ghostputty · 7 months
hello! 🥝 for silver, 🥑 for inesa, 🍋 for malachai, and 🧅 for shion please :) sry if im latee
hiiii!! ur not late at all omg :,)
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🥝 How does their outside appearance differ from who they are?
silver's outside appearance doesn't differ much !! since she is a very conserved person i feel like a lot of her outfits (even her academy uniform) all express who she is p well. put-together and tidy, she looks very proper 95% of the time. i think if anything this can make her come across as snobby, but she's not, she's just a girl boss!!!!
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🥑 What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
so inesa genuinely believes she's like. The Best Ever. her inflated ego comes from a lot of trauma i won't unpack here cause it gets unpacked later, but that ego does cause a lot of problems. she believes she's the best and strongest so naturally let's say someone has to do this spell or that enchantment she will ABSOLUTELY argue till the sun goes down about how she should get to do it because she's the best ever. end of discussion.
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🍋 What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness?
malachai's ultimate weakness is that he's so unwilling to trust anyone. i think i've mentioned this before but he only trusts two (2) whole people and and one of them is himself LMAO. it's not due to an inflated ego like inesa but rather he's been let down by a lot of ppl in his life (more trauma i'll unpack in the story) and so he's hyper-independent. will this bite him in the ass? probably. does he care? no.
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🧅What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
i'd say most likely death. shion doesn't really express his emotions outwardly, he internalizes a lot and i'd argue it's difficult to make him cry. since he is fairly stoic and seemingly put together nobody really knows that information. he's out of touch and will pack away his emotions if it gets in the way of his objective. so i do think death would break his stone cold disposition since he's literally the most moral character in the story. and if HE unintentionally caused that death......? he'd crumble for suresies :D
send an oc interview question ??
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mwebber · 1 year
29 30 38 for martian :3
ooh these r fun! haven't lingered on Real Martian for a bit.. going to set these in the rbr era!
29. Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out?
mark jumps first, lightly, because he thinks it would get seb looking at him with an alarmed, deer-in-headlights kinda look, and his face is endlessly funny when his eyes go wide. seb would get over it quickly, though, and one-up mark by jumping higher, and landing harder. and mark, because he's a competitive little shit, would do the same--except, he's bigger, and heavier, and he actually breaks the elevator. they manage to contact the hotel easily enough. seb, with no small amount of amusement, and mark, with a little bit of embarrassment for inconveniencing someone (obviously not for LOSING against seb, he didn't lose against seb, they weren't even competing for anything). the hotel says eta for help is about half an hour while they wait for the mechanic to arrive. maybe it's the confined space of the elevator, the buzzing of the fan above, but they both feel inclined to fill the silence. seb sits on the floor, and mark sits next to him, and they have a conversation about things going on in their lives, places they've hiked, bike routes they've tried, and it's-- nice. it's nice, to talk to seb as a human being, stripped down to their natural selves without all the pretense of their race weekend environment.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
trying to think of a situation where they'd do that. i think it'd be if they were already fucking and familiar with one another, or at least in each other's spheres enough? mark would probably dress seb one of two ways, depending on how intimate they are... the first, if they're not fucking: in a skirt or dress, for kicks, and also because deep down, he's curious. seb looks pretty, though, and mark proceeds to have a sexuality crisis wherein seb is like, i like wearing this, but i'm not a girl. and mark is like, don't you think i know that. seb wouldn't do that, but he'd absolutely make mark do something ridiculous, like wear his red bull shirt and pants backwards and strut out in front of the cameras, or something. the second, if they are fucking: mark dresses seb in his favourite hoodie, and just his favourite hoodie. it's oversized on seb's smaller frame, but he's adorable, almost swaddled in the fabric, with the sleeves covering his hands. it's nice and warm, too, when mark slides his hands underneath to hold seb's waist and gently thumb circles onto soft skin. seb, for his part, would probably tell mark to wear something comfortable because he can't be arsed to do something like this, or else he'd choose a nice dress in mark's size and force him to confront Gender. i am making him confront gender regardless
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
the obvious answer would be that seb's more experimental and mark's more vanilla, so i'm gonna play devil's advocate here. seb likes it when sex matters. he loves the intimacy of it, the way he can be vulnerable with someone, and come back more sure of himself and his partner's affections. it's validation and security, in a way. plus, missionary is hot, especially when feelings are involved, whether he's fucking or being fucked. that's not to say he doesn't like it rough or doesn't like toys, but he's not going to go out of his way to make things super spicy in the bedroom if they're already special enough :) mark's open to the kinkier side, mostly because he thinks seb would look really great in different positions, with different toys. but a smaller, deeper part of him knows it's because he thinks switching it up will mean seb doesn't get bored of him. he's older, not as spry as he used to be--he thinks he needs to keep seb coming back for more. little does he know that as long as he keeps making love to seb and treating him like the only person in the world when they're in bed, seb will melt in his arms every single time.
ask me about martian / nobody asks you questions!
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theunfairfolk · 1 year
Greetings, if i may have ur attention , i would like to address to you a few questions about the fae with the risk of making ur head hurt and or spiral because i said so
Can a fae look human? As in pointy ears and horns and all that i know but also look , how do I word this right? Attractive? I know different people precive different things attractive but attractive to humans in a universal kind of way since humans are attracted to humans / human traits / human like creatures ?
Fae are immortal, so technically a fae could be , lets say idk 2023 years old right? And continue ageing, but since humans and fae have different ways to measure time can a fae be 2023 in OUR years but idk 5674 in fae 'years' and in the fae time ? Can a fae be as old as the freaking time?? Like dinosaurs and stuff ? Or can a fae be really young considered in their time but old to us or young in ours and old in their time?
Iron. Maybe I've watched to much movies . Yes i did. But can like,, metal hurt fae? Holy metal? Oh wait what's holy to us isn't holy to them but can it? Or is it just a myth like vampires and holy water ?
thank you for ur attention
1. Lmao. Lol even. Yes, fae can look human and often are described as appearing as beautiful humans to lure actual humans into their traps. Whether this is just “glamour” or if they can shapeshift or chose their appearance or if they are naturally just a very attractive human looking being depends on the species and the myths you reference.
2. Depends on what you view fae as. All creatures, magic or mundane, had to “start” somewhere. Whether that’s god making the angels by hand or spontaneous creatures forming from the ether or good old fashioned evolution. So hypothetically yes, some fae are reportedly immortal and could have formed when the universe did, and existed since then. Mostly they seem to exist on the same sort of timeline as humans, whatever that means. Maybe they evolved alongside us. Maybe they were born from our dreams. As for “years”, yeah. There’s more than one human calendar, even! Time is made up! The fae probably measure it differently, if they measure it at all. But you’re listing human concepts and trying to ascribe them backwards. The more pressing question is what the fae consider “old” and “young”.
3. It’s not holy, if anything it’s profane. The metal that hurts them is iron worked by humans. Not silver or gold as those are aligned more with their realm than ours. But forged iron is a crude thing we humans made by twisting the ores of the earth ourselves and so it burns the flesh of those the earth empowers.
As for “just a myth”… my dear, we are all simply stories. You can sift through sand looking for the True Core Of It or you can appreciate each grain for what it adds to the beach.
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iheartmoons · 1 year
fmk sirius, barty, evan (my fav crazy boys) 👀
oh god oh god. how do i even start. i dont even-- i cant--
ok i'll fuck sirius. i'll never kill sirius (he's my fav character) but i also know that i would never ever get along with him if we were married. me and sirius variants... oh god. it's just a lot of clashing personalities, and i just think it's way better if we fuck
mmmm i dont even know what to write now. considering that i see barty and sirius' personalities to be superficially similar, i think i'll go with evan as a safe bet, because barty would probably drive me insane. i think me and evan could have a nice time ;))
gonna have to kill barty here. barty slays but.... thats just how it ended up </3
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nakamatoo · 5 months
(From Tatakaeeren) when you get this ask you have to answer with 5 of ur fav songs and then send this ask to 10 of ur favourite followers :)
Okay so these are my fav songs that I'm listening to rn
The op of P3 reload is so good and ive been jamming to it non stop. Can't wait for the full game.
This fire burns by killswitch engaged really speaks to my rock heart and I always love coming back to it.
jjk's second op is like the perfect blend of rock and energy that really gets you pumped and excited. Love the feel this song brings.
Milet always makes music that's the equivalent of sitting in a grassy field and watching the sun set. Literally was the perfect song to use for Frieren and always makes me feel this bittersweet emotion while listening.
Okay yes, another Freiren choice but honestly I'd by lying if i said this wasn't one of my fav songs im listening to now. Plus Yoasobi fuckin rocks omg
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heroes-fading · 1 year
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what im hearing is outsider who is a communist pov
i will be marinating!!!!!
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omori-sv-au · 1 year
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two identical sillies have been made
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phantangled · 2 years
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dan <3
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formula-red · 1 year
more, its never enough, making you a little bouquet
🌻 the change of pace along with the lyrics
🌼 i wanna get all dolled up with you <3
🌹i just want to scream and break everything whenever i hear this
🌷i just love this one way to much
🌻 omg that was amazing, it really reminded me of growing up and going to uni and then going back to my hometown for some reason, i loved "down we go while holding hands // if i fuck this up, i'm taking you down with me // too late now, lost track somehow // well if i fuck this up, i'm taking you down with me"
🌼 this song slayed hehehe, brb gonna go change into my fav dress
🌹 yessssssss a classic, just one of those songs you can shout at the top of your lungs. i wanna be driving my car away from the city with the windows down when i listen to this
🌷 yessss the kinks !!!!!!! the vibes are always so good, this is going on my throwback playlist <3333333
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pissboycharles · 2 years
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the drums one???? 👁 also third from the bottom...... HIIII ROBIN (louder than everyone else)
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damistrolls · 2 years
1, 5, 11, and 15 for Yahiro please!
1. What’s the lie your character says most often?
"My client is not guilty."
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
hmmm... i dont think he can actually cry on command, but he can certainly SEEM like he's crying. stage crying, yknow? :]
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
all someone's gotta do is turn on a musical and see whether or not he knows all the songs and dance routines from it tbh
15. What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
yahiro is pretty carefree regardless of where he is and who he's with. be it work or play, he's got a strong personality that he wont tamp down. he's loud, passionate, wordy, and a real showman. still, when he's hanging out with friends, you can rest assured that he isn't going to lie very much at all, whereas in the courtroom......... well, lets just say there's a lot to the whole 'razzle dazzle' thing he mentioned earlier
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littlewetbeast · 2 years
hi hello if you thought that one was good there are. A ridiculous amount of quotes in that book that Hit Different like. cracks knuckles
"You must be filled with expectancy. You must be awash in hope. You must wonder who will love you, whom you will love next."
"I am done with being loved," Edward told her. "I’m done loving. It's too painful."
“Pish,” said the old doll. “Where is your courage?”
“Somewhere else, I guess,” said Edward.
"You disappoint me," she said. "You disappoint me greatly. If you have no intention of loving or being loved, then the whole journey is pointless. You might as well leap from this shelf right now and let yourself shatter into a million pieces. Get it over with."
— the Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
(Context: Edward tulane is a china rabbit, and at this point has been sitting in on the high shelf of an antique store without being bought for a while, after spending a long time being passed through the hands of different people that have cared for him that he has been unable to stay with for one reason or another (the main being that he is a toy rabbit and does not have the agency to be able to stay for himself))
here’s a few more:
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oooff, with that context that first quote is very lovely but also very ouch.
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ariquar · 2 years
4, 5, 6, 13 with Ari for the Skyrim ask game!!
ask game
4. What are your Dragonborn's philosophies, mantras, codes of honor and the like? How steadfast are they in these beliefs? How do they influence their interactions with the world?
I talk about this fairly often with Ari, but his main mantra is Paarthurnax's quote of 'tiid bo amativ' - time flows onward. To him it represents that even if he and other people have done some regrettable things in the past, time moves forward and there's always room to improve. He'll give just about anyone a second chance, barring anyone that can't be reasoned with or helped. It's also the code that he uses to reform the Blades into something new - they're not meant to be dragonslayers or the emperor's guards, they're there to help people, whether that be protecting them from powerful forces or just showing someone that they can turn their life around, offering them a place to stay and recover from the troubles they face.
The only real exception to that was Miraak, but that was the fault of him not knowing any better, then, and even now he wonders if it would have been possible to give him another chance, or if Mora had planned things out from the start.
5. Dragonborn's favorite province and Dragonborn's least favorite province?
He's only really been to two - Summerset, where he was born, and Skyrim, where he winds up. ( Okay I guess Morrowind but only because of Solstheim. He's alright with Solstheim, it's mainly nostalgia at this point - it's where he met Teldryn and learned to be a better person so it's special. )
I'd say that each is his favorite in a different way - he misses the sun and the warm waters of Summerset, but Skyrim is home now, and it's where he's built his new life. So, I guess on that note, he doesn't have a 'least' favorite either, at least not in the usual sense. Every place he's been has been something special to him.
6. Does your Dragonborn favor melee, ranged weapons or magic? A mix of all three, or maybe none?
Melee and magic! As a Thalmor in training he was taught to use swords - mainly rapiers - but had a knack for magic. Later on, he decides to use both instead of following his strict training in using only magic for Thalmor work. That restriction was only there to hopefully prevent him from challenging everyone to duels, anyway.
He winds up taking Dragonbane as his preferred sword, though he uses it uh... Not the way it's supposed to be, but whatever, it works. He also has a tendency to charge the sword with lightning magic, like. Straight from his hand. Just light the whole thing up because why not, it's metal, it does big shocks, zap. And it looks cool when he does it!
13. Does your Dragonborn have any hobbies? Are they particularly attached to any of them?
Ari writes! Mainly logs of his own adventures, which he winds up publishing as a sort of historical account of the events that befell him in Skyrim so they don't wind up lost to the ages. He particularly enjoys writing, even if sometimes falling asleep at his desk with the smell of wet ink on his hands leads to some... Bad dreams.
And after settling in Riverwood, he's taken up baking. It's not going very well. Teldryn thinks it's funny.
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chiisana-lion · 3 months
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annakarenina · 8 months
this comment on a tiktok where theyre crying because their dog isnt gonna live forever slaps
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muppetsnoopy · 6 months
they need to invent magic.spell that flosses and brushes my teeth for me and also tuckes me into bed soso cozy
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