sollattes · 8 months
Ever since rain wrote that bernie fic, my thoughts have been nothing but him... @rainisawriter damn you, man. I just wanted to write my fics without bernie thoughts disrupting it
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evansbby · 29 days
I cannot believe the wicked games Drabble was 5000 words long like basically a full ass fic and the low amount of notes it got…
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
I can't recall the name but I know there's a fanfic in which Nico dates a son of Persephone and you know what? I think he should.
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swordmaid · 1 year
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AHHHHHH ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️src.
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nightgoodomens · 10 months
Oh my God:Satan I have a brilliant fic idea and I can’t wait to write it eeeeeeeeee
Yes it’s one bed trope
Yes it’s Crowley still upset and Aziraphale unsure how to fix it
But they talk because they’re saving the world
Crowley exhausted in bed
Aziraphale going through channels gasping every time there’s a sex scene but it’s late so good luck baby
And they start talking about the difference between love and sex and everything in between
And Aziraphale decides that maybe what Crowley is saying isn’t so wrong compared to his religious idea of how things should be
And Crowley learns what it is like to be touched with love
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stitchwraith-stingers · 3 months
other gems from this tierlist maker
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youphrogthoseshuffles · 10 months
Crowley drove for hours after the incident with Aziraphale. The grey city buildings eventually turned into the countryside and even when the Bentley protested under him, he pushed on.
He didn't stop until nightfall and only then did he pull over on the side of the road. It was quiet. Too quiet, save for all the thoughts running through his head. With a growl, he gets out of the car and stares at the ground before looking up at the sky and the stars.
Free from the light pollution he could see the stars, his creations shining down on him. He briefly wondered if they remembered him but quickly decided they didn't. No one upstairs does. Not even the stars.
Despite being a being that didn't require the human definition of "rest", the demon was exhausted. Even the well deserved nap he took while everyone was locked in their homes didn't feel quite enough. The memories of Adam and Anathema and Shadwell flashed through his mind, every single person, angel and demon involved in the Armageddon before his thoughts stopped at Aziraphale.
Dear, dear Aziraphale. His best and only friend. His angel. His everything. Smoke starts to pool at his feet and for a moment he thanks he's far away from any human civilization before he screams.
He crumples to the ground and leans against his car. Far away from anyone who can see him, he takes his glasses off and wipes at his suddenly wet eyes.
"I know you don't like questions. I know you didn't like my questions but please. Just this once. Why?"
His voice breaks at the last word and he shakes. He needs to keep himself together, he *needs* to be stable and put together or else no one can help Aziraphale-
He shatters. There is no Aziraphale anymore.
"You won," he whispers. "You won, and he chose you, and he loved you and now he's... he's gone."
Demons don't cry. Demons don't cry over their best friend. And most importantly, demons dont love. But for once, Crowley didn't want to be a demon. He wanted to be Crowley.
And under the watchful eyes of his own creations, he cries.
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ohlovxr · 2 years
dw bestie i have a stepbro matt sitch to share w u i just have to actually write it down but in the meantime idk why my brain said “stepbro’s new gf elektra is so hot that you can’t even look at her directly like you’re staring into the fucking SUN and now you’re struggling to make sense of and cope with the sudden surge of weird bisexual jealousy you get from seeing them. and maybe you don’t understand what it means, and maybe matt doesn’t either— doesn’t understand why you’ve suddenly gotten snippy and short with him, stopped talking and hanging out with him like you used to— but elektra does.” and im frothing at the mouth thinking abt once elektra tells matt ur in the throes of a Bisexuality Crisis. is it her who seduces u or is it him. or do they do it together. screaming
omg omg omg
you’re being a really big brat one day when he has her over because you’re filled with this weird jealousy that you don’t understand and it’s driving you nuts.
safe to say that matt’s had enough of it, but the second he starts getting pissed and calling you a “spoiled brat”, elektra stops him with her devious little smirk. “now, matthew,” and she slowly backing your now hesitant self up to a wall. “don’t work yourself up. i think your pretty little sister just feels a little left out.”
and when your back hits the wall, she’s got her lips so fucking close to yours. “don’t you?”
nodding when she after she says that is how you end up getting ruined by them for the first time <33
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seiwas · 9 months
omfg this is a fangirl moment
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crybaby-bkg · 8 months
the terrible terrible thing about writing slow burn while also trying to keep it under 15 chapters is the constant WORRYING of pacing????? are things going too slow and will it be hard to engage with???? are things going too fast and it feels like rushing??? is a kiss too much 19 chapters in???? I thought it was supposed to be under 15????? who am I here?????????
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fitzrove · 9 months
I think I'm struggling creatively because as time goes on I find less and less motivation to write (and read, tbh!) stuff that's
good wholesome queer representation
escapist everything-gets-better fantasy ("because life is hard enough why would you write about miserable things")
palatable to people who disagree with me
And obviously I'm nowhere near finishing even a single original thing yet ahdfhajf but I've been looking at publishing videos that people who have experience in the industry have made and. Man no wonder that so much milquetoast stuff gets put out nowadays
#not to be a hater and controversial but#the fact that its often straight people judging whether queer representation has problematic elements (and similar situations)#and lots of queer media seems to be made with straight people in mind (at least as a considerable portion of the audience)#and ugh in general/unrelated like. i just want to write litfic about the human condition XDD and structural inequality#but if i do it with fanfic nobody will read it because my most popular fics will always be ones where white men kiss each other for 3k word#obviously i'm grateful that anyone reads anything i write aggdhfh it's very nice to be heard#but fr my most popular fics are NOT my best ones#and yeah like if i write original fiction it's unlikely to do well in publishing because there's no hot sexy straight romance or wholesome#soft high school good representation queer people:3#maybe i can put in a red herring twink guy idk#also i'm just so bitter about linguistic inequality still XDD like. in a video abt fantasy tropes the person making the video hates they#said that they hate 'overly long fantasy names' that they can't pronounce#which just made me go 'silence anglo' mentally because omfg super often those names are just BASED ON CULTURES YOU'RE NOT PART OF#(disclaimer i know not all english speakers are ignorant hahfjsdhjfj)#but yeah its funny when old english inspired names are too hard for modern english speakers like welcome to being anyone else lol#its somehow considered a minimum requirement of knowledge to be able to pronounce names like george and matthew correctly#but then for other languages it's a special courtesy if people say names right#afujishgfis and this is just one example#rant#writing#literature
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dollsuguru · 3 months
hi hi! you can ignore this but i was really curious about your writing process?? you just write so well and i’m curious to see how your work starts from an idea all the way to the finished product!!!
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the way my jaw DROPPED rn like omfg are you talking to ME??? I’M SHOOK PLEASE YOU ARE WAY TOO KIND AND SO GENEROUS 😭 my writing sucks ASS but thank you SO much you’re so sweet <333 i can try & let you know my process but tbh baby i do NOT have one 😭 but i’ll try to think of something 😭 also i’ll try to be as thorough/concise as possible but i’m sorry if i tangent! ALSO this’ll be long bc i’m a yapper so forgive me <3
1) everyone is different but in my case i have a tendency to ALWAYS think of new ideas for writing (at least for geto!) find a character that you can consistently think of ideas for bc they’ll serve as practice! also i JUST started writing a month or two ago so i, myself, am STILL practicing with every fic & i am always willing to learn!
most importantly, i write based off my whim! whatever idea has me in its clutches is the idea i’m writing for, even if that means i’m leaving other fic ideas in the dust at the moment! i recommend creating a list of fic ideas and save it as a draft (can be a wip list or literally just a random list depending on how many ideas you have!) — for those i tend to jot down random dialogue, vibes i wanna express, plot points i really wanna show, the personality of geto or reader, & whatever randomly comes to mind pertaining to that fic! i write it all down!
2) it honestly changes between fic to fic but i recommend asking for requests in the beginning — even writing just ONE thing will give you practice/an idea! so here are some examples of what i’ve written so far:
- the first thing i wrote was a request for suguru being obsessed w satoru’s girlfriend. the way i started that fic was thinking of the feeling that suguru would ultimately feel which was “guilt, shame, & desire.” and then i… personified? each thing! at first i personified guilt as an arachnid crawling in suguru’s throat but it didn’t work as well for me… and then i thought, “how about a serpent?” and it flowed much better -> slithering down his throat, embedding his fangs into his flesh leaving it raw, mangled, & bloody -> roaming across his heart/ribcage. and for that, and this may sound silly but i SWEAR by it, look up SYNONYMS for words on google! “dances along his bones -> pirouetting across his bones” i think little nods like that can help you not sound too similar all the time or like you’re constantly repeating yourself! shame was expressed in alcohol (amber whiskey ties into his amber eyes as well) & desire was expressed within the flicker of a lighter reader gave him which he holds in his hands (he imagines the cold metal as reader’s hands, which he ends up holding in his warm ones at the end)
- second fic “black is the color of my true love’s hair” was my first time writing a fic and that was because i wanted to write something for v-day & i really love this song! music can be a great inspiration — same w song lyrics! but for that one i had a few ideas i KNEW i wanted to use (knuckle kisses, stargazing, depressive suguru who reader gives a bath to/has a heart to heart with, and reader making a scrapbook for suguru!) he may be ooc but also i’m not afraid of making suguru be soft and quirky, i think that makes him fun! have FUN w different facets of your favorite characters personalities! also personally, i hate when readers don’t have personality/are always too shy/can’t banter/are too serious so i try to make my readers have a personality that align w the fic!
now for the knuckle kisses i knew what i wanted to do and i think that part came pretty easy! just a bit of revising as i was writing so i could be more descriptive in certain areas, change my wording around so it’d be less clunky in others! stargazing idea was incredibly hard & so was the scrapbook… so here’s advice i have for you that SAVED my ass. now. if you just wrote random writing in your drafts, whether it was just stream of consciousness that has nothing to do with the fic or was just a random piece of dialogue you jotted down — DO NOT DELETE IT. two parts of my fics were from RANDOM writing i wrote that had NOTHING to do w a romance fic and with a BIT of tweaking it gave so many ideas/serviced my story perfectly!
ex: i had zero idea of how to start the stargazing part so i just wrote the part i knew i wanted, which would’ve been in the middle of the story! aka reader buying the star for suguru and him being Shook To The Core. i was wondering how the hell i think of the events leading up to that, and one day i randomly just wrote “you zig-zag around the counter like a bumbling fawn” bc i was brainstorming ideas for the fic but was like… this has no place in my story BUT i didn’t delete it i just kept the draft. THEN i was like… wait this can work… so i used it as my beginning to the stargazing section and it flowed wonderfully! same w the scrapbook section! i wrote a series of dialogue that i ACTUALLY intended to use in an angst where reader despises suguru in their relationship, but with a bit of tweaking and deleting parts of reader being apathetic and suguru being toxic, it ended up being a great series of showing suguru’s overthinking nature/his genuine love for reader!
also maybe i do this unintentionally but i usually have a focus into suguru’s thought processes more in my fics… maybe bc i’m just curious abt him more than anything LMAO so that can be useful i think! if you’re like wow i have no idea how to write for my reader, write for suguru!
- third story was a request (shoutout bestie rem 🤝🤭) who gave such a cool idea of twisted suguru watching reader grieve him for leaving. now it wasn’t an actual haunting bc reader & geto are both alive, but i still used words of that nature to express them haunting e/o’s thoughts (mourning, ghost, corporeal phantom, living rigor-mortis etc…) the first thing i wrote for this fic was “prostrate yourself” — a tie-in to cult leader geto & also his confusing feelings about/towards reader. i also wanted to show bleakness so i mentioned suguru likening himself to a plague & a calamity. also don’t be afraid to show the ugly parts of a character — suguru is a bit callous in this but he’s still human and has a push & pull w/in himself! this fic i really tried my hardest to do a “show not tell” for certain paragraphs (bc i personally have trouble with that/dialogue/imagery/descriptions/engaging writing) — so i would constantly go into my “writing tips” tag and try and heed the advice they give!
sorry i don’t think i was of much help bc honestly i do NOT have a process 😭 even when writing my current fic about curator!geto — i just outlined OOOOOH WAIT OKAY HOLD ON YUP MIDTHOUGHT AND NOW I’M JUST PROPERLY ANSWERING YOUR QUESTION 😭
curator!geto is the FIRST time i’m PROPERLY outlining a fic (so actually i didn’t do anything wrong pleek don’t beat my ass for yapping 😪) so basically since this is the first time i’m outlining i made sure to write the premise of the fic, characters & their jobs, their personalities, their place of work/interactions/relationships there and then also how they would meet! so i wrote how i wanted suguru & reader to meet, a few pieces of random dialogue, and then i also wrote about how they would later on be more romantic (in what way). i’m currently trying to think of a conflict and just now thought of an idea that i may or may not use but i wrote it down anyways! and this is the first fic where i’m properly paying attention to “show not tell” and trying to describe words/paragraphs with more imagery! (esp since it’s an artsy/visual fic!) tbh the “writing tips” tag on my blog will help you more than anything i can say 😭
also! i recommend looking up writing tips and also reading a bunch of fics that you like! my mutuals have some of the BEST fics i have EVER read and reading them is honestly a masterclass in itself of amazing writing/prose/how to flow a story wonderfully! i’m just a beginner so i have lots to learn still about fic-writing BUT just think of each fic as a stepping stone to getting better! write, post, but don’t overwhelm yourself/force yourself to finish a fic you have no ideas for. it’s okay if it takes time but also remember that it won’t ever be perfect so don’t let “perfectionism” stop you from posting your fics! someone will always read it — whether they rb, like, comment, or are a silent reader — someone will take the time out of their day to read your fic! and honestly don’t get caught up on numbers! i’m soooooo thankful that people read my fics & leave tags even if i think my writing sucks! it’s all in good fun at the end of the day! enjoy it however you can and i’m sure you yourself are an amazing writer! good luck bestie! <3
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twistedappletree · 3 months
i have not fucked around ONCE since 2024 started and i’ve only been finding out
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
First Lines
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have.
tagged by my love @dm3rv ❤️ tysm for this one, bby - as we speak, i have not opened my own AO3 page yet, so i am incredibly curious to see what these are, actually 👀👀 let's find out!
oh my fucking god i apparently have 18 fics published to this pseud?! WTAF... when the hell did that happen...!!!
anyways! fics & first lines below the cut ❤️
your lips, my lips (apocalypse)
"Do you know," Pierre says, thoughtfully, "that kissing is supposed to help with stress relief?"
you are perfection, my only direction (it's fire on fire)
Twenty Years Ago
(but that doesn't really count as a proper grammatical first line, lmao, so i'll give the first official line of writing as well:)
"Look, look, Charles, it's the Patrol!"
you're in my head, you're in my blood
Charles Leclerc has always prided himself on being a model student.
get me with those green eyes, baby
"You," Pierre says dangerously when he steps out onto the wooden deck beside the private pool.
Game For Two
It's not exactly unusual for Pierre Gasly to wake up with someone in his bed after a date night. 
a wednesday in a café
Mick shouldn't be here.
love's a game, wanna play?
"Maman," Pierre groans, covering his face with his hands. "I am - non - of course I am able to find my own date!"
stars by the pocketful
(again, this doesn't really count as a proper first line, so i'll give the next line/more official first line as well:)
When Lewis walks into the paddock for the first time as an official F1 driver, he has already made up his mind: he will keep to himself as much as possible. 
he was pointing at the moon (but I was looking at his hand)
There is a little-known fact about Formula 1 drivers' motorhomes, and that fact is that they have a small window set low in the corner of the lounge area. If you know exactly where to look on the outside of the motorhome, it's possible to reach up to this window and, if you stand on tiptoes, just-just slip a note onto its windowsill and into the lounge itself.
(i cheated a bit and gave two lines for this one, but i felt like it might have been a bit confusing otherwise, lmao xD)
it's you and me, that's my whole world
(this one opens with the headline of an article :D)
Who are Prince Charles of Monaco’s closest friends? Take a peek inside his inner circle here
and there we go! wow... that was a long one, hehe. but i'm all sentimental now 🥺 such a nice walk down memory lane, bless. (ALSO: i have not forgotten my promise to update & finish fake dating au. and that prince!charles au sequel.... someday, someday 🙏❤️💙)
NOW: i am going to tag (and quite possibly double-tag, soz, it's just bcs i love you all so much:) @welightitup, @redyellowstupid, @effervescentdragon, @hourcat, @duquesademiel, @river-ocean, @wolfiemcwolferson, @pinkierre, @yukierres, @your-littlesecret 💙 no pressure for the tags, but if you'd like to do this, i would love to see yours 😍❤️
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bylertruther · 2 years
i fucking . LOVE byIer AUs so much every time i see a new one in the ao3 tag i go running n sprinting to gobble it all up i want to read every headcanon for every AU ever no matter how niche it may be i want to read every AU ficlet i want to consume every AU moodboard ever I Want Each And Every AU Please Put Those Boys In A Situation And Give It To Me Right NOWWWWWWWWW 🥺🤲
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rdlain · 6 months
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He Would Not Fucking Say That lmao
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