#Revolutionary Breakthrough
xtruss · 4 months
Scientists Make Alzheimer’s Breakthrough
A Simple Blood Test Could Detect Biological Markers of the Disease 15 Years Before Symptoms Develop, Researchers Say
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File Photo of a Medical Professional Observing a Brain Scan © Getty Images/Brian B. Bettencourt/Toronto Star Via Getty Images
Scientists have hailed a potentially ‘Revolutionary’ breakthrough in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, after a team of Swedish researchers found that a commercially available blood test can detect biological markers of the disease about ten to 15 years before symptoms develop.
In a study of 768 people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies over an eight-year period conducted by the University of Gothenburg, it was found that the test – which detects the presence of tau proteins in blood – was 97% accurate in assessing if a subject was liable to develop the disease.
The results of the study, published in the JAMA Neurology Journal on Monday, have been hailed as a breakthrough in early screening tests for the disease well in advance of the onset of symptoms.
Alzheimer’s, which causes the brain to shrink and its cells to eventually die, is the most common form of dementia, and is characterized by a decline in cognitive function, as well as behavior and social skills.
The research “adds to a growing body of evidence that this particular test has huge potential to revolutionize diagnosis for people with suspected Alzheimer’s,” Sheona Scales, the director of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said, according to The Times on Monday.
She added that the testing is “superior to a range of other tests currently under development,” and preferable to more invasive methods currently used by medical practitioners, such as lumbar punctures.
David Curtis of the UCL Genetics Institute said that the findings of the Swedish team of scientists “could potentially have huge implications.”
“Everybody over 50 could be routinely screened every few years, in much the same way as they are now screened for high cholesterol,” he added. “It is possible that currently available treatments for Alzheimer’s disease would work better in those diagnosed early this way.”
The developer of the blood test, Californian company ALZpath, has said that it hopes to make the test widely available for clinical use in the first quarter of this year.
About 1 in 9 people (10.7%) aged 65 or over has the disease, according to data from the Alzheimer’s Association. This is expected to rise substantially in the next 25 years, the group says on its website, “barring the development of medical breakthroughs to prevent or cure Alzheimer’s disease.”
— RT | Monday January 22, 2024
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crowties · 2 years
did you see the giant monster herrsher bronya killed canonically died in a traffic accident
id be ashamed if i didnt…
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but like we all saw it on-screen right. cyberangel cg and everything? homegirl rammed straight through its chest.
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world-healt · 1 month
A Restful Revolution: My Experience with Magnesium
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For years, I struggled with restless nights and a foggy mind. No matter how much sleep I clocked, I always woke up feeling drained. My focus at work dwindled, and even simple tasks felt overwhelming. I suspected a vitamin deficiency might be the culprit, so I began researching natural supplements. That's when I stumbled upon Magnesium Breakthrough.
A Comprehensive Approach to Magnesium Supplementation
Unlike other magnesium supplements I'd seen, Magnesium Breakthrough boasts a unique blend of all seven key forms of magnesium. This includes well-known varieties like magnesium bisglycinate and magnesium citrate, alongside lesser-known but equally beneficial options like magnesium malate and magnesium taurate. This comprehensive approach ensures the body receives a complete spectrum of this essential mineral for optimal absorption and overall health benefits.
Improved Sleep and Enhanced Relaxation
Since incorporating Magnesium Breakthrough into my nightly routine, I've noticed a dramatic improvement in my sleep quality. Falling asleep has become significantly easier, and I no longer wake up feeling groggy. My nights are deeper and more restful, leaving me feeling energized and revitalized in the mornings. Additionally, I've experienced a noticeable reduction in daily stress levels. The calming properties of magnesium seem to work wonders, allowing me to approach challenges with a clearer head and a more relaxed disposition.
Sharper Focus and Increased Cognitive Function
The "brain fog" that used to plague me has significantly lifted. My mind feels sharper, and I can concentrate on tasks for extended periods without feeling mentally drained. Information seems to stick better, and overall cognitive function has demonstrably improved. I attribute this positive shift partly to the better sleep I'm getting, but also to the role magnesium plays in supporting brain health and neurotransmitter function.
A Safe and Gentle Supplement
One of the biggest concerns I had about starting a new supplement was potential side effects. Thankfully, Magnesium Breakthrough has been incredibly gentle on my system. The capsules are easy to swallow and haven't caused any digestive discomfort. It's also reassuring to know that the product is formulated with high-quality, bioavailable ingredients, ensuring maximum effectiveness and safety.
Overall, a Game-Changer for My Wellbeing
Since incorporating Magnesium Breakthrough into my routine, I've experienced a significant transformation in my overall well-being. Improved sleep, reduced stress, enhanced cognitive function, and a more positive outlook are just some of the benefits I've enjoyed. If you're looking for a natural way to improve your sleep, manage stress, and support overall health, I highly recommend giving Magnesium Breakthrough a try.
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trillionstech-ai · 3 months
Meet Groq, The Fastest AI Chat-bot.
Groq, an AI startup, has gained significant attention for its breakthrough chip that dramatically accelerates chatbot responses. This chip, leveraging a cloud-based API, runs open-source Large Language Models like Llama 2 and Mixtral-8x7b at unprecedented speeds. For context, while ChatGPT-3.5 processes about 40 tokens per second, Groq's technology can handle over 500 tokens per second. This efficiency is due to Groq's creation of a Language Processing Unit (LPU). Traditionally, AI models use Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), designed for graphics and gaming. LPUs, however, are tailor-made for language tasks, with a design focused on specialized processing units. The introduction of LPUs by Groq represents a major step forward in AI technology, potentially transforming LLM speed and efficiency. This could unlock new applications for LLMs, heralding a new era in AI chip innovation.
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fanciedfacts · 7 months
Revolution in the Kitchen: The Story of Sliced Bread
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you ever have Such a breakdown that it snaps your mentor out of being evil
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greasyslug · 2 years
Hmm. Maybe I obsess so much over fictional media and characters because it makes me forget that nothing in real life is constant
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smallgodseries · 5 months
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Anything can spawn a god if it matters enough to someone. If it is the focus of enough devotion and belief. Anything. Hedjet reminds herself of that when the other gods laugh at her for being too narrow, too archaic, too small to matter. She exists because faience was a giant technological leap for potters, a new innovation that was, in its time, as exciting and revolutionary as any computer or medical breakthrough. She changed the world, in her own breakable way.
Anything can spawn a god, and any god can change the world, and she still has her faithful.
The sincere always do.
One way or another, the sincere always do.
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theambitiouswoman · 11 months
How To Spot Opportunities
Opportunities are all around us, waiting to be recognized and seized. In conversation, in something you see, even in your own thoughts. Learning how to spot opportunities can lead you to growth and success. People often tend to overlook them, believing that they only come to certain people. The truth is that opportunities are available to everyone. We just need to change our perspective and learn how to identify them.
The Mindset:
Openness to Possibilities: Adopt a mindset that looks for possibilities in any situation. Instead of focusing solely on obstacles, view every challenge as an opportunity to innovate and grow. This shift in perspective opens the door to potential breakthroughs.
Adaptability: Being flexible and adaptable is key to spotting opportunities. Embrace change and be willing to venture outside your comfort zone. Adaptability helps you see potential where others might only see disruptions.
Positive Attitude: A positive attitude can work wonders in identifying opportunities. When you maintain optimism, you're more likely to recognize the silver lining in challenging circumstances, leading to the discovery of new pathways.
Always Learning: Embrace a curious mindset. Continuing to learn exposes you to new ideas and helps you stay ahead in a rapidly changing world, enabling you to recognize emerging opportunities before others do.
Examples of Spotting Opportunities:
The Airbnb Story: In 2008, two struggling entrepreneurs, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, saw a unique opportunity in the midst of a sold-out conference in their city. With hotels fully booked, they decided to rent out air mattresses in their living room, turning their apartment into an "air bed and breakfast." This marked the inception of Airbnb, which has since become a multi-billion dollar global enterprise, disrupting the hospitality industry.
From Hobby to Empire: Many successful businesses have started as hobbies. For example, Dov Charney, the founder of American Apparel, began making simple t-shirts for himself. When people showed interest in his designs, he realized the opportunity to create a clothing brand that offered stylish basics, catapulting his hobby into a thriving fashion empire.
Turning Failure into Success: Walt Disney's first animation studio went bankrupt. While many would have given up, Disney saw an opportunity to learn from his mistakes and create a new, revolutionary entertainment venture. The result? The birth of Mickey Mouse and the eventual establishment of the global Disney empire.
Networking: Opportunities often lie within our social circles. A chance encounter at a networking event led to the founding of YouTube when Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim connected with early PayPal employees who provided funding for their video-sharing platform.
You can train yourself to spot opportunities in the most unexpected places. The examples shared above show that success often comes from recognizing potential in everyday situations.
How to train your mind to spot opportunities:
1. Actively Listen: Listen to what the other person is saying. Avoid interrupting or preoccupying your mind with what you will say next. Paying full attention allows you to pick up on cues, insights, and potential areas of mutual interest.
2. Identify Pain Points: While you are listening, look for challenges or frustrations the other person may mention.These pain points could represent opportunities for you to provide a solution or offer assistance.
3. Explore people's Interests: Discover the other person's passions and interests. You might find common ground, or their interests might spark ideas for potential collaborations or projects.
4. Ask Questions: Ask open-ended questions that encourage the other person to share more about themselves and their goals. Ask them about their aspirations and how they plan to achieve them. Seeing how people arrive from one point to another will better help you exercise your minds and use problem solving strategies as a way of looking at things moving forward.
5. Be Curious: Approach conversations with a curious and open mindset. Be receptive to new ideas and different perspectives.
6. Networking: Use conversations as an opportunity to network and build relationships. Meaningful connections often lead to new opportunities down the road, whether it's a job opportunity, collabs, or a chance to participate in new projects.
7. Body Language: Pay attention to non-verbal cues and body language. Sometimes, opportunities can be inferred from the other person's gestures, expressions, or tone of voice.
8. Problem-Solving and Offering Help: If the conversation veers towards a problem the other person is facing, think about how you might be able to help.
9. Be Proactive: Don't be afraid to share your own aspirations and ideas during the conversation. Sometimes, expressing your interests and goals can lead you to opportunities when the other person sees potential in working with you in some capacity.
10. Following-Up and Staying Connected: After a productive conversation, make an effort to follow up and stay connected. This can potentially lead to more opportunities as you continue to build a better relationship with the other person.
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handweavers · 7 months
Can you recommend any podcasts about anything history related, maybe even specifically about imperialism and war? I’m always wary to start podcasts about those topics when I’m not sure of where the hosts stand
i use pocket casts as my podcast 'hub' so ill link to them all thru there but you can also find them through whichever app you prefer
ancient history & prehistory - tides of history is consistently excellent, interviews archaeologists and historians currently working in the field and makes an effort to highlight issues in the field, address misconceptions about various ancient peoples and jumps around the globe a lot so it's not eurocentric, the host emphasizes social history/the lives of every day people, and i know that he is a fellow traveller
current events regarding war and imperialism - rania khalek dispatches, she's a lebanese-american journalist based in beirut and interviews a lot of left wing anti-imperialist journalists and scholars and activists, her reporting is consistently excellent and explicitly marxist & materialist, i love her. she works for breakthrough news which is also a good news site for similar reasons
war and imperial history and current events - radio war nerd is a classic. lots of interviews with left wing anti imperialist scholars and activists, series where they cover histories of various conflicts and empires, ongoing coverage of wars and genocides. they did a series on the us civil war that was great. they do talk about the weapons of war, tactics and strategy, etc more than the others on this list do which could be a pro or a con depending on who you are, but it's always interesting.
history of american imperialism - blowback, genuinely the best 'primer' to american empire in the podcast space. each season is a different war - they've covered the iraq war, the cuban revolution, the korean war, and most recently the history of american empire in afghanistan. if you can't/don't want to pay for premium there are bootleg feeds out there (i can send you one if you dm me lol)
irish revolutionary history - revolutionary ireland, not as much to say about this one but it's excellent and his accent is lovely lol
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simplyabsolute · 1 month
Blank Canvas
Summary: After being convinced to sign up for a summer internship at the museum in her friend’s hometown, Adora is finally ready to get this degree prerequisite out of the way so she can graduate with her Master’s in the fall. She just needed to move to a new town for the summer where she only knows three people, impress her peers, complete her internship with flying colors, and make a revolutionary breakthrough with her thesis… how in the world is she supposed to do all that?
Little does she know that a certain brunette in the curatorial department is the answer to all her problems.
(Museum/Modern/Human AU)
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Thank you @fruitsand-peachies for this lovely cover art 💖
Read it here!
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seraphic-saturn · 8 months
Solar Return Uranus House Placements
Solar Return Uranus in the 1st House:
Theme: Personal Liberation and Self-Discovery. This year emphasizes the importance of embracing your individuality and pursuing personal freedom, encouraging you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and assert your unique identity.
Solar Return Uranus in the 2nd House:
Theme: Financial Innovation and Resourceful Change. This year highlights the significance of embracing innovative approaches to financial management and welcoming changes that lead to greater resourcefulness and stability.
Solar Return Uranus in the 3rd House:
Theme: Mental Stimulation and Intellectual Breakthroughs. This year encourages you to seek intellectual stimulation and foster groundbreaking ideas, promoting a sense of curiosity and innovative thinking in your communication and learning endeavors.
Solar Return Uranus in the 4th House:
Theme: Domestic Revolution and Family Freedom. This year emphasizes the significance of creating a revolutionary change within your domestic environment and fostering familial freedom, encouraging you to establish a more liberated and authentic sense of home and family life.
Solar Return Uranus in the 5th House:
Theme: Creative Liberation and Expressive Innovation. This year highlights the importance of embracing creative liberation and fostering innovative self-expression, encouraging you to explore unconventional forms of artistic pursuits and passionate endeavors.
Solar Return Uranus in the 6th House:
Theme: Work Innovation and Progressive Wellness. This year encourages you to introduce innovative approaches to your work routines and prioritize your well-being through progressive health practices, fostering a more dynamic and efficient daily life.
Solar Return Uranus in the 7th House:
Theme: Relational Transformation and Collaborative Change. This year emphasizes the significance of transformative experiences within your partnerships and collaborations, encouraging you to embrace unconventional dynamics and promote greater equality and freedom within your relationships.
Solar Return Uranus in the 8th House:
Theme: Transformative Awakening and Empowered Change. This year highlights the potential for transformative awakenings and revolutionary changes in your life, encouraging you to embrace inner freedom and harness your personal power for positive transformation.
Solar Return Uranus in the 9th House:
Theme: Philosophical Revolution and Intellectual Expansion. This year encourages you to embark on a philosophical revolution and foster intellectual expansion, promoting a sense of open-mindedness and innovative thinking in your quest for higher knowledge and understanding.
Solar Return Uranus in the 10th House:
Theme: Professional Rebellion and Career Advancement. This year emphasizes the importance of challenging the status quo within your career and pursuing innovative paths to achieve professional advancement and greater recognition.
Solar Return Uranus in the 11th House:
Theme: Progressive Networking and Collective Change. This year encourages you to engage in progressive networking and collaborative efforts that promote positive societal change, fostering a sense of community and shared vision for a better future.
Solar Return Uranus in the 12th House:
Theme: Spiritual Awakening and Subconscious Liberation. This year highlights the significance of spiritual awakening and subconscious liberation, encouraging you to embrace inner freedom and tap into your intuitive wisdom for personal and collective growth.
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mindblowingscience · 5 months
A study led by Professor Sebyung Kang and Professor Sung Ho Park in the Department of Biological Sciences at UNIST has unveiled a remarkable breakthrough in cancer treatment. The research team has successfully developed unprecedented "NK cell-engaging nanodrones" capable of selectively targeting and eliminating cancer cells, offering a potential solution for intractable types of cancers. The innate lymphoid cells known as natural killer (NK) cells play a vital role in the body's immune response against cancer. Numerous efforts have been made to harness the power of NK cells to develop effective cancer therapies. Now, the research team has designed and fabricated exceptional NK cell-engaging nanodrones, referred to as NKeNDs, using AaLS protein cage nanoparticles.
Continue Reading.
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magz · 2 months
"Huge Alzheimer's breakthrough as scientists say new jab could 'transform' lives"
Article Date: March 30, 2024.
Beginning Article Excerpt:
"A revolutionary jab, which is designed to remove toxic proteins from the brain before they cause the damage leading to the most common form of dementia, is undergoing trials on patients in the early stages of the disease.
Once through clinical trials scientists say it could be widely available within five years, preventing future generations from the misery of being struck down by Alzheimer's or seeing loved ones slowly diminish.
Studies of the vaccine to prevent the degenerative brain disorder are being carried out in five centres across the UK, including at Oxford and Cambridge universities, as well as centres in Europe and the US. The UK trials are backed by the government's National Institute for Health and Care Research. The first results will be presented at a conference in Philadelphia in the US in July, where experts will show images of brain scans showing the effect of the new vaccine on the brain. [...]
The new vaccine aims to stop this damage before it is caused and seems to have only mild side effects."
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determinate-negation · 8 months
do u know what news sites are good and which are bad regarding israel and palestine? ive heard cnn was bad for this and al jazeera good but im not really sure what the best way is to tell which news sites are best
cnn is bad in general, theyre imperialist media thats frequently dishonest and biased especially in their foreign reporting and generally affirm whatever the us state departments position is. same with new york times, washington post, wall street journal, the new yorker, and most mainstream american media tbh. they have a vested interest in justifying imperialism and violent american foreign policy, including the us’s alliance with israel. michael parentis book inventing reality: the politics of news media is a good book about the structure of the american media and their history of backing every single us foreign intervention since the 1950s, lying about socialists and revolutionary movements, and selectively presenting information to support warmongering and downplay u.s. and u.s. ally crimes. ive read and written a lot about this, mostly about us foreign policy and not as much about israel, but ill add more info about us media in general to this post if youre interested in just how fucked up american media is. these are the institutions that lie and misrepresent information about china and north korea, that lied about saddam and gaddafi and 9/11 and weapons of mass destruction and vietnam and cuba and nicaragua and so on. no media is neutral but its better to know that and pick a side than assume that they have no ideological program
al jeezera is pretty good. im not sure how much theyre posting rn about palestine but fairness and accuracy in reporting is a source i like for media analysis in general. redstream and breakthrough news are anti imperialist news that are good. electronic intifada, 972 mag, jewish currents, mondoweiss, and the intercept are also all generally good reporting on palestine. i also follow the instagram account eye.on.palestine which is a lot of reposts of videos from palestinians and not a news site but i think its important to see how bad the situation is :/ i also follow quds news network which is palestinian news and seems generally reliable
also adding middle east monitor, middle east eye, and the intercept
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sensualnoiree · 4 days
astro notes: daily transits 6/1 WELCOME TO JUNE LOVES!
The Moon in Aries This Saturday, the Moon travels through the dynamic and pioneering sign of Aries. Aries, ruled by Mars, is a fire sign known for its assertiveness, courage, and initiative. The Moon in Aries brings a burst of energy and enthusiasm, encouraging us to take charge and lead with confidence.
Leadership and Initiative: The Aries Moon encourages us to step into leadership roles, take bold actions, and initiate new projects. It's a time to embrace our inner warrior and approach challenges with a sense of bravery and determination.
Independence and Self-Assertion: Aries energy is highly individualistic, emphasizing the importance of asserting our needs and desires. We may feel more inclined to prioritize our personal goals and pursue our ambitions with vigor.
Moon Sextile Venus and the Sun In the afternoon, the Moon forms two subtle yet harmonious sextiles with Venus and the Sun, both in Gemini. These aspects encourage spirited intellectual exchanges and enhance our ability to connect with others.
Moon Sextile Venus (3:15 p.m.): This aspect brings a touch of harmony and pleasure to our interactions. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enhances our ability to connect on an emotional and aesthetic level. This is a good time for socializing, engaging in creative activities, or simply enjoying the company of others.
Moon Sextile Sun (4:34 p.m.): The sextile between the Moon and the Sun promotes a sense of balance and harmony between our inner and outer selves. This aspect supports self-expression and clarity in communication, making it easier to share our thoughts and feelings with confidence.
Mars-Eris Conjunction and Jupiter-Pluto Trine While the Moon's sextiles to Venus and the Sun provide a backdrop of harmonious interactions, two major aspects peaking the next day are already influencing us significantly: the Mars-Eris conjunction and the Jupiter-Pluto trine.
Mars-Eris Conjunction Mars, the planet of action and drive, forms a conjunction with Eris, a dwarf planet associated with discord and disruption. This conjunction is exact tomorrow but its effects are already being felt.
Energizing and Provocative: The Mars-Eris conjunction can be a highly energizing and provocative influence, stirring up a desire to challenge the status quo and assert our independence. This aspect can bring about sudden actions or confrontations, pushing us to stand up for our beliefs and fight for our rights.
Disruptive and Revolutionary: Eris is known for her disruptive and revolutionary energy, which, combined with Mars, can lead to significant breakthroughs or upheavals. This is a time to embrace change and be willing to disrupt old patterns that no longer serve us.
Jupiter-Pluto Trine Simultaneously, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, forms a harmonious trine with Pluto, the planet of transformation and power. This trine is also exact tomorrow but its positive and inspiring effects are already influencing us.
Expansive Transformation: The Jupiter-Pluto trine supports deep and expansive transformation. Jupiter's influence encourages us to seek growth and expansion, while Pluto's transformative energy helps us to tap into our inner power and resources.
Inspiring and Empowering: This aspect can be highly inspiring and empowering, offering opportunities for significant personal and collective growth. It's a time to pursue our goals with determination and optimism, knowing that profound changes are possible.
Integrating the Energies To navigate the diverse energies of this day, consider the following approaches:
Morning: Embrace the leadership and initiative of the Aries Moon. Take bold steps towards your goals and be proactive in addressing challenges.
Afternoon: Use the harmonious sextiles between the Moon, Venus, and the Sun to engage in positive social interactions and intellectual exchanges. This is a good time for networking, creative activities, and enjoying pleasant conversations.
Throughout the Day: Be mindful of the building energies of the Mars-Eris conjunction and the Jupiter-Pluto trine. Channel the provocative energy of Mars and Eris into constructive actions and be open to transformative opportunities presented by the Jupiter-Pluto trine.
Practical Applications and Reflections
Leadership and Initiative: Take on leadership roles and be proactive in initiating new projects or addressing challenges.
Social and Intellectual Engagement: Engage in social activities and intellectual discussions, leveraging the harmonious influences of the Moon's sextiles to Venus and the Sun.
Embrace Change and Transformation: Be open to change and transformation, utilizing the energizing influence of the Mars-Eris conjunction and the expansive potential of the Jupiter-Pluto trine.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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