#Ponytail to Shushu
jinseibluetooth · 2 years
Wow can you believe Hisashiburi no Lipstick is the best idol song of the decade
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4evasummer · 11 months
"when we found love in summer" (jing yuan)
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plot: march 7th helps prepare you for a beach date with jing yuan. with a nervous heart, you finally muster the courage to confess to him. notes: this fanfic is quite self indulgent, especially because i'm a literal sucker for anything summer related. also i wrote some of this at 2am whilst having ponytail to shushu by akb48 on loop and the rest like 8 hours later. content warning: fem! reader, reader is shy, reader is black coded, jing yuan is a tease.
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"march, is this really necessary?" i sighed as my friend scurried across the bedroom, deep in thought. "i can tell very easily that your feelings for jing yuan are so intense! the way you behave, especially when you're staring at him, is so obvious!" i looked away from march 7th, already feeling embarrassed about showing my emotions too much. "my main issue is confessing to him. if i keep chickening out, i won't be able to confess to him before the end of summer..." i mumbled. "i don't know what kind of taste he has when it comes to women, i barely know anything about him and worse yet...he's intimidating..." march tiptoes in my direction with a smug look on her face. "i know just the solution to your romantic woes~" she whispers. "h-hey! is it really necessary to dress up so much like this?" i ask, watching march 7th rummage through a suitcase full of accessories. "come on! the most important thing when it comes to confessing your crush is to look as amazing as possible! it's summer, so that means you'll have to wear something cute to impress jing yuan!" she says as she picks up a pink bikini with a yellow and orange hibiscus pattern. "this one's so cute! it suits your skin tone!" march squeals as she held it against my body. "isn't it a bit too...revealing? it looks a bit..small." i ask, examining the bikini carefully. "don't worry! you'll find out once you put it on~!" she chirps. "but first i should get your hair ready, then pick out your jewelry, and after that i need to get you a body shimmer and perhaps a glitter tattoo..." march 7th continues rambling on as i pondered about. although i admired how determined and confident she was about getting jing yuan and i together, i couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about the whole thing. it would be a total bust if she put a lot of hard work into assembling an outfit for me only to get rejected by him.
"and...done!" march 7th huffed as she finally adjusted the flower in my hair. i stared at myself in the mirror, taking in my current look and feeling slightly flustered. "isn't the makeup a bit too much?" i asked, watching her grab a bottle of perfume and spray it on my arms. "it'll be fine!" she assures me. "you already know how you're going to confess, right?" she asks. i nodded. "good luck (name)! and don't forget to fill me in on the details once you come back!" march 7th screams as i shyly wave back at her before leaving the beach house.
it didn't take me too long to see jing yuan at the beach, staring at the glittering ocean and beyond. i couldn't help but take in the view of him. he looked so majestic, his hair flowing in the wind, that pretty mole under his left eye, his amazing, sexy body...i eventually snapped out of my thoughts but it was too late because he already noticed me staring at him a little too hard. "hello there, (name). it's been a while." jing yuan smiled at me. "hi! i was wondering if...if you're free today because i was thinking of spending the day with you." i say. jing yuan takes my hand his, "sure, you can watch me surf." he says as he places a gentle kiss on my hand. i could feel my face warm up due to his actions and my body stiffen due to my emotions eventually getting the better of me. i eventually calm myself as i watch him grab his surfboard and jog towards the waves.
after watching jing yuan surf for an hour, he finally returned to the shore. i couldn't help but notice the way the droplets cascaded down his muscles. "like what you see?" his voice snapped me back to reality. a smirk grew on his lips as he leaned closer towards me. "l-let's...grab lunch together!" i suggest, trying to change the subject as i got up and dusted myself. jing yuan chuckles as he follows me behind, a small tint of pink dusted across his cheeks. a few hours later, we were walking across the shoreline, watching the sun set across the horizon and bathing the beach in various shades of orange and pink. as jing yuan looked off into the distance, i hastily mustered my courage to confess my feelings to him. "j-jing yuan...?" i whispered. he turns around and focuses himself onto me, making my heart pound intensely. i automatically look down at the sand as my brain quickly pieced together my confession for him. "ever since i met you, i felt like i can't take you off my mind. everything about you is absolutely perfect that not even this sunset could match it...or even the sky. my love for you is more vast than the skies, deeper than the ocean and more passionate than the sun...i-i really love you." i blurted out, preparing myself to be rejected. i felt his arms embracing my body, bringing me closer to him. "i love you too, (name)." jing yuan responded. "you're the prettiest woman i've ever met, it's as if you were crafted by god himself...i've never seen a woman so kind and courageous like you...ever." we eventually pull away from each other to stare at each other in the eyes. the space between us eventually disappeared as jing yuan trapped my lips in his. his arms snaked around my waist as he brought me closer to deepen the kiss. after a few seconds, he pulled away. a soft smile appeared on his face as he adjusted the flower in my hair. "i almost forgot to tell you...you looked gorgeous today." he whispered shyly. i laughed as i leaned into his face and kissed the mole under his left eye, as the sun disappeared under the horizon.
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this is a much longer fanfic i decided to put out today xD. it's so self indulgent hahaha. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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herapersona · 11 months
“Sheng-ge! Hurry up! We’ll be late!” Jiang Cheng, mature and definitely not a little boy anymore at age 14, yelled for his cousin. “I don’t want Shufu to think my cousin is irresponsible with time!”
Mama and Father chuckled from the dining area where they were still finishing up their breakfast.
“You’re too obsessed with what Lan QiRen will think of you, baobei,” Mama said with a fond smile.
A-Cheng pouted at his mother but he went to kiss her cheek. “It’s because I want him to like me, Mama. After all, I will marry Huan-ge in the future and he’ll be my uncle-in-law.”
He ignored Father’s choking sounds and ran to the bottom of the stairs when he heard Jiang WuSheng, his older cousin, running down. “Gods! Finally!”
“Sorry! I wanted to look presentable to your friends coz I know how special they are to you. I didn’t want to look like a slob.” Jiang WuSheng, at fifteen years old, was already almost 6 feet tall with broad shoulders and a slim waist. His dark hair was a little messy but that was a normal style for teenage boys nowadays so it was okay.
A-Cheng stepped back and looked at his cousin up and down. Yes, Sheng-ge was as handsome as any boy-next-door type of idol whose face and physique made A-Cheng envious but with how the older boy carried himself, it was a waste. He wore a very simple white t-shirt under a black-gray-and-white plaid polo, paired with black jeans, and white sneakers.
“Straighten your back, Sheng-ge. Do not slouch,” the younger boy ordered before fixing WuSheng’s collar. “Okay, we’re ready to go.”
“A-yi, Shushu, we’re going,” WuSheng waved at the couple.
“Mama, Father, we’re off!”
The teens walked out of the Jiang mansion and got into the awaiting car.
“Gege, just drop us off at the gates. Sheng-ge and I will walk to the Lan house,” A-Cheng told the driver who chuckled and shook his head.
“Of course, Young Master.”
The spring morning sun shone over their young faces as they leaned back and let the slow car ride to the gates about 5 miles away from the house give them time to have their final touches on themselves.
A-Cheng put some hand cream onto his pal and handed it to Sheng-ge. “Have some.”
Sheng-ge looked at the small bottle of hand cream and inspected it. It was lotus-scented and smooth to the hand. “Is this why your hand is so soft and fragrant?”
“Yes,” A-Cheng accepted the bottle back and put it in the pocket of his sling bag.
“When did you start caring about your hands? The last time we saw each other, you refused to even wash them before dinner,” the older teen teased which earned him a glare from the younger boy.
“I was 4, Sheng-ge. Stop teasing already.”
The two of them got out of the car and thanked the driver before walking down the street toward the Lan mansion which was a couple of estates down.
Gentle breeze teased their hair, especially A-Cheng’s which was pulled back in a ponytail with two braids on each side of his face. Ice was slowly thawing and in replacement to it were the evergreens that had waited for months and months before they came out for this year.
The birds that wanted to escape the cold were slowly returning with the promise of better days to come. In Jiang Cheng’s mind, better days will come indeed.
Jiang WuSheng was sent to his uncle and aunt in the city for his continuing education. As much as his parents wanted to raise him and be with him all his life, they knew that they could not leave their life in the country. At least, they knew that Yu ZiYuan will be a good role model for Jiang WuSheng even if Jiang FengMian was a disappointment to the whole clan. And it would be good for A-Sheng to hang out with A-Cheng and A-Li so he will know how kids around his age act and think. Enough was enough with him being an old soul.
Now, here he was, Jiang WuSheng, fifteen years of age, the only son of a couple who has a vast area of land in the country, the future right-hand man of Jiang Cheng, courtesy name Jiang Wanyin, staring shamelessly at a middle-aged man whose beauty was like no other.
A-Cheng’s elbow to his rib forcefully pulled Jiang WuSheng from all the inappropriate thoughts he just had about the said middle-aged man such as bending him over the table to his right or pinning him against the wall or–
“I am Lan QiRen, A-Huan and A-Zhan’s uncle.” Was it really possible for a man to have such a musical and calm voice? Was it possible for a man to have such a soft but powerful hand? Was it really possible for the man to become even more beautiful the longer Jiang WuSheng stared at him?
“Please marry me,” A-Sheng heard himself say.
The man’s eyes widened a little before he frowned and pulled his hand away from A-Sheng. Wait, no! Don’t pull your hand away! He wanted to say but heck, his mind was a mess.
“You’re too young to be thinking of marriage, young man,” the man–Lan Qiren… Ren-ge–told A-Sheng. Wait, he didn’t say A-Sheng’s name.
“J-Jiang WuSheng”! A-Sheng blurted out, his voice exploding in the living room of the huge and pristine house they were in. “My name… it’s… it’s Jiang WuSheng. Y-you can call me A-Sheng, Ren-gege.”
“WHO THE FUCK IS YOUR GEGE?” A-Cheng’s voice snapped at A-Sheng and he looked at his cousin whose purplish eyes were now dark with mortification and shock. Even his cheeks were turning beet red.
Lan QiRen’s face had turned a pretty shade of pink and A-Sheng had somehow managed to pull a burst of soft laughter from the older man.
At least A-Huan was pretty chill about the situation. A-Zhan didn’t seem to care as long as Wei Ying was leaning against him while giggling like the lunatic that he was.
“Young man, I am old enough to be your father. You might as well find someone your age. Aside from that, if I marry you, I’ll be thrown into jail,” there was fondness in his tone and he patted A-Sheng’s head. “I’d like to keep myself out of jail as much as possible.”
A-Sheng raised a brow. “If you’re old enough to be my father, then should I call you Daddy?”
“WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?” They were barely inside the house when A-Cheng started tearing him a new one. “Flirting with Shufu? Really, Sheng-ge??? Really???”
A-Sheng opened his mouth to reply but no words came so he shrugged.
Wei Ying’s laughter was really not helping.
“And you insinuating that you should call him ‘Daddy’? Are you kidding me???”
Now that made A-Sheng feel a stab of sheepishness in his chest. He wasn’t sorry though. “To be fair, he’s a very handsome man and I wouldn’t think twice if he ever had a thought of having his way on me.”
“Jiang WuSheng!” A-Cheng’s voice snapped so hard and so loudly that A-Sheng had no choice but to flinch and take a couple of steps away from his cousin in case A-Cheng decided to throw a punch.
“What’s going on here?” Madam Yu asked, her eyes jumping from her angry son to dying-of-laughter Wei Ying who was in a fetal position on the couch while hugging his belly, and finally to Jiang WuSheng.
Wei Ying was obviously useless at this point as he was laughing so much he could barely breathe and A-Cheng was so angry that he was seething.
Okay then. It looked like A-Sheng needed to explain.
He cleared his throat and looked at Madam Yu. “I…” he started before clearing his throat one more time. “I am in love with Lan Qiren.”
Madam Yu’s purplish eyes grew as big as saucers at that. “Lan… Lan Qiren? The uncle?”
“Yes, A-Yi,” A-Sheng nodded with a smile.
“Are you sure? Do you mean Lan Huan or Lan Zhan?” Madam Yu sat down on the couch adjacent to the one where A-Ying was currently gasping for air. She crossed her legs and put her joined hands over her knees, giving her that ethereal and royal look even when she was already wearing her pajamas.
“I’m sure, A-Yi. Lan QiRen as in Lan Huan and Lan Zhan’s handsome, elegant, and wonderful uncle.” He smiled at his aunt proudly. “I’d love to wife him up and keep him filled with my–”
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” A-Cheng screamed while covering his ears and running around like he was a demon being sprayed with holy water or maybe a banshee. Maybe both. “RELEASE ME FROM THIS FUCKING MISERY! JUST SHOOT ME! STRIKE ME WITH LIGHTNING! I CANNOT LIVE WITH THIS SHAME ON MY BACK!”
Madam Yu had to massage her temples at the chaos in front of her–one teen is probably having an asthma attack based on the wheezes coming out of him, another screaming like a banshee, and the last grinning like a fucking idiot because he fell in love at first sight.
She manhandled A-Ying to a sitting position and pulled A-Cheng to sit down beside A-Ying. “And you,” she pointed at the oldest boy of the three. “Sit down, keep your mouth shut, and no more dirty talk about Lan QiRen.”
“But A-Yi… how could I not when he’s got the face that would be perfect to look at when he’s begging and crying and–”
He deserved the karate chop to his head from Madam Yu. He really deserved it. He knew he did but he couldn’t help but laugh because his heart felt so full. His fifteen-year-old heart was overwhelmingly huge that he couldn’t think of a way to express all his emotions.
“I’ve already planned our wedding. A-Yi, I want you to be a witness to the exchange of our love and our rings. He shall be my wife in the future.”
Madam Yu just groaned and shook her head.
Cangse Sangren’s laughter was very much like her son’s when Yu ZiYuan shared the story with her and Wei Changze. Same tone, same wheeze, same sound, same pitch. Her head was thrown back as her voice became the music that filled the Wei House Kitchen. Her husband kept his hand on her shoulder to keep her from flipping her chair back.
“I’m dying,” the woman claimed while wiping her tears of laughter. She finally straightened her posture and looked at QiRen’s red face. “So you’ve been flirted with by a minor, huh? I’m sure jail is already waving at you at this point.”
“You and your son are so much alike,” QiRen mumbled, his cheeks burning from embarrassment. How dare that boy flirt with him so openly in front of his nephews? Besides, he hasn’t been here for a long time and he was already stirring the pot of drama? Such a troublemaker. As if Lan QiRen would ever commit the sin of loving a minor.
“Don’t worry, Ren-di,” Cangse Sangren assured him. “Age is just a number.”
“And jail is just a room,” Wei Changze responded before patting QiRen’s hunched shoulders.
Yu ZiYuan simply sipped her tea at all the drama going on with her friends. She was tired of it. Just last night, she had to make sure that A-Cheng would not strangle A-Sheng in his sleep because A-Cheng was so distraught that he just wanted to erase A-Sheng’s existence entirely.
Of course, Jiang FengMian was of no help in keeping the drama at bay. If anything, the bastard was an addition to the drama because the moment he saw A-Ying, he proceeded to gush over his best friend’s son as if his own son was not there.
“He’s only 15!” QiRen mumbled while staring at his tea. “I’m 35. Why would he want to ‘wife’ me up, huh? Is this a new kink or something among teenagers?”
Yuan, SangRen, and ChangZe all looked at QiRen with knowing smiles.
“What?” QiRen asked, his brows furrowed and meeting just above his nose line.
“Well…” SangRen nudged her husband and then nodded toward QiRen. “You can tell him.”
Changze chuckled before raising and then dropping his shoulders nonchalantly. “To be honest, Ren-di, you really are wife material. I wouldn’t be surprised if A-Sheng is not the only one having fantasies about you. You’re beautiful plus your mysterious aura pulls at people more than you know it does.”
Confusion overcame Qiren from the inside out. “Huh? Mysterious aura? What are you on about?”
His friends simply shrugged and shook their heads before sipping their tea, not answering his questions at all.
“For the love of all the gods and goddesses out there, Sheng-ge,” A-Cheng grumbled, “behave. I don’t want a repeat of what happened the first time you met Shufu. Don’t make him feel uncomfortable.”
A-Sheng just sighed and nodded. “Yes, A-Cheng. I understand.”
The meeting was tame compared to the first time. A-Sheng just followed Lan QiRen with his gaze without saying anything other than the greeting (again, it was tamer than the last time).
The whole time the boys were hanging out, A-Sheng thought deeply. He thought about his age and Ren-ge’s age. Yes, legally, Ren-ge might get in trouble if he had a relationship with a minor. And A-Sheng is definitely minor.
A-Sheng didn’t want Ren-ge to get in trouble and he wanted to prove to everyone that the feelings he had were not fleeting. He loved Ren-ge. He fell in love at first sight.
“Ren-gege, I will not be coming back here until I turn 18. Until then, please wait for me,” he explained before he and A-Cheng could leave the Lan mansion. “I’ll be sure to grow up well and properly so you will be proud to be pursued by me.”
Lan QiRen watched the boys walk away from the house, A-Sheng’s words echoing in his mind. Hmm… It’s good to have some peace of mind if the boy will not be coming back. For sure, he would fall in love with somebody else within the next three years. Surely, he would forget about old Lan QiRen and have a blast collecting people’s hearts and maybe breaking them in the process.
That was what QiRen thought that night before pushing the memory of a teenage boy who was a little bit off in the head out of his mind. So why the hell was the boy at his front porch in the middle of the goddamn night almost three years after the last time he was there?
“Ren-gege, I am Jiang WuSheng,” the boy–no… he was a man now–had grown even taller and broader in the past years. And his voice had become so sultry that QiRen could not help but shiver and it was not because of the cold.
QiRen took in the man in front of him with his eyes. A-Sheng’s formerly short and black hair was now long with its tips dyed with silver. The older man even itched to push a strand of hair behind A-Sheng’s ear but he was glued on the spot.
A-Sheng was dressed up in expensive clothes from head to toe too. He had a golden hoop on his left earlobe, a Rolex Submariner, and hand-stitched leather shoes that went very beautifully with his dark blue suit-and-tie get-up.
“I just turned 18. I’m legal now! I’ll court you from now on.” The boy grinned at the older man, his greyish eyes shining from the lights over their heads.
QiRen barely had enough time to process everything when a bouquet of flowers and a box of expensive chocolates were put in his arms.
“I’m sorry for waking you up, Ren-gege. I just couldn’t wait to see your beautiful face. Anyway, I’ll get going now. I still have work.” A-Sheng waved at Lan QiRen before running toward the gates.
“He did what?” Yu ZiYuan asked during a weekly meeting with his friends.
“He showed up a few minutes after midnight at the house to drop a bouquet of flowers and some chocolates and said that it was his birthday,” QiRen said while staring at his tea once more. “I thought he’d totally forget about me after all these years.”
ZiYuan leaned back on her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. “Well… at some point, he stopped talking about you so I thought he moved on from you too.”
“See?” QiRen pointed at ZiYuan. “Besides, what kind of 18-year-old boy could afford Rolex Submariner or something?”
“Well, his parents are well off plus he works a lot.”
“You let your minor ward work?” QiRen frowned at that. He couldn’t have let his nephews work if he could help it. Especially when their parents and the clan itself were more than rich enough to send both boys to private schools without many financial difficulties.
“Don’t judge me, you ass,” ZiYuan rolled her eyes at him. “He got permission from his parents that he could work as much as he wanted as long as he managed to keep his grades up.” She shrugged. “He hasn’t disappointed them or me for that matter.”
“Good morning, Ren-gege,” A-Sheng greeted and handed QiRen a box of donuts. He had been waiting at the gates since five in the morning to meet the older man before he went to university.
“Good morning, A-Sheng. I told you, you didn’t have to do this. I can cook breakfast just fine,” the older man told the kid gently.
The young man only smiled. “I just like seeing you every morning, Ren-gege. I’ll have to go too. I have classes. Bye, Ren-gege!”
Just like that, QiRen’s mornings were filled with A-Sheng welcoming him with donuts that he barely ate but nonetheless opened because of the cute messages in the boxes. Today, it wrote in a legible scribble: You’re as beautiful as the day I met you. I hope you’ll have a great day today. - JWS
“Silly boy,” QiRen mumbled but his heart was tickled.
A-Sheng ran to the Lan gates and was about to sit on the sidewalk like always when he heard the gates open. The guard (the same one who let him enter that fateful night of his birthday) looked at him.
“Good morning, gege,” he bowed to the older man respectfully.
“Good morning, Young Master. Master QiRen wants you to come in.”
WuSheng blinked at that. That would be a first. He blinked a couple more times before he gave the other box of donuts to the older man. “This is for you, gege. And please call me A-Sheng.”
“If that’s what you wish, A-Sheng,” the guard let the boy in and watched him walk up to the mansion.
A-Sheng’s eyes took in the view of the mansion that the love of his life lived in. He needed to save more money to buy a house as grand as this one. He couldn’t possibly let his love downgrade when they start dating.
This mansion had those towers and turrets, the mansion in his mind should have skylights that would show his beloved the beauty of the sky no matter what weather they were experiencing. Maybe he should look for an area over a hill so it could look over the city. Yeah, something like that. Something good enough for his beloved Lan QiRen.
“Daydreaming much, A-Sheng?” A-Huan teased the younger man from the front door. He was ready for university with his blue hoodie and white trousers paired with white shoes.
“Yeah, daydreaming of a house I should buy for your uncle when he marries me,” A-Sheng replied unabashedly, grinning when Lan Huan, courtesy name Lan XiChen chuckled. “I cannot let him downgrade after all.”
XiChen just nodded and patted A-Sheng’s shoulder. “Best of luck, A-Sheng. I’ll get going now, I still have to pick up A-Cheng and drop him off at school.”
“You’re definitely whipped by my cousin.”
“You’re one to talk when you’ve been whipped by my uncle even before you could speak your name to him.”
The two young men chuckled as they walked in opposite directions.
“Good morning, A-Sheng. Have a seat and let’s eat breakfast.” It was a welcome that had A-Sheng’s heart stammering like crazy in his chest. Oh, this was a life that he’d love to have for the rest of his days. “Would you like coffee, hot chocolate, or milk?”
The younger man sat on the kitchen counter and put his box of donuts down before clearing his throat. “G-good morning, Ren-gege. Hot chocolate, please. How was your sleep?” He stared at the older man who was clad in a white long-sleeved button-down shirt with a light blue vest over it. His trousers were black and stiff as a board.
QiRen’s hair was neatly tied back with a white ribbon with patterns of clouds on it. It would be a lie if WuSheng said he didn’t imagine tying QiRen up with it.
“It was great. I managed to get eight hours of sleep so I feel rested,” the older man served a plate full of eggs, sausages, two pieces of pancakes, a slice of bread on it, and a mug of steaming hot chocolate. “How about yours?”
“I went to sleep at three in the morning and woke up before five in the morning for my morning run,” A-Sheng replied. “Thank you for the delicious breakfast, Ren-gege. I appreciate it a lot.”
“Having so little sleep at night is not healthy,” QiRen scolded as he took a seat across from the younger man. “You should be sleeping eight hours a night.”
A-Sheng smiled sheepishly at that. “I nap in the afternoon, Ren-gege, before I go to work.”
QiRen sighed and nodded at A-Sheng’s food. “Eat and recharge before you go to school.”
“Thank you for the food, Ren-gege.”
Their daily breakfast brought the two men closer to each other. Their stories that started from school and work topics slowly moved to more personal ones. They talked about astronomy, the world, their friends, and their hobbies.
Soon enough, these breakfasts became an integral part of their daily lives.
It took Jiang WuSheng three years to finally make Lan QiRen go on a date with him. Three long years that he hadn’t felt because of all the daily breakfasts with the older man.
“A-Cheeeeeng!!! I need to look good for my date!” Jiang WuSheng, twenty-one years of age, panicked at the prospect of not looking good enough for his first real date with Lan QiRen.
“For the love of all the gods and goddesses, Sheng-ge! I told you already! You look good in anything! You’re literally an effin’ model!” A-Cheng yelled at his cousin who was still pacing in Jiang Cheng’s room. “If you don’t get out of my room within three seconds, I will break your legs and THEN you won’t be able to have your date with Shufu. That way, he would not see how UGLY you look right now. There, problem solved!”
A-Sheng knew when A-Cheng was at the end of his wits so as a last resort of pissing his cousin off, he grabbed A-Cheng’s face and kissed his cheek before running out of the bedroom with a laugh.
WuSheng pulled the chair out for QiRen and offered to take the bouquet of flowers from the older man. “I heard from XiChen-ge and Wangji-di that you like it here so…” He sat down and fidgeted as he waited for QiRen’s reaction.
“Why are you nervous?” QiRen asked, a small smile adorning his pinkish face. “It’s not our first time eating together.”
“But it’s our first time eating out and going on a date,” WuSheng pointed out with a small and delighted smile. “This is the most amazing night of my life!”
Jiang WuSheng’s smile slowly dimmed as his face went pale when an older man walked to their table. He looked at CEO Yao and prayed that a bolt of lightning might strike him. “CEO Yao, it’s nice to see you here.” He plastered his customer service smile and wished that the man would leave them alone.
CEO Yao, short, chubby, and quite snotty looked at Lan QiRen and raised a brow. “I didn’t know that the Grandmaster of Cloud Recesses would be the one to–”
“CEO Yao, we signed contracts, remember?” A-Sheng’s hand fisted on the table and both older men’s eyes landed on his fist.
“A-Sheng…” QiRen reached forward and covered A-Sheng’s fist with his hand. “Calm down…”
CEO Yao only smirked at A-Sheng. “What, your boyfriend doesn’t know what you do for a living? He doesn’t know how crazy you could go for money?” His tongue slid over his lips while staring at WuSheng up and down like a hungry predator.
“Do tell me,” QiRen’s voice was calm but his hand tightened around WuSheng’s fist. “Tell me what he does for money.”
CEO Yao’s smirk dimmed and so did his attitude but he huffed and leaned forward, pressing his palms on their table so he could be face-to-face with QiRen. “With the right amount of money, he would go rough on you and fuck you like you’re the most beautiful person he knows. He would let you dominate him, edge him, and even fuck him if you’re in the mood for it. But you see… his thick dick is the best for riding. Especially when he’s blindfolded because he turns into such a stallion.”
QiRen smirked at that. “Oh, is that so? I’ll keep that in mind. Now, will that be all? I hope a client like you will NOT disturb his date with his boyfriend ever again. Basic etiquette, don’t you think?”
CEO Yao flinched at that like he was given a backhand to the face.
“Oh, and don’t worry,” QiRen continued as he turned to face WuSheng while rubbing the younger man’s fist with his thumb. “I’ll have him do everything you told me about. I bet he’ll rearrange my guts like a champ then.”
WuSheng choked on air and CEO Yao walked away from them with a face that could compete against the stop light.
“Hmmm… He finally left,” QiRen mumbled, his thumb still rubbing against WuSheng’s fist. “Relax now, A-Sheng.”
“Y-you… you s-said… you said… that…” WuSheng was pretty sure that he was a blushing mess at this point but he didn’t care. He had to confirm what he had heard. “You said…”
“Yes, I’m your boyfriend and yes, I want you to rearrange my guts.”
Did Jiang WuSheng expect that he and Lan QiRen would end up in QiRen’s overly white and clean bedroom at the end of the night? Did he think that he would have a chance for sex when all that he was expecting was a kiss on the cheek or maybe (if he was lucky) on the lips? No. But here he was, removing his clothes so he could have a shower before he could rearrange Lan QiRen’s guts.
May the gods and goddesses help him.
Did Lan QiRen plan on sleeping with Jiang WuSheng after their date tonight? Did he expect that they’d end up naked on his bed with the young man cracking his back like a damn lightstick? Yes. Definitely. Wasn’t that the reason why he had a plug inside him right now?
That damn client (no… former client now because Jiang WuSheng had immediately called his company about CEO Yao’s breach of contract. That man will be banned by A-Sheng’s company. Good riddance) actually helped QiRen form his courage even more. Without him, there might have been a chance that QiRen would have changed his mind. But now, he didn’t.
He didn’t want to change his mind. He wanted Jiang WuSheng to nail him and make him feel alive. Wasn’t this the reason why he had been preparing himself with various toys so their first time would not be as painful as his researchers claimed?
This was his time to shine. No time to overthink. No time to be anxious. He wanted Jiang WuSheng and he’ll–
His mind was short-circuited when Jiang WuSheng came out of the bathroom with only a white towel covering his private parts. How can anyone look so fucking delicious? Tall physique, broad chest, abs that promise good core strength, and huge hands that would hold QiRen down while he was being overpowered.
“Ren-gege…” WuSheng took a couple of steps toward the older man and knelt in front of QiRen. “Are you sure about this? I… I can wait.”
QiRen smirked at that and placed his right foot over WuSheng’s lap, teasing the younger man’s covered crotch with his foot. WuSheng’s whimper made QiRen even more playful. “Are you sure you can wait?”
The younger man pressed his forehead against QiRen’s knee while his hands grabbed that naughty leg lightly. “Ren-gege… such a tease…”
“Just come and fuck me, WuSheng.” It wasn’t a request. It was an order.
“I don’t want to fuck you, Ren-gege,” WuSheng replied as he gently pushed the older man onto the soft bed. “I want to make love to you.”
Their lips joined and followed a dance that they’d never tried together before. It was soft and tentative at first but soon, the fire ignited and the heat took no time to spread all over their bodies.
WuSheng’s hands became curious as they traced QiRen’s body slowly but surely. One by one, QiRen’s clothing revealed a body taken care of by eating healthy and exercising. It wasn’t as muscular as WuSheng’s but it was firm and strong.
And it deserved to be loved and worshipped.
Something glimmering caught WuSheng’s eyes while he was pulling QiRen’s boxers down and his eyes grew big as he realized what it was between QiRen’s buttcheeks. He looked up at the older man and chuckled at how red QiRen had become.
“Were you preparing for me?” he asked, already breathless from holding back.
“Y-yes… yes…” QiRen replied before pulling the younger man over his body once more for some more kissing. “Kiss me… Kiss me while you enter me, WuSheng.”
And that was exactly what WuSheng did. He parted QiRen’s legs while their lips joined and sucked. His movements were precise in pulling out that cold toy from QiRen’s tightness and putting a condom around himself. All these before he pushed into that deliciously warm and tight hole.
His grunt mingled with QiRen’s gasp and moan. “Ren-gege… so tight…”
QiRen moaned against their joined lips before pulling back and whispering, “you’re just so thick…” And he was right. Of course, WuSheng’s length was good but his thickness? It was almost enough to make QiRen come. “Y-you’re… you’re opening me so wide.”
Years of holding back had WuSheng kissing those deliciously soft lips as he pushed his whole length inside his… boyfriend. Lan QiRen was now his boyfriend. Wasn’t that such an adventure? Once he was sure that the older man was used to his size, he let out the power of his hips.
He knelt back and pulled QiRen towards his pelvis, making the older man arch up his back. And the thrusting began. Slow, hard thrusts filled the room with the sound of their skin slapping and the protest of the bed under them.
His eyes took in the view in front of him.
Lan QiRen was pinkish from his chest up to the roots of his hair. His nipples were twitching and swollen from all the sucking and pinching WuSheng did to them. His cock continuously dripped creamy cum that pooled onto his flat but hickey-filled stomach. His chest heaved up and down from the effort of it all.
“What’s your color?” WuSheng asked, slowing down even more.
The older man frowned at the question and looked at WuSheng. “What do you mean?”
“Uhm… you know… green-yellow-red?”
QiRen seemed to think about it. Then he looked back at WuSheng. “Is there a color for FASTER?”
WuSheng let out a breath of laughter before pinning the older man down with his whole weight. “If you want faster, I’ll give you faster,” he whispered and that was exactly what he did.
QiRen threw his head back from the pleasure of getting impaled with a thick cock from below. Thank God for the squats he continued to do every night because, without those, his knees would have given out from under him.
That bastard CEO Yao was correct when he said WuSheng was a stallion.
QiRen had been bouncing for only the gods know how long and WuSheng was not showing any sign of stopping in the near future. He could already feel WuSheng’s cum sloshing inside him. So much. Too much cum. Gods… Was the kid a faucet or something?
“Eyes on me, love,” WuSheng demanded and pulled QiRen’s face closer to his. “Eyes on me.”
QiRen could only nod and fall over that strong chest as he let the younger man continue having his way with his old body.
“We didn’t get to try using toys,” QiRen mumbled the next morning while WuSheng was still half asleep. “I want to try toys.”
WuSheng mumbled. “We’ll try them all next time. One at a time, love.”
QiRen looked at the young man’s face and huffed. But he leaned down and kissed those swollen lips. “You’re lucky I love you or else I’d keep you here as my fuck toy.”
“If you really loved me, you’d keep me here as your fucktoy,” WuSheng responded with a grin.
BONUS: A Gift to Odette who always supports me. Odette, I hope you like this as much as you liked the other one.
QiRen heard the shuffling in his bedroom but he didn’t move from the bed and continued to pretend he was asleep. What followed was the sound of the shower. He knew his young lover would be tired from his university work. Even after WuSheng retired from his job, he still had very little time to rest because of the demands of his university.
A couple of minutes pass by and the bed creak under the additional 200 pounds on it. Soon, QiRen was wrapped in strong and muscular arms, his nape fanned with the warm breath, and his ass getting probed by a stiff cock.
He chuckled and turned around to face his lover who was wearing his birthday suit. “Hi, love…”
“I’m sorry to wake you, love,” WuSheng mumbled, his lips already pressing against QiRen’s.
The older man’s hand cupped the hard member between them and smiled when WuSheng’s body trembled at the contact. “Would you like to be inside me or would you like me to be inside you?”
WuSheng laughed weakly at that but he kept mouthing at QiRen’s neck. “You inside me, please. But I might pass out so…”
“I’ll take care of it, baby…”
And that’s what he did. He got over his oversized puppy boyfriend and rained kisses all over WuSheng’s sleepy face before moving to that thick neck, reveling at the feeling of WuSheng’s shivers and hearing his moans.
QiRen captured a nipple and sucked on it, played it with the tip of his tongue, and finally nipped at it. The arch of WuSheng’s body pushed him to do more. Hallelujah for WuSheng’s huge and honest body.
His hands and mouth worked full time to please his tired lover until he got to WuSheng’s cock which got cat licks and little kisses that made WuSheng whimper.
“R-Ren-gege… please…”
“Okay, love… Sorry…” The older man spread WuSheng’s thighs apart and smiled at how WuSheng’s hole glistened and clenched at nothing. “Did you prepare yourself for me?”
“Yes… I want you… Now… Please…”
QiRen hovered over the younger man and kisses his eyelids one by one. “My hardworking boyfriend…” One finger in and WuSheng was gasping.
QiRen found that little hole gripping his finger greedily. “You’re so eager, A-Sheng.”
Tears threatened to fall from WuSheng’s eyes as he looked up at QiRen pleadingly. “I need you… Gege… please… fuck me… Fuck me til I pass out. Fuck me even while I’m asleep. Please?”
QiRen may be strict but he was never strict with his lover. So he captured WuSheng’s lips, pulled his finger out, and pushed his length in, groaning at the tightness that sucked him in.
WuSheng whimpered but he held onto his lover tightly. Soon enough, he was moving his hips on his own accord, chasing his own pleasure like crazy.
Their breaths mingled as their bodies moved in sync. Their lips would meet and join every couple of thrusts and with every deep thrust, WuSheng would dig his nails into QiRen’s shoulders.
Soon, their movements lost their sync. WuSheng stopped moving and QiRen pulled WuSheng’s muscular legs over his shoulders (thank the creators for the Lan strength) and thrust as hard as he could.
“R-Ren… Ren-gege… A-almost!”
“It's okay, baby. Go ahead. I’ll take care of you.”
A couple more thrusts in and WuSheng was spilling his seed all over his torso but QiRen continued his movements. Even when WuSheng had fallen asleep, QiRen continued to chase his own pleasure until he too, spilled his seed deep inside his lover.
QiRen woke up panting and moaning, his left leg lifted and his ass filled with WuSheng’s overly excitable cock. “M-morning… Good morning…”
“Good morning, love,” WuSheng pulled QiRen’s head back and mouthed at his neck and jaw while still snapping his hips like crazy. “I’m well rested now.” “I… I can see… t-that! Ah!”
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miko4hime · 2 years
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ponytail to shushu
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frops · 2 years
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Back Row: Hattori Yuna, Yoshikawa Nanase, Kuranoo Narumi, Onishi Momoka, Oguri Yui, Oda Erina, Gyoten Yurina, Shitao Miu
Front Row: Tokunaga Remi, Hama Sayuna, Nagano Serika, Takaoka Kaoru, Sakaguchi Nagisa, Takahashi Ayane, Shimizu Maria, Sakagawa Hiyuka
M1. Shishunki no Adrenaline 
M2. Gingham Check 
M3. Kibouteki Refrain 
MC intro 
M4. Naminori Kakigoori 
M5. Uruwashiki Natasha  
M6. Wagamama na Nagareboshi  
M7. Futari Nori no Jitensha 
M8. Juuryoku Sympathy 
M9. Sono Ase wa Uso wo Tsukanai 
M10. Ponytail to Shushu
M11. 47 no Suteki na Machi e 
EN1. Honest Man 
EN2. Issho no Aida ni Nannin to Deaerudarou 
EN3. Yume e no Route 
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asparagusikemen · 3 years
Can you believe 2010 AKB48 really gave us these bops in the span of 1 year, ONE YEAR.
Ponytail to Shushu
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Heavy Rotation
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Even up until now these songs will always be in their concerts set-list.
2010 is really THAT year.
- By selling almost 1 million copies by the end of the year, "Beginner" was the best-selling single of 2010 in Japan.
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klvbxlove · 4 years
i’ve been playing this song nonstop ever since akb48′s entire discography was unblocked worldwide, this might be one of my favorite j-pop songs of all time
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fanbynature · 6 years
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AKB48 music video aesthetics: Ponytail to Shushu
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redfreesias03 · 4 years
Ponytail to Shushu (“Ponytail and Scrunchie”)
“Your ponytail (swaying) in the wind. You run (I run) on the sand. Your ponytail (swaying) you turned and looked at me. Your smile starts my summer.”
OR: A boy with a hopeless crush on his friend/classmate is captivated by her ponytail look for the summer. 
KARENDAA yori hayaku SHATSU no sodeguchi makutte taiyou ga chikadzuku kehai boku no ude kara koromogae
Before the calendar says to, I roll up my shirt sleeves The sun’s showing signs of drawing near So I’m getting dressed for summer, starting with my arms
aoi umi namiuchigiwa de kimi to aitai hadashi no mizushibuki
A blue ocean By the water’s edge I want to meet you there And splash around barefoot
PONIITEERU (yurashinagara) kaze no naka kimi ga hashiru (boku ga hashiru) suna no ue PONIITEERU (yurashinagara) furimuita kimi no egao boku no natsu ga hajimaru
Your ponytail (swaying) In the wind You run (I run) On the sand Your ponytail (swaying) You turned and looked at me Your smile Starts my summer
kyoushitsu ni hi ga sashite yume no kion ga agatta naname mae no kimi miteru to mune ga kurushiku natte kuru
The sun shines bright into the classroom And raises the temperature of my dreams When I look at you sitting up front and to the side My chest starts to hurt
suki nante ieyashinai yo ushirosugata ni kimochi wo tsubuyaku
There’s no way I can tell you That I like you I whisper my feelings To the back of your head
PONIITEERU (setsunaku naru) yume no naka kimi no subete (boku no subete) hitorijime PONIITEERU (setsunaku naru) kataomoi me to me aeba ima wa tada no tomodachi
The sight of your ponytail (makes my heart ache) Inside my dreams (All of me) wants to make All of you    mine The sight of your ponytail (makes my heart ache) A one-sided love When our eyes meet Right now we’re just friends
tabaneta nagai kami mizutama no SHUSHU koi no shippo wa tsukamaerarenai furetara kieteku maboroshi
Your long hair tied up In a polka-dot scrunchie I can’t catch Love’s tail It’s an illusion that disappears When I touch it
PONIITEERU (hodokanaide) kawarazu ni kimi wa kimi de (boku wa boku de) hashiru dake PONIITEERU (hodokanaide) itsumademo hashaideiru kimi wa shoujo no mama de
Don’t let down (your ponytail) Don’t change a thing You being you (me being me) Let’s just run Don’t let down (your ponytail) Keep frolicking Forever, Remain a girl
LaLaLaLaLaLa LaLaLaLaLaLa LaLaLaLaLa LaLaLaLaLaLa LaLaLaLaLaLa LaLaLaLa…
I don’t have any real notes on this one, but here’s a confession: nearly 10 years later, I still hum the “tabaneta nagai kami, mizutama no SHUSHU” bridge every time I put my hair up in a ponytail, which has been happening a ton more than normal ever since the #stay at home recommendation kicked in. (Now I just need to find an idol song about sweatpants and I’m set.)
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immacaria · 2 years
Deserve - 12 Days of Mingcheng
 Hii! So another fic for @vassar177‘s 12 Days of Mingcheng and the prompt is Deserve! There a some OCs, but what’s new with my fics? So, I hope you enjoy it and remember to stay safe and sound!
  Jiang Cheng knew that something was wrong because if it wasn't, Nie Liang wouldn't be there hogging his training fields and learning fighting styles that the Nie Sect definitely didn't use. The young girl was angry, he could see that, but anything could have got her worked up like that, let it be her father refusing to buy her sweets or throwing knives or something serious as a night hunt gone wrong. Usually it was just because Nie Mingjue refused to buy her sweets and she wanted to antagonise him. 
  Still, as her godfather, he had to endure her tantrums every single time she ran to Lotus Pier to complain. Seriously, sometimes he thought that she was Nie Huaisang's daughter rather than Nie Mingjue's. Yet, this time he knew that there was something truly troubling her because she was training with her sabre instead of her throwing knives.
  When she was younger and visiting Lotus Pier with Nie Huaisang, she had seen some of his cousins on his mother's side training with their knives and fell in love with it. Ever since then, Nie Liang chose knives as her favourite weapon rather than the traditional Nie sabre. Jiang Cheng watched as his goddaughter repeated the fight stances again and again until she threw it away, letting out a scream that scared the birds around as much as the impact of her sabre against the trees. 
  "Nie Liang!" Jiang Cheng screamed, crossing his arms and walking up to her.
  "Jiang-shushu!" The girl turned around with wide eyes. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail and she was wearing simple robes appropriate for training. "I thought you were visiting your sister in Lanling? Jiang-shijie said you were visiting her." 
  "I was. I just arrived from there, but it doesn't explain why you are bringing trees down on my sect's territory." He said, watching as the tree she hit dipped aside before falling with a loud crash and making her jump. "What happened, A-Liang?" A sigh left his lips as her eyes lit up again, anger clear on her face. 
  "That, that, that husband of yours that is driving me insane!" She screamed, throwing her hands in the air and starting pacing around. 
  "Husband?" He was not married to Nie Mingjue. 
  "He thinks that he is immortal, Jiang-shushu, when he clearly is not! That or then he has accepted his death and doesn't care about me, you or San-shushu as much as he says he does!" She ignored him, opting to keep on her pacing and wait, had she said 'death'? "I tried to convince him to listen to anyone, anyone that could help him but, no, Liang'er, I know when my time has arrived and if it has to be this way, it shall be this way." The way she was acting was exactly like Jiang Cheng when he was complaining about Wei Wuxian to Nie Mingjue, though he didn't sound like that at all. 
  "What is happening, A-Liang?" He sighed again, rolling his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. 
  "BABA IS DYING AND I CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT!" There were tears rolling down her face now and she was sobbing in a way that Jiang Cheng never saw her do, but he was too shocked with what she had just said to do anything besides stand there and listen to what she was saying. 
  Nie Mingjue was dying from qi deviations and he didn't even think of telling him about it, didn't even think about what would happen to his loved ones after his death. Yes, it was his option to tell him or not, Jiang Cheng had nothing to do with him after all, but hide it from Nie Liang? No, that he couldn't accept, not when Nie Mingjue said numerous times that the girl was the most precious thing in his life.
  So he flew to Qinghe as quickly as he could, anger and despair filling him up with the prospect of being too late. Nie Mingjue had suffered another qi deviation and Nie Liang had witnessed everything and, despite only being fourteen years old, she helped calm him and protect the other ones. After that she went to talk with Nie Huaisang and when he didn't answer her thoroughly she ran to Lotus Pier, maybe  thinking that he would have answers. 
  He did not and he didn't like that one bit. The moment he arrived at the Unclean Realm nobody tried to stop him, maybe too afraid to cross his way - As they should, one voice said in his mind. Once, Nie Mingjue had said to him that his face was as scary as his mother's and he had been offended at that, though now, he thought it was good because if nobody dared to cross his mother's path, they wouldn't dare to cross his. Except, of course, for the one and only Nie Huaisang. 
  "Jiang-xiong, please, he is in no condition to see anyone now." His friend said, trying to match his steps. "Jiang-xiong." 
  "See if I care, Nie-xiong." He hissed, not turning around. "He should have thought about it before hiding it from A-Liang. You two should have." And then Nie Huaisang made the mistake of saying it had been for her own good. "Her own good? Her own good? What good there is in the fact her father is dying and she doesn't even know why? Where good is in the fact that apparently her father has accepted her death? What good there is in the fact she can't do anything to help?!"
  "Jiang-xiong!" Nie Huaisang screamed back at him, fan closed and raised in the air as if ready to strike down at his head. "I can't deal with another person I love suffering from a qi deviation, so you better start controlling yourself before I hit you over the head with my fan!" He waved that thing in the air menacingly, narrowing his eyes at him in challenge. "Good. Now tell me, where is A-Liang?" He said when Jiang Cheng showed no sign of moving, but did take a few breaths to calm himself. 
  "Back on Lotus Pier, where else?" Jiang Cheng scoffed before taking another breath. "I managed to calm her down before she brought any more trees down or successfully scared all the birds away. I left her sleeping in her usual guest chambers." 
  "Thank gods." Nie Huaisang breathed out, putting a hand on his chest and breathing out in relief. "I was worried after she ran away and even sent some disciples after her, but someone taught her way too well how to evade and make others get lost." 
  "I have nothing to say about that." He huffed, rolling his eyes and turning around to go to Nie Mingjue's chambers. 
  "Wait! Jiang-xiong!" He called out, but Jiang Cheng ignored him in favour of walking faster. In mere minutes he saw himself in front of Mingjue's chamber, taking deep breaths and trying to gather courage for what he was about to see. Nie Liang hadn't been able to give much details to her father's condition, too taken by grief to actually talk about it more, and Jiang Cheng hadn't pushed. Now, he was starting to think he really should have. "C'mon, Jiang Cheng, what are you afraid of? It's just Nie Mingjue." He whispered to himself as his mind said Yes. Only Nie Mingjue, recently out of a qi deviation and prone to another that can possibly kill him. 
  Jiang Cheng was not stupid, despite what other people usually thought, and he knew how dangerous a qi deviation could be, even more after one so recently. His intentions were never to put Mingjue in danger, but then he remembered Nie Liang's tears and heart-wrenching sobs and the anger appeared on him again and all he wanted to do was scream at him until the next reincarnation. That was why he practically ripped the door from it's holders and marched into the room until he reached the bed where Nie Mingjue was laying and nothing in the world would ever prepare him for what he saw there. 
  Nie Mingjue was a big guy, everyone knew that, but seeing him there, laying down on his bed and looking so fragile and pale, he asked himself how the hell he ever thought he was unbreakable. His eyes were deep and there were dark circles under there while his breath came out ragged and weak, as if he was still fighting for life but deciding it wasn't worth it. Immediately, his thoughts jumped to the young girl sleeping back in Lotus Pier and how terrifying it must have been to watch her father, her only parent, end up like that. 
  He must have gotten too deep in his thoughts because the next time he looked at Mingjue, his eyes were open and looking at him and his hand - Still too weak and too cold - was holding on to him. They stared at each other for some minutes before Mingjue pulled him down, forcing Jiang Cheng to move around until they found a comfortable position for both. He took a deep breath, body relaxing beside him, and looked like he had gotten older. 
  "Liang'er told you." Nie Mingjue said and it was not a question, it was just a statement of the facts. 
  "Yes. Yes, she told me you are dying and decided to not tell me." He didn't mean for his voice to come as sharp as it had, but Jiang Cheng had never been a soft one, had never known how to show something that was not sharp and dangerous, had never known how to love another way. "Why didn't you let her tell me? Or even Huaisang?" 
  "Liang'er didn't know until my last one and I made Nie Huaisang promise me that he wouldn't tell you because I wanted to be the one to do so." Nie Mingjue sighed, running his fingers through his hair and, in other circumstances, Jiang Cheng could have fallen asleep right then and there. "I wanted to find the right words to tell you but I guess that there are no right words for something like this." 
  "No, there are not." He said, just because he didn't know what else to say.
  When Nie Mingjue asked him to choose a name for his cousin's daughter, Jiang Cheng thought he had been joking or had some second intentions about it. But then it turned out that no, he had not, and slowly he started to make an effort to have him participate in Nie Ruoyu's life. Somewhere along the way, they found their way to each other and started a relationship.
  "What are you thinking about, my heart?" Nie Mingjue whispered after minutes of silence from Jiang Cheng. 
  "What can we still do?" Jiang Cheng got up on one shoulder, looking down at him as he sighed again. "Don't make that face at me, Nie Mingjue, or do you think I will let another person I love die?" 
  "My heart..." He started, but he was having none of it. 
  "None of 'my heart' now. Let me talk." Now he was fully set up. "I will not lose another loved one if I can stop it. I don't fucking know why you aren't accepting any more help, Mingjue, but I will not give up so easily." 
  "We tried everything, A-Cheng. Every cure we had in our books and every cure the Lan sect had in theirs, none of them worked. None." 
  "Fuck the Lan Sect! You haven't tried the Yunmeng Jiang way yet and I know that we lost much of our knowledgement in the war and don't have as much knowledge about qi deviations as your sect, but we damn well know how to work together and we have a genius with us too. Believe me, Wei Wuxian can create anything possible in this world and make it work." He took a deep breath, blinking the tears away. "If you don't do this for me or A-Liang, do it for yourself. You deserve to have a good life, filled with people that love you and annoy you to no end. You deserve to be loved, Mingjue, and I won't let that not happen. There is a reason why my sect motto is attempt the impossible." 
  "Alright." Nie Mingjue nodded, eyes wide and shining with something that Jiang Cheng did not want to decipher just yet. "Alright, yeah, we will do it your way."
  "Good." He nodded too, laying down again and curling up against him. "Also, A-Liang called you my husband." 
  "Oh, gods." Nie Mingjue groaned and turned around to pull him in a hug. "I have to get better, she is spending too much time with Huaisang." And as an afterthought, he added. "Not that she is so wrong, though." He giggled, hiding his face in Jiang Cheng's hair. 
  "I hate you so much." He rolled his eyes, trying to not laugh too. It was going to be alright, they were going to find a way to heal Nie Mingjue and give him all the love and affection he deserved.
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a-cutebird · 4 years
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"A-Song, which story should we read tonight?"
"May we read the one with the butterfly again?"
"Does A-Song like butterflies that much?"
"Yes! Especially the ones that xiao-bo* makes..."
a few things... first, i didn't use jin rusong's appearance as shown in the manhua because that look is, um. Something. listen, i love my beautiful son, but i had no idea how to make that hairstyle work, so, i gave him cute bangs and a ponytail instead.
second, i don't actually know what he would call lxc?? i assumed that since lxc is jgy's sworn brother, a-song would be encouraged to consider him his "uncle", and since lxc is his uncle on his father's side, it would be "shushu", right...? pls feel free to correct me if i'm wrong!
*EDIT: big shout out to @paledreamsblackmoths for the correction!! since lxc is jgy’s elder sworn brother, he would not be “shushu”, which is used for an uncle who is younger than one’s father. thank you so so much for correcting this! apologies for not getting that right in the beginning y’all. RIP to everyone who reblogged this before i fixed it :’)
third, i have no idea if books for children were, in fact, A Thing in this culture during this time period, but i figured, even if they weren't, lxc would maybe have made one for a-song anyways? complete w paintings & stuff bc... he loved his little nephew... so, so much....... 😭
lastly, i think jrs is about... 4 or 5 years old here? i imagined this scene occurring roughly a year or so before his murder :’) for Maximum Pain.
if you’d like to read my terrible awful jin rusong metas, please go here and here :’) (though i’m still waffling on the historical accuracy of that second post...)
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amedetoiles · 4 years
@baoshan-sanren ok so i was thinking about this all day since your meta ask and this is entirely your doing. please take responsibility.
cangse sanren, jiang fengmian, wei changze: the first junior trio to sweep into cloud recesses and give lqr such a gigantic headache that the mere sight of wei wuxian decades later makes him nearly qi deviate from the memory.
wei changze and jiang fengmian have essentially grown up together. they’re best friends and sworn brothers. there’s no bad blood here because, well, jiang fengmian has always been the next sect leader, he knows his own skills and can’t be bothered to brood about other people, and wei changze doesn’t care about politics. he’s happy to help the sect in whatever way it needs. he does his job well, doesn’t complain much (unless he’s griping at jfm to stop leaving all your fucking shit on the floor a-mian), and is happy to go on night hunts alongside jfm. he’s an average cultivator, more skilled at thrumming music than sword wielding, but he’s clever, fast, and above all, kind. he would never let anything happen to jfm. there’s some talk around him from too-nosy gossipers and a few uppity elders across the clans, but nobody really pays the brothers any mind. they’re kids after all.
they meet cangse sanren on a night hunt. her name already begets her reputation—a rogue cultivator, disciple to the famed immortal baoshan sanren. she’s beautiful, wickedly skilled, and curses so much that even the most vulgar of men and women on the field blush. they meet her while trying to take down a herd of soul-stealing demon beasts, and her sword stops a clawed paw from crushing jiang fengmian’s larynx. she takes one look at them afterward when they’re sweaty, soaked with acrid demon blood, and trying to catch their breaths, and promptly adopts them both as her own. she calls them fengfeng and a-ze, and anyone who has a problem with her boys will answer to cangse sanren’s fists.
by the time the trio make their way to gusu for lectures, their outrageous exploits are a well-known table story amongst all the other juniors of their generation. the trio comprised of the jiang heir, the jiang servant, and their rogue cultivator queen are said to have stolen all 40 hens from an affluent farmer once and redistributed them to smaller villages nearby that he had been forcing to pay an exorbitant fee for eggs. each stolen hen wore a curious talisman necklace that deterred the farmer from taking it back (only once did the man try to and he almost lost both eyes and a sensitive body part). they are extremely well-loved by all the civilians they have helped along the way—their night hunt skills are admired by many, and the reputation bodes well for yunmengjiang sect, so the elders leave jfm alone for hanging around with a rogue cultivator.
plus wei changze can apparently drink anyone under the table, and on the first night at cloud recesses, the trio gets half the junior class wasted (cangse tells wei changze drunkenly that he’s perfect to his immense embarrassment but she promptly forgets this the next day). with the trio at the center, cloud recesses become a constant whisper of jokes and giggles and midnight fishing escapades. every night lqr considers breaking the no alcohol in cloud recesses rule.
all in all cangse finds cloud recesses utterly stifling. she prefers to play in the cold streams and lounge on the mountains than sit in the hall listening to lqr drone on about gusulan’s most boring collection of rules. more often than not she gets herself thrown out by lqr for arguing against every tenet he lectures to be the epitome of righteous cultivation. no punishment phases her. she even manages to make handstands look obnoxiously like a rebellion. she is wild, carefree, unapologetically fierce, and jiang fengmian loves her. wei changze of course coos at him relentlessly about this.
one evening, the junior class are led out to night hunt with lqr, whose dictatorial and by-the-book handling of their offensive and defensive groups make cangse shake with frustration. her vocal complaining gets her relegated to a holding group, so she isn’t there when jiang fengmian and wei changze get attacked. it’s the screaming that runs cangse’s blood cold. when she arrives, the beasts are already subdued but jiang fengmian is barely conscious on the ground, bleeding from his entire right shoulder, and holding onto wei changze, who is too still and deathly pale, with a gaping wound in his chest. he had put himself in front of jiang fengmian.
cangse is livid, and it’s only the junior disciples who hold her back that stops her from lunging at lan qiren in the middle of the forest. she screams that his hypocrisy, ignorance, and three thousand bullshit gusulan rules will be the death of the cultivation world. she gets 250 beatings for her insolence. she takes them all with stony unflinching eyes that never move from lan qiren’s glare. afterward, she forgoes treatment and holds vigil at wei changze’s bedside for five days and four nights until he wakes up. she plays nursemaid, and he laughs at her terrible congee but finishes every bowl anyway. they smile at one another, and jiang fengmian knows four things.
first, he’s lost her.
second, he’s loved her since the moment he saw her, with her messy ponytail swept up by the wind and glowing with the electric blue of her carefree spirit.
third, her home is in the sky.
jiang fengmian tells wei changze the evening before lectures come to a close to leave with cangse. wei changze laughs, says a-mian having you been drinking without me, then sobers immediately when he realizes jfm is serious. jfm adds this moment to the handful of times wei changze has called him ge, manages to sit through the slight sheen of betrayal in wei changze’s grey eyes, pretends he doesn’t have red crescents in his clenched palms, and remains firm until wei changze agrees.
(fourth, jiang fengmian never wants to see wei changze bleeding because of him again.)
the gusulan lectures end anti-climatically but everyone’s had enough excitement in that last night hunt to not care. lan qiren is conspicuously absent from the formal farewells. (word of lan qiren’s missing goatee filters through the cultivation world in the ensuing weeks). jiang fengmian says goodbye to cangse sanren and wei changze when they part ways on a mountain outside of gusu.
he returns to yunmengjiang with half a heart and half a soul. he settles into his jiang heir duties, ignores the telltale absence at his side, and eventually ascends to the head in his father’s retirement. he agrees to an arranged marriage with meishan yu sect without much complaint. every few months, jiang fengmian meets cangse and changze in yiling. there’s an unmistakable distance between them now, but cangse is still a bright force to be reckoned with, and wei changze still calls him a-mian, and gets drunk with him the night before his wedding.
he meets their son during one visit. wei wuxian is an adorable combination of both of them—warm and bright with laughter, eyes full of mischief and kindness. he calls jfm shushu and bounces with happiness when jfm spoils him with gifts.
their meetings grow less frequent through the years as jiang fengmian is caught up in sect leader duties, and his best friends roam the world, helping the weak and the poor, free from the monotonous drivel of discussion conferences and politics. he is in yiling one evening–it’s been years, and their letters have stopped, he is nostalgic of old times, wonders where their journey has taken them, until he hears a commotion further down the market, an angry stall keeper and a shivering boy. jiang fengmian see wei wuxian cowering on the streets, in bloodied rags of clothes, pale and too thin, and his heart shatters.
jiang fengmian doesn’t have time to grieve. at lotus pier, his best friends’ child looks up at him with wide apologetic grey eyes that are too painfully familiar while his own spitfire son screams through closed doors. (years ago, when wei changze had woken up, he had held jfm’s shaking hand and said, a-mian, in lotus pier, you never have to apologize for things that are not your fault.)
the gossipers say jiang fengmian loved cangse sanren so much that he is raising her son. he favors him even above his own son, they whisper, that perhaps the rogue cultivator’s brat even is his own.
it’s true that he see cangse in the messy tangles of wei wuxian’s ponytail, in his sharp focus when he wields his blade like a third limb, in his bright unrestrained laughter, in his carefree spirit. but those grey eyes belong to jfm’s brother. he watches wwx put himself in front of jc when his son’s temper gets him in trouble with the taller and bigger kids in the streets, and all jiang fengmian remembers is the man who refused to leave his side, who pushed jfm out of the way and bled.
jiang fengmian lives as the jagged piece of a soul missing two parts, he watches wwx grow with each day into the perfect embodiment of his best friends, and thinks he understands what it means to attempt the impossible.
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snsdpop · 3 years
Omg pls share some of your fav JPop songs??? I’d love to hear them! -@iloveuchuu
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you dont have to ask me twice <3
akb48: yuuhi wo miteiru ka?, oogoe diamond, tobenai agehachou, RIVER, kaze wa fuiteiru, heart ereki, sayonara crawl, LOVE shugyou, shoot sign, 11gatsu no anklet, sentimental train, kimi no koto ga suki dakara & ponytail to shushu
nogizaka46: seifuku no mannequin, synchronicity, nandome no aozora ka?, shakiism, inochi wa utsukushii, dareka wa mikata, jikochuu de ikou!, yoake made tsuyogaranakute mo ii & gomen ne fingers crossed
morning musume: shabondama, fantasy ga hajimaru, i wish, renai revolution 21, do it now, sexy boy, nanchatte renai, one two three, ai no gundan, renai hunter, mukidashi de mukiatte, utakata saturday night, watashi no nanni mo wakacchanai & furari ginza
perfume: polyrhythm, game, love the world, edge, night flight, magic of love, saisei & flash
uhhh thats too many already but let me know if u want anymore from other artists hehe <3
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soimort · 3 years
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山内瑞葵🎀(ずっきー) - Twitter - Sat 17 Jul 2021
#音楽の日 🎶 #Music Day 🎶 『ポニーテールとシュシュ』 『Everyday、カチューシャ』 “Ponytail to Shushu” “Everyday, Katyusha” そして新曲 『#根も葉もRumor 』 いかがでしたかー🖤⛓ 新衣装も一人一人違ってて かわいいいいい! And the new song “#Ne mo Ha mo Rumor” How do you like it🖤⛓ Each of us has a different costume They’re so cute! ちなみに私はボーダー(レス)🦓 By the way I’m in a striped shirt🦓 #AKB48
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klvbxlove · 3 years
ponytail (yukiko x fem! reader)
a/n: my first yukiko drabble! yay! ngl, i was having some trouble coming up with an idea for her, but ultimately i decided on this! i was inspired by the song “ponytail to shushu” by akb48, which is one of my absolute favorite songs! it’s such a bop, y’all should listen to it, hehehe. i also realized i’ve been writing more male and female readers, which i mean, obviously i don’t mind! but i wanna write more gender neutral readers in the future so everyone can feel free to read my writings.
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reader type: female
reader specification(s): the reader has long hair
genre(s): fluff
trigger warning(s): none
summary: in which yukiko sees you in a ponytail for the first time and she can’t help but fall more in love with you.
word count: 1.5k words
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
(y/n) = your name
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
   It was unfortunate that the rest of the Investigation Team couldn’t make it to the beach hangout. Yukiko had to admit she was looking forward to it. Especially since she finally found some free time. She guessed that it wasn’t the case for everyone else. 
   Well, except you. At least you were still available. And Yukiko was happy about that. Better than her being alone at the beach, I guess you could say. Therefore, her initial disappointment faded away.
   Luckily, the beach was empty today. As far as Yukiko could tell, there was no one there except for her. So after setting everything up on a random spot, Yukiko began to walk towards the waves. She could already hear the calming sounds of the ocean waves brushing up on the beachside. She stood at the edge, feeling them move against her feet. 
   Yukiko smiled softly. Oh, how she missed the beach very much! It had been a while since she got the chance to visit. And feeling the soft breeze and sunlight on her skin made the atmosphere even better. 
   Yukiko knew that sometimes, summer in Inaba could get quite hot. However, she felt like this was the perfect temperature for her. Enough to get her mind off things and relax. After all, Yukiko had been busy for the past couple of weeks. So going out was a good enough move for herself. 
   Hopefully, you’ll arrive soon enough and join her. She’d like to spend the rest of today with at least one of her friends--
   “Hey! Yukiko!”
   Well, well. Speak of the devil.
   Wait, no! Yukiko couldn’t go calling you the devil. If anything, you were the complete opposite of that! You were like an angel blessed from the heavens. 
   Yukiko turned around to see you walking towards her. On one of your shoulders was a bag, which she presumed was your personal belongings. At first, it looked as if you were only wearing a shirt since it was big on you. But Yukiko knew that you were wearing some shorts. 
   And, of course, she couldn’t forget your (H/C) hair. You looked so beautiful in it. If anything, Yukiko didn’t even want you to cut it (if you ever considered it, that is). 
   And something about your hair sent more thumps to her heart for some reason, too.
   “(Y/N)! Glad you made it,” the black-haired teen smiled at you. “I hope the ride from your home to here was safe,”
   “No worries, it was alright!” you confirmed as you ran your hand through your hair. “I think I’ve gotten the hang of riding my motorcycle without the fear of messing up in the middle of the road. You don’t even know how scared I was during my first time. I thought if I made at least one mistake, that would end up me crashing or something,” you chuckled sheepishly. 
   “It’s understandable,” Yukiko said. “It can be quite intimidating to start driving even when you’ve gotten your license already. But I genuinely do think you’re doing great!” 
   Yukiko wasn’t sure if she was dreaming, but she swore she saw a blush on your cheeks as you smiled softly. Did she fluster you? “Ah, hehe. Thanks!” you thanked her. 
   “Of course,” Yukiko nodded. A sense of pride went through her seeing your pink cheeks. There was an urge to go up to you and kiss them. But as much as she wanted to do it, she had to hold back. There was no well in hell she would make you uncomfortable by doing that. 
   “Well, you can put your stuff over there, if you’d like--” she pointed towards the area, where she set up some beach towels and an umbrella, “--And maybe after that, we can go swimming out in the ocean, too.” 
   But Yukiko knew another reason why she wanted to swim. Not like she loved being in the ocean and floating in it. It was also because she may or may not have wanted to see what kind of swimsuit you were wearing. A light blush covered her cheeks. Yukiko felt like a pervert at this point. God forbid Chie or Yosuke noticed; they would’ve been teasing the hell out of her! 
   “Alright, thanks! Just give me a few moments” you nodded before walking over towards the area. 
   In the meantime, Yukiko looked up towards the sky. The more she thought about it, Yukiko realized just how excited she always felt whenever she was with you. Today was no exception, either. Yes, she was aware that she had been friends with you for so long (before the Inaba murders happened and the Investigation Team met), so Yukiko would’ve assumed that she would be used to seeing you most of the time. No, instead, she kept getting butterflies in her stomach.
   But why? And how long had she been feeling this way? 
   Yukiko began to feel a small pain in her chest. It almost felt like her heart was about to beat faster than usual. She knew something was going on with her. She didn’t know what exactly.
   Sometimes Yukiko wished she could ask Chie for some help.
   “Alright, I finished!” Eventually, Yukiko snapped out of her thoughts after hearing her voice. She turned around to smile at you, only to feel her body going stiff and her eyes widening. 
   Oh my God.
   As far as Yukiko could remember, you mainly preferred to wear a one-piece suit when you went out to swim. However, it seems like that wasn’t the case this time, as instead, you were wearing a bikini. Your hair was also in a ponytail, secured with a scrunchie the same color as your swimsuit. And in your hand was a bottle of sunscreen you were handing over to her. 
   “Is it okay if you can rub some of this on my back?” you asked, “Sorry, but sometimes it can be a pain in the ass for me to reach my back when applying it. But I covered the rest of my body, though!”
   Yukiko would’ve responded had it not been for her eyes locked on your hair. Not once had she ever seen you with your hair up. She doesn’t remember you ever making any changes to it, either. You’ve always let it down, not even caring if it got messed up during windy weather (you claimed that you could always comb it, or at least fix it, later). 
  So was this a surprise? Yes. Was Yukiko opposed to seeing you like this, though? Of course not! You looked gorgeous in it. She almost didn’t want you to take it off for the rest of the day--
   “Uh, Yukiko?” 
   Oh, oops!
   The young teen shook her head, snapping her out of her thoughts. Yukiko blinked to see you looking at her with a concerned look on her face. She immediately realized what you had said earlier. “O-Oh, of course! I’m so sorry, (Y/N),” Yukiko, blushing, took the bottle of sunscreen from your hand.
   You lightly chuckled. “It’s alright!” you reassured before turning your back towards Yukiko and held up your ponytail. 
   Yukiko felt like scolding herself at this point as she squeezed a small amount of sunscreen on her hand and slowly reached towards your back. Here she was again, being nervous. It was not just because Yukiko was applying sunscreen on you. But because she was touching your skin. 
   It was almost as if she’d forgotten that you had shown her affection multiple times, whether it was by a hug or simply placing a hand on her shoulder. 
   After a few seconds, Yukiko eventually said she finished applying the sunscreen on your back. “Thanks!” you turned around to take the bottle from her, giving a smile before sprinting over to the area to put it back in your bag. Yukiko watched as your ponytail began to swing in the breeze. Another beautiful sight for her. 
   God, when was she ever going to confess her feelings? It’s bad enough that she’d been hiding them for the longest time. But to decide to hide it forever until you somehow figure it out? Yukiko doubted there was a possibility that it could happen. Chances are, you probably have your eyes set on someone else!
   Later, you jogged back towards the young teen and took her hand, in which Yukiko let out a noise of surprise. “Come on,” you grinned as you made eye contact with her. “Let’s go swim!” 
   Your (E/C) eyes. Yukiko could stare at them all day if she wanted to. However, just looking into them would always give her the realization that the both of you were only friends. And maybe it will remain like that for many years to come. Yukiko was hopeless, wasn’t she? 
   But even then, she squeezed your hand and smiled back. “Yeah, let’s go,” 
   So you lead Yukiko towards the ocean with your ponytail (bundled in a scrunchie) continuing to sway in the wind. 
   Your ponytail of love that Yukiko couldn’t catch.
   The most she could do was ask you not to untie it. She wanted to start this summer with your ponytail and your beautiful smile. 
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punkish48 · 4 years
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"The truth about you is that I really love you". — Iiwake Maybe (2009).
"My summer is starting with your smile". — Ponytail to Shushu (2010).
"You're older than me but more adorable than anyone". — Ue Kara Mariko (2011).
"I love you! Finally I said it!". — Manatsu no Sounds Good! (2012).
"It's okay even if I don't make it because you're so precious to me, I'll wait until next summer". — Gingham Check (2012).
"Because I truly love you, love is eternal pressure". — Eien Pressure (2012).
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