#Poison is my Thing IC Erik
ignis-venenatus · 9 months
@blacksteeldragon asked: Gajeel would wrap his arms around Erik, putting his chin on the other slayer's head. "Got a fuckin' idea for ya, babe."
Oh, he was babe now was he? Well, that was fine, better than some shitty nickname like buttercup or something else ridiculous. He'd hum as he felt the other male's arms wrapping around his midsection and he'd lean into the embrace as a result.
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"What's yer idea, is it somethin' I'm gonna like?"
He'd be focusing elsewhere, so unless Gajeel's thoughts were particularly LOUD he'd not know what the other was thinking until he said it. He couldn't help but wonder what his boyfriend's idea could be though, so he was intrigued.
"Well, I guess if it's yer idea it might be somethin' I like. Especially if it involves ya, handsome."
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televinita · 1 year
It’s time to play...
The fandom survey that dollsome-does-tumblr so courteously brings over from LJ! a.k.a. the true reason I posted that list of shows and also fave movies earlier. I’ve wussed out on most of the most interesting questions (#11 specifically), but still had a blast writing an unwieldy pile of words.
1. Favorite fictional characters this year
Danny, Lexi, Father Chuck and Aiden Shaw (Blood & Treasure)
Literally the entire original cast of Abbott Elementary, although Jacob is on thin fucking ice with that undercut in season 2, with a special shout-out to the delightful bonkers-ness that is Principal Ava
Both versions of Mark (Severance)
Brad (as played by Danny Pudi) on Mythic Quest
Ghosts Hetty & Pete (CBS Ghosts)
Al & Lizzie (United States of Al)
Alex (and her flippin’ adorable 3-year-old) in Maid
Anyone else listed in question 2
2. Favorite ships this year
DANNY/LEXI (Blood & Treasure)
CLAIRE/OWEN (Jurassic World)
Alan/Ellie (Jurassic World)
Robert/Giselle (Enchanted)
Janine/Gregory (Abbott Elememtary)
Mark/Helly (Severance)
Erik/Helen (Sweet Magnolias)
Jay/Daisy ("Barefoot")
Fell down the rabbit hole of revisiting Daniel/Irene and Johnny/Joyce during the Siberia rewatch
And Densi always, in the background (NCIS: LA)
3. Favorite TV shows to watch this year
Blood & Treasure!, The Amazing Race, The Chase, Maid, Ghosts, Abbott Elementary, The Exes, and an apparently infinite ability to rewatch random eps of Community & Seinfeld
4. Favorite books read this year
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(not necessarily in this order)
5. Favorite song, album, or artist to listen to this year
Taylor Swift ended up my most-played artist on Spotify due to me scheduling 3 of her albums for me-release (a.k.a. I hear them for the first time as if they are new releases: the Taylor’s Versions and folklore).
Tied with Josh Groban, whose music basically comprised all of my listening from April through June, most of which was not via Spotify.
6. Favorite movies of the year
Done :)
7. Favorite TV show episodes of the year
See, this is the kind of thing that’s easier to answer when you watch shows as they air...ugh! All right. I can try this, at least w/ shows that aired this year.
Blood & Treasure: 2x04, 2x06 and 2x08 (Into the Forbidden Zone; Mystery at Poison Island; The Lost City of Sana)
The Amazing Race: season 33 finale
Abbot Elementary: 1x11 (Desking); 2x06 (Candy Zombies); 2x10 (Holiday Hookah), probably more tbh
8. First fandom of the year
It’s a tie between “holy crap I love The Amazing Race” and revisiting Blood & Treasure season 1, which occurred near simultaneously with my random love for the original video game series Uncharted.
(Honestly, watching husband play Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End for most of January, while I sat next to him alternating between reading and paying attention, was one of the coziest times in my life.)
9. Best new fandom discovery of the year
Oh, for sure Abbott; it is not often that a comedy can make me care about the characters and think about them beyond the weekly episode.
Unless we count the fact that this is the first time I actually dove into the fandom aspect of Jurassic World, in which case: that by a mile.
10. Biggest fandom disappointment of the year
A) I honestly can’t think of any bummers except the Blood & Treasure S2 DVD being expensive as hell and having no extras beyond a 2-minute gag reel (that they released online anyway). Which, considering it was locked up on a streaming service while airing, I AM grateful it’s on DVD at all + I do love a gag reel, but...season 1 had deleted scenes on every episode and I really wanted more of those, ideally plus some BTS stuff about filming since this is one of the few shows where I care about every little aspect of the production.
A-2) If I’m being really picky, I am disappointed that the one shippy thing I didn’t get in season 2 was any sort of pillow talk or other snuggling in bed. I got everything else under the sun I could possibly want, sure, but not my favorite.
B) and I am of course generally disappointed in HBO Max for being a little bitch and disappearing so much of its content. None of it was relevant to me and this is the last streaming service I would ever pay for, but that sets a scary precedent.
C) I just learned that DCC: Making the Team has officially been canceled after 16 seasons, the last one covering the 2021 season. Aww. Guess I only have 1.5 left unseen. (supposedly the organization is “in the process of negotiating a new partnership and [looks] forward to continuing to feature the DCC on a new platform,” whatever that means, but that was in April.)
11. Biggest squee moments of the year
I should honestly make a new post about this, because my brain is mostly a  blur of ideas re: --
* The nine thousand seven hundred and forty-four squee-worthy Claire/Owen and general found-family bits in Dominion
* every episode of Blood & Treasure S2 (I really do need to make a new post to count all the shippy bits up -- kisses and I-thought-you-were-dead moments and two other near-death experiences and reunion hugs and, and, !!!)
* THE KISS (Severance)
* Valor giving me exactly what I came for in terms of intense makeout sessions and two gunshot wounds
* too many family and/or shippy bits to count (still) in Disenchanted -- here are some of them -- and also a very unexpected yet soul-fulfilling “I used to be good at things :( “
(sidebar, I am still a MESS OF FEELINGS about the lyric I thought I’d found a place where I could makes things better / but all I did was change where I would fail. GISELLE!!)
* post-danger bed snuggles (NCIS: LA) and adoption joy!
...huh, that is actually more squee than I remember, good to know.
12. Favorite main character of the year (see #1) 13. Favorite villain of the year
"The Great Khan” on Blood & Treasure :)
14. Favorite m/f ship of the year
Danny/Lexi. Not even Claire & Owen took me to the stars like them.
15. Favorite f/f ship of the year
Normally I got nothin’ here but I would endorse the idea of Violet / Lexi in their younger days
16. Favorite m/m ship of the year
I got nothin’. The Klaine Stands Alone.
17. Your fictional true love of the year
Guess. (although, honestly, there were some fantastic dudes in books who could compete in this category too. In fact, here are my four favorites --
A. Joshua Avery (Before I Called You Mine) B. Everett St. James (Very Sincerely Yours) C. Adam Bradford (Lake Season) D. Jack forgot-his-last-name (Lease on Love)
18. Fandom that you never expected to get into
Honestly I’m still pretty stunned I found anything to enjoy about Severance and Mythic Quest at all.
Also, Hit the Floor is definitely not something I’d have been able to stand before I fell in love w/ the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders show. The fact that it is continuing to hold my interest despite having zero ships to root for and a maximum of two arguably handsome men is truly something.
19. Fandom that made an unexpected comeback
SIBERIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (plz watch it) (it’s on Tubi plz plz watch it)
20. Last fandom of the year
Valor or Hit the Floor
21. Overall favorite fandoms of the year (see #22) 22. Your main fandoms throughout the year
2022 will forever be the year of The Amazing Race, Jurassic World and Blood & Treasure* (*part II)
23. The most missed of your old fandoms
I do miss when there was an official @nbcsiberia​ Tumblr that interacted with us all
24. Fandom resolutions for next year
Find/watch more shows with shippy kicks! Finally watch the shows on my watchlist* instead of whatever low-emotional-impact nonsense I can find on a streaming service! #MyGoalsAreVerySpecific.
(*maybe this should also be its own post; I really need to make A Plan)
On a serious note, maybe finish posting my semi-to-entirely complete fics over on AO3. I thought finally making an account was the only obstacle to my inertia and everything would be fine once I posted my first fic, but nope! Still a monumental effort to convince myself to put anything out in the world.
25. Fandom predictions for next year
(I’ve been thinking for a week but I have nothing)
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fatehbaz · 3 years
Hi, your blog is great, a very good resource and useful. I was wondering if I could ask, have you ever read a book/article about the life cycle of product, I mean an examination of the resource extraction/labor/factory/transport process and how each stage is damaging to people/environment? I've been looking and nothing is useful. Sorry if my English is not great. Thank you for your blog!
Hello. Thank you for such a supportive and kind message. You are always welcome to send me messages. I know that I’m often annoying, so I’m happy if anything I’ve shared/posted has provided an interesting resource.
Thank you for trusting me enough to send me this message, but I don’t think I’m qualified to answer it too well. I think that some of my friends on this site would be better able to provide some recommendations for you. For example, I don’t know anything about the transportation stage of products, or how providers/corporations eventually come to move, say, edible produce from the agricultural source, across borders, and into a grocery store (though I’m mostly-sure that colonial/imperial/corporate powers have obscured these mechanisms of food production, in many/most cases purposely, in order to absolve metropolitan consumers of any potential realization of guilt or complicity in violence). But I don’t know anything about product life cycles generally. So I don’t think I’m a great person to ask, y’know? For example, in the case of, say, lithium production, I’ve not found or read any, like, comprehensive book or singular text that, like, follows the entire process from extraction, through refinement, to use, and then eventual disposal. But I’m sure there are books/articles/texts out there which do describe this process. And that’s why I’d invite someone else, one of my friends or whomstever, to offer recommendations, since I can’t.
That said, I’ve got a couple of recommendations. I’m relatively more interested in plantations; the life cycle of some few very specific products (rubber; palm oil; uranium; lithium); more broad discussion of the damage wrought from industrial-scale resource extraction and development (Anthropocene and Plantationocene concepts; planetary urbanization); or the violence of the first/initial stages of the product life cycle (wastelanding; colonial/imperial institutions dispossessing people of land; poisoning/contamination from mining). So I’ve got some resources here related to these concepts.
The concept of “planetary urbanization” or “planetary urban fabric” basically refers to how, at least in the past two or three centuries, there is no corner of the planet that has been spared ecological damage by or escaped the resource extraction cycles of industrial development and major urban areas. This is the idea that every corner of Earth, no matter how apparently “remote” or “wild”, is altered by and implicated in industrial resource extraction. (For example, even “remote” Siberia hosts pipelines and giant mines that service major urban areas. Ice-loss in Greenland and algae blooms in the open ocean are related to anthropogenic climate alteration. Isolated forests of the Great Bear Rainforerst are still penetrated by logging roads. Industrial cropland disrupts the soil of the West African Sahel, and then Saharan dust storms sweep into the Caribbean; etc.)
Some introductions to the concept: Roi Salgueiro Barrio. “What World? Reframing the World as One City.” December 2016. ////////// Lindsay Bremner. “The Urban Hyperobject.” Geoarchitecture. 24 August 2015. ////////// Maria Kaika and Erik Swyngedouw. “Radical urban political-ecological imaginaries.” Derive. May 2014. ////////// And here’s a compilation post I put together, with short excerpts from several articles about planetary urbanization.
Anyway, seems like this might be more closely related to what you’re looking for. These are some recent things I’ve read that seem related to the violence of the product life cycle.
-- I wrote a post about the violence of the life cycle of uranium (including initial extraction and mining; refinement; and disposal, imposing violence at every stage of production) in Navajo Country and the Colorado Plateau (includes maps of uranium mines; radioactive fallout zones; and radioactive waste disposal sites).
-- Andrea Knutsen. “Scarcity and the Suburban Backyard.” Edge Effects. 1 September 2020. [This article is about food and grocery store supply chains in North America during crises and how British imperialism in the Caribbean in recent centuries relied on the imposition of artificial scarcity and the maintinence of a racialized economic hierarchy which still influences contemporary food supply chains.]
-- Gaston Gordillo. “The Metropolis: The Infrastructure of the Anthropocene.” In: Infrastructures, Environment, and Life in the Anthropocene. Edited by Kregg Hetherington. 2019. [This article is about the stages of dispossession, policy, and marketing that support massive soy agriculture/extraction in Latin America, and how soy is an example of how contemporary products involve dispossession at multiple scales in multiple regions driven by forces that transcend national boundaries. This article also describes planetary urbanization.]
-- Martin Arboleda. “Financialization, totality, and planetary urbanization in the Chilean Andes.” December 2015. [This article is about lithium in Latin America, how lithium extraction relates to the mass “financialization of life” in the neoliberal era, and how local dispossession in Chile is driven by investors and companies from North America.]
-- Yanis Iqbal. “The Ravages of Lithium Extraction in Chile.” 15 July 2020. [This article is about “lithium imperialism” and how so-called “sustainable” electric cars in European and North American markets rely on dispossession and ecological/human violence in Latin America.]
-- Gregg Mitman. “Forgotten Paths of Empire: Ecology, Disease, and Commerce in the Making of Liberia’s Plantation Economy.” Environmental History. December 2016. [Article about the early-20th-century extraction and production of rubber via corporate plantations in West Africa and how US medical institutions and Harvard doctors relied on plantations for access to research; also discusses coffee and fruit plantations in Latin America.]
-- Post I wrote about the difference between a forest and a tree plantation, focused on resource extraction on Mapuche land in the Valdivian temperate rainforest region of “Chile.”
-- Mongabay has done consistent work covering palm oil plantations which service European and North American food markets, especially focused on plantations in Indonesia, which appear to be dependent on Indigenous dispossession in Borneo and Papua. One example of the initial stages of violence: Sophie Chao. “In the plantations there is hunger and loneliness: The cultural dimensions of food insecurity in Papua.” Mongabay 14 July 2020.
-- On a related note, here’s a long and comprehensive look at palm oil: Human Rights Watch. “When We Lost the Forest, We Lost Everything”: Oil Palm Plantations and Rights Violations in Indonesia. September 2019.
-- Melanie K. Yazzie. “Decolonizing Development in Dine Bikeyah: Resource Extraction, Anti-Capitalism, and Relational Futures.” Environment and Society. September 2018. [This article is about the connections between Navajo Country and US border policies; connections between coal mining, uranium, and land dispossession; and ecological/human damage of wastelanding in the region.]
-- Post I wrote about fossil fuel refineries; environmental racism; high c0vid death rates; cancer rates; toxic air; state violence; and local zoning policy in Louisiana’s Cancer Alley (with a bunch of maps, photos, and graphics).
-- Inspired by a good article Mongabay did about the history of one particular major land-owning company, here’s a post I wrote about how a Gilded Age company founded by friends of King Leopold in the infamous rubber plantations of the Congo eventually came, today, to establish and own the major rubber plantations of Southeast Asia which service Euro-American markets, while the same company still maintains many “neo-colonial” land holdings in Africa.
-- Nicholas Jahr. “Workers Organize at Firestone, Liberia’s ‘State Within a State’.” The Nation. 8 July 2010. [Article about contemporary rubber plantations in West Africa and how Firestone -- “official tire of Major League Baseball” -- functions and rules as a de facto colonial/imperial state.]
Let me know if anyone wants links to read these articles for free.
Thank you for reaching out. Thanks again for being so kind.
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akegatacchi · 5 years
Sense8 AU!aftg
In the honor of absolutlynothing I’ve decided to put out there one of the many au I have on my phone and archive it there
Big shout out to @a-m-peengoo and @bluesuederose for participating in this mess with genius lines and always be there to bear my 36 ideas per hour. We did a masterpiece girls.
Here we go it’s gonna be long
The cluster:
Kevin: Nomi. He’s just a fuckin hacker who’s running away from his family (riko). When he’s bored, he spends nights crashing the Pentagon system for fun, and makes every screen in the White House play Best Exy Actions Compilation (the longest and hardest part is choosing one compilation to play).
Dan: Will. One of them have to keep them under control. Plus, Dan with a gun i can’t even-
Matt: Riley. Soft, blue strand of hair, a heart of gold, maternal. As a DJ. Yes. SO SOFT (he still knows how to box)
Allison: Capheus. Listen. Imagine Allison in high heels, skin tight leather pants, driving a bus. Also, a F1 pilot champion who can drive anything (even if it’s the first time)
Andrew: Wolfgang. Duh. Do I need to explain myself. Just think abt him saying “This is Berlin. Those are my people. And we go to our knees for no one”.Boy he does NOT like this situation, at all. Will keep the others out with sheer willpower and no blockers. The cluster’s deadliest weapon. PLUS HELLO???? ANDREW IN A PASTEL PINK BOMBER SHOOTING ON A HELICOPTER WITH A BAZOOKA????
Aaron: Felix? Sorta? not a senseate but a great doctor. Senses bullshit and when someone is in Andrew’s body real quick  (Andrew: says more than 2 sentences and is pleasant. Aaron:.....who’s that bitch where is my brother) . Later helps to manufacture blockers.
Neil: Kala. A pharmacist that uses his skill for arson and may or may not be running away from mafia/family matter and currently hiding in India. Him saying “Bring it, bitch” to Riko is my sexuality and Andrew’s. Can create explosives from a Fanta can and spices I mean it’s already canon in aftg. (plus andreil would work even better bc technically Neil can’t even touch Andrew for real)
Nicky: Lito. The drama, the sass. Also the scene where he discovers the Twinyard in Germany are his cousins would be hilarious. The scene where Lito seduces the nurse but with Nicky (“engaging into heterosexual activity? me????”) or the scene where Lito screams in the museum but with Nicky
Erik as Hernando. That’s it that’s the post.
Renee: Sun. I mean, a korean fighter lady in prison trying to be a better person and had a silent bffs relationship with a german gangster? Come on. Also. Allison in a bus and Renee doing art martials stuff. 
Riko: whispers i guess he can eat Allison’s high heels
Now the ~scenes~ (it’s just shitposting):
Aaron, on the verge on several break downs: wait so you have like … DJ Blue Matt and F1 pilot Allison Reynolds in your head? since when? ANDREW SINCE WHE-
Neil: what’s a better use of a multiple thousands dollars education than precise arson?????
Aaron: why does your boyfriend always end up burning things up?
Andrew: he lits up my heart as well
Kevin, shocked and betrayed: is there a better sport than exy?
Allison: you’re - you’re like the spirit of Lucy Liu. In Charlie’s Angels. I watch it once a day. Renee:.....that’s sweet actually :) 
Neil: does a molotov cocktail
Matt: I tHoUgHt yOu wErE a PhArMaCiSt
Neil: Yes? That’s PHYSICS
Matt: no that’s ARSON NEIL
Kevin: breaks into the Pentagon virtually
Neil: breaks into the Pentagon physically
Matt, again: i thought you were a PHARMACIST!!!! Neil: Yes I am??? That’s irrelevant
A senseate sibling, escaping, grabbing a vehicle at random: someone knows how to drive that?
Allison, in stilettos : no, but I sure will soon
Just Allison driving Renee around to fight people
Everytime someone mocks a senseate sibling Neil or Nicky shows up to roast them. Sometimes they do it both at the same time. It’s apocalyptic. The sass. The drama. 
They can also bullshit their way out of any situation. Neil is such a smooth liar and Nicky is just ridiculous. The FBI agent charged to arrest them somehow ends up crying abt childhood trauma while hugging a teddy bear.
Neil, caught in the act of making a string of explosives by the FBI guy: uuuuuuh….Nicky?
Nicky, currently dealing with a white mom in retail: somehow convince the FBI to buy christmas lights
(Yes Nicky works in retail bc his family cut ties with him but he hopes to be an actor.ON BROADWAY)
(From retail to actor to cluster negotiator real quick)
A  fuckin moron to Allison: a hottie like you driving a bus? what is this, hooker on wheels?
Neil: please let me have this one
Allison: seats back and enjoys Neil roasting him
Nicky: brings the popcorn
Nicky, to the FBI guy: You can’t arrest me Daryl I’m your long lost little brother
The FBI guy, a white man: My name is not Daryl Neil: THAT’S WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO BELIEVE
The FBI guy, texting Neil (don’t ask): I guess I’m still in love with my ex
Nicky: aaaaaw we have to help this sweetheart
Neil: do you want me to burn his current boyfriend’s car, buddy?
A fuckin homophobe: ready to get your ass kicked, faggot?
Andrew: appears through Nicky
Nicky, smiling: fuck yeah, baby 
Andrew, between two bazooka shot, to Neil:  we’re nothing
Nicky, through Andrew, all cheery: Hi!!!! :D
(Aaron jumps like a scared cat)
Andrew: ready to kill ppl for mafia business
All the senseate siblings in the back minus Renee, eating popcorn and enjoying the show: Kick ass, Drew!
Andrew, on the hospital bed: has an emotional moment with Aaron
Aaron: sir or ma'am, idk who you are but it’s family only, I will ask you, as his doctor, to leave my brother’s body
Aaron: Andrew is2g if you’re making psychic love to that fuckin red hair rn i will-
Andrew each time a senseate is hurt: Aaron it’s for you
(Just Aaron doing med tutorials for a whole cluster while Andrew repeats it with a bored tone to everyone)
(Aaron, sighs: it is Neil again? Just let him bleed for a few minutes)
Neil, making bomb with kitchen stuff: If it means losing you then no
Andrew, falling in love: oh
Bad guy: You have no weapon, blondie!
Allison, with Renee and Dan behind her: Think again, sweetheart
They made a little “honorary cluster member” badge to Aaron (he does not cry STFU NEIL)
Dan and Neil both knows by heart the laws of different countries…..for very different reasons.
Luther: humiliates Nicky once again
Renee: calmly breaks his hand at dinner while smiling like an angel, all the while stopping Andrew from killing him with the other hand
Neil, a pharmacist: blowing shit up and arson
Aaron, a doctor, watching him: yk what hold my beer I know several ways to stop a man’s heart
The whole “You don’t know how to use a gun” “No, but you do” with andreil or matt and dan
Just Drew and Renee kicking some mafia asses together as buddies
(While Neil blows some shit up in the background and Allison/Nicky cheer)
Matt has the perfect ear too
Him and Kevin are the remote operation/communication team but one day all the fighters/criminals of the cluster are busy so they both start to fight as well and fuck they are good at it
Nicky: I expected this from Biceps Matt but Kevin??? You can land a kick like that???
Speaking of Kevin, they all call him “nerd” or “einstein”
Allison: so the nerd can fight uh
Aaron, counting down on his fingers: so you have F1 Pilot Superstar Allison Reynolds, former gold medalist and tech genius Kevin Day, a human diapason, a multilingual arsonist, World no.1 Taekwondo Champion Renee Walker, a cop, an actor…..what are you there for??
Andrew, literally a mafia king:....ice cream and crime?
Neil to Andrew, after the whole debacle with his father is out: You did know there were mafia out of Germany too, right?
Andrew: I can’t even have that for myself fuck this family
Dan, every time before each “mission”: okay guys I know we need to do it but I’d like to remind ALL of you *looks pointly at Neil and Andrew* it’s STILL illegal and morally dubious
Neil: …….like I said to Nicky, irrelevant *without missing a beat blows up the entire building and puts on stolen Gucci shades*
Neil: ok saint theresa why were you the one to suggest we explode Riko’s brain off then
Dan: ...don’t turn the conversation around me it’s about you
Allison “guess we’re detourning a place next” Reynolds and Kevin “It’s not that hard to pilot” Day
(Kevin: But why are you on a plane to Russia? I thought you were in India last time?
Neil:....don’t ask)
Aaron to Andrew, where they are trapped and betrayed: your boyfriend wouldn’t happen to know how to poison a whole room with gaz?
Neil: I was born for this moment
(Andrew: just bc you’re my brother doesn’t mean you have the right to dirty talk my boyfriend)
Andrew: be gay, do crime and eat ice cream
(before they know abt Neil’s past, when Andrew is angsty bc he caught feelings)
Andrew: You  shouldn’t get close to me, it’s dangerous, i’m mafia
Neil: oh haven’t you heard-
Jeremy, bouncing out of nowhere: Hey Kev ! Love how you BI-nary code ahah have you heard of the ARCHIPELAGO 
Neil, sipping tea: so my father is the Butcher
Matt:  okokokok coolcoolcoolcool yk what arson doesn’t sound like a bad idea after all
(this one is not funny sorry) but Neil taking over each time someone is hurt bc he is used to deal with it
“Give the pain to me”
Andrew and Aaron like to fuck around a lot with the whole sensate stuff (since only one of them is a sensate)
Bad guy: only one of you is a sensate, which one is it?
Twinyard, in a perfect and flat tone: try to guess
A bad guy is spying on Andrew and waiting to kill him in Germany, via a cam, thinking he’s safe BUT SUPRISE MOTHERFUCKER it was aaron dressed as Andrew in a mafia meeting and now you have to deal with a 5 feet tall mafia boy
For real tho they are a little protective of the normal doctor who heal them every time (yes even Neil but don’t tell him) so you bet something like that happens one day:
Aaron: comes home from work angry
Andrew, cleaning up blood or counting money: whassup shithead?
Aaron: There’s this older doctor he’s great and all but he’s a fuckin asshole to me he belittles me everyday bc i’m young and we lost a patient today bc he rathers humiliate me than let me save him 
Andrew, a dangerous glint in his eyes and a whole cluster behind him: oh?
Kevin, opens his computer and digs up dirt on him: give me a sec
Allison: I can roll over him with my truck
Neil: there is so many ways to mix two meds and kills him ON ACCIDENT
Dan: let’s see how he deals in prison
Nicky: oh this is going to be fun
Kevin, reciting facts like he’s reading a grocery list: so yeah he smuggles meds from the hospital so local drug dealers, illegally sells meds for himself on the black market, does tax evasion, is friend with a local senator and both of them are involved with minors….i have already several reservation at X hotel btw and cases of work harassment on nurses and interns, threats to others older doctors in serve, and OH. OH. We have a spanking kink on our hands too.
Every members of the cluster, turning to Nicky and Neil:....go wild
Nicky, giggling: not that’s it’s a shame when it’s consensual but not here so - let’s start with the spanking :D
Neil: Can I make him cry
No violence is used but the doctor is found on the floor drowning in his own tears after a few minutes and after an hour he’s resigned and leaving the country
Andrew was dressed as Aaron for that (that being: smuggling Neil and Nicky into the hospital to meet the doctor through him)  and sends him a selfie of a 5 feet surgeon and the man crying on the floor 
It’s their best memory as a family (Aaron hates Neil a little less after that)
Neil to Nicky: why did you stop me from pushing towards suicide??? He’s gonna do that in another country
(Kevin: no if I can help it)
Nicky: bc we don’t do that to people!
Neil, Andrew, Aaron, Allison:...........right
Neil: killing even indirectly is no good but destroying their life and humiliating them publically is good?
Nicky: YES!
Matt and Dan: WAIT NO
(Allison: don’t brother Neil you’ll just hurt your head)
(Neil, close to tears: but...but...but arson?? Andrew, with knives out: alright fuckers who broke his heart?)
Matt and Dan bc they’re fuckin weak to Neil: ITS OK BUDDY ARSON IS GOOD
I have to end on this note:
Storyline wise, Neil would have make the perfect Wolfgang too….if Wolfgang was a twink.
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reeree1500 · 4 years
The Return- Part 11
Im backkkkk💕 Hey yall so after a very very longgggg break from writing😅😬 I am officially back💕 I wanted to say thank you to everyone who reached out to me for their support and their love💕☺️ I am currently working on finishing up this series for yall as well as some smutty😏 requests that have been sent in. And I just wanna say that I love all of yall and yall are the best people out there💕💕💕💕💕💕
Disclaimer: Some Angst, Some Fluff and my horrible writing as always💕 Hope yall enjoy💕
Taglist: @yanii-the-hippie @oceans-daughter-3 @camatsuru @youbloodymadgenius @calum-hoodwinked-me @cutegyrl927 @readsalot73 @blonddnamedhandz @hallowed-heathen @pinkrockstar19 @ivarthethiccness @zuxiezendler @thejulietfarciertlove @supernaturalvikingwhore @ifihadwings128 @paintballkid711 @affection-rabbit @mel0nch0ly @queenofallthyfandoms @limbo-limbo-limbo @biss-stuff @funmadnessandbadassvikings
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Taking a deep breath I go to stand up from the bed in order to fetch a bucket of water and some new clothes. Instead I end up on the floor cradling my belly, with a burning sensation in my chest and blood pouring out from my mouth. “(Y/n)! Mama!” I can hear the shouts around me. “Fetch the doctor! Now hurry!” The voices around me begin to fade and not before long I can feel myself drifting away.
“My baby... Save my baby...” And with that everything turns pitch black...
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Ivar’s POV
It seemed like time and everything around me stilled. What had started as a very awkward and unpleasant evening, had become even worse. Just a few steps away from me, (Y/n) had collapsed and I wanted nothing more than to rush to her aid and lift her up in my arms so that I could whisper that everything would be okay. That our son would be fine, because he was a fighter and he was OUR SON! That this was all a nightmare and that I would not rest till whoever was responsible would be put to death by my hands! But how could I? How could I be that person she needed the most when all I had done was bring her pain and sorrow. 
I hand single handedly destroyed her life and her family. It wasn't until I saw her there. Laying down on the mattress as cold as ice that it dawned on me. All the hurt and pain that I place the people I love through... 
“Ivar? Are you alright my love?” Said Freydis as she knelt down before me, whilst placing her hands on my knees. My hands that once rested on the arms of the chair I was in, grasped on to her arms. I lifted my gaze to meet hers with the iciest stare that I could muster. “Do...Not...Touch...Me...Whore. I want nothing to do with you, for I know that somehow you're involved in this. And when I find out how, I will not hesitate to end your life!” I said through gritted teeth, whilst I pushed her down on to the floor. “My king, my god, I have nothing to do with this I assure you! Please you must believe me!” She pleaded with me whilst trying reach for me again. I only stared at her and said nothing back for I would not be able to contain myself from killing her. 
Shifting my gaze away from her I stare at the mattress in the middle of the room. Were (y/n) and Erik lay. Both pale, but you could tell that Erik was not in as bad of a shape as (y/n) was, as he had some colour to his skin. I could see Freydis from the corner of my eyes, lifting herself up and trying to come towards me. This idiot does not give up. I quickly turned my icy glare towards her and she stopped dead in her tracks. Bowed and slipped away from the room.
Her eyes told me everything I needed to know. They showed guilt, anger, even happiness, perhaps at the fact that the only person that has ever loved me for me was dying, but the one thing that showed the most was remorse. And that single handedly told me that she was involved. Freydis was not smart enough to do this on her own, so there must have been someone else pulling the strings. And I would not rest until I found out who!
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Your POV
Fluttering my eyes open, I start to notice the familiar surroundings around me. The fireplace’s light radiating across the entire room. Marjorie’s little body at the foot of the bed sound asleep and Erik’s little body hugging her’s closely as if he was protecting her from anything. Erik! At that thought I try my hardest to lift myself off the bed to check on my baby boy, but am stopped by him. “Surely, you're not thinking about getting up, are you now? We both know that’s probably one of the stupidest things you could do in your condition.” Ivar said from the chair he was in. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, maybe even weeks. His hair was disheveled and his eyes held something to them that I couldn't quite put my finger on. 
I tried to form words, but couldn't quite find the right one’s. Ivar stood up from the chair and used his crutch as support to lift himself off the chair and walk towards the bed in the middle of the room. “I..var, what happened? Erik.. h..he was...”  I trailed off before the tears streamed down my face. “Shhhh... It’s alright. Don’t cry, I’ll explain everything that’s happened, but please do not cry. I cannot bear to see you in tears, love.” Ivar said while wiping the tears of my face with his thumbs as he sat down beside me. As Ivar took my hand in his, he recounted everything that had occurred in the last 2 weeks to me. 
Freydis had been escorted back to Kattegat by Ivar’s guards, he did not tell me why, but I could tell that it was something serious by the way his demeanour changed. Bjorn and Hvitserk were set to sail back as well sometime this week as they had treaties and business to attend to in Ivar’s behalf. Who was keen on not leaving my side till I awoke and Erik was back to full health. “And Arthur? Where is he?” I whispered, noticing the children about to wake up. At that Ivar takes a deep breath in and with an exasperated sigh... “He’s gone (y/n). He left a note about a week ago. He said that being here at your side wasn’t his place anymore, that the children and you would always have a place in his heart. And not to worry, that he was not going to revoke the children’s titles. But...” Ivar said looking down at our intertwined hands. For a moment I could see genuine sadness and guilt in his eyes, he looked back at the children and then he looked directly into my eyes. The eyes that I had tried so long to forget. The eyes that brought me comfort, safety and most of all the love that as much as I tried to deny it, he could only give me. “He divorced you (y/n)...” 
Before I could even get the chance to process what Ivar was telling me, I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me. “Mama! You're awake!” Cried out Marjorie. “Oh my babies! Im so sorry, I will never ever leave your sides again do you hear me?” I say to both Erik and Marjorie as I look into their eyes and wrapped them in a bear hug. I can feel Ivar’s stare from where he is sitting and before I realize what Im doing, I pull him in to the hug by the shirt he was wearing. “I cant... breathe...” said Erik from underneath mine and Ivar’s arms. At that we all let out a small laugh and let go of our family hug. “Erik are you feeling alright? Are you sick? We should probably get the doctor. And you should be in bed mister not out of it!” I say once it dawns on me that my son was almost poisoned, and here he is acting as if nothing had happened. “Calm down (y/n), he's alright I had the best doctors taking care of him while you were, you know.” Ivar says as he rubs my back in a soothing way. “Yeah Mama! Uncle Ivar...I mean Papa took care of me and Marjorie whilst you were sleeping, he never once left my side even though he probably should have, he looks terrible.” Erik says as he whispers the end of his sentence making me and Marjorie laugh. Ivar just stared at him not knowing how to reply to Erik. “Rude.” Is all that Ivar said before plopping down next to me on the bed, making us all laugh harder. I could see Ivar playing as if he were hurt by Erik’s statement, but his eyes told me how astonished he was at the fact our little boy was just like him, not to mention the fact that I could tell Ivar was dying of laughter on the inside. 
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Moments later as the children are telling Ivar and I what they had done during the week. There’s a knock at the door. Marjorie and Erik go to answer it, as they noticed that Ivar had fallen asleep with his head on my lap and he hasn't slept at all during the last 2 weeks. “Well if it isn't, my beautiful niece and my handsome nephew. Eh! How’s your papa, is he still brooding and acting all grumpy in the corner of the room?” Hvitserk says with a grin on his face that stretches ear to ear. “Nope! He’s sleeping on mama’s lap you see.” Marjorie says as she points toward us from Hvitserk’s arms. “(y/n), you're awake!” He says putting Marjorie down and running towards the bed and throwing himself on it. Ivar’s hand shoots out and grabs Hvitserk’s throat. “Don’t.” He says before letting go and going back to sleep, as he places his upper body across my legs. “And were back to normal people!” Hvitserk as he laughs while hugging me and kissing my forehead.
 “So how are you feeling? How was it actually? Wait you must me insanely hungry, good thing I had your cooks make a feast!” As Hvitserk went on and on asking questions and me trying to answer them to the best of my ability I start to think about my family and what the future holds for us especially now since I’ve lost my best friend. And Im not 100% forgiving Ivar just yet, but I cant help but feel that this is how it was meant to be. Ivar and I listening to the ramblings of Hvitserk and our children and one of us drifting away while the other smiled and nodded. The thought brought a huge smile to my face, and a feeling that I could never forget nor want to disappear. The feeling of Family.
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After a couple of days I still wasn't back 100%, but I couldn't just stay locked up in a room. Ivar protested all he could, but he knew that I would not stop until I got what I wanted. As I made the trek from the castle to the cliff I could see the ocean and how calm and serene it looked. The birds flocking from one place to another and the sun setting in the distance. The view was breathtaking. “You know considering you just got poisoned, you shouldn't be out and about by yourself.” Bjorn said as he approached me at the edge. “I know, but I just needed a moment to myself. To think about things and wrap my head around this mess.” I said pulling the shawl a little tighter around myself, to shield me from the ocean’s breeze. “Here, take this.” Bjorn said as he placed his fur around my shoulders. “I thought I lost you for good (y/n). Those 2 weeks where we didn't know if you would awake, took me to a dark place that I haven't gone too since before you came back into my life...” Bjorn whispered as he looked out towards the sun set. “Bjorn, I’m a horrible person. I can’t stop thinking about how this is the life I was meant to live. Just me, my kids and Ivar. What about Arthur? He was such a big part of my life and I...” 
“You can’t help, but feel guilty. Guilty that was you shared wasn't meant to be, that secretly you hoped for this day all your life? Free from what seemed like a burden?” He says as he sitting down and twiddling with the laces on his boots. “Yes... But he wasn't a burden, he was my friend, my best friend. He was there for me when Ivar wasn't, he took care of me.” I choke out through sobs as I fall on my knees next to him. “I know, but you cant help who you love (y/n) and who you do not. At the end of the day you would have held this in and it would've ate away at you, for Odin knows how long.” Bjorn says wiping away my tears and kissing my forehead. “God I hate you sometimes, you know that?” “Nope, you loveeee me.” We say as we laugh together whilst we lay down on the grass looking up at the stars as the night took over. “(y/n), although you're not technically my sister. I want you to know that no matter what I’ll always be with you and that I love you.” Bjorn says without looking at me. “I know...I love you too, big brother.” I take his hand in mine to show him that nothing has changed between us and that no matter what he’ll always be my big brother.
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 Standing up we make our way back to the castle, but before we go in I stop him. “Bjorn, when is the boat departing to Kattegat, again?” “In 4 days time, why?” He asks with a worried look on his face. “Let’s say that I’ll be joining you, 4 years is long enough to be away from home.” I say looking up at him, with a hard look on my face. “I’m not one to stop you, but are you sure that’s what you want?” He says with a worried look. “Believe me, its what I want and what I will do.” 
I had gone too long being afraid of the retaliation that Floki would take against me, but I knew that he had orchestrated this poisoning, for he wanted me dead. However, he had not only messed with me, but with my son and no one touches my children. This time I would not return to Kattegat a scared little girl. I would return as a mother, who would protect her kids and her family at all costs and this time I would not be the one sent away, for I would stay in Kattegat and nothing and no one would get in my way...
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thadelightfulone · 5 years
Can We Talk? - Pt. 2
I wanted to get something out since I had a surge of writing energy for my birthday. So, I decided to write a Part 2 to What’s A Valentine. So, if you have not read that yet, go catch up. 
Summary: Dani and Erik have a Non-Valentine’s Day night out. And the aftermath of the confrontation in the lobby.
Danielle and Erik are sitting at their table at a quaint little restaurant that was not crowded due to the holiday. Plates in various stages of completion and a bottle of red wine on the table. It is quiet at the table as the soft music plays around them. Just a comfortable silence between the two, not like when they were younger and always had something to say. This was different, and neither party knew where to start.
Dani is hyper-focused on her glass, watching the wine swirl around so as not to make eye contact with the man in front of her. Her thoughts were swirling around like the wine, but they are too much and overwhelming. She does not even know if she is still in a relationship anymore. Something she was very sure of about two hours ago. And Erik. What could she say about that? Him popping up tonight of all nights and calling her out. She should have punched him. It’s not like she could drop him anymore looking like he does, she would barely move him. She shakes her head, smiling with her face down.
Erik has been watching Dani intently since she put her fork down. She was quiet the whole ride over and staring at her phone, waiting for something from Shaun. He scoffs at the thought of him. The argument he witnessed between the two of them held so much more than her utter dislike for Valentine’s day and his adoration for it. But he is clearly in no position to comment on the state of her relationship after watching her relive her heartbreak at his own hands.
He looks down at his tumbler of whiskey before looking up to see a small smile cross her face. She had a beautiful smile. And he has always had deep feelings for her; but he knew what he wanted to do with his life and because Erik did not know how things would turn out, he did not want to drag her down that road with him.
“Why did you leave?”
“I’m sorry,” Their words overlapping one another. Erik waves to her to proceed.
Dani put her wine down and looked over to him, “Why are you sorry?”
Tracing the rim of his glass, “That I did not handle things better when we were younger.” He watches her as she closes her eyes, clearing her vision of the tears that are right below the surface. “And then when I just left. I thought it would be easier if I didn’t tell you. I had no idea the effect that it would have on you, and for that, I am truly sorry, Danielle.” He reaches over to grab her hand, and she lets him. “I would never hurt you on purpose; you have to know that D.”
Sniffling, “It took me years to figure out, but I know you wouldn’t E. Hell, it’s the reason you actually send me flowers, even though they are not in the typical fashion.” They both share a short laugh as Dani looks down at her hand in his.
“When have you ever known me to do things like they are supposed to be done or whatever?” She dabs at her eyes with her napkin shaking her head, “Exactly.” Signaling for the check, he asks, “Are you ready for your ice cream and horror movies now?”
She perks up at that and gathers her clutch, “Of course, but we need to stop for the ice cream.” Erik signs the check, and they both get up to leave.
They walk into the grocery store with a plan. On the way over, they decided to make some sundaes. Erik is holding the basket as they make their way to the down the candy aisle. Danielle skips in front of him, snatching up bags of her fave chocolates. “Snickers, Reese’s Cups, 3 Musketeers, Hershey Kisses,”
Erik snatches the basket away, “Ewww, D. 3 Musketeers and Kisses. Girl, what happened to your taste buds?”
“Shut up, and those are the caramel kisses. You act like what doesn’t get used won’t get eaten on its own.” Pouting, she pulls the basket towards her and drops the bags in.
“You never heard of Milky Ways?”
“I like the fluffy nougat in Musketeers, why are you trying to rain on my parade? You know what, grab your own damn candy then.” She prances away. “I’m heading for toppings; you can get the ice cream.”
Before she makes it to the end of the aisle, Erik pulls her back into him. “My bad,” she crosses her arms and looks away from him. “Can you get some peanut M&Ms for me, please?” He nuzzles her neck, “Pretty please with a cherry on top.”
She slaps his arm away from her and walks back down the aisle, mumbling, “I can’t stand you.”
“You love me.” She flips him the bird as she returns with Milky Ways and Peanut M&Ms for him.
On their way to the toppings, they discuss movie choices. “So, I was thinking classic horror movies like the 1974 version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Scream, and the 1984 version of Nightmare on Elm Street.”
“Whatever you want, I’m game.”
She shoves him. “Come on. You don’t have one pick that you want to add?”
“Dani girl, it’s your night. We are doing what you want.” He reaches over for the 3-pack of sundae topping sauces with Chocolate, Caramel, and Strawberry and throws it in the basket. She stands right in front of the aisle, blocking him. “Seriously?” He scoots her along, and she pops right back into position. Sighing, “Fine. Devil’s Rejects.” He moves her again and grabs some chopped nuts and cherries.
“As in Rob Zombie’s Devil’s Rejects?” Dani pushes her glasses up on her face staring at him like she has never met him before.
He straightens up to look at her, “Yeah. His movies are pretty good. I even enjoyed Strangeland by Dee Snider. Those rock guys are can be very creative.”
“And not just because Robert Englund was in it?”
Erik laughs, “First of all, he wasn’t starring in it like he was in 2001 Maniacs. But it is nice to see the OGs of horror flicks get lil cameos in stuff like that.”
Linking her arm with his, “Mr. Stevens, let me find out you know a lil something about non-mainstream horror.” Erik chuckles as Dani pulls him towards the ice cream freezers.
“There’s a lot you don’t know Ms. George.” He moves to stand behind her with his chin on top of her head, “Pick your poison.”
“You know what I like.” She walks over to the whipped cream and grabs two cans. “It hasn’t changed.”
Erik stands still thinking as she walks back over to him. Moving forward, “You got room for two tubs, or should I get these small boxes?”
“Both gallons will fit,” she tries to keep the smile off her face watching as her best friend grabs for the Neapolitan and Cookies & Cream tubs.
“I can’t believe you still mix this shit together.”
“Aye, I would not have learned this combo if someone didn’t take all the damn vanilla out of the Neapolitan all the time. How do you separate the three greats from each other like that?“ He hands the tubs to her, and they make their way to the register.
He shrugs, “I like vanilla.” He puts all the items up on the conveyor belt. “Anything else you want before we go?” Thinking about it, Dani suddenly takes off.
“Did you find everything ok, Sir?” The young man behind the register asks while ringing up the ice cream.
“Yeah, she just went to grab her chips. We good.” Dani pulls up with 2 bottles of red wine, some Sour Cream & Cheddar Ruffles, Jalapeño Kettle Chips and Flaming Hot Cheetos in a delicate balancing act. Erik grabs the Ruffles from her mouth and the wine, taking a look at the bottle. “Apothic Red Inferno – aged in a whiskey barrel. Is this the closest you will get to drinking whiskey?”
“Yup,” she puts the other bags down, “Hey Charlie, how are you?”
"I’m good, Ms. Danielle. Stocking up so soon, you were in here like two nights ago.” Erik laughs as her face falls. Charlie looks embarrassed, “Sorry.”
“Yes & No, I have an out-of-town guest who likes to eat and drink folks out of home.” She punches Erik hard in the shoulder, only for her hand to recoil in pain.
He leans over and whispers in her ear, “You knew better than to hit me.” She sticks her tongue out at him and reaches into her clutch to pay when Erik bumps her aside and hands his card to Charlie. He grabs her hand and rubs her knuckles while waiting for the receipt.
Dani yanks her hand away and starts to grab a few bags from the end. “Thanks, Charlie.”
Erik collects the rest of the bags and follows her outside. “Thanks.”
The ride back to Dani’s place is silent as the sounds of some Quiet Storm station play in the background. Erik peeks over at her while at a red light. She is definitely in much better spirits after what happened earlier. He is happy that he can be the one to make her smile and laugh again. He wants to be able to enjoy every moment with her and eventually make up for the asshole he was back when he was a teenager.
Erik parks his car under her building and pops the trunk. Dani grabs the flowers from the backseat and walks to the back to take a few bags. Erik grabs a small black bag along with the rest of their goodies.
“Ummm, excuse you. Who said you are spending the night?”
“You aren’t the only one who gets to be comfy while we chill.” He closes the door. “Lead the way, D.”
"Uh huh, yeah ok. Come on; this elevator bypasses the lobby.” They walk past the parking structure entrance to the elevator bank. On the elevator, she hits the button for her floor, “We never finalized our movie watch list.”
“Ladies choice.” He notices the look on her face. “Fine, you pick first and then I will go. Deal?”
The elevator bell dings at her floor and they both exit. Erik follows as she leads the way to her door at the end of the hallway. He takes the bags she had so that she can open the door. Dani turns on some lights and walks into the kitchen. Erik walks in and sets all the bags on the counter. She puts the ice cream into her freezer.
“You can have the bathroom to change. I’ll be back.”
Inside her room, Dani takes a deep breath. This night has turned out better than she could have imagined. It’s just her and her best friend who happens to also be her first love having a great evening. She knows they need to talk about what he saw happen earlier and everything but how. Being with him likes this reminds her of what they could have been, and now just like that she is confused about her feelings. Looking in the mirror after changing into some yoga pants and a crop top with her workout bra, she shakes her head at her runaway train of thoughts. “Enjoy the rest of your ‘Not a Valentine’s’ date night with Erik, Dani girl. There is no need to overthink anything right now.” She takes some deep calming breaths before walking out to the living room.
She finds Erik already changed in a pair of sweatpants and a black tank top showing off his muscular shoulders and lots of keloid scars. She remembers him telling her about his family in Wakanda and his failed attempt at a takeover before becoming a Regional Director to the Outreach Centers on the West Coast. She just never saw the scarring he did to himself, and it only adds more to this man standing in her kitchen lining up the sundae bar.
“Take a picture; it’ll last longer. But this ice cream won’t.” Erik smirks as he caught Dani staring him down.
“You lucky, I am too ready for this sundae party.” Dani walks over bumping Erik as he hands her a big bowl, sliding the ice cream over to her.
Dani’s first sundae contains a little bit of everything they bought except the Milky Ways. Erik snatched up the entire bag and kept them by his side, giving her one or two when he felt like it. They made it through the original Nightmare on Elm Street and a bottle of wine. Now, they were settling down with their second sundae or some chips and candy in Erik’s case and onto his pick, Boo.
“Why do people enjoy tempting fate by going into haunted and abandoned hospitals?” Dani asks through a mouthful of ice cream.
“Hell if I know, but you see how her man’s boy is doing the most trying to scare this chick. If anyone makes it out alive, it better be her.” Erik responds while crunching on some chips.
They both started in different positions in the living room. Erik on the floor under her coffee table while Dani was on the love seat curled into the corner. Then they both were on the floor at the coffee table before Erik stretched his shoulders and Dani moved up behind him to give him a massage as he sat between her legs. As his movie played and they finished eating, he returned the favor by sitting on the couch with her legs on his lap and mindlessly kneading them.
After a quick bathroom break, wine re-up and short clean-up of the kitchen, they are back in the living room watching Dani’s second pick of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Dani is curled into Erik’s side with her favorite fleece blanket over her. Erik has his arm wrapped around her, playing with her curls as she tries to keep her eyes open. He stretches out along the couch pulling her along with him and pulls the blanket up over the both of them. He falls asleep to the sound of her soft snores.
The sound of a phone buzzing along the coffee table wakes Erik up from his sleep. He looks to see Dani’s phone screen showing a picture of Shaun. Erik groans and stretches out a bit careful of Danielle who is laying in front of him. Pulling her back, he takes the moment to enjoy the feel of her in his arms and watches her as she sleeps. The buzzing of the phone starts up again and Dani squirms in his arms.
“Morning Sunshine.” He looks down on her as she blinks herself awake.
“Hey. Did we really fall asleep out here?” She quickly moves to an upright position, leaving the comfortable warmth of his arms.
“Yeah, you didn’t make it past the family meeting in Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” He sits up and grabs the blanket before it falls. “I think someone has been trying to reach you. I’ll give you some space.”
Dani looks over to her phone still ringing on the coffee table. She looks over at Erik and grabs the phone, mouthing “Thanks,” before answering. “Hey Shaun, what’s up?”
Erik takes his bag back into the bathroom, washing his face, brushing his teeth, and throwing on his hoodie. He grabs his phone and reschedules his flight back to Oakland for a week later. Erik knows he needs to have a serious sit down with Danielle before he returns home. So, this will buy him some time, and he can continue to work out of the LA office.  
“Danielle, we need to talk. When can I see you next?” Shaun gets straight to the point.
“I am free for lunch tomorrow if that works for you.” Dani looks over at the blue screen of her TV and grabs the remote to turn it off.
“Yeah, I can do that. The usual spot close to your office around 12:30pm?”
“Sounds good. I will see you there.”
“Ok, see you then. Bye Dani.” Shaun hangs up as Dani looks at the phone. No ‘I love you’ or his customary nickname goodbye.
She nods her head, “I guess I will find out where we stand tomorrow.” She locks her phone and sets it down as soon as she hears the bathroom door open. Erik walks back into the living room with his keys in hand. “Leaving so soon?”
“Yeah, I should probably head out. I have a few meetings this afternoon.” Dani walks over to him and wraps her arms around his waist in a big hug. He hugs her back and leans over kissing her forehead. “I had fun last night.”
Muffled into his chest, “Me, too E. It was like when we were younger.” She pulls away and looks up at him. “Will I see you before you leave?”
“Yeah, we can still do lunch or something. I will be in town for another week.” They walk to her front door, and she opens it for him.
“Ok, I will text you when I am free.” She leans against the door frame.
“See you Dani girl.” Erik walks out and looks back at her smiling.
Dani waves at him. “Bye E.”
— The Next Day —
Dani arrives at the restaurant early only to see Shaun already seated at a table. Inhaling deeply, she walks back to him.
Shaun stands up and pulls out her chair. “Hi Dani.” He gives her a quick peck on the lips.
“Hey.” Dani sits down as Shaun makes his way to his chair. The waiter comes by to take their drink order. “I’ll have an iced tea, please.
“Just water for me, thanks.” The waiter leaves, and Shaun looks at Danielle. “So, where should we start?”
“With you. How was last night?” Another server drops by with their drinks. Dani starts to stir the straw in her tea.
“It was great! Mom enjoyed her birthday party as usual and the anniversary celebration went off without a hitch. Well, except that my parents wanted to know why you weren’t there.”
“What did you tell them?”
Shaun takes a sip of his water before responding, “I told them that something came up and you decided to stay in for the night. They hope you are feeling better now.”
Dani nearly choked on her tea, “Yeah, I’m good. You can pass that on.” Shaun waves away the waiter who wanted to come back and take their orders.
“Alright, enough. Tell me how you really feel Shaun.” She takes a nice healthy gulp of her tea before putting her hands in front of her on the table.
“Fine. I am really upset that I had to find out that you do not like Valentine’s Day that way.” He looks around as his voice rose a bit. “Four years Danielle. That’s how long we have been together, and you couldn’t tell me this before?”
“I know, I just…” she sniffs. “I don’t like to talk about it or the why.”
“And that’s another thing. You never got over him.” Dani opens her mouth to speak. “No, please let me get this out before I lose my nerve.” He takes a drink of water, setting it back down, he reaches for her hands. “Danielle, I love you with everything in me. But what happened the other night, I can’t get over that. You couldn’t even look at me when you said that you were happy with me. You were a wreck recounting the story of how he broke your heart. And yet, you were standing there with his flowers in your hand. Were you pissed? Sure, but not enough to throw them at him. Yeah, you cussed and fussed a little bit but did you turn him away? No.”
Dani blinks back her tears. This is it. This is the end of her relationship. She was happy with Shaun, but lately, something felt off, and she could never put her finger on it. Then Erik popped up, and she felt like the 15-year-old laying her heart out to her best friend only for him to crack it and then leave her to heal without really talking it out. Why does Shaun have to make sense now?
“Shaun, I – “
“You don’t need to explain anything to me, Dani. As much as I want to be the man to make you happy and spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t stand by and wait for the day you realize that you never stopped loving him and leave me.” Shaun stands up and pulls Dani into a hug. Cradling her neck, he continues, “I wish you the best Danielle, in life and love. I hope you find what you deserve. I just don’t think it’s with me.“ He pulls back and kisses both of her hands before walking away.
Dani sits back down at the table. The waiter returns, and she orders a Jamison & Ginger Ale. Then leans back and reflects on what Shaun said. Her phone starts ringing as she sees Erik’s number pop up on the screen. She silences it and closes her eyes as her tears slowly fall to the table.
— 2 Days Later —
Danielle is at work trying to listen to her coworker, Rosio, tell her the latest story about her son’s new addiction. He is the sweetest thing, but Dani, just could not keep herself in the present or to act like she cares. It has been two days since Shaun broke things off with her and she has been actively dodging Erik’s calls and texts, too.
Rosio walks over to Dani, “Girl, you have been mopey lately. Drinks after work and I’m not taking no for an answer.” She picks her up, “Now, come on. We’re gonna be late for this meeting.”
It is the end of the workday, and Rosio stands by the corner of Dani’s desk. “Alright, so where are we going?”
"The Mexican spot by my place.” Dani grabs her bag, and they walk to the front closing the office.
“Sure, I’ll follow you.” Rosio heads towards her car, and they pull off.
Over tequila shots, strawberry margaritas and enchiladas, Dani spills to Rosio everything that happened over the last week.  
“Dani, I can’t believe you have been holding this in for so long. V-Day was last week, and you took your normal day off afterward, so I didn’t think anything of it.”
“Yeah, well, my relationship did go bust that day in typical Danielle fashion.” Taking another shot, “Only I can manage to have relationships end on the ‘so-called’ day of love.”
“Oh, shut up. It wasn’t all that bad if you hung out with Erik all night.” Rosio takes a sip of her margarita, “He did kind of give you the best Valentine’s Day date ever. Dinner, ice cream and horror movies. It’s like he knows you. Oh wait, he does.”
Shoving Rosio, Dani laughs for the first time in two days. “Thank you. I really did need this tonight.”
“Good, because I hate seeing you all sad and depressed like someone killed your puppy.”
“Really, Rosio? That is such a horrible analogy.“ Dani snickers as she sips her drink.
“Well, you didn’t have to look at you the last few days, so yeah.” Grabbing a few chips, “So, have you talked to your bestie since that night?”
Dani looks down and away, “No, I keep sending him to voicemail or not reading his texts. We were supposed to get together for lunch before he leaves, but I just can’t do it.”
“And why not? That’s your friend.”
"I don’t know what to say or how to act. Shaun was right; I still do care about him a lot and probably never stopped.”
“So, you can tell him that again or forever hold your peace, but I thought you were still going to be his friend regardless.���
Slurping up the rest of her drink, Dani looks at Rosio. “I don’t know if I can anymore.”
“Then he deserves to hear you say that before you end your friendship or whatever. You owe him that much.” Rosio bats away Dani’s hand as she reaches for the check. “I invited you; this is on me.”
Danielle and Rosio part ways outside of the restaurant, “Now, do yourself a favor and call that man back. You two need to talk.”
“I am not ready to have another talk.” Rosio shakes her head as she walks off.
Dani drives back to her place and parks. She looks at the 20-some odd unread texts messages from Erik on her phone. Rosio is right. He is about to head back to Oakland soon and this needs to happen in person.
Arriving at her apartment, she completes her nighttime routine and grabs her phone to finally give him a call. As she settles onto her bed, her doorbell rings. She looks at the time, “Who would be dropping by my place after 10pm?” Walking to the front door, she takes a look at the security screen to the right. “Erik?” She opens the doors, and there he is in his work suit, no tie and a tub of Neapolitan ice cream in hand.
“Ready to talk?”
A/N: There will be a third part to end this mini series. I just tagged the people who asked about a Part 2. 
Say Something
@maddiestundentwritergaines @youreadthatright @sarcastic-sunshines @alexundefined @kissmyafropuff @chaneajoyyy @fonville-designs
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dragonshost · 5 years
Adding a dart board to Fairy Tail’s guildhall was probably, in hindsight, a mistake.
Everything had gone just fine with it, at least for a couple of weeks.  The guild members behaved themselves well enough, handling the darts with care and everyone else smartly skirting behind the players when a game was underway rather than in front of it.
After that, however... things went a little bit pear shaped with the dart board.
Who would have thought that giving the oftentimes short-tempered and very drunken members of Fairy Tail easy access to sharp throwing projectiles could go wrong?
At first it was just someone not paying attention and wandering in front of the board at the precisely wrong moment.  Max had cried a little as Wendy removed the dart from his shoulder, but no one really gave the incident any concern, assuming that it was a one-time occurrence and that Max would pay better attention going forward.
It was not a one-time occurrence, as it turned out.  Max, when socializing, was particularly inept at observing his surroundings and was a frequent victim, but he was by no means the only one.
After removing several more darts from various members of her guild, Wendy ordered the board to be removed to a more secluded corner of the guild as a safety precaution.  This resolved most of the issues, and the matter left everyone’s minds fairly quickly.
That was... until one evening, when Crime Sorciere came to visit.
The evening had started out innocently enough.  The members of the wandering guild mingled easily with Fairy Tail, with Meredy gravitating towards Juvia and Gray, Sawyer and Jet setting up a potential race between themselves, Richard and Mirajane chatting amicably at the bar with Cana, and Macbeth having found some quiet backroom in which to take a nap and avoid the whole lot of them.
Jellal and Erik had rapidly found themselves sucked into Natsu’s antics - the poison dragon slayer unable to resist a challenge from the pink-haired man for a “friendly” game of darts and Jellal more or less along for the ride as a rather ineffective peace-keeper between the duo.
Now, even with that incredibly unfortunate setup, the evening might have ended peaceably after all, if not for Sorano.
Nursing more than a little bit of a vindictive streak, and possessing the quality of teasing the people she cared about, it was only a matter of time before the former celestial mage sought out the current celestial mage in attendance.  She then proceeded to egg Lucy into an impromptu drinking contest, further spurred on by the enthusiastic cajoling of Cana.
More than a little bit drunk, it was at this point that Sorano decided that Natsu and Erik were pissing her off more than Lucy’s abject refusal to go down was.
“Shut up!” she shouted at them, as they hurled insults at the other’s dart game.  “You both couldn’t hit the broad side of Richard, let alone that board!”
They took offense to this.
“Fuck you, feathered freak!”
“Yeah! What Cobra said!” Natsu added.  “I bet you can’t do any better!”
He may have been more than a little drunk himself, or he never would have spoken those words within the earshot of Cana.
“Ooooh, care to place money on that?” Cana offered.  “Boys versus girls, Erik and Natsu versus Sorano and Lucy!”  After a brief hesitation, she added, “and Jellal can be scorekeeper.”
“That’s not fair!” Sorano objected.  “We need a female scorekeeper too!”
“I haven’t agreed to this,” Lucy pointed out, but was ignored.
Erza stepped forward.  “I’ll be scorekeeper with Jellal.”
With that settled, Lucy found herself standing beside Erik with a handful of darts in her hands.  He grinned sidelong at her.  “Try to at least hit the board,” he taunted playfully.
All reservations in Lucy’s mind were cleared.  She was now fully invested in taking him down and wiping that smug look from his face.
Unfortunately, her newfound enthusiasm would prove disastrous, as when it came her turn, she threw her dart with little too much force and not enough aim.
The projectile hit the corner of the board and ricocheted off, heading for Erza.  She let out a yelp as it glanced off her armor, and launched into the general masses of the guild.  Shrieks erupted as the sharp object flew through the air and finally embedded itself in Elfman’s rear end.
The man let out a veritable roar and began looking around furiously for the source of his new discomfort.  Deciding it was Gray, he picked up the nearest bench and hurled it at the ice wizard.  Gray squawked as he dodged, shouting, “What the hell was that for, Elfman?!”
“You know what you did!”
Lucy shrugged as Gray lobbed a chair at the larger man, turning back to the board.  “I get two more shots, right?” she asked, already lining up another dart as the group remained unable to turn their gazes away from the rapidly developing chaos in the center of the guild as more people were pulled into the brawl, and therefore unable to supervise what Lucy was about to do.
Sweat poured down Erik’s face and he unfortunately failed to take note of Lucy hurling another dart - which also missed, and ricocheted back into the crowd.
A shriek erupted from the crowd.  “Goddamn it, not again!”
“Stop!” Erik implored reaching for the blonde, as he realized that she was about to cast her third and final dart.  He was too late however, as the projectile had already left her hand by the time he grabbed it.
The sound of the dart punctured through the air reached his sensitive ears, and he turned his head just in time as the dark whizzed straight back towards him, narrowly missing his face.
Lucy frowned up at him.  “Let me try that again, I won’t miss this time.”
“No!” he protested, moving to block her from taking the darts out of Sorano’s stupefied hands.  “You’re done!  I’m not about to risk losing my other eye!”
The blonde pouted.  “But I was so close this time!”
Erik wasn’t sure if Lucy meant his eye or the dart board, but either way he wasn’t taking any more chances.  He also concluded, in that moment, that the blonde was absolutely terrifying.  Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he steered her away from the dart board.  For his own self-preservation.  “I think it’s time you went home.”  Steering her carefully around the flying furniture and mages of Fairy Tail, he ignored her booing at him.
Later, after shoving the drunk girl into the infirmary to sleep it off, Erik had to admit to himself that the sheer amount of destruction she’d caused, and her cold dismissal of the erupting situation, were fairly impressive, and if his only remaining eye hadn’t been in grave danger, he would have been content to watch the chaos unfold.
A set of lawn darts appeared at Fairy Tail’s doorstep some time after, with a note stating that they were for Lucy.
In further hindsight, it was also a mistake to combine drunk mages with such a dangerous toy, but on his next visit Erik made sure to steer clear of the game so he didn’t really care.  Lucy, having learned her lesson, joined him at laughing at the antics of her guildmates.
Wendy took away both of the games after that.  Which was probably for the better.
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ignis-venenatus · 7 months
@atherissquamigera asked: why are you staring at me? something on my face? (Erik)
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"No, yer smellin' more and more like Gaj the more time passes,"
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He'd squint at her, his eye looking her over and noticing her skin was a bit more green than usual. That was odd, he'd go back to staring at her for a few moments before humming as f discovering something.
"Interesstin', yer aware, yes... since yer a 'makka' and all that?"
What could he possibly be referring to? Well, Aya would have to ask him to get him to say what it was, of course, but the question was, would she ask him or just keep letting him be vague?
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anogete · 6 years
Camping with Dr. Bruce Banner
Today’s response to the FYDL Cool for the Summer challenge is a continuation of yesterday’s.  It can, however, be read alone.  There are three more pieces to this that will be posted in the next three days.  One of them is rated T and the other two are rated E.
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Prompt: Cocktails (2 of 5) Rating: T (maybe M in a couple spots, but nothing explicit) Characters: Bruce Banner, Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster, Erik Selvig Pairing: Bruce Banner / Darcy Lewis Words: 2,954 Tags/Warnings: Foot Fetish, Mention of Significant Age Difference, Bruce’s Sexual Fantasies, Flirting!Darcy Beta Thanks: @chocolategate , @bulmavegotaku , @itscoffeefordinner , @rachelladytietjens AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15562815/chapters/36158040
“Darcy, this is ridiculous. There are six of us here. We don’t need a bar. We’re here to work.” Jane was standing in front of Darcy with her hands on her hips, looking like she was the fun police.
“Chill out, Jane. Cut loose for a minute,” she told the woman.
“Do you have rum?” Erik asked, looking over Jane’s shoulder.
“Oh, do I ever,” Darcy replied, ignoring her friend now that Erik seemed to be on board. “Rum, vodka, gin, and whiskey.”
“Rum and Coke?” Erik asked.
“Dr. Selvig,” Darcy said, leaning back in surprise, “I’d pegged you as more of a gin guy. Rum and Coke?”
He smiled as she leaned forward and grabbed the bottle of rum by the neck. “I have a sweet tooth.”
“Erik, don’t you think we should be, oh, you know, working?” Jane asked.
“We are working, Jane. Darcy is just serving a few beverages to celebrate a successful first day.”
Grinning, Darcy popped open the cooler and dropped a few pieces of ice into a plastic cup. She added a little too much rum before she topped the cup off with Coke. “Here you go, Doc.”
“Thanks, Darcy,” he replied, wandering back to the chair by the fire Rob and Tyler had built for the group. Dr. Banner was sitting by the fire already, and Darcy glanced over so she could wave at him. He ducked his head down and threw up a hand in acknowledgment.
Banner wasn’t really what she’d been expecting. She’d thought he would come in there with an entourage and an attitude. Most super smart guys who people scrambled to impress tended to be full of themselves. If you added to that the fact that his alter ego was a muscle-bound green titan with an anger problem that would put a four-year-old’s temper tantrum to shame, she’d expected more of a reclusive and temperamental drama queen. Instead, she found a nerdy, shy guy with a really nice mouth and nervous eyes. His forearms that he’d revealed when he’d rolled his sleeves up earlier that day weren’t too shabby either. She wished he’d change out of his brown slacks and button-up shirt, though. They just looked so stifling and hot in the middle of an August heat wave.
She felt like he might have been watching her earlier that day, but Darcy wasn’t quite sure why. His gaze skittered away when she’d look up or turn around. She’d been hoping her wave to him would entice him to stand up and come over to the picnic table to save her from stick-in-the-mud Jane who was still standing there looking at the liquor bottles and mix-ins that Darcy had produced from one of the Jeeps they’d rented. Darcy had set up the makeshift bar just before the sunset, and Jane obviously didn’t approve.
Instead of saying anything to Jane, Darcy mixed whiskey in with ginger ale and handed the red plastic cup to her. “Live a little, Janie. Really. I’m not trying to get us drunk; I’m trying to have a good time.”
Jane narrowed her eyes but took the cup before retreating back to the fire. The three doctors sat there in a row, probably discussing science and what-not. Darcy watched Bruce rub the back of his neck as he glanced up at her. She smiled and crooked a finger at him to come over. He smiled back but shook his head, suddenly acting all bashful. What was his deal? People worshipped the ground the great Dr. Bruce Banner walked on, so why was he all shy and awkward? He should have an ego the size of the moon.
“Hey, Darcy,” Tyler said, stepping around her and blocking her view of enigmatic Dr. Banner. He and Rob were the hired manual labor who were there to carry the equipment, set it up, tear it down, and look pretty. He was taking the looking pretty thing serious since he’d stripped off his shirt and appeared to be trying to low-key flex his muscles for her.
“Hey, Tyler,” she replied, trying not to roll her eyes. “What can I get ya?”
“What are you having?” he asked.
“Haven’t decided yet. What’s your poison?”
“Surprise me,” he replied. “I’m sure whatever you fix me will be great.”
“Me too,” Rob replied, squeezing in between Darcy and Tyler. “Hey, Darcy,” he said once he’d blocked Tyler from her view.
Don’t roll your eyes at the boys, she told herself. “Hey, Rob,” she said. “You wanna tell me what you want?”
“Yeah, why don’t you come hang out with us instead of waiting on those nerds over there,” he said, nodding in the direction of Jane, Erik, and Bruce. She wondered if Rob would have said the same thing if he knew exactly who the third nerd was and who his alter ego was. Probably not.
“You two look like you’re a fan of rum,” she said, looking them up and down after Rob had moved to the side. They were both posturing. She knew they were trying to figure out which one of them was going to get laid tonight. The thing they didn’t know was the answer was neither.
She made them both the same drink as Erik. Tyler touched her hand as she offered his cup to him. Darcy wiped her palms on the back of her shorts and nodded off to the treeline where the two of them had set up chairs away from the doctors of the bunch. She wondered if they just assumed she would hang out with them since she didn’t have a Ph.D.
“Make yourself a drink and come hang with us, Darcy,” Rob said, flashing her a smile as he walked backward away from her.
“We’re more fun than those stiffs over there,” Tyler added.
She did roll her eyes once they were far enough away that the light set up on the picnic table wouldn’t show her expression. “Whatever,” she mumbled under her breath. She probably should have been flattered and excited about the prospect of two hot guys with muscles and no shirts trying to one-up each other for the privilege of trying to make her come, but the idea of sleeping with either of them was just downright depressing. No thanks.
Darcy glanced over and saw Dr. Banner watching her. He did that a lot. Watched. She wondered what his deal was. He was older and successful and pretty fucking hot in a buttoned-up, restrained kind of way. He was also practically famous. He had to know his appeal. Had to. If he was interested in anything beyond looking, then he’d have made his move, right? Right.
She pulled her hair out of her ponytail and gathered it to tie it back again with the elastic. “Come on, Darcy,” Rob called out from a few yards behind her.
“If you’re not sleeping with each other, then you’re not getting laid tonight, boys!” she called out, not even turning around to look at them. Silence. No smart-mouthed comeback from the frat boys. It made her smile to herself as she dumped ice in a cup and poured in a little more than a shot of vodka. Looking at the bottles available to her in the cooler and on the table, she added orange juice and cranberry juice. Darcy was always a sucker for a fruity cocktail.
Dr. Banner’s voice just over her shoulder made Darcy jump. “Whoa, I didn’t hear you there,” she told him, turning around with her drink in hand.
“Sorry,” he said with a soft smile. Tilting his head to the right, he said, “Are those guys bothering you?”
Darcy glanced over his shoulder to where Rob and Tyler were sitting, heads together. “Nope. They’re just an annoyance.”
“They’re around your age. I’m surprised you’re not over there with them.”
“I’m mature beyond my years,” she said with a wink at him. “Boys my age can’t handle me.”
He dropped his gaze and lifted his shoulders up to his ears as he cleared his throat. “Ahh, okay,” Bruce said with a nervous chuckle. The man really was a little shy. It was surprising.
“What can I get you?” she asked, sipping on her drink.
“What are you having?” he asked, finally lifting his gaze up to her face. His eyes were dark in the low light from the lantern on the picnic table behind her.
“Sex on the Bank.”
He sputtered, eyes wide. “Wh--what?”
She smiled at him. “Like Sex on the Beach. Except we’re not on the beach; we’re in the woods near a lake. Sooooo, Sex on the Bank.”
“Oh, oh, okay. I’ll, uh, I’ll have what you’re having.”
“Yeah?” she asked as she turned around to put her drink down so she could make him one.
“Yeah,” he replied, looking over her shoulder. He was taller than she thought he’d be, too. Basically, Bruce Banner was nothing like she’d imagined. He was actually kinda sexy is a strange way. The lips and exposed forearms with everything else all buttoned up in earth-toned clothing, the dark eyes and the way he tracked her movements, the way she’d caught him watching her foot bounce up and down as she sat at the picnic table earlier that day, the movement of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed before he licked his lips to speak. All that was just… sexy.
Darcy made his drink just like hers and turned to hand it to him. Unlike Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum, he was very careful not to touch her hand when he took the cup from her. Instead, he murmured his thanks and stepped back to give her space. She didn’t really want that much space from him. There was something about the way he held himself and the way he looked at her that set her body to humming. She wasn’t so hot that she’d have to change her panties, but she was feeling a little electricity as he watched her over the rim of the cup while he took his first drink.
“I’d ask if you’re allowed to drink with your condition and all, but it looks like you’ve already answered my question,” she said, picking up her own cup.
“Alcohol inhibits the adrenal glands, including cortisol which is the hormone responsible for… anger. I don’t make a habit of it because alcohol also loosens inhibitions, but… it alone won’t set me off.” He looked away and cleared his throat. “I hope you’re not…”
When he trailed off, Darcy pressed her ass back onto the edge of the wooden table and wiggled it until she was perched on the edge. “Scared of you?” she asked him.
His eyes were on her legs and her question made him jerk them to look up at her. “Yeah,” he said on an exhale.
“Not scared of you, Dr. Banner,” Darcy said with a grin.
His teeth sank into his lower lip as he stepped forward. He was still several feet from her, but now she could see him better in the lantern light. “Bruce. Please call me Bruce.”
“Bruce,” she repeated with a wink.
He laughed nervously and took another drink. “This is good. Can’t even taste the alcohol.”
“That’s my specialty--incognito alcoholic beverages that get you loose without knowing what you’re doing.”
“Loose,” he said before taking another gulp.
“Slow down there, Bruce. I don’t want you to pass out on me.”
He gave her another laugh as he dropped his gaze to the ground. “I promise I can hold my liquor.”
She sat there and watched him stand in front of her, one hand in his pocket and the other holding the cup. He looked bashful and sweet. “So, what are the good doctors talking about over there by the fire?”
“Work,” he replied.
“Mmm, sounds not fun. Is that why you came over to see me?”
“Wanted to make sure those guys weren’t bothering you.”
Darcy raised her brows. “Oh, yeah? Chivalrous, huh?”
He tilted his head and smiled at her shyly. “Well, I see that you’re capable of taking care of yourself, so please don’t hold any white knight behavior on my part against me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it. Thanks for the save, Bruce,” she said, emphasizing his first name. He got all weird and squirrelly when she did. Darcy wondered what he thought of her and why he’d come over. All he’d done today was stare and now he was willing to drink and have a conversation? “Were you able to save Jane and Erik, too?” She watched him as she knocked back half her drink. It went down easy.
Bruce chuckled. “I don’t know if I saved anyone, including you, but I gave them what advice I could. Like I said, I’m not an expert in their field.”
“You know physics.”
“Yeah, but I don’t know astronomy, so…”
“I bet you do just fine, Bruce,” she said, leaning back and grabbing the bottle of vodka by the neck. “Come here and let me refill you.”
He stepped forward and got close enough she could smell the scent of his cologne mixed with sweat. Darcy breathed it in deep because it wasn’t unpleasant. She blamed her inattention for being so heavy-handed with the liquor as it splashed over the melting ice cubes in his cup. Bruce chuckled and said, “Are you trying to get me drunk?”
“Maybe,” she teased, pouring vodka into her cup. “Hold my drink so I can get the juice.”
Bruce took her drink and stood before her as she filled the rest of their cups with orange juice and cranberry juice. “You could always be a bartender if this doesn’t work out,” he said.
“Yeah? You think? I think I might have lost the bar some money with the amount of vodka I put in your drink. The owner might accuse me of playing favorites.” She shifted on the table as she thought about how close he was and how dark his eyes were and how the corners of his mouth lifted in a subtle grin at her blatant flirting. She wasn’t in the mood for the two frat boys over there, but she wouldn’t say no to the doctor in front of her.
“Better stick to, uh, science, then,” he told her with a wink.
“So, uh, are you a medical doctor or education doctor?”
“What’s an education doctor?”
“A Ph.D.”
He handed her cup back to her and took a drink from his before saying, “Both.”
“Rumor has it that you have seven Ph.Ds.”
“I do.”
“You’re pretty modest for a guy with seven,” she said, licking the rim of her cup.
His eyes were on her tongue. “Well, bragging doesn’t really get you anywhere.”
“Mmm, true,” she agreed. “Maybe you should clue Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum over there into that.”
He glanced over his shoulder before turning back to her. “Some things you just have to learn for yourself, I guess.” He took a long drink before saying, “My compliments to the bartender. I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t had a drink in a while or because your hand slipped when you made both mine, but I’m pretty buzzed already.”
“My hand didn’t slip. I was playing favorites, remember?”
“It’s good to be your favorite, I guess.”
“Isn’t it, though?” she teased, licking her lips and wondering if this little flirtation was going to land her in his tent. She wasn’t really into rolling around on the hard ground of their less-than-stellar accommodations, but there was just something about him that made her want to get naked and sweat it out with him in that little dome he’d made his home for the next couple nights. What the fuck was she thinking, though? Bruce Banner? The Hulk? Her mind wandered to his cock and how big it was.
Bruce cleared his throat and tilted his head off to the side where the fire was. “We should probably go over and join them.”
“Probably,” she agreed, unable to stop her gaze from flicking down to his crotch. It was too dark to see, even if anything would have been discernible beneath those boring brown pants.
“You coming?” he asked.
Darcy scooted off the tabletop and brushed her free hand over her ass. “Yes, Dr, Banner,” she said with a wink.
“Bruce,” he corrected her with his eyes on her legs, not her face.
Maybe he really was looking because he liked what he saw. Maybe her fantasy about them fucking in his tent wasn’t so out of line with reality. Interesting. She turned around and held her arms out to her sides. “Do I have anything on my ass, Bruce?”
Darcy looked over her shoulder at him as he let his gaze linger on her ass before running it down her thighs. “Uh, no. Nope. Nothing. Just…”
“Just what?” she prompted, running her hand over her ass again as if she were brushing away dirt.
“Nothing. Looks good.”
“My ass looks good?” she teased as she turned around to face him again.
He dropped his head and laughed softly, nervously. “Don’t make me feel like a dirty old man, Darcy.”
“You’re not old, but I don’t know about dirty. You might be that.”
If it were daylight, then she could probably have seen him blushing as he turned away from her. “I’m older than you.”
“Duh. So?” she said, following him over to the campfire with her cocktail.
“So nothing, Darcy,” he tossed over his shoulder as he moved toward the light of the fire.
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ship-ambrosia · 6 years
Two months ago today I was participating in my first fandom week, Gruvia Week 2018, when I decided to shoot a message to a fellow writer, and I’m so glad I met @sweetmemories2606. She is always encouraging me to keep writing and allowing me to have the honor of reading her stories for her (read: Demons, What Had to Be Done, and many more!) as well as cry over Fairy Tail to her as I watch it lmao if any of you haven’t check out her tumblr, ff.net, and AO3!
We decided to celebrate by dedicating fanfics to each other, and I’m giving her one based on one of her favorite ships, Jellal and Erza. (With a few others dusted in because I can’t help myself). I love Jellal’s magic and really wanted to write a fight scene for him.
This story is set in the future of the series. For context, Jellal, Meredy, and Cobra (known as Erik now) have joined Fairy Tail. I give you Heavens Bringer.
Happy Anniversary to my Soupmate, @sweetmemories2606! Here’s to many more of our writing, crazy word antics, and just a really great friendship :) This will be up on my AO3 soon, and Part 2 coming soon!
Heavens Bringer
 There was instantaneous relief that swept over the small group as they appeared seemingly out of thin air. A pause, a moment for the three wizards to take in the city on the horizon, but the moment of fragile solace was quickly shattered when the leader of the small band gave a slight grunt as his only warning before rushing forward. Taken off guard, it took Meredy and Erik a moment to recover before the two quickly broke out into a run after Jellal. He'd teleported their small team as close as he could get to Magnolia in the exhausted state he was in, as they had no time to spare. Fairy Tail, their home, the place where all the people they loved resided, was in grave danger.   It had not been long after Queen Hisui formally pardoned the members of Crime Sorciere that the independent group of wizards had dissolved and its members joined other, legal guilds. With all sorts of emotional and personal ties to Fairy Tail, Jellal, Meredy, and Erik - the man formerly known as Cobra of the Oracion Seis - had decided to join it together. They kept the spirit of Crime Sorciere alive in their team, even by taking jobs almost exclusively pertaining to dark guilds as had been Crime Sorciere's goals before. Fairy Tail had given them a true second chance. It was more than home, it was everything to them. A home, just as it was to the dozens of other fairies who filled out its ranks.   Jellal ran desperately toward the city before him, the intense adrenaline pumping through his blood enough to stifle the screaming protests in his muscles. He and his team had just emerged from an intense fight, and he was more than sure they were heading straight into another one. His vast magical power had been depleted, not because their opponents had been impossibly tough but because they had been tough enough to pose a challenge to the newly-appointed S-class Fairy Tail mage and there had simply been too many of them. Had Meredy and Erik not been with him, Jellal was certain he would never have made it in time.   "Jellal!" Meredy cried from behind him. "Won't you please tell us what is going on?"   He heard his other companion muttering curses under his breath. "Damn you, can't hear a thing...!"   "Meredy," he spoke to her, though he kept his face forward, toward Magnolia. He refused to take his eyes off it, as if worried the city would disappear. "Cast your Sensory Link on Juvia."   "What? What's happened to Juvia?!"   He could still picture the scene in his mind. Erik had annihilated more than half of the enemy by himself, utilizing his Poison Dragon Slayer magic to overwhelm the woefully underprepared enemies. Jellal, furious, had grabbed a defeated mage and demanded to know why they had been sent into a trap. Master Makarov had sent the three of them on intelligence to investigate the mumblings of an underground assassin guild that had taken the job of murdering Fairy Tail's top wizards, but it was very clear that this was only a part of a bigger picture, one that sought to completely annihilate the guild itself. Trembling in Jellal's grasp, the wizard had only said one thing: "One Magic".   That had been enough for him to immediately understand what was going on, though in his haste he had left his two partners completely in the dark; and underprepared for what they would encounter. Jellal didn't realize how fatal a mistake he had made because a new wave of panic washed over him; along with the faces of the people he cared about, everyone who was in danger now.   Natsu, with his infectious sense of hope and justice, and the fiercest intensity and loyalty that existed in the world. Jellal counted on him for his power, his unquenchable flames, ever since he himself had lost to them. Without him, Fairy Tail really wouldn't be Fairy Tail.   Lucy, who had the most heart of any mage on the continent. She was a supportive pillar for everyone, and believed in the people around her so much that it was simply impossible not to live up to her expectations. And she had a fight within her that burned so brightly, he was sure she could blind an opponent with that alone.   Gray, solemn and aloof, but with ice as strong as steel. He had seen the way Ultear and Gray regarded each other, they had become a family. And Jellal had cared about Ultear too, so he'd be damned by extension if he let anything happen to the closest thing to family she had ever come to know.   Wendy, with her bright, honest eyes, and motherly maturity despite her age. Even though it was his Edolas counterpart that she had traveled with when younger, he had quickly grown close with her as well. She was just another person to worry over him and his self-sacrificing nature, but Jellal liked the feeling of having a little sister all the same.   Other faces from Fairy Tail flashed past his eyes. The Exceeds - Happy, Carla, Pantherlily - and Gajeel, Levy, Juvia, Cana, Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna, Laxus... every face who had accepted him, who had welcomed him into their guild as an old friend, despite the pain he had inflicted on those who he cared about most now.   On Erza.   The blood pounded in his ears as his mind settled on an image of her face. Suddenly Jellal felt as though he couldn't breathe, like he was running through water. Hopeless, like his effort was all for naught. Erza was strong, arguably the strongest in Fairy Tail, but he still hated the thought of her getting hurt with every fiber of his very being. It was something he saw in his nightmares on the worst of nights, and now those nightmares had a very good chance of becoming real.   "Just do it!" He snapped at Meredy. However, he regretted this, instantly feeling guilty for taking such a harsh tone with the girl who had been his partner for so many years. When Jellal glanced back toward her as they ran, her expression was cold.   "Meredy, I-" he started, but she cut him off.   "From the depths of my heart I offer to thee these intense emotions and attachments to one I hold so dear. I cast Sensory Link!"   Erik let out a sharp scoff, and he knew it was directed toward him for his treatment of Meredy, but unfortunately Jellal couldn't linger too long on what he had done. Truthfully, once this situation was resolved and they were back celebrating in the guild hall once more, he'd apologize and attempt to fix his mistake. Meredy was his partner though, and they were best friends. Closest thing to family for one another. She'd forgive him. And Erik... well he knew the dragon slayer was probably just dying on the inside from anxiety because he was unable to ensure Kinana's safety.   For several minutes, the pounding of their feet was the only thing he heard. The silence crept up on Jellal, stressing him out more than he already was. He heard Meredy suddenly inhale sharply, and Jellal slowed down in his next step to turn around and face her, her name already on his tongue. "Meredy-"   He turned around just in time to watch her drop toward the ground like dead weight.   Luckily, Erik and his incredible slayer reflexes had her swept up in the next moment without missing a step, her head lolling in his arms as he ran toward Jellal.   "The hell're you doing?!" He growled. "Keep going! You're the one insisting Fairy Tail is in danger!"   He immediately took his teammate's words to heart and fell into running beside him, looking grimly at Meredy as she groaned and blinked awake once more. Erik didn't bother putting her down though, now that they were so close to Magnolia.   "So what does it mean for Juvia if that link knocked Meredy out cold?" Erik was the first to voice the concern that all three of them were pondering.   Jellal noticed that Meredy had severed her connection with the water mage already. He deduced that she must have felt something was wrong and cut it off before she fell completely unconscious. "Whatever it is... it can't be good." He spoke grimly.   "She's... unconscious..." Meredy mumbled. "But... oh no her baby! What will happen to her baby, Jellal?"   He felt his heart sink as he remembered that Juvia was indeed about five months pregnant with Gray Fullbuster's child. And Gray was an extremely protective, extremely anxious expecting father; whatever had gotten to Juvia, had to have beaten the powerful ice mage first.   Jellal pushed himself to press forward even faster as their feet hit the cobblestone road of Magnolia.   "I can smell it," Erik grunted nearly immediately. "And hear it. Something is happening to Fairy Tail. You were right, someone is attacking them... and dammit, I can't hear Salamander or Black Steel fighting! What the hell is going on?"   An explosion sudden ruptured the peaceful midday air of Magnolia, an explosion whose point of origin lay at the far north of town. Fairy Tail. Citizens of the city around them began to panic and scream.   "We're too late!" Meredy cried.   "Not if I have anything to say about it!" Jellal threw his hands together, summoning every last bit of magic in his core that he could spare to teleport the three of them the last few miles across town to the guild hall's courtyard.   Erik dropped Meredy back to her feet as the three mages, all gasping violently to catch their breath, took in the scene awaiting them. Smoking debris lay everywhere, the building itself was heavily damaged along with the fence and sign smoldering as well. The worst part was the people sprawled across the ground. Gray. The Strauss siblings. Laxus and his Thunder Legion. Gajeel and Pantherlily, and nearby was Levy who lay alongside Jet and Droy, her teammates of Shadow Gear. A chill ran down Jellal's spine as his attention was diverted to an older man who blocked their view of the guild hall's doors.   Erza lay defeated just like the others, her unconscious body at the man's feet. In his hands he held Natsu by the neck, examining the dragon slayer. Soon Jellal realized that Natsu, too, had been defeated.   "Salamander was defeated?!" Erik guffawed, voicing Jellal's own shock. "And Erza Scarlet too? Who is this guy?"   At the young man's words however, their enemy dropped the Fire Dragon Slayer to the ground beside Erza. Slowly, he turned until Jellal was staring back into the face of their enemy. He knew. He had known since he heard the words "One Magic".   "N-no! It can't be!" Meredy gasped, her voice trembling and she took a step back. "T-this is impossible!"   "Meredy, why do you seem so scared to see me?" The older man questioned. "I always knew I would find you again one day. How sweet of you to join my old guild. Where is your incessant mother Ultear?"   His gaze shifted a bit toward the tall young man who stood in front of his teammates. "Jellal Fernandes. After all these years, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."   And finally he looked over the third member. "My sincerest apologies, I'm afraid I don't know who you are."   Anger and hatred suddenly rushed through Jellal's veins, everything that they had first taken in upon arrival finally registering to him. His vision turned red, though he was unsure if it was because of the intense magic surrounding him as a reminder of his fight with the former Oracion Seis, his anger, or because of the shade of Erza's hair as his mind immediately focused in on concern for her state. He was sure she wasn't dead, but as he had expected the sight of her beaten bloody and unconscious drove him nearly mad. Jellal narrowed his eyes toward the old man, allowing his heavenly magic to pool within his hands.   "Hades," he growled.   While Jellal didn't back down when the former master of Grimoire Heart summoned a cloud of darkness to hold menacingly toward the three mages, he felt both Meredy and Erik once again shrink back.   "Master Hades..." Meredy mumbled. "How?"   "Maybe if you live the day my dear, you'll get to find out," the old man sneered. "However, I don't let traitors live, so I doubt that you will."   "Meredy, Erik," Jellal barked at them, preparing for a fight. "Go inside the guild hall. See if anyone in there can fight with us, otherwise just make sure no one is dead."   He didn't have to tell the dragon slayer twice, who rushed past the two men about to duel and into the guild. Jellal knew the best way to get Erik primed for a fight here was to let him make sure Kinana was, at the very least, not dead. Meredy, on the other hand, hesitated, her terrified crimson eyes not leaving the face of her former guild master.   "Meredy! Go!" He barked at her, slamming his fist into his outstretched palm and summoned nine heavenly swords which floated behind him. "Divine  power of the nine lightning stars! Jiu Leixing!"   His use of magic seemed to snap her out of her terrified trance, before she too disappeared into Fairy Tail.   Hades chuckled. "How amusing. You wish not to see anyone else get hurt, so you send your teammates away. Do you not trust in their abilities, Jellal? I see you have not truly changed from the coward you once were."   "Of course I believe in them," he answered coolly, pushing down his anger even as he stepped closer toward Hades, closer to where Erza was strewn across the ground. "Who I don't trust is you, Precht Gaebolg."   "Ah, so you know who I am."   "Of course I do. I joined Fairy Tail, therefore I learned the history. About Mavis Vermillion and what you did to her."   "What I did," Hades's voice suddenly rose in volume, booming across the courtyard where they were standing off. "Was try to help an old friend who was dying! Who had been killed by the monster that is- was Zeref!"   With that, Hades's dark magic cloud rushed toward Jellal, the gaseous particles turning to needles. With a sweep of his arms the nine lightning swords floating behind him rushed forward, following his movements as though they were puppets on strings. Upon destroying the attack, Jellal heaved a heavy breath though he stayed standing. Every nerve in his body was screaming, but he didn't have the luxury to wait for his magical power to return to him.   "What you did was experiment on a friend who died at the hands of the man who loved her," Jellal continued. "And you were defeated long ago, Hades. First at Tenrou Island by Natsu. Then you were killed by Zeref. What are you doing here? What are your goals? The Lumen Histoire no longer exists, or had you not heard?"   With that Jellal launched his own attack,  swinging his swords as they came ungrouped and sporadically attacked Hades from all sides. The Grimoire Heart master simply waved his hands out,  creating a shield of darkness that protected him, returning the favor and destroying Jellal's spell.   "Yes, I am very well aware of what happened that day," he answered. "Which is why I have come. I intend to recreate the Lumen Histoire from the new Fairy Heart."   The dark mage attacked Jellal once more with a powerful beam of dark magical energy, but he was prepared and expertly leapt into the air to avoid the attack utilizing his Heavenly Body Meteor spell. Jellal landed expertly on the other side of his opponent, now physically standing between him and Fairy Tail, along with the majority of the wizards that Hades had knocked out.   "I will not let that happen," he scowled, holding his fists up once again in preparation for an attack. "You want Fairy Tail, then you will have to get through me. I won't let you lay a hand on the Fairy Heart!"   He was however, caught off guard when Hades began to laugh. His entire body shook. "You have no idea what the Fairy Heart is, do you boy?"   Jellal hadn't been told as much. Which was fine, he didn't care. He knew the Lumen Histoire had been a dangerous secret, so the identity of what could cause it again surely would be as well. And such a dark secret didn't change the fierceness he felt to protect something part of the guild that made his second chance at life truly possible.   He heard shuffling behind him, several pairs of feet leaving the guild once more as the doors groaned. Jellal lowered his arms, keeping his eyes on Hades in case he tried anything.   "Any luck?" He asked.   "No," Meredy answered softly. "Everyone's been defeated inside too. They all don't look hurt either... it's like their magic were just drained away from them."   "Even Kinana," Erik cut in with a cold anger evident in his voice. "You bastard! I'll kill you for touching her!"   The former Grimoire Heart master appeared slightly amused by Erik's outburst of rage. "My apologies Jellal, Meredy, that I still have no knowledge of whom your companion is.   "Perhaps you would know him as he was when he was a member of the Oracion Seis; the dragon slayer Cobra," Jellal answered coolly, before narrowing his eyes once more. "You'll pay for this, Hades. An attack like this against Fairy Tail is not taken lightly."   "There's another thing Jellal," Meredy added quietly. "Lucy and Cana are missing."   He couldn't hide his surprise even from Hades at her information. "How do you know they aren't just away on a mission?"   "Because I can smell them," Erik answered. "They were here not even an hour ago. Both of them. But they just vanished, their scents don't even leave this courtyard."   Hades began to chuckle, igniting anger and hatred once again within Jellal's chest.   "What the hell did you do to them?!" The young team leader yelled at Hades. "Where are Lucy and Cana?"   He didn't wait for an answer though. Instead he threw together his fists in front of him, each with the thumb and two fingers extended. "Behold the destructive chaos of the six star cluster! Pleiades!"   From behind him, six rays of light twisted and swirled in a circle, quickly converging on where Hades stood and exploding. When the dust began to settle, the older man simply coughed.   "Damn!" Jellal growled angrily.   Hades swiped his arm to the side, clearing more dust away from his eyes so he might have a clear view of the Fairy Tail mages.   "Cana Alberona and Lucy Heartfilia hail from powerful wizard dynasty families. They both contain an immense amount of magical power, and both believe in the true nature of Fairy Tail. But there is one true indication of their possibility of being the next Fairy Heart that they both share; Cana Alberona has the ability to cast one of the three ultimate spells, Fairy Glitter. Lucy Heartfilia is also able to do this, as she has cast Fairy Sphere. They are the only ones alongside Mavis Vermillion to have casted either spell. One of the two of them is the next Fairy Heart, and therefore one of the two of them can be turned into a new Lumen Histoire. One with possibly even more power in possession than the one made from Mavis's soul." He chuckled. "And I've already taken both young ladies, and put them inside my demon dimension to begin my research."   "Then I have no choice," Jellal crouched like a sports runner before activating Meteor again. "I will defeat you!"   The informal truce broken, Jellal and Hades collided to create a shockwave so powerful it knocked both Meredy and Erik back a few feet. They watched for a few moments in horror as golden light and the purple-hued darkness clashed. Jellal's Meteor gave him incredible speed and stamina, increasing simple melee hits to extremely powerful blows. But Hades was grounded and well-matched for such attacks, with solid defensive capabilities.   "Jellal!" Meredy screamed. "You can't do this! You're nearly out of magical power! If he doesn't kill you, you'll deplete your own life force!"   "Let us help!" Erik yelled, before sucking in a deep breath. "Poison Dragon's Roar!"   Hades threw up another shroud of darkness to block the dragon slayer's attack. This allowed enough of an opening for Jellal to gain a few quick strikes in, first a kick from above and then several punches that sent Hades flying back.   Their team's leader paused in his attacks, long enough to look back to them. "No! You two need to protect the rest of the guild. Try to wake someone up. I will handle him."   The dark wizard yelled in fury, attacking Jellal who once again activated Meteor in order to dodge the strikes. It wasn't obvious, but both Meredy and Erik could tell his spell was slowing down. Jellal was wearing himself to the bone.   "If we don't do something, Hades will kill him," Meredy exclaimed in horror.   "Meredy, cast a Sensory Link on the three of us," Erik told her seriously. "Even if it means we have to take every beating with him, we can give Jellal strength through our own magic."   Impressed with her teammate's idea, the pink-haired mage wasted no time in doing so. "Let our feelings become power, and let our bonds channel that power to the magic of heavenly light! I cast Sensory Link: Magic Well!"   With both Meredy and Erik sporting a glowing pink bracelet around both their wrists, they began transferring their own magic into Jellal. He was once again able to gather enough strength for his Meteor spell to speed up, and successfully landed another set of powerful hits on the former master of Grimoire Heart. It was only after he'd sent Hades flying once more that Jellal noticed the Sensory Link, and he shot his teammates a bewildered look.   "Meredy, undo the link! It's too dangerous, and I won't let the two of you get hurt because of me!"   "It's worth the risk," Erik insisted, narrowing his eyes. "You can barely stand from exhaustion. You need our magic to have a chance to beat him. So just do it already, ya hear me?! For Erza, and for the rest of Fairy Tail. You're always whining about being worthy of being in the guild; well this is one damn way to make everything up to them!"   He let out a breath, a small, grateful grin appearing on his face. Erik was right; after all the years, this dire situation could finally be the thing that lessened his baggage, lessened the pain that came when he thought of all he had forced them to go through - for Erza to go through. She held all the heartbreak he had inflicted on her for years, tortured by his illusionary Siegrain, and yet still found it in her heart to love him. It had always baffled Jellal, because even though he loved her he certainly had never deserved her reciprocated feelings.   Especially because he didn't deserve her, he could never let anything hurt her. And Hades had already done so.   "Feelings and emotions breed weakness," Hades bellowed, his glowing red Demon's Eye focused directly on Erza's unconscious form. "This is only one of the many reasons I left Fairy Tail. Only the One Magic will bring me true power!" With a maniacal laugh, he attacked her with a horrific beam of black lightning.   "Heavenly Body Andromeda!" Jellal called, and when the lightning had disappeared, he stood above Erza with a golden sphere protecting the two of them.   "What?!" The dark wizard exclaimed. "No spell should be powerful enough to negate my Demon's Eye!"   "An interesting thing for you to disregard as a former member of Fairy Tail," Jellal mused coolly as he removed the shield. "And as someone who has lost a fight to Natsu Dragneel. Our feelings and emotions toward one another make us stronger. Love, and friendship, and working together as guildmates builds bonds that are stronger than any spell you can throw at us. Now, your fight is with me, Hades. Try not to bring anyone else into it, lest you wish to make me angrier than I already am."   As the two men locked in their duel once more, however, Jellal found his opponent had not lost any strength. Even with Meredy and Erik feeding him power through Meredy's Magic Well, Jellal still felt more fatigued over time. But Hades, though physically injured, gave otherwise no signs he had been much more on the losing side of this fight beforehand. His spells had not decreased in power, his reactions still fast. Though Jellal's resolve would not falter, there was only so much past his limits he could push himself. It wouldn't matter if he continued to be successful in his attacks, when his opponent wasn't even losing power.   How is this possible? I have to win... but that's looking more difficult than I had even thought. We still don't know how Hades could even be here, since he was killed by Zeref. Does that have something to do with this? Even then, Erza told me Precht Gaebolg had redeemed himself when his spirit saved Natsu and Lucy during the Tartaros fight.   He sensed an attack and used Meteor once more to leap out of the way of Hades's strike, rushing past across the sky in a sporadic motion to prevent being aimed at.   Should I cast Grand Chariot? Or even Sema? Or will the only thing either would accomplish be in exhausting myself further? There must be something I can do!   And that was when he saw it. For a split second, Hades's eyes dulled and his body lurched forward; only for an instant later, the life in him returned, his eyes glowing dark purple before returning to furious Demon's Eye red.   As before when he and his team had been ambushed and the lackey enemy told him "One Magic", in just an instant Jellal realized exactly what was going on.   "Jellal!" Both Meredy and Erik cried for him at the same time.   Distracted by his thoughts and his miraculous recognition of who was really pulling the strings behind this attack on Fairy Tail, Jellal found himself an instant away from a cloud of darkness. He tried to use Meteor to escape once more, but perhaps he had done that too many times now before Hades used a magical chain to encapture him. With a furious yell, the dark wizard threw Jellal's body into a hard impact with the ground.   Jellal simply grunted his pain, too focused by renewed adrenaline. But Meredy and Erik's cries of anguish as they could not even properly brace themselves for pain they were not physically sensing, but only through the link, rang in his ears. He had to finish this, and he knew exactly how to push the fight forward in his favor.   Jellal got back to his feet, and, summoning another wave of magic from the Magic Well, crossed his arms over his head. A large magic circle flashed, with a golden star. In between the cross, a small dark orb began to grow, it began to stretch the shadows on the ground as it gathered light in intense gravity.   Meredy gasped. "Jellal! You said you would never cast that spell again!"   He had said that. Rather, he had promised himself that as repentance for what he had done the last time he used it. But casting it was the only thing he could think of to reveal Hades's puppeteer.   "Heavenly Body Altaris!" He yelled, before throwing the massive black hole at Hades's body.   There was the horrific sound of Hades being crushed when his spell landed, one that took him back to the day on the Tower of Heaven. Natsu, then Erza, and finally his old friend stepping in front to protect the two Fairy Tail mages. He had always known Simon was never tricked by the man Ultear had turned him into. Simon had lived most of his life seeing him as a monster. He had Erza's love, had been forgiven by Sho, Wally, Millianna, and Kagura alike, but because he had killed Simon in his state of madness, Simon would never know him as anyone other than that.   Even if this wasn't really Hades, the man formerly known as Precht Gaebolg, there was some peace in knowing he had defeated the body of the man who was truly to blame for his actions before the Tower of Heaven fell.   Hades crumpled to the ground, life suddenly having disappeared from him. Jellal looked around. This wasn't over. It wasn't even close to being over. And everything he had realized was proven true when the courtyard was suddenly blanketed in purple mist.   "Jellal! What's going on?" Meredy cried out for him while Erik began swearing once more.   "Hades was but a reanimated corpse," he continued to look around. "This is the real culprit."   This seemed to catch Erik's attention, as the dragon slayer stopped cursing. "You can't possibly mean-"   "Looks like we've got a little reunion on our hands," he spoke cynically, clenching his fists as he glanced over toward Erza once more. She seemed to be gritting her teeth, perhaps in the beginnings of her return to consciousness? Perhaps she could sense a familiar presence that reminded her of the hell she and the rest of Fairy Tail had once endured?   "A former member of the Oracion Seis, Grimoire Heart, and Tartaros," a new voice spoke from the mist in front of him. "What an interesting reunion of the Ballam Alliance indeed."   From the purple mist, a man dressed in long dark robes carrying his signature Khakkhara appeared. Once he came into focus, it was easy to see beneath his ornate headdress that he was not in fact a man, but a skeleton.   "Well done, Jellal Fernandes, in figuring out my plan," spoke the Black Archbishop, Keyes. "You've done much to impress me, but I'm afraid that I still hold the two candidates for Fairy Heart within my grasp. The Lumen Histoire will be mine."
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classic-rock-roller · 6 years
1. You’re visiting Bonham in Colorado for Christmas one year, and it’s freezing. You’re walking back to her house from the neighbor’s when she starts walking over the pond he has, which has frozen over. You’re skeptical. “Are you sure this is safe?” “Oh yeah I do this all the time, come on.” You follow after her, and you skitter across quickly because you’re afraid the ice isn’t strong enough. “I don’t know what you’re worried about, it’s perfectly–” Bonham hit a soft spot in the ice while walking and fell in up to her chest. What do you do?
“Ok, don’t freak out. You need to remain calm. I remember watching a video on this. Raise your feet up behind you while kicking to break the ice. Once you break through and are on the solid ice. Do not stand up. Slowly army crawl your way towards me.” I’d then lecture her about walking over a froze pond. 
2. You go to the grocery store with Bonham really late one evening, and she’s wearing one of her dad’s old Hawaiian shirts because “it was the nearest thing and it’s comfortable.” She didn’t change out of her shorts and put on sandals because they were right by the door. When walking down one aisle, a pair of college guys are there and one stage-whispers to the other, “Whoa, obvious tourist alert.” What do they do and how do you two respond?
They laugh a little and we just ignore them. Fuck ‘em. We don’t care what they say. 
3. Mal comes to you one day with a serious tone. “Mom, Dad, I have to tell you something. I got Sylvia pregnant, and her parents won’t help her out, and we don’t know what to do.” Before you can say anything, Kevin says, “How could you do this to me? I’m too young to be a grandpa!” How do you respond, and what do you do about the situation?
“Kevin, it happened so shush.” I can tell Mal’s really nervous about telling us. “Mal, it’s ok. We understand these things happen. If Sylvia’s parents kicked her out she can stay here ok?” Sylvia stays with us and we help them with the baby, although I make Mal get an after-school job to help pay for the baby because babies are expensive. 
4. Bonham and Randy are visiting your parent’s house with you and Kevin, and Bonham’s pregnant. She’s humming to herself and looking at her stomach, trying to sing to the baby. Kevin asks, “What are you singing?” She says, “My Little Man by Ozzy.” Your sister walks through at that moment and says, “If that’s the same shit BabyCarrot listens to you’re gonna fuck that kid up. You probably will anyway but who am I to judge.” How do the 4 of you respond?
Me: That’s it. You can treat me like fucking trash all you want. But the minute you start acting like it around my friends you’re in for it. You do not speak to Bons that way. Our mother raised you better and you know if she was out here you’d be getting an ass whooping for sure even though you’re 22. Now I don’t fucking care if you feel that way about my fucking music or the music we make but you will fucking apologize to Bons right the fuck now or so help me. 
Sister: What? What will you do?
I get up in her face and whisper something in her ear that Bonham, Randy, and Kevin can’t hear. she goes white and then immediately apologizes to Bonham. 
Bonham: I never thought you’d ever stand up to her. 
Randy and Kevin don’t say anything because they’re kind of surprised at how much I freaked out at her. 
5. You’re sitting on the couch one day when Bonham calls your phone. “Hello?” “Oh praise Jesus it’s fake. Oh my God that was terrifying!” You’re confused. “What was terrifying?” “I read an article that said you died last night of alcohol poisoning. Looks like it’s your first celebrity death hoax.” You do a quick Google search, and sure enough, about 5 articles pop up with titles that vary the theme of “WAR ANGEL SINGER DEAD AT 27″. Your phone is blowing up with calls from Kevin, your band, your family, and various friends. How do you decide to go about this?
I call Kevin first because he’s probably freaking out at practice with Randy and the boys. And then I call my mom and grandmother they’ll relay the rest of the news to my family. And my dad because he’s probably at work, or most likely driving to my house because my mother sent him. I call the boys in the band and then the friends I talk to. After that, I go on every social media platform I have and post a message saying I’m not dead and then I purposely make sure to go out so the media can get pictures of me alive and well.  
6. You, Bonham, and the boys are on the bus with your band headed to your next tour stop. Around midnight, you hear Daryl say, “Let’s play penis.” Bonham responds to this with, “No way it’s midnight and you always take it too far too fast.” “What? What’s that?” you ask. Bonham says, “It’s a stupid game we used to play on the bus, someone starts it by saying penis and then other people take turns saying it except you have to be louder than the last person and dickweed over there always starts out screaming so it doesn’t work.” How do you, Kevin, Randy, and the rest of the band respond?
Me: when did you play this last? I’ve never been here for your games. 
Erik: I do not get this game at all. 
Kevin and Randy are both laughing because they find it really funny. And Linus is too high off his ass to even know what we’re talking about. 
7. You’re at dinner with Bonham and the boys when the salad comes out. It’s pretty bad, and at one point Randy says, “This is so nasty.” Kevin replies with, “Yeah I’d rather go outside and eat grass.” Bonham says, “Do it then.” How do you respond and what does Kevin do?
Kevin gets up to go outside to do it and I grab him and yank him back in the booth. “You are not fucking going outside to eat grass sit back down. Bonham, please don’t tell him to do that. You know he will.”
8. You and Kevin need a new mattress, so you’re out shopping for one, Bonham and Randy joined you for some unknown reason. You’re milling about and Kevin is “testing” them by flopping down on them as hard as he can. Bonham sits on one and says, “This is like a brick–whoa! C’mere!” You sit with her and feel that when you initially sit, it does feel like a brick, but after a moment you sink into it. “Ooh, I like this.” Kevin hears you and says, “Let’s test!” and goes to flop. He flops down, and the mattress is completely unyielding, like a brick. After he flops, he groans. “Why didn’t you tell me it was a fucking brick?” How do you, Bonham, and Randy respond?
Me: Maybe you shouldn’t dive bomb every mattress. 
Bonham: Kevin, are you ok?
Randy, stifling laughter: That was kind of funny. But are you ok Kevin? 
9. You’re at a family party with Bonham and the boys. One of Bonham’s older cousins has his kid in his lap, and the kid is telling a story. The kid says, “And I thought, ‘What the heck is he thinking?” Kevin jokingly says, “What? Such language in the presence of a lady!” The kid doesn’t get it and Bonham’s cousin looks mad. What do you, Randy, and Bonham do?
Me: Kevin! 
Randy: Kevin no need to be the language police you say worse. 
Bonham: Ignore him, Jimmy. Kevin just likes to be funny sometimes. 
10. Bonham’s noodling around on her sax one day and 5-year old Mal can’t get enough of it. At one point he says, “Auntie Bon, that’s so cool! Could I touch it?” She smiles and says, “You wanna play her?” His eyes just light up. “Could I?” “Sure kiddo, here.” She twists the neck joint around so it’s facing Mal but her hands are still properly on the keys. “Just blow here, okay?” He does, and she fingers out a melody. He finishes his breath then looks at her in awe. “Did I just play that?” “You sure did buddy.” “Cool!” How do you, Kevin and Randy respond?
I squeal because it’s so fucking cute and Bonham makes a great aunt. 
Kevin: Thanks for letting him try your sax, Bons. 
Randy: You sound great Mal. You’ll be a natural just like your Auntie Bon. 
11. Your band just finished a show and you’re doing a meet and greet. Two male fans come up to you, a father and his teenage son. They come up to you and Bonham and the son says how much of a fan he is. He asks if it would be okay if he hugged you guys, and of course, you say yes. You then turn to the dad, and he’s just an all-around creep from the get-go. The kid is embarrassed and tries to stop him, but he just tells him, “Be quiet Jimmy, one of these ladies will be your stepmom by morning.” How do you two respond?
Me: No thank you, sir. The two of us are already happily married. 
Bonham: Hey, why don’t we call them over. They’re right over there. Randy! Kevin! 
The guy pushes his son past us then because he sees Randy and Kevin heading his way. 
1) Your and your singer are stalking her and Kevin’s son Mal’s first date. He’s sitting at a booth in a restaurant and has been waiting an hour for his date. Soon it is pretty apparent that he has been stood up. He looks really bummed about it. What do you and your singer do? 
2) You’re sitting with your singer and Kevin on their couch when Eddie comes bounding down the stairs and asks, “Can I go to the movies with Andy tonight?” Your singer looks at him and says, “No, it’s a school night.” He huffs and says, “You never let me do anything.” Your singer puts down the book she’s reading and goes, “I don’t speak rude, what’s that in polite-person-ese?” How do you, Kevin, and Eddie respond?
3) Your singer thinks it’d be a great idea to go onto one of those talent shows when you’re just starting out and you get up to where it’s televised. You, Daryl, Erik, Linus, and your singer step out onto the stage in full glam. The judges look at you for a solid two minutes until one asks, “Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you wearing?” How do you, your singer, and the boys answer and what do the judges think once you’ve finished?
4) Your singer has a fucked up ankle. While walking down steps with you, Kevin, and Randy it gives out. She squeals and catches herself on the railing. Kevin asks if she’s ok and she says, “Yeah, my ankles done that since I was a kid. It’s always been fucked up. It’s just been happening more often lately.” How do you, Randy, and Kevin respond? 
5) You get a call from your singer really early in the morning. You answer it but don’t say anything right away because she just woke you up. You hear her go, “Come on Bons, answer, please answer. Please.” She sounds like she’s about to cry. “BabyCarrot?” “Oh thank god you’re ok. I had this horrible nightmare that felt so real that I got in an accident with you and you died.” How do you respond?
6) You, Kevin, Randy, and your singer are walking through a mall. You sit down and start to massage your knee because it really hurts. When Randy asks whats wrong you go, “I’m just having a little knee pain.” The next thing you know, he’s off in the closest store and screams at the clerk, “We’re having knee pain!!” How do you, your singer, and Kevin respond?
7) You're having a party with your roommate Stephen, your neighbor is watching his daughter for the night and he’s using this time to get absolutely hammered. He’s looking at the guacamole and asks, “What is guacamole?” You explain with it is and he answers, “If it’s made up of things that already have names, why does it have a different name?” How do you respond?
8) You’re sitting in Kevin and your singer’s kitchen and he’s making breakfast while you and your singer are at the table. He’s humming and cracking eggs in a pan when he cracks one directly into the trash can. He stops humming and looks at it in confusion for a solid five seconds. What does he say and how do you and you singer respond?
9) One day, you come over to Kevin and your singer’s house to find the tin on the side of the fridge almost overflowing with dollar bills. You’ve been curious about what it is for a while and when Kevin comes in you go, “Ok. What the fuck is this thing?” “Oh, that’s the Sin Tin.” And then he explains it to you. Your singer walks right in at the last moment. How do you and your singer respond?
10) You’ve noticed that Linus has been acting really reclusive lately. He’s never been in a band before War Angel and fame was kind of thrust upon him. You and your singer thought he was doing ok but one night after you get back to the hotel you hear horrible screams and run down to Linus’ room to see your singer holding his unconscious body. “Call the fucking ambulance! He fucking overdosed on drugs!” The ambulance comes and is able to revive him and you see him in the hospital the day after. What do you, your singer, Erik, and Daryl say to him and how does he respond?
11) You and your singer are out and you’re pregnant with your son Will. You’re pregnant before she is and a member of the paparazzi comes up and goes, “So, Bonham, are you prepared to be a mother?” And before you can answer he whirls on your singer and goes, “Since your best friend and cofounding bandmember has gotten pregnant when are you and your husband, Kevin DuBrow going to try to catch up?” How do you and your singer respond? 
@osbournebemydaddy   your move Bonham, love      
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sassyhazelowl · 6 years
A gift for @sanguine-fairy :) Merry Christmas! Some lyredy & colu goodness. Part one of three because I ran a little short of time to write out the whole thing before Christmas. 
The ceiling collapsing was definitely not in the plan.
Being swept off her feet by a random stranger masquerading as a white knight -- literally in this case, giving his shocking silver hair and ridiculous cape -- was not in the plan either but she kinda liked that. Meredy was a bit of a romantic at heart. But to put it bluntly, it didn’t mesh well with her life, and moments like these made her doubt her sanity.
More than usual anyway.
As debris rained down, threatening to bury the mages, a crack was the only warning she got before a blast of cold air ripped past her ear, ruffling her hood and loose locks of bubblegum hair. Ice formed before her eyes, arching out in a rippling pattern before interlocking into a shield over them, deflecting the biggest and worst of the blows that would have rained down on tender flesh.
In the chaos, several figures darted and ducked, shadowy and unsubstantial. Some of them, Meredy knew, was Jellal and the rest of Crime Sorciere, but there were several strangers too. Tracking down dark guilds sometimes led to a little more than espionage, especially since Sawyer and Erik had joined their merry little band of escaped criminals, but it rarely went this wrong.
Grit made her blink and duck her face against the broad chest of the man but before she did she saw a flash of bright yellow, and then the second blast tore through the area, tearing down the very walls around them and tossing mere tiny humans like dolls. There was enough force behind it to rip her loose from her knight's grasp, even though he'd been clutching so hard she was certain there'd be finger-shaped bruises etched into fair skin beneath fabric. Shards of ice flew as the shield gave, screams of pain and fear echoed as unfortunates were hit, and Meredy squeezed her eyes shut as she left herself fly loosely, praying the landing wouldn't be cripplingly.
As the world came into focus, disorientation kicked in. Common sense and experience left her laying very still as consciousness and its friends returned in a jumbled rushed, bit by bit, instinct up at arms for further threats. Meredy's survival instinct was well honed, like a bodybuilder's physique, and her will to live burned nearly as much as the throbbing in her leg and arm. Her falls must have been broken on the left side, and she'd taken enough tumbles to protect her important parts while skidding and bouncing around on the inhospitably hard rocks that tended to line the bottom of caves. Someday, just someday, she'd like to crash into a feather bed instead.
Bits of angry dialogue floated in, loud and argumentative, her face breaking into a relieved smile at Erik's belligerent voice. At least one of her teammates were safe, and judging by the volume, perfectly okay.
"Who the fuck are you?"
The retort was just as outraged, shrill with indignation and a hint of leftover adrenaline, "Uh, shouldn't you have asked me that BEFORE grabbing me?!!!"
Erik groaned, deep and heart-felt, the way he did when he realized it was his turn to do chores or that Sorano had requisitioned his sleeping roll or that same sound he made about nearly every single announcement Jellal made to the group. Annoyed. Aggravated. Put out. Tired of life. Whoever he'd recognized, the person wasn't a threat or a stranger. It was someone he knew, which means it was someone Meredy knew, probably, but her brains were scrambled up.
She didn't have long to wait in suspense though. Erik wasn't known for beating around the bush.
"Uggh, Fairy Tail chick. Again."
"Uggh, Rude Snake boy. Again." Her tone mimicry was incredibly spot-on despite the pitch being quite a bit higher and far more feminine.
Meredy couldn't see his face, but his tone was full of disgust as he continued, "So if you're here, so is Scarlet. Our damn fearless leader is going to fuck-off and abandon his damn job and become more useless than ever. Fucking perfect."
Lucy's retorted hotly, "Erza won't leave us here... wherever here is."
"Sure, Blondie, sure. The fucking-off wasn't literal; that asshole wouldn't even know where to stick it, probably. Just got a past record of following his dick's head instead of his brain when Scarlet is around." Erik had a lot of respect for Erza, Meredy knew, and she tried not to be offended by his words, even though a prickle of defensiveness kicked in automatically on Jellal's behalf. He wasn't wrong in his words, but they rubbed against the grain. However, living with Erik demanded when to know when to pick your battles. Now wasn't the time.
Besides, her eyelids struggled to open; she had bigger things to worry about in the grand scheme of things than someone who wasn't even present's reputation. Wheezing softly as she wiggled sideways, a weak cough squirmed out between her lips. The taste of copper didn't accompany it, only a dull blossom of burning across her ribs to match the rest of her body.
A chill pressed against her temple, forcing her eyelids to snap open as the soothing feeling spread across her skin. If her silly brain had been expecting true love's kiss a brush away, it was sorely disappointed. All that greeted her gaze was the man's profile as he turned to regard Erik and Lucy without a trace of amusement on his stern, icy features. Fingers drifted mindlessly across her forehead, spreading a blissful numbing on the budding headache.
“Are you unharmed?” his gaze never left the two mage’s but his voice was gentle and clearly directed at her. She was terribly injured, terribly, and she’d have to stay in his lap for at least another ten minutes, maybe forever. For recovery purposes, of course. Reluctantly, she grunted and tried to push herself up, wheezing, “Been better.”
Maybe the rib was bruised; she hoped the rib was bruised. Each time she took in a drag of air, there was an ominous wheeze.
“Regretfully, Chelia was separated by the cave-in, but perhaps Heartfilia or… your companion” his face hardened and if it grew any colder she’d be feeling the effects of frostbite, “are trained in some first aid. Although, I doubt a poisoner would be of any use in a situation of healing.”
Erik just made friends wherever he went, didn’t he? Meredy sighed, wince when her ribs reminded her not to breathe so deeply. She knew about the Oracion Seis’ colorful past, to some extent, but however they’d met last time, it hadn’t be on the same side and grudges could last a long time. Not everyone was freakish like Fairy Tail about baseless forgiveness. This was already a rocky situation, but if both the Fairy Tail mage and the Ice Mage had horrible experiences with Erik in the past, things could get ugly.
“Look, Blondie, no one asked you and your pet snowman to butt into the middle of our mission.”
“Are you implying I made the ceiling fall in?” Lucy retorted archly and Meredy hid a smile. Not many people talked back to Erik so imputently. It was super cute. Plus, now that she could see his face, she knew he was enjoying it more than being annoyed by it. “Maybe you did it, you jerk! We barely just got here and the next thing I know there are rocks falling on my head and some big lug is grabbing me without asking.”
Technically, both parties had been dumb enough to walk into a trap and trigger it, but Meredy didn’t think now was the best time to bring that up. The escape of the dark guild was the least of their worries, she noted, as her gaze took in any claustrophobe’s ultimate nightmare. Dust trickled down, pebbled rolled and settled, and in the dim lighting only two immediate exits presented themselves, both cramped and dark. Perfect for more ambushes.
The bickering escalated in moments before Lucy’s summon filled the air, ringing across the small space with an authoritative air before fading away without echo.
“Virgo, dig us out!”
The spirit gave a short nod, shackles and apron swinging in a flurry. Meredy took the opportunity to slip out from under the Ice Mage’s firm hand during the distraction. He made a small sound she almost took for disappointment but wasn’t brave enough to link even for a second to find out. Besides, how would she tell his disappointment from hers?
“Yes! See, why don’t you do something useful?” Lucy’s crow was cut short by the maid returning, “I’m very sorry, Princess, but there seems to be a magic barrier preventing me from completing the tunnel. Perhaps you shall punish me for my failure?”
Lucy’s shoulders deflated as she muttered, “Never that easy, is it?”
The ice mage swept to his feet, holding a hand down to help Meredy stagger to her feet as well. Her leg hurt but it held steady and she was glad she’d chosen to switch to pants so the fabric was shredded rather than her skin. Arm out for her to lean on, he turned his attention towards the other two.
“Heartfilia has the right idea, as is to be expected. We should concentrate our efforts to extract ourselves from this current situation and give aid to our injured party members. The mission itself can wait until we’ve regrouped…”
Erik’s face grew mutinous, “Party? We ain’t together…”
“It is unavoidable circumstance,” the man replied calmly but his shoulders tensed and jaw hardened. She had the feeling if her weight wasn’t hanging off his arm, bitter cold would be gathering in preparation. Instead, he added flatly, “Besides, your companion is hurt, and furthermore, I am responsible for Heartfilia’s safety and well-being.”
Meredy nearly choked as Lucy’s face grew into a mutinous scowl that matched Erik’s perfectly.
“Pinky and I are fine without you, Ice Prick.”
“Be as that may, neither of you are in any shape to be fighting dark guild members or to go staggering through an underground maze. Believe me, this is hardly the most thrilling outcome I can imagine either.”
“I can fight just fine.”
An eyebrow arched in response.
“Ain’t nothing wrong with me.”
“Then by all means, go, but the ladies should stay here.”
Lucy’s scowled deepened, and Erik was glowering, the tips of his fangs peeking beneath taunt lips. It was going to be a race to see which one exploded first.
“You’re not the boss of me!” “Who died and made you the leader?”
This, apparently, was not the reaction he was expecting, judging by the eye bulging and slight jaw drop. Meredy could’ve seen it miles off, given Jellal had gotten the exact same attitude a million times before.
While Lyon sputtered his way through indignant shock, Meredy spoke, scratchy and frog-like, careful not to cough the dust out of her lungs, “He has a point; we should find a way out.” Face squinching up, she added with an unsteady point towards what she’d seen earlier, “It sucks there only seems to be two ways out. We might have to split up.”
All three turned to look, surprised and sheepish. Seriously? No one noticed that before? She was the unconscious one here!
“I am not sure…” the Ice mage began.
“So contrived,” Lucy added, eyeing the holes with a hefty dose of skepticism, unwilling to jump headfirst into another potential trap.
“Welp, there you go. Decided, c’mon Blondie.” Erik announced loudly, grabbing her wrist and dragging her along towards the left tunnel. “He said leave the ladies, so it's time for us to split. Stay in touch, Pinky, so we know where you are to rescue the damsels.”
That self-serving little… grrr. He just wanted to get out from under the other man’s thumb, and he threw her under the bus to do it! Anger burned brightly, sparking her temper, and she sucked in a huge breath to let him know how she felt about the matter… only to belated remember what a terrible idea that was. The consequences were swift and unforgiving, leaving her bent over, hacking and wheezing and whining with protest at her lungs’ rebellion.
“Did he refer to me as a damsel…?”
If she wasn’t busy hacking her lungs up her esophagus, she’d reassure him that was exactly what Erik had done. But if she wasn’t busy hacking up her lungs, she’d also be cursing Erik with every single bad word Sorano had taught her and a few more that she’d picked up on their travels.
Sooth circles across her back eased the coughing fit.
Awfully free with the touching, she thought, both her wits and her guard back up. Straightening, she brushed his hand off. It wasn’t a curt gesture but it was firm. She wasn’t a child, she wasn’t his girlfriend or even his friend, and he hadn’t asked.
Even so, she missed his touch instantly, a sort of hunger awakened. Any nice touches to grace her person were few and far between. Hair was braided, every so often, shoulders were clapped in celebration or comradery, sometimes. When she was younger, her nightmares were an excuse to crawl into others’ beds, but now they earned a few pats to the head and murmurs of sympathy. It was enough because it had to be enough, not because it was.
“Are you certain you are well?”
“As well as I’m going to be, under the circumstances, to quote your words. Look, thanks for worry, but it's just a few bruised ribs, I think, nothing life threatening. I can still walk,” painfully, she supplemented, not thrilled at all about it, “And despite what Erik said, we can’t just wait around like damsels in a tower. What if the dark guild attacks? You said it, I’m in no shape to fight, and you can’t fight if you have to defend. Plus,” she smothered a wheeze, “we’re going to run out of air. I can already feel it.”
He gave her a long, assessing look that peered deeper than she wanted, making her squirm at the scrutiny. Those eyes were dark, piercing and had a sharp edge to them that chilled, and if anyone could look at her soul with their eyes, she was certain it’d be his.
“Leave a girl some mystery, will you?” the protest slipped out. What an overbearing, invasive jerk. It lacked bite, though.
“I am impressed by your logic and rational.”
“Are you suggesting that girls are hysterical and emotional?”
“W-what… no…”
“Listen, I’ve spent years with two reckless suicidal maniacs and now run around with a group of Fuck the Man criminals with the common sense of wolverines. Someone has to keep their head on straight.” Meredy gave an exhausted sigh just remembering some of the more recent incidents; it was amazing they got to keep their heads at all given the dangerous situations they’d scraped out of.
Rifling through his pack, he pulled out a small, odd-looking lacrima the color of burnt caramel. Curiosity lured her in. Shiny things were a weakness she’d rather not admit to, especially magical ones.
“Chelia embedded some power in it, for emergencies.”
“I see.” Meredy vaguely remembered a name and face but it didn’t clear anything up about what the lacrima.
“May I?” he gestured to her breasts with a flush shining beneath pale skin. Crossing her arms across herself, she glared. The flush deepened, eyes suddenly full of panic. Gesturing with jerky movements, his mouth made a few sounds that could have been words slurred out by a drunk or a particularly talented parrot.
Why were guys always like this? Gross.
“It requires application at the site of the injury, I swear,” he finally managed, the flush down his neck and collarbone. Jerking out both hands with the lacrima nestled in between, he ducked his head like a teenage boy, “I am… it is not what you are imagining! I… here, you place it and I will activate it.”
It was her turn to flush to match her hair.
Biting her lip, the lacrima was retrieved hastily and pressed against the worst of the pain, “Thanks.”
It seemed like the most awkward time to bring this up, his hand at arm’s length, hovering haphazardly as he tried to look but not look and touch but not touch, but it’d been driving her crazy this whole time.
He was just so familiar.
“What’s your name again?”
His hand slipped and she wasn’t even mad. At him. Erik, on the other hand, was going to get it for leaving her behind and taking the Fairy Tail mage. What happened to Crime Sorciere sticks together? Granted, that’d never been their motto, but it was the feeling that counted.
She hoped Lucy was giving him hell for her, she truly did.
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Due to the increasingly hostile tension between the nation of Krakoa and President Osborn, the Quiet Council of Krakoa held a meeting for mutants on Emma Frosts’ ship in the sea beside the the Island nation. As a result they reached the conclusion that they would need to divide and conquer in order to cover all of their bases.
MOIRA: Her presence wasn’t supposed to be known. Moira Kinross ( Mactaggart ) was not a prideful woman. She had lived ten lifetimes and had worn many faces, but pride had never gotten her very far in any of them. Quite the opposite, actually. Her proudest moments had led to her flesh melting away by Pyro’s powers and Mystique’s rage. But that was seven lives ago. In this one she had come the closest she ever had to achieving her goal of mutant peace. She let Charles and Erik walk in the sun while she hid in the shadows. If Moira Kinross died, so did Krakoa. Her tricky little mutation would reset everything and once again she’d have to labor through trying to get people to unite and work together. She, Erik and Charles had conferred and the safest place for her was what the three dubbed Moira’s No-Space, sector 18. She stayed quiet and advised but the world needed to think she was dead so it didn’t lose its progress. That was, until Charles Xavier went missing. It was peculiar timing coupled with Osborn’s rise to power but there was little they could do if Cerebro couldn’t detect a trace and the mutants who covertly searched couldn’t either. Knowing that she might have had three lives left - if she was lucky - made it more complicated than just showing her face. Still, she sat in Charles’ place at the table on Emma’s opulent boat, a founder of Krakoa most didn’t even know was a mutant. She had put a vision in his mind decades ago and they were too close to perfection to lose it. “Obviously we have much to cover.” Fingers drummed against the cold white table. “Our children being arrested, our team being copied and, of course, Charles. I’d prefer to not be here for the sake of us all, but it seems we’re past the point of preferences. Anyone like to begin?”
KATE PRYDE: The rock of waves against the hull wasn’t as prominent here, in Emma’s yacht that made her supply ship look like a pontoon. In fact, it sat remarkably still, as if undeterred by the ocean carrying it. Sitting at the far end of the table, she felt remarkably still and intrinsically, she missed the lull of a rocking ship. Crossing one leg over the other, she examined her fingernails while Moira spoke, a lingering question on the back of her tongue that she knew wasn’t the time to ask. Near her, Kate could feel the presence of Emma, and while they had moved to better terms, things were still complicated between them. Namely, the broken nose thing. As much as Kate hated to admit it, she knew she was developing a habit that was causing her to spiral and react to things, instead of work through them. Looking up just as Moira closed her statement, Kate went ahead and scanned the eyes of everyone else that sat with them, skipping over Emma, Jean, and Scott. When no one else seemed to make an immediate move, she dropped her hand into her lap and sat forward. “Dismantling Osborn did rank top priority, but with Charles gone, everything got a lot more complicated. But Osborn had the ability to poison the mutants from the inside, so I don’t know if reallocating our resources to finding Charles is smart right now.” It was a difficult statement to make, and a difficult direction to suggest, but Kate still remembered the chaos from Emma sitting on the Cabal, and how little of a threat that was in comparison to whatever Osborn had planned.
ERIK: “Charles has the potential to have incredible influence over people-- you all know that. In the wrong hands, that potential could be devastating.” Erik’s view on the topic at hand was being pulled in two directions, and he was doing his best to make himself seem impartial. He wasn’t, of course. And that wasn’t exactly a secret. But he tried to make it seem as if it wasn’t too drastic. “I’d argue that finding him should be closer to the top of the list than the bottom of it.”
MOIRA: “He was always supposed to be the figurehead.” Moira’s head nodded in agreeance. “It’s not just his telepathy we’re losing.” They had omega telepaths but they needed Charles and everything he stood for. The face of the X-Men, the face of Krakoa. “If they keep arresting minors, however, we’ll lose footing outside of the nation as well. From all accounts they’re dehumanizing our children.”
KATE: “Than what does go to the bottom, Erik? The kids being arrested and having who knows what done to them, or a sociopathic Avengers? Not to mention the, you know, evil X-men. Sounds like we’re juggling our weight and then some in total bullshit and there really isn’t a right way to go about this. All I know is that we can’t have Osborn in our team anymore and we can’t keep letting him kidnap minors with abilities. You want to talk about weaponizing for the wrong reasons? You give him a bunch of untrained mutants and what do you think will happen?” Despite the aggression of her words, Kate’s tone was level and as calm as she could keep it. She loved Charles, most of them did, and it felt more like an impossible decision, but the matter at hand was they were facing a threat with more power than they understood at the moment.
EMMA: Letting them all onto her pristine boat was the least Emma could do after her involuntarily abhorrent behavior. Moira’s reemergence had come as somewhat of a surprise but she had brushed it off with the cool indifference she had decided to permanently adopt until her pride could heal as flawlessly as her face. “If the Cabal knows where Charles is they never let me be privy to any details. I’d be surprised though. Egomaniacal sociopaths don’t care much for anything outside themselves.” How sad it was that they thought it plausible she could be from their ranks. She was sitting rather close to Scott, one gloved hand lingering near his own. Sometimes you needed people to tether you and Emma was, on occasion, flesh and blood. “I can assure you his mutants are very trained. Madelyne has done nothing but cause trouble,” her eyes danced over Nate noncommittally. “And Mesmero is far more equipped than he should be. My concern will always be the children and their wellbeing. We have no future without them.”
ERIK: “There really isn’t a bottom to the list, you’re right.” He replied with a side, eyes glancing down to a non-specific and unfocused place. After a few seconds there they slid over to Moira, making it look as if his next question was solely for her. It was meant for the entire group, but perhaps he was looking for specific answers that he thought she might have. “So how do we decide which lives and which problems to put first?”
MOIRA: She had shared the lives she had lived before but it had never been done well before. Xavier, Apocalypse, Magneto. She had tried and failed to achieve what Krakoa was. “Perhaps we need to put them all first, divide our strength and energy. That’s how this Island was created, mind you.”
SCOTT: “We might not have another choice.” Scott said grimly from his place at the table. The dull throb of a headache that had existed behind his eyes for two days was front and center again, and even with the aid of his glasses, the lights were still too bright. From the Cabal infiltration to the aftermath of rescuing Emma, Scott hadn’t been sleeping much. And now, with news about Charles. “I agree with Erik, regardless. Charles has to be top priority. We don’t leave people behind.”
KATE: “That’s under the assumption we have the resources to exhaust. I’m not trying to be a pessimist, but we don’t want to stretch too thin and then lose everything.”
JEAN: For a number of reasons the baby had been left at home, one of which being Jean got seasick and an infant + a boat seemed destined to fail. She had remained quiet for the most part by Logan’s side, but her gaze had repeatedly fallen on her husband across the table. Her head turned slightly to the side, mind brushing out to meet his in a brief brush of what was intended to be relieving. “We have more than most know. X-Force has been working around the clock looking for Charles and trying to give warnings of C.R.A.D.L.E. to mutants. Dividing may not be a bad idea when you think about the number of heavy hitters we have. We do have some range.”
BETSY: "I do have some contacts.” Betsy reclined in her chair, armor clinking. There was always something going on in Otherworld and she had come straight from some mystical mess. “Pete Wisdom with MI6 is a good friend. He can’t get involved in your politics, obviously, but there’s resources we can use to look for Charles.”
ERIK: Erik glanced around at the seats around him, taking it all in. He gave Scott a nod in agreement and then spoke after Betsy finished. “Not only do we need to get the job done, this is a good opportunity to once again show how resilient we are; to show the world how we will protect our own, no matter what. We will stay together, and we will fight for each other. Giving them another reason to second guess meddling in our affairs in the future isn’t something I’m necessarily against.”
LAURA: “We can burn down C.R.A.D.L.E.” Laura shrugged a shoulder. Ever since they had left the facility it felt like her claws were about to extend involuntarily and the last thing she wanted was to hurt someone she cared about. Maybe it would be cathartic. “Some of us don’t have much to do otherwise.” Just hide on the Island. They had already asked the Wolverine’s to track Charles’ scent but it had been a dead end.
LOGAN: “I don’t blame you for wanting to, and I can’t believe I’m saying this.. but that might not be the best idea.” In the past-- yeah, Logan might have been all for it. He would have done something like that solo. He looked to Laura, a bit stern and a bit concerned, but he understood where she was coming from. “Runnin’ around with claws out gets us the wrong kind of attention.”
KATE: Forcing herself to swallow a breath, Kate settled back into her seat, trying to relax. She couldn’t really get the image of Emma out of her head — of the words she spoke and the way her cold eyes raked over Kate like she didn’t deserve to breathe the same air. Kate had come a long way since being the girl with the small voice entering Xavier’s school, but she still looked up to Emma as a friend. As a mutant. As a person. And a driving force behind her urgency was her need to put a stop to Osborn for what he did. Even if she could admit that they had the resources and the people, Kate never actively saw that. It wasn’t entirely real to her — but Osborn was. “We’d have to secure Avengers support. They weren’t a big fan of us last time, but it’ll be impossible without them.”
LAURA: Her hands twitched slightly but Laura kept them by her side. She had been sitting as silently and stilly by Warren as possible but now the restless energy that had been bothering her was flaring up. “I’m not running around with my claws out. I’m going one place, taking them out and doing what I have to do.” Gabby would understand. It was almost hurtful that Logan didn’t get the urge to burn a facility to the ground when he knew what they could turn you into.
CABLE: “Who’s gonna take one for the team and talk to them for us?” Nate piped up, leaning forward with both arms against the table in front of him. “I mean, I don’t have the best track record when it comes to getting people to side with me. Otherwise I would bodyslide over there right now and give it a shot.”
LORNA: “You’ve got an Avenger for a kid.” Lorna’s words were directed at her father, spoken as if she wasn’t blood related to Wanda as well. “And she helped us when we needed it. Think maybe you could try and see if they’d do more than focus on whatever bullshit Osborn is throwing at them?”
LANA: “My teammates work with the Avengers. Former sidekicks, mentees, whatever. I can float it with Spider-man, Amadeus and the others.” However, it still felt weird to contribute in any way to a mutant thing. It felt like she didn’t belong. “That being said, we have our own C.R.A.D.L.E. @#$@# to deal with. Ms. Marvel is still... Well, there’s a lot going on, y’know.”
LOGAN:  “You don’t want more blood on your hands, do you?” Logan wasn’t saying it to be hurtful. It was just to try and make Laura take a step back and think about it for a second. In the end, he knew he couldn’t stop her if she had her heart set on it.
EMMA: Even though she registered hearing Kate speak, Emma’s eyes remained fixed on a spot over Logan’s head where a white clock was silently ticking away. When she decided to speak once more her gaze was anchor-less and one hand hovered by white painted lips. “Katherine is right.” She still didn’t glance over, mostly because she hated feeling embarrassed and Emma was bursting with shame. “But that may not be enough. Osborn’s little Cabal I had the pleasure of sitting with is making their work turning distrust away from the Avengers and their adjacent’s.”
LAURA: “They already gave me more.” Laura hissed. They didn’t have to kill people. They just needed to wipe it clean. For a moment her mind registered the hot sting of how much she hated Warren seeing her covered in blood with a snarl on her face, but sometimes that X-23 was the one who got the job done. “It would be worth it if it kept others safe.”
ILLYANA: Most of the time their conversations were boring. Illyana listened because it was the smart thing to do but she very rarely focused in. As they discussed Illyana moved down the tiny buffet they had set up, a singular bite taken out of a finger sandwich. “Scott,” she swallowed bread and lettuce. “You’re Captain Commander. Designate some teams. The Council gives their blessing, we stab who we need to and then we can leave the Island without getting picked up by some stupid American.”
ERIK: “I could talk to Wanda, yes.” Erik glanced between Lorna and Emma. “There are a few different paths we could take, different connections we have available to us. And even if the public is losing their trust in the Avengers, we luckily know better. It’s a smart option-- perhaps the best one we have right now.”
WARREN: “What about you though, Laura?” Warren spoke up before Logan could answer. “We want you to be safe too. I mean-- don’t get me wrong, I know you can take care of yourself. But I’m not big on the idea of you going back there.”
LORNA: “I feel like she owes us, considering the -- you know...” Lorna waved a finger in the air as if that would clarify decimated our race and took our mutations without straight up calling Wanda out. Her elbow was resting on the table, hand tangled up in the green. “So, it’d be a real dick move to not step up right now.”
REMY: “Neither am I,” Remy’s voice carried from where he sat near Lorna, lounging back in his chair. His eyes weren’t focused on her, rather, they were watching the drum of his fingers against the table. Though his demeanor indicated boredom, his tone towards Laura did not. “But Logan,” he didn’t even bother addressing Warren, “It’s not our place.”
BETSY: “I’ll phone Pete and see what he can do. Otherwise, Excalibur needs to focus on the Otherworld. That’s a whole pot we don’t need to get into right now.” There were moments where Betsy resented her new life and the role she used to play. Even throughout the struggle it was, in some ways, simpler. “Do we know how much time we have before the public tears us apart over his disappearance?”
SCOTT: His eyes swung to Illyana, a fraction of this moment spent humoring her. “It’s not that simple.” he then settled back into the conversation bustling around the table. “If Wanda can convince them on mutant behalf. I feel like we’ll need more reach than that to get everyone on board, if they’re not sympathetic to the cause. If anything, they’ll want to take down Osborn just as much as we do, and we can allocate people to other duties instead — like finding Charles.”
LAURA: What they were saying made sense but Laura didn’t want to admit it. She had made so much progress but after seeing red once again she couldn’t shake it.  A stubborn part of her - the part that probably came from Logan - had tricked itself into believing that if she eliminated the thing that had hurt her, the thing that was bad, everything could once again move. “I have to.” She replied simply to both her father and Remy ( who may as well have been family ) while also leaving Warren out. “You.” Her sights locked on Cable. “I saw what they did to your girlfriend.” The words were spoken as if Lana wasn’t beside him, and she didn’t even try to get into whatever was going on with Quire. “Jean and Scott can help look for Charles. We can handle C.R.A.DL.E.” It was then that she finally looked at Warren. “They can’t kill me. I’ll live.”
JEAN: “I think it’s going to be hard for us to get the Fantastic Four to help us.” Jean sighed. “Not with everything going on with Franklin, but if the Avengers help us they might as well.  I know things have been tense with Reed and Sue as late, but we need all the alliances we can get.”  That being said, one ear was being kept on the other situation to make sure it went smoothly.
ILLYANA: “Well I’m a Captain of Krakoa,” Illyana set her appetizer down. “So maybe I should designate. Laura goes to not get killed with other youth, Lorna and Erik appeal to their treacherous blood traitor and then you can decide who looks for Charles and who fights the reject X-Men.” A snarky smile briefly passed her lips. “You’re welcome.”
WARREN: “Laura--” Warren was looking at her, expression tense and eyes full of concern. “You’re pretty damn near indestructible but..” What could he say to convince her? He wasn’t sure. But he was scared for her.
KATE: “Yeah I’m starting to see why, Yana.” Kate shot a glance in her direction, not one of malice or ill-intent, but also not one of amusement. Somewhere in the middle. “I don’t know if you’re helping.”
ILLYANA: There was a noncommittal shrug before Illyana returned to her bread and lettuce on the peripheral of the room.
LORNA: “Sometimes you just need to blow stuff up.” Lorna knew that all too well. “Can we just get someone to supervisor this explosive visit?”
CABLE: Nate took a quick glance at Lana before facing Laura again. He took a pause, thinking it over but not sure if he should say everything he was thinking. “They’re bastards, that’s for sure.” That was the truth. Part of him was itching to get them back for what they did. “They deserve it.”
LANA: Even though she had been rudely ignored, Lana leaned forward slightly. “I have a really bad habit of blowing things up, so I think I can help. I just can’t get arrested again. I ran out of strikes like three times ago.”
CABLE: “See, that’s what I’m worried about. That’s why I’m not.. 100% on this idea.” A thumb jutted out towards Lana after she mentioned not wanting to get arrested again. “They deserve it. But is it worth the risk of you guys going there again?”
JEAN: “Logan.” Jean shifted in her chair to face him fully. They were on shaky ground but finding their way back together once more and she was grateful for that. “The Council can’t authorize a suicide mission. Not when we have so much at stake already. Of course, there’s a chance we might get ignored altogether.” That was directed at Laura. “So let’s find some middle ground here.”
LOGAN: He heard his name and turned to Jean, locking eyes with her for a long few seconds. He got lost in that connection briefly, and then found his words again. “Is there middle ground here? I dunno if I can see it.” His voice was at a low whisper-- hinting at his frustration. “I can’t let those kids run off like that but I have a feelin’ we’re gonna have a hard time keeping ‘em down. Had this been ten, fifteen years ago, I might have even been in Laura’s shoes.”
JEAN: As much as Jean wanted to enjoy their recently awakened connection the buzz of tense minds around her was beginning  to build up behind her eyes. “Ten to fifteen years ago I would have tried to stop you.” Bright eyed and bushy tailed, a fresh X-Men. “I know they hurt you.” Jean’s voice softened. “A lot of you. And that’s not okay. It’ll never be okay. Scott, you wouldn’t mind helping assemble a team that could deal with C.R.A.D.L.E., would you? We can do this but it needs to be the right way.”
LOGAN: One corner of Logan’s lips perked into a smile for a split second before disappearing again. The two of them were good at being nostalgic at the worst times, but he welcomed it anyway. Then he glanced to Scott, not saying anything but waiting for an answer.
SCOTT:  Just parked in this chair, on Emma’s yacht — it had Scott itching to jump up and do something, anything. The nervous energy that bounced around was felt in the drumming of fingers, the restlessness of legs bouncing, and of the constant chatter. They were also fighting for solutions to something that seemed impossible. Hearing his name drew his attention to Jean, who he saw facing Logan, though her words were directed to him. “It doesn’t have to end there, but yeah. We’ll have to figure out what resources we can allocate towards what causes, and that’ll be after we find out how much help we can get from the Avengers. It’s a lot like sitting on our hands, but if we just react, we could end up making this worse for ourselves. And for Charles.”
LOGAN: “Gotta love when we’re on the same page, Summers.” Logan replied, his tone only slightly sarcastic. He wasn’t here to ruffle feathers. “These kids are about ready to jump ship--” Pun definitely intended. “We can’t let ‘em run off.”
EMMA: “While you all blow up that torturous playpen I have a very specific date with Mesmero. Which means I’m officially appointing myself head of the Cabal and X-Men task force. Any issues with that?” Emma only waited for a singular beat with an arched brow before continuing. “Scott, darling, I’ll just be needing a few people for that. Katherine, Quire, the standard fare.”
KATE: For the first time since arriving, Kate’s eyes landed somewhere on Emma’s face. She had meant to meet her eyes, but her gaze instead landed on her nose and she involuntarily winced a little. “Sounds like a plan,” it was as much of a response as she could give in return.
EMMA: The blonde’s lips twitched downwards in displeasure momentarily at Katherine’s gaze. “Most excellent. As much as I’d love to, I’ll comply with the Council and will not kill him. I make no promises to his mental state.” In other words, she’d rip him apart.
QUENTIN: Quentin, from where he sat with his feet up on the table, gave Emma a lazy two fingered salute-- small sparks of blue energy trailing behind his hand as it moved.
LAURA: Sitting rigidly, Laura watched them all debate while knowing that in the end they ultimately might not change her decision. Not even Warren, with his sad eyes. A part of her felt betrayed by Logan but that was ridiculous. Then he was making eyes at Jean and Laura’s head was shaking. “As long as it gets done and I’m there then I don’t care. But we don’t have time to wait on you to rally your troops.” She gutted her chin at Scott.
JEAN: For some reason it would always feel a little wrong when Scott and Logan got along, but Jean was grateful for it all the same. “I’ll keep looking for Charles then. I’ll use Hank and Monet to start. Erik, you’re welcome to join after you talk to the Avengers.” The offer was really just  to be nice.
SCOTT: The brief, subtle movement of Scott’s hand just brushing against Emma’s was a tell that he didn’t want to broadcast, but he wanted to make her aware of his presence next to her. He’d been there in the immediate aftermath, and he’d been there through most of the healing. “The Cabal will be dealt with accordingly and will fall within the laws of Krakoa.” But he agreed with Emma, and he’d stand by her decision to deal with Mesmero however she saw fit.
ERIK: “I appreciate that, Jean. And I might just take you up on it.” Erik gave her a nod. “It will give me something to look forward to.” Talking to the Avengers was certainly not on his list of favorite things to do.
EMMA: Perhaps a different woman would have been abashed by the fact that she was sleeping with the husband of the woman across from her, but they had settled into a strange normal. She and Jean were of no threat to one another and as Scott brushed her hand there was the slightest sigh of internal relief. They’d get everyone off her boat and she would drink champagne on the deck, diamond tears plinking into the ocean. “Love your enthusiasm, Laura, but we have an image to protect. We need a statement ready.”
ERIK:  “We can keep it simple: “Be ready.”” Erik gave an almost playful sideways glance to Emma.
KATE: “So it’s settled then.” Just like the rest of them, Kate was ready to get off this boat and get back on solid ground — which lately, hadn’t really been her thing. She was already gripping the arm rests and beginning to stand. “We designate teams, we try not to stretch ourselves too thin, and we take Osborn down. Now we just need a when, a game plan, and we’re set.”
LAURA: As soon as they were dismissed Laura’s chair was pushed back and she was heading out of the room without a word. She needed to get off the boat. Wolverine’s could drown, after all, and there was enough shit to worry about.
MOIRA: She had remained silent for a large part of the conversation deliberately. Her role in Krakoa was not supposed to be participatory at this stage. Moira knew what she knew about the world, and it was more than most. She always maintained a fear she would be the one to knock everything off its proper course. “Then I believe we are through. I’m sure we can count on the Council to be efficient.” Moira rose, looking everyone over. “If they were better circumstances I would say that it’s good to see you. It’s not, however, so all we can do is strive  towards improvement.” With that she turned to leave, back to the No-Space where she could no longer pretend like she did not exist. They were all in the thick of it now, for better or worse.
0 notes
fullmetalcarer · 7 years
Lips as Red as Blood - part 4
Now in the far north of the land, where perpetual snows made an unwritten page of the landscape and the trees snapped in twain under their burden of white and great rivers of ice flowed from the mountains to the valleys, there dwelt a powerful sorcerer named Shaw.
He hated the fae, for their powers rivalled his own and he would brook no equal.  He took as servants those who had been touched by the fae and taught them their gifts were a curse and that they should hate the fae who had so cursed them.
His greatest servant was Erik the Hunter.  Shaw had brought up Erik from a child and had often told him how the fae had slaughtered his parents and gifted, or rather, cursed him as a grim jest.  Erik's curse was to know the mind of metal and bend it to his will.  He felt the currents that moved the compass needle and could change their course.  Iron answered most readily to his call.  It took many years of harsh training before he could master other metals, but now, in his twenty third year, all bowed to his command.  Gold like sunlight, silver like the moon, copper like the bright leaves of autumn, steel like spring rain and iron like thunderheads; he was liege lord to them all.
Shaw was a stern master, but Erik owed him his life and and living and felt bound to him.  Sometimes he dreamed of another life.  A workshop where he created beautiful things of metal.  A cottage with a vegetable patch and flower beds.  Children who called him father and laughed in play and cried at scraped knees, who he could protect and love.  No wife though, for Erik was doubly cursed.  His thoughts of love turned not to women, as was natural, but to men, an abomination in the eyes of God and man.  Shaw had discovered his second curse and told him it was of the fae also, so Erik hated them greatly.
The sorcerer called Erik his Hunter because any man Shaw wanted dead, Erik slew.  He never failed.  How could he when his arrows never missed and his blades ever struck true, dancing to his power?  His enemies weapons flew from their hands or turned upon their masters.  He could track a man by the metal he carried and the iron in his blood.  He had even slain fae; who are stronger, faster and more cunning than men and have their magicks.  Iron is poison to the fae.  Erik was grim beyond his years and all feared him, save his master, Shaw, who called him his son, though Erik was no child of his.
Kurt, Lord Marko, Regent of Westchester, made the long journey to Shaw's fortress one frozen summer.  He brought gifts of gold and silver and gems.  He spoke flattering words and bowed down to Shaw and feared and hated him.  Shaw saw his heart and was amused.
"Honoured as I am by your visit, Lord Marko, surely you have come so far on such a perilous journey for more than an exchange of courtesies?"
"I have a stepson of some sixteen years of age, my Lord Sorceror, the heir to the kingdom.  Since I married his mother, the Queen, many . . . accidents have befallen him, yet still he lives.  Stones fall from crumbling towers and miss him by inches.  Brigands plan to waylay his carriage, yet stand aimlessly by while it passes.  His favourite dish is placed before him at dinner and he will not touch it and the food is found to be poisoned.  He has a charmed life.  People whisper he is protected by the fae."
Shaw smiled.  Beads of sweat formed on Marko's brow.  Erik, standing at Shaw's side, thought him a contemptible creature.
"All this is most interesting, but what has it to do with me?"
"I have heard, Great Sorcerer, you are able to know all the secrets of a man merely by touching something he has much handled."
"This is so."
Marko produced a bright blue tunic from a satchel.
"This belongs to my stepson, Lord Shaw.  Would you do me the great favour of telling what you glean from touching it?"
Shaw nodded graciously and gestured to Erik to bring the tunic to him.  As soon as Erik touched the garment, he felt a strange thrill run thorough his whole body.  He stood amazed.
"Erik, the tunic," snapped Shaw.
Much loathe, Erik bowed and handed it to his master.
Dark currents moved about Shaw's head and hands.  The shadows deepened.  Strange whisperings sounded at the edge of hearing.  Marko looked as though he was going to void his bowels.  Shaw laughed.  Marko went white as the snow on the window ledges.  Shaw chuckled.
"Lord Marko, your stepson is not protected by the fae, he is fae, or at least half of their blood.  His mother begged him as a boom from the forest spirits and their filthy touch is all over him.  He has the power to read men's minds.  He has the power to change men's minds.  He is a dangerous creature indeed, as is his companion, the golden haired, grey eyed, peach skinned girl."
"The Lady Darkholme?" cried Marko, astounded.
"She is full fae, blood of their blood, bone of their bone, ancient and accursed.  Would you see her true form?"
Marko trembled and nodded.
The dark currents poured into the centre of the cavernous hall and surged up to form the image of a young girl, as Shaw had described her, a pretty, fair haired, fair skinned, plump cheeked child.  The currents swirled.  Her skin turned to scales of cobalt, her hair as red as the fires of hell and her eyes golden as some fanged forest beast.
Marko shuddered.  The image disappeared and the currents dispersed and faded into the shadows.
"Monstrous is she not?  And this is the companion your stepson chooses.  Hers are the words that govern his actions.  Fae and half fae.  You are in great danger, my Lord Marko."
The Regent fell to his knees.
"Help me, Lord Shaw, help me I pray."
Shaw stood and stepped down from his throne.  He gestured for his guest to rise.   Marko clambered ungracefully to his feet.
"I will gladly help you against the treacherous fae.  Erik here is my most trusted servant.  I call him my Hunter.  He has slain many, men and fae.  He can do what is necessary to protect you and the kingdom of Westchester."
Marko's gaze fixed on him.  Erik smiled widely.  Marko blenched and turned to Shaw.
"Thank you, my Lord Socerer, thank you.  I am forever in your debt."
"Oh, not "forever", Lord Regent," said Shaw, smiling his silky smile.  "Come, let us take refreshment and speak more on this grave matter."
They walked away, side by side, Sorcerer and Fool.
Erik thought on what he had seen and heard.  Marko had obviously been trying to kill his stepson, but if the boy was half-fae and consorted with fae, he was hardly to be blamed.  Yet something stuck in Erik's craw.  Marko had thought the boy human until this day.  Then there was the fae girl.  Erik knew he should find her blue and scarlet and gold form vile, but he did not, he found her beautiful.
He picked up the tunic.  It was scorched as though it had passed though fire.  It drifted to ashes in his hand.
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amorremanet · 7 years
I got tagged by @a-mi-zivi
Rules: 1. Tell us your Top 10 characters from different fandoms. (…I limited myself to five, each. Except HP, because it was too hard. Dude, that was hard enough. All arranged alphabetically, not in order of preference or anything.)
2. Tag 10 people.
tagging: @bizeke @donttouchandrewminyard @derekslaura @gentlepromises @girlronanlynch @pansexualpoedamneron @gaylukeskywalkers @scarlettwitchery @saralanceing @bpdrussell & literally anyone else who wants to do it can just do it and blame me (and contrariwise, if I tagged you and you don’t want to do it, no pressure <3)
Community: Abed Nadir, Dean Pelton, Jeff Winger, Shirley Bennett, (my number five changes on a daily basis, usually between Troy, Annie, and Britta, but I can’t pick right now, so fuck it, I pick Annie Kim and Quendra with a QU)
DC: Cassandra Cain/Black Bat, Harley Quinn, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
But honorable mention nods go to Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Koriand’r/Starfire, Raven/Rachel Roth, Renee Montoya/Question, Roy Harper/Speedy/Red Arrow, Stephanie Brown/Spoiler, Tim Drake/Red Robin, and Wonder Woman, and this list was hard for, “there are SO MANY CHARACTERS, THE FUCK” reasons.
And Sandman technically is a DC title, but whatever: Death, Delirium/Delight, Desire, Despair, and Dream/Morpheus of the Endless, tyvm
Good Omens: Adam “the Antichrist” Young, Anathema Device, Aziraphale, Crowley, Pepper (Pippin Galadriel Moonchild)
Harry Potter: Andromeda Black Tonks, Barty Crouch Jr., Cedric Diggory, Cho Chang, Hermione Granger, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lavender Brown, Luna Lovegood, Pansy Parkinson, Percy Weasley, Remus Lupin, Zacharias Smith
Sirius Black and Severus Snape get to share honorable mention status because, even though they are actually in my top ten, I know that being on the same point would annoy the ever-living shit out of both of them. Which amuses me because I am easily entertained.
AlSev Potter and Scorpius Malfoy get to share a point because the ones I love are essentially headcanon, since my take on Cursed Child is, “*nods* Uh huh… that’s nice… I’m going to ignore like 99% of it, but okay, it’s nice”
Legit Honorable Mentions:
[this is where i’d list the Dumbledore family and Gellert but it’s Complicated and i can’t legit list them without needing to Discuss it, so let’s just not even bother today]
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Dean Thomas
Dolores Umbridge
(in a way where I absolutely despise her as a person, but I appreciate her presence in the story because she is, along with Barty Jr., the only fucking COMPETENT villain in the books.
Also, she’s the actual, “repulsive to the core but makes no excuses for it just like white male villains, does her own thing and fuck anyone who tries to stop her, self-determined and she has decided to be awful, feminist on a meta level where she’s terrible just to be terrible without any excuses being made for it” villain that so many people have tried to make out of Bellatrix, when…… lol no, Bellatrix is a total fucking joke, sorry ‘bout it.
Like, man, Umbridge sucks, but she enriches the story and presents an actual, credible threat that has any kind of internal consistency and isn’t just, “I read an entry on fascism in a children’s encyclopedia and made it an OTT cartoon caricature of itself and added some cult leader BS because of reasons or w/e, and named it Voldemort, lol” — I appreciate that, as a reader, even if JKR did it more by accident than anything)
Fleur Delacour
Gilderoy Lockhart
(I blame myself entirely for making up Kingsley/Lockhart headcanons and getting Defensive of him in the face of JKR’s ableism; I should’ve known better, because shit like literally always happens to me, but I did it anyway because I never fucking learn)
Harry Potter
Justin Finch-Fletchley
(……I have post-war headcanons. A lot of them. You probably don’t want to know them, though, bc they’re depressing as fuck)
Nymphadora Tonks
Parvati Patil
Regulus Black
Ron Weasley
Ted Tonks
Viktor Krum
and a whole bunch of characters who are basically headcanon because they are literally just names who do like one or two things and that's it
Hunger Games: Annie Cresta, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason, Katniss Everdeen, Madge Undersee
Marvel: shit, I did this one last and I have to go to therapy, so this is basically, “the order in which they came to mind and I stopped at eight bc holy fucking SHIT, there are a lot of characters”  — Erik/Magneto, Kurt “Nightcrawler” Wagner (my small blue Catholic mutant son <3), Sam, Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Ororo, and I feel like I should list someone else, but anyone who knows my usual type knows that Loki is exactly my type and I was all but doomed to be Loki trash. Which I am. Whoops. Sorry for my choices.
Sailor Moon: Fiore (……from the “Promise of the Rose” movie. ……I love my gay glam rock alien son), Tenoh Haruka/Sailor Uranus, Tomoe Hotaru/Sailor Saturn/Mistress Nine, Tsukino “Chibi” Usagi/Sailor Chibi Moon/Wicked Lady/Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity/etc., Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon/Princess + Neo Queen Serenity/etc.
Star Trek (DS9): Captain Benjamin Lafayette “the rest of Starfleet are a bunch of slackers, has YOUR captain become space Jesus and saved the entire Alpha Quadrant lately” Sisko, Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Kira Nerys, Tora Ziyal
Kasidy, Worf, Jadzia, General Martok, and Ezri get honorable mentions because this list was really hard to even whittle down to FIVE, but.
Star Wars and, “Star Trek (Everything But DS9)” were vetoed as categories because picking was hard and I didn’t feel like it.
Steven Universe: Amethyst, Connie Maheswaran, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot
Yuri On Ice: Christophe Giacometti, Katsuki Yuuri, Lee Seung-Gil, Phichit Chulanont, Victor Nikiforov
Bonus — My Own Novel(s) bc Reasons: (also done before running to therapy) Sebastian, Pete, Josie, Margot, Lucy.
9 notes · View notes
dwdelaney-blog · 5 years
futbol - Cletus - nsa - dm - courthouse - bunn - natsec personnel - fibro - hamburger - shg - butler - sjh - h/k - spfldconsulting - inb - celletti - 404th - boosters - bleachers - trophies - things remembered - bush - Carlucci - vala guards - terr frame - arson frame - osfm - burton - carlock - cwlpdir - caths - they could have stopped this a long time ago - they could have denounced what they have been doing to me - instead they denied what they are doing and tried to conceal what has happened - somebody is telling these people that if they hit me w/ chem - they won't be punished - dod - gop - somebody - xa getup espn - michelle bland - kurtz krusty steil - Coltrane - Lincoln cab - kapernick - Cletus - clute - doj - Burkhardt - spkattys - hecla - nethercutt
Bigtech complicit w/ dia ci - driftnet - mute watchdog - elint - sigint - censors media and inds - worst kept secret - what keeps this thing going - people would talk and for some reason - everywhere I go - everybody seems to know who I am - where I am - im trying to make this thing stop - I want the defs punished - the police could stop this - I think dod could stop this and the gop and caths - what do you say to someone when you ask them to put something in their gastank and follow some guy around - who could do that - every town I go to - every street - every sidewalk - has people seem to know more about my life than me - wouldn't somebody have said something - if there was a legal case - and I won - this should stop - how is this not stopping - who is making this not stop
hefferon - cifa - Adolph zeman - Sylvester - gop - jeffe ron - op Cunningham - consent for organophosphates - fibro - cifa was me - sd - xa jeffe ron - mcds poison - chi gop - Huizenga - garbage - ftl - mace paolino - tusk - ron Jeremy - hedgehog - ni 10th - stl - roth - hou recruiters - xa twitter - tweets - cat paw - key chaney - mace - aqui - here - knights - horse - chess - ibt - clatfelter - ioicc - roadrunners - Ackermann - blessing - swift - centaur - burtt - mitch McConnell - Louisville - haspel - michelle bland - michelle beadle - smoking gun - kitty -
any one of these groups could stop this today - or yesterday
the gop - dod - caths - the po -
note you cant say gop w/o op - cifa - heffe ron - even if all the other groups didn't want to stop - any one of these groups could have stopped this a long time ago - and haven't
Ric Perry
When i was in tx - when ihad to leave spk - they did a homicidal threats frame - for perry - trump made him secty doe  -
they also said I made homicidal threats to gwb - this brings in usss and they used it to mobilize dod and tx parisans - xa carlyle comcast capranica - gk marty vala karl kemme - hou deps civaff - dutton bonilla - bill haley - charles s dutton - slee deprivation - the sleep thing created the fibro vulnerability - w/ the mcds poison on the banner job - exploited by op - pesticides insecticides - heffe ron - laffers - bob&tom - xa mardi gras - note saints dude chin - chigop wheaton - garland ruby - lil ruby - and see old college papers - deus ex machina - mokena ilgop - pisgah is thependlton guy xa kirk and vaq209 rufus wainwright
- pendleton oc terr frame - san onofre terr frame - honore de balzac - swattingchem - entertainment - illinois evening republican club - dirt - scso - russ steil - bob steil 3d shift -sgt - night mgr - rusteil cletus - xa ports auth cleat - roa - hanson does ports guards - springfield -
Bunn - schlumberger - sangamo meters - zito cellnet - ovp - ic collection - cwlpdir - coal - coal trains - ibew -
90’s – vadermatology – ftl hair loss – marginalization – isolation – erbacci cerone – aqui here unite – uk – ache – team lift – wal – ierc rosemary long – cheney embrace of dark side – sharmin doer – smith swimmers – shs – bob marley and cle both taught there – principles and agents – psyops moved to “civaff” skinner box – operant conditioning – ac – ace – ache – forced air – usaf – hvac – murphybrown – moo – res – fibro – spi link – burson – pr – brooks bro riot – Ackermann – Rothstein – porter – wackenhutt – HUIZENGA – is the fla chi link – garb trks – tusk – you keep it cold in here peg – suncruz – moscatiello – bso – bcrp – xa terry nelson wal – duane Gibson – omnimedia – xa pacman – Orlando – la links – saathoff – spi 37 burton – blago hiring scandal – dot hires – stefanski – gnuteck – outback guy – and roadrunners – lanning – ghs – alewelt – pr – pols – happy days – elections – psyops – ads – crosshairs – reticle – gone w/ the wind – GU – chem batt 404 – materials and methods – xa Henkel – dod – tactics in fibro – pain w/o leaving marks – invisible – how do these people think they should be able to get away with this – for all this time -
What will make this stop - i thought of who could make this stop - who could ask people to do something wrong and have them do it - i don’t know how they do it - i think it something to do w/ cars - engines - exhaust - the physiology and the chem - is - it seems like - people from 404 are involved - dod - but others seem to do it without thinking twice about it - you would think the church would be most likely to want to do the right thing - and that’s possible -
This is where i should mention the link b/t ipi and paprocki - spi dio -
Ipi - 2p - toupe - whigs - peeps - humint - xa pii - and p&p - pap - padres - papal -
Paprocki - aqui - here unite - hockey - consent - go - green light - gop - rocky sylvester - ridgeview 1 - horses - ibt - ranger - mi - knights - chess -
Paprocki’s kid - is at ipi - xa gentlemen - mustache - ache - mus - the pope - the ipi is linked to koch bros - altria - winston - burson - the ads guys for tobacco -
The people that do tobacco ads - are also pols - and psych - psyops - burson - etc - xa h/k - xa winston and doj influence - burkhardt - republican attorneys -
I’m trying to make this thing stop - 9/10 GRD - not fine - not consent - ierc - perc - vala guard vio at dpr - cerone - crow - raven - vala - kcs - gk - kemme - 404th - et - alien - allen - poe - sonny - secty ag - cephus and reese - etu - king of the hill - ol hank - guards - 233 - spi armory - fox - roa - esgr - guard - ing - usng - Perdue - granja - krekels - cu - ted cruz - krewes - jester - nobody here but us chickens - the horns - foghorn - not consent - not green light - zito - red light -
Saw that there was a devos that was founder of amway and involved in Orlando magic
I don’t know what to think of this – but I remember two guys coming to my apt in sd – trying to sell me amway – I couldn’t figure out how they got in the building and why they wanted to sell me amway. It could be nothing – but I remember it – I couldn’t figure it out – I don’t buy amway or ever showed any interest in it – they were very clean cut – well dressed – I told them I didn’t want any amway and they left – it could be nothing – but the loft was radicalization frame – the cult – I think scientologists are involved – b/c h/k reps sci – the block the loft was on I think used to be owned by Lron – there was something written on the bldg. or something – xa – Orlando – saathoff – adm – andreas – agriculture – chem – Decatur – Wharton – Ackermann – xa fla bush – jeb – Carlucci – cia – goss – showbiz clowns – Wackenhut – Huizenga and garbage – mace paolino – moscatielo – suncruz – casino – Wharton was ad – spi caths – sci –
Don’t know what the link to doe is – or the group of people linked to erik prince – mi gop – there is a Romney link – mi gop – and kjell bc04 – xa chi/sd link – spi/sd link – bunn –
The amway thing could be nothing – but I remember it and not understanding it at the time – lots of stuff like that
saw that rove is an author - the book - triumph of William McKinley - I think is an attempt to respond to what I have said -
I think the book argues I am a proxy for his political enemies -that I am a sock puppet - a tech term for a computer puppet - triumph the comic dog - my fathers side of my family - irish -
it would be a mistake to say I am ashamed of who I am or where I come from - I am not going to talk about my family here and now - what is important is that if you read the book it is - I believe an attempt to respond to me - in effect - an acknowledgement of his involvement - note the link to kjell - is at uiuc - crs - Carlyle -
Have reason to believe some of this is linked to playing soccer against shg - xa vonde and bags and trophies frame - note direct link to caths - and butler moves to sjh - the thing w/ gray goes back before that - note cwlp - kcs kemme - xa bunn and natsec personnel - dm links - nsa - defs claimed I damaged or stole trophies from shg - I was in the bldg for an afternoon to do something involving the bleachers in the gym - the claim was used to mobilize the spi caths - athletes - against me - like all the other swatting/vigilantism frames at some point iwould have thought people would figure out that I didn't steal any trophies - I am not a pedophile  - they knew I wasn't a terrorist - they aren't fooling anyone w/ that nonsense
9/19 Barlow
Was wondering who is pushing this thing - how does everyone know about this - all these different towns - not everyone uses a computer -
Checked the wiki on rush - it’s missing the simpsons references - it mentions the fam guy etc - xa the tv show w/ ailes - 92-96 - note fam is attys - marries in centenary cape - kc - nyc - palm - palm since 96 - that’s huge - xa huizenga - carlucci - xa karhl - chem - the show - the image - a reticle - and 24/7 - rett - gone - chem - sleep deprivation - 24/7 - rock around the clock - hic - butler - xa kc usattys - ailes does tv show - simpsons - cletus - aint gotta home - don’t listen to the show - i bet there are implied references to me in the show - from callers - ets - the call screener runs links - he has mentioned me on his show for years - that is one of the things keeping this going  - i think - maybe not -
Parfum2 Duraneb - wm=au - fdny - espn awards - nb Fw183 - fa - hefferon - ac - operant condtng - psyops is civaff - roa - tcb - bct -stryker - Barone loves elton john - he's a big fan J-e-t-s - timm and lopian - fuel specialists - stealing gasoline in mex - atomizer - bobmarley - mus - gentlemen - Ipi reps liquor/tobacco - auger - Got sig - -- Sent from Fast notepad Eib Noble - tnt - sb - espys - sen bill - eir - 8 - cle - not bs - etu - e&t -ent - au - ua - ib - bs- cat - nam - facio - baise -bunn - reticle - crosshairs - son - Nebulizer- tr - belz gym- bleachers - valco - nd Noble - tnt - sb - espy's - sen bill - eir - eir si - ierc - sere - 8 - cle - 404 - cletus - usn - fasci - not bs - etu - e&t - ent - au - ua - ib - bs - cat - nam - facio - dare - po - res - cpr - baise - bunn - reticle - cross hairs - son Nebulizer - bully - belize - belz gym - hunchback - bleachers - trophies - valco - Ecole - consent - green light - gop - tennis - barone lebron - bjorn - borg - trek - 90's - dennis - team lift - erbacci cerone - skiner box - academies - sylvanus - goat sucker - usn - xa af - falco - denver - riggleman - worm - ron riggle - dingo - clapper - hammer - kohl bros - kohl&kohl --
9/25 - douglas adams
hitchhikers guide - riggleman - consent - green light - gop -
fuck Lindsay graham
Bob gray - is that what this is about - is that who is pushing this - links to spfldconslting - chamber - h/k - chigop - shs - dmh - ioicc - hic - backyard baseball - usccb - pete hoekstra - vancil elmer - glu - fudd - comed - comer - usmc - laffers - swimmers - sharmin - hair - here - js - jsoc - pollo tropical - burkhardt - winston - altria - liuna - ibt - judicial elections - bob was thompsons patronage guy at cms - hr - xa bunn at natsec personnel - dod humint - dia -
If I am right about the different groups that could stop this - dod - po - caths - gop - the media - Who is making this thing go
0 notes