gracelesstars · 1 year
You either die breaking a forth wall to send a bitchface directly into the camera to the fans who write fanfiction about a gay couple involving the character you play or you live long enough to see yourself write & produce tv series of your own fanfiction about a straight couple involving a character you project on and a character you secretly want to be fucked by
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physalian · 2 months
What No one Tells You about Writing Fantasy, #2!
I did this list about 7 annoyances about fantasy, but I write in this genre for a reason! Fantasy knows no bounds, it can encompass all other genres within it. You can write a fantastical murder mystery, fantasy horror, fantasy romance, political drama, slice-of-life, comedy, whatever you’d like!
Whether it’s urban or high fantasy, supernatural or scientific, here’s seven great benefits of writing in this genre:
1. No modern means of communication
Unless you’re writing a world with phones or phone-adjacent devices. Phones and instant communication seriously inhibits the plausibility of dramatic irony and tension when you have to keep coming up with reasons to keep your characters from calling or texting each other everything they know. It’s exhausting, I tell you, and such a relief when phones aren’t a factor.
With that said, without phones, you have complete freedom to design your own magical channels of supernatural FaceTime, as weird and zany as you want. But without instant connections? Your character who knew too much can’t pass on the intel before they die. Your hero team can’t call for backup in their darkest hour. Otherwise easily preventable tragedies and deadly miscommunications are now very real.
2. The Monster Allegory
Fantasy and sci-fi tend to overlap more than they’re set apart, and in that overlap sits the monster allegory. Everything from werewolves to vampires to witches, reapers, demons, angels, goblins, trolls, wraiths, fairies, mermaids, ghosts, to Eldritch horrors and your classic Hollywood cast of mummies, creatures from the black lagoon, and Frankenstein.
Most of the time, the monsters aren’t just monsters, they represent a monstrous aspect of society the author wants to challenge and caricaturize in a fun and entertaining way. Or, the monsters are the good guys and the humans are the real terrors. Or, you’ve got two kinds of monsters to allegory two human sides. Sometimes they represent metaphorical demons, like vampires often representing addiction and werewolves repressed identities.
What all of this boils down to is the hyperbolic nature of science fantasy that allows you to go over-the-top with your metaphor and allegory in a way that a book grounded in reality just can’t.
3. Magic Systems!
Do you love world building? Do you love filling pages upon pages with your cool and unique set of superpowers you want your characters to have? Do you dream about your fight scenes and dramatic slow-mo shots?
Then Fantasy is for you!
There are zero limits to how you want to define your magic system. You can go classic with the familiar archetypes of elemental magic, wizards, sorcerers, and witches. Or you can step off the beaten path and design a whole new funky system of power sets. Best part? Your readers will have an awesome time imagining themselves with those powers, and debating endlessly about how it works.
4. Real-World Politics, who?
Amazon’s Rings of Power was twice-doomed when they only got the rights to adapt the appendices of The Silmarillion and when they decided to inject current political problems into a timeless story written purposefully to be divorced from those politics. You *can* write about human politics, but in fantasy, you don’t have to. You *can* interpret Lord of the Rings to be an allegory about the World Wars, but no matter how hard you argue, it wasn’t written with that intent.
Which means: Even if your story is set in the reality-adjacent fantasy version of 1543, you are free from the following: Racism, homophobia, sexism, religious bigotry, mental health bigotry, gender norms, anti-feminism, toxic masculinity, and more. “But that’s how it was-”
Nope. This is fantasy. You built this world, you decided to keep in the discrimination. Or… You can fill your fantasy world with a rainbow of gays, POCs in power, women in power, men unafraid to be compassionate and caring, a religion that doesn’t foster hate and division, the list goes on. You. Are. Free.
5. Nothing is too “unrealistic”
Both that you will always have people whining about how X would never happen so write the book you want to read, but also because fantasy is fake. Fairies aren’t real. Mermaids aren’t real. There are no rules for how they must be written and that’s how we have so much variety with so much room for interpretation by so many creators. Twilight made how much money writing about vampires that sparkle like diamonds in sunlight and crack like marble?
This is fantasy, it’s supposed to be unrealistic. Yes, your plot should make sense, but don’t be afraid to get weird. Write at least some of your story dependant on those fantasy elements. Write a story that can’t just be told in the real world minus the spectacle. Don’t be afraid to be sincerely fantastical and weird. People love weird. People love loving weird.
6. You are in complete control
But you do still need to research, unfortunately. Unless this is urban fantasy that depends at least a little on the human world, yours is completely your own to govern like a god tweezing weeds from their garden. You get to design your own geography and weather patterns and seasons. Your own countries and kingdoms and politicians. Your epic pre-canon fantasy war and the stakes that it was fought over. Your species, races, and ethnicities.
It’s a shame that a movie like Avatar (2009) set out to be this wholly unique take on aliens with music completely divorced from earthly bonds, new languages and a visually and culturally distinct alien species… and ended up a largely generic blue Pocahontas in space. It forgot that it was fantasy and didn’t go weird enough. They have horses, monkeys, wolves, rhinos, and deer just re-skinned with some extra limbs and colors. It’s pretty but it’s so, so shallow.
It could have become a cult classic like many a positively *weird* 80s off-beat fantasies, and now it just… exists. It makes a whole lot of money but its impact on the cultural zeitgeist is negligible. I’m the only person I know that can name every major character in the movie, and I’m no Avatar obsessor. They had complete creative control, and this is what they did with it. Don’t be Avatar. Take your creative freedom and run.
7. Even if it has been done before, do it again
You can say this about any genre, particularly romance, but fantasy and sci-fi, by the gatekeep-y nature of their fans, can be a lot less forgiving when it comes to claims of “unoriginality”. No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. Fans of these genres can get… concerningly attached to their favorite stories (mostly because the people who like them had only their fictional heroes to protect them from very real bullies).
But Game of Thrones exists because the author likes Lord of the Rings and went “yes, but what if it was an R-rated parade of misery?” Dungeons and Dragons exists because people wanted to roleplay in an LotR-esque world. Legolas and Gimli single-handedly defined what a badass elf and dwarf looks like in high fantasy. And people still gobble up media ripping shamelessly, or even good-naturedly, from this one story.
So on my other list, I argued that the sum of your parts is still original, even if the components aren’t. On this list, I implore you this: It’s not stealing or appropriating to write another Legolas if you love Legolas. Everyone loves Legolas. How many generic buff action heroes do we have and love? How many Hallmark romances tread the same predictable path? Who gives a damn if it’s unoriginal? Just make it entertaining and have something fresh to say in the end (or don’t, that’s fine too), and people will read it.
And when people say “Oh, you mean like Legolas”, take it as a compliment, not an insult. Yes, exactly like Legolas. Here’s my new elf because I adore this other book, now watch him go on a new adventure that I wrote for him.
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adriennebarnes · 1 year
Once Upon A Dream
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: Xavier has been having dreams about a certain girl for days and he finally got to meet her in person
Warning: the reader is a seer, they have visions whenever they touch something with supernatural energy, not like Wednesday
A/N: based off the Disney song from Sleeping Beauty because I LOVE that song.
Another night, another dream about the same girl. Her flowing hair and kind eyes plagued his thoughts. His latest paintings were about the girl. He has no idea who she is, he has never seen her in Nevermore or in Jericho in passing. Maybe it was a figment of his imagination, that he is tired of being single after breaking up with Bianca and striking out with Wednesday. Whatever the reason is, he wants these dreams to stop.
The next morning, Xavier was talking with Ajax at breakfast. “Dude, you’ll never guess what I learned in history class.” Ajax started, Xavier just started at him.
“What could you have possibly learned that Can make you so excited?” Xavier asked him, taking a bite of his food.
“Well for starters, it could help you! So we were talking about the history of psychics and there was a section about the ones who have visions through their dreams, that’s you. Apparently, if you have a dream about the same person multiple nights in a row, it is a possibility that you two are bonded, making them your soulmate, and that you will meet them soon.” Ajax explained. Xavier was moving his mouth without saying anything, looking like a fish out of water.
“How the hell am I getting a soulmate at 16? Why does the world work like this?” Xavier asked exasperated.
“The thing is, everyone gets those dreams at different times, this women had a dream about her soulmate at age 25. It’s not like they got married right then and there. For all we know, the soulmate bond thing could be platonic and the person you’ve been dreaming about could just be your best friend until death. The other person would have dreams about you too, there’s no way to know if the soulmate bond is romantic or platonic unless you guys have spent enough time with each other because YOU get to choose whether you stay platonic or not. Like how cool is that? It’s still your choice!” Ajax exclaimed, trying to make his best friend feel better about the dreams he has been having.
“So you’re telling me that the person I’ve been dreaming about could either be my best friend or my lover, and only we could choose whether or not we stay friends or become something else?” Xavier asked Ajax for clarification.
“That is exactly what I’m saying. But since you keep having these dreams, maybe you will meet them sooner than you think.” Ajax said, patting Xavier’s back comfortingly.
Maybe Ajax was right, maybe there’s no “written in the stars” bullshit that romance novels will have you believe, Xavier was still in control and that made him feel so much better about these dreams. As breakfast came to an end, they went botany class that’s being taught by a new teacher after the whole…Crackstone thing. Classes went on, then lunch, then the rest of classes. Maybe his soulmate isn’t going to meet him today, there is always tomorrow.
Meanwhile Y/N was taking a nap after she finished packing her things to go to Nevermore Academy tomorrow. She kept dreaming of a tall brunette with shoulder length hair and hazel eyes. This is the fifth time she has dreamt of the boy. Y/N woke up after hearing her mother yelling.
“Amor, ya está la cena, ven a comer antes que se te enfríe (Dinner is ready, come eat before your food gets cold).” Y/N got out of bed to go eat her dinner
Now it was nighttime, both Xavier and Y/N went to sleep, thinking about each other. The dream was different than before. In both their dreams, it was only glimpses of the other person, however in this dream, they were both on a date. Xavier and Y/N were walking together hand in hand through the woods. To Y/N is was a random place, to Xavier it was the woods in his way to the art shed. When they made it to a lake, they sat on the deck and began having a picnic, everything was going well and…The alarm sounded in both Xavier’s and Y/N’s room.
Xavier woke up, got dressed, and went to his art shed. What does this new development in his dreams? What does this mean? Was he going to meet her today? Why was this dream so different from the others? Xavier started painting what he remembered from his dream, the two of them in front of the lake.
Y/N got into her parents car to go to Nevermore. She was very nervous and couldn’t get that dream out of her head, who was he? The car ride was short and said goodbye to her parents since they already talked to the new principal yesterday while Y/N packed. The principal showed Y/N around and gave her a uniform so she can change in the dorm she will be sharing with Yoko. Once she changed, Yoko showed her around and they went to the quad to get breakfast together. When they shook hands, Y/N had a vision of Yoko drinking blood from a human and showing her fangs, Y/N took her hand back as she shuddered.
“Did you have a vision? What did you see? Like did you see the future? Are you psychic?” Yoko was asking Y/N question after question.
“Um, I had a vision, I saw you drinking a human’s blood, I don’t see the future, I see the supernatural, and I’m a seer, not psychic.” Y/N answered her questions in order.
“Oh, yeah, I’m a vampire but I don’t drink straight from the vein, I use blood bags. So how do your seer powers work?” Yoko clarified.
“That’s good. It works by touch, sort of. If I touch something of supernatural energy, like yourself, I get like a quick rundown of what you are, basically the backstory. It’s pretty useful actually.” Y/N said, explaining her power as they were eating.
“That’s so cool, Wednesday is kinda has that ability. If she touches something or someone, she can see the past or future. But it comes to her at random, like sometimes it’s things that you would never believe.” Yoko explained.
“That’s interesting. She’s classified as a psychic because she sees the future, right?” Y/N asked.
“Yep.” Yoko said. Their breakfast continued and Y/N saw a boy walk into the quad, he looked so familiar and when she got a closer look at him, it was the boy from her dreams, no manches. “Who are you staring at?” Yoko asked before she turned to see who caught Y/N’s eyes. “Oh, that’s Xavier, he’s psychic and he’s an artist. He’s single, in case you were wondering.”
“I wasn’t wondering that, he just looks familiar, that’s all.” Y/N said.
Xavier noticed someone staring at him so he looked at the tables and he saw her, the girl that he’s been dreaming about. He quickly got breakfast and sat next to Ajax.
“Ajax, do you know who’s sitting with Yoko?” Xavier asked the gorgon.
“You scared me, by the way, thank you for seeing if I’m okay. And I don’t know much, I think her name is Y/N though, why?” Ajax asked and then he realizes why Xavier asked and gasped, “That’s the girl you’ve been dreaming about!” Ajax shouted excitedly and Xavier covered his mouth.
“Oh yeah, say it louder, I don’t think Enid heard you!” Xavier whisper shouted before taking his hand away from Ajax’s mouth. Breakfast went by quickly and they and to go to their first class they shared.
“Good morning, class. We have a new student, her name is Y/N, and she’s a seer, sit next to Mr. Thorpe. Xavier, raise your hand.” Xavier did and Y/N smiled shyly before sitting next to him.
“I know you.” Y/N whispered to Xavier.
“Oh really?” Xavier asked.
“I’ve walked with you once upon a dream. I’m glad I get to put a name to that face I’ve been dreaming about.” Y/N commented.
“Tell me about it, you’ve been driving me crazy since I dreamt about you.” Xavier said.
“Same here. I don’t really know what these dreams mean though, after all, I’m just a seer, not a full blown psychic.” Y/N said playing with the bracelet on her left wrist.
“Let’s just say we are connected, we have a bond.” Xavier said. Y/N nodded her head. “Would you like to go to the Weathervane after school? We could get to know each other better. It’s the least you can do after haunting my dreams.” Xavier whispered laughing.
“I’d love to, it’s a date then.” Y/N whispered before paying attention to their teacher. Both Y/N and Xavier smiling, maybe they’ll be more than platonic soulmates, only time will tell.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
That rate of fire vs romance graph is exactly why Hunt: Showdown has such beloved gunplay by the way.
You could remove all the supernatural and horror elements: no more monsters, zombies, black magic, and gore, and people would STILL be addicted to the combat.
Why? It's because of the time period affecting its guns. Being set in the post American civil war era means all the guns are primitive, low rate of fire weapons where most of them cannot kill another player instantly without a headshot (and even then, only within a certain range). The higher average time to kill and yet risk of an instant death to a lucky headshot results in extended gunfights that test the player's patience, while making risky maneveurs look more and more tempting.
If you hear another player on the other side of the wall, you can try firing at it, but you can't spray and pray like you can in other games with an assault rifle. Your best option is dual-wielding handguns and firing BANG BANG BANG into a wall, giving the other person plenty of time to whip out their own guns and fire back into that same wall, attempting to move as you move.
You get hit. The other guy gets hit too. You lost a third of your health. You wonder if the other guy's lost more. You can't tell, not with this damn wall between you. You take out a bandage and slowly, agonizingly, dress your wounds, while nervously glancing at the open window. If you got him good, he'll be dressing his wounds too if he knows what's good for him. But if he's insane, or the type to take risks, he'll bust in through that window and catch you with your pants down, unless you're crazy and go for it first.
But you imagine doing the risky play first. Even if you catch the other guy trying to heal, you only have one shot in your rifle before needing to reload, and dual handguns are inaccurate. Miss your shot, and you may not get a second one.
You finish healing. The other guy's healed up too. You're about to resume your little life and death guessing game until you hear glass break.
The other guy's tired of guessing. You'll meet face to face.
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such-justice-wow · 8 months
free takes if you want to throw a rock at a hornet's nest: people only hate harem anime because they hate the thought a male could be worthy of love from more than one person without hyperperforming to the demands of everyone he's ever met
The harem anime is very much fulfilling the teenage male dream of hey what if I was capable of being loved just as I am
The same can be said for the reverse harem but I don't think the people complaining know they exist
People don't even need it to be harem to complain; all the big ones in recent times people bitch about are about couples. Komi San, that teasing one, the other teasing one, the one with huge bazonkas and meh face, my dress up darling
The idea of men/boys wanting to be loved is openly mocked. Ironically several of those address the idea of building confidence so its not all power fantasy. Unless you count the fantasy of wanting someone who likes you at all or who is just willing to spend time with you.
This was a bad question to ask me xd i just finished a 4500 word script on a manga that deals with teenage romance and I have many thoughts still
Like idk do you not remember being 15 and being the world's most insecure human being? Shit sucks. Let them imagine a world where they can be loved. They likely will be if you don't beat them down for having an age appropriate interest in sex and romance.
Why do people like milfs? If you're with someone experienced you feel safer, there's less anxiety, especially as a guy, to know what you're doing.
Same for sub/dom; let's lay out exactly what we want and be open and communicative. Or in a more fantasy capacity please just know exactly what to do to me so I don't have to think or be good at expressing myself.
Most fetishes come from something, it's not always some psychological perspective but a lot of the time... You can make connections. Although sometimes that connection can be traced back to one singular episode of TV and you just have to live with that. Especially if the show is Supernatural.
Human sexuality is one of the most normal things out there and being unable to respect it in media even if you personally find it distasteful or gross is very much on you not the media.
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violetlunette · 3 months
Romance Tropes I like but No one Else does; The Love Triangle
Since it’s the month of “love” I thought I’d share my thoughts on romance tropes. In this case--
Romance Tropes I like but No one Else does; The Love Triangle
Starting off the month with a big one.
Whenever you look at any list of the worst romance tropes, you’ll see the love triangle on the list. Fair enough, I can see why, as most of the time when this trope is used, it follows the same formula;
The girl will always choose the brooding bad boy, or the guy who tends to be a jerk, over the one who’s consistently kind and supportive. Ironically, the boy will go the opposite route unless it’s an anime, in which case the boy will choose the tsundere or the magical girl. And with a love triangle focused on a female, it often comes off as the boys forcing her into a corner.
However, when the love triangle is written right, it can be an intriguing character study while creating angst and drama. I'll focus on the female lead for this post, as the triangle is most prevalent in female fiction.
More often than not, the boys represent two different worlds, and the one the lead chooses shows what values they hold dear. Such as independence vs. community, mystery vs. the familiar, and so on.
The thing Hollywood does wrong is that they make both love interests basically the same and rarely explore why the lead would choose the interest she does. Plus, it’s always clear that the writers have a favorite, and so one of the boys is basically just a false romantic lead.
The latter is especially annoying because it feels like they’re wasting our time trying to make us care for a guy who’s just going to be tossed aside.
Despite what others may think, I believe that the Love Triangle can be used for good storytelling and character exploration and development.
That being said, it has been done so much that the only way to make it interesting is to write the characters really well and/or do something new with it.
What I think would be fun is to have the lead choose neither and end up independent or with a third party. The latter can be difficult as readers may feel cheated that the lead ended up with a person who came out of nowhere, but I think writers should take up the challenge and give it a try anyway.
Or, in a twist, both interests reject the lead and move on with someone else, as she took too long to decide. You can even have it that the love interests choose each other after they go to console one another after being dumped.
You can also write a poly; however, if you’re going to do this, you have to make sure that all three have a romantic relationship with each other and none feel like a third wheel.
To conclude, here are my tips for writing a love triangle:
*Make all the parties involved interesting.
*Don’t play favorites.
**Adding to this, don’t villainize the rejected one out of nowhere.
*Make the love interests complete opposites and have them represent two different worlds. For example, one guy can represent big life in the city, or the world of the supernatural, and choosing them means moving into the unknown, while the other represents life in the country, small-town life, or the human world, and choosing them symbolizes the familiar.
*Play around with possible outcomes.
*Don’t make the “winner” someone who has so many red flags that they could be a communist. If you do, show that the lead made a mistake and make the rest of the story a tragedy or her breaking away from him.
*Make the love interests have an entertaining relationship with each other (though don’t fall into the trap of making their interactions more interesting than the main leads).
*Show WHY the lead makes the choice she does. Make the choice to represent her values and her desires.
And that's it! So how about you? How would you improve the love triangle trope? And are there any romance tropes you love but others seem to hate? Or how about the opposite where everyone loves a romance trope but you hate it?
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stevewhoreington · 2 years
harringrove week, day 6 - confessions
blue light
The mall burns and Billy should be dead but he isn't. The monster has been cast out of him. That's one demon down, at least. It doesn't matter that there are more to fight, because Harrington takes him in anyway. As it turns out, for a couple of guys with shining egos, neither of them having any fucking friends. Or. Okay. Harrington has that ice-cream-slinger-turned-movie-renter chick, and he also has Henderson but the kid still goes to bed before ten pm, so. That doesn't really count.
They hang out. It's awkward, to begin with, because there's an unspoken apology lodged in Billy's throat and probably a strange sense of surrender sitting over Harrington's shoulders, but. They drink beer and they smoke weed and they laugh about stupid shit and it makes them feel normal; makes them feel less like prey to the unimaginable things that live beneath the impossible depths of this sleepy town.
It gets easier as every new month passes. Summer is behind them and Billy's always loved the sun and the long evenings and the sticky heat, but he's glad to step into fall, and even happier to dive into winter. The white landscape is new to him, as is the constant edge of cold, and he frequently dips into Max's bedroom to steal her tube of lip balm because, as it turns out, Billy isn't durable in the face of Indiana's icy winds. He doesn't love summer anymore, but he's still made of golden sand.
Harrington's house is warm and every window is lit, bathed in orange glow, and Billy will never point it out - just as Harrington will never point out the way that Billy flinches, sometimes, when they're watching movies with monsters that creep like shadows. Monsters that have too many legs.
They draw the curtains. Harrington slips the video into the VCR while Billy, more at home than the place he has just come from, grabs a couple of beers from the fridge. It's becoming a familiar routine. It's becoming their thing. Billy's the first to flop down onto the couch, sinking into his preferred corner, cold cans of beer forming a small mountain in his lap.
Harrington unburdens him; takes the drinks and lines them up on the coffee table in front of them, before he sinks into his own corner, the space between them the width of an empty seat.
"What masterpiece you got for us tonight, Harrington?"
"Slumber Party Massacre." Harrington tosses a smirk over to Billy. Billy catches it in both hands and holds on tight.
"Christ," he groans. "Another fucking horror movie?"
"Sorry," Harrington shrugs. "Romance next time?"
"Screw you, Harrington."
"Steve." Harrington stretches over to the coffee table and snags two of the beers. Deposits one in Billy's lap as he says, "It's just Steve."
It's not a big deal. It's not. But still. Billy watches Harrington curiously, a single eyebrow arched in silent questioning.
Harrington scoffs. "Y'know, first names? They're what people generally go by. Unless they're assholes."
"Exactly," Billy shoots. "You're an asshole."
Harrington smiles sweetly, before he cocks his head, narrowing his eyes at Billy's mouth. "Nice lip balm."
"Screw. You." Billy twists the top of the can and it opens with a hiss. Brings it to his mouth, just so he can hide his smile.
The movie starts. They drink their beer and grab a second. It's a horror movie, but it's one without monsters of the supernatural kind - of the Hawkins kind - and it's relief enough to keep Billy's spirits up; to have him cracking jokes and making comments every other minute, just so he can watch the way that Harrington's - Steve's - mouth tugs up.
Billy talks about the girls on the screen. Pretty faces, big tits. Hardly any clothes. The main reason lame-o movies like these have an audience. They're tipsy enough that conversation comes easily. There are no lulls of quiet. Billy's mouth is sharp, and Steve's is fast. He asks Billy which girl he likes best. Billy's fingers flex around his beer and, after a beat, he says: the one with the biggest tits.
They're a little tipsy and they're a little horny.
Steve's a little horny, gaping every time soft, delicate flesh is shown, and that - that look on Steve's face - is what works Billy up.
He can't help it. He has never been able to help it. Billy throws himself into the moment, seeing it as some kind of opportunity. He says, "If only we had chicks like that in Hawkins, huh?"
"Right," Steve agrees on a breath of laughter.
"Bet you could get whichever you wanted. Probably all of 'em."
Steve turns to look at Billy, reluctant to drag his eyes away from girls in sheer nightgowns and silk shorts. He shoots Billy a look, but he's half-smiling, like he can't quite tell whether Billy's giving him shit or not. Like Billy's using some tone that he isn't familiar with. Like he might actually mean what he's saying. "Fuck off."
"Seriously," Billy says, and he's burning up, chasing the thrill of directing Steve's thoughts. "Can you imagine that, man? Having all of 'em. At the same fucking time."
Steve blows out a breath. He's thinking about it; putting Billy's words together and making a pretty picture out of them. "Jesus."
Billy agrees with a low m-hmm, and then he's shifting closer, peeling himself out of the corner of the couch. Knows that it's all wrong and it's a bad idea, but he dims the warning lights with a long pull of his beer, sense and reason growing distant; unimportant.
"Just think about it, Steve," he says, the name an unfamiliar sensation on his tongue. "Those girls all over you. Wanting your attention."
There's hardly any space between them now. Billy has shuffled himself into the centre seat of the couch, and he's close enough to actually feel Steve's reaction. To feel the hitch of his breath; the heat in his face. Steve's eyes are glued to the TV and Billy's eyes are glued to Steve, and it's the best moment, it's now or never, and Billy just. Reaches out slowly, brings his palm to Steve's thigh.
Steve freezes beneath his touch.
Billy's swift. Says, "It's okay." He's smirking, like he's amused by something - keeping this whole thing light and casual. Inside, Billy's heart is kicking. "Someone's excited, huh?"
Even in the dark, the hard, risen shape at the front of Steve's jeans is impossible to miss. Billy's eyes shift from Steve's face and land there.
"Christ, Billy," Steve complains, already getting defensive; already mortified.
"Listen," Billy quickly interjects. "Can I tell you something?"
"What?" Steve asks, and he's sounding confused. Sounding lost.
"Me and a friend, back in California," Billy goes on, and he starts to move his hand. Lets it slide nearer to the inside of Steve's thigh. "We got like this sometimes. Watched movies that had babes in 'em, drank a bit." He's terrified, but his voice is steady enough. "We used to help each other out."
Steve laughs. It isn't loud; it's a low, quiet thing, and it's still confused. "What?"
"Yeah," Billy says. "Got a bit drunk. Bit in the mood. Just helped each other out." His hand trails up, and up further, until his fingers are nudging against Steve's cock. It's stiff, and it's trapped. "Not a big deal. Harmless."
"It's cool," Billy stresses. "Lemme just -"
He wraps his fingers around the solid, hot curve of Steve's cock. It's straining to get out of his jeans. Steve gasps a pretty sound and Billy fucking melts, because he's a disaster; because he's dumb.
"Not a big deal," Billy repeats. "Keep watching the movie, man."
Steve doesn't say anything. Billy's in two minds about continuing until Steve sinks back into the couch and spreads his thighs, and. That's enough of a yes for Billy. It's better than.
He doesn't hang around, just in case Steve changes his mind, and his fingers shift to work Steve's button open, tugging on the zip until there's enough give for Billy to slip his hand beneath his jeans, and then his underwear.
Steve groans and it starts a fire in Billy's belly.
He has to work fast, under the impression that things might shift and change in the next second; that Steve might come to his senses and shove Billy away. Never want to see him again.
Billy's hand is dry. Every stroke is friction, but Steve doesn't seem to mind. With every tug on his cock, Billy tugs a sound out of Steve and he stores them in one corner of his brain, saves them for later.
The movie's still playing, and Steve's eyes are still fixed to the screen, and he's probably thinking about some soft-handed girl, pretty enough to be in front of cameras, and that's fine. It doesn't matter to Billy, because he has his hand around Steve's cock and it's Billy who's bringing those noises out of him, whether Steve likes it or not.
And, maybe Billy's crossing a line when he shifts and drops to his knees, fixing himself on the floor in the gap between Steve's legs and the coffee table. Maybe he is, but. Steve looks down at him once, and then quickly looks away again. Doesn't say a word. Doesn't tell him to stop, and doesn't ask what he's doing.
Billy nudges Steve's cock free and then, with a volume to rival that of the TV, spits into his hand. He brings his damp palm back to Steve's dick, mixing his saliva with the pre that's collecting at Steve's tip. His hand glides more easily, and then he's jerking him off with speed, tucked between Steve's thighs, knees aching where they press into the floor.
Steve's watching the movie, eyes heavy and half-lidded, and it gives Billy the freedom to stare up at him; to watch how Steve's eyelashes flutter. To watch Steve's face change when Billy slows his hand right down, squeezing firmly.
"Fuck," Steve moans. Moans.
Billy's own cock gives a kick in his jeans, begging for attention, but he could do this all night. Could just play with Steve and watch him. Make him come, and then start all over again.
In the background, the movie gets louder. The music grows suspenseful and reaches a blaring crescendo before one of the hot chicks are screaming at the top of their lungs.
Steve groans, but it isn't a good groan. It's something disgruntled and put out, and then he's feeling around his seat for the remote control. Once he finds it, Steve knocks the volume right down. Mutes the goddamn movie, room filling with silence. Billy's heart jumps up into his throat. That little move from Steve has Billy contemplating something even more stupid. Something dangerous.
He has scars on his body, put there by the monster that he still sees in his dreams, but this is bigger. Scarier. Billy's frightened when he shuffles closer on his knees, bows his head and drops a damp kiss to the head of Steve's cock.
He's afraid of how Steve will respond. Afraid that he'll tell everybody. That it'll get back to Neil and he'll die, instead, by the hands of the one monster that he can't shake. Afraid, most of all, that Steve will never invite him inside again.
"Billy," Steve breathes.
Billy pauses, mouth still touching Steve's cock. He waits, stomach flipping violently, but then fingers are stroking through his hair and Billy sighs against Steve's cock, closes his eyes and just. Takes a second.
Only a second, and then Billy's wrapping his lips around Steve's cock and sucking.
Steve pets Billy's hair with a softness that brings tears to his eyes. He fights to keep them from spilling. Still, he supposes, if Steve catches on, it can easily be explained away. Steve's dick is big, and Billy's mouth is open wide. Tears would prick at his eyes sooner or later, anyway.
He builds a rhythm, head bobbing between Steve's thighs, and Steve's fingers, all the while, stay tucked in Billy's curls. Above him, Steve is growing breathless, hips hitching like he can't keep still, and in an unforeseen move, Steve's grabbing the remote control again and switching off the VCR.
It puts an end to the movie, but the TV is still on, displaying a blue screen and lighting up the room. Lighting up Steve, Billy notices, eyes tipping up to look, and -
It's just.
Steve's looking back.
Their gazes meet, and Steve smiles down at him, soft around the edges. Billy's mouth is full, but his eyes, glittering in the electric-blue light of the room, smile for him.
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masonscig · 1 year
Man. I won't say I'm disappointed with this book, but I think the series is a whole lot better when the focus is on things being done TO the mc vs random people suffering because x wants their blood
Like, book one was about Murphy going after the mc. Simple clear threat that fits the tone of the books. Sure some other people died but I don't think it hindered anything
i liked book 2 because it was just a genuine supernatural problem. The carnival guys who's name I can't remember rn were just having a simple conflict of interest with wayhaven. I'm not mad at the trappers coming in at the end but I think a simple low stakes ending where they sign the treaty or don't would have been just as fitting
But book 3 was absolutely not ready to actually handle the dark topics it wanted to devle into. The scope of the plot was way to wide and it still managed to feel slow. If it were up to me I would have just had the trappers going after addie with no connection to mc. It would be lower stakes than like. A dozen or whatever kidnappings and wouldn't have made the actual romance (you know the focus of the books?) Feel so out of place tone wise.
Sorry for rambling into your ask box lol I just have many thoughts about book 3 (like the fact that on steam it sits alphabetically between book 1 and 2 so my steam games list goes 1 3 2. That's going to bug me forever)
HI <3 before i respond, don't apologize for leaving a long ask in my inbox! i absolutely love getting asks and especially ones that open up discussions! <3 thank you for this !! answering below the cut
you're so right about the differences between books. it's so much better when it's contained – the story for this was just too big for her to get her hands around. and that's awesome that she was ambitious! the story quality just suffered a lot bc of it. dude i LOVE that it was just One Guy Versus Unit Bravo for a while, because it was just so much more focused and allowed for more romance to bloom – and a huge reason i liked falk so much is that, like you said, it was a conflict of interest. he's not evil – just from another world with another cultural standard for "judgment". in book 3, it's literally a human (or supernatural in this case) rights violation. these are children – being kidnapped and attempted to be sold. this isn't a story that should have any lighthearted plot beats in the slightest – unless they were organic, and none of them felt that way
it's funny (not funny haha, funny weird) you say that about addie, because i was having an in depth discussion with friends about how much better the plot would flow if less people had been kidnapped. even just the idea that there are supernatural youth existing in wayhaven and that it is in fact, not safe for anyone! human or supernatural!
this book is just lacking the emotional impact plot-wise that it should, in my opinion, because she tried to cram so much into one book. that doesn't mean any of the plot points are bad, per se, they just needed to be workshopped, edited down, saved for later books, cut out completely – whatever makes the series flow better! and that's not to say any of these ideas are bad ideas – it's just unrealistic to write literally every possible idea for twc! there's going to be a point where there's too much to call back to and it's going to affect the story if those things aren't mentioned again yk?
also STOP ITS OUT OF ORDER ON STEAM??? LMAOOOO the cherry on top to a shit sundae huh.
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grimroth · 1 year
Normally I’m not too into Fake Dating as a trope, unless it’s Actually Fake Dating for comedy and not shipping. However, I’ve been thinking about Wenclay and they’d be perfect for some Fake Dating nonsense.
Consider: Bianca is a person who is concerned with her status and appearances (mostly for the sake of self-preservation and subterfuge, but she’s got some pride in there too). And while Wednesday doesn’t give a shit about any of that, the Addams names holds a certain amount of prestige to it in supernatural circles. She is also the person least likely to cause Bianca problems if she reveals her situation.
Cue some sort of scenario where Bianca desperately needs a date For Reasons and Wednesday is literally her only option. LITERALLY THE ONLY OPTION. She’s done the calculations and no one else will do. Also Wednesday does owe Bianca for saving her life.
But the Addams name carries certain expectations when it comes to courting and romance and Wednesday is never one to do things by halves, especially if it can net her the most violence and chaos.
Now, if I was writing this as a fic (which I won’t; I have no stamina for multichapter works please do me a solid and take this idea away from me) it would be 60% comedy featuring Wednesday doing the most ridiculous romantic gestures for Bianca and Wednesday goading Bianca into even more ridiculous romantic gestures because “Bianca, if you want to do this right, you need to follow Addams tradition” while Bianca’s can’t tell if Wednesday is BSing her or not. ex: Wednesday beating up a guy for Bianca’s honor; Bianca sending Wednesday absolutely obscene amounts of poisonous flowers (enough to endanger people in the vicinity); mutual and very sexy murder attempts etc
Other 40% is more subdued moments where they can have Feelings(TM). Both romantic and Bianca getting some much needed comfort because that girl has some nasty shit going on her life, and hasn’t opened up to anyone about it.
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bulkyphrase · 7 months
Halloween Fic Recs 2023 Week 4: Other ships
Not much longer till Halloween! This week's stories are from a variety of ships - not necessarily rarepairs, but not enough spooky fics to make up an entire rec list.
The End of All Things by cakeisnotpie (Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Mature, 17,801 words)
Summary: Clint Barton could always see ghosts and monsters, and now that he's a ghost hunter with his partner Natasha, he's about to come across a house that is well and truly haunted, one that seems to be waiting for him. A seriously spooky bit of horror completely with monsters and ghosts and creepy-crawlies and nightmares just in time for All Hallow's Eve. Happy Samhain, ya'll.
Monsters 'R' Us by Not_You (Clint Barton/Phil Coulson/Natasha Romanov, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Mature, 20,183 words)
Summary: Phil Coulson is one of the last of the old school monster hunters, and finds himself in the company of a werewolf and her human.
Bite Down by avesnongrata (@avesnongrata) (Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Explicit, 5,224 words)
Summary: "I could change your life, Maria. And all you need to do is trust me." Seasoned monster hunter Maria Hill is tasked with tracking down a dangerous supernatural creature in the heart of the jungle. Her hunt does not go the way she planned.
The rest are below the cut!
Between the Shadow and the Soul by Yeetmeaway (Romanogers, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Mature, 151,121 words)
Note: this is a sequel to the amazing For Whose Love I Rise and Fall
Summary: After receiving Shield’s cure, Steve’s memory of the past seventy-five years of being infected with Hydra’s virus has been wiped clean. He's grateful for it— it's better to forget the suffering he caused as an infected monster, but as he navigates the unfamiliar world he has woken up in, it becomes clear that his past isn't done with him. Troubled by disturbing dreams and by strange, lingering feelings that he can't explain, Steve struggles to navigate exactly who and what he is now. But a new threat emerging in the wake of Hydra’s destruction has a strange obsession with Steve and his new partner, Natasha Romanoff. The mere presence of this threat promises to destroy what little ground Shield has gained in this war and if Steve and Natasha can’t stop him, they stand to lose far more than just their lives.
you know i didn't want to (have to haunt you) by dharmainitiative (@rocketnebulas) (SamBucky, Teen And Up Audiences, 46,052 words)
Summary: Sam Wilson is an amazing realtor. He works hard, he takes care of his clients, and he can sell any house he puts his mind to. Unless, of course, the house happens to be haunted by an irritating, standoffish ghost who died in 1940. Then things get a little more complicated.
The Way Out Is Through by samwontshare (Attaining) (@samwontshare) (SamBucky, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Explicit, 12,097 words)
Summary: Sam and Bucky's love story in Wakanda is interrupted when Sam contracts a virus that makes him crave human flesh. Bucky will do anything to keep him safe. And fed. Instead of The Blip, Thanos' minions brought the zombie apocalypse. (Aka a Sambucky zombie romance. Happy Halloween!)
Best and Last of All Things by anactoria (@anactorya) (SamBucky, Mature, 7,481 words)
Summary: Just a couple of guys, holding each other together as the world falls apart. (Alternatively: Fucking zombies.)
batteries and holy ghosts, buried in my bag of bones by starvels (dinosaur) (@starvels) (Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Janet Van Dyne, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Mature, 8,102 words)
Summary: “You don’t sleep anymore," Steve says. “Yeah, I guess not,” Tony agrees, smiling like that’s funny somehow. Steve hates it. “But Jan does and she could use some company.” Steve’s eyes close again. Jan. Sharp, unnerving Jan. Jaundice yellow and grave-dirt-black magic Jan.
D.I.Y. (Demons In You) by RedTeamShark (WinterHawk, Explicit, 37,828 words)
Summary: Clint and Bucky are ready to take the next step in their lives and buy a house together. And when the opportunity arises for Clint’s small Youtube channel to get a big sponsorship on a home renovation series, it seems that the stars are aligning for them. Buying and remodeling an older house is a much bigger project than they expect, and old houses hold old secrets. Have the two found a place to live and love together, or is forever homea bit more literal than they ever intended?
Historic Features by flawedamythyst (@flawedamythyst) (WinterHawk, background Stony, Teen And Up Audiences, 19,254 words)
Summary: “Electrical surges with no source, and music coming from the air, and that damn baseball game no one was watching, and I swear I sometimes hear voices right on the edge of hearing when I should be alone,” said Tony. “What does that sound like to you?”  “Sounds like-” said Steve, then hesitated. Tony gave him a pointed look. “Sounds like a haunting,” he finished, reluctantly.  “Oh no,” said Clint, in tones of mock-horror. “Ghosts!”  Bucky laughed and kissed him. “Man, I hope they’re friendly.”  Clint and Bucky are haunting the new apartment that Tony bought in Brooklyn to try and impress Steve.
The Ghost of a Chance by atothej (WinterHawk, Major Character Death, Teen And Up Audiences, 2,341 words)
Summary: The Asset's only constant companion is the ghost that haunts him.
The Road Less Traveled at the End of the Line by NarutoRox (@muteelfmoonmoon) (WinterIron, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Teen And Up Audiences, 27,889 words)
Summary: To say Steve is surprised to wake up haunting his loved ones after sinking his plane into the ocean would be an understatement. To say he enjoys it would be just plain cruel. For starters, there’s the ‘minor’ problem of said loved ones being unable to see or hear him, which is bad enough. Things only get worse when he finds out Bucky is alive, but held prisoner by the very people he and Steve had fought against, leaving Steve to watch as HYDRA slowly tries to unmake his best friend. Then there’s Tony, Howard’s genius son, whom Steve loves dearly and may or may not be a little protective of after watching him grow up under Howard’s less-than-stellar care. Steve doesn’t know if they keep him sane or drive him crazy, but he does know that Bucky and Tony are the two most important people in his world. He also doesn’t know if it would make his life easier if they knew each other or not, but it doesn’t matter; they’ve never met, are on opposite sides of the world, and other than being cared about by Steve, have nothing else to do with each other. Until Tony is kidnapped by the Ten Rings…and HYDRA thaws Bucky for a mission…And Steve decides it’s about time these two met.
Take My Hand (Don't Fear the Reaper) by dracusfyre (@dracusfyre) (WinterIron, Major Character Death, Not Rated, 6,693 words)
Summary: For the ITAB prompt:  After Afghanistan tony became a part-time grim reaper assigned to the winter soldier, since Bucky has a messed up head he can see tony.
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godsofhumanity · 9 months
SUPERNATURAL 5.19 “Hammer of the Gods” | REVIEW
i said i'd be reviewing SPN episodes, hee hee so here's the next.
OVERVIEW: Pagan gods hold a meeting to determine how they will respond to the Christian Apocalypse.
RATING: 7/10. i liked it!!!! there's only so many myth references you can cram into 45 minutes of screen-time, but i liked it tbh. there isn't much media with different myths interacting with each other, so i think this was pretty good!
AVAILABLE AT: again, idk where u can watch this for free sorry. if you have Prime or Binge, or maybe if u live in the US u can watch it on the CW or something
previous episode // all episodes // next episode
if you haven’t seen spn and intend to watch, do not read below unless you want spoilers!!!!!!
Mercury portrayal!!!!!!!!!!!!! the actor looked mischievous just like you'd imagine Mercury to be.
i liked the little nods to his speed with him typing on the computer extremely fast and nicking Dean's neck without being seen.
also, i think it's immensely suitable that Mercury was in charge of the hotel since he's the god of commerce (hotel is great for business!), travellers (travellers will stay at a hotel), messages (he's communicating with different gods to bring them together under one roof), and trickery (since the gods are conspiring to trick Lucifer).
Kali- disclaimer; idk much or really anything about hindu mythology, but Kali is the goddess of time, doomsday, and death according to Wikipedia..
this suits her character pretty well since she's appearing at Doomsday (the Christian Apocalypse but still)... and also she had a necklace around her neck that i think looked a little like a head of some sort? and a skull chain around her waist! i think this is a nod to the chain of heads that she's usually depicted with.
Elysian Fields as the hotel name. Elysium is not part of the Underworld, but usually considered a separate place entirely, and was pretty exclusive-- only certain heroes and righteous mortals specially chosen by the gods could enter Elysium, and this is paralleled on the show because only certain people enter the hotel-- Dean and Sam are intentionally let in to the place so the gods can hold them hostage.
funny Ganesh elephant moment- not strictly accurate because im pretty sure Ganesh just has the head of an elephant but isn't an elephant himself..?
the gods poking fun at their myths lmfaooooo and forgetting their own ages.
Baldur and "Loki" tensionnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!! i know it's not actually Loki, but yeah i liked it. nice nod to Loki being the cause of Baldur's death.
the whole concept of "what happens to the other gods during one team's end of days"... it's such an intriguing idea, and i honestly like the way SPN dealt with it.. all the gods at odds with each other, undermining each other's apocalypse beliefs.. having to team up together to deal with another apocalypse. but i think the team of gods they chose was strange.
Odin looked like an Odin, but he had BOTH eyes??? i feel like it would have been so easy to make Odin more distinct by giving him an eyepatch, or a monocle, or maybe 2 different coloured eyes or something!! just something about his eyes because that's his most distinct feature. and a hat!
Baldur. handsome sure, but i'm hesitant about his role here. Baldur is the guy whom everyone loves, so for him to be having a romance with Kali who is kind of violence and the opposite of Baldur seems strange and out of place. i think Baldur could have been replaced by Tyr-- still not as mainstream as "Thor" but closer to accuracy?
also. Baldur should be in Hel so i'm not sure how he got out and how he's walking around free-spirited. it's a pretty essential part of his myth tbh.
also we know Ragnarok hasn't taken place yet to free Baldur from Hel because Odin himself says "lol the apocalypse hasn't started yet" and he makes a joke about getting eaten by Fenrir.
the gods having humans as their "meal". honestly i don't think i've heard of gods consuming mortals as a snack-- usually it's taboo for the gods to eat mortals, see Demeter and Pelops. so i thought this was kinda strange.. i know it's just a gore factor for the show but i meannnn really?
minor thing really, but Kali's shirt was red? i think it would've been a better nod if it was blue because like she's usually depicted blue.
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marriiemeii · 7 months
Endless Moment Chapter 2
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svt x multiple ocs
status: ongoing
tags: vampires, witches, supernatural creatures, romance, drama, comedy, born vampires, turned vampires, abilities
synopsis: In a world where there's supernatural creatures hiding amongst the humans, we find that there are many things that happen behind the scenes in order to keep the peace.
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Amara's POV
I heard the bells above the door ringing as customers walked in. I look up and immediately give them my customer service smile and welcome them in.
I watch as two males stroll in, recognizing who one of them was. It was our regular, Seungcheol. He was wearing a dark tight black shirt with black jeans. His black hair was short as always but it was wavy this time and didn’t cover his forehead, giving a full view of his eyes that seemed to be glaring at people.
In contrast to Seungcheol, the other man was wearing a white loose button up shirt that was opened at the top with dark blue jeans. His hair was shorter than Seungcheol’s and was parted on the side. He was really tall and seemed to tower over Seungcheol. He had broad shoulders and despite the loose shirt he was wearing, you could see the muscles he had underneath. Even though he had such a big build compared to Seungcheol, you could tell that Seungcheol still held the authority as the man followed behind Seungcheol.
“How may I help you?” I ask the two. The man behind Seungcheol stares hard at me, making me feel a little uncomfortable. Seungcheol notices and elbows him harshly. The man grunts from the blow to his ribs.
“Sorry about him, he’s… a handful,” Seungcheol sighs. The man behind lets out a noise of offense from being called basically a troublemaker. He stays quiet once Seungcheol glares at him, looking away from the intimidating man. “His name is Mingyu.”
“I can introduce myself, y’know?” Mingyu complains from behind. It was interesting, seeing a big guy like him acting a little childish, like a troublemaker.
“Sorry to say this, but you’ll most likely be seeing him around more,” Seungcheol starts explaining.
“He’s another one that we’ve decided to take under our wing.”
I nod my head at the explanation. It makes sense, Seungcheol doesn’t just bring any turned vampire in here unless he had taken them in and made sure they weren’t going to go crazy on me and Solana in our store.
“That’s completely fine!” I reassure the both of them. “Here let me just go call Solana. She’s been in the atelier all day. That girl really needs to learn when to rest.”
Seungcheol perks up hearing Solana’s name, a frown grows on his face. “Why? Has she been back there all day? Doesn’t she know she needs to take a break?”
I smile at him, despite him coming off most of the time as cold and hostile to people, you could really see that he cared about others well being. I wave him off, ignoring his questions as I go to the back to grab Solana.
While I head to the back, I can faintly hear the two talking about us because Mingyu asked about who we were. It made sense, not a lot of people, or vampires, knew about us.
I reached Solana’s atelier where she was pouring the last of the elixir in the cauldron, into a glass vial. She looks up hearing footsteps heading to her, she smiles when she notices it’s me.
“Hey, did you need something? I’m just about finished with the Council’s order of elixirs. Just need to put them out in the front so they can be picked up soon,” She speeds through, happy that she finished her last batch. I look over the room and see a few boxes in the corner of the room. The glass vials shine as the sun’s rays shine through the window on them.
The rest of the room was a mess, herbs and ingredients all over the room. I feel slight headaches coming on as I see how happy she is in this mess of an atelier. She was a mess. I smile back at her, waiting for her to put down the last vial. Once she sets it down, I smack the back of her head, causing her to yelp in pain.
“HEY! What was that for?” She whines. I cross my arms and look at her with a stern look.
“You’ve been hiding yourself back here trying to get those elixirs done for the past 24 hours, you haven’t eaten since yesterday, and the room is a mess!” I list all the reasons why I would hit her. She rubs the back of her head with a small pout.
“But… I was in the zone,” She tries to reason with me. “I had to get it done by today because they’re coming here to pick it up.”
“You could’ve gotten it done faster if you weren’t procrastinating though, and they would wait anyway. They can’t rush us,” I scolded her. She sighs feeling a bit guilty that she wasn’t taking care of herself. “Anyways, Seungcheol is here to introduce a new regular to us. It seems like he’s pretty new.”
“Is he cute?” She immediately asks.
“Girl, he would break you if you even tried,” I shake my head at her. She sighs to herself and finishes securing the last box. I go over to the others to grab them and bring them to the pick up area in the front of the store. I hear her footsteps following me as she carries the last box. As we got closer, we could begin to hear the two still talking about us.
“So, they’re the last of their kind?” I hear Mingyu ask Seungcheol.
“No, but they’re pretty rare to find nowadays. Not only that, but most don’t want to help us. They prefer to keep to themselves, not wanting to get involved with vampires.”
We reach the door to the front of the store and they stop talking, looking up at us as we bring in a bunch of boxes and hearing the little clinks of glass. We set them down on the table for pick up, before facing them.
“Who’s the new person?” Solana asks, staring at the very tall man. She was just barely above half his height. It was really odd to see the height difference between the two. It looked like a father with his daughter. I smile at the cute thought.
“This is Mingyu, he’s one of the new turned that I found. He’s staying with Ella at the hideout as he gets more used to being around humans again,” Seungcheol tells her. She nods her head at him before looking in one of the drawers. We watch as she looks for something, she stands back up with a vial in her hand, holding it out to Mingyu.
He looks at the vial curiously before carefully taking it into his hand. He holds it up to his face as he examines it.
“It’s not poisoned, it’s a blood elixir. If you ever feel like you’re losing control just take that. It should hold off the thirst for a bit. Then you can escape from humans so you don’t attack them,” Solana explains to him. Mingyu looks at the vial in awe before looking back up at the two of us in amazement.
“This is amazing. You guys created this? How come not everybody has access to this?” He rambles off question after question. Seungcheol looks at him with a glare that screams for him to shut up, as Solana and I feel a bit awkward from the questions.
“Um, there’s only so much we can make, y’know? We have to grow or find the ingredients… There’s a lot of work put into it, but also some people take advantage of it.”
Mingyu’s face drops as he realizes the insensitivity of his questions. “Ah, sorry, I just got excited.”
“No worries!” I told him. “Actually I have a question since you brought it up Seungcheol, but where is Ella?”
“Yeah, we haven’t seen her come by in a while. Did something happen?” Solana questions as well, curious about our friend.
Seungcheol sighs as he recalls the last time he saw her. She was going on a slight rampage and ended up refusing to come out of the hideout but she wouldn’t tell anyone what happened. It had Seungcheol concerned because she hasn’t gone on a rampage since he first helped her with her control.
“She’s recuperating right now. She doesn’t want to be disturbed for now, but she said to tell you guys she’s doing alright and not to worry. She’ll be back here to bother you both in no time.”
Solana and I look at each other worried despite Ella’s words not to worry about her. If she hasn’t been on a rampage since she first was helped by Seungcheol, then this would be the first time she went on a rampage in 6 years, since she was found by Seungcheol when she was 19 and she had just turned 25 this year.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be able to help her,” Seungcheol tells us two, seeing the looks on our faces.
The bell rings as another customer walks inside. We all look over to the door. I gasp quietly seeing who it was. I step back a little afraid of the chaos that might occur. I look next to me and see Solana looking at me with a concerned look as well. Things might be getting a little messy.
The people who entered the store were Jeonghan and Minghao. I don’t understand why those two were here, when usually someone else shows up to pick up the elixirs, since it’s harder for them to come out during daylight. Seungcheol immediately tenses up as he watches the two noble vampires walk to the counter where we all were.
I watch as Jeonghan, dressed in a dark red button up with black slacks, looks over at Seungcheol in the corner of his eyes and smirks at him, causing Seungcheol to start glowering at the smug man.
Minghao looks over at Mingyu, never seeing him before and sizes him up. Minghao was wearing a black see through knitted long sleeve with a white tank top underneath and black jeans. His eyes narrowed as he looked around the shop and at the different people in here. His head lowered slightly keeping to himself as he followed Jeonghan.
“Good afternoon, ladies,” Jeonghan greets us, completely ignoring Seungcheol and Mingyu. “I know we’re not usually the ones to pick up the elixir but there was a slight change in plans. We have a request to make.”
“Then maybe you should wait your turn,” Seungcheol’s low voice sounds throughout the room. The tension in the room was growing thick. Jeonghan turns his head slightly to look at Seungcheol.
“Ah, did I cut you in line?” Jeonghan asks, his voice airy as he smiles at him. He moves out of the way and gestures for Seungcheol to go in front of him. “You can continue if you wish to?”
Seungcheol stays quiet, glowering at him as Jeonghan taunts him. Seungcheol wouldn’t want Jeonghan anywhere near his backside. He wouldn’t allow anyone he didn’t trust behind him. Because Seungcheol stays quiet, Minghao snickers at him.
“Well, back to my request, I was wondering if you two would be able to make something like this for me,” Jeonghan brings out a paper from his pocket and hands it to Solana. I looked over her shoulder to check what he was asking for and saw that it was something similar to the regular blood elixir, but almost 3 times as strong. I gasp as I read the request.
“Can I ask, why would you need something like this?” Solana asks him, concerned with the contents of the note. For something like this to be made, it would mean someone was becoming immune to the elixirs which isn’t supposed to happen unless they had an unquenchable thirst.
“What is it?” Seungcheol asks.
“You don’t need to know our business,” Minghao scoffs at him. Seungcheol takes a threatening step forward at Minghao.
“It could be if it affects us,” Seungcheol argues back. Minghao tries stepping closer to Seungcheol not wanting to back down but is stopped when Jeonghan places his hand firmly on Minghao’s shoulder.
“Hao,” Jeonghan calls out to the worked up man. Minghao looks over his shoulder at Jeonghan, his form stiffening up. He huffs to himself before leaving Seungcheol alone.
Jeonghan looks back to Solana and I. “So, is it possible?”
We look at each other thinking about the possibility, before deciding. “It’s not impossible but we’re not sure when it’ll be made.”
“I see, thank you for your time and efforts,” Jeonghan nods at our response. “The payment will be directly deposited as always, there’s an extra bonus for the request.”
The two start heading to the boxes, lifting them as they head out. Minghao turns around to look at Seungcheol with a taunting smile.
“How’s Jie? Tell her I give her my regards,” He calls out as he walks out the door, letting it shut behind him
Everyone freezes when they hear the words that come out of his mouth. I think we just found out what caused Ella’s rampage. How did he even know her Chinese name?
The door shuts and all hell breaks loose. Seungcheol tries to go after Minghao to ask him what he was talking about. Mingyu immediately wraps his arms around Seungcheol’s waist, knowing that he would end up getting in trouble if he confronted them. Seungcheol would've easily gotten out of the hold if Solana and I weren't also holding on to him, once we saw Mingyu struggling.
"That fucking bastard," Seungcheol snarled, his breathing coming out ragged and his eyes wild.
He stopped struggling against us but his body was shaking with rage as he tried to calm himself down. Solana gasps as we both witness his fangs elongating, poking past his lips. It wasn’t our first time seeing a vampire angry, but it was still alarming to see how volatile and dangerous they can get despite us being capable of protecting ourselves. It was, however, our first time seeing the usually composed Seungcheol losing his temper this bad.
Mingyu gently pushes us away from Seungcheol so we don’t get hurt, but we watch from a distance. Mingyu whispers something in Seungcheol’s ear, most likely trying to tell him things to get him to calm down. Seungcheol looks up at us and sees the caution on our faces.
After looking at us, the rage and darkness in his eyes begin to clear up as he realizes he was allowing the rage to take control of him. He looks away from us in shame. He turns his body away from us and says something to Mingyu, patting him on the back. Seungcheol goes to head to the entrance of the store and stops just before it, waiting for Mingyu.
Mingyu looks at us. “It was nice meeting you two…”
“Amara,” I told him my name. He looks at me with a smile on his face, nodding before looking at Solana.
“I’m Solana,” She says. He nods his head at her about to turn around to leave until she calls out to him. He looks over his shoulder at her. “Uh, please make sure Seungcheol and Ella are alright.”
I nod my head in agreement with her. We watch as the two head out of the store, disappearing in the distance. Hopefully, they’ll be alright.
Kalista’s POV
I woke up to the bustling in the house. Maids and butlers doing chores around the house. I sigh to myself, staring at the ceiling. I try to listen throughout the house for any signs that the turned had awakened only to find the steady and slow breathing in the room that he was in.
I pouted to myself, I just wanted him to wake up already. I knew absolutely nothing about him, or at least nothing that really matters. I didn’t even have his name. Hopefully, he’d wake up soon since it’s been almost a full 24 hours. I didn’t think that I did too much damage to him, but it was hard to remember through the blood high memories.
I finally sit up from bed and decide that I should get ready for the night, even though all I’d be doing is staying home. I hear a noise by my door and look to find a hand sticking through the door.
“Seungkwan, just come in,” I say exasperatedly. The rest of his body phases through the door. Seungkwan was another one of the seven noble vampires on the Council. Because he was born a vampire, he had the power to phase through things. He was the second youngest on the Council with me being the youngest. Because of this, we ended up being close as the others viewed us as reckless.
He looked at me with a cheeky smile as he came over to my bed to sit on it in front of me. He was wearing a white t-shirt with black sweatshorts. His blonde hair wet and messily resting against his forehead.
“I had to make sure it was safe for me to go inside,” He explains. I shake my head at him.
“You could be like a normal person and actually knock on the door.”
“Where’s the fun in that??” He pouts. He lays back on my bed, getting comfy as if he owned the place. This makes me nudge him with my foot, as he complains about my feet being dirty. Serves him right for trying to be comfortable in my room.
"I heard that you snuck out yesterday," He teases me.
“Of course, you heard it. You were probably hiding in the walls again looking for gossip,” I waved him off. He hit my leg that was next to him. I yelp and snatch my leg away from him.
“It’s called investigating, and it actually helps the Council a lot with what's going on,” He retorts. I shake my head at his reasoning. “Anyways, spill.”
I sigh to myself at having to explain what happened. I told him about what happened last night, how I went to a club and it ended with me accidentally turning a human.
Seungkwan was surprisingly quiet as he listened to me explain what happened. He was quiet even after I had finished, somewhat concerning me since he was usually very talkative.
“It’s strange,” He wonders aloud. “Every human that was turned by a Syvis was taken away. I wonder why they’re letting you keep yours.”
I thought about what we’ve learned from our vampire history and even thought about my own mother. Many blood Syvis’ never had any turned vampires. If they turned someone, the turned was usually taken away like Seungkwan mentioned. The reason being that they were too unstable to teach and take care of their turned.
So why were they letting me keep mine, if I was considered unstable?
I bit my lip thinking about what Jeonghan may be trying to plan. Was it so he could control me? Is that why he said I should take care of my turned because he might be taken away if I don’t comply? The thoughts were rushing through my head as I started to overthink.
“Kala,” Seungkwan called out to me, waving his hand at me. I snap out of it and look at him. He was looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed, a small frown on his face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him, worried about him.
“You’re not… going to lose your mind, right?” He asks quietly. I feel my stomach drop at the question. It was something that I had to ask myself and I couldn’t even answer it most of the time. Something always felt off with me and I never knew if this was what caused the Syvis to go insane.
I give him a smile, one that most likely didn’t reach my eyes and nod my head. Trying to give him and myself hope that I’d be fine.
A rapid knock on the door sounded throughout the quiet room as I heard a panicked voice call out to me.
“Miss Kalista! It’s the turned!” Her voice carries a bit muffled by the door. My heart skips a beat at her words. “He’s awake and he’s rampaging!”
I get up, immediately rushing to the door and swinging it open, as I hear Seungkwan get up and follow behind me.
“Are you sure? Is that true? He’s awake?” I drill the maid with questions sternly. She had a look of urgency on her face with a hint of fear from either me or the turned. I wouldn’t know. She nods her head quickly and gestures for us to follow her. As I follow her, I try focusing my ears to listen for his usual steady breathing and find that all I can hear was a rapid heartbeat.
He was finally awake.
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Disorganised Thoughts on Episode 2 Cherry Magic (Thailand)
I suspect the Japanese boss is playing matchmaker. I’ve always kind of had this theory Urabe was a trickster character, but I legitimately believe the Japanese boss is, if not a trickster, a benevolent supernatural figure. Achi didn’t hear his thoughts, is the main thing, though, there are things that, unless it was just done to lazily propel the narrative, strengthened this conclusion.
Rock running away at the suggestion of Achi and Karan being lovers was stupid. One thing I really liked about Rokkaku was, yeah, violence isn’t the answer, but his reaction to believing Tsuge was homophobic against his friend being, ‘Oh, you have a problem with my friend being gay? Well, I have a problem with all your blood staying in your body!’ was something I really liked about his character.
This was just cringeful. If the show wanted to make Rock uncomfortable with gayness or just awkward about the idea or even non-violently homophobic, I wouldn’t have objected to the choice, but him doing this is just so, so- ugh. On so many levels.
I’m not feeling the Jinta/Min romance. I will say, though, there are times Junior Panachai Sriariyarungruang reminds me of First Kanaphan Puitrakul.
I didn’t like the cat’s thoughts being read, and even though I liked some of Jinta’s talking to the cat and the cat sleeping on him, that cat is still panting way too much. When he picked it up, in a way that I don’t think cats are supposed to be picked up, and it was panting like that-
I’ve had cats and dogs. I’ve only ever seen one cat pant in real life, and this was during car rides to the vet. It was the result of unhappiness and stress, not heat and/or lack of water. With a dog, I could think that, maybe, the dog had just exercised or even just been outside where it was hot and needed some water, but Thailand needs to seriously do better with cats on shows.
One tiny bit of character continuity I liked was: Karan looked up reviews when picking out Achi’s cake, and here, he tried to show Achi reviews for a restaurant that he thought Achi might like.
Honestly, until this show, I never really gave much thought to Kurosawa actually buying pyjamas specifically for Adachi, despite them not even being friends and/or having any reason to believe Adachi would ever be a guest at his place. I guess I just managed to mostly miss that. I think I just assumed that it was a case of Kurosawa buying an extra pair of pyjamas in case he ever had a guest, which is a reasonable thing for a person to do, and then, being really happy with being able to provide them for Adachi and with how Adachi looked in them.   
Interestingly, I think the Thailand version is explicitly going for Achi being bisexual while the Japanese version could be argued to be more ambiguous about Adachi’s sexuality. Yet, during the party scenes, Adachi invoked them both being men when they were ordered to kiss, and Achi didn’t.
I preferred the Japan version of the rooftop, but I don’t have a problem with this version.
In the Japanese version, Kurosawa had a much stronger reaction to learning Adachi had never been kissed, and even though I do like how this version had made less of a deal about virginity so far, I really liked how sweet Kurosawa’s reaction of, ‘Oh, thank God, I didn’t take something so important and special as your first kiss from you,’ was along with him believing whoever Adachi did willingly give such a gift to would be so lucky.
I didn’t particularly like Karan’s question/statement of who’d want to kiss another guy, but it didn’t bother me.
One thing I liked about the Japanese version was: Kurosawa’s dialogue and the acting had me believe it him going, ‘Look, I know I’m almost certainly in love with a straight guy. Just explicitly say you’re straight, please, so that the part still clinging to the small hope I’m not actually doing that will die. I need this closure if I’m ever going to have a chance of moving on.’
Karan is not as teasing a character as Kurosawa is, and there’s nothing wrong with that, I actually think that’s a neat way to make the character distinctive in his own right, but I also think the show needs to be careful about giving him certain similar dialogue and actions to Kurosawa because of this.
Achi enjoying Karan’s attention, but then, feeling guilty about accepting the attention when he doesn’t (for now, at least) return Karan’s feelings is awesome of him. I genuinely felt bad for how he kept trying to subtly distance himself without hurting Karan, and in the process, he either ended up in situations that brought them even closer or where he accidentally hurting Karan more.
One difference between Achi and Adachi is: Adachi was desperate to get rid of his magic, and most of the time he used it, it was through accidental, on his part, contact. Achi, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to be having much of a struggle with having magic, and several times, he’s deliberately made contact to activate his magic.
I’m looking forward to next episode.   
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stardewsnail · 1 year
Could you do sfw and nsfw headcanons for Harvey with a partner who’s a vampire?? (Maybe not the type that burns in the sun, I don’t know if a vampire like that would be a very good farmer lol)
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This request is a DELIGHT
Okay we’re gonna go with an adventure time style vampire where the farmer wears gloves and a big hat when they’re outside. This farmer has a collection of parasols. They’re always in long sleeves, gardening gloves, overalls, boots, and a big sun hat.
Harvey is going to intensely study his partner. Not in a creepy government lab way but in a “holy shit medical school never prepared me for this” kind of way
Will help figure out a way to keep his partner fed sans murder. The murder is a hard line though, being pro murder would be a deal breaker. Something about a Hippocratic Oath
Harvey being so stressed out about his partner getting hurt in the mines only to find out that they are in fact one of the monsters down there
That’s a relief for him, honestly.
Of course the big question here would be if he also wanted to be a vampire…I think he would. I think he’d be totally fine with it as long as there was a murderless path. A little like Carlisle Cullen, he’d want to keep being a doctor. (None of the weird Mormonism or forever high school or weird cult stuff though)
He will do research into the best possible sunscreen and spf clothing.
This vampire can fly, and will carry Harvey through the air. It’s really helped his fear of heights knowing he’ll never fall when he’s with his partner.
Okay if nobody is going to say it then I will YOU WOULDN’T DATE A VAMPIRE UNLESS YOU HAD A VAMPIRE KINK
Harvey was very, very into classic monster movies and vampire flicks during some very impressionable teen years, alright?
He already loves having his neck kissed or nipped—having an actual vampire romancing him and pressing their lips to his throat would drive him insane.
whimpering and needy, he’d throw back his head so they would have full access
If it was medically safe to do (or at least not completely medically risky) he would let his partner feed on him and he would find it a little sexy. Like he would never have any kind of blood kink except in this scenario (pathogens! Yikes!) but the pain and eroticism of his partner kissing only to bite and suck or gently lap at the wound. To know that he is the one nurturing his partner’s body in this most intimate of ways? He’s into it. Let the man live.
He’s more submissive as it is—and having a partner who is stronger and faster and magical to take care of him or dominate him means his sex life just improved exponentially. He’s a big, tall guy who’s wants to be manhandled and thrown around.
Want his partner to please pin him against the wall and hoist him up by his thighs so he can wrap his legs around their hips.
There’s also an element of bringing pleasure to such a beautiful and supernatural creature—that in their entire immortal life he gets to have his face between their thighs making them feel so good. And I don’t care how long the vampire has been alive—Harvey is the best head they’ve ever had.
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moonlightreal · 1 year
Elements of a Witch Mountain story
My last post about what makes a Witch Mountain story… it wasn’t enough.  It needed more.
-The Castaways. The children are a mystery even to themselves.  This is where the series has already stumbled: Tia grew up with her parents and worries she inherited mental illness from her father.  So unless they do a Surprise Adoption plot Tia isn’t a Castaway.
Unless! The reveal is that the whole suburb is full of aliens, unless this series starts on Witch Mountain itself, a place we’ve never been able to visit before. But if this is the alien community then these are not the aliens we’re looking for.  The story of Witch Mountain is a story of two young Castaways who don’t really fit in finding their people and the place they belong, “a place full of music and magic, because that’s the only kind of place we could have come from.” so if the “sleepy suburb is not as idyllic as it seems”… the aliens are not good?  The whole suburb is aliens trapped and controlled by evil government forces who try to hide the fact from their kids to protect them?
Hmm.  Not a good start for our new show!
-Siblings not romantic partners.  This story is plenty already, it doesn’t need romance too.  And this is not a paranoia story, it’s not a “who can I trust?” story.  The series does seem to have two supernatural characters but it doesn’t seem like they’re siblings.
-Kids not teenagers.  It wouldn’t be impossible to make a good story with teenagers; they’re teenagers in the book, in fact.  But nowadays writers may feel required to add Modern Teen Issues like drugs, drinking, underage sex—look at Fate’s attempts to be edgy.  Nothing wrong with an edgy story, but Witch Mountain is not an edgy story.
This series has three guys described, which makes me feel weirdly like the show’s Tia is going to be in a reverse-harem anime.  We have Ben, cheater and fellow-student-puncher, who has mind control abilities and will probably be the other supernatural kid.  We have Corey, an outsider with tattoos who’s one step away from expulsion.  And we have Peter, who’s pining over Tia but otherwise seems like the token non-edgy kid.  Yeeeeeeah this is gonna be Fate: The Witch Mountain Saga and please guys can we just not.  
-Magic not parapsychology.  Yeah, the kids have telepathic and telekinetic powers but they should be experienced by the viewer as soft magic, not something that can be pinned down and measured with a lot of sci-fi jargon.  The series’ description is vague about what abilities the kids will have, but it seems Tia hallucinates people’s inner selves stepping out of their bodies to reveal their dark secrets, which I guess you have to show telepathy on screen somehow.
The book’s description of the childrens’ abilities was different.  They weren’t telepathic, rather, their people speak at a frequency humans can’t hear.  Tony and Tia could talk to each other but while Tony could also speak normally Tia could only be heard by her brother; everyone else thought she was mute.  Their telekinesis was also much more vague. They could both make things move but Tony could do it better when he played his harmonica, and Tia had a gift for opening locks but only when it’s right to do so.
-A journey of some sort.  It’s a journey story, from not belonging to the place you belong, from danger to safety, from not knowing who you are to being among your people.  
Probably should have:
-An outsider father figure.  Someone’s got to take care of these kids!  And someone’s gotta be the audience point of view for the wonder.
-Throwbacks.  A Witch Mountain story should in some way acknowledge that it’s part of a larger body of stories. Maybe have one of the guys play a harmonica as “if you know, you know” sign that he can be trusted.  I saw Race to Witch Mountain on its opening day, in the evening after work.  Picked up a friend or two and there were maybe six other people in the theater.   There’s a scene where we see the Winnebago sailing down the highway, the music swells-- and this whoop of delight went up from every single person in that theater.  So also:
-A Winnebago.  
-Animals.  Winkie the cat, Junkyard the dog, horses, the bears Tia frees… this story is about kids who are different and their connection with animals and nature is part of what makes them different.  A theme in the book is the escape from the banal and greedy works of man to a more beautiful and better place in nature.
-Some rich dude trying to make bank off the kids.
Things I’d like to see:
-The right mountains.  The book takes place in the Blue Ridge mountains where Alexander Key lived.  There’s a Stoney Creek in North Carolina that may be the town the kids travel through.  All the movies have been filmed in the Sierra Nevadas, very nice mountains but not the right mountains.  I’d love it if the next incarnation of Witch Mountain were to set the story where its roots are.
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cubistemoji · 2 years
My Personal F/F Book Rec List
being an entirely subjective collection of things I personally liked with reasons why I liked them and why you might like them as well!
Science fiction and fantasy
This is How You Lose The Time War by Max Gladstone and Amal El-Mohtar
Science fiction, time travel, epistolary, novella -- very short in all. Tight, poetic language. If you like star-crossed lovers and households both alike in dignity, no one is more star-crossed than rival time war soldiers Red and Blue. It is very romantic.
A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine
Do you like your lesbianism as a spice that flavors a dense political drama examining the machineries of imperialism through the lens of space colonization? Did you have a Homestuck phase in your past? You'll like this one. The romance is not the focus of the story, but it's there, and it's f/f.
A Master of Djinn by P. Djeli Clark
Honestly this book wasn't my favorite plotwise (a lot of situations where it seemed like the characters were less intelligent than the reader), but the main character is a lot of fun as a lesbian who wears suits in an alternate-history 1910s Cairo and has a cool catgirl girlfriend, and the worldbuilding and character dynamics were fun as well. Not that kind of catgirl. In a world where the discovery of djinn propelled Egypt to the top of the world stage about a hundred years ago, the guy who did that in the first place is suddenly back in town and murdering people. It's up to Fatma to get to the bottom of it!
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Beloved by Tumblr, it's Lesbian Necromancers In Space! Another book for the Homestuck phase havers. Very very lesbian, although Gideon and Harrow... well they get together in a way... anyway it's about a space empire composed of 9 Houses of necromancy, and the house's representatives have to complete a series of trials to become Lyctors. Ancient Rome inspired but also full of stealthy meme references, if you enjoy the juxtaposition of elevated, old-fashioned language and "Did you know your name contains the words 'Sex Pal'", you'll like this one. The characters are just so fun. Gideon Nav is Horny Butch Representation.
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand
Supernatural horror thriller this one is not fluffy or cute it is dark and scary and also pretty long. Girls on Sawkill Rock have been disappearing for decades, and it's up to the new girl, the outcast, and the queen bee to figure out how to end the cycle for good. Also I'm pretty sure all of the viewpoint characters are girls who like girls? Themes of grief and trauma and also a big scary monster! Oooh!
Contemporary and Historical Fiction
The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters
In 1920s Britain, a young woman and her mother take in a lovely young married couple as their lodgers. And then there's a murder. Recommended for fans of murder mysteries and thrillers.
Fingersmith also by Sarah Waters
Inspiration for the film the Handmaiden by Park Chan-Wook (which transplants the Victorian setting to Korea under Japanese occupation), this is a story of cons and crimes and lesbianism! A lot of plot, eventual happy ending.
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
"Disaster bisexual" August just moved to New York to try going to college again, and she meets a hot girl in a leather jacket on the subway. The hot girl turns out to be from the 70s and trapped on the train forever for some reason... unless August can figure out how to help her! I like McQuiston's writing style, and I thought the descriptions of queer life in the city felt believable.
Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld
Yes I had an Uglies phase in middle school that made me into an eternal Westerfeld stan leave me alone. Afterworlds is a pretty fun sendup of the YA publishing industry. Indian-American Darcy Patel wrote a YA book and got a book deal at 18, so she deferred college for a year to live in NYC and work on editing her first book and writing the second book. And then she gets writer's block, Manhattan is expensive, also, the fellow writer she eventually gets into a relationship with turns out to have her own dark and troubled past. It's really long because half of the book is the novel Darcy writes, but it works.
Pulp by Robin Talley
Part historical fiction about an imagined lesbian author of lesbian pulp novels from the 1950s, and part contemporary fiction about a teen activist researching said author for a project while still not over her ex. I like learning about queer history, and I thought this was a clever way to frame that kind of narrative and show why it's relevant today.
Tell Me Again How A Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan
Iranian immigrant teenager is successfully dragging herself through high school without having to deal with liking girls until a hot new girl shows up and might be into her, maybe? Reviews saying said hot new girl is an over-the-top predatory bisexual caricature are I think somewhat valid, she didn't read as bisexual to me because I don't think she was actually interested in Leila at all besides as a source of attention but I can understand why that would be offputting to readers. Still, Iranian representation!
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