#Thank you so much for the ask <3 !!!
mamuzzy · 5 months
For the WIP Ask Game, #3 Flat Coruscant Society? 🤔
As much I love this one and actually have two parts in my sketchbook about the topic, the first part nearly-finished, this sits in my WIP for a while. It's a 4+ panel vertical comic.
Sooo... have you ever thought about moments when the clones just go "WTF is wrong with these natborns???"? Being a highly capable and intelligent soldier who were accustomed to similar highly capable and intelligent company, it set the bar really high what was expected from natborns. After years of being exposed to general human stupidity (or just lack of proper education, it happens), Fox doesn't even flinch anymore. But in the first year, being a shiny Commander? Fox calls Alpha-17: Buir, I want to go home, you didn't prepare me for this kind of stupid!!! Alpha: Did one of those good-for-nothing senators stuck in the elevator again? Fox: WORSE! Fox: There are people here who think Coruscant is FLAT! Alpha: Alpha: You know what, burn that place to the ground.
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5eraphim · 7 months
not a request but i've been thinking about Medic getting pavlov'd into getting horny (or maybe hornier? idk he's insane) on the field because reader crying out for him to heal them sounds a lot like them crying out his name when he's dicking them down. doesn't help that he probably absolutely gets hard seeing them injured/bloody and helpless on the ground. i can see him maybe dragging it out and holding the Medigun pointing it at them but not using it yet and making them beg for it. and then probably dicks them down right then and there in the middle of battle and heals them afterwards idk that old man's making me go crazy!!!!
medic being psychosexually unhinged is something so, so, soooo very special to me! >w<
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bella-caecilia · 3 months
I wish you would write a fic where... Cora and Robert would've had their son.
Yes! We were robbed! I don't know if I'll ever commit to this weighty storyline but here is a tidbit of how it could look <3
His hands clasped behind his back, Robert squeezed his fingers and let his gaze flit over the rainy garden behind the floor-to-ceiling windows. His mind was turning over the words of the latest letter from the war office. These letters were his invaluable connection to the front. He wasn't there himself; he had other duties to attend to. But at least he was being kept informed.
"Robert, darling. Do you want another cup of tea?" Her voice was soft but it pierced through his thoughts sharper than any scream could have. Her fragile tenderness was such a harsh contrast to the content of his thoughts. He suspected there was more she wanted to say from the open tone of her question. But upon turning around, he registered Carson and believed that her concern was too intimate to call across the room.
He left the rain-streaked window and took the tea Carson had silently poured him. He went to stand next to an empty settee and avoided looking at Cora. On his mind was the war. He didn't want mix these images with the vision of his wife, rosy and soft and naive.
Robert held on to the saucer and the silver spoon and felt no interest in the tea whatsoever. The same words went round and round in his mind. Germany is advancing on all fronts. Reading the letters from the war office felt increasingly like a fever dream. And he wanted to put an end to it himself.
"Oh, look who is there!" Cora's cooing caught his attention in an instant once again. Robert's head shot up and he took in Nanny in the doorway with the little master on her hip. A serene calm seized Robert's mind. Finally. Arthur managed to achieve this better than anyone else.
Robert watched Nanny walk over to where Cora was seated and place the little master on his mother's lap.
"Thank you, Nanny. I will ring for you when you can pick him up again."
Nanny bowed out. Robert lifted the teacup to his lips and followed Cora's gentle gestures with his eyes. She patted little Arthur's white gown and adjusted the ruffles on his tiny shoulders. His arms were so short, his little fists so easily disappeared in Cora's palm, his feet didn't reach his mother's knees. Robert was once again in shock at how miniature everything on Arthur was. Though, he was an infant after all.
Cora lowered her lips to the crown of Arthur's head. Robert watched the scene with a moved tug in his chest. What a gift. His eyes didn't leave the innocent, embracing duo as he approached them. He discarded his teacup on a tray and carefully sat down on the other end of Cora's settee. Their eyes met for a second before they both observed their son who had taken hold of Cora's pearl necklace and purred quietly in full concentration, studying the accessory.
"Careful, dear chap," Robert said softly. "That's a favourite of your mother's."
Cora kissed the infant's dark hair again. "It's alright. I like to share it," she hummed.
Robert was enraptured by the gentle display of mother and son. He lifted his hand to his wife's face and tentatively brushed the back of his forefinger over her incredibly soft cheek. She acknowledged him with a fond, even smitten smile.
Robert was reassured that his duty here at home wasn't any less important than supporting the war. It was very different but a single look at his wife and their infant son confirmed his responsibility and the rightfulness of his staying.
(Funny enough, I just started working on an old WIP again that's kind of fitting the brief and kind of not... Well, it's basically an angsty s1 pregnancy AU with a twist. But more about this when I've finished this ficlet :) )
I wish you would write a fic where...
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Top 5 favorite Frodo Baggins moments?
Oooh, thanks for the ask! This is such a good question, and it's so hard to answer! These are just the top 5 I can think of right now, because let's be real, every moment in the entire Lord of the Rings is my favorite Frodo moment!
5. When he's planning to leave the Shire and all his friends totally see through it, because he's been muttering about it to himself in a very obvious way for ages, and then he's actually SURPRISED that they know about everything AND they insist on coming with him! Also the entire Crickhollow part is just perfect. And the journey there.
4. When Gildor DOESN'T give him advice, and Frodo says, "Go not to the Elves for counsel for they will answer both no and yes." His sense of humor is so underrated! Also I love how in that part the Elves are so impressed by his ability to speak Elvish. As someone who is also fascinated by Elvish, I love that Frodo is canonically a nerd.
3. When he and Sam hold hands and sleep next to each other during the journey through Cirith Ungol. I don't know, I could pick literally any scene with Frodo and Sam, but those moments stand out to me because of what a horrifying place it is and how they take comfort in each other's presence.
2. When he has pity for Sméagol and spares his life. This is obviously a crucial element of the story for reasons I don't even need to explain... But on the same note, I think it's really important that he prevents hobbits from killing each other during the Scouring of the Shire, and it really exemplifies why he's such a good person. 1. And finally, when he volunteers to take the Ring. Is anyone surprised this is number one? I mean, it's THE bravest and most selfless thing you could pretty much ever do. I just love Frodo so much. I have to quote the scene here because it is SO GOOD:
‘I will take the Ring,’ he said, ‘though I do not know the way.’ Elrond raised his eyes and looked at him, and Frodo felt his heart pierced by the sudden keenness of the glance. ‘If I understand aright all that I have heard,’ he said, ‘I think that this task is appointed for you, Frodo; and that if you do not find a way, no one will. This is the hour of the Shire-folk, when they arise from their quiet fields to shake the towers and counsels of the Great. Who of all the Wise could have foreseen it? Or, if they are wise, why should they expect to know it, until the hour has struck? But it is a heavy burden. So heavy that none could lay it on another. I do not lay it on you. But if you take it freely, I will say that your choice is right; and though all the mighty elf-friends of old, Hador, and Húrin, and Túrin, and Beren himself were assembled together, your seat should be among them.’
YES! YES! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I have nothing helpful to add just YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! His seat WOULD be among them!
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minecraftdog · 3 months
"George and I are not dating" It's ok dream we already knew he married you for the visa there's not need to beat around the bush with awkward wording
GWAAAAH this gives me psychic damage . like guys!!!!! get yourself in tact and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!! they are the fucking definition of the third thing and dance around each other ... guyssss you could've be married already...
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mckittericks · 7 months
trick or treat!
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Happy Halloween! I assume we are getting close to the end of the night, so I hope you don't mind me dumping a few different Aizawa WIPs here.
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irregularcollapse · 5 months
hello hello i hope you are well!
i have three super unrelated items!!!
1. for the ask game, am i still allowed to submit “pang”?
2. as a melbourner, are you into the aus open rn or not at all?
3. the beloved white wine pinned post has been unpinned? you are so ashamed of horny damen? you hide horny damen???
Hello hi!
Of course you can submit "pang"! I'll keep doing these until people refuse to send any more hahaha
It doesn’t match the tone of any of the other three men in the house, something pitiful in it that sends an empathetic pang through Damen’s chest.
What is the it? Who are the other three men in the house?
2. I'm truthfully not! I don't really watch sports by choice
3. Oh my god the fact that you noticed 😳 and now I'm embarrassed, because to be honesssssttttt I'm having a bit of a blue period at the moment, and unpinned in a fit of self-pitying pique. When I'm at my most upset I always manage to convince myself that no one cares what I have to say and that I'll never be able to make myself understood no matter how much I write. I sometimes feel like I'm forming friendships on here, and then people stop responding?? It's a bit of a shit feeling tbqh but! I've had some incredibly stimulating and interesting chats with a few different people over the past few days, and I'm feeling a lot better. I even wrote some more of white wine! Which is all a very over-sharey way of saying that I'm sorry I banished horny Damen and I will re-pin him right now bc I love him so much <3
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inkedroplets · 16 days
5, 11, and 14 and about rich girl, of course 😌
(My attempt to get you in the editing mood❤️)
Where did you write this fic? Is that your favorite spot to write?
I've been writing it for a long while now, I think I've probably written in nearly every room of my apartment by now. I do most of my writing in my tiny home office. It's where I'm sitting right now, actually. Mostly working. Definitely not answering asks on tumblr...
Was there a scene that you hadn't originally planned to include? Why did you decide to fit it in?
I didn't originally have any plans for Brainy to meet Lena. With her moved to Metropolis and after scrapping the idea that Lena find herself back in National City for a time I didn't think the two had any reason to meet but when I thought about who would figure out that Lena is the vigilante, I felt like Brainy made the most sense. And I'm really glad that it happened that way because I think that was a lovely scene for the both of them. Mostly closure, I think but maybe later on they might be able to be friends again, I guess we'll see.
My favorite line from this fic was [xyz]. What inspired it?
Ohh I have too many. If I had to pick one that I really liked and just read again while I was editing was this exchange.
“She told me that she loves me.” A nervous chuckle slipped from her mouth and Lena cast her gaze out where the moon beat a brilliant silvery avenue over the surface of the water, one so vibrant that it looked like she could walk across it if she only bothered to try. “Me…” “You,” Diana said kindly. “Do you remember that day in Gotham?” she asked. “When we interrogated that arms dealer?” “How could I forget?” Lena asked. She stretched out her arm and opened up her hand so that it blotted out the moon. She remembered how she had looped Diana’s lasso around her fist. How that one foolish act had excavated a truth she had buried in the deepest most secret part of her heart.  “Do you still love her?” Diana asked. “Yes.” The answer slipped from her mouth, unbidden and without hesitation. Maybe because loving Kara had never been hard. Or perhaps because the hard part lay elsewhere, a bit further ahead, waiting for her in the dark. “Always…”
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swk-mac · 9 months
Angry Macaque is 💝💝💝
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stormxpadme · 4 months
AU Game. Scott/Logan. 1970s California road trip. No powers.
Let’s play a game. Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story. Scott/Logan. 1970s California road trip. No powers.
Scott ends up in the worst bug-infested, grease-moldy truck stop ever that night, and he just about wants to walk back out the second he arrives but there's no alternatives for miles, and he's always gotta get his deliveries done in time if he wants to save up the buck for this damn private pilot license one day. And since he kinda sucked at being a teacher and regular flight schools won't accept him because of his damn eyesight condition, he's only got the road left. Which in this case means spending the night in this shithole and finding anything on the menu that won't give him salmonella, burn right through his digestive tract, or both.
That sleazy unkempt group of lumberjacks has already pissed him off with their digs about his glasses upon entering but he's only stepping in when one of them tries to get up and close with the shy and terrified waitress girl. Because Scott is an idiot who apparently hasn't gotten his damn ass beaten often enough yet in one orphanage after another after his whole family's died in that fucking plane crash. He's outnumbered 1:4 but he's taller and they're out of shape, so he's not worrying a lot. Not until the first switchblade comes his way.
If he's being honest, he's already had his eyes on the outsider of the bully group for a while, sitting there silently by the very edge of the table alone with a bottle of whiskey, because the guy is built like a fucking tree himself and has no interest in harassment or in like, anything at all, apparently. Somehow, Scott always happens to fall either for the red-haired mental cases or the emotionally constipated. It doesn't help his current infatuation that the guy steps in before Scott can have a couple of his arteries kebabed by those knives. He's visibly enjoying the brawl against his now-former workmates, moving fast and strong and obviously field-trained, trashing half the furniture so badly that they're being kicked out by the owner which is just as well because now neither of them has to pay. And because Scott is seriously horny at this point.
They end up fucking on the rest stop parking lot behind a dumpster after patching each other's cuts and bruises up and they're still laughing their asses off, with only that certain familiar hysteric undertone of having barely escaped death and the comfortable wordless intimacy of instant bonding, once you realize you've found a guy just as much a broken idiot as yourself.
Afterward, Scott is on enough adrenaline to drive through the night. Logan doesn't even really ask before he makes himself at home in the passenger seat, feet on the dash, hairy chest out and all, replacing Scott's favorite Johnny Cash cassette with a Rolling Stones tape Scott can't even remember having and silently humming along over the last bit of whiskey. He's been bored of cutting down trees anyway, it turns out. He doesn't even want to stop by his home for his things. Says, he doesn't need any of his shit, none of that stuff having any meaning to him after losing all his memories some couple of years ago, during some bad hit in Vietnam. Besides, there's only some violent, abusive perv of a step-brother waiting for him at home, and Logan's only been waiting for an excuse to lo leave that piece of shit behind. Sun's not even gone up before they fuck in the driver's seat again, by the side of the road, before they drop the delivery together, collect the buck and find themselves some nice burger joint for breakfast. And Scott wonders suddenly if this is what happiness feels like.
Additional Spoiler Alert: The asshole stepbrother will track them down eventually as they're dumb enough to stay in touch with Scott's trucker friends like Bobby, Sam, and Emma via his CB radio, and Scott almost ends up being kebabed again only a month later, because that Victor guy got issues. But the fuck in that cheap Vegas hotel afterward is spectacular, and since they're already in town, they miraculously find someone who doesn't care about gender and shit when he's marrying someone as long as he gets paid. It also soon turns out, it's so much easier, making a good buck on the road, working together. Scott is pretty sure he's still never going to get inside a damn cockpit but at least he doesn't need that stupid dream at night anymore, to no longer want to off himself on the next best highway.
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their-we-go · 2 months
Do you have a favorite poem?
I do! And here it is <3
Why I Wake Early, by Mary Oliver
Hello, sun in my face.
Hello, you who make the morning
and spread it over the fields
and into the faces of the tulips
and the nodding morning glories,
and into the windows of, even, the
miserable and crotchety–
best preacher that ever was,
dear star, that just happens
to be where you are in the universe
to keep us from ever-darkness,
to ease us with warm touching,
to hold us in the great hands of light–
good morning, good morning, good morning.
Watch, now, how I start the day
in happiness, in kindness.
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mamuzzy · 5 months
I would like to know about Zetsubou?
You know that scene from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei where the resident perfectionist Chiri-chan try to perfectly cut a strawberry cake but the more people come in to get a piece, the more irritated she gets with calculating so in the end she throws the whole cake into the mixer and made the disgusting smoothie out of it? I started to make a Bad Batch version of the scene. :DDDDD
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My original plan was to redraw this scene but since summer the Tech in my head drastically changed and I don't think the skittishness of Chiri really suits him anymore.
Also there is a plan to make this an animatic instead of a comic, maybe with the 501st instead of the Bad Batch, featuring Dogma or Echo as Chiri.
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belethlegwen · 1 year
What’s your favorite way to hold someone smol?
Absolute favourite would be thumb on/across their chest, fingers wrapped around behind for support, their arms wrapped around thumb for extra support/hugging/comfort whathaveyou. That's the literal dream right there.
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This shit. This is the shit. Give me this.
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
Holy shit you on the inbox....... This is so awesome hello.
UHM um this is my oc her name is Melaine. She is a Normal Girl who is a Bug also
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A doctor by profession, a biologist by heart, and a mutant through experimentation. Melaine T. Curatella was a renowed name in medicine, a part of one of the most famous families in the interplanetary system, until some horrid event lead her far outside the bounds of sanity... and now, who knows what she's after, using mutagenics and science horrifically in some far off planet? There's only speculation to be done.
Originally from Promethea, came to Pandora with a mission to help everyone who needed medical assistance, eventually ended up setting up her own hospital for the same purpose (free healthcare W). She is surprisingly rarely ever attacked simply because she is nice to people and as it turns out, even the worst of mercenaries would rather not die because of an unaddressed broken bone. Do not mistake this kindness for tolerance however, because she's more than capable enough to defend herself should a threat arise (Trust me scalpel stabs are Way Worse than regular stabs). Extremely competent in what she does to a scary degree, often being called "the Angel of the Wastes" for it. She could probably rearrange someone's entire skeleton if she was up to it. Deep down she has a lot of pent upanger because of how everything in this planet just is so exploited, so ignored, how everyone is clearly struggling but can't do anything about it because of the ideals that are perpetuated. She hates hates hates hates it so bad and she WANTS to do something too but, where is she even supposed to start right ? Well, "not letting everyone die constantly because of turf wars and meaningless violence" is probably a start.
Gets really passionate about everything really fast. Once she decides she likes or supports something, it would take hell freezing over to make her change her mind. This stubborness and resilience is what allows her to keep moving even throughout the most awful of situations, even in the face of the worst of adversity, she will come out on top covered in blood and permanently changed but she will stand by her extremely strict set of morals or so fucking help me. Melaine has a bad tendency to overlook special case scenarios because of this as well because she really dislikes the idea of being wrong about anything, which is how she feels after you tell her that things aren't just forever set in stone. Probabilities and other such interference don't matter to her, because only one version of every situation exists in her mind. This severely limits her ability to navigate new situations because she doesn't have the proper equipment to understand them, and it frustrates her beyond belief, so she does anything and everything to classify it as something she's already familiar with. Nothing else matters but my understanding of it, my classification, my experience, MY method. This woman would rather spend 5 years on the same argument than admit she maybe miscalculated. Totally not taking after her mom <3
After everything goes down in the story, she has to escape everything and ends up crashing back on her home planet, which is ironic for her giving she said she'd never go back under any circumstances, but I think the circumstance of "My husband is possibly dead and a company wants to take me + our 2 young kids out too just for being associated with him" is kind of a special case. This does not make her feel hopeless as much as it just makes her ANGRY. Injustice runs loose everywhere, with the worst people you've ever seen having most of the power and thus perpetuating it, while you're just getting kicked down over and over after climbing the ladder. It's humiliating, it's awful, and it makes her so fucking mad. This kickstarts her descent into madness and obsession after the concept of justice, something she herself has to do, because clearly nobody else knows how to. No one else knows justice how she does, and therefore, she must be the one to instill it.
Has been fascinated by insects and other arthropods ever since she begun to talk. Most namely, the Praying Mantis. If left to her own devices she would infodump about bugs for days at a time. Their exoskeletons and surprisingly tough claws and their big stupid eyes just captivate her, to a point where almost everything she owns has a mantis pin. This fixation takes a weirder turn later in the story as she attempts to BECOME a mutant version of one, often using several chemicals and other substances on herself to achieve what she considers "the perfect predator form". She's very normal about it and she would never perform any particularly unethical experiments to achieve such a goal. She is not doing it for any nefarious reasons (like say, especialized murder) and would never awaken cannibalistic urges within herself after all that. Don't worry about it !👍
Lookit her <3
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Despite it all, she loves a lot. She is enamored by the beauty of life and understanding it is only her goal because of how much she appreciates every little detail of it as well. She loves helping people and she loves her husband and she just wants to keep loving things but unfortunately the world wants to make her Insane Constantly.
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rriavian · 7 months
Trick or treat!! ☺️
Ok so I debated on what to answer with but here is one of the cut lines from this Dream/Calliope flower prompt fic I wrote:
Calliope knows why Morpheus denied before.
The Dreaming is his beating heart, his blood; to linger here is to slip a knife between his ribs, to linger here is to kiss slow and gentle up his neck.
(Halloween Trick or Treat ask game)
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thevikingwoman · 2 years
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Oya Cenric for @sunshinemage 
by @fat-rolls-frictions
A small thank you gift for @sunshinemage​, you were so kind drawing a bunch of Wayfarer MCs. Thank you for sharing your talent and kindness. 
I hope you enjoy this gift, Oya is so wonderful<3!
@fat-rolls-frictions did an amazing job! thanks you!
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