rudeguacamole · 1 month
B r e a k ! 💙🍺
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Break away from everybody!
Break away from everything!
If you can't stand the way this place is,
Take yourself to higher places!
Close up!! ↴
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femmeidiot · 4 months
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I'm so back being annoying on your dash losers
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captainfern · 4 months
You made me into breeding kink in an unhealthy way that I have never ever thought about having a baby, but imagining someone whispering "I'm gonna make you fat with my kid" to me just makes me go FERAL like OH? YES PLEASE I WANNA BE A MOMMY
welcome to my blog, where all i seem to do is convert people into price sluts, breeding kink enjoyers, and lovers of big men
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lllostgirlll · 2 years
I’ve never played a COD game but I think it’s so funny how mad the dudebros are getting at us girlies “sexualizing” Ghost as if female characters haven’t been looked at like objects for Y E A R S. Anyways, he’s so babygirl I made this <3
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watchyourbuck · 7 months
★ Wip Wednesday ★
tagged by the marvelous @theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @wikiangela @thewolvesof1998 @disasterbuckdiaz @forthewolves @fionaswhvre @try-set-me-on-fire @eddiediaztho @eddiebabygirldiaz & @jamespearce9-1-1 I appreciate you all so much💗✨
Buck’s uncomfortable. He’s smiling out of courtesy, and following the conversation, but he’s uneasy. Eddie knows him well enough to notice. He’s doing that thing he does where he desperately tries to sway the conversation a different way. As always, he accompanies it with timid eye contact and a lot of hand gestures. Buck’s looking around for Eddie, so Eddie walks towards him. A long time ago, surrounded by a fence, he promised to Buck he’d never be confrontational again. He’s kept his word. It doesn’t mean he won’t step in if he has to. The man has him cornered. He has one hand on Buck’s upper arm and the other wrapped around a tall glass of champagne. He’s leaning way too close, his breath probably lingering on the tip of Buck’s nose. “Is there a problem here?” Buck’s eyes widen when he sees him. He’s surprised, but Eddie swears he sees them whisper ‘thank god.’ The stranger half-glances at him from over his shoulder, flicking the wrist he’s using to hold the glass dismissively. “Back off,” he says, with a hint of ownership that doesn’t sit quite right with Eddie. He clenches his jaw before speaking. “I’d love to, but that’s my husband you’re harassing.”
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Tags!! @eowon @hippolotamus @lover-of-mine @wildlife4life @buckleyobsessed @evanbegins @mattsire @eddie---diaz @giddyupbuck @cowboydiazes @princessfbi @911-on-abc @butraura @buttercupbuck @housewifebuck @honestlydarkprincess @bucksbirthmark @firemedicdiaz and anyone else who’s interested!
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Listen. I just think if mouse Doctor Watson can go to mouse war in mouse Afghanistan, then mouse Sherlock Holmes can do mouse cocaine.
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eidolons-stuff · 5 months
*Yoko running for her life & wenclair*
Yoko: "I must find Wednesday!"
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wellwhatdoiput · 2 years
vesemir has the same energy as those people on tiktok who make those rustic cooking videos like where they’re in the wilderness with an entire leg of lamb and they make the most elegant and beautiful meal of it using a spit roast, fire, and a single butcher knife
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tsunael · 5 days
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wolcred week |  4. 'broken / trust.'
She was a veritable tour de force– an absolute nightmare of a woman. Yet, despite what the bards might sing, she was just as human as any other.
-> part I.
-> cw: suggestive themes.
And he couldn’t stop thinking about her.
“Wait– Gods– I’ll be sick.”
Overindulging in drink and dancing on bloody feet had left a typhoon of a woman clinging to the bark of a pixie apple tree for a semblance of stability.
He halted his stride with a huff and readjusted his grip on their youngest charge to wait with waning patience. He had half-expected to carry one of them home, but not certainly not Ryne, though he heard Alphinaud and Alisaie had met with similar fates. Y’shtola had done him a service and seen to their care, as well as Urianger's-- and must be thankful, for that was one man he did not want to carry across the Crystarium grounds.
That only left their most important cargo to him– how lucky he was-- and if Tsuna did not get ahold of herself, he feared he would soon find himself out of hands. 
He looked on past the treetops, to the early morning sky peeking through the crystal dome to find a moment to wax poetic. “Destroyer of Primals, Lightwarden’s Bane... but a flagon of ale has not ceased to bring the Warrior of Darkness to her knees, I see.”
Tsuna shot a pointed look in his direction. “P-Piss off,” she droned, half-way between a hiss and a whine. "You're making it worse."
All he could do was offer his own exhausted smirk at her expense. 
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It was true. Tsuna Wasaishi could fell all manner of beasts with enough willpower and sheer dumb luck, but the stairs to her chambers seemed her most daunting adversary yet.
Ryne had been put to bed, which freed his attention to better escort the stumbling woman into his chambers on the first floor to circumvent the climb.
She offered him a shy look from over her bare shoulder, muttering something so incoherent he could only barely piece it together. “... stay with me?” she asked.
She fell upon his mattress in a heap, looking at once grateful for sturdy ground.
“Off,” she mumbled. Her knuckles tapped the hard cage of her corset and drew his exhausted sigh. “Please,” she added, weakly. Even at her wits end she still found it pertinent to be cordial, and he had no choice but to oblige.
Tsuna slumped forward for him, pulling her hair loose and tossing it over her clammy shoulder to better offer her laces. The cotton of the cincher was damp to the touch, her skin still shone with sweat. He thumbed the laces, pulling them free from the centre-outward, and as he broke her free from the busk, and immediately she began to breathe easier.
He had to wonder why one woman would put herself through so much for such pain just to numb another.
He was struck by the blunt force three words could bring. It was not as if they hadn’t shared a night in the past. Even so, he stood from the bed, only to prostrate himself before her, if only to make her more comfotable.
“I would not leave you in such a sorry state.” It was the truth, though he chuffed to hide from his own trepidation. “It’s all right. You needed this.”
Tsuna closed her eyes agreeably, and nodded, softly humming in perceived content as he fished for her ankle under her dress’ hem. 
“You’re my dearest friend, Thancred. Y'know that, yes?”
Slowly, she picked up her skirts before him, and rose them high to aid in his task. Completely unabashed, she revealed to him the shapely, naked length of her legs for a show. His eyes were drawn down to the map of scales hugging her sides, then up– up to the lazy, amused smile curling her lips. She looked down on him, a supplicant, and a familiar heat rushed through him.
His hands paused. He knew. Gods, he knew. They mapped each other's hurts like no one else ever would.
How many times had he found himself wanting to sit outside her door for that very reason?
“I could tell you anything,” she whispered, softer. “Couldn’t I?”
“Of course.”
He bit his cheek, tilting his chin down, trying to focus on the matter at hand. 
Thancred’s hands smoothed up her firm calves and carefully removed the battered heel from her right foot. Her soles were angry and blistered from her hours of revelry, and so with the same care he removed the left, though it was there that he lingered. The thumb on her calve began to move in easy circles to loosen the band of muscle grown taut with pain and overuse. Tsuna drew in a sharp breath and squirmed in his hands, and the hem rose higher still.
He crept up past her knee, and settled on her lower thigh before he stopped himself. 
He had broken her trust before, and he would not do so again– even if she were more than willing. 
“Keep going.”
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Her hand clasped over his own, and drew it upwards, his thumb reaching beneath her skirts, to dip into the crease of her thigh for a tantalizing moment. He knew what she wanted, and he would visit all seven of the Hells if he admitted he wished the same. The Gods only knew how long he had been bereft. 
It took all he had to retract his hand, despite her protests. “I won’t,” he muttered firmly under his breath. “Not like this.”
She was looking for another way to drown, and he would not have a part in it.
“Why?" Tsuna sat upright, lips twisted in hurt. "Gods– Warm me.” He looked away, rueful, only managing to raise her frustration. “You said so: I need this–” Her voice fell soft, desperate. Her hands clasped his face, stroking lines across his cheeks in order to pull him in. 
A kiss was pressed to her palm, and she was struck silent.
“It wouldn’t be the first–”
“All the more reason not to make the same mistake twice,” he interrupted, pulling her hands from him. “Another time. Another place.” And he would.
He used the opportunity to stand, to begin the ritual of shucking his coat to prepare for his own rest, when without so much as a sound, she reached for his now-naked hand, and despite it all– despite everything– his thumb ran careful circles over her knuckle.
She needed something more than just a warm body beside her, and it was something he could not provide.
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boom-doodles · 10 months
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For real these videos are addictive
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nastylillad · 3 months
God, the things I would do to Barnaby.
Pin him against the wall and fuck him like the bitch he is (with consent obviously)
He has been a snarky brat for too long and needs to be put in his place (lovingly and sexily)
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rudeguacamole · 3 months
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You know the galaxies of my heart!! Close up!↴
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so i just published on ao3???
i guess i should be advertising this a little more confidently, but this is kind of a strange experience for me so there you go.
i wrote a 2.7k losers club fic as a method of procrastinating nanowrimo, and now it’s actually out there in the world so,,, check it out!!
it features all of the losers, it’s based almost entirely upon the book as opposed to the miniseries/films, and it’s pretty much just me filling in the gaps (episodically and emotionally) between them fighting it and leaving derry ⤵️
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beans-core · 17 days
I finally got around to watching season 2 of Invincible (great show btw) and… oh my lord.
I need to ramble. I MUST.
spoilers after the cut! (If there’s still people who haven’t watched it lol I’m late to the game)
Oh my good god. There’s so much, but this is just the stuff that’s lurking near the front of my brain.
First off, Allen the Alien is the pookiest pookie to ever pookie. He’s so sweet and so determined. He literally risked loosing a battle on purpose to try and be taken to prison, a prison of the enemy, on the off chance that Mark’s dad would be there. And even then it was still a maybe that Nolan would even want to help the cause! Allen still trusted Marks word completely, even though it sounds crazy... “yeah dude okay I believe you, your mass-murdering Viltrumite father who totally tore up Earth and a bunch of other planets has changed his mind and feels bad. Good to know, I’ll make sure to find him and make sure he isn’t executed. I also understand you not wanting to ditch your planet and loved ones, and even though I’ll get in trouble with my commander I’m not going to force you to come to space with me. Bye now, sorry for breaking your bed, nice seeing you man!” And this was all in season 2. Even in season 1 he was still a bro. Allen is the Bro Code personified and I love him for that.
Eve and her family always makes me tear up. Because I can understand how her father, a hardworking man who was probably raised on the saying ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ — who now has a daughter who can literally make money grow on trees— would feel so upset. It doesn’t make up for the fact that he’s yelling at his family like a dickhead, but it’s still a whole shitty situation. It’s always a grand ole time when Eve is back with her parents… ha ha. The little pep talk from Rex was an awesome little insight on their relationship through the years too.
Rex… my boy, how do I even begin. He’s been a reluctant fav of mine since season one, but he’s also such a douchebag! Sucks that it took being shot in the head and watching your superhero friends/coworkers die in front of you to realize that maybe the whole douchebag thing isn’t really the way to go. But yeah. Good for him! Want more of his backstory tbh, think that’d be cool. And yes, I know I could probably look through the comics and see if there something in there if I really wanted to. But what if I spoil something for myself :c
The Immortal grieving and confused on why he feels so much… the parallels to Nolan with that… not to mention the reveal of Kate being alive! The way he stood there stunned before hugging her was so beautiful. Ugh. Was a bit weary of their relationship until Kate said ‘he knows what it’s like to die over and over’ and then it was like bam they’re in love your honor new otp.
And man. Amber and Mark were my old otp… I knew it was going to end sooner or later (I accidentally got spoiled bruhhh) but I really had hope for them. Sad but honestly Amber deserves the world and if Mark can’t give that to her (and he’s so sad about it too he just wants to go to college and be normal and love his bae) then literally no one can fault her for putting her needs first. That’s another thing I love about the show, there’s no shame when people put their own lives first, and the tough conversations are organic. Magnificent. Anyway Amber is amazing I’m going to miss herrrr T-T hopefully they stay friends and she shows up in other seasons!!
Have I mentioned that I love the gorey fight scenes? Because I really really do. It’s the whole reason I started watching Invincible. So the scene with Mark beating the life out of that slimy megamind with the name I don’t remember? AMAZING. For me, anyway. Mark experiencing the panic and mania right after was still not so great for him, but for me? Good soup. I like my soup seasoned with extra angst, morality struggles, and mental breakdowns. Yum.
Mark hugging his mom so so tight after he gets back to his dimension and curling up crying on the hospital bed next to her? Hitting a little too close to home. Had to pause to wipe my eyes. Also grape baby Oliver has all my love. If something happens to that child, I’ll want to burn the world down. Mark Grayson probably will.
Mark telling his mom he needs to get better so he’s leaving college. ouch. “I need to learn to control myself”… “I can’t be like dad”… gods above. And also “what am I going to do, become a dentist?” LMAO it sucks but he’s right, unless some crazy shit happens and his morality suddenly crumbles to dust, he’ll be a superhero. Because with great power comes great responsibility and all that. There’s usually a bonus savior complex included in the package, but everybody doesn’t learn about that until later womp womp. He and Amber talked about it too, she said something like “if you were the type of person who didn’t immediately leave to go save people, we wouldn’t be dating”. PERIOD.
Don’t even get me started on that last line from Nolan. Caught me by surprise, came out of nowhere. “I think I miss my wife.” STRIKE ME DEAD… I actually shed tears. After everything he’s done, after getting a new wife and having another child and seeing Mark again,,, this bastard is just now missing his wife?? He’s so fucked up fr. But the pain in his voice, BRO, he sounds so confused and heartbroken, like he’s wondering how after everything he’s done to earth and their family, how can he still miss his wife when he doesn’t even deserve to think her name??
Man. This show. So many different subplots and they come together like *chefs kiss* it’s amazing. This show makes me FEEL, even for the characters that I thought I’d always hate… the writers and actors and everyone make all of the characters so human it hurts. EVEN WHEN THE CHARACTERS ARE ALIENS—
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
Roxy: I'm pretty normal honestly.
Roxy: Despite what my maximum security clearance and my eyes that see through walls may say about me.
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tokkishouse · 1 year
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