dat-soldier · 1 year
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Commission for @jojonoa~
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pixlgirl · 1 month
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Girl crush! ❤️ Kyoko from River City Girls. C:
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alinacapellabooks · 6 months
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Hello, hello, hello, everyone, I have some very exciting news to share with you all! The Tengu And The Angel, my debut novel, is now finally available to buy! That's right, you can now get your very own copy of my fluffy, angsty, gay friends-to-lovers novel! Oh, but why would you want to, you might be asking? What's the book about! Great questions, my friends, and I'll answer them both for you right now!
The Tengu And The Angel is a friends-to-lovers romance about two roommates falling in love, and learning to let go of their pasts. Eighteen year old Kunio Yoshioka has just fled his abusive mother's home in Northampton, and he's journeying up north in search of a new home, and a fresh start in life. He's armed with nothing but his dreams of being a successful artist, and his vivid imagination. He thinks of his new adult self as a tengu; strong, proud, and capable of things his child self could only dream of. Twenty year old Nathaniel seems to have it all; he's gorgeous, he lives in a beautiful apartment in the centre of Newcastle, and he's the owner and founder of Black Rose, a Victorian gothic online boutique. Kunio thinks of him as angel; he's faultlessly polite and kind, and he goes above and beyond to help him when they first meet, even though he doesn't know him. He's also painfully insecure, and he lives under the thumb of his toxic 'best friend', Theo, who uses his mental illness to control him. When Nathaniel takes Kunio in, the two form a close friendship, which slowly blossoms into love. Can the two of them learn to put their pasts behind, and make their relationship work? Well, you're going to have to read it to find out! Get your copy from Rakuten Kobo, or from the Amazon Kindle Store below!
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kerflubble · 1 year
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River City Girls Tarot deck 0-Fool to VII-Chariot. In game art as a reward for a collectable quest
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devileaterjaek · 1 year
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jojonoa · 7 months
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JUST managed to finish this in time for Halloween - it's Kunio and Helena's couple's costume this year!
Have a Happy Halloween everybody! 🎃
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Fuck it. Kunio redesigned. She's got the symbolism drip.
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ppek0 · 1 year
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tinycartridge · 2 years
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Romance of the three Kunios today ⊟
Put me on record as a Kunio Liker (actually, I guess across over a decade of writing, I have put myself on said record dozens of times) and my favorite development of late has been the Weird Alternate Kunio. Take the River City Ransom crew and recast them as fantasy wizards, or give WayForward a chance to remake the universe from a different perspective, and I'm down.
So here's River City Saga: Three Kingdoms, which moves the characters from the streets of contemporary Japan to ancient China, where they reenact famous battles, and help us "learn the basics of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!" Finally, another subject I may soon be able to kind of sound like I know something about.
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
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That face when this used to be your franchise and now you and your bro have to date the crazy stalker girls just to be playable again. But at least you are definitely going to get that pot sticker.
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smbhax · 2 years
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Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka (Almanic, SFC, 1994)
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megahorous · 7 months
Finished Nekketsu Dodgeball Club: Soccer Story this time ! I didn't think I would because I never cared for sports games, but I've been interested in Kunio lore. Besides, Misako offered to reward them with a <3<3<3<3, so you could say she made them an offer they couldn't refuse
I was thinking, the Kunio series would make a good cartoon; today's kids would really connect with him :
-- He has a whole buncha friends who are colorful characters
-- Teams up with the first boss he faced in order to save a damsel-in-distress, just like in The Princess Bride
-- Gets a <3<3<3<3 from the soccer manager
-- Eats Burger
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alinacapellabooks · 7 months
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Hello, hello, dear followers, and all else who are viewing this post! I have some very exciting news for you all! My debut novel, The Tengu And The Angel, will officially be releasing on Kobo, and Amazon, on the tenth of December, 2023, so there'll be plenty of opportunities for you to grab your copy! Oh, but why would you want to grab a copy, you might ask? What's the book about? Those are brilliant questions, my friends, and I'm going to tell you the answers right now!
The Tengu And The Angel is a friends-to-lovers romance about two roommates falling in love, and learning to let go of their pasts. Eighteen year old Kunio Yoshioka has just fled his abusive mother's home in Northampton, and he's journeying up north in search of a new home, and a fresh start in life. He's armed with nothing but his dreams of being a successful artist, and his vivid imagination. He thinks of his new adult self as a tengu; strong, proud, and capable of things his child self could only dream of. Twenty year old Nathaniel seems to have it all; he's gorgeous, he lives in a beautiful apartment in the centre of Newcastle, and he's the owner and founder of Black Rose, a Victorian gothic online boutique. Kunio thinks of him as angel; he's faultlessly polite and kind, and he goes above and beyond to help him when they first meet, even though he doesn't know him. He's also painfully insecure, and he lives under the thumb of his toxic 'best friend', Theo, who uses his mental illness to control him. When Nathaniel takes Kunio in, the two form a close friendship, which slowly blossoms into love. Can the two of them learn to put their pasts behind, and make their relationship work? Get your copy, and find out, in December 2023!
Meet The Characters:
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devoidaffectu · 2 years
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
Okay, to my fighting game fan followers, I'd like to present: River City Girls!
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The series is a spin-off of the Kunio-kun series, a beat 'em up game series that has apparently existed since the 80s and I had no idea about until recently.
The original game was released back in 2019 and stars Kyoko (the ginger) and Misako (the brunette) who are trying to rescue their boyfriends, series' protagonist Kunio and Riki (Misako is Kunio's girlfriend and Kyoko is Riki's)
The game is endlessly charming with amazing pixel-art-style graphics, a killer soundtrack and very cool boss fights! It also has a great sense of humour, you're gonna love it! You can even check out a bit of gameplay from Matt McMuscles, a favourite YouTuber of mine, through whom I got introduced to these game by a video he uploaded on the second game a few days ago on his other channel and made me look into these games. Apparently he's voicing a character in the second game and JackSepticEye is even voicing one in the first one!
Be warned though, the first game, the bosses in particular, can be challenging if you're playing alone. The game seems to have been made with 2-player co-op in mind so it's recommended that you get one of your friends to play with you, it's generally more fun this way. The first game however features no online multiplayer meaning that you actually have to depend on your real-life friends and mine are all STUPID and don't wanna play this with me so I'm stuck trying to beat the bosses on my own 😭😂
If you're feeling retro, the 1994 SNES game where Kyoko and Misako first appeared in has also been localized in the West for the first time ever this year as River City Girls Zero and serves as a prequel to the original and a second game, River City Girls Two, has just been released as well. All three games are available on Steam, PS4 / 5, Xbox One / X / S and Switch so I trust you'll have no problem getting them on the platform of your choice. The 2019 game which I got today seems to be on sale until the 22nd of December so you'll be saving up money and I think the sequel is also around 40€ and it just came out so even on full price the games aren't expensive.
According to Matt the second one, which he played solo, without his friend Liam who's playing with him on the video I shared above, is less challenging and it also features online multiplayer this time.
If you're a fighting game fan I think you're gonna have tons of fun with River City Girls because the games feature TONS of references and Easter Eggs to many popular fighting games and beat 'em ups. I've even seen pics of Sol Badguy and Jam Kuradoberi from Guilty Gear making cameos in the sequel, ArcSys is the publisher of both series.
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Anyway, let me know if you actually end up playing any of the three games as I just started the first one myself and I'm really pumped!
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captain-azoren · 1 year
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My wife @violetcalico and I 100%'ed River City Girls 2, getting all collectibles and achievements.
Also, here are our custom sprites I made for us to play with (I'm blond Kunio, she's purple Misako).
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It's an easy beat'em up to get into (my wife is a gaming newbie and still kicks ass). It's pretty funny throughout and has a lot of content and replayability. We really the laid back tone.
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