#Robin ages
sleepyplantperson · 2 years
thank you Wayne family adventures for giving me a rough idea on the ages of the bat family members, and not making Bruce go thru like five robins in 3 years:
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dick: 25 since he became robin when he was 9
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Jason: 20 because he became robin when he was 13
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tim: 18 since according to google he became a robin when he was 14 (also I can't possibly be the only one who hates that Tim has been like 16 for God damn years right)
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Stephanie: 19-ish, I'm not actually sure when she became robin, but I think she's 19 as I'm pretty sure she's one year older than Tim.
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I have genuinely no idea how old Damian is supposed to be. some comics portray him looking like he's 12-14 (google says he's 14 now?), while others try to make him look around Jon's —who is 17 if I'm not mistaken— age. so I like to assume that he's 15-16 (mostly because I enjoy the idea of him being close in age to jon as I really miss their younger dynamic) as he looks around that age, but if Stephanie became robin 2 years ago and Damian became robin when he was 10 that would make him 12 rn, so I'm very unclear on his age. I think I'll just stick to thinking off him as 15-16 in current comics and 12 in Wayne family adventures.
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I'm pretty sure duke is like 16-17 in current comics.
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Cassandra —who is my favorite member of the batfamily next to Dick— is supposed to be around jasons age, so I think she's about 19-20
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finally, we have Barbara (while I am aware that there are more batfamily members such as kate kane, Luke fox, jean Paul valley, harper row, etc. I know next to nothing about them so I'm ending the list here.), at some point she was 6 years older than dick, but I'm pretty sure that got retconned, and now some are saying she's the same age as dick. despite all the inconsistency, I think she's a little older than dick, and since he's 25, she would be about 26-27.
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Actual 9 year old Dick Grayson, strapped into his booster seat, currently throwing a fit in the Batmobile because he ate all the elephants out of his animal crackers, “Zitka nooooooo!”
Batman, 22 year old new father, on the phone with Alfred because he has no idea if this is normal or trauma, “whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoidohewontstopcryinghelpmeplease”
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azz-modeus · 2 months
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If I had a nickel for every time I drew Tim insisting that Jason is a good person I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s sad that it’s happened twice.
anyways have some de-aged Tim angst
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Robin!Dick: And that’s why there should be a team of young heroes!
Bruce: They all have their own cities and-
Dick: And it’s important to make friends.
Bruce, recalling every parenting book he has: Hrn.
Dick: That was the agreeing grunt which means you know I’m right. I need to practice making friends.
Bruce: You have friends and-
Dick: And I need to get in LOTS of practice now so I can have friends when I’m old like you.
Bruce, age 28:
Bruce: I have friends.
Dick: *snorts*
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abisalli · 3 days
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A Robin lineup of sorts :) (sorry for no Carrie, Maps or Matthew... I was tired)
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aviolettrose · 28 days
I saw a tiktok where the first spoiled cat, that lives there since it was a kitten, is a menace to society vs. The ex stray cat, that appreciates literally everything, is a ray of sunshine, and I had to think about Dick Grayson as a child vs. Jason todd as a child.
In this essay, I will-
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ditzybat · 3 months
tim: you look older
jason: thank-
tim: that's not a compliment, you look 34 with 3 kids a wife, and a mortgage, yet in reality, you legally can't drink
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thedevilundercover · 5 months
Tim Drake de-aging fic but everyone is just kind blown how that little monster is the Timothy Jackson Drake that they know.
He’s not even a gremlin, he’s just mean and knows a little too much about stuff than the usual rich brat.
Damian: tsk, you’re such a disgrace the Wayne name.
Tiny!Tim: yeah? And your mother should have swallowed, but we’re both here aren’t we?
Jason, thinking he could bully smol Timmy: you stopped so low that you replaced a dead boy! *emo edge lord noises*
Baby!Tim, having learned new slang words via duke and Steph who think this whole thing is hilarious: have you ever thought about just getting better?
Jason: ex-fucking-cuse me?
Tim, shrugging: dying really is just a skill issue ngl
it would be even more funny if he was like this only to Damian and Jason so everyone thinks Tim is such a smart, adorable little boy but the two of them are screaming at Dick and Bruce to get that fucking demonic child exorcised
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mikakuna · 3 months
i see this jason todd who actually looks his very young age (instead of the 30yr old man that comics like to portray)
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and feel my heart breaking just imagining bruce beating him up, almost killing him, mind-breaking him, and just overall being a total piece of shit father towards him.
a huge chunk of the reason why people don't view bruce's actions towards jason as abusive or wrong is because jason doesn't look his age. he's drawn to be this 35yr old father of three who looks even older than dick (and way too on par with bruce) that people see their fights as one between batman and any of his regular rogues. when they fight, it just looks like batman is fighting a man his age and not an actual young person. it doesn't look like batman is fighting his son who's barely even drinking age (and who def wasn't drinking age in utrh). their fights are portrayed in a way that eliminates the very real power struggle between them.
this applies to jason's entire character as well. a lot of people don't sympathize with how he died or his actions as robin or his fights with the other bats because he doesn't look his age. he always looks older and scarier than everyone else. tim has many sympathizers from the titans tower incident because jason just looked like a grown man fighting a 12yr old (even tho i disagree, tim was built and like 17 lmfao).
anyways, i just wish comics would actually draw jason to look his age, which literally ranges from 19 to early twenties. he's young- so young, and it's so annoying to see him drawn and written as someone older than even bruce.
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aalghul · 2 months
once again thinking about jason as duke’s robin. he’s ~4 years younger than jason, and that puts him at 8-12 during Jason’s time as robin. that’s prime time to get attached to your local kid vigilante before your own life goes downhill.
and if we try to keep duke’s meeting with bruce in zero year + duke’s age (so he can remember the meeting and hold that conversation with bruce), he has to be around 8. if he starts following batman through the news at that time because of the mess that just happened, the robin he sees is probably jason. I’ve literally connected the dots
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oifaaa · 20 days
I will always make it my mission to remind people that Tim was actually 13 when he first became robin I refuse to let this boy get away with being infantalised further
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emacrow · 26 days
Batfam tried to bribe the banshee child to get their stuff back.
Originally post here.
The one to figured it out was Tim who sacrifice his first camera that he still kept from back then when he stalked batman, the other two original robins and that it still have some film left in it. It was still a bit damaged and covered in tape on the camera and on the strap.
Alfred gave danny Bruce's father, Thomas's baby blanket in exchange for his favorite spoon.
Dick painstakingly gave his zitka elephant plushy for his mask, only to watch wide eyed when danny misty breath made a form of a miniature zitka the actual elephant doing one of her favorite tricks. And no he didn't cry after he left the room.
Damian offered secretly offered one of his most cherished drawing he had kept as a child, that remind him of Danyal..
Barb offered her old Batgirl costume, the one that still had a tear in it before she became the oracle..
Bruce offered one of his mother's pearls, the few that he had left.. from that night. When he gave it to danny in his tiny hand, all he felt was a sense of cold shiver that wrapped around him like a warm yet cold hug.
Duke gave him one of his first glasses that was a bit bented when his power came in, that were left discard in his draw as a reminder.
Leaving all but Jason todd who didn't know what to give Danny to have his red hood helmet back..
He tried one of his first gun, nothing..his black jacket, nothing.. it took Jason a long time (7 months tops) to figure out what to give danny.
It was 3am in the morning that he snucked in the Wayne Manor, peeking in the newest room for their youngest adoptee who was wide awake again.
Jason pulling out something from a pouch. It was old, torn and still had charred of ashes damaged but he kept it for his own selfish reasons..
He gave danny his Robin's cape, the original one that brought memories old, good and bad..
Danny held his Robin's cape and look at it, not saying anything with his eyes glow brightly before looking up at Jason with the most heartbreaking watery eyes.
He got up slowly, and hugs Jason close, chirping softly that made Jason's eyes glow a bit, before big drops of lararus pits liquid drips down from his eyes.
Just two broken core boys comforting one another, despite the puddle of lararus pits beneath them both that glow brighter and clearer then jason ever seen lararus pits have then it usuall musky growing green form... Jason close his eyes slowly as he gently hug the ghostly boy back.
Jason will never admit to anyone of what he gave that night or why he was asleep in Danny's nest the next morning after, but he suddenly felt some kind of unmoveable weight being lifted from his shoulders..
Until he saw on the news that The Joker was found dead with his ears, eyes and nose bleeding with a horrified look on his face.
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batrachois · 9 months
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Keeping up with the Waynes — now on Batflix
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jaybirbie · 9 months
Totally inspired by that Red Robin being really photogenic and Danny being a photographer post.
But more focused on the irony. De-aged Danny ends up a street kid in Gotham. Decides taking and selling photos of the vigilantes is a good way to support himself. After all, a small child that can go invisible and fly ? Easy.
Basically, Baby stalker Danny.
Its Tim's turn to deal with a little gremlin photographer who won't stop following them into dangerous situations. Karma Tim, how's it feel on the other side of the fence.
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sheiyavlad · 5 months
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Age reversal pt. 5
Last but not least ✨Tim✨
It was kinda hard to imagine scenarios for him since that age doesn't offer much change from the status quo but i think it turned out super cute in the end! What do u guys think?
Dick Grayson - Conner Kent - Jason Todd - Kara Danvers
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scurviesdisneyblog · 1 year
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𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚗𝚎𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝 𝚊𝚛𝚝Iᴛʜᴇ ʙʀᴏɴᴢᴇ [ᴅᴀʀᴋ] ᴀɢᴇ (1970 - 1988)
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