#Safe box singapore
kmhonco · 4 months
Digital safes
Filedex Marketing (S) PTE LTD provides fire proof resistant security safes, including Booil, Eagle, Burglary, Mechanical, Cupboard, Filing cabinet, Digital safes, etc. for protecting your important documents and valuables in Singapore at reliable prices. Our security safes are suitable for home, Hotel and office use.
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writtenfangirl · 9 months
Call Me By My Name
Singapore was arguably the most exciting race of the season. Been thinking about writing fics for Carlos Sainz too but only if there's a demand for it so drop your prompts/suggestions if you guys feel like reading about our favorite Smooth Operator!
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Y/N clicked the little red dot on the screen of her phone before nestling it amongst the clutter of the TV stand, aiming it towards her and her unsuspecting boyfriend, who was too busy preparing himself a bowl of cereal in the kitchen to notice his girlfriend’s mischievous grin or the furtive glances she was casting his way. 
Not for the first time in her life, Y/N was grateful for the apartment’s open floor plan. 
Charles’ apartment was located in one of the highest buildings in Monaco. Many of Charles’ driver friends lived in the same apartment complex but only he lived in the penthouse. The owner of the building was a big fan of his and had given Charles the penthouse of less than half the price. 
The building was close to the sea and with Charles’ living in the highest floor, his apartment had one of her favorite views in the world. They spent hours of their lives here with the windows open, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, mingling with the salty sea breeze that flew through the room. Sunsets were even more gorgeous with the view of the apartment and Y/N always made sure to leave after dark so she could watch the sun sinking beneath the waves. Not that Charles really allowed her to go when it go too dark. Most of the time, he insisted she’d stay over for the night so he knew she was safe.
Another reason why she preferred to “leave” after dark.
The apartment’s wide and expansive space was airy, light easily filtering through the window’s gauzy curtains. The open floor plan meant Y/N was able to keep her phone hidden in a little space next to the TV without Charles noticing it, all the while affording her phone a view of the kitchen unobstructed. 
She sent her phone a quick grin and a thumbs up before she settled on one of the couches in the living room that gave her a perfect of view of Charles. He was shirtless, his back turned to her as he reached for a bowl in the high shelf of his cupboard.
“Baby, do you want anything?” Charles called out as he continued preparing his food.
“Do you think you can make me of a cup of coffee, Charles?” She answered, a little too innocently when he went back to the empty bowl that he placed on the kitchen isle with a box of cereal in his hands.
Almost instantly he paused, the cereal box raised and half-poured, his eyes wide in alarm instantly snapping to her. “What did you say?”
“I said, can you make me a cup of coffee, Charles?” She repeated, fighting to keep her expression blank. How she managed to not burst out laughing at the sight of pure and abject horror at her boyfriend’s face was beyond her. 
His alarmed expression intensified at his name as he put down the cereal box, his snack forgotten. “Did I do something to upset you, amore? Are you mad at me?”
She feigned ignorance. “No, Charles. I just want some coffee.”
“You did it again!” He exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at her as he rounded the kitchen aisle and came out of the kitchen and into the living room.
“Did what again?”
“You called me Charles!”
“That’s your name!” She exclaimed, unable to stop her laugh this time.
“What is today?” He demanded before fishing his phone out of his pocket and checking the date. “Today is not your birthday or our anniversary. What did I do?”
“Nothing!” She exclaimed. 
“But you are calling me Charles, amore! That means you are mad!”
“Am I not allowed to call you Charles?” She teased. 
“No.” He declared with a pout. “You can only call me Charles when you are mad at me. Any other day, you call me babe or amore or (a term of endearment in your native language).”
“Okay, Charles. Please make me a cup of coffee?”
His pout turned into a scowl before he raised a hand to his brow like a sailor searching for land. He turned left and right and in such a dramatic way, it could only be called sarcastic. “Who is this Charles, amore? Do I know him? Is he here?”
“You are Charles! Charles Marc Herve Percival Leclerc!”
“Ask Charles to make you your coffee.” He scoffed before he crossed his arms, his head cocked high up into the sky before he spun around and sauntered back to the kitchen. 
Y/N couldn’t stop her laughter anymore. Not when her overdramatic boyfriend occasionally acted like a child when he was being teased by her. She shook her head, her lips pulled into a smile as she jumped on her feet and walked to the kitchen, embracing him from behind as he poured cereal into his once abandoned bowl. “I’m only kidding, babe. Can you please make me a cup of coffee?” And to seal the deal, Y/N stood on her tip toes and placed a kiss on his stubbly cheeks. 
Almost immediately, Charles’s sulking face lightened into a grin as he turned around, took her face in his warm hands and placed a quick kiss on her lips. It was so fast, it was more appropriate to call it a peck but it had the same effect as his other kisses. Her toes curled, her smile turning wide and infectious. 
“Okay, amore,” he said when he pulled away, his smile as incandescent as hers no doubt was. His verdant eyes were almost glittering, reminding of her of leaves against the summer sun, impossibly green yet tinged blue when held up to the sky. “I will make you your coffee, just the way you like it.”
“Thank you,” and then because she couldn’t help it, “Charles.”
His answering groan was enough to give Y/N a permanent smile for the rest of the day.
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rorja · 2 months
synopsis. you, suguru and the taste of victory lingering on his lips as intoxicating nectar — or, my humble thoughts about F1 driver ! suguru
a/n. i can’t stop thinking about formula 1 driver!geto and in honor of japan gp (that is only 4h away), here i bring my wild thoughts. i wrote this on a whim after seeing the qualifying results of today, lmao. unfortunately i really love this idea, so i hope i’ll be able to write a full and lengthy os one day — 🐣
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F1 driver!geto who is the most successful driver in the whole season. age 27, suguru has already made a name for himself in the whole championship. shocking, entertaining and winning over the hearts of every single fan out there.
F1 driver!geto that started the season in melbourne with many problems with the car, but never once became a less dangerous competitor for the world drivers championship title. he managed to secure the podium at least in seventeen races out of twenty-one, his name becoming a guarantee for his whole team.
F1 driver!geto who is now racing for the very last race of the season, in one of the hardest circuits known to man in singapore. the humidity is high, the tension suffocating, the steering wheel slippery underneath the gloves. suguru has to survive two hours of pure adrenaline, remaining focused on the circuit and getting out of the twenty-three curves that create the circuit of marina bay.
F1 driver!geto who you easily spot amongst the waves of people starting to disappear from the box. the start of the race only measly hours away, and you can feel the pressure going up. higher than any other race you’ve attended until now. this is the finale and both the drivers have to do well to end the season in the top five at least.
F1 driver!geto with whom you’ve crossed paths with many times in the last year. it’s natural after all, you suppose. you’ve been working as haibara yū’s pr manager for two seasons now, marking probably the longest contract you’ve ever had with the formula one team. they have been impressed by your work and you’ve been more than happy to making it through so far.
F1 driver!geto who has always caught your attention from the beginning. a driver that left behind him only sparks in the narrowest of curves, the same ones that would proclaim him a hero all over again. you can see, as the people disperse inside the box, his gaze focused on the asphalt. his tight and firm hold over the steering wheel of the single-seater car.
F1 driver!geto that when locks his eyes with yours, make you feel weak and exposed all of the sudden. making your heart beat like that very first day you have met him.
F1 driver!geto that gets taken away together with haibara on the earned pole position from yesterday’s qualifying session. you watch him sprint from one of the many monitors of the box, his first lap time probably one of the best performances this season. you feel your knees tremble slightly as you bring your hands to your lips in a silent prayer: “please, let him come back safely from the circuit”
F1 driver!geto who is left on your hands for the upcoming press conferences as nanami is being called in the paddock for an urgent matter. you try to memorize the events listed on the paper left by nanami in a matter of three laps. three laps only to end this big and so anxiously awaited finale.
F1 driver!geto who takes home the golden ambitious prize of the season, earning his third consecutive title of world champion. and the scuderia becomes a complete mess once the car hits the finish line underneath the checkered flag, with never ending hugs and pats on each other’s backs for the hard work. haibara is confirmed fourth. you swear you saw tears of joy gathering on the corners of some engineers at the pit-wall.
F1 driver!geto that jumps out the car the moment he comes back on the pit-lane, indulging everyone’s excitement and answering back with more enthusiasm on his part. a japanese flag immediately being placed proudly on his tracksuit by his mother. a baseball hat taking over the place of the helmet in a blink.
F1 driver!geto whose party dies a little bit too soon once you grab his wrist and leads him down the hallway, telling him that he must reach the podium on the other side of the paddock in a few minutes. however, you don’t notice the smile that curls around his lips. a soft gleam in his eyes, dimming even further the heavy presence of adrenaline in his body.
F1 driver!geto that stops in his tracks and brings you closer with a hand on your hips, turning you around with a swift and smooth motion and making you yelp. “not even a kiss for your champion? that’s rude dear” and he’s teasing, you know he’s just teasing you. it’s infuriating. and yet, you fall for it once again. cupping his cheek with a hand and leaning in to kiss him. your emotions all over the place: worry, fear, happiness, excitement… love. your brain short circuiting as soon as your lips meets his, and you are acutely made aware of just how much he needed this tiny moment with you alone.
F1 driver!geto who announces publicly his relationship with you only a week later. a press conference at eight in the morning, only the two drivers of the scuderia sitting in front of the panel, and you can’t help but feeling giddy when you hear suguru confirming the rumors about a rumored relationship. your name sounding so soft coming from his lips. and you see the smile he gives, plastered on the TV screen, when he confirms his name for the next season. his adrenaline contagious. and you can’t wait to see him once again in the place he belongs to: the highest place on the podium after another great and successful season.
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thegildedbee · 10 days
Blanket/Weather: May 17 & 18 Prompts by @calaisreno
Lhasa remains steeped in darkness, even though the stars at the roof of the world are beginning to fade as night closes its eyes. Sherlock carefully weaves in-and-out between the long-haul lorries in the crowded service area, moving towards the one that will clandestinely carry him to its destination in Shigatse, which will place him in the vicinity of a rogue copper mine. This improvised transport strategy allows him to slip surreptitiously from town, thwarting the restriction on international visitors that they be accompanied by guides anywhere they travel within the captive region. Careful to remain undetected, he slips through the back door of the attached freight container; once safely inside, he casts light from a pen-sized torch across the boxes, gauging how to arrange a space to conceal his presence.
The blend of noises outside the truck crowd in on his awareness, amplifying his sensation of confinement – snatches of conversation, mostly in Mandarin, random laughter and occasional shouts, the peremptory staccato of a horn, the groaning metallic scraping of engines downshifting, the crunching of gravel under moving vehicles. He sits down, pressing his back against the side wall, knees bent, his hands and fingers idly flipping and spinning the pen torch. After a few moments he stops, puzzled at feeling pulled off-kilter, unsure as to why. This moment, now, is just one more to get through, as are the moments to come over the next five hours, and then in however many days lie ahead. The waiting, the dark, the placelessness – these are all familiar companions; he’s practiced at tamping down his resentment, and meeting each of them with resignation. He allows his mind to drift, seeking to surface useful data . . . and when it comes, the result suggests an odd source -- the similarity of his physical position to that last day before he disappeared, sitting preoccupied on the floor at Bart’s laboratory, bouncing a small rubber ball, waiting for events to unfold. He rubs at his forehead, and exhales with an irritated huff, frowning, displeased that he’s let the memory intrude.
He disciplines himself to shift focus, to stay in the present, by mentally rehearsing the two major tasks he needs to complete today, barring any unfortunate developments that would require starting over. He’s here to neutralize two confederates of Moriarty's syndicate who work for a multinational energy corporation – the first is an enterprising engineer overseeing the digging of an illegal mining pit, the second an executive at the corporate headquarters in Lhasa, who is diverting impressive amounts of monies to the both of them. (Sherlock has no desire to know the whys of their circumstances – whether, in addition to greed, their actions are due to incentives, or blackmail, or outright threats; all he needs to know is that they’re beholden to the dictates of his enemy's network and any bounties they dangle, and are therefore a potential threat to himself if he returns, and to his friends.)
He arrived in the Tibetan Himalayas three days previous, but he’s had to wait impatiently to implement his objectives, betrayed by his body, waiting to gradually shed the debilitating effects of altitude sickness, in his muscles, his stomach, his lungs. He grudgingly admits to himself that the downtime, however, was probably necessary, allowing him to catch his breath in more ways than just the one that's so currently urgent.
The last fortnight had seen him – as Gabriel Vernet, a director at a French biopharmaceuticals start-up – in an unrelentingly tense journey in which he’d conducted business, fake as well as real, in Singapore, Hanoi, Hong Kong, Macau, and then through Sichuan to Chengdu for the flight to Lhasa. He’s been traveling on papers and an operative legend courtesy of the British government for this leg of his odyssey; while he prefers to chart his own course, unencumbered by the high-handed and condescending auditing of his brother, he had conceded to his better wisdom of seeking aid from London while being shadowed by ever-present governmental representatives of the People’s Republic of China -- as well as floating in and out of view of particularly vicious groups of gangsters operating in Southeast Asia.
His knowledge of Mandarin has been essential in keeping his forward movement going; it helped Vernet to facilitate cooperation from the sources he sought out, high and low. It also allowed him to expand his reconnaissance, especially when those on whom he was eavesdropping assumed that the sharply-dressed businessman within earshot was unable to understand their conversation. As a result, he’s obtained a wide-angle view of activities that he might not have been aware of otherwise, beyond his immediate remit. He’s learned, for example, from ancillary figures, of Chinese mobsters from Fujian, who have been tearing through various states in the U.S., muscling their way into the astonishingly lucrative illicit cannabis market that has accompanied legalization. 
He’d crossed cyber-paths again with the Mexican cartel he’d come across digging through the dark internet in Tallinn – the one funding Nigerian meth labs to supply Asian buyers. Here, it’s reversed: Fujian gangsters are using the cartel to smuggle thousands of Chinese workers into the United States to produce illicit drugs –  trafficked in to do agricultural labor at burgeoning marijuana grow sites. Trapped by fences, surveillance cameras, and guards with guns and machetes, the captive immigrants create tens of billions of dollars alone in states such as Oklahoma – a location that's an attractive target due to the abundance of cheap land, the lack of regulations on the size of cannabis farms, and a scarcity of police personnel with the language capabilities needed to translate communications and infiltrate networks. For what it might be worth, Sherlock had passed along what he’d learned to the CIA’s Crime and Narcotics Center.
He’ll be on a tight schedule in Shigatse today, needing to collect photographic evidence of the illegal mine, and still leave time enough to make it to the railroad station platform, and mingle inconspicuously amongst the groups boarding the local train bound for Lhasa. Once he's settled aboard, he’ll add the pictures to the files of documentary evidence he’s carrying on his mobile, and, as they near the city, he’ll press send and deliver the folder to one of the corporation’s higher-ups who is eager to rise even higher. Once the recipient verifies the information contained in the anonymous gift, he’ll be thrilled to gain credit as the conduit for the revelations it contains to his superiors in Beijing. 
They’ve made good time on the road, and Sherlock stands up and stretches, releasing the kinks in his back, and jogging in place to get his adrenaline running. In his worn camping gear, he’s dressed completely different from Vernet, in his bespoke suits, with his expensive leather briefcase, and the expected Rolex watch. 
The fact that copper mines require supplies of water will lend him the needed cover afforded by yet another identity – there are wetlands in the area, and it is unsurprising that a Canadian wildlife biologist on an international team will be there on foot, surveying the habitat of the black-necked crane. If anyone questions him, he’ll indicate that each of the members of the team have temporarily spread out to cover a greater area. There has been a great deal of anger, within Tibet and worldwide, at the damage done to the plateau’s environment due to China’s resource extraction agenda and its urbanization policies– the protections that the PRC is extending to the vulnerable black-necked crane population have been a public relations plus for them. The birds are currently in the vicinity, completing their breeding cycle, and as long as he can get in and out quickly, Dr. William Scott’s presence is likely to pass with little scrutiny, as long as his papers are in order. 
Several hours later, Sherlock is relieved that his tracking efforts have paid off with actionable evidence – meaning that there will be no need to scramble for a new plan. After verifying that his file has been successfully delivered, he slumps in his seat, stubbornly indifferent to releasing himself from being on high alert. He knows that letting down his guard is when sloppiness can creep in and mistakes made, but having been awake for more than 24 hours and in action all day long at an altitude that still leaves him easily winded, relentlessly reminding him that breathing is problematic, is taking its toll. One last detail – dropping his mobile so that it lands on the train tracks when he exits – and then, in less than an hour, he can be seated in the hotel's oxygen lounge and restore his body and mind.
As they near the station, he shoulders his rucksack, ready to act out the fiction that he’s attached to one of the groups he’s sat nearby, and pulls out his mobile in order to remove the sim card. But when the screen lights up after he turns it over in his hand, he’s startled to find a text message notification -- receiving messages is not supposed to happen, ever, on this unit. No one has the number, save one person. This is not good. This is very much not good.
He takes in and releases several breaths to try and lower his pulse rate, hoping that when he clicks on the icon that he’ll find nothing more dramatic than someone misdirecting their text. At first glance, the message does appear to be irrelevant; at second glance, however, it is evident that the innocuous platitude it contains is negated by the fact that it is written in code.
His anxiety spikes at deciphering the communique: emergency action needed, abandon the hotel -- which means he'll not be returning to the inviting bed, the soft pillows, the warm blanket. There is no indication of why, or of what comes next, other than that he’ll be met at the station by a man who will identify himself as a tour leader from the Council for the Preservation of Sacred Alpine Cranes, and that he is to reply in Mandarin that he was honored to have seen four pairs of the noble birds nesting safely when he inspected the field site.
Other than this terse instruction, he has no idea what he’ll find once he leaves the train, and whether or not he is walking into a trap. And as he gazes out the window at the dark clouds beginning to gather in the east, he sees that the weather may be turning against him as well.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @friday411 @peanitbear @original-welovethebeekeeper
@helloliriels @a-victorian-girl @keirgreeneyes @starrla89 @naefelldaurk
@topsyturvy-turtely @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @jobooksncoffee @meetinginsamarra
@solarmama-plantsareneat @bluebellofbakerstreet @dragonnan @safedistancefrombeingsmart @jolieblack
@msladysmith @ninasnakie @riversong912 @dapetty
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kdramedies · 2 years
Oh In-joo, while naive in the context of the story we are being told, is not an idiot. In the first few episodes In-joo is established as someone who is resourceful, competent at her job, and a good sister. She always makes sure there’s a roof over her family’s head, food in their bellies, and tries to make sure that they’re (mainly In-hye) safe and happy. In-joo is really good at being poor. Which is why I don’t understand all of the comments I keep seeing calling In-joo an idiot or complaining that she’s too stupid so the show is “un-feminist” (whatever that means [does that mean women aren’t allowed to be a little dumb sometimes? Seems pretty un-feminist for women to be put into a box like that...]). Like, why the fuck would someone who has been dirt poor all their life suddenly be amazing in the world of money, murder, and politics? The first thing In-joo did with 2 billion won was buy name brand ice cream. That’s how poor she’s been throughout her life, corner store ice cream was her big first splurge (and it was on sale!). Some of her scenes have been played to add a bit of levity to such a dramatic show, the “hands up” scene is one of my favourites, but again, those scenes are of her experiencing situations that she’s never had cause to even wonder about before. I’ve certainly never thought about the bounds of plastic surgery, and if faced with a gun, I fully believe I would wet myself. But In-joo, someone who is earnest and takes things at face value, is somehow managing to survive in this world of lies and backstabbing she’s been thrown into. Some of it is dumb luck, some of it is Do-il saving her neck, but some of it is her. And I don’t just mean her badass moment in Singapore. Her resilience, her earnestness, her optimism and kindness. Every choice she’s made has contributed to the fall of the Jeongran Society. Her additions to their rag-tag team go largely unnoticed since she’s not unearthing the story behind it all like In-kyung, or a former inside man like Do-il, but In-joo is the one who has the mastermind behind all of this shaken. And it’s not just because this all started with Sang-a’s obsession with In-joo. Sang-a thought she knew In-joo, but like a lot of viewers, she didn’t know who In-joo would become. She thought In-joo would do anything for money, but instead In-joo would do anything for her family and her best friend, even after learning that their friendship was a lie. She didn’t know that behind her naivete In-joo was strong; stronger than her. Sang-a may be more confident, conniving, and quick-witted, but she can’t handle things not going her way. In-joo on the other hand, has never had anything go her way and as a result is more adaptable and quicker to bounce back.
This entire show is about classism and the ways that it divides us, schooling and intelligence is one of them. Without Hyo-rin’s family In-hye wouldn’t have had the opportunities they gave her. Without their great aunt, In-kyung wouldn’t have gone to university. But In-joo didn’t have anyone to give her a helping hand. People who are looking down on her character for being an “idiot” are only proving one of the points the drama is trying to make. If you’re poor, you’re considered unintelligent, if you’re considered unintelligent then people can treat you like garbage and get away with it. But Oh In-joo is done letting people get away with it.
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leclercskiesahead · 8 months
can't say thank you in public
(smut under the cover)
The garage is loud tonight. There is an unmistakable buzz in the air. Spirits are high - Charles can't remember the last time they felt like this.
And it is all thanks to Carlos.
Carlos Sainz, winner of the Singapore Grand Prix. Carlos, who led every lap of the race and has been at the top of all the sessions, even back to Monza. Carlos, the reason why the mechanics and engineers and all the crew got to sing the Italian anthem with pride, under the red and neon lights.
Carlos, who returned from summer break rested and recharged and with a hot new fire in his belly. Not that he ever lacked motivation, but it was like he had unlocked a new part of himself, and his post-summer tan made it look like the fire was glowing within.
Carlos giving the scuderia its first taste of victory.
On paper, it has been a good weekend for the team. P1 and P4 is their best combined result of the season. Charles knows that he himself is feeling more at ease with the car, that he still posted good timings all weekend.
But finishing a position behind where he started is always going to be a let down.
Now that the race and the celebrations are all over, the adrenaline left his body, he can't stop thinking about the pit box, the feeling that he was just sitting there a moment too long. He has since seen the replays, of Hamilton driving past just as his own stop was complete. He can see that objectively, the team could not release him without receiving a penalty. It does not change the sense of helplessness and dread that comes from reliving that moment, nor the thoughts that follow as he tries to manage said emotions.
Maybe there was just enough space in front of Hamilton but they played it safe, maybe he could have followed Carlos more closely in the pit lane, maybe he could have managed their gap better, maybe he could have fought the Mercedes if he also changed his tyres under the virtual safety car, maybe, maybe...
He runs a hand through his damp hair as if it will pull those thoughts out of his head to be discarded. They are useless now. The team will enjoy tonight, bars and parties aplenty, then the focus turns to Suzuka.
24 hours ago, Charles had let himself entertain the thought of going to a party after the race, celebrating a podium. It feels a bit too much now. A nice bar will do, one with good ambience and a view. He is no longer up for a dance floor and flashing lights tonight.
A knock on his door interrupts his packing, and Carlos steps into the room without waiting for an answer. Charles is surprised to see him. Since leaving parc fermé, Carlos has been swept up by the crowd, trophy cradled in his arms. The people all want to see their race winner. Charles only got to see him again at the team photo-taking.
He figures Carlos would have been dragged off to a party by now. Half the garage has left and the rest are chatting about which bar to hit up once they're done.
But Carlos is still here. Changed out of his race suit, but still in team wear. Definitely not on his way to a party yet.
"Ah good, you're still here," Carlos says as he lets himself in and closes the door, muffling the chatter around the motorhome.
Charles stands in greeting. "You too, mate. You are not partying already?"
"Later," Carlos says, taking a step closer. His cap is on backwards. "I haven't got to talk to you yet."
"We talked in the debrief."
Carlos' lips curl into a smile. He is still coming closer.
The drivers' rooms are not that large. Charles hasn't moved, but he thinks if this continues he might be backed up against the wall.
"The strategy for the race," Carlos begins. "Everything we discussed after quali. Everything had to be perfect, and we were."
Perfect for you, Charles thinks. The pit incident with Hamilton is the only blot on the team's overall performance today, and it had not affected Carlos one bit.
(Well okay, it might have been easier for them to manage the race pace through the second stint with two cars in the front, but in the end, Carlos had coped on his own. Incredibly well, as the whole paddock cannot stop talking about his DRS strategy and working with Lando to defend against the Mercedes. It is a devilishly smart plan, Charles must admit, and it doesn't surprise him that it is Carlos of all drivers who came up with it instead of just slamming on the accelerator.)
The stray thought quickly evaporates as Carlos steps into his space. Charles takes a step back. He slides a hand behind him and grazes the wall with his fingertips.
"Thank you for executing everything perfectly," Carlos says. His eyes stare into Charles, large and deep and brown with something burning within.
"A good weekend for the team," Charles breathes. "It all paid off because you got the win"
"Because of you," Carlos insists. His voice sounds deeper than usual. "The plan relied on you, Charles. It would have been harder without you. You executed perfectly."
Carlos has stopped his advance, leaving Charles just a hair's breadth from leaning against the wall. His teammate is shorter and lighter but it feels like he's looming over Charles, wrapping around him and encompassing him from all sides. The feeling is not uncommon with Carlos.
"Are you going out tonight?" Carlos asks. Even in the Singapore heat, Charles can feel the heat of his words as they fan over Charles' skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
"No," he exhales. "Just for dinner, then I think I will rest before the flight tomorrow."
"No? Then I only have now to say thank you."
"You - what?" Charles blurts, because Carlos has already delivered all the lines and credit in front of the media. But he doesn't have much time to be confused.
Because Carlos is dropping to his knees in front of Charles and working at the buckle of his pants.
The clasp flies open under deft fingers and Carlos lunges forward as the zipper follows. Charles feels his hot breath through the fabric of his underwear and it might be enough to make him half hard.
Strong hands grip at Charles' waist before Carlos shoves both his pants and underwear down in one move. Charles' dick springs free, and both men groan.
"Carlos..." Charles warns, although his voice sounds more raspy and desperate than he would like.
"So good for me," Carlos coaxes, as he starts to stroke. "So good on track. And off it. So good, Charles."
His large hand wraps around the base Charles' shaft and starts to pump. Charles bites back a moan that threatens to echo around the whole garage. He is getting harder by the second and Carlos is kissing up his thighs, sucking at the juncture of his hip. Those large eyes bat upwards, thick lashes fluttering, watch Charles' reactions. Charles must look like a panting mess, struggling to keep quiet, to meet Carlos' gaze and not throw his head back like a depraved animal. His resolve only lasts so long.
The first wrap of those plush lips around the head of his cock does rip a moan out of Charles. Carlos pulls off, only to reattach his lips to the base, just above his balls, and mouth his way up to the tip, leaving a trail of hot spit along the underside of Charles' length, before taking Charles in his mouth again, going almost halfway down this time.
Carlos' mouth is hot and obscene, like the man himself when they find themselves like this. He is bobbing his head, taking more and more of Charles each time, pausing every now and then to hollow his cheeks and just suck. His tongue is as skilled as his hands on the wheel, steering Charles towards the edge with the way it slides along his slit and swirls around, pressing on the underside of his dick.
Charles rests his head against the wall and takes ragged breaths. His palms are pressed against the plaster, fingers scrabbling for purchase that isn't there. A distant corner of his mind conjures the thought of knocking Carlos' cap off and burying his fingers in his hair. Then he remembers his teammate had gotten it cut anyway. The curls that had been sticking up at Monza a tragic sacrifice for convenience in Singapore.
A chilling sensation hits his dick, and Charles' eyes snap open (he didn't even know when they had rolled back and closed.) He whines at the realisation that Carlos had pulled off his dick and blown on it.
"I want to see you," his teammate growls. He meets Charles' eyes with his own, those large eyes, so deep and dark that Charles feels like he is falling into his gaze, and maintains the eye contact as he slowly lowers his mouth over Charles' dick again.
This time, he bottoms out, and Charles almost cries out at the sight. All his nerves are on fire, and the sight of Carlos staring up at him from down there is nearly too much. The other starts moving again, drawing obscene sounds from Charles every time his lips meet the base of his shaft.
He feels his brows pinch as he fights to keep his eyes open, through all the moans and whines that wreck him. Carlos gags and grunts but does not look away. Sweat beads at Charles' hairline, not from the weather, and eventually drip into his eyes, stinging and blurring his vision. He can still see the depths of Carlos' pupils blown wide, keeping Charles magnetised. He cannot break away.
Charles' thighs are quivering from trying to keep himself still. He might collapse at any given moment. Carlos' hands rest at the top of his thighs, right over his underwear line, simply resting without any pressure. But they might as well be pinning Charles against the wall, because the sensation of them, large, hot hands, burning into his skin, is keeping Charles from bucking into Carlos' mouth. It is crazy how Carlos can hold him in place like this, without even holding him.
Then those hands slide around the back, fingers digging into the flesh of Charles' ass, pulling all of him closer to Carlos' face while simultaneously spreading his thighs further apart. Charles lurches at the sudden shift, sliding deep into Carlos' wanting mouth. He only just registers the clear feeling of his head hitting the back of Carlos' throat before he's gone.
Carlos drinks every bit that Charles gives, like a man at a fountain in the desert. He moves a hand between Charles' legs, behind his balls, and strokes him through the orgasm, milking every drop of come out of him. He slides off slowly once there is no more, holding Charles' by the hips and supporting him as he finally leans back and collapses against the wall, spent.
Charles lets his eyes flutter shut, having long abandoned Carlos' request when his orgasm hit. He feels one last kiss being pressed to his thigh, under the hip bone, before Carlos' hands and lips disappear from his skin.
There is a soft rustling as Carlos stands, a gentle thud as he steps once more into Charles' space, and the brush of his breath over the shell of Charles' ear.
"Good drive today," he says, voice low.
And then he gone, padding out of the room. Charles hears the door slide open and shut, but he can no longer hear the chatter of the engineers downstairs, if they have all left or are simply drowned out by his own desperate breaths and the pounding of his heart in his ears.
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dailyopfigures · 10 months
Anime Figure Collecting: Tips and Sites
Since I see a lot of people often say “where do I get this?” or “How much does this cost!” or “ahhh I want this” in the notes often, I decided to make a post of figure collecting sites and tips on figure collecting! I hope this post will be of assistance!
General Don’ts of Figures:
If the price is too good to be true (and it isn’t an official or trusted site), it is too good to be true! Beware, bootleggers are everywhere these days!
If the seller or the item listing is not telling you the maker/studio of the figure, don’t trust it!
If the title of the figure is some extremely long jumbled sentence of descriptor or media words (as seen below) then don’t trust it. These are just search words so more people will see the figure listing.
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If you’re on sites like Etsy, EBay, or Amazon and the seller says that they “handmade” the figures, it is most likely BS and just bootlegs.
In general stay away from Etsy, EBay, or Amazon to buy figures unless the seller has given undeniable proof (usually pictures of the box it came with or you can simply ask for pictures of the figure) that they are just reselling an official or GK figure.
Stay away from Instagram and Tiktok ads.
General Dos of Figures:
Second hand buying is always encouraged!
Buy from sellers or stores based in Japan! Prices will generally run cheaper and figures are released sooner there!
Support GK (garage kit) studios! GK studios make unofficial figures, they are all mostly indie run and make the figures they sell themselves! GK figures tend to run more expensive, but they are valued part of the figure community.
Keep your boxes! Boxes are important for transferring figures and they’re basically the pedigree papers of anime figures.
Be wise with your money. Figure collecting is just a hobby at the end of the day, please save your money if you need it!
Makeup or paint brushes are ideal for dusting figures!
I would recommend having Whatsapp or PayPal. Lots of figure collecting sites have PayPal as a pay option.
List of Trusted Figure or Merch Sites:
Second Hand Sites:
These are sites where you can buy used or even new figures from resellers! All of these sites ship internationally!
AmiAmi (Japan Based)
AmiAmi is one of the most trusted website for figure collecting and anime merch! They sell pre order and new figures as well as used figures!
Mandarake (Japan Based)
Sells second hand figures, manga, doujin, and more! Has an international website!
Neokyo (Proxy Site)
Neokyo is a proxy site, meaning it basically acts as your second man for things like JPN Mercari, JPN Yahoo Auctions, etc. all you have to do is buy the figure you see and pay for shipping, and it will make sure your item arrives safely!
Buyee (Proxy Site)
Same as Neokyo
ZenMarket (Proxy Site)
Same as Neokyo and Buyee
Mercari (US Based)
Mercari basically operates like EBay! Mercari does not ship internationally, but there may be a Mercari specific to your region (for example, JPN Mercari).
Non Second Hand Sites:
All these sites do not sell second hand figures so they will be more expensive! Some sell only official figures, while others sell only GK figures! All ship internationally!
DekaiAnime (UK/EU Based)
GamerSheek (UK/EU Based)
GKCollectors (Singapore Based)
(Sells NSFW figures, so minors tread carefully)
(Sells NSFW Figures)
(Sells NSFW Figures)
Fanoey (Hong Kong Based)
Solaris Japan
(Sells NSFW Figures)
Big Bad Toystore (US Based)
(Sells NSFW Figures)
How does the pre order process work?
When figures are in pre order, that means you will pay for the base price of the figure (or a deposit as some sites have) and then when the figure is finally released and ready to ship, then you will pay for shipping! Shipping is calculated by size and weight of the box, so be prepared to spend as low as 20 USD or up to even 100 USD for shipping.
I hope this post was of some help to you! Have fun figure collecting and please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or are confused about any info!
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elisysd · 4 months
Marry me?
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Four years and a half after Paris
Ethan and Julia - 29 years old
They hadn’t gone to Singapore other than for work. So when Julia had asked Ethan if he wanted to spend a few days there, as a sort of trip down memory lane, he had been surprised. Surprised but very happy. It was always a place that bore a lot of history and a lot of meaning for him. He didn’t know how but Julia had managed to book the exact room they were in when the lines had started to blur.
They had spent their few days of break, wandering the streets, trying new foods and visiting places they had never gone to. They had laughed, they had talked, they had taken cute and silly pictures together, promising to find them a nice place on the wall, they had kissed and loved each other, they had reminisced a lot and reflected on their life.
“What would you say to the Julia of five years ago?” Ethan asked as they were sitting on a bench in a park.
“I would tell her to trust the process. And I would give her a nice slap because god, was she stupid!”
“I will not deny or confirm this affirmation.” he laughed, kissing the side of her head.
“But I don’t regret it. At the end of the day, we are better people now. All the hardships and everything, it wasn’t for nothing.”
“I would have liked to not have my heart completely shattered in the process, though. But you’re right. I’m proud of us.”
“I planned a little something for us… it’s not for no reason that I asked if you wanted to come to Singapore.” she confessed.
“It’s okay to feel nostalgic, Joolsie. And I can’t wait to see whatever you brought us here for.”
She smiled and got up, holding out her hand for you to take it and he followed her lead. They ended up in an area that was unknown to Ethan and he strangely looked at her. It was a dead-end street, between two buildings.
“I feel your confusion.” she stated.
“Where are we?”
“This is where the paddock for the Grand Prix is built. And this is where your ice bath was five years ago.” she explained.
“I see, the famous ice-bath. But I see none, here.”
“My point is, you’ve always said that Singapore was the starting point of our story. That it held a lot of meaning for us and I think you’re right, somehow. I’ve started falling in love with you here, and I want to keep falling for you there. You’re my safe space Ethan, you’re grounding me, you’re the only person who knows my deepest and darkest secrets and fears. Truth be told, I don’t want to share them with anyone but you. You complete me, you’re my better half. And if I want to run, I want to run to you. If I want to cry, I hope it will always be in your arms. If I want to laugh, I want to hear you by my side. I want to keep loving you, I want to grow old with you. So Ethan Verstappen, would you be okay with becoming my husband and allowing me to annoy you for the rest of our lives?” she ended up asking, getting a little box out of her pocket.
The ring was everything Ethan loved. Simple, black with a few sparkling diamonds engraved in it. It wouldn’t stand out next to the ones he was already wearing.
“Can you please, say something, I’m starting to freak out.”
“Yes. A million times, yes, Julia. Of course I want to be your husband.” he replied as she was putting the ring around his finger. “I love you. More than anything and I have to tell you that I was actually planning something at the end of the season. I’ve already bought the ring. You were just faster than me in proposing.”
“So, we’re really going to do it… We really are getting married.” she whispered as Ethan pressed his forehead against hers.“You’re stuck with me, Joolsie. But this time, you chose it.'' He kissed her like he had never kissed her before.
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Author's note: A little announcement might be coming up later on today.... stay tuned, hehehe.
Don't hesitate to leave a comment or an ask, as well as reblogging and leaving a like. Besides the fact that I absolutely love to read you, it helps a lot for the story to find its audience. I also have a taglist for this story, so if you want to be added so you never miss a chapter, let me know.
@herondalism @aundercover @musingsbyshreya @karmabyfernando @reengard @mycenterfold @smoooothoperator
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fourmula1 · 2 years
The last line of today's kinktober absolutely killed meeee omg
"Daniel thinks husband might be a better title" i'm sobbing im in love with that sentence. I really really hope you have a continuation for that snippet (so i can sob some more) !!
(part 1 here). max/daniel. 769 words. engagement!!!
He waits until the season is over and they’re home in Monaco; a blissful few weeks of winter break ahead of them with no commitments, no where to be, no one to see.
Daniel’s been carrying that ring around with him for months now, waiting for just the right moment. That ring is more well globe-trotted than most people he knows but he never felt quite right getting it out and asking.
Celebrating Max’s win after win after win all season was enough and Daniel was happy for him. Celebrating Singapore was special but Daniel wanted to keep that memory for himself. Just him.
So. It’s Monaco. In their apartment with Max’s shoes lined up neatly in a row at the door, Daniel’s pairs kicked off wherever they landed. The bowl at the door-side table with Daniel’s keys safely resting inside for easy access, Max’s lost somewhere in the apartment because he never remembers the bowl.
It’s their own bed, their soft sheets that smell like them, their cats curled in their little beds in the corner. Curtains billowing in the soft breeze from the balcony doors left open at night, harbour sounds distant down below, sea air warm and familiar.
It’s a kiss to Max’s high cheekbone to nudge him into awakeness, and a black velvet ring box sat on his pillow, right in his line of sight when his beautiful blue eyes open.
It’s a confused frown, sleepy blinks, and a realization when Max’s mouth drops open in surprise.
It’s Daniel’s bright smile as he rests on his own pillow, looking back at Max and biting his lip for a brief nervous moment.
“Morning, Maxy,” Daniel says, almost a whisper, as if volume will shatter this precious moment. Max stares back at him, and a smile slowly spreads over his beautiful face.
“Hi,” he whispers, shifts a little to stretch out his back, keeps his eyes on Daniel.
Daniel shifts to reach out for the ring box. Max’s breath hitches. Daniel smiles as he opens it, a simple gold band inside. Max wouldn’t want anything showy. They’d talked about what it’d be like to get engaged. Being married would be nice, of course, but I love you anyhow whether the law knows or not. Daniel takes a little breath, and meets Max’s eyes again.
“I love you,” Daniel tells Max. His heart is pounding. So hard. He’s not sure if he even said that out loud, can’t hear himself for the beating of his heart in his ears. “Love you so much, Max,” he continues. He didn’t plan a speech out. Nothing grand. It wouldn’t be their style. He’s just going to say it.
“Will you marry me?” Daniel asks him, holding the ring box open and out to Max, a beaming smile on his face. He’s not worried about Max’s answer at all.
Max looks surprised and lovely and happy; still a bit sleepy, hair mussed from his pillow, crinkle lines in his face from sleeping so hard. He’s beautiful when his grin spreads wider, blue eyes shiney, a delighted laugh escaping him as he shimmies his arm out from under the covers to hold his left hand out to Daniel.
“Yes, Daniel,” Max tells him, nodding his head, and that’s that. Daniel grins, laughs too, eases the gold ring onto Max’s finger and presses a kiss to his knuckles. He leans over to kiss Max, morning breath and all, but both of them are smiling too hard to make it a real kiss anyway.
When he pulls back and rests his head back down on his pillow, Max eyes are darting between Daniel and glancing at the ring on his finger, taking it all in. This was easy, like Daniel knew it would be. Like everything has been since Max came into his life, really. A hiccup here and there, but never a worry. Never a question. Never a doubt.
Max shifts over under the covers to be closer to Daniel, nuzzles into his arms and drapes his own arm around Daniel’s waist. He presses a kiss to Daniel’s chest and lays his head down, squeezes him, sighs. Everything and nothing has changed. This is still his Max, this is still their bed, they’re still going to be together forever like they’ve spoken about at length before. But there is some magical, giddy, warm feeling about the promise made with the ring on Max’s finger. Maybe it’s silly, Hallmark fairytale shit. Maybe it’s real.
Daniel presses a kiss to Max’s hair and snuggles him closer, smirks as he’s utterly unable to help himself.
“Enchanté, fiancé.”
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boxingforteens · 1 month
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The 5 benefits of Kids Boxing
Playing games and sports, especially when there are rivals involved, may be fun and healthy for kids who love sports and being active. One of the world's oldest combat sports, boxing provides kids with a fun and safe method to keep active and competitive. Children who box can develop healthy habits, gain self-discipline, and boost their confidence in addition to improving their physical fitness. Learning various fighting techniques equips them with valuable self-defense skills, enhancing their overall sense of security and readiness.
Building Confidence
Boxing encourages youngsters to face and conquer their worries and develop a sense of strength and capacity. Kids acquire resilience and discipline via regular training and goal-setting, two skills that are essential for their personal development.
As kids train consistently and push themselves to get better, boxing helps them develop self-discipline. This discipline helps with goal achievement, study habits, and time management, among other aspects of life.
Encouragement of Healthy Living
Boxing offers youngsters structured physical exercise in the face of today's sedentary lifestyles, helping them develop healthy habits. From an early age, children are encouraged to adopt healthy dietary choices and active lives through organised training sessions and supportive communities.
Ethics and Principles Education
Boxing is a history-rich sport that teaches kids important life lessons like honesty, respect, and sportsmanship.
Franchise Opportunity
Spartans Boxing Club offers a tested business plan to prospective franchisees. Spartans Boxing Club is an exciting opportunity to own your own business, and it has a proven track record of success and extensive support for franchisees.
In conclusion, boxing provides a comprehensive approach to kids' growth, improving physical health and teaching vital life qualities like commitment and respect. Consider enrolling your youngster in boxing lessons at one of the Spartans Boxing Club locations in Singapore or Dubai.
Reach out to [email protected] for additional details. We eagerly await your feedback!
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heartofarasaka · 2 months
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06/04/2024 The Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Secret Agent Gear Collection has safely arrived to Singapore and your official So Mi lovebot has owned it, it concludes of the main star of the show.. “Songbird and Reed” statue in its highest details possible , NUSA Challenge Coin that Myers gifts to you , “Ten of Swords” Comic Book , Militech Chimera blueprint lithograph - printed on metallic paper and an Magnetic Closure Box. 🥰❤️
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jsbsam · 7 months
One step beyond!
The fact that you're reading this means that MM and I made it back to Cusco safely. But how did we get on? Did we manage to scale the mountain and achieve MM's long held ambition?
The day started well. Despite MM waking me up at 2.00am to get ready for our pick up at 3.50am our "breakfast box" was ready and our driver turned up bang on time and the guide, Vincenti, was with him. Result! No chance of being left stranded at Km104. We set off to pick up the other members of our group, Sandra, a very fit 49 year old German CFO working out of Singapore and Alexa a very fit 33 year old HR German senior management training executive. They had all the best trekking gear and really looked the part. I suddenly felt my age and slightly intimidated. All 3 women, including MM, walked and trekked regularly as their chosen passtime, I had done an 8 mile practice walk 4 weeks ago. This could only end badly.
After 1.5hrs we reached Ollantaytambo train station and boarded the train to Km104 where we got off at 7.45am and the train pulled off and left us. The point of no return. We crossed the tracks and from that point it was climb, climb, climb! The big mistake I had made was that it's not walking practice you need for this trek it's stepping practice. As I walk 5-6 miles 3-4 times a week playing golf (it would be less if I could hit the ball straight!) I thought that my fitness levels would be okay. The walk would be tough but achievable. I kid you not after 30m I was sweating like a pig and had already removed my fleece and shirt. I was breathing really hard. It was either the altitude or my fitness or both. I knew then that I was in for a battle and a challenge and might have to dig deep.
The difficulty is that much of the climb is steps, not just normal steps but steps of 12-15 inches. There are some non-step phases where you can catch your breath but they are few and far between. Also with the 2 young, fit German women striding on it was difficult to go at your own pace. They were very good, but pride kicks in doesn't it, even when you're older and should know better.
Those of you that know me pretty well know that I sweat like a Barron ie it pours off me without me exerting much effort. Needless to say I was dripping from the start to the end of the day. The 2 women and Vincenti must have thought I was a goner!
After 4hrs of almost non-stop climbing we reached Winaywayna, an Inca ruin, where we stopped for lunch. I was so grateful. I thought, thank God, I can have a half hour break, the worst is done and the next bit should be more manageable with the final bit being downhill. To be fair, it was more manageable, but there were still some tough bursts of climbing culminating in the "monkey climb" up to the Sun Gate. I got to the top before MM, who, until that point had been coping better than me, but didn't go through the gate until she caught up and we could go through together. It's spectacular. It's the first sighting of Machu Picchu and suddenly all the pain and discomfort disappears as you drink in the view. Furthermore, you realise that the final hour will be downhill with no climbs!
Hmmm, wrong again. It is downhill, but there are still uphill sections and the downhill steps are still 12-15 inches deep so not so easy. Plus, we had a shower during the descent which made the stones very slippy indeed. Most people seemed to manage okay by taking it easy but I managed to slip onto my backside on about 4 occasions despite using walking poles (I would recommend) - somewhat embarrassing but also very dangerous. For most of the walk you are walking on a track/steps of maybe 4 to 5 feet wide with a precipitous drop into the abyss to the right hand side. As you know, I suffer from vertigo and don't like heights at all so I concentrated on looking at the ground to place my feet and out into the distance for views. Amazingly, after a while it didn't bother me too much as I was concentrating on catching my breath! If I'd fallen the wrong way on a couple of those slips it could have been very nasty.
At 3.15pm we reached Machu Picchu. We were absolutely knackered but delighted to have made it, particularly as the guide said it was a pretty good time. The view is spectacular as you'll see in the photos.
We took the bus down the mountain to our hotel in Aguas Calientes where we showered before going out for a group meal. I went out like a light that night and slept like a log - it was great.
This morning we woke up with no aches or pains and went back up the mountain to tour the actual site and learn some of the history of the Inca's and Machu Picchu in particular. It was fascinating. The construction methods, the relationship with the Spanish and how Machu Picchu was found and developed by an American academic, Mr Bingham, in 1911. Everything was going well until MM upset the Llama's that are used as lawnmowers to keep the grass short and they attacked her by trying to eat her hat!
It has been an amazing adventure and MM has realised her dream of climbing up to Machu Picchu. I have to admit that my original view that "it's just a load of old stones at the top of a steep hill" may well have slightly undersold this Unesco World Heritage site. If you're in the area it's worth a visit, but I would suggest doing it whilst you're still pretty fit and to practice by walking up and down stairs (2 at a time preferably). Think very carefully and fully understand the difficulty of the 4 day walk instead of the one day walk before being tempted. Overall though, I'd recommend it, a great sense of achievement and some incredible views.
So was it One Step Beyond (Madness)? - Nearly!
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surroundedbypearls · 1 year
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‘CLOSET PUN’ - Excerpt #11
May: The Vampire Draft 1
[Excerpt below the cut!]
Any other year, May would already be headed to Perth for the winter months. And yet here she was, watching a bunch of teenagers try to figure out how to open a box, hidden in a crypt, hidden in the woods. She lay back on the bed and shut her eyes.
“Just break the lock,” she said for the third time. “Who cares? Whoever was looking for that box didn't find it. They won’t find it now if you keep it hidden.”
“But what if that angers the spirit?” Toby’s voice was high, anxious, as it often was when his beloved Jet was in another room. He had such an anxious energy. She didn’t understand how he didn’t tire himself out more. “We don’t want to damage their belongings.”
“What if we open it inside a protective circle?” Hazel suggested. Bright as always. Typical changeling. “Then the spirit won’t be able to get in.”
She sighed. “Wait until Junie gets back and ask her. I’m sure she’ll have something in one of her books.”
She could be on a flight right now. Layover in Hong Kong, maybe, or Singapore, a day or two before she finished her trip. Over the centuries, she’d grown to love the sun. An unhealthy amount, for a vampire, probably. Her protective charms wore out a little quicker than they should. But to her, it was worth it. She was still absorbing a lifetime’s worth of warmth.
She could be on the beach in a week, damn it. Why was she still here?
Finally, the door opened and she sat up. Junie and Jet were standing at the door, each with an old, frayed looking book in their hands. But before she could ask, Jet declared, “Alice Fay’s journals.”
“We could only check out one each,” Junie said, holding out the other. “There’s still one more.”
May eyed the books. Yes, she could imagine the woman from the painting in Rebecca’s office writing in those, perhaps obsessively. She looked the type.
“We need to do a circle so we can open this thing safely,” Hazel said, looking u at Junie from her place on the floor. “Do you know how to do that?”
“I have the theory in one of my textbooks, but it’s an advanced technique. I can try it.” Her voice was heavy with doubt. “But it’ll take some practice, and I have this journal…”
“I’ll read the journal.” May held out her hand. “Guess we’re going to have to delegate. No one else here can do a circle but you.”
Junie glanced down at the book, and May did feel a little sorry, taking her chance at research from her. But if time was of the essence here, she knew what she had to do. Junie handed it over. “Okay.”
“I’ll go read the third journal,” Hazel suggested, getting to her feet. “I’m not allowed check things out of the library anymore, but I can read it in there and Ms Pelham will leave me alone.”
“What’s with the ban?”
“Too many late returns. Look, it’s not my fault her whole life is devoted to those goddamn books.” She sighed, hands on her hips. “Whatever, doesn’t matter. I’ll read it downstairs and let you know if I find anything.”
“What about me?” Toby asked, the wooden box sill clutch din his hands. “What should I do?”
“You can help me with the circle,” Junie suggested. “It’d be helpful to have a volunteer to test it on.”
He looked so relieved at having something to do, it was difficult not to smile. It has hard not to endear to Toby, if she was honest. She’d never been the biggest fan of werewolves. She didn’t like how they smelled when they transformed, and she’d never liked their boisterous nature. They were so noisy. But he was sweet. And he was just a pup, anyway. He’d grow into himself soon enough.
More on Closet Pun here! Leave an ask or a comment to be added to the taglist.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
Brain like a box of moths! 😂😂 But seriously this is like we’ve always said. Harry’s avoidance of fans on sm and doing safe friendly interviews is marketing. That way people can project a woke deep intellectual personality on him. But the moment he reveals himself the moths fly out. He needs to be so carefully curated because he has the iq of a carrot. He’s even clinging to the “it’s no big deal, who cares about sexuality” stance when Singapore just today announced they’d decriminalize gay sex.
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gosingapore · 2 months
Check out Floor is Lava, a unique escape game in Singapore
If you’re looking for a fun group activity or fun date activity to do in Singapore, check out The Floor is Lava! A new escape game in Singapore.
While it’s slightly different from how the actual “floor is lava” game is played, the concept is similar. It’s an immersive game experience where players have to eliminate some boxes while avoiding the lava.
Green is your only safe zone. Your mission now is to eliminate the blue blocks. Whatever you do, avoid stepping on the red blocks – they are treacherous lava. If you touch them, your life will diminish. The game will become progressively more challenging.
The Floor is Lava Game Play:
There are 5 stages to clear and each stage gets increasingly harder
You’ll be given 5 lives in each stage. And if you accidentally step on a red box, you will minus one life.
You’ll have to step and clear all the blue boxes while avoiding the red boxes to clear a stage
Each session costs $15 per person and is 25 minutes long
Location: Immers Escape Room (27 W Coast Hwy, Singapore 117867)
Opposite Haw Par Villa MRT
Operating hours: 11am – 10pm daily
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rapidexworldwide · 2 months
Courier Charges to Singapore: How Rapidex Worldwide Express Can Save Your Money on Packages to Singapore
Delhi, a bustling city in India, is a hub for businesses and individuals with international connections. Whether you're sending documents to family in Singapore or exporting handcrafted goods to Vancouver, navigating the world of International Courier to Singapore can be daunting. This blog focuses specifically on sending packages to Singapore from Delhi, highlighting the importance of reliable international couriers like Rapidex Worldwide Express and providing essential information on costs, procedures, and considerations.
When it comes to international courier services, one of the most important factors to consider is the India to Singapore Courier Charges per Kg. With Rapidex Worldwide Express, you can rest assured that you are getting the best rates possible for Shipping from India to Singapore. Our transparent pricing structure and efficient delivery system make us the go-to choice for all your courier needs.
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Sending packages from India to Singapore can be a hassle, but with Rapidex Worldwide Express, it's a breeze. Our experienced team will handle all the logistics and paperwork, ensuring that your package reaches its destination in Singapore in a timely manner. Whether you're sending a small parcel or a large shipment, we have the resources and expertise to get it there safely and on time.
Why Choose Rapidex Worldwide Express for Your International Courier Needs?
When it comes to international courier services from Delhi to Singapore, Rapidex Worldwide Express stands out for several reasons:
Extensive Network: Rapidex boasts a global network, ensuring your package reaches its Canadian destination efficiently and securely.
Competitive Rates: They offer competitive prices for international shipping, making it a cost-effective option for individuals and businesses alike.
Transparent Pricing: Rapidex provides upfront and transparent pricing structures, allowing you to budget accurately for your international courier needs.
Multiple Service Options: Whether you prioritize speed or affordability, Rapidex offers a range of service options to suit your specific requirements.
Customer Support: Their dedicated customer service team is available to answer your questions and address any concerns throughout the shipping process.
International Courier Charges to Singapore: A Breakdown
The cost of your international courier service will depend on several factors, including:
Package Weight: Generally, International Courier Charges to Singapore increase with weight.
Package Dimensions: Oversized or oddly shaped packages may incur additional fees.
Service Type: Express delivery will be faster but costlier than standard options.
Declared Value: Higher-value items may require additional insurance, impacting the overall cost.
Finding the Right International Courier Service: Beyond Rapidex
While Rapidex offers a compelling solution, it's always wise to compare quotes from multiple International Courier in Delhi. Here are some additional options to consider:
DTDC Express: A well-established Indian courier service with international reach.
Blue Dart: Renowned for reliable and express delivery services.
FedEx: A global leader in international shipping, offering various service levels.
Tips for a Smooth International Courier Experience:
Pack Your Parcel Securely: Use sturdy boxes with sufficient cushioning to protect your items during transit.
Double-Check Customs Regulations: Familiarize yourself with Canadian customs regulations to avoid delays. Certain items may be restricted or require additional documentation.
Clearly Label Your Package: Ensure clear and accurate labeling on all sides of your package, including recipient information, contents declaration, and customs forms.
Track Your Shipment: Most International Courier services offer online tracking tools, allowing you to monitor the progress of your package.
Sending an international courier from Delhi to Singapore can be straightforward with the right information and a reliable service provider. By utilizing companies like Rapidex Worldwide Express, comparing quotes, and following these helpful tips, you can ensure a smooth and efficient delivery experience for your package.
Additional Considerations:
Insurance: Consider purchasing insurance for valuable items to protect you against loss or damage during transit.
Prohibited Items: Be aware of items prohibited from international shipping to Singapore. You can find a list on the official Canadian government website.
Delivery Timeframes: Factor in expected delivery times when choosing a service. Express options will be faster but more expensive.
By leveraging the resources available and choosing a reputable international courier service like Rapidex Worldwide Express, you can navigate your international shipping needs from Delhi to Singapore with confidence.
1. What is Rapidex Worldwide Express and how does it facilitate International Courier to Singapore from Delhi?
Rapidex Worldwide Express is a trusted courier service provider in Delhi that offers efficient and reliable international courier services to Singapore.
2. What are the International Courier Charges to Singapore with Rapidex Worldwide Express?
International Courier Charges to Singapore with Rapidex Worldwide Express vary based on the weight and dimensions of the parcel. You can contact our customer service team for a quote.
3. Can I send a parcel from India to Singapore with Rapidex Worldwide Express?
Yes, you can send a parcel from India to Singapore with Rapidex Worldwide Express. Our services are designed to make Shipping from India to Singapore easy and seamless.
4. What is the India to Singapore Courier Charges per Kg with Rapidex Worldwide Express?
Shipping Charges from India to Singapore per kg will depend on the weight of the parcel and the mode of shipping selected. Contact our team for detailed information.
5. Are there any Singapore Courier Services Near me in Delhi?
Yes, Rapidex Worldwide Express provides international courier services to Singapore from Delhi. You can easily find our location in your area for all your shipping needs.
6. How much are the courier charges from India to Singapore with Rapidex Worldwide Express?
Courier charges from India to Singapore with Rapidex Worldwide Express are competitive and affordable. Get in touch with us for a quote based on your specific requirements.
7. Can I send a parcel from India to Singapore with Rapidex Worldwide Express?
Yes, you can send a parcel from India to Singapore with Rapidex Worldwide Express. We offer a secure and efficient courier service to ensure your parcel reaches its destination safely.
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