#Mama K x Papa M
glenncoco4 · 2 years
Honestly, gonna be expecting Rosa to sit them down for a talk soon and say that she’s going into law enforcement. I mean Deeks brought it up so it has to definitely happen. 😂
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deucebox · 2 years
: ̗̀➛ our sweet adorable… child? wait-
scaramouche x reader
794 words
note: scara referred to reader as the kid’s mom once but they/them pronouns still used. not really proofread hehe.
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you didn’t know that having a kid around would allow you the opportunity to witness another side of scaramouche you thought you would never see.
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scaramouche could only look at you with furrowed brows with his arms crossed on his chest. “the hell is that?” he scoffed.
“a… child?” you answered unsurely with a hint of ‘isn’t-it-obvious?’ tone, hugging the frame of the little girl closer to your body.
the young man clicked his tongue in annoyance, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground. “where did you get it?”
“she spawned from the sky— for archon’s sake, i have no idea either!” you snapped back and cleared your throat after. “but really, i was looking at the stalls in the market a while ago when she suddenly held my hand and tagged along. i tried asking where her parents are but she seems to not know and i’m guessing she’s around four years old?”
he scanned the girl in your grasp and the kid stared back innocently. she turned her body to his direction and stretched out her arms.
you chuckled and walked closer to scaramouche and he reluctantly held her. “what’s your name, little one?” he inquired warily.
“yuina!” she cheerfully answered, craning her neck to the side and gazed curiously at the red strings dangling from his hat.
yuina leaned forward and rested her chin on scaramouche’s shoulder and reached out to pull the string downward, causing him to throw his head back a bit and you stifled a laugh.
scaramouche groaned and immediately went to lecture her. yuina couldn’t help but pout sadly as her ears took in all his scolding.
his head snaps towards you upon sensing the emphasis of threat in your voice. you irritatedly signaled him to look at yuina’s state and so he did.
scaramouche stared at her glossy eyes, red nose, and flushed cheeks while trying not to let out a sob.
his eyes widened slightly for a fraction of second before stuttering out an apology. “s-sorry. don’t cry, yuina. i’m not mad at you, hush now.” he gently pats her head before proceeding to wipe away her tears with his thumb.
“k-kuni…zuhi…?” she imitated but only jumbled her own words.
“you’ll get it right next time,” he sighed.
“kuni made my yuina upset? what should we do to get back at him?” you joked and squeezed her chubby cheeks softly.
“‘m hungry.” yuina cheekily smiled. with her simple gesture, both you and scaramouche were stunned for a moment with how cute she is.
“then let’s make kunikuzushi pay for our food!” you suggested and scaramouche could only let out a huff.
“yuina,” she pointed at herself and you two pay attention to what she was going to say next. “papa… mama…” she then pointed at scaramouche and then you.
“ridiculous. we are not your paren—mhmp!” you gently slapped his mouth shut and just nodded at her. “we can be your second mom and dad, yuina! we’ll take care of you.” you reassured and she let out a small ‘yay!’
he reached out in his pocket and fished out a chocolate candy. scaramouche unwraps it with one hand and brought it closer to yuina’s face.
she instinctively reaches for it but scaramouche brings his hand further away, making the child whine. “ah-ah-ah. if your hands get dirty, you might wipe it on my clothes. let me feed it to you instead.” he reasons out, voice uncharacteristically soft and gentle.
“how come you never feed me affectionately like that?” you shamelessly sputtered and he grimaced at your statement. “grow up, y/n.” he snarled, bringing back his attention to yuina as she gratefully munched on the treat.
“could be saying the same thing to you,” you whispered. “what?” he glared. “nothing!”
“don’t be like your mom, they’re always so mean to me.” he feigned hurt and yuina giggled before agreeing, scaramouche smiled in victory before insisting a high-five with her.
“why are you teaming up on me now, huh?” you playfully scrunched your nose disappointingly.
“let’s leave y/n now and we’ll buy you whatever you want to eat, yes? good.” he insisted.
yuina happily booped scaramouche’s nose. he stilled in shock and for once today, he breaks and smiles.
“feeling bold now, are we?” he teased and lowered his head a bit so that his nose could touch hers. being a witness of this tugged your heartstrings in the best way possible and you could just melt there and then at the sight.
you didn’t even notice that they were both looking at you expectantly. “are you just going to stare at us and not eat?” he sassed and you excitedly walked to his right side, your hand finding its way to hold his unoccupied hand.
perhaps it wouldn’t be too bad if you and scaramouche keep yuina for the rest of the day.
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and if i suddenly kill yuina then what
just kidding hehe. scaramouche’s backstory was my main reason for writing this in one sitting and i hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i do!
i really really hope this was to your liking nakskkw rbs are greatly appreciated ty ily pls take care *smooches*
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solardick · 1 month
Russian is all ya nye ya nye nye.
Nigerian is all ba bo bo abo bo.
Its funny.
But when it burns after you ejaculate. Your know somethign is wrong. Ibs? Im not so sure. Thought there was a sense of relief, absence of illness. For a while anyway.
Back to the alphabets. First letter russian, second letter english.
1. А,A 2. б,B 3. В(v),C 4. Г(g),D 5 .Д(d),E 6. E(ye),F 7. Ё(yo),G 8. Ж(j),H 9. З(z),i 10. И(е),J 11. Й(y),K 12. К,L 13. Л(L),M 14. M,N 15. Н(n),O 16. О,P 17. П(p),Q 18. Р(r),R 19. С(s),S 20. T,T 21. У(oo),U 22. Ф(f),V 23. Х(kh)(h),W 24. Ц(ts),X 25. Ч(ch),Y 26. Ш(sh),Z 27.Щ(shsh),&? 28. Ы(oi) variants 29. Э(e)(a) 30. Ю(yu) 31. Я(ya) 32. Soft sign Ь (added non-vocalized) similar to the english ‘ marks. 33. Hard sign Ъ
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ЙQ-11,15 / ЦW-24,23 / УE-21,5 / КR-12,18 / ЕT-6,20 / НY-15,25 / ГU-4,21 / ШI-26,9 / ЩO-27,15 / ЗP-9,16 / X-23 / Ъ-33 / ФA-22,1 /ЫS-28,19 / ВD-3,4 / АF-1,6 / ПG-17,7 / РH-18,8 / ОJ-16,10 / ЛK-13,11 / ДL-5,12 / Ж-8 / Э-29 / ЯZ-31,26 / ЧX-25,24 / CC-19,3 / МV-14,22 / ИB-10,2 / ТN-20,14 / ЬM-32,13 / Ъ’-33 / Ю-30 / Ё-7 /
Something to consider if overlayering letters inside the common type set arrangement of letters built inside the minds of the populace and thus bearing influence upon the collective unconscious.
Switched to an IBS diet. Well whatever thats supposed to mean. Like you can look up anything on the net and not find conflicting information. Of lots of yogurt, oatmeal, none concenteated juices. Apples, olives and then to krill oil. Touch and go i guess then to lots of pizza and mushrooms. Oh and unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Good stuff. want to wake up? Take a shot of that or Mix with your juice. Instant alertness. Its great. And the abcense of marijuana. Though, there goes the magic with the tarot and those types of thoughts. It bends towards pure logic instead.
For example on to the tarot. The letter Ж will be used. The letter used to start the words woman and wife. Though mother and father seem to be unilingually the same between english, french, german and russian. Mama. The same is true for father. Being papa. Off point. The letter Ж is found, solely, on number 8. Along with letter H. We’ll take a look a Waite’s famous switching of the cards. In tarot the letter 8 is justice, a woman, or waites strength as harmony. Letter H, is bilingual though differs in its pronunciation between english and russian. H is the lovers card. As its pronounced as N in russian connects it to the strength card. Justice/strength/lovers.
To continue on with association and connection. The letter H, is found on number 15. Along besides letter O. HO. Number 15 is the devil card. The devil
Catd used isnt waites or the french version. And isnt aolely connected to enslavement and despair but the desire and sex. Though letter H is also paired by typeset to letter Y. The final judgement card.
Though i mist be said again that the strenght card combined with the justice card is found connected to patriotism. And connected to unification of the natural state. As is the pledge of allegiance.
To leanr as we go the russian national holiday is on june 12. To tarot, this is number 18. The moon card. And letter Р(r). Temperance and the hanged man. As june 12th 1991, is the day russia declared its sovereignty from it’s former soviet union. On the type set overlay the Cyrillic letter Р(r) is paired with the latin letter H(n). The persecuted hangedman tied to death sees “the light”. As the year is divided into two numbers by the norm. When one says their dtae of birth its usually the last teo numbers of the year which is said. Or even written on forms. Thus one may deduct that 1991 and mirrored date. Shares both cards of the sun or the wheel and the same by deduction to the wheel card and by cyclic repetition, 91 may be given to card 7. The chariot by tarot. As can be viewed, the new state of the russian “empire” ties perfectly with the meaning of the date by tarot.
The only significant problem here is the lack of fitting images to be read in relation of the russian language and available cards. Letter Ю being the example chosen does not pair with any other number or letter. Save for numerological deduction and cyclic repetition. These two being number 3 and number 9. Outside the english alphabet and solely on the tarot numbers equals to the empress and the hermit. Though with the english overlay, is the high priestess and the vowel card i. Extent joy and innocent expression. As for the card i’ve chosen for i or better said chosen for me by practical divinational method of intuitive guess work. Or magic.
Though curiously enough. The images for i and U were originally reversed. And switched after the fact to fit personal definition. As “i” seemed a better fit to me, atleast as waite’s sun card over waites strength card, which fits better as a projection of you. The curiosity here is that the russian cyrilic letter Ю is pronounced as “yu” (you). And the fallowing letter Я (ya) which, being a one letter word means i, as in me or self. Though this does fit the type set and not the alphabetical numbering. Я being the last letter of the alphabet. The switch may be returned back without much difference. And the projection and meaning of i would be tied to the strength/ harmony card and you(U) would becoming the projection of happiness and fulfilment as apposed the self and would be bi-gendered, fitting the gendered of the person reading. Bias plays huge here. Though this doesnt help much in deciphrring what the image of Ю is. Except that it is the last letter of the type set compared to the alphabetical numerological numbering sequence. Irony. And of course this was done long before learning the russian alphabet. And now being realized. Such is my everyday reality. Which is difficult on the sanity.
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To make it easier. The images would be switched back to the original answer. For the child may be of either gender. And the strength card would be given a choice depending on the person reading. Identifying with either the woman or the lion. And “it’s”/ “his” pride and joy. Being her. It could be argued that the arrangement above is correct, this depending on the person. Except that U(you) is projected outside the personal onto an external reality of union of two other people while the self is left singular. Again depending on the person and preference of solitude. Since the rest of the script plays on royalty and the king(emperor)/czar or царь in russian. When if one ignores the reality that царь is a past tense reality no longer in effect. And the horse, is rarely, or commonly associated as a poetic embodiment of a person. Though there are exceptions. Just not to seemingly so in tarot. This belonging more to the centaur than not.
Seeing how the letter Ц as a strong affinity to the emperor. And has connections to both the moon and sun cards. Shows a lesson for the nature of these two bodies. The moon being a negative card and the sun being a positive card. When the nature of the Царь belongs dominantly to the moon displays an ugly omen. The alphabetical overlay of number 24 pairs letter Ц to letter X(sun). But this is just one point of view, perhaps toon opinionated or biased. But this does connect the strength as harmony card, of Waite’s card to number 24. And the numerological deduction of 24 to the tarots lovers card, number 6 or by english overlay to the F card of the emperor. Which is a step preceding the hierophant or pope cards.
The russians in media are always villainized. Or. Brushed off. Save perhaps for the recent film I.S.S. Where the spoiler ending with a protagonist female American and a protagonist male russian. While the “villains” are equally from both nations. One would have to watch to understand the deeper significance in rapport in relation to this discourse.
Well, guess, it’s been accomplished. Heres to spending the rest of my life alone. As i’ve always been. So much for love. There has only ever been despair. And there always will be. We’ll see what happens agter im done smokim g. Byt there really isnt any point talint care of myeelf. And im three times more likely to hurt myself on these new metal step tables they’re bring in than not. Indint want ot load a van with thise.
Ugh mornings. Another thought that comes to mind is the power of letters C and S. on the typeset of jcuken and qwerty, a writer said, opinionatedly, that it was redundant to place both latin and Cyrillic letters C on the same key. Cyrillic letter C is pronounced as a latin S. the curiousl thing about latin C is that its pronunciation is variant. It all depends on the vowel fallowing it on how it is pronounced. For example. Sent vs. Cent. These two words are indistinguishable by auditory phonemics. C+A = K. C+E = S. it is not so far fetched as a redundancy to place them on the same key. The other curiosity is when it comes to the tarot images. Is that C = the high priestess and S equals the devil. The devil it is said speaks only the truth. Or is the bearer of truth and information. Not so different from the high priestess. The devil card from the broken mirror tarot, author anonymous, shows this devil holding a scroll. I image to the foreign tongue this is a difficulty in the efforts of learning the language. And will question which letter to use.
Numbers 3 and 19. Cyrilic B(v) is paired to latin C. But, cyrilic letter C(s) is paired to latin letter S. together by rule, 3+19=22. This is an experienced reality for me. The allure of the devil and “the restitution” of the star card. For number 22 by latin tarot overlay is letter V.
Bilan négative. Clean bill of health. No STD’s. Considering i haven’t had any relations in years. Most likely just tissue damage from inflammation. Apparently it can last several months to fully heal. Or so the internet says. Can’t tell if my diet is the result of lesser symptoms. Or if it’s healing. But now it’s the weekend. And i have nothing to do. With the motovation or energy to do just that. So the next couple days are going to suck. But when the foreigner ask me how to use a gum-ball machine. I knew he was full of shit. And im never eating popcorn again. Oh well, one gets used to tolerating being treated like a fucken moron by people less intelligent then you. What wasnit they used to say to me on davebook all the time. “Sometimes you got to play the fool to fool the fool who thinks their fooling you”? Of some dumb shit like that. Just dont inderstand how people take pleasure from that. Guess im too stupid .
The amount of peoples lives i affect is astounding. Considering i keep to myself and dont speak to anyone. 39 years of this shit. Its just reality. For more negativity, why would i help a bunch of foreigners, fucken with me. Who come from an english country that dont understand english? Englishnis a dumb language anyway. It doesnt distinguish an inamimate object from a person and has a wors that replaces every other word in the language. A gramatically correct sentence; the fuck is fucken fucked. Might as well buy a bif fucken blue dildo and pretend its a smurff.
Now if i had a wife. Or was even introduced to a woman whom wasnt fucken’ with me. I wouldnt be having these thoughts. Istead if be like everyother asshole out there procreating and not parentally guiding PG motion pictures. Because id be an idiot.
The complications of russian grammar
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As we can see мужик, isn’t an essential word and can be ignored. Chelovek, can be translated as mankind. And should be synonymous with womankind. The fact that that distinction exists promotes imbalance in the “collective being”. And shouldn’t exist. It should be replaced with humankind, that term should be a sanctioned ban. Save for the bs of freedom of speech. With is synonymous with the freedom to drive as one wishes to drive. Criminal. One of the many hypocrisies of libertarian government.
The fact that english has evolved into the degeneration of proper speech with the absence of terms such as thus, and hath and thee proves the path of least resistance is supported. Wich is synonymous with the path of the moon. And the predominance of unhealthy alternates that plague every street corner. And then one can antagonistically say “well, its your own damned fault” or on the other said of the argument, even say it’s not a choice. You were born that way. Even though the human mind is a blank slate and it all depends on the conditioning of association to “personal disposition” or circumstance from the earliest point of the external on the impressions of development. Genetic anomalies are exceptions to the rule. But these are far and few in between. As are midgets are born. Or albinos are born. Are a rarity. In these cases a proper humankind has a choice. Of throwing this subjects out into the wild to be eaten or accommodate their disposition. But it doesnt or it shouldn’t go out of its way to purposefully conditioning the rest of humanity to be become midgets or albinos. Which sadly isn’t the case for all conditions.
The Russian language is apart of the slavic languages which originates from the slave races. And it accommodates and is a blend of several languages, ethnicities and religions into one “race”. Though they have much stronger affinities to a “dictatorship” or communism is akin to conservatism. Its more of a war between liberstism vs. Conservatism which is what the russian ukrainian war is impressing to be about. I wouldnt say that the Americans or the U.N. Are antagonist or that even the russian “empire” are antagonist either. Save that for all the help being given to Ukraine has resulted in rhousands of more deaths than would have been makes me question loyalties to the human race. Even the pope. Pope Francis who leans more towards accommodating the modern world vision, as compared to the previous popes, asked Ukraine to give in. But they said no to peace. Ive read plenty of news articles that completely trash the russian people.
And one doesnt find any russian keys on their keyboards. Not so for the russians having english on theirs….. ugh. Another point of communism is the Chinese and the vast majority of chinese products being sold and bought by the “american” nations. Uhm.
Though the degenerated form of english does make easier for a foreigner to learn. Because the language has been severely dumbed down.
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comradebezukhov · 2 years
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Pierre Bezukhov x f!reader fic
Word count: 2.1 K
Fic type: fluff, confession fic, friends to lovers
Warnings: brief mention of masturbation/sex, almost-sex, slight age gap (Pierre is 29-30 while reader is 21)
Count Pierre Bezukhov is no stranger to love.
He is ashamed to admit it, but he has been enamoured with many women throughout his life. From the servant girl that took care of him when he was a child to the wife of the viscount that he stayed with in Paris, from the beautiful Helene to the young Natasha. Yet his love always ended in disaster, the servant girl left Bezukhov household after getting engaged to a man form her hometown, the wife of the viscount saw him as nothing more than a child, Helene divorced him for a Spanish royal, and Natasha will be married to Andrei in a month. It has occured to him that he was not blessed with the gift of romance by fate, and over time he has gradually accepted the fact.
Yet this time, he dares to hope that it would be different.
Princess (Y/N) Lebedev, the 21-year-old daughter of Prince Lebedev the diplomat, is an enchanting creature. You are currently staying with your father in Berlin, where Pierre will be spending the winter, as he has been requested by the freemasons. Prince Lebedev, a old friend of his father, has been kind enough to host him. The family has welcomed him with cordial familiarity despite it being their very first encounter, and Pierre is quite content with this little getaway after the war.
Right now you are sitting across Pierre at the dinner table. Your gleaming eyes greet Pierre's warmly as they do to anyone else's in the dining room, and Pierre couldn't help but smile back. There is something in you that makes his heart skip a bit, yet he can't quite name it.
The chatter in the room suddenly fades when Prince Lebedev speaks, “You know, it is hard to believe that my bright daughter has, once again, turned down a suitor.”
“Papa!” scolded (Y/N).
“It's alright darling, I'm just entertaining our guests, eh?” He continued. (Y/N)'s face turns a even brighter shade of red.
A little girl's voice is heard, “And who is it that (Y/N) turned down, Uncle?”
“You won't believe it,” says your mother, “It was M.Becker, Old Becker's second son.”
One of (Y/N)'s cousin gasped in disbelief, “That so? But why? Dear cousin, I simply do not see any imperfections in M. Becker. I understand that you are not shallow like some of us, who only care about wealth and looks (the cousin was looking at her own sister while saying that), but M.Becker, well, he was as clever as he is well-mannered. I can't understand why you would refuse him.”
You put down the glass of champagne before speaking, “M. Becker is a very fine gentlemen, that is for certain, by I just find myself incompatible with him and the air or arrogance that he carries with himself.”
“What about Duke William, the cousin of the English King?”
“Mama, he's 20 years older than me!” You say.
“Still, at this rate, your baby sister would be married before you,” comments the Prince, gesturing to his toddler daughter.
“Well,” interupts Pierre, drawing the attention of everyone else in the dining hall, “I am sure that for a young heiress like (Y/N), another eligible bachelor would be at your door asking for her hand in no time.”
Pierre glances around the room as he speaks, his face heating up as you give him a grateful smile.
“But she keeps turning all of them down! It is natural for a mother to worry, certainly.”
“Without a doubt,” Pierre replies, “but I believe that with her beauty and wit, she gets to be picky about the man she will spend the rest of her life with.”
Your face suddenly flushes as Pierre speak these words, and he can't help but wonder if there is a certain man that you are thinking of. Something hot burns in Pierre's chest, a mixture of jealousy and fear, but it is soon replaced by a hollow feeling of self-pity. Surely, whether you are in love with another man or not, you would never possibly want him, a divorced man who has nothing but his wealth.
The conversation is soon taken over by someone else. Pierre has finished another bottle of wine by the time the Prince urges everyone into the ballroom.
Pierre just sits in the corner, observing the circles of man and woman around him. He tries to keeps his gaze away from you, but it is an impossible task. Your ivory dress and the pearls in your headdress are literally shining in the candlelight. You look like a goddess, and he just can't help but stare in awe.
He notices that you seem to be under some form of distress as you stand next to your mother. No one is asking you for a dance, he realizes. This shocks him, but delights him even more, and he finds himself advancing towards you before he is able to stop himself.
“May I have the first dance, if I am allowed to ask for such an honour?”
The way your face lights up warms his heart, “Yes, of course!”
His palm is sweaty as he leads you to the dance floor, and he prays that you will not notice it.
“Thank you, Count, for saving me just then,” you say as the two of you waltz to the music.
He chuckles, his face flushing with bashfulness, “You are exaggerating, Princess. I only spoke the truth.”
You smile widens. He can feel his heart racing, “Still, thank you. You were the only one who hasn't told me that I should get myself a husband before I become an old maid.”
“Do not listen to them,” he says, his voice sincere, as he twirls you around the room. “I stand my ground, a clever, pretty young woman like you gets to be picky. You deserve the brightest, handsomest, best man on earth and nobody else.”
“You flatter me,” you giggle, the sound of your laughter is like music to his ears, “thank you.”
“You have been thanking me an awful lot tonight, Princess.”
“And you have been awfully kind to me tonight, Count.”
He smiles, and the two of you are silent from then on. Somehow, you look even more divine upclose, your smile radiant, your breath quickening as you dance. Oh how he wishes that this moment can be frozen in time, that the song will never end.
But it does, and Pierre just stands and watches as your newly married cousin approaches the two of you to ask for a dance.
He acknowledges your cousin by nodding to him as you give him once final tender glance. Your eyes lingers at you walk away, not noticing that you are in the way of a server holding several glasses of champagne.
The glasses fall to the ground as you and the sever collide and fall to the ground. Most of the liquid end up splashed onto the server, while one of the glass pieces has cut your hand.
“Y/N!” cries your cousin. He quickly pulls you up.
“Hold them for me, please,” he says, handing the gloves to Pierre as he inspects your wound. “We need to get you out of here. Count, do help me tell her parents, won't you? Excellent.”
Pierre watches, concerned as your cousin and his wife escort you away. He found your parents in the other end of the ballroom, and excuses himself as soon as his mission is completed.
He has considered checking up on you, but realises he does not know where you are, so he decides to simply retire for the night.
Your gloves fall out of his pocket as he undresses. He picks them up, the smoothmess of the silk making his skin sting. Only a small part of one of the gloves is stained by the blood which has already dried. They smell just like you, soft, refreshing and flowery. He lifts them to his nose and sniff them greedily, taking in and memorising your scent.
He grip on the fabric tightens as he allows himself to fall onto the bed. He quickly loosens his trousers, his hand quickg crawling to his crotch. A moan escapes his mouth as he feels the silk between his legs...
“Count Bezukhov?” a soft, feminine voice calls out. He must be hallucinating, he thinks, why else would you be in his room?
“Count?” the voice repeats, and he lifts his head to find you standing at his door, changed into a blue cotton gown, your eyes widened, shock clearly written on your face.
Pierre quickly realises what a horrid scene that must be, his private part exposed, your gloves being held around it. Shame overwhelms him.
“I am so sorry, (Y/N),” he mutters, desperately trying to cover himself.
“I was knocking,” you say, gesturing to the door with your bandaged hand, “but you didn't answer. Then I heard you cry out and I thought you were in danger.”
“Oh,” he says, staring at the floor, too embarrassed to meet your gaze, “why... why are you looking for me at such an hour?”
“I was wondering if you can return my gloves,” you say, your eyes darting to the silk, already stained by his precum. “But it seems that there are no need now.”
His face flushes even redder, tears begin to pool in his eyes, “Sorry, (Y/N), I was just— I am so sorry, I am ashamed of myself, I should leave immediately the next morning. You would never see me again. Do not think ill of me, no, feel free to be disgusted by me, I know that I am—but I am just—I—”
“Hush, Pierre,” you say, calling him by the name now.
“What?" He mutters, confused.
“I am... surprised, but I am not disgusted, not exactly.”
“But how...?”
He takes in a deep breath as you make your way towards his bed, locking the door behind you.
“Do you want me, Pierre?”
“I... What?”
“Do you want me?” you repeat, a smirk climbing onto your face.
He sighes, and whispers, his voice shaky, “Yes, yes I do, since the moment I met you.”
“Good,” you mumble softly, “because I want you too.”
“What? But—” you cut him off with a kiss.
His heart nearly falls out of his chest when you allow yourself to sit on top of him.
“All those men that I turned down?” you say, your lips touching his with each syllable, “I did it because of you. I was hoping that you would make a move, but since you didn't I thought you were not interested...”
“No, that is not true,” he says breathlessly. “I just... don't believe that I am deserving of your love.”
“Why would you think that?” You hold his face between your palms, “You are to me the brightest, handsomest, best man on earth. Always.”
“I... I still don't believe I am worthy of you,” he says, your warmth making his head spin.
“Then I shall prove it to you,” you says, before leaning down to kiss him again. You taste like wine and honey, he thinks, and he almost faints when he feels you gently bite his lower lip.
Pierre moans as your hand roughly rub his thigh. His is running his hand through your hair when he feels your fingers unlacing your own dress.
“Wait, (Y/N), not yet,” he says, pulling away.
“What? Did I do something wrong?” You question with a frown.
“No, it's just that... it's not right for me to take you, right now.”
You pout and he just takes a deep breath.b“I should talk to your father tomorrow.”
“About what?” you ask, anxious that he is talking about leaving.
“Well, my dear,” he says, reassuming that air of seriousness that he had talked to you in during the ball, “We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I.”
“A full commitment is what I am thinking of,” he continues, “You wouldn't get it from any other guy.”
You open your mouth and try to speak, but he gently press a finger to your lips, begging you to let him continue, “I just want to tell you how I am feeling. Got to make you understand that I'm never goung to give you up, never going to let you down, never going to run around and desert you, never going to tell a lie and hurt you.
As he seals the promise with a kiss, you smile to yourself, knowing that you have found a man who is never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna throw a marble table at you and try to kill you.
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greycaelum · 2 years
Kouki and Saika are always sweet and taking care of each other, are there any moments of them fighting or arguing abt something?
They take of each other, quite protective too but of course, they most definitely have their moments of arguments both small and big
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Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader
(Kaleidoscope Series: Clouds and Mochi Chapters)
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[A bit of teasing and mistakes made between siblings.]
[Notes & Warning: Angst if you squint, comfort, sibling squabbles Word Count: 2.1k]
'm Sorry
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 五条 空希 (こうき) 
—Gojo Kouki
It takes a lot to make Kouki snap. His patience can stretch sooooo long it'd put a baguette in shame. Just kidding, he's more patient than most kids but of course, he also gets annoyed and irritated.
There was a time Kouki ignored his sister, for a whole day...
Saika came running to you, tears running down and hiccuping.
"What's the matter, sweetie?"
"I l-lost K-ken-chi." She cried.
You froze at the sound of Kouki's hamster that Satoru got for the mochi and named after Nanami.
"Have you looked all over the house?" You set down your bag and ushered her in.
"I d-did," she coughed and cried.
"How can you look if you keep crying? Where's Kouki onii-chan?"
Saika pointed to their playroom downstairs.
Uh-oh... You sighed and knocked on the door.
"Sweetheart? Can Mama come in?"
"No." A crisp rejection answered you.
"Okay, if you're feeling better, come out so we can look for Ken-chi together."
But Kouki didn't answer anymore. Saika whimpered beside you.
"The doors are closed Ken-chi must still be inside the house." You reassured your daughter but she shake her head.
"P-Papa left the backdoor opened."
Then get ready to be blacklisted by your brother...
Internally you felt helpless. The hamster was unlike the usual ones in the pet shop. It has shiny blonde fur and an expensive hybrid too. Megumi had a hard time finding one and now it went nada...
"Go and talk to Kouki onii-chan when he comes out."
It's up to those two...
Kouki loves the hamster. He brings it when he visits Nanami. So how was he supposed to react when he comes home and his sister is holding the empty hamster pen?
He couldn't even react at all and went straight to the playroom and lock the door. It's not like he can shout to his sister, no he can't and he won't. It's just that he's extremely frustrated.
"Kikufuku? It's Papa," someone knocked on the door and Kouki wiped his tears. "Can I come in? I got you dinner."
Silently he stood up and unlock the door. Satoru peeked in and walk inside, holding a tray of two plates.
"Eat first or should I spoonfed you like when you were a baby?" Satoru teased but Kouki didn't even cringe. "Just eat." Satoru sighed.
"Ken-chi's gone." Kouki bit his inner lip.
"Mn, I guess he is." Satoru pushed the plate forward.
Kouki didn't answer more and ate in cold silence.
"Did you know that hamsters can live up to 1 to 3 years?" Satoru started. "Ken-chi had been with you for 3 years now. I'm not saying you don't take care of him good enough. You took such great care of your pet that I'm proud that I got one for you." Satoru ruffled Kouki's hair but it didn't lift the mochi's mood any bit.
"Then should I give up Ken-chi? No."
"Three days, look for your pet. If you find it then good, if you don't then move on." You need to understand that you can still live even without your pet... "He's been in a cage almost all his life, now he's living his remaining days by himself and free. Not all the time being lost means a bad thing."
"I'm still upset!"
Satoru smirk. Kouki who often keeps himself calm and compose, it's a little demanding to crack intense emotions from his son. So seeing him voice it out somehow settles Satoru's heart that Kouki can voice himself out without fear.
"Become Sai... Because she shouldn't have opened it! Then Ken-chi would still be here, and then..." Kouki's tears starts flowing again until he couldn't hold back anymore.
"C'mere," Satoru pull his son in front of him and rub the small back. "Cry as much as you can hmmm." It's okay to cry when you're upset...
And cry he did, pouring out his tears in front of his father until he grew tired and sniffled in the space of Satoru's neck, hugging his father's neck.
"Saika and Mama printed some posters we can stick around the neighborhood." You kneeled to face eye level with your son and showed him the bond papers. Saika's slightly clumsy handwriting under Ken-chi's picture. Each one of them was made with his sister's penmanship and care that it could be readable despite the still messy writing of a kid.
"Just that, don't print anymore Ma," Kouki thanked you.
"Should we get you tucked in?" You brush his puffy eyes and opened your arms.
"No, I'm feeling better." He shake his head but immediately dived into your arms, longing for a tight hug.
"Hmmm, love you, sweetheart." You crooned kissing his head and hugging him tight above your lap.
"Love you more." He mumbled.
"Love you most!" Satoru added from the kitchen.
After some more coaxing and smooching Kouki was finally able to climb upstairs into his bedroom but a surprise was already ahead of him.
Saika clutching his pillow tightly, with dried streams of tears on her cheeks shined upon by the lamp.
How can he get angrier? Well if only she didn't rob his pillow too... Kouki sighed and tiptoed to his bathroom. Soaking a towel and squeezing it off, walking back he gently dab the towel over his sister's eyes and cheeks. He doesn't want her to wake up with painful and dried tears in her eyes.
"Good night." He murmured, turning the light off and going under his covers.
"Nii-chan... 'm sorry"
Kouki froze and turn to his sister only to find her still sleeping. Shaking his head, Kouki pulled the blanket higher to his sister's shoulders and pat her head fondly.
"Sleep, troublesome cat..."
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五条  幸月 (さいか)
—Gojo Saika
Saika is pretty much a cheerful girl, but her temper and actions are unpredictable, courtesy of the genes of her father. Saika rarely gets into an argument, but when she does it's a little hard to get her to back off.
Her temper flares up when she gets tricked, which is quite often with Satoru around. But sometimes her brother gets on her nerves a little too much.
"Kiku-nii I told you it was right here." The little miss reasoned out.
"Maybe it flew away," Kouki shrugged.
"Unicorns don't fly!" Saika fumed.
"Yes, they do. Didn't you watch the movie?"
"I want my Tottie back, now!" She demanded, glaring at her brother.
Her unicorn plushie was just right beside her onii-chan when she went to get ice cream, it can't possibly just disappear into thin air.
"I don't have Tottie." Kouki showed his empty pockets.
"Kiku-nii no baka!"
Kouki stared at her a little taken aback but quickly recovered. A smirk curled on her older brother's lips so like their father's.
"Really? Only idiots call others idiots." Kouki stuck his tongue out infuriating Saika more than ever.
"Nii-chan baka, baka!" Saika threw punches at her older brother but Kouki just laugh at her, running around the sofa in circles.
"You can't even touch me, how can you get Tottie back?" Kouki laughed.
Oh really? Not the one with long patience Saika turned to the staircase and ran up leaving her confused brother.
Papa said playing smarter is better than playing harder. Saika's curved. Rushing to her brother's room and locked the door.
What does Kiku-nii loves? She thought while walking around the room until he spotted her brother's newly bought PS4.
"Cat? What are you doing?"
"I got your PS4, give me my Tottie back."
"Hey! Papa just bought that last week!"
"Then give me my Tottie!"
"Got it, okay? It's in the laundry. Put my PS4 down."
Saika laugh in victory and unlocked the door while clutching the controller in hand. Eyeing her brother.
Kouki helplessly held his hand up in surrender and they walk down the stairs to the laundry room. The washing machine which just stopped is opened to get the stuffed toy back.
"That's not a unicorn." Saika grimace. Kouki held up her stuffed toy which has turned into a mess of rainbow colors. "That's a tragedy..." She added. "Kouki onii-chan!"
"Wait! Let me explain, Cat!" Kouki yelped, fumbling his words to explain what happened to the barely recognizable unicorn.
Too late the PS4 already went flying and shattered on the floor. Saika stomped and raised the stuffed toy that she has been with since day 1 of being born and now has been turned into a scrambled mess.
"Cat I... Cat?"
Saika just stood there motionless, feeling the seven stages of grief flood her while staring into the once was her unicorn best friend.
How is she supposed to even call it a unicorn? Tottie was reduced to an irreparable mess.
Unable to accept the reality that Tottie is not the same anymore, silently, Saika walk out of the laundry and marches to their playroom, locking the door. No
Kouki on the other hand immediately dialed Satoru.
"Pa, there's a disaster here."
When you and Satoru got home Kouki was holding the discolored stuffed toy, looking helpless and on edge.
"It can still be covered with another layer." You sighed beside you Satoru burst out laughing at the outrageous look of the unicorn. "Satoru it's not funny."
"What were you thinking Kikufuku?" Satoru wheezed, picking the thing from Kouki's hold while holding his mouth.
"I was gonna wash it."
"Where's Saika?" You held your head.
"Hey I just got you this PS4 last week, why is it nada now?" Satoru crouched by the floor and lift the pieces of the destroyed controller.
"Collateral damage..." Kouki mumbled but shake the plushie in front of you. "What are we gonna do about Tottie, Ma?" He pleaded.
"I think we have to call your Auntie about that." You shooed your boys as you walk to the playroom. You have a customer that frequents your shop, she's skilled in crafts and such, maybe she can help you out with this.
"Sweetie? Can I come in?"
The door opened but no one answered. On the carpet, Saika is sitting with her chin on her knees.
"Do you need a hug my Little Treasure?" You sit in front of her and opened your arms.
Saika's lower lip quivered and immediately hug you. Gently you rock her in your hold while murmuring sweet nothings and head pats. Wiping her stray tears with your thumb.
"Tottie's gone."
"It's not sweetie."
"I want my Tottie back Ma." She rubs her eyes until red that you have to hold them down or else she'll irritate her eyes until red.
"We're gonna have it fixed but for now, no Tottie. You need to have patience."
Saika sniffled but reluctantly she nodded. You can't blame how much she loves the plushie. It was given by Kouki the first time your munchkins met and until now, Saika can't let the unicorn go, or else she can't sleep well.
"Patience sweetie..."
Saika stayed in your arms until she fell asleep. Clutching your shirt tight in her hand while burying her face in the crook of your neck. A gentle knock filtered on the door and Kouki peeked in.
"She just fell asleep," you held your finger over your lips
"Papa and I are gonna go out for a moment, we'll be back before dinner Ma."
Saika woke up, feeling emptiness in her arms. Gone was her beautiful white and lilac unicorn.
"G'morning Cat! Rise and shine Princess!" Satoru entered the room with a wide grin on his face. "I made you macaroni soup downstairs."
She's not really hungry...
Satoru saw this and cleared his throat. "And someone got something for you."
Opening the door, a big white and gold bear entered the bedroom, it was so big it could barely fit the door.
"'m sorry Cat." Kouki peeked from behind the bear, he was the one pushing it inside.
Saika sat on her bed, dazed and uncertain of the humongous bundle of fluff that just entered her room. Saika turned to her father and to the bear.
"Is that for me?"
"Yup, Kouki onii-chan bought it for you." Satoru smiled and gestured for his daughter to approach the thing Kouki is holding.
"It's so fluffy, I'm gonna drown!" Saika in awe jumped straight to the bear and smothered herself in the soft bliss.
"Auntie said she can fix Tottie but it will take time," Kouki explained. Kouki watches Saika getting to know her new bear and carefully asked. "You like it?"
"Like!" Saika nod. "Thank you Kiku-nii," Saika almost stumbled forward but Kouki caught her in time and Saika hug her brother tight.
Satoru smirked at his munchkins, with bright smiles on their faces. Good thing she likes it. Kouki made a deal with him, the mochi will clean the dishes for the whole month in exchange for buying that big bear for his sister...
"After that make sure to come down, breakfast is ready." Satoru left the two to play around some more and descended the stairs to find you preparing the table for breakfast,
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy
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daisydaisybilly · 3 years
That fic on Colin Bridgerton was everything!!! Please do an Benedict x reader where he paints you in secret but the reader finds out and Benedict confesses his love <333
work of art | b.b
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title: work of art  pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x reader summary: you and Benedict bond over art and fall in love, though it takes you time to realise   warning: swearing, angst, fluff and not much else word count: 2.5 k A/N: thank you so much for the request! i really enjoyed writing this and hope you like it!
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Even though you had your own flat next to Benedict’s you preferred sitting in his while you worked. You would sit on the pile of cushions on the floor with you note pad across your lap to draw but, in the end, you’d give and watch Benedict while he worked.
His work was better than yours anyway. And when he’d paint or drew, he got this look on this face, a look that made you fall more in love with art, more in love with him.
“you have your own work, I believe” he grinned.
You smiled at him looking away, “I rather watch you. You know I struggle to draw without a live model” you groaned closing you pad.
He smiled at you nodding before returning to his work.
You really did love him, the kind of love that made your gut hurt. The love you felt was inconvenient at most times, you’d be drawing a live model and when it came to the eyes you would draw his eyes. Then you’d stare at the drawing, at those eyes.  After the sixth time you gave up on portraits and stuck with landscapes or ones where the face couldn’t be seen.
Before you met Benedict, art was just something that made you stand out among your four older brothers and two older sisters. You did enjoy to paint and draw and going to all the galleries and the art shows but they never really sparked joy until the day Benedict came into your life.
You remember it clearly. You were stood studying the painting ‘Venus with a Mirror’, the roman goddess of love and beauty. It was a masterpiece something you could never dream of doing yourself.
“quite the painter, wasn’t he?” someone said behind you.
“he was” you agreed.
Then you turned around and saw Benedict and all the art in the room was forgotten.
“Benedict Bridgerton” he bowed his head.
You smiled feeling dizzy, “y/n  y/l/n”.
“it’s a pleasure to meet you m y/ln. Always a pleasure to meet a titan fan” he move to stand next to you.
“I don’t think they’re too hard to find” you laughed looking at the painting too.
He laughed along and you swear it sounded like music.
You carried on meeting him once a week, at first it was just art shows and museums but then it turn into showing each other your art then just having dinner together. And now you had neighbouring flats.
“oh hell” you jumped up collecting your things, “my brother will be here soon to take me home for dinner. I need to get back to my flat before he comes”.
“and why can’t he just pick you up here?” Benedict asked looking away from his work. Paint was covering his hands and had splattered on his shirt.
“oh yes” you clapped your hands together. “Brother, I know papa pays for my flat to do my art but I don’t actually use it, instead I sit in my friends flat and watch him do art instead. What? you think something is going on? You think we’re having an illicit affair?! Where did you get that idea?” you exclaimed acting the conversation out.
You swore Benedict blushed but you couldn’t be sure. “well that doesn’t happen” he coughed.
“thank you for clarifying our relationship for me, Benedict” you chuckled. You opened the door then paused when he called your name.  
He cleaned his hands with a cloth close by, “will I see you at the Astin’s party tonight?”.
You sighed. “unfortunately. Mother is convinced this is the year I marry” you rolled your eyes.
That struck his heart, you marrying someone was painful enough knowing it could be soon was worst.
“you better not leave me hanging” you smiled bring his attention back to you.
“I wouldn’t dream of it”.
“I’m taking that as a promised Benedict Bridgerton”.
You smiled at him one last time before leaving.
Benedict watched the door shut behind you. He was truly fucked. How he manged to actually get work done while you sat there was a mystery, he could hear your soft breaths feel your e/c eyes on him.
As long as you were a part of his life then he would be happy, content. Of course he knew a day would come where you’d fall in love with someone else and marry them. And it might just break his heart. He thought of what you said, how your mother thought this was the year for you. knowing he would lose you was pain enough being there to see it would feel like death.
Once Benedict was sure you weren’t coming back, he pulled out his secret project he had hidden behind some old paintings, it was proving to be impossible to finish because you were always by his side. He would spend the night at the flat but that would equal questions from his mother.
But here he was alone.
This was his heart drew bare. You. the day he met you actually, he still remembered it clearly. The sun light had pooled in through the sky light and made you look like an angel. He had spent many sleepless nights reliving the moment in his mind. The moment you met his eyes and smiled. Remembering the memory again and again felt like his own personal drug.
He knew you didn’t and would never love him back so he agreed to love you in silence. He poured all his love into this, every brush stroke was a piece of his love, his soul.
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 You sat in front of the mirror the mirror looking at yourself. Your hair was done. You had your best outfit on. everything was perfect but something, something was missing. What if you did meet the person you would marry. two of your brothers and one sister were married already, why wouldn’t it be your turn. But it wasn’t the life you wanted.
A married life being the perfect partner doing whatever is asked of you. you wanted a life full of colour and art with Benedict by your side. Benedict. A smile took over your face, you loved him so much. He was so close to your reach but so far away at the same time.
You met your own eyes. “I love you Benedict. I always have and I will for the rest of my life” you whispered to yourself. The thought of losing him had become too much, you battled with yourself the whole way home and the whole times as you dressed. If you were going to lose him let it be because you told him the truth. Not when he fell for another.
Maybe just maybe the feels the same.
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You had only been at the party for an hour and you had already met three suitors your mother had picked out all who were closer to her age than yours, but like  she said you couldn’t afford to be picky. You smiled and nodded as whatever their name was spoke, over their shoulder you spotted Benedict stood in the shadows with a bottle of wine in his hands. He pointed to the room behind him.
“I’m sorry” you cut them off mid-sentence, “if you would excuse me” you smiled walking away.
When you walked into the room you found Benedict sat on the floor in the dark. “come sit here don’t want to risk being caught” he waved you over.
You sat next to him reaching out of the bottle. “hope you got the good stuff. I need it”.
“not found your perfect match yet?” he laughed.
You nearly chocked on the drink. “god no. they were all old” you laughed. You took another swig and sighed. “she wants me to be the perfect child but I can’t be” you lent your head against the wall.
“we could run away to France” he said so seriously it shocked you.
You looked at him feeling breathless. You opened your mouth to speak, this could be the moment to tell him. tell him and run away to France and never look back. Your nerves ran out last minute. “I feel like dancing will you dance with me?”.
You jumped to your feet mentally kicking yourself for saying something so dumb. Benedict felt the last bit of hope he had die when you changed the subject so fast. He joined you standing in the middle of the room. If this is the only way he could be close to you he would take it.
You stood in front of each other, looking into his eyes.
Silently you both got into the right place. You could faintly hear the music playing from the main room. He put his hand against your back, you supressed a shiver. No one said anything while you danced.
Your eyes met his and it that moment you were breathless.
You were so close now. After a shaky breath you noticed you had stopped moving and were looking at each other now. His eyes fell down to your lips for a second before they met your eyes again.
You took a wobbly step back and exhaled. “my mama will be looking for me”.
“y/n” he stepped forward.
“she’ll go mad too, I left whatever their name was standing there” you laughed moving even more away from him. You left the room as fast as you could.
He was to shocked to follow after you. Just a few moments ago he was so close to you, touching you. He wanted to kiss, god how he wanted to kiss you and he thought maybe you wanted to kiss him as well but you walked away.
He wanted to paint. Every time he was hit with reality, he pained you, imagining you did love him back. It was a dream but he was all tied up in it. He was tied up in you.
He took a deep breath, he left the room, he left the whole building, not looking at anyone as he did. He wanted nothing more than to see you again but you would probably be with someone else, maybe evening falling in love.
It hurt to leave Benedict alone. But you were reading to much into things. He didn’t want to kiss you, why would he. You had just made him uncomfortable. You were battling with yourself when you saw Benedict walked through the main room to the doors.
The rest of the room seemed to disappear. You could only see him walking away from where you left him. Had you made him that uncomfortable he had to leave, he didn’t even say goodbye. You wanted to run after him and admit everything, give him your hand, heart, give him anything he asked. He just had to ask you.
“stay here” you mother hissed down your neck.
“I need to go” you muttered eyes locked with the door Benedict had walked through.
“No. you need to stay here and get a match” she snapped spinning you around so you were facing her. “Do you think you can just keep doing what you’re doing? Spend your day and night doing your ridiculous painting like that will get you anywhere”.
You were speechless. You knew no one took your art seriously but it hadn’t been said to your face. you had spent years with your back to a door keeping the truth out. “I don’t care” you started walking away.
“y/n” you didn’t listen as your mother called your name.
You didn’t care that people were looking from her to you.  
You only cared about Benedict.
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Benedict knew he was in for it when the got home and his mother saw his dress shirt was covered in paint, but right now he felt calm. You were in front of him, well the painting version of you was. He was almost done and soon this version of you would be gone too.
Apart of him hoped that his feelings would go too. It would make things easier if they did but who would he be if he didn’t love you. He had loved you for so long it was buried into his bones.
You knew Benedict like you knew yourself, you were so like sometimes it felt like your souls were one but they had be halved to make two people.
He would be in this flat painting you hoped he was waiting for you. you had enough of being scared and keeping everything locked up, you would tell him how you felt and face whatever followed. Once you reached the building you ran up the stairs as fast as you could, hating past you and Benedict for getting rooms on the top floor.
You nearly tripped up multiple times catching yourself last minute every time. You were gasping for breath once you reached the top. When you could breathe again you ran down the hall, all the rooms you passed were filled with laugher and music. How you wished you were apart it.
You stopped in front of his door. You put your hand against the wood and listened. You could hear him muttering under his breath, a brush quietly working away. You smiled at the picture in your head, maybe you’d paint it one day of all the things you could pictured this one was the clearest.
“Benedict I shouldn’t-“ you started as soon as you entered the room but stopped when you saw him.
You were right, he was painting you just didn’t think he would be painting, you.
Benedict dropped the paint brush to the floor. He looked from you to you, mouth open wide. “I can explain”.
You still stood in the doorway holding the  door open. Mouth wide open. He came closer guiding you into the room so he could shut the door. “I don’t understand” you murmured. You looked to his worried face. “why are you painting me?”.
He helped you sit in your usual spot.
He took a deep breath reaching for your hand, you let him take it. relief washed through him. “its simple” he said looking into your eyes.
“is it” you breathed.
“I love you”
You mouth fell open again as you goggled at him. “you love me?”.
“I do and I understand if-“ he looked away from you so he wouldn’t have to face your rejection. But he was interrupted when you wrapped your arms around his neck. You both fell to the floor in a heap.
You kissed him hard on the lips, putting all your hopes into one kiss. You pulled back and looked down at him. “I love you too” you smiled feeling so much joy.
He didn’t say anything only kiss you again. his hands travelled up your back to your neck. You stayed there kissing him until it felt like your lungs were burning. You gasped, “you wouldn’t believe how long I wanted to do that” he laughed.
You traced his cheek bone, “probably as long I have”.
He smiled and it felt like the sun was risen. “will you ever stopped wanting too?”
“never” you whisper before you kissed him again and again and again, and you would until time stopped.
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jakesguitarstring · 2 years
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Vinyl Collection Masterpost
inspired by @gvfrry (x) and @mamavanheat (x) I finally got organized and sorted my record collection :) thank you both for posting your collections! such an incredible idea to share a common hobby! <33
I thought I would share as well because I love my collection so much. Almost my whole collection is thrifted and spending the day record hunting is literally my favorite thing in the world. I have eclectic music taste, so its all over the place haha, and I've been collecting for around 5 years. Somehow I have over 100! Don't know how that happened!
My absolute favorites are in bold.
104 total vinyls below:
The 5th Dimension – The Greatest Hits on Earth
5 Seconds of Summer - CALM
5 Seconds of Summer - Youngblood
75 Musical Masterpieces – Volume One (3 Records)
Andrews, Julie - Broadway’s Fair
Beethoven – Symphony No. 6 in F (Pastoral)
Brahms – Piano Concerto No. 2 in B Flat
Cash, Johnny – Bitter Tears
Cash, Johnny - The Heart of Johnny Cash
Cash, Johnny - Johnny Cash Collection - His Greatest Hits, Volume II
Cash, Johnny - Johnny Cash Sings Precious Memories
Cash, Johnny - The Legend
Cream – Early Cream of Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce, Ginger Baker
The Darling Buds – Erotica Plays EP
Dead Kennedys - Frankenchrist
The Del Fuegos – Boston, Mass.
Donavan – Greatest Hits
Dudek, Les – Ghost Town Parade
Ecstasy, Passion & Pain – Self Titled
Fiddler on the Roof – Original Broadway Cast Recording
Fitzgerald, Ella – Compilation
Fitzgerald, Ella - Smooth Sailing
Flash and the Pan – Self Titled
Fleetwood Mac – Self Titled
Gershwin, Ira – Rhapsody in Blue
Gibran, Kahlil – The Prophet
Godspell – Musical
Godspell - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
The Grass Roots – Move Along
Grateful Dead – American Beauty
Grateful Dead - Built to Last
Grease – The Original Soundtrack From the Motion Picture
Greta Van Fleet – Anthem of the Peaceful Army
Greta Van Fleet - The Battle at the Garden’s Gate
Hendrix, Jimi – Band of Gypsys
Herman’s Hermits – The Best of
The Hollies – Distant Light
Jackson, Michael – Bad
Jackson, Michael - Thriller
Joel, Billy – The Stranger
Karate – In Place of Real Insight
Kentucky Woman – Come by the Hills
The Kinks – State of Confusion
Lauper, Cyndi – She’s So Unusual
Lennon, John – The Collection
Love – Forever Changes
The Mamas & The Papas – Deliver
Manning, Roger – Self Titled
Mantovani – The Moods of Mantovani
McCartney, Linda & Paul – Ram
Mitchell, Joni – Blue (2)
Mitchell, Joni - Clouds
Mitchell, Joni - Don Juan’s Reckless Daughter
Mitchell, Joni - The Hissing of Summer Lawns
Mitchell, Joni - Ladies of the Canyon
The Monkees – Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones LTD
Mountain – Live: The Road Goes Ever On
Mozart – The Piano Concerto in B Flat
Muse – Origin of Symmetry
My Fair Lady – Broadway Production
My Fair Lady - Original Soundtrack
Orchestra – Memories of You
Paramor, Norrie – In London, In Love
The Police – Every Breath You Take (The Singles)
Prince and the Revolution – Purple Rain
Queen – Greatest Hits
Raitt, Bonnie – Takin My Time
The Rink – Original Broadway Cast
The Rocky Horror Picture Show – Movie Soundtrack
Romantic Strings – Dancing in the Dark
Ronstadt, Linda – Heart Like a Wheel
Ronstadt, Linda - Prisoner in Disguise
Ronstadt, Linda - Silk Purse
Ronstadt, Linda - Simple Dreams
Ross, Diana – All the Greatest Hits
Russell, Leon – Will O’ The Wisp
Scriabin, Alexander – Two Tone Poems
Seals & Crofts – Diamond Girl
Simon & Garfunkel – Greatest Hits
Simon & Garfunkel - Sounds of Silence
Sondheim, Stephen – A Little Night Music
Sondheim, Stephen - Into the Woods
Sondheim, Stephen - Merrily We Roll Along
The Sound of Music – Original Broadway Cast
Spann, Otis – Greatest Hits
Stills, Stephen – Self Titled
Stills, Stephen - Self Titled 2
Streisand, Barbra – The Broadway Album
Streisand, Barbra - Funny Girl
Streisand, Barbra - Greatest Hits
Streisand, Barbra - The Third Album
Styles, Harry - Self Titled (2)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr – Romeo & Juliet
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Symphony No. 6 in B Minor ( Pathetique)
B.J. Thomas – Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head
Vampire Weekend – Modern Vampires of the City
Van Halen – Self Titled
Wakeman, Rick – The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Wagner, Richard – Overtures
Walrus – Self Titled
Wings – Wild Life
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of-foolish-and-wise · 4 years
mega-list of book recommendations
saw a mega-list of literary recommendations going around recently and was struck by the dearth of titles by poc, so i made a list of just poc titles to course-correct. keep in mind that i can only in good faith recommend what i’ve read, so i’m sure i’ve absolutely missed some integral titles. drop me an inbox message if you have more recs, i’m always open
the narrative of frederick douglass - frederick douglass
incidents in the life of a slave girl - harriet jacobs
the souls of black folk - w.e.b. dubois
montage of a dream deferred - langston hughes
cane - jean toomer
their eyes were watching god - zora neale hurston
the bean eaters - gwendolyn brooks
a raisin in the sun - lorraine hansberry
invisible man - ralph ellison
native son - richard wright
the autobiography of malcolm x - malcolm x
the fire next time - james baldwin
sister outsider: essays and speeches - audre lorde
things fall apart - chinua achebe
the garden of forking paths - jorge luis borges
one hundred years of solitude - gabriel garcia marquez
the color purple - alice walker
the woman warrior - maxine hong kingston
satanic verses - salman rushdie
beloved - toni morrison
sula - toni morrison
the house on mango street - sandra cisneros
the joy luck club - amy tan
DAMN. - kendrick lamar
a tempest - aime cesaire
for colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow is enuf - ntozake shange
fences - august wilson
dutchman - amiri baraka
the american play - suzan-lori parks
the light of the world - elizabeth alexander
how we fight for our lives - saeed jones
between the world and me - ta-nehisi coates
persepolis - marjane satrapi
men we reaped - jesmyn ward
heavy - kiese laymon
black boy - richard wright
the yellow house - sarah m broom
brothers and keepers - john edgar wideman
zami: a new spelling of my name - audre lorde
american sonnet for my past and future assassin - terrance hayes
the tradition - jericho brown
night sky with exit wounds - ocean vuong
citizen: an american lyric - claudia rankine
twenty love poems and a song of despair - pablo neruda
don’t call us dead - danez smith
eye level - jenny xie
life on mars - tracy k smith
a fortune for your disaster - hanif abdurraqib
postcolonial love poem - natalie diaz
i can’t talk about the trees without the blood - tiana clark
i wore my blackest hair - carlina duan
an american sunrise - joy harjo
oculus - sally wen mao
short stories
her body & other stories - carmen maria machado
interpreter of maladies - jhumpa lahiri
exhalation - ted chiang
ficciones - jorge louis borges
what is not yours is not yours - helen oyeyemi
sour heart - jenny zhang
how to write an autobiographical novel: essays - alexander chee
trick mirror - jia tolentino
bad feminist - roxane gay
they can’t kill us until they kill us - hanif abdurraqib
we were eight years in power: an american tragedy - ta-nehisi coates
borderlands/la frontera: the new mestiza - gloria anzaldua
this bridge called my back: writings by radical women of color - ed. cherrie moraga and gloria anzaldua
white girls - hilton als
the new jim crow: mass incarceration in the era of colorblindness - michelle alexander
stamped from the beginning: the definitive history of racist ideas in america - ibram x kendi
bunk: the rise of hoaxes, humbug, plagiarists, phonies, post-facts, and fake news - kevin young
an alchemy of race and rights - patricia j williams
looking for lorraine: the radiant and radical life of lorraine hansberry - imani perry
the next billion users: digital life beyond the west - payal arora
passing - nella larson
caucasia - danzy senna
trust exercise - susan choi
on earth we’re briefly gorgeous - ocean vuong
corregidora - gayl jones
the fifth season - nk jemisin
the brief wondrous life of oscar wao - junot diaz
the round house - louise erdrich
there, there - tommy orange
little fires everywhere - celeste ng
the supervisor - viet than nguyen
kindred - octavia butler
the known world - edward p jones
the underground railroad - colson whitehead
the god of small things - arundhati roy
the vegetarian - han king
playing in the dark: whiteness and the literary imagination - toni morrison
black skin, white masks - frantz fanon
mama’s baby, papa’s maybe: an american grammar book - hortense spillers
discourse on colonialism - aime cesaire
scenes of subjection - saidiya hartman
the signifyin(g) monkey - henry louis gates jr
pedagogy of the oppressed - paulo freire
feminist theory: from margin to center - bell hooks
black noise: rap music and black culture in contemporary america - tricia rose
decolonizing the mind: the politics of language in african literature - ngũgĩ wa thiong’o
black marxism: the making of the black radical tradition - cedric robinson
black feminist thought: knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment - patricia hill collins
black and blur (consent not to be a single thing) - fred moten
young adult
diary of a part-time indian - sherman alexei
the hate u give - angie thomas
emergency contact - mary hk choi
i am not your perfect mexican daughter - erika sanchez
poet x - elizabeth avecedo
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Phoenix Found: Interviewing the Heir [Fluffy ABC’s]- Cordonian Ruby
Pairing: Ruby Rys x Beau Larkin; Ana DeLuca
Word count: 3,493
Warnings: pure mushy sweetness that will rot your teeth it’s all fluff
Summary: Ruby and Beau are interviewed by Ana.
A/N: Based off of @pixelburied’s fluffy ABC’s. Modeling after @blackcatkita’s Ana DeLuca interviews. With the entire country thinking the heir dead and her returning with a spouse I thought the best way to really introduce them to the public would be a sweet fluffy Ana DeLuca interview.
A/N2: A major thanks @sirbeepsalot for all your graping and prereading. I love you boo! Thank you to my snippet readers @loveellamae and @burnsoslow​ who screamed appropriately.
A/N3: I know this is so incredibly late and I have no excuse other than I’ve been in a crazy funk and even just pushing ‘post’ was far too much for me.
Series warnings: character death, blood, surgical procedures done by non medical personnel, may go NSFW in the future. May contain gun violence, knife violence, threats, not sure how dark this will go. By requesting to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I own Ruby, Galen, Lovett, and Beau, I’m borrowing Bastien and Olivia from PB.
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A – Anger (What was their first fight about? Any big or recurring arguments?)
Ana DeLuca smiled as she sat, smoothing out her charcoal pencil skirt.
When she had first received the call from the blocked number she was positive it was nothing more than a cruel prank. By the end of that call she was one of few trusted with a secret that would change everything in Cordonia.
She stared at Ruby seated across from her, her blonde hair pulled back in a perfect braided chignon, hands folded neared in her lap. She was truly an understated vision in ivory lace shift dress.
Ana was blown away with the grace and dignity she portrayed at twenty one years of age. The way she’d greeted her and politely objected to any use of titles for both herself and her husband was impressive, looking at her now she could almost believe she had been raised in the palace instead of on the run.
Beau, Ruby’s husband and true prince regent sat next to her looking slightly less comfortable than Ruby. He didn’t look out of place per say, but the slight grimace in his smile wasn’t lost to Ana. She looked down at her tablet, quickly reading over her encrypted and password protected notes taking note they’d come from Texas; it was likely that Beau was new to the world he was thrown into. She didn’t doubt that Liam’s daughter hadn’t be able to find someone who could adapt quickly to the new life and media circus that came with it.
“Your Ma— Ruby, Beau, I’d like to once again extend my gratitude to your willingness to speak to me and allow the readers and country get a glimpse into your life.”
“Please Ms DeLuca, don’t mention it. We are honored that the same woman who interviewed my parents would be interviewing us, and traveling outside of Cordonia to do it to boot.”
Ana nodded, making a note that the country’s true queen was as modest and kind as her father and mother had been. “Please tell our readers what your first fight was about, do you have any big or recurring arguments?”
Ruby smiled, glancing at Beau, “we don’t really argue, mostly it’s just small disagreements over things that really don’t matter.
It’s usually just silly things that are easily resolved and soon forgotten.”
B – Best (What would they say is the other’s best trait?)
“What would you say is the best trait your partner possesses.” Ana queried.
“Her selflessness,” Beau said, taking her hand into his, “she was ready to break up with me so I wouldn’t have to leave my family behind.
She doesn’t like to cause anyone else pain, unless it’s on the mat, she would endure every ounce of pain so others wouldn’t have to if she could.”
“His kind and understanding heart. He listens without judgement. I don’t think there is anything I haven’t been able to tell him over five years together.”
C – Camera (How do they document their relationships? Who likes to take pictures? Or videos?)
“How do you document your relationship? Who takes the most pictures?” Ana asked.
“Beau for sure, I have a few selfies of us on my phone, a shot or two of just him. Mama and Papa didn’t really take a lot of pictures when I was growing up.”
“My parents took all the pictures and RuRu sometimes yells at me that I’m taking too many pictures.”
D – Dates (What are their dates like?)
“What do your dates look like?”
“They are pretty laid back, a picnic here and there, stargazing, he took me shooting a few times, we’ll do movie dates …”
“Movie dates at home, I learned the hard way you can’t take her to the movies.”
“Oh,” Ana arched one perfectly sculpted eyebrow, “why is that?”
Beau’s cheeks turned beet red as he realized her assumption, “nothing like that. She talks during movies, a lot, to the point we got kicked out.”
E – Early (What was the first month of dating like?)
“Please tell our readers what your first month of dating was like.” Ana requested.
“Oh god, it was awkward, at least to me.” Ruby replied, fighting the urge to bury her face in her hands.
“I was sixteen and Beau was seventeen, our first date he took me shooting on his grandparents farm.
I was tempted to downplay my skill but I didn’t.”
“She not only outshot me, she was better than my cousin’s too.
When I praised her ability she tried to deflect, something that she only did with me.”
“He called me out on it, told me I could be proud of what I could do. After that it got a little easier, but it was still nerve wracking for me.
Beau was my very first date. I was nervous as hell, but Beau was just so sweet and comforting that eventually I was dreading the day my parents would decide we needed to move and leave him behind.”
F – Friends (How is their relationship with each other’s group of friends?)
“What is your relationship with your partners friends? Do you get along with one another, or are you at odds with each other?” Ana questioned.
“I was still the new girl at school mostly sticking to myself when I met Beau. The other girls couldn’t understand why I’d purposely get sweaty so it was easier to stick to making friends at the dojo.”
“My friends were quickly won over. I think they were more afraid of Ruby kicking their ass than me if they didn’t.
But they get along well, they teased us both equally for marrying so quickly.
Thomas, my best friend, feigned being hurt that she never gave him a chance to steal her away.”
G – Gifts (Do they like giving each other gifts? What kind?)
“Do you enjoy giving each other unexpected gifts? If so what kind of things do you give each other?” Ana inquired.
“Beau gives me wildflowers out of the blue, just a few blooms, but every time I press them in a book to preserve them. I have enough that I could have used the pressed flowers for my wedding bouquet.”
“Wait, you saved them all?”
“Mmhmm, only my parents knew so when I saw that your mom incorporated pressed wildflowers into the place cards I was surprised at first.
Your mom also asked for all the ones I saved and said she’s going to use them for our wedding album.”
“I can’t believe you saved them all.”
Ruby shrugged, “they were gifts from you and I couldn’t bear to see them wither and die. Now they will live forever in our wedding album.”
H – Hugs (All things involving hugs)
Ana tapped her Stylus against her tablet as she looked at the next question. “Affection, how often do you hug one another?”
“Ruby is more of a cuddler than a hugger.”
“You are just so cozy. Beau tends to hug me from behind and rest his head on mine.”
“We aren’t overly affectionate, at least not in public, when we are at one of our houses though we are almost always touching in some way.”
I – Inside Jokes (Do they have any?)
“Do the two of you share any inside jokes?” Ana questioned.
“The only one that comes to mind includes Papa.
Beau accidentally cracked two of my ribs when we were doing duel training. So occasionally when Papa will hear Beau telling jokes he will say ‘jokes better be the only thing you’re cracking’ it’s so stupid but also funny because Beau felt so horrible after that he offered to allow me to crack his ribs.
I just brushed the injury off, if I could continue to compete with a broken nose and a bloody gi I could handle a few cracked ribs.”
J – Jealousy (Who gets jealous easier? How do they show their jealousy?)
“Who gets jealous the most often and how do you show it?” Ana asked.
Beau and Ruby shared a quick look. “I don’t think either of us has ever been jealous before.
I believe part of loving someone is trusting them. I love Beau more than anything and trust him with my life.
I truly feel if either of us ever did get jealous it would just mark the beginning of the end of us.”
K – Kiss (How do they kiss? Who usually initiates?)
“Next question, who is the one to initiate kisses more often?”
“I’d probably say Beau. He likes to kiss the top of my head, my forehead, just little reminders he loves me.”
L – Love (How do they first say those three words?)
“Love, please tell us, how did you tell the other and who said it first?” Ana requested.
“Beau did, we were stargazing in the back of his pickup truck and when he said it, I was surprised. Not because he loved me, but how nervous he was.
His palms were all sweaty and he probably was terrified I wouldn’t feel the same way, we were young, he was eighteen and I was still only seventeen.
When I said it back, he just stared at me stunned.
I don’t know why he was so shocked, he’s just this sweet, amazing guy.” Ruby tucked a stray blonde curl behind her ear. “It’s one of my favorite memories actually.”
M – Movies (What kinds of movies do they watch together? Is it a regular Netflix ritual?)
“What kind of movies do you enjoy together? Is Netflix a ritual for you?” Ana inquired.
“Beau hates watching movies with me. I’ve taken taekwondo since I was five years old and developed a passion for the martial art. I even wanted to be a stuntwoman when I was younger. I always point out any inaccuracies in the fighting scenes and it can be a lot sometimes.”
“Don’t hate watching movies with you, at least anymore. I certainly had to get used to how animated you get during action scenes, now I just think it’s cute.
Ruby likes action packed movies, I love thrillers or anything scary really. One time my younger sister AnnaBeth somehow convinced Ruby to watch some sappy chick flick, Ruby’s words, and it didn’t go well.
Mostly we just pick something that we can both enjoy and avoid the rom coms.”
N – Nicknames (Things they call each other)
“Do you have any nicknames for each other?” Ana asked.
“I call Ruby RuRu, she hates it. I only use it when she’s in her head or worrying it always makes her stop and laugh.”
“I don’t really have a nickname for him.”
“You called me honey bun.”
“Once and as a joke. I was hoping it would make him stop calling me RuRu, it didn’t.”
“You know you secretly love it RuRu.”
“I’m not dignifying that with an answer.”
O – One (Tell us about the moment they realized they were with the one.)
“Could you tell our readers the moment when you realized that your partner was the one?” Ana questioned.
“When I proposed to Ruby I told her that if I had to pinpoint exactly when she stole my heart it would probably be our first date.
When I actually realized it was much later. I actually think I realized how much I cared for her when I struck her too hard with the practice sword. She barely blinked even though you could tell it hurt like hell. I was so upset that I offered to let her injure me back.
I’m pretty sure it was then that I realized I would do anything for her, we’d only been together for a little over a year and were still young so I didn’t think about it too hard, but I just knew she would be the only woman I’d ever love.”
“I realized I loved you the same day.
You were so upset you hurt me, frantic and begging me to hit you back, I remember looking at you and just thinking that I couldn’t ever cause you harm, even accidental.
The way you worried and cared about me, I just knew I wouldn’t find anyone else I’d love the way I love you.”
P – Pizza (What is their favorite food to eat together?)
“That is just adorable.” Ana said, “what is your favorite food to eat together?”
“Ruby will eat just about anything. She’s never afraid to try something new.”
“Beau is more of a creature of habit, he will try new things but prefers his favorites. Pizza is something we share a lot, although he’s particular about his toppings.”
“Pineapple is not a pizza topping!”
“It is and it’s delicious.”
Q – Quit (Do they break up? Almost break up? What happened?)
“Was there ever a time when you broke up, or nearly broke up? What happened to make you question your relationship together?” Ana inquired.
“While I thought we would have to break up, we never did.
My parents moved us around a lot, Texas was the longest we ever stayed in one place. We moved there when I was fifteen and a half and we didn’t leave again until we came here.
My parents saw how happy Beau made me and decided that we were safe enough to stay.”
“You keep talking about moving around, how often did you do that?”
“Every two to three years or so.
When I was younger I found it exciting though I didn’t understand why we always had to move, now I know it was just to keep me hidden and safe.”
R – Rainy Days (How do they comfort each other on dark days?)
“How do you comfort each other on a dark and rainy day?” Ana asked.
“We just started living together since we left Texas. Mostly it would be little texts or if one of us was really down Beau would stop by.
We started keeping a pillow and blanket in the downstairs hall closet for when he stayed over. Sometimes I’d be in such a crappy mood that we’d fall asleep with him holding me, usually on the couch, sometimes in my bed.”
S – Soft (Something one of them did that turned the other into absolute mush)
“What is something your partner has done for you that turned you into mush?” Ana requested.
“Ruby very rarely turns to mush.”
“I really don’t,” Ruby nodded in agreement, “I’m not overly sentimental, with the exception of keeping all the wildflowers.
Your proposal, the way you refused to see my title as the end of us when all I could think about was that I couldn’t take you from your family, that turned me to mush.”
T – Texting (Do they text each other a lot? What do they usually talk about over the phone?)
“When you are apart how do you stay in touch, do you text or talk on the phone more often?”
“We started dating when we were still in high school so we spent a lot of time apart.”
“We’d send texts between classes if we couldn’t walk to the next class together.”
“We also sent a text at night if we couldn’t call.”
U – Unique (Tell us about some of their odd habits that surprised one another.)
“Do either of you have any unusual habits that may have caught the other off guard?” Ana questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, we met in high school, most of the girls were all boy crazy and obsessed with the latest fashion. Ruby didn’t really care about what the other kids thought, she wore what she found comfortable, I’m pretty sure most of the time she had her hair up in a messy bun with zero makeup on and still blew all the other girls out of the water.
It was the way she didn’t allow all of the high school bullshit to change who she was that really surprised me.”
V – Vanity (Something they’re proud of in themselves and their partner)
“What is something that you are proud of in yourself and your partner?”
“The way Ruby will change her entire life just to help others.”
“Beau …”
“What? No one expected you to save an entire country, but you took on the problem without a second thought, you just care so much about people even those you haven’t met, I love that about you.”
W – Wedding (Tell us about your wedding head canon if they’ve gotten that far. Or if not, have they talked about it?)
“We know you got married before returning home, could you tell us a little about the ceremony?” Ana asked.
“It was small, very simple.”
“We held it on Beau’s grandparents farm. We were married outside under an arch of wildflowers. Only close friends and family.”
“My mom planned it.”
Ana’s piercing blue eyes widened in surprise. “You didn’t plan it together?”
“No, Mama Jo has been supportive of us going to Cordonia from the beginning, the only thing she wanted was for us to get married before we left. She knew that Beau and I would be busy trying to find any weakness to exploit so she offered to plan the wedding for us.
She took such care in weaving both of us into a laid back farm wedding — you could really see that she put all her love into planning our wedding for us.”
“Do you feel like you missed out by allowing Beau’s mother to plan it for you?”
“Absolutely not. She planned that wedding in a month, I never could have done that myself. Plus it was even more special, she really took in account both of our likes and wove them into this beautiful wedding.”
X – X (Something they hate about the other)
“Is there anything that bothers you about the other?” Ana questioned, poised to jot down the answer.
Ruby pursed her lips in thought, “Beau’s a little messy.”
“I’m not messy, you just like everything perfect and precise and I’m more casual in my cleaning.”
“I’ve seen your room! You have clothes all over the place!”
“I just forgot to put them away.”
“Oh so is that why our room in the suite looks like a hurricane came through on your side?”
“Okay, fine I’m messy. But you have to admit you are super organized and get upset if something picked something up and didn’t put it back exactly right.”
“You’re actually neater than Galen, if I can live with him living with you will be a cakewalk.”
Y – Youtube (What are they like online? Do they post about their relationship constantly?)
“You are both rather young, what is your online presence like? Do you post a lot about your relationship?”
“Ohmygod no. You would think that maybe having parents who constantly make sure your safe would make you rebel and go against them but I’m really a very private person.”
“Ruby doesn’t have any social media account. I have a private Instagram account that I barely use.”
Z – Zoo (Are they into animals? Do they want pets? What kind?)
“Okay, last question, what are your feelings on pets? Do you have any? Want pets? What kind of animal would be the perfect pet for you?”
“Ruby hates animals—”
“I don’t hate animals, I just don’t want a pet. Your golden retriever Sampson would be my only exception.
Mama and Papa never let us have any pets as children, and it never bothered me. I would probably go crazy with all the shedding.”
“Does that mean that the future princes or princesses will forgo pets?”
Ruby felt annoyance bubble up at the roundabout way Ana asked about having heirs. “We are still young, and while we do want to have a family some day we aren’t worried about it at the moment.
Personally I think the pressure put on all newly married or engaged couples to immediately have children to be ridiculous. The pressure put on royal couples is that much worse, everyone watching and waiting for that telltale bump, claiming the stability of the country is counting on a child.
My parents are proof that an heir doesn’t secure your country, they were killed because an egotistical tyrant who held a centuries old grudge couldn’t handle hearing ‘no’.
To answer your question about having pets, I would be perfectly content not having any, but I could probably be swayed to consider having one.”
“Thank you, it was wonderful to learn more about Cordonia’s heir and her husband. I’m sure our readers will love getting to know the long lost heir and her husband in such an intimate light.” Ana stated, gathering her things up to leave. She glanced down at her encrypted notes, in a few days time she would be releasing the story of the century ...
A/N: I would love to say the next chapter will be next week but I’ve been in a funk where I can’t be bothered to read or write so I can’t make any promises. I have finally been making some progress on the next chapter this past week and I hope it continues but no promises of when I’ll be posting.
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment reblog or send an ask. Feel free to scream, I promise I can take it.
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
@speedyoperarascalparty @liamxs-world @annekebbphotography @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @ao719 @stopforamoment @akrenich @gardeningourmet @daniv2278 @bella-ca @gibbles82 @choiceslife @blackcoffee85 @sirbeepsalot @cheeto-choices @dcbbw @alicars @desireepow-1986 @mfackenthal @bhavf @indiacater @drakesensworld @kingliam2019 @walkerswhiskeygirl @ladyangel70 @jovialyouthmusic @edgiestwinter @rainbowsinthestorm @janezillow @sleepwalkingelite @texaskitten30 @traeumerinwitzhelden @bbrandy2002 @jared2612 @blackcatkita @darley1101 @innerpostmentality @lolablackwrites @fullbeaumonty @hhiggs @itsalliepg @smalltalk88 @littlegreenmoo @mynameiskaylabella @bobbersb @imma-winchester-addict @cordonianroyalty @loveellamae @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @katedrakeohd​ @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @super-secret-fandom-blog​ @burnsoslow​ @queenjilian​ @bebepac @datynasuha @malvolari-take-my-soul​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
Had to double back to this photo cuz I thought he was handcuffed to the handle at first. Also, what if this is them dropping off Rosa for her first day of school?
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serendipitykpop · 5 years
your boyfriend is who?
Pairing: kim jongin x reader
Summary: “My boyfriend is Kim Jongin.”
“We’re here.”
“Yay, we’re here.” You repeated after Jongin, but less enthusiastic than when he said it. He looked over to you, and couldn’t help but laugh. You looked even more lifeless than when you left the house.
“Do you really not want to be here?”
“Doesn’t my face already tell you I don’t?” You questioned, pointing at the prominent frown etched on your face. He shook his head, and giggled, which made you sigh. “Ah, then I have to do better to show it.”
You patted your cheek to make yourself look more miserable. Jongin rolled his eyes, and brushed your hand away to replace it with his own. He pinched your cheek, and pulled it out. You let out a groan of protest.
“You’re visiting your family after a whole year, aren’t you at least happy to see them?”
“I am, but what I’m not happy about is seeing that one particular person.”
His eyes softened. He understood where you were coming, and how you felt as you’ve told him countless stories about this person.
“That’s why I came along, and am here with you. Hopefully, I can make this visit a little more tolerable.”
Placing a hand over your heart, you sucked in a breath, and bit your lip. “You are the light of my life. Thank you for being so sweet in my time of need.”
Jongin couldn’t contain his giggling at your dramatic acting. Meanwhile, you couldn’t stop making him laugh just to see that precious smile of his.
“All right. It’s time to head inside before they question what we’re doing in the car for so long.” He reached over to give your hand a squeeze. You let out a whine as you threw your head back onto the headrest.
“Can’t we stay in here for five more minutes?”
“Nope.” He poked your cheek before taking off his seatbelt, and getting out of the car. You sighed. You knew there was no way you could get out of this now. It was already too late. You unbuckle your seatbelt, and followed after him. As you looked up at your grandparents’ house, where you spent much of your youth, you were supposed to be filled with nostalgia. But it was only dread that filled your being. 
Jongin came around the car to your side, and offered his hand. A smile finally came to your face as you ran to him, locking your fingers together. As if giving you good luck, he brought your hand up to his lips, and kissed your knuckles. He peered into your eyes as he spoke.
“If it gets too much for you, let me know and we’ll leave right away.”
“Then, can we-”
You nervously laughed, and waved it off. “I was joking!”
From the look on his face, there was no tricking him. He knew you too well. You groaned, and nodded.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
As you walked up the driveway to enter through the garage, two people came into view. Your face brightened when you saw your parents waving and beaming at the sight of you two.
“Mama, papa!” You let go of Jongin’s hand to run into their arms. It had been a while since you last saw them.
“Y/N, Jongin!”
“It’s good to see you again, Mr and Mrs L/N.”
“You as well, Jongin.”
“Hon, I’m surprised you two came,” Your mother mentioned after the both of them greeted you and Jongin with hugs.
“I’m surprised too honestly,” You scoffed, amusing everyone. Your parents knew how you felt when coming to these events, and they were beyond pleased that you attempted to come this time.
You and your parents caught up on how life was going. From how hectic work was to your future plans. It was just a thought, but you were pretty sure your parents were already planning your entire wedding. After all, there was no other person better than him for you. That was why they were cheering for the both of you to stay together forever.
“Ah, Y/N! Your grandmother has been asking, and waiting for you kids to arrive. Hurry inside, and say your hellos.”
You chuckled, and shook your head. “We all know the person she really wants to see is Jongin. The same can be said about you and papa too!”
She patted you on the shoulder. “I’m glad you know the truth now, hon.”
“Mama, you’re not very discreet in hiding your favoritism towards Jongin. You make it to obvious to not notice.”
“Whoops.” She grinned, not even denying it. Great to know your mother loved him more than her own child.
“Ah, Jongin. Can I get your help before you go in? Y/N, you can go ahead.” Your father stopped you. The two of you shared a look as his face filled with guilt. You let go of his hand, and nodded towards your father.
“I’ll be fine. Go.”
Just before you walked away, Jongin grabbed hold of your wrist. He pulled you to him, and whispered into your ear.
“I’ll be there in a bit. Try not to fight anyone.”
“I make no promises.”
“Try your hardest, love bug.”
“We’ll see!”
You pecked his cheek, then ran away before he could say anything more. He giggled, and shook his head at how you scurried away.
When you walked inside, you were greeted with the loud chaos in the house. You groaned, and kicked your shoes off to the side. You could already feel yourself getting tired.
You could hear your uncles’ yelling about the soccer game all the way from the basement, mostly like drunk already. Your aunts occupied the dining room with their gossiping and bottles of wine. Your younger cousins running up and down the walls, yelling just as loud as their fathers downstairs. Then, your older cousins were sprawled all over the living room, sticking to their phones. 
Your eyes traveled to the window where your grandmother sat in her rocking chair. Her face lit up at the sight of your arrival, and there was no hiding that smile of hers. She quickly beckoned you over, instantly engulfing you in a hug once you were near.
“You’re finally here.”
You smiled, burying your face into her shoulder. It had been too long since you’ve seen her last. There was much to catch up. She sat you down, and the two of you talked for a while about your life. Especially about your relationship with Jongin.
“Oh, you’ve finally got yourself a boyfriend? I must say I’m impressed.”
There it was. The annoying voice you didn’t want to hear as it soiled the good mood around you and your grandmother. You pushed yourself up, and faced your cousin with much annoyance. You crossed your arms, and sighed.
“Y/N.” She mimicked your stance, staring back at you with a confident smirk plastered on her lips.
Out of all your cousins, she was the most annoying. She was known to challenge you every time you met, even when you were young kids. She always showed off her life, always having to one up you on everything. You could never talk about your achievements without her interjecting about what she did to pass you. She just had to brag about everything, and how better at life she was than you.
“Why is it any of your business whether or not I have a boyfriend?”
She scowled. “I was just saying that it was impressive you managed to get one. No need to get so defensive.”
You rolled your eyes.
“But you know. He couldn’t possibly live up to my boyfriend.” Ella purposely said over her shoulders to draw in your other cousins’ attention. They were already watching once they saw the drama, but you let it be. She smirked.
“Oh, yeah. Here, let me show you a picture of him.”
She opened her phone, and showed you her lock screen. When you saw who it was, you almost choked on your spit.
Her wicked smirk widened as she boasted about her boyfriend. “That’s right. He’s quite the looker, isn’t he?”
You stared at the lock screen in disbelief, then to her and back at the phone.
“I - I don’t know what to say.” Really, you didn’t know what to say. 
She hummed in content, having claimed her victory. She hugged the phone to her chest, and let out a dreamy sigh.
“I know. You’re jealous of me, aren’t you? See, I didn’t tell you until now because I wanted to see this reaction of yours.”
As Ella went on and on about how great he was, and how jealous you should be because of her. She thought she had won this time, thinking you didn’t know who it was on her phone. Little did she know though.
“His name is Kim Jongin, you see. He treats me right, and sweeps me off my feet all the time! Surprises me with flowers, pampers me in so much love and kisses. Oh, he is so dreamy!” She squealed.
“Uh huh.”
“Jealous now, huh?”
You shrugged. “Not really. I just think it’s funny because my boyfriend is Kim Jongin too.”
Her eyebrows furrowed together in frustration, and she clenched her teeth. “Don’t mock me.”
“I”m not.”
She clicked her tongue. “So, where is this boyfriend of yours? I want to see him. I bet he’s trash compared to my boy.”
“Ah, well he’s-”
“Sorry, I took so long, Y/N.”
“Jongin, hey.” Your eyes softened, looking at him over your shoulder. Jongin’s face brightened upon seeing you. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, and kissed your cheek, nuzzling his nose against it.
“Hey, you.”
“K-K-Kim J-J-J-Jon-Jongin!” Her voice cracked as she pointed at him.
“Eh, is this Ella?” His attention was finally averted away from you.
“Yup, this is her.”
Her finger stayed pointed at you mid air as she stared mortified at what she was seeing. You smirked, leaning your head to the side.
“So what was it you were saying about my boyfriend, Ella?”
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lillahimmel · 4 years
Vocabulary list
Time to do a thing I do best, writing down useless vocabulary lists! You’re very welcome 😂
It goes: Swedish to English
I’ll probably update this list from time to time but also make more posts with this concept :)
Last edit: 2020 01 06
Afton - Eventide; eve; evening
Annandag påsk - Easter Monday
Avbruten - Interrupted
Banan - Banana
Bil - Car
Bonde - Peasant
Choklad - Chocolate
Citron, citroner - Singular. Lemon, plural. lemons
Dag, dagar - Singular. Day, plural. days
Dagis - (Informal) Nursery school; pre kindergarten
Elefant, elefanter - Singular. Elephant, plural. elephants 
Engelska - English 
Engelsman, engelsmän - Singular. Englishman, plural. Englishmen
Förskola - (Formal) Nursery school; pre kindergarten 
Förskoleklass - Preschool (class) 
Definition: In Sweden you have one year in between nursery school and school, from 6 to 7 years old, where it still is a lot like nursery but more of a structure of an actual class. You have lessons and recess. 
Fest - Party
Galla - Bile
Definition: The acid in your throat you get when you have eaten too much raw dough.
Gris, grisar - Singular. Pig, plural. pigs
Gymnasium - High school 
Definition: In Sweden you start high school the year you turn 16 years old, and in comparsion to U.S.A. it’s only three years long; so you finish the year you turn 19 years old. Back in the day you could go to a high school with only two years of education. It’s also not obligatory, so you can skip it (most don’t) but there’s less chance of other studies and work opportunities.
Hals - Neck; throat 
Hav - Sea 
Definition: It’s a three year long education before high school (gymnasium). From the year you turn 13 years old to the year you turn 16 years old. The grades go 7th, 8th, 9th. 
*For me personally it started in my 6th grade because even though my teachers told me it wasn’t; it was. I have like a mini story time about it, send me an ask if you’re curious lol 
Ingenmansland - No-man's-land
Is - Ice
Iögonfallande - Conspicuous; 
Jag - I
Ja - Yes
Jo - (Informal) Yes
Javisst - Of course; sure
Kalas - Party
Definition: A term usually used for children or a small gathering with friends. 
Eg. Barnkalas - Children’s party.
Kärlek - Love
Lantis - (Informal) Country bumpkin; peasant; hick
Mamma - Mom; mum; mommy; mama
Mat - Food 
Morfar - Grandfather
Definition: On your mother’s side.
Morgon - Morning
Mormor - Grandmother
Definition: On your mother’s side.
Målning - Painting
Nalle, nallar - (Informal) Singular. Teddybear, plural. teddybears; singular. teddy, plural. teddies
Nallebjörn, nallebjörnar - Singular. Teddybear, plural. teddybears
Noshörning, noshörningar - Rhinoceros, rhinoceroses
Oavbruten - Uninterrupted
Otrogen - Unfaithful 
Oskuld - Virgin; virginity; innocence
Ovan - Above; over; unaccustomed
Ovana - Bad habit
Paj, pajer - Singular. Pie, plural. pies
Pajas - (Informal) Clown 
Eg. The class clown 
Pappa - Dad; daddy; papa
We don’t have a lot of words starting on the letter Q!
Ramla - Fall; tumble; topple
Rygg, ryggar - Singular. Back, plural. backs
Räv, rävar - Singular. Fox, plural. foxes
Självklart - Of course
Skuld - Blame; guilt; debt
Stjärna, stjärnor - Singular. Star, plural. stars
Svenska - Swedish (language); (a) Swede (female)
Svensk - Swedish (something); (a) Swede (male or in general) 
Svenskar - Swedes
Tavla - Painting
Tavelram - Picture frame
Trogen - Faithful; loyal
Uggla, ugglor - Singular. Owl, plural. owls
Under - Under; underneath
Usel - Lousy
Vana - Habit
Vas - Vase 
Vass - Sharp; reed 
Vilka (Plural) - Who; which
Vilken - Which 
Yla - Howl
Yta - Surface 
Yvig - Bushy 
Zebra, zebror - Singular. Zebra, plural. zebras
Åsna, åsnor - Singular. Donkey, plural. donkeys
Åtrå - Desire; lust
Älska - (to) Love
Även - Even; also; too
Ö, öar - Singular. Island, plural. Islands
Öl - Beer 
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hxhhasmysoul · 5 years
Wow I want to ask everything in that writer meme... I'll settle for K, M, R and X!
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
it involves punitive rape and other really bad stuff happening. it’s a feelbad story in my head…
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
I have 3 AUs that could go somewhere.
I have a coffee shop au that is more about gentrification and class divide than coffee shop stuff, but i have no solid plot for it so it’s very vague.
I have my high school special au, which is very trope-y with new kid and popular kid love story, and rebellion, and realising one’s sexuality, so very generic stuff. it has a plot, though it’s not outlined yet.
And an old one i used to think would be my next big fic after the regency (lol - as if i’ll ever manage to figure out how to finish the regency to have other big projects). it’s a classical sf story with spaceships where the zoldycks were mad scientists and grew their kids to be sort of cyborgs from before birth. the idea is that space travel was mostly done using AI but the AI’s were hackable, so far deep space exploration stopped being possible. and the zoldycks tried to create biocomputers that would be too individualistic to hack.  then the government raided the lab and confiscated 4 of the experiments and put mama and papa zoldyck in jail. and the story is about how alluka and killua are sent on a first interstellar mission in many years as pilots of a spaceship.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Influence only one, really, Andrzej Sapkowski. Anyone who has read the Witcher books will see that i structure my chapters the way he does. (i have a very complicated relationship with the Witcher lol)
this is a hard question for me because there are writers i admire, they just don’t influence me, because i love their writing, but it’s very onesided fangirling sort of relationship. basically i love writers who have what i’ve named “flow” for my personal use. it’s a quality of writing where the language the person uses works really well, feels very effortless and very much a part of the experience of the story. like the language is another layer of the story to enjoy, apart from the plot and characters and other stuff like that. and it’s subjective i’m sure. and even though i’ll list some authors who have it, it’s not like they have it in the same way. each of them has it in very different ways.
the stuff that Ursula Vernon published on her live journal and deviantart had that, or her comic Digger, idk about her more recent writing because i haven’t checked it out recently. Terry Pratchett had that. Zadie Smith sometimes has that and there are some others, even if they don’t come to mind rn. in fandom (and mind you i’m only in one so my knowledge is limited) it’s: Im_only_mildly_ashamed, jyuanka, fireolin
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
maybe kurapika, because they always act like a jerk when i write them so i feel they deserve all the small indignation i throw their way? honestly i don’t think i write suffering all that much, and i don’t really enjoy writing it when it happens. so like kurapika not getting exactly what they want or getting told off is the only mean such thing i think i enjoy? there are ocs of mine who i dislike a lot, and i’m glad they have shitty moments and failure in their stories, but in fandom not that much.
FanFic Ask Game
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simonxriley · 5 years
Double The Trouble
Requested by @gear-redfield
Pairings: Alexsandr ‘Tachanka’ Senaviev x Skylar ‘Phoenix’ Jackson (oc)
Prompt: “You’re teasing me again...”
Warnings: None
Words: 1,442
Also on FFN and Ao3
When Skylar looked down at the positive pregnancy test 6 months ago, she was above and beyond happy that her and Alex were finally starting a family. How they both couldn’t wait to hold their little one in their arms and bring the child home. But they never expected to be having twins. And the farther along she got, the more help she needed.
Now at 7 months along she looked and felt disgusting, all she wanted was them to be out. She lost count of how many people told her to embrace everything about this pregnancy because before you know it there will be a baby in your arms. She would be embracing this pregnancy more if she was having a singleton, but she’s carrying two. That’s more weight on her tiny frame.
Not everything is bad though, she loves when she can feel the kicks and jabs of the twins or how one moves around a lot when she eats or Alex talks to them in Russian. Those are some of the things she’ll miss when they’re finally here.
Skylar grabbed the package from the kitchen counter and went to the living room to sit down and open it. When she looked at the address she smiled when she read Glaz’s name, wondering what the man had painted for the twins nursery. Whatever it was, she knows her and Alex will love it.
She tried opening the box without scissors and to no avail, it failed. Looking behind her she saw the scissors sitting in its normal place on the kitchen counter and sighed. Knowing getting up would be a struggle and she was quite comfy right now, so she grabbed her phone from the coffee table and pulled up Alex’s name.
“You’re very pregnant wife needs your help, please come down!”
Before she had time to put her phone down she heard him coming down the stairs with a screwdriver in hand. He walked over to her with a smile on his face that she mirrored back and sat down next to her.
“What do you need help with kotyonok?”
“Can you grab me the scissors from the kitchen counter, I forgot them when I came to sit down.”
He laughed, setting the screwdriver down on the coffee table than got up to grab the scissors. She maneuvered herself so her back was against the arm of the couch, watching Alex walk over to the counter and grab the scissors she so easily forgot, then came back and joined her.
He grabbed the box from the table and set it between them. “This came from Timur?”
“Yup. I know it has to be something for the children.”
“I wonder what he painted now?” He chuckled as he opened up the box. “He’s already done so much for us and the children.”
“I’m still wrapping my head over that beautiful mural he painted in the nursery!” She pulled the flaps over hearing the cardboard crackle as she did. Looking in she saw three canvas’ and a card. She grabbed the card first and opened it.
Alex set the scissors down and looked over at her. “What does it say?”
“This is a little thank you for asking me to be the twins godfather, I’m honored you thought I was the right person and I can’t wait to meet them. Also one of the canvas’ are for you guys, I was going to give it to you on your anniversary but couldn’t wait that long. I hope you like them!”
Skylar set the card down and pulled out the first canvas, gently pulling off the bubble wrap he had them in. A smile started to form on her face when she saw the initial ‘M’ on the canvas painted in purple with different colored butterflies all over it. She turned it to Alex and handed him it.
He smiled down at the canvas, running his fingers over the purple ‘M’. “M for Marianna, our little printsessa!” He looked over at Skylar, a small, proud smile on his face. “I never thanked you for naming our daughter after my mom. Thank you for that kotyonok!”
She stopped unwrapping the second canvas and turned to him. “I think Marianna is a beautiful name and truthfully, as soon as you told me your mother’s name I knew that was the name I wanted to use for our daughter! Also you don’t need to thank me for that.”
“I still wanted too.” He looked at the canvas in hand, than over to the one in her hands. “I suppose that canvas has a ‘K’ on it?” 
“Yup.” She held it up to show it to him. “K for Konstantin. Awe he drew dinosaurs around it, that’s cute!”
She handed Alex the canvas and went for the last one in the box. Getting the bubble wrap off of it, tears starting to well in her eyes. It was an exact copy of one of their wedding pictures. She could still recall that day, how the snow started to come down as soon as they went out for their pictures before the reception.
Skylar was looking up at him while Alex was looking down at her, both completely enamored and in love! Her hand was on his chest, exactly where his heart was and his hand over hers. The snow falling down around them. It was one of her favorite shots.
The sound of his voice made her snap back to reality, she wiped the few tears from her eyes and handed him it. “I know he’s the children’s godfather but we need to do something special for him. He’s going above and beyond when he doesn’t need too.”
Alex smiled down at the painting, reliving that day over again. “This was one of the happiest days of my life! Seeing you walking down the aisle with your dad, looking as beautiful as ever. Every time I look at you I can’t believe you’re my wife!”
He set the paintings down on the coffee table, then moved the box aside before moving over next to her and wrapping his arm around her.
Skylar laughed knowing he heard nothing she said, instead she snuggled up next to him. “That was one of the most happiest days of my life too! How you started to cry when I walked down the aisle and how we almost didn’t get through our vows. Now we’re going to be parents.”
“You can’t blame me for getting teary eyed, kotyonok.” He chuckled. “And if I recall correctly you did too.”
“Oh shush!” She chuckled and lightly shoved at his chest. “So did my strong, loving husband finally get the cribs together?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Really? I want to go see.” She started to get up, but he stopped her and that made her raise a brow. “Alex why are you stopping me from getting up?”
“You need to rest, the nursery can wait.”
“I’ve rested all morning, I want to go see the nursery.”
Alex sighed, scrubbing a hand down his face, then hung his head. “I haven’t put the cribs together yet.”
“Does someone need their father in law to come down and help him with putting two cribs together? It’s okay if you do, I won’t hold it against you!”
He thought she would be mad, but hearing the childish voice come out of her made him laugh. “You’re teasing me again with that, kotyonok? I haven’t put the cribs up because I have something coming for the nursery and it needs to be put in first before the cribs.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s a surprise.” He looked over at her, giving her a small smile. “Timur is coming back next week to do another mural on the wall where the cribs are going. He’s going to paint a tree in the middle of where the cribs will be with two bear cubs in it and at the bottom will be sitting two adult ones, looking up at their cubs playing.”
She wiped the happy tears from her eyes and kissed him. “The cubs represent the twins and the adults us. That’s really sweet and I’m happy you told me.”
“I should’ve told you a while ago, but I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“It still is a surprise!” She leaned up and kissed him once again. “I love you my big ole papa bear!”
“I guess you’re right.” He wrapped his arm around her, resting the other on her belly and gently caressing it. “I love you too mama bear!”
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scarecrowmax · 5 years
URL Song Title Tag
Thanks @colson-sixx for the tag!
Sanctified- The Veronicas
Come Dancing- The Kinks
Automatic System Habit- Garbage
Raw Ramp- T. Rex
End of the World- Skeeter Davis
California Dreamin’- The Mamas and the Papas
Rat Race- Brody Dale
On With the Show
Waste Love- Machine Gun Kelly
Machine Gun (F**k the NRA)- Yungblud
April Lady- Smile
X-Ray Man- Liz Phair
I tag @roger-drummerboy-taylor @deacydarling @deacytits and anyone else who wants to!
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siriussly-serious · 6 years
Gender Neutral/Queer Titles
For you guys who ask about GN parent names/partner names. I didn’t come up with this list, but for some reason, it wouldn’t let me reblog it. The OP is HERE.
[NOTE: currently this page has written titles in mind. Some titles are gender neutral when spoken, ie fiancé/fiancée, as the pronunciation does not change.]
Family Titles
Parent; neutral, formal.
Per; neutral, short for parent.
Par; neutral, short for parent.
Dommy; queer, mixture of mommy and daddy (note: sounds like Dom/me, a BDSM term)
Maddy; queer, mixture of mummy/mommy and daddy.
Muddy; queer, mixture of mummy and daddy.
Moddy; queer, mixture of mommy and daddy.
Zaza; queer, based on mama and papa/dada.
Zither; queer, based on mother and father. (Note, zither is also the name of a musical instrument.)
Baba; neutral, based on mama and dada. (Note, baba means dad in some languages and grandmother in others.)
Nini; queer, based on the N in NB, similar to mama and papa/dada.
Bibi; queer, based on the B in NB, similar to mama and papa/dada.
Cennend; neutral, Old English (Anglo-Saxon) meaning parent.
Cenn; neutral, short for cennend.
Sibling; neutral, formal.
Sib; neutral, short for sibling as sis and bro are short for sister and brother.
Sibster; queer, combination of sibling and sister.
Sibter; queer, combination of sibling and brother.
Pibling; neutral, your parent’s sibling.
Auncle; queer, combination of aunt and uncle.
Cousin; neutral, as sometimes people say aunt/uncle for parents’ cousins, or much older cousins.
Titi; neutral, from the Spanish for Aunt (Tia) and Uncle (Tio). (however, it is often a diminutive of aunt.)
Zizi; neutral, from the Italian for Aunt (Zia) and Uncle (Zio). (Note: zizi is also a French children’s ‘cute’ word for penis.)
Nini; queer, based on the N in NB, similar to Titi/Zizi.
Bibi; queer, based on the B in NB, similar to Titi/Zizi.
Untie/Unty; queer, combination of uncle and auntie/aunty
Nibling; neutral, combination of niece/nephew and sibling.
Chibling; neutral, the children of you sibling.
Cousin; neutral, as sometimes people say niece/nephew for cousins’ children, or much younger cousins.
Sibkid; neutral, short for sibling’s kid.
Nephiece; queer, mixture of nephew and niece.
Niecew; queer, mixture of niece and nephew.
Nieph; queer, mixture of niece and nephew.
Child; neutral, formal.
Offspring; neutral, formal.
Sprog; neutral, informal.
Oldest; neutral, refers to age instead of sex/gender.
Youngest; neutral, refers to age instead of sex/gender.
Kid; neutral, informal.
Grandparent; neutral, formal.
Grandwa; queer, based on grandma and grandpa.
Grandy; neutral, short for Grandparent, Grandma or Grandpa.
Nini; queer, based on the N in NB, similar to nana and papa.
Bibi; queer, based on the B in NB, similar to nana and papa.
Grandchild; neutral, formal.
Grandkid; neutral, informal.
Godparent; neutral, formal.
Godchild; neutral, formal.
Godkid; neutral, informal.
Relationship Titles
Girlfriend/Boyfriend (non-serious relationship)
Date; neutral, the person you are dating.
Datefriend; neutral, the person you are dating, but fitting the boyfriend/girlfriend pattern.
Datemate; neutral, a rhyming version of datefriend, the person you are dating.
Lover; neutral, often implies sexual relationship, but simply refers to someone you love/who loves you.
Boifriend; queer, boi is a particular gender identity.
Girlboyfriend; queer, for bigender or androgynous people, or perhaps binary trans people.
Boygirlfriend; queer, for bigender or androgynous people, or perhaps binary trans people.
Paramour; neutral, someone you are having a sexual relationship with.
Bothfriend; queer, for bigender or androgynous people, or perhaps binary trans people.
Genderfriend; queer, based on boyfriend and girlfriend.
Sweetie; neutral, slightly cheesy.
Sweetheart; neutral, cheesy or old-fashioned.
[name]friend; queer, based on girlfriend and boyfriend.
Cuddle Buddy; neutral, cheesy.
Birlfriend; queer, mix of boyfriend and girlfriend.
Feyfriend; neutral, leaning towards queer.
Personfriend; neutral, leaning towards queer, based on boyfriend and girlfriend.
Enbyfriend; queer, based on boyfriend and girfriend. (note: enby comes from NB, non-binary)
Girlfriend/Boyfriend (long-term/serious relationship)
Partner; neutral.
Significant Other; neutral, quite formal.
S.O.; neutral, short for significant other.
Other Half; neutral, informal, and implies monogamy.
Boifriend; queer, boi is a particular gender identity.
Girlboyfriend; queer, for bigender or androgynous people, or perhaps binary trans people.
Boygirlfriend; queer, for bigender or androgynous people, or perhaps binary trans people.
Paramour; neutral, someone you are having a sexual relationship with.
Bothfriend; queer, for bigender or androgynous people, or perhaps binary trans people.
Genderfriend; queer, based on boyfriend and girlfriend.
Sweetie; neutral, slightly cheesy.
Sweetheart; neutral, cheesy or old-fashioned.
[name]friend; queer, based on girlfriend and boyfriend.
Cuddle Buddy; neutral, cheesy.
Steady; neutral, as in “going steady” or “steady girlfriend/boyfriend”.
Soul Mate; neutral, slightly cheesy, implies belief in soul mates.
Birlfriend; queer, mix of boyfriend and girlfriend.
Feyfriend; neutral, leaning towards queer.
Personfriend; neutral, leaning towards queer, based on boyfriend and girlfriend.
Loveperson; neutral, a person that you love.
Enbyfriend; queer, based on boyfriend and girfriend (note: enby comes from NB, non-binary).
Epox; neutral, from the French ‘époux’ which means husband/spouse.
Companion; neutral, reference to Doctor Who’s companions, or Firefly’s Companions.
Imzadi; neutral, from Star Trek, a Betazed word similar to beloved.
Betrothed; neutral, formal.
Partner; neutral.
Significant Other; neutral, quite formal.
S.O.; neutral, short for significant other, a tad formal.
Other Half; neutral, informal, implies monogamy.
Sweetie; neutral, slightly cheesy.
Sweetheart; neutral, cheesy or old-fashioned.
Cuddle Buddy; neutral, cheesy.
Steady; neutral, as in “going steady” or “steady girlfriend/boyfriend”.
Soul Mate; neutral, slightly cheesy, implies belief in soul mates.
Loveperson; neutral, a person that you love.
Epox; neutral, from the French ‘époux’ which means husband/spouse.
Companion; neutral, reference to Doctor Who’s companions, or Firefly’s Companions.
Imzadi; neutral, from Star Trek, a Betazed word similar to beloved.
Spouse; neutral, formal.
Partner; neutral.
Significant Other; neutral, quite formal.
S.O.; neutral, short for significant other, a tad formal.
Other Half; neutral, informal.
Sweetie; neutral, slightly cheesy.
Sweetheart; neutral, cheesy or old-fashioned.
Cuddle Buddy; neutral, cheesy.
Steady; neutral, as in “going steady” or “steady girlfriend/boyfriend”.
Soul Mate; neutral, slightly cheesy, implies belief in soul mates.
Loveperson; neutral, a person that you love.
Epox; neutral, from the French ‘époux’ which means husband/spouse.
Companion; neutral, reference to Doctor Who’s companions, or Firefly’s Companions.
Imzadi; neutral, from Star Trek, a Betazed word similar to beloved.
Official Titles
Mx.; queer, from mix or X as opposed to M or F.
M.; neutral, short for any and all titles. (note: M. is also short for Monsieur, making it masculine in French speaking countries)
Misc.; queer, the word miscellaneous.
Msr.; queer, mixture of Ms. and Mr..
Mq.; queer, based on the M beginning of Ms./Mr..
Ind.; neutral, short for Individual.
Miscellaneous Titles
Comrade; neutral, not suitable for all situations due to leftist/communist connotations.
Friend; neutral, very informal.
Citizen; neutral.
Tiz; neutral, short for citizen.
Mirdam; queer, a mix of Sir and Madam, although it still sounds similar to Madam.
Mistdam; queer, a mix of Mister and Madam.
Sir’ram; queer, a mix of Sir and Ma’am.
Laddam; queer, a mix of Lad and Madam.
Mir; queer, a mix of Sir and Madam.
Sir; neutral, Sir is used neutrally in the military, although this doesn’t work as well outside of that.
Monarch; neutral.
Ruler; neutral.
Sovereign; neutral.
Your Majesty; neutral, a way of addressing royalty.
Quing; queer, mix of King and Queen.
Caln; queer, created word based on the K/Q sound of King and Queen.
Prin; queer, based on the Prince/ss ending.
Prinxe; queer, based on the Prince/ss ending.
Princet; queer, based on the Prince/ss ending.
Princette; queer, based on the Prince/ss ending.
Princev; queer, based on the Prince/ss ending.
Princen; queer, based on the Prince/ss ending.
Princus; queer, based on the Prince/ss ending.
Your Highness; neutral, a way of addressing royalty.
Heir; neutral, refers to future monarchy.
Princex; queer, based on the Prince/ss ending, POC-coined and POC exclusive.
Lairde; queer, based on the sound of La in Lady and rd in Lord.
Layde; queer, based on the sound of La in Lady and rd in Lord.
Ruler; neutral.
Liege; neutral, term of address for a Lord/Lady.
Sovereign; neutral.
Suzerain; neutral, a feudal equivalent of Lord/Lady.
Potentate; neutral, a Latin word for someone in power.
Khal/Khaleesi (A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones)
Khalsine; queer.
Khalse; queer.
Khalof; neutral, created by David J Peterson who developed the Dothraki for the show.
God; neutral.
Goddex; queer, based on the God/dess ending.
Goddette; queer, based on the God/ess ending.
Goddeq; queer, based on the God/ess ending.
Deity; neutral, another word meaning god.
Kid; neutral.
Enby; queer, from the sound of NB, non-binary.
Neut; neutral, short for neutal.
Newt; neutral, variation of neut.
Null; queer, refering to someone whose gender is ‘null’.
Gul; queer, a mixture of boy and girl.
Fanenby; queer, using enby as a replacement for boy/girl.
Fanby; queer, a mixture of fanboy/fangirl and enby.
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