#Power Rangers Headcanons
azurezfiction · 6 months
Power Rangers Headcanons
Troy Burrows has an older brother named Roman. Their parents are completely unoriginal when naming them. Roman works in the entertainment industry and keeps regular contact with Troy.
RJ and Casey’s engagement was met with excitement and disapproval. Master Finn was none too thrilled by their engagement and made his displeasure known, he was not invited to the wedding.
Conner does not immediately go to college after graduating, taking time to work on his soccer camp and charity. He volunteers and explored his options, with the help of his friends Hayley, Dr. O and his brother Erik. He eventually decided to venture out of Reefside attending College in another city and explore himself. He eventually ends up working under Hunter working on movies, TV shows, and small films as a crew member.
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trimbwrly · 1 year
trini is a nerd because i say so
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regaliasonata · 8 months
Cosmic Fury Headcanon
Spoiler references below
On ep6 atm.
Is it just me or does anyone else think Ollie's arc with Zedd stems from a feeling of wanting to be needed in life, perhaps...father figure projecting. Or that he feels out of place, like I know he's being brainwashed but I mean maybe the evil parts are leeching off those feelings.
Idk, Ollie's one of my favorite characters, wish thr show did more in the part to give insight into is character. Things that could've been explore more, why he feels the need to be right? His lack of belief in the supernatural? Feeling the need to go solo? All questions that could be answered.
Seeing the episode panning to him looking at the container with the morphin masters trapped in it after Zedd planning to absorb them has me thinking of how this will all wrap up.
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pepperangers · 2 months
so many headcanons so little time
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isadorajaneschaos · 10 months
RJ, nearly 30 years old, who is used to living on his own above his self owned pizza shop. Now living with three 20-somethings fresh out of ninja school having no clue about what life has been like for the past 3-5 years or how to live in someone else’s home. 
Lily gets her own room because, well, she is the only girl in a house (read; loft) full of boys. 
Casey and Theo are both so used to communal bathrooms & spaces that sometimes they’ll leave the bathroom in just a towel and get yelled at by either Lily or RJ (or both)
Theo and Lily have both been living at the Pai Zhuq school for over 5 years and as such aren’t used to being around technology anymore
Lily tends to geek out over the tv and having constant access to music to listen and dance too
RJ barely has time to meditate in the beginning cause he’s so busy handling these idiots that are living with him and constantly fighting over things like who’s using what equipment, who’s working when, who’s using the bathroom when, etc
Lily’s first period after leaving the school totally catches her off guard after because she’s so used to the school just stocking up and providing menstrual products as such she has to call over one of the guys and be like “hey can you run down to the store and pick me up pads and tampons?” and their like “um, what do we do, what kind do we get?” and Lily’s like “idk I haven’t had to buy these things in 5+ years”, long story short: it was a whole mess but they eventually figured it out when Theo (loving best friend and future boyfriend he is) goes out and just asks for advice from a store employee
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Power Ranger Headcanons and Theories I Believe
This is just for fun
Divatox and Dimitria are sisters
Billy was the Phantom Ranger.
Z Delgado is the daughter of Danny Delgado. He worked at SPD after Wild Force and that's how Z got her genetic mutation. He wasn't around because he was possibly killed or captured. It's sad but kind of plausible.
Vida is lesbian.
Riley is gay
Z is bisexual.
Riley had a crush on Chase. (I ship it)
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feet010 · 1 year
Me watching the most random ass cartoons I find because the cover has an attractive character, enjoying the cartoon, but there's no (barely any) fanfiction and barely any fandom:
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(I just want the himbo to love me😔)
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(Mostly talking about a random ass hot wheels cartoon)
(This may or may not be me asking for fanfic of this show 😼)
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wildissylupus · 16 days
aging DVa and Lucio down, huh? Will there be others on the team that dont get ages changed?? Cuz the only 18 year old left then is Illari. Could see Junkrat, Tracer, and Venture being out the team. I don't think there have been any nonbinary power rangers on screen yet sadly.
Actually I am basing this AU off of fan made skins;
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Meaning the rangers themselves are Cassidy, Genji, Pharah, Lucio and Dva. The specific reason I wanted to age Dva and Lucio down was because I didn't want to just follow one Power Rangers storyline, I wanted to do an amalgamation of the ones I grew up with. Which was a lot since I was obsessed with Power Rangers growing up.
But basically with this team I wanted a mix of the adult Ranger experience that we see in some iterations while we get the teen experience like in other iterations with Lucio and Dva. There is also the little fact of me using some of my own headcanons to add to the characters in this AU, specifically Cassidy and Dva having a father/daughter relationship in canon being translated into her being his adopted daughter in this AU. So, out of the Rangers, I'm just changing Lucio and Hana's age.
HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you bring up an excellent point. I will probably age down some other characters to fill out the school setting and give Lucio and Hana stuff to do in their down time. Maybe even make them some rangers who join the team later on later on. So thank you for bringing this up!!
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ranger-ribbons · 9 months
Power Rangers Ninja Storm Headcanons
Content warning: canon typical violence, canonical character death, mentioned child death, show spoilers
Kanoi Watanabe promised his wife that Cam wouldn't be a ninja, but still trained his son with a ninja's fighting style. He also found someone to train his son in the ways of a samurai after she died to honor his late wife
Cam is homeschooled, which is partly why he's so awkward around people who aren't his family or his friends (his team)
Dustin's comic book collection is vast and extensive. He has a massive amount of Power Rangers, DC, and Marvel, but also small-time comics. He also watches anime and reads manga
Shane got into skateboarding because his parents were always busy and never had time to run him anywhere, so he started skateboarding so he could take himself
Shane, Dustin, and Tori are childhood friends, they met when they were in grade school and have remained besties ever since
Cam's issue with the Wind Ninja Rangers wasn't that they're late or underperforming, it's that he knows Rangering is a dangerous business and he didn't want to get attached to Shane, Tori, and Dustin, and then lose someone else he cares about
Cam's birthday is a sensitive subject for him, he never feels like celebrating, because his mother died on the day he turned six
Cam keeps the amulet to honor his mother, but also because he's grown accustomed to wearing something around his neck. Before he, Blake, and Hunter went to retrieve their Ranger powers, Cam actually bought a jade pendant to wear around his neck just to alleviate the strange feeling of not having his mother's amulet with him
Blake and Hunter knew deep inside their hearts that Lothor was lying to them from the start, but they were blinded by grief and anger and couldn't listen to their instincts
Dustin is an "airhead" and this leads to him forgetting things more than once, which is why if it's something common or forgotten often, Tori and Shane care spares with them everywhere
Dustin has ADHD
Shane, Dustin, and Tori would kill for Cam if asked or given half a chance, Cam is their favorite person (besides each other and their s/os) and they're highly protective of him, even after he becomes a Ranger
The Ninja Rangers keep a special eye on the other Ninja teams and also the Samurai team, not because they're jealous or anything but because they're ready to jump in and help if necessary
Cam trained both Antonio Garcia and Levi Weston, he's protective of them and is always happy to take their calls. He can and has dismissed classes early when they call during those classes
The reason Cam didn't get sucked up with the rest of the school is because the Power had already chosen him. The Power protects its chosen Rangers, so Cam wasn't taken with the school when it was sucked up into the air
It took Blake and Hunter forty-five minutes to capture Cam when they went to get Kanoi. Cam doesn't hold it over their heads, but he will on occasion mention it when they're particularly cocky or arrogant (ie.: "It took you forty-five minutes to capture a regular, everyday ninja while in your morphed forms, I don't think you should talk about being 'the greatest ninja ever.'")
Cam is the youngest of the team, being a year younger than the other Rangers. Hunter is the oldest at 19, then Tori, Shane, Blake, and Dustin at 18, then Cam at 17
Hunter already graduated high school and Cam has graduated college (genius that he is), but Shane, Dustin, Tori, and Blake all graduated between Scent of a Ranger and I Love Lothor
Shane, Tori, and Dustin are Soulmates, platonic or not. Other Soulmates include: Shane and Dustin, Tori and Blake, and Hunter and Cam
Shane, Tori, Dustin, and Cam have a trauma bond, they're also quite literally ride or die, fuck with them at your own risk
Cam can and has made surveillance footage around Ninja Ops disappear when asked bribed
Blake and Hunter were adopted at the same time and have known each other since they were infants
Blake and Hunter are also wary around water, as their element is electricity
Cam both does and doesn't have a ninja element. The Wind Ninja Academy teaches the way of the Air, Earth, and Water Ninja while the Thunder Academy has a Lightning Ninja specialty, but there's no way to teach the element of Energy
Tori was Shane's original second-in-command, but once Hunter and Blake joined the team, Tori stepped back and let Hunter take his place as the second-in-command
The Wind and Thunder Morphers would be disguised as bracelets, but the Rangers never asked how to disguise them, and Cam thinks it's funny to watch them walk around with big bulky equipment on their wrists.
[Warning: child death] Cam, Kapri, and Marah are related in blood. Lothor and Kanoi had an older sister who left the family the second she turned 18 and hasn't been heard from since. The only way they knew she was still alive was Kapri and Marah's existence. Kara Watanabe, unfortunately, died in childbirth trying to deliver Kapri and Marah's baby brother, neither she nor the baby survived
Shane, Dustin, and Tori all moved to California, which is why Shane and Tori didn't think Power Rangers were real outside of comics
Dustin has a cat, Junebug. She's a grey-and-white tabby with bright green eyes. Dustin found her on the side of the road as a kid and he brought her with him to California
Cam would love to own a snake, but Kanoi has never liked snakes and Cam doesn't have time to care for one. That being said, the other Rangers get him one for his birthday and promise to help him care for the little thing. It's a beautiful yellow boa and Cam adores him. His name is Banana (courtesy of his former owner) and Cam can often be found wearing the snake around his neck or on his arm when he's not teaching a class
Cam earned a nickname only the Rangers are allowed to use for him: Camera. This is due to his exceptional work with recording devices and picture-taking. Others can try to use this nickname and Cam will either not respond, or flip said person depending on his mood
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daringdoombringer · 3 months
hi yes I’m sick so here are all the AroAce/aspec headcanons I can think of so far. you are not immune to Aspec propaganda 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀
Freeze Blade (Arospec Demiboy || Skylanders Swap Force)
High Volt (AroAce TransMasc || Skylanders Superchargers)
Doom Stone (Apothiaroace || Skylanders Swap Force
Luminous (Gay Arospec || Skylanders Trap Team)
Fright Rider (Cupioromantic Enby || Skylanders Giants)
Wild Storm (AroAce Agender || Skylanders Imaginators)
Enigma (AroAce || Skylanders Trap Team)
Tommy Oliver (Demiaroace || MMPR)
Billy Cranston (AroAce || MMPR)
Mia Wantatabe (Cupioromantic Ace || Power Rangers Samurai)
Bishop Kallamar (AroAce Genderqueer || Cult Of The Lamb)
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skyland2703 · 1 month
thoughts on Chip and Vida as a queerplatonic couple?? :3
I headcanon that Chip is aroace and Vida's lesbian and their friendship is SO PRECIOUS to me. Like they're FOREVER gonna be so close to my heart. They both know it's never been romantic between them and it will never be, but they both aGREE that each other is probably the most special person in their life.
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azurezfiction · 8 months
+ MMPR Boom! Comics; Matthew Cook
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have | @augment-techs
Matt absolutely has a tendency to slip into Spanish whenever he gets too angry and becomes incoherent.
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trimbwrly · 2 years
When trimberly are old and grey they like to sit on their porch and watch nature peacefully. Almost peacefully. Kim is still Kim and tells Trini many jokes and puns just to hear her laugh and see her smile. And when one passes, the other passes days after because they can’t be apart.
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you are so evil for this but absolutely right
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regaliasonata · 11 months
Headcanon that Casey and Lily are the same size when it comes to clothes so he just raids both her and RJ's closet for outfits, and Jarrod's but that's au wise for me. Big sister moment for her to take him clothes shopping.
And Theo gets worked up cause he's close to their size but most of the clothes are too big cause of his height so he has to tuck them in(not how height works but little man in the trio😭)
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pepperangers · 4 months
hc that most of tyler's job as a red involves keeping certain teammates alive outside the suits
ivan, to koda, holding a knife to a socket: perhaps this blade shall be a sufficient size!
tyler, vaulting over a table: NO NO NO NO NO
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lustrdustr · 2 years
I know one of the newer seasons of power rangers has a CANONICALLY queer power anger, however I will argue they are not the FIRST queer ranger. Not by a long shot
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none of these fuckers are straight, because I said so
Anyways follow me for more power ranger headcanons!
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