#LMFAO THIS IS SO LONG-WINDED but i think no one is surprised anymore?
trashlie · 1 year
Manifesting Stalkyoo~
Just to get it out of the way: PLEASE KNOW THIS IS ALL IN GOOD FUN! I don’t want anyone to take this in a weird way or like it’s some ridiculous demand I’m making lmao. I’ve just been having a delightful time talking to other Stalkyoo shippers and just romanticizing silly things we want to see so again: THIS IS JUST FOR FUN! I know fandom has been weird about shipping stuff because of the... ugly past lol so I feel a weird need to remind people that my shipping is just secondary enjoyment of ILY and that I will continue to love and read ILY wherever it goes. 
With that out of the way lol please also note there are spoilers all the way up to 224, so if you don’t FP episodes, this post is not safe for you! (unless you like spoilers. i don’t judge people, I like spoilers, too) 
Look, I’m not good at writing fanfiction. I’d love to, but I always feel like it’s difficult for me to portray characters the way the original writer does. I think about it, every now and then, dabble in a little idea, something I might like to see, before the storyline plays out in a different way, but I just never trust myself, so this is about the closest I ever get to that. And even still, I think of these little musings, these silly little “oh I’d love to see ______” very inline with fanfiction, wherein I acknowledge that what I’m hoping for or imagining is very likely to not happen. It’s just the fun of exploring story and the what-if’s and little AU tangents where ONE little thing tweaks. 
For me, the fun of shipping is just playing with those character dynamics, which is another reason fic is so difficult for me - I enjoy my pairings, my characters, within their circumstances. That’s not to say AU fics are unfathomable to me (I LOVE THEM), but more so that it’s hard to write something knowing that I don’t know everything, that quimchee will pull out a surprise and I’ll be like oh my god I should have realized! And again, I guess that’s where musing is fun. You get to play out those little what if’s for yourself, get to imagine a scenario that probably will never come to pass. That’s the fun of fic + canon, to me! Not once has quimchee done something with her characters and their story that really surprised me in an “oh i don’t like this” kind of way. I can say “Oh I’d love to see xyz scenario play out” but when instead abc plays out, I’m not mad. 
I also fully admit that I tend to compartmentalize my shipping thoughts and whims separately from my general commentary, and I guess for the previously mentioned reasons: this fandom has an ugly, nasty past with shipping and even still, there are a lot of people who demand romance from ILY and don’t seem to care about the actual story at play or even weirder, seem to think that it detracts from the romance they think should be happening???? (”when is she going to choose one of the brothers it’s been so many years and episodes waaaah) And I guess, yeah, I get a little self-conscious, because (and this is feels so embarrassing to actually word) I acknowledge a lot of people read my commentary and my opinions! And I’m so happy for that, I love being so communal with everyone! But I do get worried someone is going to take something out of context and be like “omg can you believe she’s one of those weirdo romance demanders” or something lmao, hence this weird long useless diatribe. But yeah, basically, I’ve been talking with people lately and god just thinking about my shippy feels and how much I love the current story - one step forward, three steps back; the struggles to open up; the struggles to deal with feelings in the face of much heavier, scarier elements; etc. etc.
Sometimes you just wake up and you’re like: I WANNA SCREAM ABOUT STALKYOO so you do it because you have a birdbrain and you know is screaming afljkfkjafkjakfjaf LMAO 
If you’re reading this, chances are you aren’t new to my blog so you’ve probably read the likes of my Foundations of Stalkyoo, Why I Ship Stalkyoo, and Further Thoughts on Stalkyoo (I just never shut up huh) posts, so I’ll try not to like, completely repeat everything but if it happens well. It can’t helped, can it? lol 
Anyway something I’ve been talking and thus thinking a lot about is where we stand with Stalkyoo, now that we are getting more confirmation of actual budding feelings. I always reiterate that anything can change, but I also like to remind myself that something quimchee has said in the past (and this is loosely paraphrased) is that whenever it does come to a pairing, it will be made obvious before it gets there, because this is NOT a primarily romance-focused story which means there aren’t as many storylines that deal with just the will-they/won’t-they and the likes, and I think likewise, there won’t be a real love triangle the way most fans tend to think of them. So often a love triangle gets boiled down to someone being torn between two people for whatever reason and i just don’t get the sense we’ll be seeing that? Thus, I do feel like we might well be moving into a territory where we will see some kinds of scenes setting up, or maybe better put, enabling the possibility of a relationship between Shinae and Nol? 
But first. I always say I don’t really try to predict things because I’m always proven wrong, but I still like to try for fun lol, just because that’s part of the joy of reading an on-going story, I think! I’ve waffled a lot on it, but I still feel like when we reach our big time skip (not the first one taking us to graduation, but rather the one that jumps us a few years ahead), there has to be a REASON. Narratively it’s hard to imagine what that reason might be beyond the likelihood that we’ll see our three main characters on separate paths. It’s the only thing that makes sense, because otherwise you end up with a lot of story happening off page, right? If Shinae were to go to Japan with Kousuke, we’d end up missing their reconciliation and Kousuke earning her trust (or if it were to go the opposite, becoming cold acquaintances). Thus, I think Kousuke will go to Japan, but Shinae will take Rand’s advice begrudgingly and take up Yui on her “offer, while Nol will probably go to college abroad. He wasn’t denied admission to Oxford - it’s just not guaranteed there will be a spot for him. 
I know people take umbrage with the idea of Shinae taking up Yui’s offer, but hear me out. I don’t think it’s meant to turn Shinae into some kind of conniving, cunning person in the likes of Yui, as much as just introduce her to this world, give her a better understanding of how people in this society and business work and thus, start to get an idea of how Yui works. While I don’t think it’s easy to ever be one step ahead of Yui, I do think developing an understanding of her world helps to at least defend herself from Yui - start to see traps in advance and how to avoid them, find ways to evade her clutches, that kind of thing. I do think the idea of Yui holding that over Shinae’s head is terrifying and it’s feels more dangerous than going to Japan with Kousuke, BUT again, the idea is that she would become better equipped to defend herself and fight back. 
Of course, I don’t think Shinae in this moment is prepared to make that choice, and it may be a choice that comes after Yujing’s big scoop is revealed. Perhaps realizing how much more dangerous and powerful Yui (and the Kims) is would make her see what Rand was trying to tell her. I think she hasn’t fully figured out just what is going on with Yui and Rand, either - why would he be pushing her against his wife? But I think the information Yujing has compiled could help her see that bigger picture. If someone like Rand has spent twenty-five years struggling in this battle with her, how could Shinae ever hope to stand against her with even less understanding, with no sense of WHO Yui is or what makes her tick. 
The thing about this that I always struggle with is: how would Nol regard that? We know he feels vehemently about Alyssa idolizing Yui and taking advantage of her connection to the Hiraharas - and yet he stayed with her, knowing that she benefits from him (but that he does, as well). Would he feel the same, if he found out who was enabling Shinae to go to school? Would they talk about it, since Shinae knows how he feels about it? Would he be able to understand, when even he himself doesn’t seem to realize that his father finds himself trapped by the Hiraharas? That’s... stuff I can’t try to predict, because I think everything is possible. 
I promise I’ll get to that a little more.
The narrative benefit of separating the main characters is, of course, that first off, no major development happens where we can’t watch it. Sure, they’ll go about their lives and things will happen, but I don’t expect it to be major things that would make us go WAIT WHAT?! Otherwise, what brings us back itnto the story after time passes? For a long time my idea was that they’d all go their separate ways and maybe even their relationships would be a little damaged, so that when they come back into each others’ lives, part of the story is recovering that, reconciling with the past and maybe finding new futures together. 
Especially regarding Nol and Shinae, I’d wondered if we would see him leave without reconciling with his friends, and that we’d see him and Shinae meet again after some years and Shinae would have to contend with their unresolved past, with feelings she never had a chance to really identify, let alone explore, and the aching beauty of having to figure out who each other after now that they’ve grown and changed, and if there is room in each others’ lives for one another, if they fit in with who they’ve become. And don’t get me wrong - i do like that kind of bittersweet ache, haunted by the ghosts of what never came to be, having to relearn each other. But the more I’ve talked about this (especially a lot with @bittrbuttr, the more I realized that’s not exactly what I want with them. 
Like, it’s good and achey, it really pulls at your heartstrings. But I think that better suits an actual romance story, where the focus of the story and plot is on those feelings and untangling them, on finding their ways back to each other. I don’t think that’s the story of ILY, though. 
I keep dancing around my point and I apologize, but we all know I’m nothing if not circuitous and I promise we’ll get there! 
Here’s the thing: we know that Nol and Shinae are not in the space to become romantically involved. The feelings are there. They are drawn to each other, we know Nol finds comfort and peace in Shinae and that he always struggles to really push her away. We know that Shinae cares so deeply about him that no matter how much he hurts her, she still wants to try, she still wants to be there for him. I find the hope-tinged pain of 223 really poignant in that way - she wanted to SEE HIM, in a moment that was so special, she wanted to share that joy and get a glimpse at who he REALLY is, and he was unable to do that for her. But still she hopes for the best, still she intends to keep trying, to be as persistent as he was, even if she has to find a different approach. 
They are so important to each other, and I’m hoping that might be a catalyst? 
I understand what Nol’s struggle is. It isn’t easy to be vulnerable, to feel weak, especially when those parts of him have been used against him the last 6 years of his life. He is full of so much self-loathing and isn’t comfortable with his own weakness and vulnerability, thus he can’t show it to Shinae, he doesn’t want her to see him like that. He’d rather let her think he just doesn’t need to see what exists between them, that he doesn’t need to see her indulging because it’s enough to just bring her joy - and that itself hurts enough! But I want him to at least be honest about it - tell her that you don’t want her to see that part of you. Will it change things? Probably not significantly, but it puts her one step closer to understanding doesn’t it? 
And so the thinking is - or rather, the hope - is that maybe Nol will realize this? 
We see some of it in 224. Upon Dieter’s arrival, instead of a hey welcome back or anything, it’s an immediate “Did you bump into Yoo?” and when Dieter reassures him that she’s fine, it’s just stuffy, he knows a. it’s not fine and b. he feels bad. I think he felt that regret immediately, when he noted that she’s angry and he took off the blindfold and she wasn’t there. Nol is so used to pushing people away, it’s his first line of defense, but when it works? When he succeeds at driving that wedge? Again it’s that battle of will vs want - he thinks that pushing her away is the right thing to do for her sake, but he doesn’t ACTUALLY want it. 
It’s so difficult to go back to how things used to be having gotten a taste of something better. It’s so difficult to push out everyone when you’ve allowed yourself to indulge in being loved and cared about, and and I think that’s what Nol’s biggest hurdle is. 
Don’t get me wrong; there’s a lot of hurdles with him lol and clearing one doesn’t exactly make the others any easier to clear. But something we’ve seen from Shinae and that I think the story has tried to impress upon is that things are easier when we aren’t alone. Burdens shared are burdens that weigh a little less. We’ve Shinae and her father talking about being a team - about sharing that burden so it’s not so hard for just one of them and distributing that burden more easily. We’ve seen it in Shinae opening up about her problems with her friends, her insecurities that made her doubt her friendships. Her realization that as scary as situation as her sister breaking into her home was, it was made more bearable with a ragtag group of goofs who will protect her. 
Nol needs to learn to share that burden. He’s spent so long treating himself like an island, he hasn’t had the opportunity to remember that it’s easier to endure something when you aren’t exhausted from shouldering that burden all by yourself. There is strength in numbers. He’s been so run ragged from just trying to endure, trying to get by, trying to survive and how is he to ever fight back against Yui when he’s exhausted just from treading waters? 
I mean, ultimately Nol needs to learn to love himself, but I think it’s easier to tackle allowing others to love him, first. Allowing himself to share the burden, to show those weaknesses and let people have his back. Be able to slump over and know that someone will help keep you standing, you know? And maybe through that, he can find it in him to start loving himself. Of course, he has other problems he needs to address; in order to love himself, he has to forgive himself, and I hope that Yujing’s article can help in that area. I’m sure he carries the guilt of his mother’s alleged suicide, and maybe he was even made to believe that. It wouldn’t surprise me if the time he spent in the mental facility only served to make him feel worse about his existence, made  him believe he was the root cause of the bad. Maybe even, like Nana, he had an argument with his mother before he death and felt that if they hadn’t argued, maybe she would never have made that choice?
Clearly that’s still a little complicated for us to fully dig into, but as horrible as learning that maybe her death was not a choice she made is to learn (I cannot imagine having made this peace with someone I loved reaching a point so dark they made that choice, only to find out that it was, possibly, murder. How do you deal with that? What do you do with all that new grief, that new anguish?), I think maybe, if he learned that she didn’t choose that, it might help free him from his shackles of guilt. 
But I think until he can learn to forgive himself, until he can make that peace, couldn’t letting people love him help? Wouldn’t it be better for him to move forward knowing that he has people who will not only defend him, but who can ease the weight of his burdens? 
As dramatic as Nol and Shinae separating on these rocky grounds, unable to fully reconcile, makes for a good, dramatic romance, I think it’s much better for Nol to move on as a team. To let himself rely on others isn’t something he can learn over night, of course, but isn’t it better for him to enter a scary phase of his life knowing that there ARE people who he can talk to about it? There ARE people he can eventually let see those weak parts of him? 
So my ultimate hope for Nol’s extension is that in that time, he and Shinae find that peace after all. I still can’t help but feel like the three-day-extension is significant, because why else include it, if it was to pass without event? Especially because, depending on how it works (is it 3 additional days INCLUDING the 22nd or 3 days extra, beginning the 23rd?) we’ll hit the holidays. That just feels... too significant, right? 
I want Nol to grapple with his feelings, let his fear take over a little. Is he really as ready to lose Shinae as he tries to be? He seemed to regret hurting her, hanging his head after Dieter reassured him she was fine, even though she refuses to come back in to the room. And I can’t help but feel like it’s significant that she’s still lingering in the waiting room. My thinking is that Nana will get involved - she knows that Nol is upset about someone, she knows other friends have been watching over him, she knows there’s a friend who isn’t coming back in. She can read him well, so it’s not like it’s difficult to read that maybe they had a fight, that he was brusque and brushed her off the way he tries to do even to Nana. Will she go out there to see who this friend is? Will they talk? I feel like they HAVE to - not just because the fandom has waited for it, but because I think Nana can probably glean that Shinae (”Yoo” lol) must be someone important, if he’s acting like that. 
And look. Did Nana see the blush? *I* saw the blush, I’m not getting over that. I’m sorry but he lmao pushed her away, regretted hurting her, and he’s still getting flustered because he pictured her mouth. BUDDYYYYYYYYYYYY. YOU’RE A MESS. 
I don’t expect her to fully intervene in like, trying to make things happen way lmao I think it’s more like... Nana knows better than anyone that Nol is a difficult person to love. I say this with affection, because it’s true. He pushes people away, he deflects from himself, he never opens up, it’s hard to read what’s going on in his head. And Nana also knows of the darkness that looms. She was right there when he pleaded guilty, concerned about his reasoning. She’s listened to him talk about how maybe everything would be better if he didn’t exist. She knows that the darkness has a strong grip on him. So who better than her to encourage Shinae, to thank her for her patience and tenacity, for sticking with Nol even with the way he acts? I’d like to see a little bit of that comfort between them, some reassurance that Shinae is, in fact, making the right choice. She oscillates so wildly between her extreme emotions; sadness and melancholy that caring is not enough and how it sometimes comes out as anger when she can’t find a better way to channel it. We know she doesn’t really regret planning that birthday celebration - she’s just hurt. And I think it would be a big help to have Nana tell her how much it means to see Nol with friends who care about him despite how prickly and difficult he is, how she worries about him and is glad there are people who care about him. I think it would really encourage Shinae that her resolve is right - that she just has to find another way to approach him, that it’s worth the effort. 
And at that same time, yes, I want Nol’s fear to kick his ass. I want him to realize he faces the very real reality of losing someone who cares so much about him, who is willing to put up with him because of how much she cares and how special she is to him - and that she wants him to see it, too. I want him to fear losing the comfort and peace she brings him. I want him to have to finally face head on his want vs what he thinks he deserves, and see what a future without someone like her is like. Can he bear to return to that kind of loneliness? Can he bear losing her concern? How it feels for her to take notice of him, to probe, to listen? 
Like, at the risk of getting really corny and dramatic, that’s what it comes down to. I don’t want Nol to come back in a few years and decide he’s ready to face all of that. I want him to move on from this point knowing he’s not alone. I want him to be able to face prison knowing that he’s not so alone, that there is someone who will always be there to support him. I think that’s what makes the most sense. Leaving on their current circumstances works great if it’s a romance and that’s the main story - but making up, talking, being honest? That makes more sense for THIS story, where Nol starts to grow NOW, where he starts to make those important steps that will help him find his way to healing, and more important, that will help him face the forces that taunt and haunt him.
He doesn’t have to be completely honest with Shinae, because I don’t think he’s ready. I don’t think he’ll tell her that his mother took her life, and that he believes it’s his fault. But I think it would be enough to tell her the truth he couldn’t stay to her face - that he doesn’t want her to see him like that, that it’s still hard for him to open up that way, that it’s still SCARY - but that he doesn’t want to push her away, that he’s sorry he keeps hurting her. We could even go more dramatic with a callback to the hospital scene - that he’s sorry he isn’t good enough and is undeserving of her (AND LET HER REASSURE HIM THAT’S NOT TRUE THAT HE IS). BUT JUST. IDK I WANT HIM TO FACE IT. ADMIT IT.
He doesn’t have to tell her he likes her. That’s fine. Just reiterate what she means to him! One moment he’s telling her she’s special to him, that he cares about her, next moment he’s telling her it’s okay he doesn’t have to look he’s fine like this. STOP JERKING HER AROUND ;~; lmao like don’t get me wrong. I GET IT. I UNDERSTAND HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
But I also want to see them move into our time skips with a sense of understanding and peace, you know? I don’t want want Nol to face his fears alone anymore. I want him to let someone stand by his side. I want him to accept how good it feels to rest on her shoulder and know that it’s okay, she’s there.
And to call back to my earlier point lmao I like to think if they get to that point, then maybe he would understand, if Shinae accepts Yui’s offer. Maybe he would see how it’s different from Alyssa, that Shinae made a choice to protect herself, that it’s not about the idolatry, it’s not a self-serving choice, but one that protects her and enables her to fight back. Knowing that they are on the same side, that Shinae isn’t a doe-eyed naïve girl about to be taken advantage of again, but one who wants to fight back against the people who hurt her and others like her. 
We’re about halfway to 3/5 of the way into this story, and I think that’s a good point for Shinae and Nol to join forces. 
PLEASE I JUUUUUUUUUST i want to see them on the same page, I want to see them moving forward TOGETHER. I don’t want Nol to keep walking on his own. I don’t want him to just accept Shinae at his side, either; I want him to CHOOSE to let her choose his side. ;A; 
GOD. PLS. BARKS AT THE MOON I’m just ready for them to bE A TEAM I’M READY FOR NOL TO BE SELFISH AND TO GO AFTER WHAT HE WANTS I WANT HIM TO CHOOSE COMFORT AND SECURITY OVER PUNISHMENT I WANT HIM TO REALIZE THERE IS STRENGTH IN COMPANIONSHIP. I know being close to him puts her at risk - but he needs to see that no matter what, she’s at risk, and isn’t it better if she’s in danger with someone who can help, than to be all alone with it? I WANT HIM TO FACE THAT FEAR OF HIS AND FIND THAT MAYBE HIS DESIRE, HIS WANT, HIS NEEDS ARE EVEN BIGGER. That it’s better to find peace with her than spend the whole time afraid. Isn’t that the thing? He’s always afraid - afraid of someone else getting hurt, afraid of another opportunity being stolen away, afraid of the next time Yui will find a way to hurt him. BUT TO BE ABLE TO FIND COMFORT WITH SHINAE? 
Please. Just open up - be honest!!!!!!! But most importantly APOLOGIZE. Apologize for hurting her, apologize for pushing her away.
I realize, based on what she said on the hospital roof, that maybe he won’t make that choice, that maybe her persistence has to be a long game, that she does have to wait for him to forget to put the mask back on.
But wouldn’t it be so nice if he chose to move forward with her, instead of alone, to face their nightmare and battles together? ;~; 
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Just Call My Name / I’m Yours To Tame
(A/N) AKA the self-indulgent half-finished vampire!yelena fic. this COULD potentially be split into 3 parts, if this gets enough interaction that i decide to continue
edit: ok yes i will absolutely continue this i did not need that much convincing
Rating: E (EXPLICIT, SMUT AF, Minors DNI!)
read it on ao3
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort; sad sex; this is literally sad as fuck, yall on twitter said you wanted this but u did not realize this was entirely just SADNESS lmfao; soft smut lowkey; i’d like to think this is a tasteful reincarnation/soulmate au but it’s extremely cheesy
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Synopsis: Yelena hasn’t allowed herself to be selfish in centuries. When a face reappears after centuries of loneliness, she doesn’t quite know what to do with herself.
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Yelena doesn’t allow herself to think of Before.
It’s too painful, those memories. Another life. 
But there are moments where they slip through the cracks of the walls she’s so carefully built around herself over the centuries. Times where her past is undeniable, inescapable. The night she meets you is one of those moments.
Yelena gave up on faith long ago. What gods should an immortal answer to, anyway? She’s watched empires rise and fall, wars fought and won, maps rewritten. She has witnessed time slip through her fingers like sand.
And yet-
And yet there is something divine when she sees you. Something holy settling deep in her very being, countering that vicious monster she’s become with surprising strength. 
Yelena gave up on faith long ago. She gave up on fate.
But here you are.
Centuries later. A little different, something new in your eyes and step, but it’s undeniably you. 
Yelena hasn’t allowed herself to be selfish in so long, she’s forgotten what it’s like to indulge in her desires. She’s forgotten how to want, but suddenly, the desire is so strong within her it takes all of her willpower to not take you right in the middle of this crowded bar.
Instead, she calms herself, and she approaches you with a casual smile. 
“Tell me,” she drawls, “what’s a pretty thing like you doing all alone in a place like this?”
She knows she has you the moment your eyes meet.
The conversation from there up until she convinces you to take her home with you is a bit of a blur. She asks, mostly, about your life. She wants to know everything, wants to know every intimate detail but she can’t allow herself to be too indulgent. She is keenly aware of what she is, of the fact that your blood calls to her almost as strongly as her heart calls for yours. 
This life hasn’t been kind to you. Your other life wasn’t, either, but this one is better than the last. Yelena doesn’t tell you this, because stupid things like that don’t matter in a new life. You don’t have parents in this life, not anymore, and Yelena wishes she could hide you away from the world and its tragedies. She doesn’t say this either, because crazy things like that from strangers in bars are red flags. You carry a sadness in you, and Yelena decides that maybe it’s okay to be a little self-indulgent sometimes.
You say something like, “I guess I’m just here to be a little selfish. Relieve some stress.” 
And Yelena responds, “Allow me to be selfish with you.” 
Thankfully, the double meaning isn’t lost upon you, and you’re dragging Yelena out into the chilly evening before the blonde can second-guess herself.
The second your lips meet, Yelena throws caution to the wind. She wants. She has never wanted so strongly before. No, she has - centuries ago. This passion is as familiar to her as the sunset and still just as beautiful every time she experiences it. She wants to drown in it, consume every inch of you until you’re left bare for her greedy eyes to finish the job.
“Your hands are freezing,”  you hiss when her fingers slip beneath your shirt and bra to toy with your nipples. 
She pauses momentarily, considers telling you that you’re about to make a huge mistake by being with a monster such as herself.
Instead, she says, “Where is your bedroom?”
And you’re too far gone in the haze of her touch, you don’t question any further.
Yelena is in awe of every inch exposed to her. It’s exactly as she remembers. You’re everything she remembers. A ghost from her past, brought to her in a form that she can touch. That she can hold. 
And she can’t resist touching for long. Yelena drags her hands over your skin like she’s afraid she’ll lose you, and honestly, she is. Because she can’t let herself do this again, because losing you once was hard enough and having this is already going to break her for years to come.
But she figures one night can maybe last her a few centuries. The last one had, after all.
“Yelena,” you gasp when she pushes you onto the bed. “I want to undress you. Please?”
You just look so pretty when you ask for permission. Yelena gives in immediately, body far ahead of her mind on the matter. You’re careful with her, too, as if you also had the strength to snap her in half. It almost brings tears to Yelena’s eyes. Almost.
You free her of her dress, which she admittedly wore to catch the attention of someone to drink, but she’s happy that you seem so fond of it. You lean forward and capture one of her breasts in your mouth and Yelena slips her fingers through your hair, pulling you closer, closer, closer.
If you recognize that Yelena’s heartbeat, if erratic, is not that of a normal human’s, you don’t say anything; nor do you mention that all of her is freezing cold. You ravish Yelena with your mouth until she’s settled in your lap, hips pressing yours into the mattress. With a gentle tug, she pulls you back to her mouth and swallows your moan when she eases you onto your back.
You look up at her, almost in awe as you take in her body. “You’re perfect,” you breathe, and Yelena’s chest squeezes painfully. She isn’t perfect. She’s a monster. A killer. You should be terrified of her.
Her lips find yours again, slower in their passion but still heated. Her hands make quick work of your panties, fingers ghosting along your thighs until you sigh impatiently into her mouth. She smiles a little at this, because you were always impatient, and allows you just the faintest relief by skirting her fingers along your clit.
“Tell me you want this,” she murmurs, pulling away from your swollen lips to look down at your nearly black eyes, your pupils blown wide with desire.
“I want you,” you whimper, eyebrows pulling together when she circles your clit again. “I want you, Yelena, please.”
She kisses your cheek before finally slipping her fingers through you. You’re soaked, and so willing, and Yelena wishes she could keep you. She wishes more than anything else in the entire world that she could be selfish forever.
One night, she promises herself.
Just the one.
A curse leaves your lips when Yelena sucks a deep bruise into your neck. It takes all of her strength to keep her fangs at bay, your blood so tempting beneath fragile flesh. She reminds herself to take it slow, to make this last. As much as she’d love to watch you come undone, she wants this to last long into the night. Wants to map every inch of your skin with her tongue and fingers until she’s certain you’re really here.
She pumps her fingers slowly, at first. Your hips wiggle impatiently, and Yelena takes great care to withhold her strength when she pins you to the bed with her free hand, sitting up a little so she can balance herself and look down at you.
And what a sight you are. 
Head tilted back, lips parted as sighs escape you. Your eyes are shut tightly, teeth occasionally digging into your cheeks as if to stop yourself from moaning. Yelena loves a challenge. 
She curls her fingers until she finds the spot that makes your eyes snap open with a sharp whimper. 
“That’s it,” Yelena praises softly, “look at me, sweet thing. Oh, you look so beautiful like this.” Her words make your walls flutter around her fingers. She thrusts a little faster, constantly rubbing against that spot so you can’t hold any noises back. “Let me hear those pretty sounds, detka.” 
“F-fuck,” your hands grab at Yelena’s arms, clinging for dear life as you quickly approach your climax.
Sensing this, Yelena slows her pace significantly and draws a pathetic noise from deep inside your chest. She feels your whole body vibrate it, her senses alive in a way they haven’t been for so long.
“Please,” you whimper, “please, Yelena-”
“Shh,” she croons, sliding down your body with slow, tantalizing kisses. “Hold on a little longer for me, printsessa. It will feel so good if you hold on for me.”
She marks each of your hipbones, smoothing over the bruising skin with her tongue before looking up and locking eyes with you.
Your hand finds hers. She weaves your fingers together without question, easing the pressure on your waist so you can move against her tongue when she runs it along your entrance, capturing the wetness already gathered there and on her fingers. She loves that she doesn’t even have to tell you to keep looking at her, you just do. Loves that your flushed cheeks and parted lips are because of her, for her.
As your walls clench tight around her, Yelena tries to memorize this moment. The feral pleasure of it. The lust, the selfishness. She imagines herself being selfish again, maybe returning tomorrow, but then she remembers she might not ever leave if she allowed herself to be so indulgent on her desires.
“C-can I- please, please-” you pant, voice cracking with moans as Yelena’s tongue flicks against your clit. “Please, I need to-”
With a hum and a curl of her fingers, you come apart and Yelena knows she’ll never be able to escape you. She can’t let you go. Not ever.
She doesn’t let you come down before working you up again, her tongue replacing her fingers and making your back arch high. Your hand closes tightly around hers, Yelena figures it might be painful if she were human, and your eyes can no longer remain open. You don’t even fight your noises, now, her name spilling from your lips like ink on paper, a vibrant array of color flashing in front of her very eyes. 
Yelena lets herself be very selfish. 
It isn’t until you’re a panting, trembling mess that she finally allows you a break. You’re weak with exhaustion, body covered in sweat - amongst other things - and Yelena’s dead heart skips a beat. Can you believe it? It skips a whole beat.
She can sense the sun, more than she can see it. It’ll be rising soon, and she won’t have a way to get back home and Natasha will worry. 
With a final look at your sleeping body, Yelena remembers the last time she let herself continue her selfishness. Remembers the pain of loss. Remembers spending lifetimes wishing for another night like this one, nights where she could go back in time and save you from your fate.
Only now, she’s wiser. She’s older. She knows that there’s only pain down that road.
So she turns away, and leaves.
~ Gen tags ~
@nobody13 @fireflyglass @swords-are-cool​ @artapdarkstr @pasta-bandit @multi-images @women-am-i-right @fanboy7794 @simplysimping999 @ohmygooddamnbisexual-mood @jayreadingforfun314 @alotofpockets @avengerswriter4eva @007giu
if you wanna be tagged for a fic/character/everything just lmk!
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selfcareparker · 3 years
(lovely anon) ok so this may sound so dramatic but; let me paint you a picture: i’m responding to your latest message, sitting on the edge of the sofa. i type in “lovely anon” into the search and see this longgg post come up and i’m like uhhh... i scroll down and see the people you tagged and literally. when i saw @ lovely anon. i . cried . like full on tears. my brother goes “what are you doing” “she tagged meeeee” and he continued what he was doing and didn’t care LMAOO but i was so emotional? i love and appreciate you too and aAH IM CRYING!! you’re just really sweet and i didn’t expect it at all and it was really lovely to be a part of something :’)
the kermit pic sent meee but yes yes yes!! when you start uni let me know, lol i’m so excited for you!! let me know how it goes cuz i’m literally hype hahah & yes we will be in our sad corners of the world, missing england but you’re right it’ll be sooooo worth it in the end!!! and oH i’m glad you talk to them lol i truly thought you like haven’t seen them/haven’t spoken to them this whole time😭 that would’ve been awful!
also i totallyyy get what your saying about the english speaking thing. and idk why you’re insecure (well i *knowww* bc it’s not your first language and you’re studying it in college so yuh) but your english is great :)))
lol yeah that makes sense.. my mom took french in college and she remembers NOTHING HDJSHSJ (the fact that you wanna learn MORE languages i- ahh i so admire you.. you literally know so many languages🥺) yea i mean you know a bunch of languages bc you know the base of words lol, but i wonder if because you know latin it’ll be easier for you to learn french? oh- oh wait you said it’ll be easier HAHHAHA
THERES SO MUCH EXCITING STUFF TO TALK ABOUT HDGSJSJSL it’s so wild to me that you can’t watch chaos walking :( i’m a professional hacker tho so i’ll try and find a way for you LMAO (by professional hacker i mean i literally have gotten multiple free trials and i’m pretty sure the hulu police are after me bUT ITS THEIR FAULT BC WHY IS IT SO EXPENSIVE???) i mean the movie was good? and cute? and funny? but yea don’t think it’s gonna be the most fantastic thing haha AND THE DOGGO AWWW (i saw it again today- or my today lol, saturday, aND THESE OLD PEOPLE CAME AND SAT IN FRONT OF ME AND MY FRIEND LIKE ITS A LONG STORY LMK IF YOU WANNA HEAR IT)
SHARK FILMS?!?!! PLEASE READING THIS I HAD NO IDEA YOU WOULD LIKE SHARK MOVIES TOO FHSKSHSHDJDJGAJAYSJS ok so i haven’t seen any of the classics (i’m working on it) but i would probably watch jaws to laugh at it? not like that lmao but like comparing it. OKAY BUT HONESTLY I BARELY KNOW ANYONE WHO LIKES SHARK FILMS AHHH OKAY im adding “the shallows” to my watchlist bc it sounds super good AND SAME AHSJD ANY BODY OF WATER IN A MOVIE I JUST KNOW ITS COMING LMAO watch me not go in the water anymore after seeing that picture HHDJSJ
WHEN I READ THIS I JUST GOT DONE TALKING TO MY MOM ABOUT THE MEG AND THAT SCENE WHERE THE SHARKKK JUMPEDDDD AND ATE THE OTHER ONEEEE AND THEN JONAS HAD TO DO- bro i cannot (i think that one is my favorite because i love me a bit of romance and the subtle romance hAD ME) 47 meters down PHEW could you imagine?? i try not to think too hard about it i’m like “don’t be dumb catherine, don’t put yourself in a dumb situation” (not autocorrect having “dumb bitch” ready i am not lying) and i literally understand... there is no other way to explain 47 meters down
i CANNOT watch horror movies, can’t can’t can’t, i literally hate them i cannot do it!!! the thrill is tempting and it’s cool in the moment but i cant lmao. i don’t have nightmares about scary things (for the majority of the time) but going to sleep i’m like oooohhhhhh shit 🥲 literally what you explained
music !!!! music !!!! music !!!! (u ever write a word and now it looks weird lmao) MY BROTHER DOESNT LIKE MUSIC AND ITS SHIT IM LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU- anyway, my music taste is all over the place i mean......... it’s crazy. earlier today i was listening to meghan trainor’s album “title” oUT OF NOWHERE, but just a few minutes ago i was listening to fall in love with me by earth wind and fire soooo lol .. megan is *chefs kiss*, i’m not familiar with stormzy🙈, harry styles.... IM SORRY IM THAT PERSON but i don’t listen to his solo music EEK i only listen to adore you... and not that frequently... the music video freaked me out... i like niall’s solo music a lot more, which i listen to a lot more. now. one direction. favorite. please & thank you. i have a playlist called “boy bands” and it consists of one direction and the vamps (obsessed with cherry blossom btw) but as you can see my taste is all over the place!! fr fr if i sent you what apple music has as my “favorites” it went from ariana grande to carrie underwood to glee (OBSESSED DONT LET ME TALK ABOUT IT) i mean please if you let me i will nonstop (hamilton HDJSH) talk about music all day😩 & NOOO UR MUSIC IS GREAT HAHSK IM NOT A BIG RAP PERSON BUT DOJA CAT IS MY FAVORITE!!
okay good, i’m glad :) i was just nervous that you did feel that way <3 and GOT IT HAHAJ healthy pressure is always good :’) my friend got me these pens cuz i love stationary and school supplies lol and was like “now you have to write something” soooo yea i feel that! and i saw you posted the ficcccccc literally so proud of you 🥺🥺 i’m trying to decide if i read it tomorrow or tonight..... sleep or a literal beautiful creation made by the sweetest person and is v v nice smut and college!peter and 4.7k...... sleep aint really calling no more.
GIRL ALL OF MY SENTENCES ARE TOO LONG HAHAHAH IN FACT THIS IS TOO LONG SOOO (also why am i 3 days late..😑) anywho it’s 1 in the morning so <33 lovely anon
oh my god the fact that you cried nearly made me cry too😭😭🥺🥺 (also, your brother LMAO), i wasn‘t even sure if you‘d see it but i immediately thought of you so of COURSE i included you <333
the hulu police lsjsjaiaik, girl i was ready to get a hulu membership when i wanted to watch big time adolescence and i couldn‘t find it anywhereee, and when i got to the payment it said i need a bank account that‘s based in the US or whatever. like bro i was about to pay you!! but i was forced to find it somewhere (and i did, on levidia,— not that i‘ve ever used it because it‘s illegal 😤 i would never!!! i‘d rather support billion dollar companies and spend my money on watching films that i can find for free 🥰🥰🥰 not
i‘ve found chaos walking online so i‘ll watch it som time this week!! also YES TELL ME THE STORY
okay so idk if you watched/are planning on watching falcon and winter soldier but i watched the first episode the other day and they were speaking french (just a few seconds) and I UNDERSTOOD SOME WORDS DLDJDJ and i was so proud of myself. i‘ve only ever learned french with duolingo lol (i only do like 5 mins a day and that‘s why i was so surprised that i understood some of it!!). and yeah apart from latin i feel like italian, german, french and english are all similar in a sense.. i mean obviously they‘re completely different languages but for example there are some grammatical constructions in french that i think i wouldn‘t understand if i only spoke english? so when i translate those things into english you can‘t directly translate them bc you say things differently, but when i translate them into german then it makes more sense to me. idk that‘s something i noticed so i feel like if you already know multiple languages it‘s easier to learn another language compared to if you only know one language and are trying to learn a second one. even if the languages aren‘t similar then i think you get the hang of it easier.
ikd slsjsjs also i don‘t want you to think that i‘m a linguistic genius or anything lmfao, like i‘m only fluent in english and german and i‘m just a wannabe (ew that word) polyglot sksj (yes i had to google polyglot— i do think learning ancient greek would be super cool tho? like imagine studying latin AND ancient greek, whew). and honestly i don‘t think i‘ll ever be fluent in another language bc i don‘t plan on living anywhere other than germany or possibly england and i‘m not dedicated enough to properly learn any other languages esp if i don‘t have anyone to speak the language with. but i still try my best and i just love language/languages as a whole so yeah i‘m happy & just learning as much as i can dkdjh🥰
(I guess language/linguistics are/is my passion (which sounds sooo lame lmaoooo) and the word passion comes from the latin word pati (i think💀) which means to suffer, and in german passion is called Leidenschaft which basically means suffering too, idk why i‘m telling you this maybe you know it already. but ok dumb fun fact, in german you can make compound words with as many words as you like, and the longest official german word is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz which is a law for the monitoring of labels on beef... this is such a dumb fact but i think about that word like once a day idk why dodjsjsj so... 👁👄👁)
but i‘ll stop boring you with my linguistics talk because truly i don‘t know much about languages but i am interested omg i‘m gonna shut up now.
now water + sharks. (so in non-covid times i always go to croatia with my dad during the summer, and even before ever watching a shark film i was always kind of scared in water.. but after watching so many shark films wldjdj HELP Like you know when you go deeper into the ocean and you can‘t see or feel the ground/floor? anymore.. then i just start imagining sharks. like i can‘t help it i just imagine a shark sneaking up on me or feeling something graze my foot ABD I JUST START FREAKING OUT SSKJSHSJ. idk. anyway kdkdh i do love the ocean/swimming though but the older i get the more i realise how fucking scary the ocean is ( even if we’re gonna disregard sharks)
your brother... what‘s wrong with him? HOw CAN YOU NOT LIKE MUSIC LIKE WHAT THE FAWK
OKAY BUT SAME ABOUT THE ADORE YOU MUSIC VIDEO DLDKDJSJSKSLSLKSKSJSHSH and yeah i have to say harry’s style (styles lol) as a solo artist isn‘t reaaally my cup of tea, and i only like the popular songs from his second album and the first album is only good when i‘m in the right mood (haven‘t actually listened to it in a while though, but kiwi is one of my all time favourites along with only angel but i hate the start, like it takes 40 seconds to actually begin properly). i like mgk and because of him i watched the dirt which is a film about motley crue, and now one of my favourite songs ever is same ol situation and i‘m into rock now lol. +++ justin bieber. I had a justin bieber cardboard cutout thingy😭 i was the biggest Belieber on earth when i was 13-16, but i didn‘t like his last album and tbh he‘s become a bit weird lately, BUT OH MY GOD. i Listened to his new album yesterday and i‘m in LOVE with the song hold on
i really like niall‘s music toooo!!!! And doja cat 😌😌😌😌 And THE VAMPS OG MY GOD. i got to see them live bc they were the opening/support act for little mix and ajdsjskslslsjsjsj. (Also i love concerts, some of the best memories of my life are concerts, i‘ve seen nicki minaj live 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and justin twice and my heart fills every time i think about how excited i was, it was my first concert ever (16th of September 2016 😌) and i was the happiest person alive seeing justin drew fucking bieber (even if i‘m not tooo sure about justin nowadays)
i have a confession? Idk what hamilton is. I mean I‘ve heard about it and i keep googling it but i‘ve never watched it (is it even a film???? or like a proper musical? also pls tell me you grew up with high school musical. i have a few friends who didn‘t and it makes me so sad 😭😭😭 hsm is the best thing to happen to my childhood , the sooooongs— i still listen to some of them every week or month lool they make me so happy)
(Okay wait i was about to recommend some stormzy songs but you said you‘re not that into rap so i won‘t dksksjl)
What you said about my fic AHSLSLSJB (i wasn‘t sure if you sent an ask about it earlier? idk that might have been someone else, so if it was (and you‘ve read it already) i hope you liked it sksjsj i was...... unsure about it. and i have this reeaaallly long peter fic that i started writing in december and that‘s the only peter thing i currently want to write but also i can‘t because idk how to continue kddjj.) but I’m definitely getting back into writing i have a few blurbs that i want to write so 🥰🥰🥰
Oh and pls as soon as you read this let me know: violet or yellow? (it‘s just a tiny thing for my new theme slsksj)
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savage-rhi · 4 years
Higgs and Amelie / ​❛ oh sorry , i didn’t see ya there , i was too busy blocking out the haters. ❜ (lmfao these prompts are the best)
Here ya go hon :D glad these prompts inspired ya!
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She nearly had Sam right where he was supposed to be, by her side in full. Amelie’s brows furrowed into a glare after she had shoved Sam back into the world of the living, casting him out of her beach. It took a while to deal with John and Cliff, but eventually, once that was sorted out, Amelie retreated back to the spot on the beach where the final battle between Higgs and Sam occurred. 
Amelie paced around, sighing deeply as she shook her head. Things were not supposed to go the way they went. Everything was coming undone, and it occurred to her that it all started with Higgs. It took a lot for Amelie to get mad. As her mind recalled how Higgs sabotaged everything by not following orders, she was seething. 
It didn’t take long to track Higgs. He was laying down on the sand by a huge pile of rocks, looking up at the sky with glossy eyes with one hand over his stomach, the wind still knocked out of him. Amelie could sense that Higgs was clinging to life. She pitied the fact Fragile didn’t have the heart to kill him. 
“I’m surprised you’re still here,” Amelie said. Her soft voice trying to mask her disdain. After a few moments of silence, she growled under her breath and sighed. 
“Are you listening to me?” 
Higgs blinked as his eyes traveled, head tilting to the side in the sand while he smirked up at Amelie. 
“Oh sorry, I didn’t see ya there. I was too busy blocking out the haters.” Higgs said sarcastically with a chuckle. He started to cough, having choked on his own blood and spit while he turned his body to the side to ride it out.
Higgs could feel his body quake from the fight. There was no doubt in his mind he had broken bones and fractures. Regardless of how submissive and weak he saw Sam, Higgs knew first hand the porter could pack a punch. 
“Did you come here to gloat?” Higgs asked with a scoff, shutting his eyes as his skin trembled. The dampness of the sand against his flesh the only comfort his burning wounds received. 
“Everything is ruined. Done for. All because you couldn’t trust me.” Amelie said, her voice very much mirrors that of a parent disappointed in their child for failing. To Higgs, her words reminded him all too much of his daddy. 
Higgs stared blankly at the beach, watching as it went on forever. He occasionally made a note of all the carcasses he’d see, assigning each a number. It was a mental tick that helped Higgs not think about his childhood when he felt his walls were caving in. 
“You really expected me to kiss your ass after the hell you put me through?” Higgs asked coldly, turning his attention back to Amelie as he moaned from the pain. There was a hurt lurking in his eyes as he stared at Amelie with contempt. 
“I gave up everything for you and you decided to change at the last second? You’re more of a bitch than people give you credit for. Everybody's gonna call me the bad guy while you walk off the board scot-free.” Higgs shook his head, giving a rebellious grin as he glared. He didn’t care anymore. The mask was off along with whatever filters Higgs had. 
“You’re so full of fucking shit,” Higgs whispered. “You’re lower than it.” 
“I’m the Extinction Entity.” Amelie said in a cold sneer as Higgs shrugged, making a face as shock radiated up his spine. 
“And you’re only human. Just like me. You’re flawed.” Higgs said as a matter of fact. There was no more power in his voice. 
Amelie approached Higgs abruptly, pulling him up by the collar of his uniform. Higgs groaned as he could feel his bones crack and muscles tense. His eyes shut as he braced himself for the end. Higgs felt a strong pressure against his face as Amelie hit him, slamming his body down before everything went black and he woke up back in the world of the living, alone like how he began. 
**A link to my ko-fi account. If you enjoy my content and want to support me getting my monthly medication for fibromyalgia and arthritis, I would be eternally grateful. It is NOT a requirement however! All my work is free to read!**
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fank0ne · 4 years
In 2017 I watched 4 seasons of Vikings in, like, a week/10 days, while it took me months to finish season 5b.
I'm not gonna say that this season was bad, but it wasn't good either, especially if compared to the another ones. 5b was kind of a mess, I'm sorry.
The fact that amazing characters such as Lagertha and Floki (y'all, my rank used to be Ragnar - Floki - Lagertha) have become totally irrelevant pisses me off. Their storylines are totally pointless, they don't add anything interesting to the main plot and are just boring af. I honestly don't see the point in treating them as side characters, which they are not, when they could've killed them off in a more dignifying way. Lagertha and Floki are better than this.
Ragnarssons are stupid. Well, Ivar is the smartest, but, still, kinda stupid.
Björn. I'm surprised my man hasn't caught any STD and died 'cause, I swear, he has explored every possible hole on the Earth. He's such a fuckboi™ it's not even funny anymore.
I need a quick recap of 5a, but if I remember correctly he said he wanted to wander and discover new lands. Is it still his plan now that he's the king of Kattegat? The answer could make him the most ambitious or laziest (not before Hvitserk, of course) Ragnarsson. It seems like he could be a good ruler, though, in fact I was happy when mama Bear Lagertha gave him the sword and "Hail King Björn!"
The final scene when he recalls the conversation he had with Ragnar almost made me cry.
! Thank Odin he got that buzzcut (my man looks good), that long ass tail he had wasn't for him at all. Also, Alexander reminds me a lot of a guy I kinda dated for a while, they basically have the same face and it's so weird, LMFAO.
Ubbe. I'm not gonna be totally impartial because I fell in love with him, straight up. He's the character who's surprised me the most. I have a question, though: is he retracing his father's steps because he wants to or because he feels like he has to? That's two different things, but maybe they can coincide and I feel like that's the case..? I still need sure answers, though.
I'm lost when it comes to his relationship with Torvi: when they decide to go back to Kattegat, Ubbe takes a child in the arms and I'm confused... is (s)he Björn's or had he and Torvi been together for that long? (If you don't put the time and place in Law and Order style, I won't keep track of the chronology - I'm stupid).
Hvitserk. I keep hoping he will prove to be a great character, but maybe I'm a fool. I don't even know if the fact that he seems to have no personality is intended (for what purpose, though? To demonstrate that not all the children of a great ruler can make it, maybe?) or not. Hvisterk is off where the wind blows, he doesn't really now what to do, he only takes a decision when he feels forced to do so. It seems like the only thing he's good at is fighting and it's not necessarily a bad thing but I want to know if there is more (and I still think there is, but are they going to show it?) or it's just it. Just, tell me.
Ivar. I hate him and I love him. I admire a lot because he is super smart and and most of the time I feel connected to him on an emotional level because, like, we feel the same things. When he decides to abandon his son Baldur it made me super sad, cause you could literally feel how didn't want to do it, but felt like he had to, in order to protect him, and, of course, he reminded me of Ragnar. I still haven't figured him out yet, sometimes I feel like he has valid reasons to do what he does, other times I think he's overconfident (but again, his brothers can be really dumb) and needs to check himself. I don't know.
Harald. This character has so much potential and I feel like it hasn't been explored yet, not totally at least. He tried to be king for such a long time that I would give him the crown just for the sake of it... he kinda deserves it. Also, is he dead or not? I'm pretty sure a sword went through his chest but is he actually dead or..? I need to rewatch the sixth seasons trailer.
Alfred. He's definitely Athelstan's son. Just look at him! That's exactly the reason why I think he won't make it as a king. He has two options: being himself, which will get him killed, or "grow some balls" and listen to his mother's words. People out there are hungry, he needs to be at least as hungry as them - hell, even more! His kindness will be the death of him, I'm sorry.
Judith. My crazy, fearless baby. I've loved her a lot. Killing Aethelred wasn't a cool move though... or was it? LOL
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@nagasleeps​ ... you unknowingly made me sweat blood upon getting the prompts lmfao 😅 (fake dating?? spo rT S??? so many things, none of which I’m into asgdsfafsd,,,) 
Getting over the initial turmoil and the need to hire a deep web hitman to assassinate me, however, I thought about it… and yes, I’ve always liked the aesthetics™ of figure skating and racing, so it wasn’t ~that~ hopeless of a case,,, All in all, I ended up revamping a scene from a half-done fic to feature the LoV (instead of the Todofam bc latter are the og cast in the other thing so they were out of bounds but sssh)
I was vibrating when you reacted to the Happy Feet joke, so I really really hope you’ll enjoy the rest just as much!! ✨ MERRY LATE CRAMPUS AND A HAPPY NEW YEEEEAH
OH right: have an ao3 link that will likely read better lmao
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“Can I?”
The question itself takes everyone for a loop, but the real catch that makes heads turn is the barely contained excitement in Hawks’ voice. Then there’s his face, too, which is that of a kid on their first festival.
It quickly turns into an embarrassed blush that he tries to hide behind the collar of his jacket, but the damage has already been done- not only did he speak up like that, but it happened just a split second after everyone has unanimously started to move on.
“Can you?” grunts Dabi into the awkward silence with a raised brow, nodding towards the ice rink. He was a few steps ahead of them already, targeting what seemed to be the nearest punch stall available.
Hawks tagged along for the Christmas fair visit in Deika because he figured he might multitask and try this buddy thing with Jin and also catch a few snippets of info, but watching the kids slipping around on the ice when they stopped by the rink… did things to him. Nostalgic, dangerous things.
“You skate, Hawks?” Himiko asks with a glint in her eye. She also doesn't hesitate to turn back and bounce towards the rink, obviously interested in… either him, the fact, or the place itself. He's yet to get a grasp on the girl.
“ … ” His brows pull up as he sulks on behind the makeshift barrier. “... I could. A little.”
She hops against the railing, balancing over the dangerously unstable structure. “Oooh, that's neat! What are we waiting for then?”
Wait, we?
Hawks is almost surprised enough to say it out loud, which… nice save. That sounds all kinds of counterproductive.
Doesn't help with the emotion reflecting on his face, though.
“What’s that face for?” she asks with a pout, looking almost offended before hopping back down. “I’m not going to pass up some fun, if you’re going, I’m going, too.”
“Me, too!! Me, too!!!” pops Twice’s head up from nowhere between them.
“--- I see.”
“Well then,” Himiko says, her grump already forgotten as she's planting a hearty pat on Jin's head. “Can you skate, Jin?”
His brows, if they exist, inch closer as he squints, as if thinking… but he also immediately says a plain “Hell no.”
“Want me to teach you, then?”
That one rouses a confident “HELL YEAH!!” on the other hand, and he pulls on the drawstrings of his hoodie with such force that he not only disappears up to the nosetip, but an audible ripping sound also conveys the hoodie’s dislike of the abuse.
“Buckle up, then!" Himiko states with her hands on her hips. "First we’ll need some shoes, though. Also, you should get up from the ground, can’t skate like that.”
The man jumps straight into a salute upon hearing that. Considering that his coat is hanging off his head like a tent, it's quite a sight. “Aye aye, Toga sensei!!”
Hawks can’t help but let the uncertain hum break free; he is not sure he’s ready to make a clown out of himself… or that he could still stand upright at all, as a baby bird he was quite a midget. And a lot closer to the ground in case he hit it, making it less, well, scary.
“Mister, you coming too, right?” asks Himiko turning back to the two leftovers of the group.
“Oh…? Oh, sure! Ha ha…” he starts, the nervousness hardly hidden in his voice.
A stone falls from Hawks’ heart; there’s another clown in the making…
The old man (?) is so full of it, though. Just look at him. The only thing holding him back from stuttering is state of the art bullshitting skills…
“--- it is a highly refined form of showmanship, of course I---” 
“You’re so full of shit, old man.”
Said old man’s monologue stops with a soft ‘ah’ of mixed shock and horror… followed by both hands pressed tight over his wounded pride and heart. Not even the mask can hide the damage done.
“Dabiii, you can’t just steal the big man’s thunder like that…” speaks up Jin as he peels a hole for himself on the hood to look out of.
Oh, thank GOD.
The offender isn’t shaken by the callout in the least.
“He should just admit he can’t skate,” Dabi shrugs, turning back to wherever he was headed before the minute disturbance began. “Anyway… I’m off to drown myself in mulled wine or whatever they have for sale. Smell y’all later.”
Yeesh… that’s cold.
… actually, getting Dabi alone out of the picture has made this issue of being seen stumbling around half as intimidating. Which Hawks isn’t gonna complain about.
A few minutes later he’s already received his pair of skates and is mentally preparing for the task at hand. And also trying to calm down, because honestly? He’s excited. 
First things first, though, for a change his wings are more of a liability while doing this, so he gets rid of most of the feathers. Only after piling them up in the corner of the coat (more along the lines of 'bag') check room does he try the skates from a few angles on the plastic covered ground. They may be rented, but in comparison to the pair of battered ones he found by a trash container as a kid, few sizes too big then and now just as small, anything shone as long as they fit the task.
With a deep breath, he decides to give this a try and steps into the rink. One leg, then the other… a slow start at low speed, but he’ll have to remember how to stop as well… Yeah, this will do. 
Having gained some confidence on the field, he also manages to get out of the way of Toga and Twice as they burst onto the ice with reckless abandon, the latter obviously having no experience in the rink as he finishes the action mopping up every person and shaved particle in his wake.
Hawks skates up to him with a raised brow as Himiko giggles on and makes her rounds around the sprawling man. "You okay there, mate?"
His face that peeks out of the fluffy hoodie still pulled closely around his head looks either really focused… or 100% out of it. Maybe embarrassed, or having a religious experience. Hawks can't tell. In the end, he summarizes his status as follows:
"... yes."
“I told you, didn't I?” chips in Himiko, too, now that she’s over her giggling fit. “Can’t skate while on the ground. Though, if someone can do it… it’s probably you.”
"I'd say he's still got better chances with the usual method," Hawks muses out loud before offering a hand. (Not the best idea. Jot that down, Hawks: Bubaigawara Jin not only is nimble, but also heavy. Easily two-times-your-weight heavy if wings are not included. Do not engage in close combat.)
Nearly ending up on the ice aside, he notes that the number of people in the rink has dwindled down quite a bit in the past minute. Whether the masses are intimidated, afraid, or just conscious of the dumbassery of the big guns, Hawks doesn’t know.
Nor care about, really- more space for him to fuck around. Speaking of which…
He leaves the two jokers behind as Toga starts to legitimately tell Twice how to stand on the ice, and picks up just enough speed to test whether he can do another thing he usually can’t because of his wings.
The first attempt doesn’t go all that well, as he nearly slips when the skate he’s balancing on hiccups upon a deeper trail cut by others; on the second, he manages to stand on one leg, which is half of the battle, alright. He takes a second of a breather to stretch his legs before taking the route back towards the entrance again, checking in on how Twice is faring while he’s at it; seems to be going well for him. A little shaky, but he doesn’t fall ass backwards anymore.
He takes a deep sigh to collect some second hand inspiration, then shoots off to where Mister Compress’ hat has entered the field.
Hawks lifts a leg again, but this time, he also reaches behind his back to get a hold of the blade that should be riiight about… there!
Just sliding in a straight line and not stretched enough for this shit so it hurts like hell? Yes.
It would hurt even if he had stretched, to be frank.
But!! One day, he’s gonna do a legit Biellmann spin, you just watch.
“Why, Starling…!” Mister calls out with an air of awe, the doom and gloom finally lifting from his stance as the blonde is shaking his leg loose. He does stay suspiciously close to the entrance all along, though. “This comes to you as easy as flying does!”
“Could be worse,” he yells back as the momentum from the bend takes him the opposite direction.
Frankly, some may see it as cheating… but his feathers are an amazing addition he's gonna use to the fullest when on ice. So what if he has sonars to know how and where he’ll touch ground, or where to look for his feet from behind? Anyone with functional legs can do this without the help, they just need a little more practice. And why wouldn’t they? This is as close as anyone else can get to flying themselves, and boy is it a lot of fun!!
In fact, he’s so psyched that he does a pretty decent, simple Axel, nailing the landing after. Nice~
Hawks doesn’t bother opening his eyes for the next few minutes, just enjoying the chilly wind pinching his face and ears even pinker. Only then does he look up when someone with a whiff of some peach flavored alcoholic drink is about to cross his way… and goes as far as holding him by the waist, even if it’s for the fleeting moment he needs to grab his arm and spin them around in a circle.
“Not bad for a chicken.”
What the fuck, it’s Dabi.
The suspiciously happy man smirks over the baffled expression that appears on the hero's face. “You should check whether there’s a Happy Feet on Ice project, you could even make it.” Having said that, he gives Hawks a spin and joins him for the next round across the rink.
Wait a goddamn sec…
The blonde looks around with mild suspicion; he’s just noticed that Dabi is keeping up with him fine, which means… he can skate? “I thought you didn’t do, like, sports?”
He is pretty adamant on whining and moaning whenever the need to do anything but stand around menacingly arises… which is understandable, since, um… isn’t this a little… painful with a Frankensteined body like that?
Actually, it definitely is painful, because there’s one--- scratch that, now it’s two red stains on the white shirt poking out from under that ridiculous coat, and--- and blood dripping from one of his elbows, what the sincere fuck. Can he not feel that?!
“Spiked enough to do some stupid shit,” comes the enlightening sigh of an answer as they take the curve at rather high speeds, the faint smell of something not punch like also apparent on his breath. Makes the fact of him coming up close again less alarming, at the very least; a drunk (if not high as a kite…) Dabi averages out as more annoying, and less of a threat. And double the creepy, but that’s beside the point.
“You ready, birdie?”
… okay, maybe there is some room left for worry.
“Ready fo… huh?” The villain has his hands firmly around Hawks' waist now, as if preparing to--- no, there’s no way, he’s such a stick man, but still, the mere possibility…
“WhaaAA---?!” By the time he realizes that Dabi really has that exact thing on his clearly not quite lucid mind when picking up some more speed on the straight line ahead of them, he’s already airborne. Hell if he’s counting how many turns he is doing, but damn it all, he has bigger problems at hand- first, he's actually getting dizzy, and he’s never dizzy with the exception of concussions and being sick, which is concerning, but maybe it’s due to fear. Second, he needs to recalculate his fall right fucking now, because this cackling asshat has managed to throw him quite high and he's also off-balance. He has trouble landing on solid ground when plucked near clean like this as-is, fuck, he's falling already, fuck fuck fuck fUCK---
It costs him a nearly sprained ankle, some panicked arm and wing flapping and an instant heart attack, but he manages to stick the landing somehow. He’s shaking like jello as Mister claps on and Jin and Himiko cry an awed WOOO HOOO, though. In fact, his legs that he’s using as something to lean on now are about to finally give in under him.
Hawks also just about gives into the temptation of collapsing on the spot as his momentum dies off at last… if not for some fucker capitalizing on the situation and dipping him for good measure.
Dabi also adds a hearty chuckle while doing so, certainly pleased at the mess the other is right now. “And here I thought you couldn’t be shaken.” 
“I saw… my life flashing before my eyes, asshole,” he breathes between wheezes, contemplating whether he should grab onto the guy, because just hanging around doesn’t make for a stable setup and he’d rather not risk one of the concussions he's been thinking of.
A cock of the head aside, all he gets is an eyeroll. “Sure seem happy about it, don't you.”
Well, now that the villain points it out… Hawks certainly is grinning like an idiot, and has been for a while. For whatever reason, he also starts giggling uncontrollably at that.
“Shut up, will you,” he snickers while trying to find something to hang an arm onto.
It’s little use in the end, because Himiko decides to slide right into Dabi’s leg, both ruining a chance for a comeback and collapsing the unbalanced circus act.
He keeps giggling through Dabi’s moans of discontent and more, though. These few minutes were the most fun he’s had in a decade, if not more.
He's coming over tomorrow, too.
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i-amusemyself · 6 years
Ahhh its my fave anon!!!! Thankies!!
the outdoors
overcast: do you think you’re an overachiever? what do you your friends think?
Tbh I can’t deny it. At academia at least, I defo do better than the average. It’s nbd though.clouds: is there anything someone has ever said to instantly make you sad?
Oh boy so many fucking things where to even start. Every comment ever that just confirms what my anxiety and self hatred says to me. Also people saying things that show you they obviously don’t trust you or whatever. It’s hard to explain some of them tbh. But yeah, it happens a lot where even just a single word can make my heart sink.gray skies: what calms you down?
Okay I have some very unhealthy coping mechanisms and they do. But also talking to my friends, scrolling mindlessly through tumblr and listening to music too.thunderstorm: how do you prefer to resolve tension in your life?
Get that shit out in the open bc lifes too short. I’d rather have to start the uncomfortable conversation and just get it over with than just live with a fuckton of tension.wind chill: what makes you feel cold inside?
I mean, the weather! Besides that idk, I’m not really sure how to interpret this? If it means like, emotionless and even indifferent to the pain of others, then I’d say thinking too much about the shit the human race does and the general injustice of life.
droplets: to you, is physical closeness more or less important than frequent communication?
I mean, I crave physical closeness but to me frequent communication usually keeps my anxiety at bay and makes me really happy in general tbh, so I’d say that’s more important to me.
puddle: what is your emotional outlet? why?
My personal blog. It’s literal life saver some days since I can say everything I want and not feel bad for dumping it on anyone.
morning fog: do you prefer waking up early or sleeping in? I prefer the longer days that come with waking up early but as someone that can’t remember the last time they had 8 hours sleep, I’d say I prefer sleeping in!
drizzle: what is something you would like to know more about / explore?
Omg everything!!!!! I just love information lmao. I’m particularly interested in diseases and psychology and conspiracy theories but seriously I love to hear what everything has to say about anything
the indoors
fairy lights: what makes your eyes light up?
Just little things like messages from friends or even just getting tagged in shitty memes lmao. I just like it when people remember I exist. Anything bigger than that is a bonus.
coffee shop: where is your favorite place to be?
I don’t know anymore. I honestly don’t. I had a favourite place near home, but it was out of a list of very limited places. There’s not really any place I can go and feel at peace or anything anymore. I mean, there are places I’ve visited that I want to go back to, like brugge or amsterdam, but idk its not the same.
windowpane: what music do you listen to the most?
It varies so much depending on my mood from chill indie or alternative stuff to cheesy pop to what is essentially people just screaming.teabag: do you prefer tea or coffee? how do you take it?
I can’t remember it’s been so long since I had either lmaocandlelight: what is your favorite scent? why?
Petrol and car fumes lmfao. It’s just a smell I grew up with tbh bc I spent so much time at car shows and race tracks etc.
throw pillows: what is your favorite type of relationship? do you have one like that?
Hoo boi, the kind I don’t have lmfao go figure
cozy: have you ever been in love? describe the feeling.
I haven’t honestly even dated much, but I do love so deeply I surprise myself so who knows lmao. Wouldn’t say I know the feeling well enough to describe it though.
bustle: do you enjoy being busy? why or why not?
If I’m busy doing things I love with no deadlines then sure, I’m a big fan. But if I’m busy out of necessity I really hate it and get low key stressed.
succulents: do you like taking care or things, people, and animals? which one do you enjoy the most/least? why?
Sure! It can be rewarding and I’m almost always happy to do it! Though I mean I don’t know, I find animals easier to take care of, I never really know what to do with people. But I don’t prefer one or the other, theyre just different.
chatter: what are your favorite things to talk about? with whom? why?
I love to talk about deep shit tbh, miss me with that small talk. Tell me about your life and your childhood and your dreams and space and life and death. I love that shit.
your body
baggy sweater: what keeps you warm? 
Absolutely nothing lmao
daze: do you meditate? why or why not?
Nope, I haven’t got time for any of that
damp: do you cry often? what makes you cry?
I low key tear up at tv shows and films all the time lmao, but actually crying doesn’t happen much. Sometimes I feel like I need to but I’ve forgotten how to.
umbrella: what makes you feel safe?
Knowing I could kick the shit out of someone if they tried anything lmfaoooo! Nah idk tbh, I rarely feel very safe I’m just used to it now.
gleam: what makes you feel the best about yourself?
The only thing I have that I ever do right is doing well academically so ig that
yawn: who takes care of you when you’re sick? who do you take care of when they’re sick? 
I take care of myself lmao I aint gonna go complaining. Though a few of my close friends are very good to me when my depression acts up. And I’ll take care of anyone that asks for or I can see needs help.
hum: besides music, what is your favorite sound?
I love thunderstorms so much!!! Also the lil pap pap pap when a pet is coming to greet you.
brush: do you enjoy having your hair played with? what about massages?
Hell yes and hell yes.
fuzzy socks: do you prefer warm or cold weather? why?
Warm weather by a mile!! I’m not built for the cold and I probably won’t feel warm enough again till May.
gloves: do you like working with your hands? why/how?
Yeah defo, I’m that one annoying person who always has to be fiddling with something (that sounds so wrong lmao). Idk why, I just,,, I like to do it, it helps me concentrate and I like building up a picture of things without even looking at them
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tuckerfuckingdidit · 7 years
YES. IT’S TIME. strap the fuck in, you knew this was gonna be a doozie when you sent it. obligatory tag for @capricornfraud.
when I started shipping it if I did: this started as a weird preoccupation with why no one else shipped it, and how it would work. like, wash is shipped with doc, who he held hostage, and donut, who he shot. i figured carwash didn’t work because their power dynamic is imbalaced in a pretty clear-cut direction, but then tuckington happened! so i assumed it was the Memories that made it weird, and carolina not going back for him. but honestly, ships with History that they need to work through are my fucking weakness—i have an entire tuckington au where tucker is a freelancer for this very reason. 
second, relationships aren’t always easy to put in boxes. “wash has memories from carolina’s father, so all of his feelings for her are familial.” uh, no. wash has come a long way from his initial implantation with epsilon—he knows he is not leonard, and he had a relationship with carolina before he got those memories. there’s no way his feelings are that easily defined. there’s admiration and resentment in there, and that’s just on his side, before you start to fill in the blanks with headcanons.
i ship it because it stands to arguably be one of the most complicated relationships between two living characters on the show. there’s so much there, and i think the writers have shied from carolina and wash having certain Conversations because they don’t know how to tackle them—or had no interest in doing so because they felt it was Too Serious.
my thoughts: i started out not really paying them any mind and now I LOVE IT!!!! i’ve yelled at freddie a lot in the past two weeks, but just. there’s so much there. a lot of people write them as giving each other a wide berth because they have a lot of similar scars—some that they gave each other. you have to remember that it’s not just that carolina didn’t go back for wash: from her perspective, wash put a gun to her head over strangers (who she later came to love, but they were strangers at the time!), and even though he had seen epsilon’s memories of what the director had done, wash stayed with the project. of course he had his reasons, but when carolina’s discovering that everyone is in the wind except for south, wyoming, and wash, she doesn’t know what shape his recovery has taken. all she knows is that he’s still with them. 
but i think it’s also important to bear in mind that they’ve moved a great deal past that. i talked in my carolina post about how i see her as moving full circle, not reinventing herself. i think the reason there aren’t more carwash shippers is because we aren’t given much of a foundation for them during the project for them to circle back to. we see it happen when they’re fighting, but nowhere else. and with carolina having called the freelancers family, i highly doubt carolina and wash only interacted in drop ships and battlefields. 
there’s a lot of empty space to be filled regarding the freelancers, but simply put, i think carolina was tactile, and wash was affection-starved. wash isn’t given a face because we’ve already known him for three seasons when the flashbacks start, so his helmet never comes off, and we miss out on one of the biggest headcanons i have—the team ruffled this kid’s hair constantly. before leonard realized everyone had gotten too chummy and the board was put into place (because what hurts more: people who were always fiercely competitive and shitting on each other abandoning each other, or a family with genuine camaraderie turning into strangers?), you could catch these two half on top of each other in the rec room every once in a while (which conveniently could be a great reason wash seems to rub york the wrong way). like, if you listen to the tone of voice that carolina teases wash in, she obviously thinks wash is adorable. i refuse to believe she wouldn’t have gotten a kick out of flirting with him just to fluster him.
this portion is getting way too long oh my god. basically, the carwash you get on chorus (and going forward), depends largely on your pfl era interpretation of them. that’s the ground work. just because the writers didn’t take the time to develop their relationship doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. do i think they go through the motions of Falling In Love? no. but i do see them as reluctant to ever let go of each other again. like, ever. especially if there’s really no epsilon anymore. they’re each other’s only relic from the project, and that history puts them in a prime position to be the other’s Person—if the work was put in. if you just write them as never talking, then there’s nothing of note to them, and red is a sad panda. but where’s the fun in that?
What makes me happy about them: her fierce determination to never lose him. her starting to reach out for him physically again on chorus, and wash surprising even himself, because holy shit, he’s not flinching. carolina’s quiet mix of amusement and happiness at the (re)discovery that wash still turns into a goddamn cat if you can get him to relax. her foot hooked under his ankle in the mess hall while she talks to the reds. wash deciding he is Done with his food early so he can jam his helmet on his head, because he can’t stop fucking smiling. 
and in restoration AUs where the reds and blues stay on chorus, once the fighting is over? oh my god. have Some Things:
the first time carolina gets her fingers in his hair and he nearly falls asleep on her
her utter dismay when he proceeds to go back to his room and not sleep at all. 
the fact that she would totally take scheduling a Communal nap super seriously if he started to look really exhausted. 
him showing up at her room at 3 in the morning the night he finally cracks and admits to himself that he sleeps best next to her.
the super chill, seemingly impenetrable bubble forming around them that follows. absolutely no one else understands it. they barely understand it. “are they fucking? wait, what if they aren’t? are they gonna get even more obnoxious when they do?” 
^ tucker, probably. it’s ok tucker, just come squeeze in if you don’t have kai.
and when epsilon is gone, carolina has someone who won’t allow her to wall herself off from everyone else, even if it means they just sit together and don’t talk about it. sometimes they do, but most of the time, they don’t. wash just doesn’t want her to be alone. he knows what that feels like, and he doesn’t want that for her. 
just. the sheer amount of forgiveness and trust that is required for them to even function together will never not Get Me. i love happy, healthy stories, and the idea of the two of them healing together will always be something i am here for.
but they’re also not perfect. she’s still going to be protective, and try to take on too much on her own to lower his level of risk. he’s still a fucking spaz. they’re going to get on each other’s nerves. there will still be days neither of them knows how to say the right thing, and days they both keep saying the wrong things. it wouldn’t be Them if it wasn’t awkward. but that just makes when it works so much better.
What makes me sad about them: there are bad days. days when it’s hard to look at each other. when their silences aren’t so companionable—both of them locked in their heads, mulling over past mistakes, could-haves and should-have-beens. 
the days wash can’t quite meet her eye, no matter how much carolina wants him to. 
the days she doesn’t want him to.
also?? if they get closer when epsilon is still around/alive/himself, LOL. awkward.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: there is no carwash fic to come to my attention so far, which is an annoyance in and of itself. *puts on captain hat*
things I look for in fanfic: FOR IT TO EXIST, CACKLING. but i like it when writers understand carolina’s opinion is one wash trusts, and vice versa.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: yorkalina, kimbalina, tuckington, suckington, and mainewash are all Good Shit. oh, also mainealina. how did i forget mainealina?
My happily ever after for them: if the reds and blues are all getting houses in the same cul-de-sac, carwash doesn’t just live under the same roof, their rooms are right next to each other. tucker, junior, kai and caboose can live next door. they’re loud. wash may be used to the blues, and carolina had church in her head at all times, but at the end of the day they still need a place to retreat when wash flinches at every loud noise and carolina can’t stop grinding her teeth. 
it’s really important to me that they have somewhere they can go be Quiet together ok, no matter where/when they are. i do love the idea that they never really slow down though. carolina’s not really the settling type, and i’ve always read wash with an inherent need to be Useful since serving as recovery one.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: carolina is the official big spoon. she is not the smol, fight me on this. first of all i literally cannot reblog art where she’s shorter than him—thank u rt, for giving us absolutely no tall women in the pfl arc Because Reasons. but snuggly naptime carwash and post-coital are two completely different animals. at first they can’t even both stick around after sex, and then when they start to, they plant themselves right on each respective edge and Do Not Move. 
you can tell the second they relax though, because they slide closer to the clothed, snuggly arrangement, which is less spooning and more wash on top of her with his head on her chest and her hand in his hair.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: the exact above arrangement with clothes on. lmfao. NAPS, BRAH. but also don’t underestimate the value in them just Sitting Quietly and being present together, because i neeeed it. i crave it ok. it keeps me up at night.
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thegeminisage · 7 years
zelda blogging which is so deeply super spoilery, possible the most spoilery it’s ever been, so if you haven’t THOROUGHLY explored the central-north part of the map DON’T read it
aww some of these gerudo wear glasses! love it
i like the music here too but i kinda wish it had been the same melody from oot ; ;
omg riju is tiny!!! is she still young?!
aww her relationship with buliara is sweet they obviously care about each other a lot
AAAAAH THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT MY SWORD lmao maybe i should have gone to get it after all
oh my god a sand seal that gives you words of wisdom for food
ooh i get a free accessory for giving this lady some flint...hmMmMMmMMmmm
topaz i guess bc i'll probs need lightning protection soon? but no, i'm getting a helm...
haha sapphire to go with link's eyes?
ruby bc the flame armor is the ugliest and i wanna wear something else? LOL
went with sapphire iin the end MAY I NOT REGRET IT...
ooooh i shoulda been saving my gems....Dang
i mean, at least i have the 10k i need for the great fairy, but there's so much cool stuff here and i can't bUY ANY...
ah no i did get some opal and amber earrings :3
swim speed up and the ithers are just extra defense
"apparently the accessory maker and the teacher of the relationship class were both in a tragic love triangle, and now they are both single" nintendo this is an all women society please give me lesbians i BEG of you
ok, i need 1 ruby and 5 topaz to finish buying one of everything here. i'll remember
hahahahaha "you've gotta take your time when selecting gems and voe" wise words, lady
omg i found a bar but im too young to drink. nice, nintendo
lmao you can tell one of the ladies you're over 100 and she doesn't believe you dxkfjhg
ok so the hideout of the yiga clan is apparently to the northwest of here so i get to RIDE A SAND SEAL or surf behind one i guess. tbh im a little worried i'll break all my shields :/
i got a gerudo one that i really like!! goes with my scimitar and golden bow!
aww can i not wear accessories along with normal armor...? that sucks
LOL SEAL PUNS the options when talking to the sand seal lady are full of em im dying
wow i can't get this shrine unless i wind sand seal races which i can't do with the divine beast out LOL
jesus those sandstorms look so huge and terrifying...especially since i know they'll disable my map
i wanna explore but tbh i better just stick to the plot and away from those bad boys
oh JESUS i went to an outpost where they're monitoring the beast and it's. so big. and so loud and big and. so scary. oh my god, it's huge
oh FUCK i got too close and it started targeting me so i ran away and thankfully it stopped...definitely gonna take it easy on the exploration if i can help it
oooh no no no why is the air turning green out here...dnw dnw leave me and my map alone!!
uh, and where is my fucking seal...? i left it right HERE
ugh i had trouble mounting the one from before when i stayed in the monitoring outpost do they like leave if you stay gone a long time...? fml
awww this old gerudo never found the lovers pond ):
ugh i see so much stuff i wanna check out but im too scared to get off the seal for long :/ ESPECIALLY if i get stuck in a storm i'll want a way out
oh wow the air is so hot here even my gerudo outfit is useless
tbh, maybe that's a good thing, if i'm eating food i can wear armor with actual defense...much as i love these clothes they're great for getting your ass kicked
ok no seriously WHY does everyone from the yiga clan drop bananas..............
i know that everyone talks about how cool it is that this game just plops you down in the world and lets you figure it out for yourself without hitting you over the head with the instructions
but i just found a bow and some torches in a circle of lit torches with some obviously flammable banners nearby, so
i found the missing gerudo soldier!
"all i've ever seen them do is patrol and eat[in red text] bananas" LMAO WHATS THE DEAL MY DUDES
theres some bananas here on a table wtf do i do throw them at them?? lmao
dude pranced right over to it and pocketed it lmao
nooo i missed a chest...maybe i can get it on the way back out ;_;
this is so funny dkjfgh fck
urgh i wish i could just...snipe them from here. it'd be so EASY
im actually not even totally sure which direction to go, im all turned around
ok, one stationary guy at the door maybe i have to move him?
i couldn't even fight they one-shotted me and mipha's grace didn't kick in! that isn't fair at all
at least i can get the chest i missed
lol and i cant save in here. perfect.
ok yeah im gonna have to look it up bc as far as i can tell this room has no exit all the hallways just circle back around into it
apparently i CAN fight them...? they're just really hard?
this walkthru is so unclear lol there's a hidden door i can find with magnesis on the right-hand wall WHICH RIGHT...
WAIT fuck i finally see the exit
ah ok. wrong room for the hidden door.
master kohga!! he just...knocked himself out with his own attack. lmao ok
fuck this is SO FUNNY he is so funny
i love it even his bones cracked
isn't what he used to be, apparently
wow this is a boring fight he has a lot of hp and he's so far away the only way i can attack is arrows
and now arrows aren't working anymore...? obviously i'm doing something wrong
maybe i can reflect the rocks back at him
ok google says to drop his things on his head
this undertale naruto motherfucker im crying i love him
"pretty soon you'll be gone! and not just from my line of sight!" i'm CRYING
fuck the ball rolled on top of him and made him fall
what a fucking legend i'll never forget you master kohga i promise
aaaand thunder helm retrieved
but i gotta rescue that missing gerudo!
ah good her cell is empty!
lol im skipping sooo many shrines rn...i'll come back to them later i swear
oh NOOOO i got a memory!!!
urbosa the prankster!!! witht he power of lightning at her disposal!! protective of princess zelda!! i'm dying!!!
also im sad so zelda's sealing power mjst be what she used to seal ganon away but apparently in the past she couldn't make it show up for her whole life...?
aw no poor riju the helmet is too big on her
(give it to meeeee)
ok it's time for the divine beast bit but before i do jack or shit im going to upgrade my armor as much as possible rn
ugh you can't enhance the gerudo clothes...geez
aaah riju is talking!!! i always get so surprised!!!
i did it!! tbh i had a really hard time keeping up with her...a dash was too fast but regular speed was too slow
ohhh wow it's really walking around while on it
oh man. it's so big. it's so big
oooh you rotate the insides of this one!!
i get the feeling now i should've done more shrines in this area afterall, they have the same sort of electricity theme and they would've been good practice 
okay that was...easily the hardest beast so far
i had to use a guide TWICE and i could barely understand the instructions, PLUS i got two terminals by sheer dumb luck
oooh boy okay a lightning boss im assuming here we gooooo
LMFAO i suck so much at this urbosa was like "there is valor in dodging"
thanks zelda i missed your captain obvious statements
geeeeez i just barely got it
oh EW that never gets any less gross
ohhh my god
oh my gOD?
she mentioned nabooru from oot BY NAME holy SHIT this continutity between games!!!
and "calamity ganon once took on the form of a gerudo that makes this all the more personal" jesus fUCKING christ
i feel so bad for ganondorf the man like
he didn't ask for this shit anymore than link or zelda
and at least they get to win most of the time he always loses and even when he does win he's hated, his win brings ruin
where's the fic where the only way to end the cycle is to become friends with him huh
or like, frankly: the true enemy isn't ganondorf but the evil that takes hold of him
when does he get to be the hero and fight it and smash it to little bitty bits!
oh lord and the blood moon as soon as i get back
do people like, see these towers popping up and beasts moving around? does it scare the shit out of them or make them hopeful?
anyway i hope now i can explore with less sandstorms
oh boy time to ride into a sandstorm gee i sure hope i dont get lost
LOL and first thing i run right into a camp of enemies just bc i was trying to stay in a straight line!!!! jesus
lovely! i am now hopelessly turned around in a sandstorm. i literally don't even know which way i came from
my sand seal is also STUCK lol
ah i passed through it! i'm right where i need to go!
i'm. i'm 500 short. oh my god
nothing i can't earn with 10 minutes of cooking, tho
huh...? she only asked for 1k...?
i could've SWORN i read someone asks for 10k at one point!
god what if i've been MISINFORMED all this TIME
ooh this one is orange and green
FUCK "i know what you're thinking...can't we just skip to the part where she enhances my clothes?" FUCKING PLAYED
holy FUCK just found my first molduga...i have to KILL one of these for a quest? jesus christ!
ohhh that actually wasn't too bad at all once i figured out the strategy...i've had more trouble with lynels and hinoxes
i'll be honest, the interactive map take a bit of both fun and "work" out of exploring...i look at empty areas and don't wonder "ooh whats over there" but think "ah i can just glance at that bit"
which should make me feel like my Pure Enjoyment of the game is being compromised, and i guess it does a little, but
i wasn't kidding when i said the need to explore was a bit compulsive so it's mostly a relief
ah from up here i see the sandstorm...i think it rotates around the desert? so, it's very possible to avoid and survive even if you do get stuck
anyway i missed several shrines but the quests for them are so complex and i am so Sick
of the desert. even worse than rain tbh
now the question is what to do next: master sword or rito beast
lowkey wanna wait until i get all four beasts before the sword, but
i know you do all four beasts and then ganon and that's it, so if i got the sword then it wouldn't help me for long
plus i'm a little tired of fighting the temperature and changing gear/eating food all the time, so......i guess i'll go check out the forest
maybe i'll see dinaal! i've only seen him once from veeeery very far away
im getting aaaaawfully close to hyrule castle i Dont Like This
lmao every time i catch sight of the divine beasts in the distance, the fact that i can SEE them from THIS far away, blows my fucking mine
they are SO BIG
im getting a much closer look at that flying thing and i'm almost CERTAIN it's a divine beast
just. jesus christ. so BIG
ohhh my gosh i can see the giant pink tree from here *_*
or maybe it's brown, maybe the deku tree is dead lmao
lol straight up skipped the bottomless bog and the enemies at the bottom bc i glided in from death mountain
whoa this tower has rock all over the top??
ah maybe it's so i can't glide to the big tree in the middle lol
not the lost woods if i don't get lost!
lol jk i got on top of it and there was a super cool sword here
aww rauru hillside...im sad
BRO im in the lost woods but its just playing the maze shrine music, i was so hopeful for saria's song
zora's domain having the same music set me up with false expectations t b h
omg if i go too high i die!! i can't follow my higher-ground instict here!!!!!
which is pretty cool but if all i have to do is wander around these woods with my map ON to find the master sword i am gonna be disappointed
even gerudo desert turned it off sometimes
ohhh okay if i wander off the path i also die i can't just go wherever i gotta follow torches i guess
mkay i googled it bc i got stuck and couldn't see anymore torches and it's wind direction! neat
see i feel a little bad about not figuring that out for myself but like...it's not Fun to die over and over bc you can't solve a puzzle. so #realgamers can shut the hell up lol games are for fun
the ember thing is SUPER clever tho and like i know this game is so like, praised bc it stops holding your hand, but i would have appreciated a TINY obscure hint
i did get as far as carrying a torch but i thought maybe i was burning off the fog or smth
omg i found korok forest!!!
there's my sword
said "oh" out loud
kinda wish the quest had been more, idk
mmm not yet. not yet. i'll talk to some koroks first
haha and the very first one tells me to go get the sword all right all right
man. i always remember now that fi's been in there since the ages of skyward sword, sleeping
tbh i kinda miss her 
even though she's way more annoying than navi could ever DREAM of being
for all we complain about compaions, they're a zelda staple and it feels lonely without them
i know not having one makes for a stronger game, i do, but...
really though. the master sword quest was SHOCKINGLY easy. i know i looked up the ember thing but geez it's the first truly disappointing this about this game
and my brother told me they made you work for it lmao but that was. not even close to Work. i've had more trouble at bokoblin camps
like. fucking weak. tbh. i'm so sad like i can't believe this game let me down
and like at first i was like "ok if link gets his memories back with the sword i'll give them that, that's pretty sick"
and i straight up burst into tears
"i have watched over hyrule since time immemorial" i know i know i was there i know i missed him so much one of the very first major zelda characters i ever knew i know technically he hasn't been there since the very beginning but he was my beginning
and i didn't even think i cared about him that much emotionally but i also welled up the first time he spoke old hylian in wind waker
oh god link's not WORTHY of the sword yet yes okay i'm here for this i knew this game wouldn't let me down
idk why i never considered the big pink tree might be the deku tree like i joked about it just a few minutes ago but i didn't seriously consider it so i was so surprised
and all the koroks running around and i know i KNOW they used to be kokiri it's almost like i came home, Really Home, the forest was where link began for me, not hyrule proper, he was always a child of these woods
ohhh my god i gotta mop up my face stream is soon!! jesus fuck
oh god now he wants me to pull it again
what if i'm not worthy? what if i am?
i don't have long left to play but i CANNOT leave it here, jesus christ
okay. i'm gonna try. i gotta try. courage!
oh my god it takes your LIFE?
and he said enough when i was down to my last quarter of a heart!! i'm gonna cry i was so close link tried so hard but he wasn't ready yet
i could eat food to max out my hearts but where's the fun in that........
ok. ok. i need to. step back a moment. fuck.
there's hestu! oh my god buddy you finally made it home!! me too pal me too
im gonna save and quit here before i talk to him tho bc like. i gotta stream. but Wow. god Damn
LMAO I LIED JK im playing a bit more after stream
i talked to the trial korok and "do all the shrines here, it's based on the trials the legendary hero himself did" im crying!!! thats some History!!!
oh my god the koroks are so CUTE??
oh no this is so precious they've been waiting for him
sdfgsfdg "nooo vegetarians everywhere nooo that's my face" i wish i had thought to taka e a snap of that but i cant get him to say it again
aw omg they set up little stores and they only have one of many items please please i'm so proud of them
they set up a little bed for me!! they don't even want my money to sleep there!! i'm sleeping in a tree again, just like i was in oot ;____;
tbh it's so fitting that i did the scary mysterious thing of trying to pull the sword at night and i'm meeting the koroks in the brightness of day
i saw a shield resting on this rock and i had a tiny heart attack like OMG THE HYLIAN SHIELD?!?
ok. ok. i did the trials. i'm gonna see if i can get the sword now??
lol i have the same amt of hearts im not leaving to find a goddess statue and i was trying to boost my stamina anyway but maybe the food boost will help? unless they dont let me use it, we'll see
aaah no it DOESN'T omg
well, maybe one more heart container will do it...?
ugh i don't wanna go back and do the desert ones
me: already fast-traveling
Great, A Sand Storm, Just What I Wanted
fuck i stopped by town and there's a secret club that sells gerudo clothes for men
LOL why.........do they think dudes will feel weird looking pretty? come on
they said there's a high demand so i choose to believe there are lots of gerudo transmen. anyway back to the forest i got two more heart containers i pray it's enough i was SO CLOSE before
she's been fighting 100 years and she has so much faith in link
more importantly she heard the sword speak to her im crying fi is in there fi and zelda/hylia meet again
her smile is like the sun, i would do much to feel its warmth upon me again ME TOO PAL im weeping my poor brave daughter i promise i'll save her i promise i promise
it's almost 7am but that was worth it. that was W O R T H I T
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hinanaha · 5 years
1-170 :)
lmfao james i swear to god
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? i wish i was 160cm cause i wanna be short and also then my weight would be healthy lmao2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) we all know i want a norwegian forest cat, and also a lizard would be cute3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? long flowing dress or skirts w blouses4: What was your favorite video game growing up? pokemon5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: my cats, what i will eat and how much a wanna be picked up and spun around one day6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? it wouldnt say anything it`d just have the crying laughing emoji like deepfried on red tape7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? u didnt say anything for this so ill state my opinion on meat which is yuck8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] none rlly fit me tbh9: Are you ticklish? yea….. 10: Are you allergic to anything? nope11: What’s your sexuality? lesbian (femme lesbian specifically)12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? coffee, tho i like all13: Are you a cat or dog person? CAT, im very picky abt dogs14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? elf15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? idk like i dont rlly watch youtube for anyone inparticular i just watch whatever16: How tall are you? 170cm17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? opal, just cause its my middle name and opals are my favourite gemstone18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] about 50kg (ik im underweight if anyone is concerned btw im fine its a sideaffect of one of my medications)19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? yes20: Do you like space or the ocean more? i love sharks and jellyfish so the ocean, however i am fucking scared of octopuses21: Are you religious? nope, never have been22: Pet peeves? men.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? why does diurnal sound like urinal, but i like the day so that24: Favorite constellation? the pot thing cause its easy to spot25: Favorite star? the biggest one there is26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? i dont rlly see much of a use for them27: Any phobias or fears? arachnophobia, and aslo the dark 28: Do you think global warming is real? um yes definitely, because im not stupid29: Do you believe in reincarnation? i mean there aint even close to enough science backing or not backing it so i couldnt say, im neutral 30: Favorite movie? idk31: Do you get scared easily? id say more anxious then scared, like im a very jumpy and shaky person32: How many pets have you owned in your lifetime? idk like 20+ (chickens count)33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] yes34: What is a color that calms you? peachy colours and whites35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? i would love to hike somewhere someday tbh i think itd be rlly magical, and i love nature so much36: Where were you born? Melbourne37: What is your eye color? blue grey38: Introvert or extrovert? introvert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? to an extent40: Hugs or kisses? both at the same time41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? honestly kinda wanna see my nan rn for some reason42: Who is someone you love deeply? definitely my mum, she is the most important person to me43: Any piercings you want? i want a nose piercing, maybe a small decorative ring44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? yess i love them, i rlly want a tattoo someday45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? no i dont want to46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! i don`t have one47: What is a sound you really hate? i cannot stand the sound of animals licking themselves48: A sound you really love? wind chimes49: Can you do a backflip? i could if i wanted to50: Can you do the splits? no51: Favorite actor and/or actress? ashley johnston52: Favorite movie? this was already asked lmao53: How are you feeling right now? pretty chill but also kinda sad for no actual reason54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? im feelin a burgundy colour tbh55: When did you feel happiest? nothing specific rlly56: Something that calms you down? music57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] i have ADD also p bad anxiety58: What does your URL mean? mango boba yum59: What three words describe you the most? anti-social goblin witch 60: Do you believe in evolution? i do biology so yes61: What makes you unfollow a blog? they post stuff i dont care abt or triggering content62: What makes you follow a blog? pretty picture63: Favorite kind of person: someone who makes me feel special/loved64: Favorite animal(s): cats, bees, lizards, crows65: Name three of your favorite blogs. idfk tbh66: Favorite emoticon: im not on mobile but the sparkling heart one67: Favorite meme: i dont have a favourite68: What is your MBTI personality type? Infp/intp69: What is your star sign? taurus70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? no they cannot71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? pyjamas72: Post a selfie or two? icbb73: Do you have platform shoes? yes74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? i have a double jointed shoulder on one arm75: Can you do a front flip? yes76: Do you like birds? yes chirp 77: Do you like to swim? no lol it sucks i cant breath well when i swim and it freaks me out78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? ice skating, i love it, would take up lessons if they were available79: Something you wish didn’t exist: flies80: Some thing you wish did exist: giant domestic cats81: Piercings you have? just simple ear piercings82: Something you really enjoy doing: doing creative things w friends83: Favorite person to talk to: u already know its the council 84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? funny mem85: How many followers do you have? 168 (i had 470 on my old blog)86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? ye but not always87: Do your socks always match? yes88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? yeah89: What are your birthstones? idk90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? surprising but id be a fox not a cat91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? lavenders baby92: A store you hate? bendigo iga, its shit93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? 1 otherwise my hands shake94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? neither tbh95: Do you like to wear camo? ii guess if it looks good96: Winter or summer? summer97: How long can you hold your breath for? a pretty long time actually, once held my breath for 3 minutes underwater98: Least favorite person? my dad99: Someone you look up to: no one100: A store you love? i dont like kpop anymore, but the owners of happytown were always so nice to me so i rlly like that store because of that101: Favorite type of shoes converse102: Where do you live? austrlia103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? im vegetarian, but i eat mostly vegan food, i rlly like animals and dont like the idea of eating them, also eating too many animal products can be unhealthy 104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? opal105: Do you drink milk? ye but not on its own106: Do you like bugs? yes, silly creetures107: Do you like spiders? im scared of them108: Something you get paranoid about? i dont rlly get paranoid much, but i sometimes get rlly paranoid something be watching me109: Can you draw: ye, reblog my art pls @yumeuwu110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? i cant remember lmao111: A question you hate being asked? i cant think of anything112: Ever been bitten by a spider? nope113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? yeah its pretty nice114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? both i guess,  tho respectfully to their matching seasons115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: id cuddle my future gf rn :`)116: Favorite cloud type: .. w… poofy cloud117: What color do you wish the sky was? yellow would be pretty, but not piss yellow cause that`d be weird118: Do you have freckles? yea faint ones119: Favorite thing about a person: their lips, lips pretty120: Fruits or vegetables? veggies121: Something you want to do right now: sit on a warm hill in silence122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? sky123: Sweet or sour foods? im more of a savoury person124: Bright or dim lights? dim, sexy125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? i mean it aint impossible126: Something you hate about Tumblr: pointless discourse127: Something you love about Tumblr: nice people128: What do you think about the least? idfk129: What would you want written on your tombstone? oh my fuckin god she fuckin dead130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? no one, but im always ready to punch something131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? im very very selfless, which is nice but also makes me rlly sad sometimes132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? nah133: Computer or TV? computer134: Do you like roller coasters? hell yeah, they fun135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? i get motion sickness136: Are your ears lobed or attached? lobed137: Do you believe in karma? i guess138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? probably a 7, like im p cute139: What nicknames do you have/have had? uhhh anepeace (die mr flanagan that nickname is so ugly)140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? no, not that desperate yet (no offence to those who do have them im sure ur lovely)141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? yeah i see a psychologist monthly and also psychiatrist 142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? id like to say good143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? recieving144: What makes you angry? assholes145: How many languages do you speak fluently? 1146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? girls ;3147: Are you androgynous? nah148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: i have nice shoulders149: Favorite thing about your personality: i try to be considerate of others 150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. idk151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? honestly fine w this one152: Do you like BuzzFeed? some things153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] dont have one :((154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? nah155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? yea, prefer people playing w my hair tho156: What embarrasses you? anything that puts me at the centre of attention among strangers157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: loud noises158: Biggest lie you have ever told: i dont rlly tell lies so notin159: How many people are you following? i cbb to check160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? 7000+161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? 1162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? idfk163: Last time you cried and why: i cried cause i saw a floofy cat164: Do you have long or short hair? short hair165: Longest your hair has ever been: hip length166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? most religious views ive heard make no sense when compared to science so i dont rlly believe it167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? nah168: Do you like to wear makeup? sometimes169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? no im weak170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? ye
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