#Los Daniel´s
aperint · 1 year
12 de marzo se tituló “Everything everywhere all at once”
12 de marzo se tituló “Everything everywhere all at once” #aperturaintelectual #vmrfaintelectual @victormanrf @Victor M. Reyes Ferriz @vicmanrf @victormrferriz Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz
14 DE MARZO DE 2023 12 de marzo se tituló “Everything everywhere all at once” POR: VÍCTOR MANUEL REYES FERRIZ La noche del domingo pasado, presenciamos la 95ª entrega de los Premios de la Academia, una ceremonia que desafortunadamente ha ido perdiendo fuerza, impacto e incluso en ocasiones hasta credibilidad, donde en las dos anteriores ediciones se vio, como el resto del mundo, afectada para…
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cinemaquiles · 4 months
Uma história real: "Os sobreviventes dos Andes" (1976)
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principessa777 · 6 days
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SUMMER LOVE - Matías Recalt
✦ ⸻ contexto: Matías finalmente vai para o Brasil pela primeira vez conhecer sua família e passar o fim de semana contigo no sitio dos seus tios.
✦ ⸻ matías recalt X leitora
✦ ⸻ fluff, mati falando português 🥺🤏
✦ ⸻ notas da autora: oi genteee, perdão não ter postado ontem acabei me atrapalhando toda e não consegui aparecer aqui. apenas a família da s/n vai ter um nome fixo!!
tava ansiosa p postar esse aaaa espero que gostem!!
Você e Matías namoravam há quase 2 anos, mas por conta de suas vidas corridas ele nunca teve a oportunidade de conhecer seus pais pessoalmente.
Ele se sentia ansioso, tinha medo de como seus pais, principalmente o seu pai, iriam tratá-lo, tinha medo de sua família não gostar dele, de acabar se sentindo excluído por ser estrangeiro.
Muitas coisas se passavam na cabeça de Matías e ele estava extremamente nervoso.
- Relaxa, Mati. Eles são tranquilos. - você pegou na mão dele enquanto dirigia. Por mais que Matías tivesse insistido em dirigir, você recusou porquê ele iria se perder na estrada e daria muita merda. Como da última vez que vocês foram pra uma trilha com ele dirigindo e quase capotou o carro.
- Não é fácil, você já conheceu meus pais, mas eu nunca conheci os seus.
Ele nunca tinha se sentido daquele jeito e você sabia disso. Matías era hiperativo, não parava quieto 1 segundo e parecia uma criança atentada, mas dessa vez ele estava quieto, pensativo e olhava pra rua com a cabeça encostada na janela.
- Bom, pelo menos já estamos chegando. Não quero que você se sinta mal por ser o único estrangeiro na casa, você sabe que é bem vindo.
- Eu sei, amor. Mas é nervosismo e medo de não gostarem de mim, é inevitável. - deu um risinho fraco e apertou a sua mão enquanto te admirava.
Quando ele não estava no 220 ou no modo tarado, o passatempo favorito dele era te admirar e dizer o quão linda você era, e apesar dele não falar nada só o olhar dele ja dizia por mais de mil palavras.
Vocês finalmente haviam chegado e você tinha saído do carro pra abrir o portão. Matías viu que tinha três carros, contando com o seu, estacionados. Ele se tremeu ao ver de longe a altura dos seus tios.
Então Matías resolveu sair do carro e você foi ajudá-lo a carregar as malas. Enquanto vocês subiam um "morrinho" até a casa, ele viu seus pais parados e você correu para cumprimentar seu pai.
- Matías, querido! Que bom você ter vindo. - sua mãe o puxou para um abraço apertado e ele sorriu aliviado.
- Mãe, ele não fala português.. - você deu um puxãozinho na blusa de sua mãe e ela te olhou surpresa. - Minha mãe disse que está feliz por você ter vindo.
- Obrigado, senhora. É um prazer conhecê-la. - ele diz em português, mas com uma certa dificuldade, e sua mãe sorriu batendo palmas.
- Quando é que você aprendeu isso?
- Tenho meus truques, gatita. - riu travesso e foi cumprimentar o seu pai. - Olá, senhor. Prazer conhecê-lo. - estendeu a mão para cumprimentar seu pai mas ele também o puxou para um abraço. Matías estava surpreso.
- Bem vindo, garoto. - falou em espanhol. - Eu treinei antes de vocês virem.
- Bom, essa é a minha mãe Catarina e meu pai Daniel. Se precisar de algo é só chamar eles.- você entrelaçou seus dedos com os de seu namorado e foi com ele até o quarto onde você ficava com seus primos quando mais nova. - Eu falei que daria tudo certo, não falei? - largou as malas no chão após trancar a porta e foi até Matías, segurando seu rosto e olhando em seus olhos que pareciam duas bolinhas de gude.
- Falou. - disse com uma certa dificuldade por você estar apertando suas bochechas e você riu achando fofo. - Tá rindo é? - então ele, de alguma maneira, pegou na sua cintura e te jogou na cama ficando por cima de você.
- Já ativou o modo Matías Transudo? - ele não riu e passou a língua pelos lábios enquanto olhava sua boca. - Pelo visto sim. - então você o puxou para um beijo quente e apaixonado. Fazia alguns dias desde que você e Matías haviam transado e ele estava desesperado, o desejo sexual do garoto era altíssimo.
Então ele passou a beijar seu rosto e foi descendo até seu pescoço. Você se segurava pra não soltar nenhum som alto, afinal sua família estava no andar de baixo, então você soltou apenas alguns resmungos enquanto seu namorado beijava seu pescoço e dava pequenas mordidas ali.
- Amor, amor! Para. - você interrompeu o garoto que te olhou confuso. - Não acha que se a gente transar agora não vão estranhar a demora?
- É, realmente. - coçou a nuca e riu sem graça. - Vamos na piscina pelo menos?
- Claro. - você se levanta animada da cama e logo foram de trocar.
- Finalmente! Achei que estavam fazendo meus netinhos - sua mãe diz sem nenhuma papa na língua e seu pai quase cospe o suco que estava bebendo.
- Catarina! Por Deus. - Daniel a repreende e a mulher o olha sem entender.
- Calma, mãe. Não estávamos fazendo nada. - você riu sem graça. - Estamos muito novos pra te dar netinhos. - dá uma piscadela e você puxa Matías para a piscina.
- Tá muito gelado, vou entrar não. - ele colocou a ponta do pé na água e faz uma careta, a essa hora você já estava dentro da água.
- Para de frescura, Matías! Entra logo nessa piscina.
- Eu não tô de frescura! Você vai pegar uma gripe ficando nessa água gelada sabia? - ele disse com as mãos na cintura parecendo o pocoyo e você revirou o olhos.
Não deu outra, sua avó havia empurrado Matías na piscina e quase foi junto.
A senhora tinha quase 70 anos mas era conservada.
- Larga de birra moleque! Nem tá tão gelada. - Matías te olhou assustado e você riu.
- Não ri não.
- Desculpa amor, minha avó é assim. - você se aproximou do seu namorado e o abraçou pela cintura, ficando no canto da piscina.
E mais uma vez estava Matías te admirando com aquele olhar que você tanto amava.
O dia havia sido incrível, você e Mati ficaram na piscina a tarde toda brincando com sua priminha de três anos, e inclusive você ficou pensando no Matías como pai de menina e seu coração derreteu.
Depois Matías virou melhor amigo do seu pai e dos seus tios, passaram o resto da tarde jogando truco, que haviam ensinado pra ele, e você ficou observando só de longe.
Vira e mexe você escutava o argentino berrar "truco!" e bater na mesa, aquilo te arrancava risadas e você acabou fazendo um compilado de vídeos do seu namorado jogando truco.
- Vocês ama ele, né? - sua mãe se aproximou e sentou ao seu lado, passando o braço ao redor do seu ombro.
- Demais, mãe. - você diz sorrindo e olhando Matías se divertir. - Apesar dele não saber muita coisa em português ele se deu muito bem com o papai e meus tios.
- Quando alguma coisa é pra ser, é desse jeitinho que acontece. - apoiou a cabeça na sua. - Estou tão feliz pela minha menina! Você pode trazê-lo quando quiser, eu amei o Matías.
E assim foi o melhor dia da sua vida. Matías e sua família era a combinação certa.
Suas tias ensinavam ele a dançar as famosas coreografias de axé, e sua mãe o ensinou a fazer tapioca - que ele inclusive te fez uma na manhã seguinte e estava uma delícia -, e ele teve uma conversa longa com seu pai pela noite, ambos sentados na grama e dividindo um cigarro.
Era disso que você precisava, essa era a paz que você tanto desejou e agora tinha em suas mãos.
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obs: btw escrevi esse imagine escutando essa pedrada
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susiewlff · 2 years
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“I have to tell you what happened this summer. I was in Los Angeles to visit my eldest son, who studies there. That evening, I was in a restaurant with a shirt given to me by Daniel Ricciardo, with a rather fancy design – I love his clothing line. The Mercedes photograph was there, he’s an artist. He gave me Oakley glasses, 80’s style, took a picture of me and posted it on our Instagram account. Susie called me immediately to tell me I looked like an idiot, that I looked like Borat… All this to say I need to accept that I am a certain age, and so I cannot wear just anything like Lewis does!” — Toto Wolff about that photo.
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forlovvers · 5 months
( always )
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pair: ex!jay x gn!reader | genre: fluff/angst idk | warning(s): none! | wc: 800 ish | synopsis: in which you and jay see each other for the first time in three years. 
lynne’s notez🗒️: jay is very always by daniel caesar coded
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your late nights consisted of grocery shopping because you never had time to make the trip during the day. you think you prefer it like this; quiet and unoccupied, just some older ladies here and there. 
you walk down the aisles, shopping cart full of miscellaneous items. you reach into your jacket pocket and rummage around to pull out a crumpled letter and your grocery list. huh. you hadn’t even realized you had had that in there.
regardless, you stuff the letter back into your pocket and unfold your grocery list. you read down your list and make a mental notes of the few things you needed left. you make a turn into the next aisle and see the next item you need at the top-most shelf. 
you internally groan. top shelves were your number one enemy.
you outstretch your arms and as best as you could, you just barely touch the item. you let out a big huff and try again.
“do you need help?” the familiar voice asks, and you want to turn to look at who it belonged to but the man gently grabs the sides of your waist and moves you aside. the action is short, but it leaves you feeling a little dizzy.
“here you go,” he turns to you to hand you the item when his voice trails off. you’re met with the kind eyes of jay park. his hair is tousled and blonde. he looks the same for the most part, just a bit more into his features. his oversized bomber jacket really sticks out and his sleeves are rolled up to reveal his arms.
it had been three years since you last saw him. you remember the day clearly when you told him you were leaving for the states and didn’t plan on coming back. jay had been in your apartment, making dinner when you dropped the news. you remember him asking “did i do something wrong?”
in fact, it had nothing to do with him. and everything to do with yourself. he didn’t even say goodbye at the airport when you left, but when you got on the plane, there was a small piece of parchment stuck in your wallet. it was a love letter, signed off by jay.
beating yourself up over losing the love of your life was your routine for the next three years. most of your days in the beginning consisted of wondering what he was up to, did he think about you like you did him? eventually, you had to let him go. 
but here, in this grocery store, jay stands tall before you.
“i didn’t know you were back in town.” jay laughs awkwardly, handing you the item. you accept it and his hands brush over your skin, sending shockwaves to your brain. 
“yeah, i got back a week ago.” you say, for some reason you can’t look him in the eyes. he nods profoundly and when you turn away to start walking, he follows. his steps soon fall into sync with yours.
“how long are you back in town for?” jay asks, his voice honey like you’d always loved.
“i’m not sure. i wanted to see my parents.” you respond. you pick something off the shelves and place it in the cart to distract yourself from your thundering heart.
“ah,” his voice is thick with disappointment. jay can’t help but stare at your profile, and suddenly it feels like you’re both seventeen again. “i wrote that song you were always convincing me to write.” he says, diverting the attention away from the topic.
“oh really?” your words are piqued with interest and for the first time since that night three years ago, you look him in the eyes. you knew jay loved music. it traveled in his veins and pumped his blood, but he wasn’t too sure on pursuing it. you were always trying to get him to go further with his music, although he never quite got there.
“what’s it about?”
“oh um,” jay sheepishly rubs his nape. “it’s about you.”
you swear time slows and jay stops and turns fully to look at you. your breath hitches, yet he continues. “i was losing my head over you and needed to get it out.” 
“look y/n, it’s really great to see you again, and all i’ve done is think about you for the past three years.” jay steps forward, closer to you. “but i can give you time and space, just let me know if you want to talk things out, because i still love you.” there’s a fond smile on his lips as he opens your hand and places a small crumpled piece of paper, written in messy handwriting his new number and,
“i’ll always be here.”
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harley-sunday · 1 year
Feels Like Home [01]
Summary: When an unexpected three-week break between Monza and Singapore finds Daniel back on his farm in Perth he’s desperate to use this time to clear his mind, figure out his future in Formula One, and find his way back. He didn’t expect a new neighbour, a sassy two-year old, and three alpacas would make him realise that sometimes, what you’re looking for is right in front of you.
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x reader (unnamed OFC)
Warnings: Language
Word count: 2.7k
AN: Yes. Hi. Hello. Believe it or not but I started writing this fic because I desperately needed some good guy!Daniel being cute with kids in my life. The idea was just a short one shot. Ha. Who was I kidding? Because here we are, six months and nine chapters later... I really hope you like it, please come yell at me in the comments, on anon, or in my DMs about any and all things about this story you want to yell at me about. I probably deserve it. ♥
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There’s something about being here, on his farm outside of Perth, that he doesn’t experience anywhere else in the world. Not in Monaco, not in Los Angeles, not even in Austin, or Montana. 
Because here- Here, he doesn’t have to be Daniel Ricciardo, Danny Ric, DR, or the Honey Badger. He doesn’t have to be a Formula One driver, an eight-time race winner, the most beloved driver on the grid, and the fan favourite. He doesn’t have to be Red Bull’s wild card, Renault’s saviour, or, most recently, McLaren’s scapegoat. Here, he is Daniel. And it’s enough. 
Or, at least, it used to be.
Lately, there's been a yearning in his heart that he's unfamiliar with. Or he pretends to be anyway because he’s not ready to put it into words yet, not ready to speak into existence what he really wants from life. Afraid he'll jinx it if he does. 
And so he keeps it to himself and lets his heart ache for something more in silence while the life he does know slowly keeps on falling apart around him.
Daniel rests his wrists on the handlebar of his dirt bike and lets out a breath he seems to have been holding in ever since he retired on lap forty-five of the Monza Grand Prix four days ago. Looking out over the valley below, he feels more grounded than he has in a long time and he hopes that the next two weeks will give him the peace he so desperately needs after the shitshow that has been his season so far. 
The sun’s already low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the somewhat still barren trees and shrubs even though he can tell winter is slowly coming to an end from the sprouts of green that have started to grace the landscape with their presence. There’s a kookaburra laughing somewhere in the distance and he takes it as his cue to fire up his engine again for one last run around his dirt track before it gets too dark. 
He knows technically he isn’t supposed to ride his bike during the season, knows technically McLaren could issue him a hefty fine for breaching his contract, but if they ever were to find out he figures they can just take it out of the settlement they’re due to pay him at the end of the year. He’s promised Zak he’ll do whatever it takes to score as many points as possible in the last six races but he also decided early on that he’s no longer going to let the team dictate what he can or cannot do in his time away from the track. 
There’s a meeting tomorrow, with Blake and Michael, where they’ll try to figure out his future in Formula One. There have been a few offers, both from teams who want him as their second driver and from teams who want him to become their reserve driver, but he’s still undecided, not sure if he wants to settle for another midfield team or stay in Formula One without really being in Formula One. 
By the time he completes his lap his head is somewhat empty, too busy instead to focus on keeping his bike under control and not ending up in the dirt. It’s almost dark now and so he opens the throttle wide and guns it home, a race against an invisible clock that, unlike this past season in Formula One, he wins every single time.
Once his bike is safely back in the shed he makes his way over to the house, hosing his boots down before he takes them off at the back door and leaves them to dry on the shoe rack his Dad made for him when he bought the farm. He changes out of his gear in the mud room, making a face when he takes his socks off and catches a whiff of the smell but laughing then because he remembers them smelling so much worse after a race in, oh let’s say, Singapore. With nothing but his boxer shorts on he steps into the kitchen and heads straight for the fridge, taking out an ice cold bottle of water. The sigh of relief when he rolls it against the back of his neck almost obscene. It might be winter but temperatures in western Australia are still as high as a beautiful spring day in Monaco.
It’s then the intercom rings and for a moment he debates ignoring it, not sure if he’s up for telling yet another local journo looking to make it big by trying to get an interview with ‘shunned McLaren driver Daniel Ricciardo’ that now really isn’t a good time  and that any requests for interviews should be made through Blake anyway.  
Plus, he gave his family and friends the access code to the gate when it was first installed, so he doubts any of them are waiting for him to open it, not in the least because they know better than to just show up without a text or call in advance.  
In the end, his curiosity gets the better of him and so he walks over to where the control panel of his alarm system hangs in the living room and pushes the button needed to connect to whoever’s at the gate, “Hello?”
“Hi,” the screen comes on then, the black and white image showing a woman wearing a Stetson hat. She’s staring somewhere into the distance, her face obscured by the shadows the brim of her hat casts under the streetlight, but her voice comes through loud and clear, “Sorry to bother you this late-”
“It’s seven thirty,” he shoots back almost effortlessly.
“-but I wondered if I could maybe ask you to keep it down with the dirt biking a little?” 
“I’m sorry, what?”
She looks up and into the camera then, pushing her hat a little higher so he can finally see her eyes, “It’s just- We’ve got a flock of alpacas over in Eagle's Nest and they tend to get a little jittery from all the noise. Especially when they try to settle in for the night and-”
“I’m sorry,“ he can’t help but grin, running a hand through his hair, “but I’m going to need a little more context here.”
She laughs and he thinks it’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard and so he’s a little distracted but then he sees her taking her hat off, revealing her face and- Fuck. She’s gorgeous. He watches her as she shakes her head, a smile tugging on the corners of her lips, “Shit, sorry. I probably should have given you a bit more to go on.” Putting her hat back on she straightens up and points to somewhere over her shoulder, “Your neighbour on that side, Oscar Linton? He’s my granddad. I think you know him, right?”
“Old man Linton!” He smiles and nods, “Of course I do.” When he first bought the farm he made sure to introduce himself to his neighbours and while he likes to think he has a good relationship with all three of them he’s always had a soft spot for the elderly man further up the road. So much so that he always makes sure to drop by for a chat whenever he finds himself back in Perth. It’s then he connects the dots and recognises her from some of the pictures Oscar has up in his living room. All of a sudden he feels guilty for not going to see his neighbour yet even though he has been home for two days already but maybe he can do that tomorrow or-
“He fell a few days ago-” her voice pulls him out of his thoughts unintentionally and his guilt triples in a matter of seconds. There’s a sad smile tugging on her lips which makes him prepare for the worst. 
Surely they would have let him know if- He remembers the pile of unopened letters waiting for him on the kitchen counter then and curses quietly, “Shit.”
“He’s ok,” she’s quick to reassure him, as if she knows what he was thinking. “He spent a couple of nights in hospital and still has a long way to go but at least he’s home again.” She takes a deep breath, “They had to replace his hip and he’s got a broken wrist but,” she shrugs, “it could have been worse.” 
It’s then the absurdity of the situation hits him, with him in his boxers in his living room and her on the other end of his kilometre-long driveway, talking into a metallic box. He shakes his head and pushes the button that opens the gate automatically, “I think maybe we shouldn’t have this conversation over an intercom. I could make you a cup of coffee if you want? Or something stronger? I make a mean-”
She bites her lip and seems to hesitate.
“Just a quick cuppa. It’s the neighbourly thing to do, right?”
He sees her nod, “Yeah, ok.”
He can’t help the grin that spreads across his face, “Happy days.” 
The house is not at all how you expect it to be, much more modern and open-planned than any of the other farm houses in the area. The west-facing wall has been completely redone in glass panels, offering a stunning view of the valley and surrounding paddocks and you can’t help but admire the interior design of both the kitchen and the living room, which is masculine but still inviting. You wonder if he decorated the place himself or if he hired some interior designer to do it for him.
“Here you go,” Daniel, who told you ‘You can call me Dan’ when he greeted you at the door with a bright smile and an outstretched hand- offers you a cup of steaming hot coffee and motions for you to join him at the kitchen table. He’s wearing white sweatpants and a matching white sweater that look incredibly comfy and that make you want to wrap yourself around him and hang onto him like a koala bear. Wait. What? 
You take your hat off to try and keep from ogling him, placing  it on the chair next to you before you sit down and smile at him, “You know, all these years I thought you were called Danny Ric because that’s what Granddad keeps calling you. I’m not sure I can get used to Daniel.” 
Daniel laughs, the laughter lines in the corners of his eyes even more prominent now, “Trust the old man to keep that gag going.” He shakes his head then, “I can’t believe he fell though.”
“Yeah,” you agree quietly, blowing into your coffee. “We’re lucky Mrs Mackenzie found him when she did or-” You let out a ragged breath and see him nod, his eyes kind, and it makes you continue, “His hip was completely shattered and his wrist is broken in three places so it’s going to take a while before he’s up and running again- I mean, if his new hip ever heals completely- He’s already seventy-eight so-” You hear yourself starting to ramble and so you fold your hands around your cup and try to calm down a little. You’re not even sure why you’re even telling him all of this, but he’s a friend of your granddad and so you figure he’s good people. “Mum and Dad wanted to come back from New Zealand to help out but-” you look up at Daniel and shrug, “I spent a lot of time on the farm as a kid, right until I left for uni, so it made much more sense for me to move in with him for the time being.” 
“That’s a pretty big thing to do,” Daniel says with a kind smile, a warmth to his brown eyes that you can feel yourself get lost in. “You sure your family can miss you that long?”
You don’t really know what he’s getting at, whether he’s talking about your Mum and Dad or the husband and kids he thinks you might have left behind to come back to Mundaring, and you don’t really know you want to tell him your truth either, after all you’ve just met him, so in the end you shake your head and settle on an honest, “I’ve got everything I need right here.” 
He eyes you suspiciously but doesn’t push it and instead he says, “If you’d have me I’d love to come over to see him some time. I’m still here for almost another two weeks  and-” 
“I’m sure he’d like that,” you offer with a smile. “He always tells me what a nice bloke you are.”
Daniel leans back in his chair and grins, spreading his arms, “Can’t say I blame him. I’m the best.” 
“He says the same thing about the postie,” you tease with a casual shrug, “so don’t get too excited.” 
“Ouch,” Daniel brings a hand to his chest, “that hurts.” 
You pout, “So sad.” 
“Very,” Daniel agrees quietly, trying his best to keep a straight face. He puts his arms on the table then and leans forward, “Before you stomp on my ego some more, why don’t you tell me the real reason you’re here. What’s up with that eagle’s nest over in some paddock?”
“Oof,” you pull a face and shake your head, “you were so close.” You can’t help but laugh when you see him pretend to be hurt at your comment. You take a sip of coffee before you explain, pointing in the general direction of your paddock, “Your dirt track borders Eagle's Nest, the paddock Granddad uses for the alpacas in September and October, and I guess normally it isn’t a problem because you usually aren’t home during this time of year but I heard you yesterday and today and-”
“Yeah, we had an unexpected three-week break this year so I figured-” Daniel waves his hand around for you to continue then.
“It’s just, we have three pregnant females this year and- I don’t know if you’re at all familiar with alpacas?”
He shakes his head, “I didn’t even know you guys had alpacas. Your granddad and I just tend to talk shit about Mrs Mackenzie and them over a cuppa but I've never really asked him about the farm to be honest."
You throw him a look, knowing all too well your granddad doesn’t drink coffee.
He quickly backs down, “Fine, I drink coffee, he drinks tea.” 
“There you go,” you mouth with a wink. “Anyway, alpacas are basically scared of everything, even their own shadow, so you know, someone riding a dirt bike close by doesn’t really help with keeping them nice and calm during these last few weeks of their pregnancy.” 
“They’re usually out on the other side of the paddock during the day, so anything until five in the afternoon is fine” you offer, not wanting to deprive him of his hobby completely, “but we have their feeders and the shed they can hide in during the night out over in your corner, so-”
“You’re giving me a five pm curfew, basically,” he says with a raise of his eyebrows.
“Just until the end of October.” You bite your lip, “I’m sorry, it’s just-”
“Nah, no worries,” Daniel puts his hand on your forearm and gives it a squeeze to let you know he means it. “I’d do anything for old Oscar.” Then, with a grin he adds, “And his girls.” 
You can’t help the heat that rises to your cheeks and try to hide it with a smile, “Thank you.”
He squeezes your arm again, “He’s gonna be fine by the way. He’s tough, that one.”
“Speaking of Granddad,” you risk a quick glance at your watch, letting you know it’s almost eight fifteen, “I should probably head back.” You push your chair back and grab your hat, putting it on as you tell Daniel, “Thank you for the coffee.”
“Anytime,” he says with a grin as he stands up as well, following you to the front door. “Tell him I’ll come by soon, ok?”
“Will do.” You turn around then and smile again, something about not getting your hopes up but doing so anyway when you ask, “I’ll see you around then?”
Daniel tips his imaginary hat, “Yes ma’am.” 
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soberscientistlife · 6 months
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Louisa Jenkins smoking a cigarette as the police try to question her at a protest in 1957.⁣
—Louise Jenkins Meriwether, a novelist, essayist, journalist and social activist, was the only daughter of Marion Lloyd Jenkins and his wife, Julia. Meriwether was born May 8, 1923 in Haverstraw, New York to parents who were from South Carolina where her father worked as a painter and a bricklayer and her mother worked as a domestic.
After the stock market crash of October 24, 1929, Louise’s family migrated from Haverstraw to New York City. They moved to Brooklyn first, and later to Harlem. The third of five children, Louise grew up in the decade of the Great Depression, a time that would deeply affect her young life and ultimately influence her as a writer.
Despite her family’s financial plight, Louise Jenkins attended Public School 81 in Harlem and graduated from Central Commercial High School in downtown Manhattan. In the 1950’s, she received a B.A. degree in English from New York University before meeting and marrying Angelo Meriwether, a Los Angeles teacher. Although this marriage and a later marriage to Earle Howe ended in divorce, Louise continues to use the Meriwether name. In 1965, Louise earned an M.A. degree in journalism from the University of California at Los Angeles.
Meriwether was hired by Universal Studios in the 1950’s to became the first black story analyst in Hollywood’s history. Beginning in the early 1960’s, Meriwether also wrote and published articles in the Los Angeles Sentinel on African Americans such as opera singer Grace Bumbry, Attorney Audrey Boswell, and Los Angeles jurist, Judge Vaino Spencer. In 1967, Meriwether joined the Watts Writers’ Workshop (a group created in response to the Watts Riot of 1965) and worked as a staff member of that project.
Her first book, Daddy Was a Number Runner, a fictional account of the economic devastation of Harlem in the Great Depression, appeared in 1970 as the first novel to emerge from the Watts Writers’ Workshop. It received favorable reviews from authors James Baldwin and Paule Marshall. Daddy Was a Number Runner, is a fictional account of the historical and sociological devastation of the economic Depression on Harlem residents.
Meriwether followed with the publication of three historical biographies for children on civil war hero Robert Smalls (1971), pioneer heart surgeon, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (1972) and civil rights activist Rosa Parks (1973). In addition to numerous short stories, Meriwether published novels, Fragments of the Ark (1994) and Shadow Dancing (2000). Louise Meriwether has taught creative writing at Sarah Lawrence College and the University of Houston. She is a member of the Harlem Writers Guild.
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filmap · 11 months
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Everything Everywhere All at Once Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert. 2022
Theater Los Angeles Theatre,  615 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90014, USA See in map
See in imdb
Bonus: also in this location
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pinesource · 18 days
Chris Pine admits that he's been mistaken for a few actors in his career.
While speaking with Willie Geist on the May 5 edition of Sunday Sitdown, he recalled a time when someone mistook him for Matt Damon.
"I had a whole encounter with this woman in Washington, D.C.," he said. "She was convinced I was Matt Damon."
"Did you go with it?" Willie asked.
"Yes. I didn’t want to let her down," Pine said with a laugh.
However, that isn't the only celebrity Pine has been mistaken for. The "Poolman" star said he's gotten Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels and George Hamilton before.
"There’s no offense to George Hamilton. It’s just the age disparity," he said. "It’s a little rough for me. My ego wasn’t super happy with that one."
As for why people mix him up with other actors, Pine said it's probably because he's not a "big mega movie star."
"I have made these big films, but I’m not a Tom Cruise," he said.
Over the course of his career, Pine has acted in blockbuster films like 2009's "Star Trek" and 2017's "Wonder Woman."
Born in Los Angeles to a family of actors, Pine knew he wanted to be in show business when he attended the University of California, Berkeley. After his mom saw his performance in a play, she made a comment that he remembers to this day.
"My mother — I remember, this is not hyperbole — said, 'Are you sure you don’t want to become a lawyer?'" he recalled. "And she didn’t say it jokingly. I said, 'No,' and she took a moment and said, 'OK.'
"She knew what I was going up against, potentially going up against. And my parents have been nothing but supportive," he added.
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themculibrary · 2 months
Daniel Sousa/Daisy Johnson Masterlist
all we do is drive. (ao3) - romantashas M, 30k
Summary: Daisy has missed the open road. She used to always love taking her van out and just driving. Los Angeles was where she liked to stick around, but she would always go on these road trips just because she wanted to explore somewhere new.
She's always liked running away from things.
It was different, having someone with her.
In which Daisy Johnson helps Daniel Sousa explore the modern world by taking him on a cross-country road trip in a van. Post-Finale road trip AU with MCU tie-ins.
A Miracle Starts With a Beat of a Heart (ao3) - samanthaswishes T, 202k
Summary: The team's trip to space and the almost end of the world changed their lives in more ways than they could count. However, no one expected the change that was going to happen in Daisy's life. What if Kasius had planned on using Daisy to breed more inhumans? The team comes together to help her while Daisy finds a new kind of love. One she never could have imagined happening, but turned out to be a miracle.
Takes place from post-season 5/pre-season 6 to post-series finale.
A Week After Death (ao3) - manoutoftimeandquake T, 15k
Summary: An explosion in an alien junkyard sends Daisy, Sousa and Kora back in time to meet some people from Sousa's past.
Edge of Tonight (ao3) - Letmebecomeataboo G, 38k
Summary:  1946, New York City
Daniel Sousa is an agent, working for the SSR in New York. When the search for wanted fugitive Howard Stark comes to a stand still, a new agent named Daisy Johnson is sent from the Los Angeles office to help. Now, on top of trying to figure out where Stark is, Daniel suddenly has to fight with his feelings for the mysterious and beautiful new agent.
Field Test (ao3) - Luckyfishy E, 7k
Summary: After 7X09 in the Lighthouse but before all hell breaks loose so before the events of 7x10. Daisy and Sousa get in a workout but also work each other up ... leading to the inevitable smutty goodness.
One Year Later (ao3) - marvelsquake T, 64k
Summary: Set right after the series finale's 'one year later' part where Daisy stares into space with Sousa and Kora.
Inspired by the 'anatomy analysis' bit Jemma says to Daisy.
Orchestrating History (ao3) - TheSovereigntyofReality G, 11k
Summary: In 1955, Daniel Sousa allegedly died at HYDRA's hands and became the first fallen S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent.
In truth, Coulson's team saved him and faked his death.
Due to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s policy with enhanced, they may come to regret that decision.
Reclaim (ao3) - StillTryingToWrite T, 232k
Summary: It is an instinctual reaction, at this point, wanting them to like her, to want her. It is the same feeling she used to get when she was younger, before she knew better. So if she shows the parts of herself she thinks they will like and keeps the rest buried, it is just easier for everyone that way. But she tries not to think about any of this yet. For now, she just gazes out the window, and enjoys the view, looking out at her future adventures.
-Daisy’s story following the course of the entire series. A collection of missing scenes during and between episodes, flashbacks to pre-series, and Daisy’s perspective on canon events.
religion's in your lips, the altar is my hips (ao3) - mssimmonsfitz E, 17k
Summary: Daisy and Daniel decide to...experiment.
stars that have people names (ao3) - rianparker (orphan_account) G, 1k
Summary: Stargazing isn't normally Daisy's idea of a fun date night, but there's no doubt in Daniel's mind she'll love it tonight.
Stay (ao3) - SteeleHoltingOn E, 150k
Summary: Not everyone knew she could feel heartbeats. Sousa’s sped up every time he looked her way.
His reaction wasn’t particularly unusual, and Daisy was an expert at fending off unwanted advances. But that was just it: Sousa hadn’t actually made any advances, and if he did, Daisy wasn’t sure she’d ward them off.
Her heartbeat, it seemed, liked to match tempo with his.
want you (to unravel me) (ao3) - IzzieBee M, 21k
Summary: Daisy never wanted to be rescued, by anyone. She never wanted to owe someone that debt, but especially not to a handsome WWII Vet, traveling through time. Daniel, who was brave and decent, and kind of funny, and who she could easily depend on, which was way too dangerous to consider.
Daisy really wasn't ready for Daniel Sousa.
Where I Need To Be (ao3) - JennaGreen T, 180k
Summary: This is set from Episode 7x03 onwards and follows the story of Daisy Johnson and Daniel Sousa, and how their relationship has been developing throughout this amazing season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! This story mostly follows canon but is interspersed with missing moments between Daisy and Sousa that I imagine could have happened off-screen.
Your Heartbeat On The Highline(Once In Twenty Lifetimes) (ao3) - doctorsimmonswilson T, 40k
Summary: He’s a man out of time and she’s an orphaned superhero. They’ve just got to figure out what to do next, after the mission is over.
[aka Daisy and Daniel’s story post finale]
you've got that power (over me). (ao3) - romantashas M, 71k
Summary: "It's you," Daniel whispers. He's in awe, looking at Quake. She steps back away from him. "Let me help you," he says, reaching out toward her injured arm slowly.
Daniel only gets a moment more to admire her glowing eyes and her purple hair before she turns and runs away, her hand slipping out of his.
In which the superheroes of the Marvelverse actually try to keep their identities a secret and Daniel Sousa is determined to figure out who is behind the mysterious Quake mask. Superhero AU with MCU tie-ins.
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Okay so remember the post where i ranked Thanatos and Hermes across media?well it’s Persephone time.
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Percy Jackson:
We don’t see her much,mostly because most of the books are in summer.
I did like her turning Nico into a sunflower tho.
(I’m sorry Nico you’ve been through so much but you gotta bully(affectionate) your faves every once in a while take one for the team)
I also saw that she was described as a brat by Percy in the Greek gods book of which I think is an interesting description that certainly fits the next character well…
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Lore Olympus:
The only character I wholeheartedly know is going to score lower is LO hades because fuck him.
Ill save a rant but basically here’s some of the worst she’s done:
Committed genocide against an entire city.
Turn a lady into a plant.
Act as if she would still have her job in the underworld as if it wasn’t for hades.
Neglect her purple baby.
Corner a guy at his job.
And finally trash a girl(who is very explicitly a lower class race in this world)’s house for flirting with her husband.when he VERY CLEARLY SHUT HER DOWN.
That’s all I can remember off the top of my head but yeah.what did you expect.
(Also if you like Persephone,that’s valid.but I personally dislike Hera lot)
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Lowest hades score so far and vast improvement on the last character!
This lady jumpstarts the entire plot of the game in a genuinely believable way.
The story of Persephone leaving the underworld is a very well written one and it makes sense as to why who did what.
Also once she dies find out zag is alive she instantly made an effort to reconnect(even if it took her a while to make it back).
Also?she gives you the Pom blossom.
As for her design,I love both a lot but I like her queen of the underworld drip more so that’s the one I’m using.
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Overly sarcastic productions:
I love her design and she perfectly captures the “sweet until you piss her off” vibe.
Also she loves her dog what did you expect.
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The better we took romance Persephone.
Okay,but other than her being the cooler Daniel she’s pretty cool.
I like how she’s shown as actually having sexual agency and how she interacts with hades is pretty fun.
Also I like her design quite a bit.
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Gods school:
Okay,I know I didn’t mention gods school in the Hermes post but I hadn’t watched it at the time.
Now,I find her dynamic really interesting as it seems like minthe is blackmailing her but we don’t really know much about that.
Also,her design is pretty good.
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moonbyulsstuff · 2 years
Request Rules.
I'm only putting the characters that I have written about.
Just A Kiss, Nothing Else: Johan x Male Reader.
Johan Seong x Female Reader Headcanon.
YN! Johan Seong and YN! Daniel Park Headcanons: Gender Neutral Reader
Them Reacting you to Calling them Pretty, with a Gender Neutral Reader.
Johan Seong and Eli Jang Polyamorous Relationship Headcanon, with a Gender Neutral Reader.
Sudden Love: Jay Hong x GN Reader.
Dating Them Headcanons: Lookism Male Version with a Gender Neutral Reader: Zack Lee, Vasco, Daniel Park, Johan Seong, Jay Hong, Eli Jang.
Their Reaction To You Rejecting Them Because You Are In Love With Someone Else, with a Gender Neutral Reader: Zoe Park, Gun, Daniel Park, Johan Seong.
Them with Male S/O Who's Shy: Mira Kim, Mary Kim, Zoe Park, Crystal Choi.
Xiaolong Dating Headcanons with a Female Reader.
Our Little Secret: Daniel Park x Female Reader.
Dating Diego Kang headcanons: Diego Kang x Female Reader.
Xiaolong x GN Reader Headcanons: What's okay and not okay with him.
Yandere Sinu Han Headcanons with a GN Reader.
My Type: Y!Jake Kim x GN Reader.
No: Y!Eugene x GN Reader.
No Matter What, You Belong To Me: Y!Daniel Park x GN Reader.
A Ruined First Date: Xiaolong x Female Reader.
If Only...: Diego Kang x Female Reader.
Dating Kwak Jichang Headcanons: GN Reader.
It's Cold: Gun Park x Female Reader.
Dating Headcanons: Jake Kim and JIhan Kwak x GN Reader (separate).
Dating Them Headcanons: Hudson Ahn and Diego Kang (James Lee) x GN Reader.
Them Finding You Wearing Their Shirt: Female Reader.
On A Date With Them: Female Reader.
How They Would React When You Received A Sexual Text From An Unknown Number: Female Reader.
How They Would React To Their Chubby S/O Being Insecure Headcanons: GN Reader.
They Get Jealous After Meeting Your Ex: Female Reader.
How Would They React When You Received a Sexual Text From An Unknown Number: GN Reader.
Dating Kwak Jibeom Headcanons: GN Reader.
Viral Hit/How To Fight.
Viral Hit Men Headcanon: What's it like dating them: Hobin Yu, Wangguk Han, Taehun Seong, Yeonu Ji, Mangi Lee, Munseong Kim, Hyeonsong Lee and etc.
Meant To Be: Taehun Seong x Female Reader.
Made For Each Other: YN!Taehun Seong x YN!GN Reader.
How Would They React When You Receive A Sexual Text From An Unknown Number. GN Reader.
Gaeul Dating a Transgender (FTM) Reader Headcanons.
Taehun Seong x Sick GN Reader.
Let Me Take Care of You: Yeonu Ji x GN Reader.
Them Dating A Beauty and Fashion Newtuber: GN Reader.
Love me? Duh?: Taehun Seong x GN Reader
Aoba Johsai x Gender Neutral: Manager Stories: 1,
Questism/Quest Supremacy.
Sick Day: Hajun Gu x GN Reader.
Study Date: Jaeha Han x Female Reader.
Captivating: Haru Seong x GN Reader.
I Love You: Seok Kang x GN Reader.
Dating the Top Dogs Headcanons (Seperate): Suhyeon Kim, Seok Kang, Jaeha Han x GN Reader.
My Lo- I mean Best Friend: Hajun Gu x Female Reader.
Dating Haru Seong Headcanons: GN Reader.
Dating Ryu SIkyung Headcanons: Male Reader.
How Would They React When You Received a Sexual Text From An Unknown Number: GN Reader.
My Type of Woman: All Gangbuk Leaders x Female Reader
YOU CAN FIGHT?!?!: Haru Seong x Male Reader
Get Schooled.
Nothing in here yet.
Manager Kim.
Nothing in here yet.
The Remarried Empress.
Please... Stay...: Sovieshu x Male Reader.
How They Would React to Navier Taking of a Child Headcanons: Female Child Reader.
Men of the Harem.
Nothing in here yet.
Miraculous Ladybug.
Nothing in here yet.
Jujutsu Kaisen.
Nothing in here yet.
Black Clover.
Nothing in here yet.
Sk8 the Infinity.
Nothing in here yet.
Fairy Tail.
Nothing in here yet.
Yandere Simulator.
Unlikely Relationship: Delinquents x Male Reader.
The Rising of the Shield Hero.
Nothing in here yet.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Coffee Jelly Lovers: Saiki Kusuo x Male Reader.
Toritsuka with an equally dirty minded girlfriend: Toritsuka Reita x Female Reader.
Just Like You: Saiki Kusuo x Female Reader.
A Tease: Kaidou Shun x Male Reader.
Gakuen Babysitters.
Gakuen Babysitters Headcanon: Female Reader.
My Hero Academia
Nothing in here yet.
Marry My Husband.
Sweet Love: Eunho Baek x Male Reader.
Maybe, In Another Life: Yoo Ji Hyuk x GN Reader.
Welcome Home
Nothing in here yet.
IRL Quest/Reality Quest
A Friend? Or.. Something More?: Han Eun-Sung x Female Reader.
Dating Han Eun-Sung Headcanons: GN Reader.
How Would They React When You Received a Sexual Text From An Unknown Number: GN Reader.
Into/Across the Spider-Verse.
Nothing in here yet.
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freddycarterus · 6 months
Help us save Six of Crows!
On November 15th, Netflix announced its cancellation of the Six of Crows project, an adaptation of Leigh Bardugo’s beloved Grishaverse duology. Since then, there has been an outpour of grief and heartbreak online from thousands of fans, begging for a reversal.
The novel Six of Crows was first published 8 years ago, gaining critical acclaim and a massive fanbase. Over the years, its numbers have only grown. First appearing on screen in Shadow and Bone, the Crows rapidly became favorites among critics and fans alike. The fandom’s love for the ragtag crew from Ketterdam was so significant and well-known that the show diverges from the book’s canon to include them. When showrunner Eric Heisserer announced in March that a Six of Crows spinoff was in the works the fandom rejoiced, but since being canceled, the fandom's joy quickly turned into dismay and uproar.
With scripts already written, an immensely talented group of people both in front of and behind the camera more than ready to work, and a massive fanbase, it’s baffling that Netflix would choose not to go forward with the project. However, the Grishaverse fandom refuses to accept this fate. 
We refuse to accept that we will never see Inej Ghafa’s empowering backstory, the beautiful love story of Matthias and Nina, the dozens of famous lines that make us weep, or a single scene with all of our beloved Crows together.
We have organized this Kickstarter campaign to show Netflix that we reject this abrupt and heartbreaking end. For the cast, for the crew, for all of us that love this world and these characters, we will fight to see this story on screen.
Donations to this Kickstarter will be put towards the renting of a large billboard in Los Angeles demanding Netflix’s action in saving the Six of Crows series. If sufficiently funded, we plan to expand the campaign to other locations to further demonstrate our commitment. 
As exact details will partially depend on the success of this fundraiser, more information about the specific address and duration of the billboard(s) rental will come soon. For questions, keep an eye on this webpage or follow @freddybrekker on X for updates.
It is our hope that Netflix will be forced to listen to the fandom’s dedication to this series as well as our outrage at its cancellation. For our cause to be successful, we must be impossible to ignore.
Finally, we will leave you with words from our brilliant, dedicated and beloved cast of Crows.
“I feel like the fans, myself included, have been really looking forward to seeing the Six of Crows storyline come to life. It's just so, so cinematic, that storyline…It would be heartbreaking to get this close and then not get to see all six of them together." Freddy Carter
“I haven't had the same luxury of Inej's backstory yet, and I think they're saving that. I'm really, really glad that they are. I know the payoff for this, if it does happen, is gonna be absolutely an emotional wreck but in the most beautiful, exciting and exhilarating way.” Amita Suman
“I’m heartbroken by the idea that we won’t be able to finish what we started… I desperately wished to go further, and believe me those plans are special…The patience I’ve carried for that dream these past years has been beating in me like a slow steady drum, and yesterday it paused for the first time.” Calahan Skogman
"[Nina has] helped many people like me to love, like, and accept myself. I tried to stay true to her character.” Danielle Galligan 
“Growing up, I didn’t see that many characters like myself who were in big fantasy series, with violence or [who] even had access to fantasy weapons or got involved in big fights and battles…I think to see a character like myself in those situations is a really cool thing, it’s something that I actually don’t see often.” Jack Wolfe
"I think that I can speak for everyone here when we all really care about doing it well, and we are invested in its success… I think hopefully what you see is something that we are already proud of because we’ve put our blood, sweat, and tears into it. And it’s just a joy to do. So wherever it can go next, if we get the chance to keep going, then you know, we’re all game, we’re all excited to do it." Kit Young
#SaveTheCrows #SaveShadowandBone
“Because that’s what we do. We never stop fighting.” 
“Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting.” -  Kaz Brekker, Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
No mourners. No funerals. 🖤
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lookismstuff · 9 months
Reaction to Ep 462
THREE major revelations take place in this episode and there will soon be a backstory that some readers are looking forward to reading.
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So Jake (Gimyung) met Daniel (Hyungseok) outside of the Grimm clinic when he did his own reconnaisance. Then they both agreed on capturing CEO Charles Choi (Choi Dongsoo) and Park Jinyoung. Jake was bent on getting back at Charles for what happened to Big Deal and Daniel of course wanted to get his second body back (and uncover that mystery). They separated and agreed to meet on D-Day (the asylum attack).
I really love this interaction. Danny calls Jake "hyung" (older bro) and I wish that someday they could remain good friends. They were also joking a little bit about how useful Jake might be (or not...hahaha their short banter was everything).
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Anyway they arrived at Jihan's holding cell and set him free (it was so easy, the plot must be moving at the speed of lightning again). Zack (Jinsung) came rescuing Jibeom and Hudson (Hyunsung) who, fyi, fainted after the monster's attack before Eli (Hyun) dragged it (him?) down with him two episodes ago. It was so funny, he was pissed that he was left alone helping them (I hope Vasco's fine somewhere... COME ON SOMEBODY FIND HIM).
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And lo and behold, the ominiscient "Forever Man" is none other than Jihan's insane cell mate. The man is not called "Forever" for nothing. He was the first victim of Workers (lhae)'s forced confinement.
This is the first revelation.
The man's also Baek Hangyeol's father.
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So somehow Hangyeol cheated the system as a minor to cosign with his mom in order to imprison his dad for reasons of insanity (I wonder if there'll be more to this backstory, like Jasmine [Youngmi]'s dad way back then who was actually a sexual molester to her).
Back to the present time, The Forever Man led Allied to a set of emergency stairs that they couldn't find before (because it's walled from the outside). And per Hangyeol's instruction, Taejin was already waiting for them at the first basement, all prepared. (CHEONLIANG BACKSTORY SOON!)
The mere sight of Taejin smirking drove Vin (Hobin) to anger and tears and soon they began to fight as Vin was determined that no witnesses should be left alive, implying that Taejin was an eyewitness to the murder that Vin had to commit in the past, or to whatever happened to Mary (Miru).
That is the second revelation in the episode, btw.
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Hangyeol also told Park Jinyoung to prepare. And by preparing he meant to use his three reprogrammed victims (Big Danny, Johan and Samuel [Seongeun]) to launch an attack against Allied.
Yep his experiments were apparently to turn them into some sort of soldier/bioweapons thingy and see which one of them was the strongest (predictable, I wish it was related to the double bodies). Thanking the mad scientist for not shaving Johan and Samuel bald.
This is the third and final revelation in this episode.
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swan-of-sunrise · 9 months
The Armistice (Tales From The SSR)
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Summary: During a standard evening of work focusing on their secret investigation into Michael Carter’s file, Jack and (Y/N) clash before ultimately coming to a mutual understanding (Chapter 5 of Specs and the Flyboy in Jack’s POV)
Pairing: Jack Thompson X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warning/Disclaimers: None
A/N: Originally, I only intended on rewriting a portion of Chapter 5 but I got a little carried away and rewrote the entire thing from Jack’s POV lol to be fair, this chapter is such an interesting turning point for both characters, so I really couldn’t resist! Thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
The Armistice October 1947 West Coast Strategic Scientific Reserve, Los Angeles (Previous One-Shot)
With an exaggerated yawn, Jack stretched the aching muscles in his arms and glanced down at his wristwatch. “Hey, Sousa, I think I’m gonna head out a few minutes early.”
Daniel looked up from the paperwork he was signing with a small knowing smile. “On a Friday? Let me guess, you finally decided to make the most of your time in Los Angeles and by some strange miracle snagged yourself a date?”
“Nope,” Jack replied, standing and crossing the chief’s office to retrieve his jacket from the corner coat rack. “Today just took a lot out of me and I’m lookin’ forward to having a nice, long nap out by Stark’s pool.”
“Yeah, sitting around doing nothin’ but whining about our new codebreaker must’ve really exhausted you.” The chief’s voice was dripping with sarcasm but his dark eyes glimmered with amusement as he gave him a small wave. “I’ll see you bright and early on Monday, Thompson.”
After wishing Daniel a good weekend, Jack walked out of the chief’s office and through the bullpen as the other agents prepared to leave; he passed by Agent (Y/L/N)’s overly-cluttered desk and bit back a smirk of amusement at the sight of the codebreaker struggling to shove a handful of files into her disorganized briefcase, taking a small amount of pleasure in her annoyance before their scheduled meeting and the closeness they’d be forced to endure for the next several hours. He left the Auerbach Theatrical Agency and strolled down the street to lean against a lamppost and wait for his reluctant partner to emerge. When she finally did, he heaved a sigh of exasperation when he saw how stiff her posture was and the way her fingers of her free hand twitched against her skirt as she furtively glanced around at the other pedestrians on the sidewalk; (Y/L/N) may be a decent codebreaker but she’s got a lot to learn about espionage, he thought to himself, shaking his head and waiting for her to get into her emerald-green Fleetmaster before pushing himself off the lamppost.
“You know, it’s a good thing you’re decent at codebreaking, Specs, ‘cause you’d make a pretty shit spy.” Jack smirked as he got into the passenger seat of her car and adjusted his fedora. “You fidget too much.”
Predictably, (Y/N) pursed her lips and rolled her eyes in annoyance at his critique. “Hello to you too, Flyboy. I think I’m closer to cracking the first code on page three, but I need to take a glance at some of my translation journals; Peggy kept stopping by my desk to talk, so I didn’t get as much done as I wanted to today.” She pulled away from the curb and began driving down the bustling Los Angeles street. “Did you find anything on Michael yet?”
“While Sousa was out getting lunch, I finally got into contact with my buddy Jeff in D.C. and he confirmed that both the British Armed Forces and the SOE listed him as MIA. I also got those files I requested last week from London, so we can take a look at ‘em over dinner.” He felt a surge of annoyance as he thought about the diner they’d been forced to conduct their secret investigation out of and before he could stop himself, he huffed out an agitated breath and demanded, “Explain to me again why we can’t do all this back at your place?”
“Because, my building manager doesn’t allow men on the premises. And we can’t do it at yours because Jarvis’ll tell Peg about it in a heartbeat, so we’ll just have to make-do with the diner until we find a new place.”
While (Y/N) pointedly ignored him in favor of focusing on the road ahead, Jack’s jaw clenched in agitation and kept himself occupied with one of the files, skimming over Michael Carter’s brief but distinguished service record and biting his lip as he pondered the typed ‘MIA’ notice at the bottom of the last page. They parked down the street from her apartment building and walked down the sidewalk together to the diner but when they reached the front entrance, there was a sign posted onto the door stating that they were closed due to a family emergency.
“Dammit,” Jack swore to himself and turned to face (Y/N) with his hands on his hips. “What now?”
The codebreaker looked about as exasperated as Jack felt, exhaling through her nose and tapping the toe of her high-heel against the pavement in indecision before releasing an agitated sigh. “All right, we’ll go to my place but you need to follow my instructions to the letter. If we get caught, I’ll be homeless and your ass’ll be grass, got it?”
Jack flashed her an amused smirk, thoroughly entertained by the situation unfolding before them. “Understood. Do you have a plan or do I need to come up with one myself?”
“No, it’s okay, I wouldn’t want you to overwork yourself or anything,” (Y/N) shot back and his jaw clenched tight in annoyance. “There’s a fire escape on the side of my apartment building, climb up to the second story and open the window but be careful, the hinges are a little rusty. Once you’re in, don’t make any sound until I can switch on my radio to mask our voices and don’t touch anything.”
After promising to follow her lead, Jack made his way around the back of the apartment building and checked to make sure that no one was watching before climbing up the rickety fire escape; she just has to live in a women-only apartment building, he inwardly grumbled as he crouched down and nudged the second-story window open, I feel like a goddamn creep. He was halfway into (Y/N)’s apartment when the door unlocked and the codebreaker stepped through the doorway, but the both of them froze when they heard the muffled voice of an older woman calling (Y/N)’s last name.
“Miss (Y/L/N)!”
(Y/N) shot Jack a panicked look but kicked into action after he gestured for her to hurry up, hastily stepping back out into the hallway and shutting the door behind her; Jack, taking advantage of the brief distraction, jumped into the apartment and crossed the room in three long strides to the wardrobe. “Jesus, this is low even for you…” Jack grumbled to himself before climbing up into the wardrobe and closing the door, a light blush reluctantly blossoming across his face when he realized that several pastel-colored satin nightgowns were brushing up against his arm. Awkwardly pushing the hangars further down the wardrobe’s bar, Jack forced himself to pay attention to the conversation happening out in the hallway.
“Yes, Mrs. Espinoza?”
“You’re home early, Miss (Y/L/N). Are you alone?”
“Of course, Mrs. Espinoza; I’m not feeling too well, so they sent me home a couple of hours early. I didn’t want Mr. Auerbach seeing me look so peaky.” Jack’s brows shot up in surprise as she continued. “He deserves to have a secretary who looks her best, wouldn’t you say?”
Mrs. Espinoza fell right into (Y/N)’s cleverly-concocted trap, the tone of her voice shifting from suspicion to motherly concern in an instant. “Yes, of course, dear! You go right to bed, you hear me?”
When Jack was sure that the landlady had walked away and heard (Y/N) reenter her apartment, he stepped out of the wardrobe and smirked at the frazzled expression on the codebreaker’s face. “I can’t believe she bought that load of crap; ‘He deserves to have a secretary who looks her best’?”
(Y/N) reluctantly smiled at his near-perfect imitation of her voice. “She’s not exactly the brightest bulb in the bunch, is she? But she’s a hell of a force to be reckoned with if she catches you.” After double checking that the door was locked, she crossed the small living room and switched on the radio, tuning it until she landed on a lively swing number and cranking the volume up. “That should mask our voices, but try not to make too much noise.”
Jack joined her at the small kitchen table and the pair quickly dove into their work; (Y/N)’s many codebooks were spread out before her and the tip of her pencil scribbled across the notepad as she worked through the codes written in Michael Carter’s original file, her reading glasses slipping down her nose and her brow furrowed in deep concentration, and Jack skimmed through the stack of files he’d requested from London. He occasionally read certain sections of the files aloud not just for the codebreaker’s benefit, but to distract himself from the feeling of awkwardness that started to grow the moment he realized that it was the first time they’d been completely alone with one another since their volatile fight several weeks back. Although they’d both said some horrible things to one another, even he had to admit that he might’ve crossed the line one or two times; in an ironic twist of fate, however, Jack discovered as their evening progressed that the only other thing that helped him keep his mind off the unresolved tension was nitpicking the messy state of his reluctant partner’s apartment.
“Geez, they didn’t teach you SSR operatives how to clean during the war?” Jack whistled low as he surveyed the cluttered coffee table, the clothes flung haphazardly over the changing screen in the corner and the dirty dishes piled high in the kitchen sink, and he quietly snickered when (Y/N) clenched her jaw but remained silent as she diligently worked through another code. “The Navy would’ve chewed you guys up before you could say ‘specs.’” The grumbling of his own stomach spurred him to leave the disorderly table and look for something to eat in the kitchen; unfortunately, the refrigerator was empty save for a half-empty bottle of milk and a block of butter. “You got any food in this joint?”
“Nothing that’s cooked; my neighbor down the hall sometimes comes in and cooks dinners for the week in exchange for hair styling lessons, but she’s been busy visiting her grandfather in the hospital.” Jack smirked in triumph as he closed the refrigerator door and met (Y/N)’s confused gaze across the room. “What?”
“Finally, something I can do that you can’t, Specs.” Chuckling, Jack retrieved the ingredients he needed to make a quick spaghetti dinner from her half-stocked pantry and explained, “My ma taught me when I was a kid; she always said that the women in my life would have better things to do than slave away in the kitchen for me.”
(Y/N)’s brow arched in surprise and while Jack switched on her stove to boil a pot of water, a reluctant smile played across her lips. “…Your ma’s a smart lady.”
They fell into a comfortable silence, with (Y/N) working through the codes in Michael’s file and Jack preparing dinner with one hand while flicking through the remaining files he’d requested with the other. A part of him hated the surge of satisfaction he experienced when the codebreaker praised his cooking and finished her dinner in record time, but he couldn’t deny that it felt good to take someone as intelligent and equally-judgmental as (Y/N) by surprise; he also hated to admit that the two of them – despite their clashing personalities and general dislike of one another – worked incredibly well with one another. Who’da thought that the dame who threatened to shoot me not too long ago would voluntarily sneak me into her apartment and sit down for a spaghetti dinner, Jack thought with an inward snicker as he flipped over the page of the file he was reading through.
“I’ve got it!”
At (Y/N)’s exclamation, Jack quickly looked up to see the codebreaker’s triumphant grin and the scribble-filled sheet of paper in her hand. “You cracked it?”
“The first code’s a name and address! Aaron Templeton, 68452 Ashbury Way, Los Angeles, California.” She removed her reading glasses and while she was busy considering the decoded address, she didn’t notice Jack standing and donning his jacket. “That’s near the docks, so it’s probably a warehouse. Maybe there’s a-wait, what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna go check out that address,” Jack nonchalantly replied as he scooped up his files.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it!” In an instant, the codebreaker was standing between him and the open window with her arms tightly crossed over her chest. “I’m going with you.”
Jack let out a dismissive snort. “No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am!” Impatient, Jack tried to move past her but she quickly blocked his way again. “You seriously think it’s a good idea to go in there without backup?”
“’Course not, but I’d rather go in without backup than have you getting in my way and screwing everything up.”
The codebreaker’s (Y/E/C) eyes narrowed in anger. “Need I remind you that I’ve also been trained to go on missions?”
“So has Samberly, what’s your point?”
“My point is that I can help you, but you’re too much of a stubborn ass to admit that I’m anything more than a codebreaker!”
A sudden knock on the apartment door cut through the tension and both Jack and (Y/N) blanched when a woman’s voice called out, “You okay, (Y/N)? I thought I heard voices!”
“I-I was just listening to a radio program, Shelly, I’m sorry if the noise disturbed you!” (Y/N) lied, wincing at the overly-cheerful tone present in her voice and shooting Jack a glare when he stifled an exasperated sigh. “I’ll be sure to turn it down!”
Both waited with bated breath for the woman to reply. “Okay!”
When her footsteps faded away as she walked down the hall to her own apartment, (Y/N) turned back to face Jack with her jaw set in stubborn determination. “Like it or not, Flyboy, I’m the best and only help you’ve got. If you don’t want it, then good luck finding another codebreaker.”
Jack gritted his teeth in irritation as the truth of her words started to set in. He’d spent weeks trying to find someone who could decode Michael Carter’s secret messages until he finally broke down and was forced to approach (Y/N); as much as she annoyed the living daylights out of him, her expertise in the field of codebreaking was simply unparalleled and finding a codebreaker as skilled as her would be hell for him. Heaving a displeased sigh, Jack eventually gave her a sharp nod. “Fine. You can come but you follow my lead, got it?”
The codebreaker let out a snort of derision and raised her hand up to her temple to give him a sarcastic salute. “Yes, sir, Lieutenant Junior Grade, sir.”
“Okay then, smart-ass, let’s get going…” Pushing past her, Jack opened the apartment window and stepped out onto fire escape, but his frown deepened when he realized that (Y/N) was following him. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I gave Mrs. Espinoza that cockamamie story about being sick, remember? I can’t just waltz down there and pretend to suddenly feel better, now, can I?” After slipping her coat on, (Y/N) thrust her clutch purse into Jack’s arms and hiked her skirt up so that she could climb out onto the fire escape, unintentionally giving him a good look at her stocking-clad legs and causing him to hastily look away before she could catch a glimpse of his appreciative expression. She smoothed out the wrinkles of her skirt and took her clutch back from him before giving him an expectant look. “You wanted to lead the way, so lead the way.”
Jack pursed his lips and threw her a glare as he started to climb down the rickety fire escape. This is gonna be a long goddamn night, he inwardly grumbled to himself.
The drive across downtown to the docks was relatively quiet, with Jack observing the glitzy nightlife going on at the various restaurants, bars and dancing clubs they passed by and (Y/N) focusing on navigating the hectic and never-ending Los Angeles traffic. She parked the emerald-green Fleetmaster a handful of blocks away from the address she’d decoded and after ensuring that their weapons were loaded, they got out and traveled the rest of the way on foot; the dimly-lit streets were deserted, but Jack remained on edge just in case they were unknowingly walking into some sort of lair or trap, his eyes scanning the rooftops and windows of the buildings surrounding them for any sharpshooters.
“Do you respect Peggy Carter?”
Jack halted and looked over at (Y/N) in perplexity. “Yeah? Why’re you asking?”
“Humor me for a moment, please.” He watched in growing confusion as the codebreaker squared her shoulders and continued. “Since our respect for Peggy Carter is the one thing we can agree on, I propose a truce. We work on this case as partners, equal in every aspect of the investigation, and we put aside our personal gripes with one another in order to successfully solve the case for her. Once we accomplish that, you’ll return to New York and we’ll never have to see one another again for the rest of our lives.” She held her hand out for him to shake and his brows shot up in surprise. “Do we have a deal, Chief Thompson?”
Jack hesitated for a moment before giving her hand the briefest of shakes; a mutual armistice was the logical resolution to all the unresolved tension between them, and he couldn’t help but feel gratitude that he didn’t have to be the one to call for a truce first. “It’s a deal, Agent (Y/L/N).” Awkwardly clearing his throat, Jack dropped her hand and turned to look at the building directly ahead of them that bore the address his partner had decoded earlier that evening. “All the windows on the north side are boarded up, looks like the fire escapes are a little worse for wear, too. I’ll take the left, you take the right; look for some kind of entrance we can use to get in.” He glanced down at the clutch in (Y/N)’s hand and inwardly winced as he recalled a not-so-distant memory of the codebreaker pulling the gun that was hidden within it on him. “Might wanna get that gun of yours out, too.”
With his revolver clutched in his hand, Jack tiptoed along the left side of the building and his senses were on high alert for any suspicious activity nearby. A blurry shape darted across the sidewalk in front of him and caused him to raise his weapon, quickly lowering it and releasing a huff of annoyance when he realized that it was only a storm-grey cat; I’m more out of practice than I thought, Jack silently admitted as he squared his shoulders and rounded the corner to see (Y/N) standing near a partially ajar door. He reached the codebreaker in three long strides and raised his revolver at the ready, darting into the building as soon as she flung the door open and proceeding to check each of the building’s four floors for any potential signs of danger. “All clear,” Jack announced as he stepped out onto the first-floor landing and tucked his revolver back into his holster. “Looks like this Aaron Templeton guy’s not home.”
“In that case, we should be quick.” (Y/N) slipped her gun into her clutch and looked around the dilapidated first floor. “You take the top two floors and I’ll take the bottom two; if you find anything, just holler for me.”
Jack silently nodded before making his way back up the staircase to look for any clues; the building was comprised of rotting wood and rusted pipes that leaked steady drips of dirty water onto the run-down furniture, and after searching the fourth floor, he started to wonder if the coded address had less meaning than they both attached to it. He stepped into one of the third-floor bedrooms, wrinkling his nose at the mold-coated mattress and the smell of dank mildew wafting up from the drenched carpet, but a crate sitting on the desk by the boarded-up window gave him pause and he cautiously approached it. It looked like any number of standard wooden crates, but Jack frowned when he spotted the familiar symbol – a rearing house surrounded by vines – that was neatly etched onto its lid. “Up here, (Y/L/N)!” He waited until the codebreaker appeared at the doorway before continuing. “I think I found something you might recognize.”
(Y/N) quirked a brow at that, but she carefully stepped over piles of debris to join him on the other side of the room; a look of recognition crossed her features as she studied the symbol. “The bank robbery; this was the symbol that was etched onto that device we took custody of a few weeks back. Chief Sousa closed the case the other day, said there was a lack of evidence and credible witnesses to justify keeping it open.” The codebreaker glanced back up at him. “You don’t think…?”
“Yeah, I do.” Jack pointed to the scrap of paper that sat on the desk beside the empty crate. “The time and date of the robbery, along with the bank’s street address. It looks like we might’ve just found the home of one of our bank robbers.”
(Y/N) nodded in agreement. “In that case, we need to take another look at that case and we need someone to re-examine the device.” Her finger gently traced the etching as she sighed, masking the troubled look in her (Y/E/C) eyes with a forced smile. “Unfortunately, I have just the man in mind…”
Recalling what he’d seen in the codebreaker’s file, Jack groaned and rubbed a hand over his forehead. “Goddammit. Just once, I’d like to work a case without the involvement of Howard Stark.”
A/N: It’s fun writing Asshole Jack Thompson knowing where he ends up in terms of Specs lol thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new one-shot! Enjoy!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0iKzLZlEK1rTaSIiW5zRlk?si=483950cfa991442a
“Tales From The SSR” Masterlist
“Specs and the Flyboy” Masterlist
Tagging: @nnon-it-up @hufflefluffy @remmyswritings @ourstarsailor @coffeeandcrimeshows @darkusangelus @josis-teacup @fannyspammy @yeetyeetchickenmeat @sameoldbaby @nincompoopydoo @seeing-but-not-observing @supervoldejaygent @momc95 @brooke0297 @kinda-c0nfused @outoftheregular @mads-weasley @mostclevermiss @crowleysqueenofhell @groovyqueer​ @xxruinaxxmcu​  
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ladraderaioss · 1 month
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danielle campbell? não! é apenas alina colleman, ela é filha de hecate do chalé 21 e tem vinte e seis anos. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no nível ii por estar no acampamento há quatro anos, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, lina é bastante cativante mas também dizem que ela é impulsiva. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
vivendo em Ancara durante a maior parte de sua vida Alina teve dificuldades em se adaptar com a America quando chegou, aos dezessete anos de idade, a mudança veio por iniciativa da mesma, queria estudar, conhecer o mundo, se libertar de questões familiares e religiosas que tanto a reprimiam. no entanto, na sua primeira semana em Nova York a mulher deu de cara com um cérbero a lhe fazer companhia - é assim que se fala quando eles quase arrancam a sua perna? ah, e então os tão queridos corpos acinzentados começaram a aparecer em seu campo de visão, primeiro somente a noite, mas com o passar do tempo também os via de dia. e se comunicava com eles.
de inicio quis se enrolar de volta nos lençóis e voltar para o ninho dos pais, onde a senhora Nayla e o senhor Aslan a aguardavam de braços abertos - o que era mais uma sessão de aprisionamento - mas seu orgulho falava mais alto. quão vergonhoso seria voltar com o rabo entre as pernas antes de ter sequer conhecido meia parte do mundo? continuou vivendo sua vida como podia, ignorando as aparições ainda que continuasse sendo chamada de esquisita pelos humanos que notavam, claramente, que em seus trejeitos algo estava errado.
bebia e se envenenava para parar de ouvi-los, vê-los era ainda pior, mas apesar da dopagem amenizar sua situação aquilo nunca se encerrava. até que certo dia, em meio aos preparativos matinais, uma revista nas mãos e um raki na outra, correndo com suas botas pra alcançar o caminho da faculdade a tempo, Alina vê de relance a figura de um basilisco se arrastando em sua direção, mal teve tempo de correr e então ouviu o baque. a lataria tão reconhecida de um táxi amarelo em seu dorso. nenhuma lembrança a seguir. quando seus olhos se abriram depois daquela fatídica manhã a mulher já estava em meio a floresta do acampamento.
poderes: controle da névoa mística que induz a realidade
habilidades: previsão e sentidos aguçados.
arma: adaga de ouro imperial envenenada.
Alina nasceu na américa mas ainda bebê se mudou para turquia em uma tentativa do pai de protege-la - ou esconde-la.
Passou boa parte da infância e adolescência seguindo todos os passos da sua família, rezavam todos os dias, usavam roupas que quase não mostrava a pele e não consumia nenhuma substancia ilícita. nos anos de acampamento lina passou a se libertar mais dessas regras - e por vezes até extrapola. 
É uma ladra de mãos cheias, quem vê sua carinha doce e jeitinho cativante de certo não imagina que a moça vive batendo carteiras por ai, algumas moedas pra comprar um brinco novo? ou uma barganha pra conseguir o seu pudim de chocolate preferido? vai se mantendo com os trocados que consegue quando algum desapercebido está distraído o bastante
Tem quatro irmãos, todos homens, sendo a única garota sobrevivendo em meio a eles.
É muito extrovertida, fala e flerta com todo mundo e finge que não liga pra quase nada, fato é que lina é uma romântica incurável mas depois de decepções amorosas ela adotou a fachada “indiferente” mesmo que ainda seja uma sonhadora por dentro.
É viciada em café, por isso pode aparentar estar um pouco “elétrica” as vezes
Apesar de não parecer é bastante insegura e carente, odeia se sentir sozinha e por isso se mantem sempre rodeada de pessoas, embora não se envolva verdadeiramente com ninguém.
TW: alina desenvolveu transtorno alimentar enquanto ainda estava na Turquia, o que parecia ser uma forma de manter o controle sobre o que vivia acabou se tornando uma prática rotineira para algo que ela luta até os dias atuais.
Inspirada em lorelai gilmore, fatinha (malhação), donna sheridan, serena van der woodsen, hanna marin e outras
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