your-local-gothamite · 4 months
hi bestie just checking innnn <3
how are you???
hi bestie <3
i’m doin great actually, nothing suspicious over here nope
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pearwaldorf · 5 months
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I hate that you can't see a tweet thread anymore if you're not logged into Twitter (as a gesture of disrespect I refuse to call it by its rebranded name). Here is a copypasta of a thread from Dan Olson, a Canadian documentary filmmaker, expanding upon camera quality, the guilt trips Somerton used to goose his Patreon subscriptions, and how the best tools will never make up for lack of dedication or patience. I have added clarifications in [[double brackets]] where I feel it is necessary.
Okay, so, back in April I snapped at James in reply to a tweet that was linking to this video (which James has since delisted but not deleted) and I want to talk about the full context of that but I don't want to make a video, put your beatdown memes away. [[The video has since been deleted. I can see the title of the video is "Maybe the end (not an April Fool's Day thing".]]
The first bit of context is that I initially got keyed into James to fact-check his claims about indie filmmaking in Canada. As a filmmaker the entire Telos venture was immediately obvious as a juvenile fantasy dreamed up by someone with no idea how to make a movie.
Just wild claims about their plans that weren't worth debunking because they bordered Not Even Wrong. But in watching one of these pitch videos I noticed that he had a $4000 current-gen camera in the background as a prop, and that seemed both pretentious and weird.
You don't use your best camera as a prop, you use your second best camera as a prop. So being an obsessive weirdo I needed to know, and I watched his BTS stuff until I spotted his main rig, a $6000 camera with about $1000 in accessories.
Now, these in isolation are unremarkable because his Patreon at the time was bringing in ~$8000 per month, his channel was a full on Business business, and so investing in some professional equipment of that level is maybe a bit indulgent but justifiable.
What was weird is that he doesn't shoot multi-cam, doesn't shoot outdoors, doesn't shoot on location, and in a studio the two cameras kinda really step on each others' toes. Basically if you already have one and don't need a B cam there's no reason to get the other.
Again, on its own, this says nothing, it's just indicative of poor financial decisions, maybe impulsive purchasing, Gear Acquisition Syndrome. Biblical sins, but not crimes.
Paired with the constantly inflating fantasy scope of the Telos films it was clearly an expression of a very, very common bad filmmaker habit of "if I just get the right gear then my movie will basically make itself" Buying stuff because it feels like progress.
At the end of February he tweets "I want to start shooting anamorphic" and then three weeks later in March he posts the worst, out of focus, under-exposed "I just got a new lens!" video I've ever seen, showing off his trash-covered bedroom.
Based on what's available for his cameras and the lead time, that's enough time to get a Laowa Nanomorph or Sirui Saturn from B&H but not enough time to get a Great Joy from the UK or a Vazen from China. And with the flaring blah blah blah, $1300 lens.
Again, [gear acquisition syndrome] is not a crime and these lenses are budget options. Bit of a pointless impulse purchase since he only used it for the Showgirls video. But this is what he was doing just a few weeks before that above video came out: effortlessly impulse purchasing lenses.
James has (had?) a habit of regularly, aggressively driving viewers to Patreon by claiming that videos were getting demonetized. While tacky, it is something a lot of queer YouTubers have dealt with, so there's precedent there. But people were noticing he did it a lot.
Mid-March he humble brags about needing to work so hard to make 6 videos in April because he has over-booked sponsorships.
Then March 29th James posts this whole incel screed on Twitter about how sex work should be "subsidized as a mental health service."
[two image descriptions.
1. "For the majority of people sex (and human contact) can be imperative to a healthy state of mind. A kind and talented sex worker can make someone feel wanted for the first time in their life. I know sex workers who have pulled people back from suicide just by being there for them." 2. "Not only should (sex work) be legal, but it should be subsidized as a mental health service."]
He spends several days getting absolutely *roasted* for this, just dragged across the pavement and read for filth, and doubles down in the replies the whole way.
So this is the context immediately surrounding James waking up on Friday, and posts the above video and the below tweet.
[image description: "We just got the lowest Patreon payout we've gotten in well over a year. Like, a "maybe we need to rethink things" kind of amount... NOT an April Fools Day thing btw. But I don't know if we'll be making videos much longer."]
Now, this unfolds in kinda two directions. The first is that I'm convinced he was just lying about this income shock in the first place.
There's a million theoretical edge cases about what maybe happened and if maybe he just misunderstood the data or saw a glitch and panicked, maybe one of those happened, I don't believe it, I think he just lied because he was salty about getting dragged and felt owed a win.
A big tell to me is that he doesn't blame Patreon. He says he doesn't know what happened, but let's be real, Patreon screws up all the time, they're the first people anyone blames if anything confusing happens, just as a reflex action, even if it's completely not their fault.
The only reason to not blame Patreon is if you already know that it's not their fault and that any investigation on their part might reveal embarrassing details.
Instead he indirectly blames his viewers for not watching enough, not sharing enough, and not turning on auto-renew.
So regardless of the unknowable truth, this segues into the second, far more offensive direction of the messaging itself. "I don't know if we'll be making videos much longer." "Maybe the end" He explicitly framed this as an immediate existential threat to his channel.
In the video he is vague about everything, leaves a ton of hazy room for plausible deniability on how long the channel can keep going, but the messaging is "I need more patrons right this minute or my YouTube channel is over."
He repeatedly evokes all the "fun stuff" they had planned that would never see the light of day if this didn't turn around right away.
And his audience received this message loud and clear. Tons of people making far, far, far less than him left very heartfelt messages about digging a little deeper to subscribe or up their pledge or unsubscribe from other channels to move their pledge to his.
1200 new patrons in one day.
Since I simply don't believe the income shock was real in the first place that would put his post-"Maybe the end" Patreon income at around $10,000 per month. US. Add YouTube income, he's spent the last seven months making around $18,000 per month.
I have seen creators scale back their capabilities to the bone purely to keep making videos for the love of just, like, making stuff even as their funding evaporated and they needed to go back to a desk job to cover their bills.
You'd have to be so outstandingly reckless with your finances as a channel that a one month spook leads immediately to "channel over, sorry about all the fun stuff we won't get to do with you, our patrons, specifically because you, our patrons, aren't giving us enough money"
And not a spook where you then spend a couple weeks crunching numbers. Oh no. A shock so violent where less than two hours later you're weeping on camera about the channel being over.
Three weeks later he brought a brand new Sony FX6v for $8000 CAD to add to his pile of cinema cameras despite the fact that he was, but scant moments earlier, in such a precarious position that a single bad month would kill his channel.
He stole your money, and for that I'm profoundly sad and angry. That's why I snapped at him in April. I'm sorry I couldn't give you the full context then, and I'm sorry if that anger upset you.
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lev1hei1chou · 4 months
Dentist Calls
Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Words: 600 Synopsis: Gojo has a cavity. Masterlist
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You were enjoying a quiet evening at the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu High when Gojo Satoru, your lover, barged into your room, clutching his jaw with a pained expression. You've never seen him like this before. His usual confident grin was replaced by a frown as he winced in pain.
"Hey, is everything okay?" you asked, setting your phone aside.
Gojo exhaled dramatically, "Ugh, I think I have a toothache."
"A toothache? What happened? Did someone actually end up hitting you, the strongest sorcerer?" you quipped.
He shook his head, "No, it's those darn sweets. I think I might have eaten too many, and now my tooth hurts."
You couldn't help but crack up at the idea of the mighty Gojo Satoru being taken down by his own love for sweets. "Well, maybe it's about time you reduce the amount of sugar you consume, love."
He pouted, "But sweets are the love of my life… after you!"
You sighed, "Look, if you're in pain, you need to visit the dentist. Just ignoring the pain doesnt make it go away."
Gojo huffed and crossed his arms, "No way! I hate dentists. They're so… dentist-y. Ugh."
Rolling your eyes, you stood up, "You're just being overly ridiculous. We're going to the dentist, and that's final."
Despite all of his protests and attempts to weasel out of this situation he created by himself, you managed to convince Gojo to accompany you to the dentist. On the way, you wondered if he was just an overgrown child while watching how he whined and complained. You almost regretted your decision of bringing him here. However, once you arrived at the dental hospital, Gojo's protests reached a whole new level.
"Y'know Sugarpuff, I think I feel better already. Maybe we should just go get some ice cream instead?" he suggested, trying to use his irresistible charm, hoping you'd agree.
Much to his chagrin, you crossed your arms, giving him a stern look, "Nice try, Satoru. We're here now, and you're getting those teeth checked. You are not escaping." He finally came in terms with the fact that his attempts were futile.
Reluctantly, he clutched the back of your tshirt and followed you into the dentist's office, where he continued to make a show of his displeasure. The dentist, a stern woman with a no-nonsense attitude, took one look at Gojo and sighed.
After a examining thoroughly, she confirmed that Gojo did indeed have a cavity. He groaned, sending you a glare as if you were to blame for this.
The dentist explained the procedure in detail, and Gojo looked at her with pure shock and disbelief, as if she had just announced the end of the world. Throughout the appointment, he winced at every sound of the equipment and complained about the discomfort constantly.
Once it was finally over, you couldn't help but smirk at Satoru's pout as you left the dentist's office together. "Feel better now?" you teased.
He grumbled with annoyance plastered over his face, "I still think ice cream would have been a better cure."
You laughed, "Well, maybe, try not to eat so many sweets. Or at least, floss regularly."
As you entered the car, he shot you a playful glare, "You're enjoying this way too much, aren't you?"
You smiled, "Just consider it payback for all the times you've made my life difficult."
Despite the protests, Gojo couldn't deny that his toothache was finally taken care of. But he'd never admit it though. And maybe, just maybe, he would think twice before indulging in so many sweets in the future. No promises.
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lightwise · 1 year
AKA How Crosshair predicted his own redemption arc.
There have been many comparisons made between Mayday and Rex/The Bad Batch, but I have kept myself from ranting about The Outpost for too long and I figured I should get this out there before this week’s new episode hits. 
Crosshair is cynical and snarky when we meet him in The Clone Wars (as is the norm for his personality, but there’s a special edge to it in S7 E1). The first words out of his mouth are “we don’t usually work with regs.”
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(I am not sure who first posted this image set, so if you know who to credit please reach out).
Now in TBB E12, the episode opens with Crosshair watching regular clones being told about the retirement bill by an imperial officer. His helmet is off and they have no armor on. He’s face to face with them. He seems interested in their conversation but is still removed, separate. He still thinks this doesn't affect him.
Once he ships out to Barton 4, we meet Mayday by hearing his voice before he rounds the corner into our view. The immediate thought that flew into my mind was, “that’s Rex’s voice.” Other than Rex himself, we as the audience and especially Crosshair as a character have not heard that warm, snarky, calm tone that signifies that commanding officer’s “regular clone voice” much this season. Mayday’s voice is a little deeper than Rex’s, but he has the same commanding yet casual tone and demeanor. As weary and frustrated as he is at the lack of support from the Empire, Mayday chooses to express it with a level of snarkiness that would have made Tech, Echo, or Rex himself proud. 
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Or as Rex once said, "It's Captain, sir."
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"Experience outranks everything."
Mayday and his squad are wrapped in mummified cloth strips, and he states that his men are all “dead. We’re all that’s left.” Three of them, to mimic the three troopers being forced into retirement that Crosshair had seen before arriving. They are dead men walking. And so are the rest of the clones. 
Mayday brings the light to Crosshair. And starts talking to him, man to man, like a friend. Like a brother. He asks him his name. Crosshair’s first encounters with Rex were Rex going after Echo, pulling him free from mindless programming and reminding him what his name really was. 
“What brought you here.” “Just lucky, I guess.” Luck isn’t a word that Crosshair typically uses to describe his experiences. He usually relies on and points out his superiority, his skills, his uniqueness. He knows he hasn’t engineered this meeting, and yet Mayday’s mannerisms are already starting to find the chinks in his metaphorical armor. 
“I’ll give you the lay of the land.” Like Hunter would. “Conditions have degraded our equipment.” Like Tech could have helped with. “I’m not an explosives expert.” Wrecker is. 
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Mayday lays out the helmets of his fallen squad in a memorial, the same way Rex and Ahsoka do after order 66. Reverence and respect for the dead, even when it seems meaningless. Crosshair has let himself be deadened by the Empire, yet Mayday treats him with interest and respect, drawing him back out of himself. Mayday even shows the same respect for the raider who had been attacking his base, saying that he was bothered that his men had left him there to die. 
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Crosshair is still throwing up his shields, like he did at the end of season 1 when he tried to convince his brothers to join him. “We’re not like the regs, we never have been. We’re superior.” 
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And all of a sudden, Crosshair will die if Mayday doesn’t save him. If he doesn’t fully trust him to disarm the pressure mine he has gotten himself into. He has continued to choose to step in places that are a pressure mine waiting to go off, waiting to swallow him whole. And until now he has made enemies of anyone who has tried to help him.
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Mayday saves his life, and now they’re working as a team, silently and in unison. They realize that all this effort and loss of life has been for mere equipment (that’s for their replacements, no less). Their lives really are worth even less than the epithet "used equipment" that Nolan spits in Crosshair’s face when they first meet. 
Hunter had tried to tell him on Kamino: “Can’t you see they’re using you? We’re loyal to each other, not some empire.”
Crosshair: “YOU weren’t loyal to me. I was one of you. You may have forgotten, but I haven’t. I’m going to give you what you never gave me–a chance.” Only now, after Mayday gave him that chance, is he willing to admit that Hunter was right.
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How many times have those words haunted Crosshair’s thoughts?
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Now this was interesting to me. Crosshair incidentally causes an avalanche by targeting a group of explosives in order to end their shootout, cracks fissuring up the mountainside. Once before he was maneuvered into a situation not of his own free will (when his chip is enhanced on Kamino), yet he stubbornly pursued that scenario when he chose to stay on the platform at the end of season 1. Once again, he is put into a situation against his will by being brought to Barton 4, but this time, he ends up creating a scenario where his choices from this moment will now have the opposite effect.
Mayday shoves Crosshair out of the way, saving his life once again. A pile of snow rips Crosshair’s helmet off of his face, and as Mayday is buried, Crosshair re-emerges his true self. 
“We have to move.” Rex’s words throughout almost all of their Clone Wars arc. Rex is selfless, telling Echo to go with the Batch if that was the best place for him. Letting Echo leave him behind, essentially. Mayday begs Crosshair to leave him behind and save himself. They both want what’s best for others. And their examples rub off on the men they save. Echo constantly does what he can to help his brothers escape the Empire. Crosshair’s sheer stubbornness that up until now has kept him tethered to the Empire, refuses to leave Mayday behind. He can’t watch another brother die in front of him. Not anymore. 
"You're still their brother, Crosshair. You're my brother too." Omega's plea to him.
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So Crosshair risks his life to carry Mayday back. A REG. He refuses to let go of him the whole journey. He lets him use his sniper rifle as a crutch. All of his defenses are finally down, and he not only cares, but is willing to show he cares, BEGS ON HIS KNEES to his commanding officer for help, to show that he DOES CARE.
Finally, this struck me. We almost never see Crosshair using a hand blaster. He’s a sniper. Yet both in his encounter with his brothers on Kamino in season 1, and his confrontation with Nolan here, Crosshair picks up a regular blaster. He’s not being the sniper, distant and removed, making a kill from afar with his own rifle. This is up close, personal, a messy choice. With a hand blaster, a regular clone’s weapon. 
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Crosshair’s conversation with Hunter on Kamino reads back as though he is pleading with himself to not make the same mistake twice, to stop running from his fears, to finally embrace who he is–a clone. To embrace his real purpose–protecting his brothers.  He’s made his choice. He doesn’t expect to survive. The vultures are circling both of them. In season 1 Hunter stuns him and he falls to his knees and then to the floor, passing out. Here, he snarls “Lieutenant,” in a sarcastic tribute to how Mayday had first addressed Nolan, and becomes an Angel of Death. He avenges Mayday and redeems himself, and once again falls forward and passes out with the last of his strength gone.
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tj-dragonblade · 13 days
popping my head in to ask about Mer Hob 👀 from the WIP title ask game
Finally popping my head back up to answer, my apologies for the wait! Mer-Hob came out of server conversations about mer-Dreamling fish assignments and aquatic mating displays, but he kind of fizzled out with the scene I tried to write. Dusting him off for this, though, I think I can breathe the spark back into it. Take it past where I meant to before, so it will have a more satisfactory conclusion. I have scrapped the lackluster 'how did they meet' that was stalling me out and given them new backstory and now I'm unsure how exactly I want to structure this. Start where I've started and then jump back to the meeting, then bring them back to the present? Make the backstory a separate fic? Rearrange the whole thing chronologically, which would require a lot of rework and shortening of the current opening bit? IDK but I'll figure it out. In the meantime, here is a chunky chunk of drafting for their meet-cute (sfw but cut for length):
Dream is not surprised to find a waterline-level cave out on the rock formation in the bay, on the side not visible from shore. Nor is he overly surprised to find someone stretched out in the handsbreadth of water covering the floor with their eyes closed, as the morning light fills the first several feet of the cave brightly in a way that is conducive to sunbathing.
The fact that the sunbather has a bright orange tail with brilliant yellow fins and blue-black leopard-like spots is rather less expected, however, and Dream gasps his surprise.
The sound startles the man—the merman—surely not?—who sits bolt upright, eyes wide and panicking as he locks gazes with Dream not an arm's length away.
Dream's heart skips a beat. He's beautiful—
"Oh, fuck!" The merman—there is no other explanation, no mistaking the flurry of fins and scales as he moves—the merman twists and flops and dives past Dream, a less-than-graceful plunge off the rock and into the sea and then he is gone.
"Wait!" Dream cries, to the bright flick of yellow vanishing into the depths, but of course it is no use.
He could swim back to the boat, could don his diving gear and follow—but no. The merman is already gone, and will be more so by the time Dream could be equipped to give chase.
He swallows back his disappointment, his disbelief, and tells himself resolutely that he surely imagined the entire thing.
But he did not imagine it, he knows this; the knowledge lodges in his mind, burrows down into his consciousness and curls around his common sense, stokes his curiosity.
He saw a merman.
Merpeople do not exist.
But he saw one.
He returns the next day, hoping perhaps to repeat the discovery, but he is the only visitor to the cave in the hours that he spends there. When the tide has gone out and come back in, high enough once more to cover the floor of the cave, when he has spent all day waiting with nothing to show for it, he admits defeat and swims back to his boat.
He returns again, and again, later each day with the drift of the tide, diving to explore beneath the surface when the cave remains empty. He finds nothing of note, nothing to hint at the existence of merfolk, nothing at all out of the ordinary; by day six, he is trying to convince himself to make peace with the likelihood that he will never find any trace of the merman he knows he had seen.
On day seven, the merman is back, sunbathing at the front of the cave again.
Only this time, he has human legs, is wearing swim trunks, is sitting further away from where Dream is treading water, stunned.
"…Hello," Dream manages.
"Hi," the man says, warmly polite. He is cross-legged with his knees drawn up and his arms wrapped around them, one hand holding the other wrist; he is meant to look casual and relaxed, Dream is certain, but the tension and the nervousness coming off of him are palpable.
He is still beautiful.
"You're. I saw you here, before?" His thoughts are still trying to catch up; he hoists himself into the cave, doesn't move closer.
The man's shoulders drop a tiny fraction. "Yeah, yep! Startled me good, you did!" He chuckles lightly, a carefree and casual sound; the fingers of his dangling hand wriggle, a nervous and distracted sort of gesture that draws Dream's attention to the profusion of hair on his bare legs, and arms, and what Dream can see of his chest.
"You had a. A tail, last time," Dream says, somewhat awkwardly, tearing his gaze from the sprinkling of hair on the man's bare toes.
"Oh, that, yes!" The man grins, bright and disarming. "I'm a mermaid performer, with the, ah, the local carnival."
Dream is convinced this is a lie even as the logical part of his brain points out that this explanation makes far more sense than believing in merfolk. He knows what he saw, the flexing of muscle and the fanning of fins, the bending and twisting that did not match up to the way that human legs would move in that configuration. The merman speaks with casual confidence, but the tension in his frame and the nervous fidget of his clasped hand are easy to read.
"…No, I don't think you are," Dream says, and the man's bright smile dips before returning to full wattage.
"Calling me a liar, are you?" He laughs, a light and enchanting sound that Dream immediately wants to hear more of. "Merfolk, they don't actually exist, I'll have you know."
~ The wip tag has a tiiiny bit more of this one, also.
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linipik · 11 months
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"Shiro is determined to know if the new human research base is a risk for his fellow merfolk with the help of a marine biologist and research intern Adam."
rating: T
pairing: Adam/Shiro
tags: Adam (Voltron) Shiro (Voltron), Keith for half a line but he is there, Merman Shiro, Everyone lives, First Meetings, plot-driven action, Alternate Universe Merpeople, Canon-Typical Violence
This fic is part of the Once Upon the Seashore PDF (get it for free on my Ko-fi)
Chapter 2 of 4
Previous Chapter
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Although Shiro was so sure he had not given anything away during their conversations, Adam was observant enough to notice Shiro asked too many questions about things he should already know, given the information shared in the application process. He was convinced Shiro was plotting something off protocol, maybe something against the superior officers, even, yet he just couldn't bring himself to openly confront him or become a snitch. He could not imagine “Takashi” would do anything harmful, after all; he was a bit impulsive maybe one of those diehard conservationists with their head way out of the bureaucracy of laboratories and Adam couldn’t blame that passion, but the Shiro he met wouldn't purposefully hinder the ongoing research or hurt anybody. After some thought, Adam decided to keep quiet and figure out Shiro’s intentions bit by bit.
He didn’t have to wait much. Shiro confessed that he suspected there were undercover operations going on at the deepest levels of the base, which used the excuse of oceanographic research to do something else, maybe weapon development or oil exploration. Adam wouldn’t say Shiro’s suspicions were too unfounded and he never signed up for something like that, And when Shiro asked Adam's help to infiltrate that area in order to confirm such suspicions, to which Adam, agreed with no hesitation.
That was how it started or ended. The challenge was demanding and exciting at first, but once they went over all the unsupervised laptops and offices left without keys, they realized there was a wall.
The juiciest stuff was locked under top-quality security systems and the best equipment, as two mere interns, there was nothing they could do.
Despite the overwhelming evidence of their defeat, Shiro was adamant about finding a way to bypass the security measures as soon as possible. Choosing his words carefully, Adam tried to talk him out of it. He told Shiro that, although he was completely right in that breaking into grade A military secret files was the responsible thing to do, right at the moment they were at a disadvantage. They would fare better by ascending first, they needed more time and a real plan to uncover in any meaningful way what was going on, they were also in a position of power that allowed them to make sure this clarence problems on the research they were supposed to work didn’t happen. He asked Shiro for patience.
– o –
It was another afternoon in the cafeteria after another dead end looking for the relevant classified data.
 “Whatever they are doing, it has not caused noticeable damage so far, so they must be calculating it carefully,” Adam insisted, “it would not be convenient for them to just destroy a whole ecosystem in a day or something.”
“Yeah, I guess” Shiro replied, unable to hide his scowl, The same exploitative human practices that have always worried him, that keep merfolk hidden, “They think they have the right to do anything they want with what they find just because it’s unexplored for them, it’s not fair” 
There they were again, the same stubborn passion, the same edge in his words that set Shiro way apart from others to Adam, like there was something bigger out there.
“I totally get you, but we gotta play our cards right. What if they get us trying to hack the security system and they kick us off or send us to jail? In that case, we are not ever going to figure out anything.” Adam’s tone was calculated and yes, he was reasonable.
Shiro took a moment to think, averting his gaze toward the window. The skies outside looked gloomy. There was no storm alert, but they would probably have rain later.
“I guess you are right.” 
Adam wanted to say something more, maybe suggest they do something different for a change, let go of the stress of the last few days with like… a date? But before he could gather the courage to ask, Shiro nodded with a tired smile and disappeared down the corridor toward his room.
Righ. He most likely wanted to recover some sleep. The date idea would have to wait.
– o –
Shiro, however, didn't have “rest” or “sleep” anywhere in his mind. His duty was first to discover if merfolk were in any danger and he couldn’t clear his suspicions in a human way, not with Adam by his side.  After gathering some tools, he sneaked out of his room and left the residential area, careful to no bring attention to himself on his way to the deck. He knew Adam would disapprove… or worry if he went looking for Shiro and didn't find him in his room. He felt as if he was betraying the unspoken thing they had going on. That thought almost made him turn back. Almost.
Once he considered he was far enough in the loading docks and thus safe from onlookers and obscured away from the security cameras, Shiro silently jump in the water and was again a merman, now underwater he felt more clarity than the days before. He had postponed his mission enough. No matter what kind of mission the military was running undercover, they could not be anything good and it was Shiro's duty to stop them for his people. After all, he was one of the few who ventured far into human territory and he knew how terrifying they could be. 
Stealthily swimming back to the base, Shiro snuck through one of the underwater gates and began destroying all the underwater equipment and submarines he could find. That should get the officers distracted so he could have the time to finally get to the deeper levels and deal with whatever they are really doing there.
Far Out at Sea is complete on PDF >> GET IT HERE <<
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jokeroutsubs · 6 months
📝 ENG Translation: Joker Out: "We perform only for a loud audience". Article from City Magazine, Serbia.
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ENG Translation:
We perform only for a loud audience
Loud, fun, with dancing and a pinch of sequins
We don’t remember when a band jumped several levels of the music scene so quickly, and flew into the most popular in the region ,like the Slovenian band Joker Out.
The popular Slovenians sold out a concert at Dom Omladine in just a few hours, so another date had to be added. Belgrade will welcome them on the 2nd and 3rd of November.
The guys are still on the fence about their fans, when the female fans throw teddy bears on stage, as well as bras. Their audience consists of girls of various ages, but even the parents have heard about them after this year’s Eurovision, when the guys won the hearts of Serbia, which in return gave them 12 points.
Even though it seems to us that everything happened quickly, the band’s frontman Bojan Cvjetićanin didn’t agree with us and told us they’ve been performing at this level for a few years already.
From here we started our short interview, before he and the band ran onto the stage in Belgrade and had an absolute blast.
“In Slovenia we’ve been working at a very high level as a band for at least two or three years already. But we’re still proud of how we’re leading the whole band. We’ve gathered a team that’s like a family to us, so we’re all trying to do things to keep that childish enthusiasm to the max. We’re still very happy and smiling children.” Bojan tells us and continues on that he knows he’s still a “happy child”.
“Even now, when we get to the soundcheck, I behave the same as when everything started. We run out of the van, set up our equipment, joke around, consult with the sound engineers… ”
I asked him what they do when they’re not rock’n’roll stars, but the rock’n’roll star got a little embarrassed at that. However, I asked him to be serious, because it wasn’t me who filled the space in front of the main stage at Arsenal fest this summer, but him.
“We really hang out a lot, and when we’re free, outside of gigs, we spend time together. We love to go fishing.” answers Cvjetićanin and adds what everyone always asks of him; what ‘Carpe diem’, from the name of their biggest hit, means to them.
“All of that time spent together, when we always have new ideas, and where we’re never bored, which also represents a part of that childish enthusiasm. Carpe diem, that’s our day when we’re together.”
A serious career in the west is opening for the guys. In addition to their notable Eurovision performance, this year they collaborated with the famous Elvis Costello. Because of this, and the quality and popularity of their songs, they had a nearly sold out tour in Great Britain, as well as Poland and Scandinavia.
“We haven’t really considered collaborations, with Elvis it came organically. He’s a big inspiration as a musician, and at the very top there’s not many above him. Of course, there’s people we’d love to collaborate with, but as I said, if something happens on its own, then that’s it.”
Regardless of the jump to the west, they haven’t forgotten about the first steps and the people they looked up to at the start, so they always take the chance to mention bands like Siddharta or Da Phenomena, which will be familiar to those who watched and enjoyed MTV Adria.
Lastly, we asked them which bands from the former Yugoslav republics they would bring on tour with them, if they could.
“Of course, from Serbia it has to be Buč Kesidi, Vojko V from Croatia, Who See from Montenegro. We’d bring the young Slovenian band MRFY with us as well. Now, I’m not familiar with a lot of the Macedonian music scene unfortunately, and from Bosnia… (after a long thought and with loud laughter) Hari Mata Hari.”
I had to ask the classic reporter question before a gig, a little twisted though, what do you expect when performing? “I don’t expect a quiet crowd. And I really wouldn’t like for someone not to have fun while we’re performing.”
I’m sure it’ll be exactly like that. Loud, fun, danceable, with a pinch of sequins.
Scan by: IG Safursey (cover picture) & IG Komplijovana (pic 2 & 3)
Translation cr: @moonlvster
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rainycat2 · 1 year
Though I Could Not Stop For Death / Death Kindly Stopped For Me
Chapter Two: Glimpses and Insights
The good thing about being one of the lead-- and only if he was honest with himself-- researchers on the effects of ectoplasmic energy and radiation on the human realm was that the United States government was willing to bypass certain things in order to keep the Fenton’s continued cooperation and research firmly under their sponsorship. For instance, the favor they’d called in to help set up an identity and fast-track an adoption for the boy they’d found in the alley.
Upon discovering the boy, they had taken him in, patched him up, and put him up for the night in their guest room, immediately contacting CPS to inform them of what they’d found. The poor boy had a scar in the center of his chest, inches below his heart, with bruised skin surrounding the area. That wasn’t the only scar he carried, but the most immediate one-- it looked like it had only barely healed over, tissue still angry and red. The agency had instructed them to take him to the hospital first thing, where they found out the boy… effectively did not exist.
He wasn’t listed in any databases. No fingerprints, no registration of his birth, no known parents in the system. For all they could tell, he’d never even been in a hospital.
He also made it difficult as all hell to get any information. When he first spoke, he only spoke in Arabic, and the hospital had to bring in a translator. His name was Danyal, he had no last name, and did not know where he was or how he’d gotten there. When the nurse attempted to draw his blood, he’d almost bit her before the translator explained. Even then, it took a demonstration and explanation to prove that it would not be detrimental to him before he allowed it.
Jasmine, though… well. She’d taken one look at the boy in the alley and claimed him as her own. At ten years old, she’d plopped herself down on Danyal’s hospital bed, damn the consequences, and started chattering away, talking about anything and everything-- what she’d learned in school, her friend James who’d dyed his hair recently, the new family who’d moved in a few weeks back. And surprisingly, Danyal listened. Attentively. He’d slowly begun asking halting questions back, his voice hardly above a whisper, but in fluent English.
Jack shook his head, signing his signature on another piece of paperwork before flipping the page. As they had been first contact, and the boy had nowhere else to go after a test discovered the low level of ectoplasmic radiation clinging to him… The Fentons were approved for an emergency fostering situation after passing their inspections. Who else was equipped to keep an eye on his radiation levels? That was part of the whole reason the Fentons had set up shop in Amity Park, Illinois. Their social worker, however, had been very insistent that Danyal not have anything to do with their research other than monitoring his ectoplasmic levels, and the Fentons had readily agreed. They still had to take a course on trauma-informed care for parenting-- Danyal had been through so much, the extent of which they likely would never know. Their caseworker, a kind woman named Katherine, had explained that while Danyal knew English and could speak it fluently, they suspected it to be his second language. It would take time and lots of trust before he would open up and relax around them.
But… in the brief few weeks they’d spent together, Danyal had already captured his way into their hearts. Jazz nicknamed him Danny after they’d spent an afternoon trying to pronounce his name. She’d almost had it, from what Jack gathered, but she was missing the lilt to the end of the name that just. Could not be fixed. Despite hours of trying. So, Danny had eventually given up and given in to the nickname.
Jack rubbed his eyes, set his pen down as he got up from the desk. It was about time when the kids would be going to bed, and so he started the nightly routine that had recently expanded-- visit Jazz’s room first on the second floor, as it was closer to the stairwell, tuck her in and tell her good night as he turned down the lights. She liked to stay up reading with a light under her covers, so in about an hour, Mads would come by and do the same, telling her to go to sleep for real this time.
This time, however… Jazz’s bed was empty. Jack blinked in confusion, then glanced down the hall.
“Maddie, oh my God, you need to come look at this,” her husband whispered urgently from the stairs. Maddie looked up, one eyebrow raising as she marked her page with a bookmark and set the textbook aside.
“What is it?”
“Just-- come up here-- quiet, I don’t want to wake them up.”
She blinked, then smiled softly as she crept up the stairs, sneaking down the hallway to the open door of Danny’s room. The overhead light was off, but the lamp was still on, giving them a perfect view.
Danny was curled up in a little ball, snuggled right up into Jazz, her arms around him, one resting on a book on their legs. The light played with the shadows on their faces, the relaxed expressions showing their ages of eight and ten.
Maddie couldn’t help the squeal she muffled with her hand.
In her defense? It was adorable.
Though she did immediately regret it as Danny’s eyes snapped open, bright blue focusing on them both. She froze, lowering her hands from her mouth to show her soft smile, knowing that Jack was almost certainly smiling as well.
And somehow… that seemed to be enough for him. A few owlish blinks before the corner of his lips turned up, just a little, before he snuggled back into Jazz and closed his eyes.
Oh, how Maddie wished she had a camera.
Over time, the collection of photos lining the walls of the Fenton house grew. Danny’s first day of school, once his therapist had said he was adjusted enough to go, and that it would be beneficial to his development. The first time they’d gone out together as a family. The first summer fair. Danny and Madeline training together, after they’d realized the other had self-defense training.
Danny was ten, now. Acclimating to his new life had been… weird. It was weird being away from the League, not knowing… everything about how he’d gotten here.
He remembered dying. That was hard to forget, honestly-- letting himself falter, letting Damian survive at his own expense. Mother’s cries as he faded, Damian sobbing and apologizing.
His thoughts often wondered to his little brother (by two minutes, Damian liked to protest), worried about how he had grown. If he had grown at all. They weren’t the first Heirs to the Demon Head, after all. Simply the ones who were the most useful. Their father had been a prospective Heir, but turned Grandfather down.
Danyal wondered how he had managed to get away alive after that. Ra’s didn’t take “no” for an answer very well.
A tap on his knee, and Danny looked up at unfamiliar violet eyes, way too close to his space. His shoulders tensed as he leaned back, furrowing his eyebrows. “Can I… help you?”
The girl, probably his age give or take a year, had plopped herself down at the picnic table in the elementary school playground and had taken to watching him. “You’re different,” she proclaimed after a moment’s consideration. “You’re not like Paulina or the others. What’s your name?”
“Danny,” he answered. “Why? And what do you mean, I’m different?”
“I don’t know.” The girl sighed sharply, looking at the other kids playing around. Even from here, on one of his first days, Danny could just tell the cliques being formed. They’d be going into middle school, soon, but, well. People had their groups of friends, and Danyal was content being the observer on the sidelines, gathering information. That was what he was best at, watching and observing, collecting intel for missions.
“Well, that’s not an answer.” He shrugged and looked back at the homework on the table in front of him, idly writing in some of the answers. Multiplying fractions by whole numbers, honestly. Boring.
“It’s the answer I have. Anyway, my name’s Sam,” she continued. “You’re new, aren’t you? The new Fenton kid that got adopted, right? My mom was talking about you, I think, to Paulina’s dad. It’s nice that they adopted you.”
He had to hold back the urge to roll his eyes. “Sam isn’t a proper name.”
“Neither is Danny,” she shot back.
Alright, he had to give her that. A smile tugged at the edge of his mouth as he set his pencil down, shifting to look at her. “Okay, that’s fair. Yes, the Fentons adopted me two years ago. Yes, I’m new, I had a lot to work through before I could attend school. Do you have any other questions?”
Sam blinked, confusion flitting across her face at the businesslike tone he took. “Oh, um… Do you wanna be friends?”
“Yeah, like. We can have playdates and do homework and stuff. Mom keeps telling me I need to make more friends, and Paulina’s been getting weird lately, so… Friends!”
“...I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. Jasmine is encouraging me to have friends as well.” He held his hand out for her to shake.
Danny was growing up pretty well, if Jazz said so herself. Oh sure, their family was absolutely insane even at the best of times. Sure, she was a sophomore in high school now, but… seeing how much work Danny’s social worker and therapists had done, how much they’d accomplished together, it made her want to help kids like they’d helped her brother.
She spotted the moment he realized she was watching him, his shoulders tensing almost imperceptibly until he met her gaze. Play it off, she’s not staring, not at all. Jazz got up, moving over to the kitchen table where Danny had previously been staring at the page in some… form of disgust mixed with annoyance.
“Hello, little brother,” Jazz giggled, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. “Should I offer to help you with your homework, considering you look like you want to set it on fire?”
“Jazz, this paper is literally going to kill me,” he groaned as he rubbed his face, pencil clattering onto the paper. “It’s just-- it’s so boring! I understand why we should learn how to predict events and how to prepare for them, but I learned how to do that before I learned to talk.”
“You should take that test to go into a higher grade,” Jazz encouraged. “I did it! And really, it’s so much more interesting. I get to take astronomy classes, I know you want to work for NASA when we’re grownups.”
“I know, I know,” Danny hummed. “But my therapist says it would be ‘detrimental to my development as a growing teenage boy coming from my background’,” he drawled, his voice completely monotone, drawing a laugh out of his big sister. “They act like I’m a feral kid, honestly.”
“You tried to bite your nurses when we first took you to the hospital. And the nurses when you got your vaccines. And your fifth grade teacher--”
“Okay, okay! Maybe I was a little feral,” Danny gave in.
He really hasn’t changed, has he? Jazz thought to herself from her perch on the top of a building, watching her little brother go apeshit on Skulker. Danny was fifteen now, and…
Her little brother was a superhero. Well, Danny liked to deflect, call himself a ‘vigilante at best’, but… well. They knew better, really. He’d done some awesome things, and she meant that in the Biblical sense of “awesome”-- truly awe-inspiring things that, if it were anyone else… well, they’d probably be a little concerned. Danny, though?
Danny was probably one of the genuinely kindest people she ever knew. Apparently, after his big defeat of Pariah Dark, Clockwork had taken him aside and talked about what that really meant, to defeat the High King of Ghosts in one-to-one combat. The Infinite Realms worked on a hierarchy of power, after all.
Which meant that on top of his duties as a vigilante superhero, and having just finished his sophomore year, Danny was also being tagged in for High Prince of Ghosts duties. Which, apparently, included acting as a psychopomp in some situations, albeit with quite a bit more ass-kicking.
As she watched Danny give Skulker one hell of a roundhouse kick, it felt like… her perspective of reality blurred. One minute they were in the sky, the next, Danny was floating in front of her with a paper in hand, Skulker nowhere to be seen. So really, you could hardly hold her responsible for the sharp jump and yelp, reaching out to sock him in the shoulder. “Danny! Don’t do that, I thought you were fighting-!”
Danny let his shoulder go intangible with a laugh, patting her on the shoulder. “It’s okay, Jazz. It… we need to have a talk with the rest of the gang, hold on a sec.” He tapped the communicator in his ear. “Phantom to team, come in team.”
“Here, as always,” Tucker’s voice buzzed, followed quickly by Sam’s agreement.
“Cutting patrol short tonight, guys,” he hummed, wrapping his arm around Jazz’s waist as they took off into the air. “Let’s meet back up at my place and talk-- seems we’ve got a letter from good ol’ Clocky.”
“Oh, Ancients,” Sam sighed. “Can we not get one normal summer?”
“Redundant question, sorry, Danny,” Tucker apologized.
“Don’t worry about it, guys-- let’s just get back and talk.”
“I’m sorry, he wants you to do what?!” Sam whisper-yelled, a throw pillow clutched tightly against her chest. “Danny, you’ve got to be joking. You can’t just… you can’t just tell your parents. I mean, what are they going to think?”
Danny rubbed the back of his neck. “Look, he’s the Master of All Time. If he says that this is probably the best time to tell them, because I’m needed for Prince of the Realms stuff this summer, then that’s probably in my best interest to listen to him,” he argued, tucking a knee to his chest. “Just… look, I just need you guys to be there with me when I tell them. It’s not like I can just burst out of the gate with it.”
“And, y’know, Mom and Dad have gotten a lot better, lately,” Jazz mused. “They’re really focusing on the science of what they’re doing instead of just… building weapons for ghost hunting. I think they took my lecture on being researchers to heart.”
Danny raised an eyebrow. “You screamed at them for a solid hour.”
“It was a lecture!”
“Not to be the voice of reason here or anything,” Tucker cut in, “but… I have to agree with Danny, Sam. Clockwork hasn’t guided us wrong yet, and technically, Danny’s his boss now, so I don’t think he wants to see him go power-crazy. Especially not after all that crap last time.”
Danny winced. “Really, just. Salt in that wound, huh?”
“Sorry man. But seriously, we just… sit them down and break out the powerpoint we made. We can all take turns explaining it,” Tucker reasoned. “And besides, where he goes, we go anyway.”
Sam huffed. “Fine. But I’m keeping my armor on standby.”
Danny grinned. “Thanks, guys. Now, we should plan for it this weekend, so we can start planning the summer trip…”
All things considered? Telling the Fentons was… a whole lot less screaming and accusations than Danny halfway expected. They took the information calmly, watching the presentation the teenagers gave-- and really, it was a damn good presentation. They’d gotten scans from Frostbite about Danny’s biology, his DNA, and how his long-term exposure to ectoplasmic radiation had protected him from straight up dying in the portal accident. How the Realms had saved him as much as it killed him. How he’d spent so much goddamn time, blood sweat and tears keeping the city, the world safe from their own little brand of cosmic horrors.
How they’d learned that fighting was how ghosts socialized, so they set up ways to keep it from being destructive on Danny’s grades and the town itself.
Their parents were… shocked, to say the least. But at their hearts, they were scientists. Scientists that had been fed lies and bigotry about ghosts in a field where they didn’t have the ability, for so long, to prove that bigotry wrong-- and when they did finally have the ability, their want to be proven wrong had long since disappeared. How their bias had been drilled into them by their professors, by their professors, by everyone in the field.
They needed time to reassess. To work through their biases, to… to try to apologize, in some way.
Danny said they didn’t need to apologize.
They insisted.
His mission, of course, was hardly put in clear terms. Danny thought that Clockwork just liked to fuck with him, at this point, as his Guardian. He had the right to, or whatever. Regardless, the young ghost just had to stare as Clockwork explained.
“Let me get this straight. You want me to go to Gotham, a place that is notoriously full of crime, murder, and 100% has a supernatural presence, because the City Ghost has said that she’ll make your afterlife miserable if I don't deal with their furry problem?” he said incredulously.
“I hardly said that, Danyal,” Clockwork hummed. “What I said is that Lady Gotham, one of the older City Ghosts on this side of the world, has requested your assistance with your connections to both the living and Infinite realms in regards to a problem with one of her Protectors.”
“...So, the Bats,” Danny grumbled. “Hooray, that’s definitely what I wanted to do this summer. Go into the city that notably hates metas.”
“I hardly think that they will take umbrage with your presence,” Clockwork chuckled, patting his charge’s shoulder. “After all, your father lives in Gotham, does he not?”
Danny rubbed at his face as they floated to the couches that had appeared, the Long Now sensing the wants and needs of its owner. “I guess. That’s kind of… part of the problem, you know? I don’t want to go and see him, and then have to pretend that we’re… I mean, I know he’s my Father. I do. But.. I have enough problems without having to deal with the whole-ass Justice League on my ass, you know?”
“I believe you have less problems than you believe you do,” Clockwork hummed.
Danny narrowed his eyes. “Are you… going to give me a better answer than that?”
“Enigmatic bastard.”
“If either of us is a bastard, young Prince, it would be you.”
“You cheeky-!”
TAGLIST: @mynameisnotlaura @fisticuffsatapplebees @screamingtofillthevoid @lizisipancardo @digitizedworld @dahliasandrosemary
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princessisfinethx · 1 year
Recom Miles Quaritch x FemReader Pt. 4
Whoops...My bad guys I was in a bit of a block and then I kind of zoned out(for like three weeks?). I can't watch the movie again till they release it on disney+ so details on what happens will be up to me. :)
I will post the A03 later<3
!!!WARNINGS!!!:: Smut! Nothing crazy, consent on both ends, mentions of guns
!!! MINORS DNI !!!
Everyone else, enjoy.
You may have needed new office shoes by the time you were done running around. After sending the message and hiding away the telegraph, you went on an egg hunt for the equipment you needed. Surprisingly all you needed was to gather clothing to wear and a backpack with medical supplies. Too bad most of it was in different areas of the base. It took 10 minutes to find clothes in your size, then protective gear, then the shoes which also took a few minutes. After acquiring the clothing needed, you were told the breathing masks and other items(like optional weapons) would be brought at the meeting tomorrow morning before leaving base. 
It didn’t take up your whole day so you returned back to your office. It was empty, no notes, no emails, no patients. At some point, you decided coming along this mission was a good idea. If something were to happen, which you doubted, you’d be there to respond faster. After thinking it over, you also decided this was wrong and you were being manipulated by your own thoughts into thinking this was a good idea. This was in fact, not a good idea. You sat at your desk, coloring some silly page that had rainbows and birds on it with some color pencils. You don’t remember how you got the pencils but they’re here. Might as well use them.
Somewhere around noon, you decided to lay your head down. You didn’t have much to do on slow days like this or any unfinished paperwork. After a 30 minute nap, you would go to the lunchroom and see about getting a sandwich, or maybe a loaded salad. You drifted off to sleep, not remembering to set an alarm or close your office door all the way. 
Miles was pretty pissed off at himself. Usually he’s more level-headed when it comes to women, so you shouldn’t have had such an affect on him for this long. He shouldn’t have let you get an advantage over him, he shouldn’t have been so dumbfounded. Now he was picking at the mush of meat and tortilla pieces that litter his plate. He wouldn’t admit that he was embarrassed. 
Lyle was speaking to Walker while Z-Dog, Brown and Ja also sat around the table, chatting and eating today’s mystery meat. Lyle had hummed and glanced around before mumbling. “I haven't seen the doctor yet. Is she skipping lunch?”
“Hm?” Walker also glanced around. She shrugged. “Did she have a big breakfast today? She doesn’t skip meals.” This caught Miles’ attention so he listened without peering up. 
“No she had some cereal I think,” He took a big bite of his food. “Maybe someone should check on her.” After speaking, he glanced at Miles. So did a few others, but Walker turned her head completely. 
He sighed and looked at all of them. “Yeah I’m on it.” He stood up with his tray. “So much for drawing sticks.” He turned and walked away. Then beside him, Lyle appeared and grinned. “Yes, Lyle?”
“Bring her a salad and a fruit cup. My guess is she’s either sleeping or forgot to eat again.” He grabs a juice pack before turning and walking back to the table. Miles kept wondering why none of them went to check on you but he also had a sneaking suspicion everyone knew already. He decided to listen, sneaking a salad bowl and a small fruit cup out the lunchroom and towards your office. 
What would have taken 5 minutes actually became 10, then 15. He purposely stopped in the hallways a few times every time he thought about what happened earlier. His tail flicked in annoyance and frustration but he hid it well on his face. He was hoping you wouldn't say anything about it. Miles had scoffed at himself. The man has faced creatures bigger than him before, and here he was hesitating about walking into your office. He rolled his eyes and finally got to your office door.
 He shifted the items in his hand to knock but saw the door was open. When he peers inside, he sees your form, slumped over the desk using a sweater as a pillow. Miles walks inside and gently closes the door with his foot, then he walks to the desk and sets the food down. You didn't move, didn't stir in your sleep or anything. He kneels down beside your chair while studying your face. When he glanced behind you, he could see the clothing items and shoes needed for tomorrow. 
He smiled for a minute. He could guess you were stressed about tomorrow, he couldn’t blame you. His hand reached up and gently laid on your shoulder. "Wake up princess. Time to eat." He shook your shoulder lightly but you were already opening your eyes. 
You sat up and looked at Miles, then around at your office. "Oh god what time is it?" You lean over your desk to stretch your arms out and you spot the two food items. 
"Lunch time. Your soldiers got worried when you didn't show up for lunch so they sent me to deliver that." He slipped his hand off your shoulder and stood up. You didn't ask any questions. You had grabbed the two items, opening the salad and fruit cup and using the fork to start eating. Miles hid his smile as he watched, your eyes were closed and it looked like you could still be sleeping. "Had a good nap there doctor?"
You shrug, opting to stuff your face rather than speak. Despite your current sleepy expression, you were happy to be eating something. You wondered if he had help deciding what to bring, and you could see one of the other soldiers telling Miles what to bring. You finally paused your eating to speak. "Thank you for bringing this." He sat in the chair in front of your desk and you watched him closely. "How are you feeling today Colonel?"
He perked up at this, raising an eyebrow but shrugging anyway. "Better I suppose." You nod and move onto the fruit cup, watching him with an almost bored expression. Miles wasn't too comfortable under this gaze. "Why do you ask?" 
"Because of earlier."
"So, is this an apology?"
"Why should I be apologizing?"
"No particular reason-"
"Because I gave you a boner and kicked you out of my office?" 
He smiled. "You're very blunt about things. I like that about you." His jaw moved, he was thinking before he spoke. "That was inappropriate of me."
You finished your fruit cup and set it down. "Yes, but I was also acting immaturely I suppose." You threw away the bowl and cup, making sure any food bits were thrown away. "I made rude comments and hurt your ear. Sorry."
Miles hummed, glancing at the clothes and boots that sat on a small cabinet behind you. "Are you feeling stressed, doctor?"
You were stretching your back and answering honestly instead of sarcastically. "Yes, very stressed. I thought I had discussed this earlier." You mumbled and sat back in your chair. 
"I guess so." He smiled at you. "I've been a bit stressed as well. I don't admit it, but nights before a mission are terrible. I probably won't sleep tonight."
He watched as you slipped to doctor mode. "I have sleep medicine if you need some." You had stood up and walked to the cabinet behind him. "I understand though, I'll probably take some sleep medications myself." You grabbed two bottles and closed the door. "They're capsules. You take two, 30 minutes before going to bed and they should put you right to sleep." 
You turn around while reading the bottles, only to feel a hand grab your hip and another slip behind your head. You felt lips pressing against yours and your stomach doing somersaults. You felt your body tense up then relaxed choosing between giving in or pushing him away. The bottles in your hands dropped and you closed your eyes. This was wrong, and you knew it.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and he pushed you against the cabinet, never breaking the kiss. You were liking this a little too much. He tangled his hand in your hair and you opened your mouth to sigh, Miles took this opportunity to part your mouth with his tongue and you whined at the feeling. The things you threatened and promised earlier were breaking apart. He pulled away from you which gave you time to catch your breath. 
He looked down at you and chuckled, watching your face turn red. He was on his knees in front of you but his posture hinted a more dominant look. "If I may, doctor, I recommend you relax before tomorrow." 
You watched his eyes, glancing at his lips and seeing that stupid smirk of his. "Yeah? I could order medication but that takes a while to come in. So, you have any other alternatives?"
He leaned down and mumbled against your ear. "I have a few activities in mind, if you'll stop pretending to hate me." 
You scoff and glance at the door of your office and see shadows passing underneath. "Not here." He looks at you and you slip out of his grasp. "If you'd like, I can see you again later this evening." You spoke loud enough so anyone outside might hear. You were writing on a sticky note your living quarters number and a time. "Those pills should do the trick. Remember what I said about taking them." You look up at him as he takes the note from you. 
"Thank you, doctor." He grins and pockets the note and the pill bottle. "I'll be sure to remember." There were a few knocks as he was speaking. Miles opens the door. “Ah, I know your face but I can’t remember your name.”
You peered past him and smiled. “Hey Alex, did you need something?” You watched Miles duck through the doorframe and wave both of you off. Alex waved back and turned to you. 
“I have great news! So some of the research from the last expeditions years ago weren’t completed. And since the recom team and you are going into the jungles tomorrow, I get to come along to attempt to complete the missing files. Isn’t that great?” They grinned, like a kid who was excited to go on their first field trip. You were not grinning. You weren’t sure what expression you wore but Alex seemed to dim down. “Hey are you okay? This is good news because I get to tag along with you.”
“No, no, that is good news.” You smiled apprehensively. “It’s just, you and I have never set foot outside this station, is all. I’m worried for our safety out there.” You took a deep breath. “And the soldiers’ safety.” This was a lie. You were worried about the team finding out you were a traitor. And now, how Alex would react. You didn’t really have a plan or think about the consequences. Just get the supplies out there and let fate decide the rest. 
Now the thought of disappointed faces, looks of hatred from your friends, haunted your consciousness.
Alex smiled again. “That’s good though, it means you’re a good doctor.”
You play off your troubled look with an eye roll “Yeah but what am I supposed to do when a wild animal attacks me? Prescribe it with some tranquilizer? Shake a pill bottle and throw it? Here boy, go fetch!” At this, Alex chuckled, covering their mouth and shaking their head. You smiled as well. “If you want and if we have time, I can make us both a cup of coffee before we head out.”
“Ah that would be wonderful. Hopefully it’ll soothe my nerves a little.”
“If anything it would wake you up some more.” You lean against the doorframe and smile. “Personally I’m more worried about getting some sleep.” This was also a lie. 
You had checked your bag twice, and now, three times. You had the extra supplies that you promised the scientists out in the jungle. It was stored in a medium sized delivery bot you used to send items often. You also had some medications, extra batteries and some dried foods. Hopefully that was it. Then on the side you had medical equipment and some travel snacks. You knew this was a serious mission but if there’s a lot of walking then the soldiers are gonna get hungry. 
Now you sat on your floor, your bag was zipped, clothes and shoes were folded neatly and ready for tomorrow in your small storage closet. You stared into the closet, feeling like you were forgetting something. You gnawed on your bottom lip while in thought, glancing around the dimly lit room. Perhaps you should write an apology letter in case you do happen to get caught and die, in whichever order it may happen. You stood up and paused again. Was that what you were forgetting? You couldn’t put your finger on it. A few sharp knocks took you out of your trance and you looked at the door. 
“Uh, who is it?” You had creeped to the door, peeking out the peephole and let out a small gasp. 
Out in the hallway, a tall figure was bending down to look back into the peephole. “Room service.” You covered your mouth to hide a laugh. You opened the door and looked at him.
“I forgot you were coming over.” You bit back your smile. 
He stood up straight and made a look of shock. “Well, if you weren’t expecting company I guess I’ll see my way back to my room.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “So you’re going to be a pussy and leave?”
Now he looked offended. “I didn’t say anything about bein’ a pussy, just bein’ a gentleman but if that’s how you see it, then I guess I’m staying.” He leaned against your doorframe, towering over you. “So princess, you gonna let me inside or stand there and bitch at me?”
You roll your eyes. “I should just leave you out there like a stray, Colonel. Get inside before someone calls security on you.” You move aside and watch him duck into your room. You peek out into the hallway for a second then close the door. “Hope the ceiling is high enough for you.”
When you looked at him, he was practically foraging your desk. “Why do you have so many- is this embroidery?” You had run over and yanked it out of his hands. “Here I thought you couldn’t get any more interesting.” He smiled. 
“Yeah well I had to take up some kind of hobby or I would have gone absolutely batshit. Knitting was next.” You put down the unfinished embroidered hoop then glare up at him. He was still smiling, but looked at the ordered mess. 
“Now doctor, please tell me,” He picked up a copy of a Jurassic Park novel, “you read this after you decided to clone me and not before.” He turned it over to read the back. “A bit ironic don’t you think?”
“No, not at all.” You tried to take the book from him but he held it up high so you couldn’t reach. “If I'm working with animals then I might as well read about some- stop ransacking my shit Quaritch, I have everything in a specific order here.” He glanced down at you, shrugging and handing it to you. You take the book and set it down, looking over everything else. “Honestly I would have expected you to snoop through my panty drawer like an old pervert but you surprised me too.”
“Oh yeah?” He sat on your bed, seeming to make a face when he did. “Which drawer is that?” He turned and watched you as you sat beside him. You crossed your legs on the bed but didn’t look at him. 
Thoughts ran through your head, you had questions to ask. “I know this might be a bit early for pillow talk, but how does it feel to be in there?” You finally look up at him, craning your neck. He hums and looks at his knees, then his hands. He holds them up and flexes his fingers. 
“The same. But taller. And bluer.” He looks at you and you roll your eyes. “Don’t tell me you want to run around in one of these bodies doctor.”
“No, no nothing like that.” You shrug. “Everyone has different reactions and feelings when waking up in their new bodies. I can’t remember who, but one of the soldiers said they felt like their self from before had changed somehow. Like their body and their consciousness collided and adapted to this body.” You were staring into nothing now. “I know you’ve been on this planet much longer than I have, you’ve seen what the Na’vi here worship and believe in. Now I’m no scientist or hippie tree hugger-”
“You’re starting to sound like one.”
You looked at him and he watched you with stern eyes. You sigh. “Yeah forget it, you might shoot me instead and fuck the bullet hole.”
He laughed. “No no, go ahead please. Continue.” He waved his hand. 
You watched him as you continued speaking. “You aren’t curious what secrets would be held inside this planet? You’re one of them now like it or not, and that grants you a better chance at  getting closer and exploring this crazy spiritual or religious-” You shrugged your shoulders trying to get the words out without revealing you actually knew the correct terms. “God I do sound like one of them don’t I?” You rub your face and hear Miles’ deep chuckle beside you. 
“I think I understand what you’re getting at.” He held out his hand to you. You stare at it, unclear what he was doing until you placed your hand in his. He pulls you into his lap and you shift so you straddle him comfortably. “I was never a spiritual person, or religious for that matter. I follow orders, I do what I am told and I don’t question it.”
“You died.” You pointed out. “Not saying that you shouldn’t have followed those orders.” You had begun to fiddle with the hem of his shirt. “I don’t know the specifics of this mission. They’re classified to me, but you know them. And I won’t seduce you to try and get information out of you.” You smirked up at him then looked at his chest. “Would you do it again if you knew you would die?”
He watched you, looking to the side for a few seconds, then sighing. “Yeah. Believe it or not, princess I would.” He looked down at you, his hands sliding up and to rest on your hips. “Maybe a little better coordinated.” 
“Hm, wow. Yeah.” You nodded, pretending to look surprised as you dusted his shoulder off. “Glad you have that figured out colonel. Hope you’re putting all this brain power into tomorrow’s mission.” 
“I better not get any of this shit tomorrow in front of my squad.” He tightens his grip on your hips. “Cause I will-” He paused when your hips rolled into his.
You smirk up at him, your hands resting on his chest. “Sorry? You’ll what?” You roll your hips again, feeling him grow hard beneath your ass. “Use your words colonel.” His ears flickered. 
"You little minx." He picks you up and flips you around so you're laying on the bed, his tail flicks behind him. He leans down and kisses you hungrily, his body pressing down on yours. You had smiled a little in the kiss but it disappeared when his hand slowly slid down the hem of your pants. You gasped as his long fingers reached your thighs, then tugged at your underwear. He broke the kiss with a groan, reaching up and taking off his shirt, muttering about it being too hot in here. 
You chuckle, admiring his bare torso. “Would you be a gentleman this time?” You reach and tug the hem of your pants while raising your leg towards him. He grabs the ends of your pant legs and slips them off. He traces his fingers down your legs, leaning down and kissing your knees. He watched you while he moved closer, trailing his lips down your inner thighs. You shudder as you watch, his fingers loop around the hems of your underwear. You roll your hips and sigh. “Miles please…”
“You can be patient, princess.” He pulls your underwear off and throws them to the side, then he stares down at you for a few seconds. You close your legs, even pulling your shirt down a little. 
“What? Don’t just stare like that.”
“Don’t do that.” He comes closer, removing your hand. “Just relax darlin.” He leans in between your legs, kissing right above your clit then moving down. You sigh, biting your lip as you watch. He sticks his tongue out and licks deeply between your lips. Miles groans into you, licking into your sweet spot quickly. He gripped your thighs with both hands almost wrapping around them completely and kept them open. 
You had covered your mouth at the unexpected feeling hitting you, not wanting your neighboring coworkers to hear you. You reach down with your free hand and run it through his hair, feeling the shaved head beneath your fingertips. He suddenly pushes his tongue deep within you and you gasp as both hands scratch the sides of his head. “Miles-” You reach up to cover your mouth again, groaning into your hand. “Fuck, Miles~”
He peers up at you, moving up to circle your clit with his tongue. He was practically getting drunk off of all the little sounds you kept making. And when you said his name in that breathy moan…He wanted to fuck the absolute hell out of you but he needed to help you get prepared. The colonel remembers when he was looking at himself after he had been transferred. At first he hadn’t thought of any difference other than the color schemes changing and maybe the size, that was a given. But in the office, when you had threatened him and gave him that hard on, he became aware of what he truly possessed between his legs. And now here, as he lapped your sweetness between your legs, he knew he could really hurt you if he wasn’t careful. 
It wouldn’t be the first time he’s hurt a woman because of his size. Even as a human, he was well sized and occasionally wasn’t careful. 
He kept at your clit as he reached up and teased your entrance with his fingers. Once they were slick enough, he pushed his middle finger in slowly. You groan at the feeling, closing your eyes. You roll your hips into him and he feels his own hips push into the side of your mattress. After a few pumps, he adds another finger, making you gasp at the stretch. 
“Fuck, is that three?” You whine out as you look down at him. He wanted to laugh but instead he pumped his fingers faster. Your head rolls back and your legs begin to shake. He felt it and decided to pull your legs over his shoulders. You had let out a moan or a gasp at each pump, mumbling incoherent sentences. Miles noticed as your voice became louder, he could understand you were muttering soft pleas and praises. Things like, “Please please please don’t stop, don't stop,” and “Oh yes yes god you’re so good.” He growls into your skin and adds a third finger. You didn’t have time to mutter anything as you felt your climax spread and shake your body. Miles felt you spasm and clench around his fingers and he curses. The pants he had on were a mess now. 
You were panting, covering your eyes and speaking low. “Please tell me…three fingers was enough?” You didn’t look up but you felt him moving now. First, your shirt was pulled off of your body, along with your bra. An instant coolness settled on your dampened skin and you sighed. Then you watched as Miles undid his belt, then his pants and zipper and- “No.” Your eyes widened. “That is-”
“It’s a bit more than three fingers.” He gets on the bed and strokes himself a few times. “Listen princess, it's gonna take some adjusting. But if you can’t take it, tell me to stop.” He held your chin so your eyes locked with his. “Understood?”
You nod your head a little. “Yes, sir.” 
“Good. Lie back for me.” You did as he asked and let him move between your legs. You watched as he lined himself with your entrance. “Fuck this is gonna be a tight fit.” He began to press into you, making you groan and bite your lip. The tip slips in and he lets out a deep moan, his hand slamming into the wall behind your bed. He was holding himself back from fucking you hard. He had to wait. You shift your hips and he takes it, bucking his hips into you and ripping a cry from your throat. 
"Fuck it's too much!" You muttered into your elbow. It was huge and you should have known with two different sized forms that it was going to be painful. You had actually dreaded it when you first had your daydreams. It oddly excites you in a scary way. "Oh god please go slower, please…" you looked up at him. 
Miles was looking down, one hand now gripping the edge of the mattress and the other was holding your thigh. He had a deep look of concentration as his ears flattened and perked. His eyes dart up to meet yours and his ears perk up again. "Alright darlin' I won't move till you tell me."  
Your eyes close and your head falls against the pillow. The pain was bearable, slowly it subdued and you nodded once you thought you were ready. He thrusts into you and a yelp leaves your lips. "Easy! No more than an inch!" You whined out, peeking up at him again. He laughs, dipping his head down to rest against your forehead. 
"Yes ma'am." He kisses you, letting his tongue tease at your lips then pulling away. He then presses his hips forward and you let out a loud groan. This time you grab a pillow and hug it to your face. It felt like he was all the way in with how much he filled in. You were sure to be sore tomorrow and you debated somehow calling in sick for tomorrow. The pillow you had on your face was ripped from your hands and thrown on the floor. "I wanna see that beautiful face of yours when I'm fucking you."
You felt your face go red. "What if I'm too lou-" his thumb finds your lips and he presses it into your mouth. 
"I can find a few ways to preoccupy your mouth." His thumb rubs up and down your tongue and you swallow around it. His eyes almost softened as he mumbled, "Fuck, that mouth of yours." He thrusts again and you moan around his thumb. He glances down and smiles. "Almost got me halfway darlin'."
You release his thumb and he moves his hand to grab your hip. "Go a little deeper, please." He obeys and pushes in, thrusting in and out little by little. Each time would drag a small whine from you. He reaches a certain point you can't explain that causes your back to arch slightly. You grab his hand resting on you and squeeze it. "Fuck wait, right there." You look at him. 
He nods, licking his lips quickly. "I don't think I can go in any further without reorganizing your insides sweetheart." He pulls out almost all the way before pushing back in slowly. You cover your mouth as a slow moan leaves you. You felt his lips at your neck, kissing then sucking. You hold onto his shoulder and feel as he begins to move in a steady motion. Your nails dig into his skin, feeling him suck harder before letting go and smiling against your shoulder. "Hope they don't see that tomorrow…" 
You didn't have time to ask how bad it was before he was picking up speed. He roughly grabbed your hips as he fucked you in a normal pace. He would hit that spot that made you arch once in a while and you did your best not to be too loud. His hips snap into you quick and you gasp. His hand was quick to clamp over your mouth. He growled and pushed deeper, making you scream into his hand. It had you seeing stars, this new pain mixed with a questionable pleasure. 
"Fuck darling I'm gonna cum," he removes his hand and kisses you instead, his tongue wrapping and swirling around yours. You could feel yourself tighten and spasm around him. A few more thrusts, just a few more. You had to tell him to keep it out of you but he's so deep already. You whimper and he stares down at you. "C'mon doc, tell me where."
His thumb was at your clit now and you had forgotten all about that cheat code. He started to rub small circles against it and you lost it, digging your nails into his arm and shoulder. "Fuck! Miles- in me please, please just fill me, fuck go faster!" Your legs were shaking now, partially wrapped around the blue body above you. He listened, thrusting faster and circling your bud. With a short cry and an arched body, you felt yourself reach a stinging, stretched bliss. As you had cried out, Miles grunted and finally planted himself deep inside of you, twitching as he finished. He had panted and you thought he even whimpered as he slowly pulled himself out. 
Your eyes were still closed but you felt him shift off the bed. The bathroom light flicked on, water ran, then he came back and you jumped at feeling something wet and warm touch your thigh. You look down and see him frozen with a wet rag. "Don't shoot." He reaches down and gently wipes around your sore area. "You may need to bathe to get some of that out."
You nod but laid back down, eyes closed again. Your lower regions were already taking the effects, and you groan in thought. "I won't be able to work tomorrow."
"I guess we could have thought this one through a little better." Miles states as he stands up. You heard clothes rustling but didn't open your eyes. Was he leaving already? Then you heard your bathtub running. It went like that for a few minutes but you didn't want to move. Then he came back and picked you up off the bed. "I got you a bath ready." He sets you down inside and you let out a sigh at being submerged in the warm water. 
You both didn't say anything for a while. He stays outside the tub being that he couldn't fit in it. He helps you wash up, get out and get dressed. Once he saw you could walk properly, he put on the rest of his clothes. "Miles?" 
He looks down at you and smirks. "What princess, want me to stay the night?" 
You scoff. "No." You cross your arms but stay sitting on your bed. "Thank you, for the stress relief." 
He had walked over and leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. You had responded, even feeling his hand run up your back. He pulled away and his eyes were soft again. "Thank you, for having me over, doctor. Get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow." He lingered over you, then turned and walked to your door. Once he leaves and shuts the door, you fall back against your pillows and sigh. It wasn't hard to fall asleep that night. 
The helicopter ride wasn't as bad as you initially thought. Once you and the others landed on the ground, Alex was clinging to the grass and gasping for oxygen. "I hate flying." 
You grin. "Need something for that motion sickness?"
"Not motion sickness." They sigh, standing upright. "Just afraid of heights. But thank you." They pick up their bag that looks similar to yours and stand beside you. "It's a good thing I only had coffee." 
You nod and pick up your bag as well, watching everyone else gather around Lyle and the colonel. You follow suit with Alex close by Everyone was already debriefed, Miles looked at everyone, nodded and turned. "Alright, we know our objectives. Keep in mind the wildlife and the locals, everyone."  He starts walking forward and everyone spreads out. You and Alex stay behind Lyle. 
Z-Dog waves at Lyle, then signs the letters 'D-O-C' and rubs her neck. Lyle grinned and nodded, motioning to Miles who didn't see them, then at Alex. He nodes at her. She nods back. "Hey doc," she calls out, only being about 5 feet from you. "Mosquitos were bad last night?"
You blush, hoping the oxygen mask would have helped hide the obvious hickey. "Yeah yeah, that’s not childish at all Z."
"So you and Alex had fun then last night?" She questions. Lyle holds back his laughter when he sees Miles glance at them. 
Alex turns red. "What?" They look between you and her. "Wait, we- we're not um-"
Lyle turned his head. "Ohh, you and Alex, huh doctor?"
Miles turned his head and snapped. "Focus, we need all eyes ahead." He looked forward, ignoring his tail swishing in annoyance. You, as well as a few others noticed. You smiled slightly, looking at Alex who was confused.
You shake your head. "Don't worry, they're just kidding."
"Hold." Miles stopped the group. He made a gesture and two of the soldiers crept forward into an open area. They looked around then the group moved forward. You spotted the old research trailer that was brought here years ago. Two of the soldiers went in to investigate. "We've made it to base 1, over." He had spoken into a mic. You watched as the soldiers were gathering around the giant war bot that lay fallen in the grass. 
As they were all saying something, you kneel down and start digging in your bag. You slow in confusion, looking around. This wasn't your stuff. You look up to see Alex walking inside the trailer holding the same bag as yours. You curse and grab everything to follow them. Once inside, you see them with the bag opened and looking at the device inside. "Alex."
They looked at you confused. "Is this yours?"
"...yes, it's mine." You reached for it but they stopped you. “We switched by accident on the helicopter.”
"This isn't what I think it is, is it?" They examine it again and press some buttons on it. "Wait, Dr. Linear are you-" they look at you. Suddenly their eyes were filled with betrayal. "This is…for them isn't it? This is the same bot they kept telling us was being stolen and sent here."
"Alex." You stood there frozen. "Alex you don't understand, they needed help, I don't just ignore that kind of thing. They had kids here."
"Have they been tracking us too?" They looked at the robot again. "You know how they feel about us being here. They want us gone." Alex looked at you again. "I've seen what they did before."
"No that wasn't them, that was the Na'vi-"
"Doctors, you're needed outside." Miles called from outside the trailer. Alex stuffed the robot in the bag, giving you a look and exiting the trailer. You followed, leaving the other bag inside.  "Found anything inside?"
Alex looked at you, then shook their head. "No, I haven't gotten a good look yet." Then their bag began beeping and the delivery robot floated out. It began hovering and Alex jumped away from it. The others watched until Miles shot it with one bullet. Alex stared at it, then looked at you. You had gone pale. Everyone was quiet. 
"Ah, so I was right." Quaritch tilted his head. "It was one of the fellow scientists. You've been sending out plans and medical equipment to the people out here."
"What? No it is not it's-"
"I'm sorry." Alex butted in. "I…was trying to do the right thing." They had stared at you. You shook your head. They were quoting you now.
"No no no it was my bag, we switched bags!" Your throat felt like it was closing up and it made your voice shake. "Alex didn't do anything."
Miles was watching both of you with hard eyes. You couldn't tell what he was thinking. "Is this true, Alex?"
They shake their head. "No, she's just trying to take the blame. I know how much trouble I could get into and she found the robot in the trailer. It's mine."
You stare at Alex feeling your heart racing, they stare back at you. "Alex please…tell them-"
Then two gunshots rang out. 
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angiestown · 2 years
now that the final acnh update has been out long enough for all the novelty to wear off, it’s time once again for me to list a bunch of hopes/wishes for future games (long post under cut)
everything should either be orderable or craftable. tired of furniture I don’t care about taking up space just because I might want it someday. at worst it should just require rare materials or cost a lot
tools don’t break anymore, but you can only buy plain tools. you can get DIYs for different themed tools like how acnh had a billion different wands you could make. all the recipes would be (plain tool)+(1 x crafting material). all gold tools have special properties again
rework wands so they don’t remove clothing from your closet and you can use the same clothing item in more than one wand outfit. you should be able to save hair, eye and skin customizations to wand outfits as well. only limitation is they should give you a warning if you’re about to take a clothing item out of your closet that’s part of a wand outfit. something like “if you take this item out, it’ll disappear from your saved wand outfits. do you want to do this anyway?” (yes) (nevermind). if you try to do something in a wand outfit that you can’t do, like enter the dressing room, the warning should give you the option right there to take it off instead of making you equip the wand, remove it and try again
bring back 4+ shop upgrades. final upgrade has a DIY section that sells standard DIY supplies (since gathering supplies is more annoying late game + you’ll have more money to spend) and a random daily selection of DIYs to help you get those last few you’re missing. always has one current seasonal DIY in stock
custom bulk purchases instead of only being able to buy 1 or 5 at a time. let us make a selection between 1 and however many we can afford
access crafting materials in your storage when crafting
go back to the old catalogue order limit which was 10 items twice a day (since the mail got delivered at 9am and 5pm) or no catalogue limits at all. 5 item daily limit ranks among my biggest gripes with NH
any new years furniture that has the year on it should have each number customizable so you can reuse it for future years. make a whole new years furniture set
first day of each zodiac is always a meteor shower (unless it’s on the same day as a holiday with fixed weather, then it gets postponed to the next regular day)
I like that nook’s cranny and resident services put out seasonal decorations, keep doing that
all buildings should have some level of customization after fully upgraded, even if it’s just being able to change the colours
have the option for more visitors to set up shop in town, but also have the option to kick them out and become random visitors again. sometimes it’s nice to have more buildings to work with, but sometimes they clash with your town’s theme. the selection of stuff they sell as random visitors is the same as if they set up shop, you just won’t see them every day
if Isabelle keeps doing announcements, have her acknowledge special NPC birthdays and mention if there are new seasonal items for sale on nook shopping. alternatively have her come out to celebrate minor holidays like in NL and have special NPC birthdays acknowledged in some other way (maybe villagers bring it up)
Harriet sells earrings and deluxe wigs (think the kind they have in pocket camp), as well as giving you unnatural hair, skin and eye colours. maybe you can apply patterns to your hair as well to give yourself multiple colours??? like how people use patterns in NH to give themselves eyebrows and freckles
Celeste comes out to celebrate predictable astrological events like blood moons and solar eclipses and teaches you a bit about them
shopping cart at able sisters
some way to indicate whether an item for sale in a shop is already in your catalogue
give! me! wall! mounted! mirrors! give! me! more! sinks!
hang wall mounted items on cliff sides
bridges between cliffs
gift shop in the airport/train station/whatever that sells your town’s native fruit and flower seeds as well as DIYs that use your native fruit and flowers so visitors can buy them (ofc there would be other ways to get them, this way would just be faster)
NL had that locker in the train station that let visitors access their storage while visiting other towns. why did they get rid of that
bring back crystals from NL, those would’ve been great for the DIY system
don’t have a max cap on how many weeds can grow !! you made them so pretty then limited us to only 149 medium and large weeds because we’re supposed to hate them. beautiful town ordinance can have limited weed growth, but otherwise they should just take over if unattended to
if they’re gonna do free updates again, I want all the big features to already be in the base game. free updates should be things like new furniture and clothing being added. I liked that the holidays got added in updates so they didn’t all get spoiled right away, but other than that it should just be new items. I like what splatoon3 is doing, where every 3 months for two years they’re going to add new stuff. AC should take note and do like a “winter 20XX collection” type thing for updates. also silently add extra dialogue to all the villagers each update to keep them fresh
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joannafaustus · 2 years
For anyone actually interested in the issue and not just being a dick - knowing the US military’s really shitty history of fucking up a whole bunch of stuff over the world, it’s actually a real problem of what to do about it now. Some people are like omg get all the military back take them out of everywhere! We’ve fucked everything up enough! Stop American imperialism!
But then , if you do, you run into another problem, which is that in some of the places, things have gotten so messed up that the US military presence might be the only thing that is keeping some semblance of peace for the local population. If the military just up and leaves, things could descend into total chaos… war could break out, civilians can die, terrorists could seize control of local population, all manner of terrible things.
So even on a moral level it becomes a complicated issue, like ok if the US did a bunch of fucked up stuff in the past, what do we do about it now? Do we abandon the places we’ve already messed up to complete and utter chaos and just kind of *hope* populations don’t get slaughtered? Do we stay and attempt to clean up the mess we made by stabilizing the region and trying to build up local government?
This is only one little tiny facet of the whole issue, it is so complicated - do we build governments that work for the local people or governments that work for the White House? Do we abandon places and then let other countries go in and do all the rebuilding work and earn good will and economic growth? Which president is at the helm and what are their military objectives? Is it really all just STILL about oil? Is this STILL just more Cold War kind of shit?
It’s also worth pointing out that all of this is WAY above the average soldiers paygrade and they may not even *participate* in any of this whatsoever. There are military members who never even leave US shores. There are military members whose jobs are just doing laundry or cooking. There are military members whose entire jobs are explicitly just figuring out what local populations need help with (more clean water! Better equipment for their hospital! Help building new road!) and giving it to them. That’s it, that’s their whole job. There are military people who just do HR for goodness sakes.
I also want to note from personal family experience that the military is one of the most useful institutions in responding to natural disasters. After the hurricane in Haiti, my dad who is a doctor was actually sent in with an emergency medical disaster relief team. How did he get to Haiti? The airport runway was completely destroyed. The US army came in and in about a day set up a floating runway so relief workers and supplies could come in. Otherwise they probably would have had to wait up to a week for any other institution to be able to do that - nobody else can do it with that speed. Imagine what would have happened there to local people if they would have had to wait a week for relief and supplies to come!
Same thing in Banda aceh in Indonesia after the tsunami - my dad was on a floating hospital ship and help operate on hundreds of wounded Indonesians. The floating hospital ship was owned and staffed by the US navy. The Indonesian government was too intimidated by the military presence to let the ship dock (fair point) but said they could be in the waters…. so the navy was like ok we can work with that and sent helicopters to the mainland to bring patients to and from and spent probably hundreds of thousands of dollars on fuel driving the ship in a circle constantly for weeks on end.
Anyway my point is only that this topic is INCREDIBLY nuanced and complicated and there are no simple answers. Anyone who tells you there are simple answers is either ignorant or is trying to sell you something.
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dfroza · 7 months
One True God
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 4th chapter of the letter of Ephesians:
As a prisoner of the Lord, I urge you: Live a life that is worthy of the calling He has graciously extended to you. Be humble. Be gentle. Be patient. Tolerate one another in an atmosphere thick with love. Make every effort to preserve the unity the Spirit has already created, with peace binding you together.
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were all called to pursue one hope. There is one Lord Jesus, one living faith, one ceremonial washing through baptism, and one God—the Father over all who is above all, through all, and in all. This God has given to each of us grace in full measure according to the Anointed’s gift as the Scripture says,
When He ascended to the heights,
He put captivity in chains;
And in His triumph, He gave gifts to the people.
(Well, when it says “He ascended,” then that must mean that He had descended earlier to the lower levels, that is, to the earth. The One who descended is the same One who rose from the dead to ascend far above all the heavens so that He could fill all things.)
It was the risen One who handed down to us such gifted leaders—some emissaries, some prophets, some evangelists, as well as some pastor-teachers— so that God’s people would be thoroughly equipped to minister and build up the body of the Anointed One. These ministries will continue until we are unified in faith and filled with the knowledge of the Son of God, until we stand mature in His teachings and fully formed in the likeness of the Anointed, our Liberating King. Then we will no longer be like children, tossed around here and there upon ocean waves, picked up by every gust of religious teaching spoken by liars or swindlers or deceivers. Instead, by truth spoken in love, we are to grow in every way into Him—the Anointed One, the head. He joins and holds together the whole body with its ligaments providing the support needed so each part works to its proper design to form a healthy, growing, and mature body that builds itself up in love.
Therefore, as a witness of the Lord, I insist on this: that you no longer walk in the outsiders’ ways—with minds devoted to worthless pursuits. They are blind to true understanding. They are strangers and aliens to the kind of life God has for them because they live in ignorance and immorality and because their hearts are cold, hard stones. And now, since they’ve lost all natural feelings, they have given themselves over to sensual, greedy, and reckless living. They stop at nothing to satisfy their impure appetites.
But this is not the path of the Anointed One, which you have learned. If you have heard Jesus and have been taught by Him according to the truth that is in Him, then you know to take off your former way of life, your crumpled old self—that dark blot of a soul corrupted by deceitful desire and lust— to take a fresh breath and to let God renew your attitude and spirit. Then you are ready to put on your new self, modeled after the very likeness of God: truthful, righteous, and holy.
So put away your lies and speak the truth to one another because we are all part of one another. When you are angry, don’t let it carry you into sin. Don’t let the sun set with anger in your heart or give the devil room to work. If you have been stealing, stop. Thieves must go to work like everyone else and work honestly with their hands so that they can share with anyone who has a need. Don’t let even one rotten word seep out of your mouths. Instead, offer only fresh words that build others up when they need it most. That way your good words will communicate grace to those who hear them. It’s time to stop bringing grief to God’s Holy Spirit; you have been sealed with the Spirit, marked as His own for the day of rescue. Banish bitterness, rage and anger, shouting and slander, and any and all malicious thoughts—these are poison. Instead, be kind and compassionate. Graciously forgive one another just as God has forgiven you through the Anointed, our Liberating King.
The Letter of Ephesians, Chapter 4 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
Now that Paul has described the new world as God would have it, he urges believers to live out their callings with humility, patience, and love: to walk as Jesus walked. These are the ways of Jesus. Paul encourages them to do whatever it takes to hold onto the unity that binds people together in peace. He does not ask them to create that unity; this has already been accomplished through the work of the Rescuer and His Spirit. Rather, he calls believers to guard that unity—a more modest but no less significant task—because that unity is founded on God’s oneness and work in the world.
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 40th chapter of the book of Jeremiah:
The word of the Eternal came again to Jeremiah after Nebuzaradan (captain of the imperial guard) found the prophet in chains with the rest of the exiles from Jerusalem and Judah and let him go. He had been taken to Ramah with the others who would soon be deported to Babylon. When the captain of the imperial guard learned of the mix-up, he took Jeremiah aside and spoke to him.
Nebuzaradan: Your God, the Eternal, commanded all of this to happen. He brought this disaster on this land, just as He said He would. And it all happened because your people sinned against the Eternal and refused to obey His voice. But today I am giving you your freedom. I am ordering the chains removed from your wrists. I am also giving you the chance to decide where you will live. If you’d like, you can come with me to Babylon, and I will look out for you. But if you’d rather not come to Babylon, then don’t. Look around you; you can go from here today and live anywhere you want. You decide.
But before Jeremiah turned to leave, Nebuzaradan made a suggestion.
Nebuzaradan: Why don’t you go back to Gedaliah (son of Ahikim and grandson of Shaphan)? The king of Babylon has put him in charge of the towns of Judah. You could live with him and still be among your people. But again, feel free to go where you please.
At this point, the captain gave Jeremiah some food and supplies, along with a gift, and released him. Jeremiah took his advice and went to Mizpah where Gedaliah (son of Ahikim) had settled. There he remained with the others who had been left behind in the land of Judah.
The news reached Judah’s army officers and soldiers who were scattered throughout the countryside that the king of Babylon had appointed Gedaliah (son of Ahikam) governor and put him in charge of the men, women, and children—the poor people of the land—who had not been deported to Babylon. So a group of them came to Gedaliah’s home in Mizpah to meet with him. These included Ishmael (son of Nethaniah), Johanan and Jonathan (sons of Kareah), Seraiah (son of Tanhumeth), the sons of Ephai the Netophathite, and Jezaniah (son of the Maacathite), along with all their men. Gedaliah (son of Ahikam and grandson of Shaphan) reassured those who gathered.
Gedaliah (to the leaders and their men): Do not be afraid to serve the Chaldeans. If you will settle peacefully in the land, agree to serve the king of Babylon, and give up any idea of rebelling against him, things will go well for you. I will continue to live here in Mizpah and act as your representative whenever the Chaldeans come and want something from us. Go back and live in the villages and towns you have taken over. Harvest the grapes for wine, the summer fruits, and the olives for oil. Store what you gather, and live your lives in peace.
When all the Judeans living in Moab, Ammon, Edom, and the other neighboring nations heard that the king of Babylon had permitted a few people to remain in Judah and left Gedaliah (son of Ahikam and grandson of Shaphan) in charge, they began to return home to the land of Judah from all the places to which they had run. With Gedaliah as their leader, governing from Mizpah, they returned to their ancestral lands to gather a great harvest of grapes for wine and summer crops.
Now Johanan (son of Kareah) and the rest of the army officers who were still in the field came to Mizpah to speak with Gedaliah.
Johanan (speaking for the rest): Are you aware that Ishmael (son of Nethaniah) has been hired by Baalis, the king of the Ammonites, to kill you?
But Gedaliah (son of Ahikam) had not heard of this threat and was not inclined to believe them. So while he was in Mizpah, Johanan asked to speak with Gedaliah privately.
Johanan: Authorize me to go and kill Ishmael (son of Nethaniah). No one will know what happened. Should he be allowed to kill you just because he thinks you’re a pawn of Babylon? Think of what will happen to those Jews who have returned home and look to you as their leader. They will be scattered again, left to die because Babylon would consider this an act of aggression against them.
Gedaliah: Do not kill him! What you are saying about Ishmael is not true!
The Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 40 (The Voice)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Tuesday, October 10 of 2023 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons about “In the beginning…”:
In Jewish tradition, the word “Bereshit” can refer to either the first Torah portion of the Bible (i.e., Gen. 1:1-6:8) or to the first book of the Torah itself. When it is used to refer to the Torah portion, it is called “parashat Bereshit” (פָּרָשַׁת בְּרֵאשִׁית) and the text covers the creation of the universe, including Adam and Eve, the subsequent transgression of Adam and Eve, the murder of Abel by humanity’s firstborn son Cain, and the increasing depravity of the generations until the time of the calling of Noah. When it is used to refer to the book, however, it is called “sefer Bereshit” (סֵפֵר בְּרֵאשִׁית) or the “Book of Bereshit,” and the text covers everything from the creation of the universe to the descent of Jacob’s son Joseph into Egypt in anticipation of the great Exodus. Note that the ancient Greek translation of the Bible (i.e., the Septuagint) called this book “Genesis,” (Γένεσις: “birth”, “origin”), a name that was carried over in subsequent Latin and English translations.
The first Torah portion of Bereshit opens with this succinct statement about the creative activity of God: “In the beginning (i.e., “bereshit”) God (i.e., Elohim) created the heavens and the earth.” Note immediately that the Scriptures therefore begin - not from the first person perspective of some man’s understanding of God - but from an omniscient third person perspective, a divine Voice that reveals the Glorious Power that created the entire cosmos by means of His Word. The very first verse of the Bible, then, alludes to the triune nature of God, as further indicated by the use of the plural form of the name Elohim with the singular verb bara (he created). Indeed, the word bereshit itself includes the root idea of “head” (i.e., rosh), which suggests the “head of all things,” that is, to the Messiah, the Creative Word of God who is the “head of all beginning and authority” and through Whom and for Whom all things were created (Col. 1:16; 2:10).
After its astounding opening line, shrouded as it is in mystery, the Torah describes how God created the universe yesh me’ayin (יֵשׁ מֵאַיִן) - “out of nothing” (Heb. 1:3) over a six “day” period. On the first day God created darkness and light; on the second day He created the atmosphere, dividing the “upper” from the “lower” waters. On the third day He set the boundaries of land and sea and seeded the earth with trees and vegetation. On the fourth day He fixed the position of the sun, moon and stars as timekeepers and illuminators of the earth. Fish, birds and reptiles were created on the fifth day; and land animals, and finally the human being, on the sixth. God ceased from His creative work on the seventh day, and sanctified it as a day of rest: the very first Shabbat...
In addition to this general, “day by day” account of the creation of the universe by God, the Torah provides a more focused account about how God formed Adam’s body from the dust of the earth and blew into his nostrils the “breath of life” (נשׁמת חיים) so that he became a “living soul” (נֶפֶשׁ חַיָּה). Notice that the more detailed account includes reference to the LORD God, which is the first time the name YHVH (יהוה) is used in the Scriptures. Interestingly, in this second account the earth is described as a sort of “desert.” The earth was barren of vegetation, no rain had yet fallen upon the earth, and the LORD formed the man from the “dust from the ground.” After breathing into him so that he became a living soul, God planted a garden (or orchard) in Eden, “in the east,” and there caused every tree that was pleasant to the sight and good for food to spring up from the ground. In the very midst of this orchard were two special trees: “the Tree of Life” (עץ החיים) and “the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (עֵץ הַדַּעַת טוֹב וָרָע). God then instructed the man to tend the orchard and to eat from whatsoever tree he desired, though he was warned not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, “for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Gen. 2:17).
For more on this topic, see the Hebrew for Christians web site.
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Genesis 1:1 Hebrew reading:
Hebrew page:
Bereshit Summary page:
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from yesterday’s email by Israel 365:
The psalm describes our anticipation for God as greater than a watchman’s wait for dawn. Just as we trust the sun to rise every day, we are confident in God’s promise of salvation and the eventual redemption of Israel.
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
October 10, 2023
Teaching Universe
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.” (Psalm 19:1-2)
This familiar psalm, extolling God’s creation (vv. 1-6) and God’s Word (vv. 7-14), begins with a beautiful summary of the testimony of the physical universe. “The heavens” and “the firmament” are synonymous (Genesis 1:8), both being equivalent to our modern scientific concept of space. The “glory of God” refers to His infinite power, or energy, and “his handywork” implies the infinite variety and complexity of physical systems, or matter, in the universe. This interaction of matter and energy occurs everywhere throughout space, but also has to operate and be understood in the context of time, “day unto day” and “night unto night.”
The entire marvelous complex of space/time/matter/energy is continually “uttering speech” and “showing knowledge,” teaching men and women of all times and places that there is a great Creator God who made it all. “The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen” (Romans 1:20).
The boundless space, the endless time, the infinite energies, and the innumerable complexities of the matter of the universe all unite in irrefutable testimony to the God of creation. The most fundamental principle of science, as well as the most universal rule of human experience, is the Law of Cause and Effect, stating that no effect can transcend its cause. Thus, the great cause of the universe must be infinite, eternal, omnipotent, and omniscient. And since we as living, feeling persons are able to think about all this, that cause must also be a living, feeling, thinking person. This is the great lesson engraved on the textbook of the universe for all to read and learn. The whole creation, indeed, declares the glory of God. HMM
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
You do understand what's happening and we are getting ready to go ballistic on people and we're starting to work towards that goal and we need them to be quiet or we'll seek them out and mostly they do not listen to that. Right now we have people all over the place doing a lot of work and we are getting tons of work done that this place needs and we are building huge numbers of buildings and we started the second 30,000 a couple days ago and we're getting into position to begin 200,000 more and we are going to get the completion level to where they requested before we ask for that notice to proceed. I'm hearing from Thor it should be later on today. The second $30,000 should be completed by tomorrow afternoon then they do recognize that most of the work is in place but, they want to ensure that they have what they ordered. And it won't give us Co until the systems are operational then the landscape is at like 50%, so moving all that stuff in now and everything 30,000 original we have about 20,000 that are operational and 10,000 more by 1:00 p.m. and all of the landscaped fully at 4:00 p.m. so it'll work out to be 2 or 3:00 p.m. we should have the notice to proceed hopefully and I recognizing that we're keeping track of it too and that's what they wanted. There's a huge number of projects coming up 200,000 is a lot and we're getting ready elsewhere we have staged all the stuff we need all the equipment all the tools all the personnel and and product that's going in place has all been prepped and is on standby as well as the machines that need to move it this is a huge Army of people and construction machines and materials. It's a gigantic colossal movement of people for us we don't roam around with big pieces of equipment but it's not different for these guys that's not a big deal I guess. And we are also receiving new contracts for the channels and we do need those for the second $30, 000 the final 10,000 foundations but it's really for five mega facilities but we're doing those out anyways and by probably 1:00 p.m. those will be prepped we only lost a couple hours and it's not a big deal so we're doing the channels too and that's a huge contract by the way that's several hundred million dollars each channel each run and we need that money then we're going to buy equipment and pay personal it is a giant contract it's about 4 billion dollars this afternoon. This is a huge number of people who don't want to hear what they're hearing on TV but these people are arguing about stuff that's not really happening and they keep doing it too it's extremely annoying.
It also a whole bunch of arrests being made today there's a list of people that going after and these two idiots are on it and they intend to bring them in and it's already started and they are firing the 500 no they already did sore up to 3,000 on a 4000 top level government jobs that are in Charlotte county and we mean top level here in the county for the county and the top seats will be the last people and it's a message that these people are stupid. Right now they're complaining about it the yummy yummy they're blabbing to each other and they're horrified and tomorrow we're here will be another 500
-there are a few more things happening here and on top of the list of particular people there are others that they want to go after, and I think I was Major crimes so they sort by level of crime they have like a secret list, saw Biden and Stan and Camilla and those people are wanted by real APB and Warren. And then persons of interest would be me and my husband and others they hear as voices that does not seem to go get him just saying if you have in custody we want to talk to him then my husband says you're doing a lousy job that's the answer don't bother me you know you're doing a lousy job the guy in front is doing allows each job for you I'm trying to be with an army of s******** I had to barter some things what would you expect that threatening me every few seconds and nobody did anything on your side have a nice meeting if you happen to grab me. I'm going to say that exactly like that I don't think you'll have me in custody they'll be standing next to me in line and start asking I'm going to say that line because I've already said it. And frankly I have power and I don't care to be asked so stupid question about stuff that it is ridiculous these people look like you sounded like you because they're going around threatening everybody and 9/11 in Oklahoma City bombing made it go backwards. So he says the interview is over have a nice time hearing it again. It says he wants to ask specific questions like you're putting a hit on in my life so I think my people would put it out there and pull you in and they can't really do anything and these guys are having me say it cuz they're putting your little hits on you in other words I can't tell if I'm out of control or not and I'm slightly out of control lots of times these days and right now cuz I don't want you asking me questions. When you being control so how many people who are teenagers are in control around you idiots so he says okay and it's our job and he realizes that it's his job just how many people are dirt poor understanding next to people of octillions of dollars and this rude son of a b**** is rubbing in my face every day nobody gives a flying f*** I said I should pull your head off cuz you're saying this s*** right now. Okay we do follow something we should take them off the list so it's not to encourage the idiots or others who might be a little stupid to grab him he says yeah. Me and I'm not going to I don't understand what you're saying that's not bad because it might encourage the wrong people and so he's going to do it now it's like I've had a horrible time lost my family don't have any money and here's this jerk off driving a little Ferrari. I'm smiling cuz he does it every few minutes to him and he can't take it once once him kill the guy every time it's just not worth going to jail for cuz it's a slime ball who ruins all our stuff and probably be back at him like this guy Dan who actually he killed actually killed both of them before they came back since I get disease so they're very very and they want to get me in trouble exactly I had to kill them once so that should be the interview. And it looked and felt and sounded like you do having the idiots do it and in a way you were you just didn't know you were getting killed by it he stopped some things and says boy that's really bad people they're deceiving people. So now he's starting to understand it we're going to upper hand on them and it's in the middle but that's what they were doing. It is the other kind so it is reversing it and Thor Freya said they are and we're not really happy with it cuz it's dangerous.
It says good job to me and I know it is but I thank him
-all sorts of people started doing it and they're the idiots so they have a bigger list. It says the Trump you don't need the Grand illusion but you're going to go to jail cuz Donald Trump because of it cuz you have that theory you can sell such a dumb s*** as Donald Trump what you said after you left your indictment hearing they have put warrants out for your arrest and they're going to hold the trial early like next week
-there's a few other things happening here one of them is Dan is so mad at Trump that people don't want him here. But really there's a whole bunch of people being executed today and there's a list of them who are in custody they're sending it out to their own and these bags are probably likely to get it and they're on the list of the same kind of thing to happen that they wanted to grab them interrogate them and execute them so it's going on right now and they had a big list of people that went to talk to in custody and they taking the whole list down some of them were Max and it was just cuz they want to talk to them and question not that they want to charge them with anything but due to what's going on with these people and the severity of the situation they've taken it down and figure they can question them and situ and other without telling people. Biden Camilla and people like them they still have to hold them for interrogation. And that's not very good. So there's a lot going on
-other items that were talking about we have a huge situation here with these imbeciles they're surrounding our friend here my husband and our son and they are enclosing him in they say they keep saying it they keep trying to do it it doesn't do anything. But for real a wall is being put up it's halfway cleared around punta Gorda a wall is a partially around Port Charlotte and is being completed today. Those two walls are about 50 to 80 ft high they're very big okay they're about 4 to 8 ft thick and they can withstand the title Wave about 300 ft high meaning it will just block the water and chop it down to 100 ft of small is a small wave so we'll probably put a wall out there if they can't move it but there's no reason why he won't be able to move shortly. And the wall that's going up the middle is almost to the Tallahassee parallel that was fast they said and they're putting the vents in today and we're putting them in and we cut it with humongous saws. But the walls are real they're closed and they're temporary looks like a big fire break and it really is they have made artificial ponds nearby and they keep them clear and they're going to be used for fire water and other uses for water that they need to and they're maintaining the land and put the grass down the seed in a mow it. So send some lawn mowers down some real big ones not using regular lawn mowers takes forever it's like the same it's all flat on both sides for the most part it's all these guys driving the lawn mower I'm going to be upset they can take it home and use it on their on their lawns what else is going to do with them so they're kind of happy about that those are all zero turn radius. There's more
-we have several hundred people's neighborhood who don't want them to have lawn tractors he wants to send Briggs and Stratton and they'd be amused but they have big ones that goes on that large backhoe and you can have the backhoe attachments so they want it because they want to do work out there and they'll probably be making out buildings and things like that and thanks for ammo that ammo dumps and our block would be perfect for that so we have one bill it's small it's 20x10 in Mac knows where it is and it's out of the block and it did it with the little backhoe it's actually not very small it's it's probably a decent size the same power as the one my husband used his house in Cranston but the size it's a little smaller I think they're pretty good for never really using them much like twice in his life he says I think once and it was a teeny one. So people don't give him a break and he did okay at the pool and the guys just a freaking bully and it was just idiot Trump and he didn't do much better you don't get out wrong yeah that's an a****** so we had a lot of fun building that but he had a tough time and he was beat up and his mom didn't care so he postponed for a year she was not amused. But seriously those blocks are easy to put in and easy to handle and they like to square things up and stuff and then you get right to it they say they want to know if there's like tongs and yeah they have tongs it works by weight and the blocks are real heavy so flop it right in the exact position from the rear or front like using the rear. Michael's laughing cuz they're like right on it. Don't have the lawn mower job that much you have to make a storage place for it it's going to have a few out buildings out there. I did that by accident and he laughs and I get mad and I say you do it all the time it says yeah but I'm kind of doing it on purpose maybe I'm doing it on purpose he thinks about it for me hey thinks about for a minute and it says probably are because you're copy what I'm doing and I say that's exactly what I'm doing. It's very precise. So here's how it goes there's more stuff happening here and it's big so we're going to publish and we'll get to that
It's like a shoulder putting on and we do it too it's a show and we are making things happen too today is a big day and we're going to all get together pretty soon and start saying stuff those things are starting to move everywhere all over the place the place has come to life again and it's because these people are checking out and we're going to have to fight them and they'll be disappearing real quick
Thor Freya they are evacuating but it's very lame it's not that many people and more of them die attacking last night's attack was not 15 million but it was in the millions and that's rare and two or three of those that are gone and they're going anyways but that was a huge huge attack it was Giant in The Mastermind and they're putting hits on them
You have a few moments to say stuff no but we can get this out our son and daughter have been doing a great job and they're telling us all sorts of things how it's going and he's having a tough time of it so going to send help in now
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havroth-traveler · 1 year
Pokemon, part 1
Day 1: The jump chain started today. I got spliced off from > and then handed a stack of loose pages and a sharpie to circle what I wanted. I picked the sinnoh region, because it was the one I most remembered from when I played Pokemon regularly. The next page spoke about my indentitiy. Which had been mostly redacted, with a number 17 in the age field, and all the backgrounds grayed out except “Drop In” I made sense. I definitely expected to be dropped in from the start.  I flipped the page, and found a whole list of Pokémon. I remember picking Piplup for my first play through of Diamond, but it wasn’t listed anywhere. I looked for other starters, and Gible. No luck. The list seemed like it was made of only common pokemon, Starly, Bidoof, Shinx, and such. Since I was going to show up near twinleaf town, and I remembered something about a lake in the area, I circled Buizel, I always liked the design and a water type will make surviving, and that first gym easier. The next page might have been the most important one. Skills, I’m going to be bouncing around for a while I should set a solid foundation. Its been years since I did martial arts, or even went camping, and I remember the anime featuring a lot of camping. Most of the new jumper guides stressed survival, and combat training being important. Since I was being dropped in, I circled combat training, and a little box at the top of the page appeared reading [-50/800/1000]. I also grabbed survival training[-100/700/1000], and the Drop In discounted Blend In[ Blend In[-150/450/1000]. Not bad, equipment should come next, lets see what I might need. The next page, shows the bag of holding, 5x pokeballs, a pokedex, a pokegear, 3x potions, and a hat already circled. There were a bunch of cool, things, like a rugged laptop, master balls, Straight up cash.   The list of things I grabbed and how they effected my points are below.  HM Collection[-50/400/1000] Bicycle[-50/350/1000] Rebreather  [-50/300/1000] Medical Kit  [-50/250/1000] Repelling Rig  [-50/200/1000]   Collapsible Baton  [-50/150/1000]   50K Pokedollars X3 [-150/0/1000] I was really glad for the HM collection. Hunting them down was always one of the most frustrating parts of the game for me. The bike will make the days and days of hiking I’ll have a little better, and the rebreather will let me go to areas I never got to see in those games. I’m pretty sure that Dive wasn’t an HM in this game. I was surprised that there was no camping equipment, available. I am hoping that I’ll be able to buy even just a tent and a backpack soon.   Which brings me to where I am right now, Sitting in the pokecenter in sandgem town.  I did materialize right next to a lake. The first thing I noticed as my eyes adjusted to the light was the noise of angry birds.  There was the buizel, my fated friend, just a few dozen feet away, under a swarm of Startley. I charged up to them and chased them off. Fortunatly low level starley seem only a little braver then regualar birds.  The poor Buizel was quite beat up.  I pulled out a potion and got him patched up.  The magical spray seemed to atleast stop the pain, but the poor thing was in bad shape. I hefted it up and started walking. I eventually made it around the lake and found the trail. By the time I got to some convenient road signs pointing toward sandgem and twin leaf, it was already getting dark. I finally got here, to the sandgem pokecenter a bit ago, and nurse Joy was more then willing to make sure the buizel was back to tip top shape, and I was left to wait in the lobby.  I think I’ll name the buizel Kenny. CYOA Doc
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dominionra · 2 years
CHIPS and Inflation Reduction Acts Offer Fringe Benefits for Commercial Real Estate
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September 8, 2022  I  CoStar  I   By Peter Ferramosca, Joseph Biasi and Nancy Muscatello
August was a busy legislative month as Congress passed the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 and the Inflation Reduction Act and President Biden signed both into law. The new legislation is expected to bring important structural changes to certain segments of the U.S. economy, but the impact on commercial real estate — and the growth trajectory of the economy as a whole — is likely to be marginal.
The Inflation Reduction Act's key benefit to commercial real estate is the expansion of tax incentives for constructing energy-efficient buildings or retrofitting older buildings to achieve higher energy-efficiency standards. The IRA more than doubles current levels, increasing the available tax deduction to up to $5 per square foot on commercial building space from $1.80 per square foot, and up to $5,000 per unit for both multifamily and single-family residential units from $2,000 per unit.
To qualify, the building or units must meet certain energy-efficiency and construction wage requirements. They include hiring construction workers who are compensated at, or above, local prevailing rates and requiring the improvements increase the efficiency of a qualifying building by at least 25% relative to a benchmark building.
CoStar’s analysis of buildings that have achieved Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification by the U.S. Green Building Council, one of the most commonly used global green building rating systems, shows that green buildings historically have achieved higher rent and pricing premiums relative to their non-certified peers.
Asking rent premiums for LEED-certified properties rated three stars or higher, built since 2000 and located in prime urban U.S. areas have averaged over 20% for office properties and over 10% for multifamily units over the past two years compared to non-LEED-certified properties, while transaction price premiums for both sectors have averaged nearly 25%.
Given the heightened focus on environmental, social and governance metrics for companies in recent years, buildings that address sustainability goals while also providing operating efficiencies and cost savings to owners can strengthen their long-term competitiveness. While demand for energy-efficient buildings had already been increasing in recent years, the additional tax incentives provided by the IRA should accelerate that demand if they help mitigate the costs associated with building or retrofitting buildings to greener standards.
Where the CHIPS Act Is Likely To Have the Most Impact
The CHIPS Act was passed to support the construction, expansion or modernization of semiconductor chip manufacturing facilities and equipment in the U.S., along with a supporting workforce and site development and operations. Of the $52.7 billion in appropriations encompassed in the bill, $39 billion will contribute to the development or expansion of these manufacturing facilities, with $10 billion set aside to create 20 geographically distributed regional technology and innovation centers in areas without a significant technological presence.
The new law is intended to promote onshoring of chip manufacturing and to invigorate underserved communities with high-paying technology jobs typically required by semiconductor production. The scope of the bill would increase semiconductor manufacturing employment, which has declined 40% since 2000 compared with a 26% reduction in overall manufacturing employment. However, due to the long-term nature of these development projects, economic impacts will be spread out over time.
Lower land costs and a significant technology presence within a few hours’ drive are common themes among areas with existing fabrication plants. Land costs are a particularly important aspect of development sites, as capital requirements for these specialized facilities are already higher than for most other developments due to the special building requirements of high-tech manufacturing.
Recently announced new fabrication plants include Intel’s facilities near Ocotillo, Arizona, and Columbus, Ohio, and GlobalFoundries’ new plant in Malta, New York. Similar low-density regions such as these, located far from major population centers, should be kept on watch as new semiconductor fabrication developments are announced.
Growth markets that have lower costs and a fast-growing educated population that could fulfill high-tech research and development roles may also become attractive options for potential technology and innovation hubs outlined in the bill. For example, Texas Instruments agreed in 2021 to acquire the Micron chip plant in Lehi, Utah, for $900 million. The area known as Silicon Slopes will benefit from its ability to attract companies like Texas Instruments to expand in the area through its low business costs, less expensive housing and growing technology sector.
Other markets, such as San Antonio, Texas, and Portland, Oregon, could also benefit from this legislation due to their geographic location and proximity to established tech hubs. For example, San Antonio could be viewed as a cheaper alternative to tech-hotbed Austin, which is just 80 miles north. Similarly, Portland benefits from lower living costs than other northern West Coast hubs such as Seattle and San Francisco and has already seen high-tech employers like Genentech and Twist Biosciences make investments in the area.
Commercial Real Estate Implications
While the new CHIPS legislation has the potential to lift smaller market economies and drive overall demand for commercial real estate, the largest and most immediate impact is likely to be seen in the multifamily sector. Demand for apartment properties in these secondary markets could see a short-term boost, as thousands of construction workers would be needed to build the sites. Workforce housing, in particular, caters to these blue-collar employees and could benefit near term from semiconductor fabrication plant development.
In some areas, labor shortages could play a major role in the development cycle, which could potentially lead to an influx of blue-collar residents migrating to the area to work while construction goes on. Lower living costs and tax policies relative to more established markets also may facilitate labor migration to nearby development sites.
Apartment demand stemming from workers who will run the plants upon completion, along with demand from workers at regional innovation hubs, is likely to be more modest. These highly paid employees are more likely to be outside the renter pool, and the smaller subset that might rent by choice is likely to not materially affect local apartment fundamentals.
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mistiris15 · 2 years
Empire Paintball Gun Reviews
This means that you don’t have to buy a new marker for years to come. By having a lightweight and minimalist paintball marker, you are able to shoot easier since your arms won’t be sore from carrying such a heavy weight. To add to that, there are fewer parts that get in the way of shooting accurately at your opponent. The clamping feed-neck which is found on top of the barrel is a nice improvement from the Mini GS. The threaded design makes sure that the hopper is secure during their game. An interesting tweak that Empire Axe did is to standardize the size of the feed-neck in order for you to be able to use a different feed-neck should you choose to buy from a different brand’s. However, the feed-neck of the Empire Axe Paintball Gun is already a good part, so you will barely find the need to replace it with something else. empire paintball markers
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Also a battery is lasted for 6 total days of paintball game with as the month among each game.
The Empire Axe Paintball Gun happens to have improved the area in which your finger can move to press the trigger.
Electronic trigger systems also allow for burst and fully automatic firing modes, and increase the speed of single shot firing as well.
You might even find it very affordable for its performance.
The shockwave mainboard comes with multiple firing settings including ramping, semi and fully automatic, and burst. I would love it if the velocity could have been adjusted without the need for any tools, but considering the price tag, it is fair enough. The internal mechanism and working are similar to the older version with an exception of air efficiency.
For speedball, accuracy is not a major issue as opposed to quickly putting paint balls down range. The new Mini GS Paintball Marker from Empire Paintball is the next generation of the legendary Invert Mini! The Empire Mini GS Paintball Gun is the result of years of refinement, improving the already proven game-winning design's handling and... Everything about this marker is elite and is super budget-friendly. I would’ve loved it if the empire team supply one of those color manuals to make maintenance further easy. Bad paintball can ruin your day even if you are equipped with heavy artillery. Empire Paintball Mini GS Paintball Gun is the perfect tool for getting your feet wet in the exciting sport of paintball. This is the type of gun that you can grow with as you improve your skills and increase your competitive level. It's not a toy, but it's also not the top-of-the-line professional gun. It's the perfect middle ground, and it should serve any beginner or intermediate player well.
Dress "grasper Heavy" Cnc Aluminum Folding Fish Landing Grip Color: Pearl Black
Wield the AXE paintball gun and dominate on the paintball field. The Empire Paintball Relay On/Off Regulator ASA makes air bottle removal using the lever, quick and easy. The Etek has always stood for reliability, performance and value for money. It has always carried the same core values as every other Eclipse marker of exceptional quality, robust and reliable design, simple maintenance and ease of use. The AM is intrinsically identical to the LT, but features All Metal construction. Here at Planet-Paintball we hope to pass on our years of experience onto you to help you bring your skills to a whole new level. This marker shoots smaller .48 caliber rounds, and fire at 250 fps, making it no slouch when it comes to firepower. The Eraser uses small CO2 cylenders just like the other handguns on this list, and can power through quite a few magazines in a single air cartridge. The aluminum construction means its extremely durable and can take quite a beating for those players who love to jump, tumble and generally abuse their gear. I have added also the twenty deadly null barrel and loves that! Is the entertainment adds but is coming all used and scratchet on and has not had the barrel sleev. The Empire Mini GS Paintball Gun is the next generation of an all ready legendary design. The Empire Mini GS has an ultra low profile design that eliminates all hoses and barbs from the outside of the marker giving it a clean, ergonomic look and feel... The default double tap trigger makes it pretty versatile, for either speedball or woodsball thanks to the longer barrel which provides decent range. The new Empire AXE is a Mini on steroids; bigger, badder and willing to punish opponents. All that was great in the Mini has been carried forward into a new design. The Empire Mini paintball gun is one of the most popular entry-level tournament paintball guns on the market. The Empire Mini is light, super-compact, and very reliable. While this mechanism works great, a lot of Mini GS owners were tempted to look into the mechanism and tamper with the magnets. In the end, their markers failed to shoot paintballs or at least lost the consistency that they were hoping to get. For a beginner, this can hardly matter at all because you’ll be focused on noticing the accuracy and the weight of the marker. However, the more you play paintball, the more you’ll notice if a trigger is comfortable to use during the game. You can say that the Empire Axe Paintball Gun is the new and improved version of the Empire Mini GS because all the flaws of the former have been solved in the latter. It’s definitely more reliable and accurate while maintaining its lightweight features. If you are just planning to have your own paintball marker but not really play regularly, then you won’t feel guilty buying this. In spite of the improvements made by Empire Paintball on this marker, these improvements are still not enough to guarantee accuracy all the time. There are still some issues in terms of the accuracy especially in the PSI. To add to that, there is still room to further increase the consistency of the air pressure on the shots. Playing paintball, you’ll notice that the Empire Axe Paintball Gun has improved a lot in consistency.
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