#She doesn't - because she sees that no matter what alliances were made they stayed friends
uroborosymphony · 1 year
things said with the number of your choice please! xD surprise us!
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"I for many centuries have believed Time has been the greatest enemy of mine, as I longed for a death no mortal, no creature, no god would grant me. All became a twisted embodiment of my immortality, a mirror I did not wish to look into the eyes of. And so I have killed. All. I have killed them all. Exterminated. Massacred. Desperately seeking release in the pleasure of punishment. I wished watching the blood flow, bathing in it, would have filled the cold of this void within me. I wanted to punish you too, Earl. Oh to slice your neck has haunted many of my nights. But I know. I do know now. As I am no longer a creature of denial and delusion, my true enemy has always been myself. It never was you." The night is silent. Her piercing golden eyes watching through the wide open from-ceiling-to-floor windows as the lights inside are turned off, only the moon dancing in a clear sky decorated of stars. She steps outside, on the balcony of marble and stones, the curtains singing in the wind. The view on the city appears unexpectedly soothing for the Lamia, empty of these little ants of mortals in the streets, only the lights and the constellations. It reminds her of the calm of the forest. Her hand holding a glass of sirens blood, bringing it to her lips as her eyes remain stuck on the horizon, her free fingertips resting down the cold railing. "You and I never been apart, I cannot quite understand how nor why." There is a smile on her usual expresionless features, her head, kept high in her white suit. "I first believed it would be my curse to remain alone and I wholehearly embraced it, my fate in all its glory, as desastrous as it is. To be alone is the cowards peace, to never connect my existence to any other in order for it to be easier to suppress. I remember you by my side ever since my first massacre in this little village, the witches of the sea. I remember you by my side as I was dripping of madness and blood of the Moonlake Knights, euphoric of my first battles. I shall remember you by my side right now, in these modern times. Will you still be here, then, when I never die, as you keep my rotting soul within the palms of your gloved hands?" Her eyes look down, sligthly, the white of her silken hair caressed by the moonlight. "This sirens blood is getting to me. I can hear their voices in my head." She whispers in a scoff, a slow shake of the head. "I should go and lay down."
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vole-mon-amour · 2 months
1x09, part 3.
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I'm so sad for him. He would literally forgive her ANYTHING.
He's TERRIFIED at the idea of losing her. And he's so right, Vi can't bring back Powder. It was so obvious when Jinx lit a fire & Vi got a taste of what Jinx is like these days. Vi wouldn't be able to control her, nor would she be able to love her when she's like this. The problem is, it IS her nowadays. There is no Powder anymore. It's such a fucking tragedy that Silco dies.
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Honestly, say it, Silco. V is into Caitlyn now way more than she is into Jinx. Actually, she's not into Jinx at all. Again, there is NO Powder. Every time Vi calls her that, I cringe. I can't stand that name, it's simply not her. Just like Silco says, "that girl does not exist anymore".
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And it's only them, you see? And she's his daughter, you see? ;______; The way he loves her, help. ;___; The look he gives her. It doesn't fucking matter she kidnapped him and tied him up and gagged him, he doesn't fucking care, he only wants her and he wants her to stay with him. ;_____; All the walls around him fall apart for her sake. He's the most vulnerable with her.
"I'll never forsake you." The voice acting. The animation. I feel unwell.
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Gods, he's so scared she will leave him. So confused about her dropping her gun.
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He's like a caged animal when he grabs Jinx's gun. Vi only made it worse for Jinx. But yeah, just like Jinx said, it's up to Vi if she gets Jinx or Powder, and Vi's shouting and SIlco's death sealed the deal.
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She really caresses behind his ear as he's bleeding out. Oh, the fucking tragedy. ;___;
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"Don't cry. You're perfect." FUCK OFFFFF. The pain is real and I am feeling it. Like, no stills or gifs can truly makes you feel the same if you don't remember the tone of his voice, the feelings in his voice.
"I hope you know we had everything, When you broke me and left these pieces."
Honestly, the difference between Jinx getting Vander killed and Jinx getting Silco killed is that Vi means it and she leaves her. Yes, they were kids, full stop. She gave into those emotions, though. For the moment, she hated Jinx & she meant it. She can never love Jinx.
Jinx kills Silco? He tells her not to cry. He tells her JINX is perfect. She kills him and yet, she's his entire word. "I'll never forsake you. <...> I never would have given you to them. Not for anything." and he MEANS it. As he bleeds out while she holds his face, he tells her not to cry and that she's PERFECT.
"'Cause I, I was meant to be yours."
Yeah, they can all burn, indeed.
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V is so confused because how can her sister feel all those feelings for Silco? How can she cry for him? He's a monster, he deserved to die, didn't he? Yeah, she just doesn't understand. Fuck. (breaks down) I love Silco so much.
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"Even though I'm different." That's exactly the problem. Vi can't love her as she is now. Silco could. He did.
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I'm going to miss him so much.
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I hope she doesn't die in s2 (or turns into something that's completely unrecognizable). I really fucking hope so. ;____; And man, Silco is so beautiful. Was? Anyway.
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She's alive! My girl is alive! Maybe she'll take over the undercity without Silco? "What we could've been." right when they focus on her and Silco's empty chair. Gods. I'm hurting. The song at the end is absolutely perfect and I can't stop crying.
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Oh, Ekko found himself a friend. Oh, what could've been, indeed. This is such a great alliance because Ekko is somewhat a scientist himself and he's open-minded and he has nothing to gain, so he gladly shares about his experience with Heimerdinger.
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The animation is incredible. And Vi still chooses Caitlyn over Jinx. Like I said she would. :(
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Even Viktor looks hopeful. Season 2, "Devastating"? "No one is going to be happy after watching it"? Oh, they're going to break me.
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Secret Alliance - Lero (8/10)
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There's a strange feeling of melancholy here. It's in every chapter. Even the cute ones. If you want to take a good long look at what mental illness is like this is the story for you. It is almost too miserable for my taste. Even the happy ending is stained with years of regret and relationships that can't be fixed.
Ok so the yandere here ruins two families. His own family and his ex-girlfriend's family. The author, Lero, deconstructs what a "yandere" is. The concept is broken down into the basics. What would a yandere be in a regular society? Would they succeed? What would a modern day romance with an unstable person actually be like? The answers...aren't rosy or exciting.
The stalker is pathetic, and that's that. That's the reality. No woman with any sense of self preservation would choose somebody unstable, who is obsessed with isolating them. That is the end lesson the author leaves us with. It doesn't matter if you have a "special relationship" with a toxic person. It is always best to move on.
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Sian had a boyfriend when she was young. He had a pretty face and a tough, rude outer shell. When they started dating he immediately started doting on her and spending all of his time with her. Sian started dating him specifically because of his face. He is a pretty boy. His girly looks made him less scary to Sian. Sian's mother does not trust men. She's also rather unstable and controlling, so from a young age she was unusually wary of men. Her boyfriend...was a lot like her mother. He agreed. He also thought men were disgusting. He said he was the only one she should trust. He said she didn't need any girl or boy friends. He said she only needed him. When she tried to break up with him he locked her in a shed, and his possessive rant made her faint from fear. Nothing sexual happened, but that doesn't matter.
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Sian was traumatized by the incident because that boyfriend didn't have a limit. Sian's mother didn't approve of him, so her loving boyfriend pissed her off on purpose. Sian's somewhat unstable mother stabbed him with a knife. Horror ensues. Sian's boyfriend told her not to worry. Now they can call child services. Sian doesn't need her mother. She only needs him. He also reveals, in his hospital bed, that he did taunt and terrify her mother on purpose. All of that, on top of being trapped in a shed for an entire night with him...ruined her dating life.
Sian can't even touch men.
It's interfering with her daily life now, years later.
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Sian is sort of considering becoming a lesbian, even though she's not into women. It's very depressing. A gorgeous woman named Yuri is totally nuts for her. Yuri is willing to spend time with her every day. Yuri doesn't think her fear of men is weird....and Yuri agrees with her mother. Getting an education is fine, but she should work from home and stay away from men.
Deep down Sian doesn't want that. She wants to get better, and be a fully functioning person. She doesn't want to hate men just because of one asshole. She's deeply insecure. Sian thinks she looks like a man, due to bullying back in her school days. It was classic negging. You've heard it before I'm sure.
You're sooooo ugly and boyish. You'd be lucky if I lowered myself to date you. Be my side chick blah blah blah.
Sian didn't learn about the reality of negging and sexual bullying. (and the tactics men use to make woman start dating when they're not ready/settle for men they don't really like.) It's complicated but she never learned that nuance, because she's overly sheltered. That doesn't make her a princess. It makes her a weirdo who sees perverts everywhere.
It's unpleasant isn't it?
You want to think that having a rich mom who pays all your bills makes you a princess.
You want to believe that a possessive boyfriend is a fun thing.
Alas, reality is different.
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Meet Yujin. He's a douche who sleeps with women to get ahead. He knows he's handsome...but deep down he knows he's being toyed with too. He wants to trust someone and have a real relationship, but he thinks he's tainted. Dirty. He gets Sian a job at his restaurant, because he can see her desire to change. He's rude to her. He's lewd to her, but he also helps her grow. Yuri and her mother don't want her to grow. They want her to be a delicate stay-at-home-princess for all eternity. Yujin thinks that's dumb. He says he'll respect her boundaries. He lets her use him as a test subject, and she eventually gets used to men thanks to his help.
How touching.
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Anyway Yuri is a man named Yul. He's her ex-boyfriend. The one that locked her in a shed. He's been stalking her, but he knows she hates men. He put on a skirt to sneak into her life.
Yujin catches him, but Yul is also Yuri. Sian's best friend. Yul taunts Yujin, and says Sian will never believe him. "Yuri" says "she" will lie and make Sian hate him, if he doesn't go along with "her" plot. Yujin, at this point, thinks he's in too deep. This is none of his damn business, and someone as nice as Sian would never like him back. "Yuri" has been her best friend for too long.
Sian would never trust him over "Yuri".
He lies to Sian, to break her heart and make her hate men forever. Sian was opening up. She wanted to try going on dates with Yujin, but Yujin says he likes Yuri. He says he wants to sleep with Yuri, because she's sexy. That's all he wants. Sexy girls and meaningless fun. Their therapy game is something he's doing out of pity and boredom.
Sian snaps, and she starts dating Yuri, just so Yujin won't start dating her. It's complicated. Sian wants to give up on men now, and she also doesn't want Yujin to have Yuri.
So she lets the stalker move into her house.
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After a month we see all of the problems in their relationship, in detail. Yuri is a clingy, annoying girlfriend that makes unreasonable demands. Yuri makes Sian change her hair. "She" makes Sian dress conservatively. She makes Sian quit her job and stop talking to her friends. They do nothing but sit on the couch and watch tv, because Yuri is too possessive to let Sian live.
The horror begins. Yuri's apartment is stalker central. It's covered in pictures of Sian and him back in high school. He masturbates to recordings of her every night.
Sian, deep down, suspects Yuri.
She's been in denial for a while, and she sees Yul.
He immediately jumps on her. He kisses her and says he is the only one who loves her. Everyone else is trash.
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Yujin saves her. Yul pathetically begs her to stay with him, but she leaves with Yujin. She starts living with Yujin too. She realizes that she can be herself with Yujin. He is just a man, not a monster. She doesn't have to follow any crazy rules when she talks to him. She doesn't have to constantly pacify him, because he's a mature adult. He is the life partner she needs.
Yul attacks Yujin, but things fall apart. Yul cuts his wrists in the end, and Sian assumes Yujin is the one injured. That frees her. She hates Yul and she berates him and she screams...and then she sees the blood. There's a pause. She knows what she has to do.
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She calls his family. His "yandere" persistence doesn't work. Yul was only able to stalk Sian because his father was sending him money. Yul's family isn't loving, but they come for him. They come to the hospital, and tell him to give up on Sian. Yul isn't sexy. He's a mentally ill, manic depressive man that has turned his father into a paranoid wreck. It's heavily implied that Yul's episodes made his sister's childhood hard too.
When Sian saw his blood everything changed. She slaps Yul, to make him listen to her, and she says she moved on years ago. She realized that none of her memories with him were happy. Their entire relationship was just her babying him. She doesn't want to be a crazy persons crutch. She's more than that. She's wasted enough of her youth on him.
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Yujin and Sian are in love. Sian isn't special, pure or a princess. She hasn't completely cut her mother off, but she's financially independent now. She receives a letter from Yul's sister.
It's a real goodbye. After Sian left he didn't let go for a long time, but eventually he got a job. He realized that he didn't need Sian to live, and he's sorry. He isolated himself through his stalking, and his "Yuri" identity. Time apart from Sian made him realize how miserable he was.
The discussion of mental illness here is quite simply too damn real. Yul is never officially diagnosed with shit. Sian's issues with gender and trauma take many years to heal. Sian's mother will likely never stop hating men. Yul's father will never forgive or trust his son.
Sian is never going to get her childhood back.
Run, if someone tells you they want you to become their special princess.
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blues824 · 1 year
🧙‍♀️Can I request the remarried empress charters meeting the female Solomon reader.
✨A immortal and highly successful and intelligent sorceress coming to visit during the new year Ball and throwing shade at sovieshu because they could deal with a 1000 lovers and wives and tread them all with the same respect and dignety and he could not even respect navier after 1 mistresses.
🧙‍♀️Her tanking navier of sponsoring a young gir to come a sorcerers and helping her out with her knowledge and asking her if she can stay in the castle for a while to support her and maby becoming the empress personal sorcerers (witch it's a rare and she doesn't do a lot only for people who intrest het like navier)
✨Her giving heinley and navier her blessings to there marriage and coming to there kingdom to support her and heinley more.
🧙‍♀️(just imagine her having the titel of empress of the sorcerers because of her power and age )
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Preface: You are a well-known mage who often visits multiple kingdoms to oversee the plummeting numbers of mages. You work in partnership with the High Priest. You have unofficially and secretly sworn loyalty to Navier, wherever she may go.
I’m also a simp for Kosair and will always add him to my Remarried Empress requests. So basically this is a Kosair x Reader fic.
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Sovieshu knows about you, obviously. He was the one who invited you to the Eastern Empire concerning matters of mages losing their magic out of nowhere. You received your New Year’s Ball invitation on behalf of him so that you would be able to discuss the next course of action.
Of course, when you arrived, you saw how he completely tossed Navier aside for Rashta, and that made you unbelievably angry. You even told him off, saying that you had multiple concubines and wives in your time and you were able to treat them all with respect and love. You even said to him that if he can’t handle two women, he should only have one.
The rest of your visit was spent by giving him the cold shoulder. You knew that Navier was the one overseeing the mages, and you had concerns about Evalie, who was the student you taught and that she was sponsoring. Whenever Sovieshu tried to converse with you, you would cut him off and walk away with a disgusted look in your eye.
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Rashta has also heard about you. However, she heard about you through the palace servants because it wasn’t common for commoners to learn about this kind of thing. When she caught wind that the Emperor had invited you to the Ball but not her, she was angry. She cried to Sovieshu like she normally did until she got her way.
When you arrived, you merely observed everything from afar. Rashta was about to greet herself when you walked straight up to the Emperor and told him off. She was shocked that you would do such a thing and Sovieshu didn’t do anything about it. She was later informed that it was because you had more power than he did.
The rest of your time spent at the palace was spent not giving her and the Emperor the time of day. You only exclusively met up with Navier, and it made her angry. She complained to Sovieshu that you were being mean, but he told her that he couldn’t do anything because of your connection with the High Priest. She was absolutely livid.
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Navier has met you on multiple occasions, most of them were at the Academy of Magic. You both became great friends, what with you helping Evalie in her studies and her sponsoring the child. You were both grateful for each other because of this unofficial alliance. That being said, you were her first invitation for the Ball.
Upon arrival, she noticed that you were gradually getting angry at the fact that her husband was throwing her away for Rashta. After telling the Emperor and his mistress off, you solely met up with Navier for the remainder of your trip. She was happy to see that you were on her side.
When Navier and Heinrey get permission to get married, you are there to accompany the High Priest. You knew that they were ‘lovers’ since Navier often wrote to you about him. Once the court was dismissed, you gently walked over to the new couple and gave them your blessing and told them that you would visit the Western Kingdom soon to talk about the mages that Heinrey would soon have after declaring the W.K. as an Empire.
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Heinrey also knows about you and has met you a couple of times. You visited every single kingdom and empire to see where the land’s mages are at. After all, they were a very important division in the armies. You were actually in the middle of a visit with his older brother when you received your invitation to Navier’s Party.
At the party, both of you were gradually getting angrier and angrier at how Sovieshu was treating his wife. However, you had the guts and the power to tell him off. He was in awe at the elegance you held yourself with while doing all of this. It was amazing to him.
When he and Navier got permission to get married, you were present in the courtroom. Through Navier, you had learned about their relationship and you were totally supportive. You even went up to them and gave them your blessing and to inform them that you would stop by the Western Kingdom soon. He was grateful that you were on their side, and you even aided them in escaping the Eastern Empire. 
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Bonus: Kosair has also met you a few times during his travels. You both got along quite well, surprisingly. You both can be lighthearted, and that’s how you are with each other. Because of your connection with Navier and with the High Priest it was nearly impossible to hang out with each other, but you made it work.
Well, during one of your visits to the Eastern Empire, Kosair burst in on your and Navier’s conversations about Evalie. The two of you let out a gasp as he walked over and gave his sister a hug and you a kiss on the back of your hand. You had to admit that he was charming as he looked up at you with a dashing smirk.
You both took a walk around the palace grounds, your arm in his, as you just talked to each other. It was refreshing to see him again, and you both told each other about your respective travels. You unfortunately got word that you needed to go back to the Temple, and before you made your way, Kosair placed a gentle kiss on your cheek before bidding you farewell.
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biggunsaguni · 10 months
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Continuation from this beautiful piece written by @cheshire-shuntaro. I love you, I love this AU and I'm so glad we got your writing back.
'What is it?'
Tears, leaving her eyes like waterfalls and ruining the beautiful makeup she was wearing, the work of artists hired by Takeru to make sure she was the most stunning bride the world had ever seen. As if she needed it. As if she wasn't the most gorgeous creature on Earth seconds after she woke up, before the her lips curved in the first lopsided grin of the day.
'Don't get married to him.'
Ready, willing, and able to lose it all if she said she wouldn't do it. A useless plead, for Gods who were deaf and blind. But how else could he express his wishes, put them into words? It should have been him, waiting for her on that black-wood dais.
Andrómeda blinked a few times, in confusion, as if she couldn't believe the words that had left his mouth. Lightly shaking her head, she looked away, before replying.
'There's no other way.'
Aguni didn't mean to sound so aggressive, so desperate. But he couldn't mask his feelings, not with her, and probably not with anyone else, if he had another drink. The ethanol cursing through his veins revealed emotions he would have kept buried, otherwise. Deep, deep under the ground. Rotting, beetles and worms and countless other insects making their claim to them.
'You know this, it's a political marriage, of sorts. I'm nothing but a mere decorative figure, not that different from the figurine of the bride on top of the four-tiered cake... It was a vital alliance for my father and his last words before dying were...'
'I'm not talking about those reasons, Andrómeda!' A harsh tone, that of a heartbroken man, who for a while had everything he wanted and, suddenly, had it taken away from him. His face, red with repressed anger, knowing it wasn't really her to blame, but he had to dump all these emotions somewhere. 'Don't your feelings matter? You're not a bargaining chip.'
She tried to grab his hand. He took it away.
If she was hurt by that, she didn't show.
'No, they don't.' When had she become so fragile? When had her fire burnt out? There had been so much life inside of her, but Aguni was looking into her eyes now and seeing... nothing. Void. The abyss he had wanted to jump into the night they had met had swallowed everything around it. Even light. Like a black hole. Didn't they say there was a supermassive one at the center of every galaxy? Ironic, then, that her name was Andrómeda. 'If it was just me... but Cass, and Hércules...'
The older sister. The mother figure. The shoulder to cry on, the biggest support, the best friend, the caretaker. She fulfilled all of these roles in her younger siblings' lives. Aguni knew this. And she had made sure he understood. They are the first loves of my life, tied at number one, she had said, pointing a finger at him before throwing both arms around his neck and kissing him passionately, but that doesn't mean you can't be number two.
What was left of that? How was he supposed to go on?
'Look, Aguni, I...' how good it sounded, his name on her lips. Screamed, whispered, muttered under her breath. It didn't matter. 'There's no time, someone's going to come looking for us soon and... please, don't think this was a choice, because it wasn't. What we have is special, there will be nobody like you...'
'I feel there's a but coming.'
'But...' She sadly smiled, before continuing. 'I can't. I'll always love you and Takeru won't replace you in my heart. Nor will anyone else. This is what I have to do, but you still have a chance. Find someone else, fall in love, forget me. Our lives should be big enough to contain a multitude of romances, and not be defined by just one.'
And with those words and a last caress to his cheek, she dried her tears and abandoned the maze, leaving him stunned and unable to conjure up the words to make her stay.
Our lives should be big enough to contain a multitude of romances...
Aguni agreed with that, in theory. Not in practice. He couldn't. He had lost sight after contemplating the most breathtaking scenery. Taste, after enjoying the most mouth-watering foods. Hearing, after listening to the most haunting melody. Touch, after feeling the most wondrous materials. Smell, unable to enjoy ever again the flowers, the cherries, the vanilla of her scent.
Left alone, he thought about the popular saying "nadie se muere de amor".
Nobody dies from love.
Then, why did he feel like he would be the first?
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commander-krios · 1 year
1 2 6 & 16, Daniel and Aurora!
Daniel Shepard
1. Why did Shepard enlist? Any regrets?
Daniel didn't have much choice but to enlist. He planned on being an engineer like his father. He loved tech and was excellent at taking it apart only to rebuild it better. But when his biotics manifested, Hannah (his mother) gave him a choice, join the Alliance and fight for them otherwise they were going to force him into the new BAat program. He didn't like either choice, but his mother's concerns over BAat were enough to have him join the Alliance military instead.
He regrets everything about his enlistment and resents his mother because her exposure to eezo made him a biotic. It wasn't her fault, and deep down he knows that, but he hates that his future was dictated for him by those who don't care about him.
2. How does your Shepard feel about having a yeoman assigned to them in 2? And in 3?
Daniel hates it. He doesn't trust Cerberus, doesn't trust Kelly at all and actively avoids talking with her when he can. His mistrust keeps him from spilling anything personal to her and in the end, he's happy to ship her off somewhere else. Daniel likes Samantha, but she's not really a yeoman in the same way. The two of them have a lot in common (they're nerds) and eventually strike up a friendship.
6. Initial reaction to EDI? Does it change?
Daniel loves EDI. Not in ME2, because she's a Cerberus AI, but once she's unshackled and proves she's part of the crew, she becomes important to him. He's always been fascinated with AI and they learn a lot from each other.
16. Is Shepard a drinker? History of other substances? Do they struggle with sobriety?
Daniel likes to drink in moderation. There was a dark time when he drank to forget the awful things in his past (Elysium, his father's death, Torfan), but by the time ME1 happens, he's gotten past the worst of it. He falls back into for a time after his sister's death, but he has Kaidan to bring him back.
Aurora Shepard
1 Why did Shepard enlist? Any regrets?
Aurora enlisted because she wanted to make a difference in the galaxy. She wanted to meet aliens, see the galaxy outside of Arcturus, be important. She got what she wanted although it probably wasn't how she wanted. Bad things happened and while she might regret the things she's had to do or the losses that were her fault, she doesn't regret joining. She's made more of a difference in the Alliance then she would've outside it.
2. How does your Shepard feel about having a yeoman assigned to them in 2? And in 3?
Aurora, like her brother, doesn't trust Kelly. She's a psychologist, she works for Cerberus, and no matter how many smiles she gives or how sweet she seems, she's still a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Samantha, on the other hand, is someone that she respects and they become fast friends.
6. Initial reaction to EDI? Does it change?
Aurora doesn't trust EDI at first. She's a Cerberus AI, most likely spying on her and the mission (and the crew). But when Joker unshackles her and she saves him, going as far as she can by even lying to the Alliance about what she is (and that she will only function to Joker's order, clever), Aurora knows she's a crewmate and a friend.
16. Is Shepard a drinker? History of other substances? Do they struggle with sobriety?
Aurora drinks occasionally, usually socially in her early years. After Akuze, she has some trouble with painkillers after her stay at the hospital. Therapies and rehab helps her out a lot. After Cerberus resurrects her, she turns to alcohol a lot as a crutch during ME2 until Joker kicks her ass into gear and she stops that, knowing it's not helping her, but making things a hell of a lot worse. She stops drinking during ME3.
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thecapitolvoice · 1 year
what would your strategy in this arena be? (both of you)
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i'm so glad you asked. please listen to the old world classic The Climb by Miley Cyrus while reading the following:
I rise up on the podium, looking fantastic in the camp t-shirt, which I've already converted into a crop top, and those cute little athletic shorts which hug my curves just so. The expression on my face is one of optimism and grit. The thought in the audience's minds is, overpoweringly, "Wow, she has what it takes." The countdown ends and I jump off the platform and run away immediately. I do this for two reasons. 1: There is no need for me to suffer. It is not what I was made to do. 2: People will shower me in sponsor gifts.
In this arena I would head immediately to my cabin. There is no Capitol cabin but this is what it would look like. I immediately settle in, listening to the distant sounds of the bloodbath and the cannons going off. The sponsor gifts begin to shower upon me within the first hour, so I set up my new home for the next few days as I do with any vacation house: of course I first check the sheets for bed bugs (there aren't any!), then I put my clothes in the dresser, then I place all my makeup on the vanity. I'm sent some changes of clothes by sponsors and makeup too, as they know I'd die (literally!) without it.
Once everything's in order I decide to do some exploring. A few tributes see me coming out of my tent and decide to raid it, since they can tell it's the nicest. Little do they know that one of the sponsor gifts I was sent is a crossbow, the weapon I'm most excellent at (because I learned it in training a few days ago). I shoot the three of them in the head and go over to see the bodies before they're picked up by the hovercraft. It turns out that these were the remaining Careers.
I forage in the woods for a bit and befriend some of my new forest friends, but I brush up against some poison oak and have to return to my tent to take my sponsor medication and lie down for a bit.
My afternoon nap turns into a long sleep, and I wake to birdsong in the morning. There's a boy at my door, very attractive, and he asks if he can come in. I sit up and rub my eyes blearily. He tells me that he wants to form an alliance. He's from District Nine and is strong; I saw him in training and was impressed by his muscles and nay, not his six pack, his eight pack.
He tells me that all he needs me to do is not fall in love with him. "That's the worst thing for tributes," he says, and I know that he's right, but I also know that he won't be able to stop himself from falling for me. We draw up battle plans which involves me making distractions in various parts of the Arena and then him swooping in for the kill. We kill several tributes in this way, and the rest pick each other off. At night we make a campfire and roast s'mores, then stay up late into the night talking. At first he refuses to sleep in my bed, but one late night, I insist. He does, and we make love. It's beautiful and I am so good and attractive.
The next morning I wake early and do some math to find that we are the only two tributes left. I go to my dresser and remove the lipstick that I was sent which is also a knife. I uncap it and go to his side. I lean down and give him a kiss to wake him, and then I slice his throat. The final cannon sounds and I am crowned the luminescent Victor.
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Me, in the Arena? Why, I never...
Cue the music.
I begin by diving headfirst into the Bloodbath. Yes, I know why they call it that, and no, I am not afraid. The way to get somewhere in this world is to take things that don't belong to you and pretend they've been yours all along, and that's exactly what I do. I grab a bag, a sword, a canteen, and a granola bar. I plow over a few tributes in the process. I don't give a fuck.
I wormed my way into the Career pack days ago. How'd I do it? Doesn't matter. A few well-placed admissions of complete falsities dressed up as sincerity here, a few pecks on the lips there. I don't want to go into detail -- a girl never kisses and tells. Anyway, the team and I take over the Cornucopia. I don't see why Career packs don't do this anymore like they did in the olden days. But we have everything we need and more -- and I have a backpack filled with supplies of my own for when shit goes south.
Here's when I start capitalizing on those falsities from before. Little rumors. He said, she said. Turn them against each other. It's so fucking easy. Meanwhile they pick off the weaker tributes so I don't have to. Cannons going off left and right. I could lift a finger, don't get me wrong -- but a girl's gotta use her strengths, and that's what I do.
Eventually the Career pack dissolves. In-fighting based on everything I've told them, all of it completely false, about each other's loyalties or, rather, disloyalties. They kill each other while I'm taking a piss behind a bush.
Then it's up to me to hunt down the remaining tributes. I drown one of them in the lake -- bye bye, Earl. I take Spela on the ride of her life off the top of the high ropes course. You think I didn't have it in me? Bitch, look again. By the time the final cannon goes off I've earned my seat at the top. Cheers in the Capitol will go on for days.
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magic-human-bean · 2 years
Hey hey!! If you’re still doing g/t stuff for cookie run, I’ve been wondering how the cookies of the cacao kingdom (the playable ones anyways) would react if a human straight up picked up the monsters from the licorice sea as they were attacking the wall like.. grabbed em with no repercussions, straight up subduing a monster that usually takes a lot of effort for cookies to defeat, maybe even throw them FAR back into the sea as a way to help out. Thinking that might be an interesting scenario
Anon i'm SO SO sorry it took me so long to reply because I absolutely LOVE this ask.
under the cut
The kingdom in general (I can talk about them and I WILL) : The kingdom itself would be very conflicted. Some of them would see this as a massive opportunity and encourage the king to make an alliance with the human, and would eagerly ask the human if they could make some kind of deal for their services. But some of them would be in fear and dread at the idea that the fearsome monsters are nothing to the human, so... what could they possibly do against that human? Therefore some of them would quietly encourage the king to ask other kingdoms for help to take down the human.
But what does the king actually have to say about all this?
Dark Cacao Cookie : He cannot deny that the human is a massive help, and his goal IS to protect Earthbread, and it shouldn't be a matter of pride... So yes, he will show interest in making an alliance with the human, but to make his subjects feel safer, he will contact the other kingdoms for their thoughts on the matter, and keep a VERY WARY eye on the human's behavior. But you know, over time, as the human (hypothetically) proves their loyalty and trustworthiness, the king will grow fond of the human.
The king will continue to fight, along with his soldiers, by the side of the human to help as much as they can; the human is considered an ally, and they won't let an ally fight on their own!
Caramel Arrow Cookie : She was wary at first, but it's very likely she'd be the first cookie to bond with the human and have a friendship with them, after the "alliance" is made official. She'll defend the human's honor whenever a soldier questions the human's intentions.
Affogato Cookie : Doesn't really trust the human, but will toootally bow before them and borderline worship the human to stay on their good side. He will probably self-proclaim himself the priest of the human or something (like the twin fairies with Mothra or something), and say that whoever disrespects him also disrespects the human.
But, if the human clearly shows that they disapprove of Affogato Cookie's flatteries, makes it clear that the flatteries aren't working to get the human's favor, Affogato Cookie will become a human hater and side with the part of the kingdom that fears the human to pump them up against the human. In reality, the human makes him very nervous.
Milk Cookie : He loves it!! It's like the celestials themselves sent a protector for the kingdom! He sees the human as a friend!
Dark Choco Cookie : He doesn't care, he's outta there. (Nah but seriously tho I think he'd overhear rumors about it. He'd doubt that it's true, but a part of him hopes the human has good intentions... But I think that's about it)
Licorice Cookie : Terrified. The human subdued the magnum opus of his powers like it was nothing. He will never mess with a human. Not now not ever.
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blxetsi · 3 years
modern levi ackerman dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
levi ackerman x gn!reader
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- firstly, lets get love language out of the way
- i think his love language would be acts of service
- so like, he'll brew your coffee for you and set out your favourite mug when he goes to the kitchen to make his tea (bc we all know he'd wake up earlier than you 🙄)
- or he'll pick up a muffin from your favourite bakery on his way home
- or if you ask him to remind you to do something later, he's immediately writing it out on a sticky note and sticking it somewhere youd notice
- he notices youre getting low on your favourite moisturizer ? or lipbalm ? he's taking a picture of the packaging and getting it the next time he drives past walmart or smth
- he just does little things that help make your day better
- now i feel like a lot of people say this already, but he is NOT very comfortable with public displays of affection
- its not that he doesnt like it when you touch him, or hold his hand, or kiss his cheek, he just gets flustered and feels like everyone is watching you two
- but one thing he does allow is looping your arms together while you walk, especially in crowded streets
- it doesnt mean he doesnt like being close with you, he just hates doing it public. when youre alone ? hes ALL OVER YOU.
- "will you play with my hair ?"
- "levi im working."
- "okay can you multitask ?" motherfucker 😐
- doesnt matter if hes the big spoon or little spoon, just being close to you is enough.
- also would try and get used to your love language
- if your love language is physical touch hes genuinely surprised by how many times you put his hands on him each day (NOT in a sexual way) like even his mother never touched him as much and he's a momma's boy 😳
- when you wake up your coming out to the kitchen to fill your coffee, but not before kissing the top of his head as you walk past
- then youre guzzling down your coffee like its water before putting it in the sink and walking back, petting his head in the process
- you'll hug him while hes cooking, or brushing his teeth. youre giving him kisses before he leaves and when he comes home, just little small acts of love, but it happens so frequently that levi cant help but notice it
- your love language is verbal affirmations ? youre getting your coffee while saying "goodmorning beautiful"
- "i love yous" are thrown at him a lot, they never fail to make him feel better
- youll compliment this man and he short circuits for a second, quickly gets used to it as time goes on
- also too i think he'd be taller in a modern au, but not very very tall like erwin, im talking 5'7" to 5'9"
- and he's fine with his height, it doesn't bother him that much, he's the average height of a man so what's the big deal ?
- also he really doesnt care about height either. youre shorter than him ? cool, that means he can bend down to give you little forehead kisses. around the same height as him ? awesome, that makes it easier for him to give you a peck on the lips. taller than him ? mf he'll climb you like a tree if he has to. really doesn't care.
- also doesn't have a preferences for body type or anything. he thinks that character is way more important than looks 100% and he'll always find different things about you beautiful. your laugh is weird ? k now he's making you two watch a john mulaney special to so youll laugh. hate your belly and wanna lose weight, he's holding you and telling you to only lose weight if you genuinely want to be "healthier" and not so you get skinny. your acne scars bother you ? he's kissing your cheeks a lot more than usual, but you can't complain. literally Loves Every Part of You
- also i think his family would absolutely ADORE YOU and his friends for that matter
- miss kuchel is pulling you into a hug the first time she sees you, and is so accomodating and sweet. shes genuinely interested in your interests and what you do for a living, and will NOT hesitate to get levi's baby pictures out if you ask.
- his uncle ? he probably wont be there for the family dinner, but then kuchel's gonna call him up like "levi's s/o ?? absolutely spectacular !!" and then hes like "huh maybe i gotta come visit to see the runt and his lover"
- also i think in a modern au, kuchel wouldve gotten really sick when levi is a boy, so kenny would have came home to take care of his sister and try and take care of levi. in the end she got better, and he went back to his own home, but now she requests that he come for at least one family holidy so they can all spend it together
- BUT back to mr. ackerman
- idk what he'd do in modern times, i used to think he'd be a good english professor for a university, but then i saw a headcanon that he'd go into law school and become a lawyer, and honestly ?? it makes sense
- after a long day at work he just wants to come home to you, he'll find you on the couch reading or doing some of your own work, so he'll just slip off his coat and blazer and undo his tie while slipping off his shoes by the door. before plopping his head in your lap and requesting you to play with his hair.
- if you don't live with him hes taking a shower and then immediately calling you asking to come over. if you can ?? great he'll be in bed waiting to be spooned. if not, thats fine, but levi would like to facetime and rant.
- also has the absolute WORST road rage
- "that little prick cut me off !"
- "levi he's taking his driver's test !"
- "so ? i hope that instructor doesn't give the idiot a pass 🙄" and then will immediately honk his horn at the poor kid.
- also wouldnt be a clean freak like in canonverse. his whole "everything has to be spotless" stuff stems from trauma, specifically being left in an apartment with his decaying mother for weeks on end, but since kuchel is alive that never happens
- were things a little hectic during the time she was sick ? sure ! but kenny always tried to tidy up a bit when he saw it was getting to levi.
- levi just likes things to be neat and tidy, he doesnt do a deep clean of his apartment every two weeks, but always makes sure to clean up his messes as soon as they happen
- also doesnt like to fight
- his mom raised him with the idea that communication is key, and always encouraged him to "explain why hes upset" so they could work together to come up with a solution
- its something hes taken with him to adulthood, and even though sometimes he sounds like hes talking to a child when hes trying to get you to "use your words" he really doesnt mean to
- if youre yelling at him he'll stand there like 😐 and wait until youre out of breath so he can say "okay lets talk about this"
- is also very handy
- have a hole in your wall ? hes coming over to fix it
- need a lightbulb changed ? hes got u dont worry
- you need to assemble a piece of furniture ? he glances at the step by step guide once before hes putting it together
- hes so great at that stuff, and you only have kenny to thank
- literally when kenny first came to stay with levi and kuchel when she was sick, the kitchen light went out and he asked levi to screw another lightbulb in, the poor kid stood there like 🤨 and when kenny said "what ? you don't know how to change a fucking lightbulb ?" levi shook his head and said "uncle kenny im seven 😐"
- kenny was APPALLED. and immediately made it his mission to make levi as handy as himself.
- also, dates with him are rlly lowkey.
- he likes being in your company, so staying home and ordering take out is AWESOME in his opinion. sometimes he'll dress up and make a fancy meal with you.
- if you like going to carnivals and stuff, he's reluctant but eventually caves. wins you a lot of the prizes.
- "fuck. this shit is rigged y/n"
- "sorry levi, lets go do something else !"
- "what ? no. give me another dollar im getting you that fucking turtle"
- hange always wants to see you. levi makes it his life mission to keep you away from them as much as possible. not because he doesnt want you to get along with his friends, just because he knows that hange will spill some embarassing secrets from his college days.
- erwin ? hes okay but hes on thin fucking ice.
- also is very gentlemanly. will not only hold the door for you but for everyone. hes waiting in line for his order and someone comes up behind him and asks him to scootch so they can get some napkins ? mf its grabbing a handful himself and handing it to the person, wishing them a nice day with a small smile. hes just like,, a genuinely good person
- his singing voice ? immaculate. will he sing for you ? no.
- he also loves playing board games with you. like chess or checkers. you love playing board games with him and his friends, specifically monopoly. hange makes moblit form an alliance with them. mike is a lone wolf, and erwin and levi are always helping each other out until erwin betrays him. lots of trust is ruined between these game nights, but you literally cant bring yourself to care because its so fun to watch it unfold
this is my first headcanon thingy !! im v excited !! hope u all enjoyed 🤩✨ should i do more headcanons like these ???
- all in all, levi is a cool guy, and a cool bf.
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hazard-queen · 4 years
When he break up with you (riddle/leona/idia/ malleus X Mc)
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Riddle rosehearts
• You left everything in your hand when you knew riddle called for you, you know...he's more important than anything, you made your way to the dorms as you expected him waiting for you, what could it be? Did he tell his mother about you? Or he's inviting you for a tea party and prepared some cake for you? Soon you will know....
• You knocked the door before getting in, on hearing "come in" you opened the door and walked in with a wide smile, "riddle, you called for me?" You asked with a joyful smile waitng for him to answer, his face had a mixed expression of sadness and worrying, "yes, please take a seat" he pointed to where you can sit and he sat by you not even making an eye contact with you which made you even worried.
• "I told you I'm going to tell mother about you that's right?" Riddle's eyes rised from the ground to your face then, "yes....did she accept the fact I'm being your gf?" You said with a worried smile, he lowered his gazes before he spoke again "no.....she didn't"
• You took riddle's hand into yours still smiling as you spoke " it's ok riddle, she will change her mind, I'm sure!" You tried to look him in face only to see a bitter expression on his face, "she won't and I'm afraid..." he pulled his hands from yours as your heart sink preparing yourself to the worse..
• "We have to break up"
• Time has stopped when you heard those words out of his mouth, he's not saying this is he? You laugh as you couldn't believe this, "are you joking? You're leaving me? Haven't you said you will stay by my side no matter what they said? ANSWER ME!!" you couldn't help it but screamed at him at the end of your words unable to hold your tears anymore.
• "I have no choice...I'm sorry"
• On hearing his words you couldn't handle it anymore, you ran out of the room slamming the door by you, riddle's eyes began to tear, it's harder on him more than you, he was angiry and all against it.....but he has no choice.
• Weeks passed and you were a crying mess, not even attending any lessons or talking to anyone, but in the last few days you began to come back again but this time with a brighter smile than ever, riddle decided to ditch everything and all orders he took to not talk to you anymore and decided to talk to you.
• "(Y/n) i was thinking....i don't want to listen to her orders again....i want to be with you!" Riddle was all determined talking to you, you gave him a smile preparing to speak again but that's when kalim dashed towards you giving you a big hug.
• "Finally found you! Come on, jamil has prepared lunch for us and then we will go in a trip on the magic carpet" kalim held your arm dragging you with him away from riddle before you even speak, he held his arm in sadness as all he could think about was your bright smile when you were with someone else,someone isn't him.....
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Leona kingscholar
• "Come again?" You're not sure if you didn't hear him well or he's joking or what is it anymore, is he seriously saying he wants to break up with you or this is one of his jokes...
• "Again, we have to break up" Leona sigh before pushing those heavy words from his mouth, he couldn't handle saying it once so you made him say it twice now,"and that's for?" You tried your best not to seem hurt as you rised an eyebrow questioning.
• "They arranged a marriage to me, they want me to marry a silly princess from a nearby kingdom to make an alliance with this kingdom that's it" leona closed his eyes as he tried his best not to get mad while speaking about them.
• "And you agreed?" You crossed your arms on your chest not liking what you just heard, " they are driving me mad and farena doesn't stop talking about this....they even want me to get engaged with her next holiday!" Leona hide his face with one hand as he spoke.
• "And since when you listen to anyone? Especially farena?" This time you began to get mad , you admit you even wanted to slap him!, "you don't understand anything"
• "Fine...and i don't want to understand, if breaking up is that what you want then you got it...i wish you happiness with someone else!" As stubborn he is you were also stubborn doing your best hiding your feelings..the daggers were staping you in your heart, once you closed the door and took some far steps from his room you begain crying and wailing, you think he didn't hear that? He did and it broke every inch of his loving heart to you, he squeezed his eyes shut, headache was already getting the best of him but breaking your heart was worse than headache.
• That was rough two months on the both of you, him being moody and getting mad at anyone and you for not trusting anyone anymore and not event talking with others, you just decided to keep your feelings for yourself but things can change sometimes.
• Leona saw you more active and all fresh new, did you forget about him that quickly? He moved by your direction as you were in the hall, you were speaking with someone else and laughing it was like you're finally back happy, leona take a hide as he moved closer but he was torn to see that you're talking to lilia! The vice of that lizard?! Why him!? He decided he's going to talk to you about that as he stopped you for a talk.
• "Can i talk to you alone?" It was more like a command not a request, you looked at lilia asking and he nodded and left you alone with a wide smile, "well actually i didn't expect you after being the girlfriend of a prince to become a friend with the lizard's servant I'm impressed!" Liona rised an eyebrow to you as he spoke in a sarcastic tone holding your arm into his grib which you of course didn't like...
• " well i prefer to be with a servant that truly loves me than to be with a prince that threw me away only because he was ordered to! Unfortunately....i thought myself valuable for you....." pulling your hand from his grib you walked away to catch with lilia who was watching over you from afar leaving leona hurt alone standing in the hall...
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Idia shroud
• "(Y/n)! You have to decide now, it's either you stay with me forever or go back to your world!" It was the first time idia seem that serious with you, it's not like you're going to your home now since no one found you a way yet so you decided to laugh it off with idia, "idia what do you mean? I'm always here for you!"
• "Not forever! One day you will leave me! And i will go back to be alone again, if you're going to leave then we have to break up right now!" Idia gave you his back as he spoke out, it was the first time you see him like that...."break up?!"
• "Yes! If you're going to leave me then there's no need for me to get attached to someone will leave me at last.....I HATE TEMPORARILY PEOPLE!" idia shouted made your heart jump from it's place, you ran to him to comfort him, you held his arm trying to face him as you tried your best to not seem sad from what he said...he didn't mean it, right?
• "Idia, i will always be by your side as long as I'm here but when it's time to go back i have to....i have a family waiting for me..." you were going to hug him and that's when he pushed you away, "then it's your choice to leave me then....I'm sorry (y/n) we have to break up!"
• "IDIA WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! Are you dumping me for that reason? Was i a game in your hand to toy with and leave it whenever you're tired? If that what you think of me then i will give you what you want and i will leave you...but when you know your fault don't come talk to me!" You shouted at him as you pulled him from his jacket to face your crying ones, you collected your strength to speak again "it was my fault i loved someone like you!" You threw him to the ground, you left him and ran back to your room crying, he was on the floor hugging his knees hiding his face with his hands almost crying, he felt a hand on his shoulder...it was ortho..
• "Nii san....why didn't you tell her the truth?" Ortho looked at idia in sadness as idia burst out into tears hugging his little brother tightly, "i had to do that , it's better if she don't know....when they knew im in love with a normal human they were going to get rid of her...it's all for her good to stay away from me"
• It hurts idia deeply what he said to you and what have you also said to him before you leave, but as long as you're safe then it's going to be ok, but he wasn't ok seeing you playing board games with azul every once in a while and spend time with him....and most importantly your smile that you used to bright up his day with are no longer his, he held his chest tightly crying, it was all for your own good.....
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Malleus draconia
• He was worried, not like every time he used to be, he's not that joyful person but at least not by you, you grew more worried as he was avoiding your gazes to him and that's when you decided to speak, "malleus...are you ok?" You looked at him with a questioning expression unable to read his face for the first time.
• He took a deep breath before he looked at you with a serious face, "i think we should break up" you froze for a second not knowing how to react to this sudden decision that he made all alone, " why should we? Have i done something that made you mad at me? Have i said something wrong or that's because of my carefree actions? I'm sorry, i will change it all but Don't leave me!" Your eyes began to tear, you didn't know what you did wrong!
• "Look....it's better if you stay away from me....that's my problem not yours" he looked at you with a frown as he spoke, he seriously want to break up with you? , "have i complained? I accept you with all your problems in all your forms!" You reached your hand to his back as he was facing the wall, what you couldn't see back then the pain into his face, he really doesn't want this....
• "(Y/n) it's all over between us! And....there's another one in homeland that is going to be my partner, one day you will go back to your word and i don't want to be alone anymore"
• "Malleus, have you replaced me?" You cried out you lunge as your tears were running down your face like a waterfall, your crying squeezed his heart , it's not easy for him as well, "i stood by you when no one was here, i never feard you, i loved you from the bottom of my heart...and what i got in reward that you replaced me?!" You held into malleus' back crying even harder, "please tell me you're not doinf this to me, tell me that is not real!"
• And that's when you heard another voice in the room " you're not the appropriate mach with malleus, we already found him the better ones so please calmly leave the place with no more struggling!" Your eyes widened on hearing lilia's words, it was the first time you ever hear him speaking to you in that tone, you left malleus back and took your way out of diasomania.
• Poor malleus stood there, he squeezed his eyes shut as he can't believe what he has done to you, you really were the most kind person towards him and he didn't want all of this to happen...
• "You did the right thing" said lilia before leaving malleus alone into his room..
• Time passed and you stopped hearing about malleus or even want to talk to him again, you were out of class waiting for someone, malleus saw you standing there and without thinking he began to walk towards you, but only to find another blonde guy running towards you, you were so happy to see him, " o mon fleur, sorry if i kept you waiting" it was rook hunt, he took your both hands and placed a Kiss on each one as you giggled on his action he continued, "come on, i will prepare us some tea and then we will do some skin-care routine!!" The happy guy took your hand walking you away from malleus' sight , he deeply wanted to go talk to you again but he will never do that after what happened this day.....
Even a hundred apologies will never cure broken hearts....
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Glimmer x Reader Part 3
Summary: You were born different and not everyone was okay with that. After the death of your father, Bright Moon is the last place you can attempt to call home.
Warnings: Light cursing?
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Being a personal guard for Glimmer was easy. The only part you didn't like was her trying to know everything about you. You didn't understand why she wanted to know you, you weren't interesting. You did like being part of the princess alliance though and being friends with the other princesses. You liked Mermista the most because you could just chill out with her and she never pushed you into talking about yourself like some of the others did. So, you never did. The most people knew about you was that your mom was a baker, your dad was dead, your Glimmer's personal guard, and that your favorite color was blue. Glimmer had finally confessed to her friends that she had a crush on you and they couldn't understand why. You and Glimmer were complete opposites. You were stoic, cold, serious while Glimmer was playful, childish, and sweet. They had questioned her many times on why she felt that way, but her answer was always the same. She didn't know why but something about you always intrigued her, caught her attention. She wanted to know everything about you, how to make you smile or laugh, how you really felt about the princess alliance, why you took a job as a guard, and so many other things.
She tried for months to get any emotion out of you, literally any emotion. But after three months, Glimmer accepted that fact that you may not ever see her how she sees you or even see her as a friend. That was until she got captured by Shadow Weaver. She had never seen you smile before and as quick as it was there, it was gone. You had smiled because, as much as you hate to admit it, you had grown a soft spot for Glimmer. You had feelings for but you would never act on them in the fear that she would find out your secret. You frowned because Entrapta was gone. Even though Entrapta was a little different from the other princess, you enjoyed spending time with her. She would show you all her cool robots and help you upgrade things when you were having trouble with it. You liked her energy and always found it cute when she would miss social ques. You held Glimmer as she fell to her knees with tears in her eyes after hearing about Entrapta's death. You held her through the night, making sure to leave before she woke up, when the princess alliance fell apart. You were her rock for those months, her strong but silent rock. You listened to her when no one else would, you let her take out her frustrations on you, and you let her cry on your shoulder when she couldn't do anything else.
You being there for Glimmer like that caused her feelings to grow, which disappointed her friends some. They honestly didn't think that you could have feeling like that. Which is why they cornered you on the way to breakfast, they needed you to let Glimmer down gently. "Y/n, whatever is happening need to end now." Adora says as she and Bow corner you in the hallway. "What is happening?" You ask, looking between the two in confusion. "What ever games your playing with Glimmer!" Bow said, kind of annoyed because he has a crush on the princess. "But I'm not playing any games with Glimmer... We do play cards sometimes though." Adora slapped her forehead in frustration, were you really that blind? "No not literal games. Look I don't know how your that dense but Glimmer has feelings for you and it's obvious you don't feel the same way. So before it gets too far just let her down gently and stop leading her on." Glimmer likes me? You thought as you stared at Adora and Bow with wide eyes. "She... What?" Bow rolls his eyes, "Glimmer likes you, it's literally so obvious."
You ended up not going to breakfast that morning and instead spent it in the training room. Around three, you had been in the training room since breakfast and skipped lunch, you heard someone walk into the room. "Y/n." You freeze at Glimmer's voice. "Did I do something wrong? Why are you avoiding me?" You clench your first before turning around to look at Glimmer. "You can't like me." "Huh? What?" "You can't like me. I'm your personal guard and that's it. We are not friends and you can not feel anything more than that." Glimmer had tears in her eyes now, where did all of this come from? Who told you about her feelings? "I... What... Who..." Glimmer slowly started backing up, towards the door. Your heart breaks at the sight of tears in Glimmer's eyes. Your heart broke, you did have feelings for her but you knew you couldn't let her get close but seeing her now, you knew you messed up. You hadn't let her down gently, you were too harsh. "Dammit... Glimmer, it wasn't supposed to come out like that." Glimmer just shakes her head before turning around. "No you made yourself clear. Don't worry, I won't think of you as anything else as a personal guard."
Over the next few weeks, everyone can see the obvious tension between you and Glimmer. You had tried multiple times to talk to Glimmer, to apologize. But every time you got close Bow would be there to cut you off. It was fine for the first week because you know you hurt her more than you ever wanted to but after the third week, it was getting annoying. "Bow I just want to talk to Glimmer! I want to apologize!" You practically yelled at Bow as he stood in front of Glimmer's bedroom door. "No, you hurt Glimmer. I usually am all for friendship but you messed up." Bow says like he didn't have anything to do with you and Glimmer's fall out. "You were the one who told me to cut it off! I get that you have some big fat crush on Glimmer but that doesn't give you the right to decide who can and who cannot talk to her!" Glimmer stood with her ear against the door with a expression of shock. Bow likes me? Y/n has been trying to talk to me? Glimmer had no idea you were trying to talk to her, she thought you were just staying away from her. Glimmer opened her door slowly to peek out. What she saw was you and Bow up in each others faces. When you noticed her, Bow's back was to the door, you calmed down some and stepped back. Bow still hadn't noticed her, "Yeah that's what I thought. I know you like her but why would she ever date someone like you? I know your secret, what's in between your legs." Glimmer watched in shock as your face paled and you stumbled back some like you got hit in the stomach. "How? When?" "Two months ago some men from a village came to Queen Angella asking about an abomination that escaped from their village. When they described what the abomination looked like, it matched up exactly with what you look like." You just shook your head before walking away. Now that Glimmer knew there was something wrong with you, there was no way she would want to be at least your friend.
Glimmer was shocked as she heard Bow talk. When you walked away, Glimmer made her presence known to Bow. "We need to talk. Now." Bow practically jumped ten feet in the air when he heard Glimmer talk. He audibly gulped before following Glimmer into the room. "You like me?" Was the first thing Glimmer asked. "Umm... yeah." "Y/n likes me?" "Yeah I found their journal and may have accidentally read one page where they confessed their feelings for you." "You have been blocking y/n from talking to me... why?" "Because you practically followed them around with this lovely dovey look and then she hurt you and I wanted to protect you." "I can protect myself Bow. But they also said, that you were the one to tell them to cut it off?" Bow got extra nervous now, Glimmer was going to be pissed at him and Adora. "Me and Adora may have corner them before breakfast a few weeks ago and told her to stop leading you on." Glimmer was glaring at Bow now. "Leading me on. Leading me on!? I knew that there was a high chance that they would not feel the same way as me and I was and still am fine with that! We were getting so close over the past months and now all that time and effort I put into it is completely erased!" Glimmer took a deep breath before calming down some. "I don't want Adora to talk to me until she apologizes to me for getting in my love life. For you Bow, I am so hurt that you would do that. You knew how important my relationship with y/n was and still is to me. I know that you have a crush me and I am sorry that I don't feel the same but until you find a way to make this all up to me, don't talk to me. I just can't believe you would do something like this."
Bow had tears in his eyes now. "No Glimmer please, I am so sorry. It will never happen again." Glimmer just shook her head before walking to the door of her bedroom. "It should have never happened in the first place. I need to go fix my relationship with y/n and I want you gone by the time I return." Glimmer says and shuts the door as Bow hangs his head in defeat.
Glimmer ran around the castle trying to figure where your new room was, it had been changed shortly after your falling out. When she finally found it, she busted through the door and scared the living daylights out of you. "Glimmer!" You yell in surprise, trying to put your shirt on faster. Glimmer froze a little seeing your toned abs (I wish) that you had gotten from years of sword fighting. You finally get your shirt on, sat on your bed, and put your head down. "So you heard me and Bow in the hallway." Glimmer slowly walks over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Yeah, why didn't you tell me you liked me too." You grab Glimmer's hand off of your shoulder and hold it in your two hands. "Because I'm an abomination. No matter what village I lived in, even the one my grandparents lived in, the second people found out my secret we were shunned or cast out. It's the whole reason my dad is dead, he protected me and my mom and gave us enough time to get away." Glimmer pulls you into a hug, having never seen you so sad before it was the first thing she thought to do. You freeze and tense at the hug for a second before accepting the affection and melting into her embrace. Glimmer pulls away after a little and puts both her hands on your cheeks (I don't know if I made it clear that she is standing in front of you in between your legs). "I am so sorry you had to go through anything like that. I don't think your an abomination. If I can, what is it exactly that makes you unique?" You blush at the term unique, "Well I was born with both reproductive systems." "Does that mean you have a..." You blush heavily and nod your head. Now Glimmer's blushing because she is having some not so pg thoughts. Glimmer shakes her head, knowing it was not the time before making eye contact with you.
"It doesn't matter to me. You could be born with a third eye and I'd still like you." You raise your eyebrow in a questioning look. "You may not believe me now but I will make you realize that what's different about you doesn't make you an abomination but makes you unique." You blush at Glimmer's statement. "Could you give me a chance? I know you rejected me in the training room the other day but now that I know what you were hiding can we give this, us, a shot." You think for a moment, "What if the people find out about my condition? I don't want to drag you through the mud with me if something happens." Glimmer just shakes her head, "Then we deal with it together. Look y/n, I have liked you since I saw you for the first time. Yeah it was more based off of looks but after having you become my personal guard and becoming friends, I think I love you." You look at Glimmer in shock, she loves you? "You don't have to say it back, but all I am asking for is just one chance." You break contact with Glimmer to think. "I... I think I want to try. I am not gonna lie, I've never been in a relationship before and have absolutely no idea what to do." Glimmer is practically a ball of energy and excitement after your response. "That's okay, we can take as much time as you need." You smile at her excitement before pulling her into a hug, shocking Glimmer. When you lean back a little, you notice Glimmer staring at your lips. Your breath hitches and you slowly lean forward. Glimmer smile when she notices you leaning in and meets you half way. When you break the kiss you both have giant smiles on your face.
After sometime of talking and cuddling, you remember that she had caught you and Bow arguing in front of her door. "Hey, what happened between you and Bow?" Glimmer rolls her eyes a little, anger still lingering about the altercation. "Well..."
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lina-lovebug · 4 years
The other Elven men around the table were whispering to one another, watching as this human woman sat at their council table. What was Thranduil thinking? Was he being blackmailed? Why a woman?
"Rise for King Thranduil," She turned her head towards the door and sat up, along with the other Elves, and bowed as he entered the room.
"Take your seats," He sat down at the head of the table, barely noticing the human woman sitting near him until one of them spoke up.
"My King, may I speak?" Lord Hendr spoke up, and he nodded yes.
"Why is a human woman sitting at our council table?"
"Because she is valuable to the alliance between Mirkwood and Erebor. We have offered her safe comfort after we found her being enslaved by an Orc pack, and she is allied with King Thorin. She will be staying and viewing us from an Elven perspective, watching us in our daily lives and why we have our reasons for why we are," Of course he didn't want to explain himself, but what else could he do? She was the only friend of Thorin that he could get his hands on.
All because of him walking away from the Mountain that day.
"If I may, King Thranduil?" He looked at her in shock, being this is the first time she's addressed him as his title and was respectful.
But that's when she took his breath away.
She was wearing golden earrings with sapphire in the middle, complementing her human ears and the Elven maids had done wonders to complement her human features. Small dashes of rose covered her lips, making them look pink and plump, and her hair was put up and rolled gracefully down her shoulders. She wore a dress that had a white bodice but a dark blue that flowed through the rest of it with flowers accenting the gown she wore.
". . .duil? King Thranduil?" She snapped him out of the dream he put himself in and nodded.
What in the hell is wrong with me? Am I cursed? He thought.
"As your King was previously saying, I am an advocate for Mirkwood. I shall see if you are worthy and not the greedy Elves you have been made out to be, that you will be fair in trade with Thorin and mainly; your reasons for abandoning them and letting them rot," She explained, and Lord Hendr was already angry.
"My King, we have nothing to prove to this human-"
"If I say that you will prove yourselves to be honorable, then that is what you will do. And she isn't just another human, so do not speak ill of our guest," He didn't like his patience being tested, and Lord Hendr immediately backed down.
"What is our guests' name?"
Oh. . .I still do not even know her name, he realized.
"My name is Sif Estel. My name was a gift from my mother, as Sif means 'bright warrior'."
Sif meaning bright warrior? It has a different meaning to humans? Thranduil thought, knowing full well the real meaning of the name Sif.
"I came here to announce that Sif-" the name felt so foreign on his tongue, but he liked it.
"-will be joining our council as of today. There will be no votes. Adjourned," As he started walking out, he felt a light headedness to him when recounting how he looked af Sif earlier.
The human has been with them for only a week, looking like a simple commoner but now she dresses her best? He never thought he would think a human looked. . .beautiful.
"King Thranduil," He stopped in his tracks.
"Yes?" And turned to see her.
"I wanted to thank you for agreeing to make me a member of your council-"
"Why did you call me King?" He cut her off, catching her off guard.
"Oh. Well, it is your council and it would be extremely disrespectful," He looked at her dress once again.
"I see you have chosen the dress the maids sent you."
"Yes, it is quite comfortable," He slightly quirked his brow, never hearing that sentence from a woman before.
Then, he looked at her chest. They weren't pushed up, like how a normal dress would be pushing them up, meaning that she wasn't. . .wearing. . .a corset.
Stop it! You fool! What does it matter that she doesn't wear a corset? He scolded himself, feeling that light headedness again.
"Good evening," He speed walked away, leaving Sif to wonder why Thranduil was acting weird.
Is this dress that ugly?
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gamer9439 · 4 years
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Ashley and kaidon walked around the citadel.
He asked her what they were doing together on citadel. She only answered with a sigh.
Ashley upset:
Look at this. It's Shepard in a photo. I mean it's what's his name.
He new something was wrong with her. He never seen her acting like this before. He new that she was upset with him.
Damit. She said why did he have do die and come back. Why couldn't he just have forgotten about me and the way he felt about me First time. I know he's mad at me for not trusting me and how we left thing before on the planet. But why did he send you with me. Afraid I'm going to cause trouble on the citadel station. Or was it he didn't want to have to bail me out again like last time.
Kaidon, why are you with me. I want you to tell me the truth. Ashley said.
Ashley, he's worries about you. I mean you been upset with him because you didn't know the new friends him, Tali, garrus made on the Normady 2. Now I know what you are thinking. Why should you care about this. Or why should I care. Kaidon looked at her. I don't, but seeing you upset because he was Buddies with s geth he met makes you upset. Listen to me Ash. This is his ship again and yes on the she there was Tali, legion, garrus, kasumi, Miranda, Jacob, mercanery ziead, and a krogan name grunt and justicar Samara, then there was a Salarian Mordin. I don't understand how he was all buddy with them or why. All I know is that he destroy the collectors and destroy a mass relay as well to stop s reaper invasion that day. Hell ash if it wasn't for him you probably be dead now and I be still Dead. I thought I would never see him again.
Well Kadion, I'm greatfull that this all happened. But why didn't he just tell me. I mean I thought he trusted me.?
He does, Ash. It's just that they knew what you were sent to do. Which was spy on him and then and tell some story if how it wasn't Cerbures any confirm he was a traitor. He did trust you that day. It's you who didn't trust him. So if anyone has a right to be upset it's him.
Ashley, new she was pissed off now. Kadion was actually defending Shepard against her and that made her angry.
Kadion then spotted Tali, garrus, Zied, Samara, Miranda and kasumi talking together on the citadel in a bar. He said ash there's the former crew of his. Why don't you just Walk over and ask them why he trusts them more than you.
She decided to do just that. Ash walked into the bar and right up to the former crew of Shepard's. So tell me all of you. What the hell makes you think Shepard trust you more than me here and I'm not leaving until you answer me?
Miranda looking up from her drink. Said it's not a matter of trust. It's matter of loyalties and to him we were very loyal crew. We may not of seen eye to eye or agreed on what the mission was. But it's what brought use together and that was to stop the collectors and reapers from killing every one we love or cared about. I take it you most be the alliance lieutenant Ashley Williams and major kadion. Am I right.
Kadion looking surprised by this comment and taken back by how they new. He asked Lawson how she new this.
Tali and garrus told use who you were.
Damit garrus I thought we were friends.
Garrus looking at Ashley, said we used to be until you betrayed Shepard for different of options. Then he looked at kadion. He has nothing against you major. It's just against Ashley is all. Plus he nee you to would find use sooner or later in the citadel.
Kadion, what you tell me. That he new this and didn't tell me or Ashley. Why would Shepard do this.
Well for two reasons. First being the Normady is going to be getting Asari shields, weapons and armor. Second the upgrades we made to the Normady 2 back then are staying in the ship. Shepard convince the council it's in there best interest to have this she and there best human spectar to have all the best crew and weapons and ship. Third of all you will be seeing a lot more of use all soon.
What's that mean Garrus, Ashley ask.
Garrus, Tali, Zied, Miranda, kasumi, grunt and them hand her the assignment papers which said transfer to SSV Normandy SR2 from council. Request from council spector and new acting commander soon to be admiral Shepard.
What's this any promotion to admiral Shepard. Kadion asked.
I can answer that a voice said from behind.
Ashley and kaidon turned to see Shepard and Asari councilor standing behind then and yes we heard every you both said including you lieutenant commander Williams. Or should I say soon to be commander Williams
Kadion looking at them both asked. What do you mean commander Williams. Was this just all a test to see, what are reaction was going to be. Why keep use both in the dark if you nee Shepard.
Well I guess I really need to know we're your loyalty was and how you truely felt. Now I know this. Plus that you both know the truth about the transfer to. I guess it's as good as time to tell you. I'm been a signed with putting together my old crew and you all to go on a secret mission. That is classified for good reasons.
Kadion asked. What secret mission. Well be heading to the Andromeda Galaxy probably and trying to figure out what going on.
You mean Andromeda mission hasn't replied back sense the ralys been fixed.
Yes as of nine houndred hours citadel station and Turians, Asari, Salarians, Geth, Quarions, and ever race that has a fleet or ships has been ask to come to citadel and help refitted the Normandy with everything they can. From weapons to Crew and personally. As well I've asked the council to give me one destroy class ship as escort for this mission and there crew's are ready waiting for me to take over as fleet admiral.
Soon another voice from behind said he may be incharge but you-all report to me second in command T'soni.
Turning around Ash say LiaraT'soni stand there in alliance uniform with admiral bars. I take it your the second ranking officer in this mission.
Rear admiral T'soni reporting as ordered sir.
Shepard turned around and sighs. I thought I told you never to say this in public here.
T'soni, look at Shepard just smile and said you knew the agreement with council about this mission.
Ashley asked, Shepard. What agreement is she talking about.
He sighed, then said. In order for me to get the weapons, and keep the upgrades me and my old crew got to defeat the collectors and stop the first reaper invasion. I had to agree to some things. But mostly I said I only agree to do this mission if T'soni was admiral second I wanted all my old crew and third only if you ash got a promotion to commander of my Marines units.
So this is why you asked me to stay close to Williams. So she wouldn't be lookingaround looking for information on Stuff this time.
Yes, kadion that's right. I know Ashley. She's the type to look for trouble or find stuff she doesn't want to know about or is supposed to know about.
Ashley, so you trust me. But when it involves classified information I can't be trusted with it. Sense when did that happen.
Shepard looking at her said two days ago when you asked kadion about something that you wasn't supposed to ask him. First off you didn't have the clearance and second of all you disobedience as an officer is not going to be aloud from either of you anymore on my ship. Third if you don't like this new assignment you will be assigned to a garage barge and fourth if you take this assignment you'll follow now alliance or council orders but mine. I need to know if you two agree.
You'll both have until the end of today to decide on your decision. But I must have it by the end of today.
Kadion looking at Ashley said wow. That's what are options are garage barge or follow your orders and not council interfere at all.
Asari councilor standing by Shepard's side said yes. Well not interfere in Shepard's decisions or the mission until asked by him.
Garrus, Zied, Miranda, Samara, kasumi, grunt, Tali, legion, Kelly, Gabby, James and others have already said there going. It's just you two left to decide. Shepard says
Umm, I don't know why you want me to go Shepard. I mean I have been loyal or what you call a good friend or officer to anyone ever buy you. Then I did betray you as well to. So tell me Shepard why you are asking me to go.
Look, Ash. I'm asking you to go because you and kadion are the best marrines I have had and if I ever need help your going to be ready. I know that it's a lot to ask from you both. That's why I'm giving you both until the end of today to decide on this. I just hoping I will see you on the ship.
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thefairyletters · 3 years
Ships and their wingmen
Part 2
Read -> Part 1
Because we can't be the only one who ship them. Or those who don't.
In time-travel AU, Sakura will possibly the only one who will not ship it, if only because that will change the future. But casting that aside, Team Minato will do everything in their power to make sure the two adults soon sire a pink-haired, blue-eyed kid or blond-haired, green-eyed kid, or any combination of those colors for that matter.
Kushina will be conflicted whether to pursue Minato and fight her best friend/soul-sister (because Sakura is Kushina in pink hair) or allow Sakura get Minato and keep their relationships as it is. If she chooses latter, she will give up on Minato, simp on Hokage hat instead, and becomes the best damn Hokage Konoha has ever seen. If not, she puts up a good fight, insert-a-lot-of-angst, a heartfelt moment between Sakura and Kushina later simps on Hokage's hat, and becomes the best damn Hokage Konoha has ever seen. Either way, Kushina sooner or later supports MinaSaku, because she doesn't get Minato then only Sakura gets to have him.
Like Ino and Sakura, Inoichi and Sakura become fast friends, even if it starts with Inoichi flirting and Sakura hitting him squarely on his jaw, and the man is excessively protective of his pink-haired friend. He will probably root for KushiMina just so to protect Sakura's chastity. He will give up soon and will make sure no one gets in the way of his OTP.
If it takes place in canon, let's say somehow Minato selectively gets to be revived for extended periodof time for some reason. Or he time-travels to post-war time and finds himself thrown into a loop. Both, in which, MinaSaku is a very slow burn that even Naruto notices the strange air between his dad and his teammate, and everyone comes to conclusion exactly where Naruto had gotten his denseness from. Kakashi ships MinaSaku because it's his father-no-2 and favourite student together, as weird as it sounds. Naruto doesn't ship, at all, because that would make Sakura his step-mother. Most angst in this MinaSaku will be caused by one Naruto Uzumaki. Ino simps for this ship just because Minato is hot, is loosely Sakura's type and she, being a good friend, completely supports her best friend bedding a heartbreaker like Minato.
Tsunade ships because he is a good man.
Konoha council ships because Namikaze genes need to be retained in the village one way or another.
For starters, Tobirama doesn't ship, at all. Hashirama was already very prone to get distracted even without Sakura in the picture, but now with someone of Sakura's colors by his side, it was as if Tobirama got prematurely promoted as the head of Senju clan AND Hokage. Tobirama doesn't appreciate it at all. He subtly tries to get Sakura killed, to ship her overseas without Hashirama noticing, and convince her to marry someone who wasn't tan-skinned, longhaired and a Senju to boot. When all failed, he tries to seduce her himself as a last-ditch effort to help her move on from Hashirama. He only manages to gain a black-eye and a harsh rejection on top of it. Then, it look a while, but he figured she would be a good leader and a competent backup if Hashirama remains distracted in all his future meetings.
Mito is a proud, powerful woman, and she desires strength in things that catches her attention. So when she found Sakura, she wanted her for herself but instead found herself in competition with Hashirama of all people. Regardless to say, they hate each other.
Madara sees Sakura as the second and the last brain cell of the Senju clan, next to Tobirama. He supports HashiSaku if only so his best friend can learn a thing or two about how to use his bright but otherwise inactive brain cell. He is always ready to adopt her into his clan should Senju throw her out, courtesy of Tobirama.
Izuna likes Sakura and if she likes Hashirama, then he will support it. Easy as that.
Madara doesn't care because his best friend is married to not one but two beautiful but powerful beasts of women. Hashirama has no room for complaints.
Hashirama is a third wheel in his own marriage.
Tobirama doesn't know if he ships it or not because his brother is married to a woman who is in love with another woman and that woman insists that they all remain together for the better of future.
Izuna ships, to say at least.
Hashirama is the biggest fan of TobiSaku. He grins his annoying grin in a way that makes everyone present in the room with him blush in embarrassment. He dubbed Sakura as his sister-in-law the moment he saw his brother with her.
Madara doesn't think someone like Tobirama deserves Sakura, but thinks someone like Sakura can persuade Tobirama to chill. It's better for Senju clan in a long run, so he supports their relationship.
Mito simps hard for this ship because she wants Sakura as her sister-in-law. Half of the TobiSaku moments happened because of HashiMito's meddling.
Izuna flirts with Sakura at every chance he could, if only to rile Tobirama. He might like Sakura as a bit more than a friend, but he also finds TobiSaku relationship precious in a passive-agressive way so he doesn't mostly get in their way because they make up to about 65% of his daily entertainment quota which he doesn't wish to lose.
If there's one person who is a die-hard fan of this ship then it's one Izuna Uchiha. He enjoys teasing his older brother at every chance he gets, ruthlessly and sadistically. He enjoys the way his brother softens at the very mention of Sakura and he thinks that is the most precious thing he's seen his older brother do for anyone who's not him. Sakura gets along with Izuna so well that he often thinks she knows him better than he knows himself, and for that he cherishes Sakura as one of his family. His love for MadaSaku stretches so far that he would kill anyone who dares to get in between two of his most important people.
Tobirama ships them because he thinks Sakura will help Madara lose some of the madness inherent in Uchiha clan. It is because of Sakura that Tobirama becomes less wary of Uchihas and warms up to them.
Hashirama jumps at Madara and Sakura everytime they come for a visit, much to his wife's embarassment. Sakura is considered one of the Senju clan, and with her marrying into Uchiha clan, strengthens Senju-Uchiha alliance. Hashirama, like Izuna, is very happy to see Madara at peace and wishes the best for the couple. Like Izuna, he teases Madara mercilessly everytime Madara does something even slightly uncharacteristic of him. Sakura isn't teased often only because her becoming flustered results only in bodily harm.
Mito approves of the pair, if only because it gets her husband's attention away from Madara and his clan. She respects Sakura and knows the Uchiha clan will thrive with her as their matriarch.
Madara doesn't ship it at first because his brother is easily charmed by beautiful women and she looked a little too much like a Uzushio woman. Mito and Madara aren't in the best of the terms, regardless of the alliance. He suspected it to be trap when he saw his brother smile a little too gently, his eye softening a little too much than he was accustomed to seeing. He didn't ship IzuSaku at all because he loves his brother first and foremost. Sakura and he started off in bad terms but he soon discerns her good intentions and her honest reciprocal of feelings for Izuna, so he gives them his blessings and promises his protection.
Tobirama doesn't believe it until he sees it. He thinks she is too good for someone like Izuna, but seeing Izuna happy and content with Sakura, he comes to an understanding that this arrangement does save a lot of women from falling his prey.
Hashirama doesn't hold a particular opinion on Izuna but knows his notorious reputation and thus fears for Sakura's heart. He doesn't get in their way but tries to make sure Sakura is safe. When he is assured Izuna is courting her with intention of marriage, he gives them his blessings as well because Sakura is part of his family.
Mito doesn't understand why Sakura chose someone like Izuna given his reputation, and how Izuna really fell hard for the woman like Sakura.
Sai doesn't have lot of friends to support him, but luckily for him, Sakura has.
It is Ino who digs their relationship. Ino who helps Sai learn a thing or two about women. Ino who helps him learn new ways to impress Sakura (failed everytime). Sai and Ino became close friends the more she stayed around as his part-time trainer/babysitter everytime Sakura is away on a mission/hospital (because Sakura doesn't trust Sai alone without her for long). It is through Ino that they ultimately got together in the end.
Naruto, as if on a clock, becomes sceptical if she didn't see Sasuke in Sai, but that idea goes out of the window everytime Sai opens his pretty mouth. He supports Sai and Sakura because he could. As much as Sai pisses him off, he is still one of his good friends that he treasure, but one he would never admit to about his feelings.
Sasuke never thought his position in Team 7 would be threatened, much less by an ANBU/Root member, and he most definitely didn't think it will be that member who will ultimately date Sakura. As much as he knew the world wouldn't have stopped moving when he left, he also didn't expect new faces to join his team and take what had been promised his. Sakura punches him square on his face when he vocalises his thoughts. Regardless to say, he isn't happy with this arrangement.
Yamato is most pleased to see Sai flourishing as a person instead of a killing machine they were made into. He thinks Sakura is scary and will keep Sai on his toes, but also that she will be patient and guide him on the right path. They couldn't be more different, but he knew they understand each other like no one else.
Yamato and Naruto becomes the best men in SaiSaku wedding, and no sightings of Sasuke is observed anywhere.
Surprisingly, Shisui gets green signal from all the members of team 7. When asked, he is told many reasons ranging from – "You're the only decent Uchiha" to "You're not emotionally dead.", which ultimately means he is approved because he is everything Sakura expects in a man, and that age is hardly a reason of disapproval from them if it is not a problem for Sakura.
Naruto sometimes – particularly on days when Shisui steals their female teammate to spend time with him – think if Shisui had not brainwashed Sakura into giving in to his vile intentions, because that's exactly what his Sharingan is specialized to do, but when Sakura hears a word about this, she always punches him hard enough to make him reconsider his words. Sasuke and Kakashi are smart enough to keep their opinions about her love life to themselves.
If Itachi thought Shisui was annoying when he was not in love, he thinks Shisui is downright nuts when he is in love. Sakura is all he ever talks about, and while Itachi is pleased to see his cousin and Sakura, who's a good friend to him, so happy in love, there's a line that need not be crossed. He is thankful that both make a lovely couple together who can make Uchiha clan a happy place with their shared positivity. But. But, Shisui is also a jealous idiot and those two words never make a good combination. Itachi blesses the couple for all happiness in the world, but he is just not the person they should come to looking for relationship advice whenever one of them (always Shisui) screws up.
You'd think since Shisui is not part of the main house and having no living family of his own, there'll be no family drama surrounding him and his love life, but you're dead wrong. Once Mikoto and Fugaku hear a word about ShiSaku being canon, they call Shisui in, gives him the earful of the lifetime, demands of him to propose marriage to her, and proceed to prepare for the big wedding. Sakura accepts but that's hardly a point, because next thing Shisui knows is getting adopted into the main house. There goes his freedom.
Tsume loves Sakura. She wants to adopt Sakura. Inuzuka clan loves Sakura. KibaSaku is real, so what happens? Tsume threatens to disown Kiba unless he proposes to Sakura and make her one of the pack soon. According to Tsume, Kiba has finally chosen "the one who will make up for his lack-of-thereof brain and strength".
When the word gets out about his entanglement with Sakura, Team 8 is pleased – especially Hinata and Shino. Kurenai looks at him like she doesn't believes him. Shino repeats Tsume's sentiments on the matter. Hinata only smiles in a way that screams 'finally!'.
Team 7 is not happy that their precious teammate is getting it on with someone who smells like dog.
Kurenai who is like a mother to both Sakura and Kiba is happy to help them get started with parenting. It got too awkward to further ask Tsume who only said to "break the bed and let nature play its role". Kurenai will take turns with rest of the Team 8 and Team 7 to babysit many kids that KibaSaku will sire because they are wild. Tsume is proud though.
Tsunade blesses the couple and knows she will enjoy spoiling her many grandchildren rotten. Shizune is only happy for her sister-figure, even if she is a bit worried for the children.
Ino smirks at Sakura like a sly cat, every time they meet, all the way until her friend is happily married. Kiba is a catch, even if he smells like a dog. And they both know it.
Baki cries in joy when GaaSaku reveals their relationship public. He had thought Gaara was a lost cause when it comes to romance. His son-figure made him proud that day.
Temari threatens Sakura if she breaks "her-precious-bean's-fragile-heart", she will see through that her body gets never found in the sand. When it became clear that Sakura was serious about Gaara, Temari crushes the other woman to her chest and cries over how lucky she was to have Gaara as her husband (because there's no way her precious bean, Gaara, is undeserving of someone).
Kankuro breaks down crying, thankful that his little brother Gaara was not asexual and that he only had high expectations of himself because there was no way Sakura wasn't the best bride for Gaara. A match made in heaven, he said. It doesn't help that Kankuro and Sakura are best friends who often conspire ways to make Gaara blush prettily like he does, much to Gaara's chagrin.
Tsunade stans GaaSaku and is aware of the political advantage in their marriage to back up their relationship. Temari marrying into Konoha and Sakura into Sand, is a fair exchange.
Konoha council begs to differ.
Naruto wants to feel betrayed but doesn't because Gaara deserves the love he will get from Sakura, and he knows him and knows her. That doesn't help him from sending threatening letters, dripping on rabbit's blood, to Gaara who isn't alarmed at all and patiently writes back about his feelings concerning his female teammate. Naruto cries like a baby on their wedding because Kazehime is such a fitting title for his precious Sakura-chan.
Sasuke never sees it coming. He is betrayed, but not because Sakura moved on but because it is Gaara she moved on to. He takes personal offence to it, confronts personally about it to her in Suna and Sakura isn't impressed. If Sakura gives him a beating that leaves him in Suna hospital for a week, that's not on Sakura.
Kakashi cannot care less whom his old genin team fucks and marries but he admits he is a bit impressed that Sakura marries Gaara of all people.
Team 10 is ecstatic when Shikamaru and Sakura makes their relationship public. Ino is on cloud nine when she hears Sakura gets to be official part of Ino-Shika-Cho. She breaks into Sakura's apartment to crush her best friend in a hug that might as well suffocate her to death but a girl gotta express her joy one way or another. She demands Shikamaru to invite Sakura for all future clan get-togethers so Sakura will feel comfortable in future.
Choji is happy for his best friend. He secretly meets with Yoshino to prepare for the big day. He exclusively invites Sakura for all Akimichi parties when he hears about her passion for cooking, even if she's bad at it. It's safe to say Sakura became part of Ino-Shika-Cho even before her marriage to Shikamaru.
When Sasuke hears about it, he corners Shikamaru and inquires about all the intentions Shikamaru has towards his teammate. He might not like Sakura like she once wished to be liked by him, but she was still part of his family that is Team 7 and he cares enough to make sure she doesn't get heart broken the way she had with him. When he gets right answers, he drops his arm against his throat, draws back his kusanagi and walks away like nothing was amiss.
When Naruto hears about it, he pokes fun at Shikamaru for his taste in women – first Temari, now his teammate. To onlookers, it would look like two friends playfully teasing each other, but if you look closely, you'd notice the red of Naruto's eyes, how the grip on Shikamaru's fingers were tad too tight and the way Shikamaru looked like he would rather be anywhere but there. After a measured shake and few more teasing jabs, Naruto returned to his goofy self.
When Kakashi hears about it and comes across him, Shikamaru doesn't let the older man get a word in. With Kakashi, it might as well be chidori to heart so Shikamaru rushed to firmly asserted his very pure, no vile, feelings for his sole female student. By the time he is finished with his monologue, Kakashi has left.
Tsunade is neutral when the news gets to her. As simple as Shikamaru was, he was also not the most committed person so she decides to test Shikamaru before she gave him her blessings.
Temari flips the table when the word reaches Suna. She immediately leaves the village to make sure Shikamaru was truly serious, this time, about her friend. Gaara follows after her because he is still pissed at the certain man for breaking his sister's heart. Kankuro passes the hat to Baki for the meantime and leaves after his siblings to beat certain someone if this is just another ugly fling for him. Also, because he isn't going to miss on a good show.
If some ink tigers pop out of nowhere and attempt on Shikamaru's life or some carnivorous plants tries to taste the meat on his nether region, he doesn't speak of the incidents to anyone, let alone Sakura. It is only after Sakura is pronounced a Nara that the attempts on his life cease.
The part 2 y'all wanted.
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I think I nearly covered all the popular pairings. There's still ShinoSaku, YamaSaku, DeiSaku, KisaSaku, KarinSaku, LeeSaku, HidaSaku and ChoSaku, AsuSaku and IndraSaku though. Maybe next time.
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