#Still adjusting to the controls a bit but once I get the memory back I'll be platinuming my way through
nemxricultrix · 5 months
(6 hour work shift, lookitmego on the first day of 2024)
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paintedscales · 5 months
arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
Happy patch day, Briar! I hope that you enjoy the 6.55 drop today! As of this post, I still can't get in game, but hopefully by the time you've seen this, you've gotten to experience what's been given to us and have enjoyed it! :> ♥
OC Asks: Character Design Edition
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One of Nomin's earliest weapons is a dagger that her adoptive sister was a little hesitant on getting for her, but is something that Bayarmaa and Esenaij were willing to trust her with knowing her history with the Tumet, as well as seeing that she expressed a kind of maturity about handling dangerous tools / weapons. The dagger itself is something that was crafted by the Ura with ore they gathered and then smelt themselves. With this dagger in her possession, Nomin remembers fondly the words spoken to her by the Ura tradeswoman: "May the ever tenacious mountains keep you safe with that made of their bounty."
This dagger actually didn't see a lot of use, and it was kept safe in Bayarmaa's possession for a while after Esenaij's death and Nomin's being kidnapped. Bayarmaa kept it and a number of Nomin's other belongings for a little over a decade. At least until Nomin returned to the Steppe, where Bayarmaa handed off a number of things that belonged to Nomin so that they were with their rightful owner. When Nomin gets it back, she wears it on her person at her belt, but never really uses it except for quick cutting for rope, tinder, striking flint, etc.
Nomin's main weapon is a bow. Her starting bow and Esenaij's bow were taken into the Jhungid's possession when they captured several of the Sagahl. One of Nomin's permissions once she rose through the Jhungid training ranks was that she wanted both bows back for training and to use in her conflict with the Kharlu. She used Esenaij's bow since her original bow just was too small for her when she grew up. Granted, Esenaij's bow is a bit big for her, but she adjusted. Eventually, it broke, and Nomin used the pieces to make a new bow for herself that is the only weapon that has a name: Akh (pronounced simply: "awh"). Essentially, the name of the bow is 'Brother' to keep Esenaij's memory close.
Nomin keeps her bow mounted on her back, and she has a hip quiver where her bows are instead of a quiver on her back. It's just easier to get her arrows from her thigh than it is to grab it from a quiver on her back.
Though Nomin can use a lance, she actually doesn't have one that she's particularly attached to. Since she learned how to use a lance with the Jhungid, she's a bit more reluctant to use the arts of the lance unless it's necessary and she has the means to do so. I think I want to have Estinien give her one after they're more amicable toward one another that she doesn't mind it as much. Either him, or maybe something from Alberic. Maybe even something from Hraesvelgr, recognizing her as a fellow Azure Dragoon, and enlightening her to the history of Azure Dragoons like he did with Estinien. Not sure, genuinely. I'll get there.
Nomin does not keep a lance on her person. Not often at any rate. If she has one, she is usually holding it.
Then there's Nomin's rapier and focus. She never really learned how to wield magic well on the Steppe, and always thought herself magically inept with her aether. However, once she meets X'rhun, she learns that she just never really had a good teacher. She broke her first rapier and focus that was given to her after one of the conflicts, her inability to control the amount of aether she was drawing from herself overloading the focus and rapier when they're put together and shattering them. Her current rapier and focus are parting gifts from Venat / Hydaelyn as things that can easily handle the amount of aether Nomin can channel through them.
Nomin's rapier and focus just hang at her hip in their holsters. Nothing special or out of the ordinary.
And now that Dawntrail is bringing us Pictomancer, Nomin will have her comically oversized brush with the relatively normal-sized palette! She won't have a name for them, either. There's nothing special about naming them or how she gets them (yet), but boy does she absolutely adore the very idea of using her aether to bring her paintings to life!
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natsu-chan-17 · 3 years
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Hellooo I'm back with another fluff headcanon, this time for my favourite shy boy Tamaki:)) enjoy
Midnight gaming and naps
Pairing: Tamaki x gender neutral reader
Category: Fluff
Peaceful genshin lofi floated in the air from the tv screen as you explored the game with your avatar, attempting to unlock as many chests as possible.
The apartment was pitch black with the odd creak coming from one of the neighbour's movements. You had been gaming since early afternoon and completely forgotten the time.
Your eyes felt swollen and were stinging from staring at the screen for too long but you were persistent in your treasure hoarding.
Small, careful footsteps were all you could focus on as you noticed you had awoken Tamaki from his sleep upstairs. You turned away from your avatar who was still beheading a hilichurl to quickly apologize to the poor, sleepy elf boy.
"Sorry Tamaki, did I wake you by being too loud? I'll keep it down more so dont worry, you can go back to bed," you said with a small, soft smile as you saw him wrapped in a blanket like a cute sushi roll.
"Y/n it's okay. I-I was just having a nightmare anyways so I couldnt sleep," he answered in a sleepy tone as he rubbed his eyes with the blanket trailing along by his feet.
"I'm sorry butterfly, are you okay?" you said as you got on your knees on the couch to face backwards to check on him. "Do you wanna take a nap here instead?"
"I-I mean, i-if you dont mind....but why are you up so late? Don't you wanna sleep too?" he asked abruptly changing the subject.
"Nah, I'm trying to level up in genshin right now and it's probably gonna take a while to farm," you said sinking back leisurely into the couch to face the screen once more.
"Oh, then since I'm up too...is it o-okay if I j-join you? I just wanna watch you play though so I wont get in the way if you're-" he said rambling on nervously.
"Tamakiii I already told you it's okay to come take a nap here," you said giggling. "Come on, you can lay on my lap."
"O-oh, okay," he said shyly. Tamaki slowly approached you and gently rested his head on your lap once he had laid down on the soft, bean bag-like couch. You pet his head gently, rubbing small, consecutive circles just behind his ear where he had a soft spot.
Tamaki sighed as he relaxed into your touch and brought the blanket closer to cover your legs.
"You feeling comfy butterfly?" you said as you adjusted to make sure Tamaki had more space to lay on your thighs more comfortably.
"Yeah...thx y/n" he said before yawning and snuggling a bit more into your lap.
You smiled, satisfied that he was feeling safe and reached back for your controller to turn down the genshin ost so as not to disturb him, then continued to search for treasure chests to keep leveling up.
Your memory had become slightly foggy as you kept gaming for another half hour before falling asleep along with Tamaki on the sofa. Your head was faced upwards towards the ceiling on the backrest as sleep finally overtook your tired body.
Sorry if this seems kinda short but my hc will vary in length sometimes. Hope you guys enjoyed:)
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fluidfox123 · 3 years
Follow up rambles from this amazing post about Raph's plurality you should totally read if you want to. I would also like to thank the Constellation System (@december-rains) for giving me feedback on my grammar usage that I kinda messed up on and helping me with figuring out some information I couldn't decide on! You guys should totally check lune out!
Also, once again, please don’t screenshot/repost this post without my permission. I know it’s “only headcanons” but I would rather you ask before doing so. Also you can reblog since that’s not reposting.
Updated info:
Origin: Traumagenic and Protogenic (Mixed Origin System)
Savage is also Trauma-Locked (see the last post for the rest of his roles/identities, linked above)
- Red is reckless and hard-headed. He's usually the one who does dangerous stunts for fun and gets angry the quickest. Even though he's pretty blunt as well, the guy is still pretty hard set in getting the rest of the system and turtle brothers through difficult times. An example of this is when Raph's brothers continued to eat poison despite it being, well, poison and fought with Raph over babying them or them learning to actually solve things by themselves. Red wasn't trying to say that they shouldn't ask for help in any sort of way, but he wanted nothing more than Leo, Donnie, and Mikey to learn how to do things without depending on Raph so much or just continuing to be irresponsible. It's unbelievable for Red that they won't even go out on missions a lot of the time despite them all collectively agreeing to be heroes. - Red is a foodie and has more than once ate so much food that their body suffered major stomach aches and gotten really sick. Mind scolds him each and every time. - Raph watches spy/action movies frequently ever since Red introduced them to him when he was younger. Sometimes rolling around and pretending to point a gun everywhere when on missions/patrols. All his brothers tease him for it. - Red and Raph sometimes co-front whether intentional or not. This causes them to be unsure of who is fronting or/and blur together. This often happens when Red decides to be involved with Raph's brothers without Raph leaving or because the body is in danger and he needs to quickly move them out of the way, only taking enough control to only move the body and protect it. Only on rare occasions do they co-front for long periods of time, especially since it is still fragile for them, and if it's focused on too much one will be forced back. - Red's voice is a lot rougher and a bit deeper than Raph's, despite the two being harder to discern from one another compared to everyone else in the system. - Mind practically lives in their inner world and it's rare for him to ever front unless it's to take care of the body, comfort someone who is fronting (usually by co-fronting and for example comfortingly rubbing the bodies arm), they've been forced to front (Red and Raph have been forced away/other reasons), or because they were positively triggered by something in the outside world that causes them to front (Like the strong smell of cinnamon or song Mind may love). - Mind is a very calm person, everything about them is practically soothing. They usually are the one everyone goes to for advice and comfort because it's something they radiate constantly. They're pretty peaceful but could practically kill you with their stare of disapproval when something bugs them. They're not very blunt, liking to think things through and adjust to the person they're around and talking to, making sure that they say what they know will get through to them or that Mind's presence isn't bothersome. Plus, they're practically the Mom friend but actually takes care of you like a soft-spoken mother. His ideas may not be the best but he tries his best to help everyone in the system and helps Raph with the people on the outside when he's having trouble. - Mind has a thing for bubbles. He loves the way they pop, make little soapy rainbows, and how much of a mess it makes after you've blown a whole bottle. In the outside world, Mind will practically jump to the front to blow some bubbles if offered. In the Inner World Mind's Station has bubbles floating around it constantly. - Mind might not be the best singer when it comes to anything fast or really upbeat, but slow and lullaby-like songs are his thing for sure. Mind has distinct memories of Splinter singing to the turtles when they were younger and learned it to help Raph and Savage when they're scared, upset, or unable to sleep. Mikey once asked if he and Splinter could do a lullaby duet. They said they would, but they haven't yet. Everyone wants nothing more than to hear it so they're all waiting for the day that two of the best lullaby singers put on a show. - Mind's blue eyes glow dimly,
making them a bit otherworldly than everyone else. His voice is pretty feminine, quiet, slow, and soft. He speaks the most formally out of everyone besides Donnie. - Mind likes to braid their mask tails from time to time. Red always compliments the look when he sees it. - Mind keeps track of everything within the inner world by using a very large computer. Using files and keywords in a search system to organize and find information easily. - Savage is someone who hates fronting. Practically avoids it at any cost and the only time he does front is when he's forced to, and it's always forced. He's emotional, most of the time non-verbal, and the most untrusting of everyone else out of everyone in the system. He hates the world outside just as much as he does the Inner world if not more and he wants nothing but for the outside world to never exist in the first place. - Savage is 6 years old, the youngest out of the system. - Savage is pretty silent and only speaks when he's distressed or so angry that he's on a warpath. He might be seen as the stereotype for the "evil alter" for systems, but he's not. He's far from it, in fact, and never intended to reinforce something so hurtful. He's simply a little kid who's forced to front when Raph's left alone for too long, and the pain and loneliness of being the worst feeling in the world. Even if he is the only one who can take it. But, despite his loathing for existence, he's a sweet kid. He loves strange animals, rock candy, and climbing things. He has fluffy pillows and likes the piece of brown cloth always wrapped around him, it comforts him and it's his own personal little blankly for wherever he goes. - Mind is the one who takes care of Savage, constantly giving him first aid for his climbing accidents, bathing him after he's dirty from his cuts, and playing in the sand/dirt in the Inner World. Mind is the only one Savage somewhat trusts out of the whole 2 worlds, and the only one he can even think to feel safe with. - Savage loves animal crackers. - The little Snapping turtle has neon bandaids constantly littering his skin other than bandages and bruises. He has no pupils and has gotten the nickname white eyes for that reason, it being the only nickname he'll allow people to call him other than his name. - Savage is the one out of everyone in the system that looks closest to a dinosaur. - He likes hanging from branches with his tail and digging pointless holes with his claws. - It's canon that Raph has a peanut allergy (Mascot Melee), but I feel like he's also allergic to Pineapple. - Mind pitched the idea when the body was a pre-teen to wear bracelets so everyone on the outside knew who was there, even if Red and Raph are the ones always present. Red wears a red thread bracelet similar to this:
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Mind wears a blue, white, and turquoise bracelet that looks similar to this:
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Raph usually doesn't wear one, but when he isn't fronting for an unusual amount of time, anyone else being the host would wear a bracelet to show Raph is co-fronting/co-conscious with them. The bracelet being a pink, yellow, and white mini rubber band bracelet Mikey made for him when he told him about Mind's idea:
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And, even though Savage doesn't front, Mind made sure to include him by having a neon lime green triple rope bracelet:
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That should be it for now! That's mostly the information for their system other than their Inner World, but I haven't really made anything for that yet, so I guess I'll make a third post for that eventually! Thank you for getting to this point! It really means a lot! Asks are open if ya'll wanna send one in about any of this!
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astro-rain · 4 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter four - mri’s & other modern commodities
delicate masterlist
word count: 1.8k
synopsis: bucky faces his first day of treatment, and discovers some new things along the way: some scary, some awesome, some maybe slightly embarassing.
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
[A/N]: not my gif
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When he woke up, he scanned his room, making sure everything was the same as how he left it the night before. Making sure no one came in while he was asleep and poisoned his brain. Making sure he was waking up in his living quarters in Wakanda and not a damp cell in some secret Hydra base. It was just something he did now.
Some may call it paranoia, others may call it adaptation. Either way, once he stepped outside and made sure he was alone, he allowed himself to take a breath.
Today was the day, the first day of official treatment. He had no idea what to expect; he was just hoping to high heavens that it would end up working. Freedom. That's all he wanted. Liberation from the chains Hydra had had around him since he fell from the train all those years ago.
He was apprehensive for sure, but he tried his best to keep himself optimistic. Bucky was sure that Shuri was smarter than any Hydra scientist he once came in contact with. So, if they can tear apart his mind, perhaps she can put it back together. Right?
Her in addition to (Y/N). That psychologist woman. He had spoken to her the day before at the lake. She was funny, and she seemed decently easy to talk to. That's a good sign, he guessed. She told him that she hadn't minded relocating to assist in his treatment, but he honestly couldn't make out her true feelings. She was rather hard to read. Perhaps it was a psychologist thing; he tried not to look too far into it.
He waited outside his door until two Wakandans came to escort him to Shuri. Bucky noticed they were armed. Guards. He wasn't surprised nor did he blame them. However, that didn't make it any easier to trust. He hadn't had that luxuy in a very long time. The former assassin fought against the voice in the back of his head telling him to analyze their every move in order to ensure that he wasn't in any danger. That any minute they weren't going to strap him down and rip his brain apart the way it had been so many times before. So many times. He gave the slightest wince at the thought. His brain suddenly felt prickly, painful memories creeping up on him.
Not now, don't think about it.
Sometimes, if he fixated on the thoughts for too long, he would drive himself to this panicked state of fear and constriction. He wasn't sure exactly what this thing was. All he knew was that these things - these episodes - were extremely unpleasant, and utterly unnecessary at the moment.
He shook his head (somehow hoping that this would rid him of the prickly memories like a dog shaking off water), strands of long brown hair swaying quickly in front of his eyes, and fixed his gaze to the floor.
Floor. Floor. Floor. Floor. Just the floor. The floor. The floor. The floor-
"Sergeant Barnes!" Shuri welcomed him happily.
Oh. He was in the lab now. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Let's do this.
"Good morning," he smiled, "and just Bucky's okay."
"Of course, of course. This is my lab! Best place in Wakanda in my humble opinion. Today's only the first day of treatment, so nothing too intensive. But, we will be working all the same!"
He glanced around the lab. The guards were at the doorway and they didn't look like they were leaving anytime soon. Again, he wasn't surprised. Moreover, sitting at a table a few feet from Shuri, was a familiar face. This familiar face soon met his gaze.
"Hi, Bucky" (Y/N) greeted, offering a polite smile. "See! I remembered this time."
Bucky grinned. "Are you still (Y/N), or is it Dr. (Y/L/N) since we're in the lab now?"
"I'm always (Y/N)."
"I don't know, if I went to school for as long as you did, I'd make everyone call me Doctor," Shuri added.
(Y/N) laughed. "Well, if you want to call me Doctor you're more than welcome, Shuri."
"That's the spirit, Doc," she declared before turning to Bucky. "Now, follow me and we'll get a quick MRI done."
"A what?" He quickly caught up to Shuri who already started walking away.
"An MRI. It stands for magnetic resonance imaging. Basically, scanners use strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to generate images of the organs in the body."*
Yes, very basic.
(Y/N) leaned over to Bucky, explaining softly, "It's used to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body."**
"You just lay down and it scans you. Y'don't even feel anything."
"Thats... not too bad, I guess."
"It's a bit of a tight fit though, so I hope you're aren't claustrophobic."
Bucky rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, after cryo, I doubt tight spaces will be too much of a bother for me."
"Right," said (Y/N), "but it's still decently in your personal space. Just so you know - so there's no surprises."
He nodded. They didn't say anything until Shuri stopped short in front of them. She stood a couple feet from a shiny metal table which was lined up in front of an equally shiny and metallic semi-cricle arch. It was long enough to fit - well, would you look at that - a body.
"Oh. I guess there is a surprise," (Y/N) blurted, turning to Shuri, confused. "That isn't like any MRI machine I've ever seen."
"That's because you're in Wakanda," Shuri flashed a proud smile. "Tech's a bit... advanced here."
(Y/N) turned to Bucky. He thought he saw something resembling self consciousness flow across her features, but he wasn't sure.
"Sorry, I guess I was wrong. But, honestly this is way better than a typical MRI set up. It's much more open... and wide. Regularly, it would be like a super narrow tube with hardly any space inside. This way, you'll even be able to see us and the rest of the room."
That's good. More space. More freedom. And he'll be able to see her- them, see them.
Shuri clapped. "Alright! Shall we get started then?"
He had no idea how any of this worked; he was way out of his element here. He just barely learned what a damn MRI was, and had to hide his shock when he found out. Medicine has changed dramatically since 1945. Although it is helpful, he is completely clueless. Great.
"Do I jus-just lay on the table?" He asked, unsure.
"Yep! Just lie there and be absolutely still, and I'll do the rest," Shuri replied, reassuringly as she walked around to a control panel next to the machine, preparing to start.
Bucky took his place on the thin metal table, and he thought he was seeing things. Was it was levitating? Honestly, from what he's seen so far he wouldn't even be surprised. He stared up at the ceiling, getting lost in thought. A string of various questions and uncertainties fluttered through his battered mind.
Would the metal arm interfere with the magnet- oh. Right. No arm. Just a scan, no need to worry. (Y/N) said it would be fine. Can I even trust her Then again, can I even trust anyone yet? She's the best I got right now. Damn it, I wish I wasn't so wary of everyone.
"Hey," a gentle voice pulled him out.
He looked over to the left of him, the side with no arm. (Y/N).
"I can practically hear your brain whirring around right now - which is justified - but do you need anything?"
'Do you need anything?' He hadn't heard that phrase in a while.
He adjusted his body on the table. "I'm alright, just... a bit out of my element here."
She nodded, knowingly. "Honestly, me too. This lab looks like somethin' out of a sci-fi movie for me, so I can't imagine what it must feel like to you."
She was looking down at him. He felt vulnerable, exposed. It seemed like she noticed.
"Here, I have an idea."
With that, she turned and grabbed something from a nearby table. Rotating around to face him again, she displayed what she had taken: a pair of headphones... but without a wire? What the hell?
"Are they broken?" he asked, feeling perpetually confused.
"No, they're wirelessly connected to my phone. It's called bluetooth."
The look on his face was almost laughable.
"Bluetooth? What kind of name is Bluetooth?"
"The kind of name that I didn't invent nor should I be blamed for," she chuckled. "Do you want to listen to music while you're in there? It might help to keep you down on Earth with us."
Music. The thought was almost surreal. He hadn't been privileged with such a pleasure in longer than he'd care to admit. It actually seemed... nice.
"Y-yeah," he said, pondering. "That'd actually be nice."
She leaned over him to put the headphones on his ears, causing him a very conflicting series of emotions.
First of all, close. She was very close to his face. His face, his eyes, his nose, his lips. It almost seemed a tad bit intimate. And then he realized he hadn't been this close to a woman in forever. A real woman, not some fellow assassin he had to take out. He hoped the shy embarrassment he felt didn't show on his cheeks.
Second of all, she was wrapping something around his head, his brain. He tried not to, but he couldn't stop the muscle memory of what he'd been conditioned to feel. Hydra's machine would wrap around his head and rip his psyche apart. His mind expected pain, the worst pain, the dehumanizing, out of body, mind splitting pain. He hoped the way he flinched ever so slightly didn't offend (Y/N).
She didn't seem offended, and her voice was soft. "You're good. Just music and a scan. Then you're done."
He looked up at her face, reassuring and calm. He took a deep breath.
"Good?" she asked.
He nodded. "Think so."
"If it's too much at any point just let us know, and we'll pull you right out. It's your comfort level, your choice."
His choice. Choice. Control. The prospect gave him comfort.
She gave him one last look before stepping away and signaling Shuri to start the machine. The seemingly levitating table began a smooth descent into the machine when the music started playing. It almost startled him, but he then he was pleasantly surprised by what he heard.
There were loud drums, guitar riffs with attitude, and voices that had so much emotion they were almost screaming. It was like no music he had ever heard before, and he loved it. In fact, he was so into it that he didn't even notice when the MRI had finished. That is, until he felt a feather light hand on his shoulder. His eyes opened, and (Y/N) had the biggest grin on her face. While taking the headphones off of him, she looked very pleased with herself.
She looked at Shuri but declared to no one in particular, "Bucky likes Rock and Roll!"
- - -
* = from wikipedia
** = from wikipedia
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Into The Mystic
(Leon x Honey one shot)
Warnings: smut and fluff
A/N: Honey and Leon get what some people don't, another chance at their first time. It's my birthday, and I'll continue getting my faves laid if I want to!!
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Leon felt uneasy about their move to Manhattan. Honey had spent several years on the run from the FBI. But she slipped her old neighborhood on like the coat he bought her their first Christmas. It was warm and familiar to her.
Leon, on the other hand, was anxious. He still looked over his shoulder the last few weeks. He was unable to let go of the idea that they were squared up with both organizations. Honey and Kidman got them to out bet one another based on all the documents Leon had hidden in his belongings when they left London after.. Not only were they clear, they got to keep the money. But not without an ominous warning that the couple might owe them a favor in the future.
In The Village, Honey and Leon's flat was spacious. They had a massive kitchen and living area. A clawfoot bathtub and shower and both of them could spend time together without banging elbows. There were two bedrooms and a walk-in closet. A room too large for an only child like Selina, but there was hope more kids may one day follow. There was a fire escape for plants and smoking weed late after the little one went down. Most importantly, they had a king sized bed and a master room they never had to split with anyone.
Leon sat on the edge of their giant bed and waited for Honey. Whatever it was she was doing in the closet. He waited for her with patience for the last year, the last few weeks, these last hours until Selina went for her nap.
Despite being together again, he hadn’t actually been WITH Honey. He forgot how much he loved sex with her. He was always too high since she and her pregnancy left London for India. He stayed faithful and wanked to the photos she left behind. Or the erotic letters she wrote. So much had happened, he settled for her kisses and held her while she slept.
“Fuck yeah! I found them! Ok just a few more minutes, alright. Sugar did a number on my body, not sure if they’ll fit.” Honey shouted out at Leon from the depths of the closet.
“Your body is quite lovely,” Leon claimed. “All soft curves ‘n’ such. You haven't given me a go at seeing you proper naked since everything. I miss it. Bring it out here, lemme get a toss in?”
“That's what I'm trying to do, you knob!” Honey waved a hand from inside the closet. Her arm covered in leopard print. “I'm just nervous is all.”
Leon's eyebrows raised, “You taking the piss? Honey Comb, nervous about sex. With me? I reckon you're the sexy one between the two of us, yeah? Those hips and tits, like a sculpture. Bloody hell I'm built like a baby deer. You made me shave, and I look like a mental teenager.”
“Fuck’s sake, Leon! You look exactly like you did the day we met. That's what is doing me in. Of course I've got nerves, we haven't had sex in over a year. It's like, our second first time or something.”
He never thought of it like that, but she was right. They were getting reacquainted. Having to adjust to new roles as parents and partners. Leon had to adjust, Honey had six months on him with the baby. It was gobsmacking how quickly she settled in as his number one thought. How his brain now switched automatically from having sex with missus to his daughter.
Selina with her big, dark eyes like Mummy, but Leon's wild curls. The way she hardly fussed and loved being bound up to his chest as they walked the city. She would stare at him and tilt her head around to make sure Honey was still there too. Then she would smile around her pacifier, and that was Leon's too. A much better picture to fill his head at night than the agent with an axe protruding from his back and dead bodies he stepped over as they hurried away.
Leon clenched his eyes shut from the memory. He inhaled deep and exhaled slow, but his hand trembled with a craving for opium or or anything. Except he went cold turkey the moment they got in the back seat of that Mustang Kidman stole. He was clean, except the odd joint. Honey said that wasn't the same, it calmed his nerves. Healthier than a head shrinker.
“Close your eyes, alright?! I had to set up the record player. God I hope watching my godmother paid off.”
Leon obliged, “Done!”
He could sense Honey in front of the bed as the music started. A giant, dopey grin spread across Leon's face when he opened his eyes, “Alright, doll.” He leaned back to watch.
Honey started to twist her body to the ground with her back to him. She held the leopard coat tight around herself as her hips started to sway to and fro hidden by the giant jacket. She opened one side to reveal a bare shoulder that she rolled to the music. Then repeated again with her other shoulder before she dropped the coat enough to show her bare back right above where a bra strap would be. Leon bit down hard on his lip.
Honey covered herself and spun to face her partner. She opened the jacket to reveal a strapless bra, high waisted black panties and thigh highs held up by a garter belt. Leon squirmed in his spot when she placed a foot beside him on the edge of their bed.
Her hips never stopped their movement as she unsnapped one stocking and started to roll it over her leg and over her knee. She stepped out of it and hung it over Leon's shoulder. She switched to the other side and placed that foot beside Leon now. He grabbed her ankle, but she slapped at him playfully and shook her head. Her finger wagged back and forth.
Now Honey leaned her body forward like she was going to sit in Leon's lap. It was so quick, he almost lost balance. She did this rhythmically a few times before presenting her garter belt to him and gestured he undo this one. He was all too happy.
Leon started to pull the nylon forward once it was freed. He palmed the soft skin of Honey's inner thigh and the back of her calf as she let him take this side off. He couldn't help bending to kiss the same spot on her body where his hand had been. She didn't stop him as his lips trailed her knee and calf. In fact she forgot herself when he looked up at her with his bright, verdant eyes.
“Stop!” Honey’s cheeks were pink and hot with embarrassment. “You're making me forget what I'm doing! I'm trying to make this special for you.”
Leon’s hands traveled up Honey’s hips and waist and splayed out along her back under the fur coat. He buried his face between her breasts and showered them with kisses that moved down. His fingers alternated between massaging her back and backside all while his tongue traced the line in the center of her stomach and dipped teasingly into her navel.
“We have a daughter together. I'm your husband, and you’re my wife. Blimey, you chose me for some reason. That's the biggest mystery of this bloody universe.”
Honey’s fingers tangled and untangled and tangled again throughout Leon's hair. She melted her body into his as he spoke. She held his head to her chest. “What's a mystery?”
Leon unhooked her bra with little effort. It fell to the floor so he could lose himself one more time in her cleavage. This time his hot mouthsucked on her hardened nipple. He switched to the other and teased it with his tongue. Honey's grip tighter on the back of his head as she urged him back towards her stomach.
“That you love me,” Leon’s response muffled. He bit at the waistband of her panties and tugged it down and off with her help.
Honey was naked under the big coat and stood exposed to her husband. A body she wouldn't show him the last few weeks. Leon drew her foot back up to the bed. His eyes gawked at her breasts and her stomach and her pubic hair. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, but all of her own thoughts rushed out of her head when he suddenly slid two fingers inside her.
“Fuck!” Honey cried out and dug her nails into Leon's shoulder.
He dove them in and out of her body. Hooked them just a bit and kept pumping at the wetness and her slit. His eyes on her sex as he did it almost fascinated by how deep they went. His middle finger found her clit which he fondled momentarily before he replaced his fingers with his mouth and tongue.
Leon flicked his tongue back and forth like a snake. He held Honey's backside and pulled her onto his face. His mouth and tongue worked together to elicit cries of pleasure from the woman in his arms. It goaded him into going faster until he knew she couldn't take anymore. He withdrew his tongue and sat back to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand. A satisfactory grin dimpled his cheek.
Honey got her hands on Leon's boxers and yanked them down and off. She went to take the coat off but he shook his head. His eyes begged her to leave it on. So she did as she straddled his willowy body and took his cock in her hand. She positioned it just outside her entrance and teased the head with it. She ran it just outside and Leon agonized in her grip.
“Honey,” that familiar drawn out whine like music to her ears before she sank down onto him.
Leon's hands splayed out across Honey's back once more as she started to ride him. Her hips undulated back in time with the rhythm of the record that had started over in the background. Arms draped in a lackadaisical fashion over his shoulders.
Leon raised his hips to just immerse himself inside her walls as she bucked on his lap. His hands on Honey's waist to aid in the powerful back and forth motion.
Neither was sure if it was the build up or how long it had been since their last time, but Leon didn't last. That was ok Honey kept reassuring him as he let go of everything and came. A tremble coursed through Leon as she hugged him tightly, both their hearts beat wildly and out of control. Honey didn’t cum, and that was alright too.
Then Selina began crying from the other room, and Honey's breasts started to leak milk on instinct. Leon's chest was wet, and he held his wife back to stare at them as they did the other function boobs were meant to perform.
“Right on,” he said simply with a nod of his head.
Honey stopped being mortified right then of the way it looked, or the things her body was doing because of the baby. Their baby.
This sweet, intelligent, passive, lithe, sexy man beneath her with the eyes like moss and angled jaw and fuzzy eyebrows and messy hair wanted her. Leon would always want Honey. At 23. At 25. At 36 and 43 and 57. For now they were just getting re-started.
Tag list: @robertsheehanownsmyass @elliethesuperfruitlover @frogs--are--bitches @super-unpredictable98 @slutforrobbiebro @badsext @nightmonsters @bisexualnathanyoung @rob-private
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spencers-dria · 3 years
Completely Fantastic
Someone To Stay Ch. 8
Spencer x fem reader
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The next morning you wake up and start packing as you prepare for the drive back home. You take your hair out of the bun you had slept in, leaving it with some long loose waves. You throw on a long, flowing navy and white maxi skirt with a navy tank top and some strappy sandals. You are feeling particularly in touch with your bohemian side after a weekend spent in the great outdoors.
After filling up on a quick breakfast, you grab your bags and head out to the car. You look to Spencer. "Is it okay if I drive?"
He appreciates you asking. No one ever does. They just assume.
"Sounds good!" He tosses his keys over to you. After filling the trunk with both of your bags, you scoot into the driver's side and adjust the seat and mirrors. You may be tall, but Spencer was much taller.
As you pull out of the driveway and make your way down the road, Spencer looks towards you.
"I'm guessing you want music. I don't really have much. If you hand me your phone I can put on whatever you like."
You unlock your phone and hand it to him, smiling at the kind gesture. Seems like he catches on quick.
"Hmm" you think out loud. "Well, I know you haven't listened to quite as much as me so we have a lot of genres to cover on this car ride. We'll start with the 70's and go from there. Just put it my 70's playslist on shuffle. We'll let my phone pick for us."
Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac comes on. A smile of content spreads across your face. You reach into the compartment above your rear view mirror and grab what you liked to call your "John Lennon Sunglasses". They're rosy and oversized and perfect for your current mood. You roll the windows down and let the wind whip through your hair, resting your elbow out the window. Sunshine warms your skin as you listen to the incredibly talented Stevie Nicks.
After a few more songs you ask him to flip to the 80's playlist on shuffle. As Forever Young by Alphaville comes on, you see a look of recognition on Spencer's face.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you were an 80's baby! 80's pop is some of my very favorite."
He smiles and nods. You get it. There's something oddly comforting about nostalgic music from your childhood. You let the rest of the 80's playlist finish, since you both seem to enjoy it.
Eventually Spencer turns in his seat to face you.
"I had a lot of fun this weekend." He states this with a fairly serious look on his face.
"Yeah me too! Is everything okay though? You look like you have more to say?"
He continues, while fiddling with his hands and hair and staring down at his lap. He's clearly nervous.
"It's uh j-just...would you...well would you want to be friends? I know that's p-probably an odd question I just, well I enjoy hanging out with you. Since I don't see you at my uh place of work I wasn't really sure the c-correct protocol for..."
You reach over and squeeze his hand to cut him off, since you can see he's clearly only making himself more anxious.
"Hey" you give him a reassuring smile.
"We're already friends. I think we have no choice but to continue hanging out. I mean, we just get along to well, it's not really up to me" you joke.
The both of you laugh and he seems to relax again. He squeezes your hand back as a thank you. Before you return it to the steering wheel.
"How do you feel about a weekly movie night?"
His eyes light up at the idea before clouded over, clearly thinking it through.
"My job..." he starts before you cut him off.
"I know, Spencer. Don't stress. My job schedule is inconsistent too. I mean, I get my schedule given to me six weeks at a time but, I work different sets of days each week. It's completely random. But that means I have four days off a week so I like our chances. And if some weeks it doesn't happen, that's ok too. You go save lives, and I'll help heal them. It's what we do."
He raises his eyebrows in surprise before responding.
"Oh well you've thought of everything, huh?"
You shrug, trying to conceal a smirk. "Maybe."
He looks to you. "Ok so what will be watching first?"
"Hmm, I'll let you pick first. And we can trade off?"
"Well I don't know how into fandoms you are but... would you mind if we watched some of Harry Potter?"
Usually your face is a huge giveaway to what you were thinking, and not just to FBI profilers. In this instance, you were incredibly determined to keep a straight face and not let on a single thing.
You just give a small nod as you keep your eyes on the road, expressionless.
"Sure, we can do that."
"Ok, so when and where? Or do you have that planned too?"
"Well..." you think for a minute before extending the offer. You don't want to scare off your newest friend.
"I'm free tonight if you'd like. We can unpack and maybe sneak in a nap first?" You glance over to gauge his reaction.
He smiles and nods, on board with the idea.
"Yeah, and I can meet back at your place at 5? Want me to bring anything? The DVD's?"
"Oh no it's fine! I'm pretty sure I saw them on Amazon or YouTube TV..." you respond, still trying to control your face. You really wanted to fool the genius profiler.
Spencer asks to borrow your blanket before curling up in the passenger seat and taking a nap the rest of the way home. It was too adorable. You couldn't help yourself. As you pulled up to a red light, you snap a quick picture of him. You also take a selfie with you making goofy faces, Spencer sleeping in the background.
You gently shake him awake after parking outside of your building. You grab your bags out of the back and wave to him as he backs the car out.
Once in the apartment, you take Juneau out for a quick walk. The dog sitter had given you detailed  updates while you'd been away. You throw your weekend bags in the closet and hop in the shower. After drying your hair, you throw on a Black Borgin and Burke's T shirt and some black leggings and get to work.
It's September which, for you, meant the Halloween decor was abundant. You plug in all of your purple, green, and orange string lights placed all around your living room and kitchen. You light several candles you have scattered amongst your Halloween decor. Your shelves are lined with pumpkins, potion bottles, and various skeleton items.
You pop in your guest room to make sure it looks presentable. You're fairly sure he won't be expecting anything like what he's walking into tonight. On one hand, if it scares him off then it was bound to happen eventually. But if he doesn't mind...well maybe this friend is in it for the long haul.
You grab two butterbeer mugs and set them on the counter next to an assortment of flavored hot chocolate packets. You also set out microwave popcorn and a bowl of Halloween candy.
You decide to do one last thing, really hoping Spencer won't think you're completely insane. It's not long before you hear a knock at the door.
You open it, wearing your Ravenclaw robe and your glasses which just so happen to look a bit like Harry Potter's.
Spencer's brow wrinkles in confusion before he starts laughing.
"So I'm guessing you've seen Harry Potter before!" He says after finally catching his breath.
"Ummm..." you smile and just take his hand pulling him through your apartment till you reach your guest bedroom.
His eyes widen as he looks around at all your Halloween decorations. Before he can comment he's standing speechless in the doorway.
He looks around to see a completely Harry Potter themed guest bedroom, filled with creatures, books, wands, and more.
"Yeah Spencer, I've seen the movies" you finally say, letting out a laugh you've been holding back.
He looks stunned. "How did I... but you..."
"Yeah I'm usually pretty bad at hiding things so I have no idea how I pulled this one over on you. Aren't you supposed to read people for your job?" You joke with him, nudging his side with your elbow.
He's still just standing there, eyes wide, taking it all in. He walks over to the book shelf to flip through what you have.
"You have the potions book?...the maurader's map?...even the Quibbler?"
You just shrug, smiling as you watch him look around.
"So you don't think I'm completely crazy?"
"I think you're completely fantastic!" He blurts out, blushing a bit after he says it.
You bite your lip as you say " I may or may not also have the movies on DVD in 4K...to watch on my new TV."
He steps back into the living room to see where the two of you will be spending the rest of the night.
"Oh, this is going to be perfect!"
He takes a moment to finally take in the complete explosion of Halloween across your home.
"I hired Jack Skellington as my decorator" you snicker, making fun of yourself a bit.
He turns to you, eyes wide once again. "You like Halloween too?" He reminds you of an eager little kid with the look on his face.
You answer him with an eager nod and a grin.
"Y/N, I think it's pretty clear that we were meant to be friends! Where have you been all my life?" He laughs.
You don't know why, but you feel yourself turning red at hearing this comment.
You prepare some hot chocolate and popcorn for the two of you while Spencer sets up the Sorcerer's Stone.
"Oh I almost forgot, I brought something!" Spencer pulls something out of his sweater pocket. He has handfuls of Ghirardelli chocolates.
"Are those Rossi's? From the trip?"
"I have know idea what you're talking about." He states with a smirk as he plops down onto the couch, tossing you one. You lean back against the opposite end, leaving you room to both stretch your legs out and share a blanket.
You try your best not to quote the movie that you know by heart, but you just can't help it. Then you look over and see Spencer mouthing along with the lines. You give him a small kick under the blanket.
"I bet you could do a one man show of these movies, Mr. eidetic memory." You giggle.
"From the looks of it, so could you. We could take our show on the road. We'd make millions."
The two of you burst into a fit of laughter. With Spencer, you're always smiling.
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jarienn972 · 4 years
La Sirena -  Chapter Five
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Captain Swan Supernatural Summer
Apologies for the delay in getting out the latest chapter of my @cssns​ story. With my kids back to school, I'm finding a bit less time to write so updates are running a little behind. I am still working diligently to keep the updates coming though!  Thank you @kmomof4​ for helping me fix a couple of minor roadblocks that I had with this chapter!  And thanks again to @courtorderedcake​ for her incredible artwork!
After leaving off with the major turning point of Killian learning the secret that Emma had been concealing, this chapter will pick up in the aftermath. Will cooler heads prevail once Killian awakens or will their budding relationship be tarnished? And of course, there's still no where else for him to go...
Read from the beginning:  One  Two  Three  Four  Also on AO3 and FF.net
Putting the Pieces Back Together
A faint tickle of a breeze caught the torch flame behind Emma's back casting uneven shadows across the cavern walls and sending delicate tendrils of smoke into the already heavy air. She was kneeling in the sand with Killian's head resting atop her thighs, not daring to stray from his side as her slender fingers combed idly through his tousled dark hair. She watched the rise and fall of his chest as she patiently awaited his awakening.
She'd frightened him. That hadn't been her intent but that damage was done and she was dealing with a relatively new emotion: guilt. Perhaps she truly was little more than a monster at her core. All of these decades of trying to suppress her innate urges and desires may have been for naught. All of her years of self-isolation hadn't changed who - or what - she was. She was still a siren. Still a threat to mankind.
Perhaps Regina was right. She'd never be able to change her nature.
But if she really was nothing more than a coquettish, evil siren, why did she have such a strong desire to protect this human? It went against every element of her being, every native instinct she'd trained and developed before turning her back on her kind. She scarcely comprehended these feelings.
Siren emotions were already complicated enough. She knew anger and indignation. She also knew emptiness. She'd been living here in solitude for nearly two centuries, give or take a decade, yet she'd never really experienced loneliness. She'd just felt that something was missing from her meager existence. She'd just never allowed herself time to think about what that void might entail.
All of that had changed the moment she confessed her true nature to Killian and he'd rejected her. Now she was overwhelmed with a barrage of new emotions - guilt, fear and something else that she couldn't yet name. For a nanosecond, she contemplated leaving him there in the subterranean cavern, doubting that he'd ever be able to accept what she was. But then she heard it again - the same tiny voice inside her head that had compelled her to save him from drowning now also compelled her to stay.
He was an intelligent being. Her revelation had been too much of a shock for someone recovering from the trauma he'd suffered. When he'd had time to process the news, he would hear her out, wouldn't he? She took a glance back over her bare shoulder at the beam of light streaming through the crack in the earth above the spring. The midday sun would soon be directly overhead and the ambient light would fade quickly within the lava tube once the sun's rays crested over the ridge.
Regina's arrival had backed her into a corner. She didn't feel as though she could adequately protect him if he wasn't aware of the scope of the threat, but now she worried he wouldn't trust her. In hindsight, she knew she hadn't handled her reveal well. Even though he didn't really have anywhere to go, she feared he'd run and the thought of that stung worse than even the most toxic jellyfish she'd ever encountered.
When at last he stirred, her siren heart nearly leapt with anticipation - another entirely new sensation for her. With a deep inhale, he raised his right hand to massage his aching skull, making incidental contact with her knee in the process. He yanked his hand away as if he'd touched a flame, his eyelids popping open in surprise as he struggled to regain coherency.
At first, he saw nothing more than darting shadows cast by the flickering torches but as his sight adjusted to the relative darkness, images gradually came into focus, becoming clearer and familiar. And then his peripheral vision captured the contour of a woman's soft, rounded ivory-skinned thigh and instantly, he was fully awake, recoiling in terror as he pushed away from the woman he no longer believed was real.
"What manner of demon are you?" he demanded, his voice pitching higher as he scrambled to take cover behind one of the aging sea chests, squeezing his eyes closed for a moment as he dared not stare at this unknown creature's naked, feminine form. "Are you some malevolent trick of my mind? Here to drag me to the depths of hell?" He couldn't fight this monster if he couldn't see her though so he reluctantly opened his eyes, focusing intently on her lovely beguiling face. Was this how a siren killed a man?
"Killian, please… Do not be afraid. I have no intent to harm you." She made an attempt to shift closer to him, to try to assure him that she wasn't a threat, but she feared she may have already done too much damage. The terror and betrayal she saw reflected in his eyes cut straight to whatever soul she had left as he continued to shy away from her.
"Don't come near me, demon!" he cried as he fumbled for the sword at his hip, sliding the blade free of the scabbard and brandishing it with an instinctive flick of his wrist. "Stay back… or I'll…" Both his voice and hand trembled at the same timbre while he held the weapon directed at her throat.
This scared human wasn't even the slightest threat to her. She could overpower him barely lifting a pinky finger, yet she was awash with that lonely emotion and it took control, leading to an unplanned action.
"Do it," she dared him, leaning into the blade. "I am a monster. End me!"
A glint of torchlight flashed off of the polished steel, illuminating her face which was etched with determination and his resolve began to waver.
"Wait… What…?" He shook his head in disbelief at her unexpected demand. His gaze locked with hers as she pleaded for death and his tenuous grip on the cutlass' pommel loosened. "No… no…" He may have been bewildered and perhaps a tad angered, but he couldn't take her life. She'd saved him.
"I am a siren, Killian. I have lured countless men like you to their demise, but while this is what I was created to be, it is not what I desire to be. I deserve to die for what I have done in my past…"
"But you saved me…," he stated as he allowed the sword to slip from his hand onto the dark, sandy cavern floor. His tone was softer as he relaxed and exhaled a deep sigh. "Whatever you are, I owe you my life…" He plopped his weary body down to the ground and drew his knees to his chest while lowering his chin in defeat. "I've no expectation of what will become of me, but I'll not harm you. If you intend to leave me here to perish, then that shall be my fate…"
"I don't wish for anyone to perish," she replied. "That is what brought me here all those ages ago. I had no desire to harm those seafarers any longer."
"But if you are a siren as you say, are the myths not true? Does your song not lure men like me to certain death? How did I arrive here still breathing?"
"At one time, I did use my voice in that way. I watched many a human plunge into the sea, transfixed and bewitched by the hypnotic spell of my siren song, at least until I could bear it no longer. Until you arrived, I'd not even used my voice in eons."
"So a siren can have a conscience?" he asked quizzically, raising one eyebrow as he awaited her answer.
"Apparently some can - at least this one, as I've been told," she said with a faint smile curling the corners of her lips, although it didn't last long as she switched the direction of their exchange. "But Killian, if we are to survive, there is much you need to know. You need to hear more of my story just as I must learn more of yours."
"How so?" His eyes narrowed as he sought to make sense of the statement. Part of his brain still questioned the veracity of any of this nonsense, but the adventurer within him remained intrigued.
"Do you recall, before you struck your head, how I had mentioned that my sister came here because I had used magic?" The memory was vague and somewhat clouded by his own skepticism but he nodded anyway and allowed her to continue. "In using my powers, I unwittingly drew the scrutiny of the council, the governing band of the most powerful sirens - of which I used to be a part. I hadn't used magic in quite a long time so I never imagined that something so innocent would have far-reaching consequences."
"What magic do you possess?"
"Aside from the ability to change form, I have other powers. Those chests you're sitting amongst, they didn't wash up on these shores as I told you. I conjured them and their contents so that you would have the objects you desired. I wanted to give you those things that the cove could not provide. I had seen many similar chests float in and out with the tides over the years, but I never kept them. I used magic to create them and I didn't think about the potential ramifications."
Killian's jaw fell agape as he listened to her confession. No one - not even Liam - had ever offered such a generous gesture meant for him alone and he was at a loss for how to respond.
"Emma… you didn't need to do such a thing…"
"I wanted to," she grinned. "I had been alone for so long and after these past few days with you, I found myself desiring to do something good with my magic. I wanted to provide for you and now, that act of goodness has put you in far greater danger…" He quickly averted his sight as she pushed herself back to stand up before starting to pace nervously along the precipice of the hot spring. "I must ask this - when I found you, you were clinging to a slab of splintered timber. Were you in a shipwreck?"
Still concentrating on focusing his gaze on the bounce of her golden locks rather than her feminine physique, Killian was taken aback. Of course, he'd been in a shipwreck…
"Aye," he replied. "Not my own ship though. I'd been taken prisoner aboard a pirated vessel that inexplicably ran aground. By the time I was able to crawl out of the flooding brig and reach the safety of the top deck, those rapscallions had all debarked, likely to an island off the distant horizon. No one was left in sight and I scarcely escaped with my life as the vessel broke apart and sank into the depths."
"You saw no one at all? Was the vessel sinking that slowly?" Emma asked curiously, pausing her pacing as she awaited his answer.
"It seemed to be taking on water quite rapidly to me so I assumed they'd taken off in the skiffs, but to answer your question - no. I saw no other men, not even my fellow crew who'd also been imprisoned, although if I'm to be honest with myself, they were likely already dead by the time the ship went down. I was the ranking officer, thereby the most valuable prisoner."
"So that's it…," she mumbled as she hovered to his right, fixated on the sparkling surface of the spring. "That's how Regina knew they may have left a survivor… Killian, don't you see? You didn't see any others aboard the ship because they'd already succumbed to the song of the sirens. The ship ran aground because no one was helming it."
"How is that possible?" he queried as he raised his head in renewed curiosity. "I heard no singing, only the cracking of aging wood and the slap of the waves on the hull."
"You heard nothing? No song?" She spun around to face him, bewildered by his statement. "If the sirens attacked the ship, you would have heard their song."
"I swear to you, I heard nothing out of the ordinary, at least not until the vessel struck the rocks and began her unraveling. Are you certain that your kind assailed that vessel? It's highly likely that the pirates merely strayed off-course."
"No," she insisted, shaking her head. "Regina specifically mentioned that a ship had sailed into siren waters… In the condition I found you in, you could not have traveled far from the wreck so it must be the same vessel she spoke of. None of the sirens would have waited around to watch the vessel disintegrate but some of our ne'er do well fellow sea-dwellers reported rumors of a survivor in the wreck and those rumors reached the council. That's the reason they became suspicious of me when I utilized my magic… You must be that survivor."
Killian's head was suddenly spinning again and this time, it wasn't from the concussion. Sirens were a part of maritime history and mythology that he'd been educated in. He'd entertained countless yarns about ships that strayed into uncharted waters, never to be seen again. All manner of sea monsters had been attributed to these vanishing vessels but tales of sirens had always been particularly beguiling. Demons taking the form of beautiful women were said to lure unsuspecting sailors into the sea where they'd devour their unfaithful hearts.
But they were all only mythical… Until now…
"According to the legends I grew up hearing, sirens preyed upon lonely sailors far from home and family. The siren song was said to enchant the unfaithful amongst them, luring them into the depths of the sea where they'd be devoured. Is that how it really happens?"
"That isn't entirely true, but it is very close," Emma explained. "The song does lure the unsuspecting sailors, but only those deemed unworthy of passage through our realm by the gods. The unworthy are not allowed to travel through our seas and the song puts them into a trance. The men will then leap from their ships into the sea and sink to Triton's lair. I honestly do not know what becomes of them after they drown, what Triton desires of them. It never mattered to me, not then and I certainly did not dwell upon it after I departed the council."
"Until you found me?" he offered, shivering at the fate he'd narrowly avoided. "This may be a pointless query, but has any man ever been found worthy?"
"Well, long before my creation, there was a single human whom Poseidon deemed to be worthy to pass. That man went on to become a great leader of his land and for a while, there was peace between the realm of man and that of the gods. Unfortunately, that man's successors were nothing like him and the years of peace ended. Triton ordered all of the creatures in his command to defend our realm from the evil of mankind. Poseidon unleashed innumerable monsters including dozens more sirens, including myself and for many years, I followed the orders of the gods…"
"I've heard many tales of these legendary gods of the sea. Never in all my dreams did I imagine they were real and that they alone determined the worth of a man."
"I broke away from the council when I began to suspect that the gods harbored more of a vindictive grudge against these men of the sea. I could no longer be convinced that there weren't good men among those we had deceived. Not every man could be so evil."
"Indeed, there are men with good hearts out there but I shan't deny that there is evil in the world. I've encountered those who might barely be described as human, yet most folk are just going about their lives and wish no harm. It would seem that the same might be said of the legendary siren as there is at least one who possesses a good heart… But if we are to circle back to the pirate ship I escaped from, how did I come to survive? Was it because I was secreted away in a cranny of the cargo hold? Was I too far below deck to hear the songs?"
"No, it doesn't work like that. The siren song resonates through every inch of a vessel and carries for several leagues out to sea. It is intended to be heard by every human ear that ventures into our realm."
"That makes little sense to me then," Killian countered. "Why didn't I hear the siren voices? I hear you speaking to me just fine as I am not deaf and despite my injury when you rescued me from the water, I had been fully conscious just prior to the ship's grounding."
"I… I do not know," she stammered. This was another first for her and she had no response. She honestly did not have any inkling as to how he'd resisted.
"Do you still possess the ability to sing?" he asked her bluntly and she found herself ill-prepared to answer.
"I am not entirely certain…," she told him, her voice trembling at the possible implications of the question. "It has been centuries… I believe I am still able to sing, but I cannot predict the outcome. There may be ramifications that you aren't ready for and it may hasten Regina and the council's return…"
He tried to avoid the darkening of her olivine eyes as she pleaded wordlessly for him to reconsider, but it was the only way he might discover how he'd managed to remain alive.
"Emma, you must," he pressed. "It's the only way I'll know… That we'll know. You would be able to tell right away if the song has the desired effect, correct?"
"Of course, I would know. I just cannot promise that I can stop it as I've never tried…"
"Then consider this your chance to find out," Killian stated bravely, although inside, his stomach was churning at the huge risk he was taking. "I must learn why I was spared, Love. Please, indulge my curiosity and desire to solve this one mystery…"
"Killian…" She didn't want to do this. She'd vowed to never sing again and she certainly didn't want to endanger this man she'd become so fond of. Could she deny him the answers he so desperately wanted? She'd know within a few notes but even if the song ended abruptly, would she be able to reverse its effects if he wasn't immune?
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tsipasce · 3 years
Same Difference Ch.17
A/N: Here is your reward for enduring last week lmao. This one is a bit long, but cutting it up just didn't seem as gratifying so I hope you guys enjoy.
Also, thank you so much for all the kudos, comments and bookmarks on AO3 and FFN-- you guys are too kind :'). I'll try posting more regularly on Tumblr too if ppl wanna read it here. Let me know what y'all think~
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There was darkness, then flickers of lights and the occasional overwhelming flow of noises before it ebbed to silence and darkness yet again. First, she felt she was on a hard surface like concrete, then cold metal, then something cushion-like… a bed? Her thoughts were incoherent, presenting more as disjointed words and feelings. Anger, regret, hurt, with a sprinkle of sadness on top. Her body was heavy, every limb feeling as though the blood had been replaced with lead. Her head lolled and she heard someone suddenly shift at her side, the bed dipping under the pressure of said someone leaning on it and over her but was too out of it to open her eyes. Acquiescing, she fell back into unconsciousness.
An indefinite amount of time passed while she was in the darkness before her senses began to return fully. She heard typing, now able to feel a presence nearby. She wanted to open her eyes, but the task seemed too daunting still, simply listening would have to be enough for now.
“I can stand watch for now, if you’d like.” One voice offered, softly.
“What I’d like is to be left alone.” The other replied curtly.
“I see. We’re going to leave in the next few hours, I’ll get everyone ready.”
“You do that.”
Well this guy sounds like a treat… Nanami thought, her sarcasm unsurprisingly returning before the rest of her senses and memories. There were footsteps and then a soft thud, like a door being carefully shut. A couple moments passed before she heard what sounded like a laptop being closed, then footsteps coming towards her, and then silence. She desperately wanted to wake up, but her body refused to cooperate, causing her eyes to flutter behind her eyelids as she struggled in vain to move. She could sense the presence hadn’t left and she felt anxious as to what might happen next before hearing a sigh. She felt a sheet being pulled up to cover her arms, where goosebumps had been forming from the draft in wherever she was.
“I’ll deal with you when I get back.” The voice said with a hint of annoyance, though it was betrayed by its gentle tone. Hearing footsteps growing fainter, a door opened and closed once more. The words themselves were threatening but the way they were spoken, she felt oddly comforted. Falling back into the darkness, she decided to cultivate her energy and try her luck at waking up again later.
Emerging from the darkness again, the pain began immediately. Her head throbbed and she reflexively tried to groan but found her mouth and throat painfully full. Instantly recognizing the feeling, panic set in, the only other thing she could perceive being the desperate need for it to stop. She grabbed the tube, disassembling and reassembling it outside her body. The large obstruction dropped unceremoniously to the floor and she coughed, glad to be rid of it.
“Don’t be so rough with the equipment.”
She rolled her head to the direction of the voice, a bright light hitting her eyes as she struggled to open them for the first time since… Damn. It all came rushing back to her at once, the voice no longer a mystery. Her vision focused and she found herself looking at Overhaul as he sat at her bedside. His mask was on as he stared at her blankly. She stared back for a beat, not knowing how to begin speaking about what brought them to this point. Deciding she should be fully awake and rested for that conversation, she mentally tabled it, opting for their usual banter instead.
“It’s still intact isn’t it?” She cleared her throat, massaging it as she continued, “How long was I out?”
“Three days.”
“THREE DAYS?” Her eyes shot wide, another coughing fit beginning as she raised her voice after not speaking for days.
“Yes, that’s what I said.” He grimaced, moving back a bit at her sudden outburst, “Cough in the other direction.”
“No surprise that your bedside manner could use some work.” She sighed as she adjusted to raise herself up, wincing as her sore muscles tried their best to comply. He promptly rose, putting a pillow behind her as she sat up, his expression blank yet attentive, “Thanks.”
He nodded as he took his seat again and the silence continued, painfully. It felt like their first meeting all over again, neither knowing how to broach the awkward topic. Looking back, Nanami was angry at how insufferably rude he could be but couldn’t ignore her own part in this. A pang of guilt sat heavily in her chest when she remembered how easily she let her emotions get the best of her; she hadn’t told someone off like that in ages. In her mind, it in no way absolved him, but to say it was all his fault would be a lie. In that moment of rage, she… What did I do anyway? She glanced down, now more confused than anything, her brows furrowing before looking at him.
“Let’s chat.”
He readjusted in his chair, leaning back as he crossed his legs and folded his arms across his chest, “Let’s.”
His body language oozed condescension as though she was about to be scolded like a child and she hated it, “Why’d you attack me. Again.”
His eyes narrowed, displeased with how she was beginning their talk,” That was going to be my question to you. I thought we had a deal.”
“What are you talking about? We did—we do—I did not attack you.” she defended. Nanami knew they were both wrong for getting so worked up, but she wouldn’t stoop that low over an argument. “I was wrong, we both were for getting so heated, but I wouldn’t just start throwing hands like that. So again, why did you attack me? I thought… I thought we got passed all that.”
His brow furrowed at the implication, his jaw clenching uncomfortably at the hurt in her voice, “We are. We’re far passed all of that.” He intoned with a level of sincerity that seemed foreign to him. Having spent the past three days chastising himself for putting her in this position, wishing the exchange could be taken back, it was difficult to sound detached. He’d been angry, but harming her had been something he’d put out of his mind some time ago, “I didn’t attack you either…”
They both shared a moment of sincere confusion. Overhaul hadn’t come out unscathed either, having to heal his own head injury as well as a cracked vertebra from the impact once he came to. “Then what the hell happened?” Nanami asked, speaking the question they were both wrestling with. She looked around the room for her bag at the same time Overhaul reached for his laptop.
“We should run tests.” They said in unison. He handed her her notebook from the bag and a pen as they began noting exactly what happened leading up to the explosion.  As she recalled the events, there were a number of theories that came to mind, as well as ideas on how to safely perform reenactments of what transpired, but she also remembered the argument beforehand. He was somehow even more quiet than usual, and she could tell his gears were turning that morning, but the hostility seemed so out of the blue. Putting down her pen, he glanced up at her, noticing the sound of her writing had stopped and she was staring down thoughtfully.
“Did you think of something?”
“…Yeah. I did. Why’d you pick a fight with me that day?”
He looked back down at his keyboard and continued typing, “I don’t know what you mean. That little tiff was a joint effort.”
“No, no, no. It may have ended up that way, but you blew up at me after an entire week of solid teamwork. I expect the snide comments and the general air of grumpiness, but that was different… What happened?” He made the mistake of making eye contact with her. She didn’t look angry, just hurt.
Taken aback, all he could manage was “… I don’t know.” He wasn’t sure how to respond to that “emotion” nor did he have any plans to discuss feelings. If he was being honest, he wasn’t even sure why he did it himself. Perhaps it was self-sabotage and he was pushing her away, but to accept that would mean acknowledging they had gotten close; that he had, at some point, made the subconscious decision to stop viewing her as a pawn or even just a colleague, and to indulge the need for far more than their formal arrangement. He wasn��t ready to come to terms with the possible loss of his objectivity when it came to whatever went on between them, but he knew he’d have to confront the undercurrents of their relationship at some point. Right now, they had discovered a possible breakthrough in their research and there was no room for delay. With a ghost of a plan in mind for how to move forward with Nanami, he decided it would be more logical to smooth things over in the immediate moment with Dr. Watanabe; separating the two identities giving him the illusion of control. He continued” But I do know it won’t happen again. That was…unprofessional. How is your head?”
She bit her lip and exhaled, seeing the switch flick in his eyes knowing the wall had been put back up. “It’s... it’s fine. Just a little—no, really sore.” She confirmed with herself, rubbing her hand over the source of the pain to find stiches. Why wouldn’t he just overhaul this? “So, you decided to fix this the old-fashioned way, huh? The stitchwork is impeccable, but why go through the trouble? You could have just—”
“I didn’t want to touch you.”
“… Ouch.” She winced, glancing away as the abrupt response hurt a bit more than she expected.
Realizing it hadn’t been received how he planned, he clarified,” I meant I…didn’t want to use it on you. I was under the impression we had somehow attacked each other and assumed you might not find the prospect of me handling you in that way all that appealing.”
“…Oh. Well, thank you... I don’t mind if you touch me now” he rose a brow at this, “—I mean like to heal or—Oh you know what I mean.” She rolled her eyes before crossing her arms and continuing, “Just… just do it, please.”  The last word tacked on with a mumble.
Letting out an amused breath, he rose, motioning her to turn so her back faced him as he removed his gloves. She quickly brushed her hair to the side, missing a few strands. She tensed as he was much closer than she was prepared for, feeling the warmth of his hands against the nape of her neck as he gently gathered the stray hairs and handed them to her to gather in front. Smoothing down the part, he leisurely ran his hands through her hair, losing himself for a second before noticing the tops of her ears had reddened and her breath had quickened at his ministrations. Refocusing, he disassembled the stitches before immediately healing the wound knowing even a millisecond of delay would prove very painful. “Done.”
Cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders, she felt normal again and ready to get out of bed as her muscles had been unused for the better part of three days. Checking the time on her phone on the nightstand she saw it was only 6 am, “So, you wanna go for a run?”
“That’s not funny.”
“Fine, fine. But on a serious note, I think we should head to the lab. I know the deal was 2 weeks bu—”
“You don’t have to bargain. Get cleaned up, I’ll start preparations for testing tomorrow.”
She turned to him, brows raised in surprise, “Well okay then. I’ll see you back at the house.”
“See you there.” He said before exiting her room, shutting the door softly.
After a thorough scrubbing and stretching, she felt ready to get back to her remaining paperwork, putting on her favorite chunky turtleneck and sweatpants effectively pulling off the lazy-but-still-fashionable look. Brewing herself a cup of tea and pulling out her workbag, she thought it best to not dwell on all the Feels ™ that had continuously threatened to surface, which was undoubtedly exacerbated by their current living situation.
She was woman enough to admit she stared just a little too long, smiled just a bit too enthusiastically, and was way too excited by even the smallest bits of physical contact with him… But it’s just a crush. She lied to herself as though he hadn’t been the most intellectually stimulating person she’d had the pleasure of talking to. As though she’d ever felt silence more comfortable than their time in the lab or simply sharing meals together. As though— Girl if you don’t concentrate... She chastised herself before attempting to neatly compartmentalize her feelings, refusing to acknowledge just how much more difficult keeping them in check had become. It’s just because you’re all up under each other, it’ll pass.
Refocusing on the task at hand, she opened her laptop and pulled out a well-worn file folder, her gaze turning somber as her fingers traced the bend of it; evidence of the many nights she’d revisited it only to close it when the answers didn’t come. In the past month she’d taken on a patient who seemingly had nowhere to go. Many of her colleagues had turned him away, seemingly too jaded to go through the trouble of dealing with such a case. Nanami herself was puzzled when she reviewed his file, but she knew there was no other option; she had to at least try.
Kenta was a very jovial, large person with a personality to match. Built much like a strongman with tusks not unlike a walrus, he was hard to miss. Before he became her patient, she’d see him making small talk with the other patients, encouraging them though he himself was on the way to chemotherapy, his weight dwindling by the day. The previous doctors told him that he had osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. It was seemingly exacerbated by his quirk that gave him dense bones; they were perfect for diving, but apparently came at this very high price. The treatment had shown mild success, but her predecessors had decided his condition was becoming too advanced and an amputation was in order. After that visit, he attempted to keep his jovial nature, but his physical appearance continued to deteriorate, the medication and tests taking their toll. Full-hardy laughs were interrupted by coughing fits, round cheeks flexed into a habitual smile were replaced with gaunt hollows. Nanami couldn’t help but feel was cruel to be given such great power and still be unable to solve this problem.
She agonized, sincerely perplexed as to why someone as healthy and active as Kenta could have developed such an aggressive and rare form of cancer so quickly. It didn’t helped that after the first doctor’s diagnosis, the subsequent three doctors took little to no efforts to confirm said diagnosis, so she remained thoroughly unconvinced. She was a prodigy in her own right, but that alone couldn’t negate seniority. To go against the other doctors, she would need substantial proof of her theory—and also a theory to begin with.
Nanami was stirred from her thoughts by the sound of the silo being activated, as Overhaul stepped out. It had been hours since she had last gotten up as day turned into late night, too engrossed in her task. She glanced up for a moment, giving an absent-minded “hey” before returning to her work. It was unlike her to brush him off so quickly, and he assumed there were still hard feelings from earlier. Approaching her, he was about to speak before he caught a glimpse of her screen and notes, the file folder and its contents now haphazardly splayed on the coffee table, a few with drops of moisture on them.
“Didn’t I tell you no drinking in the living roo—” he stopped short, hearing a small sniffle escape her, before she attempted to cover it up by clearing her throat.
“Sorry, yeah, no drinking in the living room.” She laughed emptily, gathering the papers that were stained.
Seeing people cry was usually... uninspiring to him, to say the least; he couldn’t understand it, the need for such dramatic displays as an adult. But he found himself making exceptions more and more; she wasn’t one to throw herself on the floor in a tantrum—at least not seriously. Her tears were stifled, indignant, and his curiosity—yes, we’ll call it “curiosity”— got the better of him.
“What are you doing? Crying?”
“No!... Maybe.” She stubbornly corrected, further averting her gaze, hoping to use her hair as a curtain to obscure her face. Pausing for a beat, his attention turned to what he presumed was the source. He read over it as she attempted to fix her face. His brow furrowed, and Nanami turned back to see what he was doing. “Why do you care?”
“Osteosarcoma seems like an odd diagnosis for someone with his age and history.” He noted, choosing not to answer her question.
“That’s what I said!” she instinctually replied before remembering herself, “I mean quit snooping, this is patient-doctor information. It’s illegal to share.”
“Yet you brought it outside your office, to a yakuza base.” He deadpanned, pointing out the hypocrisy, taking a seat next to her on the couch. She pursed her lips, continuing to mull over theories, assuming he’d get bored and leave her be. “If not osteosarcoma, what do you think it could be?”
Knowing discretion was one of his strong suits, she decided to humor him. “I’m not sure. The tumor grew extremely fast and they began chemo almost immediately, so I didn’t get the benefit of a fresh diagnosis. He’d been perfectly healthy otherwise and his line of work kept him pretty active.”
“What’s his occupation?”
“He’s a commercial diver, it’s pretty fitting since his quirk gives him a lot of walrus-like qualities.”
“Sounds hazardous.”
“You’re one to talk. He’s practically made for it so drowning or being crushed under the pressure is near-impossible for him.”
“I was referring to all of the equipment. The fact that he’s kept all of his limbs up to this point is impressive.”
Slowly turning to him, a tired look on her face, she replied “… Your compliments are so very strange.”
Shrugging he continued, “It’s not that odd. The number of divers and sailors I’ve seen at port with mutilated legs is not small.”
Nanami was mid eye-roll when an epiphany struck her. Her eyes went wide, and she began frantically rummaging through the paperwork. "Shit-- wait, online!" grabbing her laptop, she began typing in a frenzy as Overhaul watched calmly. Finding Kenta's online records in the hospital database, she read a file from a month before his diagnosis stating he had been in a diving accident that severely fractured his leg where his tumor now was. She let out a shaky breath of excitement, "MO. It's fucking Myositis Ossificans! This explains why the 'tumor' grew so quickly. It's because it wasn't even really a tumor, just his body's response to a traumatic injury-- This is amazing!" 
He felt the corner of his mouth tug upward, as she practically wiggled in genuine excitement. “That diagnosis sounds much more appropriate.”
Facing him on the couch, she reflexively grabbed him by his shoulders, lost in excitement, before realizing what she was doing. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to just grab you like that,” she hurriedly removed her hands before he waved it off. “It’s just... I’ve been poring over this since I got this case but hadn’t thought to make that connection since he never mentioned the injury.” Thinking back for a moment, it dawned on her, “... how did you know to ask?”
 “What do you mean?”
“Don’t play dumb, it doesn’t suit you.”
Smiling, he rose, walking to the kitchen, “Would you like a cup?”
Very aware he was evading her question, she rolled her eyes smiling in kind “Sure. Of what?” She wrote down her final notes before putting away the files, tucking them and her laptop away as she waited for an answer.
Bringing over two cups of sake and the bottle, he sat next her with his own before sliding over her cup. She gave him a look and he sighed, “Consider it your reward for your work today. But don’t get used to it, my living room consumption rule still stands.”
She raised her hands in surrender, chuckling before taking a sip. “Oh! Let’s play a game.”
His brows furrowed as he continued to face forward still enjoying his drink,” Do I seem like a man who plays games?”
“Well, judging by the shogi board, I’d say yes.”
“… Just set the board.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a bit before starting the odd conversation, chatting and playing until they were on their fourth cup. Nanami was admittedly tipsy by this point and decided to ask something that had been on her mind for a while now with the aid of her liquid courage. If ever there was an opportunity, it was now, “Hey, why didn’t you ever become a doctor?” The question caught him off guard as he stopped drinking and peered off into the distance thoughtfully. His lips parting for a moment to speak before closing again to consider his answer.
“It would be difficult to treat people you can’t touch.”
“Hm… sounds like a copout. I wear gloves on the job at least 80% of the time and a lot of the non-surgical work that requires touching could easily be done by a nurse. So, what’s the real reason?”
“Well, you’re awfully bold tonight.”
“Eh, it’s your fault anyway,” she reminded him, toying with the sake glass. “So, are you gonna tell me or not?”
He considered her for a second before answering, “Win this game and I’ll tell you.”
“Easy.” She shot back before considering another outcome, “and what if I lose?”
He smiled easily, her stomach flipping as a glint of mischief was evident in his eyes, “Just try your best to win.”
Nanami was determined, or at least she convinced herself she was, not wanting to confront her curiosity at what he would do if she lost … or what he would do to me… Ok, let me put down this sake before I get a life sentence to horny jail. Recomposing herself a bit, she observed the board, stifling a smirk when she saw her path to victory. It was a moderately long game, but the outcome was in her favor as she took his king. Raising the piece betwixt her fingers, she smirked, “Now spill the beans.”
He stared into the proverbial abyss, slightly peeved at the loss, priding himself as a more-than proficient player before tonight. “Give me a moment.” He said casually raising a finger as he cleared his throat. Taking a measured sip from his cup before locking eyes with her, “I have a duty.” Nanami shot him an unsatisfactory look before he clarified, continuing, “Pops took me in when I had nothing to offer. This,” he began as he leered at his hands, recalling the destruction they regularly wrought, “is what I was meant to become in order to repay him. Bringing the yakuza back to their former glory and carrying on his legacy are my primary objectives. My time is limited since he’s not as young as he used to be. The years of schooling it would take to reap the benefits he deserves would prove much too long. Indulging in a dream like that is not in my nature, even if I did have the time. That is why.”
Her smile dulled as she processed his response. She wasn’t self-righteous enough to impose her own ideals on him, but it seemed like such a waste. His leading questions tonight were just one of many examples of his expertise. Even without the formal schooling he had a level of mastery that could easily earn him a degree, and coupled with his research skills, he could do a world of good. But instead here he was, content with just the opportunity to pay his debts. For someone so arrogant, he thought surprisingly little of his own nature.  Maybe someday someone could convince him he didn’t have to carry around this weight all the time. Still very tipsy, she responded,” Well, if it’s a dream of yours to begin with, your nature can’t be all that bad now can it?” At this he knitted his brows, trying to accept the possibility. Seeing his hesitation, she continued, “You can do both, you know. Give yourself some more credit, bird brain.” She slurred the last insult, finishing her sake off with a gulp, not wanting to sound too soft. Feeling the consequences of her actions, she swayed sleepily in her seat before closing her eyes.
The next thing she knew, she felt herself being nudged awake, “Come on, get up. You need to get into bed.”
“But it’s sooo comfy here. Why are you being such a buzzkill, Kai?” she whined as he grasped her forearms, encouraging her to rise from her seat.
Stopping in his tracks, he asked a bit taken aback, “Where did you hear that name?”
“Your Poppy Pops told me” She almost sang, a grin plastered on her face.
“…Do not ever use the phrase ‘Poppy Pops’ again. Also, if couches were meant for sleeping, beds wouldn’t exist.” He responded irritated, though he handled her like porcelain, still remembering how unpleasant the last three days had been. Guiding Nanami to her room, he finally got her to lay down after tuning out a slew of other ridiculous nickname proposals, the drowsiness setting in as soon as her head hit the pillow. Knowing it would be too much work convincing a now drunk Nanami to get under the covers, he begrudgingly put a spare blanket over her. Before leaving, he looked back at her sleepy form. As much as they could grate each other’s nerves, no one had ever thought to encourage him or challenge his own thinking besides his father. He had never been a warm or sentimental person, having to try thrice as hard to grasp emotions that came so naturally to others, but she had planted a seed of doubt. Having always been so confident in his own lacking, he found a part of himself excited to be proven wrong for the first time. Before closing the door softly, he spoke “Thank you, Nanami.”
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
"Cheers, I'll drink to that!" "You drink to everything." "Cheers!" Brains and Disaster 🍻
A bit smaller than normal but I hope you enjoy it still!  ٩(◕‿◕)۶
“I didn’t know this place existed,” Cat said, eyes wide taking in the saloon, “Why haven’t we come here before?”
“Not surprised by that,” Lance took a drink from his bottle, “We never had reason to come out this way before. Not like the project allowed much drinking.”
“Oh that’s very true,” she gasped, looking to her empty glass, frowning, “You think they’d mix a drink of my own creation, Mn’M does?”
“She’s too kind to you in that regard,” Lance gave a shrug, “Don’t see why not, though. Never hurts to ask. I’ll watch your stuff,” Cat smiled arranging the v-neck shirt back in place, the scarred letters mostly covered again, making her way up to the bar. Lance shook his head, eyes taking in every patron, entrance, and window, it may not have been the best idea to switch from their frequent hangout of The Spread Eagle, but Hollyhock was closer to the Whitetails, and Raf wouldn’t have come down unless they could have been close. Cat hadn’t seen much of the boys since leaving the project, John having gone into hiding a few weeks ago and the other two working on claiming back more of the mountains. She had been given her assignment, which Cat was happy in doing, giving information and knowledge to those that asked and needed it, it still wasn’t like she’d imagined it would be like finally leaving the Project. 
Lance could tell that she felt cooped up, like she’d left one cage for another, and frequenting the same three places wasn’t doing her any favors. Cat had imagined that she’d be able to throw herself into the fray and working alongside Wes and Raf finally, the two men felt it safer for her to stay in liberated land for the time being. It was understandable and Lance would be lying if he claimed to not have a hand in the suggestion, but it was hard to ignore the lonely look in her eyes. Tonight was his idea. Lance was going to make sure that this night would be something fun and easy. Something that could be enjoyed until they could all work together again in full.
The shadow of a familiar car caught Lance’s eye as it pulled into the parking lot, a nervous smile coming to his lips, watching as Wes and Raf exited the vehicle. Lance stood, with the opening of the door, waving the two young men over, “Finally made it,” he greeted handing each a bottle as all three took their seats.
“Not like we could miss a night off,” Wes smirked, clearing his throat catching Raf’s more serious face.
“We really shouldn’t be here,” Raf’s eyes shifting around the building, despite the smile he tried to give, “There’s a lot of work to do up there.”
“Here,” Lance pulled out Cat’s seat, “You get a good angle of the whole establishment in this seat.” Raf didn’t relax as much as Lance had hoped he would in switching seats, “Besides you need a night off and Cat needs to see you.”
“Cat knows why we can’t see much of each other right now and it feels like too big of a risk to have her out here, especially this close to Jacob’s land,” his smile turned genuine, finally finding her as she stood at the bar, talking to the bartender animatedly. He ran a hand through his dark curls looking back at the table, “She doing okay still, after everything?”
“You know you could always ask her yourself,” Lance gave a chuckle as she made her request for the man to put more than the maximum four cherries, “She wouldn’t mind answering you.”
“She’s lookin’ more comfortable,” Wes noted, taking another sip, “or is she a few drinks in?”
“Only her third one, but I don’t think I’ve seen her be herself this much,” Lance paused, “well ever. She’s smilin’ a bit more even if-,'' Lance cut himself short, it wasn’t his place to tell them about the sleepless nights. How she couldn’t find some kind of safety without them near her, brain never slowing, always ruminating over the infinite possibilities and futures she had no control over.
“Even if she’s not the most trusted,” Raf finished incorrectly, she had always been aware of the mistrust she’d face once free of her title, “I knew we should have gotten her out sooner.”
Lance rolled his eyes laughing, “You really think you could have changed her mind sooner?” He gave Raf a pat on the back, “She can be as stubborn as you, Captain.”
Wes snickered, holding his mouth from spilling his drink onto the table, getting a pointed look from his friend, “I could have tried a little harder,” Raf pointed to Lance, “She should have left with you.”
“You would have lost a lot more information if she left at that time,” Lance shook his head, “Besides she wanted to have the means to help as many people as possible, she wasn’t going to abandon that.” 
Raf let out a sigh, his smile returning quickly as Cat made her way back over to them, drink in hand. “Raf! You made it!” She set her drink down on the table, jumping into his lap, arms wrapping around him. 
“Couldn’t miss a chance to see you, Conejito,” he kissed her, Cat’s hands pulling at his shirt, not wanting his lips to leave her. “Wes came too, you know,” he mumbled against her mouth. 
Cat smiled, giggling, the drinks starting to work their magic on her, “I saw,” she turned to Wes, leaning her elbows on the table, “Did you drive your bike here?”
He shook his head, Cat pouting in response, “What mix is that one,” Raf asked pointing to the glass.
“Uhm number five on the Cat Mn’M Secret Menu,” she tilted her head back looking into Raf’s eyes, “I don’t think I have a name for it yet.” She pointed between the two young men, “Was it yours or Wes’ turn to name it?”
Raf laughed, kissing the top of her head, “Think maybe it was Wes’.”
Cat pushed the glass across the table, “You heard him. Gotta take a sip and give it a name.”
“You know most all your drinks are catered to one person,” Wes said, stirring the straw, “That person being you.”
“Look I’ve apologized so many times that the last one basically tasted like cough syrup, I didn’t like Cherry ‘Splosion 1.0 either.” Wes scrutinized the contents of the glass, disgust crossing his features at the memory, “I promise you I did not try to make another one of those this time. It’s why we have ‘Splosion 2.5 finalized.” 
“Will you at least tell me what’s in it?”
Cat shook her head, “Nope, cause then there will be the subtle influence on the mind there.” Wes raised a brow, “Come on. It’s just one sip. It’s not gonna kill you.”
“Lance never has to do this. Pretty sure it was Raf’s turn too,” Wes grumbled under his breath, before he sighed bringing the straw to his lips. His face puckerd as the drink hit his taste buds, “God damn.” He pushed the drink back over, Cat taking a sip as she shrugged, “How can you stand to drink that? It’s just sugar, but with what you do with the fire when cooking.”
Cat and Raf looked at the other before turning back to Wes, “Flambé?” 
“Yeah that,” Wes waved them off.
“You can be a baby sometimes you know that?” Cat said, taking a long drink, “It’s not that sweet, I can still taste the liquor.”
Raf took the glass from her, “Here let me see,” he took a sip, “Oh god.” Raf drank from the bottle in his other hand, “Cat, that is just straight sugar. Wes wasn’t far off in his description.” Wes reached over to the table behind them, grabbing the bowl of peanuts, sliding it over to Raf, “How can you stand to drink that?”
Cat gave a shrug bringing the straw to her lips, “You two are just babies.”
“Cat,” Lance warned, “leave them alone and enjoy your drink.” He pointed to the young men, “Another round? Something more suitable to your palettes.”
“Please,” Raf encouraged, taking another handful of the salted peanuts, “Thank you, Lance.”
Cat watched as Lance stood to grab another round, “So what have you two been up too?” She asked eagerly, “Have you been making headway in the mountains?” Can I join you yet?
“We’re making some progress,” Wes gave a small eye roll along with a slow shake of his head at the statement, “Bright Eyes over here thinks it's too slow though.”
“Well yeah,” Cat agreed, Wes perking up, “You think of every single angle but that doesn’t always work with Jacob.”
“How so, Conejito?”
“Jacob always has plans for his plans, likes to have back ups to the back ups to the back ups,” she sat straighter, eyes lighting up, “Like Batman! Batman always has a plan for everything.”
“So what do you suggest then,” Raf asked as she leaned against him.
She pointed to Wes, “You let Wes do his thing,” both men’s eyes went wide, “See Wes goes in with a plan cause you have to, but he also is just unpredictable enough to take Jacob by surprise.” Cat gave a kiss on Raf’s cheek, “I’m sorry but you and Jacob think too much alike, just on like opposite ends. Like Jacob doesn’t care about the casualty numbers as much as you do but his strategies lie in what the US military teaches. Wes doesn’t have that, well as much as you and Lance do, so he’s perfect.”
“Some things need to be stealthier than others,” Raf reminded her.
“Not saying you can’t do those, that’s your strength,” she finished her drink, “But like okay so there was this Justice League episode where they met like evil versions of themselves and they all got captured. So they had to escape from evil Batman that has a plan for everything, but that’s near impossible.” She paused taking a deep breath, “However! Flash did a move that no one saw coming and that got them all free, even Batman was impressed.”
“What did he do,” Wes asked, picking at the sticker on the neck of the bottle.
“Oh, he sped his heart rate up so fast that it would look like he was flatlining on the monitor,” the two men stared at her, “What? He’s the Flash, he can make any part of his body speedy.” Cat snickered, the drinks kicking in, adjusting herself in Raf’s lap to run a hand up his thigh.
“And Batman never saw that coming,” Raf moved her hand back to the top of the table, Cat frowning.
She shook her head, “Nope. Never gave the Flash that much credit.” Cat flashed Wes a smile, “Wes is your Flash.”
“Hit them hard and fast,” Raf frowned, “Still seems too messy.”
“You need to strike when you see the least amount of people,” Lance interjected, setting the drinks down around the table, “Jacob will change up his plans every week or every few days depending on how things are looking. Once you see an opportunity you have to take it, no hesitation.”
“Can’t take too long in planning on some of those outposts of his. He likes to keep it most unpredictable with those places. Here let me show you,” Cat turned patting Raf down, “I know you have a writing utensil somewhere….Aha!” She pulled out a pen grabbing a napkin, “See take like the lumber mill, you haven’t gotten that one,” she mused as she started her crude drawing, “These spaces up at the front tend to be the same amount of guarded, and that’s the trick. It’s the inside that’s tricky. He can change that up and have a different number of people in there, but not all will be drawn out by distractions you would want to use. So the question becomes how do you draw out the rest to get the right number?”
“Make several explosions on the way in,” Wes said quietly, Cat tapping her nose. “Casualty numbers, though?”
“You’re not an idiot,” she finished her drink starting work on the new one Lance brought her, “You thrive on impulse and know the best places to hit to reduce casualties. I’m sure Raf and Eli and the like all have layouts of the mill in such detail you could probably think of three different places that could cause the most damage but not get anyone hurt right this second.” She reached out grabbing Wes’ hand placing it on top of Raf’s, “You two are like the same but different, it's a balance and so you have to work together. Like Batman and Superman.”
“That make you Wonder Woman,” Wes asked, pulling his hand away.
Cat gasped, raising her glass, “Cheers! I will drink to that, my good sir!” 
“You drink to everything at this stage, Conejito.”
“Hey it’s a compliment in the highest form,” Cat took a sip, shrugging, before looking at Wes again, “Wait….you’re learning. You’re listening to me.”
“I think he just-,” Raf started, Cat shushing him, hand trying to cover his mouth.
“Cheers!” Lance and Wes said at the same time, clinking their drinks together.
“Please don’t encourage her.”
Cat’s eyes went wide seeing someone setting up the karaoke machine on the stage, “Oh! Can we sing something together please,” she asked, her eyes pleading, “Just one song.”
The three men all shook their heads, “Not tonight Catnip.”
She crossed her arms, “First no bike and now no karaoke,” she looked around the bar, “Probably for the best. These guys won’t ‘preciate my singing.”
“You know you haven’t talked about yourself very much,” Raf said wrapping his arms around her waist, “How have you been adjusting?”
“No one really wants to listen to me still, but I have been enjoying wearing normal clothes again,” she gestured to the pink top with dark wash jeans she currently wore.
“Ryes treating you okay?” Wes asked, “Sure you like being able to take care of Carmina.”
“I do. Go there everyday.”
“Thought you were staying with them,” Raf asked, brow furrowed as he looked between Lance and Wes, “You’re still staying with them aren’t you?”
“During the day mostly,” she admitted quietly, “I uh sleep in the room above the Spread Eagle.” She shrugged, shaking her head, “I just didn’t want to take up much room at their place. It’s fine really. I don’t mind having my own space really.” The two men looked at Lance, “But other than that I’ve been okay. Though this whole thing feels a little weird still, but we're not gonna think about that.”
“Cat,” Raf said softly, “we can help if you need us. You just have to ask us.”
“Are you two planning on staying the night close to here,” Cat asked, ignoring Raf’s comment.
“Raf can,” Wes said before his friend could utter a word, “Lance and I can handle it up there for twenty four hours.”
Lance nodded, “Yeah. You guys can stay at the house in the valley.”
“You’re going to stay the night with me,” Cat wondered, grabbing onto Raf’s hand, “That would be really nice if you did. Been awhile since you have,” her fingers ran up his arm, “Please?”
Raf let out a sigh, there was no point trying to get anything else out of her tonight. She had her mind set and her answers would be too jumbled up to really matter, he’d have to try again in the morning. Raf put on his warmest expression, “Yeah,” he smiled kissing her cheek, “I’ll stay the night, Conejito.”
“Yes!” She squealed wrapping her arms around his neck, “Come on let’s dance! All of us!” Cat grabbed each of their hands pulling them towards the wooden floor, the men groaning in exaggeration, their conversations forgotten as they all allowed themselves to enjoy the rest of the night.  
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z-iridest · 4 years
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Renegade
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Chapter One:
Our story begins in the year 2109, 30 years after Dracnus' rise to power in 2079. Across from a thriving but tightly controlled Cypher City, was the desolate Junkyard. Ruins of Old Satelite, remnants of a near century old past, still stood. Some of the ruins held hidden entrances to Underground City. The door to one such entrance, hidden in a small, abandoned one story house that stood in ruins under the what remained of the old Daedalus Bridge, slid open as a shadowed figure stepped through. The figure's hood covered their head, their chin down to keep their face hidden away from those who could possibly see them, a messenger bag draped across their body. Feet clad in silver buckled, black combat boots stepped out into the light, the shadow's black gloved hand coming up to shield their eyes as they lifted their head. The sunlight shone through storm clouds that were beginning to form, warming the the shadow's body.
The figure took in a deep breath of the air around them before removing their hood, revealing their delicate face to the sunlight, and the jacket around their body, tying the article of clothing around their slim waist and revealing the outfit underneath. Anyone who looked at the figure could tell it was female, the jacket that was currently tied snug around her waist being too big for her. The young girl closed her jade flecked-sapphire blue eyes for a moment as she took in the sun's warmth, raising a flesh arm and a black glove covered arm out to each side as she tipped her head back.
Her silver hair fell backward to gather behind her shoulders, the length long enough to reach the small of her back and glinting in the light as it moved with the gentle autumn breeze that passed through. Normally covered by her hair, an 11 year old scar ran across her left eye, a reminder of the accident that had taken her left arm. The young woman wore a short sleeved, black top that hung off her right shoulder, the left sleeve not being long enough to cover a small area of the robotic prosthetic that had replaced her missing arm, the metal glistening in the light with her hair. On the lower half were dark jeans, the bottom of which cut off in the same place her boots began.
Exhaling deeply, the female reopened her eyes, pulling a black hair tie off her right wrist and finger combing her hair with her nails as she gathered it in one hand before tying her hair back, beginning to carefully navigate around the rusted parts of Duel Runners, Duel Disks and old scrap metal alike. Her sapphire eyes scanned the area around her, carefully examining for any parts that could be retrieved and repaired. As a citizen of Underground City, she was responsible for repairing prosthetics, helping those who needed her most. In fact, it wasn't unusual for her to be scowering the Junkyard for any salvageable parts.
This day, however, there were specific parts she was looking for. She carefully stepped into a clear spot, squatting down to pick up a part, examining it. 'Looks good so far.... Little bit of rust and it’s a bit broken, but thankfully, it's nothing I can't fix.' The young woman thought as she placed the part in her bag before continuing her search. As she gathered parts, her mind wandered, a small smile appearing on her face as she remembered the first time she watched a Turbo Duel....
At the time, she was a mere 3-year-old, getting startled out of of a nap by the sound of engines revving in a video playing on something nearby her. She slowly slid off the bed she was sleeping on and waddled toward the sound. She found her older brother, who had been 10 at the time, studying a video. "Liiia, wha you doing?" She asked him, rubbing her eyes with one hand while dragging a security blanket behind her with the other. Liam, her older brother, smiled down at her. He had their father's dark hair, jet black as coal, but they both had their mother's jade flecked sapphire blue eyes.
"Come over here and I'll show you, baby bird." He spoke, holding out his hands for her. She reached up for him and he picked her up, making her giggle as he tickled her sides a bit, setting her down on his lap before her eyes caught sight of what was on the screen in front of her.
"I summon Junk Synchron!" One of the duelists in the video shouted.
"Whas that?" She'd asked him.
"This is a Turbo Duel. See, these duelists have these special motorcycles called Duel Runners, and they use them to race around an arena to duel. That one," He pointed to the one on the red Duel Runner. "Is Yusei Fudo."
"Yuusay!" She giggled, copying her brother.
"Yep, that's right. And that," He pointed to the duelist on the white Duel Runner. "Is Jack Atlas."
"Jack." She repeated, watching the Duel with wide eyes while her older brother took notes for his class. Suddenly, the picture on the video went black. "Where they go?" She asked.
"Nobody knows what happened between what you saw and what happened just now... All we know is that Yusei was declared the winner when the picture came back." Liam told her.
"Oh... Liiia, can I duel too someday?" She asked, being pulled into a hug by her older brother.
"Maybe one day, little Phoenix." Liam told her as her little arms wrapped around him. "Maybe one day."
'I wish you were here, Liam...' She thought, bringing herself out of the bittersweet memories of a once happy past as she raised her metal arm. Taking off her glove for a moment, her slender fingers pressed a couple buttons on her robotic arm to pull up a holographic screen. She swiped to the right a couple times before zooming in a bit on the blueprint she was looking for, looking over her design and crossing off the parts she needed as she found them. Years of studying previous blueprints from Duel Disks led to the young girl creating her own, making adjustments and upgrading the design to give it a more modern, unique touch. She continued navigating the Junkyard, picking up the parts she saw that either were intact or easily fixable. Once the building process was complete for her Duel Disk, the next part was the testing phase. If this prototype passed the test, it would revolutionize Duel Monsters forever...
'One day at a time, Yuko Adonis.' Yuko shook her head, clearing the building excitement from her mind. 'Don't count your chickens before they hatch...' Just as she picked up the last part she needed and crossed it off her list, she was blinded by the sunlight reflecting off something. Blinking rapidly, she adjusted her position to get a better look at what was causing it. Something white was poking out of one of the piles of scrap metal. 'What the deck is that? ' Yuko asked herself, raising an eyebrow before she carefully trecked toward it. Once she reached the object, she carefully removed as much of the debris from on top of it as she could, surprised by what she found, but knowing she should have expected it...
It was torn apart, the dueling system itself trashed, some parts were missing while others were either broken or rusted beyond repair, and the tires looked a little low on air, but there was no doubt that what Yuko was looking at had once been the Phoenix Whirlwind, the Duel Runner of the former King of Turbo Duels himself... Jack Atlas. Yuko knelt beside it, running her hand along the Runner. She could practically feel the duels it had been through, could hear Jack's voice pumping up the crowds as he ran laps around the old Kaiba Dome back in his day...
'This doesn't belong here... Not really...' Yuko examined the Duel Runner a bit closer. It would take some effort, but it was possible to get it to her garage. There, she could examine the complete damage and determine whether or not she could actually fix it. Making up her mind, Yuko cleared the scrap metal from around the tire, grabbed the handle bars and began pushing the Duel Runner toward the doorway to Underground City. Could she fix it? Her usual answer to that question would have been an immediate yes, however, this was the one thing she wasn't so sure she could fix, but she sure was going to try.
No way could she give up on a piece of Duel Monsters history...
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
The Dark Prince:  Chapter Seven: The Untold Truth
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Strangely enough, Shadow wasn't as much in pain as he expected to be.  The lights were dim, and not bright enough for his room. However, his eyes adjusted quickly as soon as he had the energy to open them. He recognized a figure sitting on a chair in front of him. He moved a little, to stand up straight and look at the silhouette.
"Oh, Shad-" Tails said as he stood up from his seat, he went near Shadow who at the moment seemed to be looking normal as ever.
"Where is Amy and Silver?"
"They are fine, they are actually on the roof, you know the very last floor of the hospital"
"I know what a roof is Tails."
   A few seconds passed between the two. None of them dare to speak to each other but Tails was the one who broke the silence. "I didn't expect you to wake up so soon."
"The explosion was made through Chaos Energy...my body was made with it, therefore, my injuries are faster to heal...I supposed." Shadow said a bit strangely.
"Yeah, either that or because all doctors in the hospital rushed to help you. Honestly, I had never seen such a thing happen."
   Shadow then turned to the small table next to him. On top of it, there was a water bottle. A white tag surrounding all of it and with blue cursive letters, it read 'Mobius Hospital."
"The reason may be  that I have donated a couple of millions before to this hospital.", Shadow had a monotone voice while he checked his body.
"You have what-?"
"It doesn't matter...tell me...How's Rouge?."
   Now Shadow was walking up the stairs to reach the roof, where Amy, Silver, and Sonic must be waiting for him, or so that's what Tails had told them. Although he could have taken the elevator, however, he wanted the time to think. Now that everything was done, he needed to come out clean to Amy.
   He opened the door, the wind struck on all of them. It seemed that everyone had waited for his arrival, the air was tense but it soon calmed down as Amy greeted him.
"Shadow!" Amy ran towards him and hugged him deeply, she didn't want to push it too hard either, knowing that he might still be injured. Shadow patted her head delicately as he softly ran his finger to her hair.  He stopped as soon as he saw fiery green eyes on him.
   Sonic was watching closely, but soon he sighed as he let his though go. Amy was kind to everyone, there was no need to think wrongly.
"Sorry to interrupt the moment, but I think you might want answers." Silver said as he playfully walked around the edge of the roof.
"Yes, actually, I think everyone wants to know how did you even use Chaos Control?" Sonic said as he crossed his hands.
Silver sighed and continued his story. "I didn't have any previous memory because on my time 'The Superior' had erased any piece of historical facts. However, everything became clear once I used Chaos Control. I am Prince Silver the Hedgehog, wielder of Chaos Energy and Magic, a true descendant of the Dark King and the rightful heir to the throne of Mobius...And the last living survivor of the Royal Family."
"A-A P-Prince-e?", Amy stutter a bit.
"Yes...and now that the future is safe is my time to go and take my place as the new King...but before I would like to give you all a little of my gratitude by telling something about the future."
   Silver then turned around to face Sonic and pointed at him.
"Sonic...the blue hero, the Knight of the Wind, the blue blur...stories would be told about you as long as stars shine..." He then turned to see Amy and Shadow and smile fondly. " Shadow, you go by the name of 'Dark Prince' by many people...later on, as you complete your destiny, you will gain the title of the 'Dark King'. Although you may not be a true King in the title, people around the globe will respect you as one. Eventually, your decency will get the same honor and one day, they will build a Kingdom of their own."
Silver smiled as he now looked at Amy. "Amy, you...well, I'll show you my gratitude to you in a different way..."
   Silver then snapped his fingers and waited for the drama to happen.
"Amy..." Shadow softly whispered her name as she felt soft hands hold hers. "I need to confess...that...that...I've been...I am in love with-"
   Shadow and Amy turned around to see Sonic walking towards them.
"I love you, Amy! And I am so sorry I had left you for so long!" Sonic said almost screaming.
   Was Silver the one making this? Were they enchanted under a spell?
"So, please...stay with me!" Sonic was then fast to pull Amy towards him, making her leave Shadow's side for a moment. However, Shadow wasn't going to give up so fast. He used a stronger force to pull Amy towards his body, the sudden force caught Sonic off guard and in a second he let go of Amy's arm.
   It happened so fast that Amy didn't realize that she was kissing Shadow the Hedgehog. His kisses felt wet, very strange movements, and their teeth would clash once in a while. That's when she knew that this was the first kiss for him. Awkward and cute, just like she expected it to be.
"Well, now that I showed you my gratitude. It's my time to take it back. "
"What do you mean?!", All three yell in unison.
"You all know too much about the future. Now that you know your destinies, you may do something that might alter that future. I will be erasing your memories of this and of course of me."
"Wait, what? But Silver-" Amy interrupted as she felt how Sonic made his way slowly to be in between her and Shadow.
"Don't worry, I will twist everyone's memories so they remember things differently from what happened. I won't be in your memories and you won't remember any of this. So if you have one more thing to say to each other, then this is the time.", Silver said as he pulled out a Chaos Emerald.
"Silver...thank you"
   That caught off Silver out of the guard. He took a moment to appreciate the three hedgehogs in front of him. His childhood heroes were standing right in front of him. Smiling right to him and he could have sworn that he felt that it was raining. Or at least, that was the only thing his eyes could see,
It was raining all right.
"Thank you, everyone."
   Silver smiled as the light from the Chaos Emerald grew brighter and brighter. Shadow took a moment to look at Amy once again. He finally had the courage to say that three-word sentence.
"Amy...I love y-"
   Why were they here? On top of the roof of this hospital. The last thing Shadow remember was him talking to Tails about Rouge-
Oh yes, that was it.
"So, Shadow...why did you ask for Amy and I to come here?", Sonic inquired, as he crossed his arms, doubting.
"I wanted to come clean to you and Amy... especially Amy," Shadow said with a clear voice.
"Shadow...what's wrong?", Amy began to worry as she touched Shadow's hand but he rapidly moved his hand as to push her away.
"...I was going to betray Amy...I was completely ready to throw you in a cell and give you to G.U.N... just like they asked from me at the very beginning." Shadow sighed.
"What do you mean?" Sonic asked.
"The day G.U.N blamed you for the Commander 'supposed' death,  Rouge was the one who stood up against it. She has always been very perceptive, so she knew there was something wrong. After knowing that she wouldn't follow orders, they took her and Omega as prisoners and they order me to found you and extract information from you...to give you to them."
"Omega...and Rouge..." Amy felt terrible. She placed her hand on her head as to stop the tears that wanted to come out of her eyes.
How could she be so selfish? How could she forget that a close friend of hers worked for G.U.N as well? How could she forget Rouge? The only one who has truly stayed by her side when she was at her worse.
"Where is she? Is she ok? and Omega is he-"
"Yes, they suffered minors damages but Rouge is still been checked on by the doctors right now and Tails finished checking on Omega."
"I need to go look for her, I-" Amy turned around ready to leave and find her bat friend but Shadow stopped her in her tracks.
"I am not done, Amy." Shadow had a look that Amy had only seen once, that time when she first talked to him in the ARK. "The reason I insisted so much to look for Sonic was because G.U.N. and Infinite had sent me to kill him as well."
There was a pause and a few seconds had passed as Shadow was ready to let everything out, right then and there.
"And I was ready to do it! I was ready to kill him and betray you! That day I went inside G.U.N's building in Pavlopetri to meet Tails...in reality, I went there to tell Infinite I wasn't gonna be a pawn in his game anymore but then..."
"Do you really think you can just turn your back on me now?" Infinite walked into Tails' lab as Tails had finally giving Shadow the note that was meant for Amy.
"I won't betray my friend! I don't care anymore, I won't follow your orders!", Shadow revealed.
"Then, I won't have any more options but to kill your friends...very slowly and painfully. I really enjoy hearing the bat girl screaming in pain." He then turned to Tails and looked at him with pity eyes. "But not as much as I enjoy hearing the rabbit girl begging me to stop."
At that moment, Tails walked towards Shadow and fell on his knees. "Shadow, I beg you, please do what he says!" Tails had tears on his eyes and for a second, Shadow's head went blank. He could only hear Tails scream in desperation as Infinite pulled out a voice-record player. Clearly hearing the voice of the young Cream, asking Infinite to stop hurting her.
"Shadow, please!"
But nothing
"Shadow, please, do what he says, I am begging you!"
"Everything is up to you Shadow."
   Shadow's eyes were shaking in terror. He was ready, he was ready to give in and betray Amy. Kill Sonic.
He was ready...but why couldn't the words get out of his mouth? He wanted to do it. He was going to do it...but why couldn't he say it?"
"Shadow! Please!"
"...Very well then...", Infinite then stopped the voice-record player and crossed his hands. "Seems like I am gonna have to torment you another way...Not like I really need you, I have a clone of you in case this would happen....but, to be honest, I wanted you to do the dirty work so you could suffer. Seems like that's going to have to wait...for now, you will be my prisoner."
"Shadow...", Sonic looked at him with a sad look. "There's nothing to be sorry for...."
"It's not that!... I was GOING to murder you! I was ready! I was going to kill my friend to save others...and Amy, I was going to betray you...It seems like...It seems like I don't love you as much as I thought I did."
   Shadow didn't mean to say that.
His eyes became wide up at the realization that he admitted two things. He considers Sonic his friend and confessed that he loves Amy. He meant to be talking to himself on his mind and without noticing he had spoken that out loud.
"Killing my friend...and betraying the person I love...I really haven't changed at all...have I?" Shadow had disappointment on his face.  Although it was a weird situation. They both felt bad for Shadow. He was the one who had always suffered the most and it seemed like his pain was never going to stop.
   They were both on a dilemma.
Amy who deeply loves Shadow had unfinished business with Sonic. She had kissed him, and to be honest, she didn't know anymore. Were her feelings true for Shadow? Or was Sonic always the one meant for her?
Now there was Sonic, who deeply admired Shadow and who secretly also considers him a close friend.  Now knowing that his friend, who had always suffered, loves the same girl as him...what was he supposed to do? Leave her, so he could be happy with her? Step aside? Even if that destroys him emotionally?
"You don't have to tell me anything...I know what you both are thinking.", Shadow began as he looked a the ground. "I am an inconvenience for the two of you...now that you two are finally together...its ok, Tails told me that Sonic told him, that Amy kissed you...right Sonic?"
"But, Shadow, I...I-" Amy wanted to stop him from the way he was currently thinking. However, the words couldn't come out of her mouth.
"It's alright Amy...Like I said, maybe all of this time I didn't love you as much as I thought I did...maybe all of this time I was looking the wrong way...maybe the one I truly love was...was Rouge." Shadow didn't know any better. Shadow never knew a clue about the difference between love and friendship but...if he was so willing to give up on Amy for Rouge's safety...then, wouldn't that mean he loves her more than Amy?
   Amy hoped that he didn't hear her heart being shattered by those words. But it also made sense...they had always been together, fighting together, always a team... Maybe he was right. She was never meant to be with the Dark Prince.
"...I am sorry...and goodbye...."
   And that was it.  Shadow walked past Amy and Sonic, unable to see their faces due to the shame he was feeling. Jealousy, shame, unfairness, revenge, impotence, Shadow had never bitten his lips so hard before. He could taste the blood coming out from his lips and the warmness of the blood coming from his fist by holding them so tightly.
Why was he so weak?
He walked away.
Leaving Amy with a crying face and Sonic with a feeling of resentment.
Amy waited for the Dark Prince to come back and comfort her...
But he never did.
A/n: a few more chapters and I'll conclude this story. Thank you everyone:)
Next Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/185970029780/the-dark-prince-chapter-eight-thank-you
The Dark Prince: Chapter Eight: Thank You
Previous Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/185969897730/the-dark-prince-chapter-six-goodbye
The Dark Prince: Chapter Six: Goodbye
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Buster & Rio
Buster: [Comes to find her like we said and sees what he sees but they don't see him because not hanging around to watch boy I'm not letting you] Buster: You need to be in Rio: Oh Rio: okay Rio: why though Buster: 🎂 Rio: Didn't have you down as an emoji kinda guy, McKenna Rio: be right there Buster: Full of surprises, you'd know that if you knew me Buster: Stop fantasizing about how I type & come the fuck on Rio: You wanna have a catch-up? Rio: Cute Rio: It ain't your birthday or cake, calm down Buster: I reckon you've got your hands full but I can't blame you for wanting it Buster: Much better offer, like Rio: Ha Rio: Sure Rio: just that talented, babe Buster: One of you has to be, I guess Buster: Christ knows he ain't it Rio: You two met before? Rio: Really are full of surprises, fair play Buster: Met his type about as often as you have Buster: & I saw what I saw, Cavante Buster: Miss me with your behind the bike shed bullshit next time, school's out for summer Buster: You could at least have the decency to keep things hot Rio: Weren't expecting an audience Rio: What the fuck 😂 Buster: Clearly Rio: And oddly enough, even if we was, you ain't the 🎯 demographic Buster: Like I said, you've got your hands too full to handle me Buster: I don't do triangles Rio: So traditional, love that for you Buster: I got the looks for a teen drama, but this ain't one Buster: Save your drama for your boring boyfriend Rio: You so obviously love drama though Rio: so pressed, babe but I put him down, you can go hit him up now 💋 Rio: [showing up for this cake 'cos otherwise rude] Buster: You obviously know me so well Buster: Not like you got the wrong twin there Buster: Understandable, the coming out party was pretty lowkey Rio: Nah, he's definitely not her type Rio: I'm up to date, see Buster: He definitely ain't mine either, so nah, you ain't Buster: Do you not get pretty boys around here unless they're decked in rainbow flags? Explains the choice you made there with that one Rio: It's a bummer no one thought to invite these pretty boys for you Rio: but you know, is granddad's bday so don't think they were high on the guestlist Rio: what you gonna do, eh Buster: It's alright, you can watch me survive it & tell yourself that's why you keep looking at me Rio: Oh my God Rio: your ego 😂 Buster: It's big, yeah Buster: But if you wanna measure it, probably gonna have to wait until after the cake's been cut Buster: Like you said, it's Granddad's moment Rio: [Audibly laughs] Rio: You're funny, McKenna Buster: [A look like 😏] Rio: Is she actually out then Buster: Ask her yourself Buster: She'll proudly tell you Rio: How'd that go Rio: like at School Buster: Do you want my answer or hers? Buster: 'Cause the lads fucking loved it but her 🎯 demographic, less so Rio: Typical Rio: I'll talk to her later Rio: pry her away from my brother/the corner they're hiding in Buster: She'll say it's fine if she says fuck all Buster: You know that Rio: Probably Rio: but I'm easy to talk to Buster: You're funny Rio: You know I am Rio: can but try, McKenna Buster: Easy to make people laugh when you're a kid Buster: Gotta try harder these days Buster: But you know that, yeah? Rio: I was referring to the easy to talk to bit but thanks Rio: You were never this nice Rio: the effort's appreciated Buster: Easy, for sure Buster: I was trying not to make that cheap of a shot seeing as it's a celebration & all but Buster: Since you're so appreciative of my efforts, don't need to hold back, like Rio: Keep dreaming, boy Buster: It should be your nightmare Buster: But I'm only passing through so none of my business if that's a rep you wanna maintain Rio: No one's talking about what I'm thinking Rio: you're the one betraying yourself but go off Buster: That I want you to have your transformative hot girl summer, yeah sure Buster: That's what a supportive family is for Rio: You're such a bullshitter Rio: Who you fooling, no one here Buster: Of course I am Buster: Haven't signed myself up for Truth or Dare yet, unlucky for you Rio: Gross Rio: Supportive family, remember Rio: don't get your roles confused Buster: That was bullshit, remember? Buster: You want me to be real with you, babe Buster: We don't know each other like that, sorry Rio: Heartbreaking Rio: or just boring Buster: You love to be bored though, so you're welcome Rio: Where'd you hear that Buster: I saw it Buster: There's no way to convince me that boyfriend of yours is anything but Rio: We don't know each other like that Rio: let alone knowing anything about him or what I love Buster: Well done for fooling him but you'd have to try harder to attempt it with me Buster: Got that first rate education working in my favour for one thing Buster: Don't just see what I wanna, for another Rio: Let's hope that's true Rio: for both our sakes Rio: begs the question why you are still looking but you can write an essay on it if you get homesick Buster: Amateurish to rely on hope, but you clearly are so I can't expect better Buster: Why do you care where I look or don't, is the real question Rio: When it's at me, it's my business Buster: You've changed your tune, I was all heart eyes for him when it suited you to play that way before Rio: Can you blame me for wanting it to be that Rio: should've run with it Buster: If you need me to be gay to make this easier that's your problem Buster: You should learn self control Buster: Your boyfriend clearly has some, or it's worse than I feared and he's not holding back at all, that's just all there is Rio: Yeah, that's what I meant Rio: Sorry you want an encore but that ain't happening for you, babe Buster: Yeah, I desperately wanna see that again Buster: I already know what not to do, but cheers Rio: I know Rio: This party is a bit of a let-down but did we expect anything better Rio: super glad to hear you've learnt something worth learning from your first rate education, btw Buster: You wish, but show me something better & I'll consider turning my head, like Buster: Until then it's just cake & candles Buster: Pass it on to my parents if you see them, they'll appreciate the validation of the single good choice they've made recently, I'm sure Rio: No one's trying to turn your head, McKenna Rio: Would but then I'd have to regale them of how I know you didn't always know what not to do and no one needs to relive that, least of all me Buster: Like you said, it's a shit party Buster: Oh so reliving it every night's too much for you? Shame. I'd have reckoned on you having more stamina Rio: Yeah, you wanna pay for my therapy? Rio: The night terrors are really draining Buster: As long as you make sure to tell 'em how you used to follow me around everywhere Buster: You know, the real facts Rio: Excuse you Rio: No I never 😂 Rio: this is my town, you were following me Buster: Is your memory always this selective or just when you wanna save face? Buster: You're the one who is and was desperate for a repeat performance Rio: If only Rio: then I could forget you ever said that Rio: have to go get a drink and try my best instead, eurgh Buster: I don't need to be told how unforgettable I am, babe Buster: I hear it all the time Rio: And I'm the one who's bored Rio: sounds like a riot Buster: I never said I wasn't Buster: I'm here, of course I am Rio: Yeah who wouldn't wanna rush on back to that Buster: I know you'll miss me but like I said, only a quick visit Rio: Been doing just fine with the schedule we had, you know Rio: let's not see each other again for another however many years if we can, tah Buster: If you were you wouldn't feel the need to tell me Buster: This convo can end any time if you're really that fine about it Rio: You're so up yourself Rio: I'm being polite, how families do, at least some of the time Buster: What would you say if you weren't being polite, how much of a cunt I am? Buster: Sounds like more fun if I can be honest at least once Rio: You've already had your turn Rio: remember Rio: ain't my fault you went with the lowest hanging fruit Buster: All I remember is lying through my teeth since I got here Buster: How families do Rio: You can try again if you reckon you can do better Buster: I can always do better Rio: Go on then Buster: I don't reckon kissing you would go down too well with the rest of the fam Buster: But if you wanna meet me outside, say when Rio: Umm we were talking about being honest Buster: What do you want me to be honest about? Rio: Well you said you could do better than 'easy' but did you actually think I wanted you to kiss me, what the fuck Buster: Bold of you to assume I've spent any time thinking about what you want Buster: There's no need when you make it so obvious Rio: You're cracked Rio: there's easy then there's that Buster: Protest some more & it might actually reach your eyes next time you look at me, like Rio: So you're actually delusional, cool Rio: Bet your shrink is soooo much an hour, yeah? Buster: If I had one he would be Buster: Or better yet, she would be Buster: But I'm the well-adjusted twin Buster: Evil but able to own it, you know Rio: Of course Rio: your own self-assessment doesn't reek of narcissism at all, babe 😂 Buster: It ain't my fault the world was set up to revolve around me Buster: A hot as fuck white lad with money & education ain't gonna hate himself, sorry about it Rio: Yeah, put it in Latin and that's the Tory tagline Rio: ain't thick, McKenna Buster: A calidum album et irrumabo iniecit puero pecuniam & educationem est non amet odio ipsum, contristari super eo Rio: [Lols again] Buster: [is again 😏 but there's more a genuine grin vibe to it] Rio: [goes off with her mans for ages] Buster: [change that to 😒 but more subtly] Buster: [When you're lowkey drinking too much even though you are but a child] Rio: [coming back and getting some drinks] Buster: [A look because he's his father's son] Rio: [just like 'hey!' 'cos you tryna be nonchalant but the look threw you a bit like okay] Buster: [when you walk off cos you're that rude] Rio: Charm 101 next year, is it Buster: My mum's written me a note to get me out of it Buster: [When you're trying to get your parents attention like can we leave but its a no go] Rio: The list of perks truly is neverending Buster: Yeah Buster: Maybe they'll adopt you if you keep asking nicely Buster: 3 kids was the dream Rio: Your least favourite number, so Rio: stick with being number one of my family, #2 Buster: If you ever wanna have a meeting of the golden children, you know where I live Rio: Slainte Rio: [raises her glass from across the room] Buster: [Doesn't raise his because dickhead but does down his drink obvs] Rio: Wow don't wish death on me with such abandon, people start to reckon you don't like me or something Buster: This family's worst kept secret, like Rio: Nah, reckon you've got plenty of competition for that one Rio: not even juicy, like Buster: Sarcasm's really lost on you, isn't it? Buster: That an Irish thing or a you thing Rio: You're a letter short Buster: Hilarious Rio: Not really Rio: Ha Buster: I know you've got a shit lad on your arm but don't scrap the barrel even lower Buster: There'll be fuck all left of it Rio: Why do you reckon he's so shit Buster: I have an awareness of my surroundings Buster: Not to mention senses that work Rio: No one's gonna ask you to fuck him, it's alright Buster: He might, but as we established, not a fucking gay Rio: Trust me, neither is he Buster: I'm thrilled for you Buster: Compatibility wise you've got that one thing locked down Rio: 💘 Rio: should cuff him now, is what you're saying Rio: thanks Buster: Yeah, that's my resounding advice Buster: It's worked out so well for so many members of this fam Rio: Ikr Rio: just want an invite to my child wedding Rio: any excuse to be back in the homeland Buster: Only if there's a free bar or money behind it Rio: fucking tightarse Rio: you put money behind it and you don't have to get me too many gifts Buster: I'm not paying to drown my sorrows 'cause I'm at a family function where you're the centre of attention Buster: Fuck that Rio: Please Rio: you love it Rio: sit you at the table with all the other broken-hearted boys Buster: You wish Buster: You don't need a table for a couple of lads, bar stools will do Rio: Easy, remember Rio: real loss for the entire community Rio: have to get out the plastic garden chairs and everything Buster: Why they ain't broken hearted, they got what they wanted without needing to marry you Buster: Keep up Rio: You wanna keep up with how good I am Rio: alas, dear cousin Buster: You wanna be in the same league as me more like Buster: It was cute when we were little but you need to get over it now Rio: Nah, the whole public schoolboy thing is not my scene but I'm happy for you that it's not giving you mad trauma Rio: nice to have fond school memories Buster: You wanna try that again? Make it more believable Rio: What can I say? Rio: Too nice, me Rio: as discussed Buster: What can I say? Buster: More fool you Rio: Hardly sat here taking it personal, babe Buster: Good to know Rio: Like you care Buster: I don't Buster: I thought that was obvious by now Rio: If you didn't you wouldn't feel the need to tell me Rio: Bless Buster: If you could pick up on anything, I wouldn't have to Buster: But here we are, still chatting away Rio: Shit party, like I said Buster: Shit lad, like I said Rio: So? Rio: The wedding isn't actually in the Spring, you know Buster: So don't you want someone who can hold your attention Rio: Don't we all, McKenna Rio: what's your point Buster: What's the matter, not as irresistible as you front? Buster: If you can get any lad, get a better one Rio: That's about holding their attention, not mine Rio: that's easy Buster: You could have it all Buster: That should be easy if you ain't full of shit Rio: All lads are boring Rio: 'til you grow up, which something doesn't happen 'til you're like 50, if ever Buster: Become a gay along with my sister then Rio: You're alright, thanks Buster: You come at me with a problem, I offer you a solution Buster: What families do Rio: Aside from the blindingly obvious fact that girls hold my attention even less Rio: but pat yourself on the back, have at it Buster: You're alright Rio: Mhmm Buster: Are you really not gonna offer to return the favour? Buster: Bullshit are you polite Rio: What's your problem then? Rio: Aside from the obvious, which is what the shrink is for, you're welcome Buster: The obvious being what, according to you? Rio: Oh honey Rio: he's not that boring Rio: we'll be here 'til the next birthday/anniversary/bullshit holiday Buster: [laughs himself] Rio: [when you get to be a lil 😏] Buster: [when you getting drunk on the low, sorry everyone] Rio: Hope you learnt how to handle your drink better than that time we stole that bottle of Rio: what even was it, from the pub and you spewed everywhere Rio: that was grim Buster: I was a kid & it was brandy Buster: The odds were against me Rio: 😂 Rio: we were all kids and you really gave us away Rio: still can't with that smell Buster: Fuck you Buster: You said you'd look after me Buster: Don't take up nursing, yeah? Rio: Don't hold it against me like I knew you'd be redecorating the walls before we were even halfway through Rio: I'm so caring Rio: but the uniform ain't as cute as they let on so I won't Buster: It only looked that bad to you 'cause you were seeing it in triple Rio: Never felt so sick since Rio: should've put me off for life by rights Buster: It put me off for a summer Buster: Felt like fucking ages Rio: Alright, you tiny alcoholic Buster: What can I say? I'm obviously a glutton for punishment Buster: Why I'm talking to you still Rio: Ew Rio: People you can see for that too, McKenna Rio: just don't get your appointments confused Buster: It ain't something I wanna change, but cheers Rio: They don't change it, silly Buster: Or chat bullshit about then, whatever Buster: You know what I meant Rio: Don't act like you don't know what I mean Rio: not that sweet and innocent Rio: your search history is no doubt littered with what I mean Buster: Not at all sweet or innocent, but you've made it clear you don't wanna know Rio: Have I Buster: A lesser man would've taken offense at being called cracked Rio: You actually talk like you're from the 1800s Rio: it's ace Buster: That's basically the first thing that school teaches Buster: You should go if you're that into it Rio: No hiding the accent Rio: you don't sound like scum Rio: or the colour Rio: bet you have like Saudi princes and that's your diversity checked Buster: They don't all sound as hot as me though & they ain't all allowed to be white or male, that'd be a lawsuit Buster: No princes but me, alas Rio: 😂 Rio: What's the point then Rio: not leaving Dublin for less Buster: I can't say I'm gutted Rio: You've said plenty weirder Rio: cracked, remember, I know I said that for a reason but I forgot Buster: I can't say it 'cause I would be gutted to have to go to school with you Buster: It'd be well distracting Rio: I have that affect, yeah Buster: You & me both but I'd rather keep on this side of it & keep my A*s Rio: Humblebrag Rio: keep it for the Oxbridge application Buster: Nah, a not even little known fact actually Buster: I can't be the Golden Boy with any less Rio: Sad Rio: everyone loves me just 'cos Buster: 🍀 Buster: Not sure my parents are capable of real emotion & they're the ones we're talking about so Rio: Sure they are Rio: Anger is an emotion Buster: Everyone knows they used all the positive ones on their grand love affair though Rio: Not trying to turn that into a triangle, don't you worry Rio: though that'd shit on all other worst kept secrets so it's a shame Buster: They are just less hot versions of me, be more blatant Rio: That's a bold claim Rio: and I said I'm not trying so not really Buster: It's a true story is what it is Rio: Hit them with it Rio: see what they reckon Buster: Been there, done that Rio: 😏 'Course Rio: you're such a delight Buster: Not really, but I'm not trying to be Rio: Trying out that sarcasm bullshit Buster: Stating a fact Buster: Right now all I'm trying to be is drunk Rio: I was talking about me Rio: not the only one capable of self-absorption, babe Buster: Oh Buster: Try harder then Rio: You can keep it, I reckon Rio: just another way of chatting shit but acting smug like you've said what you meant Buster: Try it on your boyfriend before you decide to fully uncommit, I reckon Buster: You look hot when you look smug Rio: How drunk are you Rio: aside from the obligatory 'not drunk enough' Buster: I'm not asking you to take care of me this time Buster: Don't worry about it Rio: Good job too Buster: Yeah, if you're still that shit at it Rio: Oh my God Rio: what other grudges are you holding, like Buster: It's what families do, babe Rio: Nah Rio: live and let live this lot Buster: Tell it to Nance, she's gutted I'm not wearing a 🌈 pin in support months later Rio: You two are dramatic Rio: I told you Buster: It's been passed down from both parents, I've told you before Buster: No fucking chance to be otherwise on that Rio: Gutted Buster: I'm rich enough it's expected of me regardless Buster: So I ain't crying Rio: if you are, hankies got the thread count to handle it, got it Buster: I'll just straight up wipe my eyes on the 💸 Rio: Truly a nightmare, boy Rio: give you that Buster: You're still dreaming about me Buster: I'll take it Rio: You're not funny Buster: You've proved otherwise however many times tonight already Buster: Stop laughing & maybe I'll buy it Rio: You have your moments Rio: don't push it Buster: Where's the fun in that? Rio: Shit party will be over soon and you can go back to having whatever passes for in your neck of the woods Buster: & until then we're both bored Buster: Tell me you don't want a little push Rio: What do you have in mind then Rio: or is this all just more chat Buster: You mean to also tell me you can't read my mind? Buster: Way to disappoint me Rio: 💔 Rio: Nothing worse than crossed wires is there Buster: I was thinking a little drinking game from your neck of the woods Buster: What have you got for me? Rio: Alright Rio: Come on then Buster: Go for your life Rio: [like are you two just playing, where is her mans, so many questions] Buster: [it has to be just them though unless he can take her man down and impress her on the low, that's the only way he can be involved] Rio: [the best one I've found is bullshit, basically you have to lie about your card hand and when you get caught in a lie you drink] Buster: [in this land of fiction pretend she knows a badass one/has made up a badass one because would have] Rio: [bin off the boy too] Buster: [what a mood] Rio: [gotta cockblock though] Buster: [better than we did with baze anyway, you got years yet lads] Rio: [get whisked away beech he's gonna be bored af] Buster: [& Buster gonna be drunk af oh lord] Rio: [partayyy] Buster: [your parents can't say shit at least boy cos they were doing it] Rio: [but will, parents are hypocrites for life] Buster: [and baze are the biggest byeeeeee that's the tea] Rio: [trubigfacts] Buster: [this drinking game should involve forfeits and it should be brandy cos the mems] Rio: [lord they're gonna vom] Buster: [he definitely will cos throwback] Rio: is that your pile of vom I just walked past or is someone else flagging too Buster: What kind of lawyer would I make if I answered that honestly Rio: 😂 Rio: Plead the fifth or whatever the fuck Buster: Exactly Buster: Couldn't have put it better myself Rio: let's hope you can or you'll never pass the bar, babe Buster: Never seen a bar I wanted to walk past, babe Rio: Omg Rio: granddad, that you Buster: [lols] Buster: Where is he though? Buster: Fucking done one from his own party Rio: Would if you could Rio: can't blame him Buster: He could've took me with him Buster: I can blame him for that Rio: Awh Rio: cute Buster: Shut up Buster: I wanna go home, that's not a secret Rio: You also wanna be favourite, less of a secret Buster: If you don't, you're stupider than you act Rio: Rude Buster: True Rio: Nope Buster: Yeah Rio: Think what you like Buster: Not gonna think what I don't like Buster: Not that much of a glutton for punishment, like Rio: Neither am I, so I don't care what you think Buster: Cute Rio: 🙄 Buster: If you actually did that instead of 😍 at me, maybe I'd believe you Rio: If I needed any more proof you were wasted Rio: Good thing you can't drive or we'd be taking your keys right now Buster: If I could drive, I'd have left ages ago Rio: Can't say I'd be gutted Buster: Not out loud nah Buster: Say it with your eyes as standard Rio: What are you looking at my eyes so much for then Buster: Safest place Rio: Jesus, McKenna Buster: Well, it is Buster: I didn't dress you in that Rio: I'm a big girl, can dress myself now Buster: Good to know Rio: You're such a dick Buster: & what? Buster: Is your problem that you don't like it or you do? Buster: 'Cause either way, not mine Rio: Oh fuck off Buster: Like you said, I would if I could Rio: you don't have to be annoying me Buster: You don't have to reply to me Rio: Yeah, that's probably how this usually goes for you Rio: like I'm gonna sit here and let you chat shit on me Buster: Mute me, I thought you already had anyway Rio: Why should I Buster: You're the one who's so fine with the way things are between us Buster: Why wouldn't you? Rio: I can be civil Buster: Why bother? Rio: Because I'm not some kid who gets his kicks out of being a dick? Rio: You're fucking immature Buster: You get your kicks out of being around me Buster: Obviously Rio: Why do you keep saying shit like this Buster: 'Cause you won't Rio: Because it's not true Buster: Bullshit Buster: I was there Buster: I'm here now Rio: We were kids Buster: Irrelevant Rio: How could that possibly be irrelevant Rio: kids do stupid shit constantly Buster: I do stupid shit now Buster: According to you, I'll do stupid shit til I'm 50 if not forever Rio: So Rio: what are you saying, we repeat that as well as the brandy? Buster: I did throw up so probably not but Rio: Yeah, that's the only reason why not Buster: It's my only reason Rio: You're gonna regret at this when you sober up, so I'll do you a favour and ignore it Buster: Don't do me any favours Buster: You don't know me like that any more Rio: It's just what families do Buster: Yeah Rio: Don't worry about it Buster: I wasn't Buster: I won't Rio: Glad to hear it then Buster: I bet Rio: Why wouldn't I be Buster: Of course you would, it makes shit really easy for you, that's literally what I'm saying Buster: Nobody's worried about it, we're so unfazed it can be like it never happened Rio: What, because you're twatted I should go for it Rio: that's not horrible at all, is it Buster: 'Cause you want to Buster: That's the reason Rio: Buster just don't Rio: alright Buster: Yeah 'cause me shutting up about it is gonna make a world of difference Buster: Been there, tried that Rio: I don't know what you want right now Rio: I don't think you do either Buster: That's the best lie of the night Buster: 🏆🎉 Rio: Thanks Rio: fanfare not necessary but I'll take my prize in cash or booze Buster: Have a drink on me then Rio: Cheers Buster: [finally raises his glass in a cheers which is probably empty anyway] Rio: [imagine bazes faces rn lol] Buster: [does one at them too because shout out mum & dad] Rio: Probably a decent plan if your parents were normal Rio: get so embarrassing they have to take you home Rio: but reckon they'll let you ride it out and suffer tomorrow so Buster: Still, I'll pass out eventually so one way or another, I'm leaving Rio: Don't say things like that Rio: that's really depressing Buster: I'm not here to make you feel good babe, you passed on that Rio: Yeah 'cos I'm worried about me Buster: Bullshit do you care about me Buster: Get over yourself Rio: What kind of bitch do you actually think I am Buster: One who doesn't care, did I slur too much then or what? Rio: Loud and clear Buster: Good Rio: Yeah Rio: have fun with this hangover Buster: Cheers Buster: I won't wait for you to show up in the nurse gear Rio: I wouldn't Rio: Bitch or not, not happening Buster: Talk to my fucking sister if you're any kind of caring bitch Rio: I already have Rio: you're obsessed with yourself but I actually ain't Buster: If that's meant to impress me you've taken a wrong turn Rio: No, it's meant to be a fuck you Rio: keep up Buster: That actually would be impressive if you could come close to pulling it off Rio: Shut up Rio: for fuck's sake Buster: If you don't like it, do something about it Buster: Don't just fucking take it Buster: Who are you now? Rio: You're being that pathetic right now, I'm not going to fight you Buster: There's loads of different ways to fight Buster: But if you wanna take a cop out, go for it Rio: and what's the point in that? Rio: you like being like this, apparently, so enjoy it Rio: like you've said, we don't know each other like that, why would anything you say about me matter Buster: You tell me, babe Buster: Why does it? Rio: This is ridiculous Rio: You're ridiculous Buster: How far under your skin, am I? Buster: That's what's ridiculous Rio: You wish Buster: I haven't touched you for years Buster: I don't need to Buster: What do I need wishes for? Rio: You're disgusting Buster: Like you said, my search history is Rio: At least you can admit that Buster: I told you earlier, I can own it Buster: All of it Buster: Why can't you? Rio: 'Cos you want me to say something stupid just so you can take the piss later Rio: but I ain't gone enough for that shit Buster: No I don't Rio: Yeah you do Buster: I don't Buster: I probably won't remember this later, fuck's sake Rio: You definitely won't Buster: So cut the bullshit Buster: What does it matter? Rio: Alright Rio: when you do Buster: 😂 Buster: Alright Buster: This is why I fucking missed you Buster: Well played, like Rio: 🙄😏 Rio: Win again, do I? Buster: Is that what you need from me? Okay then Rio: Obviously Rio: I'm the competitive one here Buster: It ain't never been all me Buster: Don't lie that hard Rio: Okay Rio: a bit Rio: you bring out the worst in me, how about that for a compromise Buster: I'll take it Rio: Good Buster: That kiss proved you bring out the worst in me too so Rio: 😂 Rio: Don't even try to blame me for that Buster: Nobody else has complained Buster: It's obviously your fault Rio: SINCE Rio: if you're having any success now it's thanks to me Buster: Well there weren't no before Buster: That don't mean you taught me anything Rio: Yeah it does Buster: How would you, you barely kissed me back Rio: We couldn't both be on attack Rio: defensive was my only hope Buster: What can I say? I go after what I want Rio: Hmm Buster: Don't even try & act like that ain't true Rio: Just curious why you were after my tonsils so bad Buster: It wasn't the aim Buster: Only the consequence Rio: You're funny Buster: & yeah my aim was a little bit the problem Buster: But fuck off Rio: 😂 Rio: you were in the general vicinity Buster: Cheers that's well comforting Rio: Hit you with a 'it happens to all lads' if you like, really cheer you up Buster: Don't fucking dare Buster: Trying to jinx me or some shit now Rio: I know you're still a virgin Rio: you'd probably have liveblogged it or some shit if you weren't Buster: Yeah I might Rio: I'll definitely mute you before then Rio: s'all good Buster: Unless your boyfriend needs the tips Buster: Fingers crossed they ain't all gonna be as shit as this one Rio: He isn't my first boyfriend Rio: but I haven't slept with any of them Rio: contrary to what you reckon Buster: What do you want me to say? Rio: Erm try sorry, wanker Buster: Alright Buster: I am then Rio: You're what Buster: I'm not gonna fucking get on my knees for it Buster: You know what I'm saying Rio: Say it then Rio: one word Rio: not asking the rest, am I Buster: Jesus Buster: That's a fucking word Rio: Why you bringing him into this Rio: he would never Buster: He would 100% get on his knees Buster: Guaranteed Rio: You like punishment, I heard Rio: crucifying you is a bit much Buster: He's basically never upright unless you nail him, the soft cunt Buster: That's all I'm saying Rio: Why are you slating him right now Rio: just 'cos he's the bigger man and would apologize Buster: Distraction Buster: Obviously Rio: Well try harder Buster: Don't tempt me Rio: Ha Rio: come on Rio: or do you wanna owe me Buster: Fuck that Buster: Look, I'm sorry, yeah? Rio: There Rio: that was actually easy, wasn't it Rio: apology accepted Buster: Cheers then Buster: Just one more thing Rio: What Buster: Don't bother fucking this one Buster: Trust me Buster: That's me doing you a favour, however we know each other Rio: Looking unlikely Rio: but I'll keep it in mind Buster: Good Buster: I don't need the mental images on top of the boring display I already saw Rio: Well that's your own fault Buster: Technically it's yours for not being inside Rio: Well I'm not sorry Rio: it weren't that bad Buster: You weren't Buster: His case has been made Rio: just keep your opinions to yourself Rio: or at least between us Rio: don't need a scrap right now Buster: I'm not dumping him for you, calm down Rio: Isn't that what brothers are meant to do Rio: don't think Junior is gonna be very useful to me Rio: sorry, like Buster: You can have my sister Buster: She's a proper manhater Buster: It'd be quality Rio: 😂 Rio: Bad enough I dragged him to a family function Rio: can't just let everyone start attacking him Buster: Why did you? Buster: Too much of a rookie error even for you Rio: 'cos I knew it'd probably be boring Buster: Yeah but so's he Buster: You can't fight boring with more boring, babe Rio: I obviously didn't think so, did I Buster: You're only lying to yourself at this point Buster: I could fucking see that you were bored senseless Buster: Come on Rio: I don't know then Rio: beats being alone Buster: Alone with a family this size Buster: Chance would be a fine thing Rio: Easy Rio: like you said, no one's looking, no one gives a fuck Buster: Everyone's looking & pretending they ain't Buster: They don't give enough of a fuck though, that's true Rio: Changed your tune now you're not trying to get me to kiss you Rio: but agreed Buster: I weren't gonna do it in the middle of them all Buster: Hold up everyone, get in a fucking circle really quick Rio: said like you weren't acting like an insane person Buster: When have I ever acted like a sane person? Buster: What kid necks brandy in the middle of the morning Buster: You used to like it Rio: Never said I didn't Buster: So you do still like me then Rio: You sound surprised Buster: That'll be 'cause I am Rio: I'm a nice fucking person Rio: 😂 Idk why you reckon I ain't Buster: You were nice to me 'cause you had a massive crush on me, it don't make you a saint Buster: If anything, it makes you the opposite Rio: Charming Rio: any ulterior motives I might've had, as a literal child, flew right out the window with that kiss didn't they so that's invalid Buster: You were still running round after me for a fair while before though Buster: It took you long enough to take the hint Buster: *after Rio: No I was not Rio: your selective memory Buster: You were & I had to be the opposite of charming Buster: You ain't talked to me since so that fucks your sainthood Rio: That was obviously what you wanted Rio: wouldn't be very saintly to keep 'running 'round after you' Buster: There's your excuse, you can have it Rio: I don't need no excuse Rio: I was here Rio: it was you that was avoiding, making it weird Buster: Don't act like you never avoided me Buster: Just 'cause I started it Rio: Well, it don't matter now, does it Buster: You're doing it now Buster: You can't look at me Rio: [does like yeah I can] Buster: [a moment because of course he's looking at her too] Rio: How many fingers am I holding up? Rio: [flips him off but grins with it] Buster: Not enough for a fun night Rio: 😂 Buster: Unless your grip is like Buster: Really something Rio: Were you always this Rio: I don't even know Buster: Puberty made me even more of a thorn in your side in every way, babe Buster: Take it up with your fave lad, Jesus Buster: Or his dad Rio: One in the same, lad Buster: He's his own dad? How does that work Rio: I know, mental Rio: hear he made the whole universe too? Rio: wild stuff Buster: I could say I did that, It don't make it a real thing Buster: Even wilder stuff Rio: your proclivity for bullshit is known Rio: could tell me anything, don't mean I'll believe it Buster: Shame I won't remember that Rio: Is it? Buster: Isn't it? Rio: What are we talking about now? Buster: The fucked upness that will be my tomorrow Rio: Don't envy you that Buster: At least I won't have to talk to you & vice versa Buster: Small mercy there Rio: Drama queen Buster: 👑 Rio: Should get some water though for real Buster: Me or you? Rio: You Buster: Nah, I don't need that shit Buster: I'm not going to bed Rio: What are you gonna do Buster: Stay here Buster: Like old times Rio: Okay Rio: but don't forget, when you do Buster: You sound more like a mum than the one I've got Rio: Just doing my bit Buster: By rights you should've been a good nurse Buster: What a fucking curve Rio: I would be Rio: it's so rude holding that against me Rio: it was pretty scary actually Rio: thought you was gonna start vomming blood or something Buster: That would've been such a cool story Buster: Let's tell people I did that Rio: Can tell your mates Rio: all posh boys are psychopaths Buster: Yeah Buster: Why they love me at this school Buster: Gonna be Headboy in no time Rio: Probably Rio: but you ain't Buster: Yeah I will, I just had to get a rep first Rio: I mean, you ain't a psycho Rio: unlucky Buster: How do you know? Buster: Easily could be Rio: Nah Buster: Then, I'll just fake it til I make it, I guess Rio: Should work Rio: easy to convince people of what they wanna see Buster: Exactly Rio: What would you wanna be head boy for though actually Buster: Get such a hard on for a badge obviously Buster: What kind of question is that? Rio: [A lol] Rio: Fucking nerd Buster: If I ain't Headboy someone else is Buster: That makes them better than me Buster: Nobody's better than me so Rio: Better in the eyes of teachers Rio: at fucking...being a good example and peer mentor or whatever the fuck it actually means Buster: Don't be stupid Buster: It's a popularity contest Buster: They might as well give you a fucking 👑 Rio: 🙄 Rio: you're so weird Buster: Fuck off Rio: Honestly Rio: be wanting to be prom king next Buster: Obviously I do Buster: What the fuck Rio: 😂 Rio: Stop Buster: You stop Buster: Taking the piss out of me Rio: I'm sorry but you're being funny Buster: You ain't sorry at all Buster: But yeah, I'm hilarious, like Rio: If that's what you care about that's fine, I guess Rio: don't get it but you know Buster: I don't need you to get me Buster: Calm down Rio: I'm not trying, am I Rio: taking the piss Buster: Stop though Rio: I have Rio: I will Buster: Good 'cause I'm gonna be sick Buster: [is but hopefully not everywhere please boy] Rio: Oh God Rio: run Buster: You worry so much Buster: I thought we weren't doing that shit Rio: so I'll just let you chunder everywhere Rio: it's not like above and beyond is it Rio: get you a sodding glass of water if you let me Buster: You're so cute Rio: And you are very very drunk Buster: And I really wanna go home Buster: Why does nobody listen to me? Christ Rio: Let me find a sober adult for you Rio: I think both your parents are drinking Buster: Good fucking luck with this lot Rio: Seriously Rio: [my thoughts are probably Caleb 'cos not a big drinker even as a teen so as an adult, with some small kids still?] Buster: [A logical conclusion I feel like, also less awkward to talk to your dad than like whoever else it could be like Ro god forbid cos we know how that future is panning out] Rio: [also she'd be #horrified at the state of him so avoid that lmao] Rio: My da can take you, if you like Rio: don't like choke on your own sick though Rio: shall I find Nance to come? Buster: Or you could just come so I don't have to talk to your dad Rio: Of course I'm coming in the car Rio: like I trust you and your mouth rn Rio: but someone should stay with you Buster: Stay with me then Rio: Yeah? Rio: Alright Rio: give me 5 to sort shit then Buster: I'll start the countdown now, like Rio: You ain't allowed to say anything about the quality of my nursing ever again, you know that right Rio: [tell your mans its time to go] Buster: I know that I won't remember fuck all about it, either way Buster: Lucky escape for you there Rio: Ha, funny Rio: be less so when I poison you Buster: You don't reckon I've beat you to that already? Buster: Hilarious Rio: There's time and opportunity to finish you off now Rio: fool Buster: Maybe that's how I wanna go Buster: Could all be a carefully planned and orchestrated situation, babe Rio: Nah Rio: got head boy and prom king to win yet Buster: Lying in my grave kinda takes that pressure off Buster: I can just leave them with all these fond memories Buster: Such as now Buster: Be Golden Boy forever Rio: Shh Rio: so morbid Rio: maybe you are 🍀 after-all Buster: Dead babies will do it to you Buster: & yeah, same family, remember Rio: Come on Buster: Shh we're not allowed to talk about it Buster: Actual worst kept secret Rio: You ain't letting that stop you Rio: talk about whatever you like, not listening anyway am I Buster: Of course you are Buster: Never been able to ignore me Rio: You are pretty loud Buster: [laughs loudly so point proven there] Rio: [smiles, when her mans is probably giving him such a dirty look 'cos ruined his plans lmao, get in the car lads] Buster: [Let's hope he didn't see it because we don't need you to smack him boy you're already looking jealous enough when you ain't her mans] Rio: Good thing is if you're sick in here, one of the kids probably did it yesterday so who cares Buster: I don't reckon I can Buster: But if you really want me to, for old times sake, I'll give it my best shot Rio: Sweet but let's keep our bodily fluids to ourselves Buster: All of them? Buster: Shame Rio: [nudges him like 😏] Rio: Behave Buster: Why would I wanna do a thing like that? Buster: Not my dad driving Rio: You don't think you're in enough trouble as is? Buster: I think I could get in more Buster: Easily Rio: Why would you wanna do a thing like that? Buster: 'Cause I'm not your boring boyfriend Rio: No, you ain't Buster: & I got rid of him for you Buster: You're welcome, like Rio: Thought you said you weren't gonna do that Buster: Yeah but Rio: You're alright, I got rid of him Rio: you were just a useful excuse Buster: I aim to please Rio: I'm sure Buster: & my aim's improved since Buster: In case you were worried Rio: 😂 Rio: Pleased for you Buster: You could be pleased for yourself Buster: If you just stop playing Rio: You might not remember any of this tomorrow but I probably will Buster: Promise or a threat? Rio: Take it how you want Rio: just a fact, I ain't as gone Buster: Here's another fact, I don't care Rio: Will when I can rip the piss out of you Buster: If you need this for ammunition you already can't keep up Rio: We've established Rio: I'm nice, you're a dick Buster: Nah, you're passive aggressive, I'm just aggressive Rio: Alright, alpha male 🙄 Buster: That's really not much of an insult, babe Buster: You might as well stop fighting me Rio: I'm not fighting you Rio: wouldn't really be fair would it Buster: That's the difference between me and you Buster: I don't care if the fight's fair Rio: One of Buster: I'll all but knocked myself out for you & you still won't throw any punches Buster: Hilarious Buster: Even Nance would rise to this much bait, like Buster: & she's barely a McKenna Rio: Exactly Rio: wore yourself out, rookie Rio: and don't be rude Rio: she's as much of one as you Buster: [Laughs] Buster: I take it back, that's the best lie of the night actually Buster: You wish, then you could handle it, but nah, stamina for days Buster: & nah she ain't Rio: You're the only one wishing and concerning yourself with what I can handle, boy Buster: Keep telling yourself that, babe Rio: Well, obviously you ain't the ONLY one but in this car Buster: Bold of you to assume your dad don't love me Rio: [lols] Rio: shut up Rio: outweirding yourself Buster: If you weren't too scared you could make me Rio: Who's scared Buster: Me when we were kids & you now Rio: Nah Rio: I know what I'm doing Buster: It doesn't mean you ain't shitting yourself at the prospect of doing it Rio: With my cousin, in a car with my dad? Rio: that's just common sense, McKenna Buster: That's just another bullshit excuse, Cavante Buster: You know where I am & where I've been Rio: You said, you started it Buster: You know why Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: Maybe Buster: Can your dad not drive any faster than this? Buster: Jesus Christ Buster: It would have been quicker to walk, like Rio: How you're stumbling? I think not Rio: What's your hurry, do you need to stop Buster: Need, want, there's not a load of difference Rio: I mean, I'd prefer it if you got out to be sick, thank you Rio: we ain't that far Buster: I'm not gonna puke on you, calm down Rio: You better not Rio: definitely don't know each other like that Buster: The outfit's too good Buster: I won't Rio: Considerate 😏 Rio: [let's get 'em there can't be that far away thanks and bye Caleb] Buster: [have fun getting him in girl] Rio: [get you situated on the sofa 'cos we ain't going to his room rn and be getting water and ting] Buster: [I bet their sofas ain't comfy cos expensive stylish ones never look like they are] Rio: [poor boy] Rio: go get your duvet Buster: You're trusting me to climb these stairs? Buster: Like I said, shit nurse Rio: For goodness sake Rio: where's your room then Rio: it better not be gross or I'm charging Buster: [Tells her cos I can't remember the layout] Rio: 👍 Rio: don't wander Buster: [Lies stretched out on the sofa like a little Crim] Rio: [first throws it at him but then has to tuck 'cos mum] Buster: [Gives her an accidental soft look but when was the last time anyone did that for him lbr] Rio: [puts the TV on 'cos gotta have some pretense of doing something and distraction] Buster: [sipping his water like a good boy] Rio: [is like yasss hydrate lmao] Buster: [when you're like come & lie here with me bitch but in gestures] Rio: [when you do but over the covers] Rio: ['Better?'] Buster: [Just nods because looking at her & having a moment] Rio: ['Good'] Buster: ['Don't go'] Rio: 'I won't, not 'til they get back, don't worry'] Buster: [When you happy about this not only cos you don't wanna be alone but because it's her specifically] Rio: [When you like, don't fall asleep, don't fall asleep 'cos cosy] Buster: [& he's getting closer to her all the time, we see you trying to snuggle boy] Rio: ['when are you going back home then?'] Buster: [Shrugs cos I feel like he genuinely wouldn't know cos can't just do what he wants yet he has to do what baze wants] Rio: ['your friends are probably all at their holiday homes anyway, yeah?'] Buster: ['Course & as far as they're concerned this is mine, don't need to tell 'em it's not on an island somewhere or some shit'] Rio: [laughs quietly 'secret's safe with me'] Buster: ['You sure you can handle keeping another one?'] Rio: ['duh, you know how many brothers and sisters I got, I'm the best at keeping secrets'] Buster: ['Good to know. I'll try & remember'] Rio: [puts up fingers like '10'] Buster: [laughs] Rio: ['don't get ideas though' 'cos throwback] Buster: ['You won't know either way, can't read my mind'] Rio: ['wouldn't want to, filth' but smiling] Buster: ['You'd love it'] Rio: [😏 'go to sleep'] Buster: ['You gonna come with me then?' When you wanna sleep & dream & snuggle together aw] Rio: ['gotta look after you, ain't I' when you stroke his hair but then pretend you just messing it up] Buster: [When you lowkey snuggle into her more than you already were] Rio: ['Don't remember this in the morning, yeah'] Buster: ['Shh, I'm asleep'] Rio: ['Good boy'] Buster: [A smile because always gonna be into that we know] Rio: [when baze and nancy are gonna be so confused like hello?] Buster: [You shoulda known what's up lads, it's always been obvious af] Rio: [she's deffo falling asleep too ain't like she's sober] Buster: [and she's definitely being snuggled rn so who could resist] Rio: when you 'rents probably hitting you up 'cos baze in no fit state to be taking you home like are you staying or what] Buster: [Caleb 100% would, he's that dad who will spam you with texts and missed calls] Rio: [soz babe your kids suck at replying lmao] Buster: [At least he knows where she is] Rio: [true, she'll get woken up when baze get back assumedly then it'll be all sos] Buster: [Dad's taxi come through]
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spencers-dria · 3 years
Someone To Stay
Original story by fairytales1896
Spencer x fem reader
8. Completely Fantastic
The next morning you wake up and start packing as you prepare for the drive back home. You take your hair out of the bun you had slept in, leaving it with some long loose waves. You throw on a long, flowing navy and white maxi skirt with a navy tank top and some strappy sandals. You are feeling particularly in touch with your bohemian side after a weekend spent in the great outdoors.
After filling up on a quick breakfast, you grab your bags and head out to the car. You look to Spencer. "Is it okay if I drive?"
He appreciates you asking. No one ever does. They just assume.
"Sounds good!" He tosses his keys over to you. After filling the trunk with both of your bags, you scoot into the driver's side and adjust the seat and mirrors. You may be tall, but Spencer was much taller.
As you pull out of the driveway and make your way down the road, Spencer looks towards you.
"I'm guessing you want music. I don't really have much. If you hand me your phone I can put on whatever you like."
You unlock your phone and hand it to him, smiling at the kind gesture. Seems like he catches on quick.
"Hmm" you think out loud. "Well, I know you haven't listened to quite as much as me so we have a lot of genres to cover on this car ride. We'll start with the 70's and go from there. Just put it my 70's playslist on shuffle. We'll let my phone pick for us."
Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac comes on. A smile of content spreads across your face. You reach into the compartment above your rear view mirror and grab what you liked to call your "John Lennon Sunglasses". They're rosy and oversized and perfect for your current mood. You roll the windows down and let the wind whip through your hair, resting your elbow out the window. Sunshine warms your skin as you listen to the incredibly talented Stevie Nicks.
After a few more songs you ask him to flip to the 80's playlist on shuffle. As Forever Young by Alphaville comes on, you see a look of recognition on Spencer's face.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you were an 80's baby! 80's pop is some of my very favorite."
He smiles and nods. You get it. There's something oddly comforting about nostalgic music from your childhood. You let the rest of the 80's playlist finish, since you both seem to enjoy it.
Eventually Spencer turns in his seat to face you.
"I had a lot of fun this weekend." He states this with a fairly serious look on his face.
"Yeah me too! Is everything okay though? You look like you have more to say?"
He continues, while fiddling with his hands and hair and staring down at his lap. He's clearly nervous.
"It's uh j-just...would you...well would you want to be friends? I know that's p-probably an odd question I just, well I enjoy hanging out with you. Since I don't see you at my uh place of work I wasn't really sure the c-correct protocol for..."
You reach over and squeeze his hand to cut him off, since you can see he's clearly only making himself more anxious.
"Hey" you give him a reassuring smile.
"We're already friends. I think we have no choice but to continue hanging out. I mean, we just get along to well, it's not really up to me" you joke.
The both of you laugh and he seems to relax again. He squeezes your hand back as a thank you. Before you return it to the steering wheel.
"How do you feel about a weekly movie night?"
His eyes light up at the idea before clouded over, clearly thinking it through.
"My job..." he starts before you cut him off.
"I know, Spencer. Don't stress. My job schedule is inconsistent too. I mean, I get my schedule given to me six weeks at a time but, I work different sets of days each week. It's completely random. But that means I have four days off a week so I like our chances. And if some weeks it doesn't happen, that's ok too. You go save lives, and I'll help heal them. It's what we do."
He raises his eyebrows in surprise before responding.
"Oh well you've thought of everything, huh?"
You shrug, trying to conceal a smirk. "Maybe."
He looks to you. "Ok so what will be watching first?"
"Hmm, I'll let you pick first. And we can trade off?"
"Well I don't know how into fandoms you are but... would you mind if we watched some of Harry Potter?"
Usually your face is a huge giveaway to what you were thinking, and not just to FBI profilers. In this instance, you were incredibly determined to keep a straight face and not let on a single thing.
You just give a small nod as you keep your eyes on the road, expressionless.
"Sure, we can do that."
"Ok, so when and where? Or do you have that planned too?"
"Well..." you think for a minute before extending the offer. You don't want to scare off your newest friend.
"I'm free tonight if you'd like. We can unpack and maybe sneak in a nap first?" You glance over to gauge his reaction.
He smiles and nods, on board with the idea.
"Yeah, and I can meet back at your place at 5? Want me to bring anything? The DVD's?"
"Oh no it's fine! I'm pretty sure I saw them on Amazon or YouTube TV..." you respond, still trying to control your face. You really wanted to fool the genius profiler.
Spencer asks to borrow your blanket before curling up in the passenger seat and taking a nap the rest of the way home. It was too adorable. You couldn't help yourself. As you pulled up to a red light, you snap a quick picture of him. You also take a selfie with you making goofy faces, Spencer sleeping in the background.
You gently shake him awake after parking outside of your building. You grab your bags out of the back and wave to him as he backs the car out.
Once in the apartment, you take Juneau out for a quick walk. The dog sitter had given you detailed  updates while you'd been away. You throw your weekend bags in the closet and hop in the shower. After drying your hair, you throw on a Black Borgin and Burke's T shirt and some black leggings and get to work.
It's September which, for you, meant the Halloween decor was abundant. You plug in all of your purple, green, and orange string lights placed all around your living room and kitchen. You light several candles you have scattered amongst your Halloween decor. Your shelves are lined with pumpkins, potion bottles, and various skeleton items.
You pop in your guest room to make sure it looks presentable. You're fairly sure he won't be expecting anything like what he's walking into tonight. On one hand, if it scares him off then it was bound to happen eventually. But if he doesn't mind...well maybe this friend is in it for the long haul.
You grab two butterbeer mugs and set them on the counter next to an assortment of flavored hot chocolate packets. You also set out microwave popcorn and a bowl of Halloween candy.
You decide to do one last thing, really hoping Spencer won't think you're completely insane. It's not long before you hear a knock at the door.
You open it, wearing your Ravenclaw robe and your glasses which just so happen to look a bit like Harry Potter's.
Spencer's brow wrinkles in confusion before he starts laughing.
"So I'm guessing you've seen Harry Potter before!" He says after finally catching his breath.
"Ummm..." you smile and just take his hand pulling him through your apartment till you reach your guest bedroom.
His eyes widen as he looks around at all your Halloween decorations. Before he can comment he's standing speechless in the doorway.
He looks around to see a completely Harry Potter themed guest bedroom, filled with creatures, books, wands, and more.
"Yeah Spencer, I've seen the movies" you finally say, letting out a laugh you've been holding back.
He looks stunned. "How did I... but you..."
"Yeah I'm usually pretty bad at hiding things so I have no idea how I pulled this one over on you. Aren't you supposed to read people for your job?" You joke with him, nudging his side with your elbow.
He's still just standing there, eyes wide, taking it all in. He walks over to the book shelf to flip through what you have.
"You have the potions book?...the maurader's map?...even the Quibbler?"
You just shrug, smiling as you watch him look around.
"So you don't think I'm completely crazy?"
"I think you're completely fantastic!" He blurts out, blushing a bit after he says it.
You bite your lip as you say " I may or may not also have the movies on DVD in 4K...to watch on my new TV."
He steps back into the living room to see where the two of you will be spending the rest of the night.
"Oh, this is going to be perfect!"
He takes a moment to finally take in the complete explosion of Halloween across your home.
"I hired Jack Skellington as my decorator" you snicker, making fun of yourself a bit.
He turns to you, eyes wide once again. "You like Halloween too?" He reminds you of an eager little kid with the look on his face.
You answer him with an eager nod and a grin.
"Y/N, I think it's pretty clear that we were meant to be friends! Where have you been all my life?" He laughs.
You don't know why, but you feel yourself turning red at hearing this comment.
You prepare some hot chocolate and popcorn for the two of you while Spencer sets up the Sorcerer's Stone.
"Oh I almost forgot, I brought something!" Spencer pulls something out of his sweater pocket. He has handfuls of Ghirardelli chocolates.
"Are those Rossi's? From the trip?"
"I have know idea what you're talking about." He states with a smirk as he plops down onto the couch, tossing you one. You lean back against the opposite end, leaving you room to both stretch your legs out and share a blanket.
You try your best not to quote the movie that you know by heart, but you just can't help it. Then you look over and see Spencer mouthing along with the lines. You give him a small kick under the blanket.
"I bet you could do a one man show of these movies, Mr. eidetic memory." You giggle.
"From the looks of it, so could you. We could take our show on the road. We'd make millions."
The two of you burst into a fit of laughter. With Spencer, you're always smiling.
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