#No Such Thing
creatureofthegods · 7 months
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something something cas as a biblically accurate angel
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carbonevilwizard · 1 year
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voidchillz · 2 months
Oh and happy birthday Sans
A totally random cat I found on the street
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everyone shut up
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thievinghippo · 3 months
So multi-chaptered Coral Island Rafael romance fic is happening. It's plotted. Chapters are ready to be written. Gonna be rated T, though. I'll save my sex headcanons for a different fic
One thing that's gonna be fun is doing a little bit of research. The idea is that at some point, Amelia and Rafael have to fight some sort of monster together. At first I was like they'll both use swords. Cool. Easy to write
But then I got a bit of dialogue tonight. Turns out he uses a freaking MORNING STAR to fight. Not just that. One of his own creation
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(Look at that blush. He's so cute and soft I can't handle it)
So now I have to go watch some videos of people being kick ass with morning stars because I literally have no idea how people can use them without knocking themself out!
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dawnrider · 7 months
No Such Thing: Updated with art!
Not a chapter update quite yet, BUT I had to share the art that the amazing @brain-rot-hour did which has now been added to Chapter 2 of No Such Thing.
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Look at our babies! Don't they look like Inuyasha could have carved them himself? 😭
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venlo · 1 year
eating an orange/mandarin alone, with no one to offer a slice to, must be the loneliest feeling in the world
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plutobutartsy · 11 months
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oh professor moore i think i need some extra help with my studies, can't we meet and discuss this in private?
tag list: @super-trouper-lights @febreze-bottle-without-febreze @teaseat @swanconcerto @beemybella @soup-scope (send an ask to be added or removed <3)
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lorata · 9 days
ON ┏(-_-)┛
SEN ┗(-_- )┓
TAMA ┏(-_- )┓
GO!!!!!!!!!! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
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aperrywilliams · 1 year
No Such Thing (Spencer Reid x GN!Reader)
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(Not my gif. Credits to the creator!)
Author Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader.
Summary: Reader tries to continue their life after breaking up with Spencer. Things don't look so easy, though.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Angst. A lot of what-ifs and self-reassurance about life must go on.
A/N:  This one has an open ending (I hate those ones, but I couldn't help it). Tell me what you think! This fic belongs to Amidst The Chaos's work.
Since we broke up with Spencer a month ago, the nights have been the worst part. The silence fills the apartment we used to share and only increases the pain of not having him. I can barely sleep, and that gets me thinking all the time. It's exhausting.
The funny thing is I still can feel him here, almost in every corner. My mind has been playing tricks on me to the level of thinking nothing happened. At any minute, Spencer will appear from the bedroom, book in hand, to ask me what I want for dinner.
Three years of relationship can't be erased so quickly; I realize that now. Not it's I wanted this. Not that I wanted to end it, but it happened, and I have to learn to live with it.
I feel you, it's like you're in the next room 
At any given moment, you could reappear
Thin air, you're out there in it somewhere
If I could only get there, I could breathe again
This may be what I hate the most: missing him in the domesticity. Domesticity we used to share and enjoy. The nights watching a movie or the weekends afternoons reading a book on the couch. The late breakfasts on Sundays and the showers together after a long case. The mornings commenting the newspaper with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. The nerdy jokes about almost anything. The stolen pecks when we found each other in any corner of this apartment. Jeez, it's like I can hear him right now. How may he still be here when he is gone?
That same domesticity made me think everything was okay between us.
So wrong I was.
It would be so easy to blame him for what happened to us. It would be so easy to hate him for leaving, but I would be lying if I did so. It would be unfair to him and an utter mistake.
The truth is no black or white. The truth is an infuriating shade of gray.
At the end of the day, it was me who told him one night, 'We need to talk.' It was me who pointed out how screwed up this relationship was. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had said nothing. Some nights, alone in my bed, I can't stop thinking if there was something I could have done differently.
It doesn't matter, though. What is done is done. Now it's time to go on with my life. But how the hell will I do that? I don't feel ready, although I know it is what I need to do.
Tell me how to start 
What comes after you? 
I am in the dark 
Love what now?
How did I end like this? Never before has a heartbreak left me in this kind of hopelessness. Maybe because I never loved someone as I loved Spencer. 
As I love Spencer.
Yes, because I still love him, even if I know we'll never be together again. Although things between us were fated to crush at some point, it doesn't make me love him less. It's not I can't love again. It's not I can't find love in other arms eventually. But the painful fact is maybe I will not love that person like I do with him.
It will not be the same because Spencer Reid is not like others. For a man who looks socially awkward and difficult to reach, he's a gentle soul with a warm heart. Falling for him was the easiest thing for me. A thousand little gestures were enough to do so. The morning coffees, the weekly book recommendations, and the respectful silences when I needed to vent. Don't get me started with his tight embraces and kisses lingering over my temple. Inhaling his essence became my favorite thing to ground me up.
When did those things stop being enough? When were they taken for granted and just ceased ensuing? I would like to say the routine killed our little bubble, but I guess I can't blame others for it. We didn't be strong enough to deal with it.
They say I need to try. That I can't be stuck in what it was. They say time is important but not enough if I don't convince myself to move on. What if I don't want it?
No such thing as over you 
I don't want it anyway 
I wouldn't even try to 
If I don't let go, then there is 
No such thing as over this 
I've tried to get over you, over you, over you 
But I think there's no such thing
Whenever I ask myself if I should leave the BAU after this, my mind races with a million reasons not to, even if it hurts to see him every day. Do I love my job enough to keep it with a broken heart? Spencer would say 'yes,' remembering our last fight the night before he left.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked me with a broken voice. I tried to mask the tears welling my eyes.
"Because it's what we need to do, Spencer. This isn't working anymore. Can't you see it?" I tried to reason with him for the umpteenth time.
"So you prefer to keep this job than stay with me?"
"I'm not choosing one instead another-"
"It doesn't seem like you don't," he cut me off, swallowing the lump I knew was in his throat.
I repeat myself time will make it not hurt that much. How much time do I need to wait, though? How long before the thought of regretting and running back into his arms disappears? Because I do think about it. I do whenever I look at him, silent at his desk, and he's taking time to read a file that I know he is done reading within the first 30 seconds. Is he thinking the same? Does he miss me like I miss him? I would like to think I can still read his tells in his body language. And if that is so, he doesn't look better than I do. Those times I want to be wrong because if it's true, I'm a horrible person doing this to him.
Broken, you're Rome, I am the ruins 
The stone I can't find you in is all that still remains 
Little white lights 
They perforate every night sky 
I say it to them every time 
"Come back in"
Although I know they have them, the team has been supportive enough not to ask many questions. Instead, they have been trying to help us both get through it. Emily and Penelope join me on outings to help dissipate the tension and sadness of seeing Spencer and me apart. It has been working increasingly. I've laughed and jested around more like I used to. Sometimes I have even joked about my bad luck in love. They still look at me, fearing I will break down crying at any moment. I haven't, even though sometimes my thoughts dance around Spencer, and the gloom lingers.
You're on my mind, all the time 
But I can't fix it by fixating on a rewind 
When a good thing changes 
When the change is staying 
Only thing to find is 
What to hold on 'til there's something else to hold on to 
Hold on, 'til there's something else to hold on to
I will get there eventually. I'll find a way to overcome this. I'll find a solution and a resolution. The limbo can't be forever. Whatever the outcome could be.
I look out the window as I sip my coffee on my couch. It's cold and rainy outside. And it's cold and rainy inside. But it won't last forever.
Three knocks on the door are all it takes to shake me out of my thoughts. I check my watch and plea to the universe this doesn't have to do with a new case. That not be Emily behind the door waiting to take me to the BAU. However, it could be a welcomed distraction now.
I stumble between the furniture, still dizzy from being so immersed in my inner self, and when I open the door, I'm not prepared for what I see.
A disveleshed Spencer Reid is standing there, prominent dark circles under his eyes. When our gazes meet, I swear my breath hitch in my throat. He has always looked at me that way? With that intensity?
"Can we talk, please?" He asks, almost in a whisper. And I don't know what to say. My mind only fills with an only belief:
Definitely, I think there's no such thing.
A/N2:  What do you think happened between Reader and Spencer to end their relationship like this?
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @disaster-in-waiting @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey
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casually-dreaming · 4 months
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um. there may or may not be several more flower watercolors in the future
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murosakiiro · 1 year
Heads Up Seven UP
Thanks to @liv-is for the tag!
You're supposed to post Seven (Ish) Lines from a wip, so lets see what I got here:
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gonna tag @syntaxeme @veelascharm @viviandromeda @transpotatoindrag @unpretty @aurorashard @amberlouigi
I'm not sure if everyone I tagged writes, but there's no pressure to pass it along!
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gramarobin · 1 year
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In my town today a whole group of fundamentalist christian nuts thought it was a good idea to hang out *on every corner* and let people know they were sinners today😒 I turned my radio up when she gave me the death glare😶 sheesh
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neurotic-sinkhole · 2 months
yes you can enjoy multiple different things at once. roll around in the meadow of fandoms, stain yourself with the colors of the petals of creativity and community. you deserve to find joy in multiple realms. so what your interests may not align? life is an adventure, hike amongst the creatures of the night.
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savvyliu · 2 years
There is no such thing as a competitor, because I only compete with myself.
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crustaceansingles · 5 months
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The non-thing that does not exist thinks this is neat.
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ahb-writes · 3 months
"There is no such thing as karma [..] Or, if it does exist, it sure doesn't give a shit about people like me. Some of us were born to be used and discarded. We can't afford to simply go along with the flow of life, because nothing in this world has been created, built, or set up in our favor. If we want something, we have to push back against everything around us and take it by force."
"Wu Zetian" (Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao)
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