#T’Challa/Erik Killmonger
satashiiwrites · 11 months
Snippet Sunday
From my July Rough Trade project since I’ve already let this out in the wild (it’ll eventually get on AO3 late this fall assuming I get it done). Tagging @tkwritesdumbassassins @quietborderline @monsterrae1 @alyxmastershipper @outtoshatter @missanniewhimsy @whimsyswastry
Snippet sunday banner by Radio Chatter.
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Title: Scintillation, Chapter 1
Fandom: MCU, the Sentinel
Pairing: Tony Stark/James “Bucky” Barnes, T’Challa/Erik Killmonger, one-sided Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes, Tony Stark & Ho Yinsen
Everything changed for Tony Stark in a cave in Afghanistan.  For years he’s been dealing with the fallout of the shrapnel imbedded in his chest—both physical and mental—in his own ways. He’s got an arc reactor in his chest and demons that stalk him in his mind as he becomes Iron Man and eventually an accepted part of the Avengers during the attack on New York City.
All he has to do is keep giving people what they want.  That’s the lesson learned. 
Die, resurrect, live as much as you can. Wash, rinse, repeat. 
He thought he’d known why he was the way he was… but he and everyone else missed one tiny little detail caused by his repetitive brushes with death. 
Or, a guide coming online as he almost dies yet again at the hand of a friend shatters the controls put upon the Winter Soldier and sends Sentinel James Buchanan Barnes fully online and into a feral rage in the middle of Siberia. 
Steve’s lucky T’Challa’s there to rescue him from his best friend gone feral. 
Tags/warnings: canon typical violence and events (kidnapping, violence, etc), sentinel/guide AU, PTSD, all the usual things that pertain to Erik Killmonger.
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Insomnia is an old and dear friend for Tony. Wakanda’s not a bad place to recuperate in if you’re a guest of the king, but Tony’s wandering of the palace halls doesn’t go unnoticed. Dora Milaje stalk him as he wanders, and he pretends to ignore their presence. He suspects the kimoyo beads are like carrying a personal location tracker, but they’re too useful for other reasons, like opening doors for him to leave them behind on his nightstand. 
He goes out into the gardens, his silent guardians following just far enough behind to give him the illusion of privacy. Tony follows the sound of rushing water until he comes to the part of the gardens that overlook the falls. 
Despite the late hour, he’s not the only one wandering the grounds. Erik Killmonger—also known as Erik Stevens or by his Wakandan name of N’Jadaka—is sitting in the grass with his feet hanging in the water. He’s wearing a robe, and his house slippers are discarded in the grass beside him.  
“Guide,” he greets as Tony approaches, nostrils flaring to identify him, but he does not lash out. “You should be in bed.”
“So should you,” Tony returns as he sits next to him. “Couldn’t sleep?”
Erik makes a noise of disagreement in his throat. Nobody has told Tony anything, but he can feel Erik’s turmoil and sense that the sentinel has a bonded guide. Still, it’s not complete—same as Tony’s old bond is fractured and frayed while the new one to James is strong as iron yet gossamer thin as his old bond has prevented it from deepening. Erik’s bond with T’Challa was unexpected and has caused a lot of turmoil that Tony isn’t supposed to be aware of, but Tony can’t help but notice it as a guide now that he knows he is one. T’Challa is better trained, but Tony’s life experience is greater—even if he hadn’t known he was using guide gifts to make inferences or to influence others. 
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he tells Erik mildly. 
They are both quiet for a minute or two before Erik blows out an exasperated sigh and pulls Tony in close to share his body heat. “You are cold,” he observes as he wraps himself around Tony. A sentinel’s instinct to always take care of a guide—even one that’s not theirs—is hard to ignore. Even though Erik has a self-professed want to destroy all those that have harmed his people, Tony knows that Erik’s incapable of hurting him. All the violence within the sentinel has been leashed by his encounter with T’Challa and their bonding. 
The jaguar sentinel has been tamed by the panther guide. 
In as much as any borderline feral sentinel can be tamed. 
“It’s the middle of the night, and we’re at altitude,” Tony points out reasonably. 
Erik grumbles in disagreement. “You will get sick—sicker,” he corrects before poking at the spaces between Tony’s ribs. “You need to eat more.”
“I’m trying to,” he protests weakly. The time spent with the Wakandan doctors trying to deprogram his PTSD ends daily with Tony vomiting from the rollercoaster of emotions he rides during them. Even with him trying to eat multiple small meals, he’s lost a lot of weight. The arguments over the Accords had meant long hours politicking and negotiating without time to eat regularly. Stark Industries R&D had also needed him to overlook everything and the mentorship program he’d started for kids so that he could pump up Peter’s extracurriculars for when he eventually applied to college…
“You work too hard,” Erik interrupts Tony’s thoughts.
“You’re not the first person to tell me that.”
Erik snorts in exasperation. “You do not listen to anyone, do you?”
“I listen sometimes.”
“But not often.”
Tony shrugs. “You don’t listen either.”
Erik copies him and shrugs as well. “I thought I knew… I had a plan.”
“Plans never survive the first contact with the enemy—isn’t that what they teach you navy boys in school?”
“They do teach that. I had contingencies and alternatives all planned out.”
“And then you met T’Challa,” Tony surmises. “Bet you didn’t plan on that.”
“I did plan on that.”
“But you didn’t plan on him being your guide,” Tony corrects. 
“I should have.”
“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt,” Tony settles more comfortably into Erik. He’s got a great chest, and he’s warm in the chill of the moonless night. Moreover, he makes Tony feel safe, even if Erik isn’t his sentinel. 
“I could not deny him,” Erik whispers, his gaze focused on the running water, dragging his nose along Tony’s neck to scent him in an automatic self-soothing gesture. “I tried, but I could not deny T’Challa was meant to be mine.”
“Destroyed all those plans,” Tony adds, dragging his wrist along Erik’s jawline before gently pushing him away. 
“You are not making me feel better,” Erik says as he resettles, his fingers carding through Tony’s hair, making him ironically feel like a purring house cat.  
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teartra · 2 years
Wakanda Forever (2022)
Killmonger to Shuri : Don't listen to your brother. He's trying to lead you down the path of righteousness. I'm gonna lead you down the path that rocks.
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hbfengxi · 2 years
you don’t get it. you don’t get it. i will always think about how shuri all but ran to the ancestral plane, despite not believing in it. how, despite her misgivings, it was a chance to see her mother or brother again;
and i will always think about how she met killmonger instead: someone she deemed an enemy and a threat to those she loved and stood for. always separate and far away, always just a warning—look, this is the wrong path. you should never take it.
and how killmonger convinced her that they were the same. you chose me.
i will always think about shuri after, waking up on that cold metal slab, now hollow in a way no one else will ever be able to comprehend;
how, as she stood up, her loss finally seemed real to her, because even in a place where her wishes to see her family could have been granted, they weren’t. they didn’t come. to her, they chose not to, and so a man like killmonger guided her into her first breaths as the Black Panther instead.
i will always think about how broken by grief she sounded, and angry, and most of all, above all, so utterly alone:
“I saw no one Nakia! I SAW NO ONE! Why did they not show up? Why did they abandon me?”
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melaninpov · 10 months
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Black Panther Killmonger v. T’challa
Challenge for the throne
“Is this your King? The Black Panther, who’s suppose to lead you into the future?…. Naw, I’m your King”
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itaintenough · 2 years
I have resurrected, ryan coogler needs to stop casting fine men as villains in Black Panther movies because the line is blurry between good and bad whenever killmonger or namor is on the screen
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soranatus · 7 months
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Black Panthers By WenWu | 간계밥
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pnthrblk · 2 years
Ok, So I’m kinda new to the BP fandom but I’m not new to BP in general, and I want to get to know all the other people known to the fandom, How do I start??? I also have a book that I want to publish on her that I already have on Wattpad, Should I do it?
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(P.S. This man is toooo fine 😩😩😩)
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szagaloree · 1 year
Kink list:
Bondage: ❤️‍🩹
Daddy/mommy kink: m💙/f💖
Overstimulation kink:🪫
Dom/sub kink:⛓
Blindfold/mouth covering kink:🖤
Spanking kink: ❤️‍🔥
Knife play:🔪
Rough sex kink:🤍
Anal kink:🧡
Foreplay: ❤️
Breeding kink: 🥴
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nerdbrazil · 10 months
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merevide · 1 year
people who wanted (and still want) killmonger to somehow return and be black panther instead of just accepting the possibly and fact that it was going to be shuri were so goofy i’m sorry
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satashiiwrites · 11 months
Snippet sunday
Tagged by @monsterrae1 for a seven snippet sunday. Thanks for the tag Rae! I’m pretty sure @outtoshatter also tagged me for a wip whenever earlier this week when I was mostly focusing on surviving the work week (so thanks Gia!).
Low pressure tagging @outtoshatter (you never said no tag backs!) @tkwritesdumbassassins @alyxmastershipper @westernlarch @missanniewhimsy @whimsyswastry @rosieposiepuddingnpie @quietborderline and whoever else wants to play along
From my rough trade project that I’m yeeting tonight.
Title: Scintillation (excerpt from chapter 3)
Fandom: MCU
Pairings: Winteriron, Erik Killmonger/T’Challa, one sided Stucky. Tony Stark & Ho Yinsen.
Tags/warnings: panic attack this chapter. Erik is a warning in and of himself. Deals with canon events with canon level violence + added sex (not this snippet).
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Through the bond, Tony can feel that James is… happy. 
He doesn’t know what to do with this feeling and it’s very distracting. 
“How am I not boring you?”  He doesn’t mean for it to sound defensive but it does. 
James is amused instead of offended. “You’re passionate about figuring things out and it animates you.  Why would I not like something that you find interesting?”
Tony is perplexed. “Most people don’t?”
“I am not most people.  I’m your sentinel.”
If he’s telling the truth, Tony’s often been told to get to the point.  He’d been coached on how to make business presentations and had maybe self-medicated with alcohol for years.  Extremis had put a final kibosh on what little drinking he’d done after the whole palladium-poisoning pity party had blown up in his face. 
What was the point of drinking if you couldn’t get drunk unless you actively were trying to poison yourself?  He’d noticed that James didn’t mind a beer or two but otherwise didn’t really touch the stuff. 
“You don’t drink do you?” Tony asks, already onto the next topic. 
“It doesn’t really do much for me and… well….”
“Well what?”
James’ eyes go unfocused, like he’s seeing straight through Tony.  “We used to party when we were on leave—didn’t get too many of them.  One time me and the Howlies were in London and Steve was spending time with his dame, Peggy, and Howard was with us too… it was a bad bombing that night.  I haven’t… I didn’t like those memories and I associate it with being drunk.”
“When exactly did you become a supe?”
“A supe?” James arches an eyebrow playfully and Tony can feel the teasing tug on their bond. 
“A super soldier.  Like Steve.”
James frowns, thinking which feels like an itch at the back of Tony’s brain now that he’s focusing on how the sentinel feels through their bond. “I… things weren’t normal after he rescued me.”
“You mean the first time?”  Tony doesn’t think that James means Steve’s most recent rescue attempt. 
“Yeah. I mean, I could get drunk but it took a lot.  Was told I was being a right unfunny bastard by Dum Dum because I was hogging the liquor and he wanted me to share.”
“So you were showing signs of the serum?”
James shakes his head minutely, rubbing his hands through his hair and tugging on it to show the question was difficult for him to answer. “I… I think I was starting to come online as a sentinel.”
Tony considers this information which is new.  There’d been many failures over the years to reproduce the super soldier serum that had made Steve. Hell, Extremis’ fix had used his dad’s VitaRays as a starting point to solve the energy overload problems. Tony knew the VitaRays weren’t the part that had worked to make Steve into Captain America, despite some other research to the contrary that SHIELD may or may not have funded. 
“Was Steve online before the serum?”
James’ attention refocuses on Tony.  “Yeah.  I’m pretty sure he came online when his mom died.  She was just like him and both of them wouldn’t stand for any sort of thing they thought was wrong.  I spent a lot of time rescuing Steve after he picked a back alley fight with someone twice his size and three times as mean.”
“I’ve seen pictures of what he looked like before the serum.  It really transformed him.”
“I didn’t recognize him at first when he showed up in Austria. He… it wasn’t just how he looked.  He smelled different.”
“Well he’d been running around dodging bullets and bombs so it makes sense that he’d smell like a war.”
“I’m not talking that.  I’m talking… everyone smells slightly different.  It’s… it’s your smell,” James tries to explain, wrinkling his nose and rubbing it. “Steve smelled different after he became a super soldier.”
“Huh.  What do I smell like?”
James’ smile takes on a hungry edge.  “Darling…”
“What do I smell like to a sentinel?”
Instead of answering, James rolls them so that Tony is beneath him.  Closing his eyes, the sentinel breathes in deeply through his nose twice before he lowers himself to settle his weight between Tony’s legs and press his nose to the angle of Tony’s jaw.  It’s not sexual, the bond hums with intense focus and Tony doesn’t feel trapped so he lightly rests his hands on James’ back. 
James’ inhale in noisy because he does it with his face pressed against Tony’s, eyes fluttering open as he stares right into Tony’s eyes.  “You smell like home.  Like you’re mine,”
The tenderness of his sentinel’s affection laps at the bond like waves breaking on a distant shore. 
Tony’s never been someone somebody permanently wants.  He’s a one-night stand kind of guy because he gets too attached and then relationships implode—for example Pepper.  With Pepper he’s been able to keep their friendship but it’s not the same as it was.  He can tell sometimes that he tries her patience more than he used to, that he scares her when he does what he has to as Iron Man. 
He’s scared to take that final step with James.  To let him in all the way.  Nobody has liked what they’ve seen when they really look at Tony. They like the shiny baubles and the money.  The things he can do for them or give them.
Everyone tires of him eventually. 
“Darling—I don’t know what you’re thinking about right now but stop it,” James growls and it pulls Tony out of the maelstrom of pity and self-hatred he’d been sinking into. 
James’ hold is now claustrophobic and Tony pushes at him. “Can you please…?”
The sentinel rolls away as if burned and sits up next to Tony.  “Tony?”
“Sorry.  I know it’s too much,” Tony has climbed out of bed and is standing awkwardly next to it. James and Elsa—who he’d forgotten—are both watching him with matching expressions of concern. It’d be funny if Tony wasn’t holding on by his fingernails to stop the panic attack threatening to overwhelm him from taking over. 
Before he can completely shatter, T’Challa’s shields cover his, filling in the widening cracks. He hears a snarl of a big cat and Erik’s concerned “Tones?” before he passes out, overwhelmed. 
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Trophy Wife Masterlist
Erik Killmonger x Black!Reader
What happens when T’Challa is killed in ritual combat, leaving his beau at the mercy of a terrifying, womanizing new king? What happens when that new king sees the use in keeping her by his side to seal his legitimacy?
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Chapter 1 . . . . . released on Nov 12 2022
Chapter 2 . . . . . released on Dec 19 2021
Chapter 3 . . . . .
Chapter 4 . . . . .
Chapter 5 . . . . .
Chapter 6 . . . . .
Chapter 7 . . . . .
Chapter 8 . . . . .
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completed • in progress • nsfw • coming soon
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melaninpov · 10 months
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Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens in Black Panther
“I found my daddy with panther claws in his chest. You ain’t the son of a king, you a son of a murderer.”
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asscrasher · 2 months
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April 17 2024
- Darkstalkers: Jedah #1
- Ultimate Black Panther #3
- Fall of the House of X #4
- Spider-Woman #6
- Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #5
- The Displaced #3
- Beware the Planet of the Apes #4
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theredandwhitequeen · 2 years
I’ve seen Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and I’m happy and devastated and thrilled all at once. Shuri was so good. Killmomger in the ancestoral plane. Val and Ross is hilarious and amazing. Okoye my love for you is immense. Ayo how thrilled I was to see you and your wife Aneka. Namor and Talokan was amazing. M’Baku as king at the end, yes please. Ramonda my heart breaks. Nakia in Haiti and secrets but she comes to help. Riri Williams you are amazing and I can’t wait to see more. I love this movie so much.
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pnthrblk · 2 years
Just saw Wakanda Forever, I cried three times yall. And when I say I cried, It was an ugly cry. It was literally perfect! The way they honored Chadwick was perfect. 1000000000/10! I want EVERYONE to win THAT DAMN OSCAR AND EMMY, MTV MOVIE AWARD. EVERY DAMN AWARD!!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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