#Love psychoanalyzing myself at 3 am
morningmask27 · 5 months
i've accidentally been thinking too hard for the last two hours about my family and a trio of fictional siblings and the trauma's that I experienced and the shit they went through... Accidentally made some discoveries...
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strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
#mine#GOD I REALLY SHOULD START A TAG ABT HIM BECAUSE IM MAKING SO MANY POSTS IN A ROW I MIGHT AS WELL TAG EM#💿#there you go . approximately 1 (one) CD. not telling you what it stands for#onto the vent section: IUIUAHDJEHFKW#literally nothing has happened but if im alone with my thoughts enough i will convince myself we r in love –_– hatred#hes just been nicer to me i guess which is making my brain go sicko mode. hhsiwhuyugj im. <3 i seem insaner in text than i do irl#i looked at pictures of him and almost exploded im fine im fine im fine im like so extremely normal i swear to god#😐😐😐 im. my brain. fwshoo#im experiencing brain disease or something im sick in the head we have barely. BARELY barely talked yet i am still this insane#to be fair. i have talked to him more than i talked to my last delusional obsession yet im not that obsessed . but still#holds him gently. hehfuejfke. literally someone includes me into the group and treats me like a fucking human being and next thing u know#im planning our wedding basically –_– like im trying to distract myself from everything so i dont get too insane. like its a quieter insane#im less insane about love interests than i WAS but still pretty insane awhahwha. i am delusional<3 how fun#BITCH oh my god im delusional i need to be banned from thinking forever 😭 i am having so many thoughts fr my brain is soup#im obsessed but im not as obsessed as i COULD be. which is good? i guess#he just includes me in things which is nice:( i was thinking abt how he doesnt rly show affection to anyone at all. more specifically me#even if its just platonic. and i thought. would i be happy in a relationship like that? w someone who isnt obsessed with me#ans the truth is i have no idea<3#he isnt really an affectionate guy in general. (i am psychoanalyzing him) but he is warming up to my style of appreciation i think#i feel like im analzying a minecraft youtuber or something this is how fangirls talk augh
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gdiie · 5 months
been revisiting old media that i loved at 11-12 years old (as you can tell), and i can absolutely tell which characters shaped me into who i am today. loud and cocky? cartman from south park. loud and cocky? america from hetalia. loud and cocky? invader zim.
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season 1 episode 13 thoughts
A SCULLY EPISODE!!!! i was overjoyed and then i felt deep and immeasurable grief as the minutes went by.
she wants to leave her christmas tree up all year <3 she's a good cook <3 her dad calls her starbuck <3
but her dad is being avoidant! he didn't even say i love you when he left!
! dana scully lore reveal ! her dad lowkey sucks!!!
and then he IMMEDIATELY DIED right after! that is sick and twisted. why do they make my girl endure such pain.
the next note i made for the episode was "omg windows you have to crank!" which was a brief moment of levity among the Sorrow. except even the guy doing the said window cranking was kidnapped right after. still, the novelty of it all!
when scully came into work even though her dad had just died... we see mulder call her "dana" for the first time... she was visibly taken aback by this... and mumbled her name back to herself... my heart was melting out of my body
and when i thought i was going to already collapse from the "dana" moment, he tells her she should take some time for herself and then. softly cups her cheek. and strokes it with his thumb. holy fuck i nearly sobbed. it was the softest thing i have ever seen. what the hell man.
he has this instinctive need to touch her. to use his touch to keep her safe or bring her comfort. it will be psychoanalyzed at a later date from me but for now, know i am noticing the motifs.
(also, when he finally left his office, we see that he kept the hat from the alien obsessed guy in episode 10... good to know this is a man who takes souvenirs. take him to the zoo and see what he comes back with)
so then we cutscene to her dad's funeral and we learn that her father was in the navy- perhaps this is why he is unduly harsh. and then we got ANOTHER scene that beat my heart into a pulp: scully turning to her mom and asking "was he proud of me?" her mom waits for a beat and says "he was your father". HEY! THAT'S NOT AN ANSWER!!!!!!!!!
(who wouldn't be proud of scully? i'm taking names. write them down)
when interrogating the death row psychic mulder once again said "i want to believe" and i once again wrote in my episode notes "HE SAID THE LINE!"
interesting that this is an episode where scully believes and mulder doesn't, almost immediately from the beginning of the episode. but the psychic says stuff her dad would say and therefore she gets emotionally invested even though mulder says it's nonsense, and that this guy is setting them a trap because mulder got him put on death row. and when she listens to the psychic's clue and find evidence at an abandoned warehouse, mulder yells at her for putting herself in danger. to which she said:
"i thought you'd be pleased i opened myself to extreme possibilities"
scully i am REACHING through the screen and telling you i'm proud of you in case no one ever did that before
(and MAYBE mulder yelling at her for putting herself in danger because he thinks he needs to protect her WAS deeply satisfying but still. read the room my king)
(also revealed in this scene: mulder is a jimi hendrix fan. i am tucking this knowledge in my pocket and storing it safely)
then the psychic decided to reveal some of her personal memories and we learn she stole a cigarette when she was 14 and she thought it was disgusting but she wanting to do something they would disapprove of. and she was so scared but so excited. are you kidding me? are you absolutely kidding me. the need to rebel from an assigned role in which she feels she MUST be perfect has haunted her from a young age, and when she finally did something her parents really disprove of- joined the FBI instead of working as a doctor- she's met with rejection. so now we know she's had this terrible need to do what pleases those she loves and to break that is a rush from its inherent moral Wrongness. the isolation of being the Good Child who does what She's Told vs. the isolation of being the Less Good Child who loses their parent's approval. that terrible ache of knowing you once pleased them and now you don't. the conditional nature of affection. ohhhhh good lord.
later mulder gets shot and scully thinks the psychic lured him into a trap which leads to her screaming at him (like SERIOUSLY screaming) that if mulder dies, she'll kill the psychic herself. now this was especially crazy because we have only at this point seen her yell once before which was in episode 8, but this was 10x that intensity. also wild for revealing that she will kill anyone who hurts mulder. once again i say holy FUCK.
mulder is wheeled in to the hospital and still telling her not to believe him, says that he's luring her into another trap. at this point i was yelling "TELL MULDER HE KNEW ABOUT YOUR DAD!" but she was too deep in the grief to bring it up
(throughout the entire episode she is hallucinating her dad in places he isn't, which is arguably far more impactful than just seeing her cry)
when the psychic reveals the location of the murderer and they go to check it out, scully straight up shoots the suspect. she is NOT playing around, y'all. i think this is the first time we see her shoot someone, which is already a lot to unpack. but then she doesn't follow the killer because the psychic had warned her against it and in this way he saves her life.
then she says thank you to the psychic, who says "come to my execution and i'll give your father's message to you" and she DOESN'T GO. mulder asks her why, because now he seems to think that psychic dude really WAS telling the truth, and she no longer does:
"why can't you believe?" "because i'm scared"
she's scared!! she's scared to believe. she's scared to know what is out there and she seemed scared to know what her father had to say. isn't there enough uncertainty in this world ruled by facts and science? what could the possibilities be like beyond that? why believe in what you cannot control? she says she knew what he would say because "he's my father". is that enough for her? or was she too frightened to hear that he wasn't proud of her?
overall i've said "holy fuck" like a LOT during this recap and i truly feel that those are the only words i have for the situation. getting to see more scully lore was EXACTLY what i was hoping for and i'm so pleased but also so so so sad. like she keeps her christmas tree up and she's a good cook and she has this terrible need for her father's approval that he won't give and then he goes and dies. i need about 10 beach episodes to make up for the sadness here. chris carter i'm in ur walls.
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heraldofcrow · 2 months
Oh I forgot but what about 11 for Sephiroth? 👀
*bars the door* *locks the window* *closes the curtains after nervously glancing around to make sure Katy isn’t nearby*
Buckle in, girl. This is….complicated. And long.
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
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It all started in June. June of last year. It was a BAD time for me personally. Not even joking. I narrowly escaped death that month dghsj.
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And then this happened when I was talking with Katy…WORST FUCKING TIMING. I can’t discover a new character when I’m in the depths of despair. I will just collapse into them and let the feels consume me.
I jokingly credit this convo as being the reason why I adopted this character, but in truth, I very much could have just chosen to ignore Sephiroth again for the millionth time like I had over the years. I could have just simped for those first two weeks and then moved on with my life, happy that I resisted the charms of yet another cool white-haired katana villain.
However, this time it was different because of my mental state, and also, I stumbled across Crisis Core. My interest went well beyond just “Oh this design is so cool and what a badass villain.”
You know me. I’m drawn to FEELS. I am drawn to tragedy, to drama. I was passionately writing all that Bloodborne angst at the time too, so my head was already in the right place.
Seph in Crisis Core was just…perfect.
I mean, let’s face it—he’s not THAT deep in Remake. He’s enigmatic and a troll for Cloud, sure. He’s playing 4D chess and has some fun lines, and the final boss battle with him definitely sent me spiraling into “Oh I love him,” but he didn’t tug at my heartstrings. I watched Advent Children too and felt the same way. I was enamored with all of his exterior details like everyone else.
He was crazy and deadly and fun to watch. His theme was incredible. Masamune was shiny. He had great hair. His voice was intimidating. He was powerful and stabby. His wing was beautiful. He could cut buildings in half and shit…
But the depth! I was looking for his deeper motivations, his real personality, etc., and it was so damn subtle that I was ready to give up. If a character doesn’t have layers, I either have to resign myself to only loving them a certain amount, or else I’ll write them into a more complex character myself. But I was sure Seph had to be deeper than that?? There was no way this Japanese video game villain that had been around since the 90s was only two-dimensional at best.
So, then I delved into OG and got some answers. I was definitely pulled in then, but also more confused. I felt like I was left to analyze Sephiroth like he was a Dark Souls NPC. I was given a lot of contextual clues about who he was, but no direct answers. The Nibelheim flashback was so brief that I didn’t even know how to define his pre-insanity personality.
I actually started to get desperate and went to YouTube lmao, but all the video essays felt so…surface level. I almost suspected the lore-nerds were as clueless as me. They were just guessing stuff.
And don’t get me wrong, I was already in love by this point, but I felt like I was teetering on the edge of fully embracing the character and hadn’t quite reached nirvana. I remember this was the point when I was trying to explain in our group chat how I tended to “psychoanalyze” characters that I was drawn to in order to crack open their minds and unravel the threads. I was doing this with Seph, but I kept hitting brick walls.
Then I played Crisis Core and…something clicked. That game has some really rough writing and pacing issues. The dialogue is also a struggle to take in sometimes, but I could forgive it. It had so much heart and emotion and humor. It had a good soul. It quickly became my favorite <3
And Sephiroth? In Crisis Core?
Dude, suddenly I understood him. No, he WASN’T always an edgelord villain. No, he wasn’t the classic brooding antihero. He wasn’t messy and sadistic and “foreboding” as if it was inevitable he would become the villain. He didn’t fit any of the tropes I was expecting.
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Bro was lowkey wholesome af.
He was just…a person. Better yet, a not-normal person trying to be normal. He was really happy to just have friends and didn’t want them to get hurt. He goofed around with them like they were a bunch of fucking kids, sneaking into an off-limits training room just to sword fight lol.
He literally stops randomly in the game and starts telling this to Zack all cheerfully like “Me and my buddies used to do this thing…it was TOTALLY secret but it was fun :D” and shares the whole story about him with Gen and Angeal. The way he talked reminded me of a young person who had begun to experience the thrills of life for the first time.
It was the little details like this that got me. There are so many more that I could go on for days about. I was thinking…”Yo this guy is actually a dork (affectionate).”
That’s why I always joke that he is “the homeschooled goth,” because of how he dresses edgy but speaks innocently.
He wasn’t an arrogant snob about his strength either. He was more the depressed loner that took his work seriously, but also was conflicted. He somehow did his both his job and quietly committed treason to make sure his friends survived.
Then they fucking died and backstabbed him, which is something that I think we can relate to the misery of as humans. Losing people to death or relational conflict is hard enough for anyone, but watching it happen to a character who was…ultimately isolated from normal life and society, who was so “other” and separate that he didn’t even fit into the part of having a real family thanks to being an experiment created by a corrupt company was…difficult, to say the least. It was like watching someone be given some hope and then seeing it get ruthlessly crushed.
This was hard for me as a player too, because I had loved Genesis and Angeal right away. The whole trio seemed like a group of loveable dorks with really…funny quirks? They felt so distinct and characterized? But they all broke down horribly because of their origins and the complexes that came with them.
Then the Nibelheim sequence happened. All of the drama went down. Everything fell into place, and I had essentially, a) fallen in love with a character who was genuinely good despite horrible circumstances, and b) watched that character lose his mind and become painfully cruel. It really hurt.
I felt Zack’s pain as he lost a friend he trusted, I felt Cloud and Tifa’s pain as they lost their homes and families, and I still felt Sephiroth’s pain as he just boiled over with rage and took it out on the world. It felt like everyone was suffering so much, and that’s when Crisis Core became much darker and honestly, beautiful? A perfect tragedy.
That’s when Seph became my set-in-stone favorite. I remember being much younger and adoring Darth Vader/Anakin because of the grand tragedy of his downfall and the impact he left as the villain. Watching Seph, I kinda felt like that little kid again—in love with the villain’s story. Always in love with the angel both before and after the fall, because why not enjoy all of the emotions? Nothing hits me harder than “losing” a character to their darker egos, but I can also have fun watching them go wild and commit arson, yeah? Heh.
Seph also has the added complexity of how his mother plays into the story beyond just dying or being forgotten. “She” is very present and also not present. It’s such a strong complex that it even shapes his villainhood, which is perfect for my love of mother-son tragedy.
Anyway since Crisis Core, my infatuation has only gotten worse, ahaha…and now I see that I really only needed OG to understand this character, but I’m not ashamed to admit that CC gave me the boost I wanted.
The new games are still doing this too.
Ever Crisis: The First Soldier, which is a lil story about Seph’s first mission as a kid, made things SO much more agonizing fgdhjsk. The writers really just want you to cry, I swear. It’s hard enough when young Seph in the official artwork looks like THIS:
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I did also do way more research and uncover all the little tidbits I could gather to add to the full picture, and now Rebirth gave me yet another boost.
(I need to mention the first bit of fan-fiction I read about Seph too, which was basically a novel about his life written by the brilliant @altocat called “A Monster’s Threads.” It essentially fleshed out almost all of the lore we know about Seph and made it into a genius story. Alto’s writing is….literally some of the best I’ve seen and that fic ruined my life lol. I seriously don’t think I’ve ever cried that hard reading something. I have been Alto’s loyal devotee and buddy ever since lol. Good writing does that to me <3).
It was all of this that led me from being annoyed that I was interested in another silver katana lad to….
….whatever this was in our group chat when I was defending him from Katy on 9/11 apparently….
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That’s love, baby!
(I may need therapy).
In conclusion, I can’t wait to continue letting this character affect my life way too much. Thanks for listening to my rant 💀
Favorite Character Asks
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
(Luxie I am so sorry for psychoanalyzing you it's just,, you're so,,, psychoanalyse-able, yk? I just gotta psychoanalyse you...
..sPeaking of psychoanalyzing–)
my dear friend
I have thought of the greatest Lovebug headcanon (it's actually my first Lovebug headcanon actually lmao ☠️)
Imagine this.
(also let's assume that this concept is before the Stannarrator ship sailed in your AU :D)
Imagine the Lovebug Virus only going away once it is "satisfied." Like, a certain switch has to be flicked; a certain figurative button has to be pushed. Imagine the virus slowly showing hints to what the other person — in this case, it'll be Stanley — needs to do for it to go away.
Imagine that the only way to satisfy it is to kiss Luxie.
But Stanley can't do that! Luxie is only acting this way because of the virus! Kissing him would just be taking advantage of him, wouldn't it?
But here's the thing; Lovebug!Pollux is extremely affectionate. He's been hugging Stanley out of the blue a lot, holding his hand a bunch, kissing his cheek/s anytime he can, and everything similar. LB!Pollux does all of this, not expecting anything else in return.
Imagine Stanley deciding to return the affection one day.
And, it turns out, the virus can be satisfied that way; but it takes way longer than it would be to just kiss him.
But Stanley doesn't know how to kiss so he just decides to continue returning the affectionate gestures
And this goes on for several months. It started off as LB!Luxie doing the gestures first, then Stanley returnung them with little to no questions asked. Then it moved to LB!Luxie just moving closer to Stanley, and Stanley deciding to take the initiative to do the gestures. And then, it moved to both Stanley and LB!Luxie flat-out hugging and cuddling and holding hands and etc etc anytime they could.
And by the time the Lovebug Virus is gone, all the affectionate gestures turn into unconscious habits.
But Luxie — the actual Luxie — isn't used to that.
So everytime Stanley hugs him and holds him and takes his hand and etc etc, Luxie doesn't even know how to react without the Lovebug Virus controlling his every reaction. He's basically left a blushing and flustered mess because of Stanley.
In short: At first, LB!Luxie showed Stanley a bunch of love and affection. Stanley slowly got used to it and even started to return the gestures. By the time the Lovebug Virus is gone, Stanley is already used to showing so much affection, but Luxie isn't, and is now having to go through what Stanley did during his time with LB!Luxie :D
I forgot how this was meant to play out but I wanted to share this with you mwahahahaha
(Also, I feel like psychoanalyzing a random ending, soooooo do tell me any ending at all [including Bucket variants] so that I can watch playthroughs of the chosen ending and proceed to rant about what I found interesting hehe >:])
I hope I wasted your time in the best way possible!! <3 /p
toooooodlllllllllles :D
— 🅰️non || 05/10/2023
First off, this is hilarious and I love it so much. One reason is cuz I already headcanoned the lovebug taking place before they got together lmao. It just cracks me up think how awkward they would be afterwards, realizing how they acted while under the influence. It's so funny.
Also this is just such a fun lovebug concept. I just love the idea of Stanley being like "Well obviously I can't just kiss him. Guess we gotta do this the long way!" Both of them are so stupid (affectionate).
Anyways, this was an absolute delight to read, it would probably make a really good fic even. Here's a little doodle, I couldn't help myself, I just wanted to draw a flustered Stanley after reading this lol.
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As for a random ending for you to analyze..... hmmmm...... how about the Infinite Hole? Lmao. I just love playing that ending, it's so funny.
(Also I finally got around to making a tag for your asks btw)
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gibblegabber · 4 months
i wrote most of this a month ago but might as well spill my personal nonsense regarding kick on his 14TH ANNIVERSARY WHHHHHHHH
nothing interesting it’s truly like a diary entry
i’ve been keeping to myself while i wind down from another hyperfixation with KB:SD, because it has to come to an end, because there’s very few people left in my life who were there in the fandom while it aired, because i get so fucking depressed when i think about it.
how do i describe this. Kick reminds me that i’m alive. he ALSO reminds me that i’m a failure. he’s the reason i finished art school and also (part of) the reason i stopped pursuing art as a career. the show’s run was the best time of my life and at the same time i was dealing with an overwhelming amount of trauma.
and i packed ALL of that into this silly 6.5/10 rated cartoon. why??? because it just happened to be THERE when I was going thru some shit?? sometimes i think “this could have been any cartoon, the timing is what mattered” and other times i’m like no…the adventures we had in mellowbrook were genuinely incredible and if it were any other fandom, i wouldn’t have met the same amazing people!!! do you know how thankful i am to have Kachiimi and Misha in my life still??? REALLY FUCKING THANKFUL. i don’t deserve them in the least!! they’ve known me at my worst and happened to also SEE me at my worst in person and they’re still my friends and i love them very much, i hope they know that.
and if anyone’s still following me that knew me during the KB years, or was friends with me during that time… 1.) i’m sorry. i was crazy LMAO and 2.) just know you made the whole experience so so awesome :) i appreciated so much that the fandom was a tight knit group of people, no drama, just a great place to be when my life was falling apart around me.
yea if i psychoanalyzed this whole thing i wouldn’t like the answer. but. it doesn’t change how much Kick means to me, and how much he’ll always mean to me!!
it had always been a bucket list thing of mine to be the number 1 fan of something at some point. ever since i was like nine years old i was like “man that’d be cool if it happened”. never in a million years would i have guessed that it would be this. but in a weird way Kick was exactly who i needed at that time. someone whose failures were just his fuel for success. someone who didn’t let his shortcomings stop him from achieving his goals. someone who kept going even if the world was against him. looking back it’s really no surprise that i got so attached.
obviously i’m far from the number 1 fan position now. who knows if i ever really was; i only knew a fraction of the fandom that called me the “queen of the KB fandom”, and Sandro had called me the number 1 fan at one point so i just took it all to heart. i would argue that Aisha took that position when school and jobs and life started consuming my life more than fandom did. or well, all of this is a moot point when you consider Jackie who is definitely 100% his number 1 fan LOL. but wow, what a time. we were so lucky to interact with the crew as much as we did.
it doesn’t seem like much but it really made me feel like i could do anything. if Kick had gotten a third season you KNOW i would’ve stopped at NOTHING to be on the team in some way shape or form. i would’ve flown out to LA in an instant and not looked back. despite everything. i would’ve done it.
kinda sucks considering uhhhh THINGS that got revealed about the director years later, so in the same vein i’m very happy that Kick did not get a season 3. but when the show ended something in me died, or i came to terms with something, idk what it was. something like: i knew i’d never feel the same way about a cartoon again so i didn’t bother trying. i stopped drawing almost entirely for 10 years.
aaaand it’s true. over a decade and i never came close to the level of obsession i had with Kick, and never really wanted to either. THEN i got slapped in the face with IZ and well…let that be a long and cheesy post for march 30th or something. :P and as much fun as it’s been and continues to be, it’s a DIFFERENT sort of experience from KB. it can’t compare. maybe in 10 years i’ll look back on IZ friends and fandom times and reminisce fondly on them too.
KB:SD is stuck where it was. if that makes any sense. there’s a lot in the show that i don’t think modern day fandom would take kindly to. there’s a lot of crack shipping and shenanigans we got up to back then that isn’t okay now. (god… okay i don’t miss that part LOL. i cringe painfully at a lot of it, but i DO miss when people understood the fucking difference between fiction and reality. it was a different time for sure.) it just is what it is.
and that’s okay. i’m gonna let it go, again, and i’ll be back on and off. it hurts. it hurts every time this happens but that’s okay because Kick taught us to live till it hurts. :) 🤘🏼✨
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
legend of vox machina watch party episodes 10-12: non-fungible thordak
"she's not having any of our shit tonight"
did matt get a haircut
"you're not leaving 'til 2 am, bitch"
"are you a vampire coven?" "if taliesin were here we could talk about it"
episode 10 act 4 part 3
"this is where we forgot to draw the city"
liam fangirling his own show
"OPE he lost his fingers"
"stop SPOILING. there's gonna be ACTION in the show."
"the tree piece in this game is really OP"
"shitty vox machina came in to ruin their Warhammer game"
"I forget which animals are fused with humans."
"shut UP matt"
"shout out - oh shit he's in the room"
"you slapped porkchops for like hours"
why does that sound like a euphemism
"I feel like that'd be it for me"
"matt mercer is mean!" "I didn't spend hours building those toothpick barricades for nothing!"
"that's why we named her pike"
"is there no basement? there is not"
I love how much they love their show. I know I was poking at liam earlier but it genuinely is so charming
"same arrow! that's called being responsible"
phil defending his poor herdsmen
"you guys are VIOLENT"
"spoilers!" maybe it'll be different on my screen
"and they were correct"
"you sound like you've had your ass kicked" environmental storytelling
"there's a z-pack in there somewhere"
"zanror, needlessly hot" liam is fully horny on main tonight
"are they brothers like neptune and uranus were cousins"
"but I was born in canada"
"I actually had to shit myself for that line" "we all did"
"it's fun! and also disgusting!"
"let's not psychoanalyze me tonight"
"keyleth is the cutest" glad we're all in agreement
matt is all of us
"get a JOB leave him ALONE"
"she's bullying vax" "you're not wrong"
"he's doing the whole band" how else are you gonna get backstage
"we had to cut things from other episodes to get in 'at dawn we plan'" good
you are now Neutral with The Herd
release the underwear bible
"it is a square"
"you know what's weird? watching this scene with your kids"
"HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS" "it was very difficult"
"did you have to have a talk about bondage and safety?!"
that's a cool band logo
oh NO
matt broke all over again
listen sometimes you just have to have a mental breakdown, it's good for your mental health
"we asked! we forgot."
"turkey vulture!"
"in a week we can talk about it. …something else bad will happen by then." my life for the past year and a half
sam: let me make this as awkward as possible so it can only get better from here
"you write a creepy thing and you feel guilty about it" "critical role"
the writers were on top of that one
"we talk all the time you guys"
"none of this should be happening"
"see, now chat's mad at you"
THAT was liam?!
I'm turning in my voice actor fan card
"you're gonna be the guy they hit"
the fact that he wasn't doing a low bass was why I didn't clock him tbh
"take that, vegeta"
"seventy-five!" "eighty-three!" "hike!"
OH the mugs!
"beautiful nonsense scene"
travis slapping sam's hand away from the edits
"what you did is bad!"
"I'm sure it's fine"
"this is taliesin's front yard, actually"
"look what they did to my boy"
"campaign 4 reference, shh"
"kiss him, vax"
I looked up the show sam and liam referenced, it aired 92-93. I was 4.
umbrasyl listens to linkin park, it's canon
"he's a lot less menacing if you think of him as a whiny kid" there's a lot of that in that last fight
"award-winning awkwardness"
"ashley did not have to act here"
"I think taliesin wrote some of this bullshit"
"if you'd stop FEEDING THEM"
"cut my heart out" liam gets me
"blood pools are my kink"
"it's capri-sun, it's fine"
"it's a discotek at night"
"I've had this dream" I have been blessed to not have drowning dreams, if that changes now I'm fighting matt in the street
between the two of them liam and courtenay voiced half of new vegas
matt drop the raven queen lore
matt you have to tell sam's kids it's the law
"is it YOU?"
not the creepy cg mask
"he's just a little dork!" accurate
percy 100% would have been a train nerd
why did liam's mic pick up him knocking on his head so clearly
very cool that they built the trap in 3d
"this is basically a documentary"
"he goes INVISIBLE?!"
phil with the list of the names
that, that "can't hit what you can't see" felt very adolescent to me
"some said longer, some said shorter" "we disregarded both!"
"the only episode this season where we end on a cliffhanger"
"episode 47 down"
travis I heard you echo that "duty"
remembering that liam went through all of this while dealing with his mother's death
matt: like comment and subscribe
"if you don't do it you'll turn into a squidface" "that's season 3"
"for some people that's a plus"
I don't know why I like the phrasing "deity version" so much
"there's love there!"
the way he says "conversations" means those two have definitely had at least one fistfight over canon
weasel dragon
Dragon Department
CEO of Dragons
I want "Dragon Team" on my resume
"because percy invented the metric system"
"it's canon now"
17 de Rolos
"chat wants you to show - " "your muscles"
"I practice in the car so my neighbors don't call 911"
hope devouwewer
"I want a pink dragon that spits out glitter"
"back inside that bad dragon" liam no
watch out for that treeeee
"but HOW THOUGH" sam gets me
"always bring a healer" stares at laura
"when the raven from the opening went by I fell out of the chair"
"you don't have to choose one" mica/percy/vax polycule
embiggened vestige
umbrasyl on 3G
travis keeps catching himself from saying "d&d" and says "ttrpg"
"that's just liam just talking to me"
"kiss her you fool"
scanlan as paul rudd makes 100% sense and I hate it
"RUDE. UNNECCESARY. didn't have to do it and did it anyway"
vex can't feel vax bc gatshadow's made of lead
"ancient dragon, he can do what he wants"
"we had another ending in case we didn't get a season 3 where scanlan ran and everyone died" "whAT?"
"why would you DO THAT TO ME"
liam stop saying bad dragon
to make an omelette you have to crack a few scanlans
"that's a scrabble word"
"the theme….but slow"
"it's all hue lights"
wait WHAT
rewatches every previous yennen scene
"she could have written a letter" but the mail fraud
age has only done amazing things to cree summer's voice
"what porpoise"
"to go do Vegas"
"put it all on red"
"I'm putting it all into bitcoin"
"he's a cryptobro" "he IS the big bad!"
"you don't get the egg, but there's a code for each individual egg"
I made the poor decision to drink liquids during the watch party again
"that's that thing that I said!"
you know what it makes me think of lernie from hades
this is not a complaint
GOD I mentioned an artbook and now I want it so bad
thordak: talking mad shit for someone in thagomizer range
sketchy vax wings?!
sketchy vax wings!!
"it's not over for all you lefthanded people"
"my wife's a lefty and every morning I say the same thing"
"don't worry laura, you'll be something someday"
The Internets
where's that comic that always makes me cry with the AWNP lines over That Counterspell
matt dropped out of art school to be a rules lawyer
ghibli keyleth!!
"now you've made me sad" "GOOD"
"fifteen seasons and a movie trilogy"
"he's the EP so he said he gets the killing blow"
"is that you writing" "he uses a typewriter"
"oh god I have to do this again"
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Hi!!! I got to say that thanks to your blog I am now in my brocedes brain rot era. So, hear me out, my brain is basically wired to make Taylor Swift lyrics connections with any type of media or topic I consume, so here’s my essay about how brocedes is my tears ricochet coded (specifically, Nico’s POV).
right from the start the “If I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes too” line literally hits. basically, it SUMS UP the mutually destructive relationship they had while racing together and how hurting the other would eventually end up hurt themselves as well. but most importantly, it brings the toxic vindictive and spiteful feeling of yeah I might lose and crash out and disobey orders but you can bet your ass I’m bringing you down with me that somehow revolved around them.
and then BOOM, the classic part. “Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe / All the hell you gave me?”
So listen, I’m not saying that Taylor psychoanalyzed Nico when writing this but. you know. they’re both insane blondies, so I guess their spirits are connected in some ways. like literally the “all the hell you gave me” could represent all the mind games that were going on at the time, but to make it all worse there was also love, I mean they were friends! childhood friends! that loved each other very much and that shared many precious memories that, even when blurred by anger and some form of resentfulness, will be carried till their dying days.
oooh the hurt, oooh the betrayal, oooh the how could he do this to me energy floating around them.
and then we get to the chorus.
Like. C’MON, one can’t read “I didn't have it in myself to go with grace” and not think this is Nico coded. Because, he just couldn’t let it go, could he? he couldn’t just go in a quiet way, just couldn’t not explain his side and miss the opportunity of making his point across, of leaving his mark even if it meant burning even more bridges of their relationship.
“And you're the hero flying around, saving face” oh hi Lewis, the king of “saving face”, the master of doing whatever it takes to not take a hit to his reputation even if that means posing of as hero, who never did anything wrong. BUT a hero is supposed to help others, right? but all Lewis did was hurt Nico :/ and in the name of saving himself and his image he was just pushing ALL the blame on his former teammate. ouch.
Like Taylor said herself: “Writing this song, it kind of occurred to me that [in] all of the superhero stories, the hero’s greatest nemesis is the villain that used to be his best friend.” ouch ouch ouch.
i am honestly impressed, and also a little amused that apparently every baby brocedes goes through the same arc because I too have disassociated listening to this very song and attaching it to brocedes. I'm just gonna post your whole analysis, cause it's really quite Something 😭 and I am honoured to have been to you, what @kritischetheologie's blog was to me when I first got into brocedes. Also you are endlessly creative and I enjoyed reading this 3 parter taylor swift analysis.
also, if you're gonna enjoy this https://podiumdan.tumblr.com/post/662757375956140032/if-im-on-fire-youll-be-made-of-ashes-too
Part 2 here
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
Hey andie! I was wondering whether you had any advice/recommendations for how to be kinder to yourself? It feels like my life is being taken over by my tendency to self-deprecate. Sometimes I just want to be like one of your characters, who recognize the parts of themselves that are "not ideal" but this recognition doesn't seem to like totally derail them (yes, I, in fact, have read your fics so many times that I think (?) I am able to psychoanalyze your protagonists.)
Hello my love!! I'm so beyond honored you've not only read my fics but that you've read them enough times to have dug deep into the characterization of my reader characters!! I am very lucky to have you as a reader, and I'd like to help however I can!
I want to say firstly that I'm definitely happy to talk about this since I have soooo many Thoughts™ on this subject!! But I hope you have friends or loved ones you can talk about this with too. Because I'm just some rando on the internet, and you deserve to be loved and listened to by the people closest to you!
On how to be kinder to yourself, I have like three main ideas that kind of drive my own mentality about this: 1) the Just Some Guy school of thought, 2) the growth mindset, and embarrassingly, 3) YOLO.
The Just Some Guy school of thought is like that post that's been going around, where it's like "honestly the just some guy movement has helped me more than the everyone is beautiful movement," and I find that so true as well. I kind of place myself in the same category as everyone else, in that I really am Just Some Guy.
The benefit of being Just Some Guy, is that I don't have to be better, and can hardly be worse, than the average person. Which means I also should be treated the same way as I would want anyone else to be treated. Do I think any of my friends are idiots if they make a mistake at work or fail a test or have bad acne or "imperfect" figures?? No!! They are just people and I respect them all the same. People have annoying personality traits, and make constant mistakes, and Go Through Things, and look like anyone else, and they need to be treated with patience and kindness and little check ins and favors because that is how you treat any person!!
And if you are Just Some Guy, then why should you be treated differently than you would treat anyone else in your life? This means you also should have the benefit of patience, and understanding, and small check ins with yourself, little treats and favors--the same as you would do for a friend. Because you are the same!!!!
At least for me, this removes the self-indulgent kind of guilt that weirdly can come with being good to yourself. If you think of yourself as just anyone else, it somehow gets easier to be nicer, to establish check ins, and to do little things for yourself.
The growth mindset is another thing that has really helped shape my own sense of worth and identity. (Ignore that this makes me sound like both some new age hack and a business bro. I promise this is a real thing lol.)
This helps remove a lot of the guilt and dissembling that can come with making mistakes and being bad at stuff. The general idea is that one instance of a mistake or failure is its own unique instance. It's hard to divorce yourself from the pattern of your own life where you may feel that all you do is make mistakes, or fail, or whatever, because you've experienced that multiple times. But a mistake is just that, a mistake. And in that mistake, there is the opportunity to learn.
Every time I make a mistake, I try not to treat it like a failure of my own personality. But instead think of it as the best I could have done under whatever circumstances (even if I didn't try my best, because there are circumstances like exhaustion, burn out, etc, that influence willingness to apply yourself, too). Then I examine what went wrong and what I could have changed to make it different.
And then next time, I try to adjust circumstances to make it different. And if that doesn't work, I examine again, and make adjustments for the next next time. Etc etc.
In this way I don't have the expectation that I have to be perfect, just that I have to learn, and that also removes a lot of the pressure and guilt that can come with new opportunities.
Lastly, and this is soooo embarrassingly millennial of me, but I think YOLO really does capture my ultimate feeling about everything.
You only live once. You only get like, 80 years-ish max on this planet. You have already lived so many of them and have limited time left. And in the end, all the pressure you put on yourself, all the ways you punished yourself for who you were--that's not going to matter AT ALL.
So why do it?? Why not spend your time enjoying as much of your life as you can?? Why not spend your time being gentle with yourself, because you can, and because if you don't do it, things might play out that no one else ever does either!!
You only live once. Live kind to yourself, because this is the only lifetime you will ever get. And wouldn't it be so sad if you never gave yourself the love you so badly wanted?
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laceratedlamiaceae · 2 years
A list of petty reasons I hate Edward Teach
please don't take this too seriously lol, it's half me joking and half me psychoanalyzing myself
#1: He reminds me of my dad. The scene in episode four where Izzy is trying to get him to stop focusing on stupid bullshit because they're all about to die and then Ed suddenly starts stomping around and yelling about how he's bored brings me back to walking on eggshells so I wouldn't piss my dad off, although at least my dad just got really passive-aggressive when he was mad instead of yelling like that.
#2: He stole my look. I know long hair + beard + leather pants + leather jacket isn't exactly revolutionary but it's still annoying, especially since he pulls it off better than I do (for now; we'll see who looks better when I'm twenty years older and actually have biceps).
#3: He reminds me of my only real childhood friend who would ignore me in favor of his other, cooler friends but then gave me just enough attention to keep me hanging on whenever I tried to move on. I'm pretty sure Con O'Neill mentioned in some interview that he played Izzy like someone in that exact situation.
#4: People on here are annoying about him. I know this is the people being annoying about characters website, but there's a fun way to do it (which is how I like to think I am about Izzy) and an exhausting way. Also so many people are completely wrong about him, which doesn't help.
#5: He reminds me of my dad, part 2. The way he treats Izzy is so similar to the way my dad was with my mom before they got divorced; he would do something that affected both of them without thinking about her, then get super passive aggressive when she got rightfully annoyed by him.
#6: He's mean to a character I like. Speaking of the way he treats Izzy, it isn't great! Izzy isn't that nice to Ed either but since I already dislike Ed I don't really have a problem with that.
#7: I envy him. Why does he get to be so open and emotional and vulnerable and cringy and pathetic and embarrassing and still be loved and supported? I know that by wanting him to suffer like I did before I learned to stop being like that I'm being the emotional equivalent of those people who don't think student debt should be cancelled because they had to pay it off but I can't help the way I feel.
#8: He's too emotionally volatile. It's genuinely frightening to see him go from acting normal to suddenly expressing an emotion, like when he gets angry at the French captain in episode five or when he starts laughing and smiling so obnoxiously with Calico Jack. I don't like people who are so unpredictable and where I'm from it's considered rude to show such strong feelings in public. (actually now that I think about it, maybe that's not great? but I'm used to it so anything else makes me uncomfortable)
#9: He reminds me of my dad, part 3. Once me and my sister were out somewhere with my dad and I mentioned that I was thirsty so he took us to some super fancy restaurant just to get something to drink because it was close by and then after we were seated he waited for like five minutes before he changed his mind and we just walked out. I felt very uncomfortable the whole time because it was very clearly not a place to just casually get a drink. Anyways that just seems like something Ed would do and I don't like it.
#10: He's a poser. He pretends to be goth but as soon as a preppy guy shows interest in him he drops it completely. It's fine to be a foppish fancy man but you have to own it; it's just lame if you can't commit.
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sassafrassbass · 1 year
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I have been going on an very intense journey of self discovery much like the Native Americans this weekend to figure out what makes me tick and I’ve been very sleep deprived and crying and doing extremely intense thinking about what I want out of my life. Here’s a random highlight of the wild places my brain and body have been taking me. I’m forcing myself tj be sleep deprived and I made a lot of high calorie healthy smoothies and forcing as many calories in me to destroy this idea that I can’t be healthy, limber and fat at the same time because you’re going to get fat training for muscle, and not worry if I am looking fat or not. Just train my body and mind I’m segments like the Ninja Turtles. But it’s been rough and I’ve broken down and cried so many times and found ways to keep going and make plans and pushing past this stupid mental barrier. I want to live up to that message my shirt. I don’t want to be trapped by any limits anymore. I want to be a damsel in success, like Princess Peach. I can feel all the physical changes I’m making. With being able to get food down so I wanted to take this weekend to explore and unpack a lot of stuff and just keep forcing and pushing my stomachs limits while seeing how I get inspired and get a drive and it really has helped so far and one of my biggest fears is that old adage that being fat isn’t healthy. But it is. And if you’re going. To train your body for muscle, you’re going to get fat. So I need to shatter that mental block that it’s bad and just worry about how I feel mentally and physically and not worry about the look and go for the physical strength I need and discipline my insides. So I’ve made it my goal to gain some fat quick to tell myself it’s okay. I am still working on the calories in the list and there will be more tomorrow and I’ve been stretching and doing squats and light workouts this whole time. So I’m doing it as healthily has possible. Like I need to do this and train like this for my own good and health. So I started at 250.8 just a few days ago and working very hard to work on loving my body and getting used to gaining weight and it’s been extremely hard work feeling bloated all the time and like you’re unattractive, but you’re actually not. You’re beautiful and healthy because you know what you’re putting into your body to train and become stronger and need to do this and gain weight as part of my training.
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I want to live like a true member of the Hamato clan and someone that would make Jason David Frank proud. My life has been pretty shitty but I’m glad I’m still here. I want to expand on my tattoos as I’m training my body and mind to be a better person. Ive already somewhat started and I was getting a better aspect when I was psychoanalyzing character development in TMNT 3: Turtles in Time movie for hours and I have a raw video of the whole Snapchat story of my day I can upload somewhere that’s 8 minutes long. But yeah here’s the last bit as a taste of what I was doing and having fun with it.
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I’m starting with Michelangelo qualities of maturing and taking in more responsibilities but still having time for fun and nunchuck practice. Plus I want to still be quick, limber and lithe and quick with a joke, so he’s always been my favorite and relate to him a lot in his different iterations.
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I’ve been practicing changing different positions with them stretching and feels really good to do good fluid movement stretching and then gets your arms tired from pulling so hard in different positions.
But my next is Raphael to work on slowing down and taking time to relax and not be so quick to anger and deal with my body issues because Raphael’s pure essence is generally fueled by hate, rage, sarcasm, and those things suck for mental health sometimes. Just like Sensei says, “Anger clouds the mind and when turned inward becomes and unconquerable enemy.” So I’ve got great insight for my Michelangelo discipline, and now need that work towards my Raphael discipline this year with getting in touch with my body now that I’ve gotten in tune with my spirit. Much of Raphael’s fighting style isn’t about using his weapons, but more the way he moves his body and uses the environment. This body phase is definitely the toughest and roughest challenge yet to overcome.
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xxgothchatonxx · 1 year
8 days until the new year & I’m finally moving on. The last time I did this was in MAY! Okay, I’m scared but let’s do this! WE’RE BACK, BABEYYYYY
And the Beast from the Sea:
* “He ATE IT?” “He ate it up.” God, I love this show.
* Ohhhh Alana looks yummyyyyyyyyy
* “Jack Crawford, fisher of men, watching my cork move against the current. You got me again.” This shows writing is so dramatic & we just hit the first minute.
* I’ve missed therapy. & this session is great! So explorative, evocative!
* I love the idea that the dragon & Francis are now disconnected after Reba. She’s his coil to humanity, & the Dragon craves her. Amazingggg
* God, Richard Armitage, I love how you move! Such a clear shift. So instant.
* I’m sorry, what is with this season 2 score?
* OKAY IVE MISSED THIS BUILDUP! Ohhh, wings and the tail! Fun!
* Reba & Francis!!! MY FAVS!!!
* Cue my plotting to murder family #3 home video
* “I’m not fortunes fool—I’m yours.” YALL
* “There’s a family out there who don’t know who’s coming.” Yeah, William, & I hate to say it, but it’s YOURS!💔
* “Social media, I imagine. Cant be too careful with privacy settings.” STFUUUUU HE’S SUCH A BITCHY LITTLE MAN!
* “You gonna kill him?” “No.” WILLIAM, YOU COULD NOT BE MORE WRONG
* “I had to justify myself to an 11 year old.” Damn, William, sorry.
* MOLLYYYYYYYYYY (totally forgot her name so I’m happy Will said it a few second ago)
* “Would you have told me the truth?” “I’m my own way, I always have.” YEAH, LIKE A FUCKING BASTARD, YOU BASTARD MAN!
* Oh, a surprise guest in Jack!
* Hannibal “Trans Rights” Lecter part 2
* I am laughing way to hard at Sexy Glass Cell Hannibal. “You have hubbed hell, Dr. Lecter.” “I often do.” I LOVE THIS BASTARDDDDD
* Oh they are not the best of friends anymore!!!
* Francis, PLEASE STOP
* DAMN, GET YOUR FUCKING HAT, FRANCIS!!!! This is why we can’t have nice things! YOU MADE HER CRY!!!!!😭😭😭😭
* Stupid fucking dragonnnnnn
* Oh, this aught to be a very educational moment.
* A sweet man💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
* I never would have thought that quick shot of Hannibal turning his head with that mask would be when HIS TOILET WAS BEING TAKEN OH MY GOOOOOD IT’S WHAT YOU DESERVE, BUDDY
* Heyyyy, Molly’s awakeeeee
* Molly, this is NOT the self-blame game! Piling on Jack doesn’t count! Negative points!
* OH WILLIAM’S GOT HIS REVENGE EYES ON OH FUCK WE GOT A MIRROR (mirroring movements, not a mirror for the trick, that was just the fade) WALK TO HANNIBAL OHHH THAT WAS NICE
* “Save yourself. Kill them all. Then I gave him your home address.” FUCKING HELL, NOT CRYPTIC BUT VERY BITCHY BASTARD OF YOU, BASTARD
* REVENGE EYES TO “I’m bored, let’s have some fun” ASSHOLE
* I don’t know if I like that this mirror isn’t directly equal. I get the ✨symbolism✨ of Hannibal finally being caught & pushed into the corner of indignity & Will inching closer to rip him to shreds, but it’s Not Equallll
* All thanks to you, Hanni.
* We have crave change, Hannibal, but not in a “let’s go murder our neighbors” kind of change
* SIIIIIIIIIIIGH FUCK THIS FELT LIKE IT TOOK FOREVER BUT GOD HAVE I MISSED IT!!! Want to keep watching, but I have a movie date with the twin
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(Video reaction will be turned into a 40 second audio & I’ll send it over to you!)
I love that this is the third adaptation of Red Dragon but I was still like "HOLY SHIT WHAT?!" when watching this episode.
Speaking of which, now you're going to be up to hands-down one of the most unintentionally hilarious (or maybe it is funny- knowing Bryan, he probably wanted it to be a bit funny..) episodes I've ever seen of any TV show 😂
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emilyrox · 2 years
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Youtube Music also has a recap I am SO READY to expose myself 😎
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This equals 954 hours and 47 minutes.
That equals roughly 39 days of just music. 39 days we'll spent.
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I got into The Weeknd earlier this year, a couple months after "Dawn FM" came out. So like, April or May. Both Dawn FM and After Hours own my heart and I've come up with a whole ass story line for them.
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All of these artists I've had specific phases for ar some point this year.
The Weeknd: summer + late October
Evanescence: honestly idk if this phase ever truly ends
Ariana Grande: early in the year. But comes back.
Flyleaf: September - now
Set It Off: March - May
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This song is why I don't think the Evanescence phase truly ended. This has become one of my favorite Evanescence songs. The vocals and instrumentation kick ass, it's fast and very stimulating in a good way, and it just hits different, ya know?
I also associate this song with Regina from Once Upon A Time. The lyrics remind me a lot of her internal struggle with dealing with the bad things she's done and wanting to disassociate herself from them (see the season 5 finale) but knowing she can't really do that, and having to accept that (see all of season 6).
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Both this remix and the original go hard and are S-tier.
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1. Already explained.
2. This song also goes hard and hits different. I know the real context of it is that it's about Jesus (Christian rock band), but I reinterpreted it as being about Emma Swan from Once Upon A Time. The first two verses and choruses can be seen as about her building up her walls due to all her trauma and people that have severely hurt her (Neal Cassidy, for instance), but the bridge and third chorus show her in a better place in her life, now surrounded by people that love her and make her feel safe enough to start breaking those walls (Killian, for instance).
3. I have a specific plot line made for this song but it's too long to put here.
4. Got into this song around the same time ISWM came out so I associate the two together now.
5. First off I had no idea that & Juliet existed until I heard this cover and I want to explore it more. Secondly I didn't think I'd ever hear Britney Spear's "Baby One More Time" as a tragic ballad but here we are. It's awesome and I want Anna's voice.
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I don't actually have a favorite genre but this tracks.
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Made this playlist because "Monster by KIRA slaps." I'm glad people enjoy it! Although there are definetely more covers to add to this by now. I made this in high school. I'm a sophomore in college now. It needs an update.
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YouTube Music was trying to say “Oh you set the trend of people listening to Kim Petras :D” which I honestly doubt, but it honestly gives me “I listened to Kim Petras BEFORE it was cool” vibes
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I guess this is true? I don’t think “Erase This” by Evanescence was her most popular song from the album “Evanescence” for example.
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My top 5 songs you saw earlier I put on loop for days at a time. I am not ashamed.
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Gotta have a sick beat for the climax of the fake scenarios in my head.
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I’ve been psychoanalyzed by YouTube music y’all. And it fits.
Like I said earlier, I don’t have a favorite genre of music. One day I’m vibing to rock, the next pop, the next Vocaloid, the next a song about a video game I’ve never played but it absolutely slaps.
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And this has been my YouTube Music 2022 Recap. Thank you for indulging me to do this.
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queenophelia · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)❤️❤️❤️
Oh shit okokok
1. I LOVE my hair. Its naturally curly and its getting pretty long and its pretty thick. It just looks really cool most of the time so yea
2. I am actually really adaptable. Like i love having Plans and not deviating from them but once i give it a thought i can usually work around most things and figure out an even better way forward. It just takes me a min of panic thinking to get there but once i think about it i'm great
3. I love responsibility. I don't like being fully in charge and i will never be a boss or a leader but i am a great right hand person. Like a first mate, i can do the job and well while the captain is unavailable but when they come back i am happy to give the job back.
4. While i am not a great creative writer (dialogue sux and writing introspection is kindof hard to do without projecting my issues on to it, and keeping the characters personalities in tact is a bitch) i am a REALLY good academic writer. I have a very unique voice in my writing and i rarely get grades below 94 on essays. I can also write for pages and pages and pages. I tend to write my essays in one sitting too, usually averaging around 2-3hrs per essay depending on sources. I wrote a 7pg research paper the other day with 4 sources, start to finish in abt 4 hrs? Like, i think i'm pretty good at this
5. I like how self aware i am. Sometimes people don't realize a lot of things about themselves but i do. If anything i overthink everything about myself, but i still stay true to myself. I know i can get obnoxious, and am abit of a know it all, and i can tell when my amxiety is spiking in different ways and situations, amd i can tell when i am starting to slide into a depressive episode. But i can also tell that i look like my grandmother, and can put pieces together regarding interactions with other people. I know i don't like people in the kitchen with me, know i probably have undiagnosed adhd, etc. I am constantly aware of who i am and how i interact with others but not always in anegative way. I tend to psychoanalyze myself as i fall asleep and then can notice those things in myself and others when i wake.
Thank you @insistonyourcupofstars 🖤
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jiminrings · 2 years
I love 478 so so much and I’m so glad that our babies got the happy ending that they had with each other but i have come to terms that it’s only cause of my love/idolization for real life jungkook 💀 that, the fact that it’s a made up story and knowing that I don’t know jungkook personally makes it easier to put him on a pedestal and it made it easier for me to forgive him in the fic!! Lolol
I know 478 jungkook is nowhere near as bad as heartburn Jimin but imma be real if my current partner did what jungkook did and lied about what he lied about regardless of what his intentions were… the moral greyness of it all…idk if there would be much trust or even relationship left between us!! But maybe that’s just me?! I grew up with parents who constantly lied to each other and made my siblings and I lie for them in certain situations, and at the same time punished us harshly when they caught us telling mundane little white lies. Now as an adult lying is such a scary territory for me that I’d rather just avoid it at all costs and maybe that’s why I’d have such a hard time forgiving that particular act in the context of a real life relationship (not me psychoanalyzing myself lmao who do I think I am)
that and that i feel like exes are a touchy subject/sore spot for most people and it’s just having the common sense and basic respect for your partner to steer clear of anything to do with your ex, unless you have a good reason not to, like shared custody of children or unless you have spoken to your partner about it beforehand in a way that has not left them any room to manifest doubts in their mind (looking at u Jk 👀)
I dunno am I alone in feeling this way? Sometimes i feel like it could be that I’m just a very unforgiving person? I wish I could hear the opinions of other people who are in relationships to broaden my perspective a bit!! how would you feel in this given situation?! I hope you don’t mind me asking, I always love to hear your thoughts!!
the first paragraph oh my godddd u summed it up perfectly!!!! those r my exact thoughts for every Big Angst fic ever </3 granted that 478jk isn’t as bad as hbjm, it doesn’t negate the moral repercussions of his actions (and even oc’s by extension)!!! i get u though!!! fics are all digested differently and given what u said, jungkook does seem like public enemy no. 1 esp for readers with similar experiences </3 also yes!! exes are a touchy subject and really depends what someone can and cannot tolerate!! target audience pls give ur inputs we wanna hear more 🤍🤍
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