#Ronon reaction
the-pegasus-galaxy · 1 year
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It just happened. I didn't know you were seeing anyone.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Stargate-Atlantis S5: E10
Screaming. That's all. Everything went wrong!
Also, Sheppard blew up Atlantis, Woosley! Why would you say that??? Also, more screaming because everything is wrong and the team is split, and Todd thinks they've betrayed him, and the stargate blew up, and...and...ahhhhhhh!
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aintgonnatakethis · 3 days
Find the word tag!
Thanks for tagging me, @bookish-karina! My words are devious, truth, mark, and night.
Tagging: @annwayne @fortunatetragedy @the-golden-comet @drchenquill @gioiaalbanoart to find the words edge, sip, orbit, and court in your WIPs.
Truth - Untitled Sheppard-turns-Kolya-over-to-Todd (SGA)
Slowly, his gun inched downwards until it was pointing at the ground. Nothing about Kolya's expression changed. He could see the truth of the situation - that no reprieve had been provided. He could see Sheppard as one predator recognised another, a twisted kinship connecting them.
Mark - Your Own Worst Enemy (SGU)
So that's it then. It doesn't matter that Young risked everything to save him. It doesn't matter that Telford killed Kiva. None of it matters, because the mark she left on him is indelible, strong enough to be clearly visible on the projection in the middle of the core room, with the entire science team watching on. Witness my weakness, Telford thinks; this was my capitulation. This is why you're here. Your blood is on my hands.
Night - Skirting The Vague Outline Of A Boundary (SGA)
They'd had a few beers and an empty popcorn bucket was lying at their feet, a few trace kernels making their heroic escape attempts onto Sheppard's carpet. They were sitting on the floor, propped up against the foot of his bed as it was far too narrow for them to fit comfortably on together. Rodney's prescription mattress hurt the hell out of Sheppard's back so Rodney had graciously said that the floor was acceptable as long as he could bring extra pillows, which they were now sprawled out on top of. "I can't believe you don't like Bertha," he'd stated upon arriving. "...Bertha?" "My..." Rodney had gotten very red and busied himself arranging the pillows with far more attention than the task required. "My mattress." Sheppard had decided to bank that gem for later and had spent a pleasant two hours and change listening to Rodney more than the movie. He'd be able to watch it later with the team as a whole on movie night. Teyla had been surprisingly taken with Catwoman - Sheppard having expected a very different reaction - and been tolerant if amused at Rodney's attempts to get her interested in Doctor Who. Ronon was always very focused whenever he was shown a new film, especially if there was some sort of violence in it. He'd openly scoffed at the fighting technique in Fight Club and become a giddy twelve year old when presented with Jaws. Sheppard had placed an order with the Daedalus for the 2001 version of Planet of the Apes, even though Rodney insisted flat out that the originals were better.
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cassiope25 · 1 year
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Ich habe 901 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
17 Einträge erstellt (2%)
884 Einträge gerebloggt (98%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 897 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#stargate atlantis – 814 Einträge
#sga – 790 Einträge
#rodney mckay – 594 Einträge
#john sheppard – 479 Einträge
#mcshep – 249 Einträge
#addicted to rodney mckay – 127 Einträge
#mcshep forever – 117 Einträge
#great gifset – 82 Einträge
#ronon dex – 71 Einträge
#teyla emmagan – 67 Einträge
Längstes Tag: 116 characters
#sometimes i can't imagine how great the results are when seeing under which circumstances the scenes had to be done!
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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This is my very first fic and it's written for the SGA_Saturday Prompt Challenge #week 353-357 tender /quilt
I'm very exited about it and hope you'll enjoy it!
Summary :
“We are so doomed... I can't believe I can't find it!”
Rodney paces back and forth, hands either up in the air or yanking at his already dishevelled hair, which is now sticking up in the air in all directions. A picture of utter devastation.
Oh God, John loves this man!
on AO3
23 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. Oktober 2022
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Extract from the podfic:
For the Mcshep Month 2022, week 3:
mcshep comedic duo
@itstartedwithalex's and my work was inspired by SquaresAreNotCircles' aka @itwoodbeprefect fic about John and Rodney's hilarious epiphany of sexual identity.
It's also posted on AO3
So if you want to leave a very welcome reaction like a kudo or a comment you can find us here:
Podfic (complete) on AO3
Cover Art on AO3
Thank you SquaresAreNotCircles for giving us the permission to do so. We had a great time doing this for your wonderful fic.
Fic on AO3
John is leaning in, head bent low towards the curly-haired guy he’s talking to. Rodney is a little annoyed instantly because hey, what’s so important they would need to whisper it? Why isn’t John pulling him into this?
And then John reaches out and pulls the other guy in. Over the table, by his neck, and suddenly this other guy is kissing John.
Or: With DADT gone, John starts kissing guys. Rodney is (very mysteriously!) not having a great time.
26 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. März 2022
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A little McShep feeling 💖
27 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Mai 2022
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A very belated happy birthday @mific 🎉
This is an Illustration for the hilarious fic "The Captive" that will always be one of my all time favorites.
It's also on AO3 along with the wonderful podfic by @itstartedwithalex.
Art on AO3
Podfic on AO3
Fic on AO3
Author's summary: He had to face facts. They'd brought him here to the warlord's private quarters — he stole a frightened sidelong glance at the bed, half-visible through the open door — which meant... Oh god, he was a body slave.
Thanks @mific for giving us permission to do this, we had such fun doing this for your awesome fic.
27 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. Dezember 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
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Happy Birthday! 🎉
Lt. Colonel John Sheppard 🇺🇸
* 14 Jun 1970
81 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 15. Juni 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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stargatevp · 1 year
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I posted 474 times in 2022
71 posts created (15%)
403 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 117 of my posts in 2022
#sgvp - 60 posts
#stargate - 58 posts
#sg1 - 48 posts
#promo gallery - 48 posts
#stargate: sg1 - 44 posts
#sgvp promo - 41 posts
#sga - 31 posts
#mod dorothy - 26 posts
#dorothyoz39 - 25 posts
#stargate: atlantis - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#note: this isn't exactly funny as the expedition; esp. sheppard do commit actions that would be considered war crimes...
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Thurs 20th of January SG-1 sga
The Serpent’s Venom   Host: to be determined
Sun 23rd of January SGA 5x03 Broken Ties. Host: @dorothyoz39 (backup @1989nihil )
Time: 3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CEST
Links: Episode List | Watch HERE | Subscribe to Calendar
DM a MOD ( @arrowsbane @1989nihil @dorothyoz39 @angelblaze) for the password.
33 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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Thursday 17th of November Stargate Atlantis 1x02 The Rising Pt. II Host:
Sun. 20th of November Stargate Universe 1x02 Air Pt. II. Host:  @dorothyoz39
Time:  3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CET
Your Local Time Thursday
Your Local Time Sunday
Links: Episode List | Watch HERE
DM a MOD: (@arrowsbane @1989nihil @dorothyoz39 @angelblaze) for the password.
33 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
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Thurs 27th of January SG-1 4x15 Chain Reaction   Host: to be determined
Sun 30th of January SGA 5x04 Daedalus Variations. Host: @dorothyoz39 (backup @1989nihil )
Time: 3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CEST
Links: Episode List | Watch HERE | Subscribe to Calendar
DM a MOD ( @arrowsbane @1989nihil @dorothyoz39 @angelblaze) for the password.
35 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
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Thurs 7th of April SG-1 5x03 Ascension   Host: to be determined
Sun 10th of April SGA 5x14 The Prodigal. Host: @dorothyoz39 (backup @1989nihil )
Time:  3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CEST
Local Time Thursday | Local Time Sunday
Links: Episode List | Watch HERE
DM a MOD: (@arrowsbane @1989nihil @dorothyoz39 @angelblaze) for the password.
38 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Halloween 2022 Election Fight
Comtraya and Tek'ma'tek, y'all! I know we said that, come September, we would restart the twice a week showing, and bring back SGA and SGU. However, since our anniversary is coming up again, we decided to implement those changes after that.
Regarding the Anniversary viewing on Sunday 30st of October: Last year we announced that for our Anniversary viewing on Halloween, we will be starting to show two spoopy episode, with one being SGA's Whispers as per tradition, and the other episode being another spooky SGA, SG1 or SGU episode. Please reply to this post with the number of the episode in the list. The one with the most votes wins and will be shown on our Anniversary Viewing this year together with Whispers.
Here's the list of spooky episodes to choose from: (SG-1 4x20 Entity was excluded since we watched it last year; SG-1 S05E08 The Tomb as well as S09E17 The Scourge removed in case people can’t deal with creepy critters)
1. Atlantis Season 4 Episode 4: Doppelganger During an off-world mission Colonel Sheppard unknowingly becomes host to an alien entity, which infects others in Atlantis and afflicts them with terrifying nightmares. (Clowns in boats)
2. SG-1 Season 3 Episode 4: Legacy When Daniel goes insane, SG-1 must deal with the legacy of Machello's anti-Goa'uld technology. (mental health care)
3. Atlantis Season 2 Episode 7: Instinct The team discovers a young Wraith girl who has been raised by a human, and is in hiding from the people of her human village in fear of her life. (Can a scorpion change its spots?)
4. Atlantis Season 3 Episode 9: Phantoms Sheppard and Ronon are influenced by a mind-altering device created by the Wraith while on a mission to rescue a lost team. (Trust no one)
5. Universe Season 1 Episode 17: Pain Dr. Tamara Johansen tries to track down what is causing the crew to hallucinate. (pain)
6. SG-1 Season 9 Episode 3: Origin Daniel comes face to face with the Ori, a fiery race of beings who demand the worship of mortals. Elsewhere, Stargate Command encounters the first Ori missionary in our galaxy. (Religion)
7. SG-1 Season 4 Episode 1: Small Victories O'Neill and Teal'c risk their lives to keep the Replicator bugs from gaining a foothold on Earth, while Carter helps the Asgard fend off a Replicator invasion. (Robospooders)
to recap: just put the number of the episode you want to see together with Whispers in the replies
Voting possible until October 27th!
49 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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So, hello and welcome to whumptober day six proof of life. Im doing "ive got a pulse" because... fun? I guess? And day seven will arrive eventually as well as day seven of suptober, anyway today im doing a stargate atlantis one today because i can and no one can stop me. So... have fun <3
Whumptober day 6- proof of life (ive got a pulse)
"John!" Teyla called itching trying to tear off the suit she was wearing. With Mkcay's suit already off due to his near constant compaints of an allergic reaction to the fabric or whatever, he dove in immediately. Once in the icy water he immediately had to surprise the urge to gasp in shock but he had to stay on task. John had been stunned and fell into a body of water, his suit was torn from an earlier interaction with a rusty nail, they all had written it off thinking of it as little more than a minor inconvinience meaning they would have to mend it later, however when it had snagged on thick branch the entire chest of his suit had torn clean open. But it didnt matter in the moment, all that mckay knew was unconscious human plus body of water usually meant a drowned man. Mckay swam fast and hard through the icy water his eyes stunning from the salt content of the water, he shot through the water like a bullet sheddingnhis jacket behind him as he moved to cut down on the drag. He finalky caught sight of the military man's black hair and repositioned himself appropriately to propell towards him efficiently.
He grabbed a hold of the mans vest hauling him up by the shoulder, he kicked hard pulling him up as he swam, his vision blurring from the lack of oxygen and fighting the urge to take a deep inhale. He finally reached the sufrace watching teyla and ronon run towards him on the beach, he held shepherd's head above the water, listeing for any sounds of breath... none. He cursed lightly before feeling teyla and ronon pull the man (more drag really) ashore. Mckay climbed out after him before kneeling next to the man.
"Ok, come on shepherd. Come on." He felt the mans kneck looking for the reliable comforting thump beneath his finger tips. "Ive got a pulse!" He sughed in relief. "Well technically, i guess hes got a pulse... Whatever." He finished before beggining the chest compressions trying to return the natural rhythm to his chest and restore the all too improtant rising and falling to his lungs. Almost immediately shepherd coughed up the salty liquid onto the ground while mckay turned him onto his side so he wouldnt choke.
"Youre ok, youre ok. Just deep breaths." Mckay comforted. "Deep breaths." He repeatedly calmly and softly rubbing the colnels back as he breathed wuth teyla and ronon watching the pair in conern and awe.
"You ok?" The dr asked him.
"Thanks, thanks Mckay. Im good." He breathed depply his head falling to rest in rodney's lap.
" good job mckay!" Ronon aplauded. As teyla produced a nervous chuckle before dissolving into genuine laughter realesing her tention and anxiety through bursts of giggles.
"You sure youre ok?" Rodney asked.
"You arent an MD doctor mckay." John joked smiling up at him.
"Yeah and you almost drowned colonel so just... humour me ok?" His sarvastic facade dropped like a lead balloon revealing just how scared he truly was. This revealed jarred john slightly, shocked to see mckay that open and feeling a sudden onset of guilt for just how scared he had made his friend.
"Yeah, yeah Rodney im fine. Don't worry. I'm all pinsean and needles from the stunned but the suit got most of it, im shivering and cold but im fine. Just a little shaken is all." Shepherd consolled. Trying to soothe the nerves of his friend.
"Ok." Mckay nodded before moving to allow him sit up.
"We should probably go." Shepherd decided before standing up to leave. He could feel mckays worried eyes on him the rest of the way to the gate but by the time he had arrived back in atlantis mckay had already radioed in asking for a medical team to meet them in thencontroll tower. Shepherd was rolled off in a gurney he insisted was unnecessary but mckay informed him it was not up to him.
Beckett insisted that shepherd would be ok and only then did mckay allow himself leave his side to do work and insignificant things as such. John was touched and smittened by mckays caringness and affection towards him obviously he would never admit it to him john was grateful for the extra attention on top of him saving his life. He smiled at the man as he walked away grateful and loving before deciding to turn in, he was pretty tired already from being almost dead so he thought he had earned the extra few hours of rest.
He went to sleep smiling at the though of mckay.
A/N: so i dont know why but for the day 7 one i think it will be another stargate atlantis one for no reason in particular other than i plan to go the hypoglycaemic route for "shaking hands" and i can think of no more appropriate a character for hypoglycemia than Dr Rodney Mckay. Anyway this one probably has way worse grammar, puntiation, etc. Because I'm exhausted. Peace out.
Hope you had fun<3
0 notes
twotales · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | Tao of RodneyS3.Ep14
Ronon has no idea what Rodney is doing.
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jumpingpuddles · 6 years
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Stargate Atlantis: Irresponsible
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logicgunn · 2 years
What are your top five episodes?
Good morning Anon,
I'm assuming you're asking about SGA. :)
It's incredibly hard to pick just 5, so I hope it's okay if I give you one from each season?
Letters From Pegasus This episode is important to me because although it's clearly a cheap, filler ep, it's also one where we get a deeper insight into the characters that shapes our understanding of who they are and why they do what they do, and it was the episode that really flipped this from a SciFi show that I loved to a SciFi show that I had to write stories about.
Grace Under Pressure This is an absolutely exceptional mirror of SG1's Grace, and DH and AT are wonderful in it. (Also, John's really showing his worry here...)
Sateda/The Real World I'd be lying if I said Tao of Rodney wasn't one of my favourite episodes of all time (so much McSheppy potential in that one), but I adore both Sateda and The Real World for the insights into Ronon and Elizabeth, two characters that the writers very obviously found difficult to work on (which is dumb as heck...intergalactic diplomat and survivalist, warrior poet? So much potential...y'all really dropped the ball.) The first time I watched these two episodes I was both engaged and disappointed, happy to learn more about them and a bit irked that neither episode had ramifications later on.
The Last Man It's hard to pick for season 4, but the entire premise of this episode is great. Hologram Rodney? Check! Implausible sci-fi time travel? Check! What could have been? Check! JFlan's micro expressions in the face of Rodney's historical demise? Check!
The Shrine No surprises here. The first time I watched this I was convinced that Rodney's mental decline was going to be written and shown in a way that was going to piss me off, but they pulled it off and it seemed natural and realistic. I loved the conflict vis-à-vis the shrine itself, and I loved the clear struggles of the people around Rodney. Jeannie's reaction was just heart breaking. And John. JFC.
Can I have a runner up? Because Vegas is *chef's kiss* and (even more) dysfunctional John and (even more) acerbic Rodney saving the world? 🖤
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ragingpancake · 3 years
McShep prompt: no regrets?
Thank you so much for the prompt! @gingerpolyglot I really appreciate you sending this to me!
The pain in his shoulder radiates outward until his whole arm feels like it’s on fire. They need to operate, to clean up the mess of splintered bone, fragments of bullet, but he refuses to let them put him under, not yet. Not when Ronon, Teyla and Rodney have yet to come back through the Gate. It’s only because he’d lost consciousness at some point or another that he’s here, pacing the gate room despite the way each painful step threatens to bring to him to tears. No one is talking, refusing to give up whichever Marine it had actually been who had dragged him through the Gate, leaving the rest of John’s people on the other side. Likely because they knew the soldier wouldn’t escape unscathed for ignoring the single, most important rule: we don’t leave people behind. It was meant to be a routine mission. A quick return to M5-X385 to check in on the Zamains and make sure they were settling in okay to their new settlement. It’d been fine at first, a cake walk really, until some faction of the old Zamani militia, pissed at being removed from their previous plant (despite the fact that it was, you know, showing signs of the beginning of an actual ice age), showed up. Their weapons were primitive, but effective. A bullet had caught him in the shoulder and while bullets had never taken John down before, the damn rock that conked him on the head from the damn trebuchet definitely had. He never would have left them. Never.
Ronon and Teyla, they could take care of themselves, John knew that. But Rodney… Rodney, who was never meant to be a soldier, Rodney who, most days couldn’t even get a handle on his own P-90… Rodney, who John had sworn to protect at all costs and not because he was honor bound to do so, but because… well, because it was Rodney, was still out there. He trusted Teyla and Ronon with his own life, trusted them with every single person on this base, but… But. Rodney. “Dial the gate, Chuck,” he snarls up to the control room, yanking the sling that Keller had fitted him with temporarily from around his neck and he has to bite back a strangled cry at the way it jostles his arm. He somehow manages to keep up that stoic façade, despite the pain, despite the worry gnawing away at his stomach. “Disregard that command, Chuck,” another voice rings out and John turns, glaring daggers at Colonel Carter. “I said dial the gate!” Sam takes the steps down into the Gate room two at a time, closing the distance between them, her own jaw set. “I let you convince me to allow you to remain out here until they get back, John, but I’m not letting you do this. You’re in no condition—” “They’re my people!” He bellows, “and if you think for one second that I’m going to—” The gate sounds, loud and echoing in the Gate Room and Carter steps back, pulling John with her. “I’m reading Teyla’s IDC!” Chuck calls down and John whirls on him angrily. “Lower the damn shield!” The moment it’s down, the trio comes running through the event horizon, followed closely by the marines Carter had sent in as reinforcements. Once everyone is through, the shield reactivates a split second before the gate dies and John realizes he’s been holding his breath. It comes out in a whoosh as he pushes through the small crowd, good arm gripping Rodney’s shoulder and it hits him in this moment that he could have lost Rodney and he thinks his knees are maybe about to give out when the scientist turns to him, blue eyes wide as he pulls John in for a bone crushing hug. “Oh thank God! I thought you died!” And John can’t stifle the cry that tears from his mouth this time as his shoulder explodes with pain. When he goes to his knees, Rodney follows him, careful to ease him down as Keller weaves her way through the group, medical team right behind her with a gurney meant for John. “I—I shouldn’t have left you,” John rasps as hands grab at him, but he pushes them away, eyes never leaving Rodney’s. “You went down so fast and, and, and there was blood and—” It’s Rodney’s hand this time on either side of John’s face. “I thought you died,” he says again and it’s too much in this moment, with the way Rodney’s looking at him and John can’t breathe and--. “Colonel,” Keller says urgently. “This can’t wait any longer. We need to get that shoulder--.” He doesn’t hear anything else though because he leans forward, shoulder be damned, and crushes his lips against Rodney’s. He savors it for about a half a second before he feels a prick in his arm and everything starts to go sideways. “Sheppard—” Rodney says as Keller’s team manhandles him onto the gurney and John can only watch through hazy vision as Teyla and Ronon help Rodney to his feet, Ronon’s hand clamped firmly on Rodney’s shoulder as if to keep him from chasing after him. I’m gonna beat the shit out of him later for that, John thinks, but it’s the last thought he has before darkness claims him. --- He wakes up in the infirmary and unsurprisingly, he’s not alone. Ronon’s sitting in the chair next to his bed, legs propped up on the edge while Teyla is at his feet, hands rubbing his ankle through the blanket. Rodney’s up somewhere near his head and John can feel the weight of his hand on his good shoulder. “’Thought you were gonna sleep forever,” Ronon says, dropping his feet and letting his chair tip back on to all four legs. “You should not have delayed your surgery, John,” Teyla admonishes gently and he wishes that they would at least wait until he’s fully awake before the
lectures start. “Yeah, but if he hadn’t, the whole Gate Room wouldn’t have gotten that show.” John blinks at Ronon maybe a little dumbly as Rodney’s cheeks pinken slightly. “Wha’—” John clears his throat. “What show?” “Oh, you know, the one where you tried to make out with McKay in front of everyone.” “Ronon,” Teyla chastises, but he grins at John. “Clearly, it was some sort of mixed reaction to the adrenaline decrease and, and, and probably blood loss,” Rodney explains and John can read it all over his face, even slightly high, that he thinks there has to be some reasonable explanation other than the fact that John just wanted to kiss him. Plain and simple. That he’s wanted to for the longest damn time, maybe since the first time Rodney showed him the Puddle Jumpers. The problem was never Rodney, it was always John, too emotionally stunted and stupid to act on what he wanted until he thought he might never get it again. “We don’t need to keep harping on it and embarrassing the Colonel,” Rodney huffs but he slouches down in his chair a little miserably. “No regrets, McKay,” John says, and he would shrug like it was no big deal if he thought he could move his shoulder without puking all over his team. But it has its desired effect because Rodney sits up so quickly that he very nearly drops his tablet. “I—what?” “Well,” John amends, feeling his eyelids growing heavier by the moment, “maybe just one.” His head lulls to the side and he gives Rodney a lopsided smile. “Probably shoulda done that sooner.” And Ronon laughs out loud, clapping his hands together like this is the best thing he’s ever heard. “Told you!” He crows. “I told you! You owe me a beer!” Teyla rolls her eyes but she does so with a smile as she rises, swatting Ronon’s legs. “We should leave you to rest, John. I am very glad that you are alright.” Ronon is still grinning broadly, even as Teyla ushers him away, but not before he claps Rodney on his shoulder roughly. “Did you… do you mean that?” Rodney asks, oddly quiet and John doesn’t know when his eyes closed, but he has to open them again to squint up at Rodney. “S’it alright with you if I do?” “Oh, yes. Of course, I just, uh. It’s just that… which is to say um, you’re youand I’m me and I just uhh… can we perhaps try again? Sometime soon? For scientific reasons, of course.” “Rodney,” John murmurs. “Hmm?” “Shut up.” “Right. Yes. Shutting up now.” It lasts for all of two seconds. “Really though? Are you sure? You literally just outed yourself in front of the entire expedition and, and, and—” “I know,” John says and he’s so close to falling back asleep. “Still. No regrets.” “Huh,” is the last thing John hears before the darkness claims him once more.
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Stargate-Atlantis S5: E10 & 11 First Contact & The Lost Tribe
I've now seen enough SG-1 to be happy to see Daniel Jackson. 😄 I love him and Rodney working together. It's very like Ronon and Teal'c meeting for the first time.
Woolsey: Todd has less baggage with me than you. 🤣🤣🤣
Woolsey leaves Sheppard in command and says: Try not to blow her up while I'm gone. Why would you say that???
I'm always uncomfortable when the teams split up.
Sheppard saying Daniel and Rodney make a good team has to be him poking. He's too good at studying people to not realize they aren't working well together.
Daniel and Rodney are chuckling because they think Sheppard isn't as smart as them, but when things go bad, Sheppard is just as quick as Rodney to put it all together. I also think this is interesting considering Daniel's experience with Jack. Jack is good at what he does, but constantly requests the dumbing down of things and even admits he has no idea how the stargates work. Sheppard seems to generally grasp the science stuff and listens when Rodney is rabid fire explaining. So I think Rodney is giving him a hard time, but I think Daniel actually thinks he's as jockish as Jack, who Daniel loves, but still. It was an interesting moment.
I always thought it sad that Todd thinks Atlantis betrayed him. I mean, he's always coming up with layered plans that are almost betrayals, but it wasn't Atlantis.
I love that Ronon's first thing is arming Keller.
John sends Teyla to safety, not only protecting his people, but I think to command if he dies.
Also, there is a serious lack of Lorne in this episode .
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Episode 11: The Lost Tribe
See! It opens with Teyla getting everyone to safely. Sheppard knows what he's about.
Sheppard bodily protects Radek.
Radek: we lost the control room. That is bad.
Teyla: we did not lose you. That's good.
I love that you can feel the horror of the device through Todd's reaction to it. He's ready to do anything to shut the device down. Anything.
Sheppard leaves with the Travelers and, this time, has a chance to explain why he's leaving Teyla behind. He trusts her to lead Atlantis while he's gone.
When Ronon is shooting up the engine room, I wonder if Keller had a hard time not switching to Kaylee? 🤣
Daniel talking to the Asgard is *spoiler warning* when you watch Atlantis before SG-1.
Todd refuses Sheppard's offer to join forces, tries to manipulate Keller, sets the Deadalus on a collision course, and abandons it. Meanwhile, McKay and Daniel work together. Sheppard joins the Travelers. Ronan retakes the Deadalus. What Atlantis has, that Todd doesn't, that can't be beat, is trust. Trust in each other.
Ronon gets rejected by Keller. I honestly don't think him and Keller made a great pair. He needs a very special sort of woman.
Great two episodes.
Needed some Lorne.
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aintgonnatakethis · 1 month
❤️🧡💔 ?
Thanks for the ask! 😄 I'll give both SGU and SGA a go too!
❤️️: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
My kneejerk reaction is Telford. People make (or made rather, when there were more people writing for the fandom) the actions he takes have malicious intent behind them more often than not. I reckon while the things he does might appear cruel to other characters who don't have all the facts, actually making him do things for cruelty's sake is massively OOC. He's completely goal-orientated, which means he will do awful things in order to achieve his desired outcome (e.g. I don't believe he slept with Emily because it would have been counterproductive for the message he was trying to convey, but if sleeping with her had given him the outcome he wanted he would have done it without thinking twice) but he's not going to just hurt people for the fun of it.
For SGA I have to go with Keller, with the stereotypical 'this woman is getting in the way of the popular m/m ship so it's character assassination time!' I was surprised even the Legacy books got in on it with her banning Rodney from seeing female friends after a certain time of day??? Madness. I agree with the popular opinion that she and Ronon had more chemistry and her reasoning for choosing Rodney was a bit dodgy, but it's always the same when the main m/m ship is threatened and I'm tired of it, ya know?
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
Been trying to think of a non-Telford answer, but I'm afraid I'm as just as focused on the prize as he is. 😂 I was hugely surprised to find the majority of the fandom believed that Telford slept with Emily. As I said above, I don't think it's a moral problem - he would have 100% done it if it served his purposes imo - but it seems so obvious to me watching the show that he didn't? He's trying to convince her that Young is still cheating on her, so if he waltzes in there and tries to seduce her she'll just put him in the same category as Young and he won't be trustworthy. His whole approach is to prove to her he's 'not like other men' and then she'll feel safe enough with him to believe whatever he says.
Off topic, but I wanna gush about something. Imo sleeping with Emily wouldn't have been the line the brainwashing was unable to break through, but very clearly the baby was the line, as Kiva had no clue that was Young's kid TJ was carrying while she was holding them hostage, as she was about to kill them rather than threaten Young with their deaths (which would have immediately brought the situation to a close lbr). She said she'd read extensive reports on everyone aboard Destiny (which is why she knew Greer wasn't a medic and it was a trap), but Telford clearly hadn't told her about the baby's parentage! Not even the brainwashing could make him do that!
For SGA, I can't actually think of one? I'm not as involved in the SGA community so maybe I'm missing something obvious?
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
Have to admit I'm not terribly keen on Eli. Big 'ah yes this character will be a favourite amongst our Target Audience' energy, because even when there's every recorded statistic to the contrary, many writer's rooms will absolutely flat out refuse to stop feeding themselves the lie that their show is being watched by a majority audience of men. *cough cough* Supernatural
This isn't going to be popular at all, but I guess this is the unpopular opinions game… Michael. I never clicked with him, sorry. 😭
Unpopular opinion ask game
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atlantis-scribe · 3 years
AU-gust 2021 ( Day 7 )
(in which John is the sober companion of an eccentric genius & Rodney is Denver PD's consulting detective who sometimes talks to his bees)
It's only with slight hesitation that John makes his way to the rooftop.
"Captain Weir just called."
Rodney's standing in front of the colorful ladderback chairs that Ronon gave him a few weeks ago for his first year of sobriety. His sling is still intact, which is a surprise to John. Maybe it's because the guy's too busy looking at the bees through a gigantic magnifying glass to fiddle with it. For an ambidextrous, McKay's too particular about having both limbs available to him at any given time.
"She wanted to give us an update about Malkshur," John adds, parking himself beside Rodney to see what all the fuss is about. "Thanks to the recording of your conversation back at the hospital, the police know that she admitted to using Lord Bynarr to kill the Sokaris. The evidence has her lawyers sweating bullets, so they're being very careful right now."
That gets him a soft, distracted hum before Rodney says, "And the money?"
"The Netuan dollars she bought have been frozen, pending further investigation."
Apparently, that's the end of the shop talk because Rodney doesn't add anything else, doesn't issue any more questions. He continues to devote all of his attention to the bees, like they hold all the answers John knows Rodney has spent a lifetime trying to chase.
Part of John wants to keep rambling anyway, to give a blow-by-blow account of the whole thing, at least the parts Rodney’s missed while he was faking a relapse to set a trap for his ex-girlfriend who is actually an international terrorist. It's against John’s nature, but standing here, in the middle of the rooftop, is giving him the urge to fill the silence that Jolinar Malkshur's betrayal has left in her wake. Makes him want to piece together the broken fragments of the man Rodney used to be when he’d met and fallen in love with the perfect illusion that was Samantha Carter.
"They're almost here."
John looks up to find Rodney giving him a quick, sideways glance. "Who?"
"Do you recall the rare bee that was sent to me as a gift for proving that Perna Hoff had been poisoned?" He waits for John's nod before he continues. "Osmia avoseta, which is its own species and by all accounts should not be able to reproduce with other bees."
He uses his free arm to wave at the display in front of them.
"And yet, nature is infinitely wily."
There's not much to look at for an untrained eye, but John remembers the bee Rodney's talking about just fine. "So our little solitary bee got another bee pregnant?"
John knows his oversimplification will annoy Rodney, but the only reaction he gets is a brief quirk of lips. "Quite so," Rodney tells him. "They should be reclassified as an entirely new species, and as the one responsible for its discovery, the privilege of naming this creature falls to me."
With the magnifying glass, John can see a different bee wriggling its way out, this one undeniably distinct from the others.
"Allow me to introduce you to Euglassia sheppardina."
John whips his head so fast, for a moment his vision blurs. "Wait. You named a bee after me?"
Rodney doesn't answer, but this time the quirk is now a small grin.
"Huh." A long moment passes before John looks away to bend and peer into the glass. "You named a bee after me."
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rodneymckays · 3 years
do you think rodney is for or against pineapple on pizza? i keep going back and forth on this one
i wanna say he is for it because pineapple on pizza is definitely a Canadian thing (at least, here in ontario)...and pineapple is like, the one fruit he can enjoy without "dying". then again...he's not very stereotypically canadian...but his tastes are, i mean he had that huge tim horton's pot next to his bed in that one episode. and also, he's not as picky about food as i thought he would be? like that one ep (i think it was condemned) where ronon puts something questionable in his mouth and rodney's gut reaction is yuck but then he's like is it good?? can i have some??
so im gonna say he likes it. but im not 100% confident about it and my mind could definitely be changed if someone has a better argument 😂
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agataroman · 3 years
Becoming family
So I decided to write something on my mind. Hope it’s good.
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Paring: John Sheppard x Reader
Summary: On a mission a comment from local will change your life and you go to John so he can be there all the time next to you as you find if what was said is true.
You are nervously pacing in your room. You don’t know if you should go to John now or later. All sort of questions were playing in your head. What if he won’t like it? What if, what if…
 Oh screw this. You fought goa’ulds, replicators, wraith, you will be able to do this. With that you walk towards John’s room. You pause, your insecurities reveal themselves to you once again. You shake your head, take a deep breath and knock. A few seconds later the doors open. John is shocked to see you as it’s two in the morning. He notices you are nervous. “Are you alright?”
 “Can we talk?” He nods and you walk in. You don’t know how to begin. “Is everything alright?” he asks. You take a few deep breaths to ease your nerves a little bit.
 “I think so? I really didn’t know, when to talk to you now or later, but then I thought I wouldn’t be able to make this on my own, that I wanted you to be there. And it really can’t wait till morning.” He sees you are pale and immediately pushes you to sit on his bed and he sits next to you. “Take your time.”
 “You know about my last mission?” He nods, the mission was just recon mission, you spoke to locals, that sort of thing. “Well, I left something out of my report. It wasn’t anything important, just way too personal,” you quickly say so he doesn’t worry much.
 “Anyway. There was this woman. She is something like healer/midwife. Everyone says she has this ability.” John looks confused. “What kind of ability?” You look into his eyes. “The ability to tell if one is pregnant.” You wait for his reaction. But he just stares at you. “John?”
 “And… What does that have to do with you?” You look away. “She said… She said that I am pregnant,” you whisper. John doesn’t believe it. You are pregnant? “Are you sure?” You jump from the bed. “Of course I am not sure, John! The woman said I am pregnant! What was I suppose to think? She just said it! She looked at me and said it! I didn’t know what to do!” You shout at him with tears streaming down your face.
 John stands up and hugs you. “Hey, it’s alright, okay? Everything will work out.” You stand in his arms for a few minutes as he’s trying to calm you down. “You know,” you say. “I actually started thinking. All the changes in me. And I missed my days. It’s normal after what my body went through after all this time, but when I think about it, everything put together and being pregnant explains it.”
 He steps away from you. “What do you say we go to see if doctor Keller is awake?” You look at him and you see him smiling. “You’re excited, aren’t you?” You ask with laugh. John just takes your hand and drags you towards the infirmary.
 Luckily Jennifer is awake. “Colonel, Y/N, what are you doing here this late?” You look at each other and back to doctor. “Jenn, do you think you could do a few tests?” “Tests? What for?” You take deep breath. “I think I am pregnant.” She looks shocked. “Of course.” She takes some blood and leaves you two alone sitting on a bed.
 “How are you feeling?” asks John. “Nervous, that’s for sure. Excited? If I am really pregnant. Oh my god, I might become mom!” John puts arm around your shoulders and pulls you towards him. “Hey don’t worry. I think you will be a great mom.” You look at him. “You really think so?” He leans towards you and kisses you, putting all his feeling into the kiss. “Of course,” he says when you stop kissing. “I love you so much.” You feel few tears on your cheeks. “I love you too Johny.” You wipe the tears. “Damn hormones.” John laughs. “You are definitely pregnant,” he says laughing. You push him away laughing too.
 Jennifer returns in that moment with smile on her face. “You ready to hear the verdict?” You both nod. “Well congratulation, you are pregnant.” John takes you to his arms and starts to twirl you around, both of you laughing. He puts you down and hugs you. “I am going to be dad, I can’t believe it.” You kiss him.
 Jennifer coughs and you turn to her. “I will give you some time tomorrow so I can make more tests to see how far you are and if everything is alright, but tonight I will leave you to be together celebrating.” “Thank you, Jennifer. And please don’t tell anyone yet. I want to tell everyone with John myself.” Jennifer nods and leaves.
 You turn back to John. “We’re going to be parents.” You smile at him. He smiles back and puts his forehead to yours. “Yeah.” “The baby will have such big family. Teyla and Ronon will teach them fight, Rodney will probably scare them explaining something. Radek will teach them Czech swear words so nobody will understand. Oh and we will have to introduce SG-1 to them too, Sam could invite them with Jack O’Neill.” John laughs. “Take it easy, we have time. But when are we going to tell everyone?” “How about today lunch? We could invite everyone to have private meal.”
 You leave the infirmary towards John’s room and lay on his bed. “You do realise if the kid will be a girl, her boyfriends will have to go through way too many guys to get to her right?” he says. “Oh yes. You, Ronon, Rodney, Radek, probably every male on the base who will be wrapped around her finger, Jack, Daniel, Cam and Teal’c. Not to mention all the women.” He laughs. “Oh yes, you will be way scarier than us.” With that he hugs you, arms protectively around your stomach as you both sleep with smile on your faces.
A/n: Well hope you liked it. Maybe I will make part two where they tell everyone, I don’t know.
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