#King is my second favorite
respectthepetty · 1 year
I love Hit Bite Love. *long post*
In the most unironic way, I'm intrigued by this scorching hot mess. The subtitles are nonsense. The product placements are wild. The plots are questionable. However, episode zero proved that this crew did its homework and aced Kink 101, which is why I love it! It's cringe, but it's cringe with a heart.
We have the A+ plot with Burger and King (who were missing this week), but we also have Lil' Dom Daddy Masochist, Mateo, who is doing it the best I've seen. Mateo talked about puppy play, blade play, needle play, wax play, bondage, impact play, consent, and AFTERCARE! And he mentioned that play does not equal sex. And AND he gently explains to Shogun what is happening. And AND AND he isn't ashamed of his kinks.
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They lost the key which is the introduction lesson in Kink 101 and resulted in them ending up in the ER where King's mom lectured them about being safe, but Mateo has got the spirit. Also, I loved that when Mateo hung up the phone and announced his mother was coming over, Shogun merely told him that he needed to clean his room.
I thought Mateo was going to regret picking Shogun as a playmate after Shogun compared Mateo's toys to a story about a queen and a princess.
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And I think even Mateo thought twice about it.
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But a product placement quota had to be met, so Mateo decided to continue with the play date and taught Shogun the importance of aftercare. He wasn't expecting Shogun to reciprocate. He simply wanted to value Shogun and care for him like a good Lil' Dom Dom.
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Plus he reminds Shogun to be kind to himself. Ken was emotionally abusive to Shogun, and here we have Lil' Dom Daddy Masochist telling Shogun that he is special, and that Shogun should believe it as well.
Mateo bought every instrument Shogun wanted. He didn't get the teacher, but that wasn't the deal, so even though this started strange, it's equally beneficial, and the limits can always be negotiated. Shogun hears how other playmates are, which helps him see how compatible he is with Mateo. Shogun doesn't have to role play or clean as punishment. Mateo just tells him he is pretty and buys him things in exchange for him tying Mateo up and gagging him. That's a win in my book!
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Also, Mateo has friends.
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He is aware of what is going on (that comment about Saint already having an extension of himself around 24/7 = Hida), but listens to them rather than judges.
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And he helped Hida remain the constant barrier between Saint and his girlfriend for at least six more years. What a trifling bitch Hida is. Don't change, babygirl.
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I like the objectionable parts (Hida x Saint) of this show as much as I like the sweet ones (Burger x King).
But I really like this kinkster!
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M is for Mateo Masochist
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dingledraw · 11 days
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Lady Antonia J. Crowley
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sesamenom · 6 months
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Gil-galad Variations, featuring all the gil galad theories i've encountered.
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sinusoidaldysfunction · 2 months
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Princess Burn. The collector.
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kelpermoosee · 11 months
C͙a͙n͙ y͙o͙u͙ p͙l͙e͙a͙s͙e͙ d͙r͙a͙w͙ k͙i͙n͙g͙ b͙o͙o͙ a͙n͙d͙ L͙u͙i͙g͙i͙'͙s͙ c͙u͙d͙d͙l͙e͙i͙n͙g͙ o͙n͙ a͙ r͙o͙o͙f͙ t͙o͙p͙ a͙n͙d͙ g͙a͙z͙i͙n͙g͙ u͙p͙ a͙t͙ t͙h͙e͙ n͙i͙g͙h͙t͙ s͙k͙y͙
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YES, I CAN INDEED! Thank you for such a cute prompt! (Made everything a little sillier though, they deserve it ★)
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rk1k-moved · 5 months
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
Do you know a funny idea I had? Luigi, king penguin, the penguins and lumalee escaping from prison and defeating Bowser, I think they would be very capable of doing it without help XD
Ok, I take back everything I said about the penguins, I'd die for them all.
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Bonus Post-Revolution cuddles:
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fragileheartbeats · 30 days
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Also me:
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dindjarindiaries · 1 year
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Din Djarin makes ship ramps his runway
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rise-to-it · 1 year
the post about how we can’t explain WHY Eugenides is the perfect unreliable narrator without spoiling the books did just remind me that I once convinced my friend to read the books and then she wanted multiple of them at once to read on a trip, so I created a carefully secured paper book cover to hide the title of the third book from her
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bubblegeon · 2 years
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userdramas event 01: favorite roles (so far) of my favorite actor
🍁 Park Joong Gil in TOMORROW (2022) 🍁 Cha Joo Ik in DOOM AT YOUR SERVICE (2021) 🍁 Gwi in THE SCHOLAR WHO WALKS THE NIGHT (2015) 🍁 Kim Joon in VALID LOVE (2014) 🍁 Yoo Jin Woo in HIGH SCHOOL KING OF SAVVY (2014)
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strobilo · 6 months
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lkj on the red planet
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cavecarrots · 29 days
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scavengerbunny · 9 months
I'm ngl i think people in the fandom are romanticizing Betty's sacrifice as "badass sexy wife saves the day" instead of "young woman with identity and self esteem issues gives up on everything for a man she just met"
I know y'all like the ship, but some of y'all are ignoring what the series is trying to tell us.
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Hiiiiiiiii how are you? Id like to request a farah with a extremely hyper energetic and bubbly reader🫶🏻🫶🏻
Hello! I'm doing fine! I went to my country house for the first time this year and grilled some sausages and meat with my parents, so I had a pretty good day today!
Farah with an Energetic and Bubbly Reader
It would most definitely be different from what she’s used to, being surrounded by serious, and mostly grumpy people at all times. But it’s not like you could blame them either, they’re at war and need to be alert, not having the time to be cheerful. SO having you along is definitely a breath of fresh air. Someone, who doesn’t think of all the bad things that could happen at any point in time. You’re always up for an adventure, even if Farah doesn’t always have the time for them. Don’t get me wrong, she’d love nothing more than to explore the world with you, go inside every forest and every cave just to see some cute animals and maybe pet them, but she can’t unfortunately. Even so, she can appreciate you being this bubbly, it’s nice. You may talk a lot, but that’s alright, sometimes she’s too tired to talk anyway and lets you take the lead. Not having to think about all the godawful things war brings with it for a few moments is nice, especially if it’s because of a loved one. Besides, you’re always in a good mood, and it rubs off on her as well, leaving her smiling and thinking about the time you pet a cat and ushered her to do the same as you held the mammal out towards her. You having a lot of energy can be a bit exhausting to her at times, though. Sometimes, when she’s tired, she just wants to rest a bit, but you always wanna do big things with her. She’d love to, again, but she can’t always. But once all of this is over, she’s gonna take you to an amusement park. Not because she’s never been to one, definitely not because of that, but because they seem like something you would enjoy. However, on those days where she has a bit more energy as well, you’re more than welcome to dance with her, or maybe even race each other to the top of one of the hills nearby. Farah wants nothing more than to share her country with you, especially the good things such as the culture and the landscape, so she would never say no to the both of you going outside when you can, provided the times are a bit more peaceful. If she’s feeling especially playful, or if you’re being too energetic, Farah will tire you out a bit by play fighting with you. Good luck trying to beat her. She may play fair with you, but that doesn’t mean she won’t go all out trying to get you to calm down a bit. However, she will apologize if she accidentally hurts you, such a thing was never her intention.
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roach-works · 1 year
I saw your mention of T.Kingfisher in the 2022 book post, and I've been eyeing a few of their books to read, is there one you'd recommend? I'm also psyched to hear you enjoyed the third Scholomance book, I'm listening to book 2 right now and loving the series so far. I'd honestly love to hear any book recommendations you'd be willing to share!
I would suggest starting with Swordheart! it's a lovely fantasy road trip romance, between two older heroes, one of whom is an ancient war spirit bound to eternal servitude of whoever draws his sword. and the other who is a fat thirty-something spinster on the run from her extremely horrible aunt. i reread it yearly!
The Paladin series are also great, and scratch the discworld itch for funny, clever fantasy that also gets real dark real fast but never loses its heart. GREAT romances, several m/f and one m/m, great sex scenes, great action scenes, great monsters. if you're at all iffy about m/f romances, go study how kingfisher does it.
IF YOU LIKE HORROR (i don't and i liked these!) the three horror novels out so far have somewhat different vibes. none of them have romance in them, which is actually really nice! they all have pretty kickass explorations of friendship and family.
the twisted ones is a methodical and very tired woman trying to survive a somewhat non-haunted house in the middle of a very fucking haunted woods; unfortunately my personal choice of home decor is 'animal skulls, interesting sticks, and wasp nests' so finding out that the creepy monsters are fucked up bone and wasp poppets just made me really jealous.
the hollow places was much scarier to me and made me cry a few times. it goes hard on the tragedy of horror, the helplessness innocent people feel in the face of a sort of cosmic injustice. somewhere besides this reality is a place that got taken over by very, very bad invasive species, and there's not much anyone can do but try to get back home. but at the same time, the love of home is what gives people the heart and the strength to get there. just a great fucking story! the fucked up schoolbus continues to haunt me.
what moves the dead is very effective body horror, and also very fun gender shenanigans. i do not like fungal infections as much as i like bones and wasps. the protagonist is also male gendered by deliberate choice: in his homeland, only men can be soldiers, so women can declare themselves male and join the army. it's a retelling of the fall of the house of usher, but unlike poe's version, this one slaps ass. excellent plot, very twisty, very gruesome, very tragic. i liked all of it and even the ending, though it did leave me sad.
THE THIRD SCHOLOMANCE BOOK PUNCHED ME IN THE NUTS OF MY HEART and if i was to go on about it we'd be here all day. i adore novik's work with nearly religious devotion and one day i hope she will sign my thigh.
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