jon-decor · 1 year
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22 pull-ups ✅
Savage Factory ✅
4 rounds (20 calories each round) SkiErg ✅
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prosports · 1 month
The Sole Fitness Indoor Rower
The Sole Fitness Indoor Rower is a premium-quality fitness machine designed to provide an effective full-body workout. Engineered with durability and performance in mind, this rower offers smooth and quiet operation, making it suitable for home or gym use.
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shreddeddad · 2 months
Torque Fitness Relentless Ripper Preview
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team24fit · 1 year
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Am Do. 24.11. beginnt die „Holiday Challenge“ ⬇️ Vom 24.11.-24.12.2022 legen wir eine Strecke von 100.000m zurück.🥳 Du kannst einen Concept2 Ergometer deiner Wahl nehmen. Auf dem BikeErg sind es 200.000m die du absolvieren musst.✌🏻 Melde dich im „LogBook“ an und registriere dich für diese grandiose Challenge. Insgesamt werden über 70.000$ gespendet und tolle Preise verlost. Die Top Rankings bekommen ein Zertifikat und noch vieles mehr.🎉🥳 #skierg #rowerg #bikeerg #concept2 #schwerin #team24fitschwerin #holidaychallenge (hier: Team 24FIT) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRp7b_qpFo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ptbrighton · 1 year
Ski bells wod
kettlebell/Ski Erg workout
For time;
40 snatch
20 cal ski
40 goblet squat
20 cal ski
40 clean and press
20 cal ski
40 swings
20 cal ski
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bujutsu · 2 years
WF: Training
6x Rounds 10x Box Jumps 10 Cals Ski Erg 20x DBall Shoulder Toss @60#
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healthequipments · 21 days
Advantages of Having a Treadmill in Your Home Gym
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Elevate your home fitness routine with the addition of a treadmill. Discover the benefits from convenience, customizable workouts, to improved cardiovascular health, making it a key investment in your wellness.
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cyrillechahboune · 2 months
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MURPH VERSION ADAPTATIVE 1 mile (1,6km) SkiErg 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Seated back ext 1 mile (toujours 1,6km) SkiErg Avec gilet lesté🤙
En pleine préparation pour les jeux paralympiques dans la catégorie volley-ball assis, le crossfit est une activité quotidienne de ma préparation 👊
👊 Wod description 1 mile (1.6km) SkiErg 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Seated back ext 1 mile (still 1.6km) SkiErg With weighted vest🤙
In the midst of preparing for the Paralympic Games in the sitting volleyball category, crossfit is a daily activity in my preparation👊
📸 @jib_cze 🙌 juin /june 2023 @crossfit_nimes
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kelseys-better-half · 11 months
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3x500m on the SkiErg - hoping to get this below 8 minutes.
The goal is to do a circuit weight workout today as well. Maybe some easy stationary bike.
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v3perform · 6 days
V3P's Ultimate 50-Minute Workout: Fitness Classes for Every Fitness Level | V3Perform
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Did you know that an hour is equivalent to about 4% of your day? Imagine spending that time on fitness and exercise once a day. At V3Perform, we provide fitness classes applicable to any level of fitness through V3P's Ultimate 50-minute workout!
From as early as 6am to as late as 8pm, our expert trainers at V3P will be glad to welcome you home for an hour of fun, fitness and exercise that will get you burning body fat in no time! At V3Perform, our goal is to host a roster of personal training in Miami Shores bringing the public fitness that pushes our clients to peak physical condition through fun and effective classes such as Boot Camp, Cardio Boxing, and Strength Training.
Strength Training Functional Strength Training in a small group setting. You will be challenged and coached for each and every workout. We promise you will train body parts that you didn’t know you had.
Boot Camp Build and Sculpt your body all while experiencing an amazing cardio workout. You might box, use dumbbells, resistance bands, your own body weight, run on a self propelled treadmill, row, skierg, versaclimb and even bike during these incredibly fun classes.
Cardio Boxing Boxing inspired classes on our tear shaped water filled punching bags. These bags protect your hands, knuckles, wrists, elbows and shoulders.
Whether your goal is to achieve your ideal weight or build a stronger physique, our experienced trainers at V3Perform will help you achieve them! With our combo of cardio and strength training, V3P’s Ultimate classes offer a mix of weight and movement that are fun and will have you sweating so you get shredded to the core – literally. So whether you are a beginner or not, rest assured that the V3P trainers will help you achieve your fitness goals, while ensuring you stay healthy in the process.
Drop by the V3P gym today and find out why V3Perform is the best gym in Miami Shores to sculpt the body, cutting and carving out the physique you desire through an exhilarating cardiovascular workout training.
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blog-fitness4all · 6 months
Element Odivelas
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Sobre Element Odivelas
Os Ginásios Element estão presentes em várias localidades em Portugal, incluindo Lisboa, Gaia, Tercena, Matosinhos e Cova da Piedade. Oferecem uma política de satisfação garantida, prometendo 100% de reembolso caso o cliente não fique satisfeito. O ginásio destaca-se pela flexibilidade, permitindo que os membros treinem sem limitações de horário e sem fidelização, com planos a partir de 2,99€ por semana. Além disso, estão sempre em expansão, com novas unidades a abrir, como as recentes em Queluz e Foz.
- Treino sem fidelização: Os membros podem treinar todos os dias sem estar vinculados a um contrato de longo prazo. - Treino duplo diário: Para os entusiastas do fitness que desejam treinar mais de uma vez por dia, o ginásio oferece a possibilidade de realizar dois treinos diários. - Treino com um amigo: Os membros têm a opção de levar um amigo para treinar consigo, proporcionando uma dose extra de motivação. - Acesso a todos os clubes: Os membros podem treinar em qualquer ginásio Element em Portugal, garantindo conveniência e variedade no treino. - Plataforma online: Para os dias em que não é possível ir ao ginásio, os membros têm acesso a uma plataforma online com centenas de aulas e exercícios disponíveis à distância de um clique. O ginásio Element Fitness oferece uma série de modalidades de treino para garantir que cada membro encontre a opção que melhor se adapta às suas necessidades e objetivos. Algumas das zonas de treino disponíveis são: - Power: Para aqueles que desejam focar-se no treino de força. - Body: Ideal para trabalhar o corpo de uma forma mais global e harmoniosa. - NoMotor: Uma zona dedicada a exercícios que não envolvem o uso de máquinas. - Function: Focado em treinos funcionais que trabalham diferentes grupos musculares de forma integrada.
Magnetic Aula de elevado dispêndio energético que promove a melhoria da componente cardiorrespiratória e coordenação motora. Assenta num Treino Intervalado de Alta Intensidade, utilizando 4 ergómetros que vão melhorar a tua condição física. Zona - noMotor Equipamento - Remos, Air Runner, Air Bike, Skierg Tipo - HIIT Absolut Aula de resistência e tonificação muscular do Core. Realizado de forma contínua, sentirás os abdominais e cadeia posterior mais fortalecidos, assim como aumento da força funcional e prevenção de lesões. Zona - Core Equipamento - Colchões e Elásticos Tipo - Abdominais Machine Aula de componente metabólica, com períodos mais curtos de descanso e séries mais longas, usando maioritariamente o peso do corpo, o TRX e o Boxing Bag. Objetivo: ganho de massa muscular e queima de gordura. Zona - Body Equipamento - TRX, Saco Boxe, Pequenos Equipamentos Tipo - Tonificação Full Body Impact Aula de condicionamento físico geral composta maioritariamente por exercícios funcionais cujas ações motoras assentam nos pilares do movimento humano e visam os grandes grupos musculares (GGM). Zona - Function Equipamento - Zona Funcional, Pequenos Equipamentos Tipo - Functional - Morada: R. Gen. Alves Roçadas, 675-286 Odivelas - E-mail: [email protected] Horário Segunda / Sexta: 06:30 - 22:30 Sábado / Domingo: 09:00 – 18:00 Página Web| Facebook| Instagram
Fotos Element Odivelas
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Mapa Element Odivelas
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aboutskiexercise · 8 months
The Ultimate Guide To Ski Exercise Machine
A SkiErg is an object of equipment that persons of varying fitness levels may use to strengthen their arms, legs, and abs. This equipment was originally designed for cross-country runners to get in shape and speed down slopes more efficiently. SkiErg is an acronym that stands for "ski exercise machine." This training apparatus has been modified to provide a full-body, low-impact exercise.
It's A Full-Body Workout
When used correctly, the ski erg may help you tone every muscle, from your scalp to your toes. You're working your quadriceps, rear deltoids, and grip muscles whenever you draw the handles downward from the top of your head by your hips.
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It Is A Low-Impact Kind Of Exercise
If riding a bike or running on the ground causes pain in your knees, thighs, or feet, the ski training machine may be a better option.
The previously ski erg serves as a non-contact cardiovascular and respiratory conditioning method. It's a fantastic substitute for runners who can't run because of an injury to their lower extremities. When skiing, your feet seldom leave the earth. It reduces the stress placed on the joints in your lower body.
The Previously Hinge Movements Pattern Is Mastered With This Aid
The deadlift and other hinge-based exercises are commonplace at the gym, but few people realize this is how humans move. You're doing the same thing, whether you're bringing in groceries from the vehicle or picking up a package from the front entrance.
Tips For Working The Ski Erg Into Your Workout Schedule
The ski erg may be used for almost any purpose. Therefore, how you utilize it should be determined by your intended outcomes from exercise. Working to take a ski equipment for a predetermined period of time has been shown to boost heart health. Alternating between intense bursts of activity and rest periods is another option for achieving intermediate sessions on the erg.
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shreddeddad · 4 months
Beyond Power Voltra I Cardio Workout (Damper Mode)
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team24fit · 2 years
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Herbst-Challenge 15. September - 15. Oktober ⬇️ Die „Fall Team Challenge“ ist eine Herausforderung, bei der die Teammitglieder einzeln versuchen, zwischen dem 15. September und dem 15. Oktober entweder 100.000 Meter oder 200.000 Meter zu erreichen. Die Meter können auf einem RowErg, SkiErg, BikeErg oder einer Kombination der drei angesammelt werden. *BikeErg zählt nur die Hälfte #team24fitschwerin #concept2 #rowerg #bikeerg #skierg #team24fit #challenge #motivation #community #lifestyle #hwpo #everyday #youvsyou # (hier: Team 24FIT) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cij9YlKqdzz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bujutsu · 3 months
WF: Training
5x Rounds 1:00 Max Cals Row 1:00 Step Ups 1:00 200m SkiErg 1:00 Ab Wheel Roll-outs 1:00 Shoulder Press 2xDB@20#
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healthequipments · 1 month
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