#Walon vau’s boys
clonewarslover55 · 1 year
Delta Squads biggest fans  Part one
The first meeting 
@papanowo had the awesome idea that the Bad Batch are huge Delta squad fans. They even made this incredible art about it! I loved the idea so much I decided to write a multiple fic series on it. 
I had too much fun with this first chapter, and I am way too excited to write the following ones! Stay tuned for those, and if you want a tag please let me know! 
This fic and the series that will soon follow wouldn’t exist without @papanowo and their incredible art!! 
Warnings: None this is just some fun and cuteness! 
Being the biggest fans of the Delta Squad began early on for Clone Force 99. They were nothing more than kids when they first heard about them.   Commandos, Null’s, and Alpha clones are all a bit older than most clones, even older than The Bad Batch.When they were still nothing more than young trainees, seeing the commandos and alpha’s pass by always star struck them. But one group more than others, a group of misfits with the same face, Delta Squad.
They first met the Delta Squad in a brief passing, when the Delta’s were leaving target practice and The Bad Batch was on their way to target practice. They were nothing more than kids, looking up into the faces of some badass teenagers.
Leading a small group of four commandos was a tall mandalorian, completely clad in black, an odd creature trotting by his side. The creature growled their way when it passed, drool hanging from its fierce jaws. Wrecker flinched when the six legged beast passed with the mandalorian, Hunter putting a hand on his brother's back to steady him. The mandalorian didn’t even seem to notice them, not even sending a nod in their direction.
Following the mandalorian and his beast was Delta Squad, the group that Clone Force 99 had only heard about through rumors. And by rumors, I mean what Tech had read after he hacked into Kamino’s systems. He always told his brothers about what he read, especially when it was about the Delta’s and other badass squads. The stories they heard about the Delta’s were always the best. From fights in the cafeteria to explosions caused by one grenade loving member, it was always something new and different with them! It didn’t take long for the Bad Batch to become superfans, Hunter secretly being the biggest fan.
Their dream was to always meet the Delta Squad, but they haven't yet had an opportunity.
Until that delightful day, their loaded schedules finally lining up just enough that they saw each other in passing. The Bad Batch couldn’t believe their eyes, staring up at the older teens. The commandos looked down at them, noticing the stars and awe in the young misfits' eyes. Both groups paused, the one they came to know as Boss, the cleanest and less scarred one, winked at them. He continued on after his mando sergeant, the one known as Fixer already ahead of him by then. Fixer was known by the temporary cast on his arm, which he got from an accidental explosion caused by the grenade loving Delta, Scorch.
When Boss winked, Hunter nearly passed out. As Tech tried to get Hunter to breathe, Sev ruffled Crosshair’s hair as he walked by, “Keep practicing with that sniper rifle kid, and maybe someday you'll be better than me.” His gruff voice made it sound like he growled at the words, which only made Crosshair smile more. Sev didn’t look back as he caught up with his squad, so the young misfits didn’t see the smile pulling at the scars on his face.
Scorch just gave them all a grin, shooting finger guns their way before giving Wrecker a fist bump. Wrecker squealed in excitement and shook his hand in Tech’s face, “He touched me!!! Tech he touched me!!!! I can never wash this hand again!!” And Tech just grimaced and moved away from Wrecker’s hand, “That's gross!” and Wrecker just shrugged, staring at his first in pure awe
“Yeah well, Sev talked to me, so I win.” Crosshair grinned at Wrecker, walking into the practicing room with a confident swagger. Wrecker huffed and slouched in defeat, giving Hunter a sad look when he patted his back. Hunter couldn’t help but smile, Boss winked at him!!! At him!! He hoped to be as great a leader as Boss one day.
That day they were a bit distracted during target practice, all too excited by getting to meet their heroes! They all deeply hoped they would get to see the Delta’s again, maybe even get a chance to talk with them.
It was their biggest dream, and soon it would come true.
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modouse62 · 2 years
Scorch Hobbies
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Alternative ending: Happy and hole Delta squad live's happy ever after in a comfy home where Scorch likes baking (with full armor to protect his eyebrows).
He is suprisingly good at it and likes doing cookies in shape of nerfs, fish, explosives and sargent Vau.
Everyone eats and likes them, especially the omegas and his pod brothers.
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isurrendertoclones · 2 months
Sev on Mygeeto: But you taught us stealing is bad and Skirata’la. 🥺
Vau: Not this stealing.
Sev: Oh, ok.
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cienie-isengardu · 11 months
My RepCom Musing: if there were (clone) strills everything would be much better
For me, the biggest missed opportunity & disappointment of the Republic Commando story is that NO ONE APPARENTLY CAME UP WITH IDEA TO CLONE MIRD. And I swear, everyone would be better off with strill puppies (kittens?) around. Like seriously. Vau? Mird is what kept Vau alive and happy for decades and is literally what makes Vau soft and caring. Now multiply Mird and Vau won’t magically change from hardened veteran & harsh training sergeant into overprotective, overemotional dad, sure, but it would definitely make it easier for him to show his care and deeply hidden emotions once each squad of his batch gets a cute lil clone!Mird to take care of (and be taken care of in return). Can you imagine all the cadets’ excitement and wonder for their own strill, for the unconditional love and loyalty of an highly intelligent and smart animal and for the Vau’s trust given alongside it? All the things boy!Vau must feel at some point too, when he was stuck with an abusive family or shortly after leaving them and be on his own in an unknown, uncaring galaxy? Can you imagine him swarmed by the puppies and clones with a thousand and one question on how to deal with strill so he could unleash all his love for Mird on everyone around?
Or Atin, after losing his first batch mates? Or even after Geonosis? No point for violence when you can drop an emotional support animal on a hurt, depressed human being. Deltas too could benefit from lil Mird. What could be better than a strill for emotionally stunted people with even more an emotionally shut down trainer? Beside the whole long-term therapy, I mean.  
Jango too should get a strill, the man is like one, walking trauma and Boba would be better to hang out with a loyal pet than Aurra Sing or other assholes.
Where is a cute lil clone!Mird for each squad of Vau’s batch, I demand to know?! A loyal strill  to make everything better? WHY NONE OF YOU in-universe SMARTASS THOUGHT TO GIVE MIRD A BUNCH OF SMALL PUPPIES (KITTENS) TO MAKE KAMINO A BIT BETTER PLACE FOR THE STRILL, VAU AND CLONE CADETS? Everyone would be mentally healthier!
Well maybe beside Kal who could have a heart attack once Jaing brought the strill puppy or two or a whole pack and Skirata was forced to explain how that happened to overprotective Vau & Mird XDDD 
UNLESS Vau wanted to do so but Kaminoans, remembering that this animal hunts them down out of boredom decided FUCK NO. Then I will accept the canon as it is, but only then…
(I do remember Vau sicing Mird on Ordo in book canon but I will admit I do not have a clue what was the point of this action besides making us, readers, to dislike Walon on the spot. I mean, killing people and physically trashing cadets? Sure, it makes sense within his characterization. But using Mird like that without any logical reason and just for fun? Nah, I will pass. Like Ordo lacked trauma and reasons to dislike strill and Vau when Kal had plenty of his own complaints about Walon to pass to his kids.)
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Love your writing
I was wondering if you could write a Vau daughter x one of Kal Null boys maybe ordo or mereel because the family functions wouldn't function
Summary: You’re the long estranged niece of Walon Vau, your father having cut him out of his life, and yours, after his carelessness caused you to lose a leg. However, when you graduate medical school, Kal Skirata reaches out to you to offer you a job, and you, happily, take the chance.
Pairing: Ordo Skirata x F!Reader
Word Count: 1237
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I hope it's close to what you wanted. I already had an idea for a Vau daughter as a character, I just had no ideas to write her, so I put her here. Also, I was listening to the Hamilton Soundtrack when I wrote this, hence the title.
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“Welcome to my humble home,” Kal Skirata greets you with a kind smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners as you step down the ramp and over to him, “I’m glad you agreed to take the position.”
You shrug, “Mother and Father were irate. They’re rather done with Mandalorians, I’m afraid.”
“Well, that’s understandable, given the situation.”
“True. As it happens, I have no interest in seeing my uncle, so-”
“He’s not here. And I haven’t told him that I hired you.”
A bright smile crosses your face, “Then there shouldn’t be a problem. You said you had a situation that you were hoping that I would be able to fix? On top of being a proper doctor for your sons?”
“Exactly so,” Kal motions for you to walk with him, “How much do you know about the boys I adopted?”
“Not much,” You say as you easily fall into step with him, “Other than the fact that they’re clones of Jango Fett.”
“They are,” He leads you through the base, “They have sped up aging, which means, as a whole, they have maybe twenty years before they start dying of old age.”
“Well, I can understand why you want that fixed.” You murmur thoughtfully, “I don’t suppose you have any information from Kamino-?”
Kal chuckles, “If I had that I wouldn’t need you, would I?”
You sigh, “Well, there was no harm in asking, I suppose.”
Kal leads you to a door, “Here we are. Your suite. And your lab is just down the hall.” He hands you a keycard, and you wave it in front of the lock, allowing the door to slide open.
The suite is large, with a full kitchen and a separate bedroom, looking more like an apartment than anything else. It’s not decorated, but you can work with that. You’ll order some paint and make it yours, when you have some free time. 
“Is there anything you need?”
You set your bag on the coffee table, “Can I see my lab?”
“You don’t want to get settled?”
“Well, I have to wait for my stuff to get delivered anyway, so I might as well take a look at what I have to work with.” You reply with a shrug.
“Of course, follow me.” Kal leads you down the hall and to the lab, and you scan the room with an expert eye. Large, open, clean. 
Yes. You can work with this.
There’s a man on the other side of the room, setting up a computer. “Ah,” Kal smiles and guides you over to him, “This is one of my sons.” He says to you, “Ordo, meet the new doctor.” Kal introduces you by name, and you’re not surprised at the way Ordo’s face twitches when he hears your surname.
“Walon Vau is my father’s older brother,” You explain as you scan his face, your head tilted to the side, “It’s uncanny. When you said clones, I thought that they just used Fett as a template and randomized his DNA, not actual duplicates.”
“That is what ‘clone’ means, ad’ika.” Kal replies, amused, and you wave his comments away.
“If I recall correctly, Jango Fett was predisposed to asthma-”
“That’s not a concern. All of the Clones were genetically altered so that they don’t have to worry about that kind of stuff.” Kal replies.
You fold your arms, “Well, that’s going to make my life so much more difficult.” You tilt your head back and think for a moment, “No matter, I’ll make it work.”
Ordo frowns at you, “I suppose, since you’re here, we’ll be getting more visits by Vau.”
“Well, if he shows up, feel free to shoot him…or whatever.” You say dismissively, “He’s not allowed near me. Legally speaking.” You wander off to look at your new toys, “Ah, I almost forgot,” You turn to look at Kal, “My leg isn’t going to be a problem, is it? I’m testing a prototype prosthetic for the next couple of months.”
“It won’t be a problem,” Kal says.
“Grand.” You turn your gaze back to the lab, “This looks great, actually. It’s kind of big, for one person, but If I need to use my chair for whatever reason, there will be plenty of room.”
“Great,” Kal walks over to you, “Do you need anything else?”
“...blood samples. From every clone on base.” You pause, “And everyone else.”
He narrows his eyes at you, “Why?”
“Comparisons. Unless you have a vial of Jango Fett’s unaltered blood on hand?”
“...I do not.”
“I didn’t think so.” You smile at him, “So…blood. From everyone.”
Kal sighs, “Yes ma’am.”
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It’s been a year since you’ve started working for Kal Skirata, and, all things considered, you don’t have a bad life. 
You’re busy, sure.
But your work is important, and, all things considered, you love it. 
You glance to the side as the door to your lab slides open, and Ordo steps into the room.
“Still working, mesh’la?”
“Always,” You spin your stool so you’re facing him, “What brings you to my humble lab, Ordo?”
Ordo eyes one of your machines, which is covered in rubber ducks, “Humble. Right.”
“Hey! The machine won’t work unless the ducks are all there.” You say with a defensive frown.
Ordo shoots you an amused look, “Of course it won’t.” He crosses the room to your side, “I’m here, mesh’la, because someone decided to skip lunch.”
“...it’s only…”
“Dinner starts in 30 minutes.”
“...ah.” You pause, “In my defense, I thought I was onto something.”
“You’ve already cured the enhanced aging.” Ordo replies as he prods you to your feet with gentle touches.
“Well…yes. But! I could cure it better!” You say.
Ordo circles you and tugs your lab coat off, before he tosses it over your desk, “You’re not curing anything until you eat. Come on.”
“Don’t you ‘but Ordo’ me. You, little miss, passed out three weeks ago because you forgot to eat four meals in a row.” Ordo says, “Which means you now have a babysitter, in the form of me.”
“...I don’t remember that.”
“Yeah. Because you were unconscious.” He lightly pushes you out of the lab, and you turn so you’re walking backwards, and his hands land on your shoulders, “Mesh’la-”
“Does this mean that we’re going on a dinner date?” You ask, with a bright grin.
Ordo laughs, “You are relentless about going on a date with me, aren’t you?”
You grin at him, unrepentantly. 
He leans in, “If it’ll get you to eat, Mesh’la, then yes. We can call this a date. Though, neither of our families will approve.”
“I don’t care about what my family thinks. And your family likes me well enough.” You counter, “And, I love you, so-”
Ordo averts his gaze, “How you can say that so easily-”
“Because it’s true!”
“I believe you.” Ordo looks at you again, and smiles softly before he kisses your forehead, “I…” He pauses, “I care about you too.”
You grin at him, and pop up on your toes to kiss his jaw, “So. Dinner? I have nice pasta in my suite that I can make while we watch a movie?”
Ordo presses his hands against your cheeks and squishes them, “You’re impossible. You’re lucky you’re cute.”
You beam at him.
“Yes, fine. But I want some of that cheesy bread you made last week, if I have to eat pasta.”
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mamuzzy · 1 month
This blurb was born from a conversation where we talked about how no one is there for Kal to counter, oppose or punish him for his decisions and deeds therefore the author favors him over the characters who are critical about him.
Mind that, this wasn't meant to go after anyone, just my observations about the character I deeply love.
If we see this as some dramaturgy aspect, Kal already got his punishment and judgement from others, but that happened in the past. By the time we see Kal in Triple Zero, he is already at his redemption arc!
Long rambling about Kal Skirata under the cut.
Kal lives a life that is not suitable for a family that requires all parents to be at home, and from the narrative, it's really similiar to the military families in real life.
When they say, he was never home, usually they don't mean that the children and the wife never saw him. It's more likely, he was at home for months or two and then went after a bounty. Difference is, in peace time you usually know when will your soldier husband return, but as a bounty hunter, I think it's unpredictable when you will see your family again, or in family pov, when you will see your husband or father again. There was a sentence I think, where it was stated Ilippi at first enjoyed being a wife of a famous bounty hunter and it was pure love at first (you know: sounds cool in theory, but actually having a soldier-boyfriend/girlfriend demand sacrifices), and probably the money was good (couples and families with children often staying together for financial safety eventhough they both know it's not working).
The two oldest boy had time to understand what is happening between Kal and Ilippi. The oldest boy was 8 when their divorce happened - that's the time when Kal wanted to take the boy with him to hunt.
Thinking about a lot about Ruu, and I think she already raised in an environment where she barely seen her father but was too young for understand how that affected the rest of the family.
Now if the boys already had hate for their father, it was because of the mother's influence. I think this is a perfectly valid women representation. Not the one, people want to see in fiction, but valid and real. Also real, because Ilippy decided this life is not for her and her children. Kal and Ilippy had cultural clashing many times. She realized that she doesn't want this for herself and left. And this is something people in bad relationship usually doesn't have the strenght to do it. Ilippy is fucking valid.
But I also understand Kal too, because he had an expectation how he will raise his children but chose the bad partner for it. Their relationship never was about "them", there was either Kal's way or Ilippy's way. Their expectations never matched. Yet Kal never ceased to love his wife or biological children, he financially supported them until his sons disowned him as well because he couldn't be there for them when Ilippy died (I think it happened when Kal was already on Kamino).
Kal got his punishment by being disowned by his wife and later the boys too. There was a scene in the 501, where he thought about his part marriage and started to understand her ex-wife better. Kal tries to redeem himself by giving everything to his boys he couldn't give to his biological family. He really sucks at it, he makes dire mistakes, but he is trying.
(To be continued with more blurb about the relationship between Kal Skirata and Walon Vau, Nulls and the Commandos he raised. And Darman himself. Maybe Ny too.)
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nightfall-1409 · 2 months
sev bit?? sev bit?? I want to know about sev bit 👀
I've elaborated a little about how I think that Sev, the sniper of Delta Squad, acts as a really interesting mirror to Crosshair in TBB. Where Delta Squad, now sans Sev, goes on to become Imperial Commandos, Sev's planned route vis a vis the game developer in a never-created sequel for Republic Commando (the game) was for him to go on and help start the early stages of the Rebellion.
I think especially after we've now seen fucking Commander Scorch (my boy what have they done to you), it's even more interesting. So, where Scorch has become a commander next to fucking Hemlock... Sev is getting off Kashyyyk with the only living Jedi on planet w/ him who's unaccounted for and does a lot of work for the rebellion, in line with the plans had mentioned— Mr. Quinlan Vos.
It's a scene from an upcoming chapter of Reconvene, whenever I get around to Omega finally interacting with Walon Vau... More/less, obviously we as the Reader of Repcomm know that Walon a) is going to go after Sev and b) cares WAY more about him than Sev ever knew , and ofc, Sev's last thoughts in O66 are him being afraid of his failure. The juxtaposition with Vau having the audacity to ask if Sev knew he cared....when I get you sir.
Here's a sneak peek 👀
“You didn’t come back.”  The Mandalorian points out, clearly looking for something, dark visor on a black helmet tilting expectantly.  Sev scoffs. “I knew what would be waiting for me after failing.”  He shook his head.  “Kid died, sure.  But then they looked at me, asking why I didn’t follow the Order.  Katarn saved my ass.  Again.”  He says after a beat.  “Vos came for the kid.  Had a spare speeder.  Because the Jedi didn’t just leave us to die.  They came back.”   And they didn’t. You didn't.  These unspoken words are like deep knives in someone's back, the Sergeant seemingly taking a moment to collect himself.   “Delta had orders from the Jedi.”  The Sergeant’s voice is strained.  “To leave you.” “My squad would have been with me again that night if not for the Order.”  Sev rebukes.   “They followed protocol, your protocol— complete the mission, don't go back for the weak link because it'll only get yourself—" He cuts himself off. "I don’t blame Delta.”  His words are soft, then.  “As far as they could have known, I was dead.  It’s been years, now.  I’ve moved on from it.  The Order came, they followed it, and I didn’t.  Quin blames it on the head trauma.” “If that’s the bar, then Scorch shouldn’t have listened to it either.”  His voice carries no heat, and is surprisingly devoid of all emotion.  Sev gives a ghost of a snort.
Neither of them say much of anything, for a long moment. “You know,” Sev restarts, eyes intense as he sizes up the other man.  “I wondered, how this would go.  Pictured it, pictured you ripping me to pieces, beating me within an inch of my life, killing Quinlan like you always said you wanted to. Hated myself, for the longest time, for the failure, for the fear, and I told myself you drilled it into me this hard because you wanted me to live.  I told myself I was afraid because I'd earned whatever would happened to me when you got your hands on me, because I'd failed, I'd deserve it.” He shakes his head.  “But I’m not afraid because I deserve it.  I’m just afraid of you.”
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butchhansolo · 8 months
oh so I’m not way into O66, like I’m still on page 215, and it’s taking me a very long time to finish because honestly I'm losing interest, it feels like KT’S just reusing TC’s plot as far as I am in the book
There’s also this one scene at the very start of the book with Kal when he’s a kid and he’s just lost his bio parents and a mando group just picked him up and they’re all running away from something (I forgot what), and his Mando dad (I don’t remember his name fnfnjdks) is yelling at him after Kal’s fallen to the ground cause like, that’s a child, I think he was just 7, but his Mando father is screaming at him and telling him things like he’s worthless??? And then later after all of that he just picks Kal up and then tells him that he was yelling at him to motivate him and. I’m really just disappointed, it feels like she was doing the whole Walon Vau thing again
And also after that scene Ordo marries Besany, like seriously just out of the blue he’s like ‘we should marry’ and she’s surprised but then she’s like ‘okay yeah, sure’ and they do the mandalorian vows and then just like that. They’re married.
Also etain tells darman about the baby. As far as I am into the book he’s in shock and he’s upset that he didn’t tell her and he’s not talking to her and he’s also upset that Kal didn’t tell him so he’s talking to the rest of omega squad and. Yea.
And also Fi’s doing well and he’s progressing on Mandalore <33 though I am kind of uncertain about his relationship with Parja (rav bralor’s niece I think??) because. Idk. Fi refers to himself as ‘another broken machine for her to fix’ in his head and he thinks that it’s the only reason she loves him. I dunno. I really hope it ends well for Fi.
Also I am suspecting that KT is going to partner up Niner with a woman like she did with the rest of the squad, at least by the end of the book. I don’t like how she’s going into that narrative of ‘everyone needs a partner to be happy and have a full life’ but umm we’ll see
I apologize this got long fnfnjfdndj have a nice day <3
ok ithink the main parts are i dont like the tough love sympathy narrative at all that shit fucks a kid up, n it was cute at first watching them get girlfriends in like a boys finding out how the world is "supposed" to work and following suit bc thats what theyre "supposed" to do to be happy or whatever but if its Endgame endgame for all their first girlfriends im not really a fan
i like ordo and besany tho
the thing with parja seems like it has potential if done right by the way you described it
super understandable on darman's part
PLEASE DONT APOLOGIZE IT GOT LONG i love long messages i'll come back and to this if i remember what i wrote xoxo have a nice day too !!!!!!!
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Rav Bralor
Walon Vau
Fi - Marry Obviously.
Fixer - Slap Nothing personal. Count it as scientific experiment. I'm just curious how would he react.
Ordo - Party with I don't really enjoy parties and he would keep me safe and we would at least come back home quickly.
Corr - Go out on a date with He seems similar to Fi and I think I would spend some nice time with him knowing it's nothing serious. (Just to be clear - NOT in sensual way. We could go to the cinema or play video games or go to the restaurant for example.)
Rav Bralor - Push down the stairs Just because I wouldn't do it to any clone and Vau is an old man and could not survive it. I am aware she might kill me for that.
Scorch - Kiss He can get a smooch on the cheek from me. At this point I guess I just like boys with sense of humor. Next!
Boss - Invade the dreams of Just because it was the last option left. It would be similar to playing the Republic Commando Game I suppose.
Jusik - Rob I would rob his lightsaber >:)
Niner - Take a nap with He needs it. Though I am unable to take a nap during day unless I'm sick so I would at least make sure he takes his needed nap in peace.
Walon Vau - Drink tea with I hope he would tell me some stories about Deltas when they were younger. Or maybe some funny stories about Kal.
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rexsterss · 1 year
Hi! 🌟 having thoughts about Omega squad and the way fanon see them..! I wasn't certain at first, but now I think the way the four act is really....how siblings code-switch their language and words (sometimes) around strict parents. Delta squad sees them as emotional but I think it's just how omega cope post genosis and yet to really, really! See the world beyond kal's hammered in ideologies.
And wow I'm grateful Niner isn't thrown into the get-a-gf-route? But it's at the expense of him being solely leader and no more than that🤧 but hes shown to be so intune with his feelings- as much as Fi is? I just, I don't know, you think the Nulls would encourage them to wonder à bit freely like Ordo and Meerel by the 3rd book, but what do I know? Just spouting things here😂🌟
Hi! Sorry for the late reply, work swamped me for the past couple of days, but here I am!
I can see Omega Squad like that too, something about switching the way you act when your parents walk into the room, being all well-behaved, and immediately punting your sibling across the room the moment their backs are turned. Done with love but also loads of mischief 😈
I mean I’m only at Book 4 myself and I’m almost halfway through it, but IMO, Delta Squad was written as this more Mucho, Emotionless squad of men mostly because of Walon, where apparently, he’s more hardcore? And so he keeps drilling the boys with ‘if you don’t keep everything inside and let it die, YOU will die’ and that’s. Not great for a bunch of people who are growing too fast. I mean, most of the clones don’t have the kind of luxury normal-aging people have when they weren’t given time to work through their emotional stuff, with the war and all, but whatever Delta Squad know is just from Walon Vau, who carries around his teeth-chomping Strill, and that he shows his ‘love’ by going hard on these boys from the start.
It’s why they kept saying Kal babies Omega Squad so much, and that they’re too emotional. This is all KT’s version for Delta Squad btw, I personally like the game version of Delta Squad where they poke fun at each other, constantly roasts Boss for the little things, and are plenty of emotions I think. Idk, this is all IMO, but KT keeps painting them as Big, Emotionless, and Ruthless. I like them better when Fixer was standing over Boss’ body as he dies in this game level and goes “This isn’t the time to die, Boss.”
Idk I’ve always thought Omega Squad was paired off with other people too fast. Because next thing you know, Etain is pregnant, Kal’s keeping secrets left and right, and then it goes downhill from there. I do have a soft spot for Fi pinning for love though, because I eat that shit right up, he’s SUCH a babygirl. I love him, I’m hoping for a reunion with the rest of the Omega Squad somewhere later once I pick the series up again
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clonewarslover55 · 1 year
Thinking about these Walon Vau origin fics…….
I need to write more about him and his past, especially how he met Jango and became a mando!
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auxxrat · 10 months
Wicked Game
Link to fic
Preview of 1st chapter
Tags - cheating, politics (somewhat), jango/shaak, alt universe, human au, canon divergence
shaak is afro indigenous 🤝 Walon is an ass, Jango is severely mentally unstable, Wolffe is just a boy and Appo is the best son
Shaak Ti sank down into the warm water of the tub when all of her handmaidens finally scurried off, leaving her to soak up the rare silence. The water was hot enough to make the normal person cringe, the maids had insisted on having cooler water—didn’t they know Togruta’s like the heat?
In the midst of the peaceful silence the door to Shaak’s chambers slowly creaked open, clicking shut softly as a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips.
Walon Vau, a member of Cuy’val Dar, took soft steps towards the woman in the tub, creeping behind her and softly gliding the palm of his hand against her cheek. Shaak melted into the touch, kissing his calloused hand. Walon was an older man, his dark hair was peppered with grey and his once bright eyes held wrinkles around them. He was famous for his sleek black armor and his fighting ability, hence the reason Jango put him on Cuy’val Dar.
They were basically the royal families top everything, security, military, and warriors. They were meant to mostly be a secret, for a while they were, until Jango saw their true potential and started to have them train the next generation of warriors. By Shaak they were assigned to watch the royal princes, the only heirs.
“He’s looking for you.” Walon whispered lowly, sliding his hand down under Shaak’s jaw, forcing her head backwards to look up at him.
“Then I should go to him…” She shivered despite the steaming water, knees going up as her hands gripped the sides of the tub so hard her knuckles turned white.
“You always go at his every call, yet I have to sneak around just to look at you” His fingers rubbed at the soft skin around Shaak’s throat, his voice flat but the eyes told a difference story. He was jealous.
“He’s my husband..” Shaak said just above a whisper, eyebrows furrowed
“He kidnapped you”
“He’s sick… he was worse before, if the knowledge of me beging close is enough to make him feel better-“
“You defend him? ” Walon’s voice went angry, top lip curled in a snarl as he looked down at Shaak with a mixture of confusion and disgust
“He’s your Mand’alor…” The thought of treason was frightening to Shaak, the thought of being associated with someone who was even thinking of it scared her. What if Jango were to find out? And somehow figured out that she was close to them? And in such a way? The thought was disturbing. Shaak knew he would never hurt her, but he wasn’t beyond imprisonment.
“And you are my Queen…” There was a slight hesitation in his voice, like he didn’t quite know what to say next, “That doesn’t mean I must agree with everything he does”
Shaak let her head fall back against Walon’s leg, sighing as her heavy eyelids shut. They stung.
“Leave, I have to summon my handmaidens.” She pressed a soft kiss to the man’s black armor when she turned on her knees to get up, “I’ll see you later…”
When the Mandalorian hastily left the handmaidens quickly followed, hustling inside the door as Shaak sat on her knees in thought. Her eyes watched the ripples in the water, ears going completely deaf on what was going on around her.
“Miss? Do you need help getting out?” One of the younger girls tried to pull Shaak out of her trance, not daring to touch the woman without consent. When she didn’t answer another tried pitching in to help
“My lady are you alright?”
In a blink of an eye Shaak shoved her head under the water, causing her ladies to yelp in distress and try to pull her back up. When they did they were greeted with her usual kind smile and hectic laughter, they all locked eyes in confusion, the room now being filled with loud giggles
“My lady… do you need us to call a doctor?”
“No, no Porcia, just help me get ready” Shaak shook her head, hands already folding her white hair into a tight braid.
The hallways of the castle were cold, empty besides the occasional group of diplomats and politicians walking through. They gave low bows when walking past Shaak, staying quiet as she paid little to no attention to them and continued her way down to the chambers of the Mand’alor.
They were on total opposite sides of their shared home.
When she arrived at the door one of them was already cracked open, just enough for the warm light and the sound of soft voices to spill out. Shaak stood behind the doors quietly, listening closely before she barged in. After deeming it a right time to walk in she opened one of the doors slowly, stepping in quietly so she wasn’t noticed right away. The sight before her was one she saw often, but it made guilt run through her stomach like a madman, if Shaak didn’t know any better she’d think she was about to vomit.
Jango was seated comfortably on one of his blue velvet couches, a paper in one hand and the other wrapped around a squirming five year old. The rest of his sons sat around him on the floor and on the couch across, playing with whatever toys they could get their hands on, they played quietly as if they knew their father was trying to focus. Shaak moved closer, sneaking behind the couch to look over her husband’s shoulder and onto the paper. She didn’t even get to begin reading before Jango sensed her presence, standing up quickly, almost like he was excited.
“ Ti ” He said breathlessly, hoisting their son from his lap to his hip, both now looking at her with excitement, “I was going to watch them today but.. something came up, it needs my attention”
Shaak watched as the other boys' heads snapped up at the mention of their mothers name, dropping their toys like they were on fire and running to the woman. She easily lifted the second youngest, Fox, into her arms and let him cling. The poor baby was still having a hard time with separation anxiety.
“It’s fine… just-“ Shaak spoke as Jango moved around the room, grabbing and moving different papers that sat neatly on his desk, “Just tell me what it’s about?”
If she could help bear at least half the burden of ruling, she would, but Jango was never one to share.
“It’s the Emperor. He’s building a new military base and wants Mandalore to help fund it, or at least give up a fraction of our military to give over” He tried explaining, whenever it came to the Empire Jango tried not to share as much information as he could. Not out of fear but concern, the concern that Shaak would feel any type of hurt hearing about the Empire that destroyed her previous life.
“And your response?” As far as she knows, Jango hasn’t done anything to directly help the Empire. Instead he claimed Mandalore’s neutrality as much as he could and that could either be a blessing or a curse. So far it was a blessing, but Palpatine would never take the chance on raising war against Mandalore.
Palpatine would never rage war against a military that had more power than he could ever dream of. That much has kept them safe, but the Empire was pushy and broke people, Jango could only hold out on them so long.
“That’s exactly where I’m going, I’m telling them we’ll have no part in it. Hopefully it goes over well.” Once he was finished collecting his papers he placed them by the small side table that stood next to the door, placing the small child he kept on his hip down, letting him run over to the rest of his brothers, “If it doesn’t, hopefully we can compromise”
“Hopefully? And if he doesn’t want to take your answer? What if it’s not even the Emperor himself?” Shaak’s hold on Fox tightened as worry built in her gut, “What if he sends Vader ?”
That last part came out in more of a trembling whisper, but Jango still caught it. Even he knew the possibility and danger of that type of situation, Darth Vader wasn’t someone to sit down and strike a deal. Shaak had fought him the night of his arrival, she knew first hand the type of power he wielded, even the mere thought of Jango stuck in a room with him was heart wrenching.
“Anakin is of no concern.” Was all the Mand’alor said before walking out the door, leaving Shaak full of worry.
Throughout the whole day she sat worrying, though her attention needed to be on taking care of her children, the other half of her brain telling her that something bad was going down just wouldn’t shut up. To try and calm her anxiety down Shaak stayed in the comfort of Jango’s chambers, laying comfortably on the dark velvet chaise that was placed near the window. From there she watched carefully as the boys played, fingers playing with the velvet as she let the anxiety eat her up.
Apparently her sons could sense the anxiety. Wolffe, who rarely ever said anything and looked at people like he knew every secret, had quietly crawled up next to the lounge and placed his tiny face on the empty space
“Mama…” He whispered softly, looking up at Shaak Ti like she held the world, “Are you okay?”
The sudden words took her off guard, Wolffe truly didn’t speak most of the time, when he did it was only because he deemed it important enough to speak about. This, to him at least, was important enough.
Shaak nodded her head, those few tears she did hold in slipped out and were quickly wiped away by her palm, “Yes, I’m okay baby, just worried about your Buir”
Wolffe seemed to quickly understand, crawling up onto the couch and curling into Shaak’s side. His way of showing he cared had always been different, Shaak knew from the moment she held him that this boy wasn’t exactly like his brothers. He felt emotions differently, understood them in a way no one else did.
More tears threatened to spill but she quickly forced them back, these children didn’t deserve to bare witness to something like this. They’ve already been through too much, they’ve already had to shoulder things they shouldn’t, the last thing they need to worry about is loosing their mother a second time.
“I love you, my sweet son” She whispered softly, hand flattening out Wolffe’s dark curls so she could rest her chin.
Still, the anxiety sat in the back of her throat like a bad taste and threatened to make her gag. She just wanted this meeting over.
“Buir!” The eldest, Appo, yelled in delight as his father walked back into the doors after what seemed like hours. It sounded the alarm for his brothers, all scrambling to their feet to meet Jango at the door.
It had brought Shaak out from her light sleep, causing her to shoot up from the chaise and sit up fully, heart racing. When she saw it wasn’t anything bad her heart settled, but her mind raced with questions- questions she wasn’t sure Jango was ready to answer right away or not.
With soft steps she moved past her husband, sitting down on her heels as she hugged each son goodbye. When she got to Jango the man looked at her with sad eyes, like she just kicked him.
“You’re leaving now?” His voice came broken, eyes giving her a pleading look.
That look alone almost made her stay, almost.
“I have things to attend to.” Was the only answer Shaak could come up with, leaving the chambers hastily.
“Buir… come…” Appo pulled Jango’s hand gently, urging him to come play. He was only 8 but already knew the signs of his father breaking down, he was still a child and already knew how to stop an adult’s episode. Appo shouldn’t have to take care of his own father, but he has been since their mother left; Now it was just a habit.
Nonetheless Jango complied, mindlessly following his son to whatever he wanted to do.
(continue reading on ao3 if you’d like! re work is being done because it’s a slightly old fic that I didn’t expect to actually wanna do more with. My fics are just for the sake of my entertainment, i only post them sometimes when people tell me to. This one in particular is inspired by many different medias just for the funzies)
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countessofbiscuit · 2 years
A double-drabble preview of Burn Notice, originally begun for RepComm Week: Heartwarming but not quite finished yet ... 
CW: Xenophobia, Smoking
. . . . . 
The leather was nice on the glove. Still marine blue, at least on the palm and the back of the hand, where the tobac stains didn’t reach. Walon Vau could boast only one bad habit for ten years on Kamino, but it was a nasty one and he both concealed and indulged it like an Irmenuan patrician: wearing genuine thranta hide and drinking in lungfuls of salty air.
Kal Skirata had never found him up here nor would he be looking. He was busy grilling the natives about the warnord that had just been issued for the commandos and who had authorized something so pir’dushla. Now that their contractual obligations were rapidly coming to a close, the hooligan might finally make good on his promise to kill one of them. Bait for a celebratory aiwhaling; bootliners for his boys; tatsushi for someone he never cared to name—Skirata’s plans for the first Kaminoan he slotted were as obscene as they were numerous.
He’ll show up with new gloves tomorrow and still call me the psycho.
Vau flicked the cigarette into the spray that frothed above the angry sea, pulled another from his pocket, and pondered where Jango would spring his trap.
. . . . .
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
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hawthornsword · 5 months
help i want to hear about like... all your wips. but if i have to choose a couple to ask about, tell me a little about loyalty as a love language, the last daughters of house mereel, boba/ahsoka variations, cody reconditioned during rako hardeen, and/or stewjoni knitting au??
Hoo boy, I am happy to share about all of these, so this is gonna be long.
The Last Daughters of House Mereel.
This is an alternate universe where Kal Skirata, Walon Vau, and Mij Gilamar were with Jango's Haat Mando'ade before Galidraan. (Please note I have not finished reading the Republic Commando books and these fellas will likely not be written even remotely in character.) Galidraan happened the same, but these three didn't die because they weren't there. Where were they?
Well, Kal's daughter Ruusan ran away from her mom's home because she wants to be a Mando warrior like dad, so he had to take her and go talk to her mom about custody stuff.
Walon meanwhile was in love with that princess on his home planet who had beem imprisoned in some fanatical religious cult's monastery. I decided they had a kid too, and when Walon discovered this, he goes home to try again to rescue his princess and their kid. Sadly he does not rescue his love, but he does get his little girl Mitzli.
And finally we have Mij. Mij married a Mandalorian woman named Tani and then she was murdered at some point. He vowed vengeance. And he absolutely hates Priest and Reau and Death Watch. So I'm saying they had two daughters, Peyton and Jonah, before Tani was murdered by Death Watch. I've decided she was a Viszla, but a True Mandalorian that hated Death Watch. And Peyton is born Force Sensitive. Tani thought this was a sign that they could return to the glory days of Tarre Viszla, the Mandalorian Jedi, healing the rift between their peoples, and wanted to send Peyton to the Jedi temple to be trained. The Death Watch Viszlas hated Tani since she left them for the Haat Mando'ade. Mij promised Tani as she died that he'd send Peyton to the Jedi, however, he didn't actually want to so when he takes her, he explains that it was her mother's wish not his, and he wants yearly visits to check on her and to call her. He also doesn't mention the fact they're Mandalorian. So Peyton does get raised as both Mando and Jedi, but she and her dad and sister are the only ones who know it. When Galidraan happens, Mij is gone on one of his yearly visits.
So when Jango gets around to recruiting the the three men to Kamino, they bring their daughters. They're contractually obligated to keep their work secret, and the girls live in a different area so theoretically they shouldn't ever find out what's going on. Even when Kal adopts the nulls, according to the Kaminoans they're supposed to stay with the other clones and simply be trained by Kal.
So when the girls get to Kamino their ages range from 17 to 11. Boba is 2, and they babysit.
Now Peyton was supposed to be with the Jedi, right? Well, Mij asked her what she wanted to do and the Force guided her to go to Kamino too, so she hasn't quit but she's essentially told the Jedi she needed extended leave of absence. (Remember Jango and the others still don't know she's a Jedi padawan.)
It doesn't take the girls long to sneak around Kamino and discover what shady business uncle Jango has been up to, and they do not like it. So they decide they're going to try to fix it all.
Ruusaan grows up to be a scary badass warrior, Mitzli is an electrical engineer, Jonah is a doctor, and Peyton does digital forensics (she's a hacker but she gotta have a day job.) These will all be conveniently plot relevant jobs.
There's going to be a very comedic reveal at some point when Jango realizes Peyton is a Jedi, when the Jedi realize Peyton is a Mandalorian, and when all the dads realize they had terrible opsec for that decade on Kamino because their kids have been undermining the war since they were teenagers.
And finally, where this story all initially started, and where it will probably eventually end, was the Corrie Guard Commanders trying to convince Fox to take a night off and get him laid. Which leads to him meeting this charming and mysterious girl Peyton at 79s.
Boba/Ahsoka variations Essentially I keep having a ton of different ideas of Boba and Ahsoka time traveling back from during the imperial/rebellion era to when they were kids/teens to try to fix things. Sometimes it's on accident, sometimes it's on purpose. Usually they go back to during the development of the clones, but once it's all the way back to Galidraan. Sometimes they're friends, sometimes they were still enemies, in the middle of a fight, Boba trying to collect the bounty on Ahsoka. Sometimes, they say that's why they're fighting but it's actually more complicated than that - in that officially speaking that's still the case, but at some point they hooked up and Boba is still pissed because he thought it was more but turns out she's still hung up on Rex.
Sometimes the whole thing takes place from Jango's perspective and he's awkwardly watching his ten year old have a lover's quarrel with this 14 year old togruta who just appeared from nowhere, which makes it more believable but no kess awful when your kid tells you he's a time traveler.
I haven't decided which version I like best yet.
Cody reconditioned during the Rako Hardeen arc
This one was actually @eclipsesilverwolf's idea but she said it was too sad for her to write so I promised to do it for her.
Essentially Cody and Obi-Wan were already deeply in love when the Rako Hardeen arc happened, and Cody is absolutely fucked up with grief. Like he's non-functional. (Which, probably would never happen honestly, because it's Cody, who does his duty just like Obi-Wan, but just go with it for the sake of the drama.) Whatever natborn or Jedi is in charge of the 212th while Obi-Wan is gone (dare I change the timeline and say Krell?) finds this unacceptable and sends Cody to be reconditioned.
So when Obi-Wan comes home, it's to a Cody who doesn't remember him at all. Obi-Wan is furious, of course. Poor Cody is just confused as to why the new guy is so friendly and sad and sometimes reaches out to touch him like they're close. Hebhas to go on his brothers telling him about hiw things used to be, but even theu didn't know the extent of the relationship, and now they've beek under Krell's leadership, so Cody is so unsure of this Kenobi guy. So they're having to learn each other all over again and navigate this newly unbalanced relationship. Obi-Wan offers to use the Force to help Cody remember, but he doesn't trust Obi-Wan anymore, so he says no.
There are several more severely angsty plot things I may have happen before it all resolves, but it will have an eventual happy; I'm incapable of doing otherwise.
Stewjoni Knitting au
This was inspired by a discord conversation about Waxer/Boil Month prompts, but this ended up being more Codywan than Waxer/Boil. We'll see if I can get enough of it done in time to give W/B their own separate part.
The Separatists shoot down the 212th and the venator crashes on Stewjon. Stewjon is independent, not Republic, and isolationist. They refuse to contact the Republic, but as soon as they realize Obi-Wan is one of them they're super friendly otherwise. They say they'll repair the venator if the 212th helps them throw the Separatists off their planet first.
Obi-Wan's family is actually contacted and immediately comes to meet him. (They proudly gave him to the Jedi knowing he'd be happy and well cared for with them, and also gave the Jedi their contact info. If Obi-Wan ever needed it or wanted to come home he was welcome.
Now, Obi-Wan knew something of his birth culture but it was mostly secondhand knowledge through reading in the temple archives. It isn't a complete cultural education. One thing he's picked up though is knitting. It's meditative and provides something to always do with his hands, much like Anakin's tinkering. He pretty much always has his knitting with him. And he knows his clan colors and patterns. Actually that's why the 212th is that color - its Obi-Wan's color. Obi-Wan gifts pretty much everything he makes to people. There are near-strangers and acquaintances and dearest friends throughout the galaxy with Obi-Wan's knitting. He lets the Force guide him on what yarns and patterns to use and what to gift to who when, but he almost always uses yarn he imports directly from Stewjon. It's rare and highly prized for it's beautiful metallic sheen, and only a small amount is exported. Stewjoni citizens away from home get first dibs on the exports.
This yarn not only looks metallic but actually is. The sheep on stewjon developed armored wool to protect against a certain predator. Once spun up and knit or felted, it works as a pretty decent armored garment too. Cody keeps trying to get Obi-Wan into armor. Obi-Wan insists he doesn't need it, but never bothers to explain why. He and Cody get into a situation where Cody's armor gets badly damaged and Obi-Wan gives him a piece of his clothing and finally explains its armored nature. He never takes it back, and Cody continues to wear it under his armor. Obi-Wan likes knowing he's helping keep Cody safe, even when he's not beside him.
Many members of the 212th have been gifted knit items by the time they crash on Stewjon.
When Obi-Wan's family meets the 212th, they are delighted by all the new members of their family. Obi-Wan is confused. The family asks why he's confused. He asks what they mean by family. They explain that the 212th wearing Kenobi colors/patterns means they're family by Stewjoni standards, and they thought Obi-Wan had been marrying/adopting all these troopers. Obi-Wan explains he didn't know that's what the cultural significance was, and they say that's fine, they're still happy to have them anyway. They say it still counts as legal on Stewjon whether Obi-Wan knew it or not.
Now, since they've accepted the clones into the Kenobi clan, and they find out their whole situation, they immediately are against the Republic for illegally enslaving citizens of Stewjon.
Meanwhile, Cody and Obi-Wan are a little bit freaking out about the fact that giving Stewjoni knitting is basically equivalent of Mandalorian armor exchanges of betrothal. They found out separately from one another, so Obi-Wan determines that this is fine, Cody has his heart it's true, but Obi-Wan will never say anything because he's committed to the Jedi. It's just a private love he'll carry in his heart. It's fine. Cody however, assuming that Obi-Wan knew exactly what he was doing when he gave him the armorweave, decides he must give Obi-Wan something in return which leads to a whole subplot about getting beskar armor.
Meanwhile, Boil is learning to knit in the background so he can give something to Waxer, and Waxer is communing with the beasts and has probably decided he wants to he a sheep farmer.
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crazyturtletree · 6 months
Mare Ditat, Rosa Decorat
An: Hii! This is my first fic. Enlish is not my first language, and Im open to sugestions and everything! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა I hope you like this! If you just found this fic its a Repcomm AU that focuses on Sargeant Walon Vau and his home planet. And in this Etain lives! She isn't a very major character but she has her role. Disclaimer: I read the books a long time ago, so if something is wrong then sorry! And it will be on AO3 too, I just need to figure out tagging Wordcount: 5275 Reading time (estimate): 7 min Hope you enjoy! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ Here is the AO3 link: Mare Ditat, Rosa Decorat
Memoria Praeteritorum
It was very light for the night in Kyromut. Mandalores two moons where full, causing many headaches in the household. One person who was especially snappy was Walon Vau. The old man had a spliting headache for two days, and even before that he fellt like shit.
He was sitting in the kitchen while waiting for his tea to finish, Mird laying next to him. Even when he was relatively far from the karyai, he could hear the happy chatter coming from there. After a little time he heard the soft taps of cruthes.
He stud up from the table and went to the cupboard to take down a cup. Vau thought about joining the group, but his headache said differently.
The taps were getting closer when it suddenly stoped. Walon looked at the door and he seen a head full of choppily cut red hair. He smiled.
“Miss Etain. Would you like tea?” He tried to pull his most inviteing smile. “Its Behot tea. Good for an upset stomach.” Walon poured a mug and held it out.
“Sergeant Vau!” Etain smiled and took the tea. “Thank you!” She said politely and sat down facing the window. Vau took place too.
“The moons are beautiful, aren’t they?” Etain pulled up her legs and crossed them. Vau's supprised she could move this freely after her injuries.
“They are. But they cause a killer headache too.” He chuckled. Etain suddenly looked at him and raised an eyebrow. In response Vau raised one too then he shook his head. “ How are your injuries doing?” Walon asked.
“They are fine…” She looked down into the mug.
“You are healing quickly. You Jedi are fascinating in many cases.” Vau tried to give her encuraging words, even when he didn’t really know how to give those.
“Hm. Thank you.” Etain suddenly become very quiet. ‘Maybe i said something offensive? I don’t think I did’ Vau thought. Etain oppened her mouth like she wanted to say something, when Kad ran into the room, Mereel following in his trail.
“Kad!” Mereel called out, smiling. “Don’t run away just like that!” When Mereel arrived at the kitchen he stopped in his track to look at Vau. The sergeant shook hi head and turned away. He did not notice Mereels quirked eyebrows.
The boy ran to his mother and asked to be picked up. Etain tried lifting him up, but a pained expression painted her face. Kad looked into Etains eyes, like knowing that she was in pain
“Don’t worry Kad.” Vau said. “Ba’vodu Mereel will help” Mereel quickly looked away from the older man, and went to put Kad up into the young womans lap.
Vau stood up too. “I have a tea somewhere that is good for tea.” He want to the cupboard and started looking around.
“I don’t think tea will help her” Mereel proclaimed “Mij is in the karyai, I can ask him for painkillers.” The young man turned to Etain
“Tea is fine, thank you.” Etain said while trying to get Kads fingers out of her hair. Mereel looked at her with a questioning stare “I can’t be forever on painkillers. An it’s not that bad.” Etain explained and Vau hummed.
“You do you…” Mereel accepted. He sat down at the table too
“And you Mereel? Would you like tea?” Vau offered.
“No thanks. Im fine.”
Walon shrugged and pulled out a tea. He put it in front of Etain and sit down in his place. HE petted Mird and pulled out his Kniting. Mereel raised his eyebrows again then looked at Etain. She shrugged and went back playing with Kad. The soldier looked back.
“Mereel. A little advice. If you keep raising your eyebrow to anything I do then they will stay that way”
The young man frowned and turned to Etain and Kad.
Vau heard a Holocall comming in and heard Kal’s voice.
“Fen Shysa, how — help you?” The conversation goes on for a good minute. “—— Vau?” suddenly everything goes silent. Even Kad raises his head. Walon can hear Kals limping steps comming closer. The short man suddenly arrives in the kitchen door. He looks irritated and suprised at the same time.
“It’s the Mand’alor” He gives him the commlink.
Vau stands up and takes the commlink, then tries to walk out, but Kal does not let him. Vau sighes and sits back.
“Vaus here. What can I help you with”
“Sargeant! Are you expecting visitors from Irmenu?” Vau shoots a suprised look. Visitors? From Irmenu? What in the Karkin’ hell…
“Depends…” He hesitates looking around the room. Everybody is silent “Who are they?”
“Two children. They come from the Irmenuan resistance? Heard of it?”
What the hell… Oh Goddes Kola
“No. Never” Vau answered
“Well they heard of you. They have a message from…” Walon hears a young voice “Cordelia?”
Walon suddenly feels dizzy. He can feel somebody staring at him. ‘Not her. Why? Why why why…”
“Vau? Are you here?”
He stedies his voice “Yes.”
“Do you know who that is?”
“Yes.” He sighs. “Do they have money with them?”
The mand’alor mumbles something on the otherside. “They have some Irmenuan Galleons but i don’t think it’s enought
“I will pay tomorow morning. Could you get them somewhere to sleep?
“Yes. Come to Oyu’baat. They will be here.”
“Got it.” Vau stoped the call and stud up in a quick manner. Kal stood in the door, determined not letting him out.
“Care to explain?” Kal asked. It irritaded Vau more than usual.
“No” Vau tried to walk trough Kal.
“You will explain it”
“It’s none of your business” Walon said with so much venom in his voice that it made Etain flinch.
Kal leaned closer “You aren’t leaving this room till you explained yourself.”
Vau leaned down, his golden eyes almost glowing. “Let me out” he ordered.
Kal couldn’t even react that quickly, but he was already moving. like something came over him, something was commanding him. He stared wide eyed
Vau walked out the kitchen seeing Ordo in the hallway. He turned his head back.
“I will explain everything tomorow.” When he looked back all four of them looked very shocked. He smirked to himself. He then turned around and went upstairs.
“Mird!” He called out and the strill was already next to him. They went into Walons room.
He stood in the shower, letting the hot water burn his old scars. He should be happy that Cordelia’s alive. But what are those children doing here? ‘Could they be…’ No, thats dumb. Cordelia was sent into a nunnery ‘But what if…’ No. He did not let his head wander into that direction. They are probably taken in by Cordelia. Or some random children she sent ‘She wouldn’t send anybody…’ He sighed ‘This can’t be good’
He turned of the shower and got dressed. When he walked out Mird was already laying in it’s place. Walon petted it and went to bed.
But sleep did not come for him.
An: I hope you liked it! It's short, but I think its good for first try. Feedback is greatly appreciated
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