#OTP: true gentle and faithful
harritudur · 2 months
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princess of york / earl of richmond (modern au)
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Always and Whatever Comes Next
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Red Carpet Diaries]
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer (F!OC) Book: Red Carpet Diaries Word Count: ~600 Rating: General: no warnings, just fluff Prompts: ice skating: @choicesficwriterscreations & @choicesholidays
Synopsis: Alex finally has a chance to teach Thomas how to ice skate.
This precious art of my forever OTP is by the amazing @weetlebeetle! Look at how adorable they look!!! I will never get enough of Neb's chibis!
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There weren't many opportunities like this one, and Alex was determined to make the most of it. It was no secret she loved the snow. She somehow convinced Thomas to even have a winter wedding in Lake Tahoe. The glistening snow. The brisk, refreshing air. The feel of the cool wind on your rosy cheeks. Alex loved it all. She loved California, but she would always miss winter, a true winter.
Even with the snow she enjoyed during their many trips to Lake Tahoe in their years together, finding a frozen lake for ice skating wasn't something that happened often. It took a very specific set of circumstances and a whole lot of winter magic, but here they were. It was a small lake south of South Tahoe, but it was gorgeous. The sun glittered against its icy surface. It was everything she hoped it would be. 
Excitement sparkled in her eyes as she stood from the rock on the lake's shore on which they had been sitting to put on their skates. "Are you ready?" 
"Not even remotely," he stated apprehensively, remaining where he sat.
"It'll be great. I'm right here." Alex gave his hand a gentle squeeze as she attempted to usher him forward.
Thomas glanced at the shimmering surface with uncertainty. "I wouldn't want to hold you back."
"You never could do that." Alex took his other hand in hers, gently guiding him to his feet. She helped steady him as he got his footing, standing on his skates. "You can do this! We can do it—together."
He took a tentative step forward toward the frozen lake. With the safety of her beside him as his anchor, he continued steadily.
"I won't let go," Alex reassured him, her thumb brushing tenderly along his hand. "I'm right here."
With cautious steps, Thomas ventured onto the ice, wobbling almost immediately. His legs flailed out to the sides, threatening imminent disaster, but Alex's steady guidance kept him upright.
"Okay, just follow my lead," she encouraged, directing him with gentle patience. "Just like that." 
They glided in unison, Alex's effortless grace a stark contrast to Thomas's stumbling attempts. Even still, their laughter echoed across the frozen expanse as they carved paths on the ice.
"Just keep holding on," Thomas insisted, his grip tightening around Alex's hand. "Don't let go."
"I wouldn't dream of it." Her warm lips brushed a tender kiss on his cool cheek. "You're stuck with me, Mr. Hunt."
"I can think of far worse fates," he teased.
"You mean like if I let you go?" She wagged her brow playfully, pretending to loosen her grip on his arm.
"No." He shook his head to the sides, his faith that she wouldn't let him fall remained unwavering despite her feigned threat. "Losing you, not having met you—a life without you—that would be the worst fate I could imagine." 
She guided them to a halt, the warm sun tickling their rosy faces. "I'm not going anywhere. This is where I belong." Her fingers traced the strong lines of his jaw. "This is where you belong." She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. "Together—this is where we belong. Now and always." 
"Always." His lip twitched up into a soft smile. "That sounds like a good start."
"A start? What comes after always?"
"I don't know, but whatever it is, I hope I'll find it with you." 
"Always and whatever comes next," Alex pondered, but her words were lost on his lips as he drew her in for a slow and lingering kiss. 
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This is not edited so please forgive any mistakes. I got inspired to write this little snippet so I wanted to share it before I second guess myself and delete it.
Thank you for reading! I always appreciate any support for this couple. They will always have the most special spot in my heart!
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Sweet Nicknames
The volleyball court was alive with energy as you and Hinata Shouyou, the fiery sunshine of the Karasuno team, practiced tirelessly. The sound of your spikes and the cheering of your teammates filled the air, but amidst the intensity, there was a connection that blossomed between you and Hinata—one that went beyond the sport itself.
One sunny afternoon, as the two of you took a break from your rigorous training, Hinata approached you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. With a shy smile tugging at his lips, he mustered the courage to call you by a new name, a nickname that held a hint of endearment.
"Hey, (Y/N)," Hinata said, his voice filled with a newfound sweetness, "can I call you 'Sunshine'? Because you bring light to my day, just like the sun."
A blush crept across your cheeks, your heart fluttering at his words. The affectionate nickname seemed to capture the essence of your connection, a reminder of the warmth and joy that radiated between you.
Hinata's choice of nickname reflected his vibrant personality, and it filled you with a sense of adoration. The nickname became a symbol of the bond you shared, one that surpassed the boundaries of the volleyball court.
As the days went by, Hinata continued to use the nickname, his voice filled with affection and fondness whenever he called you "Sunshine." Each time he said it, it felt like a gentle caress, a reminder of the light you brought into his life.
In moments of triumph, when the team celebrated a hard-fought victory, Hinata's voice would rise above the cheers, calling out your nickname with joy and pride. The sound of it reverberated through your being, kindling a warmth that spread from the tips of your toes to the depths of your heart.
But it was in moments of vulnerability that the true power of the nickname shone through. During challenging matches or difficult times, Hinata's voice would soften as he whispered, "Don't worry, Sunshine, I believe in you."
His words became a soothing balm, erasing doubts and fears. In those moments, the nickname held a deeper meaning—it represented Hinata's unwavering belief in your abilities, his faith in your strength, and his unwavering support.
The nickname "Sunshine" became a reminder that you were cherished and valued, not just as a teammate but as a person. It served as a beacon of encouragement, lifting your spirits and fueling your determination.
And as you stood side by side with Hinata, facing challenges both on and off the court, you realized that the nickname had become an integral part of your relationship. It symbolized the trust, affection, and unwavering support that you shared—a connection that transcended the boundaries of volleyball and resonated deep within your souls.
For in the embrace of Hinata's affectionate nickname, you found a sanctuary—a place where you were reminded of the light you brought to his life, and where your bond continued to grow, nurtured by the warmth of his unwavering love and the unspoken promises it held.
a/n: considering it's one in the morning, i don't really know where i'm getting any of these ideas from. you can thank the otp prompts and my liking of extroverted characters.
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marthajefferson · 7 years
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(( a little drawing i made for this modern-au henry x lizzie fic i’m in love with *sorry not sorry* + uncropped version here on deviantart ))
He turned on a dime, “Oh, there you are.” Hugging her arms about herself and shuffling quickly she caught up to him with ease. “Please tell me, did you decide to leave the party the moment I showed up?” He asked. “Don’t flatter yourself, I was already planning on leaving. I hadn’t intended to go in the first place, and I didn’t want to be out late.” She rubbed her arms, hoping the friction would create warmth. “And you, why are you following me?” “I’m not following you, Lizzie. Here, take my coat...” He made to unbutton his wooly and rather warm looking coat. “No, no, I’m fine.”
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zae82 · 5 years
After losing the love of his Life
Maaan.... this was heartbreaking I cried like crazy 😭😭😭😭 but Thank the Gods they showed how he mourned for his Beloved. He isolated himself from everyone and everything and fell into a deep abyss of grief. I didn’t want him to be creeping on Catherine like he did in the books which was kinda yucky.... and kinda historically inaccurate. Also the lion! Henry did get Elizabeth a lion as a gift and she loved it. And he never did remarry. I guess some people are like swans. They mate only once and its for life. Yesss this is me sideyeing the VIII 🙄🙄🙄
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thecatsaesthetics · 6 years
How did you start shipping Henry and Elizabeth? :)
Urgh it’s complicated. I read TWP before I became active with my history obsession on tumblr. I always knew Henry and Elizabeth had a relatively happy marriage and I was looking forward to reading TWP cause I wanted to read about this marriage in a fictional context. But the TWP thoroughly disgusted me.  (I was naive when reading the other Cousin Wars books and didn’t pick up on the fact that Philippa Gregory was making an actual physical affair happen and thought TRQ version of Henry VII wasn’t that bad of a dude and was totally creeped out by Richard III in that series) I tried reading The Tudor Rose after that but while the book isn’t nearly as disgusting as TWP it certainly isn’t good. After that I kinda just gave up, it didn’t seem like there was any good Elizabeth of York and Henry VII content out there so I switched to Richard III and Anne Neville (this was around the time I watched TWQ in America too.) 
Then I joined tumblr and came across @marthajefferson and others gifs, and my god did they impress me. I became more interested in Henry and Elizabeth over time. I wanted to read everything I could on them and got obsessed. I made edits and gifs and I wrote fanfic for god's sake (you can still read it if you want). Obviously, that phase has ended and I was pretty burnt out by the time TWP aired and now it’s like non existent on my blog. But I still really like the two from a historical perspective and yes I am aware that Henry VII wasn’t some cuddly bear and at times could be a dick and that his marriage to Elizabeth was not one of the equals (but it was a 15th century marriage so...) but I still like them and think it’s super cute that the two grew to like each other despite the fact that their families were going back and forth trying to kill each other for like 30 years or so before the marriage. So yea that’s how it happened. 
Thanks for the ask! 
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oddishblossom · 2 years
Ash Lynx for the ask game, please....
AH! You’ve done it. You went and asked about my favorite fictional character of all time. When I saw this in my inbox I was telling myself “keep it short, keep it short” and then my list became an essay. Sorry in advance for this, people who follow me 😅
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Favorite thing about them: His big heart. The narrative starts off with presenting him as a cold hearted killer, a reckless gangster with a gun that never misses its target. And yet, bit by bit, we see behind that confident demeanor is a very broken guy. After learning about the trauma in Ash’s story, I thought he’d remain shriveled up, closed off, heart torn into a million unrecoverable shards. Like a dying rose relying on its thorns to protect itself, I thought he’d be unable to open himself to others ever again. And yet. He is so, so caring. To kids, to his friends, to his brother. He seeks out the few people that he loves and he tries his hardest to confide in them, to gently pour out his worries. He may call himself an unfeeling monster, but that simply isn’t true. He’d put himself in the line of fire if it would ensure the safety of his loved ones. He’ll walk through his own personal hell in his quest to take down a monster and ensure that no one will ever have to go through what he or his brother went through. If that doesn’t say “big heart” to me, I don’t know what does.
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Least favorite thing about them: This one’s hard. Like I could say that it frustrates me that he lets himself be influenced by people like Jim or Blanca. I could say that it makes me mad that he can’t let go of the reckless train wreck of a path he’s set on. I could say I don’t understand why he can’t “choose a better life and just let go.” But, can I really, truly fault him for being that way? He places too much faith and value in the words of disgusting men like Jim Callenreese or that Blanca guy, because in a world that is relentless in its cruelty to him, the lesser evil can be mistaken for kindness. He’s dead set on the path he has taken because he believes the ends justify the means and his plan to take down the men that ruined both his life and the lives of countless others is more important than his own life. He can’t “choose a better life” because how can he? How can he do what he’s never known? He’s only just now, at 17 years old, learning how it feels to be loved and he believes it is too good to be true. How on earth does he learn to let go when it’s his unyielding grip that has kept him alive all these years?
Favorite line: There’s too many memorable quotes. But the one that will forever stay in my heart is what he says to Blanca while he lies down on the floor of a factory.
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BROTP: Eiji is his best friend! They are bros they are besties they are soulmates. I’m saying asheiji for both my brotp and my otp :)
OTP: Ash & Eiji! Not only are they my favorite ship in this show, but they’re my favorite ship PERIOD. I’ve had many ships come and go, but they’ll always be #1. They start out as opposites attracting, immediately curious about each other, to partners in crime, and slowly their bond simmers into a deep friendship. It’s the way they can be all excitement: intense confessions, adrenaline rushing, running away together, and then so calm: a quiet hug, eating meals together, whispering secrets in the middle of the night. They clearly just love being around each other. They tease, they bicker, they know when to be gentle. Even when they fight, there’s this regret in their eyes and they always find a way to makeup. They both push themselves to be better for each other in a “I want to be the kind of person who can protect him” kind of way. And I could go on for days about how Ash recoils from physical touch, but literally melts when it’s Eiji who’s holding him. They are a soft back-and-forth of questions. “Is this okay? Is this really okay” “Will you stay with me?” “Can I stay with you?” “Will you go with me?” “Can I go with you?” I just… They’re wonderful okay 🥺❤️
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NOTP: Anyone who is not Eiji Okumura.
Random Headcanon: He calls Eiji by nicknames literally all the time. Most of them are bird related, some of them are very dumb. They both adopt a golden retriever named Buddy. Ash pretends to bicker with the dog for stealing all of Eiji’s attention. Whenever the city air is too stifling, they go to the beach. Ash always forgets to use sunscreen and Eiji wastes no time to tease him for it, “his little lobster of a husband.”
Unpopular Opinion: I never know what to say here. I have a lot of unpopular opinions about the story and writing itself, but the character? I like Ash, flaws and all. There are maybe some choices he made that I think were wrong. One of the big ones that comes to mind is when he revealed to everyone how a certain friend died. I know what was going through his mind when he chose to hide the whole truth. I know he blames himself. He pulled the trigger, he pulled his friend into his problems, the guilt is eating him alive and he feels he must suffer consequences. But other people forced him into the horrific position of choosing whether he wanted to lose one friend or two. Saying “I killed him,” even if he feels that it is true, was not the way to go 💔
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Song I associate with them: Oh, I could make a playlist here. Death Bed (Coffee for your head) by Powfu, Blink-182, beabadoobee. Whataya Want From Me by Adam Lambert. All I Ask by Adele. Hurt by Johnny Cash (OKAY I’LL STOP)
Favorite picture of them: What do you mean favorite? There’s too many good ones I can’t choose a favorite ❤️
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Character Ask Game
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mythicamagic · 3 years
Hey there~ I was just wondering, how are you feeling about Castlevania's ending? :)
Hii, ghostflora!
Well, it's a mixed bag. SPOILERS BELOW:
I think I'm torn because while I am happy many characters got their happy endings- I'm disappointed because it clashes with the pre-established tone and feels like there are absolutely no consequences for the main characters.
Season 3 and Season 4 may as well be different series for the amount of stuff they dropped or shoved under the rug; 
Lenore being confident and secure in her established role as a diplomat who can also kick ass? Now she's a fretting wilting flower who confides in Hector all her worries and insecurities. Despite him being ya know...her pet in Season 3.
Camilla being a confident, ruthless, intelligent woman? Now she's gone mad with power! Muhohaha! Makes it easyyy
Striga and Morana being die-hard loyal to their sisters? Pssshh they can leave them without a backwards glance in season 4. 
St Germain? Ehhh let's drop all intrigue and just say he's a simp who 'did it all for love' plus he's mad now too. Makes it easyyy
However I think the worst examples of arcs or themes being dropped are Hector and Alucard. Hector is now in love with Lenore despite every abusive thing that's happened to him. This wouldn't be a problem if it was shown as an abusive attachment- something he's done time and time again, trusting the wrong people- but nope, the cycle continues and we're expected to feel something when Lenore dies. Oh such sweet sorrow. 
Alucard though...oh my sweet boy. My sweet sweet boy. The writers have friggin tortured this poor man with trauma after trauma...only for none of it to matter pretty much by the end of episode 1 season 4. He's a 'little' cautious of people but give him a hot second and he's blurting everything to Greta and him impaling people who betrayed him on spikes is treated lightly. Again, he's like Hector in that he hasn't learned. He's trusting so quickly and easily by blurting his secrets because he’s so friggin lonely and desperate for connection. And I get that, I really, really do. But Season 3 may as well never have happened. There is no way he'd open up so quickly again after what he's been through, I'm sorry, it's shitty, rushed writing that undermines what happened to him. Alucard in season 4 is written as someone who is grieving, not traumatised. 
 If you want an example of a character whose trauma is handled well - look at Guts from Berserk. Even in the anime, which doesn't go into Gut's past (enduring rape) you can tell this guy has been hurt, badly. He won't allow touch, and he distances himself from everyone in the group. 
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When he does finally warm up to Casca and sleeps with her in the manga - he's triggered, and it's an extremely harrowing scene. I'm not saying Alucard's trauma needs to be deeply covered but fuck give us something. Otherwise it completely undermines what he went through.
A few - UWU I'm too shy to play with the children moments is so friggin tame. There's a reason the majority of fanfic writers apparently wrote Alucard as distrusting of humans and fearful of getting close to them- Because they get that Trauma. Has. Consequences. But yeah, aside from that I am very happy Alucard is surrounded by people at the end, since he's an extremely lonely character. It's a lovely thing that he gains a village and exactly what he needs. I just wish it had been handled better. 
Greta needed a flashback scene too, I wasn't particularly invested in her but that would've helped. The true MVP of Castlevania is Isaac though. Best arc and best culmination of his journey. His story flows well and I loved watching him.
I haven't been all too interested in Trevor and Sypha since season 2 but eh they were fine. The 'bickering' couple isn't my fav trope and Trevor seems two seconds away from referring to her as 'the old ball and chain.' 
And as much as I love my OTP for the show, my sun and stars, light of my life, monster boyfriend x human loving ass- I do think Dracula and Lisa should have died. And stayed dead. Like show Alucard seeing them in the netherworld being at peace. They could carve out a place for themselves in hell, Dracula has enough loyal followers there to do so. They could be content while also showing there are consequences. 
Because that's what this show used to be. It didn't shy away from showing the masses die and suffer. The main characters were no different. But now in season 4 they're suddenly exempt. I wouldn't mind the happy ending at all if it didn't clash so hard with the pre-established tone of other seasons where the past is framed as something golden and gentle...
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...but the present is awful and people must face harsh realities in order to carry on living.
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Again, if you want more examples of grimdark shows staying faithful to their tone, look at Berserk or Devilman Crybaby. If you want Castlevania's tone to change, then more emphasis on HEALING is needed. And that could be done by confronting trauma and moving on. I like Isaacs journey because it SHOWED that change.
I mean friggin Princess Tutu felt like it had more consequences for characters actions than this show. I personally think an ending similar to Madoka Magica (first series, I haven't seen any others) where everything is 'fixed' but there's still loss would be a more fitting end for what was built up in Castlevania. But yeah...I liked Death's character, Isaac's arc, Alucard’s ending and that the lesbians survived and kicked ass. Striga's scene with that armour was oof. That was cool. I LOVED seeing Dracula x Lisa again too (that scene of them being combined had me screaming at the tv going - No, no, NOOOO!) 
Everything else is like a big mess of feels. I want to like it, but I can't turn my brain off and ignore the writing flaws. So...ultimately I don't think I'll rewatch it again despite really liking the promise shown in the first few seasons. It's by no means a complete train wreck, but it is disappointing to me.
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chamerionwrites · 3 years
For the character ask game may I be greedy and give you three? Percy de Rolo, Jester Lavorre, Davits Draven.
Why I like him: I’m on record about finding guilt one of the tastiest fictional emotions, and Percy is an all-you-can-eat buffet. So there’s that! But I think what makes him really compelling to me is that he screws up a lot but rarely in the exact same way twice; there are definite patterns he circles back to but you can see him learning from them, in a very generals-are-always-prepared-to-fight-the-last-war kind of way, which keeps him from being a static character and also feels very true to the cyclical and frustrating nature of trauma recovery. 
Why I don’t: Percy at his worst is willfully cruel, which is a character trait I find very tough to take.
Favorite episode: 57/Duskmeadow. That whole interaction between him and the Raven Queen is so spookily atmospheric, and Matt and Taliesin are so focused, and it’s such a fabulous example of two characters talking straight past each other, which always makes for illuminating character moments and is particularly fascinating when one of them is a god. 
Also lbr, I was always going to be into Percy’s angry faith/religion issues. 
Favorite line: Taliesin is REALLY good at one-liners so there’s a lot to choose from here, but the simplicity of “I think I really miss my family” messed me up. 
Favorite outfit: The mental image of him cackling maniacally in his onesie pajamas (buttflap down) after being woken out of a sound sleep to shoot bandits in the snow still kills me.
OTP: Like I said I’m not the world’s most dedicated shipper, but the slowburn with Vex was pretty glorious and it also just...felt so organic and true to the characters, they understand and balance each other so well. 
BROTP: Keyleth; there’s so much emotional range between silly and supportive and challenging between these two characters, they’re very opposites-attract in some ways but under the surface more alike than they are different, and they draw out so many fascinating character moments in each other. 
Honorable mention for his odd couple siblings dynamic with Grog. 
Headcanon: Percy makes quite a few asides that lead me to suspect the De Rolo family was ultimately loving but more than a little dysfunctional, and that he might be a bit of an emotional mess even without the Briarwoods, and that this probably makes the grieving process harder because it’s really difficult to confront complicated feelings about your family without feeling like a bad person when what happened to them was so cruel and unfair. 
Unpopular opinion: Percy doesn’t have a skewed sense of ethics at all; he has a very keen and coherent sense of right and wrong which he frequently chooses to ignore thanks to a combo of ruthless pragmatism, hubris, and self-destructive I-am-in-blood-stepped-in-so-far self-loathing. 
A wish: It’s an impossible wish, but I would love to have been a fly on the wall for his first appearance in the pre-stream homegame; the cast’s reactions to his last name alone must have been priceless. 
Please never happen: Much as I love Vox Machina, I think their story wrapped up very satisfyingly and I’m glad Matt is trying to keep links between the two campaigns pretty minimal and organic. 
5 words to describe him: A MOUNTAIN OF CONTROL ISSUES (that’s it, that’s the tweet).
My nickname: The stupidest smart boy in Taldorei.
Why I like her: She sees quite a bit more than she lets on, in an incredibly gentle and nonjudgmental way. Also powerful people continually underestimate her and then she either (1) forcefully befriends them or (2) kicks their ass, and it’s delightful every time. 
Laura’s also just very good at subtle development, and figuring her characters out is rewarding in a puzzle-solving sort of way. 
Why I don’t: Jester is the kind of very bubbly and well-intentioned but slightly nosy person who would drive me a tiny bit bonkers IRL, because on occasion she walks all over people’s boundaries with the sort of utter lack of malice that leaves you feeling like the asshole if you get angry about it. 
Favorite episode: Predictable answer perhaps but the cupcake + hag episode (93/Misery Loves Company) was just…*chef’s kiss.*
Favorite line: Every single time she uses the Sending spell. 
Favorite outfit: That green cloak from the art after they went to Xhorhas. 
OTP: File this under “I’m just not much of a shipper and thus open to all possibilities as long as there’s interesting character payoff.”
BROTP: I love her relationships with each member of the Nein, for different reasons, but the combo of caring and pure chaos that is Jester + Veth is a favorite. 
Headcanon: She grew up sleeping in a big bed and she sprawls in her sleep, which would be annoying in the dome except that all her friends think she’s adorable.
Unpopular opinion: Tbh I’m not immersed enough in CR2 fandom to know what’s unpopular? But I do think it’s easy to miss how deliberate she can be; Jester is a very spontaneous and playful character overall but that doesn’t mean her actions don’t have calculated intent, which is a very tricky balance to get a read on sometimes. 
A wish: Serious answer: I really want the narrative to directly address her (fascinatingly Vex-like, even though they’re such different characters in so many ways) compulsion to hide her sad feelings for the sake of everybody else’s emotional welfare. 
Funny answer: I desperately want her to annoy and/or unsettle Trent via Sending, he’s just so easy to hate and she’s such a charming troll.
Please never happen: ...I’m kind of darkly curious to see it because the M9 would be SHATTERED and we all know that I live for character development under extremely angsty duress, but I would also be shattered if Jester died, so. 
5 words to describe her: Wise, sheltered, mischievous, lonely, disarming
My nickname: I just call her Jester.
Why I like him: Narratively speaking his existence (and the intra-Alliance ideological conflict that runs through Rogue One) makes the Rebellion more grounded and interesting. I also think it’s fairly clear that his motivations aren’t too far off from what Jyn says at the council meeting - “If you give way to an enemy this evil with this much power, you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission” - and when viewed in that light he’s abrasive but pretty sympathetic. 
Why I don’t: He’s that guy who pretends to let you win an argument and then goes right on doing what he was planning to do all along behind your back, which...listen I don’t even find his decision about Galen Erso unsympathetic, but what an asshole. (Also, headcanon time but I like to project my distaste for the Republic’s Clone Wars empire-in-all-but-name shenanigans on him.)
Favorite scene: Always and forever the “You find him, you kill him” exchange on the tarmac between him and Cassian - it’s such a stakes-raising moment for the plot overall, and the character dynamic between him and Cassian there is fascinating to me.
Favorite line: Tbh I think my favorite “lines” from Draven are actually wordless; he has a lot of physical personality as a character, and if you have any interest in my detail-obsessed writing notes you should ask me sometime about his body language.
Outfit: He only has the one. What with being part of a desperate underdog resistance odds are reasonable that this might be true (or close to it) even in-universe?
OTP: Draven/His Conscience, dubious consent (sorry but this really is the most honest answer to this question lmao).
BROTP: I like to think he and Mon Mothma know each other pretty well. They feel that way, in the film - lots of wordless sideways meetings of the eyes. In my head Mothma is very insightful about people, and Draven is very observant, and they’ve spent several decades doing this desperate underground resistance thing together, so at times it might be a prickly chagrined kind of closeness but they Get each other without a whole lot of explanation required and when they’re on the same page they make a very effective team. 
I think I’m just broadly fascinated by the foxhole camaraderie that has to exist between a lot of the Alliance’s leaders. There’s years’ worth of very intense experiences shared by a very limited number of other people there, and it has to make for some odd but ultimately close relationships.
Headcanon: In much the same way that Cassian reads very clearly to me as a man simmering with profound and powerful anger at pretty much all times (though it’s mostly contained by a combo of reserve, weariness, and a scrupulous desire to be a Good Person), Draven reads very clearly to me as a man who’s terrified. I think that in all probability he doesn’t feel a whole lot of that fear on a day-to-day basis, because it’s walled off behind really good compartmentalization skills and a pragmatic personality. Underneath though? Whew. In the film his defining trait is boresight urgency driven by awareness that he’s working under a ticking clock, and...that’s fear! That kind of tunnel vision is characteristic of someone who’s either very driven or very frightened or both. Meanwhile offscreen canon says that back in Republic days he worked with a lot of the people who now form the backbone of the Empire and that some of his drive stems from knowing and damn well dreading what they’re capable of, which makes a lot of sense. Also it’s in the nature of his job to be up-to-date on all the worst news and excruciatingly well-informed about all the gory details, so y’know. I think Draven probably has a lot of very justified reasons to be plagued by a Sense Of Overpowering Dread, and while he likely doesn’t confront it head-on very often there’s a locked box in a dusty file cabinet in the back corner of his mental attic that’s labeled Here Be Dragons and some of his decision-making in the film is probably a product of that. 
Unpopular Opinion: I think he and Cassian semi-frequently clash, but in that unspoken, familial way that’s essentially invisible to anyone who doesn’t speak their insular emotional dialect, and hidden and complicated even further by the fact that (1) they’re a couple of spies for whom secrecy and subtlety are deeply ingrained survival skills and (2) neither of them is prepared to admit - even to himself on most days - that their relationship goes beyond that of subordinate and commanding officer.
Basically I think probably 90% of any given conversation between those two characters is wordless, and the silences sometimes get heated but the words almost never do.
A wish: I’ve said it before but I have a weak spot for the narrative sparks that inevitably fly when you shove unlikely characters into close proximity and extreme circumstances and force them to rely on each other for survival. There are any number of characters that I think would be fun to do this to, but among them are Jyn and Draven; between their own personalities, being on the same side of a war, close relationships with Cassian and the enormous dad-murder elephant in the room they have the makings of a very complicated and uncomfortable character dynamic. Jyn is probably never going to like him (and she’s justified!) but I feel like they could agree wholeheartedly on some very basic principles such “my own survival,” “Cassian’s well-being” and/or “ruining the Empire’s day” and the resulting strained teamwork would be fascinating. 
Also, imagining the probable life expectancy of anyone who really got on the wrong side of Jyn “canonically twelve ounces of whoop-ass” Erso and General “canonically will not hesitate” Draven is darkly hilarious to me. 
Oh-god-please-never-happen: I’m completely uninterested in any version of this character that isn’t at least a little bit bastardous (or any version that’s one-dimensionally villainous, for that matter). 
Five words that describe him: Driven, cynical, stubborn, impatient, calculating
My nickname: Terrible garbage man (affectionate)
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lesbiansastiel · 4 years
sam n castiel for the ask meme!
thank u !!!!!!!
sam first:
favorite thing about them
sam’s faith, hopefulness, gentleness (?), softness! but also how strong he is at the same time, and how much he has lived through without turning bitter or cold. he’s just so strong and good
least favorite thing about them
uhh how the writers sideline him.. but honestly i dislike abt sam that he never does what he needs for himself. or hmm he does, or used to at least, but these days (s9 and s11 at least) he values dean over himself. and i know it’s bc dean is an ass and guilts sam. but i just want sam to Value Himself over anything else .. OR I will have to go there and do it for him. this is dependent on the writers sidelining him as well i think
favorite line
the one that goes something something but i wont be your bitch and also “it doesnt matter who you are, it only matters what you do” i cry at that always
samwena (so far at least!) and sam and dean obvs..literally brothers
sastiel and saileen. yes i can have many one true pairings
 obvs all incesty things ew
random headcanon
not very random but he’s trans and a lesbian. but tbh i have so many headcanons i cant really separate them from whats like commonly thought abt him and whats just mine.
unpopular opinion
uhh that hes trans and lesbianistic is probably pretty unpopular considering how many ppl in this fandom think hes str-  he’s straig- i cant say it
song i associate with them
ooh ooh this song for one!
ok also this by the same artist
oh and thiissss by another artist
favorite picture of them
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hehehe this ! at least from my archives
i’ll do the castiel one later on a reblog! thank u a lot for sending these !! :,)
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harritudur · 9 months
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modern-au // elizabeth of york & henry tudor
(please click for bigger version to enjoy the quotes i put lol)
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hardcore-evil-regal · 6 years
What Happens in the Dark
They Call Me the Cavalry (BadassNinja)
Summary: The team goes laser tagging and May uses alternative methods to slip past Coulson's defence.
Notes: I haven't written in ages so I apologize for if this is absolute shite. It's also pretty cheesy so please don't hate me for that, I just saw a prompt of imagine your otp and it was: take me laser tagging and then push me into a corner and kiss me, then shoot me and walk away. This seemed perfect for philinda and I just needed to write this. This fic is completely un-betaed so all errors are mine.
You can keep reading this here or on AO3 or FF.net
She presses her back close to the wall before cautiously peering around the corner. It’s difficult to see too clearly in the dark but she can just make out his figure approaching towards her. Having already successfully slipped past their first two defenders, she counts the sound of his feet thudding against the ground, the steady rhythm of his footsteps telling her it’s him even if she didn’t already know it was him by his shadowy figure in the darkened walkway. He has a familiar rhythm to his footsteps, something owned only by him, something that she would be able to pick up in a heartbeat. Regardless of how quiet Phil tries to be, he has never yet quite managed to sneak up on her successfully. The sound of his footsteps grows louder as he approaches her position and she cannot help the wicked thought that comes to her mind as she glances over her shoulder at the dark corner she’s currently hidden herself away in. There’s no sign of the rest of her team, though she knows that they are spread out somewhere throughout the warehouse. Listening for the sound of his footfalls she acts quickly as he moves into her line of sight. Her hands grab the shoulders of his vest as she spins them around, pinning him to the wall of the darkened corner as a surprised ‘wah’ escapes him. That’s as far as she lets him get before she silences him, her lips pressed firmly against his in a hard kiss filled with excitement and adrenaline. Pulling back briefly she takes in the slightly star struck expression on his face. Smiling at him, she can’t help the low chuckle that escapes her as he tangles a hand up in her hair as he pulls her in for another kiss. It’s hot and messy, tongues and teeth clashing as his other hand pulls her closer, their vests crashing against each other as her chest collides with his. His hand tightens in her hair and a quiet moan escapes her throat as she tilts her head, their noses brushing with the action. Hands gripping the front of his vest, she holds him closer and uses it as an anchor point as she leans up to meet him. Teeth dragging over his bottom lip as she slowly retreats, she enjoys the dreamy look on his face and the quiet ‘May’ he exhales as she begins to retreat from him.
With nothing more than a smirk, she raises her gun to the sensor of his vest before pulling the trigger.
“Lights out,” she whispers in his ear before darting out of the corner, leaving him alone in the dark with a deactivated pack and a growing arousal.
Slumping back against the wall, he lets out a low groan as he thumps his head on the wall making a hollow thud sound.
When they regroup later outside the arena the rest of his team shake their heads in defeat as they watch the girls celebrating their victory. He feels a slight pang of guilt for his responsibility for their loss but no one other than he and May know the true reason as to how the girls managed to defeat them. Daisy is busy crowing their victory, arm slung over Jemma’s shoulder as she calls out to May that they should drink as much as they like because the boys are paying. Melinda glances over at him and he knows he’s been caught staring because she throws him a teasing look and a wink before letting Daisy pull her away towards the door and the nearest bar. Fitz sidles up to him, hands in his pockets as he mulls over how the girls managed to defeat them. Turning towards Coulson with a puzzled expression he asks how the girls managed to break through their defences so easily when theoretically they had all been positioned in a way to ensure maximum defence coverage. Phil can only shrug and supply a noncommittal answer that sometimes there are events which cannot be planned for and that there is no such thing as an infallible plan or an impenetrable defence. Mack mumbles behind them about the girls ‘whooping their asses’ and ‘infallible my ass’. Fitz however is not so willing to accept his vague response, asking him how May managed to slip through him - their last line of defence - and destroy their base. He’s glad for the dim lighting of the street as they walk towards the bar which the girls had selected, grateful that Fitz cannot see the blush that creeps up his neck from beneath his collar. With a sardonic smile he only has to remind Fitz that this is May that they are talking about, as if it is an explanation in itself to which the other man only nods in agreement. If only his fellow team mate knew exactly how May broke through their theoretically impenetrable defence.
As they enter the bar the girls are already in a booth towards the back, Daisy gesturing for them to come over towards their group. Making their way over, Fitz slips into the spot saved next to Simmons, leaving Phil to slide in next to May as Mack pulls up a chair. Still feeling a little guilty for letting his team down, Phil calls the first round of drinks. Heading over to the bar to order their drinks, he notices as Melinda follows after him, leaning against the bar’s counter beside him as he orders everyone’s drinks. Glancing over at her without turning his head, he knows they should talk about the kiss. They both play at teasing each other and he knows they flirt shamelessly with one another, but this is different. This is a kiss. A kiss without any real reason other than for wanting to kiss one another. Regardless of what the meaning behind it might be, he can’t stop thinking about it, how good it was and how much he wants to do it again. When he finally does turn to face her, he can’t quite stop his eyes from dropping to her lips and he knows she clocks the action, however brief it may have been. They’re quiet for a moment, neither quite sure of how to proceed because they both know that it was more than just a kiss. Finally, unable to take the tension between them any longer, he breaks. Stepping towards her, he leans down and presses his lips to hers with a hand gently guiding the back of her head as he feels the silky strands of her hair slipping between his fingers. It’s a slow kiss, soft and gentle and warm, filled with deeper, meaningful emotion built up over twenty years. When they part, he finds her deep brown eyes looking back at him with something he’s never seen before.
Taking her hand gently in his, he leads her over towards the door so they can talk privately outside. They are in desperate need of a conversation, something not quite suited for a bar counter. She follows him without question, something which never ceases to amaze him. After everything that they’ve been through, betrayals and lies, her faith in him never wavers. Finally, when they are alone outside, away from the noisy bustling of the bar, he realises this is their moment.
“Melinda,” he says softly as he brushes a thumb over her knuckles.
She looks up at him with the hint of a smile on her lips, “Phil,” she replies in an equally quiet voice.
He wants to tell her that he loves her, that he’s been waiting for her for twenty years, but for the first time in his life he doesn’t feel like words are enough. ‘I love you’ doesn’t seem adequate for all that he feels for her. She means everything to him, and so that is what he tells her.
“You mean everything to me,” he whispers to her as he raises a hand to cup her cheek, thumb sweeping over her smooth skin.
Her eyes have always been the most expressive part of her and when she looks at him he can see all that she does not say.
“You are my everything,” she whispers against his lips before kissing him for the fourth time that night.
Bad? Good? Let me know. I'd love to hear your thoughts so drop me a comment. If you have any prompts feel free to leave it in a comment or message me :)
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neveralarch · 7 years
I'm out of town for a wedding and briefly have no responsibilities, so I played this game where you make a playlist of all of the songs you stole fic titles from. The fun part for me is that I almost never do this, so there's only 18 + 1 songs over 7 years. There's also a BIG chunk of The Builders and the Butchers, because I made a good faith effort to name every single Welcome to Nightvale fic after their music.
This was a LOT of fun, highly recommend doing it. I want to hear other people's weird playlists! If you don't have access to Spotify I suggest youtube maybe? Song list and liner notes under the cut! Song title links to the fic it namesook.
1. Anonanimal by Andrew Bird Hold on just a second, don't tell me this one, you know, I know this one, I know this song, I know this one, I love this song I tend to name fics with odd catchy words and phrases, and this chorus sticks in my head like nothing else. 2. The End of the Over by The Duckworth Lewis Method The end of the over / The over is ending / The end of the end of the over is over In my head, this is the title to the fic about space cricket because this is a song about cricket from an album about cricket by a band named after cricket. But, no, this is the fic about Five having really inadvisable revenge/remorse sex with the Master - the cricket fic is Professional Foul, which isn't from a song at all. 3. The Very Model of a Modern Major General by Gilbert and Sullivan This is the easiest fic I've ever titled. 4. Summer in the City by Lovin' Spoonful Come-on come-on and dance all night, despite the heat it'll be alright This is the best title I've ever come up with, and I don't think anyone ever got the joke. But I knew. I knew. 5. Blood Gets Thin by Pete and the Pirates She behaves like she's on fire / On her tip-toes reach up higher / And if the doctor can't do tricks / You can use your normal fix This is another clever title that I think was born out of complete desperation to find a title, any title. I also absolutely couldn't remember what song I'd mined, since it was such a small fragment of a lyric, but fortunately it came to me right before I was going to post this. 6. I Want a New Duck by Weird Al Yankovic I want a new duck / Not a swan or a goose / Just a drake I can dress real cute / Think I'm gonna name him Bruce I just think it's fate that I wrote a fic about Bruce Banner turning into a duck, and Weird Al had already written its themesong. 7. The Night Pt 2 by The Builders and the Butchers It's a harder way to heaven on the rope you swing / and the night ain't filled with gentle things I started getting really into The Builders and the Butchers and Welcome to Nightvale at almost exactly the same time, and they really really fit together. 8. Red Hands by The Builders and the Butchers I was dreaming restless / And you were thinking of the rest I've actually used this song twice - the title of this Wimsey fic is also copped from here. 9. The Night Pt 1 by The Builders and the Butchers Your heart is in my pocket / and there's a lie inside my hand I managed to mishear this line in two different ways, which made it hard to figure out which particular song inspired the fic title. 10. Without Me by Eminem So let me just revel and bask / In the fact that I got everyone kissing my *** / And it's a disaster such a catastrophe / For you to see so damn much of my *** you ask for me? This is a podfic, so technically the original author chose Eminem, not me. But I'm happy to add the radio edit version to my playlist, for reasons that will be obvious if you listen the podfic. (There's also a linked clip of me swearing for ten seconds, which @einzwitterion recently played for her husband. My legacy.) 11. Find Me in the Air by The Builders and the Butchers You waited your whole life, said you're looking on for something / You look so hard and you never find nothing / and the chances run like sand through your hands 12. Black Elevator by The Builders and the Butchers And the cables break / You're sinking to the ground / No one here knows your name / And you won't be coming home The last of the great string of Builders and Butchers fic titles. Man, I miss how easy this was. 13. Team the Best Team by Doomtree Who want it more? It’s already yours It's really easy to tell when I integrated into the Twin Cities music scene. 14. Bad Moon Rising by Credence Clearwater Revival I hope you got your things together / I hope you are quite prepared to die This was on one of the greatest Teen Wolf fanmixes of all time, not an easy category to win. So I used it to title my niche Mountain Goats fic. 15. Take a Break by Lin-Manuel Miranda When the night gets dark / Take a break As a member of fandom in 2015, I was contractually obligated to use a Hamilton lyric as a fic title. 16. Ice on the Dune by Empire of the Sun I’ve been reaching all out darling / And I can’t operate now Tim Lincecum has used some weird stuff for his walk-up music. 17. Alle Jahre Wieder Kehrt mit seinem Segen / ein in jedes Haus / geht auf allen Wegen / mit uns ein und aus. I should title more fics with rough translations of German songs. So easy! So meaningful! 18. Open Your Eyes by STRFKR Open your eyes / Squeezing the palm of my hand / In these bodies, we are alone If I ever make a melodramatic true and forever OTP mix for Johannes Cabal and Zarenyia it will just be this song ten times in a row. I literally keep pasting different pieces of the lyrics into this section and then deleting them, I feel like I'm seventeen again and discovering that Mumford and Sons songs are really about Doctor/Master. Bonus track: What's Up? by 4 Non Blondes And I try, oh my god do I try The title of this fic is invented, and tbh is one of the best lines I've ever come up with and I think about it all the time. But the summary is straight up lifted from this song. Honorable mentions: I was convinced that Cosmic Galacticans was from a Bowie song, but apparently I made it up. Operator, Operator is from a toy switchboard my great-grandmother owned, which would say 'Operator, operator!' in a very scratchy voice when you turned the crank.
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marthajefferson · 7 years
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Henry VII & Elizabeth of York + various tv-productions
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thecatsaesthetics · 7 years
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That was Elizabeth of York’s challenge-Leanda de Lisle
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claraxbarton · 7 years
Daily Boost!
Today’s Daily Boost is...
A 2x3x2 Rec List!
@chronicwhimsy put together an AMAZING 2x5x2 rec list a while back and has been curating it ever since (seriously, go check out all of the awesome).
Anyway, I figured, hey, I should put together a rec list for my favorite 2x3x2 fics. This won’t be all the fics ever, but it’s some favorites of mine. And it’s going to be long, so I’ll drop it under the cut. 
Have any to add? Reblog and tag! I will keep this updated/post it again with that name at some point.
I want to start off with the Foundational Three, as I think of them. These are the three fics I first remember reading and falling in love with and cementing 2x3x2 as my OTP:
Code of Silence by @tbll57 This is dark, post-canon, and full of wonderfully complex and painful relationships for all of the pilots. There are more fics as part of the series now too, all worth a read.
Rattlesnakes by @trixiedragon Another dark, post-canon fic. Duo and Trowa work through a lot of personal issues in this, and it’s wonderful to see their growth. A warning, this fic is NOT Heero friendly.
Shinigami Sleeps by The Manwell. This was my first true love with 2x3 fics. The author is currently doing a rewrite that is also quite wonderful. Yet another dark, post-canon fic.
Okay, so in my mind, those are the BIG three - and in addition to being heavy they are lengthy, so set aside some time to enjoy. 
Below are more of my favorites. I’m going to try to follow @chronicwhimsy format a little and break them up into length sections.
Firsts by waterlilylf. ANOTHER post-canon fic. This one doesn’t have the level of angst that some of my other favorites have, and that’s a good thing. If you want sassy dialogue, lovely relationship building and really stunning prose - give this a read. Gentle warning that Heero and Quatre are NOT going to be your favorite people ever, but neither are they heartless villains.
Appearances by Avarice This isn’t, strictly speaking, a 2x3x2 fic. It is VERY hardcore bromance and this entire series is my absolute favorite portrayal of Duo and Trowa as friends. It’s set - get ready - post-canon. Great dialogue, great emotional punches in your guy and humor. Each chapter is it’s own fic, so you’re going to have to check the profile for all of the rest. It’s worth it. I promise.
Two Out of Three by The Manwell. ANOTHER post-canon! If you like action, if you like great, snappy dialogue and smitten Trowa, this is a MUST for you. Manny has also created some lateral works in the series to flesh out background action and characters so definitely give those a read too!
Tomb Raiders by The Manwell. Aside from the original Shinigami Sleeps, this is my favorite fic from Manny. It is NOT post-canon. It is, in fact, an AU and it is GLORIOUS. Lots of excitement, young love and some heart-wrenching thrown in for good measure.
Knife in Hand by @amberlyinviolet. ANOTHER AU! See, I do read them. This is PHENOMENAL and some of the best world-building of any fic I’ve read. It’s dark and gritty and has lovely dialogue and will rip your HEART out.
Mid-Length (10k-30k):
Flicker Fade by @miss-m-muses. Yet another post-canon fic. Despite being set before/during/after a funeral, this fic is hopeful and lovely and just absolutely perfect.
Copilot by en passant(Corinthian). You guessed it, another post-canon fic. This one is DARK and a lovely look into what it would be like to be trapped in a hopeless situation. 
Only You by @amberlyinviolet. A collection of drabbles that build a wonderful relationship.
Body Talk by @greeneyes-softsighs / @makoto-is-a-good-boy This is a delightful series, full of smut.
Zombies by @amberlyinviolet. Who doesn’t love a zombie apocalypse fic? Really great world building in this.
The Last Romanov by The Manwell. Okay but the title should be clickbait. It’s post-canon, and AMAZING. Perfect smut and a wonderful drunk Trowa.
Pinter Pause by en passant (Corinthian). So this fic... is so close to my heart. Especially after having been an adjunct for a few years while looking for full time work. Really wonderful AU that builds some great relationships and has a wonderful Wufei and Quatre.
Short and Sweet (under 10k):
White Rabbits and Sealing Tape by @crown-of-winterthorne. This is a LOVELY AU featuring some delicious, like seriously WOW, 2x3 and 1x4.
The Neighbor’s Dog by @trixiedragon. Fun and awesome AU featuring, how did you know? A dog.
Wicked Game by @miss-m-muses. A little dark, a lot amazing.
Message Received by luvsanime02. Technically a 1x5, the background 2x3 is awesome and the entire fic is great and hilarious.
Blessing by en passant (Corinthian). Full disclosure, it was a gift-fic for me. It’s sort of historical, sort of fantasy, all kinds of wonderful.
Faith & Guns by en passant (Corinthian). This is a four part series of WONDERFUL post-canon fics that present a really incisive view of Trowa.
Obscure Holiday Sexcapades by @kangofu-cb. Okay this is WONDERFUL smut and amazing dialogue and these two fics are SO good. 
Strange Love by @kangofu-cb Part of the Halsey drabble fest, this is an AMAZING short fic - and the only one of the series that is 2x3 but honestly, read them ALL.
Spark by @chronicwhimsy . Mission op sexy times and bird watching - you probably didn’t know this was your favorite thing ever, now you will.
My Own Fics:
So I’ve written a few 2x3x2 fics over the years, and I just want to drop in a few of those as recs. I used an outside source for this, @kangofu-cb graciously saved me from being TOO self-aware and chose four fics for me (thank you):
Laundry Day. It’s just smut. Nothing deep here, well... not unless we’re making puns.
Faux Pas. I’ve always liked writing fics set in Vegas. This is one of my favs.
What May Come. A finished long fic! From ME! Post-canon, Trowa and Duo meet again and slowly learn how to move on together.
The Road Not Taken. Currently only on ff.net but I will migrate it to AO3. AU, featuring scenic designer Trowa and grad student Duo. ALSO IT’S COMPLETE!
(okay but also, this is the fic of my that I might be most proud of, despite having never finished it)
Sideshow. Post-canon, kinky smut with a side of politics.
To Be Read List:
It turns out that I HAVEN’T read every 2x3x2 fic out there. So here’s my reading list:
Down in Africa by @h-lovely
The Altar of Shinigami by @tj-dragonblade
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