#Pariah Dark just wants to be a good dad
radiance1 · 1 year
So, this time it's not anything to do with worlds or space but BIRDS.
Bet you didn't expect that one didn't you!
Sam have a great expansion of knowledge about the Paranormal, Mythological and the Occult. So, she finds out magic is real and is fucking ecstatic, well after she met Pandora, she started going through all of her material for spells and what not.
She knows all witches have to have a familiar, but she doesn't know what she would want to have as one, then a crow catches her eye and she just goes fuck it.
Then she started collecting an army of crows.
Pandora herself helps teach her the more, mystic, parts of magic whenever she's available, with Undergrowth begrudgingly helping her along with other parts such as nature magic.
Which is actually surprisingly difficult and rather easy and the same time.
Undergrowth uses a completely different system to use his abilities, whereas Sam uses mana and the occult to achieve her magic. So some things that Undergrowth can do easily might be hard to do for Sam, and where things that Sam can do easily would be a bit difficult for Undergrowth to do too.
The same thing is true for Pandora, albeit to a much lesser extent. She knows about spells and mana, so it's easier for her to translate to into teaching for Sam unlike Undergrowth.
Pandora is the one who helped to unlock Sam's mana when she was interested in it, finding that she has a great amount of mana right off the bat.
Enough that in the olden days she would be fought over by magicians fiercely.
Even more so by how greatly it increases by the added on amount of her familiars.
Now, a single crow's mana isn't that much in the grand scheme of things, but add on 50, 100, 1000? Now, that is a great boost indeed.
Sam has enough crows to cover the sky has an entire city. Though most of them she never uses, that's still a great deal of mana that she and her familiar's are constantly sharing with each other, she even managed to cast protection magic on each and every one.
At least she's dedicated.
Hotep Ra is back in town, despite his attempts to plot and use Tucker to further his own ends, he now wants to serve the boy just as he did Duulaman.
To which Tucker was rightfully suspicious of.
Hotep Ra explained that now that Tucker has defeated him, no matter if he had help from his friends or that ghost boy or not, he has recognized him as the rightful heir to the throne.
Even if that throne is long gone, Hotep Ra is not.
With the time he spent with Tucker, he would sometimes urge the boy to reclaim his past self's throne, claiming that Duulaman and by an obvious extension Tucker, was born to rule over others.
To which tucker doesn't really want so he just nopes outta that one.
Hotep Ra also help him be able to control the scepter, although he himself doesn't have complete knowledge of it, he's learned through observing Duulaman what to do and how to use it.
He also got Tucker a few birds as an apology, specifically Golden Eagles, as Duulaman himself quite loved the apex birds, and thought it would be a fitting apology if Tucker happened to share the same trait.
It worked.
So now tucker has pet Eagles that come to him whenever he wants.
Danny is a bit miffed at current events, don't get him wrong he's happy that his friends get to learn magic and stuff, but now they barely have anytime to hang out!
Seeing that his kid isn't feeling that great what with his recent friends learning magic and having birds, Pariah thought that it would score him a few dad points if he got his kid his own bird!
Said bird is a giant the size of two houses that can and would kill if given a reason to. Pariah Dark literally forced it into submission so his son can be happy, it can also split itself up into multiple smaller birds.
Danny is happy with his gift.
Sam, when she isn't learning with Pandora or Undergrowth or hanging out with Danny and Tucker, usually occupies herself trying out magical concoctions or rituals.
A recent one she wants to try is to make a stone, a stone which is surprisingly apart of the family tree with the Philosopher's stone, just that this one uses no alchemy and pure magic to achieve its results.
She's confident in herself and that she can do, so she gathered all the ingredients listed for it. The first few of the ingredients were rather easy to get at first.
A lotus whom blooms at the crack of morn yet lay dormant 'i its absence.
A lotus which grants thou both power and strength tied with the god of kinship, physic, protection, travelling lamp and welken
A stone what be foe of any poison
A stone quoth to dispatch any whom comes into contact
All four of these weren't hard to get, though she had to wait quite a while for her crows to bring her the items requested.
The last item was a liquid.
Substance of greenist glow quoth to bring the dead to life and the corky to youth
Easy, she thought. There is loads of that stuff all around the ghost zone, though when she tried it, it failed.
Again, she tried failed.
She never knew what went wrong, she had all the ingredients, so what is happening? She looked over the recipe again, seeing that everything she had should have worked.
Was it her timing?
No, her timing was perfect.
Were her ingredients defective of some kind?
No, if they were she would know.
She paced back and forth through her room, thinking to herself what she could be doing wrong with a few crows looking at her curiously. She went through the recipe over and over, looking over her timing and ingredients before stopping.
Bring the dead to life. Ectoplasm can't do that.
Sam sent out a village's worth of crows to find this mysterious substance that she thought was ectoplasm, but isn't. Yet when her familiars came back, not a single one could find it for her.
So, she sent them into the zone, confident in her protections so that they won't be harmed. It was when she was sleeping that she felt it.
A vicious snaping withing her chest that forced her awake and out of bed, almost immediately she called all of her crows to her, all of them coming but one.
So, she sent out to find her missing crow. Going to where she can feel the bond's last traces and with coming upon a portal. She then departed without hesitation with only half of her scout crows.
Almost immediately she could feel the bond pick back up again and made hast to follow it. When she got there she was ecstatic, there right in front of her was a glowing green pool of the liquid she thinks she needed.
Though she was cautious in approaching it.
It was only when she was nearby the pool did she realize a man was in the room with her, a man who stepped out of the pool with his attention fully on her, his red eyes gazing at her with interest.
She tensed when she noticed one of her scout crows gripped tightly in his hand.
Man idk what I'm doing lmao but I wanted to make this a dc x dp crossover so hhehaheheh.
Danny and Tucker are worried about Sam, they haven't seen her in a while, and while it isn't all that usual for her to be doing her own magic thing for days on end.
They couldn't help this foreboding feeling in the back of they're heads.
Which was only furthered by how her crows gathered around them and pushed them towards a portal in the zone. Hotep Ra went with them, not one to leave his master.
The three stepped into the portal, and not knowing that they stepped into an entire different universe.
They started to search for their missing friend with the help of her crows and their own birds.
A thing, Sam doesn't know where all of her familiars are and vice versa normally. But if she ever focuses on their bond it would lead her to them, and she can call them to her whenever she wants.
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mutable-manifestation · 6 months
Actual Scientists Jack & Maddie AU Part 3
Part 1 & 2
The lab is empty when they get to Fenton Works, his parents busy off helping the JLD wherever it was they were working from.
The journey the rest of the way to the Far Frozen passes relatively quickly under the weight of discussing how to reverse engineer the sarcophagus of forever sleep to make Naptime Box 2: Vlad Edition.
Could they probably just beat him up with the right plan and aid? Sure. But then they risk having to play royal hot potato (Danny doesn't want it and he doubts most of the allies he has would want the extra responsibility. Assuming there are responsibilities - Danny wouldn't know since there hasn't been a king, for all intents and purposes, since well before he became a halfa so who knows what the position even means in the context of the Zone).
Plus it would be way more satisfying to shove him in a box. Vlad gets a nice long nap and Danny gets to live the rest of his half-life without worrying about his Dad getting stabbed or something if Vlad starts feeling impatient.
It would also give Danny plenty of time to find some way to buy the Packers - not because he wants them, just because it would be really funny if Vlad eventually woke up to find that the only thing he wanted other than Maddie was now also very permanently out of reach.
The city of Green Bay could fold eventually, after all. But Danny? Danny would never yield, just to spite him, and Vlad would know that.
He probably won't actually do it, seeing as a) expensive and b) probably complicated.
But it would be really funny.
Their discussion on the ethics of using the Fenton Stockades as the base for the Box cut off as they land.
Without the distraction of their chat the adrenaline of panic comes rushing back, and he transforms as he steps out of the Speeder, nyooming to hover in front of Frostbite so quickly that the entire welcoming party - Frostbite somehow manages to have one arranged every time he drops by, and Danny is usually willing to at least try and indulge them since it seems to make them happy - jolts in surprise.
"Greetings!" Frostbite smiles wide, arms open in a grand welcoming, the only hint of lingering surprise the trails of slightly puffed up fur up his arms and the sides of his neck that has already mostly smoothed itself back out. "The Far Frozen welcomes the Great One and friends-"
"Hey Frostbite sorry for being abrupt but I'm kind of freaking out and you seemed like the best person - uh, ghost to go to because you always seem to know lots of things and I kind of need to know what's going on as soon as possible just in case it's a worst case scenario because the Justice League came to talk to my parents about some papers and I probably haven't mentioned them to you before because they're awful and I thought my parents made them but surprise I was wrong! Which is good! Except the League was mostly worried about them maybe causing the new ghost king to war with the human realm because apparently there's a supernatural branch of the Justice League and they think there's a new Ghost KingTM as in the Ghost King after Pariah Dark and I'm kind of freaking out because if there is a new ghost king there's actually a chance it's Vlad and oh ancients please tell me it's not Vlad or that the League heard wrong please."
Sam and Tucker had caught up by then, coming to stand on either side of him as Frostbite blinked.
"You are...asking me the identity of the current High King?" He asks, face scrunched in a bewildered expression.
"Oh my gosh Batman was right!?" He floats a bit higher at the news. "Please just tell me it's not Vlad! Uh, Plasmius."
"Plasmius?" Frostbite asks, eyebrows crawling higher. "Certainly not! What in the realms - do you truly not know?"
"Oh thank goodness," Danny sighs, sinking back to his usual level. "Not Vlad, okay, one less disastrous possibility. And whoever it is probably already knows they're the king and nothing bad has happened yet so it's probably fine, right?"
He looks back to meet Frostbite's eyes.
"Wait, nothing bad has happened yet, right? Like, is everything okay? I know Pariah caused you guys a lot of grief before; the new guy 's not going around causing trouble for you and you just haven't told me because you're worried about being a bother, right?" He frets, eyes flicking about, searching for fresh injuries on the various members of the welcoming party.
"...No, Great One," Frostbite answers, blinking away the surprised expression to be replaced by something soft. "Though I, and all the Far Frozen, are honored by your concern. While Pariah Dark is no longer the High King of the Infinite Realms, I can assure you, with utmost certainty, that you have nothing to fear from his successor. But I believe we have much more to discuss. Come, let us find somewhere more comfortable to talk - and get your human friends out of the cold."
It didn't take them long to reach a sitting room, and soon enough they were all settled into the enormous, fuzzy chairs in one of the warmer rooms available, Danny and Frostbite each with a cup of shaved ice tea while Sam and Tucker were offered beverages warm enough to steam in deference to their need for warmth.
Once everyone had taken a sip - or bite - Danny launched back into his questioning.
"So did Dark have a kid hidden away somewhere or did some kind of council finally decide on his replacement? Actually can ghosts even have - wait right Box Lunch, forgot about that on purpose but never mind. Or is there some fourth option that isn't those or trial by combat that we didn't think of?"
"Before I answer that, Great One, may I ask why you have already discounted trial by combat?" He returns curiously.
"Because if it was trial by combat it would be Vlad - er, Plasmius - and you already said it isn't him."
"Or it could be you," Tucker ribs, waggling his fingers at him.
"We already talked about why it couldn't be me, Tuck," Danny huffs, rolling his eyes and taking another bite of his... smoothie?
"Oh? And why do you think it would be Plasmius?" Frostbite asks.
"Because! I may have fought Pariah Dark, and sure I put him back in the sarcophagus, but I was running on fumes by that point, and he was still slamming around in there! Vlad, as much as I hate to admit it, is the one that turned the key and made sure he stayed locked away. It took almost everything I had to keep him pinned long enough. If...if he'd been even a few seconds later I probably would've died the rest of the way before he even had the time to break out a second time."
"But had you not put him there, no key would have mattered," Frostbite begins quietly. "Plasmius was no match for Pariah Dark; he was defeated in an instant the first time they clashed."
"Well, yeah, but so was I," he protests, not liking the direction the conversation is beginning to take.
"And yet, you alone went to face him a second time. You alone stood against the King of All Ghosts while your armies clashed."
"Our-!? I didn't have- you mean the ghosts that came to help me???" Danny sputtered, incredulous. "They weren't an army they were just-"
He pauses, searching for words that would not come.
"They were just a large group of ghosts who sided with you, who aided you in combat and kept the multitudes distracted while you went to face their leader alone. However you thought of them at the time, whatever they were to you up till then or are to you now, after, in that moment they were your army."
"Danny's totally the ghost king, isn't he?" Sam drawls after the brief silence that follows.
"Indeed," Frostbite answers her, but he looks Danny in the eyes as he does so. "You are the savior of the Ghost Zone, Pariah's Bane. And you are the High King of the Infinite Realms."
"I cheated!" Danny blurts out, shooting up to float above his chair.
"Cheated?" Frostbite's lips twitch as he fights down a smile.
"I had the Fenton Ecto-Skeleton! That's totally cheating! Don't combat trials have to be honorable or something?!" He begs.
Frostbite chuckles.
"I apologize, Great One, but I am afraid there is no such thing as an honorable war," he says, expression briefly turning solemn. "And even if it were, just as you had your "Ecto-Skeleton," did not Pariah have his ring and crown?
You issued a challenge and he answered, your armies clashed while the two of you stood against each other and each other alone; you alone put him back into the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, and you alone held it shut long enough for Plasmius to turn the key.”
Danny drifts back down to his seat as Frostbite speaks, then continues slouching further with every word.
“I am given to understand that Plasmius likes to think of others as pawns on his own personal chessboard,” he says, “But at the time he was but another ghost, come to fight Pariah's army on your behalf - as a member of your army. A pawn, to paraphrase his own words, that you used to topple a king - not through any intentional manipulation, but through the sheer magnetic charisma of your willingness to stand against monsters like Pariah Dark and of your ability to do so. The confidence to stand alongside you that such strength inspires. 
He would not have approached if he did not believe you could win - would not risk endangering himself so. At best, you could consider him a referee, calling the match to a close once it was decisively in your favor.
Plasmius may think of existence as a game with himself as the only player, and he may have been acting in his own self-interest overall, but by every measure, in this instance, he was undeniably your piece.
The Zone itself acknowledges your right to rule by the way the crown of fire sits where you left it, unmoving on the floor of Pariah's keep until the day you finally choose to wear it, no matter how many hands may try to move it."
Frostbite's words are slow and measured, but as undeniable as the creeping of a glacier. And by the time they cease, Danny has sunk so far as to end up an undignified heap on the floor before his chair.
The trio remains silent as they absorb his words.
Minutes pass before Danny finally speaks.
"If the crown can't be taken, then how did I get it from Pariah?" He questions, a final hope that Frostbite may be mistaken.
"It will only remain unmoved until you first put it on. After that, it will be up to you whether it stays safe on your head."
Danny groans his despair, final bit of hope shattered.
"I must apologize again, Great One," he says solemnly. "Had I known you were unaware of your station, I would have informed you sooner."
He frowns heavily, looking into the distance thoughtfully.
"The Observants should have informed you long before now."
"Well, that explains it. The Observants hate Danny's guts," Tucker says.
"To neglect their duties for such a reason...," He trails off, his glower highlighting the inhuman nature of his visage. 
The trio fidget.
Danny coughs after a few seconds of tense silence.
“Uh, speaking of duties,” he begins, relaxing as Frostbite’s expression smooths back into something kind and polite as he listens, “What exactly does the Ghost King even do? Like. Pariah was locked away for… a long time? I guess. So does the Zone even need a King? Can’t I just, like, resign?”
“I suppose it might seem that way from a younger ghost’s perspective - Pariah has been locked away for millenia, after all, and the Zone is still in one piece.” 
Frostbite pauses, leaning back in his seat and taking another bite of his drink. 
“However. What you must understand, Great One, is that the problems caused by the absence of a king in the Infinite Realms are not the whirlwind that such a thing would be in the living realm - social order is affected, but the speed of bureaucracy is slower by orders of magnitude in the Realms, and there is not the same level of inter-reliance that the living tend to require - but rather, they are winds and waters sliding against a rock, chipping away at it bit by bit until it is either worn smooth… or the whole structure collapses under its own weight.”
“How does not having a king cause dimensional collapse!?” Tucker shrieks, clutching his cup like a lifeline.
“How long do we have before it collapses?” Sam asks urgently not a second later.
“Oh shit, how long do we have before it collapses???” he echoes, hunching over his cup enough that the steam adds a layer of fog to his glasses.
Danny sits bolt upright, whipping wide eyes away from his friends to join them in staring at Frostbite.
“Total collapse would take millenia more to truly begin,” he placates before taking a more grave expression. “This does not mean that there will not be issues before that point, however; the symptoms of the High King’s absence have begun to show this past millennium. But rest assured, there is time enough to heal the wounds that have been wrought. The only permanent damage would be the collapse itself, and that, as I said, is millenia away.”
“Is… is that why you never mentioned it to me before?” Danny asks, dropping back to the ground in relief. “Because it’s not urgent and you figured I’d just…get to it eventually? Actually, why did you think I knew if you knew that the crown was still in Pariah’s Keep?”
“It is the duty of the Observants to observe, but also, as you have experienced, to oversee - the timeline, trials, the general functioning of the zone. Without a king to report to, much of their ability to act is crippled, of course - their ability to interfere directly with the timeline has always been severely restricted, their options for sentencing are severely reduced, and there are some things the Realms require that only the High King can provide - but one duty remains unaffected: overseeing the ascension of new kings. 
Coronations have taken many forms in the past, from a quick swap in the battlefield to a formal ceremony to a celebration that lasted a decade. Given the dark era we are, at last, able to put behind us and the non-urgent nature of even the most severe problems that the Realms are currently affected by, I had assumed that the large delay was in preparation for that last form - the lead-up to a grand celebration.”
“Except instead it’s just them being petty,” Sam notes, sitting back up from her own relieved slouch. 
Danny groans, leaving his tea to float and covering his face with his hands.
“Why couldn’t it have just been as easy as shoving Vlad in a box,” he whines.
“I mean, we still can?” Tucker offers, prompting Sam to smack him over the head before pausing consideringly.
“He might be right, actually,” she says, ignoring his exclamation. “Given Vortex’s trial and sentencing, there’s clearly some kind of legal system in the Zone that isn’t just Walker on a power trip. No doubt he’s broken some kind of Actual Realms Law - I’d be surprised if breaking Pariah out like he did wasn’t some form of highly illegal - so you could probably send him to actual Ghost Jail. It’s certainly where he belongs, given all the….”
She makes a vague gesture with her hand in lieu of words.
“That doesn’t resolve the problem of I Don’t Wanna Be A King!” Danny exclaims, sitting back and throwing his hands in the air.
Then he turns to Frostbite, eyes pleading. 
“Can’t you be king?” he asks. 
Frostbite opens his mouth to reply, but Danny steamrolls over him.
“It makes sense! You already know how to lead people! And your people love you! You already know about all the king stuff too! You’ve beaten me in spars before! We’d just have to go to the keep, I put on the crown, you beat me, and problem solved!”
Frostbite’s smile is a mix of amused and pitying.
“I have only ever beaten you in training spars, Great One, and you and I both know that is largely because they were focused on improving your skill with ice and ice alone. Even if I could defeat you in a true all-out fight as you are, I believe you underestimate the boost granted by the crown of fire.”
“I can just put it on then take it off again before we fight! And we can stick to ice!”
“I’m afraid it is not so simple,” he shakes his head. “If you do not give it your all, the crown - the Realms - will not recognize the transition. The only way to “throw the match” successfully would require your opponent to fully End you: to crush your core and snuff your spirit from the very fabric of existence. I am unwilling to do such a thing, and I sincerely hope you would not ask it of me - or, indeed, of anyone.”
Danny paled enough that he nearly matched his human form in skin tone.
“Right. Let’s… let’s not do that, actually.”
“On the bright side, you can probably weasel ruling tips out of Aquaman in exchange for not declaring war on the Living Realm!” Tucker chirps, aiming to cheer him up.
“I’m not going to threaten the Justice League!” he yelps, scandalized.
“But you probably won’t have to threaten them,” Sam chimes in. “They’re already trying to summon you, you already know their goal is to avoid a war. As long as you don’t ask for anything unreasonable, they should be inclined to give you what you want in exchange for peace.”
“Once you offer peace, they will be invested in your successful rule of their own volition as a means of perpetuating said peace,” Frostbite corrects. “If you would like to set preconditions to an accord you should make them things that will not readily be given as a result of said accord. But before we discuss further, perhaps you can fill me in on why war was a concern in the first place? I believe you mentioned something about papers?”
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new-revenant · 2 years
Dpxdc idea in which Superman meets Dani while she’s out traveling and she helps him out with whatever threat of the day he’s dealing with. This is sometime after the Justice League formed and way before Superman learns about Conner.
Dani does pretty well but then get smacked out of her ghost form and into her human form, so Superman is left to deal with the threat. After the threat is taken care of, Superman’s like “you have a lot of potential young one, thank you for your assistance” or something. And Dani says “thanks I take after the guy I got cloned from.”
Superman - “Your a clone? Who cloned you?”
Dani - “an evil ghost named Plasmius cloned me after a superhero ghost named Phantom because he wanted him to be his son. As you can see he’s not very good at the whole cloning thing.”
“I can call the Justice League? If you want?”
“Nah I’m good, Phantom and sometimes the Fentons are able to beat him up.”
“…Okay can you explain a bit more please?”
Somehow Dani manages to convince Superman that the Fentons are in fact not evil mad scientists, that Plasmius is just a regular weird ghost that just so happens to look like a vampire(Dani wanted to convince him that he was actually a vampire but that didn’t work), and somehow managed to convince him that she was cloned from both Danny Fenton and Phantom since Plasmius wanted a way with Danny’s mom to marry him or something.
Superman offers her again for League help, but she declines saying, “Your pretty strong, you can help by yourself. Speaking of help, I actually need some of that right now.”
Superman - “What do you need help with?”
Dani - “I need clothes and food and probably enough money to rent a motel room for a night.”
Anyways that’s how Superman adopts Dani. Dani still travels around but now she makes frequent pit stops to Metropolis and the Daily Planet. It’s not long until the League finds out about her and whenever asked about herself, Dani just gives them non-answers and disappears before appearing again to prank them. Superman says that she’s practically his daughter and Dani just nods and that’s all they have to go off on. Dani told Superman to not spill about her past unless it was absolutely necessary.
Dani once introduced Superman to Danny when Dani started destabilizing again-and Superman was going to Amity Park as Clark Kent to interview the Red Huntress since by then Amity Park is a bit more well know with the whole Pariah Dark thing or something-and Danny was fangirling the whole time since Dani straight up told him that Clark was Superman. Phantom was also fangirling but it was because Superman was a hero and definitely not because he was an alien since Danny and Phantom are definitely two different people.
Dani sometimes calls Clark while he’s at work and now everyone at the Daily Planet knows he’s got a kid now. They are very supportive.
Now, Superman knows about clones and has a more positive outlook on them as simply people who can mold themselves into what they want to be, not whatever their creator created them for. And then he meets Conner.
That’s right, this whole prompt was just a ploy for good dad!Superman for Conner! And now Superman has a reputation for adopting clones. But nobody knew that Dani was a clone(except Batman probably) until Conner arrived. So now the League are asking about that. Sucks to suck for Superman since the League are like “wtf why did you not tell us this?” And Superman’s like, “Dani told me not to tell you guys because she was scared :(“. That works, somehow. Now Conner also has a chaotic older sister who cares about him dearly. Not to mention Team Phantom who also support him to hell and back. Happy times all around.
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samgirl98 · 8 months
Forgotten Demon Twin 5/?
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“Are you going to tell mom and dad?” Danny asked, effectively killing the silence in the car.
“I should,” Jazz said while tightening her hold on the steering wheel. She sighed, “but I’m not.”
Some of the tension melted from Danny’s body.
“You are going to tell me everything, though, right? Or at least the cliff notes version? Just so I can have some peace of mind.”
“Smooth, Jazz.”
“I’m serious, Danny. You told these people your secret identity. Before telling mom and dad!”
“I didn’t mean to! Skulker attacked, and I had to have access to my full powers to protect them!”
“You were reckless. Why didn’t you wake me up before leaving the house?”
Jazz’s voice was starting to rise higher.
“You could’ve been kidnapped!”
Danny snorted.
“I’m serious, Danny.”
“I’m fine, Jazz. I can take care of myself.”
Silence reigned in the car again. They made it back to Fenton’s Work, but neither sibling made any moves to get out.
“What I’m about to tell you can kill you, Jazz, so this is your only chance to back down.”
Jazz said nothing and folded her hands over her lap. Danny sighed.
“I was born high in the Himalayan Mountains in a hidden city called Nanda Parbat. I wasn’t born normally. I was made in an artificial womb; I wasn’t supposed to exist. My mother is the daughter of the leader of a cult called the League of Assassins.”
Jazz took an audible deep breath but kept quiet.
“My brother was supposed to be the only one born. The perfect heir to the Demon’s Head, Ibn Al Xu’ffasch. The Son of the Bat. I was named the Spare,” Danny said bitterly, “I could never measure up to my perfect older brother. I cried after I killed. I wasn’t good at fighting; I was too soft, too weak.”
“Damian was perfect. Why would they need the runt of the litter? I was exiled at seven. My grandfather is, was over 500 years old. We think. He lost track of his actual age. He used something called the Lazarus Pits; now I know it is ectoplasm. He bathed in them to keep himself alive.
“You’re using the past tense.”
Danny nodded, “Damian told me he’s dead.”
Danny took a deep breath and continued.
“Since I was a waste of space, he sent me away to see how scientists interact with the Lazarus Waters outside the League. He ordered me to kill the first three people I ended up with. I don’t know why he didn’t with you guys, but I’m glad.”
“You, mom, dad, are the only true family I’ve ever known. I sent ‘reports’ that were the most basic of basic. They can be found online. Eventually, after being here for three years, they stopped writing back. I was so relieved that they seemed to have forgotten me. I understand if you think I’m a monster. I’m a killer, Jazz.”
Jazz hugged Danny.
“You’re not a monster, Danny, and you’re not a waste of space. You’re my baby brother, and I would kill for you,” she declared, meaning it.
She noticed how Danny talked about himself compared to Damian. He believed himself lesser. She didn’t believe it. Her little brother had taken up the mantle of protector of Amity and had become the Ghost King after protecting their small city from the threat of Pariah Dark. He was a hero; he deserved to be treated as such.
“Thanks, Jazz,” he hugged his sister back, enjoying the warmth.
He let go after a while.
“There’s more. There’s a reason Damian is known as the Son of the Bat. His, our birth father, Bruce Wayne, is Batman.”
Damian didn’t sleep that night. He wanted it to be morning as quickly as possible so his father would call the Fentons.
How did he go from forgetting his brother to being impatient to see him? It didn’t help that he felt…something when he saw how easily Danyal followed Jasmine.
(How would it have been if he had been close to his brother? Would Danyal have looked at Damian the same way he looked at Jasmine?)
He wasn’t jealous. He wasn’t!
Damian walked into the sitting room. Father was already there, drinking a cup of coffee. He sat before his father and started chewing on some fruit.
They had gotten rooms in a themed hotel. Three guesses as to what the theme was. The whole damned city seemed obsessed with ghosts.
There was a picture of Phantom smiling into the camera.
Damian had done some research instead of sleeping. Apparently, Phantom was the main hero of Amity, though there was another heroine called the Red Huntress. There were mixed reviews of his brother. The younger generation viewed him as a hero (as they should.), while the older generation saw him as a menace.
There had been an article when Phantom had done a string of burglaries. Because of his red eyes, Damian had concluded his brother had most likely been mind-controlled. It happened. Even Superman has been mind-controlled.
“So, father, when will we be calling the Fentons.”
His father sighed and put down his coffee.
“Soon, Damian, but we must consider how we will approach this. Danny has already expressed his wishes. He doesn’t want to come with us.”
“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’ve read into the Fentons; they’re menaces. The father has news segments for when he’s on the road! The mother has gone on record stating that all ghosts should be studied and are evil. Their papers are heavily prejudiced, with no scientific evidence to back it up. It’s clear Danyal is in danger here.”
“Damian, he’s happy here. He has people who love him.”
Damian crossed his arms, “He’s being a hero without any adult backup. He’s here alone facing Justice League-level threats.”
Bruce sighed. Damian brought up good points, but Bruce knew his son wasn’t thinking about Danny. He was thinking about assuaging his guilt. A part of Bruce wanted to do the same thing.
He could take care of Danny; he had the money. He had years of experience in the vigilante/hero business and could get other heroes to mentor his youngest son (God, another son he had failed.), but he had to consider Danny’s needs.
Bruce took a deep breath, “I’ll get your siblings. It’s time to call the Fenton.”
Danny woke up with a twisted stomach. It was so bad he couldn’t even eat his cereal. But he couldn’t leave either. He wanted to be there when Bruce called. Jazz sat in front of him and gave him weak smiles. Her bags were almost as bad as Danny’s.
Both Fenton siblings jumped when the phone rang.
Neither elder Fenton noticed their children’s mood.
“Fenton household,” Maddie answered.
“Hello,” Bruce’s smooth voice came through the phone. Danny thanked his advanced hearing, “May I speak to either Madeline or Jack Fenton, please?”
“Maddie Fenton speaking,” his mom said, “to whom am I speaking?”
“My name is Bruce Wayne,” his mom cut Bruce off.
“Bruce Wayne, as in Wayne from Wayne Enterprises,” his mother asked excitedly. Jack Fenton got up and put his ear close to the phone. Danny’s stomach got heavier.
“Did you finally take a look at our inventions and want to have a meeting to sponsor us?”
Considering Danny had destroyed any message his parents had sent to Wayne Enterprises for the express purpose they would never meet, the answer was no.
“No,” Bruce said, “Well, it’s hard for me to say, but I recently learned from my youngest that he has a twin. I have another son.”
Maddie and Jack looked at each other, confused.
“Yes, what does that have to do with us?”
“I have reason to believe that Daniel Fenton is my biological son, and I wish to take a DNA test.”
Next up, the Fentons officially meet Bruce and Damian Wayne
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kreerain · 3 months
I have a crack idea now where Danny became like Pariah dark like Ward like you know teaching him to be the future King of the Infinite Realms.
Pariah dark's idea is to continuous his legacy just in case he is ever defeated again after Danny's defeat him the first time
Put whatever magical reason you want to for Pariah Dark being out of the casket of forever sleep
But in my own opinion Danny's parents dissect him and now Danny is now being forced to living with Pariah in the Ghost Zone which in his own opinion is so much better than being with the fruitloop
Pariah's holding of trying turning him into his Prince to continue the legacy Danny decides to play along cuz you know what it's fun let him be the villain for once but Danny decides the entirely do it in a different way
Fighting outfit is a pink crop top with the words cute on it and a pair of leather pants with pink hearts on the side of them he is practically channeling his dressing of Harley Quinn like he wears two different color clips in his hair and he uses a chainsaw as a weapon with the words DP spraying on to them just because he can
Danny also 100% like every chance he can comments on the fact that Pariah dresses so old like imagine fighting the ghost tyrannical leader standing around but shopping bags in hand while his son is walking around shopping
Also Danny and Klarion are totally dating because Teekl Klarion's cat accidentally met Danny and a whole lot of shenanigans happened ever since Danny and Klarion have been dating
But the main point is I've just been imagining the ghost King showing up to the DC dimension and demanding for the Justice League to tell him where the Mall is at in this dimension and then walking himself and the skeleton army all the way to Hot topic are any other clothing store that sells pastel clothing in the mall
Pariah Dark: Daniel you went all the way to this dimension to go shopping. When you could have done that and the ghost Zone.
There stands a boy with black hair that has White highlights, unhumanly bright blue eyes that seems to be wearing a green jacket, a black crop top, and a pair of bright pink pastel pants broken with black hearts all over them rolling his eyes at the ghost king of all people and answering with the most sarcastic teenage tone voice
Danny : yeah old man not all of us can dress like it's medieval Royal times plus what are these matching shirts be amazing for us
One of the shirts is a pink crop top that say disappointment and the other a normal t-shirt that says The Father Of The Disappointment
Pariah Dark: Daniel I don't consider you to be a disappointment that boy you call your boyfriend is a disappointment but not you
Danny: thanks Dad anyhoo a few more things and then we can go back home I heard this place has a froyo that absolutely sounds amazing
Pariah dark: and if it's is not as good as the mortal say we'll take over the dimension just for displeasing your taste buds my son
The froyo is actually really good for the sake of the dimension Pariah Dark does not end up taking it over but his son Danny will be visiting
This the entire time the Justice League is in the background shocked and terrified about realizing the entire time they had a mini God living in this dimension.
I just see Pariah being a really caring and loving parent to Danny while also trying to being a tyrant most of the time Danny does keep him from the tyrant part though but it's even funnier if Danny goes to School in Gotham just imagine having the ghost tyrant show up to a parent-teacher conference.
Sorry I just have lots of time to write out these prompts I'm not a good writer but I love to share my ideas.
That does sound like a lot of fun. This idea sounds more like something I'd read, than something I'd write though. I might try to write something for it, but it will be a little while.
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jadedwolf18-blog · 1 year
Mini Phantom Invasion.
Hi, I plan for this to be a series of inter connected one shots based on some of my favorite prompts. I’m a huge Tim Drake/Red Robin x Danny phantom shipper, so for now most of my fics will feature them. Once I’ve end this series, I’ll try branching out to other relationships Danny could have with the bats.
I can’t remember where I got all of them but I’ll try to tag as I find them. If anyone notices a prompt or plot they’ve seen please let me know or tag the person it came from. I’m knew to posting on Tumblr so I’m still getting used to how to tag and insert links. Thank you.
Chapter 1
Danny was not having a good day. He’d had a fight with his parents about ghost hunting, stating clearly that he had no interest in their bias views on an entire species based on one encounter when they were young. It had escalated to the point where they blamed his lack of interest on the fact that he was spending to much time with his sister and his female friends. 
He’d had enough! He left mid argument and was contemplating just packing up and moving into the Ghost Zone permanently. As he’d slammed the door he could hear his parents shouts for him to come back and once again blaming his behaviour on a ghost.
What did his sexuality have to do with ghost hunting? And what was wrong with wanting to be more feminine sometimes? He honestly didn’t understand why they found it so weird or wrong for him to swap between genders and pronouns? Jazz, Sam and Tucker accepted him as he was, they didn’t but an eye when he would randomly say ‘she’, ‘they’ or ‘him’, they just continued the conversation with the new pronoun and that was that. They understood and accepted that sometime he felt male or female or neither. He was lucky to have them. 
The day just seemed to continue down hill from there. It was summer vacation so Sam was forced to spend time with her parents at some rich holiday resort, Tucker had won a spot in some sort of tech camp and Jazz was still at College working on a finals thesis and was unable to come back for the summer. He was essentially alone for the summer. He could hang out with Val but she was working a lot and he didn’t want to bother her. He still felt guilty about her dad losing his job, even if it wasn’t entirely his fault.
After leaving the house he’d found a place to transform and let the cool rings of light soothe him and took off into the sky. After finding out they could survive in space it became their favourite way to relax, they’d spend ours exploring space, even hang out on the moon. Thank you high speed and portal powers. Their Phantom form had changed in the last two years. People could no longer tell if they were male or female and he looked less human now. Thankfully, they looked nothing like their alternate future self. When their legs melded together their ghostly tail looked more eel like and their ears were longer and thiner, resembling delicate fins. Jazz and their friends had joked about how the acted like cat ears. Lastly their face was now a pale mint color, almost white and translucent, his eyes were still the same luminous ecto-green with deep blue pupils. The only similarity to Dan, that they could see, were the fangs and longer hair both of which were also present in their human form.
They had been flying around Amity, a somewhat lazy patrol of his claimed haunt, it was a calm night. Ever since they had defeated Pariah Dark the other ghost had calmed down and came to Amity less frequently. A few still came to bug them, namely Skulker, Ember, Johny and Kitty. Young Blood and Boxy more frequently than the others and of course Cujo came by often. Their visits were more to do with fulfilling their obsessions than anything else. Danny’s obsession was Space but so was Protection. They needed to fulfil both to some extent or suffer from a form of ghost hunger. It was a win win situation even if they did go back… home? Was it really still a home? 
Before they could go down that dark spiral again their instincts took over and they narrowly dodged a bright green shot that had been aimed at their head. Whirling around and flying higher out of range they looked at their attacker and just stared.
“of course it’s them.” They muttered. Before repeating it with more venom than they thought they were capable of. Which was shocking because not even Vlad had receive as much hatred in the entirety of the time they’ve known him than in that split second they felt it towards their own parents. “Of fucking course it’s them!”
They blink away the shock of such an intense emotion and huffed. Not even bothering to acknowledge them they turned around to leave. That had been a mistake. They’d barely made it a few paces before pain bloomed across their back as an Eco-blast shredded the fins on their lower back and bit deep into their flesh. They bit back a cry of shock as they felt themselves plummet from the sky. It took a moment but they gathered enough concentration to open a portal. He didn’t care where they ended up as their only thought was ‘Somewhere safe.’
They fell through and just before they lost consciousness, they heard their parents yell after him.
“Get back here you ghost scum, so we can rip you apart molecule by molecule!”
“We won’t forgive you for corrupting our Danny!”
‘Of course… It’s always Phantoms fault…’ Danny’s world turned black as he continued to fall. Maybe when they opened their eyes again all of it would have been a dream.
Somewhere in the infinite green a Grandfather clock chimed. A screen flickered. Time flowed on.
“All is as it should be.”
Chapter 2
(I'm Not A Cynic Song by Alec Benjamin)
Danny pulled their little floating ducks out of their personal pocket dimension and set them to gently drift in the hot spring. They had found it while wandering the forest. Their lower back still ached and they were a little worried about how it hadn’t healed completely yet.
They didn’t know where they were or how long they had been in this dimension but they were safe and alone for the time being. When they’d woken up, the first thing they did was try to figure out where they were. thankfully no-one had discovered them, tucked away in the underbrush of the forest they had landed in. They’d let invisibility wash over them and flew high enough to get a view of the land. They recognised asian architecture and flew in the direction they had spotted a small farming village. With a closer look they determined they had landed in some version of Japan. Instinctually they knew they were not in their home dimension. Everything, even the air and feel of the atmosphere felt slightly shifted to the left. It was like that feeling of entering a hotel room, they were all essentially the same but there were the little details that told you it was a different hotel. 
Brushing the thought, and everything associated with the reason they were injured and alone in a foreign dimension, aside. They coiled their tail in the centre of the spring and sank down until their lower back was submerged in the healing warmth of the spring. Closing their eyes in content they began to hum. Their eyes shot open when they felt a gentle nudge against his arm but smiled gently at the little wisp as it bobbed and drifted in the breeze. They continued to hum and watched in amusement as more joined the first. The little orbs of light ranged in color from soft pale blues to vibrant greens and warm reds, oranges and yellows.
They lost themselves in their song as they twirled in and played with the water, creating little floating ice crystals that caused mist to form around them as hot and cold air danced around each other. Humming soon gave way to words as they swayed to the rhythm only they could hear. 
“I'm just bein' realistic, bein' honest with myself
I've tried bein' optimistic but it doesn't seem to help
So I'll just have to admit this is the hand that I've been dealt
I'm not bein' pessimistic, just bein' honest with myself”
They were thankful to Pandora, who had taught them to sing in an effort to train his ghostly wail, for realising he was taking on the form and habits of a triton. 
“I'm not a cynic, oh, today's just not my day
I've tried to spin it 'bout a thousand different ways
But from every angle, oh, the outlook is the same
I swear that I'm not a cynic, my glass just has no water in it today”
They poured all the hurt, betrayal, anger and loneliness into their voice, allowing them to release it all in a more melodic call than his previous wail. That, as pandora explained, had been an unhealthy burst of emotion and they were lucky they hadn’t blown out their vocal cords the last few times they used it. 
“I swear that I'm not a cynic, my glass just has no water in it”
Through their practice they found they could influence emotions but not out right control them. They were glad, influencing them was bad enough, he didn’t want to manipulate anyone. They didn’t want to spend their life wondering if the people around them truly cared or if they had somehow manipulated them into caring. They may me a budding empath but they still struggled to tell the difference between a sincere emotion and a projected emotion.
“You only get that which you're given, it's not always up to you
Not every Sunday is a picnic 'cause the sky ain't always blue
You can't just change the weather by changing your point of view
Some days you have to wait until the storm just passes through”
Danny’s voice grew louder as their emotions poured out into the lyrics. They knew they still had their friend, their sister, Elle and everyone in the Infinite Realm. They were also the Half Ghost son of ghost hunters and scientist with a heavy bias against Ecto-entities. They will be the rulers of an entire realm in only a few short years.
“I'm not a cynic, oh, today's just not my day
I've tried to spin it 'bout a thousand different ways
But from every angle, oh, the outlook is the same
I swear that I'm not a cynic, my glass just has no water in it today”
They gave a bitter sweet smile as they watched the wisps duck and weave between the ice crystals. They looked around for their ducks and their smile turned a little more sad as they waved their hand and the little ducks joined the dancing lights and crystals. Each one was modelled after his favourite comic book vigilante. They’d had to save them from the dump truck once, they’d been looking for them when he’d asked his parents, their father had made an off hand comment about how he should throw out old toys and they’d panicked. They’d manage to find and save them all just before the truck arrived.
“So like a boat on the ocean, I'll rock with the waves
God, I'm so sick of this notion that I have to fake
Fake my emotions and pretend I'm okay
So like a boat on the ocean, I'll just rock with the waves”
Jazz had bought them for them, after they had told her about being gender fluid and pan, they were probably one of their most treasured possessions. Jazz had gone on a whole spiel about how it’s important that she show support and provide a safe and understanding environment. They hadn’t been listening, they’d been crying. To caught up in their overflowing emotions and happiness. It lasted a day, their parents had been less than understanding, with their passive-aggressive comments and actions. 
“I'm not a cynic, oh, today's just not my day
I've tried to spin it 'bout a thousand different ways
But from every angle, oh, the outlook is the same
I swear that I'm not a cynic, my glass just has no water in it today”
Their frown returned. They had shot them, that in itself wasn’t unusual, as Phantom. Isn’t that a sad thought. What was was that there had been no prior warning. It was a sniper shot, from their mother. Only their heightened hearing and instinct had saved them from ending up dead dead instead of a Halfa. That bothered him
“I swear that I'm not a cynic, my glass just has no water in it today”
They returned to humming the last notes of their song as the dunked under the water to rinse off. They popped back up and gathered their ducks, floated up out of the spring and laughed as the wisps twirled around him. They landed on the ground, allowing their legs to form and walked off into the forest, dancing lights trailing after them. Completely unaware of their watchers.
The shadows slunk away to report their findings. While two birds hesitantly returned to their temporary nest, One worried and wanting to help the being that reminded him so much of his younger siblings. The other having felt a connection to a being that had shared similar experiences, someone they wanted to help and if they wanted to end the beings loneliness… that was no one’s business but their own. Both slept little that night, both determined to find the being again and offer what they could to help.
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hannahmanderr · 3 months
Before we get into the chapter, a HUGE platonic smooch for @duchi-nesten who took the time to draw the Ancients from this story with bribery from me and @scarletsaphire I'm absolutely screaming over them still, they are just UGGHHH SO GOOD
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From left to right is Zunje, Babel, Pele, and Kala!
Anyway, onto the chapter! It's an important one! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everything begins. Everything ends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jazz flinched as another wayward blast of ectoplasm exploded into the wall of the office building across the street, reducing it to little more than rubble. The battle was becoming more and more destructive as time bled on, and her nerves were really starting to get to her. She needed to get back out there and put a stop to it.
Unfortunately, there was the slight complication of her parents.
She’d tried to play dumb when Frostbite slipped up, but it had been pointless. Frostbite had been all too happy to explain that the Great One was, in fact, the ghost hero known as Danny Phantom.
Perhaps if it had just been her dad there, she would’ve been able to distract him, or figure out how to explain it away, but as luck would have it, her mom had pulled up shortly after the ghost king’s arrival.
It didn’t take them long to put two and two together. At least, that’s what she assumed.
Even more unfortunate was that her concussion had spontaneously decided to rear its ugly head, causing her to lean over and throw up in the middle of the road. Mom and Dad were far less than keen on letting her continue fighting after that. She’d protested of course, pointing out that the all-powerful ghost king was about to raze Amity Park to the ground, but they wouldn’t have any of it.
She had been forced to take shelter behind a large pile of rubble, along with her parents and Frostbite, as the battle intensified. Pariah Dark’s question about Danny had been met with a brutal attack from one of the four-armed Ancients, and the battle had progressed from there. At some point, the little lava-haired Ancient had taken over the direct combat with the ghost king, aided by the gnome and the four-armed ghost with a cloak of clouds. The last Ancient - Pandora, if Jazz remembered correctly - had engaged the black-armored knight. Sam and Tucker were still out there, somewhere, working to keep the thrall army at bay.
And that was just the fighting. Overhead, in the sky, the rip that had heralded Pariah Dark’s appearance still gaped over Amity Park. The air seemed to vibrate with its intensity; Jazz could feel it prickling at her skin, making her feel foreign in her own body. Like reality itself was beginning to fail.
In short, things were Bad-with-a-capital-B.
Jazz leaned over to peer around the rubble protecting them. “We should really be out there,” she muttered, even as her head throbbed worse.
“You’re not going anywhere, young lady,” Mom said. “Not while you’re injured.”
“I told you, I’m fine! I got it out of my system, I’m good to go.”
“I may not know many details about human biology,” Frostbite said, arching an eyebrow at Jazz, “but I have enough experience with the Great One to know that head injuries are serious in humans.”
Jazz didn’t miss how her parents winced hearing about “the Great One” and his injuries. 
They hadn’t said a word about Danny - Fenton or Phantom - since Frostbite’s slip-up. It only put her that much more on edge. Sooner or later, Danny would return, and if Mom and Dad were going to flip out and shoot him on sight, she wanted to at least have the chance to warn him.
As it was, she couldn’t tell what they were thinking. Her mother’s poker face was nothing short of perfect, and her father, though he often wore his heart on his sleeve, was strangely stoic about it all. If there was one thing Jazz hated, it was not knowing things, and not knowing their thoughts on Danny was killing her. 
She could only hope and pray. The fact that they weren't actively trying to gun down Frostbite was a good sign at least. 
But for the time being, she pushed those thoughts away. “Believe me, I know plenty about head injuries. I wouldn’t be wanting to go back out there if I thought it was serious enough.”
“I don't think the person with the concussion should be making that judgment ,” Mom said. “You won't be going anywhere until we know you're safe.” 
Jazz frowned. Was that a hint of hysteria in her voice?
Yeah, that couldn't be a good sign. 
Still, her words gave Jazz an opening. “Alright, fine! Whatever! It's not like the world is ending or anything, in case you haven't noticed. Why aren't you guys out there, at least?” Maybe if she could convince them to go back to the fight, she’d have a chance to catch Danny before they saw him. Maybe she’d have a chance to warn him.
Her parents didn't answer. They exchanged a glance that Jazz couldn't read, and Dad’s shoulders sagged. He opened his mouth. “We -” 
“What's going on here?” 
Jazz’s eyes snapped up to see Valerie hovering just behind her parents and Frostbite; Wes clung to Valerie with his eyes screwed tightly shut. Her parents turned at the sound of Valerie’s voice, and though Jazz couldn’t see her mom’s eyes behind the red-tinted goggles, she could only imagine the look on her face.
Her dad, however, beamed widely. “The Huntress!” he exclaimed, grabbing at Mom’s arm like an overexcited child.
To her credit, Valerie avoided wincing too strongly. “Yeah, that’s… me.”
“Did you find him?” Jazz asked. She didn’t bother to hide the anxiety in her voice.
Valerie frowned, but nodded. “Yeah, but he’s… well…”
“Can we maybe have this conversation on the ground?” Wes asked shakily. Valerie responded with a roll of her eyes, practically shoving him off her. He stumbled the short distance to the ground and collapsed spread-eagle on the street. “Thanks,” he muttered.
Dad’s nose crinkled in confusion. “Uh… is this the backup you were talking about, Jazzy-pants?”
Jazz ignored him. “What do you mean? Where is he?” she asked Valerie.
“It’s okay, I’m here!” a voice called out. A moment later, Danny - as Phantom - pulled up beside Valerie. “I’m here.” Jazz’s breath caught in her throat. She had known, of course, that Danny had gone to get the Crown of Fire, but for some reason, it hadn’t crossed her mind that he would have to wear it. Granted, the crown on his head now was most definitely not on fire, but she thought the frosted look complemented him much better than fire. The way it sat on his head, and the way the cloak he wore rippled in the breeze and caught the light…
He looked regal. Like he really was a king. 
It made her heart swell with pride. Her baby brother… he had come so far. She’d never doubted his leadership abilities, not really. His common sense could be… debatable at times, but her brother had a good heart. He was still young, of course, and the thought of him being a monarch had never occurred to her, but in that moment, Jazz couldn’t help but think that the role suited him.
She must have shown it on her face, because Danny caught her eye, and his hand flew up to the back of his neck. “It’s a long story…” he muttered sheepishly, his cheeks growing green. 
Jazz opened her mouth to respond, but Dad stood up abruptly, cutting her off. Mentally, she kicked herself. She’d gotten so distracted by his arrival, she’d forgotten about their parents.
Danny instantly paled. Whatever he saw in Dad’s face, it couldn’t have been good. Jazz tried to stand, to intercept him, but Frostbite gently held her down. “Easy,” he rumbled quietly. “Do not act prematurely.”
Of course, she wanted to protest that, but she quickly became distracted by her father’s slow approach towards Danny. Her mother wasn’t too far behind. 
Danny’s hand twisted into the cloak, and he averted his gaze. “Look,” he began shakily, “I… I get it if you hate me, and - and I… I’ll let you hunt me down or tear me apart or whatever you want, but please, you have to let me stop all this first, or there isn’t gonna be a world for you to tear me apart in. I just need to - mmph!”
Jazz squeaked and clapped her hands to her mouth as Dad lunged forward. She pushed Frostbite’s paw away to stumble to her feet. She had to get there first, had to stop him from hurting Danny - 
 - but her heart stuttered to a stop as Dad wrapped Danny in a tight embrace.
“Danny,” he said, his voice cracking. “We were so worried… You have no idea…”
A stunned Danny returned the hug as Mom pulled down her hood and glommed on to his other side. “You don’t… hate me?” he asked, his voice muffled by their dad’s burly form.
“Listen to me, Danny,” Mom said, peeling him out of Dad’s arms and holding him by the shoulders. She looked him firm in the eye. “No matter what you do, no matter what you are, we could never, ever hate you. Never, do you hear me?”
Jazz could see the tears glistening in the corners of Danny’s eyes even from where she sat. His lower lip quivered the slightest bit before he threw his arms around Mom’s shoulders. “I’m so sorry,” he said hoarsely. “I should’ve told you forever ago, but I just…”
“It’s okay, sweetie,” their mom said, rubbing circles into his back. “It’s okay. We’ll have time to… to figure it all out.”
“Yeah, assuming the world doesn’t end first,” Wes snarked from his position on the ground. Jazz shot him a heated glare. 
Valerie simply looked away and folded her arms across her chest. Jazz frowned. Something clearly wasn’t sitting right with her, but…
“Wait,” Dad said, furrowing his brow, “what’s this about the world ending?”
“It’s okay,” Jazz said. “The world isn’t going to end. Danny’s going to make sure of it.” Maybe she’d have felt more sure of her words if there hadn’t been a gaping hole in the sky threatening to rip reality apart, but someone had to look on the bright side.
Their parents glanced between the two of them. “What do you mean?” Mom asked slowly.
Before either of them could answer, another wayward ectoblast flew overhead, crashing into the roof of the building right above them. Huge chunks of rubble broke off of the building and began to plummet straight towards them.
Valerie reacted quickly, pulling Wes up by his shirt collar and grabbing Jazz to drag them to safety. Danny and Frostbite reacted just as quickly by throwing up ectoplasmic shields. The rubble slammed into them, then slid off the shields and away from the rest of the group.
Valerie whipped her head towards the battle. “I think I’m… gonna go help them,” she said. She flew off before Jazz could say anything, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust in her wake.
“I need to go help too,” Danny said thickly. He stared after Valerie. “It’s… that’s what I’m supposed to do. If I can beat him, everything will go back to normal… Mostly, anyway.” His hand twitched up towards his head.
Mom whipped her head in the direction of the battle. “Him?” she asked, nodding to where Pariah Dark and the lava-haired Ancient were still fiercely fighting each other. To Jazz’s horror, the Ancient seemed to be losing ground. 
“Precisely,” Frostbite said jovially. How he could manage such a tone in these circumstances was beyond Jazz. “Once the Great One is able to defeat Pariah Dark, he can assume the throne and put the Heart of the Infinite Realms at ease! It’s quite simple, really.”
“Assume the - wait!” Wes shot upright. “You’re telling me that dumb crown isn’t just some weird costume?”
Danny flushed green, and his hand flew up to the back of his neck. “I, ah… like I said, it’s a long story.” He glanced at Mom and Dad. “I’m really sorry, believe me, I wish I could’ve told you differently, and I definitely wish it wasn’t the case, but…”
Jazz watched as Mom’s gaze drifted up to the crown on Danny’s head, as if she were just now noticing it. “What throne?” she asked weakly.
“Um… it kind of maybe sort of might be… the throne of the entire Ghost Zone?” Danny replied with a sheepish grin.
Dad scratched his head. “When did this happen?”
Danny’s face grew sober again. “I don’t know. I only just found out a few hours ago myself.” His eyes flicked away from their parents, down at his feet.
A pang of sympathy struck Jazz’s heart. Sure, Danny looked the part of a king, and somehow, she had no trouble believing he was the king, despite her earlier confusion, but somehow it had escaped her that he had barely had enough time to process everything. That everything was happening so quickly. 
And their parents… it had to be equally difficult for them to process. They had only just learned their son’s true identity less than an hour ago, and now they were finding out he was essentially the heir to the throne of a world full of the same beings they had once sworn to annihilate. It would be a lot for anyone.
And so it nearly brought Jazz to tears when she saw Dad fight to plaster a smile onto his face. He placed a gentle hand on Danny’s shoulder. “Hey,” he said in a tone entirely too quiet for Jack Fenton, “it’s okay. Like your mother said, we’ll have time to figure it all out.”
Danny still didn’t look up. “Yeah,” he said, barely audible. “We’ll have time.”
His tone told Jazz he didn’t believe that in the slightest.
An ear-splitting roar shattered the moment. Everyone slapped their hands over their ears. Jazz only just managed to catch a glimpse of Danny gasping and hunching in on himself, clutching at his sternum.
A wave of hot air washed over Jazz. Trembling, she peered around the rubble, only to gasp in horror at the sight of the little girl Ancient bleeding lava all over the four-armed Ancient. She was still alive - as alive as a ghost could be anyway, but it was evident even from a hundred yards away that she was fully incapacitated. Pandora still fought with the knight, but everyone else - Sam, Tucker, Valerie, the other Ancients, even the thrall army - had practically frozen in place. 
The most terrifying sight of all was the evil ghost king, looming over the street, staring straight at her.
No, staring straight at Danny.
“Come and meet your fate, little Prince!” he called mockingly. His voice reverberated over the street, causing buildings to rumble ominously. “Or will you take the coward’s way out?”
For a moment, the only sound that could be heard was the humming of the rip in the sky. Jazz held her breath as Danny glanced at their parents, then gently pushed Dad’s hand off his shoulder and took to the air.
“It doesn’t have to be this way,” he called back. “Just… give me the Ring before things get worse.”
Pariah laughed, a menacing sound that sent chills down Jazz’s spine. “Why should I surrender what is rightfully mine?”
Danny's eyes flared. “That power’s not yours. It’s mine.”
Jazz blinked at the sudden shift in Danny’s tone. It was still his voice, yes, but there was something about it…
Pariah roared wordlessly again. “Never!” he snarled. “Kilaris is MINE!”
With a guttural yell, he launched himself at Danny. Jazz could’ve sworn she saw a bright white light flare from the crown on Danny’s head, just momentarily, but when she blinked, it was gone, and Danny too had charged forward. The two collided in a blinding explosion of red and green.
Mom and Dad moved to follow Danny, but Frostbite held a paw up. “No,” he said, his voice somber and heavy. “This is not a fight you can help him with. He must win this by his power alone.”
“Listen here,” Mom snapped. “I don’t care how you do it in your world, but I will not stand by and watch my son fight some impossible battle on his own! I - we are going to help him, whether you like it or not!”
“I understand.” Frostbite flinched and threw up a shield just in time to stop another huge chunk of building from crushing them all. “But though you may not be able to help him in combat, there are other ways you can help him.” He glanced at Jazz. “Keeping your daughter and his friend safe, for one.”
“Pfft. Me? Friends with Fenton? Fat chance,” Wes scoffed. 
“He will be able to fight with a sound mind if you help him protect yourselves and the other humans,” Frostbite continued, ignoring Wes. “And I must go and help my colleague.”
Mom turned, watching the battle with helpless eyes. “But… Danny -”
“ - will be just fine. But we must give him a fighting chance by helping elsewhere.”
“He’s right,” Dad said quietly, taking Mom’s hand. “We have to help get Jazz out of here. It’s getting too dangerous.”
“I told you, I’m fine! I can help too!”
Another explosion rang overhead. Jazz yelped and ducked as an enormous bolt of green energy flew over her head. It came close enough that she could feel its cold aura graze the top of her scalp. 
“Y-you know, on second thought, I think I’m with Yeti Man over here,” Wes muttered, cowering behind a fallen wall. Jazz had to resist the urge to roll her eyes.
Her attention, however, quickly turned back to Mom. Again, she found herself wishing she could read minds. She could see the gears turning in her mother’s head after all, but Mom’s stoic face didn’t give her true thoughts away. 
Jazz hated not knowing things.
Then Mom’s jaw tightened, and Jazz’s heart fell. She knew that look. “We’re getting you two to safety,” Mom said. Then, giving Frostbite a pointed look, she added, “And then we’re coming back to help Danny.”
Frostbite closed his eyes. “You will only distract him from what he needs to do. It is not wise.”
“That might be what you think,” Mom said as she bent down to help Wes stand, “but he's my son. I've let him struggle alone for too long.” Her voice cracked. “I have to start… making it up to him…”
“I assure you, the Great One does not bear any ill will towards you,” Frostbite said, frowning in sympathy. “This is not the time to begin ‘making amends’, though.”
Mom opened her mouth to retort again, but Dad laid a hand on her shoulder. “C'mon, Mads. We can figure it out later. Right now, we've gotta help these two.”
It was strange seeing her father being the rational, calm one, but Jazz chalked it up to the weirdness of the day. It was the only way she could keep it all straight in her head. 
Mom shot Frostbite one last hard glare before leading Wes towards the RV sitting down the road. Dad scooped Jazz up into his arms and began carrying her to the RV, much to her embarrassment. 
She opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off. “Don’t you worry, Jazzy-pants!” he said. His tone was bright as always, but Jazz could tell it was at least somewhat forced. “Soon as you’re safe, we’ll get right back out there and help Danny kick some evil ghost king butt!”
Jazz bit her lip. “What about what Frostbite said? About… interfering?”
Her dad hesitated before answering. “I’m sure he’s wrong. You can’t trust a ghost, after all!” His face froze as soon as the words left his mouth. “I mean, uh, not Danny of course! He’s different.”
She didn’t quite know how to respond to that. That… was a misconception they’d have to clear up sooner or later.
As she peered over Dad’s shoulder, back towards where Danny was fighting tooth and nail against Pariah, she hoped there would actually be a sooner or later.
“Be careful, little brother,” she whispered to herself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The thread flickered.
Clockwork frowned as he allowed it to flow across his hands and in between his fingers. This certainly was the correct timeline, he knew that without a doubt, but its flickering concerned him greatly. It had been so strong when Vlad Plamius made the decision to allow Danny the Crown, but now…
He closed his eyes as he sifted through time. Before, the future had been as clear to him as any other. Now though, he could only see up to a certain point before it was obscured behind what felt like a thick wall of mist. There was still a future there, yes, but not one he could see.
It was, in a word, unusual.
“My dear Kilaris, what are you up to?” he murmured as he let the thread of the timeline slip from his fingers and back into the broader tangle of Time. Its flicker became swallowed up by the combined glow of the cluster of timelines, but Clockwork knew it was still present.
His eyes drifted to one of his time windows. The same image of Danny exiting the portal that he had watched just an hour or so ago played out again, this time in real time. A thin trail of frost followed in his wake as he flew to meet his family. The frost shimmered briefly in the ethereal light of the rip in the sky above, leaving a silky, glowing strand, almost like - 
- ah. Of course.
“Must you always be so overdramatic?” Clockwork said aloud, the semblance of a grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. 
He rested his hands on top of his staff. He knew what needed to happen now. 
It was only a matter of time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fighting Pariah was nothing like it had been the first time around.
Before, Danny had been fighting in a clunky mech-suit. True, it had helped enhance his powers (until it tried to kill him), but it had made his movements equally clunky and stiff. He’d needed to adapt to the added weight and size quickly, but it still cost him when he took a few crucial hits.
This time he was not bound by any suit. He was free to move as he pleased, using the advantage of his smaller form to move with agility and speed that Pariah did not possess. He could dive in close for a punch or a kick, then turn on a dime and dart away. He wouldn’t have been able to do that in the Ecto-Skeleton. 
There was also the fact that he had the help of the Ancients. True, it looked like Pele had taken some nasty hits from Pariah and would be down for the count, but the others were still going strong especially with Zunje now, keeping the Fright Knight and the thrall army at bay. He didn’t like seeing Sam and Tucker down there in the fray, so close to his own battle with Pariah, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.
And then there was the Crown. It remained secure on his head, feeding him a power that buzzed through his veins and his core, making him feel like he’d just taken six shots of espresso mixed with pure ectoplasm. It was an exhilarating feeling, one that made him wish he’d actually used the Crown when he’d had the chance, during his first fight with Pariah.
(A wish he immediately scolded himself for.)
Danny gritted his teeth as he threw up another ectoplasmic shield, this one with a thick coating of ice thanks to the power of the Crown. It helped protect him from Pariah’s elemental attacks, which ran much hotter than his own.
Ectoplasmic fire exploded across the shield, and Danny could feel its heat as it curled around the edges towards him. He had to dig his heels into the air to brace himself against the sheer force of the hit. 
Pariah didn’t give him a chance to fire back. No sooner had Danny lowered his shield did he see Pariah lunging for him, fangs bared and a fiery, maniacal look in his lone eye. Danny yelped and darted to the side, just barely missing Pariah’s fist. 
Danny tried to respond with his own blast of ectoplasm, the Crown’s power coursing through him, but Pariah deflected it easily with his mace. The blast ricocheted off of it and into the street. Danny gasped as it flew right over Jazz’s head, just barely missing her by a foot.
That turned out to be a mistake. He should’ve known better than to let himself get distracted. It gave Pariah the opportunity to take another swing with his mace, catching Danny in the gut and sending him crashing into the ground. 
Danny gripped his stomach and swallowed down a cry. The mace’s sharp spikes were not just for decoration, it seemed; they’d dug mercilessly into his torso, leaving him with deep, ragged gashes. The fall into the street hadn’t been too kind on his ribs, either. He could already feel the Crown diverting some of its power to the injuries, trying to heal him as quickly as possible.
Pariah roared as he dove for Danny, fire exploding to life around his fist. Danny managed to roll out of the way, and Pariah’s fist slammed into the street, cracking it even more. In any other fight, Danny probably would’ve tried to make some snarky comment about how the potholes in Amity Park were already bad enough and they didn’t need more, but he was still struggling to get air back in his lungs. Not to mention he found it much harder to crack jokes in the middle of his more serious fights, mostly because he had to concentrate on not getting beaten to a pulp.
As Danny rolled, out of the corner of his eye, he saw his father scoop Jazz into his arms. Mom helped Wes up, and they ran towards the RV, which was still parked haphazardly down the road. Miraculously, it was still standing. 
He could almost breathe a sigh of relief. He still didn’t know if Sam and Tucker were safe or if they were still out there fighting the skeleton army, but knowing his family (and Wes) were safe offered him a little bit of reassurance.
Focus. Do not lose sight of the goal.
Right. The Ring. He still had to get that. Somehow.
It was going to be much easier said than done. Getting it off of Pariah’s hand seemed impossible, especially with the relentless drive of the king’s attacks. Danny barely had the chance to recover and launch his own attacks, let alone come up with a plan to swipe the Ring. 
He forced himself up and into the air. His cloak flared with cold energy as he allowed ice to gather in his hands. That was another advantage he had this time around - the help from his elemental core. His ice attacks were some of his strongest, and he silently thanked whatever unseen force had granted him an ice core as he loosed the energy all at once, freezing Pariah’s entire arm to the street.
You’re welcome, little Prince.
Danny almost stopped in midair. That remark definitely sent a flurry of questions flying through his head, but he had to keep his attention on Pariah. We’re not done with this, he still thought back.
Of course not. You still have much to learn.
He didn’t think the Heart meant it as a dig, but he still mentally stuck his tongue out. Even if he didn’t have time to ask questions, he could still be sassy. No one could take his sass away.
It was strange how much clearer the voice in his head seemed now that he had the Crown on. It had been clear before, but there was a new clarity to it, like when his eye doctor gave him a new prescription for his contacts. He supposed it made sense; now, he had that direct contact.
It still didn’t explain why the voice sounded like his own train of thought sometimes.
Even stranger was the feeling of the power offered to him by Kilaris. It was stronger than the power he’d had while wearing the Ecto-Skeleton, and that had probably been the time when he was the most powerful throughout the past two years. It helped that unlike the Ecto-Skeleton, the Crown did not drain him of his energy as he used it; instead, it continuously fueled him, pouring more and more power into his body, like it could never run out. It was thrilling, this feeling of endless energy. His core practically vibrated from it all.
At the same time though, fear nagged at him. This was how it felt with just the Crown on. How much worse would it be once he got the Ring too? The thought sent a chill down his spine, and he found himself subconsciously beginning to suppress his core. Suppress the ceaseless power flooding into him.
Why stop the power you are meant to have? 
Danny swallowed. 
That’s exactly what he was afraid of.
It all passed through his mind in the few seconds it took for Pariah to begin trying to melt the ice securing him to the ground. “Why you little -!” 
More ice pooled in Danny’s hands. “Sorry,” he said as he re-froze Pariah’s hand to the street. “You just looked like you needed to chill out.”
Pariah bellowed, and the ice cracked and shattered. “Impertinent child!” he sneered. “When I am in control once more -”
“Save it!” Danny fired off a round of concentrated bolts of ice in quick succession, forcing Pariah to retreat a little. “I already told you, the Heart’s not yours anymore! It hasn’t been for a long time!”
“And you dare presume it is yours?” Pariah said. He quickly gained back the ground he had lost by leaping at Danny again.
Of course, Danny easily flew out of the way. “I don’t ‘presume’ anything!” he shouted. “I already know!”
It probably wasn’t the smartest thing to say, and he really didn’t like the taste the words left in his mouth, but if he’d learned anything throughout his career as Danny Phantom, it was that his opponents got sloppy when he riled them up. Snarking at them just happened to be the easiest way to do so.
Is it truly “snark” if you speak the truth?
In spite of himself, Danny almost laughed. If you’re gonna be stuck with me, you better get used to the snark, whether it’s true or not. We come as a package deal.
He ducked out of the way of another punch. He didn’t recover quick enough; by the time he managed to turn around to face the king, an entire wall of red energy was surging at him. There wasn’t time to fly around it. It struck him with a force so strong, he was thrown back more than a hundred yards.
His ribs groaned in pain as he slammed into the concrete and skidded back a few more yards for good measure. Nausea churned in his stomach from the blow, and he had to resist the urge to lean over and throw up. All too soon, Pariah was on top of him again, swinging his mace.
Knowing there was no way he could move in time, Danny turned intangible and allowed himself to sink into the ground. He counted to three, just enough time to get his nausea under control, then called ectoplasm to his hands. With the Crown’s power, the energy’s green glow was so bright, it almost seemed white.
It wasn’t difficult to track Pariah’s hot ecto-signature underground. Danny lined himself up underneath him, then sprang from the ground. His blazing fists collided straight with Pariah’s jaw. It didn’t push Pariah back like he had hoped, but it distracted him long enough for Danny to fire his ectoplasm in one long, continuous blast. 
Pariah growled under Danny’s onslaught before finally bringing up a red shield. “You truly think this will be enough to stop me?”
Danny didn’t let up. “I’ll do whatever it takes to stop a monster like you from hurting the Realms again.”
“Really now?” Pariah twisted his shield into a blast of his own. It pushed against Danny’s, and he once again had to dig his heels into the air behind him to keep from being thrown back again. “Then why don’t you?”
Danny’s heart skipped a beat, and his attack faltered for the briefest of moments. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think you do,” Pariah said, laughing. “I have seen you. I have seen your fears, your doubts…”
“You don’t know me at all!” Danny yelled. Frustration distracted him, and he unwillingly drew on the Crown’s power to fuel his blast. “Just ‘cause you got in my head once doesn’t mean anything!”
“Poor little Prince,” Pariah cooed mockingly, as if Danny hadn’t even spoken. “This is why you are weak. This is why you will fail to protect everything you stand for. You are nothing more than a scared child.”
Danny couldn’t stop the anger-fueled energy pouring into him and, subsequently, pouring out of his hands. The Crown was all too happy to supply it. It just responded to him too easily. It responded to his resentment of Pariah, his frustration at the tyrant king’s insinuation that he was a coward, his rage at the fact that Pariah refused to hand over what was rightfully Danny’s -
Danny screwed his eyes shut tightly. That last one, he knew it was the Crown’s influence, but he couldn’t stop it. It was all coming too hard, too fast, too strong, and it was thrilling. The power flooding through the Crown just felt so right, like maybe he really was meant to have it all along.
He wanted to throw up.
The power demanded a release. It thrummed against Danny’s skin, coursing through his core, making his green ectoblast grow brighter and brighter until it was nearly a blinding white. It would not remain bound for much longer.
And so with a guttural yell, he unleashed it.
He wasn’t entirely sure what happened - the rush of energy leaving him all at once had left him overwhelmed and disoriented - but when he opened his eyes, the whole block had a thin layer of ice covering it, sparkling in the ethereal light of the rip above. Large branches of the trees in front of the buildings had frozen and cracked off the trunks, shattering on the ground below. He could see at least one downed power line. 
Pariah had fallen to the ground, into a huge crater Danny swore hadn’t been there before. Crystals of frost coated his hair and his cape. He slowly sat up, rubbing his head, clearly just as disoriented as Danny.
Danny stared at his hands in horror. Did I really do that?
The Heart didn’t answer him. He couldn’t tell if that was good or bad. 
Probably bad. For him, anyway.
And in that moment, he swore to himself he’d never allow the Crown to give him that much power ever again. Never.
(No matter how right it had felt to control it.)
Pariah’s cough caught his attention. “You…” he muttered before stopping abruptly.
Danny’s breath caught in his throat as Pariah’s lone eye fell on the Crown sitting on his head. For just a brief moment, the world seemed to screech to a halt around them, and a silence filled the air, so thick it left a dusty taste in Danny’s mouth. Even the rip in the sky above seemed to pause in its yawning.
Then a fire sparked to life behind that one eye and a wave of heat crashed over Danny, nearly knocking him over. The roar Pariah let loose chilled Danny to the bone and left a whiny ringing in his ears. He didn’t even bother to try and stand his ground against a rage so strong; he simply turned and rocketed off in the other direction.
Just in the nick of time too, it seemed, as Pariah lunged after him. In an instant, a flurry - no, a storm of scarlet ectoblasts surrounded Danny. He twisted and ducked and dived and put all his flying skills to the test trying to dodge them all. It was difficult, since the blasts were all coming from behind him, but strangely enough, he felt as though he could sense them in the air as they flew at him, like he could just tell where they were without looking. 
“Is that you?” he asked as he narrowly avoided yet another attack.
On the contrary. It is you, little Prince.
“That makes zero se- agghh!” A blast clipped Danny’s side, sending a flare of white hot pain up his ribcage. The blast was strong enough to send him careening off course, and he couldn’t stop himself from colliding with a building and plummeting to the street below. His head hit hard enough to cause his vision to go black.
He groaned pitifully as he laid on the road. The pain shooting through his side felt as though it was trying to burn straight through him, even in spite of the cloak and Crown’s efforts to heal him. Something sticky and wet pooled underneath the hand gripping his side.
For a minute, he just laid there, fruitlessly trying to will the pain away. Unbidden memories of being in a very similar pain in a very similar fight began to well up. He forced them back down. Not right now.
A blood-curdling scream had his eyes flying back open.
Vision half-blurry from the fall to the ground, Danny pried his head up off the street and looked. In front of him was the elementary school, surrounded by a shimmering green ghost shield. Normally, he wouldn’t have cared, since it was after school hours and the building would normally be empty, but his eyes landed on a small crowd of civilians, hovering near the inner edge of the shield and watching the battle with fear in their eyes. The scream had come from a little girl no older than six, covering her mouth in horror and pointing at him.
No, pointing behind him.
With a grunt of pain and a tremendous effort, Danny took to the sky again, wobbling in midair. Pariah’s boots slammed into the street not a second later, right where he had been laying. 
This was bad. This was really getting bad. He was injured, and though the Crown and the cloak kept his energy levels high enough for the most part, he was devoting too much energy to the fight to focus any towards healing himself. Energy didn’t exactly help when it was his physical body that was damaged. 
And now there was the fact that he had a slew of people behind him, huddling underneath a ghost shield. True, it would protect them from Pariah, and it would protect them from stray blasts, but rubble could easily go flying in, or someone could step out of the protected radius. It was too dangerous to keep the battle this close to them.
(Not to mention he saw more than one cell phone out and recording, and that definitely set him on edge.)
He tried to dart away from the shield, but Pariah managed to snag his collar as he whizzed by. He gagged and his hands flew up to his throat. 
“A coward!” Pariah cackled. “That is who you are! Fleeing from the battle? Fleeing from those under your protection?” He threw Danny into yet another building. “And Kilaris dares deem you worthy?”
“So you admit it,” Danny coughed. His hand gripped his side again. “That the Heart wants me over you.” Not that he was crazy keen on that fact.
Pariah’s face morphed into a dark frown. “The Heart’s opinion is worthless!” he snapped. “It is I who controls Kilaris! Its will bends to me!”
In spite of the pain and every instinct telling him not to, Danny shot Pariah a cocky, albeit weak, grin. “Bet.”
He had to keep from laughing at the stunned look on Pariah’s face. It was clearly not the response he had been expecting to his declaration, and the fact that Danny had been able to catch him off guard that badly was priceless.
The humor didn’t last long, though. In the blink of an eye, Pariah was charging at him again. This time, Danny anticipated it enough to be able to phase back through the building. He emerged at the ground level, underneath Pariah, who was still looking for him. 
Danny moved to leap up once more, but his ribs screamed in protest. He hissed as he tried to keep from doubling over.
The cloak’s interior had to be sub-zero at this point, it was working overtime. Another layer of frost was beginning to glaze over it. The Crown too grew colder on his head, feeding pulse after pulse of energy into him.
You have been holding back, little Prince. The power has the capability to heal you and aid you in battle simultaneously, but you must let go of your fears if you are to use its true potential.
Danny didn’t answer. He was too distracted barely dodging Pariah’s mace and firing up a barrage of ice at him to do so. 
There was also the little fact that he didn’t want to answer. He didn’t want to… couldn’t acknowledge…
Yet he couldn’t deny just how badly his core wanted it. The memory of how that power had felt just those few minutes ago burned through his head, and his core jumped in earnest. 
He gritted his teeth and forced his core to quiet. It would be fine.
It had to be.
As soon as the ice left his hands, though, he collapsed in on himself once more, clutching his bleeding side. It was long enough of a distraction for Pariah to slam his feet into the street, causing enough of a quake to knock Danny off his feet and to the ground. 
Okay, so maybe it wouldn't be so fine. 
Pariah swung his mace down again, and Danny responded with a green shield. It was too hasty, not properly formed, and it shattered underneath the force. Danny yelped and tried to roll away, but the mace still clipped his back, tearing open the skin there. 
Yeah, definitely not so fine. 
The temptation to give in and let the Crown flood him once more was growing by the minute. Danny didn't know how long he could sustain himself with all these injuries, let alone how he could win the fight and take the Ring. His core ached to be filled by the Heart's power. He knew that if he let it happen, it would almost guarantee his victory.
But his eye caught the ghost shield behind him, where the crowd of civilians stood watching him with horror painted on their faces. He remembered just how badly he had destroyed the block over when he'd let the Crown's power overwhelm him, and his stomach flipped. No way could he put his people in that sort of danger. 
You can control it, little Prince. You are more than capable. 
Again, Danny didn't respond. The battle consumed too much of his focus. Gasping against the flare of hot pain, he took to the air once more to avoid yet another swing of Pariah’s mace. It missed him by a hair. He raised his hands once more to answer with an attack of his own, and - 
It was instinct. He turned his head at the sound of his mother calling his name. 
It was the worst mistake he could’ve made.
He met his mom’s eyes for just a moment, but it was a moment enough for Pariah to make his move. Danny didn’t register the heat moving behind him until it was too late. He turned around just in time to see Pariah’s hand flying towards him.
Reflexively, he turned intangible in the nick of time. Pariah’s hand sailed harmlessly through his head and out the other side. His tangibility returned, and he reached out to return the attack.
It wasn’t until an emptiness unlike any other hit him like a brick wall that he realized it hadn’t been him Pariah had been gunning for. 
Danny immediately dropped to his knees and doubled over in pain as his core cried out. Just like at Vlad’s, his core felt like it had been ripped straight from his chest and drained of all its energy. Cold air surrounded him as his cloak flared to life, trying desperately to compensate for the lost energy. The only sound was his frantically pulsing heart in his ears, and he couldn’t catch his breath enough to shout.
It hurt. Ancients, it hurt.
And unlike at Vlad’s, the emptiness pressed on. 
Danny managed to look up as panic bubbled to the surface. His stomach only churned worse when he saw Pariah standing in front of him with a wild grin, holding the Crown that had been sitting on Danny’s head.
“You should’ve surrendered when you had the chance, little Prince,” he said.
Danny tried to respond, but couldn’t. It was too much. The void inside him felt like it was about to swallow him whole, just like the void above was threatening to swallow Amity Park. 
Please, he begged in a fit of desperation, help me!
The Heart didn’t respond.
“It cannot help you now, child,” Pariah Dark laughed, as if he had read Danny’s mind. “Not when it is finally back in the hands of its true master.”
And as Pariah laughed once more and raised the Crown to put it on his head, Danny lifted a feeble hand towards him, trying to call up his ice, his ectoplasm, his anything, anything that could stop him. He couldn’t feel his power, he couldn’t feel his core, he couldn’t feel his Heart - 
Pariah roared in pain. Danny’s head snapped up to see him drop a steaming Crown. It landed on the street with a loud clatter as Pariah held his also-steaming hand close to his chest.
“You!” he bellowed, glaring daggers at the Crown. “You will yield! That power is MINE!”
Danny ignored him. He had zeroed in on the Crown and begun to drag himself toward it. Somewhere in the back of his head, he realized he probably looked absolutely ridiculous right now, and it pained him to think about how badly he wanted - needed to get the Crown back, but he didn’t care.
He couldn’t tell if he was simply imagining it, but he could almost feel a little tendril of power, reaching out to him, trying to hook into his core, trying to pull him closer.
Pariah roared again, and Danny had to retreat back into the cooling comfort of his cloak as a wall of heat crashed into him. “No!” he snarled. “If you will not bow to me, then you will have no one!” With a shout that shook Danny to his bones, Pariah snatched the Ring from his finger and threw it down next to the Crown with such force that it formed a little crater.
Danny’s heart began to pound even faster. This was it. This was his chance. He just had to move - 
But he never made it. Pariah unleashed a terrible scream, and then hot, red energy poured from his hands.
Straight onto the Crown and the Ring.
If losing the Crown had hurt, Pariah’s attack on it was excruciating. Danny gripped his head and his core, unsure if he was the one screaming or if it was someone else or if he was just imagining it. 
“Stop!” he managed to gasp. “You - hurting…”
But Pariah paid him no mind. Instead, he yelled louder, and another barrage of energy slammed into the Crown and Ring. Danny reacted as though he had been the one to get hit, falling to his stomach and crying out soundlessly.
He could barely see the Crown and Ring through Pariah’s onslaught, but when he finally gathered the strength to lift his head and look, his entire being froze.
A crack appeared in the Crown.
And now he was sure he wasn’t imagining the scream of pain because it definitely had to be him with how his core cracked too, and there was definitely another voice screaming in harmony with his and Ancients, of course it would be screaming, with the way Pariah - 
“I am the power of the Realms!” Pariah roared, and another crack appeared in the Crown. 
Danny reached out one last time, but he knew it was fruitless. There was no way…
Danny cried out.
The Crown and Ring cried out.
Kilaris cried out.
And then
s h a
t t
e r e
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lwh-writing · 5 months
Oops, Wrong Death Deity
Vaguely inspired by @/evilminji's recent DP x Marvel posts:
So, Thanos has his comic iteration's motivations and thus gathers the Infinity Stones to try and win over Death. He's just got his hands on the last stone and adds it to the Infinity Gauntlet. Right before he wipes half the universe from existence, he summons his (hopefully soon-to-be) lover so that they may witness his grand courting act in all it's glory.
There's the sound of a portal opening, a flash of ecto-green, and....
Thanos, expecting Pariah Dark, only to be met with who he assumes to be Pariah's son and is now on the back foot trying to make a good step-dad impression: Child, where is your father? I wish for him to bear witness as I rewrite the universe in his honor.
*Danny, running on less than two hours of sleep, summoned to an alternate dimension, and stuck in one of his more Eldrich forms, slowly taking in a purple amalgamation of Vlad and Freakshow.*
*The Vlad/Freakshow fusion is wielding what appears to be a knock-off Reality Gauntlet that Danny apparently didn't destroy enough last time.*
*On the knock-off gauntlet is the fancy time emerald that Clockwork is always bitching about, claiming the Observants 'confiscated it' and then promptly lost it in fuck knows which dimension.*
*And in true Vlad/Freakshow fashion, the purple fruitloop wants to fuck one of Danny's parents and is ready and willing to destroy everything in his path to do so*
Danny, cracking his knuckles (or Eldrich equivalent): One, fuck you. Two, how many times do I have to tell people like you that my parents are happily married? And three, I hope you like chocolate because I'm about to break you like a KitKat. Square up, bitch.
Thanos, confused and wondering when Pariah got married, and to whom: Excuse me, what?
Danny: *creates a folding chair out of ectoplasm and goes hog wild*
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bluerosefox · 5 months
[2023 Prompt List 1][Here] [2023 Prompt List 2][Next] [2023 Prompt List 3][Next]
|Why Ra’s Would Summon the Ghost King (Also Twins AU) [Part 1] |Danyal, Danny, Phantom [Part 2] |WIP [Part 3] |Bio!Dad Jason and Bio!Mom Jazz (With Oc!Kid or Son!Danny) |Ghost Gotham (With Bonus Ghosts Martha and Thomas) |Danny Says Clone Rights |Robin’s Haunted Halloween (Feat. Ghost King Danny and Ghostly grandparents Martha and Thomas) |Library Cryptid Danny |Twins to Trio? (Dani mistakes Damian as Danny, and Damian learns his twin might not be dead) |Twins AU BUT WITH ANGST! |Mom!Dani (Square up Superman) |Free Flying Graysons (Feat. Ghostly John and Mary Grayson) |Comes in Twos (Twins! Jason and Danny die on the same day) |Foreboding Words of Warnings (Feat. Competent Ghost King Danny) |Across My Memories (Feat. Ghost King Danny, Ghost!Prince Jason) |Consorthood Via Combat (Feat. Ghost King Danny, and Danny dating any Bat of your choosing) |Wrong Number Au (Danny sends a rant text to Tucker... Only its not Tucker) |Todd and Phantom, Mostly Ghostly Shenanigans (Danny and Jason try to get out of the GZ together and bond) |Ellie “I WILL bite you” and Danny “He’s just a baby” Fenton (Deaged Danny and caretaker (and tiny bit feral) Dani (Ellie) watch out Gotham, she’ll bite.) |Double Troubles (another Damian and Danny twin au but they wanna see how long their families notice they switch places) |Everything, including the bride. WAIT, BRIDE?! (Dead Tired pairing, Tim now regrets being a smart cookie as a kid and solving a magical puzzle box while Danny regrets beating Pariah Dark cause he got the old King’s bride now as his own) |CAT Ghost INSTINCTS (Damian brings home a... interesting new acquaintance who has some interesting... quirks) |Peek-A-Boo Champ! (Jazz and her baby being taken by a cult. Jason coming to save them. And Uncle Danny being the best at peek-a-boo) |Teeny-Tiny Kitten (Danielle ‘Ellie’ makes a wish and later gets found by a certain cat and bat) |Same As The Day I Lost You (Mix de-aged Danny, and siblings!Damian and Danny, add in some teleporting/portaling when the bats are fighting the League and you get this idea.) |Cuckoo Clocks (Clockwork sends a certain RR a sticky note during his solo run to come find Phantom and later find him) |The (Not) Normal One... (a reborn/reincarnted Danny idea where he’s the normal one in the batfam... only he’s really not.) |Dip and Kiss (Jason totally would kiss the person who ended the Joker in an Oscar worthy movie moment) |The Trouble With Time Travel Guilt (Danny starts an AITA thread due to his guilt over the future that will never be, he trauma bonds with fellow heroes and time travelers over it) |Friendships Between Realms (YJ and Danny Shenanigans Being Peek Friendship) |Misunderstandings and Miscommunications (Danny panics and runs, good Fenton parents want their son home, well meaning but not knowing the full picture best friends, on a war path Jazz and the maybe wooing of RH, and the DCverse getting caught in the middle of the chaos) |A Little Robin (Danny gets stuck in a Robin doll/plush and winds up in Gotham) |Kid's y'know? (Youngblood wants to be an astronaut this time, and Danny... Has to stop him from running amok the JL Watchtower) |Gothamites Never Really Rest (Johnny was a crime alley kid, Kitty was the daughter of a mob boss, and Jason was a kid they pseudo raised before their deaths. They meet again when Kitty and Johnny return to Gotham and find budding crime lord named Red Hood)
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five-rivers · 1 year
To Plan (To Succeed)
Danny wasn’t much of a planning guy.  Oh, sure, if he had to, he could do it.  If lives were at stake, or things like that, yeah, he could do it.  But in everyday life?  Not so much.  The level of thought he had put into this endeavor was out of character.  But, again, life or death.  
Which was why Danny was ninety percent sure that whatever was going wrong was his fault.  Edging towards one hundred.  
He’d thought he’d done well.  He’d made sure to talk to Sam, so that although the timing of the proposal would be a surprise, that it was coming at some point wouldn’t be.  He’d cleared his ghost fight docket by means of bribery and threats.  He’d preemptively uncovered and dealt with Vlad’s plan of the month.  He’d put Sam’s favorite romantic playlist on the radio.  He’d taken them on a walk through the new botanical gardens.  He’d made a reservation at her favorite restaurant.  He’d arranged ahead of time for the waiters to bring out a small and horrifyingly rare potted plant he’d gotten via unauthorized Infi-Map usage.  The ring hidden on one of the tiny shrub’s branches was sourced from ethical materials, including lab-grown moissanite and ghost ice.  He had even written a little speech.  
And that last one might have been a little lame, but he wanted this to be perfect, darn it.  
It wasn’t.  Perfect, that is.  Sure, nothing really bad, like, say, Pariah Dark busting out of the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, or Vlad showing up and revealing that he’d stolen Danny’s DNA to make another half a dozen test tube babies but this time they were really babies and Vlad had bribed a judge to make sure Danny would be solely responsible for their needs and oh, ancients why did that sound so plausible?
He’d gotten off track.  The point was, they were more than halfway through the botanical garden and Sam didn’t look like she was having a good time.  At all.  She was distracted, barely responding to Danny’s increasingly anemic attempts to start conversation, and she kept rubbing her arms, like she was cold.  
“Would you like my jacket?” Danny asked again, slightly desperate.  “You know I don’t actually need it, and–”
“I’m fine,” snapped Sam.  
“Right, right,” said Danny.  He rubbed the back of his neck.  “You know, if your skin is itchy, I’ve got some of that hydrocortisone cream…”  Becoming a half ghost did weird things to a person’s immune system, but even if it didn’t, his dad’s side of the family had a history of overly-sensitive skin.  There was a reason Jack wore the jumpsuit all the time, and it was that the patented fabric was extremely hypoallergenic and chafe-free.  Two qualities that Danny longed for increasingly as he got older.  But Sam wasn’t listening.  “Sam?”
“Oh, uh,” said Danny, hunching his shoulders.  “Nothing.”  Maybe he should call things off.  Try again later… Even if this had eaten into his budget of ghost favors, he could try again.  “Just… are you feeling okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Because if you’re not, we don’t have to–”
“I said I’m fine.  I’m not sick.  I’m just.”  She huffed.  “I don’t want to talk about it, okay?”
“Yeah, sure,” said Danny.  He tucked his hands into his pockets.  “We can talk about something else.  Maybe…”  He cast around for the topic.  “Do you like this place?  It’s pretty cool that they did something like this, isn’t it?”
“It’s fine.  The roots are all shallow.”
That was a little bit of a non sequitur, but Danny could roll with it.  “Because they’ve all been transplanted from somewhere else, right?”
“Yeah,” said Sam, and then the conversation died.  Dead in the water.  Kaput.  Going nowhere.  Not even a ghost of a conversation, because ghosts do things.  
Danny was suffering.  
That didn’t mean he gave up.  He persisted, picking out this interesting plant, or that pretty flower, or even commenting on the little placards.  
He couldn’t believe he was commenting on the little placards.  
They reached the end of the walk through the garden.  
“So… Do you want to drive, or shall we walk?”
“Let’s drive,” said Sam.  
Something was really wrong.  That was supposed to be a courtesy question.  Eternally environmentally aware Sam did not drive when she could walk.  Ever.  Unless it was a scooter.  She liked her scooter.  That was an exception.  But still.  
She hadn’t been overshadowed, had she?  No, Danny would have noticed that.  Mind control?  If Danny had missed mind control, he didn’t deserve to be a fiance.  But, no.  He didn’t think it was mind control.  
Oh, Ancients, was she breaking up with him?  Was she nervous because she was breaking up with him, and she was afraid he’d take it badly?  
He would take it badly, but that was beside the point.  Part of being a good boyfriend was gracefully accepting being dumped.  So, he’d just have to suck it up.  
His core felt like it was melting.  
He should have planned something other than romantic music for the car.  He had for the walk.  Scoped it out and everything.  Picked a route with one of those funny caricature artists on it.  The guy had the literal worst sketch of Phantom Danny had ever seen.  It was so randomly muscly and his suit looked like it was morphing into a piano.  And the hair.  It sucked so much.  Sam would love it.  Maybe.  If she wasn’t breaking up with him.  Or maybe she’d like a horrible ugly sketch of her ex on the wall.  She could throw darts at it.  
He was getting ahead of himself.  Surely.  Surely Sam wasn’t breaking up with him.  She was just having a bad day.  It happened.  Usually she’d say why it was a bad day, but it wasn’t like that was a requirement.  
The restaurant parking lot was tiny, and parking his admittedly large (Fenton modified) van proved to be challenging enough to take up all of his focus for the next few minutes.  But they did get parked, and they did go in, and the restaurant had not lost his reservation.  Part of Danny wished they had, but the rest of him was more wary of Desiree and beat that part of him into submission.  No.  Wishing.  
The waiter winked at him.  Danny smiled back, weakly.  
Sam looked around the room, nervously.  
“We’re not being followed or something, are we?” joked Danny.  
“You keep looking around,” said Danny.  “Like, I don’t know, like you’d seen someone following us.”
Sam made a face at him.  “No.  I was just– I think they remodeled, since the last time I came here.”
They hadn’t.  
“They… might have more plants?” offered Danny.  He was pretty sure they didn’t, but it was possible.  
“That’s it,” said Sam, almost… relieved?  “They have more plants.  That’s it.  That has to be it.”
“Um… what has to be it?”
“Nothing,” said Sam, quickly.  
That was suspicious.  “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.  It was just… more plants.”
“Right,” said Danny, deciding not to press.
The song playing over the restaurant’s speakers switched.  A procession of waitstaff began to pour out of the kitchen.  Oh.  Oh, no.  They were early.  
The first waiter, the one who had seated them, approached the table, beaming, holding the little shrub proudly in front of himself.  He put it down in front of Sam, who was pushed back from the table as if she expected it to bite her.  
Danny attempted a smile.  “Ribes echinellum,” he offered.  
“Miccosukee gooseberry,” said Sam.  She reached for a leaf.  “They’re nearly extin–”
The plant exploded.  
Not in the ‘fire and huge noises’ sense but in the ‘expanded suddenly, rapidly, and unexpectedly’ sense.  Huge, knotted branches punched up into the ceiling and walls.  Roots spilled over the table and onto the floor, drilling into the tile.  Other customers dodged woody death, years of running from ghost fights serving them well.  Fat berries as big as a human head plopped and splattered on the ground.  Danny, for his part, deeply regretted getting a plant that had thorns on it.  
“Sam?” he called, subtly phasing through inconveniently placed branches.  “Are you okay?  I swear I didn’t know it was going to do that.”  Although it was probably still his fault for bringing it through the Ghost Zone.  And time.  Maybe these plants used to just do this in the distant past?  No, that was stupid.  “Sam?”  At least it didn’t look like anyone else was hurt, but she’d been touching the thing.  
Someone sniffled.  Danny reoriented himself to the sound and knelt down.  
“Sam, are you okay?  Are you hurt?”
“It’s my fault,” whispered Sam into her knees.  
“What do you mean?” aske Danny.  He forced a laugh.  “I was the one who got the plant…”
Sam shook her head.  “No, it’s… Ever since Undergrowth, I…  He left something in me, and it’s only getting worse.  It was just little things at first, but now it’s this and I can’t even be in my greenhouse anymore.”
“It’s okay,” said Danny, trying not to think too hard about Sam dealing with this by herself since they were high school sophomores, “it’s okay, we’ll just–”
“It’s not okay.  I just destroyed a restaurant.  What part of that is okay?”
“Well,” said Danny, “maybe it’s not okay.  But we can figure it out, right?  Like we did with all of my powers.”
“I’ve been trying,” said Sam.  
“Yeah, but this time, we’ll do it together, alright?”  He held out his hand.  
“Alright,” said Sam, lifting her hand. 
There was a sharp crack from above, and something silvery and flashing fell from the branches above, right into Danny’s palm.  Both Sam and Danny stared at it for a while.  
“Is that a wedding ring?” asked Sam.  
“Yep,” said Danny, sweating more than he had since he’d fought a wannabe interdimensional dictator to a standstill for the first time.  
“Is that ghost ice?” 
“Yep,” repeated Danny, still sweating.  
“You are such a nerd.  You’re lucky I am, too.”  She took Danny’s hand.  “Were you really going to–”
The sound of sirens cut off whatever she was going to say.  
“Maybe we should finish this later,” suggested Danny.  
“Yeah, that sounds like a plan.”
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luffyrose · 2 years
I have fallen down the ultimate spiral. Usually falling into fandoms are ones that I know well or that I will know well because I just found an interest in them. This time, this time I've fallen into the whole dc x dp. I have no idea how or why the crossover is a thing, BUT I LOVE IT.
I'm not that big a DC fan in general, mainly because I do not have the attention span to understand what is happening (ignore the fact I've watched all of One Piece-) but I have watched all of Danny Phantom at one point or another so like, halfway there kdjnshdf
N E WAY! I was reading lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood real good, go read it https://archiveofourown.org/works/40263192 BUT THEN I SAW A POST, as I casually skim through it when bored, ABOUT JASON AND DANNY MEETING PROMPT/MINI-FIC ON HERE AND I WAS SO IN LOVE WITH IT
So now, my brain as it usually does, wants to write a fic on it. this is why I have so many notes/docs, someone please remind me to organize fdksjnfj but yeah- I might write some of it, I might not- I don't know, but I will absolutely dumb random thoughts I've had about it on you all.
Okay! So I don't see much if anything about it, but I love the idea that Danny is like, a baby in ghost terms. Like no one thought about it much because it was the equivalent of the "BABY HAS A GUN" meme and because the ghosts just wanted to cause some mayhem and have fun, it took them like 2-3 years to look at the overpowered ghost and go; "That's a child-".
Keep in mind, Danny is already technically the King of the Infinite realms via defeating Pariah Dark as well, so all the ghosts are like "a child....OUR CHILD" and now panicking over the fact that this lil ghost has not had a parent(Madie and Jack DO NOT in fact count as parents to the ghosts, or Danny's core for that matter, but it's not because they're human, like, the ghosts are more concerned about the fact that his parents aren't ACTUALLY his parents.)
Either way, Danny now has to avoid Clockwork, who knows he is a baby in ghost terms but almost adult in human terms so still 100% making him king, the ancient is kind enough to alleviate most of the jobs a king has to do at least......for now-
So most of Danny's 16, going to turn 17 soon, year old life is now school, dealing with the few ghosts who still cause him trouble even if he's a baby ghost to them, he does keep in mind how they are MUCH gentler now and tend to "give up" pretty easily instead of fighting him, and 'running' from Clockwork trying to coronate him.
Clockwork knows where he is when he 'hides' but his own ghost core, ancient as it is, can't help but humor the child.
Things go wonk as soon as his parents find out about him being a ghost, surprise surprise. His dad was shoot first, ask questions later as always, but his mom was more...mentally traumatizing my child by claiming they'll fix him and telling him how they would just have to cut him open a little to see what's wrong.
Danny gets hit by one of the shots and goes tumbling into the ghost zone, another shot hitting the portal itself and breaking it as he went through. Some ghost find him and are like "THE BABY!!!!"
Personally- my brain it's Kitty and Johnny finding him because they're more like friends now then much else. Kitty being like an older sister while Johnny is the friend he probably would have dated at some point given the situation since they're both around his age in general, being younger ghosts as well.
Either way, they panic, call Clockwork, since the whole Infinite Realms knows that they're Danny's guardian. Clockwork shows up, and is like "wuh oh" and decides this child needs a parent. BUT INSTEAD OF SENDING HIM TO SOMEONE CONVENTIONAL HE'S JUST LIKE WOOPPSSYYYYY *Throws a very injured and not that conscious Danny at Lex Luthor*
Lex is, despite telling himself he's not, already this random meta-adjacent kid's dad. He's sold. Be it the obvious parental neglect/abuse like he had or the fact that he didn't know he had enough of a heart not to abandoned a hurt child who knows-
Also just as a tangent, Danny 100% talks about clones one times and the two have a long talk about the sentience of clones, because like, Lex didn't think about it in a way that Clones, albeit creations of science more so, are still very sentient beings unlike other scientific creations. And depending on the type of clone, they are much much more human. Cue Lex having a mental breakdown in his bedroom later because oh fuCK HE LEFT A CHILD WITH SO LITTLE KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD WITHOUT A PARENT- you can't convince me Lex wouldn't be a good dad solely to spite his own.
Danny's adopted and Lex is concerned for sure about this, apparently ghost as he quickly learned, kid that wakes up screaming sometimes. Boy is he glad to have built his whole place around keeping prying meta's out amongst other things- He's trying his best, and Danny is confused as hell about having a good parent. Even more confused because he's rich.
Lex is like "I'm totally doing this to ask about his capabilities" before panicking over Danny getting kidnapped despite knowing the kid could float through a wall if in real danger-
Cue many arguments about if Danny can go do things in general. Lex is very much stubborn about it even though he knows Danny is part ghost. This IS partially thanks to the few weeks it even took for Danny to heal from the blast he took from his parents. Either way, Danny won that argument in the end by saying he'd just float through the walls and go if he couldn't. They settled that if going as a ghost he just had to be careful about heroes and not changing in sight if at all, and if as Danny, he had to take a few bodyguards, though they could be discreet.
Either way, once Lex actually shows the world his kid, and he is so proud to call Danny his kid, Danny gets kidnapped. This is exactly why LEX SAID NO DANNY!!! Either way he gets saved by some Metropolis hero, superman or not, and he's instantly a little shit tm to them. More so because they asked a question about Lex, maybe even implying he was a bad dad, and even if Danny doesn't see him as a dad quite yet, there is no way he's standing for that!
In the end, it's a while before Danny actually goes much further than Metropolis, thank you very much Lex, this halfa knows how to do a thing or two!
Except he runs into trouble right away, that trouble being that uh oh- his underlying health issues he'd been ignoring up until now cuz they haven't messed up since his death- ignore the fact he learn that corrupted ectoplasm makes him basically have heart attacks if in human form because hey! doesn't happen if he's a ghost and he'll just switch before it happens- yeah that suddenly acts up when he runs, in human form because he wanted some coffee, straight into Red Hood. How fun.
Jason is confused because of the pit's usual anger and call for violence, upon seeing this random teen that literally ran into him, fall over in pain. Jason is worried as well obviously like this kid is definitely sick or something, but wHAT?!
He does the only logical thing obviously! taking him to one of his hideouts and not telling anyone-
Danny wakes up, sore, confused, and hella tired. Jason is equally as confused and tired, staring at the kid as he wakes up. The icky ecto doesn't actually hurt Danny from being near it, it's more like his body is thrown into cold water suddenly and it just has a violent initial reaction. So now Danny is trying to figure out why this person, ghost?, he can't tell, has the GROSSEST ecto he's ever seen, and if he's even aware of it. Let alone how the heck he's gonna help this random ghost, because by damn he's still technically the ghost king and his obsession isn't protection for nothing-
Now we have Danny, who's been unconscious for hours might I add, sitting with a very confused Jason. Danny wants to help the ghost person, he might just start calling him a halfa, but he was wrong about Vlad being a halfa, he's actually more of an ecto-possessed person, really confusing. Jason wants to know WHY this kid is making his pit rage not only calm, but worried, so he's having a time, actually having a clear head for once outside of his concern for this random child, that he's only just realizing he technically kidnaped....and definitely has forgotten to tell anyone about- Welp, he's not telling them now, his oddly comforting child now.
I have more ideas from this but I have been writing this for a while now so like- I'll tell ya more if ya want but only then- If I ever do write this it will 100% be more angsty than my blabbering here kjfsdnjkf
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amazonworrier · 7 months
i know you did a hp au for brittana a while back, can you do one for what quinntana would look like in hp verse?
Quinn is a Slytherin but becomes a pariah in fourth year after hooking up with Finn, a Gryffindor (bad) and known dumbass (worse).
Santana, also a Slytherin, orchestrates Quinn’s downfall because she wants to be head girl one day and Quinn is her only real competition. They spend most of their later schooling years sabotaging each other in an effort to come out on top. They both firmly believe this takes priority over the impending wizarding war.
They are inseparable and feared by all until one day in third year when Santana becomes friends with Brittany, a Hufflepuff, who turns her into a puddle of goo whenever she’s around. Quinn condemns the relationship initially, not because Santana and Brittany are both girls exhibiting some serious gay behaviour together, but because Brittany is a muggle born. The real reason is that she’s jealous but she won’t realise this until several years later.
They are both beaters on the Slytherin quidditch team and have been since second year. On the pitch, they are formidable, always in perfect sync. Even when they hate each other. Slytherin rarely lose a game anymore.
When Voldemort and the Death Eaters start recruiting her classmates, Santana realises pretty damn quickly that she’s not quite as Slytherin as the rest. Mostly because she’s still hung up on Brittany, who is an active member of Dumbledore’s Army and constantly in Santana’s ear about switching sides. Quinn takes a while longer to come around because her Dad happens to be Voldemort’s main contact at the Ministry, but ultimately she chooses to be Good too after witnessing a group of first years be tortured for minor misdemeanours. No one deserves that. They don’t join Dumbledore’s Army or anything though. Too far.
Quinn is particularly gifted at Charms, Santana excels in Defence Against the Dark Arts. They both suck at Potions and frequently rely on Brittany, who is somehow top of their class despite never paying any attention.
Harry Potter is in the year above them and super f*cking annoying. When Harry dramatically reappears in the Great Hall prior to the Battle of Hogwarts, Santana and Quinn both immediately roll their eyes. Of course he’d insist on making a scene.
They fight alongside each other during the Battle of Hogwarts, and are two of very few Slytherin house members not locked away in the Dungeon. This is because Professor Mcgonagall knows they’ll be an asset, not a threat. She is correct. Together, they take out more of Voldemort’s crew than most of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw houses combined.
Quinn doesn’t realise her true feelings for Santana until she watches her get stunned by a nasty curse from a Death Eater during the Battle of Hogwarts. She retaliates by killing him in a fit of rage. This is the first (and only) time Quinn uses the Death Curse.
Santana doesn’t realise her feelings for Quinn until she wakes up in the Great Hall to find a blonde haired body concealed beneath a sheet beside her, which she mistakenly assumes is Quinn. She LOSES it and is just about ready to burn the whole world down when Quinn arrives back from the hospital wing with more medical supplies. Needless to say it’s an emotional reunion. When the dust finally settles, Brittany steps aside graciously (she’s had her suspicions about them all year).
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
My head has been on blast with ideas after reading your post about danny being clockwork and pariahs kid reincarnated; there is so much potential with that
Clockwork and pariah being mad at the observants cause they had to have known that danny was their kid reincarnated and must have blocked clockwork’s sight so he wouldnt realize that danny is his kid so he would actually end up killing danny, but danny reminding him so much of pariah made him reconsider and also after losing a kid he wouldnt dare take the life of one if he could avoid it
Of course the observants would need a reason to want to have danny killed and maybe its cause they knew that if he wasnt, that theyd be found out and murdered so they keep trying to get him killed and are hostile towards danny in most interactions; maybe the even staged the whole thing that lead to him becoming evil so that theyd have a reason to have danny killed?
Then theres finding out what really happened that caused danny to get killed in his past life and getting justice for that
Im thinking that pariah’s more of an ancient than a ghost of a person since hes with clockwork; his obsession would probably be something related to justice and order and having his kid die? With an obsession related to justice? It would make sense for him to go to the extreme with it and seek vengeance and justice for his child
The potential for this whole thing to be orchestrated by the observants who saw that, if the timeline continued as it was with pariah having a good reign as king, that theyd lose power and, cause they didnt want that, they had planned on killing pariah but, as you stated, that fails and they realize that killing the kid would grant them the same effect and going for that or maybe danny wouldve died cause he tried to protect his dad? Depends on how old he is when he’d died; i think you said he died young so theres the guilt potential if he wasnt old enough to have his own persona yet (like a toddler or elementary school child) but then there’s also the guilt potential if hes a rebellious? Or reckless? Kid whos trying to get the attention of his (too busy) parents so when he catches the attack on his dad of course he tries to stop it and dies and then theres the potential for parental guilt due to this
In the later scenario, it’d actually be better if the observants didnt plan to kill the child and, because it happened, they realized they could take advantage of the ensuing fallout that ultimately leads to pariah dark being sealed away, the observants retaining their power, and clockwork being so focused on his duty and his grief that he doesnt really try anything to stop them
The observants potentially having a hold over clockwork due to some oath form the past would add to the plot and make it so its not just easy destruction; pariah having to redeem himself to the allies he turned against and no longer having the power of the crown or ring of rage would also be important for creating a fun and interesting plot
I love the idea of danny just going with the flow of it cause his core makes him trust them; there was a fanfic i read a long while back where danny was the reincarnation of a prior heir to the ghost throne and how he had started getting dreams that felt like memories or had things that occurred that reminded him of certain things from his past life; im almost wondering if this would be a fun addition to this au or if he’d be too young to have memories at all from his past life
Then theres the other ghosts realizing theyd fucked up big time which is hilarious cause on one hand, angry pariah and clockwork, but also danny wouldnt let them harm the other ghosts so theyd obviously relent for their baby boy; but maybe there’d be some kind of camaraderie that occurs due to this? Maybe skulker helping them uncover the truth or something like that? Idk yet
But the whole plot with the fentons??? That’s gonna be crazy and no doubt stressful for danny cause on one hand, his parents are all he knows even though he knows they arent the best; but on the other hand, clockwork and pariah treat him well and he feels safe with them and something about them is so familiar and he doesnt quite understand it; im wondering if maybe his appearance will change now that his core is connected to his parents? Then theres the ghost biology stuff to consider; is he absorbing ectoplasm from his parents now that the connection is there? Does he gain powers that his parents have due to this? Does he get more powerful now that his ghost half is eating properly?
And when he learns whats going on?? That’s gonna be a lot for him to digest; of course danny wants to help his parents again but theyre wayyy more protective this time around so danny, being who he is, will most definitely get into shenanigans that he shouldnt be getting into which both stresses out clockwork and makes pariah proud cause hes so much like pariah even if he doesnt remember everything
Dani getting added into the mix later on and clockwork and pariah being ecstatic about it; then that creates the question of how are ghost children formed? Their two ancients formed of ideas; is it something that happens cause they wish for it and the ghost zone answers their wish? Is it a sharing of ectoplasm that forms another being that they nurse until it forms into its own being?
And of course, with the fentons being as they are and clockwork and pariah not being cool with it, there’d be the anxiety that danny would have to go through with managing how to handle that whole scenario and being conflicted about what to do; im sure jazz would be involved with this in some way or form as he figures out how the family situation is going to be after this
Id love to hear your thoughts on this!! Also, are you planning on writing a fanfic about it?
No pressure if you dont want to respond!
Hey there! Thank you so much I’m glad you like the AU idea. Sorry I am not planning on writing a fic on this AU sorry.
Yeah I thought that somehow Clockwork’s sight being blocked, like the Observants saw that and put all their effort into making sure that one detail could not be seen, like instead just being static.
The observants would probably want Danny out of the picture because if CW and Pariah find out about him being their kid then that would encourage them to work together again and be a united front and if they worked together again all the other ancients could follow and all the ancients together against them could overthrow them (It’s why they were most definitely not so sad about Pariah going mad the first time after all CW was broken after losing his son and husband and defiantly less inclined to ’act out’ and all the other ancients split apart and the observants were still in power)
I don’t think they’d have been able to interfere and act on making Danny into Dan but definitely saw that one future and pointed it out to clockwork the one who could interact and try to make sure he’s taken care of and pushed very very hard for CW to ‘take care of it’ him not was worrying but…. CW met the boy and didn’t realize so they didn’t think there was a way for CW to realize, both parents met him and didn’t realize they must have gotten off scot-free…and then Vlad did the core thing.
YES! Pariah being a ghost of order/justice is so good him losing his Kid pushing his obsession his domain/powers to the extreme and him becoming a tyrant that is such a good idea.
I defiantly pictured Danny being a toddler or very young child killed in some almost assassination against Pariah…which would totally feed into that justice/order obsession or even protection obsession.
(Or perhaps Ghost Hunters which would make things so interesting with the Fenton’s)
I think the observants didn’t plan but totally took advantage of it like I said before it fractured the ancients and ensured their continued position and power…. It’s why they didn’t exactly warn either parent about what they observed or the possibility.
 Oh clockwork having a vow to the Observants is so interesting, and that fic sounds really cool.
Oh yeah all the other ghosts realizing and freaking the FUCK OUT, they would totally help Pariah and Clockwork out and please Phantom tell them not to kill us…please.
Oh yep the Fenton thing would be very awkward (Especially if it was ghosthunters who killed Danny before) he’d defiantly develop different powers maybe completely different from both parents (He could have space powers maybe that would play into the space obsession Danny AU’s) I think he was already much more powerful than an average ghost or halfa but the core connection definitely speed the powers up.
Yeo all of this would be a lot for him, but at least now support structure to help him with everything, 2 very overprotective parents (Overprotective being an understatement) ….and fright knight stuck as babysitter/bodyguard, Fright Knight is stuck keeping Danny out of shenanigans and that is a full-time job and if he wasn’t already dead he would have died of the many heart attacks Danny has given him.
Clockwork is stressed but overly fond because yeah Danny is much like Pariah and him but also stressed out because oh god he’s so much like Pariah and him. Pariah is the parent whose told your son got into a fight and asks did he win? (Although either way he would obliterate whoever fought his son)
Yep Dani getting to the mixed would be so fun. Not sure about the ghost thing maybe core’s mixing between mates?
I can see Jazz somehow getting adopted by Pariah and CW to, her looking over the political state of the infinite realms and coming up with ideas.
Thanks the ask sorry if I didn’t answer everything I’m so glad you like this AU idea =)
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
shatter my soul (I don't want it anymore)
DannyMay 2023 Day 4: Fractal
title: shatter my soul (I don't want it anymore)
words: 1160
Warnings: Major Character Death, Implied Violence
In that moment, Danny felt like he’d been torn apart molecule by molecule, that his family had finally made good on their threats. 
As sick as it was, he thinks he’d prefer that to real life right now. He’d rather be under his mother’s scalpel and his father’s saw.
Because then that meant they were here. They lived. And he’d suffer a thousand times to make sure his family and friends lived, to bring them back. He’d go back in the portal and die again and again if it saved the people he loved.
But as he knelt in front of the ruins of the Nasty Burger, as he remembered the blast and the smell of singed hair and flesh, he knew it was impossible, a wish even Desiree couldn’t grant. Even she couldn’t bring back the dead.
Danny heard the sounds of the fire department, of the police, but they sounded so far away, his head stuffed so full of cotton everything was dull to his ears. He vaguely acknowledged when someone helped him stand and looked him over for injuries.
Later, they told him what he already knew. His family and his friends, lost in a freak accident. They asked him if he had any family, anywhere he could go.
He didn’t remember asking for Vlad, but he knew he did. Alicia couldn’t understand, would never understand.
Vlad handled funeral arrangements. He managed to be a decent person the whole time, actually appearing somber at the situation. He never made a quip about Jack or if he did, he didn’t do it in Danny’s earshot. Danny would never forget the conversation, though, with the funeral home director.
There were no bodies for any of his family, after all. They didn’t need a coffin.
They’d been blown into as many pieces as Danny’s soul had been.
Time slipped and swerved around him, stagnant as he was. The pain was awful, it was all he ever felt. He began venturing into the Zone on his own, now the one seeking a fight instead of the one having to defend against an onslaught he had done nothing to deserve. He hoped he would lose a battle. That Skulker would slice too deep. That Technus would electrocute him to death. That one would be ironic, wouldn’t it? Killed twice by pure energy.
Vlad tried, he really did. Stopped calling him Daniel, son, little badger. He was more concerned with trying to get Danny to eat, with having to patch up the wounds Danny let freely bleed because the child simply didn’t care.
Weeks passed like this. Danny had never wished so fiercely to be weaker than he was. His ghostly Need to exist prevented him from throwing fights - against himself or anyone else. But all he wanted was peace. He wanted freedom from the agony in his chest, from the pit that kept gnawing deeper into his stomach, the fracture in his very being that just grew with every day.
He wanted his sister, his mom, his dad.
The girl he thought he’d spend forever with and the boy he expected to be forever at his side.
He wanted them more than anything. But he couldn’t have them ever again.
They’d been blown into as many pieces as Danny’s soul had been.
It was a last ditch effort. He wasn’t sure who came up with it - him or Vlad. Who decided to try to separate him from his pain - to lock the agony away in a deep hole that rivaled Pariah Dark’s. But Danny simply didn’t care anymore. He didn’t have the strength. As strong as people thought he was, he wasn’t. He was just a tired orphan who dreamt of his loved one’s death every night, who had not slept longer than an hour in a month.
Danny didn’t know how this was going to work and he didn’t care. There was no existence more painful than what he currently suffered. Maybe he’d finally have one peace and quiet, a reprieve from the demons in his mind that spoke with his parents’ voices. It was only their voices, never the other three. Probably because even now, he couldn’t imagine any of them saying these words to him.
But his parents had said plenty and enough of it sounded like what the monsters in his head spoke that it grew harder to ignore. That he was to blame. That if he had just died properly, they’d still be alive. That if he hadn’t been such a useless child playing hero, maybe he could’ve gotten to them in time, gotten them to safety.
Even now, his mother’s last words to him echoed in his head cruelly. “The people will cheer when I get you on that table!”
It wasn’t any worse than anything else she’d said. But that was the last thing he’d ever heard from her.
He couldn’t remember his father’s last words to him. He didn’t know if that was better or worse - that he couldn’t remember his father damning him again or that he had paid so little attention to them before they died. Before they’d been buried in an urn. The reminder of what had happened.
They’d been blown into as many pieces as Danny’s soul had been.
Pure, intoxicating power. As he awoke, the feeling of knives in his chest, power was all he knew. And he found he didn’t mind that. It was better than whatever he had left behind. He couldn’t remember just then what exactly he’d felt before. But now he felt perfect and he never wanted to feel anything less again.
He laughed, eyeing the man in front of him with a deranged grin on his face. This man had power, though he couldn’t remember who this man was. But he wanted that power, he craved it like a drug.
The knives that he’d awoken to in his chest worked just as well ripping the other ghost from its fleshy prison before he absorbed it into himself, disintegrating the consciousness in it to replace with his own.
He needed to hurt this man. He needed to prove he had the power.
A whimper behind him got his attention and he snarled as he turned, seeing a lanky teenager with black hair and fear in his blue eyes shaking with terror against the wall.
At his human face, Dan remembered. He remembered what he’d lost. Anger replaced where hurt used to be within him. This was that stupid child’s fault. And he needed to pay. He almost realized it was his mind fracturing into a thousand pieces as he did it, though it wasn’t unpleasant. He threw away all the shards with pain in them. As far as his old human body, though…
Dan made sure it hurt, not the quick, painless death everyone he loved had suffered.
Danny was ripped into as many pieces as his family and friends had been blown into.
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asjjohnson · 2 years
What if Danny's more powerful than he realizes? And what if the Fentons don't pay an electric bill?
The Fenton parents knew their ghost portal and other experiments would take a lot of energy.
The ecto-converter wasn't the first of its kind.
Of course not. It was just their latest model—a more portable, more universal model.
They had always had an energy converter and overflow storage container built into their ghost portal. Their electricity bills would have been through the roof otherwise.
They had temporarily plugged in several cords to provide enough electricity to power the portal on, but, once it was open, they had always planned on sapping the ambient ghostly energy to keep it running.
It had worked perfectly. In fact, they hadn't received an electric bill since.
Within a month, someone from the electric company had investigated, scratched their head in confusion, replaced their meter. And, when the new meter never changed from the row of zeros, the company shut off their service.
Not that the Fentons noticed. They weren't using it anyhow.
Danny had struggled to control his new ghost powers. He worked hard to learn them, and slowly built up his stamina and strength.
He'd always barely won his fights, only just managing to be good enough.
He viewed himself as being of average strength. He was on the same level as the other ghosts he's met.
The only reason he'd defeated Pariah Dark was that suit's 100x power boost (or had it said 100%? he wasn't too great at math), and he'd been completely drained afterward. Everyone knew Pariah Dark was above and beyond any other ghost. Undefeatable. Danny definitely wouldn't have expected to win in a fair fight, and hadn't been sure he even could with the suit.
He'd defeated his alternate future self, but that was mostly due to his parents' gadgets (plus his resolve to never turn into him). The guy hadn't even been that powerful—he was just a slightly older version of Danny, after all. There was no reason to think being away from home for a day would make Danny stronger, or that his alternate self being under the Fenton Works' roof for a day would make him weaker.
Besides, he's been away from home other times and nothing had changed then. Like when he and his mom were stranded in Colorado. ...Yeah, he'd been wearing a specter deflector most of the time—but still. And his dad and sister hadn't mentioned the power going off back home, and if Danny were powering their house, then of course the lights would've gone out. It's not like a bunch of ghosts would've randomly shown up at the house, just to recharge their battery or something.
And there was also that time his whole family had taken a vacation out west and left the house alone for days. Even with his parents putting Fenton Works in low power mode, everything would've shut off before they'd gotten back. It's not like, say, Vlad had come over to bug their house, and then spent hours upon hours with a bunch of his ghost stooges digging through his parents' blueprints and research ...right?
He could think of at least three ways, right off the top of his head, Vlad could've found out they were going on a trip, and he does not want to think about that.
Aaanyhow... the point is—there is absolutely no reason that him going to college in Florida would lead to, after just his second day of classes, his family being completely without electricity. Or for his eyes to start glowing bright green even in his human form, or his hair to start floating on its own, or for ghosts to start showing up from ghost portals that keep appearing around Danny for no reason and those ghosts bowing to him, or any of the other crazy things going on right now!?!!?1!
Seriously—what is going on?!??!!!!
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xxlunadeaxx · 1 year
More than one Monarch (Part 2!)
So part 1 was Giratina, or at least a part of a part. I still have some more, but I want to explore each 'part' a bit before expanding another 'part'. Not that these all have to connect but it could be, nothing is fun when things are ruled harshly. (unless it's a magic system but that's not here or there)
So the next part is...
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(picture is not mine) Or at least leaning into that lore? Pandora is in DP already, who says I can't just pick some things to throw into DP (or throw DP into Hades). Plus having this brain rot since Hades 2 had a trailer recently. Could have the two 'princes' hang out together and be menaces together, heckling Zag's dad cause Danny does have the desire to mess with authority. Sassy quips left and right, competitions with Thanatos (more sassy banter), Cujo and Cerberus playing ghost dog fetch. The possibilities!
My original idea for this was Persephone being the 'original halfa', a headcanon of when she was taken to the Underworld she was still alive, but when she ate the pomegranate seed she became half dead, forever becoming a part of the Ghost Zone but since she was a goddess of life she couldn't become 'fully dead'. Literally a Queen of Death and Life, a Goddess of Seasons more or less by causing growth and decay depending on her station. (being in the underworld causes winter, then visiting her mother Demeter so the season would change from winter to summer) She even has a name change to go with her transformation of becoming a Halfa! (That bit is because the being 'Kore' is/could be Persephone, but another theory suggests it's a different entity altogether, but this is my headcanon, not fact, I'm cherry-picking here) Dreaded Death Queen Persephone (Ghost), Vegetation Goddess Kore (Alive). (She has many titles and names, but these are the main two I'm sticking with)
So lo and behold, Danny crosses time and space again, somehow landing in "The Underworld" and meeting the Princeling Zagreus, Zag goes "cool a free brother!" or "A new friend! or more?" and takes him on a journey to meet his mom, which could be his first time succeeding or did this before, and Persephone notices Danny is just like her. A being with bonds with both Life and Death, which is a first for her, that doesn't count Zag since he was born in the Underworld and is already a prince of it, he's 1/4th living, or just fully 'dead'.
"I always wanted another child!" Oh no not another adopter. Could just be a mentor too. They have a great time, Danny could even meet Melinoë (as a baby?). Shenanigans are had, lessons are learned, and bonds are acquired. Both Danny and Zag learn how to be better rulers together and create a good bond between the dimensions of both the "Ghost Zone" and "Underworld" dimensions.
"Ah, you're having a 'Ghost' problem, not an 'Underworld' problem. Let me inform my good friend the Ghost King and he'll be here soon enough." "There's more than one King???"
"See, I deal with Ghosts. My good friend Zag deals with souls, I'll summon him right now!" "Why is he wearing a flaming crown like you?" "Cause he's also a King, duh." "WHY DO WE HAVE MORE THAN ONE KING OF DEATH IN HERE?!"
Again, could be after Danny is made Ghost King, or Before just in the middle of his canon before Pariah Dark and all that drama. Or it could be when he's older than canon, I didn't set this in stone it's an idea.
I'll make a different part for the idea of Halfa!Persephone, one that does include the AU!Ghost King with Danny for sure.
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