#Live Video Labour Going to UP
smusherina · 23 days
yard work - chapter 11 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / chapter 8 / chapter 9 / chapter 10 / chapter 12
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Making the scrapbook was cathartic. Remembering the good times, the innocence of your childhood, was as much of a joy as it was painful. The pictures were all quite good quality since Abuela had had a film camera. Some photos had been taken with a digital camera, which had probably originally belonged to the Georges and ended up in your possession somewhere along the way.
Regina and yourself playing in the Georges' backyard and swimming in their pool, beaming smiles directed at the camera. You could almost hear the laughter. I miss when we used to be able to just have fun together like this. I guess it's a part of growing up.
Regina in a white frilly dress, carrying a small basket of flower petals, donning a crown of roses on her head. She was pouting, clearly unimpressed by the whole thing. You hadn't been at the wedding since it was a George event, but Regina's mom had been so elated her daughter had gotten to be the flower girl. I remember I was so jealous you got to go to a wedding and I couldn't. You hated it, though, which was funny. You used to leave the room whenever your mom insisted we watch the tape. I wonder if she still has it.
You sitting with Regina, hip to hip, on plastic chairs while a newlyborn Kylie slept in your laps. Regina, eyes stuck on her baby sister and a thoughtful look on her face, while you looked at the camera with a smile. She's growing up so fast. Don't think I don't know you care about her. There's gonna be a time you'll regret not spending time with her. I already feel it.
Mrs George, Abuela, Regina, Kylie in her mom's arms, and you grouped together at a parking lot. You and Regina had on little graduation gowns and had scrolls in your hands. Elementary school graduation. The summer before middle school. End of an era. I love your mom's clothes, they're so nineties. Does she still have those jeans? You should get ahold of them before somebody else does...
Remember when I sliced my hand open when we were peeling apples? That was a time for sure. I still have the scar!
You taped pictures onto the pages, wrote little things here and there, hoping the labour of your love wouldn't end up in the garbage. Or if it did, Regina would read skim through it first.
I think this album was the first time we agreed on music. Britney Spears really brought us together, huh? We even learned the choreography of Baby One More Time. Mrs George loved it. I bet there's a video of that somewhere.
Mostly the scrapbook was filled with anecdotes about your childhoods together. You did write a letter of sorts on the first page, regarding your intentions with the whole thing.
I made this for you to commemorate the good times we had. You know me regrettably well, so I think you know how I tend to hold onto things. I still have that gaudy pink Build-A-Bear you made me for Valentine's Day that one time. It's one of my most important possessions, only second to the memories we have together. You'll always be a friend to me, Reggie. If not forever, or from now on, then back then. I love you. Yours, Jorts.
You'd pretty much finished the whole thing by the end of the weekend. You spent Monday and Tuesday decorating the front cover, mostly because you purposefully put it off. You cut out letters from magazines and glued them there, painstakingly forming the words Reggie & Jorts. You'd tried to come up with something clever, but making a pun or a dumb joke felt like cheapening the whole album. A simple name made up for with fabulous decorations!
You weren't much of a painter, but you figured it'd be fitting if the album reflected its contents. It was fine if the roses you painted looked like a five-year-old did them. A good majority of the pictures featured you and Regina huddled around a crafts table, similar projects scattered all around you, young with clumsy hands but filled with artistic passion.
The album in itself was an earthy green colour, something Regina undoubtedly found ugly. The flowers brightened it up somewhat, but there was only so much ages-old acrylic paints could do. You outlined some with Sharpies. If you didn't know better, one could assume it looked like that on purpose.
You took it with you to school on Wednesday. You had it weighing your backpack down the whole day. You sweated under all your layers, and by the end of it, you were sure you were sporting some epic pit stains. Gross, but you were so nervous. You hadn't broken into anyone's locker in so long. And it was Regina George's locker.
You loitered around the hallways as they emptied out steadily, people heading home or off to extracurriculars. As you approached Regina's locker, you swallowed down your nervousness and got to work.
It wasn't hard. The combination locks were all old and weak, more of a formality than an actual barrier between one's stuff and a burglar. The lock clicked open easily and you wasted no time in stuffing your album inside.
"Hey!" Just as the resounding click of the lock going back into place came, a voice called out to you. "What are you doing with Regina's locker?"
"Uhh..." Gretchen Wieners stood at the intersection of hallways, hands on her hips and accusatory eyes burning holes in you. You made the swift decision that you did not have time for this. You booked it.
"Hey! Get back here!" Gretchen, surprisingly considering her heels, started after you. "What did you put in it? You cannot prank Regina, or- or, oh, was it a bomb?"
"It's not a bomb!" You shouted over your shoulder, sprinting towards the exit. The aggressive clacking of Gretchen's heels on the floors as she ran after you would surely haunt your nightmares. How could she even keep up with you?
"If it's not a bomb then what!" How was she closing in on you? It seemed like she was not even fazed by your little race, meanwhile, you were already winded. The exit was not that far away, but it felt like miles.
"It's Regina's business now! Ask her tomorrow at school or something!" The doors to freedom approached. "Stop chasing me!"
"Stop running!"
You burst out and quickly hopped down the stairs, two at a time. Gretchen was still on your tail, but once she got to the top of the stairs shouted: "Karen! Tackle her!"
You hadn't even noticed Karen fucking Shetty. There was no not noticing her when the girl sprinted at you with perfect athletic form and squashed you like a linebacker.
You collided and flew into the snow. Better than the concrete of the footpath but it still hurt like a bitch.
"Get off of me!" You tried to get out from under her, but Karen was surprisingly dense. She was small but it was as if there were stones in her body instead of organs. "Fuck!"
"Keep her there, Karen, very good."
"Thanks!" Karen beamed, which was a much more common expression on her than the bloodlust she'd shown earlier.
"This has nothing to do with you." You snarled, still wriggling. "This is between Regina and me."
"Whatever's between Regina is between us," Gretchen said, all hoity-toity. "Now, tell me exactly what you put in her locker."
"A fucking photo album." You hissed, closing your eyes and clenching your jaw. What lie could you come up with? "Our families used to know each other. It's mostly pictures of her, so I just thought to... Return it."
"Oh, that's so nice!" Karen's hold loosened and you went to escape.
"Nuh-uh, not good enough." Just like that, Karen's weight slammed back down onto you. Your breath wooshed out of your lungs.
"What more do you want?" You wheezed out, getting sick and tired of this.
"Why was it in your possession?"
"I don't fucking know! It just was!"
"Hmm. And why couldn't you just give it to her?"
"You think that would've gone well, Gretchen? Seriously?" You turned your head with great effort, staring up at the girl. "Please, just let me go."
"I don't think I believe you." Gretchen squatted next to your head. "We're going back and checking it's what you say it is. And then you might be free to go."
"Fuck you." You hissed but made no move to book it when Karen hauled you up.
"That's not very nice." Karen pointed out.
"I don't want to be nice to Gretchen right now." You had no real issue with Karen, even if she had just tackled you.
"Oh, okay." You couldn't see her when she was holding your wrists behind your back, but you could imagine she was bobbing her head up and down like she was known to do.
You were walked back into the building, going mostly without a fight. Gretchen strutted along proudly as if capturing you was some great victory. Regina had trained her well. You weren't sure if that was impressive or just sad.
"Open it." Gretchen gestured once you were back at Regina's locker.
"I need my hands to do that." You helped out, smiling at Gretchen like she was stupid. Sputtering and offended, she instructed Karen to let go.
Instead of running like you should've, taking the chance you could get out if Karen didn't get a one-up on you, you obediently cracked the code again. Was it selfish that you kind of wanted others to know about you and Regina? Was it totally horrible of you to want to know it was real and have proof of that? Well, if it was, there was no helping it.
Gretchen snatched the album from the locker before you could even think to touch it. Karen sidled up to her, peering over her shoulder as she opened it.
You stood by, waiting for their judgement and looking at the ceiling. There'd been a water leak right there, based on the discolouration. Gross.
"You... You're J. J is for Jorts." Gretchen said. She sounded weird, like hollow or something. "J is for Jorts." She said again, breathy and disbelieving.
"What?" What the fuck was going on?
Karen spoke then. "She talks about J a lot. Like, a lot a lot. A whole lot." You nodded slowly as Karen went on. "J's like, her true love. It's so cute."
"J is not her true love, Karen! They are both girls." Gretchen pointed out. You had to agree. "Are they?" She looked you up and down judgementally.
"Yes. I am a girl." You said. It was true, you were female and around the age that it was acceptable to be referred to as a girl. Even so, it made you distinctly uncomfortable.
"Hmm." Gretchen didn't seem to believe you. Karen was busy cooing at the pictures of small Regina. It was sheer luck they hadn't bothered to read your writings.
"Look, can I go now? I know I'm busted, you're probably gonna confiscate the album, and Regina will never see it. Happy?"
"No. Karen, please put it back in the locker." Gretchen said, not taking her eyes off of you. Karen did as asked with a pout. "What is your relationship with Regina?" The album was back in the locker, but it hadn't been locked again.
"Nothing." And that was true. There was nothing there anymore.
"That's a lie and you know it. If you're J, then you've known each other at least since middle school. Based on the pictures, even longer."
"Who is J?" You asked in exasperation.
"Somebody who she has protected for years now. Somebody who is always better than we could ever be." Gretchen pointed between herself and Karen. "J is important to her."
"Okay, well, good for J, I guess."
"You're so infuriating." Gretchen sighed, pinching the skin between her eyes.
"You aren't the first to tell me that."
"Of course, because Regina has said that to you. Because you've known each other forever. Because you're J."
"Listen, I may look a bit butch, but I have a perfectly ordinary girl name."
"That is not the point!" She spoke fast and high-pitched. "You. It's you. You've been under our noses this entire time! Do you realize how much easier things could've been if you were around?"
"Excuse me?" Now, you were really lost.
"You're excused," Karen said cheerfully. You nodded to her in thanks.
"We could never be as good as you. It was like we were placeholders for the ultimate pretty girl she'd somehow let slip. And it's you. In a flannel and hoodie, ratty jeans, dirty shoes, no fashion sense to speak of. It's you." She said that last part with contempt.
You were reeling. Regina had talked about you to these two. Had compared them to you, cited that you were better. For years she'd done that. She'd never forgotten about you.
"Look, Gretchen, I'm sorry Regina's treated you badly." You'd lost the need to defend her, even still. Then again, even if you hadn't, there was little you could argue about with the two she'd tormented the most. "You can probably tell this is something Regina doesn't want coming out."
"What does that matter?" Gretchen asked, eyes far away and legs beginning to pace. "We could- could finally bring her down. Yes. We have J, we have everything she wants. She'll come grovelling."
You took a deep breath. You didn't feel angry, you were too tired to get angry at mean girls at this point. Besides, nobody could rile you up like Regina.
"You're wrong." You put it plainly. "What Regina's been doing to these people, to everyone around her, is wrong. But what I find despicable is how everybody is the same. I know her reasons, I can sympathise with her, but I can't say the same for you. So tell me." You paused to take a deep breath. "Why?"
"I'm not good at riddles, I'm sorry." Karen said, looking genuinely apologetic.
"It's okay, Karen, Gretchen can answer for you both."
"She deserves it." Gretchen said, steel in her tone.
"You sound just like Cady Heron and Janis 'Imi'ike. She hurt them too. What do you think ruining her life will achieve?"
"I'll be the new Regina George."
"Do you hear yourself? You still idolize her. If you're gonna be the new Regina George, it's always going to be a Regina George world. Don't you want to be Gretchen Wieners?"
"No!" She screeched. "Gretchen Wieners is lame, boring, too eager, a slut, desperate-" She took a deep breath.
"Okay." You said. "Why? Because Regina said so? Why would you believe her? She's just the same as you. Look," You pulled the album back out.
"Here we're in the Georges' pool. She would not go to the deep end. Y'know, she refused to even go in without those arm floaties for the longest time. Eventually, some boy made fun of her for them and that was the last time.
"And in this one we're driving back from summer camp. Regina was already tall enough to go without a booster seat, but I wasn't. She'd just thrown the biggest tantrum 'cause Mrs George didn't allow her to take off her seatbelt to sleep. She went out like a light, anyway.
"We're in Six Flags there. We'd just gotten those ice creams and you can see that Regina's isn't sticking to the cone all that well. Right after the shot, it just slid off. Regina was inconsolable. I offered her mine so we could share, and that seemed to be good enough for her but her dad was not having it. He threatened to take us home if she didn't stop crying right then, that it'd be all her fault that their whole family wasted money and time on this stupid trip. Eventually she calmed down and Mr George didn't have to drive us back."
You sighed. "I already tried this with Janis, in a way. I don't think Regina would appreciate me airing out her personal life like this, but... I don't know..." You closed your eyes for a moment. "I just want people to stop making things worse for her. She's been so wrong for so long, and I know I can't keep defending her, but I just don't think revenge will make her regret anything that she's done."
Karen hummed. "My auntie's been teaching me about karma. So, like, if she feels what she's made others feel, then won't that like... Fix her?"
"I don't want to hurt her." You said, resolute. "Maybe, it could be the most effective way to make her see her shortcomings. But I don't want to. I do not want to hurt her." You looked between the two. "And that's where we differ, I guess."
Gretchen didn't say anything, eyes glued to a picture from the Six Flags trip. Regina had mustard and ketchup smeared all over her face while she was holding a napkin to your lips, in the process of wiping your face.
With that, you snatched the album from her hands, deposited it back into the locker and slammed it shut. The lock clicked. Without a word, you began to talk towards the exit. Neither of them followed you or said anything to you.
You couldn't stop people from taking their revenge. You had done your best to be diplomatic. Evoking sympathy in hormonal teenagers wasn't something easily done, or maybe you were just shitty at it, but there was little else you could do. If you went ahead and retaliated, hurt them for hurting someone you cared about, the lines blurred.
You'd just be another mean girl.
Notes: Sorry for the delay! The next chapter will be the last one, unless I start rambling or something. After that, I'll do a less structured series of epilogues. Loosely related oneshots, that kinda vibe.
Also, my writing assistant stopped working in the middle of this, so if there's stupid typos I'll come fix them later.
I swear to fucking god if the taglist doesn't work I'll start breaking bones.
Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism , @9unknown0 , @sage-rose2000 , @massive-honkas , @nattys-swiftie , @likefirenrain , @luz-enjoyer , @dandelions4us , @natashamaximoff-69 , @alexkolax , @jareaul0ver , @here4theqts , @charleeeesworld , @natsbiggestfan1 , @brocoliisscared , @yellowwallflowers , @scarlettbitchx , @ayoungexwife , @cyberbonesworld , @syddie-reads , @screechcat , @theenglishswiftie , @gabby-duhh , @sweetmissnothing , @masterofpuppets-10 , @l1lass , @starved-mortal , @nothanksbye07 , @nenas19 , @jvuyii , @starry-night17 , @reneeswife24 , @glorioushamsterqueen , @krononan , @slug-on-bike , @rayisaknight , @chaseatlanticlover91 , @reginassweetheart , @mirage018
(this actually makes me angry. why. why doesnt it work. i type in the @ and then i type in the name and then it shows up in the lil' box and i click it but then it don't show up ;-;)
(this is cyber bullying. the cybers are bullying me.)
(anyway, if you want to be added to the taglist there is no gurantee if it'll work, but i'll add you if you want! just comment on this post :) if anybody has any ideas why it's like this, lmk!)
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gilverrwrites · 1 month
Hello could you please do some captain boomerang headcanon fluff, I don’t see enough of it on here.
AN: I can and I will. Good fluffy vibes only today, however, if you would like a reality check, please watch the video linked at the end.
Rating: General (however, wanting for swearing)
Please remember: Everything you're worried about, is going to turn out ok.
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Ko-Fi || Masterlist || Request Info
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He’s not much for texting, much prefers sending voice notes. These can range anywhere from simple good night/good morning notes, the longest, most pointless, probably drunken rambles, jokes he stole came up with, or professions of love.
When he texts, it’s always in 90s/early 00s style and full of emojis that don’t quite mean what he thinks they do.
He’s not much for texting, much prefers sending voice notes. These can range anywhere from simple good night/good morning notes, the longest, most pointless, probably drunken rambles, jokes he stole came up with, or professions of love.
When he texts, it’s always in 90s/early 00s style and full of emojis that don’t quite mean what he thinks they do.
Cn’t w8 2 c 👀 u 🫵l8r 👄❣️🪃 X 🌫️ Gud nite mu 🫥 u4e lol 😜 🩵🪃 xXx RUOK 4 d8 l8r??? 🌷💦 CUL ❤️‍🔥🪃 X
Has your name saved in his phone as the most ridiculous nickname you can think of, probably also with a bunch of emojis.
Dependant on your personality, petnames would include a few of the following: Darl’, darlin’, babs, babes, baby (pronounced bah-bee), sweets, hon, peachy, lovey, peanut, or doll.
Whatever your least favourite is, he will use the most cause he loves winding you up.
Swears at you, a lot. But its affectionate.
He’s not used to people doing things for him, so he is massively grateful when you do like menial domestic labour for him.
You sewed up the hole in my jacket? You’re THE best, I can’t believe you would do that for me. You did my laundry? WTF? You didn’t have to do that (he’s been wearing the same unwashed boxers for 2 weeks, someone had to) how can I ever repay you babes? You cooked for me? (It’s literally a pot-noodle) You’re an angel, I’m not welling up, shut it.
He’s really good at like, enhancing 'easy' food. He’ll add egg and chives and stuff to his packet noodles, makes the best cheese and vegemite toasty, knows just how much oil and extra cheese to add to a frozen pizza, and has mastered box mix cupcakes. His favourite is chocolate.
Uses a 5 in 1 shower gel, if and when he showers, and you cannot tell me he doesn’t blast lynx africa and/or paco rabanne 1 million so he smells woody and spicy.
However, if you have fancy smelly products of you’re own, he will use them. Gonna treat himself with a good scrub and some large helpings of your shampoo and conditioner (this one’s got multiple products for their hair, posho!)
Doesn’t matter if you use products intended for a specific skin/hair type, it’s getting used.
As a nice bonus he likes doing it cause it means your smell lingers on him when you’re not together.
Won’t admit it but he also really likes it if you burn candles and/or incense.
If you’re close enough in size, he will steal your clothes. Especially socks cause he is always wearing holes into his own.
Gets all gooey and excited when you wear his clothes, especially if you’re small enough that they look oversized, and are visibly his.
If you’re inclined to wear flowy summer dresses, he’ll go feral. Also, a big fan of linen shirts/blouses and short shorts.
When he’s dressed causal he lives in shorts and filp-flops, even in the midst of winter. Or if he’s not leaving the house he’ll just wear his boxer shorts.
Is gone for long periods of time (prison, hiding out etc) so is very clingy when you’re back together, and doesn’t really have boundaries.
Will walk in on you in the bath shower to use the toilet, or to just sit and talk to you. If you ask him nicely, he will wash your hair. Might not do a good job, but he will do it. Has his arms wrapped around your waist at all times while you’re trying to do chores or are out shopping. If he wakes before you (a rare occurrence) he will just lay on his side, watching you sleep. Might get impatient and attempt to subtly wake you by gently brushing your side or nose, or gently shaking your body.
Normally sleeps way into the day, and snores, loudly. Often wakes with a hangover. And will practically beg you to make him a bacon an egg.  
Loves almost any and all brekkie food, bacon, egg, hash browns, pancakes, you name it.
Is not a cuddly sleeper. Like he can fall asleep cuddling, but he will start rolling around, splaying his arms out, kicking his legs. Huge bed hog.
Says his favourite films are action, gangster, or like bro style comedies. Think like: Road House, Indian Jones, Kill Bill, The Gentleman, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Hang Over.
If you put on a horror, drama, or rom com, he will not watch it with you.
But he will find things to do in the general vicinity. Or straight up do the dad thing of like standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed. If he’s not sat with you, he’s technically not watching it.
So like, which one is actually her dad? They don’t tell you but the writ- No no no, don’t tell me, I’ll figure it out, Don’t go in the basement, there’s never anything good in the basement, oh she’s only bloody gone and went in the basement! But… Barbie doesn’t love Ken. I’m not cryin, I just got allergies, shut up an’ watch your dumb girly film.
Has a stolen tattoo gun,wants to get matching tattoos, has pro for everyone of your cons. Ideally, he just wants names/initials in hearts, but will settle for more symbolic tattoos. Like a boomerang to represent him for you, and something similar for you.
Keeping any gift you’ve ever given him for life.
I made you a friends ship braclet. Eh, ya know its not my normal kinda jewellery. You don’t ha- No, fuck off, I’m gonna wear it forever.  
Would still love you if you were a worm. Hasn’t the foggiest what he would do with you. But he would love you.
Obviously gonna teach you how to use a boomerang. Even if you already know, he’s gonna show you the right way. Gotta make sure his bab is protected. (Don’t tell him that you find them impractical and are unlikely to ever use one when in need, he will sulk.)
Aforementioned video.
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ladamedusoif · 3 months
Long Distance - Marcus Pike x F!Reader
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit; 18+ MDNI
Word count: ~2000 
Warnings: SMUT; Established relationship; Reader lives in Europe; No physical description of Reader; Older!Marcus; Marcus with a PhD; FaceTime sex; masturbation (F and M); oral sex (F receiving); unprotected but safe PiV sex; dirty talk; come (cum) play
Summary: Happily settled with you on the other side of the Atlantic and now working primarily in consultancy, Dr Marcus Pike sometimes finds himself travelling back to the US for work. But there’s always video calling, right?
A/N: I got...carried away. Ahem. I'm not really using taglists any more so follow my writing blog @ladameecrit and turn on notifications. Thank you @agentjackdaniels for previewing this smutty little story.
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You never really sleep easy when he’s not here. Strange, after all those years on your own, comfortably splayed out across your large mattress. A year of sharing a bed with Marcus, though, and you feel unsettled without him.
The display on your sunrise alarm clock reads 1.30am when your phone lights up with a message.
You still awake? x
Your fingertips tap out a swift response.
Very much so. x
You settle yourself and your phone as the call comes through. A moment of connection, and there he is: Marcus. Your Marcus, looking so very distinguished with his wavy, silver-streaked hair, warm eyes, and mischievous, boyish smile. He breaks into a wide grin as you appear on the screen.
“There you are, baby.”
"Here I am, love. How are you doing?” You cast a glimpse over the schlubby old FBI t-shirt he sometimes wears lounging around the house. “Are you in bed already?”
Marcus groans and rolls his eyes. “Yup, pretty much. I’m so tired, the clients all want to start at the crack of dawn. Why are they all so obsessed with breakfast meetings here?”
You chuckle. “Sweet man, you’ve become Europeanised.”
"I mean, you do have the better coffee.” He props himself up, resting his chin on his hand. “I miss you so fucking much. It’s only been three days and I’m going crazy.”
"I miss you, too. But what is it - tonight, and then two more nights? And then you’re all mine again.”
Marcus’s chocolate-brown eyes soften as he smiles softly, taking you in. “God, I can’t wait. Fuck, you look so good. Is that the, uh… that nightdress?”
You preen a little for the camera, innocently moving your body ever so slightly. You’re confident that he’s now got an even clearer picture of your tits, nestled in the burgundy lace of your - and his - favourite strappy chemise. 
“This old thing?”
He shakes his head and bites his lower lip, grinning. “You are a tease. You know exactly what you’re doing.”
"And what am I doing, Dr Pike? Use all that agent training, tell me. Decipher me.”
He licks his lips. “You’re showing off your beautiful tits, knowing perfectly well I can’t stand not being able to touch them right now.”
You keep eye contact but trail a finger along the soft line of your cleavage, slipping it under the lace to flick gently over your nipple. All the way across the Atlantic, Marcus groans on his DC hotel room bed.
"Oh, I see. You liked that, hmmm?”
He nods. “You know I liked it, baby. Fuck, you are gorgeous, you know? Just…perfect.”
You notice his right arm moving a little, working at something off-screen. 
“Are you hard, darling? Are you touching your cock?”
"Mmmm. Yeah, just - just through my shorts.” His gaze flits from your tits to your eyes and back, his breath a little laboured. “You turn me on so much, feel like I’m going crazy.”
“Will you jerk off for me, Marcus? Let me see how hard I make you. Please.” With a flutter of your eyelids you slip down the spaghetti straps of your chemise to reveal your breasts, nipples hard and soft flesh spilling over the lace cups.
"Fuck. Oh, fuck. Yes. Hold on -“ He reaches for his phone and angles it just so, so you can see him tugging down the dark grey sweat shorts and his hard, thick cock springing free against his tummy. He wraps his right hand around it, gently pulling back the foreskin to reveal the head already weeping with pre-come. 
Now it’s your turn to whine as your pussy clenches around nothing, reacting to the sight of his cock ready and waiting and so far away. Marcus grins as he continues to stroke himself.
"Think you need to play with your pussy, too.”
You nod and slip a hand between your legs, gathering some of your growing wetness and displaying it to him on your fingers. “See how much I miss you, love?”
He speeds up a little, fucking into his fist and never taking his eyes off you. “Fuck, I wish my mouth was on that pretty little cunt of yours. Wish I was eating you out right now, baby.”
"And I wish I had your gorgeous, hard cock in my mouth, darling.” You start to rub harder, insistent circles over your swollen clit and moan as you listen to the sound of your boyfriend jerking off. 
He moans and closes his eyes. “Talk to me. Tell me, what would you do?” 
“I’d use my tongue - lick the shaft, first, the way you like it.” The sound of your wetness is lewd and arousing. “Then - oh, fuck - take you into my mouth, suck the head, stroke you with my hand…”
Marcus pauses to spit into his hand, a poor substitute for the lubrication offered by your slick. “Keep going. Keep fucking going, love.”
“Fuck, I wish I had that gorgeous cock inside me.” You slip a finger inside your pussy and whine at the sensation as you press on the sensitive spot he knows exactly how to work. “M’finger is nothing, need you.”
Marcus pants as he continues to stroke his cock, and pulls up his t-shirt to expose his belly. He’s getting close. “Wish I was fucking you, too. Feeling - oh, fuck - all of you on my cock, pulling out and…” He screws up his face and groans and your cunt aches for him. “Fuck, I want to come on your tits.”
Your free hand finds your breast as you continue to rut against your hand, fingers pinching the nipple and massaging the flesh. It’s your Marcus. He deserves a show, and you’re only too happy to deliver. He grunts and groans, never taking his eyes off you. 
“I’m really close, Marcus.” Your hips buck upward as you near your peak. “I’m gonna come for you - fuck, gonna -“
He strokes himself furiously, desperately, as he watches you reach orgasm - and talks you through it.
"Jesus, look at you. Coming on your own hand - oh, fuck - getting yourself off for me. Good girl. Good - fuck, gonna come - fucking good girl.”
He comes hard, angling his cock so that the white, viscous come hits his bare tummy. Your cunt still aches for him. 
“I wish I was there to clean you up, Marcus.”
He chuckles and lies back on the pillows, curls damp with sweat and a huge smile on his face. He grabs his phone so you can see him. “Right back at you. Bet you’re so wet now, huh?”
“Fuck. Hope you’re ready for when I come home, baby.”
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In the early morning, your sleeping form rests peacefully in your large bed, an arm cuddling a pillow to your torso for comfort. When you’d set your alarm the night before, you reminded yourself that you just had two more nights before he was home again. 
Two more nights. Two more sleeps. And then: him. Him. Only him. 
A shifting weight on the mattress stirs you, still halfway between waking and slumber. In the hazy half-light, you turn your head and find a beautiful, familiar sight. 
“Hi, baby.”
“M-Marcus? What are you - did I get my dates wrong? I thought you were back tomorrow…”
“I was supposed to be,” he says softly, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “and I took an earlier flight because I just missed you so much. Hey - is that my shirt?”
You nod, turning your body wholly towards him and nuzzling against him. “It is. Your Georgetown T-shirt, I just - it feels like you.” He pulls you close and kisses the top of your head. “Marcus - what about the work?”
He hums happily. “The clients were happy, and there isn’t much more to do that I can’t do from here.” 
He moves his lips to your neck, softly nipping and licking the delicate skin as his big hands work their way under the T-shirt and up to your breasts. 
“I have been thinking about this the whole way home.”
You giggle. “Oh really? And you were able to keep yourself under control?”
Marcus kisses you on the mouth as he nods, fingers kneading your tits. “My self-discipline was tested, I admit, but oh, fuck, baby…”
Your hands are on his crotch, feeling the growing hardness under the grey sweatpants he likes to wear on long-distance flights. You lean into his ear as you tug down the sweats and his boxers, taking his cock in your hand. 
“Why don’t you see if I’m still wet from the other night?”
With a groan, Marcus slips his hand between your legs and finds the wetness already pooling at your core. “Pretty fucking wet, baby.” He sucks his fingers clean of your slick before shucking off his sweatshirt and tee.
“Good.” You sit up and quickly straddle him, his thighs between yours as you peel off the old T-shirt so you’re completely bare for him. “I’m going to make you feel so good, darling man.”
You gather some of your own slick across your palm and fingers before taking his cock in your hand, stroking the velvet skin of the shaft and gently bringing your palm over the head in a fluid motion that you know drives him wild. Marcus watches your hands as you pleasure him, little animalistic noises issuing forth from his beautiful mouth as he grows ever harder under your practiced touch. 
“Do you want me?”
He nods furiously and you lift yourself up to shift forward, notching the head of his cock at your entrance. 
“Tell me, Marcus.”
"Need you so fucking bad, baby. Please.”
You take him inside you in one stroke, your wetness easing his thick cock into the tightness of your pussy. Marcus cries out as you begin to ride him, hands pressed into his broad chest. 
“Better than the phone sex, huh?”
“Oh, fuck yeah,” you hiss, hips rolling in a well-established rhythm as you fuck him. “Liked watching you jerk off to me, though.”
"Me too, baby.” Marcus grips your hips and grins as he admires you: your body, your curves, the way you’re letting yourself go as you ride his cock. You bite your lip and roll back your head, lost in the sensation of how your man stretches and fills you so perfectly.
When you slip a finger against your clit, he practically growls, meeting your rhythm as he starts to fuck up into you.
“‘M not gonna last, baby,” he pants, fingers pressing into the flesh of your hips and ass. 
“You want to come on my tits, like you said?”
His desperate nod is your cue to lift yourself off his cock, glistening with your slick and his pre-come, and shuffle down the bed a little. You press your breasts together as Marcus wraps his broad hand around his cock and pumps it quickly. 
“Fuck, your tits are pretty. So fucking soft and perfect and -“
He stutters and cries out as he comes, his release hitting your breasts and gathering on the hard peaks of your nipples. 
You gather some of it up on your finger and suck it clean. 
“Jesus, baby. That’s so fucking hot.” 
You release your finger with a pop. “Thank you, love. Can you get me a cloth?”
He wanders off and returns with a washcloth, gently cleaning your body and his cock before returning it to the bathroom. By the time he gets back, you’re tucked under the covers again. He grins as he joins you, pulling your naked body to his. 
“Missed you.” You wind an errant, silver-streaked curl around your finger. “It feels like there’s something missing when you’re not here.”
Marcus kisses your forehead and you nuzzle up against his chest. “Don’t I know it? I felt exactly the same in DC, wondering where you were. Missed going to sleep beside you, waking up with you.”
You chuckle against the warm, sweat-damp skin of his chest, pressing your lips to the freckles dusted across his golden body. “And fucking me.”
He laughs, and the sound makes your heart soar. “That, too. But trust me - I’ll make it up to you.”
"Oh you will, huh?”
His coffee-brown eyes are as sincere and honest as ever. “Always and forever. Even with jet lag.”
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dividers by @cafekitsune
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youremyheaven · 8 months
The Pisces Heart of Cinderella 👸🐭👗👠🏰
Claire Nakti had made a video about UBP's connection to Cinderella. While I wholeheartedly think its bs to reduce one entire nakshatra's legacy down to them marrying rich, I do think the connection to Cinderella was right. HOWEVER, I have a different take on it.
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Cinderella is not merely a story about a poor girl who marries a Prince. Cinderella is a good person stuck in a really unfortunate circumstance. She is mistreated by her own family ("step-family" but receiving step-treatment is a common theme in the lives of many UBP folks) Despite it all, Cinderella is a hard worker, kind, gentle and imaginative. Its really hard to not give into bitterness when you're in a such a position but Cinderella? She's a sweetheart. She puts her head down and does the work without complaint. And soon enough she's rewarded for it. The Fairy Godmother is the embodiment of her good karma; what goes up has to come down and eventually your goodness and sincerity will be recognized. We have to take into consideration the time and place in which Cinderella was written, which is hundreds of years ago. Marriage was the only way out for women and in many parts of the world, it still is.
In this context, Cinderella going to the Ball was her receiving an opportunity to transform her life. We can come up with many "feminist" alternatives where Cinderella is a dressmaker or a boss babe or whatever but its pointless to apply 21st century morality to a fairy tale. Think of it as an allegory. The Prince here represents good fortune and Pisces is the final rashi/sign and represents the culmination of all good things. Cinderella has worked her whole life for this, this is her turning point. She gets to marry into royalty and live in a castle. This of course can be taken literally as we've seen many UBP women marry into wealth but it is also a metaphor; if you work hard enough (not just actual labour but also spiritual/karmic work) you will achieve breakthrough. In order to break out of cycles, we must put the work in. And Pisces/12h is all about breaking patterns and coming out of the cycle. The close association with butterflies should say enough. The butterfly endures the pain of transformation and breaks out of the cocoon in order to emerge as her true self.
Remember that Revati is the birth nakshatra of Saturn.
The themes of karma, justice and fair-play are very evident in Revati nakshatra (which is the birth of Saturn) as well as UBP (which is a Saturnian nakshatra).
These are the two naks that lie entirely within Pisces rashi so they're what I refer to when I speak of Pisces. (0-3 degrees of Purva bhadrapada will also be included)
Cinderella wasn't chosen at random. It wasn't sheer luck. She was wearing glass slippers that her Fairy Godmother gave her. Those were specifically made for her. Going with the earlier metaphor of the Fairy being the embodiment of karma, the slipper represents the rewards that Cinderella has earned. Even when she walks away from the Ball, the trace of her karmic footprint (literally lol) remains there. What is meant for you cannot miss you. And eventually, Cinderella gets her due.
Cinderella is a deeply Saturnian story and Pisces rashi itself has both Saturn & Jupiter influence, representing two sides to the same coin and the Wheel of Fortune. The sign of Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the largest, most expansive planet associated with luck and abundance. Meanwhile, UBP nakshatra is ruled by Saturn and Revati nakshatra is the birth nakshatra of Saturn. Vedic mythology and astrology is full of paradoxes and contradictions, representing the duality yet singularity of human existence. Therefore it's only fitting that the concluding nakshatra that literally means "wealth" would be the one under which Saturn, planet of discipline, karma & limitations would be born.
One cannot exist without the other. Jupiter mahadasha is followed by Saturn mahadasha and even though Jupiter is known as the giver, Jupiter's blessings are more short term, it is Saturn that gives long lasting success and good fortune because Saturn only rewards the worthy.
The theme of going from rags to riches is present in the lives of many Pisces natives.
Another nakshatra that has similar themes is Punarvasu.
Now I'll mention some Cinderella adaptations and the actresses who played Cinderella (Claire already covered many in her video so I'll try to include less common examples)
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I had to start with the OG 1950 animated Disney film. It stars Ilene Woods as Cinderella
Ilene has a very interesting chart that makes her the perfect choice for Cinderella.
She is Bharani Sun, UBP Moon, Mercury in Rohini, (exalted) Venus in Revati (atmakaraka) Mars in Punarvasu, Ketu in Vishaka and Ashlesha Rising
All of these naks connect to different aspects of the story and emphasize a lot of common themes.
Bharani, as I'd explained in my post about Venus naks is strongly associated with karma and is presided by Lord Yama, God of Death, time, karma, justice and punishment. Bharani is a very transformative nakshatra and I'll go so far as to say that being in the company of a Bharani native triggers transformation/karma in others as well.
Rohini & Mrigashira are also strongly associated with fairy tales (I'll make a separate post about them in the future) and themes of running away, seeking a new home, being a misfit/outsider in your own house etc are common Rohini themes.
Punarvasu literally means "return of the light". Jupiter can give but he also takes. All Jupiter naks have themes of both gain and loss. Especially with Punarvasu natives, I think there is often a tendency to take their initial success/prosperity for granted/take it too seriously/have their head in the clouds, so they lose it and then re-gain what they lost or even more in the future, thus making a "return to light". Rags to riches is a common theme for these natives.
Vishaka nakshatra is known for having many enemies and for having many haters. They often find themselves in an environment where they're an outcast in some way. Being misunderstood is a HUGE theme.
Ashlesha, as I'd explained in my post about the nak often manifests as dysfunctional relationship with their mother and for receiving step-daughterly treatment at home. Obviously this is a major element of Cinderella's story as well.
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Lua de Cristal, the 1990 Brazilian adaptation of Cinderella stars Xuxa as Cinderella.
She has UBP sun & stellium (mercury and jupiter) Bharani Moon along with Pushya Mars & Rising
Pushya is considered the most auspicious nakshatra and known for being a "wealth giving" nakshatra but as a Saturn ruled nak, these natives often undergo a lot of trials and tribulations.
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First Love (1939) is based on Cinderella and stars Deanna Durbin as the protagonist.
She has Jyeshta Sun, Anuradha Mercury & Venus with Ketu & Rising in Revati
Jyeshta is a nakshatra associated with unluckiness and poverty. It is generally considered an inauspicious nakshatra but as Claire's research has shown its the birth nakshatra of numerous billionaires, nodding to the paradoxical nature of Vedic astrology/mythology.
Any woman who plays Cinderella is going to have heavy Saturnian energy and Deanna is no different with that double Anuradha; which is also the height of Saturnian restriction.
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the gender swapped 1960 adaptation titled Cinderfella stars Jerry Lewis as Fella.
He has Purvabhadrapada Sun (2 degrees Pisces), Mercury in Revati, Rahu and Rising in Punarvasu
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This 2012 Russian adaptation of Cinderella stars Kristina Asmus as the titular character.
She has UBP Moon, Revati Mercury (atmakaraka) Venus in Rohini and Jupiter in Bharani
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Mary Pickford starred as Cinderella in one the earliest screen adaptations in 1914.
She has Revati Sun atmakaraka, Venus in Rohini, Jupiter in UBP and Ketu in Vishaka
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If the Shoe Fits (1990) stars Jennifer Grey as Cinderella. She has UBP Sun & Moon with Ketu in Purvabhadrapada (0 degree pisces)
Korean Dramas are notorious for playing with the Cinderella trope so here are a few Kdrama examples:
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The Last Empress stars Jang Na-ra (UBP sun conjunct mars) as a Cinderella esque character.
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Secret Garden stars Ha Ji Won who is Revati Moon, Punarvasu mercury atmakaraka, Venus in Ashlesha and Ketu in UBP
She also played a similar role in Empress Ki
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My Secret Romance stars Song Ji Eun who has Bharani Sun & Mercury, Venus in UBP, Ketu in Ashlesha.
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Something About 1% stars Jeon So-min who is Revati Sun
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Master's Sun stars Gong Hyo Jin who is Revati Sun, Vishaka Moon
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I'm Not A Robot stars Chae Soo bin who is Punarvasu Sun, Pushya Moon with Ketu in Bharani
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Here's Drew Barrymore (Punarvasu Moon) in Ever After which is a Cinderella adaptation devoid of magic.
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The stepmom is played by Punarvasu Sun Anjelica Huston
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The "good" stepsister who is instrumental to the turning point of the plot and who ensures justice is served is played by Melanie Lynskey who is Bharani Moon with a Revati stellium
Claire recently made a video about Punarvasu where she said there is a theme of losing something, repenting and gaining it again. The contrast between opposites, light vs dark, beauty vs ugliness etc is a big theme in this nak. I think this movie does a great job of representing Punarvasu.
The good and the evil are both played by Punarvasu natives. This is crucial because Punarvasu is all about cycles. By the end of the movie we see the good person aka Cinderella rewarded for her goodness and the evil stepmother punished for her cruelty. Punarvasu means return to light and this also means nobody goes unpunished.
Its even more poignant that the person most crucial to ensuring that justice is served is played by a Bharani Moon native (Bharani IS karma itself tbh) and that she herself is neglected by her mother and treated like an outsider.
Lastly, it's interesting af to me that in almost every adaptation of this story, right from the very beginning to now, Pisces natives are cast as Cinderella along with a group of certain naks recurring again and again.
Here's Revati Moon Cardi B recreating a Cinderella inspired look for Harper's Bazaar
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i hope i could add a little more nuance to the pisces connection to cinderella<33 hope you enjoyed it<33
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thegreymoon · 4 months
The Story of Minglan
Super hopeful we're now getting to the part where we finally get rid of Manniang 🙄 I am tired of her nonsense. She isn't even smart and her schemes are so vulgar and basic.
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Tingye, please listen to Nanny!
Mmm... doubt that, but OK.
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LOL, she seems unhappy at the prospect of doing manual labour for a living 🤣🤣
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This is rich, coming from a man who has never once made a decision in his life without consulting his dick first 🙄
LMAOOOOOOO, he couldn't sneak if his life depended on it 🤣🤣
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Aww, Minglan, cutie, reaching out to make up with Gu Tingye 😢
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Oh? 👀
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Why not? They couldn't swing it after all?
I find it fascinating that all these high-born women were still expected to cook.
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I can't imagine a European duchess or queen cooking anything ever unless it was a special hobby or something. When I think back on other harems in c-dramas I've seen, all the consorts/wives cooked. For example, in Nirvana in Fire we see Consort Jing being especially good at it.
Even in 2ha, Taxian-jun, who was a whole emperor at the time and had countless servants to prepare his food, insisted that Chu Wanning cook for him, even though he was terrible at it. He personally taught him to make that rice porridge and he ate it no matter what slop Chu Wannning ended up concocting. Of course, cooking and eating is Mo Ran's love language, so it made sense that he insisted on Chu Wanning doing this for him, because he desperately needed to feel loved by him, but it still seems like cooking was the norm rather than an exception among all high-level wives.
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LMAO, oh, Manniang, you are so done! 🤣🤣
Honestly, Manniang is so embarrasing.
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There she was, thinking she was fit to play on the big chessboard with the likes of Madam Qin and the rest of the nobles, but she got caught out like a rat by Nanny Chang through some elementary-level trickery. Truly pathetic.
How is he penniless when he has farmlands and shops in his possession?
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Also, how is it even possible for some rando to sell land registered to another person without their consent?
Wait, who's alive?
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How does anyone ever fall for this bullshit?
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Why should he be the one to kill your treacherous ass and then carry you around on his conscience?
Fuck off and go die on your own terms, if you're so eager.
LMAO, classic DARVO.
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Just boot her out already! I swear, men will stick their dicks into anything that comes attached to a pretty face.
She's not even a competent liar, Tingye! Please find some self-respect.
I mean, good, I am beyond sick and tired of her whiny, fake baby voice, but I'm worried she'll try to harm the kids.
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Storywise, it makes sense, because we can't have competition for Minglan's legitimate offspring 🙄
With a mother like you, who needs enemies?
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God, if she whines, "Erlaaaaaaaaang," once more in that slimy soft voice, I will break something, it grates on my nerves so badly.
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I went down an ASMR rabbit hole sometime back and there were these women using this fake baby voice to narrate their shitty videos. It unnerved me so much. I can't even pinpoint the reason, it's just that all the alarm bells I have in my brain start blaring when I hear it.
LOL, of course she does.
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achubbydumpling · 2 months
The Struggles of Being Too Fat for Fat Camp
This was inspired by an incredible video by @lardfill. Sadly, I can't find a current link to the video and I only have it as an mp4. But basically the entire second part in the kitchen is inspired by that.
Rating: Explicit Words: 2387 Relationship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Weight Gain, Teasing, Name-Calling, pig, Bucky calls himself a pig, Belly Kink, No Lube, ...dish soap, it's inspired by a real video!, Fat Bucky Barnes, literally getting off from his own fat, Extreme Weight Gain, Mobility Struggles, out of breath, modern AU, Established Relationship
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Read the series on AO3
The inevitable conversation about moving in together came up earlier than Bucky had expected. Just after he’d entered cabin 13 Steve had already stood in the doorway, knocked on the door frame and wrung his hands.
“I’ve got a flat in town. Just until the end of summer, but, you know, you could move in. If you wanted to.”
Of course, Bucky had agreed to spend the rest of the summer there. No useless dieting rules that he wasn’t going to follow anyway, no annoying team sports and activities, and no one that expects him to lose any weight.
When they finally lived together, it didn’t take long for them to settle into a comfortable routine living together.
Steve would get up early to go for a run and to make breakfast. While Bucky spent another hour just lounging in bed with the sun shining on his face, slowly waking up to the quiet sounds of Steve moving around the kitchen.
However, today Bucky woke up to the soft press of Steve’s lips to his temple and his hand gently squeezing his plush side.
“Morning, sleepy head.” Steve could barely hide his amusement at Bucky’s wide-eyed look around. When he noticed Steve wearing his counsellor uniform already, Bucky tried to sit up. His efforts were hindered by the heavy weight of his belly.
“What time is it?” Bucky had to build up a bit of momentum first and Steve ultimately helped him scoot back to rest against the headboard.
“Almost half nine.”
Bucky sighed, “Wanted to eat breakfast with you.”
Steve’s expression softened and he tucked a stray strand of hair behind Bucky’s ear.
"I didn't want to wake you up if I didn't have to."
Bucky couldn’t stop the warmth that bubbled up inside him. It built into a fond smile that pulled at his lips.
“Tomorrow?” he asked.
“Tomorrow.” Steve pulled a serious expression before he broke out into a smile again. “Do you want to stay in bed a bit longer or some help getting up before I leave?”
The sleep-warm duvet tempted Bucky to stay a bit longer, but he could feel the beginnings of hunger coil in his stomach. So, he stretched his arms out towards Steve, who gripped his hands tightly. Together they got Bucky on his feet and out of the bedroom in no time. Alone Bucky would’ve probably taken twice as long just to get up, but he needed fewer breaks when he could lean some of his weight on Steve.
Still, just the few weeks he had spent living with Steve had resulted in even more weight piling onto his already morbidly obese body. While Bucky didn’t feel much heavier, his doughy belly had gotten wider and softer and increasingly unwieldy. Where he used to be able to grab a good roll, now the fat was so pliable it almost slid out of his grip of its own volition.
This new development also led to his belly working more and more against him when Bucky tried to walk. It weighed on his thighs and swayed between his thighs with every step. The heavy swing always in opposition to the leg he needed to bring forward. His breathing was laboured from the moment he heaved himself out of bed and the sofa creaked dangerously beneath him he plopped down on it.
Steve placed the small folding table in front of Bucky and started loading it with a veritable breakfast buffet until it bowed under the weight of all the plates. Sweet and savoury, a stack of pancakes soaked in maple syrup, thick cut slices of bread with margarine melting into it and sprinkled with garden cress, two cinnamon rolls the size of Bucky’s palm and a bowl of thick, oatmeal topped with spoonfuls of peanut butter and halved plums.
“Here.” Steve handed Bucky a piece of grapefruit. “It’s really good. I had some for breakfast.” Steve smiled at the ground and shuffled his feet. ”Wanted to share.”
Bucky waited until Steve looked back up to say, “Thank you.”
“I’ll make dinner tonight, ok?”
“I don’t know when I’ll be back. Fury planned some competition for the campers that could take until the evening,” Steve paused and grinned when he remembered the last year Bucky spent at camp,“or just a few minutes.”
With a kiss and a promise to call before the end of his shift Steve left the flat. Bucky could finally dig into the food Steve had prepared for him.
It didn’t take long for him to feel full, but Bucky didn’t get to his current size by stopping when he was full. With the bread and oatmeal gone, he started on the pancakes. The carbs were laying heavily in his stomach, he felt the familiar bloat settle in.
So, he set about eating the thick slices of freshly baked bread. His initial plan was to force them down quickly so he would be finished before the bloating really caught up to him, but when he bit into the first slice, he couldn’t help himself slowing down to savour it.
The crust crackled between his teeth and the soft middle was soaked through from the thick spread of margarine. On his first bite he noticed the faint taste of other herbs as well. The tang of the sourdough bread spread on his tongue and Bucky couldn’t hold back the content hum at the combination of the taste and texture of the still hand-warm bread.
Bucky warmed up the cinnamon rolls in the microwave and ate them as a late morning snack. Yesterday’s leftovers served as lunch to keep him comfortably full into the afternoon.The hours of stuffing slowly transitioned into himwatching TV, burping his way through the bloat and rubbing away the tightness in his stomach
After nursing away most of the pain, Bucky finally pulled out his laptop to work on some of his course assignments for after the semester break, but the contentment of a lazy morning and a still-full belly had him falling asleep on the couch without meaning to.
The late afternoon sun warmed Bucky’s face as he blearily opened his eyes. He groaned when he saw the low battery warning on his laptop. Bucky checked the clock — almost five — and then his phone for any messages from Steve. Even though a lazy sort of hunger curled at the back of Bucky’s mind when he looked down at himself he could still see the bloat from his extended breakfast. He could still feel the heavy weight of the food in his stomach.
Not for the first time Bucky was surprised just by how fat he was — how much fatter he was getting every day. He pulled his shirt up and splayed his hands over his upper belly, he couldn’t even cover half of it. Then he trailed lower, grabbed onto his sides and hefted his belly up to let it drop down again. It rippled through the fat all over his body and his dick gave an interested twitch.
I’m getting so fat, was all Bucky could think when he saw his belly continuing to move on its own like this. The smallest movement making it shake and jiggle, his fat moving in waves across his body. He grabbed the sides of his belly again and let it drop into his lap. Then he tried to reach over it, he reached his belly button and about a handbreadth beneath it, but he couldn’t actually reach the lowest part of his belly.Thick arousal started to cloud his mind.
“Fuck,” Bucky groaned and scooted lower on the sofa. His hands dug almost painfully into the fat on his sides. He noticed how it spilled over the edge of the sofa even though he was pressed into the cushions of the backrest. Just exploring all this new softness had him half hard under the heavy overhang on his thighs. But he wanted to feel out the changes to his body some more.
His hands came up to his moobs and he lifted them each up and let them drop through his hands again. Bucky skimmed his finger over his nipples, they felt even more sensitive with just the weight he’d put on living with Steve, stretched out from gaining weight even there. He’d never really had pecs, always soft even at his lowest weight.
Bucky tried to get more comfortable. He splayed his legs as wide as he could, but the couch was barely wide enough to fit his entire body. He bent his knee and tried to get his heavy belly to pool to one side, to give him access to his dick.
Every one of his movements was followed by a grunt, just trying to move himself into position, a difficult task for someone Bucky’s size. He tried to heft his belly up and to the side, out of the way so he could finally get his fingers on his dick that was growing harder underneath his fat pad.
With his belly hanging over the side of the couch, however, it only felt like he was about to be pulled off by its weight. Bucky rolled more onto his side, angled his knee more, but no matter what all he could reach were his thigh rolls and his fat pad, he couldn’t actually get to his buried dick.
He tried one more time, adjusting his position and trying to work his way along his fat pad, but the furthest he ever managed to reach was just barely skimming the tips of his fingers over the tip of his dick.
“Fuck,” Bucky breathed. Oh, God, I’m too fat to jerk off.
His emotions were all over the place. Partly in awe at how big he’d eaten himself, slightly shocked he’d ever let himself get this fat, but most importantly so incredibly turned on and he couldn’t do anything about it. Unless he got up and tried again in bed — more room to spread his legs and get his belly out of the way.
He pushed the folding table to the side and prepared himself to get up. His lower belly was trapped against his thighs, so he grabbed at that lowest roll to move the heavy overhang to droop between his legs. Then he scooted forward.
He couldn’t help the noises he made, moving this much mass forced grunts and sighs from his straining lungs. Once he got his body right to the edge of the sofa, he rocked back and forth to build up the momentum to get to his feet. The couch had been sagging lower every day, so he had to cover an even greater distance just to stand up.
Might as well get something to eat for after. So, instead of heading to the bedroom Bucky turned to the kitchenette. They kept snacks in the cupboards above the kitchen. Bucky was craving something salty and headed for the right side.
Opening the cupboard wasn't too difficult since Bucky could just grab the bottom of the door. However, reaching the chips he wanted was a different story. Of course, his favourites were high on the second level.
Bucky stretched upwards, going up on his toes just for his finger tips to barely graze the package.
The cold countertop pressing against Bucky’s belly startled him, but the enticing snack kept him going.
As he moved closer to try and reach the cupboard his fat pad pressed against the counter too and when he stretched up his fat pad almost spilled onto it. His belly and fat pad rubbing together against the cold hard counter.
That's when he got the idea.
He should have gone to the bedroom.
He should have lied down, gotten comfortable and used some actual lube, but he was here and horny and some watery dish soap seemed good enough for lubrication.
His inhales were stumbling over each other, a strangled sound and he had to slow down to actually take a breath. He lifted his belly, blindly searching for his fat pad before finally grabbing it and maneouvering his dick to rest on the counter too. When he let go of his belly, it added the most incredible pressure.
He could barely lift his entire belly up and then it slapped right back onto the counter, he moved on to just jiggling it, letting the counter take most of the weight of the fat apron on his front and just moving it by shaking and grabbing rolls all over it, letting the fat rub over his dick. Relishing in the feeling of having gained so much weight that he could fuck his own fat.
“Fat fucking pig,” Bucky said to himself in between wheezing breaths. Steve always defaulted to praise, but sometimes Bucky needed that humiliation. Someone telling him how much fatter he was gonna get if he kept eating more.
“Gonna get bigger, fatter.” Bucky’s thrusts were becoming erratic, his muscles were shaking with the effort to keep his hips driving forward against the counter.
“Please,” Bucky could barely get the word out with how ragged his breathing had gotten. Begging someone, anyone to let him come before his legs gave out.
A dull, tight pain had started settling in his joints, lactic acid built up in his thigh muscles. Still he kept up the shallow thrusts, even as it became increasingly difficult to command his body to keep going.
"Fuck," Bucky grunted, "I'm such a pig."
He tried to wrap his arms around his belly to adjust it one last time. So close to coming, racing against exhaustion. The very body he was getting off to, threatening to cut his orgasm short.
One last grunt and he was finally rewarded. Thick spurts of cum painting his belly, mixing with the soap suds.
His legs were shaking, knees threatening to buckle. He was holding himself up on the counter though his arms also quickly tired. With a last effort he made it to the chair in the kitchen and let himself fall down on it.
"What a work out," Bucky chuckled to himself, reverently running his hands over his belly.
And then his gaze fell on the chips packet that was tilting out of the cupboard, perfectly in reach if Bucky just stretched up a little.
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worldsetfree · 4 months
Diamond is Unbreakable × Reader: Weekends Spent in a Beautiful Duwang
(+ bonus character sprinkled in just for you!)
At last, the weekend! You have survived another horrible week and once more been set free from the confines of societal expectations. You've been feeling a bit too stressed out lately, what with the serial killer and all... But what better way to relax than with some quality time with your beloved?
(I hope y'all enjoy these small slices of life! Feedback is welcome. These broader headcanons are really helping me ease into where I want to go.)
Higashikata Josuke
Great! He has to do some chores first or his mom will kill him, but he's been craving some TLC time with you.
He's kind of a homebody, so expect a day spent playing video games (cute couch co-op is exactly the kind of aesthetic he lives for), watching TV, and having snacks.
Loves physical contact. Will wrap his arms around you, soft kisses on your skin. Wishes you could stay the night and cuddle.
Super shy at school the next week. His friends will tease him about it.
Nijimura Okuyasu
"Oh, let me see if Josuke is free!" "No, no, no, babe. Let's take time for you and I."
When he finally gets the idea, his first suggestion is of course: going to Tonio's. It's up to you if you want to experience *that* with him, but either way a dinner date sounds like a great idea.
Okuyasu wants to be a gentleman this evening. Does his best, in his own way. Dresses up for you. "Oh, you look really hot tonight!" Holds open the door open for you. He'll get the cheque, he's rich now! (Excuse me, what?)
Is going to call Josuke and tell him all about it when he gets home. "Oi Josuke, I think I'm in love!" Josuke lives for it.
Kishibe Rohan
No. He's busy. Wait, you're serious? Oh shit, he feels kinda bad now.
You convince him to go on a cute picnic date in the park under the guise of people-watching for more inspiration.
Rohan's mind is more captivated by experiences than images. He finds himself noticing how the other couples act and decides to do some research. Holding your hand makes his heart flutter like a dove's wings. Kissing you is mental anethestic and fireworks all at once.
The manuscript he sends to his editor that week is notably more optimistic than usual. Pink Dark Boy won't be singing from the rooftops, but at least Rohan understands what's inspired the stupid cliché now. And he wants more and more exposure to this feeling.
Kujo Jotaro
He's tired and stressed out. Please take him away from this town, he actually really needs it. You both do, really. Responds to your request with an indifferent grunt. He's in.
Usually, he'd take you to the beach, but he's hit a snag with his thesis and if he sees those starfish right now he might just pull his hair out. And we wouldn't want anything to happen to his handsome locks.
Surprisingly spontaneous when he wants to be. "Let's go to Tokyo, I want you to meet someone."
The drive is peaceful and quiet. He's a great listener, but still not the best communicator. For example: he won't tell you until you get there that your lunch date will involve meeting his mom for the first time.
Tonio Trussardi
This sweet man takes a day off from his restaurant and invites you to his home. Greets you with flowers and wine.
Very excited to show you his garden. Look at his tomatoes!! Humble but oh so proud of the fruits of his labour.
Thinks the most romantic thing you two can do together is cook. But it's his day off? He doesn't mind! He loves his craft! Wants to hold your hands and teach you how to properly julienne a pepper.
Lives for that reaction when you take that first bite. Might use Pearl Jam to make it that much better for you. Domesticity makes him want a life with you.
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aurea-corde · 24 days
I've never seen a single episode of anything related to watcher but I am eating up all this drama. Also sorry to y'all going through this
i appreciate that anon 😭 i've seen several good nuanced takes on the situation thankfully. the company definitely did mess up how it introduced the streaming service to people: they said in the video they were going to paywall all existing and new content and then in the comments and in the variety article pretended like that was never their intent. the variety article reveals that they were in fact initially told watcher was going to delete all existing content. the CEO in particular but in general all the founders said that the amount they are charging is affordable - specifically that anyone could afford it - which no they can't obviously. As they are now finding out the hard way. The CEO Steven also made an instagram post insinuating people who wouldn't subscribe just no longer want to watch them, rather than the reality which is that a massive majority of the audience can't afford to. Because he is the CEO, people are blaming the entire thing on him, but it's also important to remember there are actually three founder-owners with decision-making abilities in the company. Shane and Ryan are adults, and the way people are acting like Steven is some kind of dictator, Ryan just went along with it but Shane is the people's anticapitalist hero who was simply outvoted is not a great look. Especially the posts that refuse to acknowledge even the possibility of racial biases here. Mistakes were made, poc are not immune to criticism, but let's consider why so many feel like Shane was forced into this by the evil Steven (and people in the comments have literally called him evil for this) and either lump Ryan in with him or give Ryan no agency in the situation whatsoever. Steven is the most likely to have made the proposal as the closest thing Watcher has to a business-minded founder, but the other two clearly agreed with him. They could have just decided not to be in the video. I also don't see a world where they contractually obligated themselves to every whim of Steven's like some people are suggesting.
Do I think they're a bit sheltered in their LA life? Yeah, probably. I'm pretty sheltered myself - I live a comfortable middle class life in Australia, have a good job and am studying law. I could definitely afford the subscription. But I don't want to atm, or at least until they respond to the situation. Are they the worst most evil capitalists because they want to charge money for the content they create? No, not inherently. People supported them on Patreon because of course creatives should be paid for their labour, and ideally paid well enough to live comfortably. But the combo of bad business decisions (e.g. hiring too many staff too quickly while also wanting to pay them above a living wage, not advertising the patreon, not utilising revenue streams that aren't a streaming service like youtube memberships, spending what Ryan has said is hundreds of thousands of dollars on a single season of a series they have called Ghost Files) and the fact the CEO is pretty open about his comfortable lifestyle (drives a tesla which btw folks isn't a luxury car it's just a more expensive one, has a $300 matcha machine, has a series based on fine dining vs more affordable restaurants), means people are understandably mad because they are struggling financially and the founders (from what we know) are not - but they're trying to tell people that 6 USD is affordable for everyone.
It's a lot less to do with the fact of them charging for content as much as the way they went about it and in particular how it's been phrased to people has come across really insensitive. There's other logistics with the streaming service itself that were not thought out at all for international viewers, but I won't get into that here. And the pretending they were always going to leave their content up and telling viewers not to spread misinformation is scummy to me - at least acknowledge that was a mistake you made and backtracked on. It's just a mess but I really loved their videos and hope they make Youtube's Greatest Apology Video Ever (unironically) and try to undo some of the damage.
edit: someone in the replies made a great point that teslas could actually be considered a luxury car in some countries outside of the US, and I fully agree that 6 USD is 1) too much for what they offer, esp in this economic climate and 2) wayyyyy too much when converted to other currencies. I've seen other Australians say the conversion is too much for them but I know viewers in other countries say it comes out to literally thousands for them - if they can even access the site at all from their country.
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transmutationisms · 5 months
hello! a question that is poorly articulated. this is only because i am young and havent read any communist stuff since the 19th century. how do you describe youtubers in a marxist analysis? i saw some people talking about how youtubers can't unionize to gain control over their situation because 1. they aren't actually youtube's employees and 2. the big youtubers with any amount of impact don't have incentive to join the union. ever since that post, i've been thinking about the whole ad revenue sponsorship... thing... and realized i cannot articulate that relationship in a marxist analysis at all. like, they're protelariat sure, but thats all i can say. outside companies paying for ads to go on videos which youtube pays for storage + moderation for but doesnt actually make, and then a portion of that ad revenue based on views per video goes to the creator? that's as far as i can get. the labour relationship just isnt clear to me at all. thanks for reading, perfectly fine if u dont want to answer + your posts are great + hope youre having a good day
so yeah i think you're mostly just getting thrown by the business jargon here. someone who makes their own videos and earns a living that way is selling their labour-power; the platform is extracting surplus value from that labour by selling user data, advertising slots, &c. youtube paying for storage and so forth is a business expense, analogous to a factory owner paying for machinery. youtube also pays employees, like moderators and programmers; advertisers pay employees too, both in-house and in the sense that they basically treat youtubers as independent contractors or gig workers (which is to say, employees but with few legal protections). the rules about how the percentages of profits are divvied up are irrelevant, from a strictly marxian perspective; the relevant consideration is which parties are producing something, and which parties are profiting from expropriating and selling something that someone else has produced.
the major caveat here is ofc that many/most very successful youtubers do not actually make their own videos lol, in the sense that they typically have employees, production companies, &c performing that labour for them and may also have branched out into branded product lines or whatever. in such cases they have taken on a capitalist role because they are then selling a product someone else has made (ownership in the production process or means of production, as opposed to actually labouring themselves to produce something). they may also contribute to products themselves to a greater or lesser degree (appearing onscreen, contributing creatively) but that doesn't negate the fact that their their profit margins come from the surplus value generated by making more off an employee's work than what they pay that employee. this is the distinction between earning wages for your own labour, versus extracting profit from someone else's.
so bottom line, it depends from case to case because 'youtuber' can mean someone with several different relationships to labour and production. but in general, the fact that advertisers may pay for ad deals, and platforms pay for business expenses, doesn't prevent a youtuber from being a labourer in those relationships.
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ukrfeminism · 4 months
The court of appeal has quashed the prison sentence of a heavily pregnant woman so that she can give birth safely, in a case hailed as a landmark by campaigners.
The woman, 22, is almost eight months pregnant and has been diagnosed with potentially life threatening pre-eclampsia, which affects the mother’s blood vessels and the baby’s blood supply.
The woman was sentenced to five years for possession of a firearm and ammunition, and was serving two and a half years in prison. She did not discover she was pregnant until she was given a routine pregnancy test on arrival in prison. 
Campaigners have previously argued that no pregnant women should be housed in the prison estate. In September 2019, a newborn baby, Aisha Cleary, was found dead in a prison cell in HMP Bronzefield after her mother, Rianna, gave birth alone. According to government data, in 2022-23 there were 44 births by women in custody, 98% of them in hospital.
Pippa Woodrow, counsel for the pregnant woman, told a court of appeal hearing on Thursday that the risk of the woman going into premature labour was “live”, and that the management of her pregnancy in prison “does not even seem to meet the requirements of her condition”.
She added that the woman had “a significant history of trauma and mental ill health” and that she was “immature and vulnerable”.
In relation to her crime, Woodrow said: “She has no ongoing association with the negative peers who got her into this mess.”
In an oral ruling, Lord Justice Holroyde, the vice-president of the court of appeal criminal division, along with Mr Justice Garnham and Mr Justice Andrew Baker, said: “We regard this as a quite exceptional case.”
The judges quashed the sentence she had received from a criminal court and replaced it with a two-year suspended sentence with a rehabilitation requirement.
Addressing the woman, who listened tearfully to the judges’ ruling via a video link inside prison, Holroyde said: “This is quite an exceptional course the court is taking. We are doing it because of the exceptional features of your case.”
The woman’s mother, who was in court for the ruling, said afterwards: “I have got my daughter back. Thank you so much. She’s a good girl but she got caught up with the wrong person. Now she can give birth in hospital with me by her side and we can raise this baby together.”
The mother feared her daughter may suffer a similar fate to Rianna Cleary if she gave birth while in prison. She contacted Level Up, which campaigns for an end to the imprisonment of pregnant women, and provided her with help and support.
Janey Starling, a co-director of Level Up, said: “This landmark judgment marks a sea change in sentencing practices. Several other countries do not imprison pregnant women or new mothers and England’s courts are beginning to catch up. Prison will never be a safe place to be pregnant.
“The prison ombudsman, Ministry of Justice and NHS have declared all pregnancies in prison as high risk. This means that when a judge sentences a pregnant woman to prison, they are sentencing her to a high-risk pregnancy. That is unconscionable.”
A Ministry of Justice spokesperson said: “Custody is always the last resort for women, and independent judges consider mitigating factors, like pregnancy, when making sentencing decisions.
“We have made meaningful progress in improving the care available for pregnant women in jail, such as employing specialist mother-and-baby liaison officers in every female prison, and enhancing welfare checks and social services support.”
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iravaid · 15 days
🎮🩹🩸💯🎄---for Mr Tommy Riley (yes, I consider him your oc) (yes, I picked the Christmas tree on purpose mwah 🫰)
(from this meme)
Heehee hii womby!! Snatching Thomas E. Riley from Lapham's cold, dead hands after Szilvi's oviraptor attack squad is done with him. I'm so happy you asked heehee
(and oh, so you're evil? You're evil, now? you're sick and twisted and evil?)
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Being a munch Although it was initially going to be his career (tattoo artist Tommy-truthers make some noise), I can see Tommy enjoying art as a hobby and way to relax/clear his head. He never used to draw a lot of people before, focusing instead on other popular subjects for tattoo designs such as ships and snakes and tigers. But his newer sketchbooks feature a lot more of Beth and Joseph, with a few of Simon and his mum interspersed between his studies of household items and appliances.
Tommy is a Man U fan, as is family tradition. I count football fanaticism as a hobby because have you seen these people. Do you understand the dedication to know so much about all those balls and points and such? Dear god. Tommy, Simon, and Beth on footie nights out were terrifying concepts, many Chelsea fans mauled. Sad!
It mightn't be strictly a hobby, but I can see Tommy redirecting any pent up energy towards making small renovations in his home/his mum's home, or even woodworking and making things like a jewellery box for Beth, or little carved nativity scene for Joseph's nursery class. Man works with his hands and his thoughts can get a bit much at times, so may as well redirect towards something productive, as he's been taught (even if this does encroach into dysfunction territor when he's working to exhaustion so he doesn't dream when he finally sleeps).
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
I can see Tommy having chronic pain from his back injury and the resultant muscle strain and poor healing that came of it. Nothing a couple heat pads and, uh, working a labour intensive job can't fix...
Between drug addiction and childhood trauma, it's not out of the picture for Tommy to also have developed PTSD/CPTSD from his experiences. For a myriad of reasons (potential access to counselling, access to familial support, not being autistic, not being in the military) it's not as extreme as Simon's, and so his emotional intelligence isn't as stunted, but he's still very much living with the effects of being physically and verbally abused as a child, as well as being addicted to opiates in the past, far into adulthood. Again, has better tools to cope with it, but Tommy isn't perfect, and I can see most of his symptoms manifesting in fawning responses than Simon's fight.
Tommy also has leanings towards depression, and there are times when his mental health declines to the point of it being disabling. I don't see him being diagnosed with depression, nor complex PTSD, as the NHS mental health services are in fucking shambles and some doctors mightn't even recognise the latter in his time.
🩸 DROP OF BLOOD — what is your oc's blood type?
So. I don't have a clear answer to this, because I need to know what Simon's blood type is, and it's not listed anywhere. I think there is a fun off-stage/underlying tragedy in Simon and Tommy having incompatible blood types, in that even if Simon had gotten to the flat in time, he wouldn't have been able to 'save' Tommy via donating blood. Something something, the nature of tragedy so deeply set in Ghost's being that it's biological.
Perhaps it's campy, perhaps it's too much, but whatever‼️my oc now.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
TOMMY IS THE YOUNGER BROTHER! The wiki is LYING the comics confirm so here:
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Tommy is 6'2" and lanky as anything, and unless his brother is on leave, he tends to be the tallest person in the room, bless. Additionally, I can see Tommy having insane forearm and grip strength just from being a tradesman for the better guts of a decade.
Some people have noticed, but Tommy doesn't drink alcohol at all in 'I Wait For You', which is on purpose. He's chosen not to drink, in spite of Britain's heavy drinking culture, as a means of preventing any reliance/gateways, as well as the fact that he doesn't like getting drunk, anyways, primarily because of bad memories of his father after one too many drinks.
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday?
Of course it's christmghjgkfgwlisfhdn-
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(jokes aside I can see Tommy not having a favourite holiday until he's an adult and meets Beth and falls in love with her, and they eventually have a family together. Then his favourite holiday becomes Mother's Day.)
Augh thank you for the ask :'D It reminded me i have very big feelings about Tommy Riley and his everything, and now my chest hurts heehee
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iwanttogivebirth · 2 years
It was during the pandemic, and the mother are heavily overdue, with her children all having online classes at home.
Can she handle herself, doing the house chores alone and try to not make a sound while going into labour and give birth, not disturbing her children.
Oooh I absolutely love this
Mary was doing laundry as a sharp pain in her belly caused her to clutch it, while fluids gushed out of her pussy soaking her leggings "hmmm fuck you really can't wait to come out can't you?" She whispered to the baby in her belly.
Mary didn't want to make any noise as her daughter was in the middle of a test, with everything being long distance because of the pandemic she was in her room with the camera and microphone turned on, and every little noise could be heard.
Mary waddled into her daughter's room to pick up some books left on floor when she was hit by a powerful contraction that caused her to push involuntarily bringing the baby right behind her lips, she muffled her grunts to not disturb her daughter.
She decided to get out of her daughter's room as quickly as possible, but with every step she could feel the baby's head making her pussy bulge more and more as Mary tried her best not to whimper from the pain.
As she reached the door another contraction hit forcing her to squat as she pushed, her face turning red as she tried her best not to scream as her lips opened up around her baby's head.
Mary looked behind her to see that thankfully her daughter didn't notice anything, but unfortunate she was well within the camera's radius and everyone in the video call could see her squatting as a bulge formed in her leggins.
She got up as quickly as she could as with a wide stance she walked out of her daughter's room and into the living room where she quickly took off her leggings and panties and gave her biggest push yet "mmmmhhhh" a small grunt escaped her lips as the baby's head crowned painfully.
Mary's hands went to her stretched labia as she tried to help it stretch around the head, as she tried her best not to make a sound as her lips felt like they were on fire.
As she felt the urge to push again she heard her daughter in her room "professor I'm ready to turn in my assignment", hearing these words she quickly put her leggings back on and resisted the urge to push, she waddled as quickly as she could to the sink to do the dishes.
Mary grit her teeth as her daughter came out of her room "whew glad that's done with, why did you run out of the room so quickly before mom?" Her daughter asked as she thought of a lie to not have her worry.
"I just hnnng didn't want to huuu bother you sweetie" Mary stuttered out as the urge to push came back "mom you alright?" Her daughter asked "yeah yeah I'm hnng fine, now huuu go back to your room hufff doesn't your next lesson start in 5 minutes?"
"yeah but are you sure you're alright? You seem like you're in labour" "don't worry hnnng about it, you just go and focus on the lesson huuu" Mary answered her "ok then if you're sure", as soon as her daughter went back to her room she lowered her pants, squatted and pushed.
"huuuuuuu hnnnnnnnngaaaaaaah haaa" she groaned and panted as quietly as she could as the head popped out with a spray of fluids. Her hands went to caress her baby's head as it dangled in between her legs "haaa haaa"
Mary suddenly heard steps coming her way "hey mom do you know where my book on-FUCK oh my god are you okay?" Her daughter yelled as she saw her baby sibling's head dangling in-between her mom's legs.
"don't worry honey hoooo I'm alright, just one more push and it'll come out Hmmmmmmngaaaah" she moaned out as her face turned red with effort, her baby sliding out of her battered pussy as she caught it.
Mary's daughter looked at her dumbfounded "w-why didn't you say anything?" Her mother answered as she nursed her baby while fluids kept leaking out of her "I just didn't want to bother you".
This was really fun to write, sorry if it's not great I haven't written in a while and I didn't have time to proofread it as I'm busy with uni, bit thanks for the wonderful ask, it was really hot hope you like it
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Bestfriends (George Russell)
George and Y/N finally get to see Olivia's new bestfriend
Note: english is not my first language, here is some dad!George content that I hope you like!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
Tw: mentions of trying to get pregnant, pregnancy (i.e. morning sickness), giving birth
If you thought you had seen George's more emotional side during your pregnancy, nothing could have prepared you for the baby's birth. Your husband was incredible all throughout your labour, having no problem on being on his knees or crouched down while supporting your body if it meant that it helped you (the perks of marrying and athlete), all of the nurses and midwives gushing about his worry for your well being and his promptness to help in any way he could. And when you gave the final push, little Olivia Russell let out a high pitch scream that George and you would remember forever, the picture of your daughter doing skin to skin on your chest forever engraved in George's brain. And did he cry, all of the emotions from seeing you in pain and distress to now having a family of his own, George Russell became the proudest father out there. Olivia slept her first full night? You knew he'd brag about it. His daughter flashed him a gummy smile? The picture was in the Mercedes group chat in no time. The video of her first steps? He would show it to everyone at any given time (Charles did not have the heart to tell him that he had already seen Olivia's little legs stomping on the floor about 30 times). Pictures of his wife and baby girl playing precisely taken so their faces wouldn't show too much? All over his Instagram account (Alex will admit he does miss making fun of his numerous shirtless pictures but little Olivia's cuddles whenever you visit the paddock make it worth it).
As expected, Olivia Russel was a proud daddy's girl, and when her pre-school teacher told her class that they were having career day later that week, she knew she wanted to bring her father in to tell all her friends how he drives his fast car and wins all the races. "Mummy", she asked you from the backseat of your car where she was safely straped in her car seat, "yes honey?", you asked, looking at her through the rear view mirror while you waited for the gate to open, "will you be sad if I bring daddy with me to career day at school?", she asked, her big blue eyes looking at you as you parked the car inside the garage, "No, I won't be sad. And I think daddy will be very happy to go with you", you smiled at her, thankful that it was the winter break and he could easily work around his schedule to make it to her school.
Getting out of the car, you grabbed your bag before opening Olivia's door, helping her out of her seat and handing her her backpack, "Thank you mummy, I love you!", she said as she hugged your legs, "I love you too, now let's hurry inside because a little birdie told me you were hungry", you said as you both finally got inside the house.
Olivia was cuddled on your lap while you watched some cartoons and waited for George to get home from his workout when you heard the gravel outside and, a few seconds later, George's car stopping inside the garage. A moment later, George appeared in the living room, kissing the top of your head as he tickled your daughter's ears, "Hello my loves, did you have a good day?", he said, Olivia looking up and opening her arms so George could join the cuddle, prompting your husband to sit next to you and invade her with kisses. "Daddy, stop, please! I have a question for you!", she said once he stopped kissing her cheeks, "what is it, princess?", he said as he stretched his arm over your shoulder, "can you come to my career day at school and tell my friends about your car?", she asked, blue eyes looking at his matching ones, "Of course darling, thank you for inviting me", he said, "You're welcome daddy".
On Friday morning, Olivia walked inside your room while you were getting dressed, "your shirt is very nice mummy, you look very pretty", she said as she looked at you, watching George leave the bathroom, "mummy, can I have a bow that's the same colour of daddy's shirt?", Olivia asked as she looked at George's blue and white striped shirt. You went back to her room and found a pretty good match, clipping it carefully on her hair and sending a picture of the two loves of your life to the family group chat, Allison sending a couple of heart emojis while Cara replied It's still hard to believe my baby brother has a 4 year old, good luck with your presentation guys!
You had arrived a bit later than you intended to, an accident that fortunately looked worse than it was blocking the roads when you left work to see George and Olivia's presentation, only catching the second half of it.
"I'm sorry I was late, but I still saw half of your presentation handsome, I really liked it! And you honey", you crouched so you were at her level, "Mummy's sorry she couldn't be here on time, the traffic was terrible today", you apologised as you stroked her cheek, your daughter immediately kissing your palm like she had seen you do so many times when George cupped your cheek, "it's alright mummy. Daddy just told the story he always tells, you know it already. And you've known daddy for awhile, you already know what is job is", she reasoned while George smiled at his two girls, choosing to not feel offended at his daughter's choice of words.
When you were already in bed that night, you decided to bring a thought that had been nagging you since that afternoon, "you know, seeing all the little siblings Olivia's friends have just made me even surer that this is a good time for the second one", you mumbled. You and George had been trying for a good bit and so far no baby Russell in the womb, "we have to keep trying, Olivia took us a bit too, we will have another little one soon", George said as he flipped you, your back hitting the mattress, "and I must agree with our daughter, you looked very pretty today. All of the other fathers were looking at my wife when only I can do this", he said as his hand travelled to your shorts, your night just beggining.
Silverstone was always special. While George was doing his media duties, you and Olivia were in the Mercedes hospitality lounge waiting for George when you felt your stomach turn. You grabbed your juice from the table as you watched Jack Wolff who, despite being older, had amazing patience and played with Olivia with some building blocks, taking sips as you assumed your energy levels were a bit off after running around the kids and having had your last meal a good number of hours ago.
When you felt everything come up, you ran to the closest bathroom, Olivia following you with Toto right beside her. You flushed the toilet just in time for Olivia to get inside, watching you sat on the toilet as you wiped your mouth, "mummy are you okay?", your little girl asked, earning a nod, "how are you feeling, Y/N?", Toto said as he watched some colour come back to your cheeks, "a bit better, that just came out of nowhere", you muttered, offering Olivia a small smile hoping that it would ease the crease between her eyebrows, "Mummy's fine, I probably had something to eat that didn't settle well, im going to rest up bit and then I'll be better", you reassured her as you heard your husband's voice coming from the corridor.
Knowing how much she liked it when daddy was next to her when she was sick, Olivia left the bathroom to look for George, thinking that you too would like to have him with you, "Daddy", Olivia called, grabbing his attention, "Hi darling", he said as he scooped her up in his arms, "mummy was sick on the toilet but Toto and I helped her and she's better now", making George head to his driver's room like his daughter pointed.
While Olivia, half reluctantly, went back to the lounge with Susie and Jack, George stayed with you in his room while Toto went to grab a sugary drink and some water, "My love, how are you? Are you okay?", he asked, his hand going on your neck checking for your temperature as he inspected you. "You know, the last time you threw up in that very same bathroom, you were pregnant with little Olivia", Toto said as he entered, placing the drinks on the table before leaving you two in the room, patting George on the back before closing the door, you and George looking at eachother as he grabbed your hands, "I haven't had my period yet", you whispered, afraid that saying it outloud would jinx it. "If you want to we can go and get a test tomorrow, darling", George offered and you nodded.
Back at the hotel, you were laying in bed as you got ready for sleeping while George was helping Olivia with her pyjamas, "Daddy, can I sleep with you and mummy tonight?", Olivia asked quietly, "I promise I won't move", she saved quickly, and receiving a confirmation from you, George grabbed his daughter and set her in your bed, "I'm just going to take a quick shower, I'll be right back my loves. Call for me if you need anything", your husband said before he entered the ensuite. Approaching you carefully, your daughter spoke softly, "Are you feeling better mummy?", she asked as you noticed her apprehensiveness, "I am, honey. Come here", you said as you opened your arms, Olivia immediately cuddling into your arms, "Mummy just needs a good sleep and then she'll be back as new", you said, smiling at your beautiful daughter, "I'm going to give you a magic kiss like grandma gives me when I'm sick", she said as she puckered her lips on yours, "thank you darling, I feel better already", earning your a smile on her little face that grew more and more similar to her father's as she got older.
When George got out of the bathroom, he was presented with a delightful view. You were asleep on your back, one arm around your daughter, who had fallen asleep on your chest with her hand clutching your pyjama shirt while her other hand was next to yours, resting on your tummy.
The next morning, a team member knocked on the hotel door with a bag from Toto, and when George opened it, he saw three boxes of pregnancy tests inside. Playing cartoons on the TV for Olivia, you and George waited for the results in the bathroom, time slowly ticking, "last time these were a bit of a flop", you remembered the negative signs on them only to find out you were expecting in your appointment, "we'll take it with a pinch of salt this time", George said, kissing your forehead, "I love you and I'm always going to be here to support you, no matter what. You and Olivia are the most important people in my life", he said as you snuggled further into his chest. The timer beeped and your grabbed the three tests all at once, turning them to see that they were all positive, the lines clear as day as you showed them to George, "Do you have space for one more?".
Now that the doctor had confirmed that everything was okay and that you were now around 15 weeks pregnant, you and George decided that it was time to tell Olivia that she was becoming a big sister. When she was back from pre-school, she sat on the sofa while you and George kneeled in front of her, "we have a surprise for you Olivia", George said, and your curious little girl was all ears from there, "what is it?", she asked, looking around the room as she looked for something different. "You remember when you asked where your friend Emily's baby sister came from?", you initiated, remembering how youband George had managed to answer your daughter's curiosity, "yes, you said that her parents love eachother very very much and their love is growing into another heart, and that heart is Emily's sister's", she recalled. "Good job darling. Well, mummy and daddy also love eachother very very much and so", George said as you lifted your loose top, your baby bump showing a lot more now than it had when you were roughly the same time with Olivia, "you're going to be a big sister Olivia", George said, smiling as he waited for her reaction. Her blue eyes opened wide as well as her mouth that was forming an O shape, pushing herself off of the sofa so she could be at leve with your bump, "really? Is that a baby in there, mummy?", she asked, stretching her hand but refraining from touching you, afraid she'll hurt you, "yes Olivia, the baby is very tiny and they need to grow a bit more but they're in my tummy. You can touch if you want to", you encouraged, her little hand mimicking her father's who had been there the whole time, the little girl giggling as she bent down to place a sweet kiss above your bellybutton, the tears now flowing freely from your eyes.
"Which one would you think they are, baby brother or baby sister?", the technician asked Olivia while squeezing the gel on your tummy, "I want a baby sister because she will play with me, but I also want a baby brother because it would be fun to play with him too like I play with Jack. Oh, can I have both?", she put it simply, making everyone in the room laugh. "I'm afraid that's not how it works, I only have one baby in my belly", you explained as you watched your daughter's defeated expression, "Come here, sit on daddy's leg instead of mummy's lap so we can see the baby on the screen there", George explained as this was Olivia's first time in a room like this when she wasn't the baby in question.
"What are they?", your daughter asked as soon as the first image showed up on the screen, "You have to be patient darling, if they are anything like you, they may not even let us see! Did you know that you were a cheeky baby and only allowed us to know later?", George recalled the failed attempt at the first gender reveal appointment from Olivia's pregnancy. The technician moved the wand around, allowing you to listen to the heartbeat, "Oh, this one is easy. Congratulations, it's a baby boy", she said, smiling as she kept moving the wand.
George was holding his little girl, looking at you and your baby boy and his eyes quickly clouded with tears, "we're getting a little boy this time? Darling, it's a baby brother", he said, wiping his eyes as he kept looking at the screen, showing Olivia where his head was. "So, Olivia, are you ready for your baby brother?", the technician asked her, "yes, we are going to be bestfriends", she replied as she kept alternating between looking at the screen and at your bump.
"Do you remember what I told you about today, darling?", George asked his daughter, "yes daddy. I need to keep my indoor voice because people and babies are sleeping and resting, and that mummy needs to rest too, and I need to be careful when I hug her too", she said, going over the points on her head, "Just like that, clever girl", George said as he held his daughter on his hip, entering the elevator so they could go to the floor you were in.
Noticing the open door on your room, George quietly walked in to see a nurse helping you swaddle your newborn baby boy, excusing herself once she was done, "Hello my loves", you whispered as George set Olivia down on the floor, quietly making her way to you as you sat on the bed, "Do you want to sit here next to me so you can meet your baby brother?", you asked while you adjusted your position. Olivia looked unsure at her father, the points he had given her hadn't specified anything about being on the bed with you and no matter how much she wanted a cuddle, she didn't want to hurt you, "You can sit here baby, I'm promise you won't hurt me", you noted as you saw her worried expression, "And daddy can join too", you said as you made room for George to sit next to you with Olivia on his lap, the bed surprisingly big enough for you all as you also carefully grabbed your son, settling him on your chest so Olivia could see his face, "can I touch his head?", she asked as she snuggled closer to your arm, the contact with you doing the job for now, "Yes, gently", George watched as she stroked her brother's cheeks with the softest of touches, looking up at you to see that your eyes were also teary as you both watched your children meeting eachother for the first time.
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praecurokat · 1 year
Ted Lasso S3E8 We'll Never Have Paris - Thoughts on an eventful episode!!
-I don't know what to feel about Nate and Jade's relationship but I love seeing Nate happy!
-Please God I hope the writers aren't setting up some elaborate Jack sabotaging Keeley arc..... I just have a bad feeling...
-"Is this a game or child labour?" "In late-stage capitalism, what's the difference? "Word."
-Roy calling the Diamond Dogs "a living fucking nightmare" while still being part of their meeting from the other room...typical!
-Trent's expression when Beard started barking was priceless!!
-Nate's dismal Diamond Dogs parallel the "Love Hounds" is so sad... please let him rejoin the Diamond Dogs... Nate needs a gossip circle!!!
-"Or, they go to see Oscar Wilde's grave" and "I didn't know Oscar Wilde was dead, some of his quotes feel so modern, so of our time"- there have been lots of Oscar Wilde references in this show... what are you saying with this Ted?
-Poor Keeley.. but some of the reddit usernames under the leaked video are killing me.. 'SendMeBigFilthyFeet6969.. AnonAndAnnoying00227... ScrappyDooEnthusiast1289.. and BringTheMayonoise_0327.... i mean come onn
-Jamie is still taking selfies in the locker room.. some things never change!
-"Do we delete our memories too?" "No, cause no one can steal your memories." Bumbercatch: "That's not entirely true." .... very mysterious..
-OH NOOO Isaac just got Colin's phone please my heart just dropped.... why am i so afraid for him ....Isaac is so nice.. what was that reaction... what was that ambiguous reaction??? ... did not expect That To Happen.
-Beard: "There is an immersive Jack the Ripper walking tour that Jane's been raving about. It's like, six hours long, and at one point, you get chased." Jane is an enigma.
-ah to live in ted's idyllic neighbourhood where people sing and dance spontaneously and walk around the pristine streets kicking footballs
-Welll i guess that's the end of Jack and Keeley's relationship.. would've seen that coming if I hadn't deliberately ignored the 3000 signs in the last few episodes.
-Jamie having made his password 'password' is so accurate to the first season himbo version of him..
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 months
American Riviera Orchard - the dream vs the reality. A pictorial essay. by u/Mickleborough
American Riviera Orchard - the dream vs the reality. A pictorial essay. There have been a couple of posts about the unfortunate name chosen by Meghan for her (cough) lifestyle line.Great minds think alike; at the same time, I was curious to find out if the name evoked what I thought it was intended to.The (cough) logoFauxligraphy - my guess is that it’s been improved with computer fonts. For example, the lower case C’s, A’s, and R’s are very regular. The lower case D is pure Meghan fauxligraphy - there’s no way you can write that without lifting your pen. Note that the capital A and R are disproportionately narrow compared to the generous O. No money for a pro? Distinct amateur vibes.The dreamWe know what that is, thanks to Meghan’s nightmare sequence.Flowers - so feminine and genteel and ladylike. What is it with Meghan and flowers? (‘I’m a lady! I do lady’s things!’). The kitchen - the heart of the home, complete with weirdly textured mixing bowl and an impractical receptacle for fruit to be used in a kitchen, as opposed to displayed.The Woman in Black. Run for your lives! In the video, the door actually opens slowly - with no human aid…Actually this is more frightening - there’s a lot to be said for soft focus where Meghan’s concerned. We know she’s on a red carpet because her red dress matches it. Not sure what her shoes are meant to go with.The realityLet’s break down each word of that outlandish name. What does each word make you think of?AmericanApple pie’s often invoked as being quintessentially American (along with mom).RivieraThe Riviera‘s the American term for the South of France. Villefranche-sur-Mer, in Provence, east of Nice.Oh wait - you’re supposed to put the words together.American RivieraSanta Barbara - considered the southernmost part of Northern California - bills itself the American Riviera because of its balmy weather and scenic coastline. It’s interesting that Meghan’s gone for a name which invokes an original, namely the French Riviera.OrchardShade Farm Management, an 800-acre avocado and citrus orchard in Santa Barbara.ConclusionIn my opinion the 3 words don’t add up to the whole as promulgated by Meghan in her photos. ‘American Riviera’ has a different feel - leisured, moneyed - from the more workaday, hard labour ‘orchard’.This looks like another instance Meghanese. It’s like ‘silk scouring pad’ or ‘crushed gold ear wax’ - the concepts just don’t go together.‘American Riviera’ on its own would’ve conjured up the fine china, linen, elite lifestyle Meghan’s aiming for. Adding ‘orchard’ makes it sound like what the Beverly Hillbillies do. post link: https://ift.tt/NqXzckn author: Mickleborough submitted: March 20, 2024 at 09:42PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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thatsonemorbidcorvid · 9 months
When Kristin Batykefer fell ill with a headache, sore throat and body aches, the other women in her house baked her cookies, served her homemade vegetable soup and took her four-year-old daughter to the park so she could rest.
“Support system like no other,” Batykefer, 33, wrote on a TikTok post that has since been viewed more than one million times. “Shoulda moved into a mommune a long time ago.”
Batykefer had no idea that her video — and the concept of mommunes, a group of single mothers sharing a house, bills, childcare and support, seen in the US for the past decade or so — would go viral. When last year she split from her husband and lost her job, an old family friend with grown-up children invited her to move into her house in Jacksonville, Florida, while she found her feet. Then Batykefer was contacted by an old college roommate, Tessa Gilder, 32, who was also going through a divorce, with two children, aged five and one. “Tessa was, like, ‘I can’t do it any more.’ I said, ‘Come here. You’ll be welcomed with open arms.’ Originally our plan was we’d get our own place together, but once she arrived we became like a little family unit and it’s just awesome. Our friends said, ‘Stay as long as you guys want.’ ”
The 1960s and 1970s saw the rise of communes where like-minded souls joined together to raise families in capitalism-defying self-sufficiency. In a 21st-century version, more and more women are channelling the age-old spirit of sisterhood to establish mommunes, to tackle the ever-rising cost of living and everyday motherhood grind. “We just help each other out,” Batykefer explains over Zoom. “It’s not ‘You do the dishes, I’ll take out the trash,’ it’s more when we see something needs to be done we just do it. As a mother that’s just what your instincts are. It’s so nice having three minds in a house thinking like that.”
Indeed, as the thousands of comments on Batykefer’s posts make clear, many women in relationships — even happy ones — are envious of her mommune’s roll-up-your-sleeves environment. “There are some comments saying, ‘My husband does all this for me,’ but about 95 per cent say, ‘Wow, how do I get part of this?’ So many are from married women asking, ‘Where do I drop my husband off? I’m joining!’ ” Batykefer says, laughing. “It resonates because there are so many what we call ‘single married women’ out there who are not getting the kind of help with the physical, mental and emotional labour of being a parent that we have. I definitely didn’t get this support in my marriage, it all fell on me. If I was sick, I still had to cook for us and make sure my daughter was fed and taken care of and entertained.”
Batykefer, who before her break-up was documenting on TikTok her family’s itinerant life on a renovated bus, is also revelling in living in an environment free of marital bickering. “Whenever I would be driving our bus when I was married, it was such a stressful, anxiety-inducing experience because of the negative energy, but I’ve just been on a bus trip with a girlfriend, driving the whole time, and it was so peaceful and amazing.”
There are 2.5 million single-mother families in the UK, according to the Office for National Statistics, a figure that has more than tripled since the 1970s, as the stigma about divorce has decreased and women have gained more financial independence. But several international studies show that single mothers are at greater risk of physical and mental health disorders compared with their married counterparts, mainly as a result of lack of support — with many women living far away from their extended families.
Financial stresses can also be overwhelming, with a recent marked rise in lone-parent families using food banks or relying on benefits. A report last month by the Institute for Fiscal Studies showed that half of such families are now living in relative poverty.
While there are no official, large-scale mommunes in the UK or US, many single mothers are turning to local mommune groups on platforms such as Facebook (the London branch has 700-plus members) to find others to team up with.
Sara Memba, 34, a restaurant worker from Barcelona who has a one-year-old son, is sharing a house with a friend with four children aged between one and eleven in south London after finding that landlords were reluctant to have her as a tenant. “Many don’t trust single mothers to pay the rent on their own or they think your kid is going to destroy their house,” she says. Memba loves her situation. “We can go to work knowing our children are well cared for and it’s great to find a person with whom to talk and share concerns, joys and different, sometimes contradictory, emotions. It’s fun for the children too — they have more playmates and adventures.”
In an ideal world she’d love to see flats built specifically for single mothers. “There’d be common areas and spaces adapted for children to facilitate socialisation between neighbours. It would make a very difficult experience so much easier.”
The author Janet Hoggarth, from East Dulwich, south London — whose latest novel is Us Two — struggled after her divorce from her husband of 11 years, when she was left to bring up her three children, aged five, three and one. When she discovered that her friend Vicki Hillman, who had a newborn, had split from her fiancé, she invited her to move into her attic bedroom. Another single mother of two who lived around the corner frequently joined them in the evenings and stayed at weekends.
“I was feeling utterly bereft. I was navigating a divorce that took ages while juggling the kids and we were all feeling quite traumatised. It was so nice to have another adult there who knew how you felt, who could help me fill out forms, talk to lawyers and bounce ideas off. Plus, when the kids are in bed at night and you’re rolling around the house alone, you have company, which was such a relief because most of my contemporaries were busy with their own families. It stopped my constant feeling of a racing heart and feeling sick in my stomach. It was like a weird miracle drug.”
After two years Hillman moved out because she wanted a bedroom for her daughter but the women are still close friends. “We rubbed along really well without any bitchiness. It was very reassuring, like being in a family, just a different version of it. It really did stop me feeling broken. There’s definitely a different energy in an all-mothers house — there’s no weird bouncing of egos and someone expecting a medal for having wiped down the sides or polishing their halo because they’ve taken the bins out. Everyone just gets on.”
Not all mommunes are so successful. Elizabeth (surname withheld), 34, tried briefly sharing a flat with an old friend in Liverpool, when both had baby daughters. “We thought it would be perfect, but even though we got along well, our babies’ sleeping schedules were completely incompatible, which made it impossible for them to do anything together. I had no child support and had to work crazy hours with a long commute and my baby in a nursery, while she had a generous settlement from her ex and didn’t work. The imbalance made life so much more stressful than it would have been living alone. I felt guilty I couldn’t be around to do more babysitting. I still think mommunes are a brilliant idea, not least because being a single mum is so horribly expensive, but just as with any housemate, you have to find the right person.”
Victoria Benson, chief executive of Gingerbread, a charity for single-parent families that offers local networks for single parents to connect, agrees that mommunes are one “creative solution to a big problem. But we need to see a better welfare system, an increase in flexible work, and more affordable and available childcare that works for all single-parent families.”
Batykefer’s mommune keeps on giving, as demonstrated by the TikToks of her and Gilder enjoying concerts, karaoke and home-spa days together on weekends when their children are with their fathers. Now they’re in discussions about filming a reality show about their set-up, with the hope of bringing in more income but also inspiring more mommunes.
“I just fell into this but it’s such an obvious idea,” Batykefer says. “Women have always helped women. Let’s make it even easier for them.”
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