#Thorfinn x you
shinjisdone · 5 months
To Soften a Warrior’s Heart (Vinland Saga; Thorfinn; Part 10, Finale of S1)
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In which you have joined Askeladd’s band…and grow closer to the Son of Thors. Though it is more difficult than anyone can could ever imagine…
[Headcanons of how it would be like to meet and crawl your way into Thorfinn’s heart (based on season 1; both platonic and romantic)]
Part 1 is here - meeting Thorfinn at the age of 14 and how he is at that age
Part 2 is here - meeting Thorfinn at the age of 16/17 + headcanons of growing closer (slightly following s1 story)
Part 3 is here - blooming friendship with Thorfinn (slightly following s1 story)
Part 4 is here - Thorfinn unwittingly opening his heart as he realizes he does not want you to die
Part 5.1 is here - sweet things Thorfinn would do for you (headcanons)
Part 5.2 is here - other sweet things Thorfinn would do for you (headcanons)
Part 6 is here - meeting Canute and becoming his guard - Thorfinn accepts your relationship and bond
Part 7 is here - Canute grieving over Ragnar and Thorkell catching up; Thorfinn leaves you alone for revenge
Part 8 is here - Thorfinn wins against Thorkell; Questioning your bond with Thorfinn
Part 9 is here - Meeting Leif and Thorfinn dueling Askeladd; Losing while Askeladd told him the truth of his constant losses
Tag list:
@luopenis , @jinsecho , @mitsureigen , @theknightssecrets
Mentions of murder, death, war, slave trade, harrasment against women and whatever awful things happened in the viking era. Only mentioned and used as examples. Mostly gender-neutral examples but female-leaning ones are there, too.]
[This part will specifically mention: Lost Thorfinn, you snapping, confrontation, crying and screaming, Thorfinn kinda losing it, depressive vibes, Thorfinn thinking about death, mentions of blood and snot, zombie Thorfinn, longing, abandonment]
It's Just Like A Burning Torch In A Storm, Like A Little Flower Blooming In A Home...
The weather has worsened as Askeladd predicted.
Even as it was past noon, the sky darkened in a warning as if it were the middle of the deadly night. Snowflakes that started out so lovely of how light they were, were now raining down like arrows and blurring the sight. You could barely see any light come from York and simply trotted after the footsteps your 'leaders' and 'liege' left behind.
You scoffed at the fear of the trails being hidden away by the upcoming storm at this pace, however. Dragging Thorfinn by his wrist would take forever until you'd find shelter.
You had told him to rest his broken arm in the sling but he let it swing with every little limp he managed after you. His good arm was just as lax and he barely let out any signs of pain of how utterly and crushingly tight you gripped his wrist as you dragged him after you. Hunched like a bell ringer, his pants and groans were as quiet as a mouse.
You bit your tongue. He barely paid any attention and just let you haul you around like a dog-
A thump. Thankfully you did not let your grip falter on him as he fell to his knees. Swallowing down a sigh, you turned around and tugged on his wrist. "C'mon. The snow is getting heavier."
Thorfinn hung his head.
"C'mon." You called out louder, tugging at him again. With a dreadfully slow pace, Thorfinn managed to lift one leg after another. After helping him up, you turned around to lead the way.
The same song all over again. The scenery did not seem to change, Askeladd and friends having vanished right under your nose. It felt like you were stranded on a place familiar yet far away. Freezing snowscapes weren't an ucommon sight and they surely were not with only Thorfinn as your company but this caving, this sharp chilliness that felt paralyzing as your heart seemed to give in the longer you dwelled here - as if this place was cursed - it was a first. It was all a first, daunting and frightening. Although, you doubted you could really pinpoint your feelings right now.
You let yourself sigh in frustration as Thorfinn fell once again. The crunching of the snow has become irritating and you snapped towards him. "Thorfinn. I know you can stand. You were running towards Askeladd just moments ago," You hoped it was 'just' moments ago, "Stand up already, don't have me haul you."
All you received was another groan. Another attempt but he kept on slipping. With a growl of your own you kneeled down to hold him under his arms. Heaving him with great effort, you almost slipped yourself as the blonde stayed limb, letting you lift him up with all your might. You felt like a mother with an grown man.
You scolded him again as he simply let himself lean on you once you were up on your feet - before pushing him away and giving him a good shake.
Still, he almsot tumbled down again.
"Thorfinn!" Yelling did not seem to effect him as well as his eyes, black and blue, narrow and swollen from the one-sided brawl, barely took in your figure. His brown eyes looked like they saw right through you, not even on eye level as he still did not walk straight, and it pissed you off.
Even breathing for air was painful, the sharp coldness of this barren, damned place wanting to cut into your lungs with each inhale as if taunting you, knowing that you rely on it now. Now, stuck in this forgotten land as the snow lies down on your shoulders. It's getting heavier and heavier, ringing in your ears as even they felt like falling off your head at any moment. They might as well. The biting wind, though gentle as it was, stealing any feeling you had in your bones.
Sniffing and swallowing your snot, you yanked at his arm again, swiftly turning around and trying to march after the fading footsteps as Thorfinn limped after.
The mere sound of crunching snapped the last strand of patience you so miraciously found within you and before the young man could completely slip again, he fell on his side instead as your fist collided with his face.
"You're a complete idiot!"
Thorfinn barely let out a sound. It made the fire within you rise.
"Askeladd was damn right! You're a moron! A godsforsaken fool! Idiot! Idiot, idiot, idiot!"
You stomped your foot, akin to a child, and Thorfinn wondered why you did not let him feel your ire instead, as he gazed up at you through lidded, swollen eyes. Though he did shakily gasp as you bent down and grabbed ahold of his shirt, holding him up to your level.
"The hell do you think you're doing here?! Huh?! What the hell are you doing here?! Answer me!" You threw him to the ground just as quickly. "You have people here that want you back to a home and you are crawling back to damn Askeladd out of all people! Vile, disgusting, bastard Askeladd!"
Your pants grew louder and louder, hands on your head, as they quickly snapped from brainless inhales to a growling, longing shriek - an animal squealing in pain.
"Do you have any idea - no, 'course you don't! You're a stupid mutt! You never think, never had any brains up there, did you?!" Piles of snow were thrown left and right, partly falling on Thorfinn, on his beaten body and face. He flinched at the contact. You kept on screeching. "You always end up like this. On the ground. Like a dog!" Again, you kicked snow his way, "When you could be somewhere else, somewhere far away that isn't here!"
You snapped your arm back to a direction you believed York was, distressed glare still on your friend, "What the hell was this Leif person talking about?! Iceland?! Helga and Ylva?! They're your family, aren't they?! You have family, Thorfinn, family that is alive and well and in Iceland and they want you back! They love you, Thorfinn!" Retreating your arm, you brought your hands back to your head, pulling on your hair, pulling on the last strand of sanity this man left you. Though you desperately were scowling, you wanted to scowl, your eyes were only wide. Wide and big, distress shining in them as tears welled up in the corners. A choked sob escaped you.
"Anyone would jump up in joy hearing that their family is still alive but you didn't give a damn about what that man had to say. He said he'd wait for you. Maybe he's still there."
The screeching softened the more you talked, misty-eyed as you gazed at anything but him. Lamenting to yourself at this predicament he found himself in. Thorfinn's own eyes widened as best as they could as he managed to sit up. A breathy gasp escaped him. He's never seen you like this.
"Do you have," Sobbing, you wiped your nose, "Any idea how lucky you are to have people in this world...that want you?"
The breathy gasp morphed into sharp inhales, greedily gulping in the painful air as Thorfinn kept staring and staring at you, wide-eyed and afraid. He barely could breath.
"You could be there...but you're not. So answer me when I ask you what the hell you are doing here."
Something...something he reckoned to be akin to ringing wormed its way in his ears alongside your sobs. He saw you hiding your eyes as tears fell down your face - but he wasn't sure, the heavy snow and his lidded eyes made it difficult to truly see you. Thorfinn was not certain if he stooped this low that he had begun seeing things.
Tilting his head down to the snow - his neck couldn't find any strength anymore - he startled at the face his father's dagger reflected. Swollen and broken...dark and bruised, blood and snot oozing out of his bent nose with one of his eye hardly visible and of course, barely able to see with it anyway. Maybe it wasn't the trick of the weather but just his swollen face.
He had seen this face time and time again.
It whined and fussed whenever he looked at it, leaving him no choice but to see its pain and its borderline stupidity. The blood coated on the blade as it cut the guards.
The broken arm that almost earned worse by Thorkell's duel.
The stomach that churned whenever he trotted away like a corpse out of sheer hunger. Looking for anything he could gnaw between his teeth.
The hand that held the torch to the woman's demise. The hair she groomed was soaked in blood later, he recalled.
All that gruesome work...all the murders and the guts on the floor, the stolen goods and impaled heads...all those errands.
It was all this ugly face that he sees.
He sucked in air only to let them out in a wail. He wailed and wailed, louder and louder, his voice cracking as his tongue was tied and not able to form any words. He stared at you as you kept on sobbing.
Thorfinn's scream pierced through the heavy snow and the deafening silence. The cold, the snow, the dark, thunderous sky was nothing compared to this might, to this pathetic pain. It was louder than anything else you'd ever heard, both from the people you've killed and their pleas for mercy, and from the amount of grief he so sparingly shared with you, here and there.
Wiping your tears, you grimaced. Even through this wail that teared your heart apart, you could not help but think back on Askeladd. Oh, how wretched he'd feel this sight would be.
It hurt even more that you'd even agree.
It's Just Like A Lighthouse In Your Hands, Like A Little Flag Flapping In The Sands...
Misty-eyed, you looked down on the mutt wreathing in the snow. In his beaten state he could no longer look down at his dagger, could not form any words of remorse, imploration or grief. It was animalistic braying, as Askeladd described, howling at a moon that won't ever rise. You observed for some more, drying your face completely before falling onto your knees before Thorfinn.
His brown eyes struggled to follow your movements but that did not bother you. Watching him twitch and turn, you scooted closer and opened your arms. Arms that felt to heavy to share any burden.
Your limbs were slow, so woefully slow and heavy as they wrapped around his hunched body. Even as you gently and gingerly pressed him against you, Thorfinn continued to cry out, seeming to not have even noticed your gesture. He seemed to only gulp back for air when the side of his head was pressed against your chest.
This cringing feeling only grew worse at the rapid speed of his heart pounding against you. It was akin a bird's panicked flappings as it tried to misguidedly escape the cage it's been put in. However, you still tried to focus on the lightening aspects. How his gasps ceased and he himself tried to take deep breaths. Your hand found the crown of his head, stroking his grimy hair.
Thorfinn jumped. These calm breaths of yours tickled his head, leaving him shuddering. Gazing into the empty, barren snowscape he pondered if - maybe if, as long as he's not mistaken - you had ever done something so comforting to him before. He thought of it to be comforting at least. The familiarity of it all left him stumped as well as equally frightened. He did not know what to make of it.
Were you always like this? You have never...embraced him like this before. Was it because of him? Did he put a distance between you? Were you hesitant, perhaps reluctant to offer him soothing solace such as this? Thorfinn did not know and he did not remember.
Letting out a confused groan, he ever so tediously turned his head and gazed up to you. Chin resting on your chest as he looked up at you like an intriguied animal.
You cringed slightly at the face before you. No longer stroking his hair, you grabbed a fistful of snow and gently rubbed it against his dark blue cheek. Thorfinn did not resist but only let out a soft croak of pain. Still, his eyes never left you. "I'm sorry. I made the bruise worse." You spoke under your breath. The snow dissolved and fell apart, leaving only your reddened palm to cup and carress his face. You hoped it would soothe the injury.
Wordlessly, you continued to graze the bruises on his face with your cold hand in an attempt to lighten the pain. The blonde, as beaten and silent as he was, fluttered his eyes close whenever your fingers touched the swollen lumps nearby. He'd croak and sigh at the lightest of touches, leaning on you on his knees and face tilted up to look at you. Wiping the blood under his nose caused him to sneeze and you ripped a handful of your cloak off, offering for him to sneeze into it.
"One more time. The blood might dry and clump up your nose." He did so as told, clumps of snot and blood pulled out of his nostrills. He sniffed, inhaling the air. You threw the blood-soaked cloth away. Wiping your hand, your brought it back up to press his head against you, hesitant, but deciding to squeeze him ever so gently. Your face grimaced but you did not want to let him know.
It was almost on command. How he let his head turn around again, his ear leaning against your chest to listen to your heartbeat. His own pounded against his chest, calmly yet alone. Lonely and longingly. Aside from it, he was empty. So, so empty he would have loved nothing more than to just lean against you and sleep. Sleep forever.
"...C'mon, Thorfinn. Let's get ourselves somewhere warm." Obeying your command once again, he looked back up at you with big eyes, before lifitng himself up. You tucked a few loose strands of unruly hair behind his ears before slinging the good arm around your shoulder, with your face close to one another, you marched back to York.
A Floating Moon...You Still Croon?
He still leaned against you, that fool.
It nearly made you smile how he almost snuggled. Yet it was just as pathetic. Pathetic and ironic like the sun that decided to bless you the moment you found York again. The snow below you all but melted away by its rays and left nothing but filthy, grimy roads. You prefered it over the slippery ice.
The town was rather crowded. Carts filled with many goods pulled by healthy, decorated horses and men with respectable blades passed by. The meeting is soon to begin, you believed.
Still, it only made you more hesitant to ask for any help. Anyone you turn to could be some high and mighty ruler of a region or worse, their vessels and guards. The many swinging scabbards at their hips did not ease your anxiety.
The side of the road it was. Better behind some stables in the shadows and out of the sight of the many servants. Thorfinn looked worse for wear and a youngling like you would definitely not be welcomed with open arms. Oh, how awfully right you were.
With another person's weight on your side, you accidentaly bumped into another. Praying they'd simply scoff or ignore you, you immediately bowed your head and apologized once they argued with you.
"Hey, hey, hey! What do you think you're doing? Bumping into me, eh? Causing an accident only to rob me from my goods, eh? I know that trick." One approached while you stepped back with Thorfinn in tow, head hanging low. You shake your head, trying to explain that it was indeed a mere accident-
"Don't pull that on me. Look at you, beaten and cold. You two must be poor beggars. C'mere, we know what to do with lot like you." As soon as you were cornered and one pulled his arm back for a punch, Thorfinn snapped his arm forward and shoved the man out of the way. He shrieked, alerting the others. "Hey, now-!" The second one grabbed your shoulder, however, he was swiftly kicked off, legs sweeped under his and falling into the manure below. Thorfinn let out something of an scoff despite his unreadable gaze.
Just as your friend was ready to bash the third man out of the trio, you made a run for it. There was no time to scold Thorfinn - you couldn't afford to earn the anger of some ruler's servant!
A mere barn was found and you snuck Thorfinn to the back behind a few bundles of hay. That certainly was close...but you didn't have the strength to berate him any more.
Instead, you tended to him some more, the best that you could as beggars. The man wasn't nearly wrong. Even now Thorfinn only let out a few hums at each action and touch, nodding meekly at each of your words. It was pitiful and equally heartbreaking.
Only to you though, it seemed.
You gently placed your hand to his forehead and sighed in relieve when not detecting a fever. It didn't appear that he had any symptoms either.
The blonde just leaned into your touch, tired.
You tucked a few unruly locks away. "I have to fetch something...I'll be right back." You snapped up only to be tugged down abruptly. Widened eyes looked down to find Thorfinn grabbing your wrist, stopping you and pulling you down. His swollen lips parted for air and eyes were still unreadable. Lying a hand on his, you tried to offer a smile, "I'll be right back, it won't take long. Just stay here and don't move from your spot."
The grip on your wrist was tight enough that you had to shake it off and leave before he could jump after you.
You missed the way his hand reached for your vanishing figure.
The port was even busier, making your heart race.
It was a mystery to you how you managed to find the short, unassuming man within the crowd of bellowing merchants and sailing boats but there he was, staring at you with wide, big eyes. He blinked a few times; Not quite certain if he should even be speaking to you - with that glare you were offering him.
"I don't know any details," You began, "But I have a request. I'll do what it takes for you to accept it." The man let out a nervous, brief chortle before taking a step forward. His hand scratched the back of his neck. The best he could was bear a crooked grin. "Now, hold on, little one. You, ah," He hesitated, blinked and took a breath, "I saw you with Thorfinn the other day. You are a friend of his, no?"
The man did not miss the way you avoided his gaze.
"And you are a relative of his, right? Uncle...Leif, it was?"
The merchant laughed and his nervous tone quickly shifted to a carefree one. It startled you yet that did not stop him from explaining his situation.
That was all nice and dandy...but you did not have time to listen to old tales.
"Listen, I know where he is. I'll take you to him but for that...you have to take him back to Iceland."
Leif could not deny that your request intriguided him. After all, just like Thorfinn you seemed to be a viking despite being his friend. He never had a viking ask him for a favour.
"I'll do whatever it takes to get him there. I'll personally drag him to your boat if I must, beat him black and blue and throw him into it." Again, Leif waved his hands and hoped his awkward laughter would ease the tension...and make you realize how dramatic your solutions were. It was not neccessary, he'd say, all that was needed was a good talk and listening to each other. To follow one's heart...and he's sure Thorfinn would choose the right answer.
That was enough for you to consider it a deal. Hurrying the older man, you were suddenly stopped as he tapped your shoulder. "I wanted to thank you, young one."
Raising a brow, it only made Leif grin.
"Thank you for being a friend to Thorfinn. He used to be such a sweet and hopeful kid...but now, he'd been through hell. I don't know all of the details but I am certain his life would have been more miserable if it weren't for you. Thank you for always staying by his side."
He continued to speak. You listened attentively, your eyes widened and fearing to tear up yet again at these kind words of this kind man.
Thorfinn could count himself lucky to have people who love him.
Listen To Me, Cleave Your Way Again, Again...
The floor was cold but thank the gods not as cold as the snow outside.
Lonely droplets of water fell down one after another and another and another; Like a melody to the puddle below. Thorfinn would have liked to thank to be alone right now. Alone and with not another soul as his company, as the trio of men chased after him and handed him over to the town's guards. With no resistance, he let himself be thrown into the dungeon.
But he could not find any gratitude in his empty heart to any gods right now.
You weren't back. You said you would be but when he looked up to the shadows hovering over him, he was met with three disgusting grins and not your smile. Bitter, bewitching, bland - it did not matter, he just needed to see your smile again.
You...held him. As if he deserved it.
You deserve to be looked for right now but he could not find any strength nor vigor to get up and escape, as easily as he was capable of it. All his head was filled of where questions on your whereabouts as his heart yearned for your presence.
A guard called out to him, speaking of an visitor. His first thought was you and how you returned to him. As best as he could, he crooked his neck and uttered your name.
Yet you weren't back still. There, sitting on the ground with the brightest smile he could muster was the man who used to tell him stories as a child. He prepared himself before he spoke. "Thorfinn. I've been told of an rowdy beggar being locked up. My gut feeling told me that might have been you, my boy."
Thorfinn sighed in disappointment and laid back down.
Leif licked his lips, taking a deep breath. "...You told me how you suffered for the past eleven years since we lost you, Thorfinn. You spoke of how I wouldn't understand, and I might not, and how...you couldn't find any peace within you as long as that man was still alive."
"...That...has nothing to do with you."
Nevertheless, the man persisted, believing it to be of concern to him. The fighting, the wars, the pain - and of how he swore it to himself to bring an end to it all by bringing him home.
A home filled with warmth and people. Of stories, some true and some silly, of food and water. Of no fear for your life and your future. A place where there was love.
"I swore an oath, you know? To myself and to Thors...that I would bring you back to Iceland. Bringing you back home where you belong, Thorfinn. That is the honor I want to uphold and the least I owe to Thors."
At the utter of his father's name, Thorfinn found the fortitude to sit up. Leif's grin was even more radiant than he remembered as a child. "So, Thorfinn...let us go back home. To Iceland!"
Home...how tempting that word was. How it rolled off his tongue like stenching poison.
Home...after all this time? Why? Why would he, why should he?
Could he even?
"My boy, you said it yourself!" Leif scooted closer, his grin rivaling the sun, his eyes shining like a jewel. "So we can go to Vinland!"
Thorfinn could barely catch his breath, his empty chest that barely could hold his caving heart now rising. Rising, as he remembered the tale of old times.
A land far in the west, beyond the ocean...a land so warm and fruitful and so far away that no slave drives nor wars could reach it...
"Thors wished to go there, too...and I am sure - no, certain! Certain that if he was still alve, he would have loved nothing more than to travel to Vinland!"
Thorfinn hung his head. Was he...even allowed to hear such things, let alone do them? Take action?
"Home...and Vinland..."
Not being able to hold off his quivering smile, Leif dusted himself off as he got up on his feet. He walked slightly to the end of the bars. "And if you allowed it too, Thorfinn...I invited another companion to join us."
Now standing near the end, Leif opened his palm. Squinting his eyes, Thorfinn made out an hesitant, shaking hand peeking out from behind the wall and gingerly taking Leif's own outstretching one. He gladly wrapped his fingers around it, while the other shyly wrapped theirs around him, after a good while.
Following him, behind the wall your figure appeared - and the young blonde wasted no time to jump to his knees. You turned to him, looking down with a bittersweet smile. Thank the gods, he could see your smile that he so wished for.
Voice shaking with disbelief he called out your name.
"You gave me an heart attack."
My, did you tell him of how he did give you an heart attack when you returned to the spot with Leif and found him to be gone. Of how you told the man that he must be arrested and locked up, like the idiot that he was, and that he'd best be bribed free. Leif took the initiative and kindly asked you to wait.
Grey eyes glanced between the two of you and Leif let out a sigh of relieve, his hands on his hips. Even in this odd, ridicilous and hopeful situation that you wanted nothing more than to put your faith into, you approached the bars and looked down at your friend with the sweetest smile you could muster.
"After all this...could you take me to Vinland?"
Listen To Me, Sail Away Again, Again...A Misty Moon
I'm Missing You...
For the first time since today, you could feel the breeze.
No longer was it biting or howling but simply soothing.
This road, dirty and muddy and the chants of the people going their merry way felt like a dream.
Stepping inside Leif's humble, little boat felt like a dream.
The mention of other possibly kind merchants joining as Thorfinn held your hand - it was wonderful. Once he was out, he embraced you tight, not saying a word. He worsened his broken arm with the never-ending squeeze he gave you and definitely smeared snot and blood on your neck when he buried his head in there, but you did not dare to complain. Your arms wrapped around his body, silently grateful to have him back.
In this mess that you were and the mess that you are, you felt like the luckiest person alive. You, bewtiched by the bliss, did not complain as Thorfinn let go of your hand.
He was as quiet as a mouse, anyway. You let him ponder, you let him pout to himself. But what you could not let happen was him vanishing once again.
As he did on that snowy hill to fight Thorkell.
"Thorfinn!" Yours and Leif's scream aligning with a bird's shriek. The man just got this little boy back and now you were running off as well, searching for him. He thought he finally found Vinland. Finally could honor his own oath and quench this sadness in his heart.
It was all for nothing.
The searching, the bribing, the empty promises on his behalf...your fighting, your murders, tending his wounds and holding him in your heart. All for nothing.
Yells echoed within the meeting hall. You caught a glimpse of brown and yellow make a sharp turn for it. "Thorfinn!" Yet as men tried to flee the hall, you only struggled to get inside, hearing Thorfinn's screams for Askeladd.
He seemed to have gotten in as his figure vanished from your sight and you hardly could hear him. The yelling and screaming ceased - what had happened in there?
"Thorfinn! Thorfinn, come back! Please!"
Not a reply, not a bellow of utter agony either. It was only you, screeching out his name, screeching out to be let go as the many servants and guards dragged you out. Pulling on your cloak, pulling on your hair, your arms, your face.
You could not see beyond the crowd. It was eerie to not hear anything from him. Now you wished he hadn't been so quiet.
"...What...? You, are dying? You...?"
The men reckoned you to be a beggar, wondering what you are doing here. Breaking into the king's meeting.
"...Don't be so foolish...and stop this nonsense. I give you my life...but...what will you do with your life...after you've taken mine...?"
Your screaming only convinced them of your madness. A mere, hysterical beggar breaking into the king's murder.
"...Will you take your friend with you...? Or will you do as I did to Björn...you should go, Thorfinn. Go far, far away from here. Somewhere that isn't here..."
You shall be taken away. Hysterical but maybe useful.
"Damn it, come back! Go back to Iceland, Thorfinn! GO BACK TO ICELAND!"
Iceland is not a fruitful or promising land...you shall be useful somewhere else. Somewhere that isn't here.
"...Go, Son of Thors...become a true warrior..."
Do Good, To Be Good...Do Good, To Be Good...You're Not Alone...
For the first time today, you felt the agony that dwelled within your heart, boiling there, wating for this moment.
The faces of the people, the mud of the road pressed into your face, the cuffs on your hands. It was a true nightmare.
Ripped away from the second Thorfinn let go of your hand and did not return to you. You still missed his silhouette. It was gone the moment you were hauled out of the place and thrown into the sea.
Thorfinn did not even answer your cires.
No one would now to a slave.
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4seasonsofart · 7 months
A reader insert who is the Prince(ss) of England and ends up a war prisoner during the war arc with Thorfinn and Canute at your side. The entire band is just awestruck at the fact that they managed to capture an English royal, and many boast about it. You know the lewd things they say about you; they are nothing but savages who happen to align with the enemy of your own country.
Ragnar is treating you with respect, as even as a political prisoner, he believes you have some rights. Canute is hiding behind Ragnar and anxiously—just barely—looking at you at the beginning of your trip together. Thorfinn just rolls his eyes and complains about having to look after another spoiled brat.
"Do you even speak any Norse?" Thorfinn inquires in a haughty tone as he rolls his hazel irises and lists profanities under his wretched breath.
He was slightly surprised to learn that you do indeed speak some Norse. He doesn't show it, as he just waves you off and smirks at the fact that this stuck-up royal could speak some Norse. He constantly says things in Norse that you don't understand, and he'll speak quickly on purpose just to make it hard for you to interpret his words. He gets irritated when you start speaking in English, as he doesn't understand what you are saying. You rarely speak, but when you speak in English, you do it to Askeladd. He hates that with a burning passion. What are you two even talking about? Him???
As the trip progresses and Canute becomes bolder and wiser, he begins trying to subtly manipulate you. If you are more fem-aligned, then he tries to get you to fall in love with him, and if you are more masc-aligned, then he tries to make you his ally. He tries to be subtle about flirting, although it comes off as more of an awkward teenage interaction.
"I know we are born enemies, made lovers."
Askeladd is trying not to laugh as he already had to deal with trying to teach Thorfinn to flirt. If you know... you know...
Thorfinn just grumbles and reluctantly learns to enjoy more of your presence.
You are worried about your fate as a political prisoner and are therefore very closed off. Which makes it hard for Canute to connect with you and try to manipulate you into betraying your own country and joining him. Of course, Askeladd helps the young prince in this endeavor, as he has become his new retainer at this point.
So as the trip progresses, Thorfinn protects you, and Canute tries to manipulate you. Your fate and what will happen when you meet the Danish king are still unknown.
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pfpanimes · 4 days
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⌕ vinland saga - thorfinn.
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gardenofnoah · 1 year
when they come for you in the night
i love my sweet traumatized man :( cw: nightmares, thorfinn lashes out in fear/self defense, choking (this is not smut). wc: 1.1k
it’s been a while since he’s had these nightmares, but the scream that tears through his throat is so familiar that it feels like it’s haunted you all your life.
you shoot upright when it starts, frozen for an agonizing few seconds—unable to do anything but watch the man you love suffer. Thorfinn flails, a mess of limbs and hair, and it’s enough to shake you from your stupor when a scarred hand fists into the material of your tunic.
you bring your hand down to cover his instinctually, and all at once you are reminded of the dangers of waking a warrior from a nightmare.
in the amount of time it takes you to blink, you are slammed against the bed—your beloved’s face twisted into a feral snarl above you, his forearm pressed hard against your windpipe. you don’t struggle—you know better than to think you’d have a chance of getting out of his hold, even with his past as a warrior so far behind him. the moment stretches as the silence between you does, and you watch him come back to himself, and to you, as your vision begins to fade at your peripherals.
there’s an emotion that flashes over his face—something like recognition that bleeds into sheer horror, and then his weight leaves you entirely. you suck down a breath, trying to get the way you gasp and sputter under control so you don’t startle him.
you realize the harsh panting you hear does not come from you. you turn your head—letting out a clipped exhale at the immediate soreness—to find him pressed up against the wall, curled into himself and staring at you with the eyes of a terrified six year old.
you reach for him, slowly—arm moving across the bed until it’s fully extended, palm facing the ceiling and fingertips just shy of where he cowers. a white flag in the dark. a wolf with its throat bared.
“Thorfinn,” you whisper hoarsely, “my love.”
his eyes get wider still, and you give him a soft smile as they well up with tears.
you push yourself off the bed slowly, propped up on the opposite arm while you reach for him. “it’s okay,” you coax him, like you’re luring a frightened animal from its hiding place, “come here, Thorfinn.”
the tears crest and fall down his cheeks as he shakes his head once, and then again, pressing himself further into the wall like he’s hoping it’ll give under his weight. you know that it is not you that he fears, so you don’t rush toward him. you stay planted where you are, hand still outstretched to him. asking the hands that he loathes to reach for you.
“i’m sorry for scaring you, my love,” you tell him, eyes not leaving his. “i should not have woken you.”
his face crumbles at that, and he’s shaking his head furiously, like if he does it hard enough, he’ll dislodge the sentiment from his ears. like he can’t bear to hear you apologize for his sake.
“thorfinn,” you murmur, palm turning to meet the mattress in front of him, smoothing over the sheets. “will you come back to me?”
you see it in his face when your words register—it twists into something pained as he lurches toward you. he curls around the arm you’ve extended to him, careful not to get too close to you as he presses his clammy forehead to the back of your hand.
“m’sorry,” he chokes out, holding your arm to him with both hands, curled over top of it like it’s the thing that can grant him forgiveness, “sorry, sorry, m’sorry—“
you push yourself to a full sitting position with your opposite hand so you can reach for him. turning your body to face him, your fingers card through the hair on the back of his head. he whimpers at your touch, trembles under your hand, but you don’t falter. you wonder who he is right now—if he stands in his family home, warm and fed and knowing nothing of what’s to come, or over the bodies of those he’d been forced to cut down. fearful all the same.
“you didn’t mean to, did you?” you ask softly, already knowing the answer.
his head shoots up then, watery eyes snapping to yours.
“right,” you whisper, brushing stray hairs from his face. “you didn’t mean to, Thorfinn.”
its quiet between you, save for the shuddered breathing of the man before you and the faint morning calls of the roosters out back. you wonder if they ever dream, and if they too have nightmares. if their hens worry for them.
you run your fingers through his hair, fingers pressing lightly into his scalp. you ease up a bit when you feel the ridges of scar tissue, unwilling to be anything but gentle to the skin that's worked so hard to keep him whole.
he makes his way into your lap—slowly and quietly, like he still needs protect himself from something. you don't call attention to the way his head rests cautiously on top of your thighs, as if he’s waiting for you to sense his vulnerability and strike—you just keep brushing his hair from his face, and you are patient.
it would seem strange to some to see the son of the Troll of Jom curled up and whimpering in the lap of his lover, but it makes perfect sense to you. he’s seldom known a gentle touch, and after the horrific decade he spent as a warrior, you think you’d have fared far worse than he. so you leave him be.
when you’ve known nothing but cruelty, kindness would surely be terrifying.
and you’d certainly expect him to be hardened—cruel to you, even, if only out of self-preservation—but he is not. he is soft spoken and curious and kind, despite the ghosts that cling to him. he is someone who wishes to take accountability for actions he was forced to carry out as a child. he is someone who has done enough soul searching to fill the next three lifetimes. you wish you could take some of the weight off of him now.
“thorfinn,” you whisper finally, cutting through the thick silence that’s settled over you both, “do you think we’ll have enough firewood for the winter?”
you know he knows what you’re doing, but you think the way he settles further into your lap is his way of showing that he appreciates it.
“i would never let you grow cold,” he rasps, muffled by your skin. it makes you smile—the lengths he’d go to ensure your contentment. you think he’d cut down every tree in the countryside if he saw a single shiver from you. you think it’s unfortunate, the way he has no idea of the depth of love he carries in his warrior’s heart.
he might not say it often, but his actions show enough. so this is how you show him your heart—when they come for him in the night, you show them that they will have to go through you first.
this fic belongs to me (@gardenofnoah). i do not allow anyone to repost, edit, or reproduce this work.
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tirednamelessguy · 29 days
Okay, context: This is just a little scene I typed out in the middle of the night recently for a fanfiction (which isn't really one, it only exists in my head in the form of a bunch of different scenes and some backstory). It's for the manga and anime series Vinland Saga and is a Thorfinn x oc/reader fic. That's all that I wanna say for now, I'll probably reblog this to really get into the nitty gritty of this fic (like giving the actual context of the story). I just really wanted to share this one because I can't get it out of my mind so I gotta. Anyway, enough of me yapping, enjoy.
The moon hung low in a star studded sea of darkness, shining down on the land. The deep blue river surged on, seeming to carry a thousand shimmering stars in its bosom along its path; to flow for miles before joining at a greater vastness eventually. The glowworms didn't come out that night, painting the two familiars in just the light of the world above. They were staring at the waters in silence, both lost in thought. Erik's fingers subconsciously found their way to her hair when the strain of its bounds started to get a little painful and released them, letting her hair cascade down her shoulders, curled and tangled. A faint sigh left her at the relief to her scalp. She saw a faint outline of her face in the water, watching her locks cup her face but couldn't tell much besides due to the meagre light. She brushed through them with her hand, taming them a bit before her eyes naturally went to Thorfinn, finding his gaze already on her.
They were sitting pretty close to keep warm but the distance hadn't meant much until now, when it felt miniscule yet immense at the same time. Erik's stare wandered from Thorfinn's eyes but not far, finding home in his face still, running over his features— his nose, his brows, his hair, his temples, his cheeks, his ears, his jaw, his chin, his lips; she thoroughly traced it all with her eyes, reading each shape, each rise, each dip, each scar. In its totality, his face looked dreamy, like a haze was pulled over it. Or perhaps it was her who was in a haze, finding contentment in simply gazing at him. It was about time she said something, she was aware of that but words struggled to take form in her head, let alone break free from the confines of her mouth.
"You look beautiful." Finally, he spoke. His voice was gentle, not rising above the gushing water in front of them as a rule. Their eyes reunited and for a second, he stumbled, eyes wide as if he surprised himself with his own words but soon, he collected himself. That was his nature after all. He always knew what to say and each word that left those perfectly shaped lips of his was like the mead of poetry for which she would be down to trickery just to get a taste of.
"It... suits you... this way."
The tug on the corners of her lips grew stronger, a fluttering in her chest made her take in a deep breath; the chill, fresh smells of grass and damp soil filled her chest. Her gaze grew softer and that was answer enough for him. 'Thank you', her smile told him. She wondered what he was thinking, his honey-brown eyes refusing to leave her. What she had in mind was crystal clear though. 'I love you', that was all. She wished she could say it. She probably could but she knew neither of them wanted to break the fragile, sanctious tranquility between them.
For that reason, he let his actions speak, extending a hand and delicately caressing her cheek with his knuckles. In harmony, she closed her eyes, feeling every inch of his hand. If she could somehow collect this feeling of his warm, scarred skin on her face, make an ocean out of it and slowly drown in it for eternity, she gladly would. His hand brushed along her shadowy locks and she ached to look at him again. He had moved— no, he was moving, just so slow that it was barely noticeable.
Their eyes were set on each other, locked in place. As he neared her, she could see his eyes more clearly. Shining in the moonlight, they held not only the colour but also the effects of the most divine mead to ever make her drunk. And from the core of those wells grew his pupils ever wider, a darkness that beckoned her to get closer as well. And she did, hypnotised, leaning closer both to his palm that cupped her cheek now, and his bewitching face. His lips were parted ever so slightly which she replicated. Her eyelids grew heavier, fluttering half way down. His thumb brushed her cheekbone, almost as if to make sure this was real. He lifted his chin and tilted his head to the right and his breath tickled her cheek so intoxicatingly, her eyes couldn't stand to remain open. And if she wasn't dying to feel his lips, she would probably fall back and swoon right there.
He didn't drag her anticipation. His lips connected with hers, feather-light and softer than clouds. That alone was enough to leave her breathless— head feeling light and heart soaring. She wanted to say his name, over and over again until her breath ran out, like it was the chant of Gods, an elixir to the parched lips of a lone traveller. She didn't. Solely because she couldn't with the way his lips blanketed hers, moving in a drawn out way. He was making his point, showing her he meant what he said and more. Erik returned the affection, kissing him with all the softness and all the love she had in herself. Her hand went to hold his free one that rested on his lap, lacing her fingers with his.
Their kiss deepened slightly, the yearning that was in the back of both of their minds taking reins. Her brows drew close. Her heart was crying out, her throat hurt from keeping all the emotion down, the only outlet being her lips which did their best to convey all that they could. Soothingly, Thorfinn brushed his thumb over her warm skin again. He understood, she could tell. Because he felt it too. All those years spent away from each other crumbled and turned to dust before them; disappeared, never to separate them again. Nothing ever could, not anymore. For their hearts would always show the way to the other. Even if the heavens were to rip them apart, even if they were stranded on opposite sides of the world, they would find a way back.
'I love you', her heart whispered yet again and he listened. And he said it back, all in the simple motion of the kiss.
Just wanna add that I've written more after this but am debating whether or not to put that up as well. I'll probably let it marinate in my notes for a while and post it anyway idk
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dedef7890 · 1 year
Hi~~ The inbox for Vinland Saga is open (I'm only writing for Thorfinn at the moment :))))
I just watched the Vinland Saga anime. And I read the manga so much I liked the story.
However, I have a few things to say. I know you don't give a damn but I don't care so read or leave.
So, I saw that many people were very disappointed with the anime season 2. (and some make hateful comments about season 2)
Honestly, I myself was disappointed when I saw season 2. I really liked Thorfinn, the fights were breathtaking...
And that's why I went to read the manga. Because hey, it's impossible to give an opinion on a work by only watching the anime (which isn't even finished)
And I realized one thing.
Vinland saga is not a quest for power or revenge ( Otherwise it would have been called Revenge saga? ) No Vinland Saga is a story of quest and deep adventure through Thorfinn who literally became a "monster" (End of Official Summary: Thorfinn has become cold and lonely, a prisoner of his past and unable to move on. Until life forces him to look at the World differently)
Season 1 is just a tiny part of the story, it's just a prologue, just a way to introduce Thorfinn's character and his past.
Season 2 is character development (Until life forces him to look at the world differently)
Vinland Saga is above all a moral. Man becomes evil by receiving power, but man is naturally good, men were equal, free, wise, and passive. What has made man evil is war and appropriation. (The natives are a good example, among them, there was no property, there was not just one man who came to appropriate land to the detriment of others. They are therefore completely passive, therefore they have no enemies)
In short, Vinland saga is not just about people killing each other. It's an adventure. (Hence the name Thorfinn, he was an Icelandic explorer who searched for Vinland)
I can't wait for the sequel to the manga.
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kaigarax · 3 months
Exactly As It Is
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Thorfinn x Reader
Quote: "Fall in love with someone kind." & "Fall in love with someone familiar."
Someone You Loved Featuring: The Chef
Thorfinn Karlsefni wasn’t quite sure when he ended up here.
He remembered the hectic start to this morning. Needing to shave (which he should have been doing every morning but had been forgetting to remember), pick up his suit from the drycleaners, send Karli to his mother’s, and…
Well that was the just of things.
Running around like a chicken with its head cut off - and when his head finally found itself back on his body he was sitting in the back of the wedding reception hall, hiding from the large crowds of people he didn’t yet know. Thorfinn has never been all too good with people, he likes to think he’s gotten much better now, but large groups have never quite been his thing.
Honestly, he’s just happy he managed to make it to the wedding at all. The bride was one of the first people to reach out to him back during his first few years in University. Not scared off by his rough demeanor. So of course, despite not knowing most of the people at this wedding, he had still decided to come.
“Ah, unrequited love.” You smile wistfully as you take a seat at the table.
Thorfinn feels a wave of heat rush up to his face as he looks across the table at you. The table’s relatively small with just enough space that he’d be able to reach over and poke your cheek if he really wanted to.
Technically this isn’t the table Thorfinn is supposed to be sitting at.
This is the table prepared specifically for you - the wedding photographer. Thorfinn just happens to be occupying one of the seats because he doesn’t want to be so in the middle of the crowd. That and he likes being around you.
Seated on your left is you plus one that you’d been allowed to invite. The Hero, Thorfin, isn't mistaken. He’s tall and seemingly lanky, though from Thorfin’s own personal experience he can tell that the Hero is buffer than he appears to be. Thorfin notes that the Hero has a triangular sorta smile with thick black hair that sits flatly atop his head. He is, objectively speaking, attractive.
You’re dressed real pretty today, in a light coloured dress that he hasn’t seen you wear before. Thorfinn finds himself wondering what material the dress might be made out of. He does happen to know that you’re impartial to most fabrics but have a tendency to favour silk. So maybe it’s made of silk?
He isn’t all too sure.
What he is sure of, on the other hand, is that you look beautiful.
“Who?” A man asks, taking the empty seat beside you. Thorfinn recognizes the man as the Pilot, your latest muse.
He’s tall though not as tall as the Hero with his hair unnaturally dyed purple. Thorfinn doesn’t know much about beauty products but he’s pretty certain that a colour like that is expensive to get. The Pilot is definitely one of the more attractive people that Thorfinn had the pleasure of meeting - and Thorfinn is pretty sure he’s a model.
Figure someone like that would be your latest muse.
You gesture over to a group of people sitting near the other side of the room, your eyes landing on a pink haired boy. He looks to be someone in his late teens? Thorfinn isn’t all too sure - but then again he never has been the best at guessing ages. He still has a scar (he doesn’t actually) from an older woman whose age he guessed wrong. It may or may not have been because he guessed ten years over.
Thorfinn smiles softly at your expression, “who’s he in love with?”
You smile back teasingly, “guess.”
“The brown haired girl?” The Hero suggests quickly.
Thorfinn’s own eyes scan over the small group, quickly picking out the girl that sat closest to the pink haired boy.
He’s quickly proven wrong with the shaking of your head.
Finally, the Pilot, after a long moment of consideration, points out a girl sitting across the table, “the girl with the golden eyes?”
Your own eyes seem to light up at that, “oh, and what makes you say that?”
The girl with the golden eyes? What would make someone say that? From this distance Thorfinn can’t actually see all too well, much less see the eye colours of them from across the room. He actually has to commend the Pilot for being able to see so well.
You seem amused, as you usually do.
The Pilot shrugs, “a gut feeling I guess.”
You ‘tsk’ your tongue disapprovingly as one might do when they scold a young child, “I expected better of you, Mr. Airplane.”
“Mr. Airplane?” Thorfinn asks.
The Pilot rolls his eyes, “just a silly nickname.”
The Hero laughs in response, “it suits you, being the Pilot and all.”
Thorfinn feels his cheeks flush in response. He should have figured something like that. He honestly feels rather silly for not realising it sooner. At least it looks like you’re having a good time as you lean back in your chair playfully. You seem close to both the Hero and Pilot.
You laugh along with the Hero, “ah yes, the Pilot.”
“You’re such a brat.” The Pilot huffed, his cheeks dusting over with pink.
“At least I don’t rely on gut feelings to know when someone’s in love.” You taunt back.
Thorfinn is quite sure how effective the taunt is as he scratches the back of his neck, more curious about your words then why you said them, “how do you know when someone’s in love, (Y/n)?”
“Well,” you begin, “I would recommend years of observation - as experience is the most sure way of figuring this kind of thing out - but I’ll give you guys the sparknotes. To know if someone’s in love you just have to follow their gaze.”
The Hero clears his throat, “why?”
You smile warmly, “because the gaze never lies.”
Thorfinn’s own eyes land on you.
The gaze never lies? He’s never quite thought about it that way before. Thorfinn supposes he’s never been much of an introspective person - charging head first into things has always been his preferred method of attack. The instinctual way to solve his problems. Perhaps that was why he liked you so much; because you did things in such a different way from him; because you were able to look at things from a different perspective.
“Do any of you ever plan on getting married?” You ask, turning to look back at Thorfinn and the others.
The Pilot is the first to speak up, answering with a simple, “eventually.”
“Eventually?” You ask.
“Well, obviously whoever I get married to is going to have to be okay with being in the public light. Constantly being harassed by the paparazzi whether they’re famous or not just because they’re associated with me. I don’t plan on getting married until I’m ready to settle down in my acting career.” Explained the Pilot.
You smile softly, “very mature of you.”
The Pilot grins playfully in response, “besides, actors and models are more popular when they’re single anyways.”
“And” you sigh playfully, “he drops the ball.”
The playful grin on the Pilot’s face is quick to morph into something more akin to a frown. Thorfinn wonders if that’s the kind of expression you like seeing on people’s faces. Okay, it sounds a little bad when he puts it that way but he doesn't really have any other way to phrase it. You just always seemed to be good at pushing other people’s buttons in order to elicit certain reactions out of them - and Thorfinn wondered if this happened to be one of those reactions you enjoyed seeing more than others.
“What about you, Viking Boy?” You ask, turning your gaze to Thorfinn, “you are the oldest of us four. You plan on getting hitched anytime soon?”
Thorfinn freezes beneath your gaze. Feels stuck to the floor. More embarrassed than thoughtful when he hears you mention that he’s the oldest. He knows that he is a couple years older than you but to bring that idea to light is honestly a little embarrassing.
You smile teasingly.
His nickname, Viking Boy, came out so easily. Just when was the last time you called him that?
In the end, Thorfinn decides that you definitely like making people make this kind of expression. Even if you don’t admit it.
Thorfinn swallows, attempting to push his blush down, “I guess I never thought much about it.”
“Any girl would be lucky to have you,” you say, dashing any chance he had at hiding his blush, “or guy if that’s what you’re into.”
“Well I-”
The Hero cuts Thorfinn of with a gentle path to Thorfinn’s back, “come on, Sweets, don’t tease him.”
Thorfinn supposes you are sweet.
You don’t bother to correct him as you laugh, “and what about you, Cellophane?”
Cellophane. Thorfinn thinks he’s heard that before somewhere. Maybe from you? Oh well. If he can’t remember then he can’t remember. What is curious to think about, on the other hand, has to be the fact that you and the Hero speak to one another in such endearing ways. Using nicknames and light tones. It’s not a way that Thorfinn has ever been able to speak to you. Not the kind of person he was - but most certainly the kind of person he wanted to be. Or at least with you that was the kind of person he wanted to be.
“Well no shame,” you say softly, “not everyone in this world gets married.”
“And what about you, Sweets?” Asked the Hero.
“Marriage,” you say the word as if tentatively tasting it for the first time, “what do you think?”
Thorfinn isn’t quite sure who you’re saying those words to but he knows for certain that the only reason why you answer that way is because you don’t want to answer that question at all. It was what you always did when you didn’t want to answer a question. Redirect on to everyone else around you to see what they thought of you. It was clever if not a little annoying at times.
If you did care for Thorfinn’s opinion he’d tell you that you’d make a wonderful wife though he doubts that’s the kind of relationship you’d want with someone else.
He watches carefully as your gaze wanders over from the trio of muses around you and back towards the group of young people on the other side of the room. The pink haired boy is standing up tall telling a story to everyone at the table. He’s charismatic. Well, more charismatic than Thorfinn would ever be, smiling and laughing at what everyone else says.
The girl with golden eyes (or at least the girl Thorfinn thinks has the golden eyes) says something soft and gentle in response to the pink haired boy’s story. Thorfinn likes to think that out of everyone there he’s most like the girl with golden eyes. Gently observing everyone else from the back.
Lastly, Thorfinn notes that your eyes land on an orange haired boy. He knows for a fact that it’s the orange haired boy because of the way your smile shifts. How your eyes stop for just a moment before closing slightly in the orange haired boy’s direction. Thorfinn isn’t very good at dealing with other people but he knows for a fact that he’s good at dealing with things when it comes to you. That he notices all the small and little things you do when you see someone that catches your attention.
“What makes you think he has an unrequited love? (Y/n)?” The Pilot asks, bringing the attention back to the pink haired boy.
You seemingly sit up straighter in your chair, “don’t think, Mr. Airplane. I know.”
The Hero raises a brow, a playful smile forming in the corner of his lips, “oh do you now?”
“Of course. I know people’s hearts.” You smile in a way that makes Thorfinn’s heart flutter, “why else would my works be so popular?”
Hm, Thorfinn has always known that you were popular but he’s never exactly formed the idea in his mind up until now. Kind of like knowing that your hand gets cold when you touch ice but never actually thinking about it until someone else brings it up.
Thorfinn smiles, “because you’re good at taking photos?”
The Hero laughs in response, giving Thorfinn another playful pat on the back, “I like you. You’re so straightforward! Not like this little missy here.”
“Thanks I guess.” Said Thorfinn, hoping his cheeks weren’t flushed a dramatic shade of red.
“Hey!” You exclaimed.
The Pilot gives your shoulder a gentle shove, “people like your photos because you pick such good looking Muses.”
“Very true,” you beam brightly, “the muses I pick have excellent hearts.”
Despite knowing it’s a board statement meant to be shared between all of your muses it has Thorfinn’s heart beating erratically. The last time he remembers feeling this way was back all the way when he was a young boy that didn’t know the difference between revenge and avenge. All just words and actions in an attempt to resolve that anger that bubbled up in his chest.
Maybe it’s a good thing that Thorfinn hasn’t felt like this in awhile.
He’s spent most of his life trying to right the wrongs of his youth. Spent most of his days worried about what other people might think of him. To be called someone with an excellent heart, and by you of all people, has him halting every action of his life. Heck, he’s not even sure he’s breathing properly right now.
“Hey!” The Hero is the first to speak up, “you never answered the question, Sweets.”
“I haven’t, have I?” You say coyly.
“This is what you mean, ain’t it?” The Pilot asks, directing his question to the Hero, “she hates answering questions directly.”
“Hey, you’re ganging up on me.”
The Hero smirks, “that’s because you make it too easy.”
Thorfinn smiles softly, liking the way your cheeks flush in embarrassment, “it’s okay, (Y/n), you don’t have to tell us anything you don’t want to.”
Thorfinn, if he could, would make sure you never had to do something you didn’t want to. Heck, he’d be willing to walk to the end of the earth for you if he could. He isn’t all too sure why but he knows for a fact that he would.
“You’re too easy on her.” Scolded the Hero.
The Pilot adds, “a total simp.”
Thorfinn isn’t too sure if that’s a bad thing or not.
Doesn’t really matter all too much though. Not when you smile like that at him, “the two of you could learn a thing or two from him.”
“Doubt it, Sweets.” Chides the Hero, patting the top of your head playfully.
You grab his hand and smile, “love is such a mysterious thing.”
Now that is a statement that Thorfinn can agree with. Emotions in general are fairly mysterious but love in particular seems to take the cake. At first Thorfinn thinks you might be making a comment about the people here; the thought quickly leaves his mind when he notices that you’re gaze is directed to the centre of the room. At the bride and groom.
Thorfinn found himself surprised at how happy the bride and groom seemed to be. Obviously he knew that married couples were happy (especially newly weds) but this just wasn’t something he’d been expecting.
Huh, now that Thorfinn thinks about it, he wasn’t all too sure what he expected in the first place.
So instead he turns to you, gently poking your side, “I thought you said that love was a well understood thing?”
“I did?” You ask.
The Pilot nods, “yes.”
“You sure?”
The hero hums, “very~”
“During my exhibit.” Said the Pilot.
You pause briefly, “oh, I guess I have.”
The Pilot leans towards you and flicks your forehead gently.
Thorfinn has half a mind to swat the Pilot’s hand away but manages to stay calm when he sees how you smile softly. If you don’t take any offence to the action then Thorfinn won’t either. He’ll remain seated.
“Perhaps,” you say softly, “I should say fate is such a mysterious thing.”
It has a tricky kinda relationship with Thorfinn. A constant push and pull that he isn’t all too aware of. A tug of war that he’ll never be able to win. At least it seems that you have a much better relationship with the very force of nature.
“Do you think they’re each other’s first love?” The Hero asks, staring at the newly wed couple.
“Yes.” Thorfinn says.
At the same time he hears the Pilot mumble a simple “no.”
The newlyweds are young. Younger than Thorfinn had been when he first fell in love. But the main thing that draws Thorfinn to his conclusion is the look on the groom’s face as he looks at the bride. He holds her gently, as if she might break apart if he holds her any rougher and keeps her body close to his.
“She’s his first love.” You declare.
The Hero raises his head, “hm?”
“It’s the way he looks at her,” you explain, “you always look at your first love differently from everyone else. There’s a certain kind of softness in his eyes.”
Thorfinn chuckles, his gaze wandering from the dancing newlyweds to the best man sitting alone, “it’s too bad his best man doesn’t seem to like her very much.”
“What makes you say that?” You asked.
Thorfinn looks at the best man sitting at the table with his hands in his lap, his gaze unwavering from the dancing couple, “because he’s sitting so stiffly.”
The Hero nods agreeingly, “he does seem rather annoyed.”
“I get that impression too.” Added the Pilot.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement, “elaborate.”
“I guess it has something to do with the way he acts around her.” The Pilot explains, “it’s like he’s stepping on eggshells.”
Thorfinn looks back to the best man, his resolve wavering slightly, thinking that maybe he might’ve been too quick to come to a judgment, “he could just be shy.”
“Or maybe he doesn’t like her and is upset the groom is marrying someone he doesn’t like?” The Hero suggested.
You smile, “he’s in love with her,” as if the best man’s feelings are your own.
The Pilot scoffs, “and what makes you say that?”
“Follow his gaze.”
Fall in love with someone kind.
Exactly As It Is
My Dearest,
Do you think I might’ve been able to love someone else if we had never met? That you might’ve been able to have loved me if I ever mustered up the courage to tell you how I felt?
Yours Truly
Hopes, Dreams and Wishes.
Such pretty words with such pretty meanings. Sure, the meanings are similar (if not synonymous with one another) but are still pretty. Pretty words with connotations beautiful enough to make one’s heart race.
Similar but nonetheless beautiful.
To want for something in such an innocent and passionate way. They were feelings every person felt at least once in their life and Thorfinn Karlsefni was no exception. Even now he had want for such things in life - for how can someone call themselves a living human without want?
On the other hand, in his youth, Thorfinn absolutely loathed the very idea of those kinds of things. He had them, yes, but he also loathed it.
Thought that the people who value such things in life were pathetic.
Beautiful but nonetheless pathetic.
Desires, Aspirations and Yearnings.
Instead, Thorfinn lived by the way of desires, aspirations and yearnings. The arguably more ‘mature’ way of viewing life. The food that was slightly more sour than it was sweet. The treats that were ever so slightly bitter because that was what his pallet enjoyed. Because that was what it meant to be an adult.
He, a loud and obnoxious child, hated the things that made him similar to the other children his age because he so desperately yearned to be an adult. But all children go through something similar, don’t they? Thorfinn did presently like to ponder that he wasn’t all that different from other children but now it seemed more like an ironic pipe dream than actual truth.
Pathetic but nonetheless true.
Thorfinn had always felt a strange yearning as he looked onto the sea. A familiar longing that felt almost foreign in his chest. The sound of the waves rushing up and down in the shore helped to soothe that feeling ever so slightly.
Slowly the waves rose higher and higher as the sun set - seemingly spurred on by the playful nature of the quickly approaching night.
Thorfinn’s shoes were wet.
He never did like getting his feet wet.
But he stayed there.
Letting the waves rise higher and higher - even pushing himself deeper into the water wanting to let himself be taken by the sea. Laying where the ocean meets the sand. Wanting to get sucked into the waves. Or buried in the sand.
This is how he wanted to die.
Indulging in ambiguous truths that left one melancholy.
True but nonetheless lost.
And that’s where he met you.
Your gazes met then but neither of you had chosen to say anything, instead just blankly staring at one another and the sea. His heart raced dramatically. Pathetically.
Despite being dressed in pretty clothes and having your hair done up all nice and neat you laid down in the sand beside him, letting the water wash up over you and ruin your appearance.
Any sane person would’ve left Thorfinn be.
Any sane person would’ve left you alone.
And that’s how the two of you lay for a while.
Just staring off into the distance of the sunset until it was just him and you.
Him, you and the starry night sky.
Lost but nonetheless different.
        I saw you         With that ribbon in your hair         Think that I began to stare         Maybe I’ll love you for a while
The loud indistinct chatter and rattle of cutlery of the kitchen was muffled as the large heavy door shut behind Thorfinn. The young sue-chef didn't let out a deep sigh as he let himself relax at an empty table at the back of the restaurant. Usually they preferred for the staff to not sit in the restaurant while on their break but the store was empty today and no one ever sat at this table in the back anyways. It was used more by the servers to wrap silverware than for people to actually eat.
The active restaurant life was tough, rough and loud. But that was how he preferred things.
It was his normal.
It wasn’t as chaotic as his youth had been but was just as exciting. This is how Thorfinn wanted to live. He’s tired but complete.
He had tried to work a more mundane job at one point but it hadn’t turned out all too well. One misplaced important document and another bad call quickly led to Thorfinn being ‘let go’.
Oh well, it's not as if he cared all that much about that job in the first place.
“Yo,” you take a seat across from Thorfinn, a playful smile pulling at your lips.
You’re dressed simply today, a golden ribbon in your hair. Thorfinn thinks it brings out the golden flecks in your eyes. Or at least it makes it seem like there’s gold somewhere in your eyes. Perhaps that gold is the spark Askaladd used to refer to as the ‘it factor.’ The thing people needed if they wanted to make it big in the world.
Thorfinn thinks that Askaladd would’ve liked you.
Would’ve liked your spunk and playful demeanor. You somehow managed to simultaneously take everything both seriously and not seriously the same way Askaladd did. Knew what to say to make people do what you want them to. Especially though, you had that spark in your eyes that shouted out to the world that you were going to make a difference. Or at least do your best to try and make a difference.
Mostly though, Thorfinn thinks that Askaladd would have warned Thorfinn to stay away from the likes of you. He never cared much for the people that Thorfinn chose to surround himself with as long as they didn’t endanger Askaladd’s operation. Not that Thorfinn had many people he hung around in the first place. He was more of a lone wolf type. But certainly you would have been the kind of person he’d have wanted to avoid. Not because you hung around a bad crowd or attracted trouble but because you were secretive.
“(Y/n).” Your name feels soft coming from Thorfinn’s lips.
Softer than anything else he’s had the privilege of saying.
“How’re you doing?” You asked, leaning towards him.
“As well as I can be,” Thorfinn shrugs, “you?”
“Well,” you laugh playfully, “I’m doing well.”
Your laugh is pretty.
Everything about you is pretty.
Especially with that ribbon in your hair.
“What’re you doing here?” Thorfinn asked.
You smile teasingly, “don’t want me to visit you while you’re on break, Thorfinn?”
“What? I didn’t say that,” he looked down to his feet, “I was just… curious about why you decided to visit me. You don’t usually show up here.”
“Hm,” you tilt your head to the side cutely, “that’s a secret.”
You’re much too clever.
And it didn’t help that Thorfinn wasn’t all that good at reading people.
        A stranger at a table in a place         And a really pretty face         I wonder what happens when you smile
Thorfinn is surprised to see you still at the table waiting for him at the end of his shift. You’re sitting at the table scribbling something down on the back of a photograph you’d taken of him during his lunch break. Constantly looking between the words you’re writing down and the screen of your phone. Personally, Thorfinn imagines that it’d just be easier to copy and paste whatever it is you keep looking at (or just take a screenshot) but you never did like doing things the easy way.
He thinks you look awfully cute like this, with your loose hair falling in front of your face.
Wonders how it might feel if he were to push it back.
Be bets that your hair is soft. Most hair is soft, isn’t it? Well Thorfinn’s own hair isn’t all that soft but he imagines yours is.
When you look up your eye catches his own and Thorfinn notes how you practically beam up at him. It gives his heart a hopeful thumping sensation.
Just maybe.
You’re quick to gather your things before making your way up to Thorfinn, the ghost of a teasing smile playing on the edges of your lips, “any plans tonight?”
“Um,” Thorfinn’s cheeks flush involuntarily.
Well, he did have plans but they weren’t anything all too exciting. The game was on tonight and he did plan on watching that with some leftovers he’s bringing over from the restaurant but he would prefer to hang out with you.
Truthfully, he isn’t sure if it’s because he’s in love with you or if it’s plainly because he likes being around you but the fluttering in his heart pushes him more towards the former of those two statements. He doesn’t allow himself to ponder on it for too long though. Not when you’re so close to him. Not while you’re standing there for his answer with that pretty smile that he can never decline.
Thorfinn swallows, “no. Nothing important.”
“Would you maybe want to spend the evening with me?” You ask, your eyes peering curiously into his own.
“Where were you thinking of going?”
“A jazz club.”
Thorfinn makes a face.
“Oh, do you not like that kind of music?”
“It’s not that,” okay it is that, but you don’t need to know that. It’s not that Thorfinn dislikes Jazz music, it's that he isn’t a big music fan at all. He’s never cared all too much for the more melodic arts. Music was always seen as the finer things in life and Thorfinn was anything but. He much preferred the rattling of pots and pans to the pounding of a drum or strumming of guitar (and whatever other instruments there were).
Your eyes soften, “you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
“But I-”
“We can do something else.”
Thorfinn’s heart does that fluttering thing again.
Even after all this time it still makes him feel like a green boy barely out of his teenage years. Which is anything but what he is now.
“No, that’s okay,” Thorfinn does his best to put on a brave face. For you. “Let’s go. What’s the worst that could happen?”
        I might never be your hero         Never been on to fight         That don’t mean that I can’t be your Valentine         I won’t be your savior either         Couldn’t even if I tried         But I think I could be someone you like         Someone you like
Thorfinn assumes that the worst is happening as he stares at the band on stage.
They’re out of sync with one another, struggling for dominance with one another. As far as Thorfinn can tell, there’s no symphony or rhythm. He doesn’t know much about music but he does know that this isn’t how it's supposed to sound.
You don’t seem all too taken by the music either. Instead fiddling around with your camera and looking around the crowd. It looks as if you’re looking for something among the crowd but for what Thorfinn isn’t too sure. But that’s just the way things are with you. There always seems to be something more. Where you’re just a breadths width away but a world apart.
And Thorfinn thinks that he might be fine with that.
Other more selfish men would have wanted more from you. Would yearn to be the one to get to stand beside you. To be the only one to be beside you but for Thorfinn this is enough. Just getting the chance to know you is enough for him.
Thorfinn is thankful when the song ends but the way that crowd cheers when the music's over tells him otherwise. They seem utterly entranced by the cacophony of sound that was just on stage. Seemingly taken by that brazen display of passion and song.
And you know what.
Thorfinn thinks that he likes it too.
If there was going to be a type of music that he did listen to, it would be jazz. It reaches deep into his soul and brings forth the feeling of what it means to be himself. A mismatch of parts from all over the world and brazenly who he is. Well, perhaps that was more like him when he was young but even Thorfinn knows that deep down he’s still a bold and outspoken man. Someone that’ll continue pushing forward for what he wants in life regardless of the obstacles thrown at him,
When Thorfinn turns to look at you (as he’s been doing all night) he notices that you’re actually already looking at him. You don’t look away (like any sensible person would do) and instead smile brightly. In response Thorfinn’s cheeks flush bright red in response.
“Have you ever been in love before?” You ask, leaning towards Thorfinn and brushing back a loose strand of his hair behind his ear.
Thorfinn blushes bright red, “why would you ask something like that?”
A part of Thorfinn thinks that you already know the answer to this question. That you’re only asking because you want to see how he might react. It certainly sounds like something you’d do.
Slowly but surely, over time, Thorfinn has managed to learn some things about you. Like how you always count to ten in the melody of ‘the ten duel commandments’ like how they do in Hamilton; or how you find amusement in the way other people make horribly wrong assumptions about you; and how you have a tendency to ask one thing while searching for the answer of another.
This moment clearly feels like one of those times.
After a while of silence you tilt your head to the side cutely, “so no?”
“Yes,” Thorfinn huffs, “I have.”
        Reading, in a coffee shop we share         Hiding shy behind my hair         Watching our movie in my mind
The next song being played is much better by all accounts of normal musical standards. Or at least by what Thorfinn assumes is musical standards. The instruments aren’t constantly trying to overpower one another and create a nice blend of something that Thorfinn could see playing in a restaurant much fancier than this one.
The people on stage look a little more presentable too. Their clothes match in style and the members of the band seem to move in sync with one another both on and off the stage. Such a pretty trio, Thorfinn thinks.
He thinks he heard someone in the crowd earlier mention that this trio is actually an up and coming band that occasionally pop up randomly and perform in open houses in hopes of growing a more natural connection with fans. If it’s true then Thorfinn respects the dedication. He imagines it’s much easier to grow popularity online than attempt to capture the hearts of people in person.
Another person in the crowd shouts out that this isn’t jazzy enough which seems to ignite something in the band members eyes as they suddenly kick it up a notch. The man playing the saxophone suddenly goes off on a run which challenges the piano and violin players to improvise to keep up. The piano is much more mellow while the violin playfully challenges the saxophone for center stage.
Thorfinn’s pretty sure that the person who shouted was you.
You’re turning out to be quite the trouble maker - seemingly very proud of yourself as you grin.
The melody becomes more jumpy, practically jumping off the walls. The crowd seems to be in agreement with you as their rumbling quiets ever so slightly in an attempt to better hear the music being played.
Thorfinn knows that the music has gone off the rails when the piano player finally takes charge of the song, practically slamming against the keys in a fiery passion that calms the violin and saxophone. It’s a scream for attention that has that spark in your eyes shining once again. It’s kind of similar to that look in your eye that you had when you first met Thorfinn.
This is what it must mean to spark.
If ‘Hopes’ were a person Thorfinn thinks that it would’ve been someone like the piano player. So willful and gentle yet brazenly strong. There is no certainty in the attitude of the piano player and what is Hope but the lack of certainty? And if the piano player is ‘Hopes’ then the saxophone player must be ‘Dreams’. A lively force of nature that spurs others forward. Everything one prays to be while simultaneously also being everything one prays to not be. And that would make the cello player ‘Wishes’. Constantly challenging that of ‘Dreams’ simply because it can. Simply because it refuses to be left behind. A glimpse into everything that could be.
“You think they’re good?” You asked, nudging Thorfinn lightly.
Thorfinn nods.
“Aren’t you happy you came?”
And he can’t exactly say he isn’t.
        I promise         Promise not to fly away         Make a story of today         Come on, give me a try
“It’s balmy out tonight.” Were the first words you said as you stepped out onto the street.
Thorfinn followed out after you.
Askaladd used that word sometimes. Thorfinn, being a five (maybe five? He wasn’t really sure) year old boy at the time didn’t know what the word meant. He obviously wouldn’t tell Askaladd that he didn’t know (he’d rather die) but he did find himself getting annoyed when the man used big fancy words. It was like his way of putting himself above Thorfinn without outright saying it.
Thorfinn, of course, figured out the meaning of the word on his own (Asking Askaladd’s right hand man) but not without some serious debating and consideration.
Balmy was an insult Askeladd often used when speaking about Thorfinn. Used it as a smart way to call Thorfinn crazy, mad and foolish. It was, of course, upsetting but warranted. Thorfinn really was all three of those things when he was young. Choosing to follow some crazy gang leader instead of choosing a comfortable life with his mother and sister. Even now one might consider him balmy. Choosing to live on the worse side of town and working a crazy lower paying job as a Sue chef.
Was the weather really foolish and eccentric?
Honestly, Thorfinn thought that the weather was kind of nice. It was a warm summer evening with an ever so gentle breeze that kept the humidity from being too much. Plus there weren’t that many clouds out which made it perfect weather to just sit outside and gaze up at the stars. Not that Thorfinn was a big fan of star gazing but he would admit that it would be very nice to be able to gaze up at the stars with you.
“The weather’s balmy?” Thorfinn raises an eyebrow inquisitively.
“Yeah,” you give him a curious smile, “as in pleasantly warm.”
“What did you think I meant?”
Thorfinn blushes, “just something else.”
You tilt your head to the side curiously, “if you say so.”
You let it go. Thorfinn can tell from the way that your eyes wander ever so slightly to the right and the subtle rise in your shoulders. You have a tendency to let things like this go all the time. A secret sixth sense when you approach sensitive topics that Thorfinn might not want to talk about. He likes that about you.
Most people like to push. Let their curiosity lead the conversation rather than considering the feelings of others. For the most part it’s not a bad thing but Thorfinn likes that you don’t push. Likes that you won’t bring it up again unless he brings it up first.
“So, are you working tomorrow?” You ask as the two of you begin making your way back to Thorfinn’s home.
Thorfinn obviously thinks that the two of you should be walking to your home but he knows you’d refuse. That you prefer that the two of you walk to his home because it’s closer and because you can get a ride back to your own place if it’s really too late. Really though, Thorfinn thinks it’s because you like sleeping over at his place. Not that he can ever get you to admit that.
“No,” he shakes his head, “not tomorrow.”
“We should do something then.”
        I might never stop your sorrow         Fix you up as good as new         But that don’t mean that I can’t hold your hand in mine         I might never say I’m sorry         Even if I done you wrong         But I think I could be someone you like         Someone you like
“And what is it that you’re hoping to do?” Thorfinn asks.
“Spend time with you, obviously.”
You must know what you’re doing.
There’s no other explanation of how you’re able to make Thorfinn’s heart beat so dramatically. No other reason as to why you’re able to make him melt with a sentence that is seemingly so ‘obvious.’
You must find some sick perverse joy in his reactions.
He won’t call you out on that, of course, but he does wonder. Wonders all the time. Actually, he wonders about you most of the time. Wonders about your feelings and thoughts. Wonders about why you do the things you do. But mostly, he wonders if you would give him a serious chance if he asked you out. If you’ve ever given someone a serious chance before.
You wander ahead of him as the two of you walk back to his place. Stopping to look at the lake as the two of you cross over the bridge.
Thorfinn, who always chooses to walk exactly a step and a half slower than you, falls into place beside you as you grip on the edge of the railing and stare off into the distance.
You always do that when you walk over bridges, no matter how small.
Stop somewhere approximately in the middle before taking a step towards the ledge almost as if you’re walking a tightrope. Then your eyes close ever so slightly as you let the breeze (or lack of a breeze when there is none) hit your face, basking in this moment as if you have forever. Sometimes Thorfinn thinks you might. That you’re a supernatural being living here amongst the men on earth. Forever existing to bask in the brilliance that is life. But that idea is always as quickly scrapped as it appears because if there ever was a person to define what humanity was then it would be you. You and your pretty little camera as you stare off to the rest of the world - constantly pushing the boundaries of what it means to love the world around you. It’s brilliant.
You’re brilliant.
It’s beautiful out tonight here on the bridge. The stars twinkling far up in the sky. Like wishes which have already been completed. There to remind everyone that sometimes the impossible is only impossible because you believe it to be impossible.
It really is such a beautiful night to watch the stars.
“Have you ever been in love before?” Thorfinn asks, turning to look at you and pushing your hair behind your ear.
You smile, “of course.”
And that’s the answer Thorfinn is expecting. The answer that warms his heart. Maybe that person isn’t him. Maybe it is. But the very confirmation that you have been in love is enough for him. You look at this world too gently to not have loved before.
If there’s anyone this world loves, it must be you.
If Thorfinn were a braver man he likely would have leaned in and pressed a kiss to your lips. Me might’ve even been brave enough to tell you that he loves you. Tell you that you’re the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
Instead he looks away from you bashfully and looks off into the distance.
        I might never be your hero         But I think I’d like to try         And the way you look at me is your reply         You got a lot to learn about me         Maybe you could start tonight         ‘Cause I think I could be someone you like         Someone you like
The sound of your camera going off startles him. Not as much as it did back when you first started taking photos of him but still startles him nonetheless. There was even one time when he smacked your camera out of his hands, he was so startled. You had, of course forgiven him, but only after he promised to be one of your Muses. Whatever that meant.
You were a super famous photographer or something. Thorfinn wasn’t all too sure.
There were people that walked along the street that would come up to you and ask for signatures sometimes that held validity to your claim but Thorfinn would’ve believed you regardless. He believes almost anything you tell him.
“I think that’s the last one.” You say softly.
Thorfinn tilts his head to the side curiously, a mannerism he’s picked up from spending so much time with you, “the last photo of me you take?”
His heart drops at that.
He isn’t all too sure why.
It’s a good thing, isn’t it? That you’re done? You’ve been talking to him about the deadline your manager set for your latest photo collection. You did complain that she was working you too hard but you always smiled so brightly. Thorfinn had tried to offer you some help but there was little he could do when it came to your work. There wasn’t much he knew in the first place. Back then you had smiled in a way similar to how you do now. A warm smile that feels almost bittersweet.
“Why did you pick me?” Thorfinn asks, “why did you pick me to be one of your Muses?”
“Because I like you.” You say, giving him that cheeky smile.
“Is that all?”
You pout, “what do you mean, ‘is that all?’”
This time, Thorfinn decides to be the one to tease you, “what would you have done if I refused to be one of your muses?”
“Getting to be around would have been enough for me.”
Thorfinn smiles, “you’re so pretty, (Y/n). Getting to be around you was enough for me to”
You were also so different from Thorfinn. So warm to and magnetic to the people around you. So adept at understanding the feelings of others. So attuned to everything around you in a way that that made his heart race.
So it surprised him when you looked away, your cheeks hot.
Different but nonetheless similar.
Fall in love with someone familiar.
Song: Someone You Like Artist: The Girl and The Dreamcatcher
Him: Of course I do.
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Another announcement! I have recently started the Vinland saga on Netflix and let me tell y’all something,
THERE IS NOT ENOUGH VINLAND WRITERS ON THIS APP, therefore I have taken it upon myself to start writing for said series. I offer everything from fluff, smut, to my absolute favorite that I can’t ever seem to get enough of…YANDERE!!!!!!!
So if there is anyone interested just send in a request❤️
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viciousbutprecious · 1 year
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Underrated pairing
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shinjisdone · 5 months
Yandere Thorfinn And The Things He Does (For You)
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In which you have joined Askeladd’s band…and grow closer to the Son of Thors. However, it seems like this was a mistake...for your bond might get twisted.
[Headcanons of how it would be like to crawl your way into Yandere Thorfinn’s heart (based on season 1;]
@luopenis , @jinsecho , @mitsureigen @theknightssecrets
This t h I n g has been rotting in my drafts since JUNE
This is honestly just a uh Yandere version of the 5.1 and 5.2 HTSAWH posts 😬 the insane potential Thorfinn as a Yandere has in S1 and S2 got me in a chokehold.
I started it, got writer's block and then wanted to finish the S1 HTSAWH series first cause this one just goes at it. It devours.
Remember when I started with 'Thorfinn won't ever admit anything?' That still rings true.
However, this time it seems like he knows what he is feeling. It feels like an aching softness he feels whenever he sees you, a warmth that almost burns him and spreads out from his heart. Longing that twists and turns like a mad snake.
These butterflies and the beating of his heart are as clear the shine of the sun and the cold of snow. He can feel it, physically feel it pumping through his body at the mere thought of you.
He cannot explain it nor knows when it started but he doesn't mind either way. Far from it.
He is young and stubborn. A side of him doesn't want to accept such mushy emotions but he has no strength nor will power to even attempt at fighting it all back. He is still boyish, still inexperienced and it all feels so good. He wants to let his heart give in.
The blonde is good at masking it though. Mostly because his life is so hectic that he never really gets the chance to indulge in anything, lest his feelings and inclinations.
I can still imagine him acting non-affectionate with you. Dragging, pushing and pulling. Though his touch is akin to velvet gloves and he tends to touch you far, far, far too much and a whole lot more.
The pushes are there but brief with his hand on your back - and once he gently shoves you, his hand is right back where it orginally was. Broad and warm palm pressed against your skin for support.
Dragging you because you talked too long to someone else? Of course. Taking you elsewhere since your eyes seem to wander to something else? Sure. Simply wanting you to be somewhere else with no one but Thorfinn? Why, yes.
While doing so he often gets the urge to have his hold slip down from your wrist to your hand and firmly hold it. He wants your fingers to clasp around his hand and hold it. Hold his hand. He bets yours is warm.
Though he is too embarrased to do so...and he won't have an answer or comeback if you question him on the sudden change of behaviour.
Pulling? What he pulls he wants to pull on your heart strings like you do his is usually you closer to him for safety or warmth. Wrapping an arm around you and pressing you to his side, either for others to get the message that you are NOT to be attacked or to keep warm in the cold mornings. He doesn't mind either way and it is one of the many things he likes to do most. It's warm and comfortable, makes his heart sing to have you this close, it makes him feel like a protector and that you belong together. Neither of you need anyone else. It's you and Thorfinn against the world.
He is scarce with his words when he initiates any kind of physical contact but his touch is gentler than a mother's.
He still likes to pull on your hair, briefly though and just to annoy you.
Thorfinn likes your hair...he pulls on it to annoy you but also to just feel it for a second at least.
Signs of affection or intimacy coming from you is different however.
The one thing that makes Thorfinn spiral down into his lovesickness and hits him with a tsunami of realization of his feelings for you is when you smile.
Your lives aren't easy being part of Askeladd's band. The fighting, the killing, the surviving, the cruelty and mockery of Askeladd and his men - it gives no one a reason to be even joyful for a moment, really. He knows he doesn't. The only reason he can find himself smiling for is you.
So it almost is akin to a miracle when your eyes crinkle and the corners of your mouth go up so naturally because it is so rare. When your grin already rivals the sun and you accompany it with laughter? It's like Thorfinn is transported to a different life entirely.
A life where you two share joy. Where it is only you two.
99% of the time you are smiling because of him since the young man is the only one you really have, at least as a source of companionship, kindness and comfort.
And 99% of the time when you smile you are looking straight at him.
He caught his breath and right there is the realization of his feelings. Of the fact that the cold and brooding viking boy has normal feelings, feelings for someone, and they are this deep and sweet too.
His heart is trying to rip out his chest and the sight of you makes him feel so special. He can make you feel this way, can make you happy even if it is for a moment. No one but him should see it.
At the same time he is blown away by your smile's beauty. He can't remember the last time he ever saw someone smile (it was a long time ago, 11 years) and he never knew a smile could look this stunning. But then, he comes to realize, it is only stunning because it belongs to you.
He freezes up as if you had stabbed him. You grow concerned, asking what's wrong before he avoids your gaze and turns away a few moments later. The young man still needs to digest your words, laughter and smile before a small one appears on his face. It was nice...
But when he turns around, your smile is gone already. Of course you won't be standing there grinning like an idiot, especially after Thorfinn weirdly zoned out there. It deflates him a bit and only makes him more determined to make you smile each time he sees you like that.
You're beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...
And when you say or do something affectionate? Thorfinn dies.
Again, he freezes up like a cat before really getting used to it. Even when your touches have a logical reason behind them (fingers grazing over his skin while checking for injuries), the blonde melts anyway. Its...foreign and different and so, so soothing. He likes it quite a bit but won't ever admit so.
In fact, once gets really used to it and your soft touch becomes a routine, Thorfinn really leans into it. Closing his eyes and letting out such a tired sigh as if he had been holding it for months. It's therapeutic for him, really, almost like a release of all tensions. Nothing but you wander his mind and soul right now in moments like these.
When you usher him to wake up by tapping his face he sometimes pretends to be still asleep just so you'd touch him more. When you come closer to his face and speak louder with your breath fawning over his lips...his heart picks up and before an excited smile overcomes him, the lad 'wakes up' (and annoyingly tells you to be quiet. Partly not to blow his cover but also to joke).
The moment your fingers glide over his palm as he leads you elsewhere OMG OMG OMG. As if you want to hold his hand...while Thorfinn gazes ahead with stern eyes he is waiting with bated breath on your next move only to feel the disappointment grow when you aren't reaching out to hold his hand. He blushes profusely at the realization, feeling embarassed.
When out camping, you can be sure Thorfinn will not let you out of his sight ONCE. Especially after Askeladd's attempt at killing you, the thought of leaving you alone would not cross his mind once (even if Askeladd's stunt didn't happen).
Sitting on opposite ends makes more sense to watch you but he quickly finds out that he much rather prefers to be as close to you as possible (what a great opportunity to wrap his arm around you to keep you warm at the fire place). Nevertheless his stare seems stern and dark as he watches and listens like a guard dog. What matters most is your safety, that's something he knew from the very start, whether he was lovesick before or not.
Might end up staying up all night keeping you safe. Watches you often just to see the rise of your chest as you sleep peacefully. It makes him calm and slightly proud as he's doing a good job so far.
During the night he keeps checking if you are sweating, too hot/too cold. Will take off his own cloak and wrap it around you/off you when needed.
There are nights where he just stares at you with an unreadable gaze. His body is moving on his own, it's as if there are no thoughts in his head and he's just following instincts. His fingers graze your cheek and brush your hair out of your face. It's fascinating to watch you like this.
You aren't glaring, frowning or smiling. All of your muscles are relaxed as you sleep peacefully as if nothing in this world could hurt you (Thorfinn couldn't and wouldn't let that happen). The blonde leans further down to get a closer look and will just...stay like this, watching. Watching your chest rise, how your breath leaves your parted lips, how the light of the fire engulfs your form.
It's...enchanting. That's the only word he can find that fits what he's feeling.
Whatever you two decide to do, Thorfinn will wordlessly be deciding to be joined at the hip even if you don't need him or suggest to split up. "No." He bluntly tells you as he glares but his eyes are soft as he does. His tone is not, however.
It's simply out of the question. He can be as loving as he wants to be but the viking will NEVER EVER leave you alone, or leave you entirely. No, you are far too important, far too precious.
He doesn't let you leave either. When he trains, he doesn't let you stray far. When he eats, sleeps and kills, you are to be close. Even in his many duels with Askeladd does he want you to be in the first row to watch him, watch him win (he never does but is stubborn enough to delude himself into believing it).
Whenever you decide that you are not needed in this situation/activity and attempt to leave, Thorfinn will call out and stop you. "Where are you going? Stay here." He's blunt and gives no explanation on why except by broadly mentioning possible dangers and that there is nothing out there to go to anyway. Where are you going in this dense, lonely forest? If anything, you're just gonna get attacked by a boar. Stay here with him or let him come with you. These are always your only two options.
Bathing is a necessetiy but usually not for Thorfinn. He'll gladly drop everything if you want to go bathe so that he can keep watch for you and your belongings. However, the young man usually ends up bathing too once you convince him.
Take all the time that you need, Thorfinn is ready to keep guard until dusk if necessary. He'd stay still like a statue with the eyes of a hawk for any potential dangers. Your belongings are right there at his feet.
Now, this can be easy to misunderstand hence why Thorfinn never lets himself be caught...but he takes glimpses of you while you bathe. Not for perverted reasons but because he...simply wants to. A lot of the rather quiet things he does for you and to you are most of the time always something akin to instincts. Thorfinn is fond of you, very much so, which is why his hand is reaching for yours on its own. It's the reason why he shoves you behind him during battle, why he seems to want to caress your hair, why he almost automatically always sits near you and why he wants to watch you bathe. He doesn't even really know what this is and if they can really be called 'instincts'...but he doesn't mind it and doesn't question it. It feels right.
Your face is beautiful. Your smile is beautiful. Your hair is beautiful. Your eyes are beautiful. Your form is beautiful. So he wants to see your nude body because he is certain it is beautiful, too.
And he's right. You're beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...
This is never going to happen since he prioritizes your safety above all else and will always keep watch, but Thorfinn would like to bathe with you. Just once.
Again, not for any perverted reasons but because the intimacy would make it so special. Both of you don't trust anyone but each other so only you two could see each other like this. No one else.
No one else could wash your and his back, no one else would be able to see your beauty like Thorfinn can.
It's wish thinking, really, really wish thinking but he would love to embrace your nude body flush against his. The warmth of your naked skins against each other in the water with the sun shining down...the closeness, the intimacy, the warmth. It's a dream he is longing for even if he does so secretly.
The bond the two of you have is just this special. Nothing and no one could sever or replicate it. He really likes the feeling of the world being your enemy and you two being the other's only companion. Just you and him. You and him. You and him.
Grooming is done together as well.
Brushing his hair is...embarassing but it feels so good. His heart is pumping feeling you so close, your hands running through his hair, maybe you even hum or just talk...
It's embarassing...but it's so nice. Nice enough that he'll let you brush his hair more often, as well as cut it if you want.
Thorfinn would only do it when necessary though. Your touch is nice but goodness, it's not the only way he can melt and revel at your kindness. Brushing and cutting hair is just a way to enjoy your touch in a different way.
Will close his eyes, flush a bright red and usually ends up leaning against you in his sitting position. It's nice. Do continue and do whatever else you want, too. It just adds to the experience.
Though the blonde is a bit too flustered to talk back if you converse with him.
He'll gladly cut and brush your hair. Uses the opportunity to run his fingers through your hair again and again and again and again. The urge to do this just overtakes him and even if he looks very concentrated with his usual scowl, believe him that he is thoroughly enjoying this.
Tries bis best to cut your hair the way you want it to...but he's still not good at it. He learns with each session so give him time. Additionally, he very much likes to cut your hair with his dagger. It gives him a little boost, a sense of purpose that the weapon that already protects you now grooms your hair. Thorfinn's dagger, which belonged to his father, is protecting, helping and grooming you, doing everything for you - and in a way, Thorfinn is doing all of this since he is wielding the blade. Whenever he wields the dagger for you no matter for what reason, it gives him a boost of self-confidence as your protector - which he heavily sees himself as.
Yes, Thorfinn very much so sees himself as your protector, even if you don't agree. In fact, he won't care what you or others think, Thorfinn IS your protector. There is no doubt about in his mind.
When fighting, there are only three important things: Survival, holding up a deal to get a duel with Askeladd and your safety. You are the priority.
So the blonde won't care what he has to do, what he must endure or who has to die to keep you safe. Thorfinn utterly despises the fact that you are often on the battlefield and that Askeladd out of all people are ordering you to fight vexes him even more. You shouldn't be fighting. You shouldn't be any where near danger, you are supposed to be away in a safe place waiting for him. Waiting for your protector, your Thorfinn. (In his mind he belongs to you).
So he gets extra pissy and aggressive on the battlefield, shoving you behind him, shushing you when you disagree and yelling at you to stay away! No more fighting for you! He doesn't care what he has to do or how he has to convince Askeladd but you are not. Going. To fight. Anymore.
Due to the sudden aggessiveness and adrenaline, Thorfinn becomes a beast during fights. There is no mercy in his eyes nor heart as he slaughters one enemy after another, as if they were twigs he pushes away while running through a forest.
Anything can be a danger to you. You could die and that's a thought he cannot actually bear!
No. No, no, no, no, no. It won't happen. It won't happen. It won't happen.
Screaming like a banshee as these words are repeating in his head. He stabs and stabs and stabs and seems lost and drowning in his anger, in his fear and squashes it all down with sheer determination. As long as he can take a breath, there will not be a single hair on your head harmed.
In the aftermath, after making sure every single enemy is dead on the ground will Thorfinn run back to you. He is covered in blood and his hands are desperately tight on his two daggers just in case anything might happen. His eyes are wide as blood runs down his face, panting. Once he found you he has to abruptly stop before he might run into you.
The first thing he does is mumble your name as he slowly awakens from his bloodied trance and his eyes that seemed so glazed over now narrow. He screams at you that you weren't supposed to fight, that you shouldn't do it again. Don't ever get involved in a battle again, no matter what that bastard Askeladd tells you!
Thorfinn is not really angry at you but rather still emotional ober the possibility that you could have died. That's not something he can allow and still lost in his rather emotional state - in fact, the viking boy always follows his emotions and guts as if they were a guidepost - he yells at you. He needs some time to calm down again.
However, you are calling him out as well that he just charged in there and that you had to fight! You cannot just turn your back especially when Askeladd is the one who brought you into this situation! Screaming at you won't change anything!
The young man is stumped for a bit and calms gradually down. Finally the daggers are put away and he keeps on interrupting himself as he struggles to voice out his feelings. "You could've died." He bluntly lets out before adjusting his stance. His hands reach out to your arms. "Let me look at your wounds".
He's trying to avoid his own emotions - he's too overwhelmed and doesn't know how to express himself. First he was scared for your life, then screams at you, can only see red...but he should be paying attention to you. You are what matters.
But once you shake your head and tell him you have none because he charged into battle like a boar...he goes silent again. His hands get ahold of your arms finally and he's looking you up and down, from head to toe.
An eerie grin appears on his face.
"...Good. Good." He absent-mindedly nods and rubs your arm.
Good. This is very good.
Thorfinn protected you. You are unharmed because he suceeded in protecting you, just like how it should be. This is how it always should be.
You snap him out of his trance when pointing all the blood on him. Thorfinn is the one wounded, why is he not looking after himself?
Because you matter first - that is his very first thought but he doesn't say it. He can't...not yet.
Ushering him to let you look at his injuries, the blonde complies with that eerie grin again. He lets you do anything you deem necessary to him while staring either into space or at you with that eerie smile. He basks in your concern especially if you dote on him.
He likes this. This is how it always should be. Thorfinn won't let anything go near you, he will fight for you, kill those that have the gall and arrogance to do you harm (because they deserve it. Anyone who thinks they can do anything to you deserves to be killed by him and only him) and return to you, into your arms, as your protector. He doesn't mind the blood that taints his face, hands and soul nor the stabs and broken bones in his body so long you are safe. And not just 'safe'...but safe with Thorfinn, because of Thorfinn. He wants to be your sole protection and he already is. You don't need anyone else.
And now here he is lying down and gazing at your beautiful, worried face as you tend and dote on him. He'd rather be nowhere else but here.
And if you do somehow get injured? The perpatrator will be met with a beast.
If you got hurt there is a high chance Thorfinn will just see red. Screams like a banshee and goes for the perperator to finish them off again and again and again. He'll pant like a dog after the deed is done and would need to collect himself before his thought process goes from "getting rid of the threat" to "you are hurt".
His clothes heavy, dripping with blood he hurries to you and in moments of panic, tend to your injuries as fast as possible.
In his mind, the faster you are tended to, the better.
However, his movements are hectic. Thorfinn cannot stand the sight of you hurt and he just believes he must fix it. Fast.
It is akin to a fight-or-flight response. Your injured body is something that brings stress and panic, so he acts accordingly to it. As hectic as he is, it is just as painful to be treated by him but the blonde always manages to tend you right.
Only after your are treated can Thorfinn let out a sigh of relieve. He'll sit next to you, glancing every other second to make sure you are okay. He keeps an keen eye on you until you are better.
If the injury is severe, expect him to embrace and press you close to him. Eyes blown wide as he pressed your head close, not believing how close to death you were. He says nothing but attmepts to collect his thoughts, breathing heavily.
At the least, he will sit close and hold your hand. At most, he'll have you sit on his lap as his arms are protectively wrapped around you (or he shifts his legs so you'll sit on the ground). He...must have a grip on you after all this. He must.
Once the day slowly ends, and you two are fortunate enough to find a stable or any other shelter, you might find Thorfinn to be quite...clingy.
It's strange. There are instances where he is exhausted and just falls on a hill of hay with a thump. Though as he lays there and turns to your direction, he reaches out his arm.
It's an invitation that slowly turned into a demand for you to come close. Sit or lay down, it doesn't matter to him. What does matter is that you are close. Close enough for Thorfinn.
If there are other balls or hills of hay where you'd like to sleep, Thorfinn will "prohibit" it grumpily and tells you to come closer. Close enough that if something were to happen, he can easily reach out to you. Without getting up but by simply leaning and stretching his body.
It stems from his overprotectiveness but also for his need of comfort (which he'd never admit). Nightmares are his familiars and if - rather when - they plague him again and he awakens with a start - you'll be there. You, beautiful, beautiful you and he can easily reach out for you. Grab your wrist or hand, anything, and have your touch as comfort to fall back asleep again.
After all, when he wakes up, either through another nightmare or by the rays of the sun, he'll still have you in his grasp and you'll still be there. It comforts him. Makes him believe everything is going to be okay.
However, there is seldomly, seldomly, seldomly, seldomly a chance where he feels bold and excited and overconfident when he tells you to come even closer.
It's a stark contrast to the usual Thorfinn, for the Thorfinn that isn't lovesick. He'd never ask or be vocal about wanting to be close, about wanting you to be in his arms as you sleep. Its...shocking but not the first time he requested this.
Well, winter is here. The cold, biting wind creaking its way into the open stable and it only makes sense.
Being close in each others' warmth prevents you from freezing to death, it only makes sense.
It isn't the first time.
However, cuddling with him isn't as easy as he makes it out to be. Actually laying down and shooting closer with your arms around each other flusters Thorfinn immensely. He only gingerly places his hands on your back and seems to grunt quietly, eyes darting. Once you finally settled in and wrapped your own arms around him, does he go awfully silent.
He clears his throat, grunts and blinks, glancing around between you and anything else. Thorfinn is excited yet flustered, happy yet nervous. It was a mix of emotions whirling inside him and now that...he got what he wanted, he doesn't know what to do.
If his odd behavior concerns you, you could let out a soft 'is this okay?'
The blonde's breath hitches - then he hesitates. A moment later, he nods in a way that you almost reckon to be timid but surely not Thorfinn?
While cuddling, Thorfinn will surely stare at you. Stare at your face with an unblinking gaze. He'd do so while you sleep and while you are awake.
You can tell him how uncomfortable it makes you which he'll reply to with the quietest 'right' and 'sorry'. Nevertheless, he'd continue to do so anyhow as long as you dont notice.
You're just...nice. So nice to look at. He rarely gets to see you so close in a place and time where everything is so peaceful.
Alone in the hay, inside a barn. At night where there are no marches or sails, where he musn't kill anyone to get a duel with Askeladd, where there are no bandmates with their vile behavior. Only you and him and the quiet.
It's where he can be...anything. A sense of belonging and freedom that is so exciting.
He can just look at you.
If you are female, Thorfinn would definitely be more flustered.
Women aren't often seen in the band and the young viking definitely never had been so close to one before. Having your body so close is...nerve-wrecking. But he likes it.
Thorfinn would generally try - keyword try - to somehow snuggle into you. The mere thought makes his heart pound even of he doesn't understand why. He slightly pulls you closer by the hands on your back and awkwardly tilt his head to be rested on your shoulder. Or head. Or chest.
It is daunting but he wants it.
Since there is definitely trust between the two of you, you'd at least snuggle once. Laying the head on the shoulder, head to head, to the chest...
If you initiate it, Thorfinn would freeze up but be glad for you can't see the exciting grin spreading on his face. It would encourage him to press you as close to him as possible.
If Thorfinn initiates it, it is very sublte, bashful until he fully and willingly tries to mold into your body. Inhaling your scent (even if you stink) and eerily grinning at the intimacy. It's new and peaceful and calm. So good, so good and not violent. Not grueling, not resulting into any bruises and broken bones. It's a world where only you and him reside. Only you and him.
He wishes nights like these are forever.
It's become less about keeping each other warm - it is the very instances where Thorfinn can indulge in his desires and feelings, his inclinations.
And each time you grow so close in each other's arms, does his willingness to indulge grow.
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4seasonsofart · 8 months
Thinking about Thorfinn in a self-aware AU He's aware that his life is nothing more than a set of written instructions. Each volume has him doing the same thing. So why not make it a little special for you? After all, he has seen how much you enjoy the story, the fan fiction, and the edits.
Thorfinn occasionally changes lines in the story just to keep you interested. Each time you reread the page, the dialog changes. Did you just read your name? No, you must be making things up in your mind.
He finds himself on the digital version of the manga on your phone, so he plays around with your contacts and apps. You may not be able to text that toxic person anymore because he permanently blocked their IP from your phone. He may place ads where you can see them and try to interact with you for a moment. Thorfinn is just curious about who you are; he wants to know more.
S1 Thorfinn will immediately make it clear to you that he knows he is in a story. He will kill Askeladd page upon page if that's what it takes to show you the truth. He's in his world, but also yours.
Farm Arc Thorfinn will occasionally smile in the manga towards you. Some of his will to live comes back, as you haven't abandoned him. He is just a story, and you are the willing reader. You may find a rose on one page that he plucked just for you.
Beyond the Farm Arc Thorfinn is much more methodical in how he acts. He won't be brash or change the story in such a large way that you can tell. He will manipulate the written words to cheer you up after a bad day or give you advice. He will be like the wise older brother who is always there.
Just don't stop reading or enjoying the story. You wouldn't want to make Thorfinn upset, would you?
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bryhaven · 2 years
Have some Yuri & a Yaoi 🏳️‍🌈
Fanarts compiled are not mine and are from the web. Feel free to tag, comment, or mention if you know the respective artists.
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grabowskibeepboop · 9 months
Sasafinn headanon that one of the first things Sass asks Thor after becoming confortable enough to do so is "Can ghosts have sex?" And Thor being just as clueless as him tells him that he doesn't know since he's been the only ghost (presumably) on the land for about 500 years, and then Sass is like "Oh you poor soul" and hugs him, and touch-starved Thor can't help but lift him from the ground and spin him in a circle (idc if it's unlike him he's been lonely)
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allmymuseinspo · 1 year
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almost-blondee · 11 months
Shit Disturber
Thorfinn x Reader
Reader is Askeladds daughter
Fluff, mentions of the deed, SFW
word count: 1.2k
i might turn this into multiple little stories because i like the idea. Just like different scenarios regarding Thorfinn, Reader, and Askeladd.
If there is grammar mistakes or spelling errors please ignore them, i tried my best to find them all, thank you!
Being on so many treacherous journeys just comes with the lifestyle. Having to go on endless marches day in and day out like it’s another walk in the park. Travelling with Askeladd and his group wasn’t exactly the ideal situation but you didn’t really have a choice. Being Askeladds only daughter, he was generally very protective of you and didn’t feel safe leaving you with your mother. You were a product of a one nightstand. Askeladd finding out he had a daughter was an odd thing for him, Although never pursuing a further relationship with your mother, he felt inclined to take up his fathering duty’s and keep you safe. Usually when your father would leave for a trip, you would stay with your mom, in Wales. Unfortunately, in your later teenage years your mother had gotten caught up with dangerous people and creating a not so safe environment for you. When Askeladd heard about this he wasn’t pleased, so he took it upon himself to bring you with him and teach you how to defend yourself. He thought you were old enough to be with him on his travels. What he didn’t expect though, was for you to catch feelings for the only other teenager in his crew. Thorfinn. You not having known what your Dad has done to the poor kid, couldn’t help but develop feelings for the boy. You guys didn’t talk much, if you did it was a quick couple words. Thorfinn doesn’t talk much in the first place so it is hard to engage in a conversation with him. However, you will talk to him any chance you get. He’s injured, perfect you can tend to his wounds. He’s leaving to eat by himself, you make sure he has enough food and water. Since Thorfinn is usually straight faced at all times, you can never tell if he appreciates the gestures or not. He never tells you to stop or tells you off, so you just assume he doesn’t mind.
Thorfinn definitely doesn’t mind the gestures, if anything he enjoys them but is to proud to say anything. Having known you’re Askeladds daughter, at first he was incredibly upset with your existence. But it was not long before he came to the realization that you had nothing to do with what your father had done to him. He still doesn’t recognize his feelings for you, but he knows he feels something and Askeladd was not having it.
He couldn’t believe that his only daughter had fallen for that scoundrel. He admits Thorfinn had been very useful to him and he’s somewhat thankful, but no way in hell he’s going to let him get with his precious daughter. Askeladd did everything in his power to keep you guys separated, but you were too stubborn, always clinging to Thorfinns side. As much as he could see Thorfinn pretending to dislike it, Askeladd knew he was secretly enjoying it
In one particular incident, you had gone to visit Thorfinn while he was eating alone when you guys had stopped in a little village. You had been sat beside him talking his ear off, not that he said anything back. It was getting later than you could realize and you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder. At first he was taken aback, his immediate reaction being to push you off of him. But when he looked a your, oh so beautiful face he couldn’t bring him self to disrupt your peace. As Thorfinn was admiring your face looking at every wrinkle and stray hair that had fallen in front of your face. Askeladd rounded the corner catching the boy tucking your hair behind your ear and caressing it further. Askeladd was enraged that he had the guts to preform such an intimate act on you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Askeladd spat at Thorfinn in a harsh tone. Thorfinn jumped at the stern voice, he had thought no one would find them out here. The one time he was bold enough to admire you he had been caught, and by the worst person, your dad.
“uhh…. i was just… relaxing?” That was the only thing Thorfinn could muster up. “Relaxing.” Askeladd said in a flat tone. “Relaxing my ass, you were trying to cop a feel.” Thorfinn immediately denied any intention of touching you in any other way, than how he just had. It went silent. Thorfinn had begun glaring at Askeladd for ruining the moment, and Askeladd glaring back at him for touching his daughter. “Take your hands off of her” Askeladd finally spoke up. Thorfinn was confused for a second, his hands weren’t on you anymore. Then he realized that his arm had absentmindedly wrapped its self around you to support your body. Thorfinn rolled his eyes and sighed “No, it’ll wake her, you wouldn’t want to wake your precious daughter would you, old man?” Thorfinn said, his voice dripping in sarcasm.
“oh you little brat!” Askeladd replied, now angrier than before. “i don’t care if it wakes her, get away from her or i’ll rip your arm off”
“jeez okay old man. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” Thorfinn slowly shook you trying to wake you in the most gentle way possible just to make Askeladd more mad. “Hey, (y/n). Wake up, i’ll bring you to a proper bed” He whispered, but made sure it was loud enough for your dad to hear. Askeladd just rolled his eyes trying not to rip Thorfinns head off.
“huh, oh…Thorfinn.” was the first thing you said when you woke up. You looked so pleased to be woken up by him, it made Askeladd sick. “sorry i must have fallen asleep” you apologized. “don’t worry about it, just go find a bed to sleep in.” Thorfinn replied. As you stretched you pushed your head further into Thorfinns neck, keeping it there. Thorfinn could feel your hot breath on his neck, it made his hair stand up. Now this was extra awkward. Thorfinn realized that you hadn’t noticed your dad standing about 2 metres away from you guys.
“ahem…..” Askeladd cleared his throat to make him self noticeable to you. As soon as you heard him you jumped up, looked at your dad and got up from beside Thorfinn. “ohhh, Haha… Dad i didn’t know you were there….” you said in an embarrassed tone. Askeladd hated how you were so smitten with the boy sitting on the ground. Enough to cuddle up to him unprovoked. “we are leaving, you can sleep in my room tonight. If i hear you get up you’re dead.” your dad said in a harsh tone. Meanwhile, Thorfinn was enjoying how angry Askeladd was getting over something so trivial, it’s not like he caught you guys doing the deed. Although that probably would have been funnier, Thorfinn thought. The boy sat on the ground with a smirk waiting for Askeladds next move. Askeladd began to walk away with you tailing, when Thorfinn spoke up and said
“(y/n), you should come sleep with me more often.” purposefully making it sound more lewd then it actually was, in order to make Askeladd more mad. You turned red with embarrassment and looked at your dad, who was fuming. You then looked at Thorfinn and whispered an “okay”.
“ YOU’RE GETTING IT NOW BOY!” Askeladd had snapped, shouting at the boy for who knows how long as Thorfinn sat there trying not to laugh. Once Askeladd was done, he pulled you to his room. You gave Thorfinn a quick wave, and he just nodded. As you retreated you were wondering what you had gotten yourself into…
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jeweldagger · 4 months
thorfinn x f!reader (soulmate au!)
the heat around he two of yo could be unbearable, as houses crashed down onto the floor, engulfed by flames.
houses of people you knew.
you watched as your classmates, friends, family, teachers... you watched as they were all slaughtered in cold blood.
and the boy in front of you was the sole cause of it all.
he seemed to be about your age, not very tall with shaggy, dark blonde hair. his dark eyes glared down at you, an apathetic look on his face.
did he not care that he had just let a group of vikings kill everyone? a whole village? did he not care that everything was up in flames? did it not bother him?
did he not care that.. he was your soulmate?
you could tell he was, purely by the fact that the red string of fate wrapped around your pinky, in linked with his.
his end as various signs of cutting, and attempts to rip it off... and you had suffered from them.
each attempt at harming the string, inflicts an equal amount of pain to both soulmates. each slash dug deep into your skin, and each tug you could feel.
he was desperate to get rid of the string, but only caused pain for the both of you.
"you.." your voice was shaky as you stared up at him, his hand resting at his side.
he spared the string not even a mere glance, his eyes were focused on you and you alone.
his soulmate.
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