#Tw trans id
hazyaltcare · 1 month
What are transIDs and why don't you do them? /genuine question
TransIDs refer to a radqueer category that includes things such as seeing yourself as transrace, transethnicity, even going so far as things like transnazi or transschoolshooter. (Yes, these are all transIDs I've unfortunately witnessed.)
I try to stay neutral when it comes to these things as it isn't my personal experience, but I'm still not comfortable with making these kind of requests.
Note that some transIDs seem kind of harmless? Like I've also seen things like transblueeyes or transheight and that's kind of... eh? But the above examples in the previous paragraph are why I don't want to touch those kinds of labels.
I prefer arrisomei identities, although I would HEAVILY prefer a recoining because the one who coined it is antiship to my knowledge. And, also, tbh some of the wording on the definition just seem vaguely judgemental, but that's just my personal opinion. We need better terms for these kinds of atypical dysphoria in general!
Generally speaking, arrisomei identities are similar in concept to transIDs, but it's explicitly pro-harm reduction and anti-transition when it comes to harmful identities such as the ones I mentioned in the first paragraph.
Some people with transIDs are also anti-transition and pro-harm reduction when it comes to harmful identities, but not all are. Being anti-transition and pro-harm reduction for harmful identities is an inherent part of being arrisomei, which is one of the reasons why I prefer it.
Another reason I prefer the term arrosomei is because those who ID with arrisomei identities also acknowledge they aren't literally their arrisomei ID, and that the label is just a way to acknowledge and express the dysphoria they feel.
Let me also make it very clear that these are my own personal opinions on the subject. These opinions may not be held by others on the team, and even some of my& individual system members may feel differently on the subject (we are addressing this as a singletsona because we are blurry.) As a mod team, we have decided not to engage with transID-related requests for various reasons and don't wish to engage overall with radqueer discourse, which transID is apart of.
Mod Haze
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eliana-system · 4 months
TLDR trans id is harmful fetichization
« Trans id » people are basically:
« Omg you ´re so lucky to be sitting all day in your wheelchair! I wish i had one » people
 « Black people get so much more attention and privilege » people
 « I wish i was autistic so people would be patient with me » people
On fucking steroids.
adding on top of that A LOT of outright ableism and racism. This isn’t biid, where people suffer from a distorted perception of self. These « trans id » are actively encouraging people to normalise this and act on it. They fucking whine about their imaginary disability or oppression and then go work a job, go to school, do their favorite sport not feeling fucking nerve pain. Not experiencing racism or getting beat up by a cop.
THIS IS FETICHIZATION. THIS IS SO FUCKING HARMFUL AND EVERY. COMMUNITY. YOU.TRY.TO.COPY. IS TELLING YOU!!! If you even at least pretend to care about physically and disabled people, black and asian people, FUCKING STOP. i don’t care id you have a weird ass fantasy in your head. I do care that you go out of your way to fetichize discriminated people, that you mock them by coping the aspect you find attractive for whatever reason, and then ignoring all their struggle. Yes being « trans disabled » is fucking ableist when you don’t exerience all the bad things about it. Where’s the mobilty loss? The pain? Or are we just a pretend play for you?
does mocking disabled and poc people ´s struggles not seem like an bigot move?
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
One of my biggest pieces of advice for those taking injectable hormones is to make sure you're injecting at the right angle
For intramuscular (IM), you inject at a 90° angle.
For subcutaneous (SQ), you inject at a 45° angle.
Here is a graphic depicting what the angle of your injection should look like:
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An image description is provided in the ALT text.
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bitterpngs · 1 year
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smoke break
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alkaligh0st · 2 months
It's really cool to lose weight on my hips so fast but I NEED the fat by my armpits that sticks out of my binder to gtfo
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I can see why some people would be uncomfortable with the idea of trans Redtail being Sandstorm's dad, but like
Something about how cis women in wc are restricted from leadership by their ability to have kits but the cis men aren't bc the clans define women by their bodies and how it's used to serve the clans and how the clans expect the mom to do the kit rearing or else she's the worst but the dad can abandon them for all they care and bluestar sacrificing her own kits just to keep a far less worthy tom from obtaining power because he's a tough manly man and she's just a woman and how it haunts her for life and now she has a male deputy who wants to have kits and keep his position but his very nature defies the gender roles the clans box cats into and now the other cats have to confront this fact and they are twisting themselves into knots to justify this shitty normalized norm no matter what they think of redtail's choice and they give two choices but both of them are bad and the real question is do they let go of their prejudice and work with the cat in front of them or do they double down in the name of traditions that don't respect any cat that strays outside their curated binary and bluestar knows how it feels to have to justify yourself to a world that refuses to help you even once but can she trust him with her own darkest secret born from the same prejudices and something something gender binaries are a curse both in and out of universe
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i-never-grew-up · 6 months
Reblog to make a 'Transplural' motherfucker stand on spikey Lego bricks
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anti-terf-posts · 10 months
Dylan Mulvaney's hate comments: "ur a dude 🤡"
her fan's replying to those comments: *the most well though out, perfectly written, no grammar mistakes, Harvard college essay level response you will ever see*
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soupy-cosmos · 1 year
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[ID: A two page comic of Louie Duck from DuckTales 2017, it is primarily black and white, using screen tones, but particular panels are in color. The comic is an AU in which Louie is FTM trans and transitions sometime after the events of season two. For simplicity's sake Louie will have he/him pronouns throughout the ID. The first panel shows Louie pre-transition, maintaining most of his usual design but having much longer hair, he's holding a strand of it between two fingers and frowning at it with a raised eyebrow. A thought bubble beside him says "Ok. Maybe I need a haircut." The second panel shows a side view of Louie grabbing his hair in one hand and holding up a pair of scissors in the other. His hair obscures his face. "Snip snip" is written under the panel in capital letters. The third panel has Louie facing forward, frowning up at his yet-to-be-seen reflection. His hair is a bit over shoulder length and messy. The next panel shows the mirror Louie is looking at, but instead of Louie being seen in the mirror, instead Della is visible looking back at him. She is wearing her usual outfit and sports the hair length she has throughout the majority of the show, a similar length to Louie's. The panel is colored in with the mirror having a brown frame and a soft blue tint to the reflection, a squiggly shine spans across the mirror. The fifth panel is a close up of Louie's hair and the scissors as he cuts it shorter. The word "Snip" is written in all caps across the bottom, several 'I's in the middle to draw the word out. The sixth panel has Louie again looking into the colored mirror, while both Louie and the mirror are visible in this panel only the mirror is colored while Louie remains grayscale. Louie's back is to the viewer but Della's reflection is visible, looking frustrated, her hair is the length seen in her design prior to her disappearance, she otherwise remains unchanged. The second page starts with a close-up side view of Louie, only his frown visible as he tugs on his hair. A pair of open scissors form the next panel, surrounded on either side by the capitalized "Snip"s. In the next panel Louie's back is to the viewer again, but his mouth is visible to see him cringe. He reaches a hand up to the back of his head. "Aww man!" is written beside him. The fifth panel show's Louie's hand dropping the scissors. Beside it is written "Now I look like a-" The line abruptly stopping. Louie's wide shining eyes are shown in the next panel. The final panel shows Louie looking in the mirror one final time. This time he sees his own reflection, the mirror a light green tint and sparkling. He still has his hand behind his head and looks surprised. His hair cut, the reflection now shows his canon design. The top of Louie's head is visible in front of the mirror. Below it the earlier line is finished with "Boy..." Underlined and written in capital letters. End ID.]
Trans boy Louie that took a little longer to figure out the gender thing and also happens to look a whole lot like his mom
Also I'm very sorry about the image quality I made this canvas way too big and had to seriously downsize
Edit for those that may see this later on: @the-writer-nerd-ro wrote an amazing little sequel to this comic!!! you can read it on tumblr here or on ao3 here!
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build-a-stim · 16 days
very much not gentle reminder that this blog is not a safe space for terfs. im transgender and will always support and stand with trans people. terfs are not and will never be welcome here.
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custom-emojis · 1 year
as a fag and a dyke, fagdyke solidarity <3 i want to add (to anon, not you) that gay men can also be dykes. bigender people exist! have a good day op
THATS WHAT I WAS ALSO THINKING LMAO hence 'sometimes people also identify as both!' god the human condition is amazing isnt it. im so glad to live in a world with fags, dykes, and fagdykes. We would not be where we are if not for them.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
The solution to transphobia in the public sphere or in legal issues isn't to give us all card/forms/documents which tell everybody we're trans.
The solution is to dismantle transphobic systems. And while, yes, this is much more difficult a task than throwing us "trans ID card," it will ultimately lead to a better world for trans and cis people. Isn't that better than to simply placate to transphobic systems?
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aldercaps · 11 months
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sometimes you feel like getting sappy on main. Sometimes you need to beat your past self over the head with a stick that says “STOP ISOLATING YOURSELF WHEN YOU FEEL BAD”. The poem I wrote last year is under the cut.
If you have a huge self realization, You don't actually have to do anything about it. It's so easy to hide from. When I heard other people's stories, I always assumed when I reached my breaking point, I would HAVE to do something about it. Some current would buoy me along, And I wouldn't have to just sit in bed, Consumed by self doubt. At what point do you just HAVE to do it? I feel like I've reached that point a dozen times. How many times have I cried about this? How many times am I going to? If I ignore it long enough, will it smooth over like a rock caught in a stream? Or will it consume me, Crawling through my body cavity until I choke? Until I die? I told myself I would tell people, if it got bad enough. I don't know if I can tell people, now. It's been so long. The tiger's been chasing me through these woods long enough I've stopped caring if it digs its teeth into me. Maybe if I lie down and let it eat me, something nicer can grow out of my bones.
Please reach out to people and tell them when you’re struggling. You are not needy or a burden for asking for help when you need it.
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esrah-rah-rasputin · 7 months
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[ID: A six page zine with the title "The girl that I am not, have never been, will never be, but could have been. Or: there's a ghost in my head but she's not mine. She's cool." All pages were drawn in pencil, scanned, and edited to have watercolor splashes in the blank space around the text/illustrations. All but the last are earth tones.
Page 1: "Sometimes I think there's a girl inside of me who is what could've been. She never shows her face. I don't know if she really exists."
Page 2: "But if she did, she'd have long dark hair and sharp teeth." The drawing below shows a young girl from the nose down, smiling with her hair blowing in the wind. She's wearing a strapped dress or shirt, and a necklace with chunky dragonfly and butterfly shaped beads.
Page 3: A drawing of a girl running down a hill in a long skirt, riding up past her knees from the speed. Her hair is longer than she is tall and waves behind her. "She would run back and forth across the fields nearby."
Page 4: A drawing of a forest with the lyrics "wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles" written in smooth cursive woven between tree trunks. "Her voice would be as loud as a horn and as gentle as a moth." The lyrics are from the song Miracle of Miracles from Fiddler on the Roof.
Page 5: "She'd stay silent for hours, collecting precious objects and making forts." A drawing of woven together branches with a grass shelf secured to the wall, and an empty spool of thread, a broken dish, and a small bouquet of wildflowers sits on it.
Page 6: "And if anyone was a danger to her, her nails would be sharp and her feet would be quick." This last page is bordered by bright red splashes of watercolor. There is a drawing of a hand with fingers curled like claws, and with a drop of blood clinging to the fingertip of the middle finger. That drop is the only thing in the entire zine colored in. /End ID]
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[ID: glitter text that says "terfs and radfems can fuck off." /End ID]
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escxelle · 8 months
tw / transphobia
i changed my look recently for halloween but i didn't need to change my appearance to make it scarier for trans people to just live thanks to the uk government. this country is so hostile against trans folk and all we want is to LIVE! but to my trans siblings, i love you! we will get through this together as a community! they will not win in destroying us because we are so much stronger than they could ever be! say it with me: fuck the tories, fuck rishi sunak, fuck terfs!! trans rights are human rights!!
it's so hard to stay positive right now and you're allowed to feel sadness. but know, you're not alone. you have a whole community here for you and we will not stop until every trans person is safe! we got this! we can do it!!
they will not win!
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genderdoe-sly · 1 year
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four<- ->six
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