#Soldiers Heart
jane-runs-fast · 2 years
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SOLDIERS HEART (An Evin Walker Thriller)
Cover commissioned by VANCE VOYLES.
This is an awesome read- about a bad@ss fem veteran.
Working on this cover was a pleasure, I love the old-school vintage style the author wanted, and I also love the character design.
If you want to check it out it’s free with Prime. Link in the Title.
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p0ssumkingdom · 11 months
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jezus christ im done
ill get to the godtiers l8r
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uselessimpulses · 5 months
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so like theyre an old married couple theyre divorced theyre frantic teens in love
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richestindaworld · 4 months
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EDIT: added ref used below the cut!!!! original by K-jun1117 on r/tf2
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drawingroomanguish · 11 months
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shoutout to tumblr for doing its level best to crunch these to hell
outfits from this lineup I did ages ago. This was supposed to be done ages ago but a bunch of work got in the way
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fever-dreamer97 · 22 hours
Seriously one of the hardest illustrations Hori ever drew and it’s not any of the main characters
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dragonroilz · 9 months
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You can't tell me she wasn't the cool babysitter for at least some time
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zu-is-here · 10 months
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[8/7] his day ♡
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The capricious pharaoh drives away his servants, while a delinquent soldier, who's never served in the palace, is sent to him to the mercy. The mistake with a hand fan could really cost Cross his life, but Shattered finds it so amusing that he spares him :'D
Shattered Dream from shattereddreamsau by galacii-gallery / galacii || Dream by jokublog
Cross from xtaleunderverse by jakei95
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klauslovecaroline · 3 months
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Happy 46th birthday Jensen Ackles!
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wyrmwright · 6 months
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a day with the seraphim + ex-warlords
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Two Hearts, One Home
series masterlist
main masterlist
summary: ben hears something when he holds you close
pairing: soldier boy x female supe!reader
rating: R for language, sexual themes (?)
word count: 2.4k
warnings: pregnancy, language, spoilers for the office | mentions of/alludes to - vought torturing supe’s, sex, birth control, infertility issues and abortion
timeline: set in an au a few years after season three; this soldier boy has changed a lot personality wise, he’s a much better person then he was in season three.
author’s note: inspired by this clark kent fic by the lovely @burreaux-drys <3
another note: thinking of doing a part two because i really love how this turned out! let me know if you would like another part, cause i definitely left this fic very open ended :) there’s a part two now :)
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The smell of freshly cooked bacon slowly brought Ben out of his peaceful sleep as he rolled over to pull you closer to him. His eyes flew open when he realized you weren’t sleeping next to him, but he calmed down after a moment of assuring himself you’d never just walk out on this relationship. He put on his sweatpants from the day before and left your shared bedroom.
“Is that my t-shirt?” He smiled as he walked into the kitchen.
“I figured if I was making breakfast and bringing it to you, you wouldn’t need this shirt yet,” you replied, smirking. He walked up to you and gave you a quick kiss on the lips before taking a seat at the table a few feet behind you.
“Smells delicious sweetheart,” he yawned. “But isn’t it my turn to make us breakfast? You cooked dinner last night.”
“I woke up before you and couldn’t bring myself to wake you up.” You turned around and watched as he yawned again. “God, you’re exhausted!” You walked over to him and ran your fingers through his hair as he rested his forehead on your abdomen. “Did you not fall asleep when I did?”
“Shh!” he exclaimed suddenly. He put his hands on your waist as he turned his head and pressed his ear against you.
“Shut your beautiful mouth for just two seconds.”
“Excuse me?” you asked, slightly insulted.
“Sorry,” he replied quickly as he turned his head to look at you. You were met with his trademark puppy-dog-pout that always made your heart melt. “Please shut your beautiful mouth?” You rolled your eyes a little but nodded nonetheless. You knew he meant well.
He put his ear back against your abdomen then straightened up and put his ear to your chest. He went back and forth between the two a couple times without saying anything.
“Okay,” you suddenly said, getting a little freaked out. “Seriously Ben, what the hell?”
“You’re pregnant.” He looked up at you again with a huge smile. “Baby you- you’re pregnant!”
“Uh, no I’m not? And that’s not funny Ben,” you scoffed as you backed away before turning to face the stove.
“I’m not kidding! I can hear our baby’s heartbeat!” he exclaimed as he stood up.
“That’s my heartbeat, Ben,” you replied flatly. “If it sounds weird it’s just because I’m a Supe.”
“Honey, I've listened to your heartbeat every night for almost three years now, I know what it sounds like. Just like I know that right now, there are two hearts beating inside you.”
“You’re adorable.” You shook your head. You reached to take a sip of your coffee but he stopped you.
“Wait…” He narrowed his eyes. “You can’t have caffeine when you’re pregnant.”
“And where the hell did you learn that?” You raised a brow. There was no way this man had read a pregnancy book ever in his life, and you doubted he learned that in school a hundred years ago.
“When Pam was pregnant on The Office, Angela said she shouldn’t even drink out of a cup that used to have regular coffee,” he replied, a smile returning to his face.
“God I love how much you love that show.” You smiled. “But I’m not pregnant, Ben and I’m really tired. Can you please let me drink my coffee?”
He shook his head, “Sorry, you’re carrying my child now. Our child. No caffeine for you, honey.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” you grumbled, flipping the pancakes you’d been working on.
“I’ll finish breakfast, you sit down,” he said. He gently pulled you away from the stove before you sat down.
“Ben, this is ridiculous! I can still cook!” He ignored your protests by continuing your work in the kitchen.
The pancakes and bacon were soon finished and Ben put some on a plate for you before doing the same for himself and taking a seat at the table with you. You focused on your food as you tried to ignore Ben just staring at you. Chin resting on his knuckles, a huge smile plastered on his face, as green eyes watched your every move.
“Ben,” you sighed before looking at him. “I’m not pregnant! Would you stop acting like I’m some miracle and just eat your damn food?”
“But this is a miracle!” he protested. “I don’t think you realize how huge this is!”
“Alright, that’s it! After we eat, we’re going to the store and buying a pregnancy test. We need to run some errands anyway, we’re nearly out of food. Not to mention we’re down to next to nothing for alcohol, which is absolutely unacceptable.”
Ben knitted his brows for a moment, as if in thought, before saying, “You can’t have alcohol while you're pregnant either, right?” You jutted your jaw out in annoyance and looked at him. “Also Office; Jim and Pam’s wedding.”
You really should’ve opted to go to the store alone, not that Ben would’ve happily agreed, but anything was better than this. He’d been “protecting” you from quite literally everything and it was starting to drive you nuts. He wouldn’t let you drive, he insisted on pushing the cart, and when you went to reach for something that was even slightly above eye level he pulled your hand away and got it for you.
“You shouldn’t be walking down this aisle, sweetheart!” he exclaimed when you turned to enter your favorite section of Walmart. “Does this smell really not affect the baby?”
“Ben, I can be near alcohol without putting ‘the baby’ in any sort of danger,” you replied, using air quotes because you still didn’t believe you were pregnant.
He pulled you to a stop before you could actually enter the aisle. He looked into your eyes with his concern filled ones and kept his gentle grip on your upper arm.
“Promise me right now that this aisle will have no effect on the baby if you are pregnant,” he said.
“Ben, why the hell would closed liquor bottles have any effect on me or the baby?”
“The very intense smell?” he replied.
“Oh, your Supe smell! That makes more sense. Yeah, I can’t smell the alcohol unless it’s actually open, Ben. If I am pregnant, our baby won’t be affected.”
He nodded as he let go before you walked down the aisle, picking out a few drinks you liked and a few Ben liked. He followed you around the store pushing the cart, lightly scolding you every time you reached above your head or for something that looked slightly heavy.
“Oh you two are an adorable couple!” An elderly woman exclaimed, seeing Ben reaching to grab something for you.
“Thank you!” You smiled sweetly.
“How long have you two been together?” she asked. “You remind me so much of my granddaughter and her husband!”
“We’ve been dating for a little over two years now,” you replied. “How old is your granddaughter?”
“She’s pregnant!” Ben informed the woman, who then smiled widely. Before she could congratulate the two of you, Ben exclaimed; “We weren’t even trying or anything, but I got her pregnant! My super sperm just whoosh! Right through the birth control!” Your eyes widened.
“Oh god! I’m sorry!” you called out as the woman hurried away seeming horrified.
You turned to Ben, a shit-eating smile on his face. He was practically glowing with pride.
“What?” he asked, noticing your very unamused look.
“One, why did you feel the need to traumatize that poor lady? And two, I am not pregnant!”
“One, sex is a part of life, she’s not traumatized. And two, stop saying that! How can you be so positive that you aren’t pregnant?”
“Because there’s just no way Ben,” you sighed. He stayed looking at you, a confused look washing over his features. “After all the experiments with Vought, there’s just no way I can be pregnant, Ben.” His smile faded as a sad one found it’s way to you. “I’m sorry.”
“Well…maybe I really do have super sperm?” he suggested, slightly smiling again.
“Ben I’m being serious.” You shook your head a little. “Don’t get your hopes up.”
“Okay, I won’t,” he lied. He bent down and kissed you sweetly. “Let’s go get you that pregnancy test though, because if you really aren’t pregnant then I’m afraid you might have two hearts.”
“I love you,” you laughed a little.
“I love you too,” he replied.
When you reached the pregnancy test section, unfortunately the most trusted brand was ‘too high up on the shelf’ so, of course, Ben grabbed it.
“Uh, could you grab two?” you asked after he tossed one into the cart. Ben furrowed his brows a little. “These tests aren’t always accurate, if we want to be sure we should get two.”
“Wait, these tests aren’t accurate?”
“Not always,” You shrugged a little.
“Then we need way more than two!” he exclaimed. He proceeded to grab about ten-or-so more, tossing them all into the cart.
“Yeah that’s a little overkill,” you laughed. “We need three at most.”
“We’re both Supes, we need as many positive pregnancy tests as possible!”
“Okay, well now this cart makes us look like we’re boycotting Trojan. Besides, I can't pee ten times today!”
“You can take some today, some tomorrow; just drink lots of water!”
“Or we could just do the normal thing and I could see a doctor?”
“Hun…you know we can’t,” Ben sighed. He walked around the cart so he could hold you, putting his hands on your waist and pulling you to lean on his chest. He rested his head on yours as he continued very quietly, “If you are pregnant you…you’re a Supe pregnant with another Supe’s baby, that’s not something they’ll just let slide. Who knows what those monsters might do if they find out.”
“Right,” you breathed. “Fine, I’ll take a ridiculous amount of pregnancy tests.”
“Thank you!” He grinned.
“Alright,” you said as you held up the first unused pregnancy test, about to head into the bathroom, “here goes nothing.”
“Honey, wait.” Ben stopped you. “Do…Do you want to be pregnant?”
“Yeah.” You shrugged a little. You weren’t sure, really. You’d always assumed you couldn’t have kids so you hadn’t given it much thought.
“You don’t have to take the test,” he said, brows knitted with concern. “We- We can just pretend I never heard the heartbeat and maybe it’ll just…go away.”
“I want to have kids with you. I really, really fucking do! But I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything! If you don’t want this baby, just…just say the word.”
“Ben, I want kids with you too.” You smiled, taking his hand in your empty one. “I really do! There’s just no way anything down there is working like it should! I mean if Vought didn’t fuck me up, being exposed to your radiation for so long definitely did.”
“Oh,” he mumbled, his expression growing even more sad. “But…I’m clean now, I- I mean the radiation’s all gone?”
“I know, and I’m not blaming you for one second Ben, it’s all Vought,” you replied quickly. “However, if by some miracle I am pregnant I’ll be fucking thrilled! I just don’t want you to be disappointed; you seem really excited about this and I’m worried about what’s gonna happen when I walk back out and this test is negative.”
“If it turns out you really aren’t pregnant, nothing’s gonna change between us! I mean, I’ll definitely get my hearing checked out and maybe you should get your heart looked at, but after that we’ll go back to bacon, burgers, and booze!”
You let out a laugh. God, you loved the man standing in front of you.
“Okay.” You smiled.
“I love you,” he said before kissing you. “Now get in there and pee!”
“I love you!” you exclaimed before walking into the bathroom.
Three hours and five pregnancy tests later (yes, definitely overkill, but you both wanted to be sure), you stood with Ben in the bathroom and stared at the results sitting on the counter. One negative, four positives. And yet, there was still a part of you that wouldn’t let yourself believe it was true.
You heard Ben laughing a little so you looked at him through the mirror.
“Oh my god!” he exclaimed. “You’re pregnant!” You smiled as you watched tears of joy begin to fall down his face. “You- Fuck! We’re gonna have a baby!?” He took your face in his hands and kissed you before quite literally falling to his knees.
“Ben?” you asked, a little concerned.
“I love you so fucking much!” he looked up at you. He sat up and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your abdomen against his face. “Hello little guy!” He mumbled against you.
“Or girl!” you corrected. “Or non-binary person!”
“I was using ‘guy’ as an umbrella term,” he replied, not moving, your heart swelling with pride. “That’s why I didn’t say ‘boy’.”
“I love you,” you laughed a little.
“Hear that little one? Your mommy loves me!” He still spoke to your stomach.
You couldn’t help the tears streaming down your face at this point, you were so happy to see him this excited. You felt the fear you had about this pregnancy, albeit temporarily, wash away and be replaced with pure joy.
Ben was staring at the computer getting more and more frustrated with himself with each passing second.
“God-fuckin’-damnit!” he mumbled, putting his face in his hands.
“Ben? What’s wrong?”
“I thought you were asleep?” He looked up at you, suddenly very worried. “Are you okay? Is it something with the baby?” You let out a soft laugh as you placed a kiss on the crown of his head.
“I’m fine Ben,” you mumbled into his hair. “Why’re you still up? I thought you were coming to bed after your shower?”
“Well, while I was in the shower I realized I know absolutely nothing about how to take care of you or a baby so I figured I should order some books but I can’t navigate this fucking website!”
“Can I help?” you asked, taking a seat on his lap after he nodded. “What books were you thinking? Any specific ones? Or just pregnancy books in general?”
“Just books in general,” he replied. He snaked his arms around you, gently securing your back against his chest.
“You know…I really should see a doctor soon to be sure our baby’s okay,” you said as you searched through Amazon’s selection of books.
“I know,” he sighed. “Is it alright if I ask Hughie to find a trustworthy doctor that won’t rat us out?”
“That’d be perfect, Ben.”
Part 2
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alex51324 · 1 year
OK, so, this is weird.  
@dsudis just tipped me off that someone has copied Soldier’s Heart and published it through Kindle Unlimited.  It’s been up there since December 8 of this year.  
(There are a zillion books on Amazon called Soldier’s Heart, but this one is definitely mine--if you click through to the preview, it is literally just a cut-and-paste.)
Does anyone know what you’re supposed to do, when something like that happens?
I mean, this idiot didn’t even change the names, so I suppose Julian Fellowes/whoever owns the rights to Downton Abbey also has grounds to object to this.  
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And that's a wrap for my first, and this year's, @crimsonkingart Mermay Challenge!
Prompts are: #1. SELKIE - Law, #2. SUN - Kid, #3. STAR - Carmen (OC), #4. NIX - Luffy, #5. DUCK - Sanji, #6. SHARK - Zoro, #7. KELPIE - Killer, #8. NYMPH - Vivi
Had fun doing these! Excited for next year~
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gummi-ships · 4 months
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Kingdom Hearts - Soldier & Stealth Soldier
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