#Krow plays the characters so well
inkashroomartblog · 3 months
my favourite Cat guy
I present to you Stipe Of The Lightning tabaxi who has seen the horrors.
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nogenderbee · 7 months
Im so happy your requests are open‼️ anyways can i req a reader thats like an idiot? The type of person to say "duck and chickens are the same because theyre both birds" or something even dumber will they tolerate readers dumbassery? Or do they just give up? I also want the characters to be mafuyu, akito, an,tsukasa djdndj$-$+$+$ take your time💗
Of course! I swear I took so much inspiration from just looking up dumb quotes so... hopefully it matches your expectations!
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔻𝕦𝕞𝕓 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ An, Akito, Tsukasa, Mafuyu with idiotic!reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @yulikesminori @qxmmi @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @alicewinterway18 @modyuki @hearts4gf
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You were sitting in An's cafe after it closed. Her dad had to go there so she was the one who had to do the cleaning. But of course, she didn't wanted to do it so instead of that, she decided it'll be great idea to just bake something for you both!
You were just eating your favorite cake with her and accidentally bit your tongue.
"Oh gosh, Y/N are you alright!?"
"Have you ever wondered why you can't taste your tongue?"
That left her speechless... she was so worried about you that she didn't even realized the question at first.
"No, but... that's actually a good question!!"
My girl doesn't see the answer here... not at first at least! Give her some time to think and she'll actually explain it well! Maybe it's because she knows about all the food stuff thanks to working in cafe? Whatever it is, it definitely helped her right there!
"Oh I know! It's probably because taste buds are on your tongue, right!?"
"Ooooh, thanks An!"
You both stick together through your dumber thoughts. Usually she's the first one to come up with at least a bit smarter answers for them.
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You and Akito were bored to death as you just layed on your back in ones bedroom. You already played all games you could, talk about everyting you could, so he was distracted with his phone as you thought about everything and nothing at once. That's when you heard him get a bit more mean, most likely because of video he just saw.
"How the fuck do people do that!? C'mon it gotta be edited... it's so impossible after all..."
"Penguins can fly so you can do that too for sure."
"Penguins can't fly, stupid."
"They can if you give them a rocket!"
He just stared at you... he did not understand your way of thinking, so the only thing he could do was show how stupid he thought it was with his expression.
"I'm just done with you."
He's really not, he loves you so much despite your question and statements that sometimes even get him worried about your mental health...
Also he definitely looked up "rockets for penguins" when you weren't looking-
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You were helping Tsukasa with his school project. Basically he was supposed to do model of something son you naturally helped him.
You were just gluing some pieces together when a sudden thought appeared in your had...
"Hey Tsukasa... glue is made to stick to everything, right?"
"Yeah of course! That's like it's whole purpose."
"Then why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?"
"It... wait... you're right! Why it doesn't!!?"
You two are combo of dumb and dumber but that's exactly why the two of you are just so adorable together!
You definitely gave up on that project for now and focused on discussing why it could be like that and omg weren't your assumptions delusional.
"Maybe bottle is just glueproof?"
"But how? Is it like magical or something?"
"It could be!"
You ended up looking the answer up on Google and both of you were disappointed that the answer was this simple whole the two of you discussed this topic for at least half an hour and even did sketch of how it could've been created!
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Mafuyu was resting at the cafe with you as both of you waited for your orders to come. But then closed and opened your eyes... first thing that came to her mind is that you might be tired so she immidietly asked you for the reason.
"Are you tired? Do you want simp of my coffee? Or you can take a nap... I'll wake you up once our orders come."
"No I just realized something..."
She held herself back from sighing, she knew very well where this is going but of course she doesn't want to be mean without giving you a chance first so she let's you finish your thought.
"And what could it be this time?"
"Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can’t see."
"... Sometimes?"
She was confused... skipping the stupidity of that statement, what did you mean you don't see when your eyes are closed only SOMETIMES?! Should you go to doctor instead of aquarium date...?
As you nodded to confirm your words, she knew there was no way if explaining everything to you so she just gave up and decided to play nice. Especially since it's not first and definitely not your last stupid statement she hears today.
"That's... kinda right..."
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thekrows-nest · 9 months
Krow Facts!
Since the blog has gotten more followers and thus bigger, newbies aren’t going to be all aware of the various lore and things. So thus, figured I would make a general post giving some of the basic facts about Krow’s character. (if I have forgotten some things, which is plausible, let me know and I can add it in)
🪶 Krow’s age is dependent on Dove (i.e. you/your oc/your sona); he is always one year older. I personally headcanon him at about 25
🪶 Krow is always short, and it is also dependent on Dove. His maximum height is 5′1″ (and what I headcanon him at). Regardless if Dove is 5′3″ or 6′3″, Krow would be 5′1″. However if Dove is 5′1″ or shorter, then Krow would be an inch shorter than them (i.e. Dove is 5′0″, Krow would be 4′11″, or Dove is 4′11″ then Krow would be 4′10″).
🪶 He works as a forensics cleaner! Aka, someone who cleans up the messes (and bodies) of crime scenes, not so wellness checks and so on.
🪶 Krow is essentially a modern Renaissance man. He’s proficient in a number of art styles and mediums (drawing, painting, sculpting, wood carving, basically most any traditional medium he has dabbled in). He knows a thing or two about upkeep of scooters and bikes, which has also extended to cars. He also knows a couple of things about fixing up and maintaining a house.
🪶 He actually has a knife collection, especially has a fondness for butterfly knives and enjoys playing with them. He also has practiced in throwing them and has become very good at hitting his mark.
🪶 Krow has some serious teethies. His canines, both upper and lower, are rather long and pronounced. It would hurt like hell if he were to bite you.
🪶 His eyes are... strange. Not just cause they’re purple. They change color whenever he is in a particularly jealous mood. You can see this in one of his art refs.
🪶 He’s an excellent cook, and overall would make for an amazing house spouse.
🪶 It isn’t known though exactly where he lives, and he prefers to keep it that way.
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oleander-neruim · 2 months
Hello hello!! Absolutely pumped for the Myth’s Voyage AU :DD!!
What made you pick certain characters for certain roles? I’m particularly interested by Owen as Antinous 👀👀
Bare with me this is gonna be a doozy
I'll be honest. It all started with me being real emotionally attached to p!Will & me falling down a rabbit hole of associating the song "Open Arms" with him because- even if I'm not fully read on p!Will's story & character- the way I've come to view him is a relatively forgiving and optimistic type of person. So him as Polities came natually.
I also have a frequent habit of doing a thing where when I associate one character to one song/character of a musical, I start to try and figure if there's way to fit in other characters.
I believe what came next was Sausage and if I recall correctly, that was due to 1. Me just liking Sausage all together and 2. Me seeing him as the most "Captian-Like" guy in pirates. Also revolving around headcanons, others' interpretations, and maybe an artist or two's ways of drawing him. After that, Joel & Hermes as Penelope and Telemachus came pretty easy. I've also played around with previous ideas of "What if Joel was in Pirates SMP" and added in my constant Empires Brainrot ™️, that all just fell into place.
I believe Lizzie was my first established God cos. Giant fish/ocean associated person, yk. And then Jimmy as Polyphemus due to fishy relations and then I think Fwhip was actually my next one due to the "silly & unhinged" vibes I got from Epic Hermes. Then with a lot more stubborn brain storming, more and more gods fell into place as I started following an Empires Season 1 pattern with the Gods
Krow was also a fun one to workshop in cos I also don't know much about his Canon character but what I do know & just the fascination I've gotten with him, I thought he fit the role of Eurylochus pretty well. Mostly on the side of more of a survivor when it comes down to a "You vs Me" mentality & leaning more on aggressive tactics when it comes to handling certain situations. He is one of the ones I'm certain doesn't fall into complete Canon-type of personality, but I like how my au's Krow is a lot.
Now. The fun situation with the suitors and Ithica in general.
I can explain a bit further if anyone's interested, but the way my storyline worked out is that there's actually no Herons that are part of Sausage's crew in the story. They're either still on the Faction Isles or traveling elsewhere. Having said that, when I came around to figuring out Antinous, it was right when I was finding out very bare-bones about him. And given that the Heron characters will ideally be characters shown on "Ithica" I was working to see if anyone would fit that roll.
Having said that, Antinous was noted down in my "Working-Out" list with the note of "Mr. Steal your wife and kill your son" and while discussing my character plans with my partner, we started to joke about Antinous being Owen. Given her more player-esque personality, at the time I figured it'd be a decent fit- or at least a place holder- for a character who I started to think was just someone wanting to court "Penelope".
However, thinking more on it & finding out better how Antinous plays in this story, I started getting more invested in the idea of Owen still being him. The idea of Owen becoming a villain, manipulative with his charm and almost vindictive in her motives just started to appeal more and more to me.
When this takes place, it's 20 years since the rough-end of Pirates SMP, following Epic the Musical's timeline. A lot can change in a person in 20 years. Seeing the Factions fall, loves in your life die or disappear, people coming into power that you feel either don't deserve it or are strangers who don't understand all that's happened here or you feel are too weak irresponsible to handle it. It can grate on a person, certainly.
P!Owen is, once again, another character I'm unfortunately not fully familiar with, though that may change if i have a chance to watch his pov in the future. And who knows, maybe I'll workshop the story, change e!Owen's personality or motives, maybe even choose someone else entirely to fit the role.
But as it stands, the idea of e!Owen, 20 years in the future with heavens knows how much baggage and pent up anger and frustrations left on his shoulders starting to get desperate or almost hungry even for some sort of control or power or just even a sense of stability in her life just seems to be a very interesting & fun-to-work-with storyline to me.
Thinking about seeing Owen getting aggressive and animalistic and breaking that carefully-crafted facade of charm and control when it comes to fighting and trying to kill someone just. It's so interesting and fascinating in my mind, you've no idea.
And, again, I'm awfully weak to villain Owen nonesense so that certainly doesn't help.
There you have it. My essay & a half summary over some of my reasonings.
Again, things are always subject to change and sometimes I get a little Silly with my trains of thoughts but, hey, it'll be fun either way. If you're interested in me trying to explain my through process for more characters, feel free to ask, I just figured I'd keep this as short as i can physically manage. If it comes off as a bit rambling or you want me to clear anything up, you're always welcome to ask. It's technically super late for me so my writing compression might be a bit off.
Tl;Dr, I zone out to music and play "Song Association Games" too much & Owen as Antinous started off as a silly joke but now it's eating my brain whole so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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theanimeview · 2 months
[Anime Review] Dragon’s Dogma: Compare And Contrast
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Source: Dragon’s Dogma, Episode 2
By: Krow Smith | @coffeewithkrow
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is a game I hold near and dear to my heart. It is a Japanese action RPG in a high fantasy setting where you fight Harpies and Ogres, with the end goal of slaying a Dragon who has stolen your heart (literally). Is the story the best? Not really, but there is definitely something there to make you think and it is serviceable with a fantastic class system that keeps me coming back to replay it over and over again. In fact, throughout the years it has become one of my obsessions! This is why I viewed the release of the Dragon’s Dogma 2 showcase with such excitement, as I thought about what could be improved for the series. So, with my growing anticipation, I decided to finally watch Netflix’s Dragon’s Dogma and compare it with the game it is based on, which is what you are about to read below.
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Source: Dragon’s Dogma, Episode 1
Episode One: Wrath
In comparison to the game, I can see where the story team is going with the plot. Not everything is going to be an exact copy story-wise, nor should it. Some things work better in the medium they were created in and need to be redone in order for them to fit into another form. Especially when, in the game, you create your character and go on a quest that’s the same for everyone who plays. With Netflix’s Dragon’s Dogma, you’re now following Ethan, who has his own past and his own path that is very different from the game.
For example, both settings for the game and the show start in a small fishing village named Cassardis. Yet, Ethan is in the forest when the dragon arrives rather than your character in-game being in the village as it happens. This is to coincide with Ethan’s backstory as a hunter in the forest rather than as a fisher, like every other person in Cassardis.
However, both have a key moment, wherein the protagonist picks up the sword and attempts to attack the dragon. This is vital to the Dragon’s Dogma story as it is the sole reason why the dragon chooses to make them (Ethan and your character) an Arisen. However, the reasons for taking up the blade are different between the game’s protagonist, player, and the anime’s protagonist, Ethan.
In the game, your character is doing it to protect your home and its people. This results in the mitigation of greater harm to the village due to your courageous sacrifice. For Ethan, it was an act of wrath, while focusing on the loss of his family and home.
This difference brings me to my next comparison: the naming of episodes for the story’s progression. When I saw that the episodes are named after the seven deadly sins, I was quite perplexed. This is not a concept in the game. I mean, you can attribute some characters to certain sins, but it’s not an overt, overarching theme when it comes to the story. This idea ends up weighing down the show as they try to shoehorn the sins into each episode, mostly unsuccessfully.
In terms of judging the first episode on its own, one thing I noticed immediately was the CGI, which does not bode well when it comes to first impressions. The animations are stiff and often appear to be emotionless, making it difficult to relate to the characters. Meanwhile, the dialogue doesn’t help with this problem either—in fact, it makes it worse. With repeated uses of trite lines, such as “breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” it’s hard to take it seriously.
There were also some awkward moments, such as Ethan and Louis (an orphan Ethan and his wife had taken in as their own) having a conversation with some guards while walking past them at a considerable distance.
Overall, I give this episode a 4/10. In terms of story, it wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t special either. Also, at this point, the CGI and stale dialogue had me quite dubious of what was to come.
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Source: Dragon’s Dogma, Episode 2
Episode Two: Gluttony
This is where Netflix’s Dragon’s Dogma strays far from the game in terms of geography and story. In the game, there are only 2 towns: Cassardis and Gran Soren.
I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous to have only 2 towns in a fantasy game, but a lot was cut out of the game during production due to budget constraints. So, I understand adding more villages for the show to make it more interesting. However, in terms of the Pawn, Hannah, they do stray quite a bit compared to the source material. This change is less understandable.
Her vocation, or what you might call “class” are significantly changed between the anime and game. There are nine vocations in the Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen game, starting with the base classes of Fighter (sword and shield), Strider (dagger and bows), and Mage (staff). Then you have the upgraded versions of those vocations with the Warrior, Ranger, and Sorcerer. Next are the mixed classes, such as Assassin or Mystic Knight. Hannah is very obviously a Magick Archer, she uses a bow and magick (as it is spelled in the game). This is an issue conflicting with source materials because Pawns can’t be any of the mixed classes, only the Arisen have this option.
Not to mention the writers decided to make her detached in a way that is heartless and inconsiderate. While Pawns in the game lack a true will of their own, they simply follow the Arisen wherever they go and are always trying to help the Arisen regardless of the quest.
Anime-Hannah, on the other hand, doesn’t care to help anyone and only wishes to commit to the quest of finding and slaying the dragon. A stark contrast to Pawns in the game as they give advice on current quests and don’t complain about wasting time.
Returning to the episode, my judgment is that it is very bland, with more predictable dialogue and obvious story beats. For example, there is a corrupt mayor who is starving the townspeople and using a Cyclops as a tool to seize all of their belongings and food in order to satiate his gluttony. It was simply a classic case of “Evil, just because.”
The mayor was so comically evil that it even caused an eye roll or two and the “twist” at the end didn’t fare much better. I sighed in disappointment as the townspeople became the embodiment of gluttony. This episode is a taste of the template that the show follows throughout the rest of the season:
Something bad is happening → Main characters help → Someone or something represents the sin the episode is named after → “twist” → character(s) for the episode die or is/are afflicted → the end
There are very slight variations to this format depending on the episode, but this is what it all boils down to, and it becomes redundant almost immediately.
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Source: Dragon’s Dogma, Episode 3
Episode Three: Envy
Disclaimer: MATURE CONTENT WARNING – This episode review contains content that we at The Anime View do not think is suitable for everyone. Possible triggers or subjects include sexual assault and suicide. By clicking “Read More,” you understand that you may encounter such content. Reader discretion is advised.
Wow, this episode was hard to watch (and not for the reasons that were probably intended)! Before I get ahead of myself, let’s compare it with the game. So far, I appreciated that the monsters looked exactly as they did in their source material. I’ve also noticed a trend in which some characters are loosely based on characters from the game.
For example, the mayor from the previous episode vaguely resembles Fornival from the game—a greedy, rich man who will gladly step on the downtrodden to get what he wants. In this episode, there is a woman named Elizabeth who is reminiscent of the game’s Madeleine, a merchant who flirts with her clients and is trying to make a fortune. However, there really isn’t much else to compare.
When it comes to the story in the anime, a couple is being escorted by two guards when they are overrun with Goblins and the wife, Elizabeth, is sexually assaulted by said goblins. This scene didn’t feel necessary and I believe the show could have suggested what was happening rather than outright showing it on screen, particularly when the assault feels so out of place from other episodes.
It was poorly done in another way too, as the other characters didn’t seem that concerned for her despite her screams. Their reactions were stiff and would be more fitting if she was simply trying to fight them off on her own and needed a little assistance.
Sure, the guards were busy fighting off Goblins themselves, but there could have been more urgency and horror in their voices or expressions as they called out to the husband, Theo, to help Elizabeth. Because of that, it felt like there was a dichotomy between the show making a big deal out of the sexual assault by focusing quite intently on it, all while the characters’ reactions downplay the event. Making the entire scene feel strange and at odds with itself.
I also have issues with the “twist” at the end. After Theo has his heroic redemption by saving Elizabeth from a Griffin, he stabs his wife, so that she will always be with him. Then she lovingly remarks, “I was always yours,” even though she actively tried to cheat on him with Ethan due to Theo’s lack of bravery during her assault scene earlier in the episode.
Theo then decides to stab himself and end his own life, so they can be together again? I end this as a question because it isn’t very clear what his intention was and I’m only assuming. The entire moment felt undeserved and unoriginal, like a strange Romeo and Juliet situation without having spent an entire story with these characters or connecting with them. I was simply left with the thought: “Well, glad that’s over with.”
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Source: Dragon’s Dogma, Episode 4
Episode Four: Sloth
The episodes feel very paint-by-numbers at this point and are a real drag to get through. During this episode, I heavily considered not finishing the show. However, to make a full comparison between the game and the anime, it was imperative that I finish the season. So on I watched!
Ethan and Hannah find themselves traveling through a cavern where people are addicted to a moss, causing them to laze about. This episode did a poor job of making me feel any kind of empathy for the characters that Ethan and Hannah are trying to help. Perhaps it was the stiff CGI, or the painfully predictable dialogue once again, but either way, it resulted in a complete lack of emotion in the characters and more apathy from me. Even Ethan’s rage felt like there was no tension in his body, just angry faces with no power behind his attacks.
It is at this point in the show that Hannah is expressing more care and concern for humans, while Ethan is beginning to experience a lack of empathy for them instead. The change starts almost immediately and becomes more obvious by the next episode. However, considering there are only seven episodes in the season and the lacking quality of its writing, it realistically couldn’t have had a more natural progression.
In comparison with the game, there are a few discrepancies. This episode revolves around moss that these people are using habitually as a drug. The problem is, in the game, there is no moss. There’s a curative called “Moss Poultice,” but it’s not made with actual moss, nor are there any notes about recreational use. In fact, there are no recreational drugs in the game. The closest you get is ale.
Then, while fighting the Hydra, we have our male lead, Ethan, go into some kind of “berserk” mode, with glowing red eyes and uncontrollable growling. This is certainly not in the game. There is no “rage meter,” so to speak, for the Arisen—this is exclusive to the show.
Not that rage-mode is inherently a bad thing, just that I find, as a huge fan of the game, it creates a disconnect and makes me think of other series rather than the source material.
In addition to my previously addressed discrepancy that Pawns can’t be Magick Archers, Hannah not only uses a skill exclusive to that vocation, she uses it incorrectly. The skill in question is “Magickal Gleam” and it creates a bright light. However, in the game you use a bow to release it while Hannah casts it with her staff. A small gripe, yes, but I feel details such as this are important to keep straight. Lest anime fans decide to pick up the game and find themselves confused.
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Source: Dragon’s Dogma, Episode 5
Episode Five: Greed
For this episode, the guards, Balthazar and Simon, return as they are hired to kill a Lich in order to free up a route for safer travels. In the process, however, Balthazar becomes cursed with greed and impales his best friend, Simon, foregoing his morals and code of honor.
There isn’t much to compare with the game. Yet again, it strays far from Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen in favor of a confused plot about the betrayal of friendship and ethics while being cursed with greed. However, I will say that I did care a little bit about the returning characters, Balthazar and Simon, as we had some time to get to know them. It still doesn’t mean their “tragic” fight to the death made me feel anything other than boredom, but it was nice to see them again regardless.
The animation, in the beginning, made me laugh as the Lich’s army of Skeletons running looked very silly to me. There was also a discrepancy between the quote “It burned everyone’s homes to the ground,” and then showing buildings still standing.
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Source: Dragon’s Dogma, Episode 6
Episode Six: Lust
In this episode, Ethan and Hannah decide to rest at an inn for the night. When a Succubus imitating Ethan’s late wife seduces him, causing him to get lost in his memories of her. Until he snaps out of it and slays the monster. The plot felt shoehorned, like this whole episode was just an excuse to have a lust theme somewhere in the season.
There are no real game similarities in this episode, aside from the act of killing a Succubus. As a result, I didn’t write many notes other than “There really isn’t anything to note anymore,” and “The sex scenes are very uncomfortable and awkward.” There just wasn’t much else to point out. However, there was something that kept coming to mind as I was watching the show, and that’s Berserk.
Okay, here me out: In the first episode of Dragon’s Dogma, we’re shown the death of Ethan’s pregnant wife and adopted son, making him lose everything right before his eyes. In turn, the loss causes him to swear vengeance against the Dragon. Then, we have episode three, “Envy,” when it comes to the Goblin scene with Elizabeth, which is reminiscent of the disturbing Trolls from Berserk. In the fourth episode, “Sloth,” Ethan starts going into a state of complete rage, as does Guts in Berserk. Moreover, in this episode, “Lust,” we have a monster disguising herself as a human to fool men into intimacy. The part that reminds me of a scene in the first Berserk manga is when Ethan kills the monster after having just been intimate with her. The CGI also doesn’t help in separating the two, either.
The game, Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, was very much inspired by Berserk and there was actually a merchant that sold the armor of Guts and Griffith from The Golden Age Arc movies as an in-game promotion.
I’m not saying it’s bad to be inspired by Berserk, in fact, I feel that inspiration can be a base for great things. The game itself is basically a love letter to Berserk! The problem is when, in the case of Netflix’s Dragon’s Dogma, it feels like it is trying to replicate the series rather than be inspired by it. As what tends to happen in cases such as this, is you have dark tones with blood and death, but no philosophical bite; no characters with depth and complexity; and no worldbuilding to make these story elements make sense.
Dragon’s Dogma, the anime, has a philosophy and it’s “humans suck.” The characters are bland and barely have a pulse; they’ve built a world with little history and no geographical coherence; and because of the poor writing, I cannot help but compare it to better work out there. Everything feels tacked on and yet so limited at the same time.
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Episode Seven: Pride
Finally, the fight with the Dragon arrives, it’s the episode I’ve been waiting for. The reason this episode is important is because, in the game, this is the beginning of a series of choices that reveal a lot about the Arisen, the Dragon, and exposes the actions of the previous Arisen.
In the game, the fight with the Dragon isn’t simply something you’re building up to, it’s a peek behind the curtain before the full reveal of his purpose later on as you progress. The Dragon isn’t just some incarnation of evil with a taste for destruction. He has an objective, which is to choose the Arisen. When you pick up the blade to protect your small village, it is just as imperative as fighting the Dragon after a long journey. Your character is chosen specifically to kill him, as the Dragon’s existence is to find the next god. His divine purpose is exemplified by the fact that he is weak to the dark element and has resistance to the element holy.
By killing the Dragon, you then eventually get to proceed in fighting the Seneschal (the god of the game) and thus, taking their place if you defeat them. In this world, all of the energy and life is made by the Seneschal, as that is all they provide—creation and energy. However, after a while that energy becomes stagnant, causing the world to fall to a similar static state. Thus, the need to send out a Dragon to choose the next Arisen (a candidate to become the next Seneschal).
In the game, before fighting the Dragon, he gives you the choice between rescuing your beloved (the person who loves you most or hates you the least) and killing him. Or to sacrifice your beloved and he will go quietly, letting everyone think you defeated the dragon and making you the ruler of the land.
What happens if you don’t have a beloved? Well, for your character, it’s impossible as it is a forced mechanic. However, in the game there is an Arisen named Dragonforged who did not have a beloved and was simply left with the option to kill the Dragon, but failed in his attempt.
So, as a player, your only choice is to sacrifice or fight. This exemplifies the choice of the well renowned Arisen before you, King Edmun, as this is where you figure out that he chose not to kill the dragon and instead sacrificed his beloved to rise to the throne.
In the anime, the fighting sequence is out of order in comparison to the game. Even though it felt wrong considering I’ve fought the dragon countless times and know the battle by heart, I was able to withhold such feelings and understand that the order in which the battle happens isn’t so important.
What is important is the Dragon’s reasons. The anime does explain that Ethan was chosen to kill the Dragon. However, where the show falls flat in its explanation is in how they portrayed the Dragon as killing simply to kill. Relating it to Ethan as though he is killing the Dragon just because he can. This portrayal is very reductive not only for the Dragon, but for Ethan as well. I highly doubt Ethan would go out of his way to kill the Dragon for no reason.
As for the beloved, Ethan no longer has one as his wife was killed. It was strange but nice to follow an Arisen without a beloved, as it is forced on you in the game. It caused me to watch more intently since I didn’t know what to expect.
Judging the episode on its own merit, the use of pride as the ultimate sin that was committed by Ethan makes no sense to me. It seemed more like wrath than pride and it felt like a punishment after completing what he was meant to do. Not only that, but the idea the Dragon was trying to push that humans are full of sin and it was shown across Ethan’s journey was very obvious and didn’t make the entire gimmick feel any less unoriginal.
Though, the worst part is when Ethan turns into the dragon due to his committing sin, that being pride. In the game, the only time you are turned into a dragon is when you are bested by the Seneschal, off to find the next Arisen. There is no gameplay, it’s just a simple cutscene, but it shows the dragon’s holy purpose and expresses that Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is cyclical. As the game is an endless loop:
Seneschal creates Dragon → Dragon creates Arisen → Arisen fights Dragon → Arisen Fights Seneschal → Repeat with new game+
Meanwhile, in the show, it simply ends on the Arisen becoming a Dragon as though that is the only option, making it feel finalized, yet also incomplete. What is the purpose of the Dragon? Why bother creating another Arisen? These are some of the questions the show has left me with as the ending lacks any real meaning or reason for anything to happen the way it did.
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Source: Dragon’s Dogma, Episode 7
The Conclusion
Well, there you have it! My entire review of Netflix’s Dragon’s Dogma and how it compares to the game is finished. Now I feel like I can truly put to rest this awful anime from my mind and continue to look forward to Dragon’s Dogma 2, set to release on 22 March 2024.
If you made it this far, Thank you! Please consider subscribing for more content and/or tell us what you think!
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mizukiprsk · 2 years
♠ 1st(?) random Q&A with Suki
Some random personal info I have previously said in posts or I just want to let you know now:
♠ I'm 173cm tall
♠ My mother tongue is Spanish, and I'm (sort of) learning Japanese
♠ I play both versions of the game (JP and GL)
♠ Originally, I didn't care for characters/story and just wanted to play rythym game
♠ In terms of creative stuff I do, drawing would be main and writing would be sub
zero-intoner asked: "How long have you been writing and what got you into writing?"
I scripted and drew my first serious comic for class work about 4 years ago. But it's not like I regularly write, it only comes out when I need a script for a comic, and I usually have a hard time writing, which is actually one of the reasons I decided to start this blog: to get better at writing.
About what got me into writing, don't know. Probably a collateral damage from wanting to make comics
For context, anon is referering to this post:
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If Kanade and Emu have ever interacted in game, either I can't remember or I haven't seen it. I think they might be too different and don't have enough in common to bond over anything.
As for Airi and Akito, it's safe to asume that they originally met for Ena, and at some point they might have bonded over their mutual worry for her. It's also clear that they respect each other. I'm speaking from memory, but there was this interaction in which Airi requests Akito to watch over Ena. There is also some instances where Akito tells Ena to not to bother Airi so much, and an area convo with Akito and Airi in which he apologizes for "the way Ena usually behaves" to what Airi tells him not to worry. Airi also notes to herself here that Akito is a good little brother. I'm just rambling at this point lol. Basically, I guess I like that, despite they are not that close, they are able to understand each other enough to have mutual respect.
zero-intoner asked: "Who's your favorite character to write for? Which character do you relate to the most?"
I would like to say it's hard to choose just one, but evidence shows it's Mafuyu. I also enjoy writing Shizuku a lot lol. I have had some writing sprees for Nene, Haruka and Honami so it usually depends on my mood, too
As for the character I relate the most it's prooobably... Mizuki. I've stuggled in the past with the fear of being left behind and not worthy of having friends. But, personality wise, I guess the closest one would be Toya
prsk-krow asked: "HeyaHeya! I was actually curious about something, and I wanted to ask!! Who is your favorite N25 character, and why is it Mizuki? (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) I mean, I'm just guessing, but-"
I actually never could choose between Mizuki and Mafuyu. Sometimes is more Mizuki, sometimes is more Mafuyu, but they are both always there. But if I had to choose, gun pointing at me, I think I might choose Mafuyu because aesthetically wise, is a little more my thing.
Anonymous asked: "This is just for the q&a but if you were to add any one member to each group who would it be and why? Like why would you add emu to mmj or honami to wxs and so on."
I'm guessing you mean adding to the current member, without replacing anyone. Mmmm, I can say a little of my thoughts, but very disorganized.
For example, in Nigo I could see people like Rui, Haruka, Toya or even Honami, if their stories had another circumstances
In Wandasho, somehow Mafuyu and Akito could fit with their "good personas". Probably Airi since she seems good with a crowd. I feel like Mizuki could have fun here making costumes, too.
In MMJ, Kanade would be just so funny, zero stamina idol lol. An kind of has that idol aura that might just work (these two both were already in April's fools YUME YUME JUMP, so). Also, Tsukasa idol career when, he could fit so well here. Saki maybe too, siblings idols(?
In VBS it's kind of hard, but I think Ena could scream from the bottom of her heart here (in songs(?) Shiho kind of fits in street music, I think (? Nene might find use in this for getting over her social problem, and she would be also singing, but not "musical style". Ichika could also do well here, probably
And finally, Leoni, Kohane and Minori could do well in "just some friends vibing" same as Shizuku. Emu is very friendly, so why not
(I ended up making whole new groups of 4 lol but hopefully that answers your question, kinda?)
ootokone asked: "do you have any hobbies? what are they and how did you get into them? "
As said before, I also draw and it's probably my main hobby ( I guess it count's as a job too since I'm on a team as concept/2D/UI artist, yeah all in one, we are a small team). I have been drawing for as long as I can remember, but probably anime got me into taking it a more seriously (Naruto lol)
I also play videogames on a regular basis. I have also played games for as long as I can remember. I'm kind of hooked to OW2 right now but I play many kinds of games. Like, not long ago I was hooked to Puroseka and Elden Ring simultaneously, which I guess sums up my variety of games quite well (I had to drop Elden Ring because my poor 6 year old computer can't take *redacted*'s boss fight. Quite sad. Hopefully I can finish it properly when I get a new PC in the future ;v;)
As for more hobbies... I guess I like gardening, if that can be considered a hobby. I just bought two new plants today, one of them being peppermint because I love its smell. I have always liked nature but never got around on taking care of my own plants until about 2 years ago
Anonymous asked: "a question for your Q&A :)! are you more of an extrovert, ambivert or introvert?"
Oh, definitely an introvert lol. I'm an INTJ-A in mbti, if someone is interested in that.
Also noteworthy, while the other letters are at like a 60-70% the introvert one is at 99% lol so yeah,
Anonymous asked: "if u like emunene do you think if they both cuddle would emu be big spoon or would she be little spoon? and do you think nene would be big spoon or little spoon"
I think they'll be both switches, but it usually goes with Nene little spoon, Emu big spoon because Emu would be usually the one initiating physical touch/affection
One last thing! I wanted to thank everyone for the support on this blog! Really makes me happy that people consider my writing worthy of reading. I'll try to keep this blog up for as long as I can, but my writing sprees are very weird lol
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loudlyunladylike · 2 years
-Interest Ask-
(Warning: Outsiders SMP Spoilers)
So...There was Krow Outsiders lore like the day before yesterday and we got more Krow backstory, which was cool. c!Kyle has moved down my list from unconventional love to 'I will fight him on sight'.
We got a look at past Krow, before the Maze, and I gotta say... it's fit? Very cool, I respect the style.
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The chain is a bit weird but past Krow as a character is kinda weird so it probably fits into its character in some way. That or it just thought it was cool or fashionable, which would be fair enough.
cc!Krow also told us its apparently wearing a trench coat and someone immediately called it a JD Kinnie. Cc!Krow told us that Past Krow was not a JD Kinnie but I'm keeping my eye on Past Krow. I was fooled once by c!Wilbur, I will not be fooled again. Also if I had a nickle for every time a charcter was a JD Kinnie, I will potentially have 2 nickles- which isn't a lot but it's weird it may happen twice.
(Also Past Krow has added a entry to the "sick lines that have no right to come from a Minecraft Roleplay".
Krow: Where is this?
Past Krow: Home.
Krow: this looks like a prison to me.
Past Krow: what is home but a prison built with bars made of blood? )
We got to hear what Past Krow was like and honestly? It sounds a lot like a preacher or like a Cult leader, the way it talks about freeing people and "forging us into the gods we are". cc!Krow has told us that it isn't a Cult leader but I'm betting it's something to do with religion or like a belief system. (Also there was church bell tolling and choir music at some point so I definitely think something religion related)
We're apparently gonna get more backstory in the next lore stream, which is gonna be so cool. c!Krow is such an interesting character and the way its backstory is turning out is so cool! I honestly can't wait to see what kinda relation c!Krow has to prison, and cages, and why remembering its past will ruin its betterment of itself (what Past Krow said).
And how exactly Past Krow helped others cause it said its idea of helping people is different to what present Krow thinks of helping people. I mean my immediate thought is that Past Krow is potentially saying it's killed people but is calling it like mercy killing? Cause Present Krow is very much trying to help others by being there for them and trying to keep them alive so Past Krow would be the opposite probably. I mean it's implied it's killed more than one person so... yeah probably a killer.
(Which would be kinda funny cause a while back, c!Apo and c!Owen were talking about remembering their past. They said something like "it's good we have no serial killers or murderers in the Clearing." Like, little did they know...*eyes c!Oeca and c!Krow*)
Oh yeah and there was c!Oeca lore a few days ago (that I haven't watched yet) and he apparently played an old cinematic that I saw on his twitter a while ago (link: https://mobile.twitter.com/oecalive/status/1439713478680334336) and new people now know he's killed at least one person. So we have at least two murderers in this cast, which is going to be fun for the others to find out. They have a record of not liking murderers so I doubt it's gonna end well for c!Oeca and c!Krow.
But yeah uhh I think that's the end of the Outsiders ask. I was gonna add the Christmas SMP lore that happened but this has gotten long so I'm gonna send a different ask about that.
So uhh yeah, sorry in advance for another long ask.
c!Kroh is sounding a tad questionable but also cool!! like I agree, we gotta respect the drip. And BIG TRUEEEE, never trust someone in a trench coat *looks down at self wearing a leather trench coat* sshhhh. Yeah but no Kroh sounds so cool, like so so sick, like you've got me invested oo👀
And another murderer?? Damn y'all really said pile on that christmassy murder, very nice very festive, good luck o7 hope all ends well, I'm like excited for you!!!!!
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spellcore · 2 years
for the dnd ask game: 3, 31, and 35 !!
For the D&D ask game!
3. What two feats would you have?
Depends heavily on what class I am! The most recent class analysis one of my partners did for me was rogue/bard multiclass so I’d probably say actor and eldritch adept for that spicy almost-pact magic flavor.
31. Tell me about your current party!
I’m in like 3 or 4 different 5e campaigns rn but I run two of them and I talk abt Beartrap just like. So Much BUT this is abt the party not my character so humbly I will divulge info on their companions! This is a level 13 party in a homebrew world.
Beartrap the warforged rogue is joined by Saewin the half-elf druid, Cyrus the human sorcerer/fighter multiclass, Avengo the elven bard, Krowe the human cleric, and previously Karph the tiefling paladin.
Saewin is the party face, he’s really earnest and kind and spends all his energy helping everyone he can. He’s also the last remaining original character from the campaign! Cyrus is a spoiled rich kid sorcerer/fighter. His father is a lord in one of the lands in this homebrew world which has come in handy for troops and financial support despite the fact that his father also kind of sucks really bad. Avengo is, well, she’s an experience. She’s a famous bard who travels around with parties of adventurers to gain stories for fodder for her songs. A lot of times parties will die in the adventure but she’s tied to us with a soul debt (thanks Jackal) so she’s kind of stuck with us atm. Krowe is a pretty standard cleric, he’s very into his fire spells and once almost blew all of us up using one in a very flammable/explosive place. >:/ 
Karph is no longer with the party (his player moved away so could no longer play) but he was a paladin of Sune and his arc ended with him going to a found family home to help out during a war.
Honestly typing all that out made me really homesick? Canonsick? Idk idk for Harbingers like DAMN I miss all the shenanigans. I can’t even begin to summarize the two almost completely full notebooks full of lore and misc notes on this campaign I really can’t. I miss it a lot.
35.  Favorite classic d&d trope
Honestly not sure what even qualifies as classic D&D tropes! I will say as far as just like. Tropes within D&D, amnesia can be such a fun backstory thing I know people say it’s overdone but if u do it right... chef kiss.
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tigerlilyhasablog · 4 years
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Life During the Apocalypse
Hello darlings! Hope everyone is doing well… Hope you all are safe, healthy and not going too crazy if you are in self isolation. Since I’m stuck in the house with quite a bit of extra time, I’d like to try to blog a bit more than usual. I thought it would be kind of fun to share with you what I have been up to at home, so enjoy: The Day in the Life of a Quarantined Teen.🙃
Remote school
First for the dull stuff. My university moved to remote learning the week of March 6th, and while they originally said it would be “until further notice”, they have since announced that it will be like this for the rest of the semester. It’s definitely more boring than going to class, and I miss going to school and seeing people, but I don’t mind it that much. It’s kinda funny, ’cause I was homeschooled for most of my life, up until college, so doing this is like going back to the old days of being homeschooled. 🙂 Right now I’m actually on Spring Break, so this week I’m mainly just chillin’.
What I’ve been watching
I’ve been meaning to get Disney+ for eons now, but never got around to it. My sister and I decided that hey, what better time than now? The very first thing that we watched was High School Musical… Don’t judge me.😂 Somehow I had gone through life never having watched this iconic piece of pop culture, but I decided it was time to amend that. What can I say: it is equal amounts completely terrible and utterly amazing.
Finally watched The Mandalorian as well, which is really, genuinely good. I feel so-so about most Star Wars stuff – I don’t dislike it, but I don’t love it – but damn, I got into this show immediately. The way that they’ve made it like a Western? So good. The characters, the visuals, the storyline… 👌🏻 And yes, I would die for Baby Yoda.
Once we finished that season, we began on Agent Carter, and we just finished the first season last night. I felt so-so about it for like, the first two episodes, but after that I got really into it and like, damn, it’s really good! Two thumbs up from me.
Other than Disney, the only other thing that I’ve watched recently is The Miseducation of Cameron Post. It’s been on my want-to-watch list for a while now, and the other day my school gave me access to a site with a bunch of free films on it, one of which was this movie, which I was really excited about. Fuck, it was good. Really hit hard, Chloe Grace Moretz was incredible, as was the rest of the cast, just a really powerful story of course. I liked the indie feel of the whole thing… Sometimes you can just tell, you know? The 90s aesthetic was also great.
What I’ve been listening to
Being stuck in the house has giving me lots of opportunity to listen to music basically all of the time, so let me share some of the stuff I have been loving right now:
Conan Gray’s Kid Krow – I am really loving this album. It is packed with bops, as well as some fantastic sad-boi songs. I’ve liked Conan’s stuff for a bit now, but in a rather passive way… Now I would say that my fan-ness (not a word, I know) has been solidified.
Ed Sheeran – let me introduce you to the little underground indie artist I’ve recently discovered. Haha. It’s kinda funny that I’ve gotten so into Ed lately, cuz I mean, of course I’ve listened to his stuff for a while now. But like, I guess I’ve never delved very deep into his discography? But lately I’ve been listening to the entirety of each of his albums, and I’m a little obsessed. Guess I should have believed the hype sooner, huh?
Alec Benjamin – someone else who I’ve been into for quite a while, but who I’ve been listening to even more lately. His songs have made their way onto “Music of the Month” a couple times already, and I’ll tell you right now that he’s on there this month, too. 🙂 I don’t think he has a single bad song. I have tickets to see him in May, provided corona doesn’t fuck that up, and I’m really excited!
Lauv’s Modern Loneliness – bops. bops. bops. What else can I say? Bops.
Foster the People – ok, this band has such nostalgia for me. Torches was like, all that I listened to in like 2012/13. I hadn’t really listened to them lately, and hadn’t really explored their more recent stuff. But the other day I put on their Spotify playlist and had a dance party to them all afternoon and it made me so fucking happy.
What else I’ve been up to
Spending way too much time on the internet – gotta go ahead and get this one out of the way. I’d love to say that I’ve been super productive and learned a ton of new things and been really creative, but if I’m entirely honest, what I’ve really done is wasted a ton of time on YouTube/Tumblr/TikTok.😬
Drawing – I have gotten some stuff done though! I haven’t used this time for art as much as I’d like, but I’ve been sketching some, and also been playing around with a drawing app… I’ve always been a pencil-and-paper person, but doing it digitally is kinda fun!
My latest project? A vine compilation, of course.😂 Here is the beginnings of it:
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Making music – again, not as much as I should be, but I’ve been playing the guitar and singing quite a bit. I’ve been doing it in a very relaxed, just-singing-what-i-want-to kind of way, which is nice. I guess I’ll use this opportunity to plug my Soundcloud (which I rarely post on, oops.)
Working out – I always exercise pretty regularly, but I’ve decided that this is the perfect opportunity to ramp it up a bit. My family and I have been going on walks every day, since that’s the only way we can get out, and I’ve been doing the Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred Challenge. It’s fucking tough, but I’m very excited about getting in shape.
Texting for the Bernie Sanders team – this has been fun! It’s a super-easy way to get involved in a campaign… I’d love to say I could make calls, and I hope to eventually, but it makes me really nervous. But texting is something anyone can do! Basically all campaigns have moved online, so if you have some extra time on your hands, get involved from home, either in a political campaign or something on the activism side of things! You can text, call, do stuff with social media… do it!
Catching up with friends – this one is smaller in terms of how much I’ve been doing it, but I’d just like to remind you that this is a great time to text or call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. I know I often feel weird about just contacting someone out of the blue, but in a strange time such as this I think it is the perfect opportunity to check in with someone and see how they are holding up. Even though we can’t see each other in person, we’ve got to stick together in this tough time and keep up our relationships in a long-distance fashion.
Final thoughts
Okay, that’s all for now! It’s looking like this whole situation is gonna last for a while, so maybe I’ll make another one of these in a few weeks and let you know what else I’ve been up to! I’d just like to end with a little thought:  if you are stuck at home and bored and going a little stir-crazy, please remember that we are privileged to be in this situation. There are some people for whom this means that they are out of work, desperate, scared. There are others who are older or immunocompromised who know that getting the virus could be a matter of life or death. Others are not able to work from home and have no choice but to go out every day and risk getting infected. And others have been forced to go home and be quarantined with abusive family members. Even though this is tough for everyone, if your main problem is that you are bored, make sure you put it into perspective and be grateful that that is your biggest worry.
I hope that didn’t sound preachy, but I just think we have to remember that it could be a lot worse. Now, stay safe, stay healthy, and for fuck sake, don’t go out unless you have to. ❤️
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encyclopika · 4 years
Oh man, I was going to ask top 5 fish too! Top 5 books??
Hi Izupie! LOL Well, it got answered, so it’s almost like you got two answers! :P 
From this ask game.
Gotta say, I wish I read as much as I’d like to or even preach. There just aren’t enough hours in the day, even in quarantine, for me to make AND consume media at the rate I think should be possible. I’ve spoken about my favorite books before, but more like all-encompassing to their series rather than the individual books, so I’m happy to do that now. And luckily, I own all my faves for this list:
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1. Blackout by Rob Thurman
So, since I can’t shut up about Cal Leandros, it stands to reason one of the books in the Nightlife/Cal series will be on this list. I’ve talked about how I love the way this series in narrated, in that Cal himself tells this story from so deep within his own POV that you even get instances of TMI (too much information) like you’d get if you were actually sitting in the living room with this asshole and listening to him tell you the story. I love it so much that I tried my own hand at it with my own OC, Asuka/Krow. And it’s liberating af. But anyway, Blackout is like, the sixth book in the series, so at this point, we’re familiar with who Cal is and have come to accept his character. In this installment, we start with Cal waking up on a beach having absolutely no idea where or who he is. Rob Thurman does such an amazing and subtle job of keeping Cal in-character while also basically admitting that most of his snark is equally who he is and the environment in which he grew up. Thurman does such a great job with her characters in this way, that the POV can shift like this while still being undeniably Cal, and that’s real talent.
2. Darkfall by Stephen Laws
The book looks raggedy and shitty because I made the big mistake of letting my mother borrow it and this is how she treats books. -sigh- ANYWAY, this is probably my first “big girl” book and it’s a horror and I probably should read it again because I barely remember much about it. I don’t even remember much of the premise or the main characters, but the horror effects in it will always stick with me. It starts out feeling like a “whodunit” crime mystery and quickly turns into something fantastical and horrifying. And that was cool af to young me getting into books that weren’t “required reading”. In fact, I’d say Darkfall saved me from falling into the “I hate reading” that I feel is all too common when schools assign books that are, yeah, classics, but that doesn’t mean everyone will like them. It was really interesting and the mystery and suspense in the book was damn good.
3. Frostblood by Elly Blake
I have spoken about this one before and it’s probably the least grisly one on the list. All the others have themes of violence and horror and death, but this one is much more fantastical. That’s not to say it doesn’t have its dark undertones, namely the apparent racism between blood factions, in this book being the apparent suppression of Firebloods, for which the main character is one, by the Frostbloods. The world building is so on-point and it’s the exact ratio of main plot-to-romance plot that I write myself, in that the romance is there only secondarily to the more overarching issue, that being the rule of the current Frostblood king and the fact that Ruby, the MC, is tasked with taking him down, for which her Love Interest is entangled. It’s pretty great...I read it in two days, couldn’t put it down. And that was from a book I picked up on a whim while out with my sister one day! 
4. Metro 2035 by Dmitry Glukhovsky
Yes. I did pick this series up because I loved the video games so much. Of the 3 books in the series, it’s this last one that I think is not only better than the others (although Metro 2033 is great, it drags in some spaces), but it’s better than Metro: Exodus, the video game that draws inspiration from it. In fact, I read this book first before playing Exodus, and they’re just NOT THE SAME in really any regard. In fact, Exodus doesn’t do any justice to this book. First of all, Artyom and pals do not hitch a ride on a train and travel across Russia looking for the perfect place to settle post-apocalypse. Instead, this book further delves into what’s wrong in the metro and continues to explore the desperation and “herd-mentality” of people when frightened and uninformed. And the twist here is one for the ages. Metro as a whole is a narrative that, for the most part, doesn’t have a true villain, but rather shows how even the most well-meaning people can make or let bad things happen.
5.  Dead Boys by Gabriel Squailia
Here’s another one I picked up on a whim and for a long time, I really didn’t know what to think of it. The premise is BONKERS and right up my alley, though. It takes place in the Land of the Dead, a kind of “upside-down” where things that die in the living world - even buildings and old artifacts - appear here. Jacob is a dead guy “living” here (idk how else to say it lol) and he provides other dead people living in his “city” a kind of taxidermy so they can look as alive as time will allow. He gets word that there’s a guy who crossed into the Land of the Dead without dying first and since that’s cool af he abandons his home to meet the guy, and has two obnoxious and lovable friends who accompany him on this journey. It’s just really creative and fantastical and yeah, it even has a moral to the story at the end.  
So yeah...I really recommend these very highly.
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yasminaseason · 4 years
Answer the questions and tag people you want to know better!
i was tagged by @sanderdriesn (thank you babe! 💌 also so sorry for doing this soo late)
name: damla
nickname: people usually call me by my name but sometimes my friends call me damo
zodiac: gemini
height: listen im so short....i think 5’1?
languages: turkish (native), english, russian
nationality: turkish
favourite season: summer
favourite flower: daisies
favourite animal: bunnies
favourite scent: lavender
favourite fictional character: even + his remakes
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: as a turkish person i gotta say tea
average sleep: 5-6 hours
favourite colour: yellow
dogs or cats: cats
number of blankets: two
dream trip: spain, belgium, norway
blog established: this blog is pretty new i don’t remember the exact date but the year is 2019
random fact: i’ve never broken a bone (stealing this from you lol)
gender: female
sexuality: bi
harry potter moral compass: gryffindor
where are you from: istanbul, turkey
why did you start this blog: my old blog also used to be about skam but i became inactive bc of uni and work but when wtfock started i wanted a fresh started and created this blog
most recent album played: kid krow by conan gray
im tagging @isakeijjser @tawmlinsun @we-had-the-stars-you-and-i @well-who-needs-angels-anyway @teenrockgods and anyone who wants to do it! (feel free to ignore!)
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nogenderbee · 11 months
I'm back with another songfic request! So I was thinking of Abnormality Dancing Girl by Guchiri and for the character(s), Mafuyu and/or Akito <- (why Akito? Because yes)
「異常」が胸を埋めつくして (My chest is completely filled with “abnormality”.)
普通じゃない自分になるの (I'm becoming a me that isn't normal.)
踊らされるんじゃない (I'm not being manipulated,)
踊るのよさぁさぁさぁ狂って (I'm dancing! Yeah, I'm going crazy!)
「好き」「嫌い」を疾うに通り越して (I went beyond “love” and “hate”)
「アナタ誰」「ワタシ誰」 ("Who are you?" "Who am I?")
First time requesting with lines and by the way, have a great day!
(funny thing, I requested all mmj members but Airi)
Of course! Honestly this was absolutely fantastic to do even when I don't have that much motivation for fics because I absolutely love this song!! I kinda did 2 versions because in Akitos part it's comfort and in Mafuyus part it's reverse comfort but I hope you enjoy it either way! OMG how could you not request my baby Airi?! 0o0 (joke don't worry, darl! It's alright &lt;;3)
Akito, Mafuyu - Abnormality Dancing Girl
TagList: @yulikesminori @kuzui5201314 @miya-akane @prsk-krow @modyuki @bleachtheidiot
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My chest is completely filled with “abnormality”.
I'm becoming a me that isn't normal.
You recently had your worse days and Akito was quick to notice that but of course he didn't said a single thing. He didn't wanted to force you into talking as he was sure that if you wanted, you'd come up to him and started the topic by yourself, right?
I'm not being manipulated,
I'm dancing! Yeah, I'm going crazy!
But he didn't knew that someone very dear to you was manipulating you into doing a s he says, they were making you look back on your actions and everything you ever said. You weren't doing as good and he noticed it more and more. He gave you a week, if you wouldn't come up to him during it, he will come up to you on his own and finally start the topic. And there's no way he'd take "I'm good" as an answer. He definitely will know the truth!
At this point tho, you were almost dancing as they played... and the worst was that they were trying to make you think twice about you dating Akito... you tried distancing those thoughts from you but they were eventually getting to you...
I went beyond “love” and “hate”
And then that day came... you weren't sure about what you were going to do but you did it either way, meanwhile your boyfriend was happy that you finally approached the topic but he quickly realized that it's not what he wanted to hear.
"Akito, I don't think we suit to each other..."
"What?! What did that came from?"
"You're just always so... mean to me..."
"I... I don't actually mean it... I-I can change my behavior! Just... YN please give me one last chance..."
"Who are you?" "Who am I?"
You could see that you've brought this man to his knees. He was ready to change everything about himself just for the sake you not breaking up with him. He was ready to become absolutely different person if needed! He just loved you too much to loose you because of his tsundere personality. But... you were also acting different... why were you this mad at him so suddenly?
"I promise I'll do everything to prove that I'm not a bad partner... and I'll discover what's wrong too."
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Song: same as for Akito
My chest is completely filled with “abnormality”.
I'm becoming a me that isn't normal.
It wasn't a secret to you that Mafuyu wasn't in the very best condition, in fact you knew well she was struggling with showing any kind of emotions. But the worst was that she often didn't saw anything bad in her behavior... she accepted being like that as she thought it's just her personality and she can't do anything about it. But you saw that she was struggling and you really wanted to help her!
I'm not being manipulated,
I'm dancing! Yeah, I'm going crazy!
But her mother certainly wasn't making it easy on you or her... she was goin grough on her and you as her partner had to do something about it. She was literally her marionette and you decided to talk with her, it was supposed to be just a calm talk as you already had quite a bit of good reputation with her as she thought you were "kind, mature and just perfect for Mafuyu" but you knew you might ruin it with this talk but it wasn't important! You had to help your lover...
And you worries were right. You really did let it all out, especially when she tried proving you that you're wrong, that you're not good for Mafuyu and that she should focus on school alone. With every word you were going even more crazy you didn't even noticed all the harsh words that left your mouth towards your girlfriends mother... but you don't regret anything. Well... maybe except leaving and letting her win... but she kinda forced you to leave as she had enough of you and you didn't had much choice...
I went beyond “love” and “hate”
On the next day, Mafuyu came up to you. She looked even worse than usually and you were honestly worried about her.
"Did you had talk with my mother yesterday?"
"Ah yeah... it turned out to be a bit of an argument... I'm sorry, I swear I didn't meant anything bad!"
"I believe you."
You honestly thought she'll tell you something that her mother wanted her to break up with you. You were ready to continue your relationship and just hide it behind her mother if you'd had to but luckily for you, you didn't heard her mentioning that. Or... maybe you spoke too soon...
"Who are you?" "Who am I?"
"We need to break up."
She said that without even mentioning her mother in it! It's like she decided for herself that she doesn't want to be with you! It honestly hurt... it hurt so much you couldn't even... But you then looked at yourself... you were going crazy back then. So crazy that you can't even recognize yourself in that very moment. You swear fault is by your side, especially that it got to Mafuyu too... she was lost and you saw it. After all you knew her for some time now and you saw that it was clearly choice her mother made and she was just believing it was the right one. But you knew you can change it and you weren't about to give up and let her suffer alone. Maybe it was a bit selfish but deep down you knew that it's not just for your own purposes.
"Mafuyu... please, don't... we can hide it from your mother if it's about her! I just... don't want to let you go through this alone again..."
"I... will have to think about it."
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thekrows-nest · 10 months
Krowspiracy anon. Bruh. Why do you hurt me like this?
I don’t know! I’m a morbid gremlin and have to share the horrors? The imp of the perverse?
Really I just see some areas where equally strong values can come into conflict directly, and wonder just what would happen if the unstoppable force met the immovable object. Without any fudging what would crumple first?
It isn’t wanting it to happen! I’m fond of these characters and want them to be happy. It’s not even trying to rules lawyer or ‘win’ a scenario.
It’s more just intense hypothetical curiosity about exactly where the limits are and how each situation could play out if pushed to its logical extreme. Especially if somebody does something unexpected or something unusual happens. I’m mainly wondering if there could ever be different outcomes to the familiar ones that have been set out. (I knew immediate restraint and the cage would be the most likely result. But thought over some different responses Krow could have.)
[delete below this if it gives away too much]
Mary comes from a large family. Large family.
Oh. Oh no. I had a theory but this is actually a bit worse than that.
The Krack theory just became much less likely - not impossible, but unlikely. I’d say what it was but bringing it up even to dismiss it could possibly spoiler part of someone else’s story.
But this is giving me thoughts about the situation. While I can’t read people well irl, the facts in text sometimes form a pattern if you have a key piece of information and know it could be relevant.
TW abuse
Mary may have been born into one of those very large fundamentalist families, like on 19 Kids And Counting, or something like the Quiverfull movement. Those environments are highly patriarchal and religious, highly restrictive in terms of behaviour and access to information/education.
Homeschooling can even be a thing (limiting information further, removing external oversight of what is happening at home, no legal protection like teachers as mandatory reporters, cutting off outside contacts, and allowing even less comparison on how other families live).
Regardless the sheer number of kids and the constant scrambling to meet their needs makes it very easy for all forms of abuse and neglect to occur and there are barriers to recognising it or reporting.
Hopefully that wasn’t the case. But unless Mary was the youngest child (and with that many kids, the odds of that go down) it’s very possible that she experienced an overlooked form of abuse called parentification.
(The chance of being parentified also goes up as - assuming she is cis - Mary was presumably raised as a girl. And traditionally AFAB children in that culture are moulded to grow into homemakers, wives and mothers.)
In these huge families the older children are expected to step in and actively help raise the younger children, and the responsibility is a lot more intense than normal babysitting. It’s extensive caregiving. Kids basically become mini parents while not really being equipped for it. Sometimes if a family is large enough groups of younger children are assigned to each older child in ‘pods’, formalising those roles and even fostering favouritism/rivalries.
There can also be a lot of time pressure, conflict or bustle, and lack of space or privacy.
It’s very understandable if Mary escaped into books and now she thirsts for information, likes quiet predictable environments and values her personal time.
And it’s understandable to look back, feel that she failed someone, and wish she did things differently. She was a kid in a difficult situation.
If I’m going with this interpretation I actually wonder if kind Mary waited for her younger siblings to marry and leave home/be old enough to be independent, so she knew they were good before she left for the city.
Or perhaps meeting Camila was the catalyst - whether it was to be with her, the new perspective she provided, or maybe having her financial and personal support made the next steps manageable.
It’s also very possible that simply being able to access more information helped Mary understand herself and choose how she wanted to live.
(Queerness isn’t or at least wasn’t generally covered in the curriculum. Assuming Mary went to school. And under purity culture - especially with a religious school or homeschooling - she may not have been allowed any sex education at all.)
Final thought - she may also feel she failed another queer person (by rejection or outing) or someone in a situation worse than hers (by inaction, or thinking mistreatment was normal or a ‘cross to bear’). Or some combination of the above.
Or under the guilt and pressure given for choosing her own path, she could feel like she ‘failed’ a parent or someone chosen to be her husband.
There are a few possibilities.
(I meant to answer this much earlier but life got away with me lolsob.)
Anyway, Krowspiracy anon I always delight in getting your asks, it's fun to read them and see what lil ideas and theories you have. It flatters and humbles me that you like these goofy characters so much to think up of these things!
Now for what you say about Mary...
I won't pinpoint exactly, but a lot of these are either very close or precisely what Mary has gone through.
Poor bbygirl has... gotten a lot of bad hands dealt with in life. She is in a much better place now, with Camilla and all, but she's still working through... a number of things.
And like I said, she still carries with her guilt and regret and even takes on a form of grief.
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founditinsilence · 4 years
P, V, and W!💌
P - what kind of music I like.
just bops, tbh.
i love a bit of either 80s pop or music that has a similar kind of vibe, like betty who or the aces. i adore haim and lorde and at the minute i’m lovin boogying along to conan gray’s kid krow! obviously this is basically a taylor swift blog so her too.
V - 3 big dreams.
to write and publish a book, to live in a flat in a city with a balcony and lots of houseplants, to maybe get into writing/creating/producing drama or stageplays in some way
W - an idol
a few weeks ago i saw a play called ‘pride and prejudice* (*sort of)’ and it was the most bonkers, hilarious, wacky thing i’ve ever witnessed. (there was karaoke, accordions and harps, 60s pop hits, scottish accents. every character was performed by the cast of six women. it was a whole thing.) i idolise the whole cast because as well as singing and acting, many of them also write!! but particularly i idolise (and fancy a little bit) isobel mcarthur, who wrote the script and played the hottest darcy i’ve ever seen in my life. she’s currently my phone screen saver. i maybe need to tone it down a little bit.
brutal honesty hour
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theanimeview · 1 month
[Demo Review] Spirit City: Lofi Sessions
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Source: Steam
By: Krow Smith | @coffeewithkrow
During the first week of February 2024, Steam was having a celebration of upcoming games where they showcased hundreds of demos and many hours of developer live streams. They called it “Next Fest” and it was exciting to say the least! Playing all of the different demos was fun and my wishlist was much more bloated after it was all over. Though, there was one demo that I’ve clocked countless hours in and am looking most forward to its official release on 8 April 2024.
Spirit City: Lofi Sessions, the demo in question, is less of a game, and more of a tool for focusing with light gameplay. By that I mean you can create your own character (or make yourself) and there is a mechanic of discovering different “Spirits” to have as your work or study companion. 
However, the rest of Spirit City: Lofi Sessions is more passive, such as playlists of stream-friendly lofi music and cozy soundscapes (rain, birds chirping, etc.) to aid in your work or study sessions. (There is even an option to use their browser to play music from YouTube, but beware that there may be ads!) 
You can also make a to-do list and set a pomodoro timer, which is a popular concentration method that allows you to alternate between focusing and taking breaks.
You are able to change the time of day, effectively changing the lighting on-screen, as well as choose where your character or mini-me will be. Do you wish to read at the bay window? Perhaps you would rather work at the desk? By playing around with the setting, the time of day, and soundscapes, you will unlock more Spirits!
In the full game, you’ll have 20 Spirits to unlock (in the demo there’s only 5), a couple extra playlists to listen to with more on the way, and more personalization options to earn (such as room decor and making the Spirits different colors).
Spirit City: Lofi Sessions is something special and has truly helped me focus as I work. I’m even using it as I write this post! The atmosphere it creates and the tools it has to help keep me on track have been very effective and I find myself putting it on in the background even when I’m just scrolling through social media or relaxing.
I only have a couple of small complaints so far, things that seem like they’re fixable before the final product goes out or something they can correct with an update. 
One is that I wish I had the option to make the sky more gloomy. As of right now, in the demo, by activating the rain soundscape, it does affect the weather. However, it doesn’t change the lighting. So if you want some morning rain, it will be bright and sunny too. Hopefully, they will add more environmental options in the future.
Another issue I’ve been having is with the character creator. You can change the weight of your character to be more chubby, but I find that my character is back to being skinny the next time I open the game. I also notice that pink hair comes off more as purple in the environment, which is rather disheartening.
These are minor gripes to an overall great game though. They aren’t obstacles that get in the way of enjoying the atmosphere, they are simply hiccups that will hopefully be ironed out in the future.
9/10 I highly recommend this game so far! I encourage you to check out the demo to see for yourself. It’s fun, with just the right amount of engagement without being a distraction!
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destructivwe-apathy · 5 years
Pinned ((huehue))
I assumed you meant “PIN”
Sorry if it’s out of character
Scenario: Crow Pins Krow.
–Drabble below–
This was effectively your first time really meeting Crow, your name Alternate but with a “C”. You generally found Crow a decent person and has been reasonably friendly withy ou and patient and understanding. Which why now had you mentally freak out.
Currently, the two of you were uncomfortably close, well at least YOU thought so. You were on your stomach with your arm uncomfortable pent and pressed into your back. It might be prosthetic but this still hurt. How you had gotten here was the oddest play of events. Maybe this was normal for him?
You had poked a bit of fun at the other and he had taken a mild offense. Which escalated quickly to him picking a fight with you. Then you sorta-kinda agreeing but reassuring you’d not win. Though your “defense” was picked apart on only what you could call utter stupidity. Though to be fair the other often boasted that they were extremely stupid. Not a thing to be proud of Crow.
The fight was rough and a quickly losing battle for you. You were not only out of shape, but your prosthetics were not made for combat. The other hit you where it hurt and hit you hard. Crow thankfully was holding back. You managed to get a few hits, but most of the time you were dodging and ducking and defending. He could win this fight purely by exhausting you. Though it seemed he was trying to knock your head off your shoulders. 
As quick as the fight had started it had ended. Crow had knocked you on your stomach and before you could get up a foot was on your back and pressing you back onto the ground. Your arm roughly moved and pinned and then a weight on your back. Now thankfully your telling had reached full circle to the present.
“you are really out of shape kay.“ You felt him pat your head and then mess up your hair. The other was extremely heavy and you let out a grunt and squirmed. Crow sat there for a minute before getting up and picking you up by the back of your coat and setting you on the ground. “kinda disappointingly outta shape… vweak nerd hehe.” You scowl at him and start to fix your hair.
“That vwas extremely unpleasant and I don’t vwant to do that again.” You scowl at him more and all he did was pat your shoulder before going back to the table to continue the project you two had started together.
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