#No‚ I liked BOTH couples
respectthepetty · 1 year
I love Hit Bite Love. *long post*
In the most unironic way, I'm intrigued by this scorching hot mess. The subtitles are nonsense. The product placements are wild. The plots are questionable. However, episode zero proved that this crew did its homework and aced Kink 101, which is why I love it! It's cringe, but it's cringe with a heart.
We have the A+ plot with Burger and King (who were missing this week), but we also have Lil' Dom Daddy Masochist, Mateo, who is doing it the best I've seen. Mateo talked about puppy play, blade play, needle play, wax play, bondage, impact play, consent, and AFTERCARE! And he mentioned that play does not equal sex. And AND he gently explains to Shogun what is happening. And AND AND he isn't ashamed of his kinks.
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They lost the key which is the introduction lesson in Kink 101 and resulted in them ending up in the ER where King's mom lectured them about being safe, but Mateo has got the spirit. Also, I loved that when Mateo hung up the phone and announced his mother was coming over, Shogun merely told him that he needed to clean his room.
I thought Mateo was going to regret picking Shogun as a playmate after Shogun compared Mateo's toys to a story about a queen and a princess.
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And I think even Mateo thought twice about it.
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But a product placement quota had to be met, so Mateo decided to continue with the play date and taught Shogun the importance of aftercare. He wasn't expecting Shogun to reciprocate. He simply wanted to value Shogun and care for him like a good Lil' Dom Dom.
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Plus he reminds Shogun to be kind to himself. Ken was emotionally abusive to Shogun, and here we have Lil' Dom Daddy Masochist telling Shogun that he is special, and that Shogun should believe it as well.
Mateo bought every instrument Shogun wanted. He didn't get the teacher, but that wasn't the deal, so even though this started strange, it's equally beneficial, and the limits can always be negotiated. Shogun hears how other playmates are, which helps him see how compatible he is with Mateo. Shogun doesn't have to role play or clean as punishment. Mateo just tells him he is pretty and buys him things in exchange for him tying Mateo up and gagging him. That's a win in my book!
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Also, Mateo has friends.
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He is aware of what is going on (that comment about Saint already having an extension of himself around 24/7 = Hida), but listens to them rather than judges.
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And he helped Hida remain the constant barrier between Saint and his girlfriend for at least six more years. What a trifling bitch Hida is. Don't change, babygirl.
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I like the objectionable parts (Hida x Saint) of this show as much as I like the sweet ones (Burger x King).
But I really like this kinkster!
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M is for Mateo Masochist
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lotus-pear · 21 days
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if being cringefail losers was a crime these two idiots would get the life sentence
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inafallsaway · 7 months
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Drawing time!
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phoenixtakaramono · 4 months
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I think the Princess of Hell and her devoted knight make a great powerhouse couple
Higher-Res Version: Twitter
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loser-jpg · 4 months
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peanuttoffee · 4 months
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Fallen Order Cal is a cinnamon bun and has a precious place in my heart forever
but Jedi Survivor Cal...
thanks for the reference to the dearest @flammabel!
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mugentakeda · 6 months
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do you think people would see how katara and aang interacted in book 1 and be like "wow you guys are so devoted to each other!!! how long have you both been friends?" and theyd both be like "just now going on 2 weeks :)" and the people would be like "what"
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hypewinter · 1 year
I've had a brainworm for a few days now so here me out.
After an accidental reveal gone wrong, Danny is forced to flee the country with both his parents and the giw after him. While he's trying to find some place internationally to settle down, he comes across a secluded complex.
Said complex happens to have access to an ectoplasm run off which Danny is in desperate need of. Though it has been corrupted by whatever the people of the complex have been doing to it, that's no problem for Danny as he can easily purify the portion he takes in to survive.
Deciding this is the perfect place to live off the grid, Danny sets to work figuring out how to blend in. It turns out that's the easy part. With his temporary stint as a ninja, his training with his black belt mom, and his general ghost physiology, he fits in pretty well.
He fits in so well in fact that he is told he'll be training someone one of the head bosses has their eye on. A kid his age.
Basically what follows is Danny accidentally ruining Talia's plans for Jason by unconsciously purifying his corruption and just talking him through his emotions. When Jason gets back to Gotham, he returns without a clouded mentally and realizes just how much Bruce went through after his death.
Instead of unleashing his complicated plan, he quietly takes over the underworld. He loves his father but also knows there are situations in Gotham that require a more firm hand. Jason decides to be a firm hand in his dad's place.
(I imagine he is only revealed on accident yet his reunion with his family is just as dramatic as Under the Red Hood. Tbh it probably has something to do with the joker suddenly going missing.)
Meanwhile back at the League of Assassins, Talia is impressed by Jason's training and is under the impression that his failure in Gotham is due to him getting cold feet at the last second so she puts Danny in charge of Damian's training.
Danny this time takes a more conscious role in ruining the league's brainwashing by challenging Damian's beliefs and teaching him he should use his weapons to protect, not to harm. By the time Damian gets to Wayne Manor, there is significantly less deprogramming that needs to be done.
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saintaviator · 3 months
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moar hl scraps…. does a pose
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ccycloneblogging · 2 months
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Happy Eclipse day, everybody!
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canisalbus · 2 months
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i've returned for 2 seconds to tell you that they're not leaving my head. (sort of unrelated but i've been thinking as well. what if vasco died before machete ? what would go down)
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zaacoy · 1 year
Short freenoodles focused comic inspired in part by takakmimi's freenoodles post on twt!!
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stayatsam · 6 months
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My 2023 New Year's resolution was to do one art every month, for at least 12 and I actually followed through on it!!
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felsicveins · 3 months
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His heart belongs to another
And no other heart will do
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airoarts · 7 months
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Leader and deputy
[Image description: a digital painting of Squirrelstar and Ivypool from Warriors. Squirrelstar is a small dark red cat with green eyes, standing in front of the much taller Ivypool, a gray tabby-and-white cat with blue eyes and many battle scars. The background is dark blue. end ID]
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novicedraws · 7 months
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This fic is just- *chefs kiss*
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