#Sir Zeliek
findmeinshattrath · 7 months
Really curious about the capabilities of Lightforged Draenei Death Knights.
Cuz this feels like it could be a Sir Zeliek situation to me, at least potentially. I mean, Zeliek could still wield the Light and retain a free mind purely because of his faith. Plus there where undead Scarlet Crusade paladins who, through some means, still used the light in Post-Cataclysm Tyr's Hand. The Lightforged are completely infused with the Light.
There's something there, I think.
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esperanta-dragon · 9 months
hey! i was curious if you ever published that zeliek book anywhere
Hello! I am surprised somebody is asking. I would love to publish it on AO3. The thing is, I have only few pages written and my joy of WoW universe dropped rapidly and with Dragonflight it dropped completely. So I am trying to recover and find a reason why I should continue and finish it. I hope I will find the joy and motivation again, and most importantly reason to care again. But maybe I get second wind soon and will sit down to it. Once I have it, you will see it on AO3 for sure :)
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zealouswrath · 1 year
unassorted Thoughs and HCs i guess
sally was around the mograines all the time since she was a child. renault, sally and vishas were inseparable as kids.
she was always religious, but she wasn't always a priestess. she only received actual training after her family's death and taking refuge with priests.
before that, she had learned to swordfight. the basics only, enough to like. know how to use a sword, if not enough to be skilled at it. it's how she managed to survive. can hs mercenaries be counted as canon? no. i'm still using this art as inspo though.
sally was really talented as a priestess from the start, though. she may not possess the unique bond with it the likes of sir zeliek had, but her bond with it is said to be "unmatched by even the greatest paladins".
much of her connection with the light is one of (what she feels is) righteous anger. she embraced the wrath and desire for revenge, and saw it as a legitimate and correct mission to hunt down the monsters that plagued lordaeron. this persists and escalates the higher she climbs in the crusade's hierarchy, but the important point is: she always thought she was right. she didn't doubt that for one second. and obviously the light was on her side since it never abandoned her to the point she was brought back to life by it, to the point of people believing she was unkillable. which is of course just the perfect touch to make her believe her mission was righteous - if it wasn't, the light wouldn't keep her alive like that.
although righteous fury was the high inquisitor's default, she was capable of acting on and connecting to the light as we see more often, as a force of care and nurture, but only towards those who followed her or who she'd deem innocent. which weren't many outside the crusade.
renault and her absolutely started dating before everything went to hell. but considering what happened to both of them, despite the changes they went through they remained together. eventually he told her the truth about killing his dad and she remained a supportive girlfriend. for real though i just think she actually, really, really loved him
after he died and she didn't manage to bring him back durand was just There to fill in the position as commander and etc but as much as there may be similarities between the dynamics on the surface she. doesn't care for him at all. there's a reason she died years later saying mograine ok
i think she's only vaguely aware of who lilian voss is. honestly she ruined a lot of people's lives who know who she is while she. doesn't know them really.
i discussed it more in length here, but i do think her state of undeath is accepted as punishment, and that she carries some self-hatred for that because not only it fits with her journey i think it's a neat not exact the same but similar enough parallel to zeliek, as is her faith/strength of will and the opposition between him retaining sanity and morals and being forced to commit atrocities vs her regaining sanity and embracing undeath as a means to atone for the atrocities she willingly commited in life
but yeah the gist of it is she doesn't inherently hate the undead, she certainly cares for the ebon blade and loves the horsemen and the deathlord, but she's not as accepting towards herself because people are contradictory like that sometimes
i think she was never in alexandros' vicinity in sl if it could be avoided
the religious undertones stuck with her in undeath
she's a blood dk and would keep the insane sustain theme going on tbh and also the red aesthetic
darion is her little brother. also her commander, and she'll follow his lead with all due respect, but take them out of the battlefield and he'll be bullied like the little brother he is
zoen is the leader, the one with who the Religious Undertones get more evident with the veiled veneration, but in spite of that he's also sibling coded. she's both. not beyond being laughed at on occasion. but when things are serious it's obvious how dedicated sally is to him
nazgrim is insane and she loves him
thoras is so done with everything and she loves him too
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necroarchy · 1 year
talk about the scourge!! arthas obviously had a lot of power over the minds of his minions, but how do you think belonging to this network of undead impacts others, specially the most 'aware' of themselves? how do you think that influences the unity we see in groups of undead even after they break away from the scourge, such as the ebon blade and the forsaken?
     “It is the will of the Lich King that drives us onward, <name>. None are more aware of this than death knights. Our very existence is intrinsically tied to his very consciousness. Surely you have heard him speak to you - invading your thoughts...
     Can you hear him now? Perhaps it is too early for you.
     <Mograine closes his eyes and nods to an unknown host.>
     Yes, my lord. It will be done.”
     --- Darion Mograine, “The Will of the Lich King”
     Oh, man. How do you describe a hivemind? I’m not familiar enough with bees and ants to draw the comparisons I’d like, but I suppose… imagine standing in a room where everyone is talking. No matter what you do or where you go, you hear that background murmur at the edge of your mind. And you know everyone who is speaking --- on a bone-deep level, you know these people, from strangers you’ve just seen to your dearest and oldest friends. They’re part of you, as you are inexorably part of them.
     And above the murmuring, a voice you can always hear as cleanly as though whispered straight into your ear…
     It’s difficult to maintain a true sense of “self” in this sort of environment. You’re forcibly part of something much bigger than yourself, and you can feel it. Always. As though having your will stolen weren’t enough, there’s no real chance for anyone to even be alone with their own thoughts. There is nothing of you not tied to this abomination of a kingdom. 
     Retaining your own mind wasn’t impossible in the Scourge, as we see with Anub’arak and Sir Zeliek. Their wills were stolen, but they clearly understood and despised their circumstances. You have to wonder how many initially-resistant Scourge members either willingly let themselves be subsumed or go insane. Either had to be easier than remaining as is.
     As for unity post-Scourge… it’s not especially relevant, I feel. As much as the remnants of that psychic link might haunt them all, they’re also just straight up trauma-bonded. No one can understand the precise horror the Ebon Blade & Forsaken have suffered as well as each other. I’m inclined to believe that has a stronger effect upon unity than anything else. Disconnecting from the Scourge disconnected them from each other, and while they’re still able to hear the Lich King’s call faintly, it’s not enough to extend to hearing the rest of their brethren. 
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mousterian-writes · 2 years
10 for the OTP asks, 2 for character headcanons?
10. OTP Rate all of your ships or ships in general from worst to best
Believe it or not I don't have a ton of ships.
Worst one (that I like)
Kel'Thuzad / Jaina- you're thinking, "ew, what?" Yeah, well. It's very crack-y. But, it's done mostly well in the frostblood series & its done very well in the frostblood series I produce in my head!
Kt / lady deathwhisper- I've portrayed their relationship as being fairly transactional. I think the issue with the ship is it's kind of boring. Lady D is not developed as a character in the game (not that Kel is in wow). Has potential. Its probably where Lil'KTs come from.
Lady Blaumeux / Sir Zeliek- I just like the idea of them together
Rivendare / Blaumeux- Zeliek has departed from Naxx in my stories so I had these two get together. More of a fling.
Kel'Thuzad / Modera- I think it works on a few levels, 1. They were colleagues so there is an established history of interraction. 2. There's some presumed ideological opposition (canonically kt is described as a 'maverick'), which creates an interesting tension, 3. It's kind of sordid in modern times (post Wrath) because one of them is undead and very much not aligned with Dalaran's interests. But alas, I'm an island.
2. Character. What are some important facts about them? (species, powers, parents, etc)
I'll stick with my actual OCs.
Vael- the illegitimate child of Modera & Kel'Thuzad, conceived before he went north. She is 10 going on 11 (born in year 17). She has KT's curiocity and Modera's ability to smell bullshit. She wants to be a mage when she is older, right now she can only cast a few rudimentart spells- conjure food/ water and a very weak fireball.
Vael likes to collect items from Naxxramas and Ulduar, her prized posetion is the wand Doomfinger that used to belong to her father. (It was stolen off his corpse in the OG Nax).
Currently she lives with her Aunt and Uncle in Redridge, where they relocated after the Forsaken sacked Hillsbrad. Vael does not like Forsaken undead, she thinks they are scary.
Blighterghast- he is the last surviving true plague dragon (drake specifically). Vectus heard a goblin was in the possession of a special clutch of unhatched eggs from grim batol & on a whim, bought them. They turned out to be red/black hybrids. Of the three only one was successfully taken out of stasis and blighted.
I got the idea for this character from the scourged whelpling battle pet, whoes flavor text states that KT raised one to adulthood. I stole his name from the Warmachine tabletop game.
Ghastly has a gentle nature. He cares more about being a model citizen than a dragon. My editor said he's a weenie. I think he's just unsure of himself & developing into a teenager (and he's a weenie).
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wuika · 4 years
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If the waiting list becomes too long, I will close the commissions, and open them again when my work is finished.
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general-grey · 4 years
im still thinkin about him........
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boldarvarequests · 2 years
could i get a dice roll (d4 i suppose) for which of the old/former horsemen i kin? ty in advance.
Sure thing!
I rolled a: #1 on the d4. Hopefully it helps clear up whats going on. ⚓
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owlpellet · 7 years
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i was actually commissioned (by @thisnerdwithanotebook) with real world dollars to sketch MY MANS, absolutely incredible
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How do each of the death knight generations differ from one another?
Before beginning, it is necessary to clarify that “generation” is a somewhat misleading term when applied to the different groups of death knights over the years. Rarely, if ever, is a generational distinction made between them in canon – in fact, the phrase is often solely used by the player-base to distinguish between death knights based either on when they were created or what Lich King ruled at the time of their reanimation. With the exception of the very first death knights – the only group to ever be referred to as a “generation” in lore –, the rest hardly vary from one another in any significant way* [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume III, pg. 52].
An Orcish Legacy
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While the original death knights were similar to modern Scourge-raised death knights in that they were technically undead, had no need for rest or sleep, and wielded impressive necromantic powers, their origins were far different than those of the death knights most are familiar with today [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume III, pg. 52, World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 149]. Instead of being raised by the Lich King, whom they actually predate, the first death knights were created by the orc Gul’dan through an unholy sacrificial ritual. Seeking to bring back his slain comrades in the Shadow Council, Gul’dan tricked and killed several orc necrolytes, then used their necromantic energies to reanimate his brethren in the bodies of some of Stormwind’s greatest human knights following the First War [Tides of Darkness, Chapter Six, World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 148-149, World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume III, pg. 52].
The orcish death knights would have been little more than shambling corpses after reanimation without the slain necrolytes’ magic to power them. To prevent that from happening, Gul’dan preserved the necrolytes’ magic in their own crystallized hearts after killing them, then imbued truncheons with their power and gave the weapons to the fallen death knights to raise them, making them more powerful than they ever were in life [Tides of Darkness, Chapter Six]. Although modern death knights are exceptionally powerful in their own right, they, too, depend in part upon a magical weapon, known as a runeblade, for some of their power [Object: This is my Runeblade…, Quest: The Emblazoned Runeblade, RPG: Alliance & Horde Compendium, pg. 24].
Ner’zhul’s Warriors
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The first group of modern death knights, beginning with Arthas Menethil, consisted of those raised before and during the Third War, coinciding with Ner’zhul’s solo tenure as the Lich King. Some of the earliest death knights ever made, the likes of which include Thassarian and two of Arthas’ captains, Falric and Marwyn, were raised on the prince’s expedition to Northrend [Death Knight, Chapter Three, Dungeon Journal: Halls of Reflection: Falric, Arthas, pg. 193 (hardcover edition)]. After returning from the icy north, Arthas would continue to raise many other death knights in Lordaeron and during his raid on Quel’Thalas at the height of the Third War [RPG: Lands of Conflict, pg. 95, Death Knight, Chapter Three, Page: Lord Alexei Barov].
According to the largely outdated Warcraft III manual, some death knights were also made out of a group of embittered paladins who traveled to Northrend and accepted Ner’zhul’s dark promise of power [Unit: Death Knight]. Regardless of whether or not that is still canon, many powerful light-wielders were actually raised as death knights during the Third War, likely because the active stand they took against the Scourge made them easy targets [RPG: Alliance & Horde Compendium, pg. 24]. In fact, three of the original Four Horsemen – Thane Korth’azz, Sir Zeliek, and Alexandros Mograine –, were paladins in life [NPC: Commander Eligor Dawnbringer Dialogue, Ashbringer: Issue Two].
Arthas’ Death Knights
The next large group of death knights, the Death Knights of Acherus, was raised shortly before the Alliance and the Horde set sail for Northrend [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume III, pg. 172-174]. The bulk of the death knight forces at this time likely came from assaults perpetrated by the Scourge on the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor before the war in the north, although many more would be raised from fallen enemy ranks on the battlefield in New Avalon and later on in Northrend during the main offensive [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume III, pg. 172].
Death’s Power Grows
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After the war against the Lich King was over, the Knights of the Ebon Blade continued to make death knights by raising some of their fallen allies in both the Horde and the Alliance well into Legion [Quest: Knights of the Ebon Blade]. Sensing something ominous on the horizon, however, the new Lich King decided to expand their ranks significantly and raise a large number of death knights in the time immediately preceding the events of Shadowlands [Quest: Death’s Power Grows].
While pandaren would be one of the many races to join the death knights upon Bolvar’s initiative, it is possible that they, along with just about any other race, could have wandered and been transformed by the Scourge at any time [Twitter: Dave Kosak].
* There appears to be a popular misconception regarding how some death knights were created, leading many to see a crucial difference that is not technically canon between them and the rest of the death knights. Some believe that what the player-base call “second generation” death knights – those raised by Ner’zhul and Arthas during the Third War – were gradually corrupted into undeath rather than killed and raised like death knights traditionally are today. This line of thought likely owes its origins in part to the non-canon RPG, which claims that all death knights were former paladins who swore allegiance to the Scourge [RPG: Alliance & Horde Compendium, pg. 24]. The absence of any mention of “death” in the transformation ritual – in fact, the RPG describes the entire process of becoming a death knight as simply taking a vow and receiving a runeblade – may have caused some confusion as to how the earlier modern death knights were made.
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While the details are still a little vague, there is no doubt that many “second generation” death knights actually died and were then raised into undeath, not gradually corrupted as the RPG may imply. When Arthas returned to his army after wandering into the icy wilds with Frostmourne, he killed most of his followers and raised them either as mindless undead or fearsome death knights like himself [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume III, pg. 52]. Other salient examples include Thassarian, who was murdered by Falric shortly after Arthas acquired Frostmourne, and Koltira, who met his end during Arthas’ march on Quel’Thalas [Death Knight, Chapter Three, Ibid].
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alteredphoenix · 4 years
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I did a run through Stratholme a couple days ago on an alt and came across this line, one of many Eligor Dawnbringer says when you defeat Balnazaar, and it got me thinking. A quick skim on Wowpedia shows that as of the Blood War undead activity is growing exponentially, with no sign of the Brotherhood of the Light nor the Argent Crusade making significant progress on reclaiming the former city as “a bastion of the Light and a new beginning for Lordaeron”.
Would be interesting to see what has - or  might - become of it, as well as learn what the Brotherhood has been up to since Cataclysm. It’s safe to assume, however speculative as it is to do so, that they and the Argent Crusade were involved in the Blood War under Maxwell Tyrosus and Turalyon’s command following the Burning of Teldrassil that would cause the fracturing between the Alliance and Horde’s Light-based groups to fall back into faction exclusivity. As it is their mandate to fight “against any element of evil” that threatens the safety of Azeroth, the only possible outcome I can imagine (until canon says otherwise) is that the Crusade finally saw legitimate payoff in monitoring Sylvanas’s actions during the Andorhal stalemate and threw their lot in with the Alliance.
What comes afterwards, now that the Blood War is over, is up for debate. It’s been stated, again since Cataclysm, that the Brotherhood and the Crusade are starting to drift apart due to differences of martial and moral conduct applied between the two. According to Korfax and Eligor Dawnbringer, the Brotherhood has a history of “brash, thoughtless decisions” that are not held in check by “morals, guilt, and useless human emotions”, as well as guaranteeing they will fight anyone or anything that is an affront to the Light, even if those people are their comrades. Battle for Azeroth showed clear parallels to Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, with a good portion of the War Campaign revolved around the tenuous relationship between the Alliance and the Horde but also the living and the undead. There are no known Forsaken members among the Brotherhood, unlike the case with Leonid Barthalomew in the Crusade, but seeing as there are no problems that arise when he sends you to help the Brotherhood purge Tyr’s Hand of the Scarlet Crusade it could stand to reason that perhaps they have no qualms working with Forsaken so long as they are not aligned with the Scourge or Sylvanas and do not intend to get in the Brotherhood’s way.
Although this does bring up another question: How would they react to seeing Calia Menethil, sister of Arthas the Lich King, as an undead woman risen from a naaru’s Light? I think she would be a bigger source of contention among the Brotherhood. On the other hand, I like to think they would know about Sir Zeliek and Sally Whitemane, both death knights whose faith in the Light was strong it persisted into undeath...except both are (or in Zeliek’s case, was) under the Lich King’s service, and both times the Four Horsemen of Death clashed against the Argent Crusade - not exactly good impressions you’d want to leave behind.
It’s tough to say, and I don’t anticipate any developments regarding the Light-Void Arc until either towards the end of the Shadowlands expansion or in the expansion after that...or in the future, left to be resolved after years of buildup.
It’s food for thought.
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archmage--khadgar · 5 years
For your WoW memories thing you reblogged, if I may request 2, 3 and 4 :)
2.Where did you start playing, Alliance or Horde? Where do you mainly play now?:  Horde! My main is still on that side, but I mostly rp Alliance side as I don’t know anyone Horde side anymore. Long story with that one.3: What was your first server, class, race? Do you still have that character?:  Sentinels was my first server, and my first toon was Undead Warlock back in 2007. I still have her! She’s a belf now due to story shenanigans, but I still have her.4: Who is your all-time favorite NPC and why?: If I talked about what Khadgar means to me I’d be uhhh...a very long post. I actually have a hard time counting him as an all-time fave for a variety of reasons. So I’ll talk about someone else! (picking one is really hard I’ve got a lot of faves)*leans into microphone* Sir Zeliek is 100% perfection and I will always believe that he has a lot more potential beyond Naxxramas content (as well as Kel’thuzad and Baron Rivendare) and it’s all I can do to just make fan stuff even though there doesn’t seem to be much of a demand for it. 
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esperanta-dragon · 2 years
Me surgio una duda existencial
¿Cual es el fic mas lago que has leido?
Mi record personal es 500 000 palabras, Ya ni recuerdo como se llamaba
To be honest I am not much fanfic writer as I always spent a lot of time writing fanfics or writing in general. No time for reading them or at least my time was always limited and I was very careful about fanfics because you never know if they will be waste of your time and if they are even good quality. I even avoid smut, because I was never into that, I always used the words differently.
BUT I have this strange habit of picking favorite characters which are considered side characters or they are forgotten. One of them is sir Zeliek. You can't find many fanfics about him and I am doing my best to sit down to writing a book about him this year. I think I can finally make it.
There is maybe like 4 fanfics on the whole internet but one of them is one I consider incredibly well done despite it's really old and thus many things do not work and were obsolete even at the end of WotLK I would say.
Still, it still resonates with me after 2-3 years since I've read it last time.
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mrslittletall · 5 years
Sir Zeliek is not actually part of the DK campaign, he's a Naxxramas boss. He's special because he's a Good Boy, unlike the other three Horsemen C:
Aaaaah!That is where I saw him!Oh my god, that was like 10 years ago, no wonder I forgot him. Also as someone who tends to go raids pretty much only once or twice for the story. Thanks for reminding me ^^
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curiositydies · 3 years
Besides the obvious suspect, was there anyone in the Scourge or the Cult whom Kel'Thuzad was friendly with? What sort of relationships did he have to the other members of the upper echelons of the Scourge, like the Icecrown bosses?
HMMMM this is gonna be a bit of a long one I think so you’re gonna have to bear with me for a bit while I refresh my memory
Deathbringer Saurfang - Kel proooobably didn’t have a lot of contact with this guy. I have to imagine his feelings were kind of like “lol sucks to suck” except not in exactly those words, since he’s one of those people who challenged the Lich King and immediately got super-murdered and raised as a Scourge champion. Happens all the time! Kel is terrible and only has emotional room for a select few people so he doesn’t care about who Saurfang used to be all that much.
Thinks he’s pretty useful both as a physical wall and as a psychological burden. He loves it when people they uhhh recycle happen to do that. It’s a two for one deal!
Lady Deathwhisper - We don’t actually get them interacting despite her being basically second in command of the cult after Kel went off to run Naxxramas in person, which is weird. Either way I feel like it’s a pretty good assumption that he instructed her personally and clearly felt like he could leave running things to her. Based on what little dialogue/lore she DOES have, that seemed like a pretty good choice, so I think he does trust her enough to delegate to her instead of hovering over her shoulder anxiously to make sure things are done right. I feel like they had a mentor/pupil relationship at first and then it leveled out to being coworkers once she stepped into her role as Overseer. I think he absolutely respects her and trusts her to an extent, which is pretty high up on the pole of Kel’thuzad’s esteem for literally anyone, but he wouldn’t describe their relationship as friendly. It’s strictly professional.
Amal’thazad - might as well put him here too since he’s a death knight trainer. Probably was put under Kel’s tutelage for a time after Arthas forcibly converted him, may have liked him enough to take a part of his name after he split off to tutor death knights instead. I figure Kel’thuzad trusts him well enough and does respect him but again, strictly professional.
Professor Putricide - Haha this fuckin’ guy. Kel sort of likes him solely because sometimes you need someone to blow off steam with and be enthusiastic about horrendous plagues and that guy, unfortunately for everyone else, happens to be the professor. I can’t imagine they didn’t work together on various bioweapon crimes at SOME point, even if it was probably through the magical equivalent of a zoom call after a while.
Blood Prince Council - lol, elves
Kel’thuzad probably finds them.......tolerable? He’s not going to go out of his way to hold conversations with them or anything but he’s fine making idle chatter if that happens to be the case. He’s pretty ambivalent about them in general; as long as they do what they’re supposed to competently they’re not super his problem.
Blood Queen Lana’thel - another lmao sucks to suck opinion candidate. Sorry Lana’thel.
Kel’thuzad doesn’t have any real big problems with her; as long as she does her job of protecting Icecrown he could care less whatever vampire shenanigans she gets up to in the meantime. He almost certainly knows about her previous history and doesn’t give a shit. She got haunted by her memories and then broke her own sword and tossed it to stop it from happening! Good for her. Solid decision making.
Sindragosa - Sure is a dragon. I don’t actually know how much Kel’thuzad knows about Sindragosa’s history but hey, Arthas made a sound tactical decision in raising her frozen corpse to be an undead guardian! She’s just angry at everything which is fine since she’s directing all that anger into flash-freezing the Scourge’s enemies. He likes her fine for what she is and what she does, no real opinion either way.
Darion Mograine  - Kel’thuzad finds Darion amusing and also kind of vaguely bargain-bin Arthas in a thematic way. Like he doesn’t actually think that in that exact sense, but Scourge corrupting paladins into death knights is always a classic and he respects the classics.
Knows Darion is absolutely real pissed at the Scourge and ESPECIALLY at him. He 100% doesn’t give a shit.
Alexandros Mograine - Useful pawn. Probably felt kind of annoyed when Darion ruined things by saving his soul, but hey, Darion damned himself in exchange, so it’s not like he got nothing out of it.
Baron Rivendare -  An actual textual friend for Kel’thuzad?? And he knew him when they were both still alive?? Blizzard, you shouldn’t have! They don’t give me anything more than this though so I’m not giving them any more credit than that.
I think Kel may have just viewed him as a good target for manipulation at first (rich landowner, etc), but I do like to think he actually did come to see him as a friend in time which i guess confirms his preference for melee assholes. He seems to have a good head for strategy so it’s entirely possible they have the type of friendship that involves playing a lot of chess by mail and debating each other. Maybe a book club idk.
Kel’thuzad is probably pretty fond of him, which makes him one of the few people Kel would honestly say he could feel fondness for. He’s an old friend and surprisingly Kel still values that kind of thing despite saying he doesn’t.
Lady Blameaux, Thane Korth’azz, Sir Zeliek - Part of the Mograine Collection(tm). He recognises their power enough to have raised them as his elite guards and shackled them to servitude as long as he still like, exists, but I don’t think he thought about them or Mograine super hard except as tools for use.
Korth’azz i think is implied to be one of the Silver Hand, so he may have picked Korth’azz specifically as some sort of fucked up favor for Arthas (because corrupting more Silver Hand paladins is fun and Arthas would like it).
Sir Zeliek I almost think that Kel sees enough of either Sylvanas or who Arthas used to be in him that he left his mind pretty much intact on purpose and just forced him to obey commands. Of all the death knights he raised personally, I think Zeliek’s faith and power to command the Light despite being undead probably contributed to Kel’thuzad leaving him mostly-intact mentally partially out of spite and partially out of a professional interest to see how long it would take before his faith broke. Part petty bitch, part science experiment. Sorry, Zeliek.
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thedovahcat · 6 years
i just saw the sir zeliek commission so thank you for commissioning sir zeliek
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