#Older Brother Luffy AU
alexoreality · 9 months
Guys, suggest to me in which AU Luffy I should draw
Im bored guys help
My AUs in question
-Forgotten Bonds
-Hair Language
-Misplaced Hatred
-Deaf Captain AU
-Musician and Captain AU
-L the Diva AU
-Super Sentai/Power Rangers AU
-Older Brother Luffy
-Robin-Luffy Swap AU
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nobody-is-here01 · 7 months
Older brother Luffy
Haven't done anything with this au for a while
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
I just know luffy would be so insufferably spoiled by (y/n). As if Ace wasn’t bad enough gushing over his little brother, his girl is even worse. You’re always buying him food, clothes, the little beetle encyclopedia you found..literally anything you think he may like. Grown man be damned. You could be out somewhere, on a date even and you’re ordering an extra meal for him (or two!) ace acts like he’s against it.. “..he’s a grown ass man, (y/n). You don’t have to bring him gifts every time we go out, ya know?” “Why are you in our business? Hush.” But he really thinks it’s adorable. Also, he’s just as bad. Family is everything to him and the fact that you adore his brothers just as much as him, makes him happy and the feeling is mutual. Don’t even let him think about coming over without (y/n) in tow or visit the firehouse and you’re not there as soon as he enters the door. “Where’s big sis?!” He just adores his sister in law so much.
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terrorincarnate · 4 months
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body headcanon lineup for ASL aka the get fuckingg burnt brothers
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spock-smokes-weed · 8 months
Since I imagine Luffy and Zoro as childhood best friends in my AU, Ace has probably known zoro for just as long.
So when Luffy is helping Ace out one day on his boat and drops the bomb of “oh btw Zoro’s pregnant” Ace has a horrified reaction of “oh god please tell me it’s not yours”
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Sabo and ace as gods
Okay I was thinking abt these two!!!!
Neither of them r gods. They just found an old abandoned stone alter to the sun god on the mountain where they live. They unburied it and stole it. Took it over to their tree house and Ace told the alter he would break it if they ever found their tree house trashed. This worked
Luffy appeared at the alter that night, and then poked his head in the tree house. Sabo woke up, Ace didn't. Luffy, who's very hard to look at, giggled and said he wanted food.
Ace didn't believe him, but the next day Sabo hunted an alligator and put it in front of the alter. Ace snuck down that night once Sabo was asleep to eat the alligator, only to see Luffy.
Ace was pretty afraid of retribution for his father's crimes, and was pretty spooked by the god he technically threatened. Luffy just said he looked stupid and said he wanted to see Sabo once he was done eating.
Ace, of course, got protective and tried to keep Luffy from the tree house because Sabo was sleeping in there. Luffy thought that was honorable, so blessed him and then shoved past him to give Sabo the light of wisdom (which he wasn't using anyway)
He ends up following them both around for a while, and teaches them to have fun before one day he's following Ace and feels his gift to Sabo return to him.
The smile drops from his face, his eyes widened because death was the only way for a gift to be returned. He picked Ace up and shot over to Gray Terminal, which was burning. Luffy assumed Sabo was in the fire, and put Ace down before wandering into the flames, looking for what was left of Sabo, confused about why he couldn't see him.
But water was made to hide things from him by design, back when Jimbe was first created. Jimbe made it so Luffy could not see into water or touch it. Sabo was in the ocean, his brain gone into shock, his heart stopped and his lungs seizing - dead enough by his gifts' standards
Ace tried to follow Luffy into the fire, but Luffy didn't notice, still wandering and scanning through all of Dawn his light could touch for Sabo and Sabo only. Ace got to him, but he couldn't get his attention, and then the Bluejam pirates came.
The Bluejam pirates had a sword made of seastone, the only thing that could harm a god, and tried threatening Luffy with both the sword and with hurting Ace. Luffy didn't notice.
Then one of them grabbed him by his cloudy white hair, and it turned black in his grip. Luffy's eyes were still unfocused, but he asked where Sabo was.
Bluejam grinned and said he killed that brat, and Luffy turned his head only for a seastone blade to stab him just under the eye.
For the first time in his existence, Luffy raged. He let his light become blinding, he grabbed the arm holding the blade with a searing hot hand. He killed all of the Bluejam pirates at speeds only he could manage (and Teach but that's unknown atm)
He grabbed Ace and wandered out of the terminal, none of the fire quite touching him. Ace started yelling at him, he didn't notice. Ace started hitting him, he didn't notice. Ace started crying, he didn't notice.
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
So this modern au is a bit more… loose. The thought is that One Piece is like, a video game series or something like that, and either one or two of the ASL brothers are characters within that game and the other is someone who loves the game and the ASL character(s) is their favorite character. One day the character(s) from the video game come to life into the real world and meet the remaining ASL brother(s).
Honestly this could go so many ways so that’s why it’s vague. Luffy could be the video game character, or it could be Ace or Sabo. Or a combination, but at least one of them lives in the real world. So many possibilities!
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aloeanemonabee27 · 1 year
Alright I really wanted to give a try to this option, but anyways you guys tell me what you want to see
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otaku553 · 7 months
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Ok so I have been stewing this crossover au in my brain nonstop for the past few days and. I am nothing if not committed to the bit, so. Volume cover redraws :)
Here are the originals:
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If you want to read more about my one piece spy x family crossover, keep reading!
So the idea is simple! Crossover reincarnation au where ASL is reborn in Spy x Family. They’re each born separately and none of them are born with the same names as their previous lives, and with no way of finding each other, they each find their own thing to do in the world.
Sabo, too used to the dangers of being a spy, eventually finds a cause to devote himself to again, in preventing war from engulfing the country he was reborn in. Ace, drawn to fire as he was in his previous life, used arson as a means to rob rich people for sustenance and survival, and is eventually scouted and hired by Garden as a fire specialist and assassin. And Luffy, though born in perhaps the poorest condition, grows up happily and takes whatever part time jobs he wants to do.
The thing about Sabo is that, as much as he seems like a young man of good repute and high standing within society, everyone in WISE knows that he is a massive nuisance. Nobody knew in the beginning how a child less than half the age of most of their veteran agents could have the same skills and knowledge in their profession. Sabo was— and still is— hyper competent, and by the time WISE figured out just how much of a menace to society he was, it was too late.
Ace forgot for the first few years of his new life that he wasn’t made of fire, and consequently, received multiple accidental burns. This did not deter him, however, from growing up to be a very skilled arsonist, well-practiced in every which way to start a dumpster fire or house fire. As a teenage he would use this often to draw attention as he robbed rich people blind. When he was caught, he was given an ultimatum by Garden: join them and receive payment for starting fires and causing problems under contract, or face the government and authorities for his crimes. Begrudgingly, he joined Garden, but eventually comes to appreciate that he can make substantial money in his element.
Luffy is Luffy. No telepathy or experimentation, no fancy schools, no gimmicks or secret identities. But he has still lived an extremely colorful life in this world, full of fascinating and kind individuals who have helped him grow up healthy and relatively happy. He goes where he is free, and he takes whatever part time jobs he wants in order to make the minimum he needs to survive.
Ace and Sabo find each other first, in their late teens, and neither of them realize that the other remembers their previous life, but both refuse to separate. (Sabo thinks Ace doesn’t remember, because Ace didn’t recognize him. Ace never saw Sabo grow up past 10, however, so he doesn’t recognize older Sabo immediately. By the time he does realize who exactly Sabo is, Sabo has backtracked and pretends to know Ace from a dream, or from somewhere else.)
Sabo’s attachment to Ace, predictably, causes problems between Sabo and WISE, but by then, Sabo is indispensable to the organization, and they make an exception for Sabo to be able to remain with Ace, so long as Ace never finds out what Sabo’s actual job is. Ace, on the other hand, hides his job because he doesn’t want his brother, who he has just found and who does not know Ace well enough yet, to know that he makes a living from killing people.
And they find Luffy sometime afterwards, prior to the beginning of the Spy x Family canon. Luffy figures out, not long after moving in with his brothers, both of his brothers’ secret occupations and the fact that both of them remember their past memories. He thinks it is common knowledge, however, and so he never brings it up.
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comradeghosty · 6 months
Not a Study Session (NSFW)
NSFW Stoner!Ace x reader fic
Summary: You are supposed to meet your friend Luffy to help him study, but run into his older brother instead.
Tags: College AU, first time, corruption, fingering, vaginal sex, recreational weed use, praise
!!! 18+ !!!
I also posted on AO3
You walked up to Luffy’s house, backpack in hand and ready for your study (tutoring) session with the guy. Both of you were in this pre-calc class together, you because it was required for your major and Luffy because it was a required credit to graduate college. Needless to say, the man was hopeless on his own, but you helped pull his grade up to a C last quarter.
Usually he met you at your place, but your roommate had guests over for a party. Luffy offered for you to meet him at his house, telling you that his guardian wasn’t home for the weekend so it was free. So when the door swung open to a tall, tan man with long, dark hair, you were surprised. You adjusted your grip on your bag, shifting a little nervously and intentionally NOT looking at his bare chest. Seriously, who answers the door in just sweatpants?
“You're… not Luffy…?” you said dumbly, not expecting anybody to be at home. 
The man leaned against the doorframe, cocking his head slightly. He wore a slight smile. “So,  you’re Luffy’s friend from college?”
You avoided looking at his dark eyes, which felt like they pierced straight through you. It was a little uncomfortable how exposed you felt standing in front of him, watching his eyes flick down to take in your outfit. You wished that you had worn pants instead of a skirt. Of course, you couldn’t ignore that he was… very handsome. His long hair brushed his broad, freckled shoulders. You saw the way his strong jaw flexed when he spoke. 
“I, uh- yeah. Um… is Luffy home? We were supposed to study for the test next week,” you mumbled. The man in the door barked out a laugh.
“Ahh, I see. You’re the one helping him pass. You must be such a smart girl,” he smiled, his grin wolfish, like he might eat you up at any moment. “Nah, he’s at soccer practice right now. Since you came all this way, might as well stay. He’ll be home in maybe an hour.”
You felt your fingers fidgeting nervously, not wanting to be annoying by staying while Luffy isn’t even home. “Oh, no it’s fine. I can wait at the coffee sh-” you tried to protest, but the man already ushered you in by a large hand on the small of your back. 
Once inside, he closed the door behind you. He turned toward you with that huge grin on his face again. You swore his teeth sparkled. “I’m Ace, by the way. Luffy’s older brother. I’m sure you’ve heard of me,” he chuckled, winking at you. You stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Ace walked past you into the living room, flopping down on the couch in the living room. He was so relaxed, his lithe body moving in what you could only describe as a saunter.
Ace pulled out a large bong from somewhere you didn’t see, looking at you while packing a bowl. “You look so tense. Relax, I’m not gonna force you. Put your stuff down and come sit with me,” he offered, patting a couch cushion to beckon you over. 
“O- okay,” you stammered out, setting down your backpack near the front door and kicking your shoes off. Ace smiled at you when you sat down, leaving a bit of space between you. Slowly, you looked around the living room to distract yourself from your proximity to the man. The TV was on, featuring some pirate cartoon that Ace was probably watching. There were pictures hanging up that featured the brothers, and you shook your head when you felt yourself staring at a picture of Ace on the beach. You felt Ace’s knee press against you, and you were startled out of your trance, your body stiffening and eyes widening. For some reason, Luffy’s brother put you on edge, and now he was touching you. Ace chuckled at your reaction, and you felt a blush dust your cheeks.
“You’re a good girl, aren't you?” 
His words had your thighs tightening slightly, your eyes flitting quickly to his. “I- uh.. I’m sorry?”
“Like… in school?” he clarified, his eyes shifting back to the bong on the coffee table. You looked down, a bit mortified at your reaction, missing the smirk that stretched across Ace’s face. 
“O- oh… I guess… I’m a straight A student, if that’s what you're asking,” you mumbled out quickly, trying to move on. Swallowing hard, you tried to relax a little. It was embarrassing how jumpy you were.
Ace just hummed in response, lighting the bong. You watched as his mouth moved to the mouthpiece, the way his hand flicked the lighter, the rising of his chest as he inhaled the smoke. He knew you were watching him, but you were too focused to notice that he caught you. The bong was placed back on the table, and Ace exhaled. Fine ribbons of smoke drifted out from between his lips, and it was mesmerizing, you felt entranced. He licked his lips before turning to face you. You felt his eyes studying your face.
“You ever smoked before?” he asked. You shook your head, your eyes shifting to the cartoon on the TV. God, Ace thought you were so cute. His head tilted a little, grinning. “You wanna try?”
“Oh, uh.. I- well… okay,” you stuttered, feeling your face get warm again. If you could just stop blushing around him, that would be great!
“Ha, cute… okay,” Ace murmured, scooting closer to you. Your legs touched now, thighs pressed against each other. A shiver rolled through your body at the contact. “So here’s what we’re gonna do. Since you’ve never smoked before, I don’t want you inhaling directly from the bong. How about you shotgun a hit? It’ll be easier on you.”
You looked down, just nodding in response, when you felt Ace’s hand snapping in front of your eyes. He prompted you to look at him, and you had to look up to see his face. How had you not noticed how tall he was before?
“You gotta use your voice, you wanna try to shotgun? Hm?” he asked again. How he stayed so easy going while you were practically trembling, you didn’t know. All you could focus on was the way his skin was freckled across his nose and his bare chest. He was so close to you, warmth emanating from him. You could smell him, like smoke and sandalwood. God, he even smelled warm. You shifted in your seat.
For a second, you just nodded again before remembering you were supposed to speak out loud. “Ah, yes. But… I don’t know what that is,” you admitted shyly. It was sometimes embarrassing how inexperienced you were for a college student.
Ace chuckled, “Don’t worry, I’m a good teacher.” You felt reassured by his easy demeanor, like he wouldn’t judge you for not knowing. That put you at ease, and you started to really relax around him. You turned slightly, facing him while he explained how to shotgun a hit.
The way his lips moved was almost hypnotizing, and you looked up at him with wide eyes. As he explained, you intermittently nodded at him, your eyes flitting between his eyes and mouth. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach. He finished up his explanation and looked at you, his eyebrows lilted. You watched as he wet his lips. “Alright? You got it? Think you can do it?” He looked for your confirmation, to which you nodded fervently. You had never been particularly interested in weed before, but you really wanted to impress Ace.
 “Y- yeah, I can do it,” you said, looking for his approval. You smiled up at him, your eyes wide and eager.
A large, warm hand rested on your knee. Ace smirked at you, “good girl. Now, I need you to move here so it’s easier for you.” Before you could react, the brunette's large hands took yours, and you let him guide you off the couch to kneel between his legs. You faced him, looking up at him with your hands resting on your thighs. Nerves started itching at you again before he picked up the bong. “Ready?” He wet his lips again, looking down at you.
“Mhm, I’m ready,” you nodded again. The anticipation made you so antsy to just do this. Ace flicked his lighter, but before he put the flame to the stem, he paused.
“I forgot to say,” he began, his eyes half lidded, “you have to put your lips against my lips to take the hit.” A smirk graced his lips as he flicked the lighter again and lit up the bong. Your mouth parted slightly, your eyes wide as you just nod dumbly up at him. Ace took the hit, a mouth full of smoke as he gripped your chin in his large hand. He angled your face up towards his, thumb brushing over your bottom lip to silently ask you to open. 
Your lips parted as he got closer to you, and you closed your eyes. When his lips touched yours, you felt yourself slightly jump but relax quickly as he inhaled the smoke into your mouth. You breathed in, the smell of weed and Ace filling your lungs. His lips were soft, and you briefly imagined kissing him before he pulled away. The smoke scratched at your throat when you breathed in, and you tried to hold the hit in your lungs as long as you could before you broke out into a coughing fit. The smoke was harsh on your throat, but you didn’t anticipate that since Ace made it look easy and effortless. Coughs wracked your body, and you found your forehead resting on Ace’s knee as you tried to catch your bearings. His hand stroked your hair, and you heard his soft voice murmuring to you.
“Gooooood girl. You're taking it so well,” he cooed. Ace’s large hand moved to your neck, cradling the back of your head and tugging slightly at your hair. You were pliant for him, letting him move you back so he could gaze down at you. His eyes were half lidded, and you could say he looked almost sleepy if it wasn’t for a stark alertness in them. A bottle of water materialized in front of you.
You coughed a little more. “Please, ‘m thirsty,” you whined for the water. Ace smirked, and god he looked like he wanted to eat you up.
The hand in your hair leaned your head back a little as Ace brought the bottle to your lips. You parted your lips for him, blushing at how intently he watched your mouth. “There you go… open… so good at following directions,” he breathed. The bottle of water tipped a bit, and he poured the water into your mouth, feeding you. His thumb rubbed firmly against the back of your neck, and he smiled. “Swallow… yeah, that’s it.” You looked up at him as you drank the water, small moans and noises coming from your throat as you drank greedily. A few drops of water dribbled down your chin before Ace pulled the bottle away, his thumb brushing away the droplets and dragging slightly against your cheek. “Atta girl, so good for your first time.” 
Ace drew away from you, the thumb that wiped the water from your lips coming to his mouth. You felt frozen as you watched his thumb disappear between his lips, seeing his pink tongue lick lazily over the digit. An ache formed in your abdomen as you knelt, entranced as you watched him lap at his thumb. You didn’t even realize the way your mouth parted and your breathing got heavier, the weed slowly hitting you and relaxing your boundaries and awareness. “F- fuck,” you whined, your face getting red as you realize you just moaned out loud. Ace’s eyes met yours, mischievous. You watched as he cocked his head to the side, raising one of his eyebrows.
“Yeah? You like that?” he hummed, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. Your faces were so close. All you could do was nod, you were speechless. Ace smiled, “you want some more?” You nodded again, quickly. Anything to get him to touch you again. He chuckled, his hand cradling your head once more. “Cute. Open your mouth for me.” 
Your lips parted in anticipation of more water, before you saw him lift the bottle to his own lips. There was barely any time to register what was happening before Ace took a mouthful of water into his own mouth and leaned down to your mouth. His lips were on yours and you felt a gush of liquid enter your mouth as he transferred the water to you. A moan bubbled up from your lips as you swallowed against him, your lips still touching. You felt Ace smirking against your mouth at your moan, and that was enough for you to abandon all shame and inhibitions. 
In one fluid motion, you gripped his thighs and pushed yourself up into him, kissing him messily. Your body stretched up to meet his mouth, and you devoured him like you were starved. The kiss was wet from the water, but neither of you cared, relishing the feeling of your tongues sliding against each other. Whines and moans escaped your mouth as your lips greedily mashed against his. His name escaped your mouth in a whimper, and Ace chuckled against you. “Ha, so needy… C’mere,” he murmured, biting at your lip before pulling back.
Ace bent down and wrapped his hands around your ass, cupping your cheeks as he pulled you up into his lap. Both of your legs rested on either side of his thighs as he squeezed you firmly. Your skirt bunched up around your hips, and you desperately pressed your lips back to his, whimpering and whining as your teeth knocked against his. If you were sober, you probably would’ve worried that Ace could feel your inexperience, but you were so desperate for him that it didn’t even cross your mind. You just wanted, needed, him more than anything. Ace’s hands wandered up your ass, gripping your waist and pressing you down into his lap. You gasped, feeling his hard length against your panties.
“Ahh,” you whined, your eyes wide as you stare at him. A blush spread down your neck as you felt Ace pressing himself up against you. A whimper left your lips as the brunette’s large hands moved your hips, grinding you down against his cock. “A- Ace…”
You saw Ace concentrating, letting out shaky breaths as your clothed cunt rubbed against him, his bottom lip sucked between his teeth. His hands squeezed your waist and you felt his deep voice radiate through your chest as he asked, “You ever done this before?”
A shiver shot down to your stomach, and your face burned. You looked up at Ace, eyes wide and mouth parted as you breathed heavily. Ace’s half lidded gaze made you feel naked, bare before him, the way his dark eyes saw straight through you. “Uh uh,” you shook your head, knowing that he already knew the answer. Ace smiled, one of his hands snaking up your side to touch your breast. 
“Don’t worry, cutie, you’re doing great,” he praised you, thumb skimming over your hardened nipple that peeked through your shirt. Your eyes fluttered shut at the contact, the foreign feelings sending shocks right between your thighs. As Ace’s hand moved back down to your waist, you felt yourself losing yourself in the feelings. Your body moved on its own, your high making everything more sensitive. Every time his bulge brushed against your clothed clit, a moan slipped through your mouth. Ace felt it too, sensitive and wanting as he rhythmically pressed himself into you. His quiet moans and sounds went right to your cunt, and you could feel your wetness soaking through your panties. 
You felt Ace’s hands move down your waist to your skirt, tugging slightly at the hem. “May I?” he asked. His knuckles skimmed against the outside of your thighs.
“P- please, Ace, please,” you begged, needy as you grinded against him. Ace smirked as his hands dipped under your skirt, gripping your thighs. It’s so sensitive, the way his hands danced against the delicate skin of your inner thighs. Your head slumped over, your forehead resting on his shoulder as you whined against him. All of the sensations were so new and amplified and overwhelming in the best way. Your hands rested against his bare chest. “Oh… god,” you moaned out when you felt his thumb brush against your panties. 
“Fuck… you’re so wet. Is this all for me?” he asked you, smirking and rubbing his thumb more insistently against you. “You respond so well to me, pretty.” 
You felt yourself get lost in the sensations, your mouth parted as you pant against his shoulder. “I need you to do something for me,” he urged. Ace’s hands disappeared from your body and you whimpered at the loss of contact, looking up at him with wide eyes. He smiled down at you, kissing you and biting at your bottom lip. His hands found yours, and he moved them to your skirt hem before pulling back. “I wanna see. Hold this up for me, alright?” You nodded, using both of your hands to pull your skirt up. Ace’s gaze darkened as he watched you expose yourself to him, shuddering as he watched your white cotton panties rub against his hard on. 
“P- please Ace, please… do something. Please,” you begged, your eyes squeezed tight as you grinded down desperately. Ace was flushed and panting as he watched you move. His hands gripped your thighs again, moving upwards along your sensitive skin. You felt his thumbs press against you though your panties, slowly and arduously rubbing your slit. 
“Like that? Is that what you want, angel?” he crooned, his voice breathy with want. You clenched the skirt in your hands, bucking your hips for more friction. It was so frustrating, you wanted more but it was so embarrassing to ask. Your face was flushed, eyes shut tight and breathing heavy. Ace couldn’t take his eyes off you, mesmerized by how responsive you were. “God… you look so cute like this.”
His thumb moved quickly across the wet spot on your panties, Ace’s gaze on where he touched you through your clothed cunt. A smirk crossed his face as he dragged his thumb up, brushing the digit over your clit. “Ah, fuck, Ace!” you cried out, clenching around nothing. You heard his breathing grow ragged as he watched you shudder as he rubbed circles through your panties. “Please, please please, Ace…” you chanted, so desperately needing more.
You heard Ace mutter under his breath, sighing out a breathy “fuck” before sliding your panties to the side and dipping two fingers into your slit. “You're so wet, so good for me,” Ace groaned. If he could’ve gotten any harder, he would’ve. He pulled his fingers off of you, moving them to his mouth and tasting you, moaning around his fingers as he greedily sucked them. You watched him, confused and turned on as his soft tongue worked its way around the digits. Ace opened his mouth, eyeing your expression.
“That’s… weird,” you breathed, the action being completely foreign to you.
Ace chuckled around his fingers before pulling them out of his mouth. “Nah, you taste delicious. Here,” he offered you his fingers, pushing them in your mouth before you could protest. “Suck.” 
His fingers pressed against your tongue as you hesitantly sucked them, the taste of yourself on his skin was interesting but not bad. The moan that Ace let out was unholy, his head leaned back as your tongue swirled around his digits.
“God,” he moaned, pulling his fingers out and returning them to your cunt. The middle finger dragged through your slit and pressed against your hole. “You ready?” he asked, checking in with you that this was still okay. 
You nodded, still holding up your skirt as Ace watched his finger sink into you. The feeling was so strange, but it was so enjoyable and you moaned out loudly. Ace wanted nothing more but to bury his cock in you as soon as possible. Slowly, he pumped his finger, letting you adjust to the feeling. Ace could feel you shaking. “How does it feel?” he asked, wanting to gauge your reaction.
“Haa, so good, so good Ace…” you whined, feeling yourself move against his finger. “Want more… please…”
Ace grinned widely, slowly pushing a second finger into you. “Your wish is my command,” he murmured, still hazy from his high. It was so hot to him how needy you were, how bad you wanted him. He fucked his fingers into you at a quicker pace as he watched your chest rise and fall as you panted. “God.. you're so pretty on my fingers,” he praised you, watching you grind against him harder in response. 
“I- I want…” you whined, flushing dark. “Ace… P- please…” One of your hands dropped your skirt, moving down to touch his clothed cock, rubbing a thumb against the shaft.
“F- fuck… God... You’re so perfect for me,” he moaned, his eyes fluttering shut. You watched as he used one hand to undo his pants, pulling his cock out. It was thick, with dark hair at the base. A moan escaped your mouth as you clenched down around his fingers, making Ace grin. “Yeah? Like what you see?”
He pulled his fingers out of you, using your wetness to slick his cock. One of your hands wandered down to meet his, touching him as he stroked himself. You felt him take your hand and place it on his cock, wrapping his hand around yours to show you how he likes it. Ace’s head leaned back with the sensation of your hand on his cock, moaning out your name and mumbling about how perfect you felt on him.
“Mm, Ace… want you… please…” you whined. One of his hands gripped your waist, adjusting you so you hovered right over him.
“Keep holding that skirt up… Wanna see…” Ace mumbled, need ravaging his brain. He pushed you down a little so he could run the tip of his cock through the wetness of your cunt. “Fuck, so wet for me.”
You struggled to hold the skirt up, trembling as he pressed against your hole. “A- Ace,” you whined as the hand on your waist pushed you lower, feeling the head of his cock push into you. His eyes were glued to the sight, loving watching himself enter you.
Ace breathed out, whispering a string of “fuck,” “so good,” and “so tight.” You sank down on him slowly, inch by inch as he filled you. “Breathe, make sure to breathe,” he reminded you and probably reminded himself as well. Your cunt squeezed around him, he was so thick as he bottomed out in you. Ace held you against him as you adjusted to the feeling of being full. “You’re doing so good for me, there you go,” he murmured. 
He started slowly, shallowly fucking up into you as you whined and moaned. The sensation was so new but so good, the head of his cock dragging against the sensitive spot in your cunt. Every time he filled you completely, the base of his cock bumped against your clit, sending fireworks down to your toes. You clenched around him every time, egging him on. “Oh, god, fuck Ace… feels so good… ‘m so full… please…” 
Ace felt himself losing his composure at the whines and moans you made, wanting to fuck you hard and fast. The way you were so innocent and willing made him want to absolutely ruin you. He started pulling you down as he fucked up into you, lightly at first, but slowly moving you faster. You felt your head slump forward, blissed out with the quick and rough thrusts. A small string of drool dripped from the corner of your mouth as you panted.
“Ha, fuck…” Ace groaned as he watched his cock thrust in and out of you. He could feel himself getting closer, so he moved a thumb to your clit and rubbed circles on it as he fucked you. He built up your orgasm quickly, and you could feel yourself tensing up. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and you rocked yourself against him, bouncing yourself on his cock. The sensations were so much, the feeling of fullness when he bottomed out, the thumb on your clit, even the lingering high made you feel good and sensitive.
“Please, please…” you whined. You were so close.
“C’mon baby, I wanna feel you cum around me,” he moaned, feeling you tighten around him. 
A few more thrusts and you were cumming hard, clenching down on his cock and crying out. “God, fuck. Ace, I’m cumming. ‘S so good. Fuck,” you moaned, stringing together words and mumbled nonsense as you rode the feeling out against him.
“So fucking perfect,” Ace gritted out as he gripped your waist harshly. He held you up as he pounded into you, fucking you with abandon. You cried as you slumped against him, overstimulated. “So good, you feel so fucking good, god, fuck,” he whimpered, pulling out of you and cumming all over your thighs. You felt his shallow breaths against your neck as you both laid there, spent and exhausted. 
Both of you were sticky and wet. After a moment, you felt Ace lift you and carry you to the bathroom. He sat you on the counter, getting a warm, damp washcloth and wiping you off. You felt boneless, slightly slumped over but more clean. Ace pushed your hair back behind your ear, kissing your cheek. “How are you feeling?” he asked. You couldn’t really formulate a response, nodding your head and grunting out an affirmative noise. He chuckled at you. 
“You did so good for your first time. Let me take you home, I don’t think you’re gonna be much help studying today,” Ace smirked. “Guess that means you’ll have to come back later this week.”
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ohboyhowdybuckaroo · 19 days
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As a way to celebrate the end to the first arc of the ASL Gem AU, here's a couple of headcanons and things I put in the story that I was proud of. Also, some shitty memes I doodled and thought were funny. I put all the headcanons and neat things under the read more because there are spoilers for Keep It Simple, Stupid in there.
Luffy actually got poofed four times throughout the events of the first chapter. Two of them were depicted on screen, but the other two were when Ace got him caught in a landslide in their first meeting and when he came back to the bandit hut on the wolf and broke a hole in the wall getting tossed off of Kebab. Ace could've sword that landslide would have poofed Luffy and, I mean, he's not wrong.
Whery told me BTS that Sodalite's hair remains suspended in air as if it's flowing through water at all times. He's got mermaid hair, everyone. Love this guy.
The reason Sodalite struggles to unfuse is because... 🥁 🥁 🥁 He has a hard time unfusing when his components feel unsafe. That doesn't stop anyone strong enough from poofing him (A la Garp) or Sabo and Ace having such a strong disagreement that they come undone (a la the argument before the final fight with the wolves or when Ace post-getting-Luffy'd has conflicted feelings about ditching Luffy with Amethyst and co.).
In the process of plotting this, I wasn't sure how to translate the money-saving-schemes into this AU for the boys. The general layout of the plot is similar to canon, but I wanted to mix things up a little. That led to the parts scrounging aspect, which led to Ace and Sabo having their own waterfall cave instead of having a tree that they keep things in because I didn't think a tree could properly hide most of their junk from sight that close to the Kindergarten.
Sodalite never actually introduced himself to Luffy. (Cursed with Ace's tendency to never make a good first impression.) He learned Sodalite's name when a few gems and people were yelling in panic at their first meeting.
There's another nod to Sodalite inheriting Ace's bad first impressions when he first "meets" the bandits when literally dropping Luffy off after saving him and also when he meets Woop Slap and Makino.
Also continuing Ace's penchant for bad first impressions, he really did get put through the ringer with Makino when he first reformed. I gave him hell this whole arc, didn't I? Poor guy.
Herc and Agna are my contributions to the Dadan Family. I wanted to flesh their numbers out a little bit since we only ever know the names of Dadan, Magra, Dogra, and Pochi. I hope you like them... They're silly. (And probably in love tbh.)
Speaking of them, they made a bet on whether Luffy killed Ace in the beginning of the third chapter and you can see them exchanging money in the sixth chapter when it's revealed that Ace isn't actually dead.
I also added Woop Slap's baker brother, a Beryl to the Azurite crew who stood around while Luffy got his ass electrocuted, and a couple of random characters here and there with no canon version just for the hell of it. Got the chance to flesh this out a little bit thanks to focusing on a small sequence of events compared to the Odyssey that is One Piece canon.
In the second chapter, there are a few things that Sodalite and Luffy say in a couple of the conversations post-saving Luffy from the Azurite Pirates that get called back to.
Sodalite: You can’t be brave unless you’re scared. And if the first hint of danger has you sniffling and running away like a chicken, you’ll never be brave.
This one is a little more obvious. It gets reflected back in chapter 5 when Luffy is in the process of trying to help Kebab out from where he's trapped. Luffy is a bit of a coward and a crybaby when he's younger in canon and in this story. He builds up confidence with being rubber (Though I replaced his rubber body helping to protect him with him being able to reform quickly), having two older brothers to protect him, and eventually his own fighting skills in canon, but I wanted to add a little more oomph to it.
Luffy: I'm not crying, you're crying!
Sodalite: That's not how tears work, squirt.
This one reflects the flashback to when Ace and Sabo fused for the first time. I figured it would help soften Sodalite up to Luffy with the little nod.
Ace: I'm not crying, you're crying, stupid.
Sabo: That's not how tears work, idiot.
There's another point that gets called back to in a conversation between Luffy and Sodalite, but this is the conversation when Sodalite starts to refer to Luffy as "Luffy" mentally and not just Spinel.
Sodalite: Free and kind, huh? Free how?
Luffy: Free to go where I wanna go. Do what I wanna do. Be who I wanna be.
Sabo thinks back to this when he's poofed and trying to figure out what he wants to look like. Freedom is hard to get used to when you're used to a regimented lifestyle. I think it's called choice anxiety, but even though he wants freedom, he still has to learn how to be free, if that makes sense.
Speaking of that conversation between Sodalite and Luffy, I tried to switch up what he was called in the narrative based on whose POV I'm talking through. In the beginning, when Sabo, Ace, or Sodalite are thinking about Luffy, they consistently refer to him as "Spinel." When it's Luffy's POV, Luffy only referred to himself as "Luffy." Eventually, after the heart-to-heart they have in chapter 3, Sodalite, Ace, and Sabo also only refer to Luffy as "Luffy."
Prior to the narrative, Sodalite didn't have a lot of room to grow or a lot of interaction with people outside of battle or when he's alone when Ace and Sabo needed comforting. Being around Luffy and the circumstances of which they can't unfuse gave Sodalite the opportunity to become more of his own person.
I used he/they pronouns for a lot of the story to reflect the Sodalite-not-being-completely-his-own-person as even Sodalite still saw himself as Ace and Sabo and not just Sodalite. He's aware he's a fusion, but he's only now settling into the idea that he is a new person as well.
Ace thinks that Dadan and the bandits don't care about him for most of the story and they don't help things by pretending not to care that he's "gone" when Sodalite's around. However, at the beginning of the fourth chapter, I tried to give a little nod to Dadan being worried about Ace with her sometimes smoking late at night on the porch and staring into the forest. She was looking for Ace and worried about him, but Sodalite can't tell because Ace is blind to kindness. Dadan was losing sleep over you, you dummy.
True to canon fashion, I tried to limit how much I used Luffy's POV as in canon he doesn't really have a lot of internally kept thoughts as much as he doesn't have a filter between mental reaction and physical reaction. Thus, when I did have to use Luffy's POV, I tried to switch it to another character as soon as I could.
Whery once posted an animatic wherein they used the Ben 10 clip of Kevin saying, "You have to treat a car like you treat a woman," and I pretty much used that to shape Sodalite amd Makino's dynamic in my head which led to the way Sodalite and, by extention, Ace feel nervous around Makino, but the nerves just make it harder for them to say the "right" things.
These four posts gave me psychic damage and were the kick in the ass that got me to write K.I.S.S. to begin with. Literally got so wrapped up in them that I wrote a whole fanfic. I was originally going to just write the Luffy and Sabo reunion in Dressrosa. A couple hundred words in, I realized I should probably just start in the beginning to fluff it up with some history. Then I fell in love with Sodalite and underestimated how much I would get into the AU, so now we're here.
Y'all can take Ace being nervous around Makino however you want, but my intention was that kind people throw him off his game. This was meant to reflect how he's a mama's boy in canon and the pedestal-ing he did with his mother. (Rouge is a goddess, though, so like... he's not wrong.)
I tried to write it so Ace Literally Does Not Know how to be anything but a scruffy and snappy little kid since he was raised by bandits and Garp isn't the picture of healthy communication. With the Makino interaction post-reforming in chapter 5, I wanted her to nudge him into realizing that there's another way to handle disagreements and not every time he fucks up will lead to violence or yelling. Easing his toes into the water.
I went back and forth for a while on the scene in chapter 6 where Ace is about to run away. I was very iffy on if it was in-character for him to leave behind his only friends and everything he ever knew. But I also remembered how he acted in canon when people were putting themselves in danger for him and, yeah, pushing people away when people might get hurt """"because of"""" him fit well.
Is it weird that my favorite scene to write was in the 6th chapter when Sabo and Luffy knock a gem into a barrel and run away? I just felt my heart get full being able to write them getting closer and being chaotic together... Can't wait to write these three being chaotic together more.
It was very cathartic for me personally to write the scene where Sodalite first plays guitar for Luffy in chapter 2 and the scene in chapter 6 where Ace bursts out laughing when they fall over.
Sabo and Ace met when they both stumbled upon their cave and started having a turf war over who it really belonged to. They eventually became friends, but naturally, it took a minute and some fighting before then.
Most of the people and gems around don't care one way or another about fusion. Garp, as a gem higher up, cares based on principle and because he's old as dirt and was around when the "No Fusing" rule was more radically reinforced.
Fire Agates were "made" to be demolition gems (AKA why they have the fire going on and are typically very strong). Due to this, Ace can keep more items within his gem that can vary in size. Sabo can keep some things in his gem, but they typically have to be small to medium. Luffy could theoretically keep a lot in his gem, but I genuinely don't think he thinks about it unless he's storing food.
Luffy eats and sleeps because he first formed around the mixed population of humans and gems in Foosha Village and just thought it was neat. Now, he has sort of programmed his gem so he sleeps at night like people do, but he doesn't need to. He just likes it. Silly lil guy.
Ace was initially put off by Luffy wanting to use a different name than his gem type because he struggles with his own identity as a Fire Agate. Using a different name feels like running away from the realities of your gem type. Ace is plagued by his own gem type and feels like he can't run away, so Luffy so casually giving himself a name was foreign to Ace and made him a little bit jealous tbh.
Sabo similarly wasn't willing to call Luffy by his name because he felt cursed by his gem type. He's less touchy about it than Ace, though because he understands Luffy's desire to want to be his own person-- whoever that may be.
I changed Sabo's gem type from Labradorite to Moonstone because he has had some really neat fanart made of him that was Moon themed, and I thought that was really cute. There's some more to learn about Sabo that I've been hinting at, but y'all will find out sometime later.
Shanks was the person who made Luffy realize that he could have whatever name he wanted. I might write it out someday, but it basically went, "woah, I wish I had a cool name," "You can call yourself whatever you want. What, did you think Makino's name is her gem?" "... So what if I did?!" *whole crew laughs at Luffy* "Well, what do you want us to call you?" and the rest was history.
Ace and Sabo will eventually be able to bubble things. Ace can make bigger ones, but Sabo's are less likely to burst when messed with. Luffy could theoretically create bubbles, but I don't really think Luffy's the type to want to capture things in bubbles outside of beetles, and that's easy enough to make Sabo or Ace do.
I took some very vague inspiration from Zuko from ATLA and Ruby from Steven Universe when thinking about Ace's fire abilities. I wanted him to have pyrokinetic abilities, but struggle to use them thanks to some internal turmoil. Thus, his powers come from strong bursts of negative emotions and typically just sprout out around his body. (Yes, he has caused a forest fire before.)
Sabo can create light constructs similar to how Pearl does in Steven Universe. Thinking about Sodalite getting a little more showboat-y with his music and doing light shows? Eventually, fire blasting out of places like some bands do at concerts. That would be metal as fuck.
Sodalite literally always radiates warmth wherever he's at. He's a space heater. You can see a little bit of this in the 3rd chapter when he sits near Woop Slap to keep the old man warm.
Luffy still has the stretchy abilities of a Spinel, but he's still new to using them. In the first chapter when he's got an arm wrapped around Kebab the wolf, it only happened because he got his hand stuck on a spike and Kebab the wolf rolled around trying to get him off. He also has a lil toon force action going on. I tried to show this with a couple of scenes here and there. (When he falls into the ravine, when he runs into a tree in one chapter, the Luffy shaped hole in the bandit hut when he gets flung off Kebab into it, etc.)
I don't even know where the nickname idea of "Squirt" came from. I just thought it would be a funny nickname (derogatory) and it kept reoccurring in my brain and in the writing until it became squirt (affectionate). Who doesn't get called dumb names by your older siblings?
That eventually expanded into Sodalite handing out derogatory nicknames. You mostly see that with Garp. (Bootlicker, marble muncher, etc.) Sodalite is teaching Luffy how to be an even bigger little shit and I love to see it.
I didn't originally plan for the wolves to show up outside of the couple of times they appeared in the first chapter. Then, when I was writing the third chapter I needed a reason to have Garp escort Makino and Woop Slap to the bandits and then I wanted a reason to get Luffy and Co. to go to Foosha Village, so tada.
I especially didn't plan for Kebab to become Kebab. However, I wanted each of the brothers to take out a wolf in their own ways and Luffy just isn't prepared to fight creatures 1v1 right now, so I cooked up the idea of him becoming a pet thereafter.
Damn, that was a lot. Thanks for reading! Go check out @where-does-the-heart-lie for all the cool art they did for this AU, but please don't bother them for more art. I'm pretty sure they're not all that into the AU anymore, but they do have a lot of other cool posts and a comic they're working on for the boys if you need more ASL bros content. They also made a post with several drawings they wanted to do after reading that correspond with several events in the story if you wanna check that out.
That's it for now! Good luck, y'all. I'll be back with some kinda writing soon-ish.
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nobody-is-here01 · 1 year
Au idea luffy is Garp's youngest son but instead of Garp raising him he was taken by Roger and is now apart of the crew as Shanks and buggy's older brother
Some random pirate : I invited you into the woods because I crave the most dangerous game
Shanks and Luffy, nodding : knife monopoly
Random pirate : I was actually gonna hunt you for sport but now I'm interested in whatever the fuck knife monopoly is
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cozage · 1 year
Hello! Could I request a one shot where you’re Luffy, Ace, and Sabos sister and you’re dating Law or Zoro and they see hickies on their neck and they get all protective of their sister? Thank you, please take your time!
A/N: I picked Zoro because :) He deserves some love rn 
AU: kind of modern?/school/college
Characters: female reader x Zoro (plus familial ASL) 
Cw: just brotherly gremlin acts hehe
Total word count: 1.7k 
Love Marks
You shuffled in the door as quietly as you could, trying not to disturb your sleeping brothers. It was still the early hours of the morning, the only one who might be up to catch you coming in would be Sabo. But with a bit of luck, you could make it up the stairs and into your room before he woke up. 
You softly shut the front door and clicked the lock back into place, flinching at the sounds that echoed through the foyer. You put your coat on the rack silently, and turned to sneak up the stairs to your room. 
“Ahem,” The voice came from the sofa in the living room, and you froze. Your eyes darted to the source of the sound, and you found Sabo and Ace sitting on the sofa, staring at you disapprovingly. Luffy was asleep on the floor at their feet. 
“Little lady,” Ace said, frowning. “We’ve been up all night worried sick.”
“I slept over at a friends,” you whispered, trying not to wake Luffy. 
“Without permission?” Sabo hissed.
“I don’t have to ask your permission for shit,” you shot back in a low voice. You weren’t even mad at their charade, you were just mad you got caught. They never let you be sneaky or rebellious.
You bounded up the stairs before they had another chance to interrogate you. They got like this sometimes, your two older brothers. They always felt like they had to be the parents, even if it was more so mocking the parental role than actually fulfilling it. Luffy must’ve found out that a scolding would take place and tried to stay up to see what would happen. 
You locked yourself in your room, but nobody tried to enter. You curled up in your bed to try and finally get some sleep, but your brain refused to listen. You tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable. With your mind racing through all of the thoughts and feelings you experienced last night, you couldn’t really blame your brain for not wanting to sleep. 
An hour later, a knock at your door came. 
Ace’s voice came from the other side. “Breakfast,” he called, already walking back down the stairs. 
You really didn’t want to get out of bed. You had just finally gotten comfortable. Zoro had kept you plenty busy the night before, and all you wanted to do was sleep now. But your stomach was rumbling, and you had to admit the smell of the bacon was enticing. With a groan, you rolled out of bed and descended the stairs. 
“I’m surprised you’re awake,” Sabo said, flipping a pancake on the griddle. 
“Hungry.” You took your usual seat at the barstool between Luffy and Ace, reaching for a piece of bacon on the plate in the center. 
“Don’t eat yet!” Sabo said, smacking your hand away, but you grabbed a piece and shoved it in your mouth anyway. 
“Hey, does your friend have bugs in her house?” Luffy asked curiously. 
“No!” you scoff, shooting him a look. “She’s not like you with your crazy beetle obsession!”
“Then what are these marks on your neck?” He poked at a tender spot on your neck, and you could hear the deviousness in his voice. You cursed yourself for falling for such an obvious setup. 
Luffy pulled your hair back, revealing your neck that was littered with bruises. You swatted his hand away quickly, but it was too late. Ace and Sabo had already seen the marks that Zoro had made the night before.
“Some friend,” Ace muttered under his breath, and Luffy laughed at his words. Your cheeks burned as you readjusted your hair to cover your neck again. 
“Who is it?” Luffy asked, looking at you with wide eyes. 
“We’ll need to have a chat with him,” Sabo said. He put a pancake on your plate and gave you a toothy grin. 
“It’s nobody,” you said quickly. You pushed your plate to Luffy, hoping that food would distract him from the conversation. You had lost your appetite anyway. 
“It’s obviously somebody,” Ace purred. “Or else you wouldn’t be hiding it. But this guy must be important.”
“And he’s not intimidated by the fact you live with three guys,” Sabo added. 
“You’re my brothers,” you said, disgusted with the implications. 
“Zoro!” Luffy shouted. Your head whipped around to glare at him, but he was looking out the window, deep in thought. 
“How long have you known?” you gasped.
Luffy had to have noticed all the times you and Zoro spent together walking around campus, and how he always found you all sitting outside between classes. The two of you weren’t making out in front of him or anything obvious, but you and Zoro hadn’t exactly been subtle around Luffy either. Then again, Luffy wasn’t the most observant person in the world, so you were a little surprised that he got it so quickly. 
“Huh?” Luffy said, his eyes returning to you. “What do you mean?” He pointed out the window. “Zoro’s here.”
There was a knock on the door, and your eyes widened in horror at the fact that you had just outed Zoro as being the culprit. Sabo and Ace glanced at each other, a silent understanding passing between the two.
Ace took off down the hall and you felt your heart drop. You chased after him, but Sabo quickly jumped in front of your path, blocking you. 
“Sabo, move!” you tried to skirt around him, but he matched your movements perfectly to keep you boxed in. 
“Luffy, hold her down.” 
Luffy’s rubber arms shot around you, wrapping you tightly in his grasp. Sabo smirked at you, and took off down the hallway to join Ace. 
“Zoro!” You screamed, but Luffy’s hand covered your mouth to muffle your warnings. You tried to bite down on his hand, but he just laughed at your attempts. 
You heard the door open and you braced yourself. You could still see Ace and Sabo standing in the foyer, their cocky grins facing to where you knew Zoro was standing. 
“Zoro!” Sabo greeted him. “How ya been, buddy?”
“Pretty good, I’d imagine,” Ace answered slyly for him. 
“Wha..?” You could hear Zoro’s voice from the other side of the door, and you could only imagine what his face looked like. The poor man had no idea what he was about to get himself into.
“You look pretty sleepy, bud,” Ace smirked. “Late night?”
“Were you up training?” Sabo asked.
“I wouldn’t call it training,” Ace said, and you heard Luffy giggle behind you. 
You could hear the confusion in Zoro’s voice. “What are you-”
Sabo stepped outside, out of your view. “Come on in for breakfast, buddy.”
Ace stepped out to join him. You could hear him murmur something to your boyfriend, but you couldn’t make out exactly what he had said. 
The three of them stepped inside your home, Ace’s and Sabo’s arm wrapped around his shoulders, with Zoro squished in between the two. As he scanned the room, he saw you with Luffy’s arms wrapped around you and covering your mouth to keep you quiet. His good eye found yours, and you sent a silent apology his way for what was about to come. 
The moment he saw the position you were in, he tensed up, as if he were trying to decide whether he should bolt out the door or keep it casual. You couldn’t blame him, you’d probably consider running as well. But Ace and Sabo both tightened their grip on him, keeping him from doing anything rash. 
“Tell me, Zoro,” Ace muttered. “Who exactly did you come to see this morning?”
Zoro sputtered, his words failing him. He looked at you, dumbfounded by the situation you both were in. His cheeks were tinted pink from embarrassment, and you could only assume yours were the same.
“Luffy, you can let her go now,” Sabo said. “Let’s all have breakfast and a little chat.”
You all sat down, Zoro opting to sit next to Luffy instead of you, which you thanked him silently for. 
Once a full spread of pancakes, eggs, and bacon were distributed throughout five plates, everyone sat down silently. You couldn’t bring yourself to meet anyone’s eyes, so you opted to stare intensely at your eggs instead. 
“So!” Sabo said cheerily. “Anything anyone wants to tell the family?”
Silence filled the room except for the sound of Luffy shoveling his breakfast into his mouth. You could feel your older brothers staring at you, but you refused to meet their eyes. 
“I can start,” Sabo offered, briskly moving the conversation along. “Luffy found some super weird marks on Y/N’s neck this morning after she snuck back into the house. Zoro, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”
“Stop.” Your voice came out a hoarse whisper, and you cleared your throat before speaking again. “Sabo, cut it out.”
“I think it’s neat you guys are dating,” Luffy said, oblivious to the mood in the room. “I’ve always wanted Zoro to be a part of the family.”
“You’re not helping, Luffy!” Zoro snapped at him. 
“Ground rules!” Sabo yelled out, trying to reign in the conversation before Zoro and Luffy’s fight got too intense. “We need ground rules.”
“One - No spicy business in this house,” Ace piped in. “I don’t want to hear it.”
You rolled your eyes. “You bring people home all the time, idiot.”
“I don’t want to hear my sister moaning out-”
“Stop!” you yelled, desperate to cut him off. “Fine! You win!” You weren’t planning on actually adhering to that stipulation, but you would agree to it for now if it got Ace to stop talking. 
“Two - Tell us when you won't be home,” Sabo said, eyeing you. “We were actually worried about you last night, you know.”
You nod, feeling guilty about keeping them up. You knew that Ace and Sabo had probably stayed up all night waiting for you, and not as some silly ploy to embarrass you. 
“I’m sorry about that,” you said, and you genuinely were. 
“Three,” Luffy said. “You take me on your dates and pay for my dinner.”
“Like hell!” Both you and Zoro shouted. You glanced at each other and smiled, realizing your synchronicity before your eyes quickly darted away and a blush rose to your cheeks. 
“Fine, fine,” Luffy said, pouting a little bit that his idea got shot down so fast. “Three - Zoro, you better not hurt her.”
“Or we’ll beat your ass,” Ace added. 
“Even with three swords, I don’t think you can take us all.” Sabo said, him and the boys smirking at each other. 
“Noted,” Zoro said. “Though I have no intention of hurting her. In fact, I’m not entirely sure how I was lucky enough to get her to look my way in the first place.”
You smiled at his words, a warm feeling rising in your chest. Suddenly, your breakfast looked a lot more appetizing.
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fangirlingpuggle · 9 months
So half asleep thinking of modern One Piece AU with DadCroco and DadMihawk and just thought of modern day cross guild being a company Mihawk and Crocodile run together (Buggy being there to) of course Zoro and Luffy still being friends and of course still friends with all the other straw hats and constantly causing chaos.
Just in the middle of meetings Mihawk and Crocodiles phones ringing at the exact same time and both of them just sighing because they know it's about their youngest. (Crocodile gets more calls because he also has Ace and Sabo as his kids as well and they are also chaotic just not as much as Luffy but Mihawk still gets calls from Perona as well those are the ones that worry him because she's better at discretion so it's either for bail money or her telling him she's maxed out a credit card on plushies...again)
Mihawk and Crocodile also confusing their kids because they sometimes have meetings at each others houses (Simply because they want to avoid Buggy giving some big speech) Zoro walking into Luffy's house seeing his dad and being like '... I was sure I was at Luffy's house what the fuck?' there's also been Luffy trying to sneak into Zoro's to avoid his dad (and protective older brothers) after doing something chaotic and is just face to face with his dad.
Luffy at some point getting the idea to match make Mihawk and his dad. Much to Zoro's protests because No Luffy I do not want to even think about my dad doing anything with ANYONE please stop. Perona is totally for it though, she's been trying to matchmaker her brother with Sanji for years with no luck so she'd like a win for once.
In the process of this Buggy finds out what they are planning and is horrified because those 2 are scary enough already as a couple. They'd be terrifying why would you inflict that on the world straw hat? WHY?
Luffy's disappointed cause he wants his dad to be happy and he hasn't tried to matchmake him since that time he was little when he tried to matchmake him with Shanks.
Luffy: Kinda I was trying but then Benn found out and said it wouldn't work cause Shanks was already in love with someone
Buggy: I what he
Luffy:Yeah Benn said that shanks was totally hung up on some blue haired idiot who he'd known since he was a kid
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
the monster trio (but make it highschool!au);
basically, what if these mf weren't illiterate?? highschool!au headcanons for the monster trio!!
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- the class comedian (and doesn't know it) - like this man is out here just going about his day, doing stupid shit. he doesn't know why the class is laughing when the teacher asks him what he's doing and he says "eating. want some?" through a mouthful of doritos and a shit-eating grin - everyday, atleast once, he gets sent to the principle (the principle is garp lmao) and garp sends luffy back to the teacher because even he doesn't wanna deal with this precious himbo
- he runs track (and he is actually so good at it) - he's that one kid that has adhd and the whole school knows but he doesnt "adhd? what's that?" "you, luffy, that's you" - his homework? never complete; his handwriting? so shit it feels like ants crawling on paper; his uniform? something has to be missing always whether it's a button on his shirt, tie, belt, something. - one time he pulled up with one sock missing and when asked, he shrugged and said "sometimes things happen" - why did he say it like that??? - somehow, despite it all, he manages to pass (nami tutored him forcefully and made him pay her later) - best friends with the martial artist!zoro and cooking prodigy!sanji - nobody knows how these three are friends??? but they are ig - also, i headcannon him as the guy who is like 4 feet and after one summer comes back stretched out (hehe, pun intended) - always so kind to others even if he doesn't know them, always willing to help freshmen out and run errands for you if you need help - nobody knew he is related to his older brothers (ace, sabo) "how are you their brother??" "idk? how am i??" - just the bestest boy ever, golden retriever energy all day every day no matter what universe it is
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- you take one look at this mf and you think, ah here is the classic delinquent, stick-up-his-ass martial artist and you couldnt be more wrong - he is never dressed right but that's cause he doesn't know how to tie a tie and listen if he had the willpower to find the right socks at 7 in the morning, he will - he is just an incompetent fool, trust me 😭😭 - gets late on the regular cause he always takes the wrong turn - the one "jock" who isn't anything like a stereotypical jock? like he hangs out with soon-to-be valedictorian nami, idiot luffy, theatre kid!ussop and cook!sanji - nobody can understand how this friend group was formed??? - actually gets asked out a decent amount of times and always says "nah, im good" and walks away to his friends - people are starting to suspect if he's dating luffy from how hard their bromance is going "zolo!!! gooDMORNING!!" luffy yells as he launches onto zoro in the middle of the hallway at 8:03 am on a random tuesday zoro casually drops his backpack to catch luffy "morning" zoro replies as if it's casual behaviour - the amount of trophies the school has in his name is insane (nation level martial artist, roronoa zoro) - he is actually decent at school, he is just average and he's fine by it he doesn't give all that much of a shit in the academic sphere - casually pulls up to the parents-teacher meet with thE FUCKING WORLD REKNOWNED MARTIAL ARTIST, DRACULE MIHAWK??? "i see he passed in all his exams. how wonderful, zoro. let's leave now." "aight" - he doesn't even think twice when asked if he knows mihawk, he's just like "yeah that's my dad what about him?" - a certified dumbass in every universe
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- listen to me this mf went to masterchef junior and fucking won and people only know this cause the school hyped him up and not because he wanted people to know "omg sanji did you actually win-" "no that was my twin brother sanjo, please leave me alone" - actually prim and properly dressed, shows up at time everyday and gives in all of his assignments and submissions well before the due date (he is partially responsible for keeping zoro and luffy on track) - he was the one making cupcakes when nami was organizing a fundraiser for a nearby orphanage, he was the one who baked cookies cause sabo wanted to hand them out on his last day of school, he was the one who baked cakes for his classmate's surprise birthday party - rumor has it if you get on good terms with sanji, a mysterious box of homemade chocolate will be there in your locker the next day - despite all the hype he has, mf still gets no girls - like luffy, he is insanely kind to those who need help - has gotten almost suspended once for beating up a senior year kid for bullying a freshmen (luffy and zoro just stood by and laughed as that kid got his ass handed to him) - he is the son of THE FUCKING OWNER OF BARATIE, A FIVE STAR MICHELLIN RESTAURANT THAT IS FREQUENTED BY CELEBRITIES ALL THE TIME "omg omg sanji is it true that the rock visited your restaurant last night?!" "yeah, his daughter wanted to eat my tiramisu, she's really sweet" - so chill always (but simultaneously losing his shit) - the kinda person you'd love hanging out with - as i said, in any universe, he is still single (feed him the rizz rizz fruit pls)
a/n: tried something new tell me do you like it or love it?
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shankschewtoy · 10 months
Meeting his parents
a/n - can we please take time to imagine what meeting corazon would be like 😭
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, modern au, (dragon is out getting the milk so garp is here instead)
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- garp told him to wait until he was 30 to start dating
- he didn’t listen
- “Luffy I don’t know if I should meet your grandpa if he was against you dating..”
- “Oh trust me! He’s gonna like you! Hehe :)”
- you were nervous- all Luffy’s told you about him was that Garp used to beat him up ALL the time (and he still does)
- as you guys walked up towards his house, you could see two people scurrying away from the window, a blonde guy, and a black haired one
- you were concerned- but didn’t pay much attention, maybe those two were Luffy’s older brothers
- as Luffy unlocked the door, the two boys were waiting there with crossed arms, “Luffy?? Who’s that??” The black haired one asked with an eyebrow raised
- “don’t be mean ace.” The blonde one pushed him away before outstretching his hand with a friendly smile. “Nice to meet you! I’m sabo, that’s ace, and we’re Luffy’s older brothers.”
- Aw, sabo seemed like such a polite guy! Very different from Luffy.. Someone cleared their throat, a large figure looking down at you, a shadow covering you. Oh god. Your fate was sealed. Luffy’s grandpa was going to punch the shit out of you, and you weren’t even 18 yet!
- Sabo and Ace looked fearful as they stood off to the side, staring up at their grandpa. The atmosphere was dark, so heavy and intimidating.
- even Luffy wasn’t talking… It seemed as though their grandpa was quite the scary guy-
- you contemplated running away, but from the looks of it, you knew that the man would probably be able to catch you within two seconds
- “Uh… Hi? I’m- y/n… The one that’s dating luffy… Nice to m-meet you.”
- you were stuttering, your hands shaking as your eyes begged his grandpa not to kick your ass to the moon
- “LUFFY.” His voice echoed throughout the neighborhood, you turned around to see the neighbors running into their homes, shutting all the doors and windows
- Sweat beads formed on your nose and forehead as you clenched your hands into tight fists, praying to god that you wouldn’t get to meet Jesus today
- “Why didn’t you introduce me sooner?! Y/n seems like a very polite person! UNLIKE YOU!” Garp smacked the shit out of your boyfriend angrily before smiling at you, holding his hand out for a handshake
- You were going to faint, you hadn’t been breathing throughout this entire interaction out of pure fear. “It’s a pleasure to meet you y/n! You’re welcome to come inside!” Garp said with a grin, beckoning for you to come inside
- omfg you swore you almost shit your pants. But as the night went on, Garp was actually a very friendly grandpa! (But he beat up ace, sabo, and mostly Luffy the entire night)
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- Law was hesitant to bring you over to his house, but you weren’t sure why..
- Was his house messy? Were his parents mean? Or maybe he was embarrassed of bringing you over??
- the thoughts circled your mind, and soon enough, you heard the doorbell ring. You were surprised Law didn’t just open the door himself, but maybe he just forgot his keys
- you swore you heard something breaking apart inside, as well as a thump against the floor that shook the entire house
- um… that wasn’t normal, right?
- law looked annoyed, sighing as he rested his disappointed face in his hands. The door opened, revealing a literal GIANT??
- you had to crane your neck up just to see this man’s face! He bent down to the doorway, and his smile almost blinded you with kindness
- “Ahh! You must be y/n!!! Oh my gosh! I’ve heard so much about you!!” He said, almost bouncing up and down in the air
- oh my gosh- this guy was SO excited. It made you so happy to see that Law’s dad was this happy to see you :)
- “Cora-san, did you break the oven again?”
- “Uh. No.. It was already broken! I swear.”
- poor law, maybe this was why your poor boyfriend was always so stressed. You smiled awkwardly at the tall guy, introducing yourself even though he already knew who you were
- “Law’s been telling me ALLL about you. He talks about you a lot.”
- “SHH! No I don’t!”
- “Oh come on! You said y/n is the most amazing person you’ve met!”
- Aw, Law talked about you?? That was enough to make you blush, “Awww you talk about me???”
- You and corazon were going to be the death of this man, and throughout the night, Corazon asked all about your hobbies and stuff. He wanted to know EVERYTHING. And I mean, literally everything about you
- “Oh my god. So- law still sleeps with his germa figures, you didn’t hear it from me!”
- law will chase Corazon around with a pan to get him to shut the fuck up. But it never worked, you learned many secrets about law that night
- also quick reminder that Doffy was there and remained quiet the whole time, watching chaos unfold while he sipped his wine 💀
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- Ace was so excited to bring you over, he ALWAYS talked about how cool his mom was. He never talked about his dad, but referred to someone as “pops”. Maybe that was his dad?
- “My mom’s going to love you y/n, don’t be nervous!”
- how could you not be nervous??? Ace told you he had 1666 brothers?! Wtf??
- as you two walked up the pathway to his house, you noticed a beat up white van in the driveway… It looked especially good for kidnapping kids- and giving away free candy..
- Ace opened the door, and literally a MOB. I mean a MOB of people crowded around you two with giddy smiles. They were definitely expecting your arrival..
- “Hi y/n! We’re Ace’s brothers :))” -all of them
- ….wtf
- Ace could tell you were overwhelmed, you looked like you were about to faint! “Ok guys- maybe some space would be nice??” They listened to Ace, and backed off, a woman stepped forward, and she had the same freckles as ace! Must be his mom :)
- “Ah! Y/n! It’s so lovely to meet you.” His mom was so pretty!! She had long pink hair, brown eyes, and the same freckles around her nose and cheeks like ace
- You smiled politely and introduced yourself to Ace’s enormous family. You didn’t see Ace’s pops, but maybe he was just busy
- “I never thought- that someone would fall in love with ace.” *dramatic sniffle* -Marco
- “Huh?! What’s that supposed to mean Marco?!” -Ace
- Ace’s mom took you aside as the two kept fighting, and had a nice little chat. She asked about how you were doing, and what you liked to do in your free time.
- “I’m so glad Ace found you! He really cares about you- and he talks about you all the time! He kept telling me how amazing, kind, and talented you were :) also I’m super grateful for you helping him to stay awake in class… I’ve gotten many parent teacher conferences because of it..” Rouge was such a kind person, and you were so happy that Ace thought you were that amazing
- and yes, Ace did fall asleep a lot in class, so it became your job to wake him up before the teacher did.. It’s helped his grades a lot 👌
- overall, you mostly just chatted with Rouge while Ace’s brothers bombarded him with questions about you
- roger is out getting the milk with dragon btw
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a/n - Corazon is totally your law gossip bestie now
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