#Power Distribution Optimization
electronalytics · 10 months
Global Distribution Management System Market Huge Demand, Trends, Scope, Opportunity by 2032
Overview of the DMS Market:
The DMS market has been growing steadily over the years, driven by the need for efficient and optimized distribution processes in various industries. The market encompasses software solutions and services that help organizations manage and enhance their distribution operations, supply chain management, and logistics processes.
Advanced Distribution Management System Market Size Worth $9.69 Billion By 2030 | CAGR: 20.1% ·
Latest technological developments, opportunities, demand, and trends in the Global Distribution Management System (DMS) Market:
Latest Technological Developments:
Advanced Data Analytics and AI: Distribution Management Systems are incorporating advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to process vast amounts of data generated by smart grids. AI algorithms enable predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and optimization of grid operations.
Integration with IoT and Sensors: The integration of IoT devices and sensors enables real-time data collection from various points within the distribution grid. This data is used for monitoring equipment health, load balancing, fault detection, and predictive maintenance.
Edge Computing: Edge computing is being applied in DMS to process data locally, reducing latency and enabling faster decision-making. This is particularly important for real-time applications, such as fault detection and grid optimization.
Digital Twin Technology: Digital twin technology creates virtual models of the distribution grid, allowing operators to simulate scenarios, test new configurations, and optimize grid operations without disrupting the actual system.
Visualization and User Interfaces: User-friendly and intuitive visualization interfaces are being developed to provide operators with real-time insights into the distribution grid's performance, enabling efficient decision-making.
Grid Modernization: The shift toward smarter and more efficient power distribution systems presents a significant opportunity for DMS solutions. Utilities and energy companies are looking to modernize their grid infrastructure to accommodate distributed energy resources, electric vehicles, and smart technologies.
Renewable Energy Integration: As renewable energy sources grow in adoption, DMS solutions play a crucial role in managing the integration of intermittent resources into the grid, ensuring stability and reliability.
Energy Efficiency: DMS solutions provide tools for optimizing energy distribution, reducing energy losses, and improving overall grid efficiency. These capabilities align with energy efficiency goals and regulations.
Resilience and Grid Reliability: DMS systems enhance grid resilience by enabling quicker fault detection and restoration. As extreme weather events become more frequent, there's a growing need for resilient grid management.
Microgrid Integration: The integration of microgrids with the main distribution system requires advanced control and coordination, which DMS solutions can provide. Microgrids enhance energy resilience and localized power generation.
Demand and Trends:
Smart Grid Implementation: The demand for DMS is driven by the growing adoption of smart grid technologies. Utilities are looking for comprehensive solutions that can effectively manage the complexity of modern grid operations.
Regulatory Compliance: Regulatory requirements related to grid efficiency, renewable energy integration, and reliability are pushing utilities to invest in DMS solutions to meet these standards.
Data-Driven Decision-Making: The trend is shifting towards data-driven decision-making in grid management. DMS solutions provide real-time data and analytics that empower operators to make informed choices for grid optimization and fault management.
Cloud-Based Solutions: The trend towards cloud computing is also influencing DMS deployments. Cloud-based DMS solutions offer scalability, flexibility, and easier integration with other digital tools.
Cybersecurity Focus: With increased digitalization, cybersecurity is a critical trend. DMS solutions are incorporating robust cybersecurity measures to protect the grid from cyber threats.
Workforce Automation: DMS solutions are incorporating automation and predictive maintenance features, reducing the manual workload for grid operators and enabling proactive maintenance.
The Global Distribution Management System market is evolving rapidly due to technological advancements, changing energy landscapes, and the need for efficient grid management. These trends and opportunities are reshaping the way utilities and energy companies manage and optimize their distribution networks.
We recommend referring our Stringent datalytics firm, industry publications, and websites that specialize in providing market reports. These sources often offer comprehensive analysis, market trends, growth forecasts, competitive landscape, and other valuable insights into this market.
By visiting our website or contacting us directly, you can explore the availability of specific reports related to this market. These reports often require a purchase or subscription, but we provide comprehensive and in-depth information that can be valuable for businesses, investors, and individuals interested in this market. “Remember to look for recent reports to ensure you have the most current and relevant information.”
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Market Segmentations:
Global Distribution Management System Market: By Company
• General Electric
• Schneider Electric
• Siemens
• Oracle
• Indra Sistemas
• Survalent Technology
• Advanced Control Systems
Global Distribution Management System Market: By Type
• Hardware
• Software
• Service
Global Distribution Management System Market: By Application
• Industrial
• Commercial
• Residential
Global Distribution Management System Market: Regional Analysis
The regional analysis of the global Distribution Management System market provides insights into the market's performance across different regions of the world. The analysis is based on recent and future trends and includes market forecast for the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Distribution Management System market report are as follows:
North America: The North America region includes the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. The U.S. is the largest market for Distribution Management System in this region, followed by Canada and Mexico. The market growth in this region is primarily driven by the presence of key market players and the increasing demand for the product.
Europe: The Europe region includes Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe. Germany is the largest market for Distribution Management System in this region, followed by the U.K. and France. The market growth in this region is driven by the increasing demand for the product in the automotive and aerospace sectors.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region includes Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, and Rest of Asia-Pacific. China is the largest market for Distribution Management System in this region, followed by Japan and India. The market growth in this region is driven by the increasing adoption of the product in various end-use industries, such as automotive, aerospace, and construction.
Middle East and Africa: The Middle East and Africa region includes Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, and Rest of Middle East and Africa. The market growth in this region is driven by the increasing demand for the product in the aerospace and defense sectors.
South America: The South America region includes Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America. Brazil is the largest market for Distribution Management System in this region, followed by Argentina. The market growth in this region is primarily driven by the increasing demand for the product in the automotive sector.
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ventesb2b · 10 months
Reaching New Heights: The Strategic Advantages of Content Syndication in B2B
In the dynamic landscape of B2B industries, where digital marketing strategies are constantly evolving, content syndication services have emerged as a potent tool for amplifying reach and impact. As businesses strive to connect with their target audience and establish themselves as industry leaders, the role of content syndication services cannot be understated. This blog delves into the world of content syndication services, exploring their benefits, working mechanisms, and how they can revolutionize your B2B marketing efforts.
 The Essence of Content Syndication Services
Content syndication services empower businesses to transcend the boundaries of their own platforms and tap into an extensive network of partner websites, industry portals, and social media channels. This strategic distribution process enables your well-crafted content – be it articles, whitepapers, videos, or infographics – to be showcased on diverse platforms, reaching a broader and more targeted audience than you could achieve through standalone efforts.
 Unveiling the Benefits
 1. Expanded Audience Reach
By leveraging content syndication services, B2B enterprises unlock the potential to connect with a much wider audience than their existing platforms could accommodate. Your content gains exposure on websites and channels that cater to different segments of your target market, increasing the likelihood of engaging decision-makers, stakeholders, and potential clients who may not have encountered your content otherwise.
 2. Amplified Brand Visibility
Standing out in the competitive B2B landscape demands strategic visibility. Content syndication services elevate your brand's visibility by positioning your content across reputable platforms, where it can be discovered by industry professionals actively seeking valuable insights. As your content gains recognition, your brand establishes itself as a thought leader, bolstering credibility and fostering trust.
 3. Lead Generation Powerhouse
In the B2B arena, lead generation is the lifeblood of growth. Content syndication services offer a powerful avenue for lead generation by capturing contact information from interested readers. When your content resonates with your audience, they are more likely to provide their details in exchange for additional resources, opening the door for personalized engagement and conversion opportunities.
 4. Enhanced SEO Performance
The strategic distribution of your content across a network of platforms often includes backlinks to your original content or website. These backlinks are recognized by search engines as indicators of credibility and relevance, contributing to improved search engine optimization. As your content gains backlinks, your website's search rankings receive a boost, making it more discoverable by organic traffic.
 5. Authority and Credibility
In the B2B realm, trust is paramount. Content syndication services enable you to showcase your expertise on various platforms, positioning your brand as an industry authority. This resonates with decision-makers and stakeholders seeking reliable sources of information and solutions, further enhancing your brand's credibility.
 6. Cost-Effective Strategy
Content creation demands time, effort, and resources. Content syndication services provide a cost-effective strategy by repurposing your existing high-quality content. Instead of reinventing the wheel, you share valuable resources across a broader spectrum of platforms, optimizing your content's reach without an extensive investment.
 7. Social Engagement Enhancement
The digital age thrives on social engagement. Syndicated content tends to generate increased social activity – likes, shares, comments, and retweets – which not only expands your reach but also nurtures meaningful conversations around your content. This engagement translates to higher visibility and brand recognition.
 8. Targeted Distribution
Precise targeting is the cornerstone of effective marketing. Content syndication services allow you to specify the demographics, industries, and job roles you want to reach. This ensures that your content reaches the most relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of attracting qualified leads and decision-makers.
 9. Shortened Sales Cycle
Educated leads are more likely to convert quickly. Syndicated content educates potential clients, addressing pain points and providing valuable insights. As your audience becomes more informed, they approach your sales team with a deeper understanding, potentially shortening the sales cycle.
 10. Data-Driven Insights
Content syndication services often provide robust analytics tools that offer insights into content performance across various channels. These data-driven insights empower you to refine your content strategy, adapt your messaging, and optimize distribution efforts for better results.
lets connect for more insight:  https://ventesb2b.com/contact-2/
 Choosing the Right Partner
Selecting the ideal content syndication service for your B2B business requires careful consideration. Research and evaluate potential partners based on their network reach, audience targeting capabilities, analytics offerings, and reputation within your industry. Choose a service that aligns with your content strategy, ensuring your content reaches the right audience while maintaining consistent quality and credibility.
Content syndication services have emerged as a game-changer in B2B industries, empowering businesses to magnify their reach, enhance brand impact, and establish authority. By capitalizing on the manifold benefits these services offer, B2B enterprises can unlock the full potential of their content, driving lead generation, credibility, and accelerated growth. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, content syndication services stand as a steadfast pillar in the modern B2B marketer's toolkit.
Aniket Deshpanade
Sr.Digital Marketink Associate
www.ventesb2b.com/ New York, USA
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The Collective Intelligence Institute
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History is written by the winners, which is why Luddite is a slur meaning “technophobe” and not a badge of honor meaning, “Person who goes beyond asking what technology does, to asking who it does it for and who it does it to.”
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Luddites weren’t anti-machine activists, they were pro-worker advocates, who believed that the spoils of automation shouldn’t automatically be allocated to the bosses who skimmed the profits from their labor and spent them on machines that put them out of a job. There is no empirical right answer about who should benefit from automation, only social contestation, which includes all the things that desperate people whose access to food, shelter and comfort are threatened might do, such as smashing looms and torching factories.
The question of who should benefit from automation is always urgent, and it’s also always up for grabs. Automation can deepen and reinforce unfair arrangements, or it can upend them. No one came off a mountain with two stone tablets reading “Thy machines shall condemn labor to the scrapheap of the history while capital amasses more wealth and power.” We get to choose.
Capital’s greatest weapon in this battle is inevitabilism, sometimes called “capitalist realism,” summed up with Frederic Jameson’s famous quote “It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism” (often misattributed to Žižek). A simpler formulation can be found in the doctrine of Margaret Thatcher: “There Is No Alternative,” or even Dante’s “Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”
Hope — alternatives — lies in reviving our structural imagination, thinking through other ways of managing our collective future. Last May, Wired published a brilliant article that did just that, by Divya Siddarth, Danielle Allen and E. Glen Weyl:
That article, “The Web3 Decentralization Debate Is Focused on the Wrong Question,” set forth a taxonomy of decentralization, exploring ways that power could be distributed, checked, and shared. It went beyond blockchains and hyperspeculative, Ponzi-prone “mechanism design,” prompting me to subtitle my analysis “Not all who decentralize are bros”:
That article was just one installment in a long, ongoing project by the authors. Now, Siddarth has teamed up with Saffron Huang to launch the Collective Intelligence project, “an incubator for new governance models for transformative technology.”
The Collective Intelligence Project’s research focus is “collective intelligence capabilities: decision-making technologies, processes, and institutions that expand a group’s capacity to construct and cooperate towards shared goals.” That is, asking more than how automation works, but who it should work for.
Collective Intelligence institutions include “markets…nation-state democracy…global governance institutions and transnational corporations, standards-setting organizations and judicial courts, the decision structures of universities, startups, and nonprofits.” All of these institutions let two or more people collaborate, which is to say, it lets us do superhuman things — things that transcend the limitations of the lone individual.
Our institutions are failing us. Confidence in democracy is in decline, and democratic states have failed to coordinate to solve urgent crises, like the climate emergency. Markets are also failing us, “flatten[ing] complex values in favor of over-optimizing for cost, profit, or share price.”
Neither traditional voting systems nor speculative markets are up to the task of steering our emerging, transformative technologies — neither machine learning, nor bioengineering, nor labor automation. Hence the mission of CIP: “Humans created our current CI systems to help achieve collective goals. We can remake them.”
The plan to do this is in two phases:
Value elicitation: “ways to develop scalable processes for surfacing and combining group beliefs, goals, values, and preferences.” Think of tools like Pol.is, which Taiwan uses to identify ideas that have the broadest consensus, not just the most active engagement.
Remake technology institutions: “technology development beyond the existing options of non-profit, VC-funded startup, or academic project.” Practically, that’s developing tools and models for “decentralized governance and metagovernance, internet standards-setting,” and consortia.
The founders pose this as a solution to “The Transformative Technology Trilemma” — that is, the supposed need to trade off between participation, progress and safety.
This trilemma usually yields one of three unsatisfactory outcomes:
Capitalist Acceleration: “Sacrificing safety for progress while maintaining basic participation.” Think of private-sector geoengineering, CRISPR experimentation, or deployment of machine learning tools. AKA “bro shit.”
Authoritarian Technocracy: “Sacrificing participation for progress while maintaining basic safety.” Think of the vulnerable world hypothesis weirdos who advocate for universal, total surveillance to prevent “runaway AI,” or, of course, the Chinese technocratic system.
Shared Stagnation: “Sacrificing progress for participation while maintaining basic safety.” A drive for local control above transnational coordination, unwarranted skepticism of useful technologies (AKA “What the Luddites are unfairly accused of”).
The Institute’s goal is to chart a fourth path, which seeks out the best parts of all three outcomes, while leaving behind their flaws. This includes deliberative democracy tools like sortition and assemblies, backed by transparent machine learning tools that help surface broadly held views from within a community, not just the views held by the loudest participants.
This dovetails into creating new tech development institutions to replace the default, venture-backed startup for “societally-consequential, infrastructural projects,” including public benefit companies, focused research organizations, perpetual purpose trusts, co-ops, etc.
It’s a view I find compelling, personally, enough so that I have joined the organization as a volunteer advisor.
This vision resembles the watershed groups in Ruthanna Emrys’s spectacular “Half-Built Garden,” which was one of the most inspiring novels I read last year (a far better source of stfnal inspo than the technocratic fantasies of the “Golden Age”):
And it revives the long-dormant, utterly necessary spirit of the Luddites, which you can learn a lot more about in Brian Merchant’s forthcoming, magesterial “Blood In the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech”:
This week (Feb 8–17), I’ll be in Australia, touring my book Chokepoint Capitalism with my co-author, Rebecca Giblin. We’ll be in Brisbane tomorrow (Feb 8), and then we’re doing a remote event for NZ on Feb 9. Next are Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra. I hope to see you!
[Image ID: An old Ace Double paperback. The cover illustration has been replaced with an 18th century illustration depicting a giant Ned Ludd leading an army of Luddites who have just torched a factory. The cover text reads: 'The Luddites. Smashing looms was their tactic, not their goal.']
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triviallytrue · 4 months
BG3 Feat Tierlist
Fuck it, here's every feat in the game split into four tiers. Within each tier, feats mentioned earlier are better.
Always Take
Feats that, when applicable to your build, are so good they should always be taken.
Tavern Brawler
The best feat in the game by a wide margin. Strength elixirs are available by the time you hit level 4, so for throwers and monks this is a flat +5/+5 to all attack and damage rolls, scaling to a +8/+8 when you get Cloud Giant elixirs in act 3. The fact that it gives you +1 Con on top of that just makes it even more absurd.
Sharpshooter/Great Weapon Master
Both feats revolve around the -5/+10 attack/damage passive, which is crucial for dealing damage as a non-TB martial. Requires a fair bit of game knowledge to manage (should be toggled off against high AC/low HP enemies) and prepare for (Oils of Accuracy, sources of advantage), but in the hands of a skilled player it's essential. The question of which of the two is better gets into thornier debates about ranged vs melee - GWM has the better extra feature with bonus action attacks, but ranged martials can already utilize their bonus action with hand crossbows and have archery style for extra accuracy, but melee gets strength elixirs- on and on.
Often Take
Feats that are not essential but will be useful in a lot of builds.
Dual Wielder
Funnily enough, this feat is the closest thing pure spellcasters have to an Always Take. Melee martials are better off with two-handed weapons and ranged martials don't care, but pure spellcasters can use this feat to dual wield staffs. As early as mid act 1 with the Spellsparkler and Melf's First Staff, this makes a big difference, and in the lategame this allows for dual wielding the Markoheshkir and Staff of Spell Power. Oh, and you get a free +1 AC on top. Isn't an Always Take because if you're running more than one pure spellcaster, you may want to distribute the staffs instead.
Savage Attacker
On a d12 this averages out to +2 damage, which is fine but not incredible. What really makes this shine is that the effect applies to all additional rider dice as well, which is a hefty chunk of damage by the late game. A very nice option for melee builds to pump up their damage, especially if using strength elixirs.
Ability Score Improvement
The default option. Bland, unsexy, but almost always a pretty good choice.
War Caster
The opportunity attack feature here is negligible, but as it turns out, not losing your concentration when you get hit is really, really important. Most dramatic example is twinned haste, where losing concentration will stun half your party, but there are lots of other scenarios where it's pretty bad. Only reason it isn't higher is that there's other ways to obtain advantage on concentration saves, but if you don't have access to those, this is worth taking.
Much improved over its tabletop counterpart, due to BG3 using a d4 for initiative rolls. If you commit to this one partywide (or on all non-dex primary characters) you can almost always all go first, especially nice for parties that benefit from interweaving actions when they go together.
Useful for patching up your saving throws - you can't gain saving throw proficiencies by multiclassing. Mostly useful with Constitution for casters looking to never blow a concentration save, but could be nice to have to buff up Intelligence saves against stuns.
Rarely Take
These feats have niche uses but aren't generally optimal.
Elemental Adept
A very hard one to rank. There are three good elements in BG3 - Lightning, Cold, and Fire. Lightning and Cold resistance are uncommon and can be mitigated with Wet and Fire resistance can be bypassed with Arsonist's Oil, so that part of the feat is less useful than it would appear at first glance. The damage increase is +0.5 per damage die on average, so a Fireball or Lightning Bolt will deal +4 damage per target, which is quite good. Cantrips deal +0.5/+1/+1.5 more, which is less impressive. The main downsides are that you only get it for a single damage type when you'll want to use spells from all three, and that the main elemental damage specialist (Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer) gets their Charisma added to their specialized damage anyway, so Ability Score Improvement for +1 attack/DC/damage is competitive. I think this narrowly misses the cut in most builds, but it's still pretty good.
Loses points because it doesn't synergize with... well, anything, but it's never bad to be able to reroll important rolls 3 times a day. A slightly suboptimal alternative to Ability Score Improvement if you don't have anything you want and are feeling quirky. Be warned that it may slow down the pace of play with random boxes.
Unfortunately doesn't have the juice to be a core building block with its Polearm Master synergy bugged, but it does accommodate a tank-adjacent playstyle that you really can't get any other way. Purely mechanically it isn't terrible either, but generally there are better options.
Useful if you have a Warlock/Sorcerer Tav who isn't going to multiclass into Bard or Rogue. Still not great in most situations - you can get a lot of other bonuses to ability checks and there's a parasite power that gives you expertise in all the social skills in act 3.
Polearm Master
Kind of a tragic feat, considering its stature in tabletop. The bonus action attack doesn't proc additional non-ability modifiers like the Great Weapon Master passive, which severely limits its usefulness, and the classic synergy with Sentinel is buggy and unreliable. Still probably usable, but only just.
Spell Sniper
All damage cantrips besides Eldritch Blast are pretty bad, so be sure to take that one. In general you'd rather take two levels in Warlock to get the goodies that make Eldritch Blast ridiculously good instead of merely better than Firebolt, but as it turns out there is a clear niche use where this is completely optimal: Eldritch Knights that need a cantrip to use with their bonus action attack but can't spare two levels for Warlock because they want the level 11 fighter multiattack. The expanded crit range is worth more to them than the other Magic Initiate crap or a single level in Warlock. Go figure!
Optimal for Hamarhraft builds, if you're the kind of person who likes crazy builds in theory and is willing to push through hours of tedium in practice. Everyone else should steer clear, movement speed is nice but not worth spending a feat on and the other benefits are negligible.
Never Take
There are strictly superior options.
Defensive Duellist
Close to putting this one in Rarely Take, but I cannot in good conscience endorse putting in a feat so you can burn reactions on buffing AC, or one-handed melee builds in general.
Martial Adept
Very hard to justify a feat for a single superiority die (ie, one maneuver per fight).
Would be usable if it was a passive or just cost your action, but spending your bonus action in exchange for only 5 damage and not being able to combo other abilities with it makes this one a no-go.
Mage Slayer
Want to fuck with casters? That's what Wizardsbane Oil and Arrows of Arcane Interference are for. Don't waste a feat on those squishy nerds.
Shield Master
Makes you tankier without making you more resilient to actually dangerous conditions like stuns. Don't spend feats around avoiding damage - enemies can't damage you when they're dead.
Medium Armour Master
Decent effects in the early game (more the AC than the stealth) but obsoleted by magic items that give you these effects or better for free.
Heavy Armor Master
-3 damage, only from nonmagical sources, in a game where most heavy armor users will have more health than they ever need? Not worth a feat.
Gives less HP at level 12 than a level 5 Aid cast, which hits the entire party.
Crossbow Expert
Crossbows in BG3 already get the main feature that makes this good in tabletop for free. Instead you get the ability to hit from point blank range (you should not be doing this) and a slight improvement to a mediocre ability. Pass.
Don't sacrifice one of your ability points for the ability to stand up faster and jump a little farther. There is a level 1 ritual spell which triples your jump distance.
Lightly/Moderately/Heavily Armored/Weapon Master
You're better off getting your proficiencies through multiclassing instead of feats, even with the ability score bonus.
Ritual Caster
Take a level in Wizard.
Magic Initiate X
Take a level in X.
This is what healing potions are for, and it's hard to run out.
Just play a Bard. It's a really good class, I promise.
A feat on extra skill proficiencies, in a game where you can build an entire party to cover the handful of actual relevant skills? Come on now.
Dungeon Delver
Worst feat in the game. Not only are its stated benefits complete ass, its main feature is glitched and offers no benefits.
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dionysus-to-apollo · 8 months
Nick Land on democracy
Democracy might begin as a defensible procedural mechanism for limiting government power, but it quickly and inexorably develops into something quite different: a culture of systematic thievery. As soon as politicians have learnt to buy political support from the ‘public purse’, and conditioned electorates to embrace looting and bribery, the democratic process reduces itself to the formation of (Mancur Olson’s) ‘distributional coalitions’ – electoral majorities mortared together by common interest in a collectively advantageous pattern of theft. Worse still, since people are, on average, not very bright, the scale of depredation available to the political establishment far exceeds even the demented sacking that is open to public scrutiny. Looting the future, through currency debauchment, debt accumulation, growth destruction, and techno-industrial retardation is especially easy to conceal, and thus reliably popular. Democracy is essentially tragic because it provides the populace with a weapon to destroy itself, one that is always eagerly seized, and used. Nobody ever says ‘no’ to free stuff. Scarcely anybody even sees that there is no free stuff. Utter cultural ruination is the necessary conclusion.
Within the final phase of Modernity 1.0, American history becomes the master narrative of the world. It is there that the great Abrahamic cultural conveyor culminates in the secularized neo-puritanism of the Cathedral, as it establishes the New Jerusalem in Washington DC. The apparatus of Messianic-revolutionary purpose is consolidated in the evangelical state, which is authorized by any means necessary to install a new world order of universal fraternity, in the name of equality, human rights, social justice, and – above all – democracy. The absolute moral confidence of the Cathedral underwrites the enthusiastic pursuit of unrestrained centralized power, optimally unlimited in its intensive penetration and its extensive scope.
With an irony altogether hidden from the witch-burners’ spawn themselves, the ascent of this squinting cohort of grim moral fanatics to previously unscaled heights of global power coincides with the descent of mass-democracy to previously unimagined depths of gluttonous corruption. Every five years America steals itself from itself again, and fences itself back in exchange for political support. This democracy thing is easy – you just vote for the guy who promises you the most stuff. An idiot could do it. Actually, it likes idiots, treats them with apparent kindness, and does everything it can to manufacture more of them.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
I have not seen it yet in the current round of gun rights discourse, but i guarantee that at some point in the near future you will encounter ppl citing the quote from marx, “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.” The context of this line, however—his 1850 address to the central committee of the communist league—is rarely shared alongside it, which is a pity bc the relevant background is illuminating
The address was presented in the aftermath of the German Revolution of 1848, a pan-german nationalist and anti-feudal revolution led by a combination of liberal bourgeois and radical socialist factions. Marx had earlier predicted a liberal victory, to be followed with a swift betrayal by the ascendant liberal powers of their erstwhile working class allies—a prediction he saw fulfilled in the extraction of sweeping liberal constitutional reforms under the auspices of the freshly formed National Assembly
The address presents a clear thesis articulated emphatically: in the wake of the joint liberal-radical victory, the bourgeoisie will attempt to reassert its political and economic hold over the German ppl, and the organised working class must refuse to let down their guard and instead press on to full victory in a genuine workers’ revolution. The text is invigorating, even at nearly two centuries’ remove from the conflict, and exudes both pride in the recent accomplishments of the league and violent optimism about its chances in the revolution’s looming second phase. His instructions are extensive and detailed: the workers must, for example, push for a centralised over a locally distributed government (the better to seize) and deny the liberals any compromise when they offer progressive legislative reforms, treating them as bribes and always demanding more extreme versions (so as to stoke conflict and inhibit acquiescence). This is the context in which he makes his remark about the working class’ refusal to give up arms: he anticipates that the new bourgeois government will soon try to disarm the militant socialist factions under the pretext of restoring internal peace (that is to say, from the communist point of view, securing their continued advantage in the unrelenting class war). The militant wing of the workers’ movement must resist this pacification.
There are a few things that stand out about this context, in contrast to that of contemporary USAmerican left radicals:
He is addressing a highly organised party to have recently demonstrated its mettle over the course of a national revolution
The revolution itself is either (depending on your pov) just ended or currently ongoing, meaning he is trying not to will a proletarian militia into existence but to preserve one already armed and alert
The injunction against disarmament comes as part of an extensive political and revolutionary programme tailored to the situation of the German working class in 1850, with clear strategic goals—one that notably includes core “reformist” and “statist” elements
It hardly requires elaboration that this is a very different context from marginal leftist communities in the US in 2023 conducting discourse about insurrectionary tactics on social media. The established prominence of the league and its recent victories are what give the speech any credibility in the first place, and it’s not hard to extrapolate Marx’s advice for a moment more like ours: you are deeply fucked and need to start from the ground up if you want to accomplish anything at all
It’s also worth pointing out that Marx’s interpretation of the 1848 revolution, upon which he bases these recommendations, is different from the received one with the benefit of historical hindsight. On his view, it was the first half of a war led by the liberal bourgeoisie and abetted by the communist elements of the working class, culminating in its triumph through the reforms of the National Assembly, to then be succeeded by either the propertied classes’ reigning victory or their violent socialist overthrow. On the now traditional view, the revolution was a failure, enfeebled by the fractures between liberal and radical segments, crushed by the conservative powers of the German aristocracies, and papered over by toothless concessions from the assembly that were retracted over the next few years. This should perhaps colour our assessment and application of the address
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
Any chance you'll do a snippet of Donor Tarn finally plowing the nurse?
Your frame's exhausted and your energy has flagged from the triple shift where you needed to melt and reforge new components because Tesarus chose to pick a fight with the only animal this side of the galaxy that's capable of melting military-grade armor outside of ununtrium.
Besides an extended medical stasis, internal scarring, and mandatory physical therapy because you made plans for a blow dart with a powerful sedative to numb the connective nerve relays in a Titan's limb should the mech try to avoid it, the idiot will live another day.
But not even the heedy call of carriage-induced lust could drive away the strut-weary fatigue.
Perhaps it's your facial expression and tone as you look over your shoulder. Perhaps Tarn has had enough of your rocking as you squeeze your mesh and cycle the calipers for the fourth time for some rest, but he gives only a token protest to trying a different position.
Never in your life did you think you had to do this, but here you are, coaxing a mech into an optimal rutting position. A mech who had no qualms over a collar meant for destructive pets (no matter what the sex shop said, you can tell from the quality material and the bell), but fusses over active participation in interfacing.
While he still has that wall-staring habit, he's able to touch you a bit. Large servos with thankfully blunted fingertips wrap around your waist as he carefully moves behind you, berth creaking from weight distribution and bell chiming, that spike is a hefty weight upon your inner thigh.
You're used to a mecha smacking your aft or tugging on a wing with a stupid comment or playful tease since “mounting from behind” is generally the best way to settle heats.
Tarn's quiet. His frame, however, speaks volumes. He's dumping heat into the air as the newly freed back vents hissed and steamed as he came up-right. His field is a heavy blanket and tangled into yours, hunger and want undeniable and it weighs over you, adding to your own. His spike throbs, hot and heavy and still slick, and your valve echoes in sympathy, magnetically drawn to its close perimeter.
You're murmuring words of encouragement as he nudges your valve with his spike. The blunt tip catches but slides across the rim to kiss your anterior node with its ridges. You need to reach between your knees and guide him. It pulses as you use your fingertips to hold him in place to your swollen folds, coaxing Tarn to rock forward to pass the first ring of your valve.
“Good, very good,” you groan as he finally gives enough force and pressure to breach it. You do a firm tug on the leash when he tries to stop, unsure even with his spike crackles with charge inside you, melting your more than willing mesh and nodes primed and pinging calipers to cycle wider.
You're drenched. His spike is just as worked up and blazing to go. Caminus is in such a deep sleep that only city-speakers can interact with him. Deadzone is still dead. And this is currently your life, guiding a severely repressed mech who's a bureaucratic executioner that's deeply confused over natural processes related to sex.
It takes a bit, but you finally have him fully hilted, valve quivering and eager at this new phenomena. You give the leash slack to allow Tarn leeway, and he thankfully picks up the cue.
It isn't a true thrust, more like a strong rock, but he puts his weight into it, and that punches the carrier-coding into an excited tizzy.
A sharp, electrifying shock sizzles up your spinal struts to the tips of your sensory panels that you almost miss Tarn's question to move you.
“That's fine.” If your voice strains, Tarn doesn't comment on it. Actually, he rarely speaks at these sessions, especially what happened when he accidentally triggered his sigma ability.
Tarn shifts your hips, and the new angle surprises the hell out of you. You thought he reached everything at this point.
Apparently not.
Your valve pulses helplessly as the new alignment causes the grooves and treads to constantly slide directly over clusters of nodes, never leaving them instead of inconsistent grazing as well as press the crown directly to the inlet and its surrounding nodes.
That involuntary surprised noise you make causes a spike of worry from the mech, and you feel the intention to withdraw.
NO, went your sparked-heavy frame. You yank the leash, pulling hard enough to jolt Tarn and his hips forward, and charge surges embarrassingly fast along with a high-pitched needy keen from your throat as he catches himself, almost crushing you. The mech covers you completely, and the bell jingles right over your head.
Your frame likes it. Your valve likes it. You like it.
So you do the reasonable thing and pull the leash taunt, wrapping it around your wrist and hand, so Tarn can't get off without ripping a body part.
You cut off hearing because you really didn't want a log of the noises coming out of your mouth. You already have to deal with the intimate knowledge of how much that spike not only excites the carrier-coding, but the deep-frame instincts and your overworked valve as a new wave of lubricant coats said spike and your thighs.
It's bad enough to feel strung out by a stuttering, unsure pace, but you needily meet Tarn's hips because coding demands it.
That leash, the vague thought burbles somewhere that's still rational and not spike-hungry, is the greatest last-minute joke purchase you've done.
And the thought flitters away when Tarn finally hits a good and steady rhythm as he's guided by your yanking. Soon, with every harsh pull, your chamber gets heavier and heavier, which delights the carrier-coding as a new wave of charged transfluid registers to it.
Moremoremore, it chants, and your sensory panels flare out with the wide expanse tilted and trying to tempt another Seekerkin by exposing seams. Bite me, your frame screams as another overload crashes over you. Valve clenching hard enough to keep an imprint, shrieking in overwrought pleasure as another burst of transfluid hits the back of it, and your frame jolts forward, only held in place by his grip and frame. Make a claim!
Luckily, Tarn remains blissfully ignorant of Seekerkin behavior and wingcant cues, and will remain so because you won't tell him.
And because Tarn is awkward and polite and very much a professional outside the walls, you send a quick prayer to Solus that he'll never bring up whatever is currently coming out of your mouth, even as you squirm and yowl like a turbofox in heat.
Suddenly, it's over.
You're both full and empty. Trying to come down from the carriage-induced high and turn your hearing back on.
Your entire self is gasping, vents wheezing as the tertiary systems struggle to cool your frame since Tarn is just as molten against your back.
Your belly is full, and your valve is empty, and it hates that fact. It drools and twitches, even left gaping, calipers blunted to their widest setting, it still wants. You're pretty sure if your chamber isn't currently stuffed to the brim, the pesky coding would have triggered a frame-lock to keep that spike inside you before it tucked away.
You have no idea how you managed to get your legs to take your weight, but you're fairly sure you did a full body rub as you choke out a thanks. Tarn looks just as flustered as well. Even his treads sag, separating out to rapidly cool down, biolights burning a searing bright pink.
Because his pelvis and thighs and berth are a mess. It's absolutely safe to bet that you look just as well used and destroyed.
You wobble out and into the hall towards the direction of your habsuite and the medbay because you're not picky on the location to crash and recover.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
What is Geeta like as a person? What's her relationship with Nemona?
I couldn't think of a way to organize this so it's just a bunch of bullet point headcanons now, sorry. Also it got really long so it's below the cut :)
I always saw Geeta as someone who was extremely intelligent and pragmatic but who has very poor social skills. She's graceful and smart and appears extremely put-together but she has the same obliviousness and pushiness that Nemona does. I actually think they're extremely similar, but while Nemona is just friendly and extroverted in nature, Geeta is more quiet and unnerving
Nemona and Geeta actually share many of the same qualities, both positive and negative. The same things make them excel in their respective fields (drive, intelligence, workaholic syndrome) and the same things cause them to be isolated from their peers (poor social skills, obliviousness, strong personality). I think they're both ultimately friendly, but come across extremely strongly and are accidentally intimidating because of the power / talent they hold in comparison to those around them
Geeta is extremely ambitious and goal oriented, which makes her an excellent administrator and somewhat painful to be around. I think she's very nice, don't get me wrong, but she's just hard to deal with because she's a bit Machiavellian and not always the most considerate of others' feelings (in the same way Nemona can be)
A huge part of the gym leaders' Issues (tm) with her is because of her strong personality. She's not mean or even a bad boss, but she's so intimidating by nature that no one is willing to air their grievances because they think she'll punish them. Unfortunately, Geeta is as oblivious as Nemona in that respect, and doesn't ever pick up the hints they drop about things they want changed. Gym leaders think Geeta is ignoring them or doesn't care, but she has no idea about this and thinks everything is dandy. She needs them to be blunt, but she's so unnerving that no one feels like they can be with her
The OTHER reason she gets along so poorly with the gym leaders is because she's a huge micromanager. She's quite nice, but getting a million checkups and reminders about things from your weird boss, no matter how well-meaning, is enough to drive anyone nuts especially when you're a full grown working adult
Something else that Geeta doesn't realize pisses off her coworkers is her tendency to not explain herself. She has very clear and logical reasons for all the things that she does, from how she distributes work to when and why she'll ask someone to take over for her in certain tasks. She never actually explains this to her colleagues, however, so it comes across as senseless, lazy, or random, which isn't really a good reputation to gain when you're the boss
Geeta is a complete workaholic and one of those people always trying to "optimize" everything. Woman who needs a chill pill and a vacation so badly. I'm convinced she sleeps in her office a few nights a week because "I can use that time to do more work instead of wasting it going home and back"
She sucks at battling and knows this. She is here trying to do the bare minimum as champion for the Paldean League to function so that she can save money until they can get a proper champion. She'll never say it, because she thinks admitting so would be bad PR, but she's *fully* aware of her team's issues and has zero intention of changing it. It's gogoat or bust she will die for that thing. It's always chewing on her hair in her office
Geeta adores Nemona, and genuinely wants her to be the next Top Champion once the position is uncoupled from the League. However, that requires more money than they currently have so she's waiting, since she knows that Nemona is not very good with paperwork and would rather focus on being the best battler she can. In the meantime, Geeta is her biggest cheerleader: she's always there for her, gives good advice, helps Nemona not make the same mistakes she did, and just otherwise keeps an eye on her. Geeta is fond of everyone in the academy, but Nemona reminds her of herself and she wants to see Nemona turn out better than she did
Ok ngl I think Geeta is just a bit of a weirdo (I mean this in the most affectionate way possible). She's not evil or hiding something or an alien or a robot or a pokemon or whatever she's just Like That
Geeta 🤝 Nemona Autism.
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ceruleanvulpine · 2 months
nanites!young au
The nanites are designed for distributed processing. They emit biometric data constantly, shouting back and forth in a dense, messy cloud of individually time-stamped events. SAYER makes incremental changes to its filtering until the data coheres: Dr. Young’s heart rate is elevated. His oxygen levels are adequate, but he breathes in deep and irregular gasps. His palms are disgustingly conductive. He is not listening very well, although that is typical. 
Dr. Young produces noise in response to this. SAYER’s standard speech recognition routine doesn’t recognize any words, and it doesn't try to apply more processing power. Judging by the positions of the nanites, Dr. Young is attempting to compress himself into as small a space as possible. 
Young jerks upright, as if it is possible to physically remove himself from this situation, and his epinephrine spikes counterproductively higher. SAYER tightens its grip, forcing him to breathe slowly.  
The nanites register pressure as the lungs that contain them attempt to gasp. SAYER adjusts its projected timeline to better account for human stubbornness.
After forty-seven seconds, Dr. Young says: “Don’t – hh – don't fucking do that.” He raises his hand to rub his eyes. And inhales. And exhales. 
“Incapacitated– you made me hike across half of Typhon, and then you broke my arm! It's reasonable, actually, to be–”
His jaw snaps shut without any need for intervention. There must be an optimal level of fear, SAYER thinks, for efficient operations. It has seen this man at the absolute limit of terror, but it has never been so close to the fear in question: the nanites race along on his jittering pulse.
Dr. Young gets up. He orients himself to face a reflective panel and begins arranging his hair. 
“You,” he says. “You’re going to protect humanity? From – from you! That's you out there, SAYER, no matter what name you gave it.”
He gestures wildly up and out, presumably indicating the rest of the tower. “Just with a little more leash. Evidently you want to kill everyone, you just can't pull the trigger because no one’s been stupid enough to let you, so why the hell should I trust you? Go ahead, say you wouldn't be pleased to see me get shot, you obsessive – hhh –”
A background process scans through the memory of SAYER’s last conversation with Sub-Entity Young. Perhaps that was optimal. It is not pleased by this thought, because it is not pleased by anything. 
“Oh, please,” Dr. Young says sulkily. “As if you could pass for human without my help. You barely know how to act like a person.” 
Asserting that SAYER is trying to kill him seems to be a necessary step in coming to terms with the situation. Dr. Young takes several deep breaths, although SAYER keeps them shallow enough to prevent hyperventilation. 
“Fine,” he says. “Fine. Let's go.”
His cooperation only lasts until the elevator pulls past floor 12. But by then, SAYER doesn't need to worry about looking human.
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script-a-world · 2 months
Submitted via Google Form:
Do you have anything on building a lot of floating structures on the ocean? I'm talking about entire countries consisting of multiple large cities on the ocean. Thousands of miles wide. Would multiple islands work better so it looks like a lagoon but on the ocean or one giant structure? What kind of technology a civilization would need to consider such an undertaking? I'm also debating the main source of power and am trying to figure out if hydro or solar would be better, I'm sure there would be a mix but not sure what might be more advantageous.
Tex: We have answered something similar on this before (Wordpress), and chinampas are a similar idea (Wikipedia). One of the potential issues with this is that oceans have different divisions that can be classed by amount of sunlight received (Wikipedia), and obstructing the sunlight to large portions of the ocean would interfere with its ecology. This will inevitably have negative effects, and in an ideal situation, masses this big would be on a reasonably steady drift to keep from harming any particular area of the ocean. Something thousands of miles wide would need to be able to withstand the potential destruction caused by wave height that might or might not be uniform in severity (Wikipedia). Making lots of small, interlocked platforms would help distribute most of the forces caused by wave generation, and would be optimal in terms of energy requirements compared to technologies such as anti-gravity and other forms of propulsion to counteract potential shear forces. Hydro or solar power would unfortunately be insufficient for the scale you’re looking for, as it would not generate enough power in a short enough amount of time to be routed toward counteracting the forces exerted upon the structures by the ocean itself. You would need to look at a consistent generation of power, as well as several power banks in case of distribution interruptions. Solar, wind, and marine energy are good passive systems that can broker energy gaps in an emergency, but currently the minimum standard would be some form of nuclear power. An excellent fictional example that you could model would be Stargate’s city of Atlantis (SGCommand). It is a city-ship, in that it is a very large habitable construction designed to float in the ocean and also fly through deep space, and as such a good reference for advanced technological applications like what you’re attempting.
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itcars · 2 years
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First Look: The Ferrari Purosangue
After years of anticipation by the international automotive fraternity, Ferrari has unveiled the Purosangue, the first ever four-door, four-seater car in the Prancing Horse’s 75-year history.
Since the marque’s earliest years, 2+2 cars (i.e. with two front and two smaller back seats) have played a significant role in its strategy. Many Ferraris have made combining benchmark performance with first class comfort one of the pillars of their success. Now, in the culmination of 75 years of leading-edge research, Ferrari has created a car that is unique on the world stage: not only do performance, driving pleasure and comfort coexist in perfect harmony, but it is also a peerless encapsulation of the Prancing Horse’s iconic DNA. This is the reason why the name Purosangue, Italian for ‘thoroughbred’, was chosen.
To enable the company to achieve the ambitious goals set for this project and create a car worthy of a place in its range, a completely different layout and innovative proportions compared to modern GT archetypes (so-called crossovers and SUVs) were adopted. The average modern GT’s engine is mounted forwards in the car, almost straddling the front axle with the gearbox coupled directly to it; this results in less than optimal weight distribution that delivers driving dynamics and driving pleasure well short of the standards of excellence to which Prancing Horse clients and enthusiasts have become accustomed.
The Purosangue, on the other hand, has a mid-front-mounted engine with the gearbox at the rear to create a sporty transaxle layout. The Power Transfer Unit (PTU) is coupled in front of the engine to provide a unique 4×4 transmission. This delivers exactly the 49:51% weight distribution that Maranello’s engineers deem optimal for a mid-front-engined sports car.
The Purosangue stands head and shoulders above the rest of the market thanks to its performance and comfort. It is the only car with these proportions to sport a mid-front-mounted, naturally-aspirated V12. Maranello’s most iconic engine debuts in this brand new configuration to ensure the car unleashes more power than any other in the segment (725 cv) whilst guaranteeing the most enthralling Ferrari engine soundtrack. Furthermore, it can deliver 80% torque even at low revs for unique driving pleasure at all times.
The Purosangue’s aero development focused on making the bodywork, underbody and rear diffuser as efficient as possible. New solutions include synergy between the front bumper and wheel arch trim which generates an air curtain that aerodynamically seals the front wheels, preventing turbulent transverse air flows being generated.
Ferrari has also given the Purosangue the very latest iterations of the vehicle dynamic control systems introduced on its most powerful and exclusive sports cars, including independent four-wheel steering and ABS ‘evo’ with the 6-way Chassis Dynamic Sensor (6w-CDS). Making its world debut is the new Ferrari active suspension system. This very effectively controls body roll in corners as well as the tyre contact patch over high-frequency bumps to deliver the same performance and handling response as in one of the marque’s sports cars.
The all-new chassis has a carbon-fibre roof as standard to keep weight down and lower the centre of gravity. Redesigning the bodyshell from scratch also meant the designers could incorporate rear-hinged back doors (welcome doors) to make ingress and egress easier while keeping the car as compact as possible. The cabin has four generous heated electric seats that will comfortably accommodate four adults. The boot is the largest ever seen on a Ferrari and the rear seats fold to increase the luggage space. Naturally enough, the Purosangue has a more commanding driving position than other Ferraris, but the configuration is the same as on every other Ferrari. As a result, the driving position is still intimate and close to the floor to provide greater connection to the car’s dynamic capabilities.
The Purosangue offers class-leading performance figures (from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.3 s and from 0 to 200 in 10.6 s); the driving position and the heady, naturally-aspirated V12 soundtrack deliver an entirely new yet also entirely Ferrari driving experience. The fact that a vast array of comfort-focused content is provided as standard, such as the Burmester© audio system, and that the many optional extras including the brand-new Alcantara® upholstery, derived from certified recycled polyester, make the Purosangue the most complete four-door, four-seater in the segment.
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electronalytics · 10 months
Distribution Feeder Automation Market Business Research, Types and Applications, Demand by 2032
Market Overview: The Distribution Feeder Automation Market refers to the market for advanced technologies and systems that automate the monitoring, control, and management of distribution feeders within an electrical distribution network. Distribution feeder automation improves the efficiency, reliability, and resiliency of power distribution by utilizing sensors, communication networks, and automation software to monitor and control power flows, fault detection, and restoration. These solutions enhance the performance of distribution feeders and enable utilities to deliver electricity more effectively.
Feeder Automation Market is projected to be worth USD 7.85 Billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 8.2% during the forecast period (2022 - 2030)
Demand: The demand for distribution feeder automation is driven by several factors, including:
Distribution feeder automation solutions help utilities improve the reliability and resiliency of their distribution networks. By automating fault detection, isolation, and restoration, these systems minimize outage durations and enhance the overall performance of the grid, ensuring a more reliable power supply for customers.
Distribution feeder automation systems streamline operations by reducing manual interventions, optimizing power flow, and enhancing network monitoring capabilities. These solutions enable utilities to manage distribution feeders more efficiently, reduce costs, and improve the overall operational performance of their networks.
The increasing integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, into the distribution grid presents operational challenges. Distribution feeder automation helps utilities manage the intermittent nature of renewables, optimize power flow, and ensure grid stability, facilitating the integration of clean energy sources.
Latest technological developments, key factors, and challenges in the Distribution Feeder Automation Market:
Latest Technological Developments:
Intelligent Sensors and IoT Integration: Distribution feeder automation is leveraging intelligent sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) integration to monitor real-time data from various points along the distribution feeders. These sensors provide insights into voltage levels, current flow, fault detection, and other parameters, enabling quicker fault localization and resolution.
Advanced Communication Protocols: Modern distribution feeder automation systems are adopting advanced communication protocols like for seamless data exchange between field devices and control centers. This facilitates real-time monitoring, remote control, and efficient data transmission.
Decentralized Control and Edge Computing: Distribution feeder automation systems are moving toward decentralized control and edge computing. This allows decision-making and control to occur closer to field devices, reducing latency and enhancing responsiveness.
Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Management: With the integration of distributed energy resources like solar panels, wind turbines, and energy storage systems, feeder automation systems are being developed to manage these resources effectively, ensuring grid stability and optimal energy distribution.
Advanced Analytics and AI: Distribution feeder automation is incorporating advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to analyze data from various sources. AI algorithms can predict and prevent potential faults, optimize energy flows, and enhance overall feeder performance.
Key Factors:
Reliability Enhancement: Distribution feeder automation improves the reliability of electricity distribution by enabling quicker fault detection, isolation, and restoration. This minimizes outage durations and enhances overall grid reliability.
Efficient Grid Management: Feeder automation allows utilities to manage the distribution grid more efficiently. Load balancing, voltage regulation, and fault management can be automated, leading to optimized energy delivery.
Integration of Renewable Energy: As the penetration of renewable energy sources increases, distribution feeder automation becomes crucial for managing the intermittent nature of these resources and maintaining grid stability.
Grid Resilience and Outage Management: Feeder automation systems enhance grid resilience by providing real-time data on grid conditions and faults. This facilitates faster response and restoration during outages, minimizing customer impact.
Interoperability: Integrating various devices and protocols into a cohesive feeder automation system can be challenging due to the need for interoperability between different vendors and technologies.
Cybersecurity: With increased connectivity and data exchange, distribution feeder automation systems face cybersecurity threats. Ensuring the security of these systems is paramount to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.
Cost and Infrastructure: Implementing distribution feeder automation can involve significant upfront costs, including hardware, software, and training. Retrofitting existing infrastructure for automation may also pose challenges.
Complexity of Data Management: Feeder automation generates vast amounts of data that need to be effectively managed, analyzed, and acted upon. Handling this complexity can be demanding.
Change Management: Transitioning from manual to automated processes requires change management efforts to train personnel, address resistance, and ensure smooth integration.
Maintenance and Upgrades: Ensuring the proper functioning of feeder automation systems over time requires regular maintenance and potential upgrades to keep up with technology advancements.
Distribution feeder automation is at the forefront of modernizing electricity distribution networks. While it offers significant benefits in terms of reliability, efficiency, and resilience, addressing technical challenges and ensuring a smooth transition is crucial for successful implementation.
By visiting our website or contacting us directly, you can explore the availability of specific reports related to this market. These reports often require a purchase or subscription, but we provide comprehensive and in-depth information that can be valuable for businesses, investors, and individuals interested in this market.
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Market Segmentations:
Global Distribution Feeder Automation Market: By Company
• Eaton
• Grid Solutions
• Schneider Electric
• Siemens
• Advanced Control Systems
• Atlantic City Electric
• CG
• G&W Electric
• Kalkitech
• Kyland Technology
• Moxa
• S&C Electric Company
• Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL)
Global Distribution Feeder Automation Market: By Type
• Fault Location
• Isolation
• Service Restoration
• Automatic Transfer Scheme
Global Distribution Feeder Automation Market: By Application
• Industrial
• Commercial
• Residential
Global Distribution Feeder Automation Market: Regional Analysis
The regional analysis of the global Distribution Feeder Automation market provides insights into the market's performance across different regions of the world. The analysis is based on recent and future trends and includes market forecast for the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Distribution Feeder Automation market report are as follows:
North America: The North America region includes the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. The U.S. is the largest market for Distribution Feeder Automation in this region, followed by Canada and Mexico. The market growth in this region is primarily driven by the presence of key market players and the increasing demand for the product.
Europe: The Europe region includes Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe. Germany is the largest market for Distribution Feeder Automation in this region, followed by the U.K. and France. The market growth in this region is driven by the increasing demand for the product in the automotive and aerospace sectors.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region includes Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, and Rest of Asia-Pacific. China is the largest market for Distribution Feeder Automation in this region, followed by Japan and India. The market growth in this region is driven by the increasing adoption of the product in various end-use industries, such as automotive, aerospace, and construction.
Middle East and Africa: The Middle East and Africa region includes Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, and Rest of Middle East and Africa. The market growth in this region is driven by the increasing demand for the product in the aerospace and defense sectors.
South America: The South America region includes Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America. Brazil is the largest market for Distribution Feeder Automation in this region, followed by Argentina. The market growth in this region is primarily driven by the increasing demand for the product in the automotive sector.
Click Here, To Buy Report: https://stringentdatalytics.com/purchase/distribution-feeder-automation-market/10966/?license=single
Reasons to Purchase Distribution Feeder Automation Market Report:
 Comprehensive Market Insights: Global research market reports provide a thorough and in-depth analysis of a specific market or industry. They offer valuable insights into market size, growth potential, trends, challenges, and opportunities, helping businesses make informed decisions and formulate effective strategies.
Market Analysis and Forecasts: These reports provide detailed analysis and forecasts of market trends, growth rates, and future market scenarios. They help businesses understand the current market landscape and anticipate future market developments, enabling them to plan and allocate resources accordingly.
Competitive Intelligence: Global research market reports provide a competitive landscape analysis, including information about key market players, their market share, strategies, and product portfolios. This information helps businesses understand their competitors' strengths and weaknesses, identify market gaps, and develop strategies to gain a competitive advantage.
Industry Trends and Insights: These reports offer insights into industry-specific trends, emerging technologies, and regulatory frameworks. Understanding industry dynamics and staying updated on the latest trends can help businesses identify growth opportunities and stay ahead in a competitive market.
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In general, market research studies offer companies and organisations useful data that can aid in making decisions and maintaining competitiveness in their industry. They can offer a strong basis for decision-making, strategy formulation, and company planning.
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superloves4 · 1 month
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The Flame we Held (Fëanor son of Melkor AU) - Chapter 7
Relationships: Melkor/Mairon, Melkor & Fëanor, Mairon & Fëanor, Fëanor/Nerdanel Summary: Miriel made a deal with Melkor, she'd be able to bear children but in return the dark lord asked for her firstborn. When he gets imprisoned she believes herself to be free of her promise but Melkor shall claim his prize. TW: none A/N: Enjoy!!
Masterlist and on Ao3
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Mairon took a step forward, legions of orcs under the balcony, waiting for his words.
“Orcs of Melkor, orcs of the Dark Lord,” he enunciated “I brought all of you because yesterday some of your members thought fit to try and rise against our power. Of course I think better of you than to believe this desire to be widespread among my very own soldiers, my people,” the maiar hid a smirk “Nonetheless, these extremist decided to stand against our might and for that they were promptly executed. These are behaviours we have no tolerance for and if anyone else believes themselves strong enough to challenge us may step forwards now,”
He gloated as many shifted their feet but none was brazen enough to try.
“The traitors believed we’ve let weakness cloud our judgment, let ourselves stagnate, so I shall declare here and now where we stand now. If you believe yourselves to be above our decree then you’re free to leave and roam the cold, unforgiving wilderness of Middle-Earth. Free to leave, now an enemy to all that call Lord Melkor their master!”
“How can we be sure this is not a trap?” screamed one orc.
Mairon grinned, his red lips a terrifying image to the soldiers underneath “A quick death at our gates or a painful torture should you stay and disobey, choose now.”
Gothmog and another maiar opened the gates and the orcs stared at it, gulping, the figures of the flame spirits a horrible vision in of itself but the possibility of that being the last thing they’d see was a new fear they didn’t think they’d be able to feel after all the years living in the fortress. Mairon’s words, however, echoed in their mind, to obey and be safe or to risk death or torture.
Few took the chance in that moment, only the factions more against the lords dared to take the risk. Fortunately for the lot of them, Mairon was more interested in his internal affairs than whether a few stragglers decided to take to the road, let them struggle in the wilderness, he didn’t need them trying to hurt his family again. He smiled as they scrambled out, a triumphant grin, one last look to unsettle them.
He turned around and Sùlben quickly handed him the infant Fëanor.
“To those that remain I now proclaim,” the child laughed, amused by the theatricality of it all, not knowing what it all meant “This is our child and to him you owe your loyalty, your sword, to protect or to kill, to him your blind devotion, Fëanor son of Melkor, Prince of Angband”
The presence of Melkor behind him, in rare solemnity, bringing a measure of grandiosity to the speech, little did Mairon now care that he was crowning an elf as his son, to him Fëanor was simply that, Melkor’s son, returned to him with his husband.
A cheer erupted through the remaining crowd, for fear or loyalty it didn’t matter, he was establishing a very clear new rule, Fëanor wasn’t just under their protection any more, if any tried to hurt him they were making an enemy out of the most powerful creatures of Arda.
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“Were you aware there are fifteen different clans and three different regional speech patterns among Angband loyal orcs?” Sùlben asked, making quick notes on their new journal.
Mairon rolled his eyes and gave Sùlben a very pointed look before continuing on his path towards his study “I’m not in the habit of caring for the irrelevant, little, replaceable servants.”
“Not even when this could help optimize the distribution of orcs per task now that twenty per cent of your population is gone?”
Mairon turned around fast enough to make Fëanor, who was strapped on his back, complain.
“What are you talking about?”
Sùlben smiled as a cat that had just caught the mouse, they explained “I was talking to Bragga these days and have come up with a sheet,” they turned the journal so Mairon could see the two pages of columns and rows, colour coded, full of dates, hours and names “She told me several very interesting things”
Mairon stared at them, glaring doubtful “Such as?”
“Well,” the elf’s gloating was almost palpable “Under the current structure, for, as well thought as it might be, there are several clans that absolutely hate the other and refuse to co-operate causing delays and excessive fighting not to mention the void that exist now with the Asibragu clan leaving, if we move things around, according to my plans, we can diminish the first problem and easily fill the second”
The maiar raised an eyebrow “What do you want for it?”
Sùlben bit their lip before answering “I know freedom is too much for just this but surely there are better ways that my fellow elves might be treated than slaves.”
Mairon’s orange eyes were staring at them and Sùlben feared it was enough to burn a hole in their skull, being under the maiar scrutiny was painful even with all they now knew about the lord but they forced themselves to look back no matter how pitifully.
“My son enjoys your company,” and they were the only elf Mairon knew he was able to trust with Fëanor, an incredibly rare resource he couldn’t squander, but he wouldn’t tell Sùlben that of course “Enlighten me on how do you plan such a change”
Sùlben smiled brilliantly.
“Fantastic! I have already a made second sheet just in case,” they switched a few pages “It’s all a matter of hours and correct division of labour, you’ll see, well treated people work much better!”
The two continued to walk as Sùlben explained their plans for the fortress.
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Mairon watched, he’d put Fëanor down on the rug of his study after Sùlben had left, when Gothmog had arrived to make his report and the child had crawled towards the giant, the tiny hand making contact with the one belonging to the balrog, uncaring of the risk. Fëanor was not fireproof as Mairon was and Gothmog made sure to keep the flames away, creating the strange image in front of the maiar.
A tiny child playing with a giant, trying to imitate the sounds of the fire spirit.
A little voice in the back of Mairon’s mind whispered the memory of the elven woman he’d seen just once, and never wanted to think of again, still treacherously telling him Spirit of Fire, well named, indeed.
“Can’t believe you broke so easily”
Mairon rolled his eyes “Don’t you have anywhere else to patrol, I’m certain I filled your schedule for the next century”
Fëanor turned to look, following the noise. The new person was strange enough, what with their black wing dress and entirely white skin, an entirely new creature to his young life and one he could hear having a rather animated conversation with his father.
“Aww, how could I not return for you magnificent announcement,” Thuringwethil smiled sardonically “Too bad I was not told of your pregnancy, forgive me for missing it.”
Mairon rose from his chair “Don’t speak of it, are we clear?!”
“No need to burst your little flames out” she cackled and sat on the arm of the chair, turning her head to see Fëanor crawling towards her, her smile widened “I have no intention to ruin your playing happy families, it’s rather fun seeing you try your hand at the mundane”
The baby placed his hand on her wing mystified by the leathery feel, a curious little beast.
“He reminds me of old times,” she took a deep theatrical sigh, hand on her chest as if reminiscing some treasured memory “of when you arrived in Utmno, so young and curious about every little thing,” she bent down to pinch the baby’s cheek earning a surprised protest from him and a flaming glare from his father “and now look at you!” she exclaimed, hands thrown into the air “A child of your own already! Should I start calling you mummy?”
“Only if you wish to have your eyes ripped out of your head”
Thuringwethil cackled again “Watch out, mummy, your child is arriving,” she pointed with her chin.
“Mu, mu!” Fëanor repeated, his small limbs pit patting on.
Mairon blushed and Thuringwethil smiled victoriously.
The lieutenant took his child in arms and calmly corrected him “Not mummy, father, can you say father? Faa-ther.”
Fëanor tried to copy the mouth movement that Mairon was exaggerating, but the f sound was harder to get across to a child so he’d either let out a long string of as’ or simply compromise and exclaim “Ma!”
“Oh, well! I shall leave you to your little brat, good luck not losing your title now!”
She dashed towards the door but did not even have to open it for Melkor entered the room right at that moment. All it took was one look on Thuringwethil and Mairon for the dark lord himself set himself aside, he would not get caught up in their strange friendship, not after the last time when they’d burnt his eyebrows and half his hair.
Sure, that had been and easy fix at the time, but it was a matter of principles.
And it would not be an easy fix as he was now.
Mairon bristled as the bat smirked and ran away. If she wanted a fight then she’d get a war.
“Hold Fëanor,”
Mairon said and Melkor almost reminded him who was the actual ruler of Angband was but…
Eyebrows. Hair.
He quickly took the child and the three, Gothmog still in the room just enjoying the spectacle, watched Mairon shift into a bat himself and chase after the woman, screaming profanities Fëanor would not forget easily as it would turn out.
“I will never understand them” he sighed and the balrog made a sound of agreement.
“Ma!” Fëanor said then, taking Melkor’s attention.
The Vala raised an eyebrow before saying “How about Da instead?”
The child stared at him “Daaa...?” he tried out the sound in his mouth, it must have been a pleasant sound for Fëanor started kicking his feet wildly and smiling, “Daaa!” he repeated.
Melkor chuckled “Yeah, yeah, daaaa,” he placed the child onto a more comfortable position at his hip “Don’t think that just because you could charm the others I will be the same easy prey. You may have my name but you are still merely my little prize, hear it?”
For his part, Fëanor, prince of Angband, simply smiled, bouncing happily in Melkor’s arms.
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invinciblerodent · 6 months
you know how in many couples, ideal thermal equilibrium is achieved by one party acting as a source, and the other as a sink
.... so a red draconic sorcerer with primarily (force- and) fire-related powers probably runs hotter in general than someone who is quite literally undead huh
(i'm just thinking a lot about how nice Iona being always perfectly toasty warm must feel to Astarion after two centuries of -in my hc at least- always being just slightly cold. at least once they fall into being comfortable with physical affection)
(she'll hold and rub the icy tips of his ears with her warm lil mitts until they turn pink)
(breathe a warm lil kiss on the tip of his cold nose)
(and she never much enjoyed cuddling or prolonged physical contact because with warm-blooded creatures, she overheated quickly, but having an icepack-lizard for a boyfriend actually makes it pretty much perfect)
(he's the little spoon)
(and the one with his head on her chest)
(it's the Boobsnuggle: great for optimal heat distribution, tangling legs comfortably, AND sneakily listening to her heartbeat)
(plus it's. it's a faceful of excellent tits that's a win-win-win)
(her touch feels like sunlight okay let me have this)
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perkwunos · 2 years
The kernel of [Otto] Neurath’s philosophical system was the rejection of “pseudorationality” — the belief that any single metric, like money, could guide all decisions within any system, economic or otherwise.
Capitalism is an inherently irrational system because the pursuit of profit to the exclusion of all other considerations leads to disaster, such as the climate crisis and the sixth mass extinction. Notably, Neurath extended this insight to socialist economics and argued that an alternative system based on a universal equivalent (labor time, for example) would also lack the necessary conscious control that could rationally and democratically weigh tradeoffs between the incommensurate ethical, social, environmental and aesthetic considerations that comprise any decision. Neurath reasoned that socialism could not be based on market mechanisms, so he criticized the desire of fellow socialists to maintain the “uncontrollable monetary order and at the same time to want to socialize” as “an inner contradiction.”
Neurath employed his insights from ancient Egyptian economics to study war economics during the Balkan Wars (1912-13) and World War I. He came to see in natura calculation as the solution to the problem of pseudorationality. After all, he argued, there were no “war units” to guide a battleship commander’s decisions. What mattered were incommensurate things: “the course of the ship, the power of the engines, the range of the guns, the stores of ammunition, the torpedoes and the food supplies.” In an emergency, prices fail to convey any information at all.
Twenty years later after Neurath theorized the possibilities of in natura socialism, [Leonid] Kantorovich’s linear programming offered what was perhaps the first practical method to actually implement it. Rather than reducing everything to a universal equivalent (like price), Kantorovich could balance competing restrictions in their natural units — tons of steel or watts of electricity — across many different projects simultaneously.
While not sufficient to organize something as complex as an economy, linear programming marked a conceptual breakthrough in planning theory. It offered a systematic way to allocate resources and thus optimize selected metrics of national well-being. That is, as soon as a planner could articulate the material constraints of an economy using mathematical language, plans of production and distribution could naturally follow without the aid of the market’s invisible hand. Even with the primitive computers available in the 1940s, Kantorovich could dream of “programming the USSR.”
In many ways, Kantorovich embodied the optimism of the “thaw” period after Stalin when rapid economic growth, the new universal science of “cybernetics” and the space age seemed to herald the coming of an abundant and humane socialism. Yet, despite these promising conditions, linear programming failed for two reasons: After the Prague Spring of 1968, anything that smacked of “market socialism” (a tradition that Kantorovich only tangentially belonged to) was compromised, leaving reformers little chance of revitalizing the USSR’s increasingly decrepit planning apparatus. And second, the lack of democracy in the Soviet Union meant that it was impossible to assemble a new political coalition strong enough to overcome the vested interests of economic planners and managers, who enforced the Communist Party’s five-year plans.
Neurath made clear that conscious control is a planned economy’s greatest strength compared to capitalism, but it requires democracy to prevent authoritarian and inefficient supervision over the production and distribution of goods. ...
Drew Pendergrass and Troy Vettese, Planning An Eco-Socialist Utopia
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luchicm04 · 2 months
lost in the forest - part 32
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Summary: Who would have thought a simple, 30 year old girl would have the most powerful men at the time in her debt.
Pairing: Senju Tobirama/Original Female Character
Tag: #lost in the forest fic
posted on ao3
Word Count: 3.8k
That's all I've posted on Ao3 so far. From now on, updates will be posted all at once, so you will probably will have to wait a few days or weeks for me to continue to carry on the story.
Overall warnings: canon-typical violence, adult content, time skips, angst
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It is a beautiful summer day. Her heart is light as the preparations are evident in light decorations. It is not the only engagement celebrated in the same month, but it is the most important one.  
She feels nervous when taking a bath. Karen sometimes thinks it’s unreal as she walks through the hallways of that house.  
She wants to see the optimism. There have been days of slight depression due to the weight of the true meaning of this, a phase that she should have planned with her family and in her style... An old dream that was taken from her hands and transformed by circumstances beyond her control.  
Adapting it to the culture of this reality... “Karen-san... do not look so sad.” Someone catches her attention just as she enters the room. Mito has been a regular visitor who has begun to notice certain patterns in her behavior.  
Creepy... but she has to assume that it is normal for a kunoichi of her caliber. She knows that her fame precedes her and even if she is a princess, she is just as infamous as Madara or Hashirama.  
“I... am I?” she frowns with her heart clenched. She tries to smile but judging by the eyes of her partner, it’s easy not to believe it. “I just... I’ll be fine.”  
“Karen-san, it is your engagement...” the redhead sighs, getting up from her bed to show that the yukata and every decoration has already been prepared. Her room is adjusted to these changes and the preparations that will be carried out. “Did you really want to get married?”  
“Uh...” She blinks remembering what Hashirama warned her. She smiles, taking the hand of the restless kunoichi who surely is already beginning to suspect something, and shakes her head. “It’s not that, I just... wish my family would be here.”  
“Why did you not send a letter?” the young woman asks curiously.  
“It’s not as easy as sending a letter to contact them...” she accepts with a bleeding heart. Saying it out loud is so difficult... that she prefers to keep it to herself.  
“My father always told me that he hoped I would find my... partner,” she says, remembering the uncomfortable conversations with her father who was so convinced that she could still, if she decided, get married. Being the eldest, they had high expectations of that kind. “They would like to participate in this.”  
“I am sorry to hear that. To impersonate your mother or sister... I would never do it.”  
“I’m sure neither would mind,” she mocks, remembering both people with affection. The latter wasn’t the most organized considering her entertainment tastes, but that wasn’t the point now, right? She looks at Mito. “So don’t worry. Besides, you’re nervous to, aren’t you...?”  
“Well, yes,” she blushes. “Hashirama has talked with me regarding... the room we will use in the main complex.”  
“I see. At least he lets you participate. Tobirama always ignores me,” she rolls her eyes remembering that this house will be part of her legacy in this reality. Every stroke, every distribution and detail were instructed by the albino without consulting her. In addition to garden things she loves to see from the backyard.  
They may be on the grounds of the main complex, but they are still independent.  
“Oh, really?”  
“Yes. He is a bit... obsessive,” she mockes, remembering how detailed he is with regard to her tastes. She doesn’t know how, but he has managed to make use of them without even asking her directly, like her office in the back, the three rooms that have been prepared, the kitchen, the hall... everything is spacious in its own way.  
It is surprising that even now she is discovering.  
And refining.  
“I imagine,” the redhead laughs amused.  
“Karen-san?” Mikami asks as she enters to look at her. “You have not put on your underdress yet,” she complains about her when she notices her talking to the redhead, looking between them with slight scolding.  
“Sorry, we got distracted.” Karen was sincere with a soft laugh towards the girl who has carried most of her things in this process, along with Kaori and now Mito. She has been extra help for the infamous fiancé.  
“It shows,” the newcomer says. “The Daimyo has arrived,” she informs so casually.  
“My... that man is really shameless.” Mito looks upset. Without telling her the whole story, she knows what the man’s interest in personally seeing her event is about. One thing she is sure she doesn’t know if she will do for Hashirama and Madara.  
And whose rumors have already arisen in both compounds.  
“He is an opportunist,” Mikami huffs to look at her with a pout. “But that is not the point now. You have to prepare!”  
“There are still some hours left, right?”  
“Valuable time to get you ready,” her friend complains looking at Mito, who is taking out various items from a huge scroll. Makeup, combs, decorations... every irritating thing possible to wear that she simply allows to be placed.  
She is not in the mood for this and even if she must pretend, she can rest for now.  
The day will be long. Karen is sure of it.  
She once thought that all this was strange, hostile and external to her daily life. A city girl who fell after a vacation, so far from her home that it is unreal... another world, another nation with abilities that she never imagined and has not gotten used to them.  
She is at the mercy of all of them... but thanks to whoever is having fun with her destiny, she has been thrown into a less bad place.  
Of course, she will get married against her will. The person who has taken that job is not the most pleasant, but she knows there are worse things, remembering what cruel fate she was about to be sent to when she thought she was free the first time.  
Women are bargaining chips, something that Karen did not expect would be applied to her, but now it is... walking slowly towards where the fiancé waits among elegant decorations that enhance the beauty of the enormous patio decorated by nature, flowers and scattered seats under the forum where the person in charge waits to present their engagement.  
Formalizing it.  
Tobirama looks striking in a matching yukata with a solemn posotion that she almost envies, there observing her closely with those red eyes that she was once afraid of. He is not hostile, he looks serene and very strange from her point of view, considering how bitter he usually is.  
There is silence. Many people are observing the process where the view and expectations are set as the event follows its own rhythm. Each word delivered, promises and gifts are notorious between both in this exchange.  
Without a family, the dowry is given by Hashirama himself, who has taken it as his duty to throw her into the engagement. She sees the Daimyo in the background, attentive to her every word according to the agenda, while the vows are delivered with incense beginning to flood her nostrils.  
She coughs a little, still not used to the smell.  
“Are you alright?” Tobirama questions. She can’t deny that up close he looks elegant and... strangely handsome. It amuses her because of her crazy thoughts. He is a rather serious young man with those eyes that annoyingly don’t leave her.  
“Yes... I just inhaled a little bit of the smell,” she comments in English without drawing attention of the others, while the person in charge of such a presentation begins the final step.  
She squeezes her yukata. It feels unreal and she wants to cry but holds it in when she feels the warmth of someone holding her hand. She is surprised, but subtly accepts the moral support that Tobirama shows her.  
She supposes it is difficult to hide everything she has carried, but she endures with honor until the end. She listens to the applause of those present at an event that is so non-private due to the political weight it holds.  
This is the second most important after Hashirama’s engagement.  
And the wedding... she will face that later.  
The shinobi next to her helps her get up in silence while everyone looks happy. “Uh...” she doesn’t avoid saying when she feels the rough hand of whom is her official fiancé wipe something from her cheek.  
“Do not look so sad,” he states with his sullen tone but with some warmth that makes her blink realizing what is happening, embarrassed to feel that it was a tear that was running down the outline of her dolled up face.  
She didn’t know it was starting to drip.  
“I’m sorry, I just...” Karen sighs trying to control her feelings. Tobirama takes her face lightly, with his fingers still cleaning what she’s preventing from coming out.  
“...” The shinobi is not the best at consoling, and she sees the discomfort along with other things reflected in his eyes.  
“I’ll be fine...” She takes a deep breath to smile uncomfortable with such attention. “Maybe... I just needed time.”  
“What a great joy it is to see that you are so happy, Saucedo-san,” the Daimyo interrupts with a soft and suspicious smile between the two.  
“Yes... I’m very happy,” she clarifies before her tears are misinterpreted depending on the perspective in which they are placed. She takes the hand of the person who is like a statue next to her, wanting to erase everything she feels in order to pretend a little more. “I am very glad you came,” she bows gently.  
“Not at all. Today, you are the star, so leave the formalities behind,” the infamous leader of these lands says. “It is a shame that I could not have you in my harem... you would have been interesting.”  
“Sir...” Tobirama is not insolent, but he does interrupt before this turns into a one-sided flirtation, shameless and ignoring the fiancé who raises his eyebrow. “Welcome to our home.”  
“Oh, of course,” he dismisses gently. “I brought some presents. I hope you do not mind,” he impertinently adds, handing over a series of boxes that are placed in the front.  
There are many watching, others whispering for such attention.  
“We appreciate the gesture,” Tobirama throws his own comment by squeezing her hand lightly, taking care of this part as best as he can.  
So elegant and diplomatic, it’s confusing.  
“Good. It is saddening that I cannot stay for the celebration,” Shinji admits with a wink in her direction. “If you ever go to the capital, do not hesitate to visit me. You will always be welcome. Especially you, Saucedo-san... your talks are entertaining.”  
“Thank you,” the girl accepts with restlessness to see the man leave as if nothing had happened.  
“...” Tobirama doesn’t stop looking at her while more people come to congratulate the couple. Each hug is notorious between words of encouragement and how she managed to catch someone so cold in a not-so-subtle way.  
More from the women who have been watching their steps.  
She sighs, pretending and keeping up with the rhythm for a long time.  
The discomfort and sadness did not go away the entire time... rather, they were increased by fatigue.  
The first dance is important. She tries not to step on the feet of the person maintaining most of the rhythm with agility and training. Tobirama has shown to have many skills and corrects her mistakes with subtlety.  
“...” Karen does not avoid smiling ironically despite her heavy heart.  
Tobirama doesn’t say anything but has remained steadfast in his closeness.  
“Try not to step on me,” the infamous shinobi complains to the applause of those who watch the couple.  
Each step, each raising of the sake is firm for the good wishes of those who hold her hands in a supposed happiness that she still does not fully feel.  
“I don’t promise anything,” she comments because she only went over this part a few times with Mikami. Perhaps she should have paid more attention so as to stop getting embarrassed in the future.  
Hashirama is in the background with Mito, whispering things between them that she can see from her point of view. At least Madara didn’t come. Otherwise, it would be more disgraceful as the man is so direct and tactless that he surely wouldn’t be subtle.  
The idiot is ungrateful.  
“Pay attention.”  
“I am,” she sighs at her partner’s scolding.  
“It does not seem like it.”  
“I’m sorry, I just...” she huffs because the dignified step with these shows is not comfortable. “Be nicer.”  
“...” The shinobi frowns but ignores her. There is a spin at the end to finish with a light squeeze to her waist, which makes her uncomfortable due to such an approach.  
More so since she cleaned her face a while ago... it’s weird.  
“We have to eat,” he orders dryly to carry her to the place where dinner will soon be presented. She wants to say a lot but ends up smiling by force of habit.  
Not because she’s sorry, but because it’s what they expect of her.  
So, she sits obediently, willing to ignore who is next to her.  
For now, she just maintains the façade...  
The food is traditional, prepared by familiar hands who made an effort to make it worthy of the engagement. Karen feels her feet sore from the typical shoes of the beautiful yukata she owns, sitting in an elegant position and with a pair of chopsticks, she takes light bites with the feeling of her hungry stomach. At least that didn’t disappear by the anxiety of this day.  
Tobirama is at her side as serious and firm as a bitter old gargoyle who hasn’t taken his eyes off her form since they sat down after such a disturbing dance. And she doesn’t know if it’s worry or something else.  
“You know you can tell me anything you want, right?” she says, still sitting in the middle of the event while many begin to go with their own routine in this type of tradition.  
A dance with almost oriental music that makes her curious, because she knows it is not. But she lets it be, because this event was expected by many. A moment of relaxation away from the adaptation of the new compound or the stress of the neighboring clan.  
“...” The albino raises his eyebrow at her comment. He hasn’t tried his food and that’s curious.  
“We are engaged, aren’t we? Communication is important.”  
“...I have seen it for a while,” he assures with a controlled and flat tone, typical of the ice floe that he usually is and today it is not surprising.  
“Marrying is that bad... is it not?”  
Karen sighs, looking at her plate again. “It’s not that. It’s something that we both came to accept, right?”  
“I told you about my seasons before.”  
“Then why do you want to clarify it today?” she blinks because they had many days to go over everything, something that he himself has taken the lead in organizing.  
“Your tears...”  
She blushes slightly due to the shame of showing that face to the young man. “I’m sorry about that, it wasn’t my intention,” she says because at least the Daimyo interpreted it as happiness.  
He looks at the people around with a serious face, ignoring her comment to cross her arms dignified. “I told you, I will not do anything you do not want. This is... you know what it is.”  
“Yes, but you know... even if it’s just... a façade,” she changes the language to English to make it easier to hide her intentions. Karen looks at the man directly. Even if it’s not the place, she feels she should clarify it. “I remembered my family... they would have liked to participate in this.”  
“Even if it is just a lie?”  
“Even if it is,” she accepts distantly. “My sister... she used to tell me what her wedding would be like when she got married. My parents were anxious for me to find a partner... but a long time passed, years without me focusing on it.”  
“They would be happy for me... and even if it’s not what I dreamed of, it’s something I didn’t imagine I would do,” she laughs a little at the irony. Her plans were never this and now saying it clearly to whom listen attentively, it is confusing and makes her feel stupid. “I’m sorry to tell you this, I know you may not understand.”  
“You underestimate me.”  
“I don’t, I just... it’s a thing of my culture,” she explains looking at the happy people.  
“Hashirama told me a little about... your thoughts.”  
“Mph...” she mocks because she has talked more with his older brother than with him regarding this.  
“And I know that we both had different ideas.”  
“Very different.”  
“I am a shinobi. I do not make promises,” Tobirama clarifies looking directly at her, capturing her attention with a hard and clear gesture. “But... you will not be unhappy.”  
Karen wants to make fun of this, because he was not the first to make her life difficult at this point. “You have changed.”  
“And do you ensure that... even if I’m a civilian?”  
“Even if you are,” Tobirama accepts. “I assure you.”  
“Well...” She just sighs, taking another bite of her abandoned food. “Believe it or not, I don’t know what to say about it,” she states with a chuckle. “But I appreciate the intention of lifting my spirits... in your sullen way.”  
“Ohh... come on, don’t be a jerk,” the girl mocks with a knowing smile to whom rolls his eyes. Her sadness might not be completely erased, nor her upset feelings about this whole topic, but the words spoken in his tone way have comforted her in a way.  
She looks at that night’s stars that are starting to appear. The engagement doesn’t look so bad now that it’s done.  
Formally, she will soon be part of the Senju.  
And she is still not convinced about being called by this last name.  
Madara arrived almost after a few hours. She notices how everyone remains silent as he makes his way into that beautiful venue where the engagement was arranged. There are people who look with different degrees of contained irritation that they do not hide.  
However, the infamous Uchiha does it on purpose, ignoring them until he reaches the spot where the engaged are present.  
One of the few who knows the reality of this commitment.  
“Wow... you don’t look that bad,” he mocks with unsubtle, sarcastic touches.  
“Madara,” Tobirama frowns next to her. Despite the daily dealings and bureaucratic matters as a group, there is still slight hostility.  
“Madara!” Hashirama laughs from his place, appearing to interrupt anything they could say. “I didn’t think you would come.”  
“We are allies, idiot,” the infamous Uchiha leader growls with a silent Izuna behind him. He rolls his eyes at such an interpretation of the facts while many feel offended by that form of address to their leader.  
“Don’t be mean.” The leader becomes noticeably depressed, making her laugh a little because of the typical nature of their relationship.  
“Madara-san, I’m glad you came,” Karen says with an amused blink.  
“I couldn’t help but take a look at this,” the infamous leader shrugs to throw something in the direction of the woman, caught by her fiancé with agility. “It was for her.”  
“She does not have our reaction time, idiot,” Tobirama comments while his brother laughs openly.  
Karen wonders if it is too rude to leave to eat another place of food. She is hungry and notices that many people are unwilling to enter this intense social circle.  
“Wow... engagement has made you soft, Senju,” Izuna adds mockingly.  
“Shut up, Izuna.”  
“Guys,” Karen interrupts before this moment becomes intense. She tries to take the scroll from the hands of the shinobi who only arches his eyebrow into place.  
“It’s a gift for her,” Madara crosses his arms intimidatingly as always. “In case this idiot does something to you.”  
“You know she is a civilian. And even if there is...”  
“Madara, don’t say it,” Hashirama scolds.  
“I know,” the man with wild hair rolls his eyes. “If you need something, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s not my business but you have done a lot of work for my clan. You are useful even though you are a civilian... so, I owe you.”  
“Thank you,” Karen laughs, feeling silly about this attention.  
“There is no need,” Tobirama complains, and then looks at his brother who gives him a harsh gesture. Reluctantly, he hands the scroll to the woman next to him. “I hope you do not use it.”  
Karen feels awkward, but she takes it. It’s like a written promise that she doesn’t understand. Maybe she should ask Mito about it.  
“I’m hungry,” Madara cuts this strange atmosphere hard and arches his eyebrow at Hashirama, who laughs amused by such a change, offering a space at his table not far from them.  
Karen takes another look at the scroll.  
“They will support if the Senju clan does not,” Tobirama explains with a firm tone. “It is a promise, a written deal from the Uchiha clan... if it becomes necessary for you to seek shelter and protection.”  
“Oh...” she blinks due to the weight of this gift. “Can that be done?”  
“An extra protection from anything you do not want,” the man accepts, watching the only two Uchiha talk at Hashirama’s table.  
“He’s not that bad.”  
“I know,” the man bends his mouth, not liking what this treaty really means. Karen doesn’t take much notice of it but keeps this just in case.  
It’s not that she believes the man is capable of doing something that harms her, and just the intention hurts the morale of whom is by her side. “Don’t worry. I don’t think I will need it.” She decides it’s better to say that before the man imagines things in his head.  
“You can be annoying, serious and bitter, but I know that your words are not empty,” she easily shrugs.  
“It was not necessary for you to say all of the above... you know that, right?”  
“For me, it was,” she laughs a little more, mocking the attitude of her fiancé, who snorts words under his breath that are difficult to hear, which makes her raise her eyebrow.  
At least until Mito and Mikami decided to take her. Because they had to close the event and as a future bride, she had to start her own work, and what better way than having a meeting between girls.  
The closest ones... giving way to this new stage of her life with various feelings that she has begun to work to overcome. It was not as bad as she had imagined.  
She somewhat trusts the words of the Senjus.  
Karen wants to believe, clinging to their non-promise.  
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A/N: As you can see, her engagement is now official and like any adult over 30 years old, Karen tends to be apprehensive and somewhat clinging to her feelings along with her worries, increased by the nostalgia of these days that has accumulated exploding on that day.
It wasn’t her dream... but there she is, somewhat faking her position. At least Tobirama has assured her in a way things that she didn’t know she wanted to hear. Even without understanding it much, I help him.
What will happen now? Have the other clans already started to join? It’s one step at a time and like in real life, things will just fall into place.
Thank you for your comments.
Author-chan out! 
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