#Perfect Mistakes
thottybrucewayne · 2 months
You have to recognize your capacity for harm. You cannot omit the harm you've done to others to remain "good." Anybody can be a bigot. Anyone can be an abuser. Anyone can harm anyone at any time even those who have been harmed themselves. The world is not made up of victims and villains only, this is life, not a Saturday morning cartoon and you are a human being who can or maybe even has hurt others and you HAVE to acknowledge that to learn to be better.
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steakout-05 · 2 months
hey wait i just had a thought. what would Data's handwriting look like. do you think whenever he has to handwrite he just perfectly prints New Times Roman in size 14 onto the paper in three seconds or something. wait imagine if he wrote in Comic Sans
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saltmalkin · 11 months
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dakotayounger · 1 year
Voodoo By Tinlicker, Ben Böhmer From the album Perfect Mistakes Added to music worth sharing playlist by Dakota Younger
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asukachii · 8 months
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In the summer-like colors running down my cheeks
The words that curse you are stuck in the back of my throat
"Will we meet again?"
[black and white version]
(I don’t like putting watermarks so, PLEASE, if you want to post these gifs somewhere GIVE CREDITS! Also, don’t use them in edits/videos. Thanks~)
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trans4trans · 2 months
i brought this up to my wife, who is a trans woman and told me i should post this, but speaking as a tme trans man, i do feel like majority of tmes on this side of tumblr don’t actually take the time to think about how they can and often do wield transmisogyny on this site. like yeah we have those tmes on here who have “terfs dni” in their bio and think saying queer is a slur means you’re a terf but there’s tmes on here who know better than that and understand the tme/tma labels and understand that “transandrophobia” is just men’s rights activist bullshit that trans men use to be transmisogynistic but still haven’t really taken the time to think about their own actions and how they’ve engaged in harassment campaigns against trans women or how they continue to engage in harassment campaigns. many don’t even know how to recognize transmisogynistic language in posts spread around on here.
what i’ve noticed from being in these spaces (and what many trans women have already pointed out) is that there’s this sort of performance going on of being supportive of trans women and loving trans women that’s expressed through reblogging simple but transfem positive posts, for example, the one about making it easier for trans women, but in reality there is a tendency to be extremely selective about which trans women these tmes want to “make it easier” for. i said this in a previous post already, but a lot of tmes will reblog a post saying it should be easier for trans women and then the next day make it harder for them by participating in a harassment campaign against a trans woman. i’ve seen many of them reblog that post of transfeminist readings but perpetuate the exact behaviors listed out in one of the readings titled the abuser’s guide to transmisogyny (aka “how to cancel a trans girl”) by wyatt fractal starlight (please read it if you haven’t already, and please check out that list from @/molsno), which leads me to believe that many just hit reblog and did not actually take the time to read what was shared.
to me it seems like many really don’t care about understanding transmisogyny beyond a surface level, most definitely because as tmes we’re not affected by it. but even though we’re not affected by transmisogyny, that shouldn’t make us less concerned about learning more about it and our privilege as tmes. we owe trans women so much support and we talk about supporting trans women but this behavior continues to be prevalent and its just extremely frustrating and tiring to see again and again.
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batcavescolony · 4 months
just saw someone say Rick Riordan making a TV show is just as bad as anything JKR has done. BFFR you're comparing Rick Riordan trying to make his world more inclusive, changing some parts because of money/time constraints, or just making changes cus he thinks they're needed, to JKR being a terrible person!
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seagreenstardust · 3 months
“When toxic behavior is portrayed as romantic, it’s problematic. When problematic behavior is portrayed as a character flaw for a character to work through, it’s good storytelling.”
Katsuki Bakugou, my friends.
His behavior was problematic but never once portrayed as romantic at the same time. Katsuki said and did awful abusive things, and he also chose to be better when he was given the chance. If you’re still hung up on chapter 1 Katsuki now then I don’t think you’ve been reading the same story I have.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m not shipping Izuku with an irredeemable abuser. I’m shipping him with his most important person. His narrative foil. His childhood friend who made awful mistakes and then made it right when he saw he was wrong. The person Izuku looks up to and strives to emulate, despite their past struggles.
Bakudeku is so good because of how flawed these boys are, and how hard they’ve worked to get over it, and how much they matter to each other after it all
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bacchuschucklefuck · 12 days
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2/3 of da way thru lots goin on with this guy also
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pedanticat · 1 month
Dan said what every single Danny Phantom fan brought up when it came to how oblivious Jack and Maddie were to their son having ghost powers.
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stuckinapril · 3 months
The whole “be responsible not for other people’s feelings but to them” distinction is so so true… at some point you need to realize that other people’s insecurities really are their responsibility & dimming or contorting yourself to make them feel better helps neither you nor them. Firstly, bc they need to realize what they’re doing and grow up. And secondly, bc you’re not just compromising on a one-time thing. You’re comprising on who you are as a person. I don’t want to look back when I’m older and stay stuck wishing I held my ground despite people’s projections or asserted my presence more or didn’t apologize so much for who I am. I really just want to own everything (the good and bad) & continue doing what makes me happy
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So I've been seeing a lot of will solace hate, and I'm here to defend my son.
First of all, he's not a toxic person at all he's a human who can mess up at times and be unintentionally rude, like in that one scene boo where he says
‘Oh, please.’ Will sounded unusually angry. ‘Nobody at Camp Half-Blood ever pushed you away. You have friends – or at least people who would like to be your friend. You pushed yourself away. If you’d get your head out of that brooding cloud of yours for once –
^ that is rude but he didn't have bad intentions because according to him nico wasn't scary and the people that he hung out with - Lou Ellen and Cecil- didn't think that nico was scary either as they were both friendly towards him when they met him at the Roman camping area outside chb so while his delivery wasn't good he meant no harm and he also helped nico realize that not everyone hates him and then there are a few jokes that he made that people consider toxic or offensive but nico was never offended or sad about these jokes he only rolled his eyes and acted exasperated so he knew will meant no harm .
Will is canonically described as a laid-back and calm person, but he is also stubborn when it comes to certain things like medical related things which is understandable since he can feel everything physically wrong with a person by just touching them and is persistent that they don't die and Take care of themselves which is understandable since he saw majority of his siblings die and doesn't want more ppl to die .
Will is actually quite a complex character he's calm and laid back but he's stubborn and strict when he needs to be he's supportive and loving to nico but since he's a kid he struggles with being understanding sometimes hence why he asks persephone for advice on how to be there for nico properly showing that he's mature enough to ask for help . He's also someone represses his emotions because he thinks that as head counselor, he has to be a perfect example, and he told this apollo in the 1st toa book. He's also pretty insecure about his abilities, as shown in boo
You did,’ confirmed Nico. ‘But it was the way you did it. You made it clear that you wanted me around. You said you wanted me to come to the infirmary and help, because … because you could use a “friendly face”.’
‘It was true. And you did help.’
‘You brought me closer instead of rejecting me,’ Nico said, his voice cracking. ‘I’d never been called a friendly face. Ever. You made me rethink everything – my place in camp, my crush on Percy, my future. It took you scolding me like you were the camp director to make me realize that I was … wanted.
But with Nico … It’s hard, Persephone. I want the best for him, and he seems to disappear into his darkness, like he’s hiding in a place where he doesn’t want my light.’
‘Then why not offer him your darkness
Nico sighed in exasperation. He hated working with other people. They were always cramping his style, making him uncomfortable. And Will Solace … Nico revised his impression of the son of Apollo. He’d always thought of Will as easygoing and laid back. Apparently, he could also be stubborn and aggravating
In conclusion will isn't toxic and he isn't perfect and if I'm wrong about something please point it out cause I haven't read the books in a while and if I missed something please point it out and I'm sorry for the typos I wrote this without wearing my glasses as 3 am after studying for a test
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karvakera · 9 months
drawing gojo every day as stupid pet memes until THE shibuya incident: day 37
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I had to draw "the freak" pose
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makeitastrength · 1 month
One thing I'm noticing in some of the fandom reactions to this breakup and the aftermath is that the characters have been put on a pedestal and are being judged against some pretty unrealistic standards. They get raked over the coals for every single mistake. I've seen it with both characters but recently I've seen it the most with Tim.
Don't get me wrong, in no way am I condoning his current behavior. He's made multiple mistakes and he's broken Lucy's trust and her heart. He absolutely needs to be held accountable for all of these things and he owes her an apology and that adult conversation and a whole lot more if they're gonna be able to be together again.
But what he's doing right now, his imperfect actions as he navigates this period of his life... it's very human. This is a man who is at rock bottom, and when you're drowning in the weight of your own trauma like he is, you often don't have the strength to see beyond that and understand how your actions are impacting the people around you. He's not being cruel (which, by the way, implies intentionality to one's actions) by breaking up with her or denying her that conversation. He's drowning.
He truly can't see that she's *not* better off without him. He can't see how much he's hurt her, and that he continues to hurt her with his actions. I don't even think he could answer her questions right now about why he did what he did, because he doesn't fully understand it himself. He can't see anything beyond his own lack of self-worth. Right now, expecting him to be able to fully comprehend what he's done and why is completely unrealistic.
Now, does this excuse his behavior? Absolutely not. But it does explain it.
And the thing that's bothering me the most is the posts saying Tim doesn't deserve Lucy's forgiveness. This is a man who has completely fallen apart but is finally taking the first steps toward healing. Shouldn't he be given a chance at redemption before being written off as unforgivable? And shouldn't Lucy be the one to decide whether to forgive him?
Again, I'm not defending his actions. He has a lot of work to do on himself and he has a lot of work to do to gain back Lucy's trust. It's not going to be easy. But to say he doesn't deserve forgiveness without even giving him a chance? That's pretty harsh. He doesn't deserve to spend the rest of his life being defined by his worst moments. No one does.
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klokaqueer · 3 months
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✦ Dethklok Kewpies ✦
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thatbuddie · 11 months
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buck/eddie + google searches 🏳️‍🌈 (insp)
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