#Nasturtium Leaves
morethansalad · 2 months
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Green Gazpacho with Mint and Avocado (Vegan)
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thestudentfarmer · 2 months
Good afternoon everyone! Today I decided I was gonna try something new.
🌟🌟 Before proceeding any further, if your unfamilair with a plants edability and want to eat it? RESEARCH IT! 🌟🌟
🌟Do Not Eat Plants You are not confident are edible
🌟 check at least 2 sources ( ag or permaculture extension or a relatively knowledgeable individual, book or online source)
🌟 when researching always check out potential health risks as well as proper cooking/cleaning and point of picking.
🌟always do small tests of eating with allergy protocols.
🌟🌟Thank you for reading the warning before proceeding :) 🌟🌟
Nasturtium leaves!
Now I've eaten the flowers before in salads and as omlette toppings, but I haven't eaten anything else of the plant. So today I decided to give it a go.
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This is todays harvest spot. Most the time when ive trimmed nasturtium before it's been to feed the chickens some extra greens and tonuse less purchased grains. (I'll actually still be harvesting a bit more today for them, I was just on a time budget)
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My scale wouldn't weigh this, but after cleaning and separating
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Flowers (buds) and seeds separated.
The seeds, according to most of the internet search I've found says they can be pickled like capers. Or dried, ground and used as seasonings. After chicken harvest I'll figure out if I'll be drying or pickling them.
The flowers, I'll likely wash and use to top breakfast omlettes or mix in a salad.
The stems, Ive got about 3/4 of a gallon ziplock bag of them. I want to make a sort of spicy sauce to toss w/them for trying them.
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The leaves I took half of them and chopped them (the other half I haven't fully decided its fate)
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Mixed with some eggs and flour before pan frying in a little butter.
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To make this :) simple veggie fritter.
Flavor wise the leaves are pretty bland in this dish. It does remind me a bit of spinich, so I don't have issues eating it again. (Just season it up a bit more.)
The rest of the leaves I may just steam or blanch and mix with a little sea salt to flavor it.
At this time, I think I shall continue adding nasturtium to the garden, but probably for more than just the pretty appeal/ground cover and potential critter meals they provide. I may find another spot for a second patch in rotation though.
That's it for now
🌱🌻Happy Homesteading and Cooking 🌻🌱
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Prawn and Salmon Pie
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The temperature will not reach zero today, and a cold weather calls for comforting food. And what could be more comforting, on a grey December Friday, than this hearty Prawn and Salmon Pie with its creamy fish and seafood filling and its delightfully buttery pastry? You tell me! Happy Friday!
Ingredients (serves 2 to 4):
about 80 grams/2.25 ounce grams freshly picked Nasturtium leaves
1 small Garden Leek
1 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1 small onion
10 fresh prawns
4 fluffy sprigs fresh Chervil
2 fluffy sprigs fresh Parsley
1/4 teaspoon fleur de sel or sea salt flakes
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
1/2 heaped tablespoon plain flour
1/4 cup dry white wine (such as a good Bordeaux Blanc or Waiheke Island Pinot Gris)
1 lemon
1/3 cup semi-skimmed milk
1/4 cup double cream
1/3 cup frozen green peas
180 grams/6 ounces leftover Baked Salmon
2 heaped tablespoons crème fraîche or sour cream
about 280 grams/10 ounces Rough Puff Pastry
a large egg yolk
Thoroughly rinse Nasturtium leaves under cold water, to remove any dirt, and drain them. Remove their stems, and set aside.
Thoroughly rinse Garden Leek under cold water as well. Set aside.
In a large, deep skillet, melt butter with olive oil over medium-high heat. 
Thinly slice Garden Leek. Peel and finely chop onion. Once the butter is just foaming, add Leek and onion to the skillet, and cook, about 3 minutes until softened.
Peel the prawns, and add them to the skillet. Cook, stirring often until they become bright pink, about 3 minutes more. 
Finely chop half of the Garden Chervil and Parsley, and stir into the prawns.
Season with fleur de sel and black pepper.
Roughly chop Nasturtium leaves, and stir about half of them into the skillet. Cook, until just wilted.
Then, sprinkle with the flour, and cook out, 1 minute. Deglaze with Bordeaux Blanc, and thoroughly squeeze in the juice of half of the lemon. Reduce heat to medium-low. Gradually stir in the milk until mixture is smooth. Cook, stirring constantly until sauce thickens.
Once it has, stir in double cream to loosen a bit. Fold in frozen green peas and flake in Baked Salmon. Give a gentle stir, to combine.
Finely chop remaining Garden Chervil and Parsley, and add them to the skillet, along with reserved chopped Nasturtium leaves.
Finally, stir in crème fraîche and squeeze in remaining lemon juice.
Remove from the heat and let cool completely. 
Preheat oven to 200°C/395°F.
Butter a pie plate generously. Spoon cooled prawn and salmon filling into buttered pie plate, levelling with the back of the spoon. Set aside.
On a lightly floured surface, roll Rough Puff Pastry out into a circle a bit larger than the top of the pie plate. Fit Puff Pastry circle onto the filling, trim the edges and crimp. Generously brush with egg yolk, and place in the middle of the hot oven.
Bake, at 200°C/395°F, 30 minutes until Pastry is beautifully puffed and golden and the filling is bubbling.
Serve Prawn and Salmon Pie very hot, with dressed lettuce, and a glass of chilled Bordeaux Blanc, if you wish!
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geopsych · 2 years
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Nasturtium leaves.
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colorsoutofearth · 1 month
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Photos by Tom Leighton
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hyssopandbee · 2 years
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poop-me-a-flower · 11 months
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Oh, yeah. It’s all coming together.
(Nasturtium ‘Alaska’)
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loamblogging · 1 year
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Our alaska nasturtiums are thriving : )
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theenchantedwren · 2 years
New Paper Art scene...Autumn Dreams
8"x6"X2", all paper including paper clay pumpkins.
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Some recent pressed leaves and stuff to add to the collection :0
#LOV giant nasturtium leaves#and they press weirdly thin like when they dry out it's almost like a super super fragile sheet of tracing paper or something#I also just really enjoy collecting textures and patterns and stuff. like it's not really about them looking pretty but more just#something notable. like the cool dotted pattern or the stripey veiny looking one#I have so much I want to get done by the end of the year but have been so unproductive still lol ToT#I've had new costumes and like Actual Stuff To Post for probably 2 months now but they just sit in a folder and I forget about#them and like walk in circles talking to myself all day instead or something hhh#I think it's the classic cycle of like 'I am too stressed to be productive > the fact that i'm not being productive stresses me out > i am#even more stressed and no more productive > being unproductive stresses me out > so on and so forth forever' lol#or the 'I have so many goals in life and so much motivation and so many things I love and want to do > there are too many things to do#at once and it's overwhelming > do none of them instead'  cycle lol#I think my main focuses in the new year though are to finally finish the worldbuilding slideshow. Do more costumes. And do more sculptures#since I haven't done a lot of those in a while. And still work on my games and short stories and stuff that takes place in my worldbuilding#world but those are more difficult longterm tasks so I think they should be like. not the MAIN main focus or else I'll never feel like I do#anything. I think that was the problem for the past while is that the things I had delegated as my Main Focuses That Go Above All Else#are so long and difficult and tedious that you never feel like you're making progress so it's like you're ignoring all the other stuff you#could be doing in favor of a thing that feels like you're not doing anything thus you get a chronic feeling of never finishing anything ever#Whereas like. I can do a sculpture in a day or two. and I can do costumes in a day or less. Having a steadier flow of Small Things i can fee#l like I'm actually accomplishing will maybe help it not just be like 'okay I spent a whole day doing somehting and have nothing tangible to#show for it because it's just text in a word document that probably nothing will ever even come of because it will take me years to finish'#The biggest insurmountable task at the moment is the worldbuilding slideshow but I am chugging through.. slowly lol.. It takes me about#2 hours to read 25 slides (they're not bullet points it's like little paragraphs on each slide). and I have about 800 to go. so thats..#naur.. i shant even calculate it... plus editing one hour of vidoe usually takes about 2 hours so you double it. if I have that much recordi#ng of me reading slides to edit. then turning them all into a final video should take.... i cannot say. i shall not think of it#And I've just had a very stressful few weeks HOWEVER I just always like tp start the new year with stuff cleared like.. all of my messages I#haven't answered in 3+ weeks responded to. all of my emails to my doctors checked. house cleaned and organized. photos cleared and organized#off of the computer. everyting backed up in some sort of physical storage. clear out drafts. rewrite all of my main todo lists. decide prio#rities and yearly/monthly/weekly goals. consider the trajectory of my life and what I need to do. etc. etc. So I feel like I don't have any#time to waste and can't rest. yet.. alas.. It doesn't help that I feel sick out of nowehre like 50% of the time#I know some poeple can work/focus on tasks with body aches and etc. but my brain is just always like 'No. :)' .. grrrbb
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coffeenuts · 4 months
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morethansalad · 3 months
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Vegan Savory Cheesecake
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esleep · 11 months
just ate a devastatingly good sandwich and i'm pretty sure it changed me on a fundamental level
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Nasturtium Pesto
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This pepper-y and fragrant Nasturtium Pesto, inspired by a recipe in this month’s The Simple Things, makes the most of the late Summer garden and promises to enhance the most comforting dishes.
Ingredients (makes about 1/3 cup):
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
about 10 grams/0.35 ounce freshly picked Nasturtium leaves, with their stem
half a dozen Basil leaves
1 large garlic clove
Parmesan Cheese
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
In a small frying pan over a high flame, toast pumpkin seeds until just golden and fragrant. Remove from the heat; set aside.
Place Nasturtium leaves in a bowl, and pour boiling water over them. Blanch, 10 seconds. Then, drain (keep the water to water house plants once cooled!) and plunge in an ice bath, to stop cooking and cool.
Drain thoroughly and squeeze out the water from Nasturtium leaves.
Chop Nasturtium leaves roughly, and add to a pestle and mortar, along with Garden Basil. Peel and halve garlic clove and add to the mortar. Muddle and grind thoroughly, gradually adding toasted pumpkin seeds until a paste forms. Grate in about two tablespoons Parmesan, and muddle it in, gradually adding half of the olive oil until smoother.
Stir in remaining olive oil.
Use Nasturtium Pesto with pasta, in sandwiches, as a dressing... The possibilities are endless and all delicious!
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stepfordgoth · 10 months
I gotta say I have seen some weird ass bugs this year that I have never seen before in my life and I'm hoping that's a good thing but idk man
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themailboxknight · 2 years
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Look upon my potions and despair
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