#Saeyoung himself might have even been involved (but maybe not)
gureshinlover · 4 months
Ok Saeran AE good ending dump, here are some random thoughts
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The president plot was ended really underwhelmingly, but I'm glad that although Saeran chose to forgive him, the writers are aware this isn't something anyone can do and let saeyoung continue hating him. Honestly, forgiving or not forgiving him aside, I just didn't like the way they made the president go 'ah.. you're right maybe I am a lonely bad guy' LIKE NO WAY THAT ASSHOLE CARES ABOUT THAT, I couldn't take any dialogues seriously
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First of all. Why the fuck is jumin han a politician all of a sudden 😭 And like, forget being a politician, he is a candidate for presidency??????? Am I reading it right?? How exactly..???
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Anyway I FORGOT ABOUT YOOSUNG AT PATISSIER AWWWW It's so nice to see him find himself even if this is saeran's route! You're doing so good love <3 I was gonna say it doesn't make sense that they made him chase his patissier dream when in his own route he thinks about why he wants to become a vet and decides to go that way, but I realized, since another story is 2 years before the casual one I guess he felt more free about leaving his medical studies 😭 he was able to change his path more easily because he just started school, and also he doesn't have a lover like mc in korea unlike his route so that might also affect his choices. But I think he's happy in either ending so I'm glad <33
They did well with Yoosung but. why didn't Jaehee get the same treatment. I don't get it. They were clever enough to remember other characters' goals and worries and made them happy in this AE, except for Jaehee. I wish they made her leave her position too, since Jumin Han is now involved with politics it could be the perfect excuse for Jaehee to stop being his assistant. I'm guessing that this is also because AS is 2 years earlier, which means Jaehee hasn't suffered in her job enough to leave yet, and she probably doesn't have the money to open a coffee shop anyway (she isn't even into coffee professionally yet although she said she was interested a bit) But idk I wish they left us a clue that Jaehee will also get to find her happiness in the future 😭😭
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Another thing I'm confused about is that where the hell does saeran get money from 😭😭 how are we 'lovey dovey at some place romantic'😭 Saeyoung probably has more than enough money so he might have forced Saeran to have it all lol that's the only explanation I can think of. In the alternate ending Saeran has a greenhouse (considering that he said himself to be careful of people raising herbs in the wild I find this funny but well ofc it's the dream job for saeran) but I'm not sure what we're supposed to be doing in this ending lol
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Like, apparently we're hippies now?? Feel love and peace~~
Saeran AE has its problems, but I still love it anyway and I'm not sure how they would be able to make a good ending differently, so I'll just take the good stuff and leave out the bad writing lol I remember going crazy about new illusts in 2020,,, can't believe it's been 3 years already. Happy new years btw I guess? 🌱 Idk how to end this post
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I was wondering since Saeyoung never met Ray and Suit Saeran in game but what would be his reaction if he did meet them? щ(゜ロ゜щ)
It's a complicated answer to think about. I’ve dabbled with this a little bit in my head before. Saeyoung feels a lot of guilt and shame when he thinks about the things that he and Saeran suffered as children. He thinks that he needed to be stronger, that he needed to do more, and that he wasn’t about to help as much as he should’ve. He’s had a hard time trying to accept that he was a child just as much as Saeran was... and it wasn’t his job to save them. He deserved to be a kid just as much as Saeran did. 
But, that’s something that has to be pointed out since a part of how Saeyoung heals is learning how to forgive himself for what happened.  it's going to be very difficult for him to realize that no matter how much he tried to protect his brother, there was so much that was outside of his control that he could not fix or make better. Realizing that the abuse had been so bad on his brother that it had done enough to create Ray and Suit Saeran would be difficult. 
Like, he would accept them with open arms without a shadow of a doubt. There would be no part of him that would judge them or seem to be confused. They are still his brother no matter what and that doesn't change. It's going to take some education and some getting used to for him to understand everything, but as far as being able to accept them, he does that from the first second. He would be able to love them as much as he loves Saeran. They’re not Saeran, but he’s not had the chance to get to know them, but he knows that he will come to care for them and understand them just like he cares for his brother. 
But, a huge part of what he feels internally is guilt and shame. “Would you have suffered less if I continued to sacrifice myself?” is a common question in th back of his head. He has to navigate those feelings no matter how much it burns him to the core because if he doesn’t, he’ll never be able to heal. He blames himself so much for Saeran’s suffering even if there were so many things that were out of his control. That’s the hard part for him, but it’s unlikely that he’d talk to Ray or Saeran about guilt for a long time unless it’s forced out of him. 
He does apologize for not being there enough but... neither Ray nor Suit Saeran want to hear that immediately. It’s not easy. Ray is the one that struggles with his desire to hug his brother and hate his brother. He wants to be okay again but he also fears his reality. He fears not knowing if it’s okay to be close to Saeyoung in any capacity. What if the Savior was right? What if he gets abandoned again? It is a real fear for him. Saeyoung would look at Ray and see the terrified child he left with V and Rika in Ray and that... that’s the hardest part about all of it. He’s seeing Ray and... he’s sick to his stomach. He left Ray back there and... he was suffering and miserable all by himself with nowhere to go. 
He wants to embrace Ray but he would hesitate... afraid to upset Ray more since Ray would be crying between “I want my brother back, I want my brother back,” and “Don’t you dare touch me! Don’t come near me! Liar!” It’s painful as hell to watch. Ray is angry and frightened. His emotions are layered and have the tendency to blow up... so he might still get angry with his brother, but I can see him running off and locking himself up. Maybe he and Saeyoung can talk through a door and it be... okay. 
Suit Saeran? That’s just SE Saeran round 2. Saeran is angry in the same way that SE Saeran was. He’s angry and upset that they were abandoned in his eyes and left to rot. All his anger bubbles to the surface and it’s going to lead to a lot of fighting both internally and externally if we’re being honest. It’s not going to be a pretty situation for anyone involved when Saeran gets angry at Saeyoung. We have seen how Suit Saeran reacts to V and Saeyoung... we know how upset it can make him regardless of if he choose to see them willingly or not. 
So, in some ways, we already know how Suit Saeran would respond to his twin brother... but we also know how Saeyoung would react. He would try too make it better but in his lack of knowledge on how to handle mental health properly, he’d make a mistake somewhere along the way... which makes it harder for the two of them to talk properly. Again, Saeyoung blames himself for that and wishes he could know how to make it better. But, not even Saeran knows how to make it better. 
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sage-nebula · 6 years
In Mystic Messenger, it feel like all MCs from Good Ends are meant to be what the route owners want and need, their ideal MCs in a way. Like I could figure out the characters' preferences from their routes, but that's not the case with Saeyoung. He even said outright that his route MC (naive and obnoxious???) fit 707 the mask better than the real him. Sure, what he likes might not be what is right for him, but then that wouldn't be ideal. What do you think is Saeyoung's ideal MC?
While I agree with you that the minimal characterization MC has in Mystic Messenger varies depending on whose route you choose (in that MC has to behave a certain way to get the Good End for whatever character the player decides to pursue), I don’t really like using the word “ideal,” because I think that it makes MC less of a person and more of a fantasy. Which, I mean, don’t get me wrong, MC as she is in the game isn’t a character. She’s a placeholder, a blank slate; her purpose is for the player to project onto her, which is why she doesn’t have a stated canonical history, or any real personality to speak of. It’s also, as much as the fandom likes to meme about it, why she doesn’t have any eyes. “Eyes are the windows to the soul,” as the cliché goes, and by not giving her eyes Cheritz is showing us that MC doesn’t have a “soul” of her own, so to speak. Her soul is supposed to be our soul. She is supposed to be us.
With that said, as you probably know I grew extremely frustrated with MC during Saeyoung’s Route. I don’t feel that MC, as Cheritz writes her, is a good fit for him. I don’t think she’s what he needs, and in honesty I don’t even think she’s what he wants; she’s what he’s made to want because Cheritz had to make the relationship romantic by the end of the eleven days, and having him reject MC when she was being intrusive, pushy, and clingy would have made players upset. Rather than write an MC who would actually be good for Saeyoung (and thus be someone that he would naturally want to be with), they instead warped Saeyoung to force him to give into her, even if not the Manic Pixie Dream Girl™ version of her. And that, as you could imagine, was pretty disagreeable to me.
So when I say that I ship Saeyoung/MC, what I actually mean is that I ship Saeyoung and the MC that I created. I ship them as I write them, and I ship them based on the version of their story as I rewrite it (which deviates from canon during the apartment days, albeit not by too much, because honestly, it’s not that hard to fix). I’m happy to describe her, but I feel to get the full picture, you’re going to need some backstory. Well, that, and a picture; for reference, my MC (and the one that I imagine being with Saeyoung) is MC 4. This girl:
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So with that said, let’s begin.
First, the backstory. How I have it, MC’s name actually is MC … as far as she knows, anyway. You see, sad backstories are par for the course in Mystic Messenger, and MC is no exception. When she was little (say, around nine or so), she was in an accident. It was a pretty major one; details are hazy, but as the story goes she was on a train with her parents, traveling somewhere, and the train derailed and crashed. MC was thrown clear of the train car; she somehow (quite miraculously!) survived without serious injuries, but she woke up on the ground, completely alone, with no memory of how she got there or where she was. It was quite frightening; she called out for help, but no one came. As a result of that, and since she could still walk, she picked herself up off the ground and, well … walked. When she located the train tracks, she followed them until she managed to make it back to a station. There, some adults found her, and they asked her where her parents were. She said, truthfully, that she didn’t know. They asked her what her name was. And she said, again truthfully, that she didn’t know … but then she said, “MC.” It was all she could remember. She didn’t think it was really right (it was sort of right, she thought, it felt right, just not … complete), but it was all she could think of, it was all she could remember. And the adults, in lieu of anything else to call her, went with it.
(In reality, her parents had named her Mi-Cha. Her father did a lot of business overseas, and so he had taught her how to write her name in English as well as Korean. She had thought the English letters looked funny, so she had a lot of fun writing them out … and since the M and C were capitals, those were the ones she remembered. Mi-Cha, MC. Head injuries can be funny like that, I suppose.)
Of course the adults at the station knew about the accident, but of the few survivors of the wreck, none of them laid claim to MC. MC didn’t recognize any of them, either. And so without any other options, particularly since MC couldn’t remember if she had any other family, the adults at the station turned her over to the police, who put her into foster care.
The foster families that MC had weren’t … bad, per se. She moved homes a lot, especially in the beginning as the system tried to put her front and center to see if they could find a family to adopt her. The thing is, they couldn’t; MC was already older than most children who get adopted by the time she entered the system, her name struck potential parents as odd and she wasn’t willing to change it, and the fact that she was not exactly the cute and sweet type didn’t help matters, either. So she changed homes a lot, until finally she found one that stuck. The home was … again, it wasn’t necessarily bad, but it … this particular foster home had a lot of kids. And as a result of having so many kids, the foster parents were … very strict. It was almost run like military barracks; there were always chores to do (a lot of them), and the foster mother in particular was rarely satisfied with the job that was done. As MC grew, the fact that she was very independent and mouthy really didn’t earn her favors with the foster parents. It also didn’t earn her favors with potential adoptive parents. And though it could likely be guessed, it didn’t earn her favors with her foster siblings, either. MC spent about two years in that home before she decided she had enough, and decided to take matters into her own hands. In this case, “matters” meant robbing a little safe that was in the study one night while everyone was sleeping, and—with all the cash she could carry and a backpack of clothes on her back—running away.
MC was fourteen.
She was fourteen, but even at fourteen she knew that it wouldn’t be wise to stay in the same city, so she used some of the money she stole to get a train to skip town. (The second she boarded the train, she felt like she was going to suffocate. It was anxiety—she was having a panic attack. But she couldn’t remember the accident that had killed her parents and left her an orphan, so she told herself this reaction was stupid and forced herself to suck it up.) She rode the train a couple towns over, and then decided that it would be best to lay low for a while, to make sure no cops were going to come look for her. Unfortunately, she was a fourteen-year-old with only a wad of cash, no diploma (since she was now a … she might not have even finished middle school), and no way of getting a job. This meant that she was now homeless. But MC figured, well, in a way she had been homeless ever since her parents died, since the foster homes never really felt like home to her. She had always known that they were going to be temporary. So she could do this. She could. She would do this.
It wasn’t easy.
MC had, at least, the foresight to run away in the spring, so it wasn’t too cold out. But she had a lot of nights curled up on porches so she could avoid the rain. She was able to buy food, at least, with what money she had, but because she had a limited amount of money she sometimes resorted to stealing fruit from market stalls, and she really wasn’t very good at it at first. After a time she managed to find a church, and the people there helped her. They gave her food, at least, because they felt bad, but any time they started to ask questions about her family life, she always made sure to beat a hasty retreat. She was still afraid the cops would arrest her if they found out that she had stolen the money from the foster home and booked it, after all. In her mind, she was a fugitive. She didn’t want to push her luck.
But the church was warm (enough), and safe, so she stayed there a lot, even though she technically wasn’t supposed to. It wasn’t hard; she would hide in a bathroom stall until the church was locked up for a night, and then sleep on one of the pews. The church had a communal bathroom, with a shower and everything, so that helped her keep clean. And so long as she made sure to duck out of the way and retreat back to the bathroom whenever she heard the church doors open in the morning, she could avoid being caught. It was a foolproof plan. MC was pretty sure it wasn’t a problem that she had dropped out of school. Clearly, she was smart enough without it. 
This continued on for about two, maybe three, years. And then, when she was about seventeen, she met Byungho.
Byungho was a businessman about five years her senior (so, around twenty-two) who came to the church every so often. MC didn’t talk to him at first; she made it a practice of not talking very much with others, because again, when she talked to people, they tended to ask questions, and that was something she wanted to avoid. But he took notice of her anyway, given that she was frequently in the church, and so one day, he struck up conversation with her. It was light, innocent; he asked her what her name was, commented that “MC” was a rather odd name to have. He tried to make small talk, and she made an excuse to get out of it. But the next time she saw him, he tried talking to her again. And the time after that, and the time after that. And on the fifth time, he invited her to go get lunch with him—his treat. 
MC felt that it was probably a bad idea. But she was hungry, and he seemed nice enough all the times she talked with him, so … what the heck. She went.
As it turns out, Byungho seemed quite nice. He seemed that way. They went to a restaurant and had lunch, and he confessed that he thought she was quite pretty. MC, as a seventeen-year-old homeless girl, was caught pretty off-guard by this. Had he … was he blind? Her clothes were shabby and ill-fitting, since by now they were donations from people at the church. Her hair was unkempt, and cut unevenly since she had cut it herself. She had acne. She never got enough to eat, so she was underweight. Like, honestly … had he seen her? But he insisted that she was pretty, and that he liked her, and that he wanted to spend more time with her. And she, well … she couldn’t remember the last time she had heard such kindness. It was flattering, and it made her feel good, so she accepted the compliments. And when he said he would drive her home, she confessed that she was staying at the church, because she had nowhere else to go.
And that was when he invited her to come stay with him.
The good news is that it wasn’t hard for MC to move into his apartment, because all she had was her backpack of worldly possessions. The bad news is that Byungho was not nearly so nice as he seemed. Sure, he seemed nice at first; he treated her kindly at first. But you know … that’s how they get you. And that’s how he got her. It didn’t take very long for things to get bad. At first it was little things, like he was irritated that she hadn’t prepared dinner for him by the time he came home from work, as he felt a good girlfriend should (particularly one that was staying with him for free). But then it escalated. His annoyance turned to anger, turned to violence. And his expectations from her, as his girlfriend, kept mounting.
MC tried to stick it out at first. This was better than being homeless, she told herself. His apartment was nice. He wasn’t home all the time. He had to work during the day. And maybe this was what girlfriends did. She didn’t know, she had never been anyone’s girlfriend before. And who else would want her? He had wanted her when she was just a grungy, scrawny homeless girl. No one else would have wanted her. This was … this was as good as she was going to get, so she should suck it up, and maybe she could learn to like it.
Of course, she never did. It would be impossible for anyone to like that.
She stayed there for about a year and a half before she hit her breaking point. Really, in honesty, she had hit her breaking point before that; while Byungho was at work, she would spend her time on the internet, trying to learn whatever skills she could so that she could get a job. Most places required some kind of degree, but call centers (and particularly international call centers) didn’t seem to (and even if they did, MC felt maybe she could forge one). International call centers did require some kind of English competency, though, so she did her best to try to learn at least basic English on the internet. And when she finally hit the last straw, well … she did what she does best.
She waited until he was at work, and until he had been there for a couple hours and thus wouldn’t double back. Then she robbed the safe he had in the apartment, stuffed all that cash and her worldly possessions into her backpack, and got the hell out of dodge.
Once again, she hopped a train (panic attack or no panic attack, it wasn’t worse than the Hell she was escaping) and skipped town, this time because she was terrified he would find her if she didn’t. This is how she ended up in the city where Mystic Messenger takes place. By this time she was eighteen or nineteen, so although she was homeless once again, she decided that she wasn’t just going to be homeless this time. Instead, she purchased herself a pay-as-you-go cell phone, and used a local library’s public computer to put in applications at whatever places in the area were hiring, as well as applying at various businesses around. Fortune was on her side; she got hired at a tech support call center (international; she spoke just enough English to secure the position), and after a month of working there, she was able to use her first paycheck and the money she still had after robbing Byungho to buy a small, modest apartment.
MC managed to keep this up for about four years, and in honesty, it was the happiest she had ever been in her life. Oh sure, she had to forge a couple documents in order to make it work, given that she didn’t have a state issued ID and was terrified of being on any sort of radar that Byungho might find if he looked hard enough (plus she was technically still a minor at eighteen, so she lied about her age and said she was twenty so that her employers or landlord wouldn’t think to alert the foster care system), but that was nothing that a library computer and dedicated research couldn’t help her do. Plus, the call center she worked at wasn’t exactly prestigious, and neither was her apartment. Her employers were just happy to have someone else on the phones. Her landlord was happy to have a quiet tenant. It was fine—great, even. She was able to have a nice little flat, she was able to be regularly fed, there was no one there to abuse her, she had steady income. Everything was great.
… until about six months before Mystic Messenger took place.
As I said, MC maintained this lifestyle for four years. She did so off the grid (i.e. no social media; Saeyoung lies through his teeth when he says he found her Facebook, because she doesn’t have a Facebook, because she’s not giving Byungho any way to find her), but she still did it. But six months before Mystic Messenger takes place, her call center went under. There was no explanation for it that MC could see; one day she had a job, and the next it was out of business. She was unemployed. Completely jobless, and definitely in trouble.
For two months, she tried finding a new job, but the job market was … not good. It was a wonder she got hired so quickly the last time; this time, it was like nowhere was hiring. She had money saved up, so for two months she was fine … but she could see that her savings were going to dwindle fast. MC felt she had two options: she could stay there until she was evicted with nothing, or she could leave when her lease ended and wait until she got a new job to get a new apartment.
She took option two, figuring it was safest.
She sold off her furniture for extra money and, hating everything, hit the streets once again. Fortunately, she wasn’t on the streets for very long; there was an apartment building she knew of on the other side of town that, well … it wasn’t in the greatest condition, honestly. Practically no one lived there. But the plus side of this was that no one would notice if someone was squatting, at least if the squatter was careful. So MC took advantage of this. Specifically, she took advantage of an unused, unlockable storage closet up on one of the higher floors. It was a walk-in storage closet, with threadbare carpeting and a bare bulb, but it was enough. It was enough, especially since there was a rec center with public bathrooms (+showers) right behind the apartment building. It was temporary, anyway, MC told herself. She would use her pay-as-you-go phone and find herself a new job. Once she had a new job, she would get a new apartment. She wouldn’t be homeless for long. She did it once before, and she could do it again. She would do it again.
But as the months—four of them, to be specific—wore on, it became more and more difficult to remain upbeat and optimistic.
She had been homeless before, so she could do it again. And she did. She told herself that her storage closet was a studio apartment. She told herself that she would get herself someplace nice. But the job market was just not good, and since her old place of employment was just gone it wasn’t even like she had a reference despite working solidly for four years. In honesty, MC felt like she was at an all-time low, even as she told herself (over, and over, and over again) that she had to stay optimistic, because if she let herself get depressed (or rather, if she acknowledged that she was depressed), then it would just make the whole situation worse. She she tried to combat her sense of hopelessness and depression with aggressive optimism. She tried very, very hard.
And that … that was when she met Unknown.
More specifically: In lieu of any callbacks about jobs, MC browsed the app store on her cheap phone, looking for something to amuse herself with. She came across a free app called “Mystic Messenger” with a blank icon. It caught her eye, and honestly … she couldn’t say why it did. But it did. So, figuring that maybe it was a dating app or something else she could waste time with, she figured “what the heck” and downloaded it. Sitting there in her little “studio apartment,” she downloaded it, because she was depressed and bored and had nothing else better to do since no one was calling her back about a job.
And that was how she met Unknown.
Make no mistake, she gave him hell. She interrogated him about his name. She interrogated him about why he was so obsessed with returning a phone to its owner. She called him on his vague non-answers. And oh, you better believe she trolled the hell out of him. It got to the point where he ended up getting rather irate and snappy with her during their exchange, his patience clearly lost as he tried to get her to agree to go to some stranger’s apartment, and honestly … she strongly considered just saying “no u” and deleting the app. She did. But it was only 6pm. She had nowhere to be, and nothing to do. And while she was now a far cry from the naive teenager who had taken a man at his word—while she was now a much smarter twenty-two or twenty-three-year-old—she figured … well. She had nothing else better to do. She had nothing worth stealing save the sparse clothes, money, and other basic toiletries in her backpack. And even if he was going to be lying in wait, waiting to rape and murder her, well, she could fight back. And even if she couldn’t, it’s not like she had anyone who would miss her, anyway.
So she figured, what the heck, and she went.
As it turns out, Unknown didn’t try to rape and murder her (although, as she pretended not to see the door lock, and he once again grew terse through the texts, she had the strangest feeling that he was … but that was stupid, he couldn’t be watching her. But all the same, she stopped trolling after a bit), but he did want her to go into the apartment. And MC, against her better judgment (because this was a stranger’s house, what if the cops were called on her?) … well, again. Nothing better to do, and a creepy feeling of eyes on the back of her neck. So she did. She entered the apartment.
And that was when she met the RFA.
Now, you have to understand: MC was more than a little bemused as she joined this group chat. She was more than a little aggravated how they kept referring to her as an “it.” And she thought that it was kind of hilarious how a party was treated like Super Serious Business™ (she laughed out loud when 707 bolded and increased the font size as he exclaimed Hosting parties???). But when they said that they wanted her to be the party coordinator, and that being the party coordinator meant staying at the apartment … 
It’s not that MC had a secret passion for hosting parties. It’s not that she felt sympathy for these people who were, apparently, sad over the death of some woman named Rika, and wanted to carry on the parties in her name or whatever. It’s not that she thought that any of the guys were hot (although, to be fair, everyone in the chat was strangely attractive, Jaehee included), and that she wanted a boyfriend. No, this had nothing to do with any of that.
Instead, it was … listen. Not thirty minutes ago, MC had been living in a storage closet that she tried to insist to herself was just a shitty studio apartment. Now she was seated in the living room of an apartment with very nice furniture, and nice walls, and a bathroom with a toilet and a really nice shower. There was a kitchen where she could make food, and a fridge and cabinets where she could store it. It was just down the street from a convenience mart. And while it was clear that being the RFA party coordinator was not a paying gig, in MC’s mind, the equation went as thus:
Do a good job as temporary party coordinator and impress RFA
RFA wants to keep her on for more parties because they are impressed
At that point, she mentions need a paying gig on top of this
One of the now impressed members of the RFA with a career (e.g. Jumin, V, Jaehee, etc) offers her a job with them
It was as good a plan as any in MC’s mind, and in any case, Rika’s apartment was a HUGE step-up from where she had been staying before. So she readily agreed, and didn’t even call 707 out on his bs when he said that he looked up her social media (social media which didn’t exist, and anyway, he only had “MC” to go on, like … she scoffed at the idea that he could dig up anything on her). Instead, she played along with him. He made her laugh. He genuinely made her laugh. And it had been … well, it felt like it had been years since she had laughed or smiled that much. She really liked talking to him. He was a funny guy.
She thought that, the perks of having a nice place to stay and the potential for a future job aside, she rather liked this situation she found herself in. She still wanted to know who tf Unknown was (and she forwarded the text messages and chat log to Seven), but all the same, she still had to say (to herself and not through text) …
Thanks, Unknown.
So, with all of that foundation laid, what do we know about MC? Well, succinctly:
MC is smart. She’s not a technical genius by any stretch (though she does, thanks to her call center job, have some background knowledge on computers to an extent—she can troubleshoot, at least), but she is street smart. She has spent a good chunk of her life living on the streets, and she knows how to get by, even if it’s scraping by due to how hard homeless life is. She’s not naive; her circumstances have forced her to grow up ahead of her time, and in honesty, being treated as naive is pretty grating for her. She knows how to take care of herself, because she’s had to learn the hard way, and she really doesn’t take well to that being dismissed.
On that note, she’s independent, and extremely so. Again, she’s spent pretty much her whole life looking after herself. She didn’t always do a great job of it, but she did her best, and she’s still doing her best, and this is something she takes pride in. She’s not helpless; even if she’s in a bad situation, MC doesn’t see herself as even remotely helpless. She’s not a damsel who ever needs to be rescued. She can protect and rescue herself. She always has, after all, every time. Any time she was in a bad situation, the only person who ever got her out of it was her. So again, MC chafes if she’s treated like a helpless damsel, just as she chafes at being treated as naive, and she doesn’t do well with having her independence compromised. She’s rather headstrong like that.
She’s gutsy. Daring, brave, bold—you name it, she’s it. It takes guts to rob your foster family and then run away like she did. It takes guts to do the same to your abusive boyfriend. And more than that, it takes resilience to be able to survive the way she has. MC, despite everything, doesn’t break. No matter how bad a situation gets, no matter how badly she’s hurt, she always manages to push herself up and keep going. Even if it takes every last ounce of willpower she’s got, she does it. And she doesn’t back down, either; no matter how intimidating someone may seem, if she has to fight, she’ll do it. Sure, she might be afraid, but she’ll still do it. She’s incredibly brave and incredibly determined. It’s how she has survived for this long. But she’s also …
… paranoid. MC is secretive to the point of paranoia about her personal information and identity. She doesn’t use social media because she’s afraid of being found. She forges official documents as best she can to obscure her identity (not thinking, of course, about the national registry; if her call center job hadn’t been shady, they wouldn’t have hired her). She relentlessly grills Unknown and is honestly even a little savage with him in the prologue chat because the fact that he won’t reveal his real name sets off warning bells for her, because what ulterior motives could he have for keeping his name secret? And she doesn’t tell the RFA much about herself, either. She shares her name (MC), but she doesn’t bother to tell them that the picture she had in the chat was a selfie. Better to let them believe she looks like something else. She doesn’t tell them her age, and she lets them believe that she had a place to stay before Rika’s apartment (well, a nice place to stay). Even when Seven asks about her, she dodges around her questions no differently than he dodges hers. It’s not that she doesn’t trust him; it’s that she doesn’t (easily) trust anyone.(Plus, wouldn’t they judge her if they knew she was a jobless hobo before this? Better safe than sorry in that respect, too.)
She has … ZERO tolerance for abuse. Given her own life—her time in the foster home, and especially her time with Byungho—she has no tolerance for abuse or abusers. None. Zero. She refuses to “let” herself ever be in that situation again, and if she ever sees anyone else in that situation, she gets real mad, real fast. Her attitude toward Rika is pretty much summed up as “bring the bitch to me so she can CATCH THESE HANDS” and nothing short of it. But that said, she also wouldn’t tolerate, say, Saeran abusing Saeyoung, if it ever came to that. She’ll feel for Saeran. She’s been abused herself. But being abused is no excuse to abuse others. She’s not about to have it. No tolerance for that. None whatsoever. None, nada, zip, zilch, zero.
And she’s not nearly so cheerful as she seems. MC has had a hard life. That hard life has left her with quite a lot of emotional scars. And while she tried to tell herself, over and over and over again, that things would be okay and she couldn’t let herself be depressed, that doesn’t change the fact that she was depressed enough to follow some stranger’s instructions to some strange apartment even though she was fully aware that she was at risk of being raped and/or murdered when she got there. (Or having her backpack of worldly possessions, which she can’t leave in the storage closet since it has no lock, stolen from her.) Again, she’s not actually naive or innocent. She plays along with jokes because she loves to laugh (and oh, she does—she loves laughing and joking and playing around!), but that’s all it is—playing. When play time is over, she can and does get serious. She still tries to not feel depressed, but … well. It’s harder than it seems, even if she still pushes through it and keeps going for the sake of it.
She is, should she find someone she can truly connect (safely and happily) with, quite devoted. MC’s never really had someone to truly love, who truly loved her in return. This isn’t to say that she has no idea how relationships work, because she does. She was friends (casually) with her coworkers at her call center job, for instance, and after Byungho you at least better believe she knows what not to do or settle for in relationships. But she’s never had a really loving relationship of her own. No family to speak of, no best friends, and Byungho was certainly not a loving boyfriend. MC has been pretty isolated in this way for pretty much her entire life. Casual work friends are nice, but … it’s not the same. So as a result, should she find someone that she truly cares for—even if they don’t love her in return, if she loves and cares about them, she’s devoted to them. She’ll stand by them through anything. She’s steadfast and loyal. She’s protective and caring. And she doesn’t really need anything in return, because for her, it’s enough to have this chance to help someone that she cares about, and to do something good—to do what’s right.
On that note, she’s got a strong sense of justice. Or at least … she has a good sense of right and wrong, and she also does have vested interest in helping the less fortunate (obviously, look how many years she has spent homeless). The charity party actually sounds like a great idea to her (even if internally she’s like “can I bet on the donation side and can you people donate a job to me because tbh …”) because she knows better than most how absolutely awful it is to have literally nothing. She wants to help those that are “less fortunate,” she wants to host the party not just because she wants to impress the RFA (but mainly that), but also because it’s a legitimately good cause in her mind. It’s something she cares about. Though, on that note …
Strong sense of justice or not, she’s resourceful, and is not afraid to lie or steal to get what she needs to live, i.e., she can be ruthless if she has to be. I mean, again … look at how much stealing she has done, look at how she might lie and deceive to protect herself. She has a good sense of right and wrong, but she’s not above doing what she has to in order to survive, even if it’s illegal. MC figures her continued survival is a good enough cause to justify that sort of thing.
So with all of that listed out, what does that say for the story? And more specifically, her relationship with Saeyoung?
I see the story playing out mostly as it does until the apartment days are reached. Once Saeyoung arrives at the apartment, and makes it clear he doesn’t want to pursue a relationship with her—that’s fine. It hurts, sure, to have him be so cold when before this he was honestly the closest to a best she ever had (and she knows that’s ridiculous given they’ve only known each other a handful of days, but still), but it’s fine. If he doesn’t want to date her, that’s fine. It’s not like romance is the most important thing in the world, and he has other problems. He has way more important problems. Hell, the entire RFA has way more important problems. Whoever knew a charity organization could be full of this much drama? Jfc.
But that said, there are still … other difficulties.
When they get into arguments, their arguments are because she wants him to eat something, and he refuses (and you know, she respects his boundaries, but he needs to eat, he doesn’t get to harp on her for not eating if he won’t). Their arguments are because she wants to go to the convenience mart, and he’s paranoid about her leaving the apartment. (They compromise by being on the phone the whole time, even if they’re not speaking.) Their arguments are because he, unintentionally or otherwise, treats her like she’s naive and/or helpless, and she gets pissed off, because he has no right to judge her like that when he knows nothing about her. When he tries to warn her that there are dangerous men out there, she laughs, bitterly and without humor, because yeah, trust her, she knows. When she makes an offhand comment about how, even with the bomb, Rika’s apartment is still way better than where she was before, and he shrewdly asks her where she was before, she dodges the question. And when, ultimately, they get in their last big fight and he demands to know why she likes him, she lists off all the reasons why she does, because unlike Canon MC, this MC knows. She likes him because he’s smart, brave, selfless. Yeah, he made her laugh, and that’s a plus, too, considering laughter is a rarity in her life, but the jokes aside, she loves him—likes him, she amends, way more for his cleverness, his bravery, his selflessness. He risked everything with the agency to come protect her. He does everything for the RFA despite being so busy with his own work. No matter how stressed or bogged down he is, he’s determined enough to push through. He cares enough to go the extra mile for others, not expecting anything in return. She likes him because underneath the jokey, pranky 707 exterior, he’s a genuinely good person who tries his best even if he doesn’t always manage to succeed. There’s sincerty in how much he cares even if he tries to deny it. And that … she can relate to some of that, and admire even more of it. She started out liking the 707 in the chat room, yeah, because he was fun to talk to. But now? Now she genuinely cares about the Seven that’s right in front of her.
He’s at a loss. She just went on some huge speech about everything she likes about him—and at some point, yes, she included how serious and dedicated he is, she likes him being serious, even if she adds she’d also like it if he would take breaks to sleep and eat—and he’s … at a loss. He admits he doesn’t know what to do. So she says:
“Just think about accepting help. That’s all I want. I just—it doesn’t have to be me. If you don’t want me helping you, fine. But let someone help you, Seven. Let Jumin help you, or Jaehee. Maybe even Zen. Just—I want to help you. I’m here to help you however you need. I want to help you find and rescue Saeran, I want to help you get through this. But if it’s not me, just let it be someone. You don’t have to be alone, Seven. You don’t have to do this all by yourself. I … I know how hard it—I know what it’s like doing everything by yourself even when it’s something far less risky than all this. I know how it is doing just basic level hard stuff all by yourself. But what you’re dealing with is extra. It’s a lot, even for several people, but especially for one. So just … please think about accepting some help. Think about accepting your friends. That can include me, or it can not … and if it does, then you can still tell me to get lost when all is said and done, that’ll be fine. I’ll respect that. But just take some time, and think about accepting some help from someone. That’s all I ask.”
And after a moment … that is what he’d quietly agree to.
He and MC would not become a couple at this point, but he would accept help from her. He’d start to tell her more about Saeran. He’d explain what he’s doing. She’d help him prepare for the trip to Magenta, and she’d go there with him. And she wouldn’t go there just so that she could get in the car when he tells her to when V shows up, or so that she could hide behind him. This MC, as you can tell from all of the above, is proactive. She’s brave, and she’s a fighter. This MC is not someone that Saeyoung stands before like a shield; she is someone who stands by his side, who gives him a hand to hold without any expectation of a relationship (despite their mutual crushes; it’s just not the time). Sure, he still tells her to stand behind him, but her attitude is “no u” before she moves to stand by his side. Will he protect her? Sure. But she’ll protect him right back, or go down swinging at the very least. Saeyoung, much like MC, has spent his entire life taking care of himself. He’s spent his entire life having the burden entirely on his shoulders. So it’s about damn time he had someone to share it with, just as it’s about damn time MC had some help, too, however much she (like him, tbh—they’re both so stubborn about it) thinks she has everything under control. Saeyoung has more technical knowledge that she does, given that he is a canonical, literal genius, but outside of that, they’re equals. She’s not a damsel for him to protect, rescue, and pamper. She’s a partner who stands by his side and gives him the support he needs to make it through, just as he does the same for her.
So as you can imagine, she’s a lot more proactive in my version of the Secret Endings as well. She floors the getaway car when it’s time. She learns from Vanderwood how to do first aid treatment for Saeyoung’s injury. When Rika says that she’s going to brainwash Saeyoung, MC says, “Over my dead body,” and moves to stand in front of him. At which point, of course, we get this from Rika:
“That would be a waste, because I believe everyone has a place here at Mint Eye. But if that’s truly what you want … that can be arranged.”
At that point, Believers enter the cell to drag MC off, and Vanderwood has to hold Saeyoung back as he starts flipping out, but Saeran intervenes since Rika promised him that he could have the toy that he personally sent to her old apartment …
As you can see, things really start to deviate.
(Note that once they’re away from the cells, Saeran tells MC that he has zero interest in her. He only said what he did to mess with Saeyoung. MC’s pretty unimpressed and lets him know it. He’s irritated by how unimpressed she is, and she’s petty and satisfied.)
Unlike canon, where they’re engaged promptly once Saeran is rescued, MC and Saeyoung don’t even officially start dating until after Saeran is rescued and has started the healing process. Note that, also unlike canon, MC can’t really stay at Rika’s apartment anymore, because RFA isn’t having that, what with there being a bomb and all. But she also never told them that she was a homeless squatter, so … #awkward. She ends up having Vanderwood take her back to the storage closet, and when he sees that it is, in fact, a storage closet—
“I like to think of it as—it’s not a storage closet. It’s a studio apartment,” MC says.
“It’s a storage closet,” Vanderwood says. “Oh, for fucksake—”
MC and Saeyoung aren’t officially dating yet, but Vanderwood still thinks Saeyoung would flip if he knew his not-girlfriend was staying in a storage closet. Aside from which, over the course of the Secret Endings, Saeyoung, MC, and Vanderwood became The Secret End Squad™, and that’s a bond not easily broken. So Vanderwood says, “Get your backpack and let’s go” and takes her back to his place. Yeah, that’s right: post-Secret Endings, MC is (at least for a time) roomies with Vanderwood.
#RoomieAdventures (and also #JobSearchAdventures because at this point they’re both unemployed lololol)
(Saeyoung’s reaction when he learns this is priceless, I’m sure.)
So yeah, all in all, the MC that I imagine for Saeyoung is someone who stands beside him, as his equal. Someone who respects his boundaries and does not push a relationship, but also someone who does push the notion that he should let someone help him, because she genuinely cares about and wants to help. She’s had a hard life, but that hard life has made it so that she can stand at his equal. Just as his hardships developed him, hers have developed her. She’s someone who can support him, as much as he supports her. She’s someone who wants to.
And ultimately, arrogant though it may sound, I think that an MC like this … is much better suited for him than the MC that Cheritz vaguely defined. But that’s just my opinion; everyone else’s mileage may vary.
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anonymousbaev · 3 years
Hi! Could I request a platonic headcanon, where the RFA+Saeran finding out that the MC is a teenager? Have a nice day!
RFA+Saeran teen MC
Hello! Thank you, sorry late upload... (っ; ‸ ; ς)
“MC is a... teen?!?”
Pure chaos would be running around his mind, Yoosung never imagined you to be so young.
He would definitely hold a grudge against Seven and V, they knew your age after a background check, and still dragged you into this.
As for your bond with Yoosung, nothing would change.
Yoosung still wants to protect you, maybe even more now and you’re still a important person to him. 
Your kind words touched his heart, helped him out a state of depression and taught him the proper way to grieve over a lost loved one.
He would never nag you to study, he knows how annoying that is.
But he would nag you to eat well and sleep early, “The more younger you are, the better you should take care of yourself!!!”
☕️ Jaehee ☕️ 
Jaehee kind of just assumed you were around your twenties.
No, actually she never thought of your age, or even tried to guess it. 
But this... wow this was unexpected.
At first, she might act a bit awkward around you, a couple typos here and there. 
She means no offense, and she’s in no way offended. The woman is a bit shocked and needs some time to get used to it.
It would take her a while, but she would. After all, you’re a big inspiration to her and age wasn’t going to change that.
Though, she would basically turn into a mom and take care of you. But caring for others has always been a big part of her personality.
Like you told her to do so, she would tell you to chase your dreams.
🎤 Zen 🎤 
(Zen’s surprised emoji)
Zen would flip out at first, but he’ll manage to calm down and compose himself.
He would be even more protective and caring of you, if that’s possible.
You’re still the amazing person that trusted him though everything.
He wants to do the same for you, he would persuade you to follow your dreams.
He would make sure your school life is good and nobody is making fun of you, overall he wants to be someone you feel like you can lean on, a supportive adult figure he never had in his life.
Now Zen has two people to nag on, and you definitely agree with Yoosung, Seven should make a mute feature.
♛ Jumin ♛ 
He’s shocked, but this man is perfectly skilled in remaining calm in the most difficult situations.
He takes care of you in his own way.
And he has to admit, he’s impressed with your maturity from such a young age.
Now, you have one of the biggest age gap with Jumin in the RFA but you would get along with him, fine.
I imagine you to help him explore new “youngster” or “commoner” stuff and he would find it surprisingly fun to do.
You’re basically his adored little sister, he would spoil you.
Jumin would tell you that studying and entering a good college is important.
He might even look forward to taking you in as a new employ for the company when you’re older.
Of course, he wouldn’t force you into it if you show interest for something else. But the spot’s always opened for you.
👓 Saeyoung 👓 
He would be completely worried for you at first. He’s concerned that you got tangled up in a dangerous place like the RFA from a young age.
He feels hesitant, Seven would carefully watch you and wont let anything happen to you.
Other than that, he would love teasing you for being young, and especially takes pleasure in nagging you like an old man.
Seven is a known genius, a great tutor. Although he gets a bit childish and makes you practically drown him with compliments till he finally agrees.
He probably drops you off to school in one of his babies, whether you like it or not.
Study sessions with Seven are always fun, half of the times it’s just a war of pranks.
He will seriously help you out if you have a test sometime soon.
♧ Jihyun ♧ 
(No chat)
He would be flustered at first, but he’ll be able to calm down.
He’s hesitant to make you join the RFA at first.
But he will go all lengths to promise your safety to the return of your family with not a single hair touched.
When all danger is gone, I imagine him to be a generous dad everyone wants.
V will really allow you to do anything, and if you happen to take an interest towards art or photography... man is more than happy to teach you the beauty of art.
🌚 Saeran 🌚 
Saeran would feel more than guilty for allowing a young teen like you to get involved with dangerous stuff.
And your kind and caring attitude just doubles the guilt...
Aside from that, Saeran would be a big brother.
He wouldn’t really care if you don’t study, if you complain about how hard it is, “Why don’t you just not do it then?”
“Because it doesn’t work like that”
He does want you to do well in school though, and pursue dreams when you get older.
If someone is messing with you at school he’s more than ready to break some bones.
When you hang out with him after school, he always brings you to get some ice cream.
Expect cursed stomach aches the next day from eating so much.
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myuntoldstory · 3 years
saeran after end after thought
it took me a ducking month and some change because i had to farm hourglasses. when i started playing i kept getting the bad ends and i got so frustrated i didn’t touch the app for two weeks. i had to consult a guide to finally reach the end.
i wanted to play this because i needed to see where jihyun ended up and... well... we all know what happened there. anyway...
i have many thoughts and feelings about this ae. i don’t know if i can ever properly organise them, but i’ll put it in bullet points for now. this is my personal feelings, not any kind of fact. i have nothing against nearly anything and anyone (character or real) involved in this game. i’ll always love and appreciate them for being in this game, for creating this game, for giving us something to love for the past four or five years.
these thoughts are rather unfiltered. this is me coming out hours after finishing the ae. i might change my mind after letting it marinate for a while and after reading up some more about it.
it’s all under the cut. it’s long and rambling. there’s no need to read this, really; the ae is a month old after all, but i just needed to get this out. also, it’s salty as hell. literally saltier than the dead sea. it will dehydrate you... best to not bother with this.
also spoilers.
1. during the first playthrough the game mechanics were wonderful, novel, and immersive. but years later and for the sake of an ae? unnecessary. it’s too long. it’s too much work. i did my due when i played the game during ray’s route. why do i also have to work for something that should have been my reward? why do i still have to worry about hearts, choices, and game branches? why do i have to go through multiple endings? it’s an after end. it’s after the ending.
of course i love new content, i love more content, but not like this. and i know i sound super entitled. if i was impatient i should have justt read the wiki, but i wanted the experience, but not this specific experience. lucky it’s the pandemic and i have more time on my hands, but in normal circumstances my life is very different from what it was in 2016. i can’t be waiting for chats and making plans around it to get to the after ending. honestly i expected something like the secret ends or even similar to the style of jihyun’s ae... but no. apparently, chertiz thinks it’s fun to make us spend three and a half days to reach an AFTER END.
2. saeran choi needs love... but, in my opinion, not ours. not mc’s. the love he needs is his brother’s. the person he needs most is saeyoung choi. he’s suffered so much, endured many things no person should ever endure. of course he deserves romantic love, but i feel like he needed to recover first. that’s why after all this im firmly in the very bare, maybe even empty camp of preferring secret end saeran choi over ray route saeran choi.
3. never in my life has a game made me exhausted about the act of forgiveness. i feel a little sick. it’s terrible to say that, i know, but i am just so emotionally exhausted. there is this heavy feeling in my chest that makes me want to cry because i feel like i somehow destroyed a part of myself?
first it’s the saviour in jihyun’s ae. it’s still her in this ae. but in addition to that there’s also the prime minister? when does it stop? at this point we might as well forgive the twins’ mother too. she imprisoned her own sons to benefit from their father; beat the shit out of and starved saeran to the point that he wanted to die, but there must be a reason behind it, right? like all the villains in this game her choices are not her own; they are the product of their circumstances and we have to understand that.
i just... i understand what cheritz is trying to convey here. and granted saeyoung is not as forgiving, but this isn’t his story. it felt like the forgiveness was nearing some extreme by the end of it. i don’t think there’s anything wrong if you’e unable to forgive. if the only way for you to move forward is to not do so i feel that’s valid. as long as you’re not hurting anyone and that you’re not hurting yourself, you do whatever you need to recover. forgiving is not the only way, the noble way. not everyone’s backstory you have to understand and take into consideration in order to move on. even if they realise what they did was wrong, it’s okay not to forgive. sometimes that’s what we need to take care of ourselves.
im rambling on this point, but im going through this currently. it’s not as extreme as the choi twins or the rfa, but all my life i’ve been forgiving and understanding and it chipped away at me. even at my expense i forgave everything and it landed me in a place im struggling to get out of. i needed justice and this ae didn’t give me a bit of that... at least not in the way i needed.
4. cheritz said this is the grand finale, but... it didn’t feel like it? again this is me being entitled, but i expected something more. something bigger. something poignant because after this mystic messenger is over. i expected some kind of epilogues in the form of story modes. of course i appreciate everything the company has done, especially the efforts of the writers, artists, voice actors, and everyone, but... it’s so rushed? it such a short farewell that instead of getting catharsis and satisfaction i felt... drained. and i feel sad that it’s all over because im not ready to say goodbye and that goodbye is far too short for me.
i don’t know im just sad it’s all over.
also, the conclusion they come to is the dissolution of the rfa once everyone found their happy ending. i... this is a group that has been through some shit and that doesn’t make them closer somehow? the rfa app lies neglected and abandoned as everyone moves on with their lives? that is so... lonely? at least for me.
i mean, of course, not all endings have to be necessarily happy in the “everyone gets together once a week for dinners” kind, but i just... i dont know i expected them to be closer somehow. maybe they are. maybe outside the app they’re all closer, but... i don’t know. i feel sad they’re abandoning the app.
5. and then there’s kim jihyun.
and im... i dont know anymore. if you know me, follow me, or have read any of my fics you know im a jihyun fan. i love that man and YES i know his sins. we all do.
as i played the ae i started to hope that he’d die in the end instead of suffering through this egregious character assassination. yes, i literally preferred that he died and that i go through that pain instead of suffering whatever this is. obviously i dont want him to die, but this is like killing him anyway. they killed the essence of him, who he is as a person. hell, they probably killed him already and just installed a stranger in the ae because that v is not our v. all throughout the game he’s been kind and compassionate and selfless. his whole thing is about protecting the rfa, the mc, saving the saviour, and sacrificing himself for them. this is the idiot who gives you his hearts when you’re being actively nice to his abuser and saeran in his route. his ultimate happy ending involves everyone being happy, reunited, and given the proper mental care. he went away for two years, putting a much needed pause in your budding relationship, not only to recover from his trauma, but also to rescue saeran and help him recover too.
yes, v enabled the saviour even before another story. he lied. he put everyone in danger. he’s reckless and he keeps secrets way more than what’s natural. but he will never let any of them come to harm. my memory is fuzzy but im sure he never lets the rfa get in danger. he was devastated when yoosung got injured. he also tried to rescue seven and mc in the secret ends thats why he got shot. this guy always looks out for everyone. 
in what world is he okay with drugging the twins? making deals with the villains? the idea of trapping the twins in the saviour’s delusional, twisted family life? he’s not the type to be okay just standing there when his best friend’s life is falling apart or for even causing it. when zen, jaehee, and yoosung get backed into the corner he wouldn’t have been just idle. but in this ae all he does is play stacking chairs, buy strawberry yoghurt, and echo the saviour’s words like a puppet. he asks only mc to save herself and like... jesus christ he never gets a break. he doesn’t even get the same gesture of forgiveness everyone and their father gets. he goes through a trial and jail, which is fair enough, but he’s also a victim of abuse and suffering and despair and mental illness. but somehow because it’s v it’s okay that this is all he gets. somehow he doesn’t deserve any compassionate resolution.
literally the only time he’s happy is his route and after end and even then that happiness is not his own. even then there were concessions to be made before he could get it.
seriously. it seems like cheritz hates him. they think little to nothing of him. if that’s the case why even make content for him? he’s not even meant to be romanceable in the original stories. they could’ve just ignored the petitions and left him as a side character. i mean, i dont know if i prefer that honestly, i do appreciate the content we got, but as his fan it hurts to see all this half-hearted decisions. and to see all this hate still pouring out for him, now magnified because of this ae.
this is like a tiring odyssey, starting way back when he got shot and killed all because he loved someone. he loved the wrong person and it’s the wrong kind of love and he committed his crimes because of it. he had a hand in making the rfa and mc suffer, but still all he did was love. and i know that sounds blind and naive and ignorant and im sorry for not picking up the nuances of his relationship with the saviour, but that’s all i saw. i saw a guy loving the wrong person and it made him make all the wrong choices leading to a bad life.
gah. i am drained people. i am drained, and frustrated, and tired.
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foreficfandom · 4 years
Mystic Messenger - Wedding Headcanons (Bride! MC)
--- Zen ---
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Zen's a surprisingly down-to-earth man, and he wanted the wedding to be a modest, but gorgeous affair. It’s a rooftop wedding, where everyone gets to see the two most beautiful people in the world get married amidst a bright, morning cityscape. Zen creates an amazing set of custom vows that make him cry, and it ruins his makeup but he doesn’t care. 
It’s all paid with his and your own money, which isn’t a whole lot but enough to afford a very put-together package. Zen insisted on catering from a famous brewery, and there’s a very nice open beer-on-tap bar.
There’s also a very important scheduled evening dance, of course. Your new husband asks for your hand like you’re royalty, and the two of you begin a very romantic slow-dance with a specific playlist in the background. When that ends, the music picks up and everybody starts getting a little wild. That delicious beer must have kicked in.
Zen’s arm rarely ever leaves your waist for the rest of the evening. He begins to refer to you as ‘my SPOUSE’ to everyone you have a conversation with. His face is literally glowing with pride.
By the time the two of you get married, Zen’s a very established actor, so its a celebrity wedding that attracts reporters and curious starwatchers. The two of you graciously (you more than Zen) accept Jumin’s gift of security guards to keep them off the venue.
The honeymoon is a beautiful week spent in the Maldives, enjoying the therapeutic beach life. Paparazzi end up hounding the two of you a little bit, but nothing can truly ruin this bliss. This perfect love.
--- Yoosung ---
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He’s been dreaming of this day and its finally here!! He almost can’t believe it, and spends a lot of the planning just kinda fanboying himself. He can’t decide between themes and packages ‘cause it all seems wonderful to him. His parents end up helping quite a bit, especially on the parts he finds particularly confusing, like booking a venue and managing costs.
The two of you eventually settle on a garden-like wedding, taking place in a beautiful park. He loves the vintage lace look of your dress, and matches with an old-hollywood-style suit. Thanks to the advice from his family, the two of you avoided purchasing entire wedding packages and instead sourced everything from different retailers, which required a lot more research but saved money. 
The two of you said your vows underneath a gazebo lined with flowers, and then walked back down the park to the reception area while everyone tossed bucketfuls of petals upon the two of you. Yoosung was tearing up pretty badly from happiness, and almost tripped twice. By the time you guys made it to the dining tables, Yoosung’s glasses were fogged and he couldn’t stop smiling. 
The reception lasted longer than planned ‘cause everyone was having so much fun. You two had hired a pizza truck that carted their wood-burning oven on-site, along with a massive snack table and colorful cocktail dispensers. Yoosung asked to dance once, twice, and maybe five more times. You had to take off your heels to keep up with him, which just made the moment that much more beautiful.
The honeymoon had to be short, but it was a peaceful five days spent in Shanghai. 
--- Jaehee ---
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One of the first things planned was going to local fashion shows and shopping for dresses, since according to Jaehee, it was this season that designers begin to shell out the good stuff. Jaehee settled on a cream-colored silk trumpet dress with an embroidered veil. You chose a dress embroidered with gold-colored thread to match hers. 
And that set the tone for rest of the wedding. Gold decor, pearly-white chiffon, and dots of warm red embellishing the tablecloths, bouquets, and plate settings. Jaehee was always the one on the phone with the planners, since she had That Business Voice which made everything go so much more smoothly.
You married in a temple, an hour away from the city. Jaehee and you met at the altar simultaneously, and held hands over vows. You could see her tearing up for the first time ever. 
The reception was held in a small park nearby, where a light catering was offered underneath a large tent, along with several chocolate fountains and bottles of expensive champagne. Jaehee really wanted to avoid a huge social event, since her past job at C&R required a lot of boring business events. So after speeches were delivered and everyone had their fill of chocolate and wine, you all barreled into your cars and zoomed back home for the afterparty, which was a lot more casual and involved blaring Zen’s musicals on the flatscreen while everyone played drinking games.
The two of you had a long and indulgent honeymoon spent traveling between Greece and Italy, doing everything from spa hotels to skydiving. You ended up with two album’s worth of pictures to remember it by.
--- Jumin ---
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You might have thought he’d be pulling out all stops when it comes to the wedding, but the man’s a devoted Christian - even if he doesn’t show his religious side often, it was important to him that his holy union wasn’t too ostentatious. 
But he’s still Jumin, so everything’s designer. The outfits, the catering, the decorations, the transportation, even the invitations sent out were on luxury emboss paper lined with real gold leaf. So your wedding actually begins a few days before it even starts, with a visit to a celebrity spa for a red-carpet all-over treatment, and then you spend hours getting your hair, makeup, and nails done. 
Both the ceremony and the reception are held in a large, lavish hall. There’s a huge crowd of guests for business reasons, along with reporters and other representatives from the press, plus even some politicians. When Jumin takes your hand at the altar, there’s a literal spotlight shining on the two of you while the room grows dramatically dark.
So your wedding is kinda a publicized business event, which isn’t super ideal but Jumin tried his best to keep it as special as possible. He deferred to you when it came to almost all the decisions, such as the color scheme of the decor, and what kind of menu you wanted. Almost everything was based off of your preferences, which is what Jumin wanted. He desired nothing but you as his spouse, and that’s what he was getting. 
Jumin rarely ever gets overly emotional, including at his own wedding, but for the rest of the evening he couldn’t keep his eyes off you, and whenever you turned your head your new husband was smiling, absolute adoration in his eyes.
The honeymoon is a worldwide tour, of course. With cruises, five-star hotels, attending operas, and dining at the most famous places.
--- Saeyoung ---
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He’s free from the agency and Mint Eye both, and he has you with him. He never been be happier, or feel more free than he ever did. So the wedding reflects it; it’s held outside, by the sea, lightly managed so there’s almost no schedule to adhere to. 
It’s super important that he makes his vows to you under god. So it takes some digging until he finds an actual church that’s within a short distance from a gorgeous beach. The two of you marry under brightly lit stained glass windows before hopping into one of his sports cars and race to the reception area. The other guests have to catch up.
He cries at the ceremony, of course. He eventually leaves his glasses off because his eyes keep welling up. He recites from the bible. You can feel his hands shaking. 
And at the reception, it’s p a r ty time. There’s music playing and a very important playlist is playing that the two of you made beforehand. The catering is seafood and barbecue. There’s very little alcohol, and lots of dessert. 
It’s a smaller crowd of guests, but that’s what made it so special. You all played at the beach with spontaneous games of badminton, or dunked yourselves into the beach then running off laughing, and joked amongst yourselves for hours, long after night came around and the area was lit up with Saeyoung’s jacked lighting system.
The honeymoon is spent in South Korea, in Jeju-do where the two of you go on sunny car rides along the cliffs, go spelunking in gorgeous caves that light up like the universe, and stay in a traditional bathhouse. 
--- Saeran ---
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Saeran will always and forever adore the ‘princess’ aesthetic on you. When you two first met, his Ray alter embodied and obsessed over it, but nowadays he simply enjoys the magical romance of a fairytale love story. It reminds him of his longing daydreams when he was younger, and how it all eventually came true.
It’s an evening wedding, held in a hotel banquet hall, planned and catered by an expensive company he and his brother both shelled enthusiastically to purchase. He didn’t really know anybody aside from the RFA and you, and only made like one or two other friends since beginning recovery. So you invited all your friends and family you knew would support the two of you, and it turned out to be an intimate but loving crowd.
SOOO many flowers. Bouquets dot the walls, sit at every table, and line the isle. And Saeran beforehand prepared your bridal bouquet himself. It was a very carefully crafted arrangement that masterfully relayed a thorough message of love, commitment, and family.
Saeran’s quiet but surprisingly calm. It’s just ... pure happiness. He’s every bit a prince when he takes your hand at the altar. This wedding marked more than the beginning of your union, it was evidence that his life was good.
He wasn’t super enthused about traveling anywhere for the honeymoon, and wanted to spend the time alone with you at home, where its safe and familiar. But you convinced him that an extreme change of scenery can do wonders for his depression and anxiety. So the two of you spent an amazing twelve days in Canada, where he got to experience a world he’d never seen before. He took really well to hiking, which turned out to be a great low impact exercise option for his frail physical health. 
--- Jihyun ---
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The reception’s held outside, by the Suncheon Bay area - a beautiful national wetland park with amazingly unique scenery and wildlife. The ceremony beforehand is held inside, and its short and sweet with custom vows.
He’d want a Catholic wedding if it’s okay with you, or if not, a fusion wedding where the vows aren’t religious but its overseen by a pastor, or something like that. 
As a photographer, he’s surprisingly anal about the timing of the event. There has to be the perfect amount of natural sunlight during the wedding. So the ceremony is held in the late morning, then he quickly urges you outside where beautiful pictures are taken of the two of you standing amidst gorgeous nature. 
There’s a surprisingly big crowd. Jihyun is a popular man, so aside from the RFA there’s his various art friends, his other friends, his older friends, not to mention your own friends and family. His father does show up, but it’s sadly stilted.
He’s worldly and artsy, so the banquet is multicultural, with lots of his personal favorites he’s experienced from around the world. You notice a lot of french bread.
And don’t forget, he’s a rich boy! So everything’s quality stuff. You don’t have to worry about expenses with him. He’s not ostentatious to the level of Jumin, but he’s still got a packing wallet.
The honeymoon is spent touring Central America, which he particularly loves for its blazing sun and colorful culture. You split the trip between luxury all-inclusive resorts, and countryside roughing it.
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moonlitmessages · 4 years
Reasons I think Saeyoung has ADHD
- Messy house. Hard to keep it clean. Everything just kinda piles up and he relies on Vanderwood to not live in a pig sty.
- He says early in his route (day five first story mode I think. When Vanderwood is first introduced) he says that Dr. Pepper helps him focus. He drinks it and gets super focused, but then the mess piles up even more because of the soda cans.
- Super smart, especially about very specific niches. I mean he's smart in general but also has his Thing™ (this can be applied to both ADHD and the autistic spectrum. )
- Insomnia. This is part of his work obviously as well but he's clear about the fact that his sleep schedule is hecking out of whack.
- Can't focus?? Let's do everything besides the thing we need to do. Even though it will do nothing to help the situation at hand.
- Cars. Going nyoom down the road could help with stimulation and sensory issues that come with ADHD. Something about the speed just makes it make sense.
- Hyperfocus. "Don't bother me I'm trying to work". Being so focused on work that he doesn't take the time to really even order a hot meal. Forgets to eat and sleep sometimes because of it. (a lot of instances it's simply that he CAN'T or he won't meet deadlines too so that also has to be kept in mind). Building robots out of thin air too is an example.
- Inattentive. When not super focused its almost like a disinterest in anything. His focus is on MC? Well gotta do something for MC. She'll like a flamethrower pup. That will keep her safe. Wait no it wont...I thought it would tho. Gotta work!! No but MC isn't safe. (Inattentive to his work cause super focused on MC)
Symptoms of ADHD include:
     - This goes along with the messy house. There’s a picture where he’s shown surrounded by chip crumbs. Vanderwood claims that his couch smells like soda. There are likely aspects in which he can actually be quite organized, but those would likely be in reference to his job, and computer/automotive repair.
Lack of focus 
    - This happens a little bit through different routes, where he complains about not being able to focus and doing some procrastinating, but for the most part the biggest example is the very beginning of his route where his focus is faltered because his mind is on MC. While that is a normal reaction to have for anyone regarding what was going on, it can’t be ignored that 1.) He WAS unfocused to the point he couldn’t do anything besides worry, or work on things that ‘Could help protect MC” regardless of if they were useful or not. and 2.) Dr. Pepper is part of the reason he is able to focus on things when he DOES focus. He says this himself in the first story-mode for his route. That he drinks it, then gets super focused. Caffeine has been proven to actually help the ADHD brain focus.
Act or speak without thinking 
    - “Im leaving the RFA”, breaking the RoboCat, and some of his procrastinating during his route could be considered put into this category. Also, I know he is by all technicalities saying things with thought in regard to MC when he’s saying hurtful stuff, however I still think it could be put in here because while it was said with the thought “I want to make sure MC stays away from me so she will be safe,” it’s without thinking about how he feels/what he wants and he ends up regretting it down the road.
    - Lets see, he has trouble focusing and when he can’t focus he ends up doing other stuff to keep his hands and mind busy. He has sleep troubles. I doubt he can sit still very easily if he isn’t super-focused on something life-or-death and/or a special interest. A good example could once again be the robo-animals he built. His focus was somewhere else, there’s little he can do to remedy the situation, he gets restless and tries to occupy himself with something he CAN focus on.
Difficulty coping with stress 
    - Source: His Whole Route
Mood Swings 
    - What I’m seeing as mood swings could also just easily be his stress and anxiety in the situation during his route causing him to bounce back and forth/ the mask he tries to put up to protect MC from getting involved with him being thrown up when he feels like he’s letting her to close. But nonetheless there are points where he will just seem sad and melancholy then get angry. 
   - I mean idrk how to explain this one for him, I don’t necessarily think that he has social anxiety, but maybe general anxiety (tho I’m not really sure how to explain how I see that in him) but regardless when he does experience pressure, he seems to have heightened anxiety levels. It just makes sense in my head so take this one a little lighter than the others. 
Low self esteem 
    - ‘I’m not a good person” “Why do you like me?” I would say that when it comes to his looks he’s fairly confident. But when it comes to his personality (I mean he has a whole identity crisis) and actions, it’s a whole other story. He puts himself down a lot because he genuinely thinks that he doesn’t deserve MC and that she should be with someone better than him.
    - Again, breaking Robocat. Felt impulsive and done without thought. His car rides could also be considered impulsive depending on how risky and speedy they may be. I recall at one point he texts MC while driving. 
Trouble controlling anger 
    - Source: His Whole Route
   - I feel like I keep bringing up the robo animals a lot, but they were also a form of procrastinating his work. (I suppose there are a lot of things that could be tied to those animals then, or maybe I’m just reading to deep into things). Uhm, idk I can’t think of anymore examples atm, and I know he tries not to procrastinate super important stuff. I feel like if I were to play the game again (it’s been a couple weeks) I would be able to find more examples for this even on a minor scale. Sometimes him teasing Yoosung could be seen as both him trying to relieve some stress and put off doing his work.
~•⭐ D e p r e s s i o n ⭐•~ 
- Yes I know his depression comes from trauma and abuse. However ADHD overlaps with different disorders quite commonly. A lot of his ADHD symptoms overlap with depression as well, such as the disorganization, mood swings, and insomnia. And depression can very often accompany ADHD too just simply due to the fact that mental illnesses do tend to come in multiples, and also the ADHD itself can be a contributor to depression.
Those are 12 different signs that he might have ADHD...and of course I’m no doctor. Everything that I listed were things that I found through an attempt to analyze him and his route, and online research regarding ADHD. I’m sure there are things I might have over-analyzed and taken some things out of context as it has been a couple weeks since I finished his route...So feel free to add your own thoughts/opinions, regardless of if you think I’m right or wrong. This has been in my drafts for a while and I finally got it finished and will likely go through editing later but I want to post it now. If anything is hard to understand let me know and it will get fixed to the best of my ability.
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jumnthepurestbean · 4 years
Rfa+V, Saeran&Vanderwood find out MC has a daughter from a past relationship (young like maybe 3?) Maybe she wasn't with her before the party because MC was finding her footing in a new town or something. Thank you if you write
*falls to the floor* I’m back! Again! Sorry, everyone, I got sick right as I started answering asks and then Christmas happened. But thank you so, so much for this ask. I absolutely adore it. Also, I gave MC’s daughter a named (Ji-yoon). It just made it a little bit easier. Hope you don’t mind.
RFA + V, Saeran & Vanderwood x MC with a daughter
I imagine that MC told Jumin about her daughter during his route.
She uses her experience as a mother to help Jumin understand why Chairman Han might be doing the things that he’s doing.
After the chaos of the party, Jumin has to restrain himself from immediately wanting to be part of this child’s life.
I headcanon that not only does Jumin adore kids but once he’s in a relationship with MC, he considers her family, his family.
He also thinks it is important for children to have strong adult role models and her father not being in the picture could hurt her development.
However, he lets MC control how quickly he establishes a relationship with Ji-yoon. MC is her mother, so she would know when the right time was.
That won’t stop him from doing large amounts of research on children and being a step-parent. Also the adoption process
When Jumin finally meets little Ji-yoon, his heart melts. She’s a little shy, holding onto MC’s hand and wearing a little hoodie with cat ears.
Jumin will bend down to her level (which is hilarious because imagine this tall man in a 3,000 dollar suit bending down on the floor) “Hello, do you like cats?” He asks pointing to her cat ears.
She nods.
“Would you like to meet Elizabeth III?”
Doesn’t even mind that Ji-yoon calls her Elly! She’s the only one allowed to.
MC waits until Yoosung is fully recovered to tell him about Ji-yoon.
She is a bit nervous because they are both young and still trying to figure out their lives. But she doesn’t want to keep secrets from Yoosung.
Sits him down and explains how she was much more reckless when she was in high school.
Yoosung, of course, assures MC that this doesn’t change anything and the he is more than happy to help her with Ji-yoon.
Internally...he’s panicking a little.
He’s still just a college student and can’t really support himself, let alone MC and a child.
He realizes why MC seems to so mature, she’s had to grow up quickly in order to be a mother.
Well, if she had to do that, then so will he! He’ll help in any way he can!
Probably calls him mom for help...
But still, he wants to make sure MC has a happy life.
Is a nervous wreck when he finally meets Ji-yoon.
“Yoosungie!” Ji-yoon toddles over to him and hugs him.
They are now best friends forever!!! They play games together. They hang out. They eat dinner.
It’s so precious.
After Zen is calmed down from wanting to get on his motorcycle and hunt down whoever hurt MC then he’s about as eager to start helping MC raise Ji-yoon as Jumin.
This also motives Zen to work even more hard. He didn’t really care that he didn’t have the best food in the world to eat but this precious being will have the best of the best dammit!
Will even consider taking up Jumin’s cat commercial offers, holy shit this man is serious
He will work extra hard in order to baby proof his apartment and get some quality food.
When he finally meets Ji-yoon she’s hiding behind MC’s skirts.
“Hi, Ji-yoon, I’m Zen.”
She slowly peeks out and stares at him for a moment. “I like your hair.”
Knock out.
Zen beams at her. “Thank you. I like your hair too.”
Idk where to put this but just imagine Zen having Ji-yoon and her little friends over and just...braiding train.
Out of all the RFA members, MC tells Jaehee the soonest about Ji-yoon.
She’s so level headed that MC knows Jaehee will be cool with it.
And Jaehee is.
Jaehee knows how hard it is for a single mother to raise her child after watching her mom so she does everything to support MC.
Zen gets just a wee bit jealous when Jaehee starts to fangirl more when she sees pictures of Ji-yoon then selfies of him.
But he understands, the kid is adorable.
Just about dies when Jaehee meets Ji-yoon and she calls Jaehee “Auntie Jaehee”
Ji-yoon becomes the cafe’s official taste tester.
Though Jaehee makes sure that she doesn’t eat too many sweets!
Has a framed picture of Ji-yoon and MC in her cafe’s office.
New about Ji-yoon because of the research he did on MC.
Adds this to the reasons why MC should not get involved with him.
However, he does make sure to keep an eye on the rugrat to make sure she stays safe.
He is adamant that there is no way Seven could be a good father figure, hell he didn’t even have one until V.
However, once he lets go and starts to let MC in, he starts to let Ji-yoon in.
Then Ji-yoon and Seven meet.
Her little smile and contagious laugh is what really does it for him.
He can’t help but want to dedicate everything to protecting MC and Ji-yoon.
When MC tells V about Ji-yoon this encourages him better himself.
He really cares for MC but he can’t love MC or Ji-yoon if he doesn’t love himself first.
So he strives to become better.
Then when he’s finally ready to be in a relationship with MC, he’s actually the most nervous out of the entire RFA to meet Ji-yoon.
They meet at a park and he sees MC with a little girl.
He bends down and quietly says. “Are you Ji-yoon.”
“Yeah, are you Jihyun?”
“I am.”
Ji-yoon stands on her tip toes and gently takes a lock of V’s hair. “I like your hair.”
V laughs and thanks her, bending to let her see it. “Thank you, my mother had the same color.”
“It’s pretty...Mommy says you like to draw. Can I see?”
Doesn’t know what to do about this.
He’s never really been around children and he hasn’t had the best parental figures.
So, he’s a nervous bean.
But he does know that Ji-yoon is important to MC, so throughout his route, he does everything he can to protect her.
Then comes the time when he finally meets her.
MC decides for Saeran to meet Ji-yoon in his garden because that’s where he’s most comfortable.
They’re both wearing pink. It’s so cute.
Saeran realizes that talking to children is a lot easier than talking to adults.
Ji-yoon is so sweet and loves listening to Saeran talking about flowers!
Already doesn’t want to get close to MC because of his dangerous life.
But a she has a rugrat running around?
N-O-P-E. Nope.
But then he meets her.
It takes a lot of convincing on MC’s part but he finally decides to meet her.
Immediately wants to play with his cape. “Are cheetah’s your favorite animal?”
Blushing Vanderwood. “Yeah.”
“It looks cool!”
“...well MC, at least your kid has some style.”
MC will get her own cheetah print cape, like Vanderwood’s.
They will wear it together.
It will be adorable.
If you’re feeling generous then go over to my ko-fi!
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joy1579 · 4 years
Ok so. If Mc’s birthday was on Valentine’s Day 👀 what would the RFA (and saeran if you don’t mind 🥺) do differently? Would they do anything special or just have a usual Valentine’s Day 😳 (thank you for even reading this request 🥺❤️)
i sincerely hope you have as much fun reading this as i had writing this because let me tell you i had a blast. thank you so much for requesting this it made me so happy to write!
RFA and valentine’s birthday MC
his focus is on making sure you don’t feel like your missing out on anything so there’s no way he settles for just a birthday party or just a valentine’s day date. solution? he does both at once!
- he did some research and sent you too the best spa in the city for the morning
- just when your thinking that was the whole gift (and it was an amazing gift) the spa brings you a new dress and does your makeup and he shows up to take you to the party he planned
- he throws a freaking ball. like cinderella style ball EVERYONE will know your name and be invited to your valentines birthday party
- he still gives you ALL those gifts but now other people are also involved and lord help it’s so over the top
- you’ll have to tell him tomorrow that next year you want something small and intimate but this year you’ll indulge him and let him basically turn you into a princess
- when you ask him why he went SO overboard he explains that he had heard you tell jae her that having your birthday on valentines tended to be a bit disappointing since boyfriends tended to only ever do the bare minimum for either one or the other
- so of course he wanted to make up for every past disappointment you’d ever endured
- you can’t stop laughing as you hug him tightly
- honestly Jumin is so amazing and well meaning even when he goes a bit overboard
honestly his celebration focuses more on your birthday than valentine’s day. but he still manages to make the valentines part special
- he wants to do everything he can but money is tight so gifts are a bit difficult
- that being said he saves up and gets you something big even if it’s just one thing he wants you to love it!
- the rest he hand makes! this baby goes all out in his own way. he makes you breakfast in bed and he even makes you some really fancy coffee he learned about when he tried out the coffee club
- he’s stayed up late and gotten you a ton of super rare lolol items for your character
- even though he’s so happy you two are dating he says he’s even more excited for your birthday because
- “even if we weren’t together the fact that you where born makes the world so much brighter”
- he planned a little surprise birthday party for you. just an intimate thing with the RFA. but jaehee helped him make a cake!
- it isn’t until all the festivities are over and you and yoosung are alone when he give you his valentines gift (since he already gave you the birthday gift) it’s a little coupon book of cute couple things
- it’s dorky and cute and just so yoosung that you can’t help it you have to kiss his entire face
remember that scavenger hunt from his valentine’s DLC? think that but more gifts.
- he warned EVERYONE about your birthday like a month in advance so they can get you a gift and plan there mini celebration for you when you meet them on the scavenger hunt
- then the day of he makes sure they each get a little birthday cupcake to give you along with the scavenger hunt gift they each have a candle to blow out so you can get multiple wishes!
- at the end it’s just you and him dancing under the stars to the music he’s playing from his car stereo and he admits he thought about organizing a big party but he was selfish and wanted you all to himself
- he says he’s sorry and tells you that he and jumin have a part planned for tomorrow and you reassure him that today was perfect.
- you don’t need a big party as long as your with him your happy. he buries his head in your hair and laughs a bit asking how he got so lucky to have you
- you move to kiss his cheek and say “I was just thinking the same thing”
- the party the next day was super fun jaehee made a cake and you got to beat yoosung and saeyoung at just dance twice! jumin tells you all about his latest occult book while saeyoung attempts to put white cat ears on zen without him noticing.
separates them! one day is NOT enough time to do everything he has planned so instead he decides you two will celebrate valentines a couple of days late because your birthday comes first!
- on your birthday he’ll get jaehee to take you out for a “girls day” while he and yoosung decorate his apartment for the birthday party
- saeyoung and jumin are out gathering things for the party. cake, snacks, drinks, noise makers and confetti poppers, ya know the works
- he saved a ton to get you a couple of nice gifts and each one has its own unique card that he writes in to tell you how much he love you
- he works really hard and doesn’t fight with jumin at all (praise him he’s trying so hard to make the day perfect)
- then exactly one week later he sets you up the perfect valentines date.
- just you and him spending time together he buys you chocolates and you two go on a karaoke date (idk man i just like the idea of singing duets with zen)
- the rest of the evening mostly follows the valentines dlc he sets up rose petals and chocolates in the bedroom and you two simply enjoy each others company ;)
she doesn’t throw you a party per se but her attention to detail is what really makes it so amazing. it’s honestly a perfect mix of both celebrations.
- she hand makes you a heart shaped birthday cake that says “happy birthday sweetheart”
- it’s a piñata cake filled with m&ms that say things like “i love you” and “be mine” she put a LOT of work into it clearly
- then she takes you to see a special valentines screening of one of zens musicals she leans her head on your shoulder while watching and mumbles
- “I think there was a reason you where born on valentine’s day.” she doesn’t clarify beyond that almost like she hadn’t meant to say it at all but you still smiled
- you two may or may not sneak out of the theater before zen notices you so it can stay just the two of you
- as you two walk homes she pulls your gift out of her purse it’s a little passbook of gift cards to various restaurants and cafes around the city that you’ve mentioned wanting to try
- she blushed as she explains she thought about what to get you for a long time and she thought maybe thus could count as both a birthday gift and a valentines gift since it lets you eat at all the places you’ve been putting off because of working at the cafe AND if you want they could also be dates
- depending on how long you’ve been dating she might blush and mumble the very last part
no matter what this boy tries to say. he is the softest boi and that shows when he celebrates valentine’s day with you.
- brings you breakfast in bed with a little vase of fresh picked flowers
- sadly admits he’s not exactly sure what your supposed to do to celebrate your SO’s birthday ESPECIALLY when it’s on valentine’s day
- give this boy a kiss because he deserves it when you say you just want to spend time with him he tries (and fails) not to blush so much he gets dizzy
- you and he have a picnic in the park and he explains the meanings of all the flowers he even explains the meaning behind the flowers he gave you that morning
- it’s no surprise that they all mean love, joy, and gratitude. he’s so thankful he met you and that you loved him enough to stay with him you’ve brought so much joy to his life it’s no wonder he picked those
- you two spend the whole morning just doing romantic stuff together until saeyoung calls and says he has to see both of you ASAP!
- you two rush back to the bunker and find a surprise party waiting for you
- saeyoung and the RFA planned it without telling saeran since he was so nervous about doing something wrong he had asked for advice from everyone and they had all said “just spend the morning with her”
- so when everyone jumped out saeran nearly had a heart attack and it took a minute to calm him down (much to everyone’s chagrin)
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kirishwima · 4 years
I know that Zen has a brother, but since he hates him... what about an AU where Zen has a second sibling whom he does have more appreciation for (even if maybe they haven't talked much since Zen left). This sibling is now MC. How does Zen feel about them dating each of the other love interests? Prefably Yoosung, Jaehee, Saeyoung and Jumin. (If you don't like AU requests please ignore this!)
ohh this is such a cute idea! i can absoloutely imagine Zen being a super protective brother...hmm, for the sake of this headcanon, let’s assume that
a) Zen is MC’s older brother and
b) He has kept in contact with them, albeit not much-they talk through the phone and skype but he hasn’t seen his sibling face to face in years. Lastly
c) Let’s assume MC is now an adult too, maybe a couple years younger than Zen, and lives on their own independant from their and Zen’s family.
So without further ado~ Zen’s reactions to his little sibling dating the RFA!
* Honestly, when Yoosung realizes the person that invaded their chat room is Zen’s sibling, he’s more excited than shocked. They’ll have so much blackmail material on Zen, he figures with glee!
* Well, then he understands the true situation-how difficult it was for Zen and MC to keep in touch after Zen ran away, how Zen’s actually grateful that MC stumbled upon this messenger so he could re-establish his relationship with them.
*Yoosung’s very supportive and friendly, and Zen is happy to see his friend is this invested-although whenever Yoosung compares MC to Rika Zen does get angry-his sibling is kind and gentle too, yes, but they’re not Rika! Why can’t he realize that?!
*Still, when Yoosung goes to the Mint Eye HQ, when he gets hurt all for the sake of protecting MC-when he professes his love to Zen’s sibling, he can’t bring himself to oppose this relationship.
*Although when Yoosung kisses MC in the middle of the party hall in front of everyone-boy, Zen is there in an instant tugging Yoosung away from his little sibling by that blond fluff hair of his, giving him a disapproving glare. 
*Jokes aside, from everyone his sibling could’ve ended up with from the RFA...he’s glad it was Yoosung. He trusts his friend, and knows he’ll cherish MC with all his heart.
* She’s more than shocked to find out that Zen’s sibling, of all people, is the one that ended up in the RFA chatroom.
* Of course, she’s still very weary of them, but can’t help but ask a myriad of questions about Zen, his childhood, what MC remembers of Zen’s singing and so on and so forth.
* It doesn’t help that in a sense, Zen and MC are similar-sure, they have similar features since they’re related, but more than that some of MC’s mannerisms, the way they text sometimes, there’s little things that make Jaehee go ‘ah, so this really is Zen’s sibling’
* When she begins to fall for MC, she takes a step back from her feelings to try and analyse them-is she attracted to MC as MC, or is this a manifestation of her infatuation with Zen’s career? 
* But with every supportive comment and uplifting word MC sends Jaehee’s way, Jaehee realizes that no, this has nothing to do with Zen-she’s in love with MC and their bright infectious energy, and wants them to know that.
* Before deciding to tell MC about her coffee shop dream, before asking MC to move in with her, she first decides to talk to Zen about it; he’s their brother so he’d be the best person to gauge MC’s reaction to it, and honestly, his approval would mean a lot to Jaehee.
*Well, Zen’s honestly more than happy to give the two his blessing-he adores Jaehee and thinks she’s honestly a perfect fit for his little sibling, and from what he sees in the chatroom, he knows MC feels the same way about Jaehee. 
* He does become a regular at their coffee shop though, and honestly...he’s happy for the two of them. Genially, honestly happy.
* Now....now this is tricky.
* When he notices MC getting friendly with Jumin in the chatrooms, and worse, when he sees Jumin reciprocate this friendliness to MC-Zen immediatly calls his sibling and tells them to knock it off.
* Sadly, an arguement ensues, and harsh words are exchanged-MC tells Zen that if he hasn’t tried being a part of their life for so long except for the ocassional phone call, then he doesn’t get a say in who MC talks or flirts with, and Zen tells them that he regrets MC ever finding the RFA chatroom.
* The atmosphere is tense to say the least in the RFA chatroom the following days, but oddly enough-it’s Jumin that manages to calm the siblings down.
* He reminds them of the value of family, and tells them it’s a blessing that they have managed to reunite through this app, even putting his own matters aside that he deals with in his route to help the two make up again. He even says that if him being this friendly with MC is something that genially bothers Zen, he’ll stop, since he’d never want to be the reason a family breaks apart.
* Given all this, Zen finds it hard to stay mad at Jumin-and begrudgingly tells MC that if they want to get closer with Jumin, they can, but that they shouldn’t come crying to him when they find out he’s just a cat-obsessed idiot.
* When MC goes to Jumin’s house and stays with him for a few days, Zen is SHOOKETH-he will not stop calling and texting and threatening Jumin with all sorts of unspeakable acts if he dares hurt or upset his little sibling.
* Jumin is confused at that-how could he ever dare hurt MC? He cherishes them! But telling Zen so only made the white-haired man more furious, much to Jumin’s dismay.
* When Jumin decides he’ll propose to MC at the party, he finds it only right to talk with Zen beforehand, since he can’t really go to their parents straight away-it’s only right he asks for MC’s brother’s blessing in this, isn’t it?
* Well...Zen vehemently refuses. At least, he does, until Jumin sits down with him and seriously explains his intentions towards MC, how he genially loves them and wants to be with them for the rest of his life. Zen is still worried, and tells Jumin that he thinks it’s way too early...but honestly, when has anything Jumin done ever been normal?
* So begrudgingly, Zen nods along, telling Jumin that if he ever dares hurt MC he’ll smite him with his own two hands.
* Jumin merely smirks at that. “If I ever hurt them, I’d smite me myself” he says, and well, that’s good enough for Zen lol
*Hmm...when he sees how well MC’s humor matches with Luciel’s, Zen is confused, but he doesn’t really pay much mind to it-so his sibling made a friend in the RFA, that should make him happy right?
*But the longer Seven seems to unfold his true self within the chatroom, the more concerned Zen gets-he fears MC is getting sucked into a situation they might be unable to handle, and if they’re put in danger because of Seven...he doesn’t even want to begin to imagine that.
* When Seven admits that there’s a bomb in the apartment, and that he has to go there himself to fix the security program and protect MC, Zen immediatly calls him, cursing him intently. How dare he put Zen’s sibling in this sort of danger?! Zen vehemently insists Seven should give him the adress to the apartment ASAP so he can go take MC out of there himself, and gets more and more furstrated whenever Seven shuts him down.
* Furstrated and unable to do something of worth, Zen’s stuck calling MC every hour, checking in on them and how they’re doing, even begging them to give him the adress instead of Seven-but his sibling insists they want to trust Seven and his actions, and as much as it breaks Zen’s heart, there’s little he can do about it.
* When Seven admits his truth to the RFA-his real name, Saeyoung, his lost twin brother, and his profession of love towards MC; Zen’s a mess. He’s happy his friend has found the strength to be himself, but to involve Zen’s family in it all...still, he sees in the photo Seven sent how MC is happy standing beside Seven, how they’re confident in their words and their trust in him. 
* Zen can’t help but accept this relationship. He’ll never stop being worried, and he’ll watch over the two like a hawk, ready to swoop in if MC is ever put in any danger, but he knows Seven will protect MC with his life if he must, and that, at least, puts Zen’s mind at ease.
-send me mystic messenger headcanons for character reactions!-
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sondepoch · 4 years
XIX: Saeran's Route (Y/N)
Where Futures Begin
Life used to be simple for you. Peaceful. But the Savior had other plans for you, and in moments, she ruined what you thought was your one shot at happiness. Blinded by anger, you escaped the Mint Eye, but that triggered a series of events that would bring you further into the world of brothers Saeran and Saeyoung. And further into the twisted world of your love for them.
Neutral Route: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | ✔
Saeyoung’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | ✔
Saeran’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | ✔
"We've informed the Savior of Mr. Ray's actions. Her holiness is already in her way to the dungeons to meet with him."
Those words echoed through your mind like a mantra as you desperately replayed them, searching for a way out of the situation. You'd been daydreaming when you were able to eavesdrop on the two disciples just outside the room you were in, more worried about them coming in than you were about the contents of their conversation.
But when they dropped the name Ray, you couldn't help but pull yourself from your thoughts and listen to their words.
And thank god you did.
He's captured. The very thought sent shivers down your spine. You remembered Saeran's determined stride forward when he left the room, and at the time you'd been confident that he would return to you.
But as minutes drew into hours, the seeds of panic in your stomach began to grow. And those disciples' words just reinforced your every fear.
He's captured.
It had taken you less than a minute to disconnect your body from the Elixir-removing machine attached to you, pulling out all the needles and tubes one-by-one until you were free from its grip. It had taken you another minute to search the room for valuables, whereupon you found Saeran's laptop.
But you'd been sitting for the past ten minutes fumbling over the lock screen, debating whether or not to push the Enter button that would determine your fate. If you'd guessed his password right, then all would be well. You could contact Luciel and Vanderwood—the former was certain to help—and use their involvement to save you and Saeran.
But if you were wrong, you were dooming both you and your lover in one fell swoop.
"My password is always the most important person in my life."
Saeran had told you that. He'd winked when he said it, and as soon as those words left his lips you were confident that you were the important person he was speaking of. But so much time had passed since then. So many tears shed. So many promises broken. How unrealistic was it for Saeran's password to switch amidst all those other changes?
One attempt remaining.
Who had wasted the second attempt? Back in Luciel's cabin, you'd attempted MC's name while trying to hack into Saeran's user. As soon as you realized that the password was wrong, you'd moved on, a small part of you knowing that wasting password attempts was the last thing you needed.
So where had the second attempt gone? You knew there were three in total, but who on earth...
You sighed. Of course it was him.
Luciel's attempt to trade you in exchange for his brother only proved his desperation to see Saeran again, however convoluted the process was. No doubt, his actions were messed up. But the lengths he was willing to go to for Saeran's sake only strengthened your confidence that he would be just as willing to break back into the Mint Eye to get the two of you out.
And I can't do shit to contact him unless I get into this laptop.
You let your finger touch the Enter key, applying no pressure with your index until you were thoroughly convinced that there was no other possibility. No other candidate. No other guess.
His password was the most important person in his life.
And it had to be you.
You pressed down, letting your finger jump back as if the laptop would betray you with a Locked-Out screen at any moment.
But then one second passed. And then two. And then three, and then you saw the loading screen of the Mint Eye as the colors slowly filled in from empty white to sickening green, and then you were in.
You were in.
You were in.
A smile broke out on your face, despite the dire situation. Entering your name as Saeran's password had carried more weight than simply granting you access to his device. No, it proved his affection for you, the very affection that had seemed like it was failing these past months.
It proved that, despite everything, he still loved you.
And that maybe, he'd never stopped.
The gardens of the Mint Eye were bare. Not a single flower had been spared, and even the tall green bushes had been stripped bare of their ferns.
Above the two of you, the sun was shining proud and glorious. On a normal day, the light would have bounced off the petals to create a stunning effect, bringing the colors to life as they danced with every slight movement of the head.
But no longer.
"Don't feel sad," You murmured. You slipped your hand into Saeran's larger one and gave him it a comforting squeeze. But his blank expression only darkened, a stark contrast to the sunlit sky above you both.
"The Savior said that the ceremony would only require a few flowers." Saeran's mutter was barely audible, the boy unwilling to say the words any louder for fear of a wandering believer hearing them. It was a subtle protest, an angry fist raised to the magenta. The Savior had asked Saeran's consent in using the garden's flowers for the previous night's celebration, making it seem as if fewer than fifty would be picked.
But she had stripped the garden bare.
You said nothing to the boy next to you. You were committed in heart and soul to the Savior, the Mint Eye, and the magenta—you couldn't agree to his angry complaint with your leader's actions.
But it pained you to see him like this.
"Saeran," You called out softly. When he didn't respond, you moved to stand in front of him so that he was forced to look at you. "We can rebuild this. All of it. Together. We'll be here together forever, right? Even flowers won't take forever to grow."
For the first time that day, a soft smile bloomed on Saeran's lips. You couldn't be sure if it was at the prospect of growing the gardens back or at your mention of spending the rest of your lives together, but you continued on regardless.
"We can grow new flowers, too. Sunflowers in one corner. Daisies over there. We can even grow the blue roses you love so much, and we can have tulips, and lilies, and orchids, and a lilac bush, and—"
Saeran put a finger to your lips, silencing you.
"Shh. Any more and you'll run out of flower names." That much was true enough. It was only after the two of you had spent weeks replanting the gardens that you finally developed an interest in flowers. Up until that point, you hardly knew the difference between a poppy and a peony.
"But...thank you," Saeran finally said after a long silence. "If we can grow this back...I think that would be enough for me to be happy forever. As long as you're with me, of course."
"Of course," You responded, wrapping your other hand around Saeran's so that you were holding both. "I'll never leave you."
You smiled at the memory.
The gardens had grown back, fuller and lusher—and the next time the Savior requested flowers for a ceremony, Saeran picked them out himself to control the numbers.
Those gardens had been witness to so many promises between the two of you: mostly to stay at the Mint Eye together forever. It was a recurring theme in your conversations, as if the two of you knew that one day something might occur to tear you apart.
The fact that the 'something' would be the Savior herself was definitely unexpected. Not the Savior, Rika, you chided yourself while waiting for your connection to process. She saved no one.
You drummed your fingers on your laptop while waiting for the screen to load. Every second that passed furthered your fears. What if Luciel wouldn't pick up? What if he and Vanderwood had already left? What if it turned out to be MC on the other line instead of the men, and she cut the call before you could convey your message?
You bit your lip.
You'd already disrupted the connection between the Mint Eye's alarms and its triggers so that others in the system everything wouldn't be able to see any obvious changes; you'd blocked lower-level believers from having access to the main doors to stir up confusion; you'd released all of Saeran's files on the RFA and other projects. In short, you'd done everything you could possibly think of without doing the single most important thing: contacting Luciel and Vanderwood.
Pick up, damn it.
You glared daggers at the laptop. You'd saved this specific task for last because you knew that if they wouldn't respond, you and Saeran would be left with little chance to escape. They had to pick up. They had to. Surely fate wouldn't be so cruel as to completely desert you of hope?
You stared at the black screen, gazing hopelessly at it as if the object would feel sorry for you and would work faster. You were just about to give up on contacting the agents when the screen flickered.
There was no video connected, but you could hear the quiet buzz of the other side's audio. They picked up.
"Who is this?" A hostile voice shouted.
You sighed in relief.
"It's me," You responded, turning on your video feed so the redhead could see your face. You ignored how horrible you looked, opting to fill him in on the situation. "Listen, I know we didn't part on the best of terms but Saeran and I...need your help."
On the other side, Luciel and Vanderwood turned their screen on so that you could see their concerned faces. "Tell us how we can help," The brunette said, and you swiftly informed him of everything that had happened in the hours since separation.
"Shit," Luciel cursed, clenching his fists. You could see the anger in his eyes from when you told him about Saeran's capture, and even Vanderwood seemed to tense as you explained what the boy was probably being forced to endure.
"No time for that. I've disabled all the Mint Eyes defenses. I did everything I could do, without anyone noticing. But once Rika gets out of that dungeon, you can bet that she's going to get these disciples to triple check everything. We need you here as soon as you can get. Even sooner. There's no telling how long it'll be before..."
You swallowed harshly.
The Elixirs were what first turned Saeran against you, burying the real him deep in the sickly mask of his mint green eyes. And no doubt, the only reason Rika had even bothered to go down to the dungeons herself was so that she could hand-feed him the blue liquid herself.
There was no telling how long he would last.
"Before we lose Saeran." For good.
On the screen, you watched as Luciel banged a fist onto the wooden table. The sound startled you, and you regretted the fact that your volume was so high. In the momentary silence that followed, you strained your ears to check if there were believers outside.
Sure enough, you heard footsteps.
And they were approaching quicker than you'd like.
On the screen, Vanderwood must have noticed your fearful gaze as you watched the door. "(Y/N)? What? What is it?"
You pressed an index finger to your lips, holding your breath while waiting for your door to open.
One second passed. Then another. And then another. And the dread in your stomach seemed to fade. Still, it was far too risky for you to stay on this call. Even the slightest sound would draw attention to you, and that was the last thing you wanted, especially with Saeran already captured.
"I have to go," You whispered.
You flicked your gaze back onto the laptop screen where you had been about to close it, meeting Luciel's eyes. The boy seemed abashed and hesitant.
Very unlike him.
"Ah, I just..." He seemed to sense the impatience in your eyes. "I wanted to say I'm sorry. For...trying to trade you for Saeran. And for getting you back into this hot mess when you'd been escaping it in the first place."
Despite the situation, you couldn't help but smile at the boy. Just like his brother, he was good at heart. How could you blame someone like that? "Don't be sorry," You murmured with a smile. "Get me and Saeran out of here and that'll be all the apology we need."
With those parting words, you closed the laptop, sliding it under the blanket as you tiptoed out of the bed. It was too risky for you to stay in one place.
You opened the door, instantly knowing your location based on the layout of the hall.
But that information would prove to be useless.
Because the moment you stepped out and turned left, you came face to face with a believer.
"I thought I heard someone inside," He said with a sneer, grabbing your arms before you could make any movement to escape. "Hehe, the rebellious councilgirl (Y/N), is it?"
You flinched as he studied your mint eyes and white hair, your appearance too different for him not to recognize you. In an instant, you understood the true motivation that compelled Rika to change the appearance of everyone in her council. It wasn't just to become the personification of magenta, or to adorn the namesake of Mint Eye. It was to forever bind you to the cult and to her, so that a single glance at you would be all it took to recognize your allegiance. It was to make sure that you had no escape, no way out, no shelter from this bloody hell.
You cursed, only thankful for the fact that you'd managed to contact Luciel and Vanderwood before getting caught.
Right, you thought as you felt yourself being dragged in the direction of the dungeons. Luciel and Vanderwood will save us.
They were probably already on their way, driving chaotically through the woods to get here as you'd instructed them. You'd given them everything you could, exploited every opportunity, opened every hole in the Mint Eye's defenses.
The only question left was whether they would make it in time.
Neutral Route: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | ✔
Saeyoung’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | ✔
Saeran’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | ✔
Word count: 2.4k
Notes: I didn't post this last night because I thought I'd be home by like 9 but it's now 5 AM and yeah I'm sorry about that >.>
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Next Update: 4/06/20
I do not own the rights to Mystic Messenger or any of the characters within it.
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I love the idea of indoor dates with Saeyoung while things are still slowly getting better
Maybe watching some movies or documentaries while holding him and resting my chin on his shoulder
Then listening to him talk about anything he's passionate about for hours to get his mind off things for a even just a while
I want to spend time with him and listen to him and know more about what gets him going (maybe also have that as an excuse to admire his pretty face and melt on the inside seeing him happy and lively- asjksnjs)
That's a wonderful idea, Anon. You could let him turn on whatever he wants, and that usually means he turns on cartoons and other movies he's been interested in but he's not had a lot of time to try and experience. Like, the man would watch Wall-E for hours if you let him because he gets so many ideas from robot movies and if you let him get started with him... well, you're never going to hear the end of what he wants to create.
That's a passion for him, and a huge reason why his dream, art first, involved making a toy shop! He wants to be able to make things with his hands that are worthwhile and happy. Whether that means exploring more stuff in his garage or staying in his office for a while tinkering with robot parts to see what might do it for him!
He's not had a lot of time to enjoy that stuff... only when he slacked off at the agency... but now he's got a lot of free time to try out everything, and maybe it'd be nice to share those things with you so he can create something even better. Let him be himself for once in his life... and figure out what that means. So, he’s going to be making a mess of himself as he explores that! Just be warned that it will make you laugh to see him covered in muck and fuzz.
“Hand me that, please,” he’d say, and then he’d explain what he’s doing with a grin on his face.
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somethinglacking · 4 years
Shooting for Stars: Chapter 2
Hyuna Lee just started college, and while procrastinating decided to give a popular MMO called LOLOL a try. Here she will meet new friends, battle monsters, part takes in epic quests, and potentially find love!
Most of this will take place in LOLOL at the beginning.
This takes place a year/ year and a half after Seven’s good end, and the secret endings. Yoosung x OC
**Update’s once a week** Chapter word count: 4408
Smut in later chapters, of course Shooting For Stars: Chapter 1 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The day seemed to keep dragging on and on. A certain University student sat in a lecture dozing off. Maybe he should have logged off when Sapfyre had. His purple irises where bloodshot from the two hours of sleep he did manage to get. His lids were heavy as he rested his chin in his palm attempting to focus on what the Professor was saying. Knowing he had a quiz at the end of the week, and the professor had promised all they had to do was show up and pay attention to pass. However, it was getting harder and harder to keep his eyes open. One of his classmates had kicked his chair trying to keep him alert, the action made him blush as he dopily stared at the front of the room. You’d think he would have learned his lesson time after time again he ended up staying up all night playing LOLOL. 
The bottle-blond thought back to last night and the newbie he had managed to befriend. They were nice, extremely noobish, but they had fun. He smiled to himself remembering the promise to meet up again tonight. They had managed to raise at least 9 levels and they had chosen the cleric class as promised. Yoosung was overjoyed to know he might be able to get a half-decent healer for the guild as he helped the newcomer practice the craft of the game. The gamer couldn’t help but think of all the things he could do to help his newest party member advance in the game. 
His classmate kicked his chair again and he glared over to him, annoyed that he was constantly being pulled away from his thoughts. Truthfully he just couldn’t wait to get home and log onto LOLOL. Sapfyre said they were a student and they were in the same timezone, most likely had day class’s if the panic about their project that was due was any indicator. Meaning they would most likely log in at the same time as him, or a little after. Yoosung hasn’t felt this excited over a new person since Mi-Cha came crashing into the RFA messenger a little over a year ago. It made his chest kind of ticklish, which was weird. There was a very high chance Sapfyre was another dude on the other side, and possibly underage too. Yoosung groaned rubbing his dry eyes trying to calm his inner musing and push thoughts away. How desperate is he becoming?
Sighing softly to himself he decided maybe overthinking last night’s LOLOL encounter was a bad idea. He was just lonely, and watching two of his friends fall in love over messages and eventually get married in the same year had his chest twisting with a sense of jealousy. Sure he was happy for them, of course, he supported them. It was as an onlooker with no romantic history that made him envious of their partnership. Seeing his best friend so happy, and the way Saeyoung and Mi-Cha just seem to get each other. They fought for one another, faced every challenge as a team. It was a really beautiful relationship. 
He wanted what they had. 
He wanted it badly. 
Eventually, classes concluded for the day and Yoosung felt full of energy all of a sudden. He hadn’t taken in anything the professors had attempted to teach him. Mentally he questioned why he was even bothering with university then his mother’s face flashed behind his eyelids. Ya, she would have been pissed if he just up and quit school. Though after everything that has taken place he honestly debated changing his major. He only had two years left, it would be like starting all over. 
On his walk back to his dorm room with a meal from the convenient store, his mind wandered to Rika. Zen and himself had shipped her away to Alaska, trying to save her from both Jumin and Saeyoung’s rath. It was a foolish move as more and more truth about her illegal activity came to light. After Saeran opened up to the abuse he endured under her. Yet, someone boyish part of him still didn’t want Rika to suffer, he wanted her to get better. He wanted his cousin back. Only he seemed to be the only one in the RFA that gave a damn about Rika’s recovery. 
Yoosung let out a sigh as he unlocked the door leading into his dorm room. His violet eyes scanned his livingroom and frowned. “It’s pretty lonely.” He whispered to himself as he dropped his school bag on the couch and made his way to his bedroom. On instinct, he sat at his computer and booted it up. He opened his store-bought sushi and began to nibble it as his hindows ran an update check before booting up his desktop. He had LOLOL set to automatically load once the computer came to life. The icon showed a loading hourglass and then the main screen loaded up with the daily newsletter. Yoosung took a moment to read it over not noticing anything interesting and logged his tank up. 
The first thing he did was claim his daily bonus and check his friend’s list. Saeyoung and Mi-Cha where online in some dungeon. He smiled hoping they married couple was enjoying their time playing games with one another. Saeran didn’t appear to be online, and Yoosung wondered what the younger twin could be up too if his brother and sister in law were actively playing games. He scrolled noticing that Sapfyre hadn’t logged in since they said goodnight last night. He sighed putting more food in his mouth as he got a bunch of party requests from random players. He declined them all and idled himself. 
Yoosung chewed and check his phone noticing a miss call from Zen and rolling his eyes. He had a few emails about possible party guests for the next RFA party. He took a moment to look at them before forwarding them to Mi-Cha. She handled the rest from there. Jaehee, Zen and Jumin were all active in a chatroom. Yoosung cringed wondering if he should go be a cushion for Jaehee knowing the men in the room were most likely arguing and her trying to keep them on track. 
As his thumb hovered over the enter chatroom icon and notification popped up on his monitor. His eyes read over it and smiled. There was Sapfyre, they must have just gotten home from school. He closed the RFA app and silenced his phone. He shoved the rest of his food into his mouth as he opened his private messages with the newbie. 
SupermanYoosung★: Hiya! 
SupermanYoosung★: Ready for more dungeon crawling?
Nervously he chewed on the pad of his thumb waiting for the stranger to reply to him. After all, it was coming home and playing with this person that had gotten throughout his day. He didn’t want to come across clingy though. After a small intervention involving Saeyoung and Zen, he had realized that his problem was that he was a stage five clinger. Sighing with a blush dusting his checks he waited patiently for them to reply.
‘Plus this person was most likely a guy’ He reminded himself and thought of his guild member’s horror stories about being catfished on the site. 
Sapfyre: Oh Hey You~
Sapfyre: Haha I’m up for more! 
Sapfyre: The monsters will have no idea what hit them when SupermanYoosung is through with them!
Yoosung smiled, really wishing this person owned a headset. He was curious about what they sounded like. They wrote in a manner that was similar to Mi-Cha but that didn’t mean anything. Maybe they were just feminine, maybe they are playing to role play like a girl. It wasn’t uncommon for members to role play out relationships and the such on here. The game even offered and marriage system for such a thing. It was diverse in how a player would like to spend their time within it’s the massive world. 
SupermanYoosung★: Hell ya!
SupermanYoosung★: We should be able to pick your class today, you’re almost level 10! 
Sapfyre: Only thanks to you!
Sapfyre: Honestly if I had been left to my own devices last night I wouldn’t even be close to level 10!
Sapfyre: So thank you!
Yoosung chuckled liking the attention and praise.
SupermanYoosung★: no thanks is needed ^^
SupermanYoosung★: I’m having a lot of fun playing with you!
SupermanYoosung★: I’ll create a party, one sec.
 He swiftly invited his new friend to make a party with him. He waited for her to join as he organized his inventory. 
Sapfyre: One of these days I’ll figure out how to do this
And just like that their avatars where linked together. Yoosung couldn’t help the way his heart pittered. He really needed to get a hold on himself and remind himself that the other player was, in fact, a dude. Not that Yoosung was personally offended by same-sex relationships, he just wasn’t interested in starting anything with another dude. 
“Really wish they had a mic so my brain could stop thinking about this too much.” Yoosung wished to himself, readjusting his hairpins to push his bang out of his face more. 
SupermanYoosung★: Until that fateful day I got you covered. 
Sapfyre: My hero lol
Yoosung began preparing for their next quest, he knew of a couple they could pair off with and each get the exp. Simple missions that involved them slaying a certain number of minor enemies and such. He was also going to get them to up their cooking and fishing skills so she could brew their own potions. How useful support was in actuality and a money saver. 
SupermanYoosung★: First I’ll bring us to a place where we can fish. I’ll just hand you over what I catch. Then you can cook them all to build those skills.
Sapfyre: Aye Aye Captain!
Yoosung chuckled as his eyes lit up. 
SupermanYoosung★: Sorry if it seemed like I’m bossing you around ^^;;
SupermanYoosung★: It just helps the arch maester class brew potions and buffs.
Sapfyre: Oooh that sounds cool.
Sapfyre: Don’t worry about bossing me around~ 
‘How suggestive’ Yoosung pondered biting his lip before teleporting them to the fishing island. There he quested an item share and handed them a nice fishing rod that wouldn’t break every five seconds. Then they got to work. Since it was a pretty basic automatic action he wanted to take this chance to get to know them better.
SupermanYoosung★: This might take a while.
SupermanYoosung★: So you mentioned you’re a student. What are you studying?
Sapfyre: Wow this is really a grind, huh?
Sapfyre: I’m an art and digital design student. 
Sapfyre: Nothing too exciting, what are you studying? 
SupermanYoosung★: I’m in training to be a vet ^^;
SupermanYoosung★: sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice for myself 
Sapfyre: A vet? You must be pretty smart then. 
Sapfyre: I think we all doubt our educational choices.
Sapfyre: isn’t that what being a student is all about? Being unsure about our future and trying to make sure we make the right decisions?
Sapfyre: If you’re passionate about animal’s you could make all the difference one day ^^
Yoosung blushed nearly crimson reading their messages. No one had ever sided with him and his doubts. Maybe they were feeling it too. Art wasn’t something that guaranteed a job in the future and was hard to get noticed in. 
Sapfyre: If anything you could just transfer to human medicine. It’s all under the biology major, is it not?
He hadn’t even thought of that possibility. Indeed, he could just transfer and just suck up an extra year of school. SKY university did offer an internship program after the medical exams. Yoosung bit his thumb pondering the possibility. 
SupermanYoosung★: I hadn’t thought of that
SupermanYoosung★: ahaha
SupermanYoosung★: My friends usually just tell me to suck it up and get school over with. 
SupermanYoosung★: That I should just be anxious about finding employment. 
Sapfyre: What's the point of working in a career you have no passion for?
SupermanYoosung★: Are you passionate about art?
Sapfyre: Hahaha
Sapfyre: Yes! Art is the main thing that gives me a drive every day!
Sapfyre: Even if my father thinks it’s a waste of my time and future, I’m going to pursue it. 
Sapfyre: Maybe instead of listening to others, you should listen to the drive within you. Find something you’re passionate about. 
Sapfyre: A vet’s good if you really like animals. A doctor or surgeon is good if you like helping people. 
SupermanYoosung★: I might just do that!
SupermanYoosung★: wow- I didn’t mean to get so serious on you like that.
Sapfyre: It’s fine. 
Sapfyre: We are going to be fishing for a while. 
Sapfyre: And I’d never get mad at someone for voicing their insecurities. 
SupermanYoosung★: You’re a really cool person
SupermanYoosung★: But let's get off the heavy topics
Sapfyre: Hmmmm 
Sapfyre: How long have you been playing LOLOL
Yoosung frowned, at least they didn't ask how much he plays. 
SupermanYoosung★: a little over 2 years
SupermanYoosung★: A friend of mine downloaded it for me, and I’ve been hooked ever since. 
Sapfyre: I’ll confess this is more addictive than it has any business being.
SupermanYoosung★: Welcome to LOLOL hell I hope you enjoy your stay~
Sapfyre: Ahaha thank you
Sapfyre: I think it might just be the company >-< 
Yoosung felt his ear burning. He couldn’t help but agree with them, but at the same time, he wanted to approach this budding friendship with caution. He’d never hear the end of it if Saeyoung finds out he was catfished. Or potentially catfished. The student willed his mind to get it together, they weren’t even flirting with him, he was just lonely and desperate at the moment. That was logical. He’d just play it cool. 
Some Time passed and Sapfyre got a headway into fishing and cooking. An hour had passed since they logged on and talked about pointless things like the latest RPG and anime. Yoosung could very easily see himself being friends with this guy in real life. They had many similar interests. He found himself laughing at some of the corny jokes they made too. Like actually laughing out loud. 
Now they were gearing up to head into a dungeon. Saeyoung had sent him a private message, but the gamer ignored it in favor of getting Sapfyre set up for more monster hunting. Once again the crawling was slow due to him having to fall back to type commands for his companion. He really wishes they would get a headset to make this more swift, and also so they could actively chat more. 
Sapfyre had reached level 10 and they had a long debate on the best support healing class for them. Arche Master won healing spells and potion brewing. Just as Yoosung had hoped they’d choose. 
As he was about to wrap them a voice chat request from Saeran popped up. Yoosung groaned, he didn’t even see him log in. He pardoned himself for a moment and plugged in his headset. He accepted his friends' request, typing to Sapfyre he’ll be a moment. 
“Hey.” Yoosung said eyeing the little ‘take your time’ from his new friend.
“So you ignore my brother, but talk to me?” Saeran questioned, even Yoosung could hear the smirk in his voice. 
“You’re the lesser of the two evils,” Yoosung explained sighing, explaining to Sapfyre he was just setting up his headset to chat with another player before warping them to the first location for a low-level quest. “Anyways what's up?”
Saeran was silent for a moment. “What are you doing in such a beginner level area?” he questioned and Yoosung rolled his eyes. 
“I met someone new to the server yesterday, I’m raising myself an Arche Master.” He chuckled gloating. 
“How the hell did you seduce- Sap-fire? Into becoming a support class for you?” Saeran asked trying to figure out if he was pronouncing the username correctly. Yoosung honestly didn’t know if that's how you say it, but it was as good a guess as to his. 
“Haha~” Yoosung let out a boyish giggle and then lowered his voice. “I know how to get around Saeran. Why you jealous I’m gonna have myself an amazing support!” 
“Sure.” Saeran sighed the sound of his keyboard being typed on made its way into the mic. “It’ll benefit our guild over Mi-Cha’s and my idiot brothers.” 
“That’s true.” Yoosung hummed replying to Sapfyre quickly as he sent his avatar charging into an assault. 
“Don’t tell me they are a typer-” Saeran asked in mock horror at the implication. 
“Ya, but it’s not their fault.” Yoosung defended his new friend. “They are a student like me, and literally just started LOLOL yesterday.” 
Saeran groaned anyway. The faint sounds of Mi-Cha hissing something to her husband were heard in the background. Yoosung let out an amused poof of air wondering what Saeyoung did now to get her riled up like that. 
“Do they always have to be so loud?” Saeran whispered his complaint and Yoosung chuckled under his breath. “So I take it you’ll be busy for awhile helping that person with leveling?” 
“Ya.” The gamer replied typing to Sapfyre about their next mission swiftly. “It’s gonna take a bit more time given we have to type to one another until they can get a headset.” 
“Fine.” Saeran murmured. “I’ll just go sell goods and mine while you help the noob.” 
“Sounds good,” Yoosung replied. Saeran made a noise and their line disconnected. He wasn’t much of a talker, unless it was necessary as Yoosung found out over the year of knowing him. 
SupermanYoosung★: There is glow mushrooms in this cave
Sapfyre: Ooooooh sounds fancy~
SupermanYoosung★: Ahaha they look really pretty!
SupermanYoosung★: Only problem is-
SupermanYoosung★: This is the only place to farm them and it’s a level 45 dungeon.
At that moment he wished he would’ve asked Saeran for help. There was a certain random spawn for a level 98 dragon event happening in that dungeon. The dragon looked sick though, with the mushrooms growing off his body, but he was a bitch to face. 
Sapfyre: I’ll try my best to give you back up!
SupermanYoosung★: We got this >-<
SupermanYoosung★: Nothing can stand in this duo’s way! 
SupermanYoosung★: Let’s just pray the level 98 dragon doesn’t spawn
He pressed teleport and warped them inside the entrance of the cave.
Sapfyre: hahaha
Sapfyre: hahaha level 98 dragon in a level 45 dungeon.
Sapfyre: You’re trolling me, right?
Yoosung chuckled. He wishes he were, but they needed that glow mushroom for a revival potion with a 5% brew success rate. Meaning they’d be here for a while. If he got lucky maybe one of his friends would see where he was and come help. If not they would have to hope for the best. 
SupermanYoosung★: Don’t worry~
SupermanYoosung★: There is only a 28% chance he’ll spawn. 
An almost daring smirk crossed the gamer's lips as he sent both their avatar rushing into the depth of the dungeon. Sapfyre was being cute thinking every droplet sound effect was the dragon spawning. However, as of right now they’d be okay. It wasn’t until the last 5 levels of the dungeon did it ever spawn. 
Sapfyre: This is a suicide mission!
SupermanYoosung★: Naw, I’ve only faced him once and that was after multiple times looking for him. 
Sapfyre’s avatar was farming mushroom’s and Yoosung was fending off monsters. It moved quicker with them both focusing on a task. Surprisingly they were making headway pretty quickly within the dungeon. 
After some time he saw Saeran’s avatar spawn in with them, and Yoosung chuckled feeling like a kid caught with a hand in the cookie jar. In the world chat, Saeran sent numerous question marks and Yoosung sent some back. Soon after Saeran asked to join their party and Yoosung accepted. It automatically created a separate group chat for the team.
Sapfyre: Oh hey! Someone new!
SupermanYoosung★: This is a friend of mine. Seems he’s just as nervous about us running into the Shroom Dragon as you are. 
Sapfyre: I told you!
Sapfyre: This is a suicide mission!
UnknownUserName: What do you think you’re doing ^^
SupermanYoosung★: Making revival potions
Sapfyre: Trying to get us killed!
Sapfyre: Oh more mushrooms! 
Yoosung smiled watching her run towards the farm point and start gathering more of the precious material. Both Saeran and himself fended off the monsters spawning around them. Saeran was a ranged character opting for a longbow. He still hit hard though. They always made a good team. 
Sapfyre: Go boys go!
SupermanYoosung★: Whoooooo!
Sapfyre made her Avatar do a cheering motion as they fought off the critters that were mostly child's play to him and Saeran. Soon enough they all collected up again and moved further within the cave. 
SupermanYoosung★: The moment of truth boys
SupermanYoosung★: May we proceed to victory
Sapfyre: ????
UnknownUserName: It spawns in the last 5 levels 
Sapfyre: You mean I was jumping at every little sound for nothing this whole time!
UnknownUserName: Apparently 
Sapfyre: Yoosung you god damn troll! 
SupermanYoosung★: Thought I mentioned
UnknownUserName: Sure. 
Yoosung chuckled, a little disappointed they newcomer didn’t react to him referring to them all being boys. He sighed resolving himself into finally believing they were, in fact, a dude with a cute Avatar. There was no denying the disappointment he felt. At least the connection they had made could be swayed towards a friendship. Yoosung smiled sadly to himself, mentally scolding himself for being so desperate for a girlfriend again. 
The team proceeded with extreme caution. Yoosung had his headphones on with the volume at a punishing high listening for any telltale signs they were not alone. Even his breathing mellowed out as his heart hammered in his chest. It was exhilarating sneaking about trying to get to the loot at the end of the cove. 
Soon enough he saw two more Avatars run unto the screen. They requested to join the party and Yoosung let out a slow breath of relief. He accepted watching as Saeyoung and Mi-Cha’s user names joined his and Saerans along with Sapfyre. 
AhaChaCha: Wow, really pushing it guys
HackerGod: Will he spawn though
HackerGod: Dun Dun
HackerGod: Come on Saeran, give me a DUN!
UnknownUserName: No
Sapfyre: DUNNNN!!!!
HackerGod: HAHA 
AhaChaCha: Yoosung it’s not nice to get your new friends killed. 
SupermanYoosung★: Meh, we would’ve been fine. 
Sapfyre: Would we really have been though!?!
Sapfyre: Look at all these people concerned about our well being!
Sapfyre: Can’t believe you took me out on a suicide mission T^T
HackerGod: Lolol, Ya Yoosung. 
HackerGod: How
HackerGod: Could
HackerGod: YOU!
AhaChaCha: T^T this is so sad
AhaChaCha: Alexia play Despacito~
Sapfyre: Pbffft
UnknownUserName: How am I related to you fools?
SupermanYoosung★: Only three more Levels to go!
Sapfyre: Y'all hear that??
As Sapfyre’s message appeared a rumbling roar shook Yoosung’s eardrums. He hissed removing the headset and moved quickly. Honestly, the rest of them could’ve easily made a voice chat, but maybe they were being considerate to Sapfyre who would be the only man out. 
HackerGod: Let us KamiKaze this bitch!
UnknownUserName: Now that’s something I can get behind
AhaChaCha: Stay back and focus on your healing spells, Sapfyre
SupermanYoosung★: Should we cue a war cry?
Sapfyre: FREEDOM!!!
SupermanYoosung★: lmao!
With that, they all took their positions. Saeyoung was a mage and stood back with his brother seeing as their both ranged. Mi-Cha and Himself charged in. She was a duel wielding halfling and him a tank. Saran was careful to position himself before Sapfyre protecting the extremely under-leveled healer. Yoosung was honestly surprised how easily Sapfyre got into the team formation and tried desperately to keep all their hit points up. 
It was a long battle with just the five of them, even with Saeyoung and himself holding the number 1 and 2 place in the server ranking. Mi-Cha and saeran’s characters weren’t anything to scoff at. Sapfyre did good hanging out in the far back healing as fast as their mp gage and cool downtime would allow them. They even started tossing some of the potion’s Yoosung had bought for them the night prior. Event bosses were always a pain in the ass to take down, but the rewards were sooo worth it. 
No one dared type in the group chat, everyone was busy watching for openings for an all-out attack when the defence dropped. Nothing like a risky battle to get your blood pumping, or so they say. Yoosung found himself swearing to himself as his voice got more panic watching his health bar deplete, however, Sapfyre was trying to heal him back up. Maybe this was a mistake, but if they went down, all of them could say they went down with one hell of a fight. 
After a good hour, the beast died and Mi-Cha was like a hit point away from dying. Yoosung could almost hear everyone's sigh of relief as the exp divide between the five of them. Yoosung chuckled watching Sapfyre make their Avatar dance about in celebration. 
AhaChaCha: That was too close for comfort.
HackerGod: At least Sapfyre is feeling energetic enough to dance for us 
Sapfyre: What a rush! You’re all amazing! I went up like 7 levels! 
UnknownUserName: There was a lesson to be learned here
SupermanYoosung★: Ya ya
HackerGod: I believe in the heart of the cards
AhaChaCha: lol! Got some good loot!
SupermanYoosung★: I’m glad you all showed up
SupermanYoosung★: Our ass’s would’ve been grass
Sapfyre: D:
Sapfyre: I told you this was a suicide mission!
UnknownUserName: ^^ 
After a few finishing things, and getting to the field of glow mushrooms everyone left the part. Soon it was just him, Sapfyre, and the loading screen brings them back to safety. 
Sapfyre: It’s so late
Sapfyre: Don’t you ever sleep, Yoosung?
SupermanYoosung★: Sometimes lolol
SupermanYoosung★: I take it you’re headed to bed
Sapfyre: Yes! Are you insane? I have morning classes
Sapfyre: If anything you should be joining me
Yoosung choked on his spit.
Sapfyre: OMG!
Sapfyre: I meant you should be heading to bed!
Sapfyre: Gosh, now I’m blushing 
SupermanYoosung★: It’s okay haha
SupermanYoosung★: You’re probably right
SupermanYoosung★: I’m just not gonna listen :p
Sapfyre: I rolled my eyes
Sapfyre: I guess this is goodnight!
Sapfyre: Nighty Night~
SupermanYoosung★: Night!~
11 notes · View notes
sweet-nebulae · 5 years
Since I have many callouses on my hands from all the part time I do and chores I wonder what would some of the mystic messenger characters think? It really make me self conscious 😅
♡  (°〇°) Oh, anonnie! I know what you mean - I don’t have callouses on my palms, but I do on the pads of my fingers from pricking them for blood every day. TT They always catch on nice fabric.. I def don’t think you should be self-conscious of them though! ^^ You said ‘some’ so I just assumed you meant ‘all’ the characters
♡  I tried to make sure they were a little different, but so many of them I think would respond in very similar ways… TT I’m sorry if this isn’t good enough
✿ Zen ✿
It’s sort of understandable why you’d feel self-conscious about something like that when you’re with Zen
Despite having led a rough life in his past, his skin is smooth as fuck
What the fuck Zen, how????? You were in a gang how did you escape unscathed
Still, because of how image-conscious he is, it’s not really surprising that you’re self-conscious about something small like that
When it comes to Zen, though, he has trouble spotting imperfections in you
Read; he’s pretty damn sure you have none
If you bring it up to him he’s going to be shocked it had been bothering you
It’s just a callous! You’re still just as beautiful and perfect to him as you would be without them
If it really bothers you though he’d probably suggest some moisturizers or lotions you could use to help combat them while vehemently trying to make sure you understood he didn’t think you needed to do so if you didn’t want to
He’d think it was cute if you adopted the same skin-care routine as him though
✿ Yoosung ✿
Subconsciously rubs his fingers along your own just because it’s a different feeling
Which is.. kinda weird ;; Yoosung what are you doing
When you call him out on he just looks confused
Was he doing that?? Oops
Wouldn’t just guess that it was a point of self-consciousness for you though
When you finally bring it up to him his violet eyes would go so wide
Instantly grabbing your hands and turning an earnest gaze on you
“They’re nothing to feel embarrassed about! Really!”
If you don’t believe him by just words alone he’ll pull your hands up to his lips and press kisses all over them
He knows that won’t just miraculously make you feel better about them, but from then on he makes sure every interaction with you has at least one kiss pressed somewhere to your hand
✿ Jaehee ✿
Doesn’t think twice about it ever
You’re both hard-workers - hers is just more phone calls, computer/paperwork, and dealing with people like Mr. Han while yours is more physical
Callouses are just a natural thing that would happen to your hands
She understands the want to feel more physically appealing but she’s secretly relieved you have the callouses
It means you have less of a chance of getting hurt!
Will probably be one of the only ones to admit this to you too
Callouses are created to protect your hands, after all - if you get rid of them, something might happen!
She wants to keep you safe, but at the end of the day she also understands that they’re your hands and if you really feel badly about them then telling you not to do anything to them would just be unkind
Expect her to take a rare day off to take you to a full body spa
That way you can both relax and feel rejuvenated
Also.. Jaehee in a towel dkjfgd
Her thoughts: ..you in a towel dkjfgd
✿ Jumin ✿
Jumin isn’t a stranger to hard work - but he is a stranger to manual labor
Still, he wouldn’t really think twice about feeling callouses on your hands
It’s a part of you, he loves you, and after the initial ah, I see he won’t really think of it again
Especially considering he wants to pay for EVERYTHING for you, which means in his mind you won’t have to do that kind of work ever again
It creates a really obvious (to you, at least) sign of the class difference between you and Jumin
Just another reminder that you two come from different worlds
Jumin is perceptive when it comes to you at least, so he’ll notice that something is bothering you, but he won’t be able to pin-point it without asking
Is ready to throw money at any problem you have to help you feel better, but is sort of shocked once you reveal what it is
He will still throw money at it, don’t get me wrong - you’ll suddenly have way too many lotions in your life
??? Sure, he noticed them, but they aren’t anything to be embarrassed of
Some people have them and some people don’t, that’s all
Will assure you however you need that they don’t make him think badly of you
Will definitely try to assure you through sex, smh jumin
Holds your hand a lot more in public now - it doesn’t do anything for the paparazzi, of course, but it’s his own silent show of support to you
Bonus: Elizabeth III doesn’t think badly of you for them either ^^
✿ Saeyoung ✿
Something like that probably can’t be background searched about you, but he’s perceptive enough to figure it out before you tell him either way
He doesn’t really give it away that he knows though
He might hold your hand more often and compliment them more, but there’s never any other indication that he knows
When you finally bring it up to him he still won’t let you know that he knew - he’ll just tilt his head and seriously listen, because it’s an actual concern of yours
Will grab your hand and kiss one of them as soon as you’re done talking, because he has absolutely no shame when it comes to his love for you
He gets not liking an aspect of yourself not deemed to be perfect, but that doesn’t mean he agrees with it!
Depending on how upset you are, he’ll either genuinely try to be soothing and comforting –
Which probably involves a hug and some cuddling and hair kisses, with quiet murmured words of affection
Or he’ll be a little more casual and relaxed about it –
Which means a suggestion to raid Zen’s skin-care products to see what can be done about them to make you feel better
Will suggest using Elly to get Zen ‘incapacitated’ so you can genuinely raid his house
He’s probably joking
Please say no just in case
✿ Jihyun ✿
Another one that’s going to need to be straight-up asked his opinion on it
100% genuinely surprised by you feeling that way too
Of course he knows about them! He just never thought about them as anything other than a part of you that made you you
His eyesight may not be… the best, but that means he maps out your body through touch more than just his eyes
that sounds dirty whoops
maybe it is idk what you two get up to
Will tell you in no uncertain terms that it doesn’t bother him at all
He understands having things that you’re self-conscious about, but he will assure you that you don’t need to feel that way around him
He knows it isn’t so simple that his words will just automatically make you feel better
Even if it isn’t that big of a deal to you he’ll wrap his arms around you and rest his chin on your head
Or if you’re taller than him he’ll make sure the two of you are sitting so he can get you to lean on him
He will make sure his chin is on your head, is my point, and your heart near his chest
It’s a silly concept, he knows, but he hopes if you hear how steadily his heart is beating, how in love he is with you, that you’ll understand the full extent of his words when he says it does not bother him at all
You’ve always been his favorite model of choice - now he just gently demands you be his model more often
✿ Saeran ✿
Surprises you by just asking about it one day with zero tact
Then instantly gets red and flustered because he was like –
fuck shit i didn’t mean to sound like i’m interrogating them
It’s actually kind of funny and cute to watch
In his defense though, he was just curious about what you did every day to get them
No matter what your answer was, he’d be clearly interested
You could literally just say you hand-wash clothes and he would be listening intently
He doesn’t have any of his own, but he has a lot of scars, physical and mental
And you don’t think any less of him for them
It’ll make him a bit uncomfortable, but he’ll tell you in that quiet voice of his that it doesn’t bother him
Callouses, scars - just because they’re present and discernible on you doesn’t change how attractive he thinks you are
he’s gripping your hands a bit too tightly now but please let him fkjdhhgd he’s about to throw himself out the window from embarrassment
✿ Vanderwood ✿
Honestly probably doesn’t notice it
He wears gloves the majority of the time, so he wouldn’t feel them
But the gloves also cover his own callouses - you can bet he has some considering his line of work
You’ll have to ask him bluntly what he thinks about them
Might come off a bit uncaring at first because he just doesn’t understand
Like??? What do you mean, what does he think about them
They’re a natural reaction to protect the skin
Would ask you what you think of his own callouses suddenly
They don’t make you like him any less, right?
Then there’s no way yours is going to make him like you any less either
And that’s that, he considers the matter done with now
…will side-glance you if you’re clearly still upset by it
Doesn’t know what else to do - he isn’t great at comforting people on a good day
He loves you, and he’s better at showing that through actions, not words
Probably just reaches out to hold your hands with a blush on his face and his eyes averted
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fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Epilogue
Namjoon x Reader Author: Mo Summary: You’re in college when your soulmate tattoo shows up, an address. You figure writing a letter couldn’t hurt... Note: Here it is, you guys! The grand finale of Signed, Sealed, Delivered. I’d like to start off by thanking each and every single one of you for taking this journey with me. I appreciate all of the love and support you’ve showered me with more than you could ever know. I love you all, and know that I have big things planned going forward. Love youuuu!! Warnings: Some swears, soulmate fluff. Word Count: 1.4k
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Epilogue
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“Can we get a close-up of RM?” The camera director’s voice requested through your headset.
“I’ve got it.” You nodded and adjusted accordingly, finding the right angle just as Joonie started rapping his part in Anpanman. By now, your soulmate knew which of the cameras in the overhead rig you ran, and he tried not to look at you too often, but you were like a magnet for his eyes. Knowing you were up there watching every show every night made each of his performances better and better than the last. And every single night, he made you swoon.
It wasn’t possible for him to be this hot. He was just...so hot. Especially when he was doing his job like this, because you knew as soon as his lips were done rapping tonight, they’d be melded against yours the second you got back to the hotel. You always got back a little later than him, but it gave him some time to take a shower, change into his pajamas, and get some reading done.
“Wow, it’s almost like he’s in love with your camera.” Joked the coworker next to you.
“Or the pretty pink-haired girl behind it.” Muttered the coworker on the other side.
You giggled, cheeks burning. Of course they knew about your relationship with Namjoon. The whole staff did, but they were sworn to secrecy. If anything leaked, one of them would get fired, and the last thing they wanted was to be forced out of the BigHit family.
You liked all of your coworkers. They were good to you, treated you like one of their own because at the end of the day, you were all just nerds with cameras. Namjoon helped you practice your Korean, necessary phrases you needed to interact with the rest of the crew, but some of them spoke a bit of English, so you weren’t completely clueless about what was going on.
You followed Namjoon with your camera until the end of the song and then waited for more instructions. You were in charge of the camera that followed him anyway, so you always got the best view of him. It really was the best job in the world.
After the show, you waited while the camera installation lowered and climbed out of your fighter-pod-like station, finding yourself on solid ground for the first time in a few hours. You were filled with the giddy energy that always followed a show like that one. You knew what came next involved your favorite rapper in the whole wide world.
Stray streams of confetti littered the ground as the stadium’s crew started cleaning, sweeping them away, and crowds of exhausted ARMYs started filing out of the GA pit, hoarse and swaying on their feet. You couldn’t wait to be one of them in a few weeks.
“Good job today, (Y/N).” One of your coworkers gave you a pat on the shoulder and a warm smile. “You’re really getting good at this.”
“Thank you!” You beamed, gathering your things. As soon as you turned it back on, your phone buzzed with a text from Namjoon.
Joon <3: Just got to the hotel. Are you on the way yet??
You: Ooh, someone’s impatient…
Joon <3: I want cuddles :(
You: Wow why are you so fricking cute?? Do you want me to have a heart attack??
You: We’re heading out in a few, Joon, don’t you worry. I’d hate to keep my cuddlebug waiting.
Joon: Let me know when you get here.
You: Will do.
“Is that him?”
“Yeah.” Your cheeks reddened at the accusing looks from your coworkers. “That’s him.”
Your supervisor asked the rest of the crew something in Korean along the lines of “are we all good here?”
You all nodded and then helped lug the gear backstage for the show the next night. Then, a few minutes later, the shuttles got back from their trip taking the guys to the hotel. You got in, popping in your earbuds as they drove through the busy downtown Chicago streets. It was quiet, peaceful. And yet, even in the quiet, you were buzzing with the familiar anticipation that built up every time you and Namjoon were separated now. It didn’t burn as bad as that first time anymore. Instead, it was subtle, but always there when the two of you were apart.
Finally, the car parked in front of the lobby door and your coworkers chuckled as like every other night, you were the first one out of the shuttle and through the front doors. On your way to the elevators, you ran into Jimin and Taehyung, who smiled and waved at you in passing.
“Good job tonight, guys! You killed it!”
“Thanks (Y/N)!” Jimin beamed, walking with Tae to the coffee shop.
You walked past them and pressed the button, tapping your foot as the doors opened. You pressed the button for the twelfth floor and got inside, shooting Namjoon a text. Then, as soon as they opened, you walked down the hall to the room you and Namjoon were sharing and swiped your key, the little light glowing green.
As soon as you were inside, Namjoon set down the book in his hand, took off his reading glasses, and opened his arms, already in his Koya pajamas.
“Aww, don’t you look cozy and cute?”
“Come here, baby.” He motioned you over. “I missed you.”
“Joon, it’s been like three hours.” You chuckled, kicking off your shoes, letting your hair out of its bun, and walking across the room to flop onto the bed, crawling into Namjoon’s waiting arms.
“Three hours too long,” he murmured into your hair, exhaling a long breath like you’d just taken the weight of the world off his shoulders. “God, I love having you here, jagiya. I can’t imagine what it would be like if you weren’t here.”
“You would be lonely and we would Skype a lot.”
“You’re always right.” He hummed, pressing a kiss to your hairline. “I like this a lot better.”
“Me too. You did really good today, Joon. Like, really good. Like, so good I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you for a single second.”
“Wow, almost like it’s your job to point a camera at me for two hours.”
You laughed. “Crazy, right?” You took a moment to admire him quietly. You adored him, every facet of him, from his famous dimples to the sparkle in his eyes, the toned arms that hugged you tight, how tall he was, the deep roll of his voice, the look on his face when he was thinking.
Namjoon was looking at you now, amused. He’d said something and you hadn’t heard it.
“Hmm?” You hummed, asking for him to repeat himself.
“What are you looking at?”
“You.” You answered, and immediately his cheeks flushed red. “It’s always you.”
“A picture might last longer.”
“Well, yeah, but I can’t cuddle with a picture. I can’t make out with a picture.”
“I think technically you could, but it’d be weird.” He chuckled.
You gave his chest a light slap. “Oh hush. I love you, Namjoon. I know I say that a lot, but I really, really do. I’m so lucky the universe chose you.”
“I love you too, baby.” Namjoon let his thoughts wander off into the future. Maybe a few years down the road, he’d have a diamond ring on that finger of yours, and maybe a few years after that, you’d be chuckling softly at him while he struggled to assemble a crib. It lit a fire in his soul, to think of that, of how much he loved you and how much he couldn’t wait to spend every single day of his life with you. “I love you more than you could ever know...”
He knew that this tour was just the beginning of something amazing, and he couldn’t believe it had all started with one innocent little letter in the mail.
‘Dear universe,’ he thought, smiling softly as he pulled your form onto his chest, pressing a long kiss to your forehead. You hummed in appreciation, nuzzling against him. ‘I don’t know what I did to deserve her and I don’t know how to repay you, but thank you for everything. I promise I’ll never take it for granted.’
It was a promise he knew he’d keep...
Tagged: @iie-wakarimasen, @ffantasylandd, @jooniefluff, @chimchimsauce, @mrs-saeyoung-choi, @theprinceoftheundead, @angyexoxo, @copenhagenspirit, @lovelylittlekittn, @lilgaga98, @flowery-tae, @feed-my-geek-soul, @loveandwitch, @recoveringflowerchild, @demonic-meatball, @maddieisaacs, @scissorsandtonfas, @carirosesg, @backtonormalthings, @local-mochi, @faliwi, @spoopyela, @nanie5, @ingenu--e, @undiscovered1personality, @andalos, @calspixie, @filtermono, @huhuehuey, @mikey-girl12, @lilliaflurr, @hypophrenium, @sitkafay, @spiicyari, @andeerwilson, @btswerewolfaus, @oyasumi7, @mycurrentusernameisalreadytaken, @gangstavixsta, @coolcat494, @moxxie84
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Can I request the RFA+Minor Trio reacting when they find out that MC is actually still in highschool (17-15 y.o.) but only finding out at the party
Hi there!!
I mustadmit I debated quite a lot whether to take or not this request. It’s quite a lot outmy comfort zone but  since I believe noneof them would take advantage of their MC after discovering this I decided Ishould give this a try… thought I must admit I felt quite uncomfortablewriting most of this because I’m around the age of the characters and duringthe days prior to the party they tell the MC things I would be scared/disgustedto know were told to a high school girl by someone my age.
They are ofcourse all platonic or a little romantic but always considering it as a futureoption.
Also Iwrote as they founding out about MC when they meet her on their respectiveroute (except for Vanderwood of course, for him I assumed something similar toSaeyoung’s but with more involvement of Vanderwood) rather that at the partysince the only ones that don’t meet her before the party are Yoosung andJaehee.
(Btw…if youplayed Dandelion you might get some Jieun’s route vibes because I love whatcheritz did there)
RFA+Vanderwood discover MC is still in High School
-Probablythe less surprised one.
-Also thesmallest age gap…4-5 years are a lot when you are on your early 20’s but not somuch when older.
-Still ablushy mess… he quickly remembers a few things he told you both in the chatroomand through phone calls that definitely weren’t ok. He apologizes a lot.
-Afterembarrassment dies out he doesn’t know how to talk to you…on one hand if hestarts treating you any different you may feel offended but on the other hecan’t keep treating you like you were his age.
-He is veryconflicted about his feelings for you so you two talk it out and decide to keepit at just friends at least for a few years.
-He ispretty ok with that settlement actually; it allows you to develop a long slowdeep thrusting relationship that you both know would eventually become romanticbut there is no rush for it… you guys are fine with things are they are.
-the exactopposite from Yoosung….Zen freaks out big time.
-He feelslike the worst human being in the world; how could he shamelessly flirt likethat with a young girl?
-He can’teven look at you into the eye.
-Big bro!zen mode: Activated
-He drivesaway every single guy that tries to get close to you, regardless if they areyour age or not. That includes himself…you’ll never catch him standing lessthan ½ meter away from you.
-During theyears to come he remains a fellow RFA and a good confident in case you arehaving problems…especially family problems. He makes sure you know that if youfind yourself in the need to run away like he had at your age his doors areopen.
-Also youmay want to be extra careful about being seen with him because you knowpaparazzi can be merciless and they may misinterpretate your relationship withZen.
-Sheseriously can’t believe her eyes. The girl that helped her pull her life togetheris just that, a girl.
-Since herroute is non-romantic she has less weight over her shoulders but she feels badfor burdening you with her problems.
-She stilloffers you to be business partner but she states she’ll take over till you tofinish your studies (both high school and college if you decide to do so) alsoif you want a part time job she needs the help.
-Also BigSis! Mode, she becomes the best adviser/role model/ confident/ emotionalsupport you can dream on. You know she is always there for you and that it’sinfinitely comforting.
-If yourrelationship evolves into something less platonic it won’t be till you are25-ish or something like that and even so she would be very doubtful.
-Now it’swhen things get complicated….
-give him aglass of wine…scratch that give him a bottle.
-He wasn’texactly flirty with you in the chatroom but he knows he treated you like youwere his age, maybe a little younger but definitely not 11-13 years younger… hefeels awful.
-He mayhave pushed out his life entirely if it wasn’t for the situation you two metin.
-It waslate when you showed up at his house (it wasn’t Jaehee’s fault she didn’t knoweither) and it was way too dangerous to send you back to the apartment…he couldsend you home… wait a second…you’ve been staying at the apartment for days, doyour parents even know what you’ve been up to? Have you been missing school? Whyin the world did you follow Unknown in the first place?
-theinterrogation lasts what feels like ages. When he finally calms down you are a little annoyed and he apologizes forbeing so harsh but as the situation is so dangerous he offers you a room forthe night and to take you home in the morning.
-He remainsvery protective of you on the years to come but he ends up deciding that whathe felt for you at the beginning wasn’t love. He just cares for you as a fellowRFA member.
-Heprobably won’t question those feelings again till you are 26-27 y/o. and evenif he does it would be very difficult for him.
-He is amess, like more than usual.
-He feelsawful that such a young girl gets involved in all the problem with Mint Eye.
-Hisprotective instinct kick in.
-It’s alsopainful…you are about the same age Saeran was on those photos he has…too youngto be going through so much pain.
-He pushesyou away with even more decision than in his route, you should be happy leadingthe normal life of a school girl, not worrying about the him and the mess ofhis life…also when he comes around and decides to put his faith in you he feelseven guiltier to burden you with his life story and to rely that way in theperson he should be protecting.
-Aftereverything gets resolved he distances himself a little, I mean he’d always beavailable to answer your calls and help with any problem you may have (anything…from“I had a fight with my friend and I need somebody to listen” to “Can you hackmy school’s system to make pass sports class?” and even “I argued with myparents and ran away, can I stay with you?”) but otherwise you wouldn’t see himmuch.
-Same asfor Yoosung, the age gap isn’t huge so I can see having no problems falling inlove with you after you reach adulthood and he puts his life in order.
-What thefuck did Rika do this time?
-The firsttime he sees you talking with Ray at Mint Eye he can’t believe his eyes…I meanhe is barely able to see but he is sure you are High school student, definitelyyou have nothing to be doing at that place.
-He feelseven guiltier than he is in his route. You are far too young to be involved withMint Eye let alone comforting him and helping him solve his problems.
-Tbhbesides that I don’t see much difference with his route because with all theshit going on there is not much flirting on his side on his route, if somethingis usually MC who shows affection to V.
-If the MCshows any romantic feelings for him he’d kindly remind them that he is too oldfor them but of course he’d be so sweet about it that you’d barely feelrejected.
-Same asfor Jumin, it’d take a lot of years for him to develop romantic feelings foryou
-In allhonesty the first thing he felt upon seeing you in person was pity.
-You arearound the same age he was when he had been brought to mint eye, so young andinnocent and full of hope in this cruel world  –insert more Mint Eye bulshit here-
-As Ray hetreats you as a fragile princess and pampers you big time.
-AsDark!Saeran he is even crueler because he sees himself in you; the way in whichyou claim Ray will come back and how you refuse to give up on him reminds himtoo much of how he used to claim his brother would come rescue him.
-once heregains control over himself he can’t believe how someone so young can be sostrong… he is also very ashamed of the way he treated you both as Ray andSaeran.
-He’d bevery doubtful of how to treat you on the first few days after escaping mint eyebut in the end I don’t see the age being a huge problem for him… he’d be reallyrespectful of both you as a person and of your age, also if you show romanticfeelings for him he’d be pretty clear that you are too young and he is toounstable for a relationship yet.
-But the bond formed during the time you spendin mint eye is strong; with time he starts understanding his feelings, you bothmature more and I can see him still falling for you a few years later.
-What thefuck did 707 do this time?
-Like thesituation wasn’t bad enough; that “harmless” fundraising association of Seventurned out to be a bigger mess than their agency, his partner’s long lostbrother came back to destroy him and everybody associated to him and of top ofthat they have work to do if they didn’t want the agency to dispose of them. Hehad so many worries in the meantime, so when he met the RFA’s newest member? Itwas just too much.
-He took alook at you, lit a cigarette, took 2 deep breaths and then turned the cigaretteoff because he was in front of a minor.
-He takes itup to him to keep you safe from the crazy situation you are in.
-He talksto you about how dangerous is to take orders from an stranger in your phone, heteaches you self-defense techniques and is around you all time till the problemwith Mint eye gets solved.
-He won’tbe patircularly nice to you and his presence is always rather intimidating buthe does his best to not scare you more than you already are.
-He’d alsocontact your parents and school to give them a believable excuse of yourdisappearance so to no light up any alarms.
-If Zen andJaehee become your older siblings this man goes a step further, his yourofficial new dad.
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