#L The Diva AU
alexoreality · 9 months
Guys, suggest to me in which AU Luffy I should draw
Im bored guys help
My AUs in question
-Forgotten Bonds
-Hair Language
-Misplaced Hatred
-Deaf Captain AU
-Musician and Captain AU
-L the Diva AU
-Super Sentai/Power Rangers AU
-Older Brother Luffy
-Robin-Luffy Swap AU
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randomnameless · 3 months
So considering how feudal nations work and if one is willing to focus on the lesser nobles, actual people (so not just showing Edelgard loyalists but those who dislike her too) and if Ludwig manage to escape capture, it would be reasonable to have a civil war happen?
I think it can since Hubert wouldn't just be able to get the network system of his father after murdering him, and the nobles of Adrestia are the worst in terms of opposition to social mobility and primitive form of gender equality, so the lack of civil war is stupid.
I base my thoughts on how France (I'm French too) had the Vendée rebellion and subsequent massacre and how devotion to the Church fueled support to the Spanish nationalists.
Adrestia is somehow the least interesting nation because of how it lack any of the noticeable internal strife shown, and Hubert being so effective at killing dissidents despite being only 20 (before the war) and having been at odd with many of the Seven who would actually have networks on their own is really Mary-sue ish.
I was a Edelstan at first (though I don't think too extreme) , but the more I see things, the more CF, SB and Edie annoy me (though the toxic fans are key in me stopping from preferring Edie).
Cher compatriote,
Thing is, Fodlan has been shown to be... not so feudal at all, especially the Empire.
I mean, Ludwig is jailed by word of the newest Emperor, when Ludwig is the PM and Edel was only the Imperial Princess at that time.
If we assume PM is just a big title (like the Fraldarius being Dukes) and in a feudal setting, Ludwig would have had a lot of lesser Houses and feudal Lords under his authority - the Emperor jails him? I can't see his bannermen - especially since this imprisonment isn't in reaction to anything he did (recently?) - just stand still and continue with their lives - how come no one reacts "wrongly" when he is jailed, in his territory, or the people affiliated to his name (maybe cousins, cadet branches, or what not)?
FWIW, Ludwig managed to escape and sort of mount a small army of men in SB... But that's nowhere what I would expect from the former PM - when we are told he was the one running things at the end of Ionius' rule - to have/raise, the number 1 of the country drops to a nobody by the heir of the puppet ruler, and apparently, the only ones number 1 can have to help him is 15 guys ?
I mean, Ferdie can have his Aegir personal battalion when he ends his paralogue (i know, it's a gameplay mechanic!) - can't we imagine the Aegir Astral Knights would have been something else than 10 dudes following Ferdie in gameplay, and be instead an entire battalion Ludwig could have used to defend himself, or at least run away with? Or imagine those knights tried to locate and liberate him from his prison in Enbarr?
Adrestia is so not developed that, as you say, it ends up being the most boring place of the three (even if I'll argue on this point : both Adrestia and Leicester are completely empty and without interest, but at least, Adrestia had some history landmarks to imagine things, when the Alliance has... Gloucester and his sheep, I guess?) - but at the same time, it could have been much more : Adrestian Emperors claim to descend from Jesus... but there's an Archbishop around (who is actually Jesus and not their ancestor (or is she?), but that's a secret!) so, to everyone who is supposed to buy the official story... Why should the CoS be administred/ruled by a random archbishop, when Jesus' direct line is still alive and kicking? Why should the Emperors share Fodlan - that was liberated by Seiros herself from corrupted people in the North ! - with the descendants of those corrupted people in the North?
The game instead gives us MAGA "Make Adrestia Great Again" with a resentment for the CoS that isn't explained (in Nopes, it's suggested the Emperor who disbanded the Southern church already was pissed with the Central Church!) and we can only guess it's either about Faerghus existing or something else...
I confess my only interest in Adrestia stems from the country being seemingly, during the WoH and post WoH the country were people are happy and peaceful etc "country of a blue lord", and then, 10 years after the end of the War of Heroes, instead of having some "and Renais was rebuilt and Ephraim became the new King of Restauration and helped everyone" we have "and then Lycaon dies mysteriously and the political situation is so "stable" that his successor duels for her throne", complete with a novel having in the background "and Adrestia still didn't leave the Roman Ludi and had northerners being torn apart by beasts as a form of entertainment"* which is, uh, very very very far removed from Marth'n'Tiki finishing their adventures and returning home.
As you pointed out, Adrestia, for what is developed in-game or mentioned about the place, is incredibly bleak and involves child prostitution, heavy class divide and an extreme misoginy in the current times... when it was created/overlooked, at least in the beginning, by Rhea herself ! When Rhea's current home is a rather peaceful place, Adrestia by comparison is a chamber pot, so what the frick happened there? 1000 years are 1000 years, but damn.
We don't have any intel about it - only mentions here'n'there that Hubert and Supreme Leader (but mostly Hubert because he can be criticised in game having a very... biased view of events and refusing to reconsider, but in the end, Adrestia... cannot be developed or have a civil war, because Adrestia isn't the focus of the story - from what we have, we already know it's a bleak place before and after Edel's coronation so... Her goal is to bring reforms to the world, but it's fitting enough that she doesn't deal with her own turf before bringing "reforms" to the rest of Fodlan.
There's also the very doylist reason of Edel having to be marketable, so in Houses, we cannot have people rebel on-screen for what happens in the Empire, else the Emperor... will not sell. Hell, Nopes had to have her brainwashed to have people react to Agarthans killing her randoms right and left, while the Nobles aren't doing a thing - always hammering the fact that "she's brainwashed so it's not her doing this or condoning this by not moving her army to protect her people it's Thales's fault".
Hubert being hyper-competent is an assumed trait at this point lol, unless he really really works with the Agarthans who lend him their tech and spy reports and whatnot. FE isn't a "realistic" as, say, ASOIAF, but without Hubert, Adrestia doesn't function and Edel's plans don't work so Hubert is both a McGuffin plot device (apparently he can pinpoint shambala because Thales fire nukes? Without access to any satellite?) and the character we all love.
Given how Supreme Leader planned her coup coronation and subsequent attack on GM - especially since Leopold already was in her pocket during the mock battle - I'm pretty sure Hubert, or Leopold's army or hell, some of her "allies" already envisaged this, and had either Aegir's "close allies" Hubert'd or monitored.
Or worse, imagine a scenario where Aegir runs to his friend Varley to explain him what happened, how the Emperor sent an army against him to usurp the throne and how they must warn everyone and Leopold to raise the army against her... Only to have Varley reveal he is now the Bishop of the Southern Church, and Leopold sided with her since the beginning...
I know it's not comparable, but Seteth (or some nuns?) mentions how he hasn't heard a thing about the faithful in the Empire... so either they were killed because they were practicionners of the Seiros faith, or because they rebelled/protested against the war and were, uh, disposed of (tfw the games never care about telling us who were the humans used to create the various imperial demonic beasts we see).
FWIW, I have a plotbunny idea where someone pretending to be Hresvelg bastard - with a crest of Seiros - wants to ask for Nopes!Rhea's help to support his claim to the throne, since Supreme Leader declared her war against the Church, he can put an end to it if he becomes Emperor, right? The CoS is torn between accepting "it would create at least some instability in the Empire, so the Kingdom could breathe a bit and maybe use this opportunity to finally fend them off if the Emperor calls back her troops in Enbarr" and "the CoS doesn't meddle in the affairs of humans like succession issues and only does so if it's to prevent a war but here you want us to create a civil war??"
*it's a novel so historical accuracy isn't that high, and yet, even if it's a porn book, why adding this detail in the background - just like people listening to music - I doubt it was written by a Faerghian writter so what, was this detail "northmen were slaughtered by beasts in the background and it was very funny lol" added just as a background thing, like fish being served as a meal ("historical" detail that might have been true!) or...?
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evyltalks · 11 months
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Band au ?? Kinda ??
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intynidad · 1 year
I lost the askkkkk but somebody asked me for how a relationship with the love interest of the otome au would be soooooo:
How a relationship would be with the yandere otome characters SFW
Yandere otome au part1 part2
The childhood friend
Very wholesome, you two have known each other since forever, and things haven't changed much. Your relationship would be like an extension of your deep friendship, but with the added sweetness of kisses, hugs, and, well... other things.
It's amazing how your connection has evolved over the years. You've shared countless memories, inside jokes, and moments of vulnerability. There's an unspoken understanding between you, a comfort that comes from knowing each other's quirks and flaws.
The transition from friendship to romance is smooth like it was mean to be.
Be prepared for Cute dates and lots of cuddling
The older family friend
Prepare to be immersed in a life of luxury and glamour beyond your wildest dreams! A relationship with him is like stepping into a world of opulence and extravagance.
Don’t take me wrong, you had money, after all you are the heir of the L/N corporation, but he has more…so much more
Picture yourself indulging in lavish dinners at the most exclusive restaurants, savoring exquisite cuisine prepared by renowned chefs. Every meal is a culinary masterpiece, accompanied by the finest wines and champagne (or expensive sodas and fine juices if you don’t drink). Your taste buds dance with delight as you explore a world of gastronomic delights, each bite a symphony of flavors.
But it doesn't stop there. He has a penchant for showering you with lavishing gifts, each one more extravagant than the last. Expensive jewelry, designer clothes, and luxurious accessories become a regular part of your life. The world becomes your runway as you effortlessly exude elegance and style, draped in the finest fabrics and adorned with dazzling gems.
The heroine
Exactly what you would expect with dating a diva, but hey your nails never look better!
One thing is certain: she knows how to command attention. She's the type of person who effortlessly captivates a room with her magnetic presence. Being with her means being in the spotlight, as she enjoys being the center of attention and adores having you by her side. Prepare to witness her diva moments and embrace the grandeur that comes with dating a true star.
but don't worry, it's not all about her. She genuinely enjoys spending quality time with you and cherishes the moments you share together. She understands the importance of self-care, and skin care dates become a regular part of your routine. Get ready to be pampered and treated like royalty as she devotes herself to ensuring you feel loved and cherished.
She knows all the gossip from everyone in town so she is the go-to person for all the juicy details of every rumor
So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and sit back, as she entertains you with the latest drama and spills the tea on everyone in town.
She is a mega fan of carnival dates, she just thinks the ferri wheel and the cotton candy makes for a romantic outing, she just enjoys going out in general , there is an activity for everyone after all!
The loner
It took them a solid two weeks, after you two began dating, to fully process and comprehend the reality that the two of you were indeed in a romantic relationship. It was as if their mind needed some extra time to catch up with their heart.
He is such a puppy with you,honestly he would gladly strip themself of their personality to make sure you are happy
You wanna do A? Sound fun
You wanna eat B? Please do!
You wanna use him as a stress reliever
You wanna play C? On board !
His only response to anything you ask would be “yes dear” and is not like he minds to be honest, he is happy as long as you are happy
The playboy
It was only a matter of time before you found yourself succumbing to the irresistible allure of their charms. They had an air of confidence about them that was both captivating and, dare I say, a tad cocky. But hey, that was part of their charm, right?
Being a true party animal, they knew how to bring the fun wherever they went. Get ready for a whirlwind of lively nights filled with drinks, laughter, and the pulse-pounding beats of music. With them by your side, it felt like the party never stopped. They had a knack for turning any gathering into an unforgettable event, leaving a lasting impression on the town's history, whether for the better or worse. The stories that emerged from your parties together became legendary, etching your names in the memories of those who attended.
One of their many talents included the art of mixology. They could effortlessly whip up tantalizing cocktails that tantalize your taste buds and set the mood for a delightful evening. Whether it was a classic concoction or a unique creation, their skills behind the bar were unmatched. Imagine sipping on expertly crafted drinks, each sip a flavorful journey that they meticulously curated just for you.
As your place became the epicenter of these vibrant gatherings, it transformed into a haven of excitement and celebration. The walls echoed with laughter, the music reverberated through the rooms, and your home became a sanctuary for joy and revelry. Sure, the occasional mishap may have occurred, but it only added to the colorful tapestry of memories that you shared with them.
So, brace yourself for a whirlwind of endless festivities and unforgettable moments. With them leading the charge, your nights would be filled with the clinking of glasses, the rhythm of the music, and an undeniable energy that brought people together. Get ready to raise your glass and toast to the extraordinary experiences that awaited you in the company of this charming party aficionado.
The delinquent
Why x2
To be honest, you were the one who took the first step in this relationship. It's not that they were shy or anything, but they couldn't quite comprehend the fact that you would actually want to date them
Congrats! You are an official member of the gang now, and everyone better respect you if they don’t want their teeth on the floor, on the outside he is still the leader of the criminal gang, and you would easily become his right hand in all of his plans.
Hope you aren’t afraid of a little blood!.
He would teach you how to fight and defend yourself if you didn't know already,your ego would get a boost with all the gang treating you with respect (and fear)
On close doors,baking dates are a must, you would be the designated taste taster of all his cooking!
He can make almost everything sweet!
Low carb, sugar free, gluten free, allergies, just tell them and they will accommodate all of their cooking to your taste.
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ctitan98official · 4 months
@lesbeansimpzombie : Hi!! Can you please do Miranda Priestly and Y/N when they first met. Y/N is a new fashion designer and they came to Runway to shoot their shot to be feature in the magazine. If you can't, I understand. Hope you have a nice day!!
Yes! I love it! (I can also imagine a Devil Wears Prada AU for RE8 with Alcina as Miranda Priestly… Has that been done??) Let’s get into it!
You were running late and trying not to freak out. This was your big moment to showcase yourself as a designer and you had encountered nothing but trouble since you woke up.
First, your car wouldn’t start. You were fine, though. You’d catch a ride from a friend or something. However, when you went to grab your phone, you realized you couldn’t find it. Where the hell was it?! You were too broke to afford a landline, so you had no way to contact anybody outside of email… You decided you would have to ride your bike and hope that someone at the shoot would let you borrow their phone if you needed to.
You headed off, with three overstuffed garment bags draped over you, when some jerk almost ran you over! You crashed into the back of a parked dump track. Luckily, you weren’t severely hurt, just a gash on your forehead and arm… Your bike, unfortunately, was not so lucky. The front wheel was completely bent. You couldn’t ride it anymore.
As you started walking up the street, trying desperately to get to the Elias Clarke building, you spotted somebody skateboarding in your direction. You flagged them down, and probably looked crazy with your giant garment bags and scraped up face. You held out your wallet and told the person that you had exactly fourty-four dollars inside. You begged them to take it so you could buy their skateboard off of them. They must have felt bad because they immediately said yes. You cheered and jumped on the board to try and make up some time. You had been a bit of a skater since high school, so it looked like things might be turning in your favor.
You finally made it to Elias Clarke and hopped off the board to check-in with security. They gave you a day badge and you made your way to the elevators. When you got there, you saw a frantic little red head looking all around.
She spotted you and rolled her eyes, quickly walking over. “You must be Y/N L/N. You’re late.” She said in a disdained British accent.
“Sorry, I just-” You tried to say but she held up a hand, not interested.
“Miranda’s already dismissed three models today because she’s so angry. You’d better hope you’re a decent designer.”
She waved you into the elevator and you clenched your jaw. You didn’t want anybody getting in trouble because of you.
“I’m really sorry about the models. If you give me their information, I’ll be happy to pay their fees for the day… If I can afford it.” You offered and grimaced.
Emily looked at you in disbelief. Most of the designers she ran across were arrogant and rude. She soon recovered, though and cleared her throat before she shook her head.
“Don’t be ridiculous. They’re managed by huge agencies. They’ll just get another gig. You’re not important enough to put anybody out of a job.” She crossed her arms. “Besides, they were horrible divas anyway.” She added with a sneer.
You start laughing. This woman seemed more like a caricature than a real person, but you liked her style.
Emily groans and as the elevator dings, she is immediately speed-walking out of it. For such a tiny person, she can haul ass. You readjust your bags, and your new skateboard, and Emily leads you into a large studio.
She’s met by a middle-aged man in black spectacles. He looks you up and down, seemingly bemused.
“This is the newest hot thing in fashion?” He asks the redhead, clearly unimpressed.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” You go to shake the man’s hand and he just looks at it like you are contagious.
“I’m Nigel, the art director.” He says, now looking you over more closely. He points to your injuries. “You’re going to want to wrap those up, Roadhouse. Miranda can smell blood from her office.”
You nervously scratch the back of your neck and remember your arm and head are still bleeding. “Could I get a bandaid?” you ask, embarrassed.
“Ten minutes late and you are making demands?” A cool voice says from behind you. “Thrilling.”
Everyone around you looks petrified, even Nigel and Emily. You turn around to see a beautiful woman with strikingly coifed snow-white hair. You involuntarily swallow and stand straighter.
The woman regards you for a moment but says nothing. She then turns to Nigel and the two of them walk over to a more secluded corner to discuss the photoshoot.
The startled look you shoot Emily has her once again rolling her eyes at you. “That is Miranda Priestly. You will only speak to her when spoken to and whatever you do, do not ask her questions. You are in no way to call her Mrs. Priestly. It’s Miranda, got it?”
You nod your head. “She’s the editor?” You ask.
Emily smirks. “She is your chance at a career. Do not disappoint her.” The redhead briskly walks off then.
You clear your throat and look over to the quietly intimidating editor. She had already been staring at you but when your eyes meet she looks away, disinterested.
You winced.
You had made a perfectly disastrous first impression… Things could only go up from here, right?
Note: Ahh, I loved writing this so much!
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
The thing with Ed Enninfil (Vogue) is that he, on his part, was being professional in his capacity as editor. He was about to release one of his biggest projects (getting Meghan was a big deal, let's not argue with that).
Going in, he probably did not know what she like behind the scenes since what he knew of her (if at all he did very her through his personal sources - Markus, Scooby etc) was only in terms of social/Soho setting. She was likely very charming and intriguing in those circles. Once they started working together he and his team realized what a self-aggrandizing dumbo she is. Her suggestions and Bower saying that they let her give suggestions in every meeting without telling her yes or no is funny to me. He likely knew how to deal with divas, let her think that she is really editing the mag. Whereas his team of 13 was secretly working on the Sept edition. He only wanted her as an adornment, to make vogue seem like a more woke trailblazer under his leadership.
What's also evident is how all the publicity about Vogue was Ed's ideas and she made it seem like it was all her. The stupid article and chicken taco thing must have made his brain hurt!
So later, because she had done all this secretly, behind the palaces back, when it blew up she got batshit crazy. She took things personally while he was acting in a professional capacity. So their animosity is still one-sided. Ed is probably just like 'once bitten twice shy'.
Same with the VF journo. He was "uncomy" because he sensed that she was putting up an act. With all the photos of her, books on London neatly stacked.. .. he probably realized early on that it looked staged (he says only the London A-Z was missing). She was putting up an act, super charming, trying to be effortlessly sexy. Most people clock that subconsciously, but they may not say that out front in the first meeting, esp if it's a professional setup.
As far as Hillary is concerned - HC was visiting London for a book tour and because she was just starting as a a lecture at Kings college ( juila gillard, ex Aus pM) had set it up. During that time she had a secret meeting with William for a royal foundation thing (this was in the court circular). So Meghan probably invited her personality to FC. Hillary probably couldn't refuse the invitation and was maybe excited to get a personal invitation and Sara L set it up. It was in the papers immediately so likely leaked by meghan herself for publicity.
This is really well said.
Also anon, thanks for the reminder that Hillary also met with William for the Royal Foundation business during the same visit.
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canonming · 10 months
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Juillet 2023 à Jaunay_Marigny une ambiance de violence passive et active sur fond de censure inhiber,sodomite au volant de son véhicule,via l,usage de pratique obscur,kinésie et figurine avec objets. C,est Dimanche 23_07_2023 vers 18H dans la grand rue de Jaunay_Marigny,aprés le croisement d,un camion bleu pas de publicité,à proximité de la mairie.Doit on parler d,une nouvelle forme d,exploitation psychologique,pour embellir la prospection affective de Dominique.Le pouvoir OUI mais l,exaction et le vice NON.L,échec de la perversion par le biais de la sélection de Miss Miss du catalogue 2O23,motiva l,usage d,une nouvelle technique de perversion via l,usage de pratiques obscurs incriminant la kinésie ou la figurine avec objet.Une pénétration anal au volant de sa voiture.Comment POUSSEZ VOUS C,EST MOI QUI EST LE pouvoir . Le pouvoir OUI mais L EXACTION ET LE VICE NON Référence à l,incident pervers qui se déroule après le croisement du camion bleu.avec deux individus à bord la trentaine un dixième français et neuf dixième étrangers profil pathibulaire.L,introduction de Miss Miss du cataloque étdition 2023 est visible surtout à Marigny _Brizay 86580,qui fusionne avec jaunay_Marigny 86130 le 01_01_2017.Des jeunes femmes françaises 25_30 ans introduites dans le parcours du footing de Dominique.Signe particulier,immobilité,profil ,ville intéllectuel,plutôt centré sur son action futuriste.doit on parler d,une Peggy à l'affût,une diva de la perversion, la quintessence du catalogue.Premiére sélection sans résultat,malgrés quelques rencontres.Deuxiéme sélection un nouveau modéle du catalogue 30 35 ans,une femme plus développé musculairement,brune ,avec une morale identique et de la détermination dans l,objectif,un regard soutenu,ainsi que son allure.Elle se trouve dans un jardin et accélére sa marche pour effectuer un point de jonction avec le joggeur.Echec pour cette période de fin de printemps 2023 dans la catégorie de la perversion du joogeur,Dominique.Toutefois il faut l,admettre avec une pudeure maitriser le Dimanche 23_07_2023 vers 18H sur la commune de Jaunay_Marigny ,un phénoméne obscur de type perversion via l,usage de figurine et objet,à rééllement aboutit à une sodomite de court durée.Un rapport médical abrogé,par pudeur et par la suspiçion d,une auto lésion (un non lieu) sauf qu,il y a des antéccédents .Des pollutions nocturnes anormales, des consignations d,objets usuels,des bruits anormaux dans le véhicule de Dominique des CRIC CRIC CRIC dérriére le volant surtout durant la période de juillet,notamment les années précédentes.Une évolution dans le répertoire des pratiques obscurs qui se traduisent le 23_07_2023 par une manipulation obscur ,diurne de type sodomite de courte durée, via lusage de figurine et objet ou Kinésie.Un départ pour le cinéma -Mission ipossible _avec Tom Cruse qui se déroule dans une ambiance de haute sécurité,ce jour à 14H15.Une dacia bleue conduite par un africain la trentaine,en attente dans une rue perpendiculaire de la rue de Parig ny devient une remorque,un instant.Coucou .A la sortie de Jaunay_Marigny,parking du moulin deux camions utilitaires en stationnement avec un individu au sol,profil la trentaine,français ,sport et bureau.En prenant la D 910,au rond_point du mouli en direction de grand_Pont un véhicule utilitaire léger,précédent le véhicule de Dominique.Il quitte la D 910 à la sortie pour Avanton.Profil du conducteur , trentaine plutôt discret,probablement la bohéme.De la sécurité pour cette ambiance estivale sur la commune de Jaunay_Marigny.De retour sur la commune vers 18 H ce dispositif est plus discret avec des effets collatérales.Une sodomite de courte durée ,dans la grand rue de Jaunay_Marigny,vers la mairie,aprés le croisement d,un camion bleu avec deux individus à bord,la trentaine un dixiéme francais neuf dixiéme étrangers.Un signe de croissance de l,usage des pratiques obscurs de nature perverses.POUSSEZ VOUS C,EST MOI QUI EST LE pouvoir. UN pouvoir OUI! MAIS L EXACTION ET LE VICE NON! Mon cul n,est pas un boulevard,vas chercher dans ta communauté loi du 17_05_2013.
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swedesinstockholm · 1 year
journal de let’s move pt.2
je viens de répéter toutes les chorégraphies pour ce weekend, ça me prend vingt fois plus de temps que la moyenne, mais si je m’entraîne vingt fois plus que les autres, ça pourrait potentiellement commencer à rentrer. je pourrais même... aimer ça? quand je pense au weekend, l’enthousiasme est plus grand que l’angoisse, c’est une sensation étrange.
pendant toute la partie d’america où il faut être énervée j’aurai qu’à penser à la maison et à la place hamilius qui me donne envie de vomir à chaque fois que je la traverse en sortant du bus. une des danseuses a comparé luxembourg à dubaï, ça m’a horrifiée mais c’est de plus en plus vrai. c’était déjà mille fois mieux que le weekend dernier hier, j’étais un tout petit peu moins perdue dans les chorégraphies grâce à mes révisions intensives, j’ai regardé les videos de cybille tellement souvent que le téléphone s’est éteint tout seul. je devais faire attention à pas trop la regarder avec mon air énamouré devant les caméras d’rtl hier soir, j’ai pas trop envie que mon entichement passe aux infos nationales. elle portait un jean noir large comme celui que j’ai acheté chez episode à bruxelles mardi. dans les escaliers j’ai entendu quelqu’un dire qu’elle avait deux enfants.
je veux pas être amatrice. j’étais un peu énervée par sylvain groud le chorégraphe hier qui arrêtait pas d’involontairement me ramener à ma position de non professionnelle, ma position de jean-jacques, de non-artiste, dont la tâche est d’être honnête et authentique, d’être soi-même, de représenter la société ou que sais-je. mais moi je veux être honnête, moi-même et authentique en tant qu’artiste. j’en ai marre de représenter la société civile. je veux que ce soit tous les jours comme lundi dernier à la soirée de lectures performées à la maison poème de bruxelles. je veux être l’artiste. ceci étant dit, j’ai écrit god bless participatory art dans mes stories ig parce que quand même, merci la vie de me donner toutes ces opportunités de me retrouver sur scène! j’ai de nouveau chanté dans le micro hier, sur la scène, devant la salle vide, mais cette fois sylvain m’a donné d’autres directives et j’ai du la faire plus cheeky/diva. j’étais crispée par la peur mais en même temps j’ai un peu goûté au nectar des dieux. j’avais déjà goûté au nectar des dieux lundi dernier à la maison poème, mais chanter sur scène, c’est encore autre chose. oh boy. et encore y avait que dix personnes dans la salle.
à chaque fois qu’éléonore ouvre la bouche je me dis que c’est la plus belle chose que j’ai jamais entendue. le spectacle vivant, et plus spécifiquement le chant et la danse sont au dessus de tout. j’ai passé une heure à stalker cybille sur mon téléphone hier soir avant d’aller au lit. elle a fini sa formation de danse à istres en 2010. l’année où j’ai fini le lycée. je me demande quel âge elle a. elle est mon opposé polaire. elle porte du vernis bleu foncé sur les orteils et bordeaux sur les doigts, un bracelet de cheville, deux boucles d’oreille différentes à chaque oreille plus d’autres petites boucles et plusieurs bagues. hier je la regardais attacher ses cheveux longs longs longs en chignon et je me demandais comment je pouvais être à ce point sensible aux gens, pourquoi tout de suite j’ai l’impression de me liquéfier sur place? pourquoi je me laisse aussi facilement prendre dans les filets des gens charismatiques, ou même moyennement charismatiques, je suis tellement une proie facile, je sais pas, c’est une question de pas savoir comment gérer ses émotions? est-ce que je devrais faire de la sophrologie pour arrêter de tomber amoureuse cul par dessus chaise à tout va?
à part ça j’ai enfin éprouvé du plaisir en dansant ce weekend, c’est enfin arrivé j’ai eu du plaisir en dansant en public c’est possible!!! est-ce que tout va être différent après le spectacle? est-ce que ma vie va changer? c’est pour ça qu’en 2015 sur le chemin de skalanes à la pointe de la côte est islandaise en remontant le temps jusqu’au début de l’univers broadway est apparu devant moi comme une illumination? c’était un signe du futur? est-ce que c’est une des clés? en rentrant du théâtre à pied je marchais à moitié sur la route à moitié sur le trottoir enneigé en chantant all that jazz non stop en boucle jusqu’à ce que j’arrive à la maison, même quand y avait des gens autour. hier je chantais les trois phrases de tonight de west side story tout en écoutant l’enregistrement d’éléonore au piano sur mon téléphone pour chopper la bonne tonalité, je m’entraînais en public et je peux plus marcher quelque part autrement maintenant.
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horseweb-de · 3 months
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jupiterjunebug · 3 months
luchasaurus and jack!
Answering in context of Tool Academy AU because it's a. Specific version of the dynamic.
Gives nose/forehead kisses - pre-incident Jack used to lean down while sitting on Lucha's shoulders for a smooch.
Gets jealous the most - Jack every day of his life.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive - Lucha
Takes care of on sick days - Jack complains about stuffy noses sometimes and is a bit of a diva about it, but I think every once in a while the flu hits Lucha freak hard because of his abomination genetics and Jack has to baby him because the doctors don't know what to do with him so their advice is just "idk bed rest???"
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Jack
Gives unprompted massages - Jack because if he's sitting next to Lucha he might as well do something with his hands.
Drives/rides shotgun - Jack, and he backseat drives hard
Brings the other lunch at work - neither because they used to take turns and then Jack can no longer go to their place of business :\
Has the better parental relationship - Jack still gets along with his mom and both of Lucha's parents are dead for 64 million years so I guess Jack
Tries to start role-playing in bed - Jack (what is Jungle Boy if not an elaborate years long roleplay)
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - Jack because I assume Luchasaurus trying to get drunk is just him standing in the corner at the party holding a solo cup going :|.
Still cries watching Titanic - Neither
Firmly believes in couples costumes - What is Jungle Express but an elaborate years long couples costume
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - Jack
Makes the other eat breakfast - Jack
Remembers anniversaries - both
Brings up having kids - I don't know that them having children is in the cards at this present phase of their relationship l m a o (Luchasaurus parent trapping Jack into not breaking up would b funny tho)
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lephotomarion · 1 year
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La vie c’est un poème non ? Elle est à lire, à écouter, à sentir, à...
“Pour lire un roman, il faut deux ou trois heures. Pour lire un poème, il faut une vie entière.” Christian Bobin
Bonne lecture : 
j’ai enfilé mes souliers rouges puis j’ai filé danser. 
J’ai enlevé mes chaussures rouges, 
Pieds Nus
Je suis montée à Moncâlin,
En corps
Pieds Nus
A 30
Ceinture scapulaire 
Ceinture pelvienne
Lionne dans le ventre
A 30
Je veux sentir le sol sous mes pieds
Je veux sentir le sol sur ma peau
En Corps
A 30
Je veux sentir le soleil sur mes pieds
Je veux sentir le soleil sur ma peau
En Corps
Plus fort
Plus fort j’ai dit
 Pour danser (toutes les chansons): 
Sans masque je vaux de l’or : Get up, Diva et Léa Paci : https://youtu.be/VjX7J0S2Sso
Les Souliers Rouges, Vivre ou ne pas vivre, Coeur de Pirate, Arthur H : https://youtu.be/GXMsa3l2ZqQ
Le coeur nous anime, Ben Mazué : https://youtu.be/CBMvKdhqlPk
Les jours heureux, Ben Mazué : https://youtu.be/6RgsgIgk0YE
Le coeur nous anime et Gaffe aux autres, Ben Mazué : https://youtu.be/CBMvKdhqlPk, https://youtu.be/Lgdx2mLUldY
Respire, Gaël Faye : https://youtu.be/NxPbrOWbltE
Petit pays, Gaël Faye : https://youtu.be/XTF2pwr8lYk
Histoire d’amour, Gaël Faye : https://youtu.be/H7JIy5l1bQc
Tout le monde sauf toi, Clara Luciani : https://youtu.be/7nZUe4JKpFg
Attention mes amours : La grenade, Clara Luciani : https://youtu.be/85m-Qgo9_nE & Respire encore : https://youtu.be/uWH00ehhLP8
Je veux pas être protégée des tempêtes : The Age of Man, Diva Faune : https://youtu.be/zZjk5Us1v44
Pour pleurer en dansant et à toutes les pulsations qui arriveront,  : Different Pules, Asaf Avidan : https://youtu.be/wHyplEnrgQQ
pour danser jusqu’à en perdre le contrôle, que la tête se soit fondue dans le corps et que t’as l’impression de ne plus rien contrôler, de laisser le corps décider de tout (ça t’es déjà arrivée, c’est dingue hein?) : Heaven : https://youtu.be/YxVZbMgA3p0 et Territory : https://youtu.be/54fea7wuV6s de The Blaze 
De Stephan : Green dream : https://youtu.be/ItzARPJ_Dck / solo : https://youtu.be/DY6qCFznFrE
Demain, Bigflo & Oli et Petit Biscuit : https://youtu.be/d-VE9Kba3GY
A mon Aurore : Sur la lune, Bigflo & Oli : https://youtu.be/wv7yHnwQMPc
Salope, Thérapie Taxi (sur youtube c’est sensuré) : https://open.spotify.com/track/2K9mcH5jYpO88m1nv8fGTf?si=2bbcf8462da6404e
Pour taper le poing dans le monde :
De Fauve
Requin tigre : https://youtu.be/tDa9ksTphsc
De ceux : https://youtu.be/RyuUNeCrAn4
Blizzard : https://youtu.be/519_pOvP9xs
Bleu ou vert, Baron.e : https://youtu.be/gwtWl9o6pdw
Pour regarder le ciel : The arrival of the birds, The Cinematic Orchestra : https://youtu.be/n88MReEC27k
Pour que les relations se construisent à l’image d’une maison où il fait bon vivre : To build a Home, The Cinematic Orchestra : https://youtu.be/oUFJJNQGwhk Et à mon roi qui le fait si bien : Home, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros : https://youtu.be/DHEOF_rcND8
Tout savoir, Adè : https://youtu.be/zani6VzfYPU
Stubborn love, The Lumineers : https://youtu.be/UJWk_KNbDHo
Pour le premier amour, qui jamais ne meurt : First Love never Die, Soko : https://youtu.be/-_Y2jfK06pY
Pour tout ce qu’on a tenté et toutes les larmes salées à lécher. Faire les choses bien, Noé Preszow (il dit aussi que “tout se danse”. Je suis d’accord avec lui, au cas où) : https://youtu.be/IXry0vzrsWs
La mer est calme, Ben Mazué, Louane : https://youtu.be/FJrwMmb_A4Y
Dis-lui, ce que tu penses, dis-lui, pour partir léger.ère : Je vous trouve un charme fou, Hoshi et Gaëtan Roussel : https://youtu.be/nja13woiQKU et Big Jet Plane, Angus and Julia Stone : https://youtu.be/yFTvbcNhEgc
Au café du canal, Les Ogres de Barback : https://youtu.be/fJOVvDGL0j4
Il y a ta bouche, les Ogres de Barback feat. Lior Shoov, Magyd Cherfi : https://youtu.be/0W7IT7aqkCA
Serrer les doigts en plein soleil de l’été indien et photographier le coeur : Minimum, Charly Cunnigham:   https://youtu.be/4Vkd0NaysiE
Pour avoir glissé un caillou bei(l)ge la poche, déposer des étoiles sur la peau et faire danser la musique dans la nuit : Mont de Piete, Robbing Millions :  https://youtu.be/ujvNBs48x7o
A l’Arbre, à ses jambes bien posées,  :  The Sound of Silence, Simon & Garfunkel : https://youtu.be/nkUOACGtGfA, Sans la nommer, George Mustaki : https://youtu.be/4-vVlpCTwDk. 
Quand il y a besoin de danser, aimer et quitter quand même : Love it or leave it, Asaf Avidan : https://youtu.be/X31SjB0SwOI
Pour quand t’aurais voulu que la vie fasse autrement mais que tu décides d’accepter quand même et d’aller avec le mouvement : Sleep on the Floor, The Lumineers : https://youtu.be/v4pi1LxuDHc
Révolution amoureuse, révolution relationnelle. Quand on a le coeur trop grand pour aimer qu’une seule personne à la fois : Le temps est bon, Bon Entendeur : https://youtu.be/RMWBriHwVrI
Pour faire la révolution : Kid, Eddy De Preto : https://youtu.be/XfbM3LD0D9Q
Monaco, Bon entendeur https://youtu.be/bKUMaibnQKU et on se sait par coeur, Clara Luciani et Calogero : https://youtu.be/WxXs778GWCY, Nous deux contre le reste du monde, Ben Mazué : https://youtu.be/C5ymUlTOUSc, https://youtu.be/LR7IZzAiZdc
Ciego cielo, Boulevard des airs _ https://youtu.be/YDKYu1vJvDU
D’autres que nous, Axelle Red & Ycare : https://youtu.be/YDKYu1vJvDU
Pour quand tu trouves l’amour : Héra, Georgio : https://youtu.be/GYvDYq3EG74
Pour les sujets tabou : L’enfer, Stromae : https://youtu.be/DO8NSL5Wyeg et santé : https://youtu.be/P3QS83ubhHE
Pour vous emmenez : 
4000 iles, Fauve : https://youtu.be/KUdLxs1wdqE & Emmène-moi, Boulevard des airs : https://youtu.be/60UcfvjiVY8
Pour m’être impulsée : Family Affair, Mary J. Blige : https://youtu.be/znlFu_lemsU
Pour prendre tout avec et danser : I take it All, Pegasus : https://youtu.be/vP1CFDcjbaw ps: tu te souviens ? 
A mon amoureuse, qui me fait tourner dans les airs : Ciao Bella, Rose : https://youtu.be/eilyMHJegFc
Pour chercher ou trouver : 
Ta place dans ce monde : Ta place dans ce monde, Gauvain Sers : https://youtu.be/eilyMHJegFc
A nos cellules : La vie est belle, Indochine : https://open.spotify.com/track/42z3DqNB88hUKzbTQxklxR?si=d12638a2e71a463e
Désolée pour les fantômes, Clio et Benoît Dorémus : https://youtu.be/pcHAMHzAiIU
Dis-moi comment tu danses, Boulevard des airs : https://youtu.be/Jzs4UQ6yxZk
A mes 30, je suis remplie d’amour, je file avec confiance et je danse. Si la vie avance, Boulevard des airs : https://youtu.be/GwstVml6CKY
Pour prendre soin de ce que t’aimes, ce qui t’élève, ce qui te fait vibrer, ce qui te donne confiance, ce qui te fait avancer les yeux fermés, ce qui te fait pousser, ce qui t’entoure, ce qui te fait décoller, ce qui te mets en mouvement, ce qui te fait “rocké”, ce qui vaut la peine à risquer, ce qui est précieux : Take care of the one you love, Imany : https://youtu.be/MDdQSgOaLqg
Imany, You will never know : https://youtu.be/ejNJrdlzrrY
Des Feux dans la tempête, Ephyr (désolée, elle est plus disponible sur internet, pourtant elle est si belle, viens à un concert ;) )
Le Fil, Karpatt : https://youtu.be/HgDO9bLWWxc
Kiss me, Sixpence None the Richer : https://youtu.be/hII0JXUJNDo
Ete 90, Thérapie Taxi : https://youtu.be/l1gI7U1NFSA
Bruxelle, Lunis & Boulevard des Airs : https://youtu.be/480_rADR6I8
L’Italiano, Toto Cutugno : https://youtu.be/syc78JzHGTs
Laura non c’è, Nek : https://youtu.be/zs5G5qPudzo
One Day, Asaf Avidan, The Mojos : https://youtu.be/YRom6y1E8p8
Milky Chance, Stolen dance : https://youtu.be/iX-QaNzd-0Y
Riptide, Vance Joy : https://youtu.be/MsTWpbR_TVE
Ophelia & Ho Hey, The lumineers : https://youtu.be/pTOC_q0NLTk & https://youtu.be/KUxSxx-6xwg
Electrig Guest, Trouble man : https://youtu.be/3OC2aPCuzjo
Leo Rojas, Der Einsame Hirte : https://youtu.be/uOIHHMnI_Ig
Holocene, Bon Iver : https://youtu.be/TWcyIpul8OE
Notion, Tash Sultana : https://youtu.be/QFn2kyvkk7g
No Man no cry, Jimmy Sax : https://youtu.be/89_KXT5ztTU
Roe, Ömer Bükulmezoglu : https://youtu.be/onuObd__p6o
Mes ami.e.s, famille qui jouent et qui chantent : libre à votre imagination.
Danser, parce que “quand ça bloque, pivote “
Pour danser avec les mots du Petit Prince (parce que ce livre est une Bible relationnelle. Pour toutes couleurs et formes de relations.). Ce livre c’est la vie,. Compris ?
« Qu’est-ce que signifie «apprivoiser»? C’ est une chose trop oubliée, dit le renard. Ça signifie «créer des liens…». »
« Apprivoise-moi ! Que faut-il faire ? dit le petit prince. Il faut être très patient, répondit le renard. Tu t’assoiras d’abord un peu loin de moi, comme ça, dans l’herbe. Je te regarderai du coin de l’œil et tu ne diras rien. Le langage est source de malentendus. »
« Bien sûr, dit le renard. Tu n’es encore pour moi qu’un petit garçon tout semblable à cent mille petits garçons. Et je n’ai pas besoin de toi. Et tu n’as pas besoin de moi non plus. Je ne suis pour toi qu’un renard semblable à cent mille renards. Mais, si tu m’apprivoises, nous aurons besoin l’un de l’autre. Tu seras pour moi unique au monde. Je serai pour toi unique au monde. »
« Ce n’était qu’un renard semblable à cent mille autres. Mais j’en ai fait mon ami, et il est maintenant unique. »
« C’est le temps que tu as perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante. »
« Les baobabs, avant de grandir, ça commence par être petit. »
« La fin d’une chose marque le commencement d’une nouvelle. »
« C’est une folie de haïr toutes les roses parce qu’une épine vous a piqué, d’abandonner tous les rêves parce que l’un d’entre eux ne s’est pas réalisé, de renoncer à toutes les tentatives parce qu’on a échoué… C‘est une folie de condamner toutes les amitiés parce qu’une d’elles vous a trahi, de ne plus croire en l’amour juste parce qu’un d’entre eux a été infidèle, de jeter toutes les chances d’être heureux juste parce que quelque chose n’est pas allé dans la bonne direction. Il y aura toujours une autre occasion, un autre ami, un autre amour, une force nouvelle. Pour chaque fin il y a toujours un nouveau départ. »
Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Compris ? 
Toutes les chansons déjà déposées et celles que j’ai encore au fond de ma poche et que je glisserai peut-être ailleurs, dans un coin de la vie; toutes celles qu’on me fera découvrir.
“Tricote le Fil, ma Chérie”
Transformer les situations en rebonds. Dans la danse : le corps, le rythme, l’espace, l’impulsion, la pulsation, la suspension, le temps, les autres, la qualité du mouvement, chaque partie relié, créer des ruptures, laisser des silences (la pulsation à l’intérieur), respirer, transpirer. La danse, une philosophie de vie, What Else ? 
Tout ce qui nous fera danser et se trémousser le popotin. 
Je file, je laisse la musique faire son travail. 
30, ça fait “Chlaaak”. 
Le pas impulsé, enjoué & léger,
L’entrentineuse Entrentinée
*Les musiques sans précision, c’est pour lancer (parfois les mots viennent après avoir mûri, ou ils s’immiscent tout seul. Donc je voulais dire “laisser” mais “lancer” ça va aussi, ça fait plus “chlaaak”) un peu d’espace, pour vous & pour moi. C’est important l’espace :)
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alexoreality · 2 years
listen... you know the current filler ep with Uta and Luffy's childhood...?
Uta realizing that Luffy was purposefully singing awfully so she could sing all she wants-
aka author having the urge to write child Luffy singing a tired child Uta a lullaby-
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leculiwojati · 2 years
Wetterstation diva weatherboy bedienungsanleitung sony
           „Weather Boy” Funk-Wetterstation kabellose Übertragung der Außentemperatur über Sender (max. 100 m),. Anzeige der Innentemperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit mit TFA 35.1161.01 WEATHER PRO Funkwetterstation (Wetterstation) - Sony 433 MHz 220 V Drahtlose Fern Bedienung Schalter EIN/AUS-Taste 110 V Fern Be C4K8 - 1 45527 AstroMedia Wetterstation Das Galileo-Thermometer. 46182 AstroMedia Wetterstation 53731 Astronomik Luminanz UV-IR-Blockfilter L-1 Sony Alpha Clip.function, radio controlled clock, date, time zone ±12 hrs «diva go» 44 funk-wetterstationen 100 m IT Weather Boy XS Funk-Wetterstation wie IT, 7, Electronics, Headphones, B07GDR2LYK, 4548736081185, Sony WH-1000XM3 Casque Bluetooth TFA Dostmann Weather Boy XS Funk-Wetterstation, mit Wetterfigur,
https://leculiwojati.tumblr.com/post/692729352693137408/ixus-155-handbuch-des, https://leculiwojati.tumblr.com/post/692729352693137408/ixus-155-handbuch-des, https://leculiwojati.tumblr.com/post/692729352693137408/ixus-155-handbuch-des, https://leculiwojati.tumblr.com/post/692729352693137408/ixus-155-handbuch-des, https://leculiwojati.tumblr.com/post/692729352693137408/ixus-155-handbuch-des.
0 notes
zoe-oneesama · 5 years
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Chat Noir says: “Shut it ALL DOWN.”
Episode 6 Part 13
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hi Aine! Hope you are doing well.
After looking at all the new manga art I can’t stop thinking about the black bull boys being in a rock band.
Could I request some modern band AU headcanons with Yami, Zora and Nacht. What kind of instruments would they play if any and how would they meet their S/O etc.
Thank you for all your amazing fics!
HEHE!! I'm loving all the requests you guys are sending in, this is so fun to think about!! Thank you for requesting this bby!! I'm doing well and thank you for loving my fics <33
Modern AU! black clover!
Yami | Zora | Nacht x f! reader
Yami Sukehiro
This man would be the kind of rocker that plays the drums? Mhmm, his huge veiny biceps would look lovely with drums.
He would probably have sleeve tattoos and maybe some on his back. Sexy as hell. He loves showing off his arms, when he wears long sleeves he would pull up the sleeves before doing a little solo and it makes the crowd go crazy.
Of course his favourite thing to do is teasing the crowd. "shout louder, I'll get Nacht to remove his top for y'all, heh."
This man is soooo laid back and lazy, the person he'll date is most probably someone in his team, you were probably in charge of him for something. Maybe his manager, or his PA, or the hair stylist, etc.
Absolutely have you on his laps as he practices his drums sometimes. He would even show off a little and teaches you how to drum.
Despite being lazy, this man takes care of his drums himself. He has a few drum sets, but he has one or two favourite ones. He would polish them and tune them personally.
Zora Ideale
Plays the electric guitar or the keyboard. Probably also knows how to use the DJ controllers and boy does he rap well. He's probably the one that knows how to play more stuff out of the three because this man could lock himself up for days in the music room.
Probably has small meaningful tattoos here and there and loves wearing crazy rocker clothes. Also many many piercings. Doesn't really care what others thinks and probably the one that does something random during live performances.
The managers always get a heart attack but thankfully it always turns out well. He's a music genius.
Probably met you at some random event. You were probably also a celebrity or someone that worked in the industry and you both met maybe because you grabbed something of his by mistake.
Probably gonna cue an enemy to lovers troupe here because he probably thought you were a brat at first before realising that you're actually pretty cute sometimes.
If you were interested in music you were welcomed anytime in his music room or the band's practice room. But even if you were not, he was okay as well, so long as you supported him and his band.
Nacht Faust
Keyboard? Can you imagine his long fingers on the keys? This man also sings so well. Good lord.
He's the really cool dude that seldom talks in the team but the fans still go crazy over him. Doesn't have tattoos but he does have some piercings here and there.
Probably has the best fashion sense out of the three. He always dresses and behaves like a C E L E B R I T Y.
Surprisingly you were one of his fan. The lucky one as everyone said, but he saw you at every event. And you studied music so hard because of him and he was such an inspiration to you that you became a song writer.
He took a liking to one of the songs you wrote and the rest was history from then and there.
He loved teasing you but sometimes he still blushes a little at how you fangirl over him. When it came to work you both were still serious, sometimes you both would bicker over music differences you both had, but at the end of the day you both would surely make it up.
You went on to be his personal assistant after that because he really didn't like anyone butting in his work expect you. (he can be such a diva sometimes)
Absolutely loves to play the piano with you. You both became to be such a perfect pair after that.
ANONYYYY ಥ‿ಥ why do you do me like that. I have so much feels for the Nacht one I feel like writing a series for it!! But I have Sukuna AU on my hands rn!! UGHHHH
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whocalledhimannux · 3 years
hello my friends it's time for another wildly self-indulgent AU, based on the fact that I spent several hours tonight with two windows open on my laptop, one showing Queen's Thief fic and the other showing the Philadelphia Phillies absolutely crushing the Reds:
featuring Eugenides as a hotshot player who is a rediciulous thief of bases (if u click on that link, take moment to pray for Roman Quinn's achilles 😢), incredible speed, no one can touch him, if he gets on base he will be scoring...
...until noted Absolute Asshole Nahuseresh "accidentally" steps on his hand with sharpened cleats (for the grip! he had no idea they would be dangerous! shocked and apalled and apologetic, really!) and causes nerve damage bad enough that Eugenides is more or less forced into an early retirement, reigniting the old Eddisian Griffins-Attolian Lilies rivalry with a vengeance
Helen is the manager (main coach) of the Griffins (she played baseball on teams with her brothers as a kid) and Irene is the owner of the Lilies
a year later, during the off-season, Irene and Eugenides elope, she hires him as the manager for the Lilies, and trades Nahuseresh while making it clear it's not about his playing, which is good, but because he's an absolute asshole. all of this happens in like a week and sports media goes BUCK WILD.
Dite is a very precocious pitcher, Sejanus is a shortstop. Eugenides trades both of them just under the trade deadline because he suspects Erondites is doing some shady Black Sox shit behind the scenes
Sophos is a pretty inconsistent player when he's younger and it's openly speculated he only makes it into professional ball because of nepotism--ironically, once his uncle loses a shit ton of money in a business takeover and has to sell the team to [random rich owner, idk], he really hits his stride and is called up from the minors to play for a major league team under the guidance of the Magus, who is his manager. he's a center fielder. drove his father nuts in his youth because he was always daydreaming instead of paying attention to the ball.
fun side note: like Sophos, I have a scar on my lip that alters my smile. I got mine when a softball glanced off my glove and hit me in the face, and my lip got caught in my braces. so I like to think he gets an injury in this AU in a similar way, lol.
I haven't thought this through for all of them, because it's midnight and I can't be doing this for hours, but major King's Guard/Attendants are Lilies players, cousins/major Eddisians are Griffins, etc. I'm de-aging some of them to make it fit.
MoW (is it weird that's still my default for him?) is a base coach, Ornon is a long-suffering umpire
Teleus is captain of the Lilies and their catcher (for non-baseball fans, the catcher does a lot of directing during the game--helping pitchers choose which pitch to throw, helping to decide if fielders should move back or move in or cover certain gaps)
he does get into a shouting match with Eugenides at one point, on the field, and again, sports media goes BUCK. WILD. the Lilies have so many good unwritten rules/bench-clearing/wtf-just-happened moments during this time.
as a player Eugenides defied a couple of the unwritten rules--he was not shy about bunting or stealing bases whenever tf he wanted to, for example. he dodged a lot of intentional hits from pitchers but he was too damn charming for the fans to be really mad at him
Relius is their general manager at first, the guy in charge of numbers and trades and negotiating. he's kicked out after a scandal but Irene ends up keeping him around. he starts to actually attend games in a private box and watch instead of schmoozing and rediscovers his love for the game.
oooooh I kind of like the idea of most of the attendants being pitchers. pitchers are sort of divas and teams have like 10+ and fans of Certain Teams experience a LOT of exasperation over their pitchers' inconsistent performance (not that I would ever ever point to any specific team and the fact that Lilies rhymes with Phillies means absolutely nothing)
Costis is the first baseman (because TALL) and has a killer batting average, is v close with Aris who plays second base, and kinda sorta accidentally becomes the first out MLB player when he gets caught making out with Kamet after winning the home run derby. oops.
Teleus, who has been successfully avoided winning that title for years, mocks him ruthlessly (although he does have a Glenn Burke kind of deal where his teammates know but keep it private)
Kamet has relatively little interest in sports and there is a lot of online complaining about the fact that he openly grades papers/works on other stuff during games, but hey, this PhD isn't going to earn itself. he does pay attention to Costis's at-bats, though, and gets more invested in the games as he gets to know other players better--he also eventually reveals that he's got a mean head for stats, even if he doesn't feel the need to be watching every second of every game. there are 162 of them for each team and they go on for 4 hours, okay? give him a break.
dear god, I don't even know exactly where Pheris fits in (once he's like. an adult.) but please take a moment to scroll through this page of commonly tracked baseball statistics and appreciate how much Pheris would lose his mind over this game
WAIT no I've got it, Relius becomes the scouting director for the Lilies and Pheris works with him. Moneyball.
the equivalent of the fighting the guards scene at the end of KoA is one day Eugenides is running a practice with the team and lets Laecdomon (one of the pitchers, doomed to be traded soon after) goad him into stepping in the batter's box. Laecdomon goes between strikes and balls that come VERY close to hitting him, including one that almost beans him in the head, but Eugenides manages to hit the ball even with his bad hand, fuckin' zooms around the bases while the team fumbles and commits multiple errors trying to stop him, and leaps over Teleus at home to score.
ok I spent an hour typing this up when I should have been sleeping lmao, but I have written two other baseball AUs for two other fandoms (as a contributing writer/brainstormer for one, tbf) and I am totally down to talk more about this concept if there are other QT baseball fans out there
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