#So she's upgraded to Secret Music
babylonbirdmeat · 8 months
Me: Why don't we use the Bandcamp App more
Bandcamp app: Has a Harry Dubois level meltdown and refuses to play any music until it's restarted every time a notif goes off on my phone
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familyvideostevie · 7 months
watching you with wonder
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joel miller x reader joel claims to have heard something interesting. too bad he keeps insisting he needs more information before he can tell you | 5.4k a/n: same universe as come care about me but not necessary to read that one first! joel is soft, this is my version of him where he and ellie heal and he gets to have a life etc etc etc | domesticity, post-part i jackson au, joel is a flirt and a gossip but good thing you are too, a fair amount of kissing, fluff, softness, peace and all that good stuff. part 3 here! series masterlist here.
It's been a long day. The supply run you'd been dreading went off without a hitch but you were out of the gate at sun-up and in the saddle for most of the morning and afternoon. Your legs are sore, your back is sore,  and you're dirty from a day outside the walls.
You haven't seen Joel since this morning. Not unusual, not by any means. Most days you're both doing something in town, occasionally one of you out on patrol. You're partial to the plant work and Joel likes to chop wood or check out houses that need upgrades with Tommy. But after a day like today you want nothing more than to go home and complain about how much you miss cars while Joel works the knots out of your shoulders. 
But tonight is Festival Night. Nothing big, just a dance at the barn that serves as the community center with music and drinks and food. And Joel, despite his insistence that he's Jackson's resident grump, will be there, because Tommy will have asked him to go and he doesn't like disappointing his brother. And, though he'll never admit it even to you, he enjoys community events. He gets to see the people he loves having a nice time and feeling safe. 
So you head from the stables to the main hall, not bothering to stop at home. Jackson seems to be lit up extra special, the air a little lighter due to the laughter and music brightening the night. The noise becomes almost overwhelming when you open the door and slide inside, dropping your pack against the wall. It's much warmer in here and you unbutton your coat as you make your way through the crowd, waving to people as you go. 
Joel is here somewhere but you don't try too hard to spot him. You know he'll find you. Someone calls your name and you pivot on your heel to find Ellie waving at you from a...poker table?
"Wanna join?" she asks once you walk over. Next to her is Tommy, who looks significantly less excited than she does. "I'm teaching Tommy how to play poker. Oh, sorry, I'm fucking smoking Tommy at poker."
"I know how to play, you little shit," Tommy growls. "Who taught you? This isn't poker, this is a fuckin' massacre." 
Ellie cackles and tips her chair back so she's balancing on the back legs.
"I'll pass this round," you tell her. "Looks like you've got him handled."
"You just want to find Joel." She looks at you in that uncanny way of hers like she knows all of your secrets. But this is one you have no problem admitting.
You smile at her. "Seen him?"
"Now that you're here I'm sure he'll slink out of whatever corner he stuck himself in," Tommy grumbles. "Girl, you sure you ain't countin' cards?"
You leave them to it and wander over to the bar. Astrid pours you a glass of something amber. You take a sip and let the burn warm your throat, your stomach. The music behind you picks up and there's laughter and you turn to see people pairing up and flocking to the floor. 
You close your eyes to enjoy the sounds that mean peace, safety, home. It never gets old and you never quite get used to it. You inhale deep and -- ah, yes. There it is. A smile spreads across your face as you breathe in wood glue, gunpowder, the soap you make at home. Your heart beats a little faster, even after all this time.
"Hi," you say, opening your eyes. Joel stands in front of you, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a glass similar to your own. His hair curls at his collar, edges still a little wet from the shower he must have taken before coming here. His shirt is rolled to his elbows, his jacket clearly discarded somewhere. Your gaze trails up his chorded forearms, his watch securely in place as always. This is what you've called his "nice" shirt, a deep green that makes the grey of his beard all the more striking and brings out his eyes. 
Eyes that settle on you in a way that sends heat up your spine.
"Howdy," he says. "You just get here?"
"Like you weren't watching the door for me," you tease. He shrugs and reaches for you, his free hand curling around your hip to tug you close for just a few moments. Joel presses his lips to your cheek lightly, his beard scratching your skin as he pulls away and settles at your side, arm resting on the bar behind you. 
"Well, I ain't seen you all day," he reminds you. As if you could forget. Every second you're not looking at him you sort of wish you were. There aren't many good things left in your life -- all of them are in this town, now -- and you tend to hold on to the ones you still have with both hands. Joel, despite the fact that he'd argue with you over it, is your good thing. Your best thing.  
"Miss me?" 
"Dumb question," he mutters. 
His fingers brush against the back of your bicep, warm through your jacket. "How was the run?"
"Easy. Long." You take a sip of your drink. It's still warming but doesn't measure up to the solid warmth of the man beside you. "I came straight here."
"That would explain why you smell like shit," he drawls. You smack his chest. He doesn't so much as flinch.
Joel watches the crowd and you watch him. That's how it usually goes with you two. You figure he's watching for threats, for any sign of something going wrong. It's a habit most folks here find hard to break. He's watching Ellie, who has left the poker table behind, twirl some of the children around with Dina, he's watching Tommy try to teach a few drunk guys how to square dance like he does every Festival. Joel curls his hand around your shoulder and you lean back into the touch. 
On a night like tonight when joy is more contagious than the fungus spreading through the rotting world, Joel loosens up a little. It's a good look on him and it only ever means good things for you -- he laughs more, he touches you more. But most importantly you know he lets life in. He lets that knot you know is in his chest, the one made of fear and loss and survival and all of the horrible fucked up things he's seen and done, he lets it loosen even just a bit. He lets himself feel the good things, too. How much the people in this town respect him, care about him. How much they appreciate him. How much they love him, how much you love him.
You look at him in the soft light of the barn. There's a tug to his mouth that you know.
He looks smug. It's a nice look on him, a relaxed one. He looks too handsome for his own good. And though you love him, love how he's enjoying the night, like hell you're going to let him stand there and get away with whatever he's cooking up.
"Joel Miller, why are you looking so pleased with yourself?"
"No reason," he says. He takes another sip of his drink, side-eyeing you over the rim. This man. 
You tap the heel of your boot against his. "Don't make me beg."
His eyes flash but he turns into your space, the solid shape of him curling around you as well as his arm. In another world, in another life, he could be a handsome man picking you up at a bar. 
"I heard somethin'," he says, voice low. "Somethin'...interestin'."
"Really?" You look around the barn as if the object of his gossip will materialize in front of you. "Tell me."
He leans back and you have to stop yourself from following. "Don't think so."
This man can be such a shit when he wants to be. 
He holds the hand carrying his glass up in surrender, the brown liquor sloshing close to the rim. "Hey now, don't go shootin' the messenger."
"I can't because he won't tell me the message."
"S'not anything worth tellin' just yet," he drawls. "I need a little more intel. Y'know, make it worth your while."
You sigh, hamming it up a bit by thunking your forehead to his collar. Joel huffs a laugh and fully drapes his arm across your shoulders, warm and solid. 
It's all fun but you know there's a note of truth to it. Joel can lie better than most people but he doesn't lie to you. "Fine. You get away with it for now."
The song changes to something old and slow, something you recognize but don't quite remember the name of.
"Only if you dance with me," you say. You swallow the last of your drink and push off the bar, sliding out from under his arm. You hold your hand out to him and wiggling your fingers. "It's only fair."
He sighs like a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. And he is, sometimes. But right now his cheeks are a little flushed from the drink and your flirting and you want to see how far you can take it.
"Unless I smell too much like shit," you goad. You don't actually think he'll go for it. Joel doesn't dance. It feels like the kind of good time, the kind of joy that is forever stuck in the past, left behind twenty odd years ago. Honestly, you think he'll just drag you home and have his way with you in your warm bed. 
But he manages to surprise you.
Joel throws back his drink and grabs your hand. His thumb strokes your skin.
"S'pose it is," he says. "You don't smell that bad."
A delighted laugh spills from you. He leads you to the already-crowded dance floor, pulling you close with a hand on your back. You rest your arm on his broad shoulder and hook your thumb in his collar. 
"Not so bad, is it?" you say. Your faces are so close you're practically cheek to cheek. You feel his breath on the shell of your ear, his beard a little prickly against your cheek. 
"Could be worse." You and Joel gently sway and you toy with the ends of his hair. Over his shoulder you can see Dina and Ellie dancing, arms wrapped around each other tight. You close your eyes and match your breaths to Joel's. 
"We should do this more often," you say. "Bet they'd let you play guitar at the next festival if you wanted."
Joel hums. 
"Don't forget you have to deliver the firewood to the school tomorrow." He presses his hand to your back and pulls you even closer. "Are you listening to me?"
"Joel --" Your eyes fly open and you try to pull away to goad him but he holds you steadily against him.
"Hush," he says, fingers squeezing yours. "I'm enjoyin' the moment."
You allow it.
The gossip Joel mentioned is in the back of your mind but you know he'll tell you when he's satisfied with his information gathering or whatever the fuck he's up to. Sure, it's silly, maybe even pointless but you like to think of it as a display of the trust you have in each other. You trust Joel with your life and you've put that into practice, watched him bloody his knuckles for the ones he loves. You also trust him with your heart, your body, your mind. There's no part of you that his hands haven't touched, haven't loved in the jagged, intense way of his. 
Plus you enjoy seeing him pleased with himself, which you know he will be once he has the whole story to tell you. It's not a mood you see on him often.
You finally have a free night and Ellie asks you to come over to try out a new video game Jesse found for her on patrol. Joel waves you off when you offer to stay in with him instead.
"Means I'll get some peace and quiet to finish my book," he grumbles, handing you your coat even though you're walking across the yard. He's already peeled off his boots and looks half-awake in the dim light of your entryway, glasses tucked into the collar of his sweater.
"More like you're going to sit in bed and fall asleep reading without me talking to keep you awake."
He sends you off with an eye roll and a soft kiss which you turn into two more, just because. Maybe a few years ago he'd sit in the chair downstairs and wait for you to come home. He does like to play his guitar on the porch when it's not too cold, keep an eye on things. But you'll be with Ellie just out back and it's been a long week. It's no small point of pride that, with the help of your reassurance and persistent care and his own conviction, Joel allows himself to relax a little. "Have fun."
You do. Ellie and Joel have a history that is complex and tender, so much so that sometimes it's too much for both of them. After it seemed like she was open to it, you've tried to make sure you and her have a relationship all your own. She's smart and funny and fiercely loyal to the people she cares about. You feel lucky to be one of them.
But she still annihilates your ass when it comes to video games. 
"You know," she says, cracking her knuckles after yet another defeat. "It's embarrassing as shit how you literally lived in a time where you could play these like, whenever you wanted. And yet it's me, who was born after the world ended, who keeps winning."
You make sure to look unamused. "Whatever." You stand, stretching out your spine with your arms above your head and yawn. "It's teenage luck." You have no idea how this girl stays up so late all the time. 
"I guess I'm just good at everything."
"Oh, you sure about that?" She hands you your coat and tugs on the strings of her sweatshirt. "I've seen you in a kitchen. You might want to rethink that one."
"Psh," she says, waving you off. "Who needs to cook, anyway?"
You slide into your boots and shake your head. "I'm actually shocked Dina puts up with you." 
"Hey, fuck you!" she cries, though she's hiding a smile. "No insulting me in my own home. It's Joel's fault, anyway. He can't cook either."
You snort. "Don't I know it." She grins at you fully, the one you call her shark-tooth smile, and you grin back. "Thanks for this, kiddo. I had fun." 
"Yeah, maybe one day you'll win." You tug her in for a quick hug which she allows before squirming away. "Alright, alright. Go make sure he didn't burn down the house without you, or something."
It's late, late enough that you feel yourself getting more tired with each step back to the porch. Joel left the back door unlocked for you. You latch the deadbolt behind you and peel off your outer layers in the dark. A quick glance in the kitchen tells you Joel put your stuff from dinner away and is probably in bed. He's left out your mugs, ready for the morning, and the list he's been making of things you need to do around the house before it snows. You love to see the pieces of your life on display like this -- signs that this is a home.
You don't bother being quiet when you climb up the stairs because you know he'll be pissed if you don't wake him to let him know you're home. The bedroom light is on but when you actually go in you see he's in bed with his book in his lap, glasses sliding down his nose. His eyes are closed and his bare chest rises slowly.
He's probably only half-asleep, probably heard you come in and decided it was safe enough to shut his eyes until you say something. So you get ready for bed quickly, tugging on soft clothes and brushing your teeth before creeping over to his side of the bed and perching on the edge of it, resting your hand on his thigh under the covers.
"Joel," you say softly. "Joel, are you asleep?"
"Yes," he grumbles. His eyes flutter open, the piercing grey a little clouded with tiredness. He reaches for his glasses and pulls them from his face a bit clumsily. "You okay? You n'Ellie have fun?"
"We did. She's so good at video games it's a little scary." You pluck the frames from his hand and fold them, setting them on his bedside table with his book. He grunts and pushes himself up a little more in bed, his leg pressing against your tailbone through the blankets. It's a real show of your restraint that you don't run your hands over the golden and hairy expanse of his chest, the broad line of his shoulders. Instead you reach for his face and he lets you, eyes crinkling at the corners as he tries and fails to hide his amusement as you trail your fingers through his hair. Just being here with him makes you a little sleepy, your body catching up with your mind at how you always feel safest when he's in the room with you. "S'cold, though. I think we might need to put some more insulation in the shed for her."
"Alright," he says. Joel wraps his fingers around your wrist and pulls your palm to his cheek but quickly flinches away. "Christ," he mutters. "Your hands are cold." He encases both of your hands in his and rubs slowly, throughly. 
"Let me get in bed, then." You make no effort to move. 
Joel blows on your fingers and, in a move that's tender even for him, presses his lips to their tips. "I ain't holdin' you here."
"Sarcasm," you say. "And Ellie claims you're not funny." Joel scoffs and you laugh, rising from his side of the bed and making your way around to yours. Joel flicks back the covers and you slide in, facing him. 
"Light off?" he asks. You nod. He shuffles around to flip the switch and then settles into his side with a groan. It's dark but you know his face with your eyes closed, let alone in the moonlight of your bedroom. The gash on the bridge of his nose, the scruff of his greying beard, the nicks along his cheeks and temples. The age spots, the wrinkles, the lines at the corners of his eyes and mouth, these days more from smiles and laughter than stress and worry. Or so you like to think. 
"Got any gossip for me yet?" 
Joel huffs. "Not quite."
"Jooooooel," you whine, scooting closer. You hook a leg over his and slide your hand over his stomach, fingers catching on the hair above the waistband of his sleep pants. He makes a noise deep in his throat but otherwise allows it. 
"I ain't givin' you half-assed information," he says. "It'll be worth the wait."
With Joel, it always is. You consider dragging it out a little more but you're cold and tired and he's so warm and you barely saw him at all today. "Alright," you say. You pull yourself even closer under the covers, dragging your nose over the hollow of his throat, his beard a delicious scratch on your skin. Your hand curls around his hip and he reaches for you on instinct, warm, callused palms sliding under your sleep shirt to press into your bare skin.
He huffs a tired laugh, chest rumbling with amusement. "What're you up to?"
"You're warm," you say into his skin.
"And you're handsy."
You trail your lips up to his and press them to the corner of his mouth. "You love it."
"Guess I do," Joel says. He catches you in a lazy, slow kiss, tongue tracing the seam of your lips until you part them. He licks into your mouth like he's got all the time in the world and you let him. His nose presses against yours and you sigh even further into the embrace, pressing as close as you can, as if you could crawl into him and stay there forever. Any cold lingering in your bones is dispelled by Joel's touch, by the thigh he wedges between your legs. This could turn into something more, and you love when it does, but tonight it's just about being close. His hand trails up your side to cup your face as the kisses get lazier, sleepier. You're slotting his bottom lip between yours when he pulls back and --
Yawns in your face. 
He looks a little surprised and then frowns. You laugh and smooth the crease between his brows before kissing him once more.
"Jesus, Joel," you say. "Bedtime."
"Was sleepin' fine before you got here," he grumbles, but  in the same breath he wraps his arm around you and tugs you with him as he turns onto his back so your head lays on his chest. You match your breaths to his. He presses a kiss to your hair.
Two nights later you wake to an empty bed. 
You sleepily trail your hand through the sheets and find they still carry Joel's warmth. He must have gotten up a few minutes ago. You force your eyes to open but don't see a light in the bathroom, find no shadow in your eyesight. You can hear his voice in your head saying go back to sleep, s'nothin' but you know better than to listen to him when it comes to this. It's not like you'll be able to until you know he's okay, anyway. 
So you wrap the blanket from the foot of your bed around yourself and shuffle through the house and down the stairs. 
"Joel?" you call quietly. 
"Kitchen," he replies, a warm grumble in the still of the night. You didn't even look at the clock when you got out of bed but it must be late. 
He sits in the dark at your small kitchen table, eyes fixed on Ellie's garage out back. He's put a shirt on. Of course. Nightmare. This is where he always sits after he has one. His hands are wrapped around his mug. Based on the smell it's chamomile tea -- the only time he'll drink it instead of coffee is on nights like tonight. He had no idea it even grew in the greenhouses here until you presented him with a jar of it for Ellie back when you were still tiptoeing around whatever was between you. Those days are long gone.
"You okay?" You keep your voice hushed. It's rare these days that he'll want to be alone. You're the only one who gets to see him like this other than Ellie. It took a while but now Joel lets you comfort him, he lets you hold him together when he needs it. 
He tears his eyes from the window to meet yours, chin tipped up as he gets a good look at you in the dark. 
"M'alright." You take a few more steps into the kitchen and he frowns. "You cold?" He reaches for you with one hand, beckoning you close. You step into his space and he wraps one arm around you, leans his head against your soft stomach. You untangle from the blanket slightly to run your fingers through his hair. The touch is as grounding for him as it is for you.
"What can I do?" you ask him, ignoring his question. 
You can feel the warmth of his palm through the blanket and your sleep shirt. "This is just fine. Just need a minute." 
"You wanna take that minute on the couch?" He grunts his assent and you step back to allow him to get up. He leaves his mug on the table but catches your hand to pull you with him.
Joel sighs when he settles into the worn cushions, knees spread wide and head tipped back as be breathes. He doesn't look any more tired than usual but you can tell he's still holding onto whatever sent him down here. 
You press into his side, legs curled underneath you. His arm settles heavily on across your shoulders and you rest a palm on his knee. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" He turns his head to face you and his nostrils flare as he frowns.
"Nothin' new," he sighs. "A pretty old one, actually. Haven't had it in a while. 'Bout stuff from when we were on the road."
If he wants to say more he will. You don't know what it's like for him to worry about Ellie -- you only know how youworry. Once the sun rises he'll probably trudge over and knock on her door, ask if she wants to go for a ride. She'll complain about being woken up but she'll agree because she knows him, too. She'll see the tension at the edges of his eyes, in the set of his shoulders. There have been nights when you come downstairs to find her sleeping on the couch, too, just because she wanted to be sure he was okay.
You lean your head on his shoulder and breathe with him. He picks up your hand and rubs his thumb across the back of it slowly, as if he doesn't even know he's doing it.
Sleep is a near thing when Joel eventually clears his throat. "I got that gossip for you." His chest rumbles and you perk up, pulling back to look at him. His eyes have a bit more spark, a bit less of the far-away look he had when you came down the stairs. 
"Oh, do you now? Finally?"
"You're just impatient," he says. "Hadn't heard directly from either of 'em so I wasn't sure. But I tracked it down and got it from the source."
"You sound like a detective from one of those old shows. Got it from the source," you say, pitching your voice low and imitating his drawl. 
He manages to look unimpressed. "I don't have to tell you."
"Alright, alright. Well, it's about Wendy and Fred."
You sit up. "The couple that met on your group patrol?" It's something you and Ellie tease him about -- his accidental tendency to play matchmaker. Sometimes he leads group patrols for new folks or younger community members who are now old enough to join the roster. You think he probably enjoys scaring the shit out of them a little but he's also good at it, teaches them well and makes sure they're safe. Around the time you met you'd heard about a couple who met on a patrol and hit it off. It's happened a few more times with Joel's groups but Wendy and Fred are the only ones who have stayed together. 
"Mhm. Word is they're gettin' married."
You gasp. This is very far from what you expected him to tell you. A lot of the gossip you and Joel share is about people breaking up or sleeping together or moving out of Jackson. Sometimes it's petty theft or in-fighting at the council. But this? This is downright romantic.
"Married?" It's not uncommon these days but most people don't bother. But most importantly it means one thing -- there's going to be a party. "We haven't had a wedding in...forever," you say wistfully.
"Been a few years, yeah," Joel agrees. "Folks'll be excited."
"How did you find out?" 
He shifts on the couch a little and you take control of your clasped hands, holding one of his in both of yours as you trace the lines on his palm, the veins that go up his arm while he talks. 
"Heard from one of the guys at the festival that Fred was lookin' for a ring. Wanted to get the word out to some supply runs but without her knowin'. But I wasn't sure, since I hadn't seen him in a while. Then I saw Wendy at the pantry few days ago and she looked real happy. I didn't pry but asked her how things were and she was chipper as hell."
"And that wasn't enough to tell me?"
He squeezes your shoulder. 
"Yesterday Fred cornered me when I was headin' home and told me flat out. Thanked me for some fuckin' reason and said Wendy agreed to marry him. Kid looked like he was gonna throw up, he was so excited."
Joel's voice is warm. "You are such a romantic when you want to be," you tell him.
He smirks. "Heard that before."
"It'll be nice to have a celebration. If we're invited, you're dancing with me again."
"We better fuckin' be invited," he grumbles. "I introduced them."
"So you admit to being a matchmaker?"
He huffs. "Nah," he says, a little softer. "Dumb luck. S'how you get good things these days."
You shift under his arm a little bit. "Maybe," you reply. "I think we've earned a few of those things."
Joel drags a hand down his face. It's a motion that usually means he's chewing on what to say next. You spare him.
"This --" you gesture between the two of you "--and all of this --" you wave your hand at the room, the house "-- is more than I knew I could want. You, this house, that feisty, wonderful girl out back. This whole town. Waking up every morning and not dreading another day on this hellish planet. I didn't know this existed anymore, Joel, let alone that it was possible for me. And I think we've earned it."
He's quiet for a few breaths. "C'mere," he says softly. You don't know exactly what he means but he pulls you into his lap so you're straddling him, his arm firm around your hips. It could be a heated position, often is, but here it's just to be close. You catch yourself on his shoulders and drag your hands up to his cheeks. You hold his face in your hands, thumbs stroking the soft, forever-bruised skin under his eyes.
"You sure got a way with words," he says thickly, gaze heavy. "Don't know what I did to deserve this but I ain't gonna question it."
You wrap your arms around him and properly embrace him. He presses his palms to your back and hooks his chin over your shoulder. Your breathing syncs up and you swear your heartbeats do, too. Your whole body, your whole being tuned itself to Joel a long time ago. You'd do everything you've done twice over to get here. 
As if he hears the desperate devotion of your thoughts, Joel pulls back so he can lean up for a kiss. It's more intense than you expected it to be, like he's trying to tell you something with the press of his mouth. You know what he's trying to tell you -- you always do. Joel is better at showing you how he feels than telling you. 
He suckles your lower lip and you tug on the hair at the nape of his neck. He makes a noise low in his throat and you swallow it. You could touch him forever and never get enough. The firm planes of his back, the knot of tension always present in his shoulders. The scratch of his beard, the press of his nose against yours. You want to stitch yourself to him so that you never have to let go.
"S'your turn," Joel grumbles against your lips, pulling back to catch his breath.
Your brain is a little fuzzy. "Hm?"
"For somethin' juicy." 
It's a funny word coming from his mouth and it makes you laugh. His arms tighten around you and he drags his nose down your neck and breathes deep. You can get some gossip for him. You'd do much worse without being asked. Sometimes you think there are no limits to what you'd do for this man. It's a big thought, a dangerous thought, one that's suited to the world you live in now. You don't mind it.
"I'll get you something good, Joel Miller. I promise."
"I know you will," he says. "I trust you."
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here!
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minhosbitterriver · 5 months
Hihihihi!! Hru!
I was wondering if you could write a stray kids x 9th member!reader where their a a maknae and their family lives far away so chans kinda a father figure for them? Like he looks after her and helps her fall asleep when they’re struggling, and maybe in skz vlogs or codes fans can see how much of a father figure he is to them. Its okay if you can’t ilyy bye❤️❤️
ꖛ ꙳꯬ 🦋 how he cares 𓂅 ໋⋅
「other works by green. 」
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‧₊° pairing. chan x female reader ( platonically ! )
‧₊° content warnings. not proofread.
‧₊° rating. everyone
‧₊° summary. an episode of 2 kids’ show reveals just how deep your friendship with chan runs.
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2 Kids’ Show has come to mean a lot for STAY, a fact that warmed your heart as you glanced around the set which was definitely an upgrade to the old yellow room with the blue couch, although the latter was a symbol of simpler times in a lot of ways. Still, the dingy feeling of a garage being occupied by a band was an aesthetic you hadn’t realized you’d appreciate this much.
Minho was already sitting on his assigned velvety green chair, a small stack of talking-point cards with the freshly designed logo of the show printed on the back in his hands as he waited for his cue to begin. Chan stood by your side, chatting lightly with his hairstylist as she ensured that his hair was perfect. You were already set and ready to begin, no trace of the tingling anxiety that usually plagued you before interviews and you knew it was because the only people you’d have to interact with were the very same people you spoke to daily — this was a relief to you these days.
“Okay!” The manager announced with a sharp clap of his hands in order to attract everyone’s attention. All of the staff quickly made their ways to their needed positions and the hairstylist Chan had been speaking to left him be. “Ready? Scene!”
“Where two kids share their secret stories and music, this is 2 Kids’ Show,” announced Minho, pausing for a moment for a light applause — to which you and Chan obliged albeit belatedly to tease your friend. Minho’s eyes playfully narrowed in your and Chan’s direction, though he quickly moved on with a smile. “I am 2 Kids’ Show’s handsome MC, Lee Know.”
You cupped your hands around your mouth to cheer exaggeratedly, overcompensating for the lack of an enthusiastic applause just a moment prior. Minho winced away from you even with the distance between the two of you. “You were scolding Hyunjin and Jeongin before, you don’t have any grounds to complain saying I don’t cheer now!”
“I do have a complaint actually, you’re being too loud! It hurts my ears!” Minho rolled his eyes playfully before glancing back at the cards in his hands with an amused smile. “Anyway, as you can see, today we have a special pair with us — Stray Kids’ wolf and bumblebee duo that STAY have always loved. To me, they’re a good representation of an endearing friendship, our oldest and youngest members — Chan and Y/N!”
Chan pressed a hand on your lower back to urge you forward, and you let yourself be guided by him with a practiced bright grin as you waved at your group member. You end up seated in between the two men, quickly grabbing one of the cushions of the couch and placing it on your lap out of habit. Chan followed suit, but only so he could fiddle with the fuzz.
“It’s so strange seeing you as our MC,” you commented lightly.
“Is it? Good or bad?”
You shrug innocently. “I guess we’re going to have to wait and see!”
“Careful,” Minho teased with an exaggerated ominous grin. “I’m the one leading this interview.”
Chan chuckled beside you, though he remained quiet otherwise.
“Okay! Chan and Y/N how have you two been lately?”
You glance over at Chan, unsure of whether he should begin speaking of you, but he made the choice for you as he absentmindedly nodded at you whilst keeping his eyes glued on the pillow. With an understanding nod, you clear your throat and turn to face Minho. Chan has been a bit on the quieter side, evidently exhausted by the grueling hours of work and the pressure of the recent comeback almost weighing him down slightly — although he would never admit it. “I’ve been pretty good, actually. Yesterday was my day off, so I was able to tend to my plants at home.”
“Oh, how are they?”
A frown tugged at yourself, pushing your lower lip into a frown. “Titi, my tradescantia died, which was really sad since it’d managed to live so long. They’re really difficult to keep alive since they require a lot of water, and I’ve heard how often they tend to die so I was very proud of myself when I managed to keep it for a bit despite our busy schedule.”
“Oh, Titi died?” Chan questioned, highly surprised by this new piece of information. It wasn’t uncommon for you to call or text him whenever one of your plants died since you had a deep love for them and always took their ends straight to your heart — it was a failure you couldn’t bring yourself to forgive, and it always made you work harder with the next plant. Not to say that you didn’t have a green thumb, your experience caring for them since childhood was more than enough proof of your abilities, but death comes to all and yet it hurts nevertheless. Titi in particular had been struggling for quite a bit despite your constant attempts to make things better for her, and by the time you found her completely lifeless in your pot, you were painfully aware of Chan being asleep after spending all night awake.
“Yeah,” you confirmed with a slightly guilty smile. “It was quite tragic, actually. But my gardenia flowers have just started blooming a few days ago, and I’m really excited to see them in their prime. It’s also nerve-wracking because they’re also said to be extremely difficult to maintain and I really don’t want to deal with another Titi. Since I don’t have an actual garden in a subtropical country, I had to invest in a container so I can control the temperature. They’re actually said to thrive really well with moderate warmth that is somewhere between 18°C and 21°C and their soil must be kept consistently moist at all times and also —”
Minho splayed his hands in front of himself to signal for you to stop, and so you snapped your mouth shut as a slight tinge of color rose to your cheeks. “You know we love you, and I will ask you about this after the interview. But we should probably move on with the questions.”
“Right. Sorry.”
Chan chuckled a bit, reaching out to rub your back in small circles to soothe you like he always did. Minho, catching the kind gesture, grinned brightly and pointed at Chan’s hand that stopped immediately when caught.
“That’s actually one of the things we wanted to talk about here,” Minho announced with a slight glint of mischief. “I think it’ll be okay if I jump a few questions now that we’re on the topic and then circle back to the others, right?”
The three of you glanced at your manager and director, both of whom nodded and motioned for Minho to continue. Chan drew his hand back, focusing on the pillow once more.
“Right, so I think we’re all guilty of watching some of the videos that STAYs make online. I for one find them to be very entertaining, but I also noticed that there’s a greater amount of content made of you two — a lot of people really admire your friendship, so how’s that looking so far?”
This time, you nudged Chan’s knee with your own. He glanced up and cleared his own throat. “I love watching those videos, honestly. I think it’s really interesting to see how many STAYs can appreciate it. I know Y/N and I have been through a lot together and it really makes me appreciate her even more these days.”
“Channie,” you teased. “You make it sound like we’re dating.”
“I was just about to say! Right?” Minho burst out, chuckling as Chan rolled his eyes. It’s a joke as old as time, really, and it couldn’t be further from the truth — no matter how many fans believe it to be true. You didn’t blame those who viewed you and Chan as something more than friends, however, because everyone is entitled to their own opinions when it really comes down to it, and it’s a consequence of being an idol that you needed to embrace regardless of how frustrating it could be at times. All that being said, you and the boys have found a way to bring humor into the whole thing, which oftentimes makes it easier to deal with.
As Chan reached across from your body to swat at Minho with his pillow, you couldn’t help but giggle. “Anyway,” he continued as he sent his friend a pointed look. “I just think that after being friends for so long, it’s natural for us to become as close as we are. Besides, Y/N always needs me, which makes me very happy.”
His words seemed to warm every cell in your body, these thoughts of his were not new to you since it was something that he frequently mentioned during those late nights spent either working or having a drink together. It was the mere thought of you making him feel as wanted as you knew he deserved to feel that made you content, it was the least you could do for him when he sacrificed so much for everyone in the group on a daily basis.
“I think we’ve earned the right to be this close.” Minho cocked his head to the side, silently urging you to elaborate on your comment. “I mean, I’m not born or raised in Korea like most of the other members are, and the only ones who could really understand what it meant to be homesick were him and Felix. Oftentimes, I would find myself in bed just wide awake because I couldn’t help but obsess over my troubles. Every time my mind was just spinning like that, I knew I could count on Chan, to calm me down.
It’s especially sweet, too, because we all know Chan is a bit of a workaholic, but whenever someone needs him he just…stops and turns all of his focus on us and it made me feel very seen. He listens, and offers his own insights and is just like the big brother I always need around. Usually those nights end with us in the living room, and I’ll fall asleep to the sounds of his keyboards click-clacking as he continues working. Chan just has that soothing aura that helps so much.”
Chan could only watch as you spoke about him, those mini stars that only seemed to appear when watching his members. You held his gaze for only a moment, hoping he could feel the sincerity oozing from your expression.
“I think it’s safe to say that STAYs really do see that.” Minho was leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, lips curled up into a soft lopsided smile as he watched the interaction between the two. All of the members shared their own special friendships with you that you adored and appreciated with every fiber of your being, but the fact that Chan was your platonic soulmate was an undeniable fact. “The fact that Y/N is our maknae also probably plays a part in this friendship. Chan, has there ever been a time in which Y/N felt like she was older?”
After a moment of careful consideration, Chan responded with: “I think Y/N can be very nurturing when she wants to be. She’s always making sure that I’ve drank enough water and she often brings me meals when she can because I do spend an awful lot of time working. But other than that, she’s still very much a big baby — OW!”
Your hand stung slightly from when you smacked his arm, guilt seeped into your smile since you hadn’t meant for it to hurt that much. Nevertheless, you stood your ground.
“Would a big baby be that strong?”
Minho chuckled at the scene. “I think you’re proving him right, though.”
“I’ll hit you too, you know.’
“Okay, okay, let us move on from this before you start getting all violent.” Although he was partly teasing, Minho was not a stranger to your slaps that always hit harder than you’d mean to, as though you were a large puppy that didn’t know its strength. “Y/N, has Chan ever felt like he was younger?”
“You didn’t even think about it,” Chan chortled.
“Don’t have to,” you said with a wicked grin curling up your lips. “He’s a big baby when he doesn’t get any attention and also when he’s sick.”
At this, Minho burst out laughing. “No, you’re right. She’s right.”
It was now Chan’s turn to let his hand fly and make contact with your arm, though his slap was significantly lighter than yours. You still pretended to be distressed due to the pain, clutching the area that he touched and twisting your face in mock suffering.
The questions on Minho’s talking-point cards continued rolling off of his tongue as the interview carried on. It was a time that, had the goal truly been to cover every single aspect of yours and Chan’s relationship, it’d never end. He was the kind of guy you trusted with everything, and you knew he felt the same way towards you. Bang Chan was your best friend, the brother you always needed, and your guide when in the darkness. By the time the cameras stopped rolling almost immediately after your collaborative singing in the end, the promise of buying lunch was on the tip of your tongue as you jogged to catch with his wider footsteps.
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word count: 2.2k 🦋 posted: 01 • 03 • 2024
💬 a note from green;
First of all, Happy New Years! Hope it’s 2024 is being kind to everyone thus far.
Secondly, thank you for the request my dear Anonnie! I really hope this is good, I’ve never written anything about a ninth member, much less in a platonic way so I struggled slightly on how to do it. I’m gonna be very honest right now and say that I am not a platonic anything haha, my girlfriend (who found my account recently) will tell you that much. We did a lot of “platonic” shit before we finally admitted that we were, in fact, not being platonic at all. So, yeah. I do love a challenge so I really appreciate it!
Finally, I’m finally feeling better! All I have is a mild cough, nothing too bad compared to what I was dealing before so be ready for more posts!
⨳ kofi ⨳
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( 🏷️ ) taglist: @grandpafelixx , @agi-ppangx
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zzoguri · 1 month
[TEASER] finger trapped (ripped to its seams) ➵ ji changmin
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ji changmin x reader
with an unexpected reunion, you and changmin relive the memories of cheongju—and confront what could’ve been between you two.
inspired by ➵ "seasons" by wave to earth, the last five years
general genre/warnings ➵ friends to almost lovers, angst, fluff, the last five years story-telling method aka present will be told going backwards while past will be told moving forward (i hope that makes sense), missed chances, unexpected reunion, keeping secrets & lying, hurt/comfort, jealousy remains but love triumphs, tiger parents, journalist reader (u kno i had to do it), reader is a nerd and changmin is a student-athlete, kms jokes from jongseob (all /lh), finger traps aren’t efficient after all
word count ➵ est. 10-15k
playlist ➵ end of beginning by djo // high school in jakarta by niki // i know it won't work by gracie abrams // no big deal (i love you) by dodie // keeping tabs by niki // no one knows by stephen sanchez & laufey // so what now by renee rapp // i wish i hated you by ariana grande // the 1 by taylor swift // seasons by wave to earth
a/n ➵ shhhhhhh.... i know that i'm still writing this but a lil motivation and accountability goes a long way SOOO !!! this is just a lil teaser for the upcoming jichang fic for the deoboyznet event <33 thank you again to my lovely @hcuyk for beta reading !!! (i've only written 1/4 please understand.) but i'm dedicating this to my lovely @sungbeam whose love for changmin is one i'll forever feel even to my ribs and @wavesmp3 who forever remains an inspiration in the way i write </3 plus, i've posted these snippets anyway so :P if ure interested in this fic, feel free to ask to be part of the taglist for this! and dont forget to always leave feedback <3
want to be part of my taglist? send me an ask! masterlists
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it’s a late night on a tuesday, about to be a midnight wednesday, and you’re in a convenience store as you scout for your dinner. all hauled up in the newsroom, the idea of ordering food during a time where restaurants would still be open slipped your mind. now, you’re left to scan through the same options you’ve eaten for the past years since you started living in seoul.
the convenience clerks are familiar with you, both kim jongseob and kim jiwoo. with your constant late-night meals at the store, you’d talk to whichever one had a shift. jongseob is saving up to upgrade his setup at home to record more music. with all the stories he shares about his time in underground rap battles along with the short verses he’s performed for you, you’re positive that he’ll get signed to a label soon. as for jiwoo, this is one of the many jobs she has in order to save enough money for fashion school. you’ve seen her sketches and outfits she’s put together and you’re hoping that she’ll get accepted.
a sigh leaves you. you didn’t have a problem with eating the food here but you were craving for something new in your life in seoul. the perpetual cycle of eating takeout food and unconsciously skipping meals for work needed to be disrupted just for a moment. but you weren’t seeking michelin-star food—all you wanted was home cooked, something from home.
the spice of tteokbokki, the burn of freshly fried hotteok, and the sweetness of homemade peach iced tea—mr. kim’s convenience store had it all.
your tastebuds long for cheongju.
“planning to beat your record of spending 23 minutes on deciding what to get?”
you roll your eyes before looking to your right, seeing jongseob stocking up the drinks in the fridge. “i hate you.”
“what? i’m just saying, you’re taking a lot longer to decide today.” he chuckles before placing the last bottle of sweetened probiotic milk in the fridge. “none of the options look good to you?”
“sort of,” you hum before you scan through the aisle of packaged meals. “i think i’m craving for something different.”
“i get it. the food here can get boring, which is why i’m planning to order pizza if you want to split the costs.”
your eyebrows shoot up at jongseob’s suggestion. “really? you’d share pizza with me?”
“yeah, as long as you pay for your share.” he shoots you a smile before grabbing on a trolley carrying empty boxes. “unless… you want to pay for the whole thing.”
you bite back a smile as you shake your head. you should’ve known the guy would ask you to buy him food, but you knew that he needed the money and you at least had a stable income to keep you comfortable. “fine,” jongseob’s smile grows as you fish out your wallet from your pocket and pull out a couple of bills. “just order enough for us two.” 
“of course,” he says as soon as you hand him some money. “i’ll make sure to order the most expensive thing on the menu.”
you scoff at his joke. “just make sure to treat me to something.”
the bell by the door chimes. “sorry, can’t hear you over that! need to attend to a customer!” jongseob quickly runs away from you while dragging the trolley. that little shit just knew how to press your buttons, but you love the kid, anyway.
still, you stand in the middle of the mart and your heart longs for home.
then, you shut your eyes, and you’re transported back in front of the familiar aisle filled with bags of potato chips and sweet corn. the noisy fan along with the soft sounds of mr. kim’s korean drama fills your ears. a mix of yellow and orange hues paint every corner of the mart, including you—and you’re not alone.
your best friend stands on your right, wearing the unbuttoned school uniform polo over a tank top along with jogging pants. he’s lost in thought as he scans through the options of snacks you two can have for today’s afternoon. he starts to giggle to himself, probably from a silly thought he’ll share with you in the next second or a memory involving you, and the dips in his cheeks appear—your heart thumps in your ears.
and just like how quickly you were transported back to cheongju, your surroundings transformed into the cool-lit convenience store found in seoul. all you have left is the image of him bathed in the sunlight.
but he fades away like the ink on old receipts, never gone, because the glowing image of him warps into a different version who stands next to you in the cold mart. he’s grown a few inches taller and his hair doesn’t get in the way of his line of sight. while he wears a green sweater, you notice that he’s gained some muscles. his eyes scan through the aisle behind you filled with different brands of instant ramen.
but he bites the inside of his cheek, and his dimples appear.
it’s a tornado that brews within you, enough to uproot trees and displace buildings, all because of an unexpected reunion with changmin. why did the universe decide to bring two ex-best friends on a random tuesday night? what brings him to the convenience store at the same time you’re there? and why did it have to happen a day before the interview?
you weren’t going to commit the same mistake; keep your eyes off of him and make your way out of the store. it didn’t matter if you had an empty, growling stomach, or gave free money to jongseob. you need to leave without the distant, familiar face noticing.
your feet act fast, and you're almost certain that might’ve caught his attention, but it didn’t matter as you see jongseob standing behind the cashier with his phone out. “i just ordered the pizza. it should arrive in about… 20 to 30 minutes.”
“yeah, about that…”
“don’t tell me you’re taking your money back.”
at the sight of jongseob’s pout, you roll your eyes. “no, keep it. i just—i need to go.”
“what? why?”
you peek behind you. it seems like he didn’t recognize you, after all. “i’ve got… work!”
“but don’t you only have your interview with the bo—”
“hey!” your fingers snap at him. “you cannot—i mean, you just… just take the goddamn money.”
“but we’re supposed to share the pizza. you haven’t eaten.”
an exasperated sigh leaves you. “jongseob, just treat me next time. i can eat at home.”
and you’re ready to leave the convenience store, bid farewell to jongseob and a delicious pizza made for two, and never greet or say goodbye to the living fragment of what you last know of cheongju—
and the plan failed.
when you meet his gaze, you’re able to take in the different version of him. he’s grown so much—it’s such a pain that you weren’t there to witness it. his eyes are a pool of emotions; you can’t identify them.
all it takes is one breath from you. “changmin.”
a beat passes.
“i’m just gonna… go through the storage,” jongseob points his thumb at the back of the mart, “and maybe kill myself afterwards. i don’t know.” before you can protest, he’s already gone. (and he still has your money. that fucker.)
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taglist ➵@winterchimez @miusgirl @jenoscafe @sweet-unicorn-world @mosviqu @vernyangel @stealanity @deobi0412 @blue-rainydays @maessseongs
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dudefromwormhole · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Headcanons:D
That I collected through the internet and now have and absolutely adore. Feel free to add yours:)
Warning for cannibalism and possible spoilers. Enjoy:)
1) Alastor rather eats meat of his possible victims than organs. He finds them edible, but just doesn’t like it.
2) Alastor never shares his food. And even when/if he is cooking something for others, he will cook the same food in the separate bowl just for himself.
3) Even if Alastor fell in love he would never(or really unlikely) realise that. Possibly because his own ego and beliefs.
4) Alastor sometimes fantasises about him being executed rather than his own original death. His favourites so far: hanging and electric chair.
5) Alastor would have a love/hate relationship with Will Wood’s music(yes.) just because he despises and underastimates all modern music.
6) Alastor has literal piles of old(and sometimes broken)radios.
7) Alastor hates discussing love and relationships, if they’re not about breaks up, while Rosie adores talking about them.
8) Sometimes Alastor cannot control his shadow. In terms of where it goes and what it does. So yeah, sometimes he walks around without shadow.
1) The stuff Rosie proposed to Charlie when they met was prepared by herself.
Also I think Rosie can cook anything(aside from bones perhaps). She knows a lot of recipes about how to cook organs, different types of seasonings, etc.
2) Rosie has Belgic roots. Or French. I feel like she speaks French and maybe Italian or something. I haven’t decided.
3) Rosie only likes to drink dry semi-sweet wine among the alcohol beverages.
4) If Rosie would ever open a fashion business, all her clothes would be with embroidery. She loves embroidery and is pretty good at making it.
The Vees
1) Vox has a love/hate relationship with an electro swing. He likes it, but also “hates” it just because Alastor also likes it. He also likes dubstep and techno genres.
2) Valentino’s afraid of tickling.
3) Val’s also absolutely cannot sleep with the lights turn on, because he’s a moth.
4) Vox was absolutely horrified when he got to Hell and realised that he’s a fucking TV. If there wasn’t a constant danger of getting killed, he would probably sit in the corner of some building in shock.
5) Velvete uses Vox as powerbank.
6) Valentino’s eyesight got worse especially after he realised that he can use Vox’s head when he’s asleep, so now he kinda watches whatever he wants on his head when he’s bored.
7) And also Val and Velvete play the console using Vox(ye, the comic:))
8) In earlier days Vox was absolutely disgusted by someone touching his screen(in first days(look up #4) himself included), but as the time went and also the upgrade, change in themes, he kinda suppressed this disgust.
9) Velvete likes strawberry in chocolate.
10) Vox can draw decently, he just usually doesn’t have time and much imagination to do so.
11) Also Vox has a bad habit of tearing paper to keep his hands busy. By that I mean any paper. So yeah. There were some accidents.
Residents of the Hotel
1) Residents of the Hotel bump into Nifty at least two time per day.
2) Sir Pentious hates stairs.
3) One of the reasons why Husk hates his form is because he cant stop throwing off hairballs.
4) Angel can keep important secrets.
5) Nifty and Charlie both likes those bright and colourful plasters.
6) Vaggie is allergic to citruses(lightly but still).
7) Cherri makes her coffee with energy drinks. Tastes awful, but at least she’s full of energy to kick someone’s ass.
8) Husk knows a lot of card games and also taught the Eggbois how to play couple of them so they’d stop bothering him so much.
9) When he was alive, Husk used to travel and move from one country to another quite often.
10) Sir Pentious when he has a shower, always takes his Eggbois with himself.
11) The reason why Sir Pentious’ ship was covered with plasters was because his Eggbois thought they would actually heal it.
12) Lucifer will never admit that process of making ducks stopped bringing him as much happiness as it used to. But after seven years of just making them, trying to keep his mind off his problems, it just became a routine.
13) One of the reasons why Lilith decided to “disappear” was because at night Lucifer constantly stepped on his ducks and then screamed and cried and apologised to them, making it harder to sleep.
14) Charlie used to make little theatre shows with her toys when she was younger.
15) When Vaggie and Charlie’s relationship got a little more established, they had a whole trip through rings of Hell.
16) Lucifer has a handmade duck copy of every person that he met. He made the most absurd one for Alastor, of course
17) Angel is scared of swallowing bubblegum, because he genuinely believes that his gut will glue together if he does so.
18) Vaggie can’t stand sleeping covered.
Other Overlords
1) Zestial is a tea nerd. I think he would actually do those Chinese ceremonies and stuff. It’s like… the more he appreciates you, the more effort he would put into tea x)
2) Carmilla was(and maybe is?) a big fan of ballet and took classes when she was alive.
1) Adam would love Beetlejuice. In any form, cartoon one, film, musical… He would be a fan.
2) Adam hates waking up at the morning and tells to “fuck off I’m a Gods fucking son” to anyone who tries to wake him up.
3) Adam hates tomatoes and will absolutely roast anyone who eats them when he’s near. Except for Lute.
4) When Heavens court plans to set up a party they usually don’t plan to invite Sera and St Peter.
5) Mimzy is the one who talks about her previous life more than anyone else, each time adding almost unrealistic details.
6) Adam calls his Exterminators group "tits" for because they are woman and there's a bird like that.
6)(this one is to Hell in general) I like to think that you don't die in Hell in a way that when you recieve a deadly wound your body just kinda... gets more regeneration, so you still feel pain untill the wound is healed, but you don't die. So when Exterminators stab sinners with angelic weapons, process of regeneration stops, which gives them opportunity to die.
7) Though Vox created his own special kind of dying for himself. When his screen gets badly damaged, he changes it, so same goes with his body. I think he has a folder somewhere with his personality.
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betterthanburrow · 1 year
hi queen!!!!can we an insta au with olivia rodrigo as a fc :)))
PopStar WAG - Instagram AU
(Bengals Quarterback! Joe Burrow x PopStar! OC)
liked by taylorswift and 4,013,969 more users
yourinstagram: happy first birthday to the little song that changed my whole life, it is crazy to think how quickly life changes. thank u you everyone who has supported me during the past year. music is the most magical thing in the world. 💜✨
view all 513,009 comments
username1: one year later and i’m still crying to this song just like i did the first night i heard the song!
taylorswift: 💜💜💜
username2: it’s crazy how after this day last night, Y/N was no longer our little secret and she became one of the most popular music artists in the WORLD!
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liked by 55,925 users
DeuxMoi: 🤫
view all 13,771 comments
username1: what interests would a football player and a popstar in a common?!
username2: i wonder who this new couple is?!
↳ username3: what if it’s Joe Burrow and Y/FN Y/LN?!
↳ username4: that would be one of the most randomness couples in Hollywood.
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liked by 169,135 users
JustJared: NFL Quarterback Joe Burrow and PopStar Y/FN Y/LN have been spotted out hanging out together a week before the NFL Playoffs.
view all 50,710 comments
username1: from singing songs on her album about being heartbroken by a hometown boy TO HER BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A RICH QUARTERBACK… WE LOVE THE UPGRADE!
username2: this is… a surprising couple to see?!
username3: the songs on the next album are going to be so good… i already know it!
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liked by yourinstagram and 323,330 more users
Bengals: Bring on the Raiders! SATURDAY 🔜 #RuleTheJungle
view all 32,013 comments
↳ username2: YES WE ARE!
↳ username3: NO Y’ALL AREN’T
yourinstagram: let’s go Bengals! 🔥🧡
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liked by joeyb_9 and 2,139,005 more users
view all 420,139 comments
username1: i already have this shirt… but i’m going to buy another shirt just because i want too.
username2: queen of ignoring the rumors!
joeyb_9: can i get a free DL shirt?!
↳ yourinstagram: no.
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liked by yourinstagram and 255,013 more users
Bengals: QB1’s Playoff Debut 🔜
view all 99,103 comments
username2: i hate the Bengals, but Joey B is hot.
yourinstagram: 🥵
username3: and when there are love songs about this man on Y/!’s next album, we all know why.
username4: i understand why Y/N is in her WAG era!
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Author’s Note:
thank you to the anonymous user that sent this IG AU request because it was very fun to write!
if you have a request for an Instagram AU, please send the IG AU request to my Inbox and i’ll try to get the Instagram AU published as quickly as i can!
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
actually ey fuck it. list of personal headcanons for the main six iterators some of which i might illustrate properly at some point:
Moon: • one of the first 10 iterators ever built. she is grandma as HELL and totally forgot she is that old • Pebbles sometimes asks her to tell him about the older times, because history nerd. he writes everything she says onto a pearl • in the post i've made talkin bout her and pebs' voice, saying that she sounded like Miku, somebody said that they like to think the ancients made Moon a vocaloid. to that i absolutely agree: she has NO fucking clue what do when it comes to putting a certain emotion into a song but god DAMMIT shes so good at singing • she can add effects to her voice, including a glitch effect. she likes that one the least • -HITS DESK- THE DISAPPEARANCE OF HATSUNE MOON. • she doesn't particularly like to sing, especially not to herself. but she does know that pebbles likes music- the first week after the mass ascension was rough and he was working mostly on autopilot, not answering DMs or anything. she called him up and told him they could sing together, if he wants to. he felt much better afterwards • MOON'S SECRET RAP CAREER • i'll put it here too so it's all in one place: her AI isn't developed enough to understand the emotional quality of any form of art • Moon was upgraded a few times in her function. most of the time it was because her citizens loved her too much to let her go too out of date (specifically in the physical sense. they made sure she wouldn't fall too easily) • one of the first memories she designated as a "core memory" was her first upgrade that was a result of her citizens' riot against the Houses- to keep her safe. she noted it down as "Kindness is effortlessly repaid" • she remembers when iterator comms were connected by a cable rather than radio waves • she also remembers when two of the first 10 collapsed and went into coma, with their citizens of course perishing in the fall and crash. she's still terrified of those days and doesn't like recalling them even for Pebbles • Nish was her first little sib and she feels like she can talk with him about anything. she hates it, but she's distant with Suns- they are always so damn polite and skittish around her... and she absolutely adores the other three. her tiny little wonderful siblings • she didn't like to admit that maybe her hardwave wasn't keeping up with her citizens anymore. at that point she did start to emotionally care less for them, but she still didn't want to admit she wasn't able to provide and protect those she was responsible for • i can't get the image of her being the one to actually ensure the family is gonna financially survive in a more chill au where the iterators r just sorta kinda people. Miss Moon From Accounting... • her overseers were originally blue. she swapped colors with Pebbles all on her own accord. having yellow overseers, seeing them, made her feel even more connected to Pebs • this is basically canon but she fuckin Loves animals. she's the iterator version of Steve Irwin. she also don't kno jack shit about the vegetation • city's representative instrument Evolved- first it was a harp, then it went to a nyckelharpa and then to a violin
Nish: • he is built over marshes to the south-west from Moon and she helped with his blueprints! the Gen 1s had their blueprints checked over by the already built iterators to make sure something wouldn't go wrong. she was so so excited to have a neighbour • the scarf is from his main programmer. the Ancient wrapped it around his puppet's neck before he was even turned online so for the longest time he had no idea that the thing wasn't originally in his design. Moon had to tell him • he became a jokester Entirely because the first time he made Moon laugh he absolutely fell in love with it. he told her and she recommended him looking into jokes. baby boy had no idea what the fuck a joke was so Moon had to explain • when the middle gen started being created, the Ancients noticed that these new iterators didn't have... much of emotional skills. so they turned to the older gens to look for the most emotional and empathetic ones. Nish scored Really High on that survey- his empathy and emotion modules were studied and each time they found something new and better, they upgraded him in that one aspect. so now Sig is one of the biggest crybabies ever. you show him a sad movie and this supercomputer will be lyin on the ground wailing like a newborn. oh and also he makes for a great therapist because he can now just Get It • as the most emotionally... mature? capable? he decided he will be the one to keep a real close eye on everyone in the Local Group after the mass ascension • thanks to all that emotion business he gets along with Suns swimmingly. when Suns needs assistence with figuring out their own emotions or what would be appropriate and not too cold towards someone, they go to him • if he could he'd give everyone younger than him a noogie and you cannot convince me otherwise • the Hunter was a sickly pup that was left behind on his roof by a family that came to him which he directed towards the void sea. they were far too weak for the family to keep them, basically on the death's door. Nish took them in, operated on them, enhanced genes and raised them from there • Is half a medical facility. mister veterinarian, baybeee • since he's a sap, he started to view the Hunter like his own kid at some point. he was also the one who pitched to Suns the idea of sending Spearmaster over to him for visits. Spear tried its best to help raise and train Hunter • the whole rot thing happened because Nish did a stupid and forgot that neurons are quite the fuckin reactive things and continual exposure to what is essentially extra macho giga neuron Can and Will fuck up cells. his and Moon's cans have a long distance between them. it was enough time for Hunter to develop the big owie cancer. he noticed it only when they were too far away and it was already too bad • he felt absolutely Terrible about it. again he loses someone so so very close to him. but this time around? there is no one to be angry at for this but himself • Hunter manages to ascend. Nish watched them leave, silently, in subterranean • he used to do his best to play with his citizens. when a kid came to his chamber, he gave them rides on his puppet's shoulders or the umbilical arm. same went for Hunter • his city is called Risio • city's representative instrument was EITHER a PVC instrument or suona i can't decide for the life of me
Suns: • they were built much further away from the planet's equator than most of the Local Group, meaning they experience polar days and nights • the "Seven" in their name refers to the amount of months the unusually timed sunsets and sunrises last for. for seven whole months, the locality gets only about four hours of Somewhat darkness • in return, they have three full months of relatively strong darkness. their city used to shine bright, during this time. post mass ascension those months are terribly lonely and depressing • because of the warmth they produce, there's an oasis for wildlife underneath them • the warmth was also sung about a lot by their citizens. they've seen it as an incredible blessing- Suns used to run hotter than other iterators just for them. nowadays they are mostly normal though • the outside of their can is tinted blue- frostbitten. that much warmer their yellow, orange and red city feels • their and Moon's personalities clash so hard that they sometimes go out of their way to avoid her. they do appreciate her but talking with her is exhausting. she's a stranger to them, almost • the iterators can project/send their emotions through messages/broadcasts. Suns' messages always sound flat, unless they use the ~ • one of their biggest dreams is to sit with Pebbles leaning against their side, all the while listening to old music of their cities • once Spearmaster returns, the walls of their puppet chamber become completely covered in doodles and masterpieces • they end up standing the longest out of the whole Local Group. bright and warm even after everyone else dies • their city is called Solis • city's representative instrument was an armonica (look that shit up its sick)
Wind: • Wind's can stands in this giant plain. there's like nothing as far as the eye can see and even further Except her. she just stands there like fucking Slanderman XXL version • the plains are absolutely prime location for a spawning grounds of tornadoes and shit like that. the wind is Constantly strong so most of the rain clouds they exhale are immediately blown away • instead of rain they deal with ginormous tornadoes at the end of each cycle. while their superstructure can take it, the comms can't. so Wind is often absent from iterator chats as a result. after the mass ascension these connection knock-outs become a great source of stress and worry for the others cuz they never know if Wind will come back or not this time • because of these comm blackouts, Innocence took it upon herself to catch Wind up on everything they've missed when they come back online. Innocence started doing this all by herself out of seemingly nowhere. she just cares. silently. • the strangest thing about her is that her city is half built within her structure instead of on top of her. the winds can get sometimes so bad that they manage to affect even the top of her can. so the solution was to put half of the city under her skin as a sort of giant bunker • the ancients, not being ones to waste much space, made sure the city can still be used by Wind's processes, in a way. their neurons fly through the streets, completely unbothered, working as makeshift streetlights. the kids used to love chasing after them- never catching any though • sometimes when the wind storms outside got real bad, the kids that were scared of them were sent to Wind's puppet chamber. she used to tell them all kinds of stories or about what she was currently working on • it was often that their puppet chamber would be full of pillows, blankets and sleeping children. they loved their citizens so so much • nicknamed themself "Chasing" Wind in chats because, just like Moon, they are also quite the dreamer • closest with Moon, too. Wind looks up to Moon Immensely. they really wanna be like her one day • Wind is what some people think of Moon- a too kind pushover that doesn't know how to get angry and defend herself. Wind is the kindest, most sensitive and softest person they have in The Local Group. Nish takes care to keep his jabs and jokes about Wind very mild • has a really beautiful voice • likes flowers :) • her city is called Procella • city's representative instrument was a fujara cuz god DAMMIT i love that instrument i Have to slap it on Someone in here. it fits their vibe in my heart either way
Innocence: • she really wishes her surrounding circumstances were in some kind of way special but actually she's built at the least unique place with basically nothing neat happening nearby. there are strange giant cherry trees nearby, but that's about it • fuckin LOVES lizards. she's the one who made the Cyans and sent some over to Pebbles to fuck him up. thankfully, as we all know, Cyans are kinda stupid and since they launch themselves over edges of cliffs they haven't managed to destroy the local ecosystem • her citizens used to keep lizards as pets. most of the time just for the joy of having 0 braincells creature follow you around but some had 'em as sort of hunting dogs • was the one who created The Rivulet. she was mumbling to herself and a friend smth about how boys only screw things up while engineering Riv's genome • she BASICALLY packed Riv into a cannon and shot them over right into the middle of a scav toll cuz "come on, it's not that far away. this will make your journey shorter and shit". i don't care how goofy it sounds, this is how it went in my heart • in possession of probably the most durable comms ever made • claims she's purple! she's actually fake out purple which means homegirl is Deceptive Blue. she CONSTANTLY fights over this with Pebbles • despite their squabbles she did care for Pebbles. she was very excited to not be the youngest anymore and getting to baby someone • her and Nish always start verbal sparring matches, often consisting of threats that more often than not range on impossible to actually commit. they constantly lead their mock wars in #general. Moon's gonna kill 'em one of these days • trusts Moon the most- which is why she outed Pebbles' rot and sent Rivulet with the instructions to extract the rarefaction cell • her city is called Sermo • city's representative instrument was a shamisen. she absolutely knows how to play it and loves to threaten people with the bachi
Pebbles: • the only people he enjoyed doing group projects with were Suns and Wind. he Could do group projects with Moon and Nish but Only if he could race them. rascal found it fun to challenge the nokias 😔 • now with Innocence though? Never. if they were forced to, they could do a great job with minimal communication but they were not going to be happy about it • latched onto Suns exactly because Moon was overbearingly protective and Suns always seems like they couldn't give less of a shit about anyone. sometimes they'd have a videochat open and not say anything for hours as they worked • with Nish he used to like inventing new things. a lot of times the things turned out to be silly or kind of useless which would normally frustrate him, but surprisingly enough Nish made the time spent worth it • Wind's favorite activity was comparing notes with him and then talking about the differences in their research. they'd hum to him happily while the both of them would be sorting through their stuff • i sometimes imagine him having a slight chinese accent and i blame Steven He for this so hard • second most emotional fuck in the group. his emotions mostly rotate around anger, though • he won't admit this to anyone but he really liked it when his and Moon's cans were connected by bridges. it felt like holding hands. he felt more stable. now all he can do is just miss it quietly • was legit surprised when he found out not every iterator has a build in older sister right at their side • his city is called Literally just Metropolis cuz the ancients didn't bother with properly naming it. depeshioumn. • city's representative instrument was adopted straight from Moon since Pebs' citizens were honestly just hers, so- violin it is • Pebbles HAS attempted to learn how to play a violin himself. certainly was a test of patience and puppet dexterity/camera-to-digits control. almost broke the poor thing a few times from nerves
either way, Wind, at the end of each fucking cycle from day 1 of their life:
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my hsmtmts hot takes:
(im going to be stoned for this i know it)
i did not care about rina in the slightest until season 4
seblos (as a ship/couple) is just sort of...there for me. i have no big feelings towards or against them. they're definitely cute, they just don't stay on my mind
though i loved the fashion upgrade that came with it, i hated the way kourtney was written in season 4
i don't care about madlyn that much. (i also don't like call it what you want all that much)
season 4's hsm3 songs were not done well (save for can i have this dance, high school musical (the finale) and dani's high school musical, and now or never (auditions) the mixing was bad, they had dara sing too high for i want it all and the singing itself just wasn't that good
^i loved most of the original songs tho
they should've never brought in any of the original hsm actors (save for kaycee and lucas in s1) they made a corbin a twisted version of himself in s3 and the rest of the actors in s4 were so overhyped just for them to barely be there
i actually liked portwell together. they both seemed so happy and i will never forgive the writers for building them up just to ruin them in s3
^speaking of s3 portwell, i will also never forgive this fandom for treating ej like he was some old man preying on a child and treating him like the villain (this is a rant by itself so we'll tackle that some other time)
i've never liked nini (or rini)
the rina hat only works because they got together in the end. imagine if a friend put a secret love confession in a gift for you and you find it after both of you get with someone else. i just find it weird to do that sort of thing when you don't even know if there's mutual feelings
i was on ricky's side during most of the rini discourse (save for him going behind nini's back and getting her a part when she didn't want one)
while i love both jennzzara and jetney, both of them were quickly thrown together at the end with hints that there were crushes in the air for both of them
i will forever hate that they chose frozen as s3's musical. the only songs i liked were what do you know about love and love is an open door
for a show about students putting on a musical, they really just did not show a lot of the musicals
^for s2, i've been giving them a pass because it was during the first year of covid so they were probably limiting how long people could be dancing around without masks (but i was still robbed of belle's yellow dress on ashlyn and ej and biggie playing gaston and lefou)
and finally, this show pairs people up so fast with no real development for either the people or the couple itself. the show really could've benefited from growing their characters without a relationship being the driving force and then worked on building romantic relationships once they figured out what to do with each character
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pierrotdameron · 1 year
[...] As the game begins, your character arrives in a remote corner of the world of Eora called the Living Lands as an envoy of the Aedyr Empire, where you've been sent to investigate a mysterious plague. "Not everybody in the Living Lands is super thrilled to have an imperial presence in this far-flung land," she said. "So adventure ensues."
[...] CEO Feargus Urquhart told me that in scope Avowed is more akin to Obsidian's past RPGs like The Outer Worlds in size than it is a sprawling open world a la Skyrim, though that was actually Obsidian's initial pitch. When the developers sat down and focused on what Obsidian does best—stories and companions, in particular—the more compact scale came naturally.
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The way you interact with other characters in Avowed will be similar to The Outer Worlds, where your dialogue options reflect the tone you want to want to use. "We try to hit a sweet spot when we're writing dialogue options where we invest enough personality for those options to be fun and interesting, but also leave enough space around them so that the player can really invest whatever headcanon they built for their character into that option," she said.
Patel wouldn't spill much about Avowed's story, but did give me some of the basics on what form of RPG to expect from Avowed: 
You have an established role as the imperial envoy, but your "personality, appearance, and philosophy and vibe you bring to that role is up to you as a player to decide"
You can play as a human or an elf, but not other races
It's purely singleplayer—no co-op
The world is lightly systemic: think water and lightning interactions, but not the ol' bucket-on-the-head trick
You'll have two companions with you at a time, with their own combat specialties and, of course, personalities
There are several ability trees to progress through, and you won't be locked to a particular class or playstyle
You will level up, but the focus is on unlocking abilities rather than putting points into stats to grow stronger
Early in development, when Obsidian decided to prioritize a story "more focused on depth than breadth," the first-person combat ended up benefitting, too. Patel said that it was an example of a piece of Avowed that was surprisingly fun in their first vertical slice, a time when the team has to decide on what to commit more resources to and what to scale back on. Combat became a key focus, which should be music to the ears of every Elder Scrolls player who's always found the sword-swinging a bit wimpy. "Our combat has come along really, really well, and the bones have been there since the beginning," she said. 
Patel cited a lot of time spent tuning the feel of swinging a sword vs. a mace vs. an axe to make combat feel right, but the options available to players seem like the more significant element at play here. You're free to dual-wield weapons, wield both magic and melee simultaneously, and as in Pillars of Eternity, there are some old timey guns available. When I brought up how bored I am of game loot with imperceptible stat differences from one sword to another, she said that's been on their mind, too. 
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"The way we've tried to approach that is erring on the side of fewer but meaningful upgrades. If you're upgrading your weapon from one tier to the next, you should feel the difference. If it's a small number change next to your item name, that's not going to feel as meaningful as going through an upgrade process, trying your weapon again and realizing it's doing a lot more damage. Fewer but more meaningful upgrade tiers."
From today's trailer, magic looks like it could be the bit of Avowed that really gives it its own fantasy flair. There's some excellent hand animation at work when the envoy draws runes in the air to conjure a fireball and later lifts a pulsing void skyward, sending a pile of guards orbiting weightlessly around it. I want a whole lot more of that, and I'm excited that I can mix magic with melee without being railroaded into a class. 
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"In most of our games companions have been optional, which I think offers a wonderful degree of choice to players, but it means there's a limit to how deeply you can tie them into the core story. With Avowed we decided companions are going to be core. They're going to be part of the experience. And that means we can invest so much more in them and tie them much more closely, and personally, to the events and the parts of the world the player is encountering."
And can they die? 
This time there was a pause. "You'll have to see," Patel said. Until 2024, then.
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nikidanger · 2 months
Long phone calls with both my dad & brother to catch up on life.
Two new baby pups sprouting from one of my plants.
Senior director of music licensing for a pretty major record label who I hadn’t been in touch with since 2021 randomly hitting me up about work the other night ((thank you gawd)).
My music shuffling to Get It Right x Luther Vandross while I was in the shower this morning (yes there was a whole concert iykyk).
Random online guy from Germany teaching me how to upgrade my weapons & select the right armor in broken English for Destiny 2. He was so freakin helpful I’m geeked about it.
Oh! Omg. Finding out about a couple thousand dollars my ass completely forgot about several years ago?! Man WHAT? Lmfao
Paying off most of my hospital bills yesterday!
Finally getting back into film photography after missing it dearly for many years.
New kitten my homegirl is fostering 🥹🥹 so SMALL! 😭😭🥹She asked if I wanted it & if I really move in 2 months it’s MINE.
My housemate & his girlfriend’s banter about naming our neighbor’s not so secret anymore secret chickens… they’re all spices. My favorites were Paprika for the red-ish one & Salnpepper for the white one with random black-tipped feathers throughout.
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edvinroyals · 1 year
Which is your favourite young royal fanfiction?
Mine is Honey and Lemon by Skamownsme4ever
Others are - bet you you'll go far, like he hung the moon and the stars, not it it's you, there all along, call me up late
Pretty much fics which make me smile non-stop cause they are so fluffy!!
Hey! I'm so happy to get another Fanfic ask!!!
I also really love Honey and Lemon, Bet You You'll Go Far, Not If It's You, There All Along and Call Me Up Late I haven't read Like He Hung The Moon and The Stars but I have added it to my list!
I am currently putting together a post of my favourite fic's from 2022 so thought I would offer you some of my favourites that fit the fluffy vibe you love here!
Bloom Where You Are Planted - By cloudymilk
Don't want to talk about how many times ao3 tells me I have read this one.
Hi Wille, I hope you’re doing well!
I hope you don’t mind but I saw sometimes you give plant advice and I think I might have killed mine
- OR -
Wille is a plant boy, Simon has a black thumb. They both run semi-popular Instas.
The Boy and the Bartender - By Spidaya
Simon is a bartender at a local bar with a sunny smile and confident attitude that hide the darker side of his life he wishes to keep hidden. Wilhelm, the prince of Sweden, is a lonely boy with too much love to give and not getting much love in return. 
After they meet at a bar in not the most Prince-Charming way, their hearts are forever intertwined with each other, but not before going through the hurt, trials, and love that come with both of their lives.
Play My Song - By Elin98
It is 12.15 am and you’re listening to Late night Vibes with Simon on The Vibe FM, 104.6. I’m your host Simon Eriksson and I will be here with you all night. So for all you night owls, insomniacs, night shift workers, let me keep you company. I promise to only play good music and that we’ll have a good time.
Wille wishes he could sleep, would give just about anything to end the sleepless nights, escape the racing thoughts that have taken over his tired mind. By accident he stumbles upon a late night radio show one night and suddenly finds himself longing for the company of a boy he's never met.
On-Campus - By spa_ghetto
At the beginning of the spring term Simon and Sara receive a letter from Hillerska, offering a room and board scholarship. Sara is ecstatic. Simon can't help feeling like he's being led straight to his death. Now they're here, non-residents upgraded to residents. When his mom asks how things are going, he lies and says they're great, and no, he's definitely not bothered by the Crown Prince of Sweden living three doors down. He's over it. All of it. Really.
It's not that Wilhelm doesn't want Simon on campus, but—well, okay, it is exactly that, actually. Despite wherever their relationship is now, he's sure they can agree on one thing: Simon shouldn't be on campus, for one reason or another. So, why is he? What happened between last semester and this one? Wilhelm is a full-time student, part-time crown prince. He barely has time to sleep, let alone figure out the new Simon Situation (though, let's be real. It's all the same Situation), but between Simon nearly getting suspended and August having secret conversations in the hall, he can't help but get involved.
He can surely get to the bottom of this; he knows Simon like the back of his hand.
At least… he thinks he does.
Can I Take Your Order? - By littlefandom
“Okay,” the boy retorts, still eyeing him a bit curiously “can I take your order then, Wille?”
Wilhelm feels the blush on his cheeks deepen upon hearing his name on the boy’s lips. He can’t seem to find his voice again, his mind going blank. Felice did him what she wanted to order, right?
The waiter must have noticed he’s struggling but he only smiles a little, almost like he’s holding back a chuckle. Which does not help Wilhelm, because if his neutral, slightly tired expression was attractive before, now he’s just… wow, Wille’s brain shuts down again."
Wilhelm and Simon meet at the pizzeria in Bjärstad.
Arrhythmia - By pysanky
“Do you have the patient file for 223?” 
Simon rifled through his papers and found it, extending the file out toward Wilhelm, who took it but remained there, lingering. Madison and Simon both looked at him, waiting. 
Wilhelm cleared his throat again, opening his mouth and closing it before opening it again, but then someone was calling for him and he was gone, shoes squeaking against the linoleum. Simon sighed when he looked around the edge of the station and realized that the other was wearing Crocs. 
(or: in which Simon and Wilhelm work together as medical residents at the same hospital)
That's What I Really Want - By yr_bb
“How do you want to do this?” Simon asked. “I know you need someone to go to this fundraiser... I need someone to come with me to my parents’ anniversary party... I’d like to propose that we pretend that this—” Wilhelm gestured between them, “is a thing until at least then.” They sipped their coffees in silence for a moment. Simon hoped he was imagining the tension.
Inspired by 'Boyfriend Material' by Alexis Hall, with characters from Young Royals. A classic slow burn fake boyfriends story with plenty of soft boys, angst and fluff. 
I Never Knew Myself WIP - By demeterfics
Alex meets Wilhelm at a coffee shop in London, Alex inserts himself into Wille's life. Three years later, they're best friends living in a shared flat. Alex goes through some shit, Wille goes through some shit. Alex meets Henry when the weather causes him to find refuge.
Simon and his family moved to London and he doesn't exactly like it, but he finds himself a little corner of the city where he can be a barista and his sister, Sara works at a flower shop owned by Henry.
Rush Hour - By yr_bb
“This is going to sound so weird, and I swear I’m not stalking you or anything, but could I get your number?”  Simon typed, then smirked, passing him back the phone.  Wille’s face lit up. “Train Boy and a purple heart?”  “Text me when we have signal, OK?”
What happens when you bump into a cute stranger on a busy train? Pure unadulterated fluff, that's what!
You're The Cats Meow - By melsj98
Meet Simon. Simon, who is an animal-lover. Simon who works at his local shelter with his best friends Ayub and Rosh. Simon who loves what he does and takes pride in making the shelter a safe space. Simon, who wants to take care of his family while also juggling college classes, his job at the shelter, and his tentative music career. Simon who can’t afford any distractions right now and definitely is not looking for a relationship after his last few disastrous attempts. 
Enter Wille. Wille who just wants to get through college without too many problems, Wille who only really has three true friends in his life, Erik, Felice and Maddie, anyone else who says otherwise is lying. Wille who got into a minor fight, the details of why aren’t important. Wille who has a semi famous family and whose face is now plastered across magazines labeling him as “jealous” and “violent” and “attention-seeking” and all these other labels that don’t represent him at all. Wille whose mother sends him to work at an animal shelter to “clean up his image”. Wille whose life begins to change the second his eyes fall on Simon.
I'm Carrying Your Love With Me. - By Edvinroyals
This is mine so I feel like I should't add it but I am going to anyway.
Simon and Wilhelm coming back together, both knowing what they deserve. 
aka : me unable to get that photo of Omar and Edvin in the jumpers out of my head because the Simon and Wilhelm engagement photo vibes were just 10/10 and my brain had to write it down.
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cyberghu0l · 1 year
Not going to lie if you did a Love Language by SZA music inspiration of just ShurixRiri. They are like at that point where they are figuring out what is going on between then and they talk it out with some extra activity.
Connect to You
Shuri Udaku × Riri Williams
After constant flirting and spending time together, Riri can't help but catch feelings for Shuri. The pair decides to talk out their relationship, then it leads to something else.
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Riri groaned in frustration as another algorithm failed. It was late and she was tired, but she wanted to get this right to show her partner. "Griot, what time is it?" She asked the AI. "1:15AM Miss Williams." She sucked her teeth. She didn't know what she was doing wrong, whatever it is drove her mad. Her table was filled with pointless equations, tools, and miscellaneous metal parts. She was close to throwing a hammer, then she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and a head resting on her shoulder.
"Why are you up so late?" The princess' voice sent chills down her body. "I can't get this shit right." Her grip on the tool loosened. "Well take a break, this is your third night being down here. You've officially used this lab more than me." Riri chuckled. The princess now stood next to her examining her work. She was right. Riri's been working on a new algorithm to add to one of Shuri's blasters. Unfortunately, however many times she tries to make it work, it just doesn't.
"Hey you can't be looking at that, it's suppose to be a.." She didn't want to say it.
Shuri hummed, waiting for an answer. The scientist looked down, fiddling with her fingers. "You just can't be looking around. I don't want anything to get messed up." If there's one thing she hated more than people paying her late, it was people finding out about an invention before its done. "Here, try this." Shuri pulled up a hologram of equations and parts to the algorithm. She moved it around, plugging in numbers and moving around parts. "There."
Riri studied her equations closely. She didn't know why she was surprised that her partner could do it in a couple minutes. Shuri smiled watching the other read through her work. "Wait, but that's a...oh." She caught onto it. "You wanted to make an upgrade to the blasters." Riri turned to look at her. The princess rubbed her face in embarrassment.
"Forgive me, Riri. I really didn't know. I saw you were frustrated and I thought I could help and I didn't even know. I'll walk out and pretend like it didn't happen." Riri bursted into laughing after listening to her ramble. "It's. It's okay girl." She caught her breath. The other was confused. "Why did you keep it a secret?" She asked seriously. "I wanted it to be a surprise, but I forgot how good you are at just making everything better."
Shuri smirked. "You think I make everything better?" Riri rolled her eyes. "Why are you up late?" She switched the conversation. "You didn't come back to your room like you said you would. I got worried." She scratched the back of her neck. Riri smiled. "You were worried ?" She questioned. "Yes, now can we please go back? I want to watch that American movie you told me about. Lerax? Latex?" She questioned. "Lorax?" She nodded in agreement.
The pair curled into eachother, eyes glued to the screen. Shuri found herself playing with the scientist's fingers. Her head rested on her hard chest, and their soft legs tangled together. Riri couldn't help but think about all the other times they were together. She felt herself with her, safe, and happy.
"Riri." She replied.
She sat up off her chest. Shuri saw her seriousness and paused the movie. "What is it?" Riri smiled at her concern. She always loved her compassion. Their relationship always was rocky. It all started the first time she came to Wakanda. Shuri took her up on her offer, I watched a game with her. Then, she flew her back in to work on upgrades to the suit. After, Shuri surprised her every now and then at MIT. Whatever the occasion was, Riri's lips always ended up on hers by the end of the night.
"You know how we've been hanging out?" She emphasized the last part. Shuri chuckled remembering the nights.
"And how I've been helping you with inventions and how you've been helping me with school?"
"Where is this going?" She titled her head slightly.
Riri sighed. "I just really love being around you and doing things with you. And I feel like you do too, but I want to know. I don't wanna be one of those girls that you just call if you want some. What are we, Shuri?"
Shuri was taken back by her statement. She thought so highly of her and never imagined she would think of herself that way. She loved her deeply. She would do anything for her. Of course she felt the same. But how to tell her? After her brother's passing, it was impossible to talk about her feelings. Losing her mother only made it worse.
"Riri, my love. Don't say that. You are way more than that to me. You understand me in ways I didn't think anyone else would anymore. Of course I love you." She put a hand Riri's thigh.
"You do?" She questioned. The other laughed. "Is that so hard to believe?" Riri nodded her head slowly. Shuri shifted her to lay down and stood looking down at her. "What are you doing?" She smirked as she played with the waistband of her black shorts. "I'm showing you." Riri's eyes widened. "Here? People will hear." The princess slipped off her pants, throwing it on the floor. "Then you need to be quiet." She said straightforward.
Riri knew she had to brace herself. Her legs were spread apart, one on her shoulder and her opening sat in front Shuri. She smiled at the view in front her. She kissed her inner thighs, keeping eye contact with the other. She made her way to her cilt. Not wanting to waste time, she sucked on the sensitive bud. Her teeth lightly biting it. She just started and Riri was loosing her mind.
She stopped and slipped one of her slender fingers into her, feeling her wetness. Her pace was steady for her to adjust. She smiled watching the scientist squirm. Her breathing deepened. "You're doing so good baby." Shuri praised. She decided to add another finger, quickening her pace. "Jesus, Shuri." Riri breathed out.
Her fingers curled to hit her spot making her throw her head back on the pillow. Riri felt as though she was high, which she has been before, but this couldn't compare. Her stomach twisted into a knot. "I'm gonna cum!" Her moans echoed through the room. "I won't let you unless you're quiet." Shuri demanded. Her hand flew to cover her mouth, suppressing the noises. Her other hand gripped the silk sheets under her.
She saw stars as she came up on her orgasm. "Please, please, please let me!" Shuri watched her smirking, as she bent down and sucked on her cilt again. "Ohmygod!" Her screams now muffled from a pillow she dug her head into. She looked down again and saw the other nod. Her juices spilled on her fingers and the sheets.
Riri threw her head back, panting. "You're beautiful, you know." Shuri kissed her lips sweetly and cleaned her up.
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i was so mad you guys don't even know. i wrote this two days ago and when i went back to edit it, I never saved it so i had to rewrite over again💔so sorry it took long, working on doing submissions rn !
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sareinadale · 4 months
please tell us more about this helsa series you are writing 👀💕
nonnieeee!! but it wouldn't be a surprise now, don't you think so?
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okay honestly, i wasn't planning on working on a long helsa series, though i did have a similar plan with the 'marriage of convenience' trope as the core of the series.
what started out was really just a series of twitter banters with my friend that expanded into fully fleshed plots, with some spanning over a month or three depending on how far the plot develops.
truthfully, i've been yearning to find a writing partner who could match my writing style and be excited to write SO MUCH about a ship. while helsa initially wasn't my OTP ( yes, i started out as jelsa ), somewhere in 2022, i turned into an ardent helsa shipper thanks to my other friend.
ANYWAY, back to the series ( me and my big mouth can't hold it back anymore ):
the entire premise of the story takes place after the events of Frozen 1, but not until Frozen 2. her magic is still there, just not at the forefront as it did in the first movie. and oh, yeah, it's in the mid-1800s! there's also inspiration drawn from ( majorly ) the frozen musical, a frozen heart and a little bit of dangerous secrets.
others may have written something similar like mine, but this is really an extensive series of ‘what-ifs’ that mainly focuses on the aftermath of her coronation, her struggles of trying to be a good queen for arendelle and all the times she shouldn’t hang out with hans, who showed up on arendelle after serving his prison sentence for two years ( roughly ) – which led to her falling for his pretense like anna.
of course, there's a few original characters that we made for this series! besides that, i personally have a pinterest board dedicated to hans and elsa, alongside a spotify playlist that follows their entire journey :D
there’s also an element of hans’s morally grey side, which, as santino fontana said, hans isn't what he seems to be ( meaning he has personal motivations like any other people ) and my lovely friend who writes as hans has the most detailed lore on him and everything, and i honestly couldn't be luckier and so SO grateful to know them and write together ❤️
obviously, when we started plotting, we realized that their story's going to be LONG, and we've decided to break it down into three major acts. the second act is arguably going to be the longest and where we are currently.
so, the theme of the story is the title of the series itself: 'in hindsight'.
in hindsight is basically a sequel to a prequel titled 'shattering ice'. in this one, the story explicitly deals with her first visit to the isles and meeting the star-studded cast of the westergaards whom, again, my friend here has built – completely tragic, awful, and all things negative that shows who they are as a family.
also the prequel will serve as the starting point of their relationship because we don't want to jump on that chemistry building with haste.
right now, we're mostly focusing on in hindsight and pretty much pausing shattering ice. also, because the former became a full blown series, i had to upgrade my g-drive storage hahaha so all of their past plots and current ones are safely stored in there.
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all in all, this series is arguably the most special endeavor i've ever done. it's got a TON of emotional realism in there, soft moments in the form of jane austen-esque longing touches kinda way, gut-wrenching angst and a bittersweet ending ( i'm not ready for the last part, but we've planned on how the series will end ).
even in spite of our busy schedules, we found time to keep writing out the replies, info-dumping personal headcanons of our characters and hyping each other whenever the ship had their fluff / angst moment. i seriously could not thank my friend enough, and i really appreciate her for all the helsa brainrots ❤️
and finally, the reason i've not put it up on AO3 is because i didn't want that invisible pressure of needing to update it. i mean, yes, it's still ongoing, but imagine if i just upload the complete series and voila? basically giving a delight to potential readers that the series is done hahaha.
i don't foresee we'll finish it by end of this year, even though we started out since june last year. but who knows, it could end well until the following year?
okay nonnie, there you go 🤓
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The Runaway Distance Life Of A Little Stark Chapter 15: The biggest secret of them all
Pairing: Tony Stark & daughter!Reader, brock rumlow & reader, Nick fury & alexander pierce, Friday & reader, Natasha romanoff & nick fury vs Alexander pierce, Steve rogers & natasha romanoff
Summary: Reader has a mission from the “Dead” Nick fury with a reveal Co author with: callikc
Tag:  @venomsvl  @geeksareunique​ Previous 
Time was passing quicker and quicker lately.
The days became weeks and the weeks became months. It was hard to keep track with all the working you did.
Your current project was an updated gun made specially for the field commander of the STRIKE team. He was going on a special-ops mission with Agent Romanoff and Steve Rogers.
It looked like your run-of-the-mill machine gun, only you had added a special setting for stunning, meaning not every shot needed to be lethal if it didn't have to be. You carried this weapon throughout the SHIELD halls, finding Rumlow talking to some of his team.
"Rumlow." You called to get his attention.
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He turned to face you. "Campbell."
"I've got the upgrades you wanted."
"Alright." He turned back to the team and said something you couldn't make out before walking over. "Thanks for this, Campbell."
"No problem, Striker." You handed him the gun. "Turn the dial to blue and bada-bing bada-boom, you got yourself a stun gun. Just turn it back for bullets."
"Got it. You know, you should join a few of these operations. We could use your brains in the field."
You scoffed. "No, thanks. I've had my fair share of the 'field'. The lab is where I belong."
As you grabbed your stuff and shut down the lab for the day, you noticed Agent Romanoff talking with Agent Barton. Even though both worked with your dad, you assumed they had no idea who you were and kept your head down to keep it that way. Your secret was becoming harder to contain, but you were managing.
You didn't catch a lot of their conversation, only something about the mission Natasha was going on with Steve and the STRIKE team. She sounded concerned.
The days were grueling in the warehouse.
You didn't know how much sleep you'd lost working on your new AI, but it was enough to wind up on a coffee shortage. In total, about four mugs were lined up at your workstation. But you were finally finished.
"How we looking, FRIDAY?" You asked aloud, kicking your feet up.
"Project: Ultron is fully functional, miss."
"Ah, look at me. Genius, I am."
"Very much so."
You smirked to yourself and turned down the music you were listening to - Ozzy's Bark At The Moon album - just as a loud telephone line began to ring in the warehouse.
"Incoming call from an encrypted line." FRIDAY said.
Your brows furrowed. "Can you decrypt it?"
A pause.
"I'm afraid not, miss."
"Alright." You sighed and answered whoever it was. "Look, if this is a scam call, shove it up your ass."
"Charmed, Campbell." An all too familiar voice said.
"Fury?" You questioned.
He didn't sound too good, his tone was lower than usual and there was a hint of pain in his voice.
"You good? You sound beat." You said.
"Look, we don't have much time. I need you to get Loki's scepter."
"Eh?" You sat up straight, even more confused. "What's going on?"
"SHIELD is compromised."
Your voice faltered. "What?"
You knew that despite reinventing your whole life, SHIELD archives probably held a sample of who you used to be. If it was compromised, that meant somebody could find out.
"It's HYDRA. Agent Sitwell and STRIKE, probably others. Don't trust anyone."
"If you say so."
"Yeah, I do. Good luck out there."
You began to backtrack, heading back to your lab. That was all your work done now. Well, SHIELD work anyway. You still had a home project you were working on.
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It was still locked away in your warehouse. It was done, it had been for months now, but just because something seemed finished, it didn't mean it couldn't be perfected. That was something you remembered your dad saying a couple times. It was one of the things that stuck with you.
You remembered finding your grandfather's journals and the way he talked about them... They ruined so many lives. You also thought back to the day where you flirted your way into getting the scepter off of Sitwell and cringed.
"How did this happen, Fury?"
"It doesn't matter. Captain Rogers and Agent Romanoff are being targeted, as am I, and maybe even you. It's the Winter Soldier."
You raised a brow. "The Winter who?"
"HYDRA's trained assassin. Look, just get the scepter before they do and wait for my instructions. Remember, don't trust anyone."
Before you could ask anything else, the line disconnected. You were left speechless, wondering how everything had gone wrong.
The scepter...
It was at the Triskelion in DC.
A multitude of thoughts were racing through your head. How did SHIELD become compromised? Was it really HYDRA? Was there an assassin possibly after you? Would you be able to get to DC in time? Was Fury okay?
You sighed. "Shit."
You stood from your chair, pacing a little as a plan quickly formed in your head. It wasn't much of a plan, but at least you had something. But, first, you needed to hide Ultron.
You went to the computers and compiled all the data files and algorithms onto one singular memory drive. Once that part was done, you took the drive and stashed it away in a hidden compartment for safe keeping. And, now that Ultron was safely packed away, you'd need a fast way to get to the capital.
And you knew just the car to take.
- You drove like a bat out of hell in order to get to the Triskelion in time.Things seemed so normal there it was actually disconcerting. The people were walking around as they chatted away, security seemed to be doing their jobs, no one looked suspicious at all. You got a few looks, especially since you hadn't been to the HQ in a few weeks, but thankfully you went mostly unnoticed and blended in with the other people. With Fury's call fresh in your mind, your paranoia was dialed up and even scanning your ID badge felt like a target was suddenly glowing on your back. You went straight to your lab there, trying to be as subtle as you could while also watching out for Sitwell and STRIKE. Once you were in, you immediately went to a locked storage unit at the back of the room and found all your weapons. A gun, a watch that shot sleep darts, smoke bombs, acid balls, and the pencil shocker you showed Harley to name a few. You equipped them all. "Okay..." You took a moment to breathe, realizing this next part would be the hardest. "He better be giving me a pay rise after this." You went over to your computer and decided to search for the level that contained Loki's scepter. After a bit of hacking here and deception there, you got into the highly classified files. Naturally, it needed a clearance level you didn't have. But that was easily remedied. You just reconstructed the circuits in your ID to recognize you as level 8 which was what was needed. It did take twenty minutes to figure out, but you got it regardless."Alright." You slowly nodded to yourself, placing the new badge around your neck. "Got weapons, hacked SHIELD, re-coded the badge. I guess it's scepter time." As you left, you noticed various boards on the walls depicting the countdown for the launch of Project Insight. You believed it was to help SHIELD eliminate threats to the population, but of course now it was probably something much darker. When you finally arrived at the labs and conned your way into the holding room, you were faced with three scientists, only ones that looked a lot meaner and more deadly than you did. Fury had warned you about this. You couldn't trust them. "How did you get in?" One asked. "Who are you?" Another asked right after. They had their hands reaching for weapons so you simply got their first, directing your gun at the meanest looking one. In retaliation, they revealed their own guns. "Put your toys down." You told them. "Call the guards." One scientist told his colleagues. But the second another went to move, you pulled the trigger on him and nailed the ground right in front of him. He yelled in surprise and quickly backed up before you could shoot him for real.  Even you were surprised you actually did it. "That's a warning." You said, forcing yourself to remain calm. "Now step aside." With a worried glance, the three did as they were asked. You picked up a case hidden behind them, and, still on guard, you clicked it open. The scepter, in all its glowstick of destiny glory, was tucked inside. With a nod, you shut the case again and pointed your gun at the scientists again. They seemed too afraid to make a move. But before you could leave, the PA in the room suddenly crackled to life. "Attention all SHIELD agents, this is Steve Rogers." You stopped immediately to listen. "You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was. It's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want. Absolute control. They shot Nick Fury. And it won't end there. If you launch those helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way. Unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not."
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After the PA cut out, you felt something burn inside you. It was a sudden passion to defend and protect the world you knew, to take down HYDRA and help the captain stop their plan.
"Damn, he's good." You mumbled, slowly putting your gun down.
- Way above, completely unbeknownst to you, Pierce and Fury were having a chat of their own.As Natasha was overriding SHIELD data to expose HYDRA and the helicarriers steadily rose up in the background, she could hear the two discussing something very interesting. "Keeping secrets from me was not a wise thing to do." Fury was saying. "You would know all about secrets, wouldn't you?" Pierce replied. "But this infiltration wasn't all HYDRA had to hide." "Considering you're just about done, I don't think revealing any more secrets matters, do you?" "Trust me, you'll want to hear this one, Nick." The man smirked, seemingly proud of himself. "Do you remember Tony Stark's daughter?" Those in the room went dead silent. "She's missing." Fury stated. "Most likely dead." "You and I both know that's a lie." Pierce said."Do we?" "We do. You see, I had a friend a long time ago named Obadiah Stane. He was a good man, strong and loyal to HYDRA. He told me all about her once she discovered the plan to kill Tony in Afghanistan. You wanna know the biggest secret of them all?"
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A few floors below, you were watching pure chaos unfold in the Triskelion.
Steve's speech had genuinely inspired you. It made you realize that you were done hiding. For too many years you'd hidden in the shadows and pretended to be someone you weren't. For too many years you'd been afraid to face the truth and embrace who you were. For too many years the world had known the wrong you. It was time to correct that.
It was time to let them know just who in the hell they were really dealing with. "FRIDAY, hack the comms." You instructed. "Give them a visual." "Yes, miss." She replied, doing exactly as you asked. It took a minute to gain the entire building in your control, but eventually you assured that every speaker in the Triskelion and every screen displayed your voice and image. For the first time in years, people were about to see the real you. You started with a clap. "Thank you, Captain America, for that inspiring speech of yours." You said with a smile. "It made me not want to run like a scared little chicken. Again, thank you!" You took a deep breath before going on. "So, I know it's scary being held hostage by these guys, but I know they don't want to kill you. Not yet anyway. Because I have something a little better. Something that you've all been missing." You opened the case in your hands and revealed the scepter to the camera. "Loki's staff. I know you bitches have been missing this since... Well, since I stole it from one of your agents so long ago. I stole it and I kept it safe. Now who am I you may ask. I know the people who pass by and talk to me from time to time know me as Ellen Campbell or the engineer chick who made this and that but, to tell you the truth, I'm not who you think I am. Still holding the scepter with one hand, you used your other to remove your hood and the wig you were wearing, revealing your natural hair and true face. "My real name is (Y/n) Stark, missing daughter of Tony Stark and the heir to Stark Industries. Hell, call me the Princess of SHIELD. I have been hiding for six years, and I know you shittt little HYDRA agents were ordered by Obadiah Stane to put a hit on me, so let's get straight to the point. I don't have a bow and arrow like Hawkeye. I'm not a super soldier like Captain America. I don't have a badass fighting style like Black Widow. I'm not a god like Thor. I don't change into a cool green rage monster like Hulk. And I don't have a suit of armor like my dad. But, since you know who I am... Come find me and the staff, you Nazi wannabes."
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abbinurmel · 1 year
I had an interesting Bee and Puppycat "Lazy In Space" theory just pop up in my head...🐝🐢💫🤡🐱
So. At one point in the show the audience sees a flashback scene, where Bee's dad is watching Bee as a toddler at the beach with Puppycat.
Bee's dad says at some point here: "She's really full of energy!...she really likes you. Sorry your ship isn't done yet, I'll let you know when it's fixed."
...remember that birthday song that was sung by Bee's music box/power charger from her dad? The song that when taken at face value sounds like a normal sweet b-day greeting, but in full knowledge of her robot origins, we know has a more deeper meaning to its lyrics?
...what if he wasn't in this flashback commentating on the way the toddler Bee was behaving here. What if like the birthday song was doing before we realized Bee's cyborg anatomy in the Donut Planet episode, Bee's dad is saying an entirely different secret meaning that we as uninformed viewers are only meant to take at face value? What if he is commenting on the fact that bee IS LITERALLY GETTING CHARGED FULL OF ENERGY. Like she is a robot. Or to be specific, battery power cell.
He helped Team Puppycat aka Violet/The Space Outlaw aboard their ship with his inventions in early childhood to harvest "candy", and inside those candies (which supposedly earn mysterious 'prizes') is what is described as pure cosmic energy. In the future, Bee's dad for every birthday sends Bee a piece of that strange energy candy to eat thru her repair/recharge box. The box which HE seems to currently be residing in (or at least some avatar or replica or spiritual essence of him, we do not quite know yet how that works out.)
We also see something else that gained a lot of fan theories in this flashback: Baby Bee is trying to stick a fork in a wall socket at some point and Puppycat stops her. We may at first assume this is just human Bee doing what all innocent babies do. A lot of folks speculate that current grownup Bee is either a cyborg who was resurrected or some mechanical doppleganger to replace the Inventor's lost daughter, when she perished. A lot of people assume if she died her death is due to drowning, thanks to her phobia towards water. But what if...Bee is NOT a doppleganger, or even someone that was ever organically fully human for most of her life, if any? What if she wasn't poking the wall out of infantile dumbness but by pure instinct to seek and fill her body up with electricity. With ENERGY. And what if her fears of the ocean and getting wet are not due to a suppressed trauma due to drowning but because since she KNOWS she is a machine, she KNOWS as a living device that it is not good for her circuitry to get wet?? Not only does being a type of AstroBoy / Skydoll/ CP30 type of android explain Bee's oddball nature, why she says things like 'everyone feels ticklish on the roofs of their mouths, except me...' it also explains WHY SHE DOESN'T AGE NORMAL. She might not physically or mentally ever age at all because she literally doesn't, she CAN'T until she receives new physical upgrades directly given to her by her father.
Bee speaks fondly about her father. And he seems gentle in mannerisms. But we do not at this point truly know what his motives are or what the connection with his daughter really is. Bee's dad seems to never write or text or send any video calls- DESPITE BEING A SUPER GENIUS with the obvious tech brilliance to easily do so. We never see him actually praise her or teach her human life skills. This explains why she keeps food in a toilet and lacks often basic social cues. Bee has a wistful, bittersweet way of talking about her father. What if she misses him, purely because she wants to have a relationship of any kind in the first place? What if she longs for him, not because she was loved so dearly as a child, but because she wants ANY type of a parent/child or scientist creator/robot creation bond at all? Why is Bee's dad biding his time in that box of hers? Is it because he is a distant parent, or is he aware of some dangers she physically presents? Bee has massive strength, but I think we have only just scratched the surface of her powers. Because why else does she have a self destruction sequence deliberately programmed onto her charging station? Why does it count down every birthday to destroy her, unless she reports back? Is it because she is like a walking talking nuclear fuel rod, and if she were to go rogue somehow, or disobey her programming, it might result in a devastating meltdown chain reaction? Or she might glitch and go on a mindless Terminator style rampage?
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Why else would Bee's father act so jovial yet distant toward her, if all he ever saw her was as a successful other invention of his? He might be proud of her existence, but not enough to treat her with paternal care. This is why *Puppycat* aka The Space Outlaw only acts as her caregiver nanny in the flashbacks. Not him! What if she was only ever built to sustain or become a physical part of Team Puppycats' ship, perhaps to even just exist as an AI system with a sentient consciousness, similar to the Improbability Engine in the Douglas Adams books, or animes like "Outlaw Star?"
My final point to make: now, in the present day, back on the island, there is a soft drink company that seems to be everywhere called ENERGY FOR WORK. There is a thumbs up logo on the branding, and that icon appears not just on the drink cans that Cass always fuels herself up on, but it can be also found on merchandise all over the island and on the clothes of island residents in the background. Know where else this icon shows up?...Right back where we started! In the flashback, aboard Team Puppycats' spaceship. Look closely and you will find it there in the background screens. Near code work that looks almost exactly like what Cass was typing up! 🤯
Yes yes I know this a long essay and all is wildly speculative. It could be just all a coincidence... but I was there, being a very early guesser long before the whole Pink Diamond affair. So I doubt it. 🤓
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mliter · 12 hours
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Persona 3 Reload.
This is a remake of the 2006 classic. I played it way back then... But don't remember much. I don't think i played it right too.
Did you know? This was revealed accidentally through an altus moment. Somebody on the social team accidentally posted the trailer on instagram early. That verbal lashing was probably inhumane.
You're back in the shoes of Persona 3's iconic protagonist, navigating a refreshed world harboring a dark secret. Almost everything's the same, but some things are different, and some things are new.
For one, the voice cast. The main stars of the show have returned, with new voices. A lot of people with ties to the original game weren't too happy with these choices (i dont think theyd be happy with any lol) but i really like them. Aleks Le, Alejandro Saab, Allegra Clark and Zeno Robinson stuck out to me the most. My god did Zeno put on a GENERATIONAL performance as Junpei. He breathed new life into the character. I can't imagine anyone else voicing him now.
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I recognize Allegra Clark from three houses. She did a good job as Mitsuru. Alejando Saab's take on Akihiko was not what most were expecting. With the time i've spent with the character, i think it's perfect. Aleks is on a special run right now. he killed it as Makoto.
Still on the topic of voice actors, many of the original voice cast actually are still involved in this project. They've returned to voice some of the adult characters.
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This is a really cool show of respect to the first voice cast imo. There's something a bit poetic about this. But i can't really put it into words properly. Someone better at this kind of thing could do so.
This is a remake. And by god it's a good example of one. Everything's been remade from the ground up to today's standards. The UI is AMAZING. It consistently impressed me up until the final act. Atlus has convinced me that good UI is an art, and they have all the masters in their studio. The environments, the character portraits, the music, the everything. The PS2 version looks cute in comparison.
Something that seems to be lost in production is the more somber and relaxed color schemes that the environments had in some of the overworlds. A lot of people didn't like this, but i did. The brighter color schemes used in the school really helped to sell that seaside setting that the school is located in far better than the original. Have you ever been to a (good looking) sea? They did a good job conveying the look.
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No longer limited by technology, the environments are far more lively. People that don't really get in your way litter the school hallways, Paulownia Mall is packed and the stations are full with activity.
Battles got a huge overhaul, with a banger new battle theme. Alongside party members getting fundamental changes, the entire cast got brand new battle uniforms. I guess going through all of what they were going through in just their school uniforms seemed a bit too much. All of them were designed to their strengths and personality. (Why give junpei a jacket if he's just gonna tie it around his waist...?) They're really good. And it's a solid upgrade that puts them in league with the phantom thieves's looks with me.
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to boot, a new ability came with these uniforms. Theurgy. In game, it's explained as a special cartridge that the gang can load into their evokers when ready. They're pretty much fusion spells. Everyone gets one, and they all have their own animations that play when used. Persona 5's baton pass also makes a return, now known as "shifting". I made some great plays off of it.
The story's the same, told through a new look, new console and new voices. It's just as good now as it was back then. The message still remains. I'm glad this was on game pass. I had fun going back to Tatsumi Port Island, seeing these faces again. My favorite bit of the game was the november school trip.
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