang Nam AZ: Nguyễn Thị Mai Huyền - Nguyen Thi Mai Huyen Written By Author in topquangnamaz.com: Võ Văn Duy Lâm - Vo Van Duy Lam Written By Author in topquangnamaz.com: Nguyễn Trần Bảo Trâm - Ngyen Tran Bao Tram
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Don't Just Wash It, Wow It: A Comprehensive Guide to Car Detailing
Does your car look a little worse for wear? Built-up grime, faded paint, and a messy interior can happen to the best of us. But before you resign yourself to a lackluster ride, consider the magic of car detailing. Detailing is a multi-step process that goes beyond a simple car wash, reviving your car’s appearance and protecting it for years to come.
What is Car Detailing?
Car detailing is the art and science of restoring and preserving a vehicle’s condition, both inside and out. Detailers employ specialized techniques and products to clean, polish, and protect every inch of your car. This can include:
Exterior Detailing: A thorough wash, decontamination to remove embedded dirt and debris, paint polishing to restore shine, and waxing for long-lasting protection.
Interior Detailing: Deep cleaning of carpets and upholstery, stain removal, conditioning of leather surfaces, and cleaning of windows and dashboards.
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Benefits of Car Detailing
There are many advantages to having your car detailed regularly. These include:
Enhanced Appearance: A detailed car looks stunning, turning heads wherever you go.
Improved Value: Regular detailing helps to maintain your car’s resale value.
Paint Protection: Detailing protects your car’s paint from harmful UV rays and environmental damage.
Interior Refreshment: Enjoy a clean, fresh-smelling interior that’s free of dust, dirt, and allergens.
Pride of Ownership: Taking care of your car shows that you value it and keeps you happy behind the wheel.
Choosing a Detailing Service
There are many professional car detailing services available. When choosing a detailer, consider the following factors:
Experience and Reputation: Look for a detailer with a proven track record and positive customer reviews.
Services Offered: Choose a detailer that offers the specific services you need, such as paint correction or leather treatment.
Pricing: Get quotes from several detailers to compare prices and services.
Convenience: Consider whether you can take your car to the detailer or if they offer mobile detailing services.
With a little research and effort, you can find a car detailing service that will transform your car’s appearance and keep it looking its best for years to come.
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