#Nasturtium Pesto
askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Nasturtium Pesto Cheese Toastie
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I find myself making a lot of these as the days get cooler. There is something so comforting about cheese toasties. The melting cheese oozing out of the crisp, buttery bread. It’s a simple delight, but a delight nonetheless! This Nasturtium Pesto Cheese Toastie is quite special as it brings the Summer garden on your Autumn plate, and it pairs very well with a steaming bowl of soup!
Ingredients (serves 1):
2 large slices Soft White Bread
1 tablespoon butter, softened
1 heaped tablespoon cream cheese
1 tablespoon Nasturtium Pesto
Parmesan Cheese
Heat a frying pan over medium-high heat.
Spread butter on one side of both Soft White Bread slices.
Flip them on the other side. Spread one of the Soft White Bread slices generously with cream cheese, and the other with Nasturtium Pesto.
Grate about a heaped tablespoon Parmesan over the cream cheese.
Sandwich both Soft White Bread slices together carefully, and place sandwich onto the hot pan. Cook, 2 to 3 minutes on each side, until well-grilled and cheese is melted.
Cut Nasturtium Pesto Cheese Toastie in halves and enjoy immediately, with a hot bowl of soup, and a glass of chilled Chardonnay (or other dry white wine)!
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Jungle Garden Toast & Summer Garden Toast (Vegan)
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thestudentfarmer · 8 months
It's a little sooner than usual for an update, but I was up early in the garden and wanted to share what was done.
Today i did a bit of transplanting~
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I plan on using for pestos, salads and to give the chickens some goodies throughout the season. (Since I know we likely won't eat all of it)
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Now I know for sure if they all grow and produce I will have way too many eggplants. I intend to share with the neighbours or trade with a few nearby gardeners and coworkers.
I was going to transplant some more starts but I feel like I should wait a few more days for the broccoli and cabbage.
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Not transplants, but some updates on growing stuff.
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The radish and carrots. It's not super evident but there's some carrot sprouts here, not too many radish. I'll likely seed out another line of both radish and carrot seed before too long.
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The armenian cucumbers have started sprouting, super excited on this as I wasn't certain the cucumber had ripened all the way when I harvested it. 🥳🌻🌱 tomorrow I'll likely go out to buy supplies to make a secondary trellis like we have for the pumpkin to save some space and start early trelissing for them.
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Update for the beans, the Bush variety is called "velour". I did direct seed a few to fill in where the some transplants died for various reasons.
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A lil screen shot with info about them.
No growth yet for the turmeric nor the ginger.
Transplanted 3 moringa tree transplants to some bigger pots. I'm a bit late in when I wanted them planted but with some luck they'll be sturdy enough come the winter.
That's it for now :)
🌱🌻Happy Homesteading 🌻🌱
10 1 2023
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breesays · 8 months
But me, I'm still a sunbeam
THIS is a blog of a balanced person (me, right now), so let's capture this moment in my personal history.
These are the workouts I do. No talking, just simple instructions and percentage progress + music that serves the purpose. I've been trying to view workouts more as playtime and tell myself "I get to" rather than "I have to." The toys I have are bosu, bala, mini bands, kettle bells, sliders, stability ball. We're playing, that's all. Not measuring or weighing, just the tiny triumphs of "Oh, when I did this two weeks ago it was much harder."
I went to Nico Vega's comeback show at The Bellwether and got a ticket to their headlining show at The Lodge Room in December. I've used all my ticket perks for 2024 already, plus K.Flay in March. WWWY and The Postal Service next month.
We got a hummingbird feeder for our balcony, and we've started to name them. So far: Murphy (after the balm I must cover my body in to fend off the mosquitos), Quacksley, Mousey, Little Puff and Cherry. We're growing stuff out there, too - grape tomatoes, basil, nasturtiums, pretty succulents.
Read Maggie Smith's "You Could Make This Place Beautiful" and I definitely started out thinking I was going to give it 5 stars but had a lot of mixed feelings about it toward the end.
This is everything I've read so far this year - but a few on that list are DNFs (looking at YOU, Russell Brand). Speaking of that, I'm giving Clare Dederer's "Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma" another chance, but some of it is hard to stomach.
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From Kate Baer's "What Kind of Woman"
I've used ALL my kitchen appliances this month: Air fryer (everything), blender (raspberry lemon smoothie), food processor (pesto, hummus), instant pot (tomato soup, tiktok pasta). This is mostly because I can fit them ALL on my counter at once. Oh, and I made a vanilla cake from scratch. Baking is not my favorite, but I like to challenge myself. And sometimes it's more about not being able to find what I want as ready-made.
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Desmond's teacher told me his gross motor skills are advanced - he finishes projects early, is great at any sport he tries (even ones he invents) ... has he expressed interest in sports? Oh yes, I said, he loves all sports... he just doesn't want to play them with other kids. Maybe we'll give soccer another try. But I prefer to let him play openly - we draw, we build, we plant, we cook, we dance, we make up words (this is harder than it sounds). He asks for playdates with friends so I know he cares very much about them -- I just don't think he wants parameters placed around what he can do with said friends. He has a 2-year-old friend and he loves to just explore Griffith with him. It used to be ME, but he has since requested the presence of said friend. Said friend extracts more joy from sliding down piles of dirt than I do, anyway.
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Desmond has really changed my relationship with food. He is such an adventurous eater. I have a history of disordered eating that's been mostly resolved with meds and years of therapy - but I still had rules, you know? Things I wouldn't keep in the house, ingredients I didn't trust myself with. But Des is such a role model of intuitive eating. He'll try anything, even give it a few good chews before making a decision. Jicama was a recent rejection. I'm trying all kinds of recipes, not just low calorie or veggie-based. He makes me excited to make new meals, and he loves to help, too. We have a dining table and he drinks oat milk and I drink fizzy water and it's just an entirely new experience for me. Tasting and tweaking and using our senses. There's no good and bad. He's allowed to have candy, but he isn't crazy for it. We listen to our bodies. Are we full? Do we want more because it tastes good, or because we're still hungry? Listen.
What else? Getting my last peak hike in might be a challenge, since WEATHER has arrived in SoCal. I feel like the window for hiking in good conditions was a relatively short one this year. Baldy is the closest, but might have to trek down to South OC for Sitton.
My show (Setlist Insider) x 311 is published
My Oli bug turned 6 years old
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I have 33k words written.
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Culinary Accountability:
Cookbook zine
Banana black pepper cardamom
Vanilla donut with pistachio curd
Salt and vinegar cookies with lavender fudge
Smoked black pepper honeycomb and vanilla
Lime leaf and vanilla
Passion fruit milkshake
Peaches and lime
Rose hibiscus pepper ginger tea
Sumac spice cake
Guava , chili pepper, lime, star anise
Rose cinnamon eggnog
Fig cinnamon eggnog
Coffee with fig whipped cream
Fig coffee
Chocolate mint muffins
Borage lemon cookies
Candied borage flowers
Rhubarb lemonade
Mint panna cotta
Raspberry scones with lavender glaze
Lemon balm iced tea with borage flowers
Dates soaked with jasmine syrup
Lemon cupcake with vodka frosting
Cream cheese pastelitos dipped in red chocolate coating
Birch cookies and cream
Sweet nestautrium cream
Raspberry cheesecake
Salty Potato chip tempura macaroon
Raspberry sugar - Raspberry powdered sugar
Pumpkin pie shakes
Rose milk tea cream puffs
Licorice seasalt gummy candy
Candy bowl with black licorice, elderberry gummy, ginger chews, raspberry fruit leathers
Raspberry pomegranate honey amaranth bars (popped amaranth)
Amaranth flower iced coffee
Elderberry ginger granola
Roses dusted with powdered sugar sifted
Amaranth pizza
Lavender salt and vinegar chips
Honey Wheat Sandwich with purple sauerkraut, pulled pork, and lavender vinegar
Amaranth stir fry
Amaranth dolmas
Garlic scape pesto pizza
Garlic bread but with chive butter
Tacos with chard spinach and day lilies
Garlic scape pesto
Meatballs in a tomato base with amaranth and spinach on bread (gluten free option too)
Green Pesto meatball sandwich
Amaranth leaf dolmades
Fried amaranths stem fries / tempura
Red sandwich: Amaranth leaves sautéed Medium rare beef Honey berry sauce Pepper jack Red onions Beet powder buns Pine nuts Burrata cheese Brie cheese mushroom
Venus fly trap salad
Lime leaf and red pepper
Fermented passionflower
Borage leaf smoothie
Lemon butter
Carrot powder cinnamon buns
Ice Cream:
Salted guava ice cream
Black pepper ice cream
Banana ice cream
Honey fig ice cream
Star Anise + burbon fudge ice cream
Saffron ice cream in cardamom / star anise cone with pistachio/ star anise glaze shell dip
Vanilla saffron ice cream
Tea Blends:
Lavender magnolia tea
Lavender magnolia catnip tea
Sumac tea
Raspberry leaf, rose, rhubarb,
Blueberry (white flower like jasmine/cosmo/elderflower/berry/ lavender leaf) lemon peel, white chocolate
Nasturtium leaf and flower, chili pepper, ginger, marigold, expresso powder, lemongrass
Lemongrass, expresso powder / coffee bean, white chocolate, fennel seed, mint
Marigold, expresso powder, reishi, echinacea root
Calendula, corn silk, sunflower leaf, cosmo, some sort of root, rose hip, Mullein leaf
Tulsi and strawberry
Chocolate mint + rose + cocoa + rosemary + orange peel
Serviceberry sake
Orchid inspired cocktail menu - with an illustration of the specific orchid
Breakfast food inspired cocktail menu
Interest/ themed inspired cocktail menu: Shibari, Scuba Diving, Oyster fishing, Boxing. Etc
New Years Intentions And Prosperity cocktail menu: Money- green, eucalyptus. Love Life- Rose, Berries, sweets. Self Fulfillment- Mint, Refreshing,. Ease Tension- Lavender, Loving,. Physical Activity- Spicy, activating. Academic- Focused, woody, smokey. Career- Lemon, woody smokey. Artistic- Mulberry, anise, sparkling. Exploration- Green, Red, cherry, lime, fun
Hibiscus champagne
Borage spritzers with lemon slices
Star fruit margarita with lime
Red Plumeria Cocktail
Cocktail with prickly pear syrup, aloe versa juice, cane sugar, lime, plumeria flower
Rose - white chocolate - expresso martini - seasalt - cardamom
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blog-emagrecimento · 2 years
Agrião – um superalimento!
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O agrião é um alimento com um grande valor nutritivo
O agrião é rico em antioxidantes e uma boa fonte de betacaroteno, vitamina C, e diversos minerais como ferro, magnésio e potássio e uma excelente fonte natural de cálcio. Originária da Europa e Ásia, esta planta é cultivada e utilizada como alimento em quase todo o mundo. Pertence à família das crucíferas, às quais também pertencem os brócolos, couves, agrião, rábano e repolho. Em Portugal, comercializam-se três espécies distintas às quais vulgarmente se chama agrião: agrião do rio ou agrião de água (nasturtium officinale), agrião da horta (barbarea verna) e mastruço (lepidium sativum). Agrião Água - É uma variedade que necessita de manter as raízes totalmente encharcadas ou muito húmidas para o seu correcto desenvolvimento. O Agrião de Água possui folhas grandes e muito tenras, sendo muito utilizado em saladas e outros pratos culinários. É um alimento facilmente digerível, rico em ferro, e possui importantes propriedades depurativas e diuréticas. Segundo um estudo publicado no British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, ele tem diversos benefícios vasculares, um dos quais o facto de ajudar a baixar a pressão arterial ajudando a mante-la saudável principalmente em pessoas que costumam ter uma dieta pobre em cálcio, magnésio e potássio. Deve ser ingerido de forma natural e não em suplementos alimentares. Um superalimento! O agrião também é um forte aliado na perda ou manutenção do peso, pois tem baixíssimas calorias mas muitas fibras solúveis e insolúveis, que garantem saciedade e energia.
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O Agrião é Versátil e saudável Alimento básico desde a existência humana, ele é um dos mais antigos vegetais consumidos por seres humanos. De sabor intenso e vários benefícios para a saúde, pode ser usado de mil e uma formas na sua cozinha. Benefícios e utilização - um superalimento! Além da vantagem de ser um alimento baixo em calorias, fornecendo 22 calorias em cada 100 gramas, ele é rico em vitaminas A, B e C. Um estudo desenvolvido pela Universidade de Ulster, Reino Unido, demonstra que na variante de água tem mais vitamina C do que as laranjas, mais ferro que os espinafres e mais cálcio que o leite – tornando-se um alimento poderoso no reforço do sistema imunitário. Além disso é anti-anémico, ajuda a manter a juventude, favorece o crescimento do cabelo e tem uma forte acção anti-cancerígena. É um alimento depurativo e diurético recomendado para diabéticos. É ainda anti-anémico, aumentando a concentração de glóbulos vermelhos e hemoglobina. Tem acção odontológica (alivia as dores de dentes) e é indicado na quimio prevenção. RECEITA DE CREME DE AGRIÃO: Ingredientes 200 gramas de agriões 2 cenouras 200 gramas de abóbora 1 courgette 1 cebola 2 dentes de alho 20 ml de azeite 1 colher (chá) de sal Preparação Arranje-os e reserve-os. Descasque, corte em pedaços e coloque numa panela com água os restantes ingredientes (mantenha a casca da courgette). Quando estiver tudo cozinhado adicione os agriões e deixe-os apenas até voltar a ferver, para ficarem al dente. Adicione o azeite e triture.
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Apesar de o usarmos bastante em saladas e sopas, ele é bastante mais versátil do que isso. Pode dar um um óptimo esparregado, ou até um nutritivo molho pesto para juntar a massas por exemplo. Seguindo a tradição britânica, pode-se juntar a pão, consumido em sandes, tostas e até hambúrgueres. Se for consumido cru, tanto melhor – maiores são os benefícios. Boas razões para fazer deste vegetal uma presença regular à mesa, preferencialmente cru. O médico norte-americano Dr. Oz aconselha uma porção pelo menos 3 a 5 vezes por semana. E combinado com os ómega 3 do salmão, que combatem a inflamação e o cancro, os efeitos quimio preventivos são ainda mais potenciados, assegura. Read the full article
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thewitchwench · 2 years
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I have an abundance of Nasturtiums in my garden so I made stuffed nasturtiums leaves yesterday. (I didn't get a picture of the finished product because I ate them 😬) Nasturtiums are high in Vitamin C. They are great for all round health as the have all the anti's. Super easy to use in salads and pesto not to mention free and tasty. Magically speaking they offer protection, abundance and support new beginnings. You can find a HUGE list of magical correspondences to support your spell craft over on the blog. It's got plants, trees, crystals, days of the week and planets. Link in my bio. . . . . . . . #witch #witch 🔮 #solitarywitch #paganwitch #instawitch #greenwitch #hearthwitch #hedgewitch #paganpride #heathen #kitchenwitch #witchlife #witchcraft #modernwitch #witchaesthetic #norsepagan #celticpagan #priestess #witchschool #oldways #nasturtium #plantmedicine #wildmedicine #wildwoman (at Totnes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgO1URnrXbV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wenchofdeath-blog · 2 years
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homemade garbage pesto. Basil, pineapple sage, and nasturtium from the garden; the ends of 3 different kinds of oil, 2 random cheeses, and pecans bc it was only nuts I had. Also…mushrooms. #clearingthepantry https://www.instagram.com/p/CfE2FfvJmbz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tattooed-alchemist · 5 years
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This yellow-orange nasturtium with magenta markings is one of my favorite variations.  Maybe after my upcoming trip and the wave of rain, I will have the plant material and time to do some nasturtium pesto.
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Nasturtium Pesto
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This pepper-y and fragrant Nasturtium Pesto, inspired by a recipe in this month’s The Simple Things, makes the most of the late Summer garden and promises to enhance the most comforting dishes.
Ingredients (makes about 1/3 cup):
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
about 10 grams/0.35 ounce freshly picked Nasturtium leaves, with their stem
half a dozen Basil leaves
1 large garlic clove
Parmesan Cheese
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
In a small frying pan over a high flame, toast pumpkin seeds until just golden and fragrant. Remove from the heat; set aside.
Place Nasturtium leaves in a bowl, and pour boiling water over them. Blanch, 10 seconds. Then, drain (keep the water to water house plants once cooled!) and plunge in an ice bath, to stop cooking and cool.
Drain thoroughly and squeeze out the water from Nasturtium leaves.
Chop Nasturtium leaves roughly, and add to a pestle and mortar, along with Garden Basil. Peel and halve garlic clove and add to the mortar. Muddle and grind thoroughly, gradually adding toasted pumpkin seeds until a paste forms. Grate in about two tablespoons Parmesan, and muddle it in, gradually adding half of the olive oil until smoother.
Stir in remaining olive oil.
Use Nasturtium Pesto with pasta, in sandwiches, as a dressing... The possibilities are endless and all delicious!
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Kohlrabi Carpaccio with Garlicky Nasturtium Leaf Pesto (Raw Vegan)
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thestudentfarmer · 6 months
Hello hello,
This week the gardens starting to look super lovely! There's actually so much to look at I wasn't able to fit every picture in this post, but I'll be sharing more later this week on a few different posts with some things I've done this week towards the goal of being more eco friendly, self concious and getting more from what we have and providing best for my family.
To start the viewing, the sunflowers are starting to bloom :D the tallest is now close to or over 6 ft tall
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And lots of lovely bees have been visiting. The girls are very friendly for the most part with respect to their space. They were all loading up on pollen :D 🐝🐝
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Also many of the sunflowers have multiple heads, or have many branching smaller heads growing in along many of leaves.
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Down below the velour beans are going stronger than I expected in honesty given the sunflower growth and the beans bushing growth. we've gotten 4 harvests now. Each harvest has been around 4-8 ounces.
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Nasturtium, I feel okay with starting to harvest the greens soon. Maybe this week or next to make some pesto, breakfast food or salad add ins.
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Some of the pumpkin/sunflower+bean row next to the broccoli/nasturtium.
I'm hoping the broccoli will be a little bigger soon so I can harvest some of the leaves for breakfast meals, stirfrys, soup and rice dishes.
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The armenian cucumbers.
Sadly These aren't doing so great, I think where I planted isn't a good winter grow space for them. When I get more soil I'm going to try another spot that has more sun earlier and throughout the day instead of mostly shade. (In the summer/spring they did Great in whichever space.) Once I do I'll be pulling these and planting something else here. Not entirely sure what yet though.
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2 cabbages I space filled with. Very excited to see them starting to pick up. 🥬
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The eggplants, Very excited there's a full flower now and more flowers look like their coming in!
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The carrots, a few small radish are still popping up here and there. So I feel like the cornstarch experiment worked but not as well as I'd hoped.
I would use the method again for carrot seeding, but would double the amount of seed in the mix. (I don't mind thinning, the greens and tiny carrots can be used for salad or chopped for omlettes)
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2nd planting (direct seeded) of velour beans, and the few cabbages which survived the initial planting of the row. Somethings having a good munch, ive been checking for the suspects but no luck so far spotting them. I suspect heavily its cabbage loopers as they are a common pest of the area. (I am making chamomile tea to spray on them for now to test if it works.) next grow I may intercrop cabbage and sunflowers or borage. Or perhaps have some movable chamomile pots At the end of the beds to deter them.
This week I'm hoping to get some garden supplies for a few projects And to start breaking down some pallets to build some raised garden beds for a garden expansion.
I am late on starting my tomato and pepper seeds (mostly because I haven't sat down to figure what varieties we want to eat) but a late start is better than none. Thankfully the weather here allows for some tardiness with outdoor grows.
That's it for now 🌱
🌱🌻Happy Homesteading and Gardening🌻🌱
12 5 2023
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boreallife · 7 years
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julochka365 · 3 years
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7/7.2021 - we’re beginning to eat from the garden bounty
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jonnyopinion · 4 years
Nasturtium Pesto
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ratsandrocknroll · 2 years
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Roast veggies (yam and parsnip) with homemade nasturtium pesto from my garden #food #foodie #foodstagram #cooking #homecooking #pesto #nasturtium #vegetarianrecipes #lunch #whatiate https://www.instagram.com/p/CeSRkYFJSbZU87zNgohLwglT1itY1EeCLvwqUo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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