#This isn't proofread
amourtoken · 27 days
ik this was on the poll but I genuinely couldn't help myself I had to write shit down or my head would explode
here's some sugar daddy Noah thoughts lol
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: age difference, dirty talk, raw sex (pls do not), sex toys, light exhibitionism, Noah is fucking gross and that's ok, size kink, oral, dacryphylia, dom/sub, maybe dubcon if you squint but not rlly, daddy kink
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♡ god be with me on this one lmao
♡ how did you end up in this situation? It's a little clichè but you were in the same club and he couldn't keep his fuckin eyes off of you. Normally you don't go to these upscale places but tonight it was in your favor, getting invited to Noah's private section gave you a chance to get away from the college friends you'd come with and actually enjoy yourself.
♡ keeping his eyes off you was one thing but his hands? Impossible.
♡ he'd instantly rested his large hand on your thigh the second you'd taken a seat next to him. Bold, but you didn't seem to mind it. He was sharing the booth with his band mates, they all seemed at least 10 years older than you but you didn't mind. you tried to conversate with them equally but the hand sliding up your thigh was making it difficult.
♡ like I said he's gross. No shame. If he wants something he's gonna get it one way or another but he at least tries to be respectful off the jump. Just when his fingers dipped under the hem of your short black dress he leaned against you to whisper something only you could hear.
"You're more than welcome to tell me no, but wanna come with me back to the hotel?"
♡ you've known the man for an hour tops, but he made you dizzy and created a swarm of butterflies in your belly so why say no? You're a few drinks in anyway, maybe prior you would've thought this was a terrible idea but the way his fingers feel caressing your thigh and how fuckin good he looks with those sleeves rolled up and all his tattoos on display? Maybe you can't resist either.
♡ this was just the first time you met, and it led you down a lovely path with him.
♡ at first it was just fucking. Meeting up whenever he was around or sending videos back and forth while he was out on tour. It escalated to him flying you out on occasion to watch him play, he'd book you the nicest hotel rooms and order you any food you needed while you were there. He started sending you flowers at home, and little gifts. His definition of a little gift is a $400 anklet with his initial on it though.
♡ after a few months he was regularly spoiling you with absolutely anything he had an excuse to. You so much as laid eyes on something for too long and he'd get it for you. He'd fly you out of the country whenever you had a break from classes and you'd enter your hotel room to see an exorbitantly expensive lingerie set next to a note from him.
"Thought you'd look perfect in this. Couldn't resist <3"
♡ his camera roll was 99% pictures of you in said expensive outfits. Bouncing between mirror selfies together where he'd have his tattooed hand wrapped around your throat from behind or on one occasion a just barely censored photo of you bent over in front of him mid backshots with his hand pressed on your back so it arches just right. (This was his lockscreen for ages, he is a freak.)
♡ his band mates have gotten used to seeing you around (and hearing you two through the walls of the shared hotel rooms), and you've grown quite fond of them as well. They see how happy you make him and can't rlly be upset even though they think he's a little over the top with how he treats you.
♡ aside from all the less than spicy details, this man *fucks*
♡ this man fucks like he absolutely hates your guts and it's *wonderful*
♡ why was his first big gift to you an anklet with his initial? So he could see it dangling over his shoulder when he had you folded in a mating press under him. He's got the filthiest mouth on him while he fucks too.
"so fuckin' pretty under me- like you were made for my dick"
"Louder. Want everyone to know who's fuckin' you so good"
"Wanna thank me for all these gifts? You can do it on your knees, baby."
"Such a dumb little slut for this cock, is it really that good? Say it."
"Awe, can't take anymore? That's too bad, you're going to."
♡ almost came untouched the first time you called him daddy. You kinda did it jokingly but after seeing his reaction you couldn't help but continue. He loves hearing it and it puts him in such a dominant headspace, it's like flipping a switch on him. Perfectly enough, when he's in that role, you fit right into a comfy subspace.
♡ he really likes instances where you're completely naked and he's not. Thinks it adds to the dynamic since you're so exposed. He lovesss running his big tattooed hands all over your body and watching you squirm and beg for some friction. He'll deny it till you're nearly in tears before giving in.
"want me to play with that pretty pussy, baby? Use your words, you know how to ask for it."
"So needy...maybe I should make you ride my thigh till you cum, see how bad you want it."
♡ buys you pretty mini skirts so he can pull you on his lap anywhere and gring against your bare ass. He'll lean his head on your shoulder and whisper filth about how you make him feel and how dirty you are for letting him dress you up like a sex doll without complaint. That's basically what you are, a little doll for him.
♡ speaking of said mini skirts, he loves when you're sat on his lap, back to his chest and head leaned back on his shoulder while he hikes your short skirt up to play with you. Makes it 100x worse better by occasionally setting his phone up to record, angled perfectly to catch the way his large fingers split your pussy open and tease your clit just right. Can't help himself but to fuck you right there, the way you squeezed around his fingers made his cock painfully hard. He caught that on video too.
"Keep making those pretty sounds, baby girl. You like when I stretch this little pussy out?"
"Say please, daddy and I'll let you have my cock."
"gonna watch this with me later? Wanna see how pretty you look split on daddy's dick?"
♡ he's bought you countless pretty sex toys and is a big fan of remote vibrators so he can play with you even when he doesn't have the chance to be there in person. Loves to FaceTime you and watch you unravel for him while he controls it. He's used it a few times in person as well, making you cum and turning it up to its highest setting, making your legs give out and you'd grab his arm for support. He'd coo about how good you're doing for him but also tease you about how sensitive you are, fat tears brimming in your eyes as you begged him to turn it down cause you couldn't handle more.
"Poor thing, so cute when you cry for me"
"You can give me another one, baby. Promise I'll fill that pussy up so fuckin' good after"
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smokipoki · 10 days
[✿] Alien Bullshit
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| ➛ ft. Alhaitham
| ➛ hurt/comfort (???) , gn!reader , first "x reader" EVER , based on that one prompt that I can't find anymore :( , Haitham might be too ooc huhu , also there's a bluey reference here (surprise)
Alhaitham didn't know what to expect.
He certainly didn't expect that he'd get abducted by an alien, You. You who had apologized profusely when you had successfully kidnapped him. You who had asked him, begged him to help you with your exam tomorrow. What was the exam about? Why, humans of course! Initially, he refused. Why should he help an extra-terrestrial lifeform that had abducted him? You understood where he was coming from. If you were in his shoes, you would've shat yourself.
Out of desperation, you told him you'd do ANYTHING for him to help you with your exams.
Hmmm... Anything you say? How about a trade? Your species' information, history, and biology for his? You accepted his conditions without hesitation. That exam was your whole life, an entrance to a new career you've been working so hard to achieve.
The two of you began to exchange information. Hows and whys. What's fatal and what isn't? Do you have any countries? Or nations? How about his world? What do you eat? Or rather, do you eat at all? What are visions? What is an Archon? Who are the Archons? What kind of animals does your ecosystem contain? How about his? Are they edible? Yes? No? Do you sleep? How did your kind get so advanced in technology? Why is your kind learning about his? How long does a year last on your planet? How long does a year last on his?
Questions and answers. History, memories, personal experiences. It was fun. Enjoyable, Alhaitham decided. For him and for you.
What was your name? He asked and you told him.
What was his? You asked in return. And he told you.
"Why don't you come to Teyvat?"
"I couldn't. I... I shouldn't. I'd die—"
"But how do you know that? Have others before you tried it out?"
"No... But- but I couldn't possibly—"
"Just try. For me. Please?"
For him? You barely even know him. And he barely even knows you.
And yet it felt like the two of you had known each other for years.
With much convincing, you decided to try it out. You landed in the green meadows of Mondstadt and with Alhaitham in hand, the two of you stepped into the world that he called home. It was beautiful. And you survived. Why did you say that you couldn't? You didn't know at the time. The two of you left Mondstadt and travelled to Sumeru. His nation. His home.
At the time the two of you explored Sumeru. You met his Archon. You met his roommate. You met the Traveller and his companion. You met his friends. What were you so afraid of? Why did you say that you couldn't anyways?
Alhaitham didn't know what to expect at the time.
At the time, the two of you explored Sumeru. He figured he'd introduce you to culture, and the people he would call his friends. You met Nahida, the God of Wisdom. Who's wisdom she passed unto you and you couldn't have been more grateful. You met his roommate, Kaveh. He thought Alhaitham was crazy when he told him about you. You shared stories with one another. You laughed with one another. You wouldn't trade that experience for the world. You met the Traveller and their friend Paimon, who stood by their side throughout their journey.
You met Cyno, his jokes you never understood. You met Tighnari, you found his knowledge to be incredible. You met Collei, you met Nilou, you met Candace, Dehya, Faruzan, Wanderer, Layla, Dori, everyone.
All of them welcomed you with open arms. So what were you thinking? When you said that you couldn't?
You met him. You met Alhaitham. And he welcomed you with open arms.
You took effort in knowing them. Befriending them.
But you couldn't stay with them. You couldn't stay with Nahida and have tea parties with her. You couldn't stay with Kaveh and watch him and Alhaitham bicker with each other. You couldn't stay with the Traveller and Paimon and share stories from other worlds with each other. You couldn't stay and go through Cyno's awful jokes with Tighnari. You couldn't stay with Collei as you help her sew plushies. You couldn't stay and watch Nilou dance. You couldn't stay and watch Candace and Dehya spar with each other. You couldn't listen to Madam Faruzan's lectures and bicker with Wanderer. You couldn't stay with them. You couldn't stay with them all.
You couldn't stay with Alhaitham. Attachment. Connections. Those were what you were so afraid of. You were afraid of leaving someone you had just befriended so soon.
Alhaitham didn't know what to expect.
He didn't know what to expect when he watched you wave goodbye. He didn't know what to do as he watched your ship sail off into the sky. He's conflicted. He didn't expect that it would hurt. That it would tear him apart.
"Look, man. Special people come into our lives. They stay for a bit, then they have to go."
Kaveh told him a few weeks after you had left. (Although they were bickering earlier when Kaveh asked what was wrong with him.)
"But at least the part where they were here was happy, wasn't it?"
It was.
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Thanks for reading ! <3 Borders used here aren't mine ‼️
© @smokipoki
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cousticks · 9 months
the ending of beast with chuuya in chains or whatever means nothing to me. that ending isn't real and it can't hurt me. instead,
it was another normal stupid day and chuuya was on another normal petty mission to fix who-knows-what. trouble at the docks, intimidating rivals encroaching on territory, you name it. whatever it was, it was far below his rank and definitely dazai's version of busywork.
of course, eventually the mess back at headquarters reaches him. it takes a while, subordinates were under a gag order to keep him out of it. everything is coming to a head by the time he gets back. he wasn't in any real rush, of course. dazai could do with a good kick to the head from that troublesome agency. but when there's no response to a phone call or three, he's a little uneasy. on edge. something is really wrong.
he sees the body falling from a distance. he could have made it, maybe, if he could have run the speed calculation. if he didn't freeze in shock. if he paid a little more attention. if, if, if,
he pulls the scarf from the corpse before anyone else makes it to the scene, before anyone else can see him there, can see his failure.
how dare the bastard manage to die and he wasn't even there to push him off.
everyone knows not to mention the dirt, nor the bloodstains, on the new boss's scarf.
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royalsunshinehotel · 1 year
Hiiii!!! So I'm super late on the Midnight Mass train but I just spent the last two days binging it, which I instantly followed by jumping on Tumblr and AO3 to look for fics for our beautiful Hassan. Unfortunately, I can't say that took up more than 2 hours of my time: I literally scrolled to the end of the tag on here and there bc there is so little imagines for him. Frankly, you make up about half of that writing, and for that I BLESS YOU 😭 I know you said you're a bit swamped with life and stuff, but if you had the time I'd love if you could bless the tag with a new fic?
Idk how this hasn't been done yet, but can I get a fic where the reader delivers a verbal smackdown to Bev at a meeting when she's acting bitchy to Hassan, and then he shows the reader how much he appreciates her standing up for him when they get home 😜
Thank you for your service on all things Hassan 😘
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6:31 PM (Hassan x f!reader)
A/N: I'm so glad to be back! This is a little bit of a mess, but Hassan is here and he's ready to be loved!
The Crockett Island treasury was small, if not totally lacking. You might as well have been treasurer for the student council. This required meetings every Tuesday of the month. More if a vote was taken to have another meeting.
There had been a meeting almost every Tuesday since Father Paul's arrival, all revolving around the role of the Church in the community. You want to tell Bev that she needs to stop trying so hard to drum up business for the church, and it was unlikely that the locals would change their mind.
She should know this, as a local.
You were a part of the population that didn't attend Sunday service, and it had become a point of contention between you and your co-council member, and you weren't going to budge.
Simply put, you find it better to be alone. If you believe in some genre of God, this is your private time. If not, then it's a time to clear your head. Either way, it doesn't involve the mousy redhead, who had been making everyone more tense than usual.
"Finally," Bev starts, "a fantastic new idea from, our newest addition, Father Paul." Bev claps lightly, and a handful of people join in, only for a beat or two.
And you're not paying attention to the meeting, just because Beverly Keane has a talent for losing a crowd.
What brings you back to earth is Hassan. He's good at doing that. He's sitting next to you in the ancient school desks that you were all forced to sit in, due to lack of an auditorium, or any meeting place in town.
You weren't paying attention, and, as usual,
"Isn't that what...your people do?" She gives a pointed look at Hassan.
Ice water seeps into your veins, and you clench your fists. You did have something of a temper, but not right now. Not in front of him.
"His people? Aren't you from Harlem?" You ask, a small chuckle spreads across the room.
"Yeah." Hassan replies, voice soft.
"And so, in front of Crockett's finest, I ask, Madame Treasurer, to fund Father Paul's idea and add Religion to our High School curriculum."
Father Paul, mid-range handsome, and pathetic, stared at the wall, looking for something only he could see.
All eyes turn to you, "Bev, I'm not using town money for the Church's benefit. That's unethical."
"How, pray tell, would it be unethical to help tame our wayward flock? You see these children, with their internet, and TikTok."
"Yes, and I also know the US Constitution calls for a separation between Church and State. And adding bible study to the curriculum is stupid."
"How so?" She's seething. She's perfected the art of hiding rage under smiles and a grandiose tone, but you knew her better than that.
"Adding a bible study to our High school curriculum is not only a strain on a teacher who should definitely have retired, but goes against the US Constitution."
"So, you won't release funds." It's not a question, it's a confirmation.
If looks could kill...Beverly would have massacred the whole room.
Slowly, in measured steps, you get up from the creaky wood desk, and make your way to the front of the room. Now technically, you were already supposed to be there, but hey, who's paying attention?
You feel a sudden vice grip on your wrist, and the redhead pulls you in.
"He only wants you because your convenient," Beverly dropped the worlds carelessly, just under her breath. You flash for a moment, on the Wife.
Farrah, the woman who's husband you woke up to every morning, before leaving out the window. The woman who's son hopefully didn't know you existed.
"If people need to find God, they don't need to go through you." You shoot back, heartbeat pounding in your ears.
If you had been in high school, you would have dragged her out into the hallway by her stupid braid. But you're an adult, and your...something, is a cop.
"And I think, that's all for tonight folks, right Dwayne?" Dwayne, the Mayor blinks, and before he can respond, "Goodnight everyone!" You practically yell into the small room, before stepping out under the pretense of "beating traffic."
The night is cold and muddy, and you want to forget about the words she said. But you can't. You can't defend what's not yours.
She makes it too difficult.
Beverly's quiet, little jabs, scattered enough to be accidental, but pointed enough to hurt. Hassan. To hurt Hassan.
No, if she ever tried that again, she'd have to go through you.
Late in the evening, there's a knock on the door.
Him. He's comfortable in his jeans, plaid shirt that you want to put your face into, but you have something to say, "Look I know we were keeping this low-key, and you don't want Ali to know, but she's just so-" The Sheriff uses a warm hand to tilt your chin up for a heated kiss.
He's warm. How is he always so warm?
The two of you claw at each other, breathing heavily. Hassan's wedding band is cold on your skin. His beard scratches you in the most delicious way, and Beverly doesn't exist.
This is more than enough. For now, at least.
You realize about an hour later that Hassan came in through the front door.
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brookheimer · 1 year
not sure why people don't seem to understand that shiv being the victim of misogyny and vitriol from all the men in her life can and does coexist with the fact that she is not a feminist liberal hero fighting to save democracy. why is it that we never afford her any nuance? she's either the only good person on the show and deserves to kill every man in a ten foot radius (twitter) or a uniquely evil cruel sociopath with no heart fueled entirely by spite (reddit). is it not just so much more interesting for her to be a fascism aiding and abetting character like the rest of them who also views herself as more progressive in spite of everything else about her and who undergoes horrific treatment at the hands of the men around her yet has no interest in undoing the system that allows them to do so, only in ruling it herself? shiv is not any better than the others nor is she any worse than them. there's no Evil Olympics here guys, nor should there be. snook said it herself in the after credits sequence -- shiv was just lucky that her interests aligned with her sympathies. who knows what she would've done had mencken been her best personal option? yes she cares infinitely more about politics than roman, yes she is still very much interested in maintaining the capitalist, fascist structure and even strengthening it, so long as it ends with her on top (which either way would be a win for liberal causes bc Woman). fascism isn't one-size-fits-all. it's not just mencken and trump. it's also mattson. it's also logan. it's also roman and shiv and kendall. that's... kind of one of the main points of succession? but even so, that does not negate the fact that as a woman it is so hard to watch some of the scenes with her and tom/roman/kendall -- of course that misogyny will resonate with female viewers, as it should!!! but that resonance needs to coexist with a deeper understanding of her character -- if you want to root for a bad bitch fighting against misogyny go watch, i don't know, captain marvel or whatever. what makes shiv interesting is that she's so so so much more than that -- she is the product, victim, and perpetrator of misogyny and fascism, two concepts so heavily intertwined they're virtually inextricable from each other. tl;dr it's one thing to be like my god someone give shiv a gun and it's another entirely to say, entirely seriously, that shiv is the Good Liberal Feminist One and the rest are all evil. like i absolutely adore shiv but i would honest to god find her so fucking boring if she were actually the person these tweets make her out to be i'm sorry
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teddybeartoji · 4 months
it's not often you get to see a sleepy suguru.
it's not like he's not tired – he's fucking exhausted; the dreams just don't seem to like him all that much. but he's usually toughing it out, trying to seem as composed and put-together as possible. the dark skin underneath his eyes betray him, though.
so you don't really know why today is different. is he just more tired? have all of the sleepless hours caught up with him? or is it just you; could it be that your body is the most comfortable place to rest his heavy head? or is it your perfume that's soothing him to sleep?
or is it the fingers in his hair?
he doesn't really let others play with his hair too ofter either. satoru and shoko had been the only exceptions but that was before you came along. satoru uses his hair as a stim, something to play with when he's bored. suguru has taught him manners though – a few slaps against satoru's fingers and chest to remind him to be more careful. and shoko is just more likely to brush a strand from his eyes or help him tie them up in a half-assed bun whenever his own hands are full with whatever.
you like playing with hair, always have and always will. it's relaxing and it's fun and it's calming and you love it. when you first met suguru, his hair was the second thing you noticed about him (his keen purple eyes being the first). an irresistible itch burned in your fingertips everytime you saw him, everytime he wore his hair down. it just looked so pretty and soft.
he takes very good care of his hair, you know that much. specific shampoos and conditioners, masks and all – he's all in. and nobody bats an eye. not that they should but satoru definitely gets made fun of because of his stupidly expensive collection of figurines and shoko gets teased for her silly mug shelf – and yet, neither of them ever comment on the bottles and tubs of fancy products that lay on his bathroom counter.
his hair also smells good. the compliment always hangs on the tip of your tongue but stays hidden in fear of coming off too weird. too creepy. but he doesn smell good. even with closed eyes and ears and you'd find him in a crowd. you wonder whether he knows that.
as you grew closer and closer, the now scorching itch only doubled in need. you never did gather the strenght to outwardly ask him – if you could play with his hair? if you could caress it? comb through it? it was an accident.
a simple gloomy friday afternoon: you're both lazing on your couch, staring at the screen. it's funny – you find yourself muffling your already quiet bursts of laughter, suguru alongside you. he's sitting close by, closer than usual. you don't ask him about it.
he asked to come over; something-something about being sick of his own apartment. you understand that, so you tell him that your home is his home (you'd tell him that even if you didn't understand). you hear the faint smile when he thanks you over the phone.
even when he looks like he hasn't slept in months – he looks good. you can tell he's overexaggerating his smile a bit but don't say anything about it, rewarding him with a grin of your own. his eyes flick to your lips and how they curve and he thinks about how warm it feels to look at you. maybe he's not exaggerating anymore.
your arms open wide, inviting him into you and he obliges, as always. he smells good. as always.
his hands lock behind your back and your behind his neck. your hearts meet and they greet each other with a fastened beat, eager to be in sync – to feel each other again.
he pulls back and the corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles. he's not doing it anymore and you're happy to relieve him even if it's for mere moments.
he's wearing a sweather and his hair is down. he has lip gloss on; you try to think whether he's more of a mint guy or more of a shea guy. it remains a mystery.
and now you're on the couch with two cups of warm tea waiting for you on the small table. he smells good. he's so close. he snickers at the screen and you can't take your eyes off of him. it's the same small crinkle of the eyes and the faintest pink tint on his cheeks.
you know he knows that you're looking at him. you've been told to have a staring problem and he's just an observant guy. it's a terrible match. or a perfect one.
he doesn't say anything though; instead he leans his head back and little to the side against the headrest (he's even closer now) and you find yourself shifting an inch aswell. perhaps magnets are involved? the iron in your blood pulling you together?
no, that can't be. you'd have to be polar opposites for that to work. warm-blooded and cold-blooded? would that work? you're getting too poetic and he's looking at you now.
it's an accident. it slips out on its own. you smell good. caught off guard by your own comment, you're about to apologize when a hand on your thigh almost makes you suffocate on the words stuck in your throat.
he laughs and it feels so good. he thanks you. he means it, you see it in his tired eyes. he likes the way you blush.
turning his focus back to the tv, you try to collect yourself. a deep breath in and a deep one out and a deep one in and a de—
a weight on your shoulder. he smells so good. he's so close. you peek down, curious as to whether this is a dream or not. but suguru's head is in fact laid on your body, sinking a bit more into you by the second. a deep breath in and a deep one out.
seeking for a more comfortable position, you snuggle closer to him. it's hard to focus but you're making it your sole mission to make him feel safe. your arm curls around his body, his shoulder, and rests right by a flock of his hair.
his cheek is now smushed against the top of your chest and the weight of love doesn't seem as bad as everyone keeps telling you. his hand finds a place around your waist; loosely – as if he's the one who's afraid to scare you off. silly.
his breath against you feels right and the butterflies in your stomach refuse to calm down. so you do what you always do when you get nervous – completely on their own, your fingers caress his hair. just smoothing over it at first but before you know it, they're combing through a strand and twirling the ends between themselves.
you wanna apologize, again, but the soft little grunt that emits from the man keeps you from doing so.
don't stop.
+ this is for @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat just bc it feels right
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sprucewoodmpreg · 2 years
hi vaguely serious messy post about hermitblr and new members and just. letting everyone know that we’ve had history with cc interaction on here before that i think would be useful for people to learn about
Trafficblr/Hermitblr has seen a lot of growth lately, largely in part from people migrating over here from the DSMP side of MCYTblr. This in of itself is completely fine! New people jumping onto the bus with us are always welcome, and the growth of the community as a whole is really nice to see.
However, I have noticed a lot of these newer blogs sharing the same very specific behaviours, and if possible, I’d like to just make a few things about the community and our history clear. Because this isn’t DSMP, and the CCs here handle content creation and their own fanbases very differently to them.
While I’m not going to go in-depth on 2019 since I don’t have nearly as much information about it as other people do, I would like to say that back then, Hermitblr was kind of an active war zone. It was comparable to how Hermittwt is now, with infighting about shipping and similar topics being the norm (however in Hermitblr’s case many of these argument were far more personal due to the smaller fandom size). What I want to point out specifically however, is when one of the CCs, Cleo, was thrown into the community infighting. I don’t remember the specifics of it, but she was sent an ask asking about shipping, and her opinions on it, and eventually dealt with so much backlash that she was forced to leave the site entirely (this post here has a slightly more comprehensive summary, if need be).
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I’m just a little concerned, because there seems to have been a slight increase in that demographic of people recently. Specifically, members of the community who want to rely on CCs to dictate what happens in fan spaces; for them to give us bullet point lists of what their exact boundaries are for every single situation.
This rarely ends well. As in, it almost always just causes infighting and hostility. There will always be people making content that will “break boundaries”, regardless of any creator’s wishes. However, this is usually mitigated by the fact that many of these CCs aren’t on Tumblr (at least not anymore....mostly). The problem arises when members of the community attempt to act as Heroes Of Justice, and go out of their way to send asks to other blogs, informing them exactly of how they’ve broken the boundaries of some 40 year old adult. This is all despite the fact that said adult will....never see whatever post went against their wishes. It just encourages policing and this weird superiority....thing, where despite the lack of content creators, people are still fighting to make sure that the site is clean from any possibly upsetting posts.
I say this all while also acknowledging that many of the creators in this sphere also don’t have a very comprehensive understanding of how fandom interacts with their “characters”. To them, “shipping” has always been RPF, and there are so many other aspects of the community that simply can’t be explained easily, as they haven’t been immersed in this culture like we have. This is to say that asking for “boundaries” is likely to get you a very confused and unhelpful answer, as the Hermits have always had a very different way of interacting and viewing their fanbase than the DSMP creators do. There is no “c!” or “cc!” to them, to put it simply.
Essentially, the Hermits are adults. They’ve been doing content creation for years, and I can guarantee you they’ve seen worse things in their lives than art of their Minecraft character kissing another Minecraft character. They’ve dealt with this shit before, and if they wanted it to stop, they’re free to make a post about it whenever want. And yet, they haven’t. They leave fandom up to us. Boundaries and rules and infighting and just...all of that? Let’s leave it to the Twitter users, please. Post what you want, make sure to tag your posts correctly, and we’ll all be fine. 
Also, while I’m going to try not to rehash any discourse about inviting CCs to Tumblr, I also do just want to implore you guys to consider that the environment on Hermittwt is partially the way it is because of the active presence of the Hermits there, with people flocking for attention or a single notice, and obsessively checking posts to make sure they’re not potentially “boundary-breaking” and such. Please just consider that many people are here to avoid the dynamics of that site. Tumblr is a site for fans, not for the CCs. So we create content here for ourselves, and not for them. Having creators join almost always leads to the culture of their fanbase on here changing, with content posted in the maintags being catered more towards them rather than the fanbase. (This isn’t to say that they can’t join!! But at least keeping in mind why many of us are here in the first place and weighing that against potential CC interactions would mean a lot).
I fear that my point may have been lost a little bit, but I hope my explanation at least brings a little bit of light to why many members of the community here are wary of Creators coming over to the site, and also of how many newer blogs tend to treat the CCs. Hermitblr has had some really bad history in the past when it comes to this stuff, and seeing newer fans bring over similar ideas from DSMPblr just worries me a little bit.
TL:DR - Just...please treat the Hermits like the adults they are, and keep in mind they have a very different dynamic with their fanbases to the DSMP creators. Asking for “boundaries” and granting CCs control of the fanbase will likely lead you nowhere; attempting to police fanspaces here just brings up bad memories of times when Hermitblr was a much more miserable place to be in. Plus, if you want CC interactions, please just go to twitter. Nobody here wants to deal with an attempted “cleanse” of the site to make it more palatable to CCs.
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finsterwalds · 3 months
Got my hands on the script of Anatomy of a Fall, and I couldn't help but compare it with some scenes from the movie because that's how deep I am rn :'D Anyway, here are some of my finds and things I personally enjoyed. I'm sure there are more things to dig out but these are what I wanted to share with the world. The order of my finds will be chronological, for the most part, but keep in mind that sometimes, some scenes were edited to show up later, or earlier than originally intended. Spoilers for the whole movie obviously so you've been warned!
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Takes place when Vincent first visits Sandra to discuss Samuel's death. In the movie, Sandra stops Vincent and cuts him harshly, saying "STOP, I did not kill him". Vincent then says a line that I think is pretty iconic in the movie, a sarcastic : "That's not the point. Really". His line is much harsher than on the script, where he's a bit softer. "You don't need to tell me that" implies that he has some deep, loyal faith in Sandra, while "That's not the point" cuts any further discussion. He really doesn't wanna know if she actually did it. Comes from a wish to remain blind still, but with less innocence and a lot of denial. Oh, Vincent.
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In the movie, his last line is way better imo, he says "No one's gonna believe that. I don't believe that." I like the emphasis on his opinion rather than the fleeting and impersonal "it's really hard to believe". Truly hits way harder and puts Vincent back in the position of a lawyer.
The rest will be under the cut because I think it's gonna be a wall of text I apologize guys...... This movie does things to my brain.
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There's a scene that was cut where Vincent phones Nour while still at Sandra's, which I would have enjoyed a lot but I'll admit it's a bit filler-y. Doesn't add a lot and kinda cuts the serious tone of Sandra's confession, imo, as they discuss the judge's antics in a pretty comical manner. I just love Nour so I'm based......
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Another, REALLY long scene that was cut where a medium comes into Sandra's house to feel Samuel's ghost and foreshadows Daniel poisoning Snoop with aspirin. I had a good laugh at that one, honestly. It feels pretty out of place with the tone of the movie, and the personality of the characters even... I can't picture Sandra calling a medium. I'm glad they removed it because the foreshadowing was unnecessary too. It's still interesting that they had planned it however.
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This takes place after Vincent finds out about the tape. Interestingly, his whole line was cut after "before he died". In the movie, he never comments on Sandra's affairs/sexuality. He never really asks much about her life at all. He truly is blinded by his wish to shield himself from her inner demons, in order to maintain his undying loyalty towards her. To see what he wants of her...
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Another scene that was completely cut (a flashback, I believe?) where Sandra makes Daniel pose for a german photographer to make some money, which Monica dislikes, and then they argue. I think it really frames her as too unsympathetic, so I'm also glad it was cut.
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Okay, so now, here comes The Big Change. The scene where Vincent and Sandra drink together after the first trial was heavily altered, because its tone in the movie is pretty tense when compared with the lightheartedness of the script. In the script, they laugh and reminisce together about the past and even kiss at the end of the scene. In the movie, none of was I screenshot happens : instead of playing along with the 'firing Vincent' suggestion, the scene ends with Sandra scolding Vincent for judging her in his head. Vincent backs off and the scene ends. Another instance of him not pressing emotional depth to shield himself.
There are other scenes I liked (many that touch upon Sandra's books) but I'll stop there. Hope you'll enjoy that... I might draw some of these so stay tuned... This movie has absorbed my soul but it feels good to be alive, thank you Justine Triet.
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I also think it's nice that they made Camilla a sci-fi nerd and Luz a fantasy nerd. They're genres that are often seen as completely opposing one another by many people, which is what we're led to believe about Luz and Camilla in season 1. Luz is silly, nerdy, frequently in over her head and irresponsible and loves the boiling isles. We're led to believe that Camilla is the normal, conventional TV mother who'd be disgusted and terrified by the demon realm if she saw it.
Then yesterday's lie gives us a lot of nuance to this, and we realize that while they're still very different and now on opposite sides of a conflict, both mother and daughter are incredibly kind people (seen in their treatment of Vee) who love each other but struggle to make the right choices without hurting one another.
Then thanks to them drops all this Camilla characterization and we realize! She was a nerd too this whole time! The wedge between Camilla and Luz is motivated by past traumas and grief! and for the future has them switching sides on the central conflict of where Luz should stay (Camilla now wanting Luz in the demon realm because it's what's best for her, and Luz believing that staying in the human realm is what's best for the people she loves). They finally talk and realize that, like Willow pointed out earlier in the ep, the two are so alike. Camilla reveals that she's a secret nerd too! That she had a hard time growing up and accidentally hurt Luz trying to save her from the same fait! It's so important to me that Camilla keeps calling Luz a good witch. It's affirming her interests and goals, reminding her that she's just as good as the hero of her favorite story. And Luz finally only realizes that she wants to be understood...when she's finally able to understand her mom. When she realizes that the woman she loves and admires is just as much of a nerdy screw-up as her and that there's hope for her. Her palismen ends being multiple animals at once, showing both how Luz making unconventional choices (like carving an egg) keeps paying off for her and how her potential is limitless now that she finally knows and accepts her own goals, but to me it also reminds of the fact that Camilla is a vet and passed a love of all the weird and unliked animals (like wolves, possums, snakes, etc) to her.
It's just so so sweet and it really shows how much love and thought the crew put into this mother daughter storyline (FTF haters are not welcome on this page, respectfully). I can't wait to see how both of these misunderstood but healing women (who radiate "little/big sister" and "mom" energy respectively) are gonna interact with a) the lonely, easily manipulated and well intentioned but ignorant collector (a mix of both their interests as a magic being with a space motif! I just realized that lol) and b) the nasty puritan white man who's really obsessed with conforming to society's norms even when it literally doesn't benefit him at all.
Anyway, I believe in noceda( AND clawthorne 👀) family supremacy 💙
#the owl house#toh#toh spoilers#luz noceda#camilla noceda#this isn't proofread so if there's words missing or misspellings or somethings unclear feel free to mention#but this is just a messy thought dump#I have a ROUGH WEEK. I wish there was a more positive vibe in the fandom rn (although i kinda get it but also :( sad)#but there isn't one i will create it#tentatively I don't have a responsibility to do that I just wanna talk about things i noticed and like#i am going to post reqs just u wait. bitch!#also uhhhh other things i thought while making this post but couldn't include:#hunter and gus being fantasy trekkies is really funny and cute but also fits really well with both of their characters#gus has always been in love with the human realm and this is the ultimate neat little bow on that.#he's dressed as a character he relates to (captain avery trying to get back home to the family he loves) and his interest is uniquely human#bc sci-fi is kinda uniquely rooted in/associated w/ the human realm in toh. even in something like Belos' steampunk tech#SPEAKING OF. hunter oh my GODDD#he gets so attached to the human realm in TTT bc he's finally somewhere safe (he's always been entrenched in the most-#-toxic parts of the demon realm and it's culture which is ironically propelled forward by one humans influence)#and it's like a part of him is reclaiming his weird split heritage. he loves magic and he loves sci-fi and he's silly abt both#he's not a witch or a human and he's happy. or at least he will be#anyway. i love this shows relationship to fiction it is sweet and comforting and funny
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wheels-of-despair · 3 months
The Boy Is Mine (The Wheels Edition) Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie and Evil Woman have a romantic night in. Contains: Snacks, smokes, alcoholic beverages purchased at a discount, teasing, snarking, fake snoring, Eddie being a butt-head. Project: @carolmunson's The Boy Is Mine Exercise Words: 700ish
(I haven't read any of the other entries yet, so if this is similar to someone else's... I'm sorry your brain is also lame. 😂 Props and dialogue prompts are in bold.)
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"I ran out of like, nice cups, is this okay?"
"Eddie, we're drinking wine from a box that we got in the clearance aisle," you laugh from the couch. "A coffee mug is fine."
Eddie grins and brings two mugs to the coffee table, then kneels by the TV to put in the first movie of the night.
You take a minute to survey the heart-achingly romantic scene in front of you: Date Night at Eddie's. (Sponsored by Markdown Day at Bradley's Big Buy.) You scored a cheap box of wine, heavily discounted cupcakes with the lopsided vanilla frosting, several bags of chips nearing expiration dates, and even a small cookie cake that was originally intended for someone named Carol.
"That everything?"
"Yup," you answer, reaching for a mug of wine and propping your feet up. The VCR comes to life with a clunk, the noise on the TV becomes a crappy monster movie, and Eddie drops onto the cushion next to you with a bounce.
He leans back with his own drink, and you clink your mugs before sampling your cheap-ass wine… which actually isn't bad.
"The hell is this," Eddie mumbles into his mug.
"Cheap wine?" you supply helpfully, going in for another sip.
"And you like it?"
"It's everything I want from a box of discounted grocery store wine," you chuckle.
"It's fruity," he complains.
"So are you."
"Shut up," he grumbles good-naturedly, leaning forward to grab a bag of chips.
You crunch and munch and maybe take a few hits off a bowl and drink your cheap wine while you enjoy your cheesy monster movie.
Every few minutes, Eddie leans forward to grab a small notebook from the coffee table and scribble in it with a pencil he's chewed the eraser off of.
"Whatcha doin'?" you finally ask.
"Campaign stuff," he says without looking up.
"Yeah? Am I inspiring you?" you tease.
"Nah," he mumbles. "Movie."
"Hmph," you scoff playfully. "I see how it is." You scoot toward the other end of the couch, leaving behind the warmth of the thigh that had been pressing against yours for the last hour. You lean back over and steal the bag of chips from his lap as an afterthought. This is when he decides to look up.
"What are you doing?"
"Being uninspirational," you say cheekily, popping a chip in your mouth.
"Aw, don't be like that. That's not even true." He puts down his little notebook and his gnawed-on pencil and crawls toward you. He rests his head on your shoulder, throws an arm across your stomach, and looks up at you with his best puppy eyes.
You roll your eyes and reach into the bag for a chip, holding it to his mouth. He opens wide and accepts. You alternate between feeding him and yourself through the movie's thrilling climax.
Eddie doesn't move when the end credits begin to roll. You give your shoulder a gentle shake to get his attention. His head slides down onto your breast.
"Eddie. Movie's over."
He nuzzles his face into your chest.
"I'll change the tape. Just let me up."
"Can't hear you. Sleeping."
"Eddie. I gotta pee."
"Honk-shoo, honk-shoooo," Eddie fake snores. You know he's grinning. Like an idiot. Because he is one.
You reach for the nearest throw pillow, take aim, and smack him in the face with it.
"That wasn't nice," he grumbles.
"Unhand me, nerd."
You hit him again.
"If you don't stop, we're gonna have a problem."
"Already got one," you smirk. "Big eyes, bigger mouth, won't get the hell off of me."
You feel him chuckle, but he still doesn't move, so you whack him in the face with the pillow again.
Eddie growls and tries to take it from you. A struggle ensues. It's all a tangle of hair and limbs for a few seconds, but you emerge from the chaos victorious and free of one Edward Munson.
He crosses his arms over the pillow and pouts when he realizes you've escaped.
"I'm coming right back, nerd," you call over your shoulder. "Pour me another mug of that crappy wine if you want me to put out tonight."
You hear him scrambling into the kitchen before you even close the bathroom door.
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You don't know how much I want this character. You don't understand but I just gotta ask
Is This ATSV Character Thai?
aka a crash course in Thai tattooing and Buddhist tradition
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Please correct me if I'm wrong - but I was really interested in her tattoo.
And looking at the tattoo they singled out beside her - it made me question:
Is that a Traditional Thai tattoo? Is that supposed to be Sak Yant?
And immediately I saw the opportunity to infodump about Buddhism and Thai cultural tattooing! (And my personal experience with it)
It makes me think that maybe this character was meant to me Thai - because her tiger tattoo resembles the twin tiger Sak Yant tattoo.
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If you're unaware, Sak Yant is a type of traumatic tattoo native to Thailand.
Connected deeply to the Buddhist faith, Sak Yant tattoos are specific designs that are claimed to have spiritual power.
Typically done with a traditional needle and stick rather than a machine, Sak Yants are tattooed by a Thai Buddhist teacher, an Ajarn.
Each Sak Yant design grants the wearer fortune, protection, or a virtue relating to a Buddhist value.
Each Yant comes with conditions though.
In order to preserve the spiritual power of the tattoo, the wearer just act in accordance to certain standards of Buddhist teaching - simple things like no murder, no adultery/cheating, no lying, etc.
They say if you do these things, your Yant becomes useless over time.
Many Muay Thai fighters have many Sak Yants, typically for protection - which could be the reason she's wearing herself.
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However, that doesn't necessarily mean that she's Thai - for one, the tattoo might not be a Sak Yant.
It doesn't exactly match a true Sak Yant design, however, it's fairly close.
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It seems as if the creators mixed the Suea Liaw (left) and Suea Koo Maha (right) designs, combining them to form the unique design for the character.
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This would be an interesting choice.
The Twin Tigers are one of the favorites of Muay Thai, as it represents protection, power, and authority, which could be useful to sometime working a bar like her.
However, it also seems similar to the Yant 'Suea Leaw Lung' - tattoo similar to Suea Liaw - except with a raised paw, much like hers. Leaw Lung is said (grain of salt unless you're hearing from a Ajarn though) - to bring positivity and safety to those struggling in life.
So the tattoo might not be a Sak Yant - or it could be a Yant style created specifically by the creators of ATSV (as they may have wanted to avoid using a real one, as they're really hard to do unless you're an Ajarn and know the symbols and language).
And also, not everyone who gets one is Thai - though many who get it are Buddhist.
Like me!
Angelina Jolie is popular for the number of Yants she has on her back.
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Angelina is in fact a Buddhist and has raised her children within the religion*.
She, like most other Buddhists, got hers done traditionally, under the hand of a Ajarn.
The one in the center of her back - is actually the one I have as well.
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(Angelina's back after her 5th Yant)
Religiously, I am a Theravada Buddhist - though I more focus on the Plum Tree Tradition of Thigh Nhat Hanh.
Theravada Buddhism is the type most prevalent in South East Asia, in contrast with the Nepali and Tibetan Mahayana - which the Dhali Lama belongs to.
I got my Sak Yant done under the hand of an Arhat as well, traditional needle style about 3 years ago in Chiang Mai (Northern Thailand)
The one I have is Yant Putsoorn - the 5 Buddhas yantra.
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Although there are many vague ass descriptions of what each Yant means online - my Ajarn personally told me Putsoorn is aimed at raised compassion mindfulness towards yourself and others as well - usually known as loving-kindness.
So she could be specifically Buddhist as well, if the tattoo is supposed to be Yant.
I think the idea is so so cool, because you may see traditional Japanese tattoo designs, many breathtaking , but it's rare you see other forms of traditional tattoo in day to day media!
I really really want to see her in action now! Just to see that tattoo up close. Plus she's so bad-ass!
I was SO SO SO excited to see her tattoo, and I really hope it is one! More Buddhist characters please. You can be hardcore and Buddhist too!
But does anybody have any other theories of what this tattoo could be? Do you know why traditional designs outside of Yant that this could be? Do you agree this could be Yant?
I'm curious!!
* Just a bonus: I wanted to highlight my use of the word religion in reference to Buddhism. Often in the West, Buddhism is reduced to a 'philosohy' or 'a way of life' rather than a legitimate religion. This is reductive. Buddhism is a religion, with monks, nuns, plains of existence, 'heavens' (very different context than Abrahamic - being reborn in heaven actually makes it harder to reach nirvana, because you are tempted by more comfort. Being born on Earth is the easier way to reach nirvana). Buddhism has ceremonies and centuries worth of text and practice - like Sak Yant. Although it is centered in mindfulness, acceptance, and love - and these teachings can be used by anyone regardless of religion - Buddhism is a religion. Just one far removed from the western Abrahamic understanding of religion. You can read and encorporate any of the teachings, it's very very very open. There are no borders between people, and any heart that is open or desiring it can engage with Buddhism as much or as little as they need to. But I think it's important to refer to Buddhism as a religion so the world conversation on religion isn't centered on Abrahamic, Western ideals and history - when in fact there are many loving, kind, and rich religions out there. From Hoodoo, to Sikhism, to Buddhism and beyond :)
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
yknow what with the strife building between forever and bad and the ripple effect that might have on the server at large i think now is the perfect time to fridge bad. go touch grass, mr boyhalo, it's time to see people either fall apart or come together without you. bc listen. listen. when the dms are bumpin with 'bad can you ___' every thirty seconds. sometimes you just gotta steal badboyhalo and see what the fuck happens. i just want to know.
and i also want bad to slEEP GODDAMNIT
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marlynnofmany · 10 months
“Oh, you write books?”
Yup! And I love it.
Here’s the published list so far, with relevant tags for all the extra content and ramblings that inevitably end up here.
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“If you set Dirty Jobs in outer space, mixed in some Mythbusters, and gave Buster the crash-test dummy the ability to sass back like a cross between Bender and Murderbot… you’d get something like this book.”
“Spectacular Silver Earthling” is available wherever books are sold!
Relevant tags: Hubcap the robot Hubcap the Egomaniacal Sassmaster (there’s some crossover there) Spectacular Silver Earthling
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“When space poachers release Earth animals on an alien world, threatening a fragile new alliance, they anger the wrong people. A veterinarian, an accountant, and a furious sign-language-fluent gorilla are coming for them.”
“A Swift Kick to the Thorax” is also available everywhere!
This is the one I’ve been posting backstory snippets for weekly, from when the main character was traveling the galaxy working on a courier ship.
There are also comic strips, which take place between the stories and the book. I should really draw more of those. They’re fun.
Relevant tags: A Swift Kick to the Thorax The Token Human (series name; originally just the comics) Robin Bennett (the main character)
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Do you long to write fascinating fiction, but struggle to find a concept that feels worthy?
Do you have piles of unfinished stories, and eagerly await the next shiny new idea?
Do you have writer friends to inflict assistance/benevolent torment on?
Good news! I have precisely one bazillion ideas for stories that someone ought to write, and I’ve selected 100 of them to collect in this book. You may recognize some from my old posts here, but not all.
"Story Seeds for Fantastical Trees" promises to grow you a forest of compelling ideas, ranging from wizards both wise and foolish, to aliens seeking dinosaurs, to a robot that lets a vampire into the house (possibly on purpose).
Relevant tag: writing prompts (buckle in; this one is A Lot)
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“In science fiction, humans are usually boring compared to other races: small, weak, no claws or tentacles, and no special abilities to speak of. What if instead, we were talked about by the other aliens? 28 authors have contributed to make sure you never think of humans as boring again!”
“We’re the Weird Aliens” is the “humans are weird / humans are space orcs” collection that had everyone excited in 2020.
Relevant tags: humans are weird humans are space orcs (and a bunch of others, but mostly that first one) (and you'll find the Token Human stuff tagged here too)
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“An old street sweeper takes on the shadowy invaders responsible for a plague of amnesia, while saddled with a dodgy memory, a mysterious past, and a reflection that talks back and makes fun of him.”
My first published book! I still love it. Magic, memory problems, and walloping ruffians with a broom. What’s not to love?
Relevant tags: Sweeping Changes
And that’s everything so far, as of August 2023!
Not counting the anthologies that other people put together, which I have stories in. (I’ll point you to my website for those.)
I am definitely working on more books. So many more. I write as a way of going on adventures, and I will happily take you with me.
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canarybell · 3 months
“Crowley suggesting to Shax that he might be the one to cast ‘a miracle only the mightiest of archangels could've performed' is a hint he was an archangel before” is a very popular idea, and I can see why. However, I think, a few things should be noted:
As far as Shax knows, Crowley, no matter what kind of angel he was before The Fall, inexplicably survived a bath full of holy water, and he specifically said after it: “If he can do this, I wonder what else he can do?".  In her head, Crowley does possess some unknown powers, which are not necessarily tied to his former status in angelic hierarchy; and in theory these powers might be able to produce such a miracle. We don’t really know how much about Hell’s trial Aziraphale told Crowley, but he definitely knows about the holy water trick, so it would makes sense if his bluff was based on it.
However, Shax didn’t really believed Crowley about it. She immediately started to make threats, spied on a bookshop, didn’t even wondered what that miracle could have been for….doesn’t look like somebody who was convinced by that lie even for a second.
Heaven on the other hand… no, they didn’t really believed Aziraphale in that he did that miracle either. But they didn’t dismiss it. Saraqael could mock Aziraphale however they wanted - but they sent an angel to check, and in episode five archangels did ask Muriel what they learned about the miracle, suggesting that Aziraphale could indeed have performed it somehow (even if ‘Gabriel did it’ was more plausible). Which…actually makes sense too – he also allegedly survived his execution, so the possibility that he holds more power that he lets on is here for him as much as it is here for Crowley.
So, I don’t think this particular moment proves anything - aside from the fact that at the beginning of S2 both Aziraphale and Crowley assumed that their little body switch trick would convince both Heaven and Hell they have a lot more to offer.
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outer-edges · 11 months
"It wasn't time that did it."
Joel’s voice is so shaky and small, yet somehow full of so much fucking emotion that Ellie thinks she might get crushed underneath it all. If the thought didn’t scare the shit out of her, she thinks she would call it love. Love and care and trust and all of that other gooey shit that made her want to burst into tears at the very thought. Now, Joel sits in front of her, baring his fucking soul to her, and she suddenly gets what Riley meant all those months ago. Ellie didn’t belong anywhere. Not until Joel. Maybe it was fate, maybe it’s just plain luck. Whatever it is, he flinched all those years ago, and she survived that bite, and they’ve been hurtling towards this moment ever since. 
The one where Joel chokes on his words, and she feels every ounce of the unsaid words. Time didn’t heal his wounds. She did. Because she’s his. And he’s hers. Because they somehow found each other in this terrible fucking world, and nobody has ever made her feel like this. Safety. Belonging.
She isn’t sure what to say. Isn’t really sure if there’s anything she can say. Ellie just hopes he can tell how much this fucking means to her. How much he means to her. He’s everything. He’s been everything for months now. The way he’s looking at her now, like she’s his everything too, it might make her start crying. There aren’t words to describe this. Not ones she’s been taught. Not ones anyone has said to her before. Maybe there were words for this twenty years ago. Maybe there are even words for it still, just not used for people like her. She’s too rough for anyone to get too close to. 
Anyone except Joel. They match like that. Too rough and stubborn for their own good. They match. She’ll hurt for him, and he’ll tear up a town for her, and they’ll find their way back to each other. They always do. They always will.
All those months ago, he said she wasn’t his daughter, and he sure as hell wasn’t her dad. That doesn’t really feel true anymore. It hasn’t felt true since Silver Lake. Since she threw herself into his arms and he whispered soft promises and terms of endearment as he held her. It didn’t even really feel true when he said it, if she’s being honest. Things like fathers and daughters, that won’t ever be something she truly understands, but she thinks this is the closest she’ll ever get.
No. She knows this is the closest she'll ever get. Because, even if they don't address, even if the thought makes her feel a bit like she's wearing a too tight-too itchy wool sweater, they're family. They belong.
“Oh,” Ellie breathes out finally. 
The words go unspoken. They both understand regardless. 
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throneofsapphics · 10 months
Manon x reader x Asterin (angst) please 🤸‍♀️
think for yourself.
(part two)
Manon x Reader x Asterin 
Summary: “I don’t care how you feel about this.” The white haired witch said through gritted teeth, those gold eyes seeming to burn a brand into you. 
“When have you ever cared?” Your voice was quiet and you went against all common sense, turning your back to walk towards the kitchen area. “Leave.”
Word Count: ~1.4k
Warnings: angst, slight injury, blood 
A/N: angst is my favorite thing to write. I'm so sorry. also not proofread very well
It was late at night, in the small cabin you lived in, a few miles from the nearest village, perfectly secluded. The safest way for you to live. When you made trips into town, they welcomed you with open arms - mostly because of the herbs and goods you would barter or sell, but you did have a few friends there. Nobody there knows exactly where you live, nor did you invite anyone over, and you always took different routes home, shaking any who tried to follow. Even if that meant you would double the amount of time it took you to get back. Paranoia is good. It’s kept you alive. However, any common sense seemed to fall away for two witches. Who’d thankfully captured your heart instead of tearing it out. 
I haven’t seen your kind for some time.” A smooth and cold voice purred from behind you. Rarely could anyone sneak up on you, not with the senses from your Fae heritage. You slowly turned to face them. To of them. Witches. One with white-blonde hair and a predatory look in her eyes stalked towards you, the other fell into step a pace behind her, matching each other in pace and stride. Instead of the urge to flee, a small voice told you to stay. So you did, with that immortal stillness. Fleeing would give them a chase, something they undoubtedly would enjoy. 
You didn’t flinch as iron nails snapped out, or as one dug under your chin, tilting your face upwards. You met the burnt-gold eyes with a defiant gaze. “I don’t remember them being quite so pretty,” the other commented, and you could hear the amusement but didn’t dare take your eyes off the witch in front of you. The nails snapped back, and the two walked away without another word. 
The cabin had one bedroom, a living and kitchen area, and an outhouse. A few hens cluck around outside, along with a particularly nasty rooster you caught Manon eyeing once in a while. Like it would be her next meal. 
You laid, stretched across the couch with your head in Asterin’s lap, her fingers running through your hair, and Manon sat not too far away, in a worn down but cozy red armchair you’d come to associate as hers. 
A tension filled the room, both of the witches seeming on edge, and you couldn’t figure out why. Finally, you sighed and sat up, ignoring Asterin’s huff of protest and angling yourself so you could easily see both of them. “What is it?” you asked. 
“We’re leaving.” Manon said bluntly, and Asterin winced. 
“When?” You replied, fighting the dread that crept inside you. The left frequently, but something about this felt different. Off. 
“One week.” 
Your heart dropped, eyes starting to burn slightly but Manon wouldn’t react to your tears, she never did. Asterin, on the other hand, would. To anyone else, except maybe the rest of the thirteen, she would seem just as unflinching, the perfect mask of stone obedience. But, the corners of her lips turned down ever so slightly. Guilt, you could sense her guilt. If they were telling you this early … 
You cleared your throat, “how long?” 
“We don’t know.” Asterin said softly. 
“Can I ask what you’ll be doing?” 
“You can always ask,” she teased, but it fell short. She and Manon exchanged a glance, and Asterin continued - to your surprise. “The King has been breeding Wyvern’s. He needs riders for his aerial cavalry.” 
The world froze around you. You felt fate tightening its strings, twisting around your heart. Ironteeth witches as aerial cavalry for the king's army. That same army who … but they didn’t know about that, or they never would’ve told you. 
“Are you going to say anything?” Manon snapped, your silence annoying her. She didn’t like being ignored. 
“Why?” You looked back and forth between the two of them. 
“When we are done, when we’ve served” Manon said the word with disgust, “him, we will keep the wyverns and reclaim the wastes.” 
The wastes. The homeland both of them had been dreaming of for longer than you were alive. But serving him? The King had already conquered Erilea, committed various genocides, banished magic, and had an entire continent under his thumb. What more is he planning to do? Manon, herself, would never make the choice to serve a king, to follow his orders, meaning it had to have come from her grandmother. The High Witch of the Blackbeak clan. You tried to swallow your anger, you really did, but the words came out before your filter could catch up. 
“Is this how you’re going to spend the rest of your life, following your grandmothers every order, whoring yourself out to that King?” Before you could blink, both were on their feet. Manon’s iron nails dug harshly into your skin, and you felt the warm slick of blood starting to drip down your neck as she dragged you to your feet. 
“I should kill you.” Manon snarled, cold fury in her eyes. You’d insulted her, hit right where it would hurt. Good. Asterin laid a hand on her cousin's shoulder, but her eyes were cold too. 
“Do it,” you snarled right back, “your never master would order you to anyway.” 
Asterin barely yanked Manon back in time, scratches that would scar left blood dripping down your neck. “Be careful what you say next,” she warned as Manon shook off her grip. Seconds ago, Manon may have killed you but you could tell she wouldn’t now. 
“I don’t care how you feel about this.” The white haired witch said through gritted teeth, those gold eyes seeming to burn a brand into you. 
“When have you ever cared?” Your voice was quiet and you went against all common sense, turning your back to walk towards the kitchen area. “Leave.” 
Two sets of footsteps left, the door creaked open and slammed shut, and hushed arguments sounded outside your door. Too quiet for you to hear. One set came back in as the heavy oak door creaked, but closed quietly this time. 
“She does care,” Asterin said softly, her arms wrapping around your waist to pull your back to her chest. Despite the anger still bubbling in you, you melted back into her, resting your head against her shoulder. “She’ll be back in a few days,” she murmured, not expecting a reply from you. 
She let you lay in her arms until late that night, content to enjoy each others embrace, as if she knew what would happen next. 
Manon stormed towards your cabin, intent on doing something. She wouldn’t apologize, but didn’t want to leave on those terms, with your words in her mind. Whoring yourself out. Your new master. If you were anyone else, you would’ve been dead before the second curse had been uttered. 
Asterin followed closely behind her. They knew something was off as soon as they arrived. It felt stale. The hens and that gods-damned rooster were nowhere to be seen. She slammed through the door and the place was empty. You hadn’t been there in a few days. A quick scan told her everything essential to you was gone.
She whirled on Asterin. “Did you know?” Her second shook her head, her emotions flooding through her eyes. 
A small note on the table. Manon’s stomach dropped seeing it. She didn’t want to, but she had to read it. Instinct told her the note was meant mostly for her, even without a name on it., 
I love you. If you ever loved, cared for, or respected me, you’ll leave me alone. I hope you learn to think for yourself one day. 
Discolored spots and splotched ink littered the page. You cried while writing it. Manon dropped it like it burned her, and stalked out the cabin without a look back. 
Asterin read it one. Twice. Three times, and memorized it before destroying it. She took one last look around, trying to memorize every detail, before letting out a long breath and following Manon. 
The battle was over, and Manon still felt empty. A gaping hole left in her soul. Twelve pieces of her were missing. But, footsteps sounded behind her, and she prepared to snarl at whoever might be disturbing her. She was surprised when Abraxos didn’t react beyond curiosity. Manon knew that scent. Intimately. She whirled around to see you. Alive. 
“So you did learn to think for yourself.” 
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