#So I just want yall to know that I do appreciate yall
Lord Husband (Chapter 11)
cregan stark x reader
A/N: the amount of time it took me to release a new chapter is criminal. So sorry yall 😭
WORD COUNT: 1,292 words
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You find yourself watching him sometimes. You don’t mean to and you never did in the first few weeks of your marriage but recently, you’ve found it difficult to keep your eyes away. He trains in the morning, before he settles into his Lord’s duties and though you’re more of a late sleeper, you woke early to observe him.
He moves less with grace and more with brutish strength, but that hardly means that he’s any less of an adept swordsman; he’s skillful with every swing. It’s different to the way your brothers fight. His style is more distinctly… northern.
You don’t wince for the man he knocks to the ground, Ser Brandon does a little as he stands dutifully behind you. You don’t necessarily care for brutish swordplay but you understand the importance of the fact that your husband is as feared as he is loved. The beginning of an inkling arises that perhaps it was the cleverest match your mother could have made. You don’t need his protection by any means (you ride a massive fucking dragon) but you find comfort in the fact that only a fool would even consider attempting to attack Winterfell and the man you call husband.
“Could you best Lord Stark in a battle?” You don’t look at Brandon but he knows the question is for him.
“I don’t believe many men could, princess.”
“Perhaps I need a new sworn protector then.” You say playfully.
“I think you already have the best protector.” He says but there are no traces of cockiness in his voice.
“You think highly of yourself, Ser.” You reply with a chuckle.
“I did not mean myself.” His gaze is on Cregan, just as yours was only moments ago.
You perhaps wish to scold him for the remark but you know he didn’t actually say anything out of line. It was a complimentary comment, even if he knew it would irk you. You spend a moment thinking of just how irritating the man is when Cregan’s eyes look up from his sparring and catch yours.
“(y/n)!” He calls out to you with a smile, finding it hard not to be excited by your presence. Were you out here just to watch him?
“Cregan.” You greet in return, finally appreciating his many requests to call him by his name.
“What brings you here at such an early hour?” He asks but it's clear by the look on his face that he knows the answer. Though, you had a plan for this.
“I’m going for a ride. Sȳndror grows restless.” He takes you in now. You are fully dressed in riding leathers.
“So early? The air has a bite in it in the morning.” He tests, wanting so badly to be proven right about his thoughts that you’re here for him.
“Like I said, my dragon is restless.”
“I did not think an unchained beast with all the freedom in the land could be… restless.”
You quirk a brow at his almost teasing manner. “He wouldn’t stray far from me. He doesn’t trust the North.”
“Ah, I see.” Disappointment.
“Would you like to meet him, my lord?” You use the honourific as you speak to him now, his name having left a… taste on your tongue.
“Meet… your dragon? The one they call the Hellion?” He looks a little nervous now. You tend to like making men slightly fearful.
“Yes of course.” You give him a sweet smile, one that hides just a touch of menace. “My Hellion.”
“Is he um good with strangers?”
“Sometimes.” You say, giving him a curious look, head cocked just slightly to the side.
“And this would please you?” He asks delicately.
He would do this just because it pleased you?
“Greatly so.” He straightens up and stands taller now, mustering all the courage that he can.
“Then I would be honoured to meet your mount.”
What a fun delight this is then. You think to yourself as you call for your horses so the both of you can ride to where you believe you saw Sȳndror resting.
You can sense the nerves rising in the man who’s just behind you on his own steed as you get closer and closer to the dragon.
The poor fool.
When you finally stop to tie the horses, the bravery that he had just managed to scrape together is now pooled in his gut and gnawing at his insides.
“Don’t run from him.” You say as you dismount. “He’ll think you’re prey.”
When you look back at Cregan, he’s practically shaking in his boots, face drained of colour as his eyes gaze across the beast that lies in front of you. The winged monster is massive, nearly as big as Caraxes, which is a great feat for a creature so young.
You take pity on your poor husband and hold your hand out for him to take. “He won’t hurt you if he thinks the flames would even slightly graze me, so just stay close.”
He grasps your hand, trying hard not to squeeze more tightly than comfortable. You lead him up the hill slowly, giving Sȳndror time to take the new guest in. His blackened eyes show curiosity at the man you bring him. He sniffs the air, the blood of the boy smells nothing like yours; this is the first non-relative you’ve presented to him. Should he eat the human?
“Lykiri, Sȳndror. Se vala iksis iā raqiros.” Be calm, Sȳndror. The man is a friend.
Not dinner then.
You walk closer to the dragon with Cregan very slowly and then take his hand to lift it up until its pressed against Sȳndror’s shoulder. You can feel the animal's heavy breaths through Cregan’s palm. Each one is almost enough to throw you off balance. Sȳndror looks back at the two of you, deciding if he’s alright with the puny human laying hands on him.
“I never thought…” Lord Stark starts, “I never could have imagined that I could touch a dragon and live to tell the tale.”
“You might not.” You muse wistfully and he looks at you with an alarmed expression. “A jest.” You say with a teasing smile.
Cregan swallows the lump in his throat. “Mhm.”
“It feels powerful, doesn’t it?”
“It feels unnatural.” He says in a breath.
“Like I don’t have the right to touch him while you… you command him.”
“Command is the wrong word.” You state. “Dragons aren’t horses. They won’t submit to being possessed.” You know you’re saying too much. Your family gains an illustrious reputation from the illusion. It’s not for you to bring down the veil. “But my blood binds him to me. Targaryens claimed that power.”
“And you chose to share that with me.” He states.
“I have demonstrated that to you.” You correct him with a less personal verb.
“I am grateful nonetheless.” He replies, knowing that if he gets too comfortable with his words, you’ll close off to him.
“Hmm… you’re welcome.” You at least give him that much. “I will take to the skies now.” The words are terribly abrupt. “You should go; the air channeled through his wings is enough to knock a grown man off his feet.”
“Of course.” Cregan gives you a nod. “Perhaps you might dine with me tonight?” He asks and the question takes you off guard slightly.
He takes your unsure answer as the win that it is and gives you one of his silly grins before he walks back to his horse. As you climb onto Sȳndror, you feel that strange feeling in your stomach, the one you get when your dragon dives so fast that you’re practically free falling. You just can’t figure out why.
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kinardsevan · 8 hours
so I’ve been thinking about this for like two days now, and I’m gonna say it. 
I’m fucking bothered. The amount of crap going around right now into relation of Tommy as a character and the rhetoric it’s being equated to is infuriating. Now personally, I try not to speak on things I can’t chiefly relate to (i.e., I’m not a gay male firefighter, so I won’t speak on the reality of living that life), however, I’m highly concerned about the attitude people are giving off in relation to the way that Tommy is undeserving of a redeption arc/is an asshole because of who he was in the past. 
First of all, I want to remind those who would actually take the time to read this: he’s a television character, and in no way does that put Lou in the position of being deserving of any vitriol for the shit he’s had to put up with. Or has it already been so long that we’ve forgotten about the shit Isabel Gillies was put through when Elliot Stabler returned to L&O:SVU (a whopping 5 years ago)? To that end, these actors are just earning a paycheck. They don’t deserve the abuse spewed at them any more than any person who works in retail or food service does because someone makes a small mistake on your bad day.
Further though, I’m concerned by the attitude that there is hatred spewed towards the character of Tommy because of who he WAS. I find it highly unlikely that there’s a single person on this planet that hasn’t forgiven at least one person in their life for some shitty thing they did in the past. To that end: we clearly have seen based off the way s7 went that Hen and Chimney made that choice at some point. Does it excuse previous behavior? No. I don’t know that when you forgive someone that excusing bad behavior is the intention. However, you give them room to grow and flourish. To that end, the arc that Lou has been given for Tommy is clearly within those lines. 
None of this is to say that what the character of Tommy did was okay or acceptable. However, I’d venture to guess that if we’d never seen the recurrence of Tommy Kinard on the show in s7 (and most likely s8), no one would bat an eyelash at the mention of his character, because in terms of how his storyline was wrapped up in s2, things are left on good terms. However, because he’s now Buck’s love interest for the moment and possibly forseable future, he’s got all kinds of problems. He has all kinds of toxic behavior. Nevermind the fact that this rhetoric comes from the same people who fail to also concede that Eddie, the preferred option as a LI for Buck for a large crowd, also has his own toxic behaviors. Hell, he even has his own toxic behaviors towards Buck. But you don’t see those who appreciate Tommy as a character pointing fingers at those issues. 
If you want to call me toxic because I’m not afraid to point all of this out, so be it. It is canonically unfair to tell someone that they are a toxic person because of who they used to be, and not the person they are today. The attitude towards “Tommy blame Gerrard for his behavior”, as though the character is supposed to resolve every issue he previously created with other characters in the limited screen time he was given, given the contract extension. Although, something tells me that even if Tim & Co had put the effort into making the scenes all about that instead of devoting it to the point of his character development (Buck and Tommy’s relationship), people would still find something to complain about. 
I’m not saying you have to like Tommy with Buck. I’m not even saying you have to like Tommy, period. But it’s arguable to say that if you’re going to decide not to like him, first, Lou is not the person to blame (someone else very well could’ve played the character and yall would be doing the same thing). And second, maybe find some realistic reasoning behind not liking him other than the fact that it makes Evan unavailable to chase after Eddie (because some people clearly aren’t prepared for that discussion). 
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hanni-bae44 · 1 day
Date Night at Halloween Horror Night (Wooyoung) 👻🎃💉🖤
Pairing- Wooyoung x fem!reader
Genre- 99% fluff, 1% suggestive, 100% Wooyoung best boyfriend… but eh it’s debatable lol (warnings: mentions of blood, typical Halloween Horror things)
Word Count- 1.2k
A/N- I wrote in present tense for this scenario but idk, I like past tense better lol. It’s also informally written bc I’m tired of writing my long fics. Anyway, this was self indulgent so don’t @ me, this was just for fun :)
You want to go to Halloween Horror Nights so you bring it up to Wooyoung when you guys are cuddling on his bed and he’s like "sure, let's go.”
You ask him if he’s scared but he acts all calm. You know he ain’t shit despite his brave demeanor though. Like he won't admit he’s scared but he’s the type to scream when watching a horror movie that isn’t even scary. You appreciate him though. Because he’s the type to do anything you want even if he doesn’t enjoy it just to make you happy.
The next day, he comes over to your place and picks you up. He drives reclined back in the seat with one hand on the wheel, one hand on your thigh YALL. And like it gives you butterflies because his hand will travel a bit too high sometimes. Like you'll be on your phone while having a conversation with him but then he'll just squeeze your thigh out of nowhere. You look up at him and wet your lips. But he's a tease so he'll act all innocent as he continues to rant about needing new socks or something with a smug smirk on his face🙄.
And although he is the best person ever, he’s a different breed when driving. He’s patient but not with jerks. Like cut him off? He’s gonna honk and give the middle finger while mumbling “jerk”. This happens a few times because some people have no manners!! (Stream No Manners by SuperM)
When you guys arrive at Universal Studios, you're both early so you pass time by walking around the CityWalk, admiring all the shops and restaurants that were illuminated by the sun setting. It was bustling too despite it being a weeknight.
Before making it into the park, you and him take a couples picture at the Universal Globe.
And then. The tickets. Despite you saying you'll pay for both your tickets, he doesn't let you and pulls out his wallet, holding your arms back. Like the worker who is selling the tickets gets annoyed because he's been standing behind the register for hours and hates his shift. So when he sees you and Wooyoung, he sighs loudly at the sight of yet another happy couple lol.
Eventually you guys make it into the park and he insists you guys hold hands.
You drag him into the gift shop near the entrance to get matching T-Shirt as a souvenir to remember this date by. You insist on paying but Wooyoung pulls out his wallet again. You whine and tell him to let you pay for things too and he's like "ok, you can buy the food later" and you smile, clinging onto his arm as the cashier rings your items.
You both go into the restrooms to change into the matching T-Shirts before hitting up the closest scare zone. And ofc Wooyoung screams when someone jumps out. This man is so easily startled, like he’s clinging onto your arm while you guys walk along. And every time he jumps, he scares you more than the actual actors.
Then you guys head to the line for the closest haunted house, planning to hit up all 10 houses in order. Wooyoung sighs when you tell him the plan and you kiss his cheek. When he sees your smile, he smiles too, and holds both your hands. (Yes, you guys are the annoying couple in line that can’t keep your hands off each other.)
You’ll both be in line and while you’re excited, he’s not. You tease him, knowing he’ll be scared but he just acts all tough and macho like “I won’t be scared” and you bite back a smile because you know he’s all talk and will definitely scream your ears off.
The people in front of you walk into the house and when the worker asks “how many people?”
You say “two.”
And he says you’ll have to wait.
That makes you and Wooyoung the first in line for the next group of people to go into the haunted house. And you both just look at each other like who gon be first bae 👁️👄👁️?
You push Wooyoung first in line but he doesn’t budge. Instead, he opts for a hug. He holds you in front and wraps his arms around you while resting his head on your shoulder and kisses your neck. And although you let him do it because you love neck kisses, you aren’t dumb. You know he’s just doing that to hold you in place so you’ll be first when it’s yalls’ turn to go into the haunted house.
When it’s finally you guys’ turn, he holds onto the sides of your biceps firmly as you walk first into the scary house. The smell of the fake fog engulfs you.
Left with no choice, you accept your fate. You’re not even that scared; if anything, you’re more scared to hear your boyfriend’s screams in your ear.
A scare actor covered in blood jumps out from a painting and you flinch. But Wooyoung? He full-on yells. You stretch your neck to glance at him and he closes his eyes, while clawing even tighter onto you. He’s cute for that. But annoyingly loud. Even the people behind y’all were shocked and gave some glares lol.
And then depending on which direction the jump scare comes from, he’ll direct your body towards that direction since you’re his human shield now.
Even though Wooyoung knows that the actors won’t actually touch him, he’s so into it and genuinely frightened because their makeup is so bloody. And then the house has so much gore too that it’s just disturbing to look at and makes him scared.
Like your ears are going through it at this point.
And since he’s pressed so close behind you, he steps on the back of your shoes making you groan. You can't even walk at your preferred pace lol.
When you get out of the first house, he’s breathing loudly but stands confidently. “That wasn’t so bad, it was actually kinda fun,” he says while running his fingers through his hair.
And you scoff because you beg to differ. "You were hiding behind me the whole time."
He shakes his head then responds by pulling you in for a hug. "I was just protecting you, babe," he insists which makes no sense. "I love you, you know that right?"
"You coward." You tsk, while wrapping your arms around him. "But I love you too."
Anyway. 1 house down. 9 more to go.
So umm… IDK how to end this scenario without it being too repetitive so let’s just say by the end of the night, your ears are ringing but at least you had fun. Even though you were sacrificed as a human shield most of the time, you weren’t too mad. He’s still the best boyfriend in the whole world so you wouldn’t have traded him for anyone else.
Extra- He also ends up paying for dinner too at the CityWalk despite you telling the waiter to ring your card up. So you pay for the gas on the way back to his place because he won’t ever let you pay for anything!!!!! (Like he’s so sweet but you feel bad bc he’s the type to not think twice before offering to pay for others.) 😭💗
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social's as bachira's girlfriend
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-liked by kuniisuke, chigi.who and 117.4k others
yourusername: i caught the l-o-v-e
tagged: megubachi
isaichii: yeah and i caught the f-l-u ↳yourusername: don't be so dramatic
isaichii: PHOTO CREDITS WOULD BE NICE SINCE I WENT OUT 2 IN THE NIGHT TO TAKE THIS STUPID PICTURE ↳mikka.kaiser: it's actually 2 in the morning ↳isaichii: shut 😭the😭actual😭fuck😭up😭 ↳yourusername: mb bro
yourusername: the photographer (and part time bachira lover) behind this amazing beautiful picture was none other than isagi yoichi ↳yourusername: that enough photo credit for you? ↳isaichii: yes also tfym part time bachira lover that's weird ↳megubachi: loving me is weird? ☹ ↳isaichii: nO NO NO WDYM OFC NOT I'M A FULL TIME BACHIRA LOVER ↳megubachi: I LOVE YOU TOO ↳yourusername: sigh
megubachi: we're so cute ↳yourusername: you're so cute ↳megubachi: you got me giggling blushing kicking my feet curling my toes twirling my hair 😝 ↳hiyori: what the actual
reo.miikage: did this mf fr take a wine glass outside to take this picture ↳megubachi: I DIDN'T MEAN TO ↳reo.miikage: how do you accidently take a wine glass outside ↳yourusername: he's js a girl 🎀🎀 ↳reo.miikage: why did i even ask
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-liked by kunii.suke, chigi.who and 132.6k others
yourusername: meet my boyfriend and my boyfriend's boyfriend
tagged: megubachi, isaichii
isaichii: we're js two bros tfym boyfriend? ↳megubachi: not what u said last night 💔🤬😢 ↳isaichii: sorry baby
karasu_tabito: biggest surprise in this post that you went to the gym w those two ↳yourusername: BYE UR SO RUDE I HOPE U KNOW EITA LIKES ME BETTER ↳karasu_tabito: @/eita.otoya is this true 💔💔 ↳eita.otoya: i'm sorry i didn't want you to find out this way 💔💔 ↳karasu_tabito: wow 💔💔 ↳eita.otoya: WAIT I JS READ HIS COMMENT NO WAIT FR DID Y/N GO TO THE GYM?? ↳yourusername: bye i hate you
nikkoki: who the fuck took the second pic 💀 ↳yourusername: that wasn't me i swear it was @/chigi.who ↳chigi.who: NO BC I WALK INTO FIX MY HAIR AND I SEE THAT WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO ↳hiyori: WELL U SURE AS FUCK WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO TAKE A PICTURE?? ↳julian.loki: you should have joined them ↳yourusername: BEO??
user1: the way loki came, told chigiri he should have join with isagi and bachira while they were pissing and then left without any further explanation is just such a loki thing to do ↳julian.loki: i'm a man of few words
megubachi: i swear ily ↳isaichii: who? ↳yourusername: who? ↳megubachi: YOU OFC UR SUCH A SILLY LIL GOOF BALL
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-liked by yourusername, isaichii and 142.6k others
megubachi: believe it or not i do love y/n and isagi doesn't always third wheel us
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: SROP ILYSM I'M GONNA KISS YoU ↳megubachi: do it no balls ↳shiidoryu: she would have balls but you keep kicking them ↳hiyori: FOR FUCKS SAKE MATE YOU DON'T NEED TO DESCRIBE SOCCER LIKE THAT ↳mikka.kaiser: FOR GODS (me i am god) SAKE IT ISN'T SOCCER IT'S FUCKING FOOTBALL ↳yourusername: SHUT THE ACTUAL FUCK UP I GOT A POST ALL TO MYSELF AND YALL HAVE TO RUIN IT
nikkoki: i thought this was a y/n appreciation post what's up the the third picture? ↳yourusername: i'll just have to accpet the fact that isagi will always be there ↳megubachi: ily 🥰 ↳yourusername: ihy 🥰
user2: fuck romeo and juilet i want what these bitches have ↳user3: no bc fr both of them seem so happy despite the questionable moments the pictures were taken
rin.itoshi: that outfit ruined my entire halloween party btw ↳user4: WAIT WHAT RIN THROWING A PART?? ↳yourusername: srop it's been like 9 months since then ↳rin.itoshi: and i'll never move on from him twerking in a maid costume. ↳megubachi: I HAVE A GOOD ASS OK STAFU ↳kuniisuke: w h a t .
nagi.seishiro: so the fourth picture is the reason why he couldn't come over to my house the next day ↳yourusername: sorry not sorry
shiidoryu: when's our sleepover y/n 💔💔 ↳yourusername: OMG COME OVER TODAY !! I'LL BRAID UR HAIR !! ↳megubachi: my monster says no ↳yourusername: tell your monster to fuck off ↳megubachi: he didn't like that ↳yourusername: i'm sorry for the bad and for telling him to frick off
user5: context behind the last picture? ↳yourusername: he tried creeping up on me i got scared shitless so i kicked his lower titties, he fell bc it hurt sm i i fell bc i was laughing so much ↳hiyori: did you js call his balls lower tittes ↳yourusername: yes and? ↳kenyu.yukimiya: SAY THAT SHIT W UR CHEST AND ↳reo.miikage: BE YOUR OWN FUCKING BESTFRIEND ↳megubachi: SAY THAT SHIT W UR CHEST ↳megubachi: that fr hurt, the kids inside my balls didn't like it ↳yourusername: well deserved<3
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bye this was so fun to write but i dont rlly feel it was very girlfriend like but it was it is
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chenyann · 2 years
A thank you!
A proper thanks because the last post was too much of me joking around, I want yall to know how I appreciate yall.
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Well, this was certainly unexpected.
I was honestly thinking it would stop at 150 and that would be that, Yet yall made 147 turn into 205! I am extremely grateful for yall and for all the lovely people I got to talk to while my time on this app or website (whatever yall use.)I love how some of yall just like my most random posts or how yall leave a funny or nice comment, I love it all;Seeing yall like stuff I like makes me happy.
I first came to this app in July reading fics and everything that was apart of a fandom I was in, Whether it was obey me, mystic messenger and creepypasta.Then I found twst in mid july, before my old account was lost in a abyss (I couldn't remember my password) but there was one post that stuck to me, 'hearts Inclined' made by pwrxglory it was a Jamil fic that has 4 parts (idk if its unfinished??) That fic stuck to me then as time when by I found other fics and other headcanons,imagines and scenarios.On July 23 I made my first fic, and I made an effort to talk to others some of them being my favorite mutuals.
I wasn't expecting people to follow me because of a silly little fanfic, I never intended for my silly little posts to reach to others, (I also had someone say they followed me because of cursed images like???♡♡) I am grateful that people who know me as a mutual and still like me,I'm grateful for yall who commented on my most random posts and I'm also grateful to those who just like my posts.
But yet with this, I can be very problematic at times.I can say things that are not necessary and rude, what can merely be a joke to me is something serious for others.I will admit I lost followers for it and I don't think I should keep acting like those actions were/are okay.Because they aren't,I have been trying be better promise, I am also very grateful for the mutuals who know that but still talk to me and interact with me.
Perhaps soon I'll go into more depth on how problematic I am, because I want yall to know that I can be problematic and that you should know that when you follow and ofcourse you can always unfollow if you feel uncomfortable.I think I held back on talking about this out of Pure fear;fear that everyone will dislike me, I also did apologize to those I know I made uncomfortable.But that will be a chat for another time,Once again thank you for this lovely journey and amazing time on tumblr.
Sincerely, Yako
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athina-blaine · 18 days
genuinely don't understand people who gripe about someone getting into dunmesh for m/m pairings as opposed to f/f when none of them are even close to being the main point of the series
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guhroovi · 2 months
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viatrix-glow · 2 months
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new di x warrior cats
name explanations and more info below :3
basic stuff
-each agency is a clan, not each unit. 14-15 clans would be silly and then we would have some clans with 5 cats and some with 2.
-starpro -> lightclan. i couldn’t call them “starclan” for obvious reasons. light is somewhat synonymous with star, so i’m going with that.
-cospro -> nightclan. i don’t think the cats in warriors know the word “cosmic”, but cosmic implies cosmos implies night sky, so we’re going with night
-rhyth lin -> rippleclan. ripple is sort of a synonym to rhythm….? this one was hard
-new di -> fortuneclan. this one is a stretch but neither “new” or “dimension” have synonyms that really fit a clan name. fortune is something that relates to multiple characters in new di though
-starclan still sort of exists, but the cats do not believe in them the way they do in warriors. they are more of a nursery tale than anything, and select cats (ex: tatsumi) believe in them, but it is not written into their code. medicine cats can still interpret signs, but they do not necessarily think of them as coming from starclan.
-medicine cat forbidden romance is not a thing here
-intermingling of clans is ok and common
-there’s like. other cats in their clans besides just the enstars cast i assume
cat names/why i chose them
-tsukasa -> scarletstar (scarletblossom) . he is the leader of fortuneclan because he is one of the new di reps for the summits. both scarlet and blossom were chosen bc of his last name (scarlet is a red color… kinda similar to cherry…. and blossom for the cherry blossom).
-leo -> lionheart. ok this one is kind of cheating because lionheart is already an existing warrior, but…come on….
-izumi -> silverspring. sora describes his color as silver, and spring is in his first name
-ritsu -> frostmoon. his first name means cold moon according to the wiki so i just rehashed it
-naru -> goldenroar. since she doesn’t like her first name i didn’t want to use “storm”, and her last name can be read as “thunder” but that’s a little too close to storm? so golden for her hair and roar for her last name
-natsume -> sageeye. a sage is similar to a wizard, and eye is in his first name . also the “dovesong” mentioned is wataru :)
-tsumugi -> bluewing. he is a bluebird. warrior cats probably wouldn’t straight up call a cat “bluebird” so i put wing there instead. deputy cause he’s the vp
-sora -> skyspring . sora means sky. spring is in his last name. i could have used “stream” instead to differentiate him from sena but i think spring is cuter
-madara -> tawnystripe . tawny bc it’s like kind of close to calico if you squint. stripe(s) is in his last name
#my art#enstars#ok so maybe we WOULD have 5 clans bc guess what was announced today#a new agency. and a new unit (or fucking 5? idk)#BUTWHATEVER#um i don’t know why i did this it was a joke at first but#then i started getting really into choosing names….#like originally it was just gonna be switch but then i was like hmmm… what if the agency is the clan#i’ve been reading so so much warrior cats i’m about to finish avos and then i’ll be caught back up to where i was#when i started this rereading journey last year#so like i have to apply it to my other interests#i’m proud of the names i chose i think they’re fun#yes leo’s is a cheat but idc#i hope someone else will appreciate this it’s mostly just me doing stuff for fun#i want to do the other units/agencies too but that might be a while cause yall this took#like a week . granted i’m busy rn but god damn picking designs for cats is hard!!#that’s why so many ended up being tabbies i just can’t resist they’re my favorites i’m definitely not biased#but also realistically tabby is a pretty common pattern so it’s fine#my fave design is naru’s btw i wanted to make her really pretty and i think i did ok#ok i’m going to bed bye#also forgot to mention i wanted to keep the names as close to canon warriors as i could so i had to find words similar to things that#the cats in warriors would know#sage is pushing it i don’t think they use sage in medicine . they def don’t know what a fortune is either but i don’t care
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marimeeko · 19 days
As a multishipper I'm thinking about something. As a BKDK fan, I am, I guess preparing for a possibility?
I had a thought with this last chapter, and how this battle is literally about to end. That we are indeed at the very end of the line.
And I am thinking of the "Do your best, Izuku" theme and how everyone started chiming in on it, how it has become basically the closing motif to the battle. And how Tenya brought up the OG, ochako, who said the "Deku" seemed to her like "Do your best", and of course, ochako is seen saying the same.
So my thought is, if Hori is going for a Izu Ocha ending, this might be how it comes about.
(I am not saying it's one hundred percent satisfying, bc once again, Izuku has shown virtually no interest in her beyond friendship, and the relationship, to me, is still thematically and developmentally, one sided.)
So I don't know if hori is going to go with the idea that "do your best" bringing the relationship of Izu Ocha to the forefront after kicking it to the side for so long...but I guess I can see the thematic possibility he MAY be going for if that is the case.
Once again, I am hoping it's not a blatant thing, if anything I'd like no pairing to be outright "canon". Realistically I think that may be the case. Simply bc izu ocha just doesn't have enough reciprocity behind it and, bakudeku...well, obviously is highly unlikely due to the nature of Shonen/cultural precedence by very reason of it being Queer.
I am just thinking about the whole thing and it may be where Izu Ocha enters the Chat again.
As always I am letting Hori cook, and tempering expectations. I don't dislike Izu Ocha so I won't be terribly bummed out, I just wish there was a little more developed into it(namely, on izukus side)
As I always disclaim, it's Horis story to tell, and I am here to read it, and I'm not stopping now.
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vurelly · 1 year
slaps a sticker on my chest that says "I may be a content creator but that does not entitle you to my artwork, time, or attention."
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kkbardd · 9 days
i miss your asurei 💓💓💓💓
I'm sorry, the truth is I've been growing distant from asurei for the past year or so. i still love them ofc but in terms of making nge fanart im a little burnt out !! its not that I'll never draw them again (i still have wips, as well as this animation i wanna finish !!) but for now I'm taking a break. I know most all of my followers here and on twitter followed me because of asurei but I hope some of my other art may pique interests too!
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chaiichait · 3 months
-Moths Of Disease
I hate being sick
Because being sick means your head spins around while you stay still
Your mind is flying too fast
Like little moths searching to eat its fill
They scurry around the caves inside your nose
And sneak into your lungs
They lay there to multiply and run rampant, flicking their tongues
The moths spit up poison in return
Scorching your throat and burning your skin
While you cough and cough and cough
Pesky little insects, never quite knowing when to quit
Wasted fluids, liquids and spat spit
The little moths are greedy,
They never drink their fill
But the moths will never win
I must admit I can see a great battle
In my yellowed spit and flaring heat
Little white soldiers fight
Grabbing weapons and spite
I know they will become victorious
It only takes a little time
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indigopoptart · 24 days
man i love the people im surrounded with. how did this happen. youre all so lovely😭
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napping-sapphic · 4 months
my boyfriend is trans, mtf but doesn't like that i consider my sexuality sapphic. what do i do? doesn't sapphic also apply to trans men?
Another advice ask😓
Yall i appreciate that some of you feel comfortable asking me for relationship advice or that you might be comfortable here since im an anonymous stranger etc
HOWEVER, let me be straight up honest with you— i havent ever been in an actual relationship, im a MAJOR shut in so i’m not at all up to date with all the minutiae of the queer community, full on i have averaged leaving the house one (1) single time PER MONTH for the last FIVE months
I do not want to give you bad/naive/shortsighted advice
And i promise you do not want my bad advice
I am begging you Please do not ask me for advice i am so stressed
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lizardsarecute · 7 months
Since a few people have asked through messages/inbox:
I don't do commissions. Currently, the thought of it stresses me out, sorry.
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headphonemouse · 1 year
Tumblr media
dcst animal mutuals as pokemon (+Peter)
@megacarapa @diamondsheep @galacticonejos @birbliophile @froqpi
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