#Just in time for them Spooky Month vibes too!
ezra-iolite · 7 months
(...... Listen, I STILL DON'T DO ART, I KNOW I SUCK AT IT! XD But I had to make a comic based on my experience. I was wheezing with @tigracespace over it, so y'all deserve to suffer with me.)
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Sooooo...... while doing some research on book recommendations, I found out just now that there's a Wiccan book called The Spiral Dance, a feminine energy-based thing written by someone under a craft name/pen name that's VERY SIMILAR to a certain traumatized boi we all know and love.
........ Honestly, @dimorphodon-x, I'm just as confused as you are. XD And as soon as I saw that book, all I could think of was a very confused Seeker holding the book and having an identity crisis. 😂 I'd love to know what his reaction would be, but either way, just.... witness my confusion and know that I legit thought the book was written by YOUR BOY for a full second!
........ Also, this meme is now running through my head. SUFFER WITH ME!!
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roseglazedlens · 6 months
I lieu of October coming up, how would some of the resident evil characters spend Halloween with the reader? ♡♡♡
┇LEON S. KENNEDY┇CARLOS OLIVEIRA┇ETHAN WINTERS┇ ┇CLAIRE REDFIELD┇ASHLEY GRAHAM┇ADA WONG┇ content: SFW! Ada's part is slightly suggestive! a/n: thank you for the request! I had problem with some of these for a while, but with halloween around the corner i found the festive vibes for this!! hope you enjoy, dear! thank you for requesting again!! « masterlist┇reblogs appreciated! »
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Leon doesn't usually dress up. It's out of the way for him to do so usually. But he can be bribed with a good meal and hug.
Old man thinks he's too cool to enjoy Halloween. But he actually really enjoyed dressing up in his low budget vampire suit from the discounted section of a Halloween store.
This is the only time in the year he would slick back his hair with gel in spite of how you think it looks really good on him, framing his features and accentuating his blue eyes. He is very stubborn and likes his hair down.
Now he wears the same costume every year. So much that you're getting really sick of it. He insists that it makes him look good (and it does)
He tries to act cool, but he hates horror movies. When you are watching it together, his hand will be clasping your arm tight, shaking a little.
"Are you sure you don't want to watch something else?" You would ask, and he would respond with: "Pfft. Me? I'm not scared at all."
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Halloween is Claire's favourite holiday! She LOVES it.
And so does the kids in her neighbourhood. She always has a huge smile on her face with trick or treaters, will compliment everyone's costumes and give away extra treats.
I see her going all out for Halloween parties. She learnt SFX makeup and a bit of sewing so that her costumes and make-up are really scary.
Which is a stark contrast with her brother, Chris. He thinks dressing up is a chore and a waste of time. When he does dress-up, it's always in uniform (e.g. firefighter, cop). He thinks it makes him look cool. (He's not wrong but, what is up with Chris and uniforms?)
Already planned out her costumes for the next five years (Ideas keep changing too). She definitely wishes there are more days in Halloween because she has so many ideas.
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Carlos is a menace during Halloween.
In no way is Carlos the best at making costumes or doing scary make-up, but Carlos is very creative.
Years ago, Carlos disguised himself as a stuffed doll sitting on the porch. Gave all the kids the fright of their life. He will watch them scram away in fear, and bellows a laugh. (traumatising kids is his favourite pasttime)
Another year, he devised a mechanism that springs up a shadowed figure anytime someone rings his doorbell.
He became infamous in his neighbourhood for his antics, and it's now an attraction for both kids and grown-ups every Halloween.
I also see him and Claire becoming really good friends from their united love for Halloween!
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I headcanon Ashley to crochet, so with Halloween coming, I see her crocheting a spooky themed sweater top, or a granny square bag to embrace the season.
I think Ashley loves to host Halloween parties. With the size of her dad's house, she can accomodate a lot of friends. Often going over the top with themes and decorations.
This year's theme is Harry Potter. She custom ordered a 3 metre (10 feet) tall animatronic of a Dementor in her party and everyone loved it!
She also loves bingeing spooky movies during Halloween. Ashley loves horror movies so much! I don't see her screaming at horror movies, she has grown an immunity to them from watching too many.
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We already know Ethan has meticulously planned for Halloween almost a month in advance just for Rose.
He is determined to make Rose experience the best childhood, and that includes Halloween too.
Ethan loves matching costumes (would never admit it though), especially with Rose and you too.
When he finishes dressing up Rose, he snaps a million pictures of her, claiming he will show it to Rose when she's all grown up. And Rose will say "Dad, I don't want to take any more photos. The treats are gonna run out!"
Very protective. If anyone has a scary costume, he will steer Rose away from the scary man. Same for people who are underdressed, or is just generally creepy. Not on his watch.
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Halloween is not Ada's cup of tea. She goes out of her way to avoid going out during these days.
For trick or treaters, she leaves a candy bowl on her porch for kids to help themselves. Ada enjoys seeing the silly costumes the kids wear, but she despises interacting with them.
If you are special to Ada, she will put on a sexy Halloween outfit in the privacy of your quarters just for you. She won't take responsibility for whatever you guys might do afterwards. But those are just for your eyes only.
Ada watches horror movies with a blank face. At this point, nothing phases her anymore. I think she'll find them boring and slightly frustrating, with the stupid things the protagonists do to get themselves in danger. She rather watch true crime instead.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. —yours truly, rose. tags: @valsthea @kennedyswhore @emilzke @daydreamrot @j3llyd0nut @ovaryacted @obsolescent © roseglazedlens — please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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gingerjolover · 7 months
prompt/blurb: different types of dates the boys would plan
first off, i LOVE this ask and i love the idea of the boys going on dates like we see their outings on insta i think they would be so into dates even if youre in a long term relationship
these are also what i imagine but as always we can discuss 😏
painting - you know the interview she is SO. CUTE. i think she would be so into taking a painting class or one of those wine+painting things, even like color me mine where you paint plates for your kitchen. she would definitely smile everytime one of you eats off the plate, wiggling her eyebrows.
if you paint on canvas, she gives me the vibes of after your paintings dry hanging them on the wall of her studio, grabbing your by your belt loops and pulling you into her chest so your back is flush with her front and being like "look at us, couple'a picassos baby," and then giggling, smacking a kiss to your cheek.
cooking class - miss pesto pasta over here, i have this very specific scenario where you guys take a cooking class once a month or like whenever she's on break from tour. she despises the baking ones because its not as freeform as the cooking ones, but she loves watching you measure stuff and how excited you get whenever the baked goods are coming out of the oven. she definitely says some cheesy joke after trying it being like "almost as sweet as you sugar," especially in her little twang AHHHH
but she loves the cooking classes, i think specifically pasta making or a pizza class. she loves wiping the flour off of your face and standing close to you, your arms brushing against each other as you both fiddle with the pasta attachment on a stand mixer. she loves the domesticity of it and leaves with recipes that she can make for you when she's home
fall things - okay don't kill me for this but homegirl loves a spooky moment, she DEFROSTS in the fall and i think she secretly loves a christian girl autumn moment. i imagine phoebe taking you (and maxine ofc) to a corn maze-fall farm-apple cider-hayride-esque date. you guys walk around (bundled up depending on if ur in la or somewhere that's colder in the fall) hand in hand, maxine trots along in front of you. you'll be standing in line for caramel apples or some fall treat, wrapped around phoebe as she looks up at the menu options, maxine at your feet, jumping up and stretching at your knees. Phoebe would turn her head, asking what you want and then kissing your nose softly before ordering. i just think she'd live for walking around and looking at all the farm to table goods in the little store near the exit. you'd definitely leave with some pumpkins and some random Halloween costume for maxine.
thrifting - i don't know why but i think she would be so fun to thrift with, like not so much you buy a ton of clothes but she would love to look around and get some stuff for y'alls house, like random dad joke mugs or vintage plate sets. i think she would be SO DOWN for the vintage painting trend where people buy old paintings and paint ghosts on them. she would be so stoked when you found the perfect painting, both of you getting home and painting the lil ghosts, hanging it in the kitchen. you both stare at it, heads cocked to the side when she's like, "good job baby.... but this is like... too on brand...right?" before laughing.
museum - cultured queenie! i think she'd take advantage, especially when on tour to bring you to museums with the rest of the boys, you'd walk around with all of them before the two of you wander off and spend some time leisurely walking through different exhibits. she would definitely buy you some overpriced cheap souvenirs at the gift shop, kissing the corner of your mouth before rolling her eyes, a loving smile on her face when she sees you bouncing on your heels excitedly.
if you're living with her in philly, y'all def take advantage of the art museum in the city and visit the ones in the suburbs or even take weekend trips up and down the east coast/mid-atlantic to go to different ones. I also think she'd be down to road trip, stopping at museums and galleries along the way, holding your thigh as she drives on the interstate, nodding along as you describe some new exhibit you're excited about.
bookstore - you know the vibes, luce looooves a good bookstore. i feel like the vibes would be sooooo goood, she would definitely seek out used bookstores and the aisles are more narrow so she walks right up on you, rubbing your hips or lower abdomen as she stands behind you, your back flush with her chest. she would love letting you rest against her in a hug, rubbing your ass through your jeans . You'll be reading the back of a book, her lips subtly kissing the skin of your shoulder and neck before squeezing past you.
okay so it's not all kissing and ass grabs, you def have intellectual discussions about theory and the books you're both grabbing. there's also talks about if more books will actually fit in your home because the spare bedroom is already a library and you love to indulge lucy's bibliophile habits but you genuinely don't know if they will fit.
all da boys:
hiking, conservatories, nature reserves, aquariums, etc.
we know based on insta that they live for this shit, i can imagine any of them taking you to one of these places and just enjoying the shit out of it, maybe even a group date with all of their partners 👀i think they'd all be thrilled by a conservatory or botanical garden, idk so much about aquariums but i love aquariums so let me have this. but again i just think anything leisurely they love, all of them walking hand in hand with you at any of these places, being able to cuddle up to you when standing.... i meannnnn cmonnnnn
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myreitha · 7 months
Costume time!
Okay, you know what, I want to share this process and I've chosen y'all to suffer with me.
SO! A friend of mine doesn't have a spooky show to produce this year, and so is putting all his energy into a cool-ass halloween event (Fancy paper invites, puzzles to solve, challenges, games, seances, etc). The whole thing is themed around this fake secret society that we're all now part of, and the dress cose and we're being encouraged to come up with cool fancy clothes/outfits to match the theme to come in. Best description I can come up with for this theme is "Fancy witchy-vampire" (Like, think VtM, but witchier). THAT SAID. I'm still out of a job, so, I've got to be strategic. AND I've got the itch to make things. Even better. (More past the cut!)
I don't have photos for a lot of these earlier decisions and stages, sorry. BUT I go through my closet and costume tubs (the for-fun-or-cosplay costumes as well as the circus/performing ones) and have a nice closet-runway to figure out what I'm starting with and settle on this one burgundy satin wrap top with big-ass sleeves that I love. . .that unfortunately doesn't go with much that I have in my wardrobe that vibes with the theme. (There's like. . .one or two things it works with, but I want to be FANCIER). So I sketch around and come up with an idea based around this shirt (and a statement necklace collar I have that was some of the best $5 I've ever spent)
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I have this old dress I'd bought at a flea market years ago and had altered to be an overskirt for a hoop skirt, and then it's been worn as a bustle with the bodice tucked away more times than it's felt hoops. It's a similar color as the top, so I figured I'd finally take the bodice off it, pull it in to be something I could walk in that wouldn't trail on teh ground, and I could set it under a corset in the center. Bing-bang-boom! Genius!
No. The skirt and the shirt were similar-but-different enough colors and textures that they clashed. Damnit. Well, I can ditch the skirt and figure out the rest! Some skinny moto pants. A decorative corset - I could embroider a corset (Myr no), or, ooh, use gold appliques (Okay, more realistic, proceed).
Next step was to mock things up as I'm trying to find what I want without purchasing a bunch of shit, which got me to this:
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Okay okay okay. Cool, I've got a direction (that's not the shirt, but it's the closest I coudl find online to use, so I used it). Now for the endless internet and thrift store (No fingers, not thirst store, dear god) and internet thrift store searching to find me some cool-ass pants and a corset and some shoes that'll work with this. You'll notice, though that my statement necklace has been swapped out for cool-strappy-thing. Because statement necklace-collar is geometric and GOOD LUCK finding geometric applique. Harder than I expected. Took me a couple months to find things that weren't lots of money that I could afford. BUT I EVENTUALLY DID IT. This included buying multiple corsets with the intention of returning things. Benefits of modern shopping. The happy "lets try everything on" day was this weekend!
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SO FAR SO GOOD. Took a poll from friends and the short corset is the winner. It's definitely the best constructed of the three, though the pants aren't QUITE high enough waist to be able to wear under it without some adjustments. But it'll do. The shoes turned out to be dark brown instead of black, so I need to see about making them black (and fixing them so the tongue doesn't decide to go deep diving towards my toes.) Other things to do: bring in the wrists of those sleeves some, they're a bit too big (Here they're clipped with bobby pins), decorate the corset, maybe add some gold detailing onto the pants? They've got that gold ridging along the thighs that you find on moto-pants, but that's absolutely invisible most of the time, so I think if I just brush some gold paint along the tops of those ridges, it'll make them pop in a good way. You'll note that none of these photos have the strappy-thingy, and instead we're back to the statement necklace-collar. Turns out the differece between the image I found on the internet and teh shirt I own is enough that you BARELY SEE the strappy. Also, I decided that instead of using applique, I'd buy some gold paint, make a design that'd work, and paint it on the corset. Only time will reveal whether this was a good or a bad idea.
Other thing this showed me is that this doesn't feel FANCY enough. So I'm coming back to that half-skirt idea. This time, though I'm thinking about something sheer - either a burgundy to match the top, or a black with gold accents (OR A FULL DESIGN?!?!?!).
Last night I got flat photos of the corset for figuring out the design, since the shape I was working with in my sketches doesn't match the chosen corset shape. Pls to enjoy some of the designs I was playing with:
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Proooooobably going to see about adjusting the eye design. I think it fits the theme best.
Last night I started on the alternations by taking in the waist of the pants. Please have this photo that happened 30 seconds before my thread was attacked.
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age-of-greta · 6 months
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Freaks Come Out At Night
Author’s note: so… hi!! Welcome back to week two of my spooky Halloween series. DANNY LANE WHERE YOU AT????? Truly, I don’t know what compelled me to write this, but here we are. Pls ignore the typos and ENJOY! <3 vibes
Pairing: Danny x reader
Warnings: a lot! Cursing, sexual content, slight violence? Minors DNI
Word count: 3k
“Yeah I’ll be over in about thirty minutes. We just finished recording. I’ll stop by and grab wine on my way.”
“Okay.” You answered, kicking your feet. “I’ll see you soon.”
“See ya.” He responded with a sense of joy in his tone.
You hung up the phone and smiled to yourself. You had approximately 20 minutes before he arrived. Your apartment was close to a lot. Plenty of shops, restaurants, just a few blocks away from their studio. Lucky you.
It started around 3 months ago maybe? You went to a party of a friend of a friend, smoked a little weed, and made eye contact by the bonfire. You still remember his smirk and the way your cheeks dusted pink when he looked at you. He was nervous to talk to you, but that only furthered your intrigue. The first night you met you had slept together. But it wasn’t a typical one night stand. He asked to take you to breakfast after that, then a movie, then lunch, before you knew if you were back in his bed the following night. It had remained that way for weeks. An unspoken agreement that you were faithful to each other, but both of you were too scared to try and slap a label on anything. You didn’t dare to potentially ruin something that felt so good. And that’s what Danny was to you- good.
You padded around in your living room in your impossibly short silk black pajama shorts with a matching tank top. You chose to forgo a bra, you knew Danny would notice as soon as he walked in. You needed to refill your wine glass that was nearing empty, but you didn’t want to drink too much before he got here. You decided to throw together a small charcuterie board for the two of you to snack on. You opened your refrigerator and grabbed some dry salami, an array of cheeses, and olives. You spread them out on your board and adorned them with nuts and dark chocolate blueberries. You smiled at your impromptu little board. Once you sat it on your coffee table you clicked on the tv, turning on Fear Fest. You loved scary movies. Danny was indifferent towards them, but had been watching them all month long with you. You were grateful for that.
The doorbell went off and you jolted out of your trance as the credits began to roll on the original Nightmare On Elm Street. You waltzed over to the door and opened it, smiling at the tall boy in front of you.
“Hi pretty girl.” Danny said, leaning in and giving your cheek a peck.
“Good evening.” You replied with a bright smile.
He stepped in and placed the bottle of wine on the counter.
“Starting without me?” He asked, looking at your baren wine glass.
“Had to have something to hold me over. You took foreverrrrrrrr.” You playfully spoke.
“Apologies my lady.” He said, grabbing your glass and replenishing it with the new wine he had bought. He got a glass out for himself and poured his glass before coming to the living room to join you on the couch.
“You’re too cute.” He said with a smile as he saw the charcuterie board you had made.
You reached your hand out and plucked the glass from him. “It’s the least I could do for the wine darling. Now, what are we watching tonight? I’m feeling something scary.”
He let out a laugh and pulled you to cuddle into him. “Scary? You? Who would have guessed.”
You flicked your eyes at him and smiled. “Have you ever seen Hereditary?”
“Okay that was like… super fucked up.” Danny said, his eyes still glued to the tv after the final harrowing scene.
You scoffed at him. “Would you believe me if I told you the second time is worse? If you stare long enough into the background you see all kinds of things you missed upon first viewing. It’s so fucking cool.”
He looked over at you and gave you the strangest look. “You’re a little bit demented. You know that?”
“In a good way?” You ask, already knowing his answer.
He laughs and shakes his head. “In the best way.”
You two had all but drained your bottle of wine and picked over most of the foods on the table. Now you laid over on him as he stroked your hair. Another one of the Freddy Kreuger movies playing in the background. You grabbed your phone and started to mindlessly scroll through your social media. You flipped over to TikTok and turned your volume down. You scrolled through cooking recipes, cats doing funny things, and skincare tips. A certain video of a cat screaming at a plant had Danny chuckling behind you.
You turned your head and glanced back at him. “You like cat videos?”
“I’m a human, of course I like cat videos.” Danny says, matter of factly.
“Boy do I have some good things for you.” You say, snickering to yourself.
You click on your likes videos and begin to scroll. Danny laughs and coos at the cute cat videos. You continue to scroll through the posts you have liked. Your breath hitches as a certain video starts to play and you scrolled past it immediately, hoping he didn’t notice.
“What is that?” Danny asked with a sideways laugh.
“Nothing, just horror movie stuff.” You say, trying to play it off.
“Mhmmm let me see.” He says with a smirk.
Shit. He knows.
You shake your head and he clicks on the video anyway. You could have died when the Ghostface thirst trap played. Your cheeks filled with redness, not wanting him to judge you for a stupid fantasy.
He laughs at it. “You’re into this?”
You blow out a breath. “I don’t know. I mean kinda? It’s stupid, but the whole masked killer being a kinky freak is viral right now. I mean you should see some of the insane lingerie photo shoots people take with Michael Myers.”
Danny nods his head. “Sure, but are you into it?”
You weren’t sure how to answer. You wouldn’t say it was a prevalent kink you had, but the thought of it turned you on a bit. The horror genre had always been your favorite and the first Scream movie made you feel some type of way about the “bad boy” trope. You assumed this was a logical progression in a way.
“This is embarrassing.” You say, hiding your face into a pillow.
He chuckles. “Nothing to be embarrassed about doll, but I’ll leave it. Come here.”
Danny pulls you into his lap and you two continue watching your movie marathon. After this one wraps up, you started to clean everything up before starting another.
“Want some popcorn?” You asked Danny, as he helped clean up the charcuterie board.
“Sure.” He replied. “But we are out of wine.”
“Damn. It’s okay, we can switch to water I suppose.”
Danny stood still and thought for a minute. “You know I can run down really quickly and grab some more. Before they close?”
You give him a pointed look. “You don’t have to do that. I’ll survive.”
He shakes his head. “No really it’s not a big deal. I’ll be right back.”
With that he grabs his coat, kisses the side of your head, and bolts out of the door.
You wash all of your dishes, put away the food, and pop a big bowl of popcorn. Then you sit down on your couch and scroll through your phone. The thought of getting on TikTok at this moment still embarrassed you, so you opted to check your email instead. You were so engulfed in your vast amount of emails that you had neglected you barely noticed when Danny came back in.
“Wine secured.” He said with a smile walking towards you with the bottle.
“Amazing. You’re the best.”
He popped the bottle and poured two more glasses. You knew after this glass you would probably be on the cusp of tipsy. Wine always opened you up and made you more flirty. It was why you always wanted some when Danny came over, not that you needed to be inebriated to be with him, but it was damn sure fun.
Danny grabbed you again as you both nursed your glasses of wine. His fingers lightly grazed over your shirt causing a sensation to build in your chest. Suddenly, the movie had lost your interest. You chugged down the rest of your glass of wine and placed it down on the side table.
“Woah take it easy tiger.” Danny said with an impossibly gravely voice.
You flicked your eyes to him and gave him a smirk. “Gonna run to the bathroom real quick.”
He gave you a nod as you slinked down the hall into your bathroom. You peed, washed your hands, and glanced at yourself in the mirror. Showtime. You hiked your silk shorts up a little higher and pulled your tank top down. Then you spritzed yourself with a salted caramel body spray, brushed out your hair, and popped a mint in your mouth. You were ready, you had waited long enough.
You padded back out to the living room and gave Danny a smile. He returned your grin.
“Bored of the movie?” He asked.
“No…” You said, moving languidly towards him. “This might be one of the best Nightmare sequels, but I am ready to-hmmm switch gears a bit? Are you down?”
You stand right in front of him and peer down at him. You can see him swallow hard before giving you a smirk.
“I suppose.” He replies, grabbing your legs and pulling you onto him.
Just like that your lips finally collided. It was like an explosion of anticipation finally being exorcised. Danny’s large hands ran up and down your legs, back, and ass. You slowly began to grind on him, feeling him harden beneath you. He squeezed your hips, hard, which caused you to let out a bated breath. You bit his bottom lip and pulled, causing his eyes to flutter open. When he finally looked at you, he was ready to take you to bed. He picked you up and carried you into your bedroom as you giggled. When he laid you on the bed your shirt and shorts were almost immediately removed. You manage to get his shirt off before he tied your hands to your headboard. It’s always the quiet ones who are the freakiest. Once you were stuck in place he crawled on top of you, peppering kisses down your torso. You thought you would get the normal treatment, but he stopped just above your panties.
“I’ll be right back. Remember your safe word?” Danny asks, giving you a smirk.
You furrow your brows at him and nod.
Then you watch him leave your room in nothing but his black jeans.
Where in the hell is he going? Safe word?
You take a few breaths, obviously worked up from the past few minutes. He knew how to get you hot and bothered rather quickly. You felt frustrated as you waited on him, you couldn’t even touch yourself. Finally you heard his footsteps come towards you again as you prepared yourself for what would come. You felt his presence when he entered the room, but when you looked up your eyes almost popped out of your head.
There he was, standing there still in his jeans. Shirtless, his chest beautifully chiseled. But instead of his perfect face there was a mask. A Ghostface mask. He stood and looked at you, not saying a word. His head cocked ever so slightly looking down at you. You gulped and looked back up at him. Then you saw it, a small pocket knife in his hand, the one he always carried.
Fuck. Is this where he went when he got wine? To buy this mask?
“Danny…?” You spoke out, but you knew it was him.
He continued to stay quiet, but nodded his head. You squeezed your legs together just for the slightest friction. Finally, after what felt like 10 minutes he moved slowly towards you. He straddled you and took his finger, drawing a line from your breasts to your navel. You let out a shaky breath as you saw the blade in his hand. He took it and lightly grazed it over your stomach. The cold sensation made you nearly jump.
He has never done this before. This is why he reminded you of your safe word.
Part of you felt uneasy or unsure. But the other part of you felt absolutely ravenous.
He stroked the blade in the same line his finger had just drawn, not putting hardly any pressure on it. He wasn’t going to cut you, not really. He leaned in closer to you and brought the blade to your jaw, lightly dragging it around. Then, he leaned in close to your ear, the fabric from the mask tickled your collarbone. You felt him inhale your scent before asking; “What’s your favorite scary movie?”
You drew in a breathy laugh. “I think you know the answer to that one.”
He let out a dark laugh. “Oh I do.” He starts as he lightly trickles the blade down your chest again. “Had to give my girl her little fantasy.”
You take in a gulp.
My girl?
His hands fumble around a bit before they meet your clothed center. Slowly dragging circles around, making you whine and squirm. You threw your head back as a finger slipped in the side of your black panties.
“Fuck-“ You let out in a small moan.
You could feel how wet you were, soaked even. As he started to slowly pump a finger into you the room quickly filled with obscene sounds. He was so good with his hands. With each pump you were beginning to rapidly come undone. When he added a second finger and his thumb found your clit you were all but done for.
“Danny- fuck. Please- oh god.”
He grunted at your undoing. “Almost there baby. You’re so fucking hot.”
“Danny, I want to come with you. I want you to fuck me. Take that mask off and fuck me, hard. Please.” You manage to whine out.
You could tell he was slightly taken aback, but he had no objections to your request. Slowly, he took off the mask. His hair was a tousled mess of black curls and his eyes were full of lust. He crawled back on top of you and cupped your breast as his lips found yours again. You reached your leg up and wrapped it around him, needing him closer to you. With his other hand he reached up and yanked on the knot, setting you free. You wasted no time letting your hands melt into his body, tugging at his hair and sliding your nails up his back. He let sighs out into your mouth and you swallowed them whole, greedy for more. The time for foreplay was over, you needed him. You took your hands and undid his pants, starting to slide them off his hips. He got your hints and rolled off of you, stripping himself bare. It was your turn to be in control. You rolled your body on him and pressed yourself onto him.
“Oh fuck.” He said through gritted teeth, as you both made contact.
He drank in your body on top of his as if you were the last glass of water in a desert. You grabbed his length and slowly sunk down on it, both of your breathing through the pure ecstasy coursing through your veins. Slowly you started, rolling and rocking your hips, but as he began to get deeper and deeper you wanted more. His thumb found your clit again and you started bouncing up and down. You could tell it was a show for him, the way he watched you in bewilderment. You could also tell he was dangerously close, trying his hardest to hold on for you. He wouldn’t have to wait long as you felt that fire start to spread in your core. Then it happened, total bliss. You swore you saw stars and you couldn’t even form a coherent sentence. Just strings of expletives, moans, and his name leaving your mouth as if it were dipped in honey. He was right behind you, breathing heavily and full of praise. After, you were entirely too fucked out to even move- so you stayed there as one synching breaths. When you finally rolled off he grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Did I go too far?” He asks, nervously awaiting your response.
You turn your head to him and give him a look. “Too far? I think that might have been one of the most enthralling experiences of my life. I mean fuck Danny.”
He huffs a laugh. “Mine too.”
A few moments of quiet fills the room as he still has your hand in his.
“Would you like to do this again?” He asks.
You scoff. “Now?”
He shakes his head. “No, no. As much as I would love to it’s going to be a challenge for me to move out of this spot.”
You giggle at that. “Then yes I suppose we could do it again.”
He turns his head to you and smirks. “Y’know almost like we’ll make a sequel. Sequel rules are different.”
You can’t help the full smile that envelops your whole face. “Someone has been paying attention to their Scream movies.”
“Have to. They’re my girl’s favorite.”
“Your girl?” You ask with a smile.
“Is that okay?”
“Yes.” You answer eagerly.
He leans in and kisses your forehead. Then you both clean yourselves up before returning back to bed. You found yourself cuddled up in his arms as he turned on the television in your room. You knew whatever was on would serve as background sound and light to your slumber. Your eyes flickered as Danny clicked through the channels. You opened them once more when you heard a laugh escape his throat. On your screen was the original Scream movie. You snickered and cuddled further into his side as he stroked your back. He sat the remote down and left your movie on.
How perfect you thought to yourself as your eyes fell heavy again.
And he was, he really was.
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thestitchywitchy · 7 months
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I still can’t believe I drew this in 2 days
Hey spooky babes! 👻
It’s that time of year again…
welcome to the 7th year of Trick or Treat with me, Stitchy!!
This year will be slightly different from years past… mainly that I won’t be doing them every day, but only on Tuesdays and Thursdays and sometimes Fridays of the month of October. You may submit every day to be next in queue, but readings won’t be everyday. Second, I will only be doing Oracle readings this year. I’ll get into more details of why in a different post as I want to keep this one relatively short…so on to the rules!!
You know the drill! If you don’t follow the rules, your request gets deleted. Simple? Simple.
As per usual, my handy dandy pendulum, Baxter, will help me decide if you get a deliciously good treat or a devilish trick!
Important note: These are GENERAL READINGS. So no specific questions. You may include a question if you wish, but I do not guarantee an answer to it if Spirit is guiding me to give you a different message.
💀Drop a “Trick or Treat” in my inbox (DMs will be ignored) along with the following:
💀Your most common name or initials. If you submit anonymously, an emoji is also mandatory for energy connection purposes.
💀The deck you want a reading from. (Decks listed below)
💀A gif or image or your thoughts based on what vibes I or my blog gives you (bc I would like to receive some Treats this year too 😊🥰)
💀Reblog this post at least once this month (can’t really keep track of that, but your support is necessary for this to be a success and for me to want to continue again next year)
****You may submit countless times, just not back to back. PLEASE SPREAD OUT YOUR REQUESTS. Try to limit yourself to 1-3 times a day, if possible. If you take advantage, I will block you. No warning. There’s always one every year thinking they’re slick, so don’t think I’m playing lol I understand when accidents happen, but I don't play when its intentional.
I do not care if you follow me. Trick or Treating is open to all.
Decks to choose from:
🔮Postcard from Spirit
🔮Witch’s Wisdom
🔮Wisdom of the Oracle
🔮Sacred Rebels Oracle
🔮Flowers Oracle
🔮The Wild Unknown: Animal Spirit
🔮Island Time Wellness: Love Oracle
That’s it! Now get your candy buckets and start ringing my bell…if you dare
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Happy Hauntings 🦇
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 6 months
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September August July June
Note: these are not in any order!
The night before Halloween by @ladytessa74
M | 21k
This is the cutest thing ever!! And also spooky. TK & Carlos and their five-year-old Elijah celebrate Halloween, go to a pumpkin patch and receive some unwanted visitors. Tessa’s TK & Carlos are as syrupy sweet as ever, but add on the cuteness of Elijah, aka Koala Bear, and I’m 🫠
Suddenly, in the Silence by @carlos-in-glasses
E | 10k
Another banger from Cig. TK & Carlos ride out a storm at Andrea’s house and are visited by a specter (maybe?). This is a beautiful look at faith and spirituality, and how people cope with the question of what happens after when you lose someone. Things I love: TK knowing nothing about cars but making them go vroom, Andrea and Tía Lucy with their seances, Carlos being a grumpy kitten, TK sashaying around in his fancy silk pajamas, the family dynamics of Andrea, TK & Carlos. They’re just so comfortable with each other in this fic, it feels so natural.
Road Rash by vaguenotion
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Wow!!! The tension in this one. TK and Judd take a trip to visit Judd’s dad and encounter some nefarious characters on the way home. The Judd & TK brotherly dynamic is top notch here. The action, the pacing, the twists! All done so well. Cliche as it sounds, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
The Shadow by @itsrandomnobody7
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Tarlos as pirates! I loved this concept! A very sweet story with one of my favorite visuals: Judd and Nancy fighting back to back.
Even if the World Ends Tomorrow by @bonheur-cafe
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In this post-apocalyptic story TK & Carlos remember to celebrate their anniversary when the bluebonnets bloom 🥹 Carlos is injured and TNT has to treat him with limited resources. Lots of beautiful imagery here and sweet Tarlos moments.
come what may, I'll still stay by @strandnreyes
E | 26k
This is a very interesting and probably realistic look at what Carlos would be like if he did become a detective. He is so like Owen, and I love the way that aspect of his personality is explored here. Lots of juicy Tarlos tension. The story gives TK a lot of room to really feel his feelings in a way that feels true to character.
The Knave of Hearts . . . brought back the tarts by @liminalmemories21
E | 60k
Another incredible installment of the beloved art heist series! I highly recommend reading the first two before this one. The first two stories were so much about Carlos coming to terms with his past and learning to trust TK. This part TK has to grapple with insecurities stemming from his own history. And there’s another really fun heist!! Also spotting the Easter eggs and twists on canon is a lot of fun too.
Made it Easier Somehow by @paperstorm
T | 1.6k
Soft little moment of Carlos coming home after a late shift to find his husband asleep on the couch, having tried and failed to wait up for him. TK through Carlos’s eyes is always very sweet, but especially when Carlos is reflecting on what their relationship means to him.
Where There Are Octobers by @iboatedhere
E | 51k
I was delighted to see Rae doing her daily October prompt fills again this year, even if it’s not for my favorite boys this time. Every day is a different little adventure, from doctors to strangers in the park to assassins on the run. The characterization and the dialogue is so, so spot on in every universe.
As always, this is not in any way a comprehensive list of all the good stuff that came out in October. This is the stuff that I was able to read and vibed with. This is a way for me to hype the stories that got me excited this month, and I encourage everybody to be intentional in reblogging fics and screaming about the stuff you’re reading and enjoying all month long. Let’s work to build this fandom into a more inclusive and encouraging place to create! Also, caveat that the Gabriel grief stuff is tough for me, so I’ve been avoiding and/or very slowly making my way through those ones
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wardenparker · 2 years
Close Encounters of the Toothy Kind
Max Phillips x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst​
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Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9.2k Warnings: *Reader has a nickname right up front.* Evan being his whiny self. Alcohol consumption but no one’s judgement is impaired. Light power dynamics, biting (blood is drawn), oral sex (female receiving), hair pulling, dirty talk, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, monster fucking, rough sex, vampire kink/fetish. Summary: The company Halloween party is way more fun than you ever expected - even if your coworker and roommate Evan doesn’t think so. Notes: Happy Spooktober everyone! This little fangbang has been brewing in our minds for months now and it turned out even better than I ever dreamed! Smothered in pop culture references and plenty of cheeky fun. 🎃🧡🧛‍♀️ 
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Ever since Max Phillips was in high school, he knew how to throw a party. It helped get him laid both there and later on in college. Even throughout getting his MBA and graduating, his attention to detail for having a good time led to some of the most memorable parties on campus. It was something he considered a little extra that he had to offer a company beyond the normal impressive résumé. Because in order to throw a great party, you had to know what people wanted. You had to read their wants through the small conversations and the body language of the person.
It was also useful in closing deals and impressing clients. Which was why he had pulled out all the stops tonight in the annual Halloween party. It wasn't just a sad, alcohol-free punch and those horrid cookies that Zarabeth makes. This is impressive. The smoke machines and black lights contrasted the disco balls that twirl overhead giving the event a truly spooky vibe.
"You'll see, Cat." Evan looks around nervously, his fingers digging into the sensitive skin under your elbow as he propels the two of you forward into the "East Ballroom" swallowing as he takes in the decorations. "I'm not crazy. Max is a vampire."
“Ev, it’s okay to just not like the guy.” Evan is an okay roommate. He really is. He’s clean and doesn’t cook horrible food, and he’s even handy with a toolkit when things need a little TLC. But this crusade he’s been on against your boss is just insane. Pulling at your tight Camp Crystal Lake t-shirt and smoothing your short shorts, you’ll be the first to admit that you took the easy way out with your costume this year, but Friday the 13th camp counselor was just too good to pass up. The Halloween store in town even had knee socks with Jason’s hockey mask on them to go with your Keds sneakers. “Let’s just have a couple of drinks and hang out. Maybe not get weird over your obsessive hatred of our boss?”
"I'm telling you he's a vampire!" Evan hisses, the cords in his neck bulging and he doesn't understand why you don't believe him. He looks around and groans, rolling his eyes and pointing. "He's even mocking it. Look at him." Max smirks as he watches you and Evan at the entrance of the ball room. Evan looked panicked and pale. He wonders if the poor schmuck is still trying to convince everyone that he's a vampire. It is so much fun to watch him freak out like the obsessive little turd that he is and push everyone away with his theories. Amanda had finally dumped him for good and started dating Andrew, which was a much better prospect for her in Max's opinion. He takes his eye off you and checks the buffet table again. The caterer that he had chosen had promised him that the canapés would all be haunted and ghoulish and so far they hadn't disappointed.
“Oh hell yeah, Lost Boys!” You grin, seeing the costume that Max has expertly pieced together. Max Phillips might be a frat boy and occasional asshat, but he has an attention for detail that has to be admired. And frankly? He’s ridiculously hot. A fact only enhanced by leather and eyeliner, in your opinion. Sure he’s a little obnoxious, so you just keep the fact that you have a little – okay, big – thing for him on the quiet side. Especially since your roommate despises him. “Evan,” you look at your roommate now, decked out in his Van Helsing costume like he’s in some kind of righteous crusade. “I am begging you to just let tonight be about fun and not this hyper focus.”
Evan rolls his eyes and gives you a disappointed look. "You're going to believe me." He promises you. "By the end of tonight, you will know the truth - Max Phillips is a vampire."
"I sure am." Max agrees easily, appearing at your side and wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "David from Lost Boys." He clarifies. "Glad you can make it Camp Crystal Lake Counselor." He doesn't waste the opportunity to look at your legs, you've got them on display after all and you aren't on company property.
"Max." Evan greets him through clenched teeth, furious that he's touching you.
“Evan made me a name tag,” you tell Max with a grin, pointing to the sticky Hi! My Name Is badge on your shirt that features your office nickname - Cat - and a little cartoon drawing of black cat beside it. “Nice party, Max.” You may keep your attraction under wraps, but that doesn’t mean you can’t just be a generally nice person.
“Thanks Kitty Cat.” Max sends you a small wink and looks around. “We’ve got a couple of our clients and potential clients here so I could get away with splurging. Plus, I love Halloween.” He smirks over at Evan. “All the things that go bump in the night come out.”
“Does that mean there’s good booze?” You ask, one eyebrow ticking up at Max curiously. Splurging on clients might mean there’s actually something tasty. “I heard a rumor about sangria or punch or something, but that might have been Elaine’s wishful thinking.”
“Ohhhh the Bloody Sangria is my own recipe.” He tells you with a grin. “There’s also Witches Brew, Poisoned Apples and Demon Juice.” He points to the bar where premixed cocktails are being poured up into glasses where the base is a skeleton’s hand.
“Sangria for sure.” That stupid exaggerated grin on Max’s face shouldn’t be charming, but he’s got vampire fang caps on his teeth and alright, maybe you had a little thing for Kiefer Sutherland as a teenager that the Lost Boys costume is playing into. To Evan you throw a pout, silently asking him to play nice before heading to the bar with Max.
“Make sure you get some appetizers too.” Max hums knowingly. “Those drinks sneak up on you and we don’t want you buzzed too quickly.” He catches the eye of a prospective client and pats your shoulder. “I’ll catch up with you later, enjoy yourself Kitty Cat.”
“Come on, Ev.” You reach for his hand but resist when he tries tangling your fingers together, tired of repeating that you are not interested in him romantically. He’s a good roommate and a decent friend, but as a boyfriend? Not your type at all. “Drink with me, eat with me. It’ll be fun.”
“I’m not touching anything Max could have corrupted.” Evan huffs, annoyed that you are so flirty with him. You need to just trust him.
“He’s not going to poison our clients.” Rolling your eyes at him is still playful, because you’ve definitely always thought of Evan as more of a brother than anything else, and you nod toward the bar. “I bet they have beer in bottles that Max can’t have tainted with his spooky vampire vibes.”
Evan blows out a sigh and dutifully follows you like a lost puppy, wondering how he can possibly convince you about Max. “Hey man.” Tim smirks and lifts the glass of alcohol up. “You came.”
“I had to drag him out of the apartment,” you tease, giving Tim a hug before slipping past him to the bar for a glass of sangria.
“Would you like an extra shot of Vampire’s blood in your sangria?” The bartender asks with a smile. “It’s a floater of blackberry moonshine.”
“Why the hell not. Go big or go home, right?” You laugh, cringing at the cliched phrase before you shrug your shoulders. “And a Bud Light.” The least you can do is grab Evan’s first beer for him, since you did drag him out tonight. Being convinced that some socialization that didn’t happen under neon lights with phone headsets attached to your heads would be good for him might not have been correct.
Evan looks around the room in jealousy, begrudgingly impressed with the party. Hating how this man took his job and was actually doing a bang-up job. He takes the beer from you and eyes it for a moment before he hears Max’s laugh across the room. “Fuck it.” He groans and puts the bottle to his lips.
“Atta boy,” Tim laughs before strolling away when he spies someone he wants to say hi to across the large room.
“Eat, drink, and be merry,” you agree with a grin. You just want tonight to be fun. Maybe get Evan talking to the new girl from Legal that he said was cute a couple of days ago. Anything to get his mind away from the vampire thing.
Max keeps an eye on you as he makes his way around the room. Partly because it drives Evan insane. He might have made a couple of veiled threats to change you next. But mostly it was because he was very intrigued by the way your tits look up under that t-shirt. He had plenty of fantasies about his counselors when he was younger and his grandma made him go to the sleep away vacation Bible camps in the summer.
The deejay they hired for tonight is doing an excellent job of keeping the energy up, and you walk past the table just in time to hear Deliah from HR begging him to play Thriller again, making you laugh as you hit the bar. This sangria is addictive and you lean back against the sturdy wood to look around the room while the bartender pours you glass number three. Evan has finally started talking to the girl from Legal and from where you are it looks like she might even be interested in him so you send up a little positive energy in his direction and sigh. Maybe now you can actually relax and find someone to dance with - a thought which feels slightly bitchy considering you know Evan would dance with you if you asked. But you’d like to dance with someone you’re attracted to, which seriously narrows the field around here.
Max chuckles to himself when he sees you going back for another drink. He slides up behind you, leaning over your shoulder to murmur in your ear. “Enjoying yourself, Kitty Cat?”
“Max!” You didn’t see him approach and definitely would have done a spit take if you had had a sip of drink in your mouth when he spoke. “Uh— yeah, actually. Your sangria’s really good.”
“I’m glad you enjoy it.” He purrs with a delighted smile. “I like the body of it.” He waggles his brows. “And the way that it sneaks up on you.”
“The body of the bloody sangria?” It’s dumb, and you probably wouldn’t laugh at it if you weren’t two drinks in and finding the 80s vamp look on him a little extra hot. “Har har.”
Max winks at you. “Planning on being the first victim of the night?” He asks, leaning in. “Or are you going to be the counselor that survives?”
“Oh, come on.” Leaning back against the bar, you toss him the same smirk you would give anybody in this situation. “Nobody wants to die first. I’m totally Final Girl material. Nancy Thompson, Laurie Strode, and me.”
“You sure?” He leans in and flicks your name badge. “Kitty Cat survives?” He hums, smirking at you.
“For sure.” The authoritative nod you give him when the bartender sets your drink down beside your elbow comes with a grin. “I’m not afraid of some big bad monster.”
“Really?” He flashes his fangs at you playfully. Everyone thinks they are fake but why would he do fake fangs when he has the real thing. “Not even a skipping beat of your heart?”
“Not even.” It’s a dirty lie because you’re a damn scaredy cat, but at the same time you do love the adrenaline rush of a scary movie. The fake fangs are more of a turn on than anything else, which is probably the real reason your blood is currently pumping.
“I think you’re lying.” He coos, leaning in closer and brushing his nose against your pulse. The smell of your blood is intoxicating, and he groans quietly.
“Rude.” You laugh, picking up your drink and nudging him with your elbow. Maybe it’s a little more flirtatious than you would ever be regularly, but this is outside of work hours, outside of the office, and it’s a party.
“Just honest, Kitty cat.” He chuckles, watching you take another sip of your drink.
“I don’t know why I let you call me that.” Yes you do. You absolutely know why. It’s because he’s hot as fuck. It had taken almost a year to accept being called Cat at work and then Max just rolled in and added kitty to it and you just let it slide. “Maybe I instinctively knew you’d have a killer sangria recipe that I’d want to steal.”
“Better than what I was going to call you when I first met you.” He confides with a cocky grin.
“Oh god.” You choke on a laugh before taking a sip of your drink. “Do I want to know?”
He snickers to himself and shuffles closer. Leaning in to whisper in your ear. “Pussy…Cat.” He purrs, making sure to emphasize the first word.
That…is not what you expected, and you definitely feel a very visceral reaction to Max’s breath on your neck. You can practically feel your panties drench at the implication that he might be interested in you, too. But that’s…that’s a stretch, right? It has to be. Max flirts with all the women in the office.
“Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?” He hums, wondering if he’s misread the subtle signals you’ve sent him.
“A little.” You have to admit that, as silly as it makes you feel when you tilt your head to look at him. “Surprised, I guess?”
“Why would you be surprised?” He lifts his brows, shocked that you didn’t know that you are a gorgeous woman. “Every man in this room would take you home if they could.”
“Maybe.” Shrugging, you take another sip of your drink before turning to face him fully. Whether it’s the booze or the atmosphere or the light-switch flick of a mood change, you’re feeling bold. “But I’m not interested in them.”
“And who are you interested in?” He asks, intrigued by who would be your taste. Surely not Evan, he’s heard him moan about you turning him down to Tim too often in the break room.
“Seriously?” It’s probably a good thing that he has to ask, it means you haven’t been too obvious at work. Although you kind of thought you were being pretty obvious right now. “I mean, don’t fire me over it, but…you…”
“Hmmmmm.” Max flashes you a wicked, fanged-filled grin. “That’s not something I would ever fire you over Pussy Cat.”
“That nickname is gonna stick now, isn’t it?” You can feel the heat in your cheeks, nerves and embarrassment rising right along with arousal. He’s looking at you half like you’re a fucking meal and half like something else that you can’t quite pinpoint but you’re fairly certain you’re going to enjoy.
“Yes it is.” He chuckles again. “But only when we’re alone.”
“We’re never alone.” More than anything it’s just pointing out a fact. Aside from the rare occasion that he has called you into his office, The two of you have never actually been alone. Maybe once you were the only two people in the break room at the same time, but that was in passing and the door was open. It wasn’t exactly private.
“Then maybe we should be alone.” Max offers with a smirk. He can smell your interest, but he wants this to be completely your choice.
“Seriously?” You ask again, still a little incredulous that he could be interested. “I mean…I didn’t think…” But he’s looking at you like that and you swallow the lump in your throat so hard that it bottoms out all the way down in your pussy. “I mean, yeah. That sounds like fun.”
“Yeah?” He bites his lip with his fangs exposed. “You want to be alone?” He waits for you to nod and he smirks. “How about now?”
“Eager.” But it makes you flush with your own fervent desire, wondering if he means just finding a dark corner of the party, leaving together, or if his mind has jumped straight to hooking up. It occurs to you, as you smirk and pick up your drink to down it quickly (no sense in wasting, obviously) that you don’t care. “Fuck it. Yeah. What do you have in mind?” Evan is going to be so fucking pissed but you just can’t bring yourself to care at the moment.
He chuckles, surprised that you’ve said yes, but also very happy that you have. “I think the innocent camp counselor should go into the bathroom to be ravished by the dangerous vampire.” He hums as he lifts a brow.
Straight to hooking up, you acknowledge with a smirk. It doesn’t really surprise you. Max isn’t exactly known as a relationship guy around the office. Either way, you don’t mind making him a notch on your proverbial bedpost tonight. “You go for the innocent thing, huh?” It makes your smirk deepen just that much more. “Noted,” you murmur in his ear before taking the strut all the way out of your step and hightailing it out of the hotel ballroom toward the unisex bathroom down the hall.
Max watches you walk away for a long moment, admiring the view. “Turned you down, huh?” Evan’s pithy little comment makes his smirk reappear as he turns towards the other man.
“Guess so.” He chirps, unwilling to let Evan cause a scene and prevent his little rendezvous with you. Some sacrifices must be made and right now, wiping the smug, satisfied look off Evan’s face is on the chopping block.
“She’ll never date you. Or fuck you.” He tells Max, his eyes darting around but the little fucker is brave around a crowd in the ballroom - confident Max won’t cause a scene. “So you should just leave her alone.”
“Same could be said for you, slugger.” Max pops back with a wink. “After all, if I lived in the same apartment with that little Kitty Cat, I’m sure I would have wooed her by now.” He chuckles and gives Evan a sympathetic look. “Guess you just aren’t what she’s looking for…” Max lets Evan stew for a moment and right when the other man opens his mouth, he interrupts him. “Whelp! I better go take a piss, all the Bloody cocktails have gotten to me.” He smirks. “Try the special sangria I have behind the bar.” He confides. “They have it just for me, but tell them Max said it was okay.” He turns around and whistles as he walks towards the bathrooms, knowing Evan is fuming.
It takes just long enough before you hear footsteps outside the bathroom door for you to start doubting yourself. Wondering if you just made a completely dumbass mistake that’s going to make life hell at work from now on, or if Max really did use the specific word ravishing or a million other little paranoid concerns. You’re in the process of telling yourself to get a goddamn grip when the bathroom door clicks open.
Max raises a brow at you, seeing the doubt and second guessing on your face. “Change your mind, Pussy Cat?” He asks as he steps inside and closes the door. If you don’t want to do this, it wouldn’t be nice to have the rumor mill spin if someone looked in and saw the two of you. “I got caught up by Evan trying to warn me away from you.”
“Thought you might have changed yours,” you admit, but the news that it was Evan who caused the delay makes you relax again instantly. “Ev’s just…protective.”
He snorts and sends you a knowing look. “Evan wants to be in your bed.” He counters. “He’s like the annoying little puppy that chews on your shoelaces and tries - and fails - to hump your leg.”
“To be fair, he’s never actually tried to hump my leg.” The comparison makes you laugh though, and you shake your head. “He knows I’m not interested in him.”
“He knows…but he doesn’t know.” Max smirks as he flips the lock and takes a step towards you. “He might get the hint tonight.”
“Oh yeah?” It’s not like you had been planning on broadcasting this little interlude around the office, so the idea of news of it getting back to Evan hadn’t even been on your mind.
“Only if you wanted.” He chuckles, reaching out and stroking your arm, his eyes on yours. “He’ll know when you scream my name.”
The corners of your lips tick up in a smirk as you step into him, feeling your heart speed up and your pussy clench at that kind of promise. “I guess you better make sure I scream loud enough, then.”
Max’s eyes flash and his smirk grows wider. “Only thing I like more than making a sale is a challenge, Pussy Cat.” He growls, stalking towards you like a predator cornering his prey.
It would probably come across as way too dramatic if you weren’t honestly so goddamn turned on, but as it is? You’re in exactly the right frame of mind to find that broad frame and cocky ass smirk enticing as hell. “Then what are you waiting for?”
“Permission.” Quicker than he probably should have, but not enough to be too obvious, Max pins you against the row of industrial yet aesthetically pleasing sinks and hand soap units. Your back is to the mirror, and he leers with his nose pressed right against yours.
Your sharp gasp and wide eyes definitely lend themselves toward that whole innocent thing he supposedly likes, and the way he has your back bowed so that your tits are pushed against his chest is only adding to the heaving effect. "Max..."
"Yessssss, Pussy Cat?" He doesn't kiss you, not yet. He likes the teasing and the way that your breath catches in your throat. It makes the veins flood with blood and it smells so sweet as your body heats up even more than normal.
"Shit..." The realization makes you roll your eyes even as you're nearly panting in anticipation. "Of course you're a tease."
He tsks in disappointment at your seemingly bemoaning of his traits. "You don't think it enhances...." his 'fake' fangs graze your throat slowly before he retracts them and places the most delicate kiss on your galloping pulse, "anticipation?"
The way you almost whimper is a complete giveaway that it definitely is an enhancement, and you shiver a little. Being caged between his arms against the counter makes you feel caught in a delicious sort of way. "M-maybe."
"Hmmmmm." Max is already hard, pressing against your hip through your camp counselor shorts and one hand moves from the cold counter to grab your side. "Don't worry, Pussy Cat." He follows up the small kiss with a slow drag of his tongue up the line of your neck. "I won't bite hard...unless you want me to."
Evan’s ridiculous vampire claim rings in your ears again, completely unwanted, and you smirk as you tip your head to one side to give him all the access to your neck as he could possibly want. “It’s been a while since I’ve been properly manhandled,” you murmur, tugging on his earlobe with your teeth as his head hangs right beside yours. “Sounds like fun.”
Max hisses, cock jumping when your teeth nip his skin. "Fuck." He huffs, trying to decide if he wants a quickie, or if he just wants to destroy you. Your giggle makes up his mind for him, pulling away and dropping down to his knees to unbutton those ridiculously tiny shorts you are wearing. The prospect of devouring your cunt while you have knee highs and sneakers on is appealing.
"Shit." Max Phillips on his knees is not a sight you ever thought you'd see - both because you didn't ever think you'd actually be in this position with him and a little bit because you thought he might be one of those guys who was prissy about the smell or taste of pussy as an excuse to never give oral - but it's fucking glorious. It takes all of thirty seconds for your cutoffs to be tossed across the damn room, and Max's eyes are eye level with the soaked through crotch of your white cotton panties.
"Virginal." He hums, smirking up at you before he reaches out and rubs the damp fabric. "Even though I know you aren't, it makes you look even more like a teenage counselor that might survive the night."
Looking down at him with the most innocent expression you can muster, you can see just how wide his pupils have grown since getting the first bit of your clothing off. "Of course I'm innocent. I don't know why you would possibly think otherwise." You intone, wondering if he's into roleplay enough to want the whole act.
He chuckles, hooking a finger in the band of your panties so he can start dragging them down. "Because good virginal girls don’t let sinful vampires eat their pussy in the bathroom." He teases, leaning in and blowing on your heated pussy lips and giving you a fang-filled smile.
This time your whimper is accompanied by the eager way you open up for him, totally willing to spread your legs for him before he's even kissed you. It's not like you're expecting a lasting and deep connection out of fucking your boss in the bathroom at the company party. You're horny, not delusional.
Your ass is perched against the counter so Max wastes no time in shoving his shoulders under your legs, bringing your thighs to his shoulders and he winks at you, right before his mouth envelopes your cunt in a large bite, his fangs retracting again so he doesn't puncture your lips.
They definitely heard you moaning in the hallway, but you couldn't care less as you brace yourself with one hand on the counter and sink the fingers of your other hand into his thick, artfully messy hair. The heat of his mouth and determination of his tongue as he licks a long, flat stripe up the length of your sex is enough to have you tossing your head back and shutting your eyes in pleasure. Or it would be, if you didn't want to watch his every movement so desperately.
There is an art to pussy eating. He had tried to tell Evan that when the prick was in college with him, but he had been too busy thinking Max was an asshole. It might have been one of the reasons his roommate's girlfriend had jumped into his bed when Evan was away for a long weekend. She had obviously listened to the tips he had tried to impart. Enough to be curious, at least. His tongue twists around your clit and he flicks it playfully before his tongue slides down again, curious to taste you right from the honeyed little well between your thighs. Your fingers curl tightly, nails digging into his scalp instinctively before soothing the bite away. Apparently you never noticed Max having an overly long tongue, but he is curled into the absolute depths of you in a way that has you rolling your hips forward and pushing down as if he isn't already completely buried in your cunt.
Max groans into your folds, loving how you don't mind being a little more forceful. His cock twitches and he holds your legs wide so he can curl his tongue deeper, licking into you with fevered eagerness. He knows what the fuck he's doing, you'll give him that. Any idea that you had about him being selfish in bed is being completely washed away by the deep growling sounds floating up to you from his throat and the way those vibrations roll through your body to have you whining and writhing and almost ready to burst in no time.
His eyes fixate on you. Responding to the micro expressions as he works your cunt with his tongue. If you’re going to fuck him; you’re damn well going to have nothing but good things to say about him. His fingers dig into the tender flesh of your thighs and he huffs, not needing to breathe, but you would expect him to make some noise.
“Holy shit, Max—” Every time you get a gulp of air he pushes it out again, cutting off your moan of his name and twisting it into a harsh gasp with a dexterous flick of his tongue that swirls around your clit like a lollipop. “S—so— good! Fuck.”
He chuckles into you, waiting until you look down at him again before he sends you a small wink and sucks your clit into his mouth, ripping your orgasm out of you.
You’ve never outright just screamed while cumming before, but this one comes tearing out of you like an igniting fire that leaves you shaking and cursing and grasping at any bit of him you can get your hands on so that you don’t just collapse backward into one of the sinks behind you. “Oh my fucking god, Max.” You’re practically dizzy from the force of it, which just makes you giggle in filthy glee when you can breathe again.
He is smug as he kisses your clit one last time before he leans back and looks up at you. “Did I pass muster, counselor?” He teases.
“With the first test.” You nod eagerly, getting air back in your lungs as you reach to drag him up for a kiss. You haven’t gotten to yet and now that he’s had his mouth on you, you’re dying to indulge.
Max goes willingly, fusing his mouth to yours and sliding his hands up under your shirt. Wanting to get his hands on your tits for a long time, he moans as he cups them over your bra and slides his tongue into your mouth at the same time.
Moaning into the kiss is a natural instinct. His large hands envelope your overheated skin easily, somehow easing the heat of arousal at the same time he intensifies it. It’s you who tears your shirt away, ready to just throw every stitch aside and thoroughly fucking enjoy yourself.
He pulls away from you to admire the view as he unhooks your bra and tosses it away. "Fucking in your shoes, I'm digging it." He teases, pinching your nipples and ducking down to pull one into his mouth.
“Feels—” His talented mouth cuts you off and you almost squeal, letting it dissolve into a sinful moan. “Dirtier.” You finish your thought with one hand cradling his head to your tits encouragingly and the other fisting his shirt blindly to follow the trail of his torso down to the pronounced bulge in his pants.
"You are dirty." He groans, pulling off your tit with a pop and then biting it playfully before he nips the other. "Gonna fuck you like the dirty fucking girl you are right here."
“It’s a good thing you got my pussy nice and wet, then.” With one hand wrapped around the thick length protruding from his pants, your other starts working open his belt. “It’ll be nice and easy to slide that big cock in right away.”
He smirks and stands straight while you pull open his pants and groans when his cock is your hot hands. "Fuck." He hisses, twitching when your thumb presses against the tip. "I'm gonna be balls deep and die happy." He jokes.
"You mean you're not a real undead bad boy?" Putting on a pout of faux disappointment keeps you from laughing, knowing that he knows all about Evan's Max is a vampire crusade. The very last thing you're about to do when you have his thick length throbbing in your hand is laugh. "Darn."
He doesn't even answer you, just thrusts into your grip. "Line me up, Pussy Cat." He hums. "I'm gonna make you cum like this then I'm going to turn you over so I can watch your ass bounce."
"Promises, promises," you tease, not that you have any doubt he can do it. He's not even out of breath while you're a panting and whimpering mess. You don't hesitate to do as he tells you, though, leaning back a little to let your legs fall open wide so that you can position the blunt head of his cock at the entrance of your dripping pussy.
"Fuck, look at that pretty little pussy cat." He smirks and watches you while he breeches your entrance and starts filling you steadily, inch by inch.
He feels thicker splitting you open than he did in your hand, and your head drops back when you let out a deep groan of pleasure. Max doesn’t stop until he’s fully bottomed out inside you and you don’t want him to - making lascivious noises of approval with every inch until his hips are flush against yours and then you’re diving back in for more kisses. Wrapping your arms around his neck keeps him close but you grind your hips down against his and whimper happily. “Fuck me, baby. Come on. Need you.”
Max snarls slightly, his grip turning bruising for a split second before he relaxes and grins at you. "I can do that, sweetheart." He growls. "Guaranteed." Pulling his hips back, he snaps them forward harshly.
“Yes!” The force of the thrust pushes you back on the counter and you keep your arms around Max, sinking your teeth playfully into his neck for a moment because he seemed to have liked you using your teeth earlier. “Just like that.”
"Fuck." His dick twitches deep inside you and his own fangs spring out of his gums. He doesn't bite you though. Not wanting to change you right now, so he just keeps his head over your shoulder so you don't see his slightly feral expression. His hips rock faster after you bite him, ready to give you what you want.
It’s fierce and needy after that. Rough in all the right ways, like you hadn’t been the only one secretly pining in the office ever since Max joined the company earlier in the year. Or, if not pining, you definitely weren’t the only one with filthy thoughts about the other. Every once in a while his grip tightens to near bruising and you moan every time, loving the harshness of a little pain with your pleasure. You’ve always been that way and know for a fact that Evan is gentler than a basket of fluffy kittens, which is one of the reasons you just never had any interest in your roommate. But this? This is your kind of fucking - dirty and delicious.
Groans pour out of his mouth, not because he's winded or anything human, but because you are fucking perfect. Taking his pace, his eagerness and wanting more. He can feel the way that you get even wetter when he forgets not to crush you for a second. Loses control slightly. It's intoxicating and your blood – fuck, it's like ambrosia right under the skin.
There’s no chance that people haven’t figured out what’s going on in here - from the locked door to your combined sounds to the harsh slap of skin on damp skin. Max’s cock is battering your pussy in the very best way and you hope like hell that you’ll be as sore as you think you will tomorrow. The idea of carrying that with you for a few days sounds perfect, especially if this is only going to be a one-time thing. Just a perfect little capsule of a memory of that one time you got railed in a hotel bathroom. Even that thought makes you gasp out in pleasure, legs tightening around his waist as you can feel the familiar twist of orgasm in your belly building up again.
“You gonna cum?” Max asks, smirking at you as he keeps drilling into you over and over again. He knows you are close, that fluttering little pussy of yours is about to explode and soak him. “Yeah, you are.” He huffs smugly. “Do it, Pussy Cat.”
You barely have it in you to be sassy in the moment, just rambling whatever pops into your head, and your fingers are digging into his leather covered shoulders with a tight pressure that doesn’t seem to phase him in the least. You turn your head to drag your teeth along the juncture of his long neck to egg him on. “So good,” you whine breathlessly, sucking hot marks into his skin with enthusiasm. “So fucking good, Max — fuck I’m gonna cum so hard.”
Max feels his face start to change, growling harshly and planting his face in your neck while he ramps up his pace to just beyond what is humanly possible. Wanting to feel it and hear you scream. “Do it.”
It takes mere seconds more, and you’re clinging to him when you feel the rush of overheated blood become an equally overheated flood from your cunt that drenches his cock with an unbelievable amount of cum. It’s so intense that your whole body locks up, turning your scream of his name into a strangled wail as you fall apart.
Hissing, Max doesn’t fuck you through it, instead he’s pulling out of you and manhandling you like a rag doll. Flipping you over and letting you fall forward while he pulls your cheeks apart and sinks back into your cunt with a victorious hum when your walls are still pulsing.
“Goddamn—fuuuck Max!” The strangled sob is punctuated by his name when he spears his cock back into you completely, burying his length to the hilt and extending the end of your orgasm so that your body shakes again in ecstasy as you try to grasp at anything on the counter so you don’t end up face down in a sink. You had no idea he was this strong - making you feel like a rag doll in his arm as he finds his rhythm again.
Now he’s grinning, watching his cock spear into you and make your ass bounce. His hands grip your hips as he rails into you. “Do it again.” He growls, wanting to feel you cum again. It’s a point of pride and he’s loving how you take it.
You’re about to gasp out a joke about how you’re gonna need a little more time before you can cum again when you lift your head to find his eyes in the mirror — and can’t find his face at all. The reflection of his clothing is clear as day: duster and shirt and torn open pants Moving behind you in rhythm with the merciless way he’s fucking you and fingerless gloves gripping tight to your hips as you find your own reflection unblemished in the large bathroom mirror. But Max? Max is as transparent as a summer breeze, only affecting the things he touches as you see his grip tighten on your flesh by the way the indents there deepen. You can feel it, and you can see the result, but you can’t see him.
“Holy shit…” With your eyes blown wide and the vision of your number one top fantasy right in front of you, another orgasm tears through you almost instantly. That years old pornographic dream of getting fucked by a vampire after getting through watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer is now so real that it’s turning your blood into wildfire and you can’t believe the way you moan as you shake and drench his cock all over again.
It’s your reaction that makes him slip up, the instant orgasm when you realize you don’t see his reflection. His fangs were grazing over your throat and when you clench down around him, he cuts you. Groaning when the coppery tang of your blood hits his tongue. Making him growl and start sucking sloppily while he fucks into you like the supernatural monster that he is.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck!” At this point you feel like your body might just tense up and be in a constant state of cumming for the rest of the time he’s fucking you. The sight of the light trickle of blood welling up on your neck only to be licked away by an invisible tongue seconds later makes you gasp and keen, and the instant realization that your vampire fantasy is now a vampire fetish just makes the whole thing better. For now the only downside is that he’s fucking you so hard that you can’t catch your breath to babble at him about how amazing it feels.
There’s a beauty to not being seen, not having his reflection in the mirror. You can’t see that his face has completely morphed. Turned into the more gruesome visage of his being. Brow heavy and eyes yellow tinged with red, Max snarls when he feels his body lock up, driving impossibly deep into your hot cunt and making a nearly demonic noise as he fills you with ropes of his impotent seed.
“Max!” Only his name falls from your tongue as he buries himself as deeply as possible in your body and follows you down the rabbit hole of pleasure. You feel boneless and wrecked and absolutely ecstatic in ways you can’t quite describe as you pant for air, crushed underneath his weight on the cold marble countertop.
He doesn’t need to recover or catch his breath. He could pull out of you right now and be perfectly fine, save for his face still being a twisted visage of the image he normally presented. Still he leans over you, savoring the feeling of your cunt fluttering and your thighs shaking. “Pussy Cat has a secret.” He teases playfully, his tongue lapping up one last drop of your blood before he bites his lip and lets a drop of his blood heal your wound as if it never happened.
“A fucking convenient one.” Still mostly breathless, you twist under him to be able to see his face. The ridges and bumps of his transformation draw your eyes across them as you take it all in, fascinated rather than terrified with his cock still buried inside you. Your eyelids flutter a little, that flash of pure attraction undeniable in your veins. The same ones he just drank from. “You’re actually a vampire?”
“Shocker.” Max makes his face smooth back out, his now brown eyes wide and his lips twisted into a grin. “Evan is actually right about something.” He chuckles and opens his mouth so his fangs descend again to show you.
“Fuck.” It’s all excitement and wonderment on your part and you can’t deny it at all. “That’s…so fucking sexy,” you admit with a self-conscious giggle.
“Knew I liked you.” He teases, slapping your ass playfully as he leans back to let you straighten up. “Least you don’t have to worry about an accident with me.”
“Thank god.” When you stand up again it’s like a miniature flood from your pussy and you laugh again. “Because you cum like a fucking Super Soaker.” It’s nothing a couple of paper towels can’t clean up, but it’s fun to tease.
“Is there any other way?” Max asks as he uses another sink to clean up and hands you the shorts you had worn. Your panties slide into his pocket with a mischievous wink to you.
“Pathetic dribbles, usually.” You’ve never been dishonest with yourself about why you’re single, knowing that you like a rougher and more physically demanding sex life and that balancing that with a man who isn’t also an absolute jackass or abusive in some way isn’t easy. It’s why you embraced the ‘Cat’ jokes. Better a cat lady than miserable or bored, at least in your book. “Don’t worry,” you murmur, offering him a smile as you slip on your shorts. “I won’t tell.”
It’s surprisingly nice to hear you say that. No fear or worry in your voice, just confidence that he can trust you to keep a secret. The only other people in the office who knew are the ones he’s already changed. And Evan’s stupid ass, but no one believes him. “Let me feed you more than lame ass Halloween cocktails and canapés tomorrow.” He says suddenly. “Before I fuck you to death again.”
“I—what?” Having reached down to pick your t-shirt and bra up off the floor, you straighten up and look at him quizzically. Not because you’re not interested, obviously, but just because you’re surprised. “Are you asking me out?”
“I mean— I guess—uh, yeah.” He frowns slightly as if he’s just worked out that is what he’s actually doing. “Unless you have a strict ‘fuck but not date your boss’ policy?” He jokes, trying to cover up the slight nervous fear that you might turn him down. That you just wanted a quick bang in the bathroom.
“Not at all.” It’s almost a pity to get dressed, but he’s already cleaned up and tucked himself away, so you clip your bra on again easily. “Actually I’ve never fucked or dated my boss before at all, so this is new territory for me.” You pull your t-shirt over your head and adjust, smoothing out the wrinkles. “Seven o’clock tomorrow? You know where I live.”
“Yeah.” Max nods, checking his clothes in the mirror and then looking back at you. “Got some blood on your shirt, Pussy Cat.”
“Call it a souvenir.” A memento, you think with a grin. Throwing him a wink, you lean in to kiss him one more time before moving back toward the door. “See you out there?” It’s an effort to not come across as clingy, that you are so overly nonchalant. Because in reality you want to prance out there on his arm and proudly dare anyone to give you shit about disappearing to fuck.
Evan pounces on you as soon as you appear out of the hallway leading to the bathrooms. “Tell me you didn’t.” He practically hisses.
“Didn’t what?” You ask, feigning innocence. Of course he was going to get nasty about this. It’s not like it’s a secret that he hates Max.
“Come on, we need to go.” Evan is nearly panicking, seeing the spot of blood on your shirt. “We’re leaving.”
“Oh my god you’re so overprotective.” Overprotective and with an annoyingly tight grip as he steers you toward the other end of the ballroom with determination. You barely have a chance to glance back, catching a glimpse of Max right before even drags you out the door. You might have even liked the little bit of manhandling if you hadn’t just been fucked within an inch of your life by a vampire.
Max chuckles to himself as he sees you pull a harsh frown at your roommate. Tomorrow is going to be fun. He hopes like hell you don’t tell Evan about your date.
You oversleep like hell the next day, worn out but feeling energized all the same. The ache in your thighs is so gorgeously satisfying and you sit in the living room in your pjs with a book until it’s time to shower and get ready for your date. Evan has been out doing god knows what all day with Tim so you haven’t had to avoid more arguing like the night before. It got bad enough that you have nearly threatened to move out if he tried to keep telling you what to do. By the time Evan comes home, you’re showered and dressed and finishing your makeup, just watching the clock tick down in anticipation.
“Where are you going?” The mournful eyes he gives you can’t hide being bitterly upset. He doesn’t know why you don’t believe him. He’s only got your best interests at heart, maybe a little selfish on his part, but that was to be expected.
“Out.” This time you don’t mean to be evasive, you just really don’t know where Max is taking you. “Dinner, I think. Did you have a good day?” Despite being pissed at him for presuming to tell you how to live your life, he’s still your friend.
“No.” Evan shakes his head. “I don’t want you to be mad at me, but Max is dangerous.” He stresses, imploring you to understand.
“Ev, I really don’t want to fight with you, but you need to drop it.” Pinching your eyes shut doesn’t banish the tinge of a headache that you can feel forming from the topic, and you turn to check your reflection in the mirror one more time - eventually biting back a grin when you remember looking up to see no reflection at all behind you last night. “I know you don’t like him,” you tell Evan. “But you are also very biased against him by your own admission.”
He sighs sulkily. “Want me to go with you?” He offers, wanting to find out where you are going. You’re mad at him and it’s not something he likes, but he hates you being so blasé about Max. “Maybe we could go to that bar around the corner.”
The lobby buzzer sounds from the wall panel in your kitchen at the same moment you turn and frown at your roommate. “Do I want you to come on my date with me? Come on, Evan. No. That’s both weird and honestly a little rude. Especially when I haven’t even told you who it’s with.” He’ll find out in a second, but you go over and hit the buzzer to let him into the lobby so he can come upstairs. Evan’s going to have to get over it eventually.
“You’re going on a date?” If possible, he looks even more remorseful, but he shakes his head. “I didn’t— it’s not Max, is it?”
“What if it was?” You pick up your jacket from the hook by the door and double check your pockets for your wallet, phone, and keys. “I couldn’t tell you, could I?” It just makes you shake your head, honestly a little heart sore over the whole thing. “I can’t be excited that the guy I’ve liked for ages finally asked me out because my roommate is on a righteous crusade against him.”
“It’s not a crusade!” Evan insists, reaching out for your hand. “I d-don’t want to see anything happen to you.” He doesn’t want you dating anyone but he really doesn’t want you dating Max. The idea that you have a crush on him hurts, considering you know what he did to him.
“Ev…” You sigh, turning to face him even as you hear footsteps approaching your door. “I swear, if he hurts me or doesn’t treat me right, or does anything that I don’t like, I will dump his ass faster than lightning.” Even so, the rhythmic knock on the door makes you grin, eager to see Max again after just a day.
It’s important that you qualify that you don’t like talking about Max hurting you or being disrespectful, because there are definitely kinds of ‘hurt’ that you enjoy more than most. “And I’m not asking you to suddenly be best friends with him or even spend time around him outside of work. I’m just…I really like him. And I want to see where this goes.”
Was what happened between them in college shitty? Of course. But that lies as much on Evan’s shitty girlfriend’s shoulders as anyone else in your opinion, and you squeeze his hand before going to open the door for Max.
“Hey Pussy Cat!” Max grins, wearing jeans and a leather motorcycle jacket. He peels off his sunglasses as he looks you up and down with a very pleased expression and then offers the flowers he had brought. Flowers for dates were a must. Especially after the way he fucked you. “You look good enough to eat!”
“Don’t be mean,” you chide him, knowing his hearing is good enough that he definitely just heard you defend him to Evan. The flowers he has brought are stunning - deep reds and purples dotted with blues. “Do you want to come in while I put these in water? They’re beautiful.”
“Are you inviting me in?” He waggles his brows playfully and Evan nearly turns purple.
“SEE? He has to be invited in! Only vampires do that!” Evan’s voice nearly reaches the soprano range, it’s gone up so many octaves.
Max chuckles and steps into the entryway of your apartment. “Actually pal…that’s the same for demons, goblins and warlocks. Witches get a free pass for some reason.”
“Witches are still human.” Is the explanation you offer, figuring that playing along with the game is the way to be the least conspicuous. “Do you two need to be separated while I put these in my room or can you be in the same room without killing each other?” It’s kind of an honest question, all things considered, but you raise an eyebrow at Max asking him to behave as you grab your vase from the kitchen counter.
“I’m always a team player.” Max reminds you innocently, even fluttering his lashes at you. He’s not physically hurt Evan since punching him in the nose after he had been a little shit and lied to get him expelled and academically shunned from every fucking college but the one where he was turned into a vampire. “Ev and I will be fine, won’t we?” He throws his arm around Evan’s shoulder and squeezes him close as he grins at him, enjoying the other man’s discomfort.
“Be nice, please.” Is your one request, made to both of them, before you disappear to deposit the beautiful buds in the vase that will sit on your bedside table.
“Get off of me.” Evan hisses, shrugging out from Max’s arm and turning on him. “If you hurt her…” He trails off to seem more threatening and Max shoots him a grin.
“Buddy… pal…” He coos. “Don’t worry. It’s gonna be fine. Just…” He winks at Evan. “Make sure you have some good headphones tonight.”
You can hear them as you disappear down the hall and allow yourself to grin, shaking your head at the way Max doesn’t even pretend to assure Evan you won’t get hurt. Because there is no way your friend could wrap his head around the fact that having Max’s fangs cut into your skin was half of what made you cum so hard last night. Pain and pleasure mixed – and the promise of more – make you shiver with anticipation as you quickly drop the vase of flowers beside your bed.
Maybe you’ll ask Max to go back to his place, though, just so you don’t rub it in. Because you are definitely going to make some noise tonight. Your throbbing pussy insists on it.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat​ @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @hardc0rehaylz @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom    
My Masterlist!
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trashiewrites · 2 years
MW Halloween HCs
Happy Spooky day yall! Here are some HC’s i cranked up for the boys plus Farah 👀 spending time with you of the fateful day!
+you tried to do something at least decorate the house. He shut you down so fast.
+Plus, He doesn't believe in it and thinks it's a waste of money.
+You told him "THiNk AbOuT THe CHilDrEn JoHN" and I shit you not his response was "Sure I'll give them a good scare" As he pulls out his gun he carries.
+ You then make him aware of the potential lawsuits for you know BRADISHING A GUN TO CHILDREN
+He proceeds to put the gun away "No decorating"
+You ignored him, you bought small decorations anyway with your own money so he couldn't complain. Your favorite is a skeleton bowl that you placed on his nightstand one night after he fell asleep, woke up, and yelped because he woke up with a skeleton in front of him.
+Proceed to laugh in his face. To be honest, he laughs too cause it did get him pretty good.
+ Wouldn't be surprised if Soap signed up for a decorating contest cause I feel he would love to decorate these types of things
+He even makes custom stuff
+you help him OFC, mainly by going out and getting supplies when he needs them.
+ He takes such pride and you as an extra touch Help Soap Get costumes that help match the theme of the decorations for the wear so that way when you guys hand out treats together you guys look in character and can trick a few scared in!
+Soap loves interacting with the kids. Honestly seeing the kids walk up amazed at his work on the house is why he does it.
+DadTavish energy vibes are especially high. Like he is so close to having a full-on baby fever episode.
+He gets really sad the day after because he knows he's not gonna be able to keep his props. But you guys sell the props online because they actually have a big market for this kind of stuff. Saves up money for next year's theme!
+He tries so hard...
+He usually doesn't pay any heed to such a holiday but he wanted to try it
+TBH the only reason he never did is that kids are normally scared to talk to him due to his mask. He's always been marked as intimidating.
+he bought simple decorations for the outside of his house and a silly little skeleton bowl for the candy he was gonna give out.
+He asked you to help him set it all up. But it was really just for the nerves
+ Day of Halloween, he didn't really dress up per se. He just kinda wore the uniform.
+Halloween became his favorite holiday that day :)
+ "Wow Mister! I love your Skull Trooper costume!" He doesn't know where exactly it's from but it meant so much to him
+ After that night he was so silently happy. Whenever it happens, he looks over at you every time with a glow in his eyes. It is so fucking cute
+Now he looks forward to Halloween every year!
+He spent the entirety of the month chatting with you about different duos you both could be. This is the heaviest debate every year cause you two can never agree.
+you want to do a duo from your fav show while he would want to do the cliche couple ones like Peter pan and Wendy; just some Disney.
+You guys compromised this year by doing a duo from your favorite animated movie. (For example, Chihiro and Haku from spirited away, but you choose whatever) 
+ Once the whole costume problem ends, you can finally decide what you guys go do for the holiday itself. Which is something you guys luckily can easily get behind each other's ideas. At least, you guys have civil conversations about it.
+ he usually tries to bring up doing a haunted house and then heading to a party. This year Shut him down on at least the haunted house. Why you may ask, well Gaz doesn't do haunted houses very well... Like horribly.
+ It's either he gets too on edge and almost kills an actor, or he panics and passes out. Two years in a row... So you really don't want to deal with another hospital bill. Despite him saying He'll be okay and he won't do it... You highly doubt that... Cause he has always been pretty jumpy.
+He wanted to go trick or treating... REALLY BADLY. 
+ Yeah you didn't believe him at first when he asked you about you, "Aren't you too old for that Gary?" You wouldn't believe how loudly he gasped.
+ "YOU'RE NEVER TOO OLD FOR FREE CANDY!"  Gary shed a single tear as he ran to your shared bedroom. You couldn't hold your sigh as he went off on his dramatic antics again. Every time, this happens every single time...
+ When you finally agree to it, he celebrates and does a little happy dance. God the shit this GROWN MAN does that makes him the world's oldest 5-year-old. 
+ That happy dance stops when you ask one question, "So, what are you going to be?" He stops right where he is and stays for a bit before looking back at you... "u h h, shit... I don't know." 
+ He dragged you to the Halloween shop with him so he can try out the costumes, which might I add, took about 3 hours of your day.
+ He couldn't pick between being Michael Myers or some other creepy monster you didn't know the name of. Of course, he asked your opinion, aka you choose which one he picks cause he's so damn indecisive. 
+ On Halloween, he was practically jumping off the walls in the evening! 
+For you, enjoying a nice stroll in the cool breeze but seeing Roach so happy is nice too. Even better when you two stop for a break and he reaches into his candy sack and hands you your favorite candy cutely. "Thank you for coming with me (y/n)." 
+ Before anyone asks, yes, yes, he does get really weird looks because he is semi-tall... Like they aren't going to say anything cause he's wearing a mask and even if he wasn't wearing one, he has a baby face so he still would get his candy. 
+I'm going to be completely honest with Ya... He seems like the guy that likes true crime.
+ SO, instead of typical Halloween stuff like Horror movies and cobwebs. You both are watching true crime documentaries while making little knife cookies! 
+Honestly you two get really sad at the end because you can't help but feel horrible for the victims of these killers you had watched. So, after the documentary binge, you both just relax and watch normal things. 
+Honestly Alex forgot it was Halloween until someone came to the door for a trick or treat. Sadly, he had to bear the bad news to the kids. He didn't have candy but offered a knife cookie. 
+ With the consent of the parents, he put them in a little sandwich baggie and gave it to them. 
+You looked back at him with a small glare at him giving the cookies, "what you want me to leave them empty-handed?" You nodded, "Oh come on (y/n), not like you're going to eat them all anyways." You took that as a challenge. 
+ you got sick the next day :D Alex was also mad that you legit ate all the fucking cookies. He only got to have like 3 out of the 14 or so.
+ So, Farah doesn't really get the purpose of Halloween. But she gets one thing. It is the one day she can scare the living shit out of you all day and you can't be mad at her for it. 
+She hinds in the most obscure places and somehow knows where you are going to go at all times.
+ Honestly, it freaks you out how many times she can scare you in one day... Her record is 20. 
+ Poor you get so anxious and somewhat competitive cause you want to catch her before she can scare you. Have you done so? no, currently you have zero points on that front...
+ "Boo!" you screamed and fell backward, "Haha! got you again (y/n)!" she lends you a hand as you proceed to tell her that this isn't what Halloween is supposed to be. "Well, it is this for me and I quite like this holiday. Keeps your senses sharp, doesn't it?"
+ You two don't really celebrate Halloween, the most you two do is buy decorations and make little Halloween snacks. Also, Alejandro has a weird obsession with candy corn...
+ You guys also watch Horror movies but that really is for Halloween, nothing special. 
+ You guys celebrate Dias de Los Muertos, which is really big for him! You guys have an ofrenda in your house and his family usually hosts a big party to celebrate the day which you are happily welcomed to! 
+ If you have ever been to a Mexican party, you can probably expect what it's like.  If you don't know, just know its fucking amazing! fresh food of all kinds, all kinds of booze, and top that with a loud stereo or a live band! 
+ Personally believe that Alejandro would bust out a guitar and play a song or two! Aka, I believe he has a killer Spanish singing voice, English... He's okay with it.
+Take this as you wish, But I'm telling you right now this man is way too fascinated with slasher films... I MEAN IT, HE LOVES THEM SO MUCH!
+ Legit you guys prob had a bucket that you would handle the trick-or-treaters because he won't leave that screen. HE'S SO FOCUSED!
+ It honestly shocks you how many of these types of movies this man can watch in one sitting cause honestly it prob gets boring after about 3 of them. I'm sure he watched maybe 14 movies throughout the entire day.  MIND YOU, THIS ISNT A FLEX!
+ Cheers and makes comments about the character deaths, "That girl totally deserved to die, like who the fuck is that stupid to go that way like honestly dear fucking god..." 
+ One character's head got, you know, smashed and I SWEAR, the first thing out his mouth was "Haha! Pop!" LIKE IT WAS NOTHING!!! not even a flinch... I refuse to believe this man isn't a walking red flag
198 notes · View notes
cookiesuga55 · 6 months
Hello my lovelies! Here is the second installment of 🍪Cookie Jar🍪 prompts that has been in the back of my mind for some time. This is my first attempt at writing something Horror? So I wanted to release it for Halloween to feed into the sPoOkY vibes. If this goes over well it could just be the first chapter of something larger...
A Seed of Doubt
Tags: Sugar Cookie Horror, Mad scientist AU, FBI classified experiments, Crazed scientist Namjoon, Wholesome botanist Jungkook, Little Shop of Horrors Inspired, carnivorous plant, Plant vore, tentacle-adjacent limbs, friends to enemies, mind corruption, dumbification, fear, vomit, disturbing themes uwu
6.3k words
"Strength and growth come only through continuous pain and struggle.”– Napoleon Hill, author.
Jungkook peered through protective glass up at the enormous plant that thrummed and pulsed. All of the readings of the biome’s heat signatures were coming across on the screen perfectly. It was disturbingly active in a way that they had never seen before.
“Do we have camera footage to see what happened…?”
Jungkook asked his partner who stood beside him, staring with the same awe and fascination at their test subject of nine months. Namjoon's lab coat sat slightly askew on his shoulders and his hair was rucked from the haste that they had both rushed into the lab well past midnight. Both scientists had gotten the notifications on their phone of an anomaly in their data, and had raced over as fast as possible despite the late hour. 
“I'm pulling it up right now-”
Namjoon squinted down at the UV readings. Right in the core of the plant was a bright red heat signature, hotter than the quivering leaves, but much too cold to still be alive. A small part of Jungkook wished that he could have been here to see it happen, as sick as it was. As Namjoon always said, sacrifices were a necessary evil of science. But Jungkook wasn't sure where the line was drawn on what sacrifices entailed. He and Namjoon had very different limits on ethics, despite working together for years.
The plant ominously swayed its stalks and its leaves rustled, more movement than the typical slow sentient swishing that they were used to, accompanying the ever constant thrumming that pulsed in its core. 
Namjoon tilted his head in fascination as they both watched the grainy video footage of the horror that had forced them to come to the lab. They squinted at the screen and caught a glimpse of a portly janitor enter the completely restricted room. There was a dark flurry of leaves thrashing in front of the camera, and a scream. Dark foliage covered the camera like the plant was obscuring their view and… knew where their observation points were.
Jungkook glanced at Namjoon, feeling uneasy. Namjoon's expression showed nothing of the sort, just a studious enthrallment at a potential discovery.
"We need to see this footage from another angle. Or watch it live."
Jungkook gulped and took a small step away from Namjoon, who radiated as much excitement as the plant within the large confinement of the greenhouse. Sometimes his lab partner scared him at his lack of empathy for others.
Watch what happened again? In person?
“Hyung, you’re not thinking…”
“What you’re thinking?” Namjoon typed data signatures into their log sheets to document what was happening as he watched the footage again. “Yeah, Jungkook-ah, I am. We watch it for real this time. Call in another maintenance repair for the greenhouse lights. Get clear footage and send it off as evidence in the morning. Let's see who's on night shift...” Namjoon's hands were unnaturally steady as he picked up the phone. 
Jungkook couldn't believe what he was hearing. Absolutely not.
“Hyung, we can’t. That's... unethical.” Jungkook pushed Namjoon's hand down to shove the security phone back into the receiver. Risking another person's life for 'science' wasn’t an option. Was it? Namjoon would probably say it was. 
“You’re right. Sorry for supplying a suggestion that would give us actual answers.” Namjoon didn't sound sorry at all. Jungkook ignored the snide remark and the implied message of his tone: you always hold us back from making real discoveries. Jungkook pushed those feelings down and poured over the readings for the thirteenth time, trying to make sense of it. He and Namjoon stared through the huge observatory window at the massive thing inside. 
Unlike the plant usually looked, there was a large bulge in the middle of the thick tree-trunk stem, right where the cooling heat signature was on their scans. Namjoon clenched his jaw as he eagerly analyzed their specimen. They both stood quietly in anticipation of... anything? Jungkook didn't know what they were waiting for. But they watched for nearly an hour, on edge to observe any change. At the slightest movement, Namjoon smacked Jungkook’s arm like the other’s concrete, undivided focus wasn’t also glued to their million-dollar research project. 
“Jungkook-” The middle of the plant began… pulsing. They could see it squeeze what was inside, and then expand, puffing outwards until the casing of the stem was pulled tight, then contracting again. The two scientists stared, transfixed. The thick middle continued it’s methodical movement, and it looked like it was… massaging what was inside. Jungkook realized it was like a giant stomach. 
“Oh- oh god-” Jungkook gulped, queasiness ramping up. He felt too hot in his middle, skin clammy, but his limbs were also vibrating with feelings he couldn’t label. Adrenaline. It was too much.
A large offset of gas bloomed out of the plant's top bulbous flower, and Jungkook’s mouth fell open in horror. “This is so wrong.” 
“Did it just… burp?” Namjoon pondered. Slowly, the bulged stem of the plant settled, and all of the leaves shivered like it was experiencing pleasure. 
Jungkook might be sick. He was definitely going to be sick. Namjoon was completely unphased next to him.
A few large stalks from the plant slowly moved down to the glass where Namjoon and Jungkook stood safely behind. They’d never seen it move like this before. The leafy vines nudged the glass barrier, like it wanted through. Jungkook and Namjoon both instinctively stepped back. The plant pawed over the glass surface and it shook like it was angry. 
“H-hyung…” Jungkook took another step back. His hands were shaking. “I think that…”
“She wants to eat us? Yeah- me too. How interesting.” Namjoon watched in fascination as the plant caressed the protective glass and tried to nudge against it again where the two of them were. Jungkook was immensely thankful that there were six inches of thick, bulletproof protection between him and that thing. With the impenetrable glass completely solid, much to the plant's disappointment, the swaying limbs drooped back down to the earth and slithered around towards the base of itself. 
Jungkook swallowed hard, his stomach churning. This wasn't what he had signed up for when he was offered a classified job working for the government. He should have known that the pay was too high to not be mentally scarring. Jungkook watched the plant cradle itself. The sentient leafy limbs stroked over the bulge in the middle, and a few wound around the entire circumference base and squeezed like it was greedily feeling the size of it’s meal. Jungkook accidentally whined- with what might have been fear. Was definitely fear.
“Hyung-” He swallowed hard, determined to not be sick and taking another step back as Namjoon continued to log in data.
“She’s fascinating,” Namjoon cooed. Jungkook glanced over and saw admiration on his hyung’s face instead of the terror that he was feeling. “So, it's carnivorous,” Namjoon scribbled a few things down in one of their binders. Jungkook couldn’t help but respond instinctively in defense to try to make sense of what was happening.
“But it hasn’t done this to any of the animal tests. It didn't... eat them. It ignored them.” They had released multiple different species of both flora and fauna into the containment as a part of their initial tests, but the plant had done nothing for months. What had changed? 
Namjoon was tapping on their computer, speedily looking up the work timetable and seeing who had been scheduled for tonight. Jungkook didn't want to know what Namjoon was thinking. Namjoon clicked through the profiles until he found the same man that had somehow managed to wander past all of the restricted signs and get through numerous locked access points to end up in the carnivorous plant’s greenhouse. It takes 4 different keys to get past all of the security checkpoints. This couldn't be a coincidence, could it? Jungkook wondered if there was something bigger going on that Namjoon and him hasn't been informed of.
“Oh… I've found it.” Namjoon glanced up at Jungkook, snapping him out of his problem solving flow. Jungkook couldn’t help being curious enough to come back to Namjoon's side and see what was so interesting. “Kookie… look at this-” Namjoon quickly pulled up the results from all of their tests. The plant had completely ignored their releasing of a mouse, cat, snake, all insects, and a dog. Namjoon tapped on all of the BMI indexes, and then on the profile of the unfortunate janitor. “It prefers fatty meat.” Namjoon grinned with the high of a new hypothesis. 
Jungkook gulped, sick and intrigued all at once. “T-that’s a really far claim, hyung. Maybe it just likes humans.” 
Namjoon was in full-brain mode. How could he be so unaffected? How late was it? Jungkook could feel the lack of sleep in his bones.
Namjoon waved him off. “No, I don’t think so- if I’m right…” Namjoon began typing again. 
Jungkook needed to get out. He needed air and a break and a moment to digest everything that was happening. A bad choice of words. He felt sick. He backed up, mumbling, “...coffee,” and spun on his heel. Namjoon didn’t even acknowledge his disappearance, and Jungkook all but ran to their breakroom and locked the door. He collapsed onto a chair and tried not to hyperventilate. 
Namjoon didn’t feel the need to wait. He launched the next test, impatient to see if he was correct. They were all set up to release more mammals this week for their tests. The plant had been labeled as “hazardous,” and it was his and Jungkook’s job to figure out exactly what every single detail of this new species was. Namjoon relied on Jungkook for much of the technical side of phytology and terminology, but the botanist had been holding them back for weeks, and Namjoon wouldn't let Jungkook stand in the way of a breakthrough this big.
Namjoon clicked through controls, too curious for his own good. He wanted to test his ideas. Everything was worked out in his head. The theory was in place and now he needed evidence to buttress it.
He opened the gate from the control room and was pleased to see a pig amble out into the enclosure with the plant. Namjoon quickly scrolled over into their next set of switches and opened the cage for a bonobo. Namjoon stared and waited with bated breath. He checked the BMIs of each and grinned. The pig was nearly the same ratio of fat to meat as the night-watch employee had been, though how or why someone had gotten into the restricted greenhouse lab made him very suspicious. The vines began moving. One slinked towards the bonobo. “Still hungry, darling?” He murmured as he watched. The bonobo was strong and hearty as human's closest primate relative. One vine snaked around the primate, squeezing its middle, and the bonobo curiously tugged on it. A few more slithered over and wrapped around different parts, making the primate begin screeching and thrashing.
Disappointment filled him. Maybe Namjoon was wrong. Maybe the plant did just like meat. 
The plant lifted the thrashing, near-human animal a few feet off of the ground, like it was testing it’s weight, and Namjoon squinted as he analyzed the scene.
Much to his surprise and delight, the vines loosened their hold, and almost gently set the primate back down on the earth. Namjoon's eyebrows shot up. How interesting.
Oh. Oh. Namjoon was right. He eagerly turned his gaze to the pig. The plant's tentacle-like vines finally made it, and one wrapped around the middle of the snuffling creature. It squeezed, and the pig squealed. Namjoon leaned forward in anticipation.
Instantly, in a flurry of foliage, vines shot out, wrapped around the pig, and lifted it high into the air. Namjoon followed the movement with his gaze, intent on not blinking and missing anything. The squealing animal was hoisted up nearly to the top of the greenhouse, and a large budded flower unfurled.
Namjoon’s jaw dropped as the inside of the massive tulip bud was lined with sharp nettles, facing the inside like shark teeth. A defense mechanism to make sure that whatever entered went down smoothly, but would be skewered alive if it tried to claw its way out. Genius. The plant was genius. The pig was dropped in and Namjoon watched the bulge of the meal slide down the stem just like a throat, only to drop into the center where it pulsed and inflated. The flower furled back up again tightly, and vines circled around the base once more like it was cradling it’s belly as it swelled and contracted in what must have been the beginning of the digestion process. 
Namjoon scribbled down pages of notes in a frenzy, high on the success of his hypothesis being affirmed.
The angry bonobo ambled away back into its cage, unharmed. One test was successful. Now, the next one needed to be conducted. Namjoon released a human-sized chimpanzee all alone, and watched for a long time as the plant got more curious and confident with the potential meals. However, after some playing, it set the primate back down. This was too good to be true. Namjoon was ecstatic.
Just to solidify his theory, a pudgy squirrel was released and gobbled up upon first squeeze where the vine sunk into fat. Namjoon grinned. Two was chance. Three was a pattern. He was high on the endorphins that came with making a new discovery, clouding his mind and making him want to plow onto the next, next, next. 
The plant's limbs were exploring the openings of cages that the animals had come out of, particularly interested in the pig’s containment, like it was searching for more.
Namjoon had a thought. A risky one.
He eagerly pulled up Jungkook’s profile within their system and searched for his BMI. His lab partner was incredibly fit. It was one of the lowest numbers he’d ever seen on a human: 12% fat, less than his own 18%, less than their leanest wolf predator in the mammal tests, and much lower than the bonobo and chimpanzee had been, averaging 24%. Namjoon wouldn’t be able to find anyone with a lower BMI to test. It was a safe option. The only option.
Namjoon licked his teeth, pulled out his pager, and sent Jungkook a message to meet him in the cage room, immediately. He flicked off the lights and opened the door, but didn’t leave.
After a long time with his head buried in his arms, Jungkook’s heart rate was finally down. He was just steeling himself and pulling it together when his pager rang. The screen flashed with the code for the test animal cages and the letters PIG, followed by the emergency hash from Namjoon. Jungkook exhaled nervously and acknowledged it. Something must be wrong. A spike of fear went through Jungkook. If Namjoon was alone in the cage room with the test animals, he might be paging for help. 
He threw the breakroom door open and glanced down the hall to where their operation control room was. The door was left carelessly ajar a few inches, because Namjoon never remembered to close it behind him. The small window in the door revealed that the lights were off. Fuck. Namjoon must have gone to the cages, and something was definitely wrong. 
Jungkook spun on his heel and ran in the opposite direction, nervous for his friend. When he arrived, Jungkook instantly noticed that some of the animals set up for tests this upcoming week were gone, and sure enough, the pig’s cage was empty, with the door open on his side.
Jungkook called out for Namjoon before investigating, but there was no response. He searched around the dimly-lit room for the pig in case it had escaped, but couldn’t find it. Past animals had gotten stuck in a passageway to the containment greenhouse, and maybe the same had happened here. Namjoon wasn’t anywhere to be seen, so he must… be on his way?
Jungkook rolled his eyes with convinced relief and he exhaled the anxiety out of his body. Of course Jungkook had been worried for no reason. Everything was fine, aside from the escaped animals. Namjoon got so easily distracted. He would probably turn up in a few minutes with a million things to say about some new hypothesis that he had conjured on the short trip from the control room to the cages. Chuckling at the scatterbrained genius, Jungkook did what he had seen numerous of the zoo workers that came when one of the animals got stuck. Jungkook had been trained to ethically handle their specimens. There was no reason to call one of the workers when it was still so early. Not when Jungkook could easily do it himself. He checked his watch. 4:30 am. It was much too early to call someone at home with their families. 
He crouched through the low metal entrance to peer into the passage. The caged door to the greenhouse beyond was open, and it definitely shouldn’t be. There was a loud clang of metal behind him, and Jungkook whirled around. The cage door had slammed shut behind him. But- there were no keys to these cages. Everything was operated electronically… from the control room. Jungkook tugged up at the metal, irrational fear spiking again. Tonight had been too much.
Jungkook hadn’t seen Namjoon in the control room on his way here to answer the emergency message. He’d been… Jungkook didn’t know where Namjoon was. He whipped out his pager and sent back his own emergency code. The message said that it was received and acknowledged by Namjoon. Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief. Namjoon would be on his way. Gods, think about how stupid he would look once his friend found him. They needed to get the electricians to come tomorrow. There must be issues in the circuit boards with the doors opening and closing on their own accord. That was a major issue, as proven right now. 
Jungkook was going to have words with the health and safety department. He would need to book another therapy appointment this week just to process this night.
Jungkook impatiently checked his watch, wondering what could be taking Namjoon so long. He was getting nervous standing in here. Jungkook exhaled hard again and tried to count in his mind to calm himself down. Tonight was too eventful. He just needed to go home. He impatiently yelled Namjoon’s name in hopes that it would echo down the hallway, and he paged him again. Acknowledged. 
Where the hell was Namjoon? Something cold and wet circled Jungkook’s ankle underneath his pantleg, and he yelped and jumped on instinct. He looked down to see a dark, leafy vine reaching through the long passage from the greenhouse. It shackled around his ankle. Jungkook shrieked now out of fear and tried to kick it off, stomp on it, and rip it off of him with his hands. More vines slunk through the opening and eagerly wrapped around his wrists. They were so strong.
No. No, no, gods no.
He yanked and screamed for Namjoon, but they only circled tighter. Jungkook’s stomach roiled as the vines gave a curious little tug on him, pulling him a few feet towards the greenhouse tunnel. Jungkook turned to the side and threw up the contents of his stomach, too much fear flooding through his body and making it contract and convulse from being overwhelmed. The plant pulled harder.
Jungkook whined as he was jerked forwards by his bindings. He was going to be sick again, but there was nothing left in him. His feet were forcefully wrenched, and Jungkook slammed to the ground of the cage. Tears blurred his vision. He screamed again in fear as he could feel his body being dragged across the cold metal towards the light of the greenhouse. He tried grabbing onto the wire floor but they just tore at his fingers, the metal woven too small to properly grasp. Tears cut down Jungkook’s cheeks as he was dragged by the ankles from the dimness of the testing cages into the artificial sunlight of the greenhouse. He clawed at the loose earth as he was dragged, but there was nothing to take purchase on. Jungkook was lifted upside down by his feet and hoisted into the air. All of the blood rushed to his head as he came face to face with a huge mass of green. The plant that they had been studying for months. Up close and personal. The one that had ate the janitor tonight. Jungkook shouted out Namjoon’s name again in terror, desperate for help.
Oh God, he was going to die. Jungkook thrashed and tried to bend up in half to tear his raw, bloody fingers at the vines around his ankles. He was thankful for his core strength as he latched onto them and started climbing like at the gym. The leaves around him shuddered and whipped across his skin, scratching him. Jungkook’s arms were circled and yanked to each of his sides, so he was restrained and spread out so tight like a starfish that his joints hurt. His ankles were hoisted higher over his head and all of the blood flooding his brain made his vision prickle. His labcoat hung off of the back of his shoulders and his sweater rucked up to his chest.
Defiance flooded Jungkook. He was not going to die and be eaten by a fucking plant. He growled and twisted his wrists, vision blurred and head pounding. He grabbed onto each vine holding his arms out and yanked as hard as he could. He kicked and thrashed and put up the fight of his life.
Namjoon watched as the plant played with Jungkook almost curiously. It held him aloft and shook him a few times, vines shackled around each limb. Already, Namjoon could tell that the plant was having fun. Its leaves rustled excitedly and more vines rose to play with its new toy. This was very interesting. One even nudged at his hanging lab coat until it fell off of Jungkook and fluttered to the ground where vines pulled at it until it tore, curious about the fabric. Namjoon wondered if the plant was just going to play with Jungkook, or if it was ever going to test if he was pudgy enough to eat.
Jungkook writhed as more and more vines rose up to him. He yanked as hard as he could, flailed, even bit, and they tugged back with much more power, pulling him this way and that. Three wrapped around his bare middle and began squeezing down on his ribs.
Jungkook freaked out even more. They tightened around his abdomen like a snake, and Jungkook almost blacked out. There was so much blood in his head and his vision was unfocused and tunneling. Vines dusted over his skin. They stroked across his tummy and up his chest, nudged his thighs and biceps, and one even came around his neck and rubbed at the underside of his chin. The plant was clearly feeling him up and restraining him completely immobile at the same time. Jungkook sobbed, frozen in place as he was held some thirty feet up in the air by a sentient plant that was seconds away from eating him. How had this even happened? How had Jungkook even gotten here? 
The plant shifted Jungkook in its grip, and leaves pet down his back too, following the muscles. Jungkook felt seconds away from blacking out. His inhales were restrained with how tightly the plant was binding his chest and stomach. Maybe this was how it snuffed it’s prey, by squeezing him like a snake and then eating him. Jungkook wasn’t sure what he preferred if he had to pick how to die. Affixiation wasn’t the worst, but there were clearly better options.
He gasped for breath, only able to inhale shallowly and not nearly enough. Jungkook shook his head, fighting to stay conscious as black danced across his eyes. A familiar baby blue color swam in his blurred vision.
Jungkook blinked. That blue. That was the color of Namjoon’s shirt. The plant had turned Jungkook around, now interested in his back and thighs, winding up underneath the fabric of his trousers to feel his skin, and in the process, it had given Jungkook a clear view of the control room, where Namjoon was safely standing behind the bulletproof glass, watching. Jungkook blinked again and yelled for Namjoon’s help over and over, vision and head swimming.
He begged and tried pulling again at the tight vines, but with little success. One slithered across his lips, and Jungkook choked on Namjoon’s name, sobbed for help, pleaded for him to do anything except just stand there and observe.
Jungkook’s brows furrowed as his vision narrowed even more and a vine curiously parted his lips. It pushed against his tongue.
Namjoon was watching him and… taking notes. He was fucking taking notes as Jungkook was about to die. Jungkook howled in frustration and betrayal around the vine feeling his tongue. Fresh tears welled in his eyes. He thrashed once more, using up the last of his strength in an attempt to fight free, now full of anger instead of fear. How could Namjoon do this to him? His vision focused on the goddamn baby blue shirt but his field of view got smaller and smaller until it pinpointed into a little blue speck. The darkness closed all color out and Jungkook’s entire body fell limp as he blacked out. 
Namjoon observed the plant play with his friend, and Jungkook’s hazy eyes fill with fury as he caught sight of him. Of course it wasn’t going to eat him, but the plant did seem to like him. Its UV levels were rising as the plant played and had…fun. Namjoon always knew that the plant wouldn’t eat his lab partner. The tests had cornfirmed it. The plant was only interested in consuming plump prey. Jungkook had next to no fat on his strong, lean build.
Instead, the plant seemed much more curious about feeling the firmness underneath Jungkook’s skin, which must have been a new sensation for it. It was very intriguing to watch it play. Namjoon hadn't expected the plant to open up Jungkook’s lips to feel inside of his mouth. The leaves rustled happily as it enjoyed Jungkook while he thrashed and yelled and looked at Namjoon like he wanted to murder him. However, when Jungkook blacked out and went limp from being upside down too long, and therefore no longer engaging in the game by fighting back, the plant froze. 
“Clever girl,” Namjoon praised as he watched it loosen its hold and lower Jungkook to the ground. “Be careful with him. Don’t break your new toy,” Namjoon tilted his head to watch as the plant gently laid Jungkook on his back in the soil, and it pet a few vines softly down his bare chest and stomach, like it was trying to soothe the limp boy. Now this was fucking fascinating. The plant continued the gentle petting until the blood circulated normally back in the human, and Jungkook’s chest began to softly rise and fall. A few little flowers furled and unfurled, and Namjoon stared in awe that they were pumping out oxygen as the levels in the greenhouse started to rise.
The plant pressed a delicate white flower to Jungkook’s lips, and breathed oxygen right into him. Namjoon stared, transfixed.
Jungkook’s lungs expanded with breath, and another vine continued to pet down his chest and stomach. Jungkook’s eyes slowly fluttered open and it took him a few minutes to focus and regain full consciousness. When he did, he screeched against the flower laid over the lower half of his face like a suffocating mask, and the plant wriggled in what might be delight.
Jungkook scrambled back on his elbows and legs through the dirt, but the vines just chased him, wiggling and playfully tugging at his clothes and ripping them, then happily sneaking into the rips to wind around his thighs and middle again.
Namjoon smiled.
“Learn your lesson, darling, don’t squeeze too tight.” Namjoon whispered as he watched. The plant lifted Jungkook again, but it seemed to cradle him with multiple vines, keeping him laying like he was in a hammock. “That’s it. Kookie is delicate.”
Jungkook stayed frozen still, staring up at the plant in frightened confusion as he was no longer bound and jerked around, but held almost tenderly. The vines lifted the boy up high, bringing him to a large bulbous tulip. The first wave of uncertainty washed through Namjoon. No. He had to be correct. It couldn’t eat Jungkook. The tight petals unfurled, but instead of being lined with nettles to devour him, a large, yellow bloom was inside of it. Namjoon stared, fascinated, as the petals opened to reveal a fat sticky pistil inside of the flower, surrounded by long fleshy stems that were shimmery with some sort of secreted liquid, possibly for pollination.
“Oh. Oh wow.” It was beautiful. They had never seen this part of the plant, didn’t even know that this plant had this. Jungkook was delicately lifted up and propped up by more of the vines. The flower tilted down and completely smothered him. Namjoon bit his lip, feeling a pang of nervousness again as Jungkook was engulfed in the plant, but confident in his own research.
All he had to do was wait.
Jungkook stared, petrified, as he was cradled and brought into the heart of the foliage, only to be presented to a huge yellow flower. Jungkook wouldn't be one of the leading botanists in the world if he didn’t even know his basic plant anatomy. The golden petals wrapped around him, and he trembled as the massive stalks that were glossed with slick nectar followed suit and curled around him.
Maybe this was how he was going to die. But something told him that what was happening wasn’t malicious. It didn’t feel like he was being treated how the plant had ate the previous prey, all flurried limbs and pain.
Jungkook tilted his head as he studied it. This wasn’t a mouth. This was… the plant’s reproductive system. Jungkook’s cheeks heated, and he didn’t even know why. It was a flower for God’s sake. Three weighty, sticky-looking filaments drooped towards him and thudded heavily against his chest and tummy. A warm, glimmering secretion oozed out of them and coated his skin. It was cooling and tingly. 
“Wh-what in the-?” Jungkook gawked as they slowly dragged down his body, coating him in the stuff. Thick flower slick was slathered all over him, and one almost shyly came up to his lips, smaller than the rest. 
“H-hello-” Jungkook said awkwardly. It nudged, almost nuzzled against his mouth, and for some reason, for some weird, absolutely inexplicable reason, he breathed, “o-okay-” and opened his lips for it.
The entire plant shivered around him, and pushed the thick stalk into his mouth. Sweetness exploded across his tongue like honeysuckle, and Jungkook’s eyelids fluttered. This was- this was so weird. And weirdly… intimate? Jungkook had no idea what to think, and began instinctually suckling on the honey. What he didn’t expect was for it to push deeper and slide into his throat.
He gagged and squirmed, not expecting it to breach into his throat. Jungkook’s eyes watered and he whimpered around the plant keeping him open. More of the plant’s gooey floral limbs came down and poured the slippery stuff on him, stroking repetitively down his stomach. He was finally able to relax his throat as the plant stopped pushing into him and stilled. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? He was impaled on it. Jungkook breathed through his nose and tried to gently pull himself off, but the vines that he forgot were holding him up clamped around his arms and legs, keeping him bound there. He whined again, his fear beginning to ramp back up and his heart rate accelerated, pounding with anxiety in his chest.
Yes. He was definitely going to die, and he was a fool for thinking that- maybe for a minute- he would stay alive.
The sticky shaft in his mouth pulsed, and Jungkook made another panicked little noise as something thick and warm poured into him. He could feel it settle in his stomach. He was being pumped full of… something- possibly more of the goo that was coating his skin. Jungkook couldn’t even squirm because of being bound in place, but the weight in his middle increased as his belly swelled. It bloated with the flower’s slick as the plant continued to pet down his rounding middle almost reverently. Jungkook’s skin stretched as his abdomen grew, filled full, and the plant slathered more secreted goo over his distended belly. Jungkook’s eyes burned with tears as he felt like he was going to pop from whatever it was pumping into him. 
By some miracle, the plant pulled out of his throat, and Jungkook wilted back and coughed until he could breathe again. He was almost too scared to look down at himself, but he couldn't help it.
Jungkook whimpered at the sight. His belly was swollen, pumped full of the plant’s liquid. And he was completely coated in the gloss, all of his ruined ripped clothes soaked, and his skin and hair saturated with it. The slick was thankfully cooling on his hot, stretched belly.
Jungkook tried to think but something was wrong with his mind, his thoughts felt slow like he had been dipped in molasses. Like his mind was waterlogged along with the slick stuffed into him.
Tight, leafy vines around him loosened. Jungkook wilted back into the strangely comfortable cradle of plant, and the yellow flower petals began pulling away from him. The artificial sun of the greenhouse hit his eyes, too bright, and he whined and turned into the leafy safety of the plant, which immediately curled around him and supported the heaviness of his poor tummy. Jungkook nervously brought his soaked hands up to his belly. He was so full that it hurt, like he had just chugged gallons of water.
What in the actual fuck had just happened?
Jungkook was deposited safely on the soft soil of the ground, and could only lay there and try to pant for breath, staring up at the monstrously huge plant as the yellow flower closed back up. The curled tips of vines tenderly stroked his cheeks and over his belly, before pulling back and leaving him to cope.
His limbs were trembling as he laid in the dirt, clothes torn, rucked up, and soaked. And his stomach. What in the fuck had the plant fed him? Jungkook couldn’t even get up if he tried. He felt pinned in place. His mind was hazy and not working correctly, like there was a disconnect between his logical thoughts and overwhelming emotions. His rational mind wasn't working. All he could do was feel.
He felt overstimulated and too full to move. But also… strangely craving the vines back around him. He felt cold now that he wasn't being hugged.
A loud scrape of metal sounded to his right, and he lolled his head to the side to see one of the test animal’s gates were open. A pig waddled out, and Jungkook blinked, wondering if he was hallucinating. Something pulled at his arms, slowly dragging him to the edge of the greenhouse, and Jungkook dumbly stared, slow in his mind, as vines whipped around and snatched up the fat animal. The pig squealed as it was lifted it up to a flower just like Jungkook has been and-
Holy fuck it had teeth. The plant that had just been wrapped around Jungkook lifted the prey and swallowed it whole.
A hoarse screamed ripped out of Jungkook and his legs flailed. Pain flared in his belly and a fresh wave of fight or flight poured through him.
Overwhelmed, his head lolled back to see Namjoon above him, tugging at him and dragging him across the dirt, the explanation for how Jungkook was moving further away from the monstrous plant.
Jungkook was flooded with so many emotions, his brain couldn’t process them all. Namjoon was going to let that happen to him?! He had done it on purpose. Anger dominated the cacophony swirling inside of him and poured out. Jungkook's voice came out so much slower than normal he tried to speak, like he was drugged. Maybe he was? His mind wasn’t working right, his limbs weren’t working right, and his voice was scratchy and slurred, overworked from screaming so much and raw from having the plant shoved down his throat. Still, the spite tumbled out of Jungkook directed up at Namjoon as he was pulled back onto the safety out of the greenhouse and dragged onto the cold tiled floor, even if everything around him was blurred and dumbed down from his traumatized state. “I… hate y-ou-”
There was an uncomfortable tugging deep in the base of Jungkook's skull, like an invisible cord tethering him that got tighter as he was dragged away from the plant. His muddled thoughts rearranged themselves like a whisper creeping through his mind. Jungkook’s eyes fluttered and nearly rolled back as tingles flooded out from his head down his spine, making his limbs twitch and spazam, thoughts feeling outside of his own body.
Now you belong to me, pretty. We’re going to have fun together.
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one-winged-dreams · 5 months
Fucking LEAPS out of bed because I'm like 80% sure an actual old god just visited me in my dreams to try to romance me because I have NEVER felt that kind of love for someone in a dream EVER.
under cut for length
Like, in the dream, I was moving somewhere far away, to a different country, even, I think? And I went through the whole process of saying goodbye to my family, and then it cut to me looking around the, admittedly kind of spooky, new apartment complex I was living in. And I found a courtyard that was a liiitle bit neglected, but, like, in a maybe a couple months at the most kind of neglected.
There was this little vent-looking thing under the curb, and when I sat down on one of the benches for a while this black smoke started pouring out of it and a HORRIFIC fucking huge creature started pulling itself out, which looked very frantic because he was a BIG LONG MOTHERFUCKER.
He had like, a canine-ADJACENT (bc idk how to fuck to describe what kind of creature that skull looked like it was from) face, and then a fluffy mane with a couple eyes clustered around where the floof overtook the bone. And he was REALLY long. Like, not serpent-long but waaay longer than anything with that particular body shape should be. It was like a dragon body but with black fur of varying lengths. Also, he had a tail that was like, very out of focus in a really reality-warping sort of way, and eye-like shapes would flicker in and out.
And it was, by all means, the most terrifying sight I had ever seen in my goddamn life but there was no way I was gonna run past him so I just kind of sat there horrified and then like
He stopped thrashing about and started more DEXTROUSLY pulling himself out of the vent and telling me to not be scared, I was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen and there was no way he couldn't at least TRY to talk to me, seriously, I'm a god, don't you want to talk to a god?
But not at all in like a duplicitous or fae-trickery or anything way, it was legit like he was trying to rizz me up lmfao. And I was fucking STUNNED into being like "Are you serious?" "Absolutely, yes. Please, just sit with me for a little bit, I know I'm not easy on the eyes but you are SO beautiful."
And we talked and I was like "Oh my god he is actually really super hot, we are entering the monster fucker zone." and he was CUTE too. Definitely just some dude trying to slide into a pretty boy's dms. And then he went on about how he was just trying to see what sad motherfucker was making the vibes for his burial ground all mopey and then was like "WAHEY" and started trying to come onto me without even thinking about the semantics.
"Ohhh, I see how it is. You DEFINITELY already have a crush on me."
And I was embarrassed and hiding my face and blushing and saying that he was cute and I couldn't help it and he was very much pleased with this, saying "Good luck getting rid of me now, I'll romance you if it's the last thing I do." and then left
And there were several montages of us just being together and getting to know each other.
In one of them, I got confused and tried to open the wrong apartment door, and some drunk lady in her mid-20s came out and started yelling at me, and then tried HITTING on me. But then I felt this arm around my shoulder and look up to see this OBSCENELY tall super handsome goth dude smirk and be like "He's taken, thanks," and spin me around and escort me back to my apartment.
And in time it took me to put my stuff away and be like "Are you serious? Thanks, though," he was lounging on the couch in this very monstrous, like, half-human-half-god-form appearance, and I was blushing SO hard over it.
"Of course, I wasn't gonna let that slide."
And then we started CUDDLING on the couch, and I was extremely flustered but SO happy, and that was the part where I had never felt so in love with someone in my dreams before, and I was talking to him like "I want to take a few more steps," and he looked at me and was like "You don't have enough life in you right now for that, you're gonna have to wait a little more." "Are you really pay walling me right now?" "Just think of it as one of those pay-to-read so much per day romance webtoons."
And then after I expressed my disappointment, I woke up.
I don't remember him ever SAYING his name, but I know for a fact that it was Akingraeux
Idk man, I'm STILL flustered over it. You ever meet an elder god so thirsty for you that you can't NOT fall in love with him?
i'll do something with this
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faeriecinna · 27 days
WIP Questionnaire (2.0)
I was tagged a second time by @finchwrites, so I'll do this for my second WIP too.
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
As I mentioned in this post, as someone from an Irish family, I wanted to write a novel that paid homage to our folklore, so I decided to mess with the general concept of a 'changeling'. Rowan came to be when I tried to think up a character that was a faerie who, for some reason, believed they were a human - and the rest followed.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Not so much a theme song, but Rowan and Killeen's song is definitely Dying Star by Ashnikko and Ethel Cain. I'd probably have it playing in the background when Killeen realises who Rowan actually is to her.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
Rowan was the first character I created for this story so I do have a soft spot for her in my heart, but because I knew I wanted this to be a queer story, when I created Killeen I basically just turned my ideal woman into a lesbian fae warrior so??? of course I would die for her?? Plus being The Inquisitor for The Sidhe Court is kind of a slay, no?
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
Never read it, but from what I've heard I can only assume ACOTAR peeps would be into it. If anyone has ever watched Zone Blanche/The Black Spot (spooky french supernatural murder drama), that is EXACTLY the vibe I'm going for - just Irish (and if you haven't watched it you should).
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
There are two parallel storylines in the story - Rowan's storyline when she is taken into the Fae realm, and the second storyline that follows the aftermath in her small town when her parents report her missing. I struggle a fair bit with actually writing the aforementioned second storyline because I get so caught up with all the lesbian dumbassery that I forget there is in fact a second layer to my plot.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Crows, ravens and other corvids are ALWAYS a motif in my stories. The Sidhe also have a strong supernatural connection to the flora and fauna so not only are there several different kinds of forest dwelling animals in the story, but most of the characters can communicate with them!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Honestly for a fantasy book my setting/map is rather small so most of the travel is done by foot. I guess there'll probably be a few police cars involved and maybe some kind of sailboat at some point lmao
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
In the earlier stages of the first draft atm. I started this as a passion project only about 6 months ago even though I had the plot idea for a couple of years.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
Queer fae. Need I say more? Also I'm hoping the fact that there are a lot more spooky/horror elements to this story, as opposed to a lot of faerie narratives, will interest people. It's all going to be set in Ireland as well so that's another demographic that I hope will enjoy it!
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
It's a queer story where the characters are just... queer.... and in love... there's no homophobia, no "I'm gay and that's okay and normal!", no having to come out - it just is right from the get go, a gay story about gay girls being gay without that being the focal point of the narrative - so I hope that if it ever gets published, it'll be a book that queer people can go to when they need a spooky gay fantasy without any of the trauma and alienation that we feel as queer people irl. I hope people connect to the story and take some comfort in the darkness.
And I'm gonna tag @sleepywriter00 @akiwitch and @eccaiia
(blank under the cut)
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
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window-view-orion · 8 days
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I miss Zombaes Forever so much.
My first was She’s Shady last July after having seen those coffin-shaped boxes in the doll aisle for a while. Cringily, my first thought the first time I saw them was “pah, Monster High ripoff”.
Not everything spooky-themed is a MH ripoff, 9-months-ago me.
Anyway! Funnily enough, I’m almost positive that box had been opened in store and put back. Her sticker sheet was missing and she was out of her little paper body bag already. She still had her character card though, and she was so cute!
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Then a few days later I went back. The first series was running out of stock at the only two Targets I went to back then, so I picked up three of the second series instead. ✨ Wild Vibes ✨
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I opened them in my car because I was pumped. It’s so funny I got the three beach themed ones all at once! She’s Got Bite was the first I opened, and still feels special. Her cracked goggles, little swim trunks, and one-eyed shark are great examples of the absolute best of Zombaes.
I picked up the rest of Wild Vibes over time, with liberal use of the codes. I never got the rare ‘Spacing Out’ though, which I’m still bummed about. I would go into Target very frequently to check, and anytime there was a So Chill (the one who had the same code as her), the box would be roughly open and rifled through. People really have no shame, though it definitely is frustrating that I ended up with multiple So Chill’s myself from all that searching 😅.
When I finally found a good Walmart in my area and started shopping there too a couple months later, I found they somehow still had a few boxes of series 1, so I ended up getting a Miss Everlasting and a Rock in Peace.
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(I had to rubberband Shady’s parasol to her hand because she kept dropping it, as you can kind of see here)
It’s such a shame that this line seems to have been quietly canceled. I have the pet shop set and the bride-and-groom set now as well, and I hope to eventually get the other sets too as they lower in price. But there is such potential for more in these guys! They’re all so bursting with creativity and incredibly clever and cute designs. The art is so good, the collectible cards and little stands and coffin box, the little paper body bags you unwrap them from! They’re my spooky little zombie Polly Pockets, and Spinmaster can pry them from my cold undead hands.
And honestly, with Wild Vibes especially, the price was pretty good too. $9, and then $7, for all of that?? The big sets aren’t even expensive! Though maybe that was the problem in the end, along with people cannibalizing the displays as I saw all the time.
I did email Spinmaster’s media relations about a month ago to ask for any info they could give out, even though it’s a long shot, and I’ve not received a reply. In the unlikely event that ever changes I’ll update this post I suppose, but at this point I’m sadly considering these girls as dead in the water. It’s a tragic cancellation, but I’m really glad I got into the hobby just in time to experience them. And I absolutely love all of the ones we got. 💕
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xplrvibes · 6 months
Opinion on the latest episode?
So, I watched it last night before I went to bed, woke up this morning and went through a whole busy day of work and literally just had a few minutes to sit down and think about it.
And you know what I came up with?
It was kind of weird, lol.
Not bad weird, not good weird...just weird.
I don't even quite know why I found it so weird, really. I thought the guest stars - Niki and George - were probably the best guests they've had on so far. They were both humorous without being rude/annoying/too much, they took it seriously and George, while somewhat skeptical, was very respectful in his skepticism and didn't belittle anything that was going on, they were both mostly calm and down to participate...I mean, who could ask for more?
I answered an ask about this earlier, but Niki and Colby's vibes really mesh up well, from a pseudo-psychic perspective (and before anyone has kittens - I am not even remotely hinting at some kind of weird shipping thing here. That is not the school I go to). I don't know why they had to be tied up in order to do what they do - methinks that was just Sam living out some kind of weird Sam fantasy that only Sam could explain to people (I'm kidding...maybe), but I think the energy they can create just works really well together.
I also found the whole thing at the end with the priestess and the Tarot reading very interesting, because of course I did. I find that stuff fascinating, lol.
But seriously? It is all well documented how Ashley (Pythian Priestess) gave them a ready back in January that was a) not good and b) came freakishly true, so when she sat down and gave them another reading for their next 6 months (which, this was filmed around Aug 6thish, meaning they are now almost halfway through their 6 month period here), I had good feelings that their reading was about as accurate as it could get.
And, are we allowed to point out that Sam got the fuck boy card? Or no?
I think what I found weird was just how many...rituals they jammed into this thing. "Hey, lets go sit in a Reynolds Wrap tent for no reason!" "Hey, now lets tie Niki and Colby up back to back like a couple of hostages!" "Ok, now we're gonna go downstairs and play the mirror picture game!" "Alright, now we're going to do a homemade Ouija Board followed by a homemade quasi-exorcism!"
Like, why?
Also, for their challenges...I have opinions on those (and I have asks about them, so I will get more in depth in the asks), but I guess my two main questions are:
Why was Sam so pressed about going in the basement, when he was quite content to run skipping down there by himself at 3am a few days prior?
Why did Colby decide to blindfold himself while he was alone in the woods by a bridge that he absolutely could've fallen off of? Sam never asked him to do that (unless I totally missed that part). Is he...you know...ok?
Overall, the challenges were fine. Sam's went on a little too long and included way too much of him spending the whole time thinking Colby was fucking with him while Colby was upstairs fully anticipating a cancelation and pre-apologizing to the fans for leaving Sam's ass in the basement in the first place. Colby's was just...weird. I just do not understand the point of the blindfold, or of Sam being on the Estes Method via phone. If Colby's blindfolded ass fell in the water and drowned, Sam wouldn't have known or have been able to help anyway, so what purpose did that serve, truly?
I know, they got to face their fears and do something spooky and that's fine and all...it was just weird.
At the end of the day, I found some parts of it really fun, some parts interesting, and some parts fucking weird. Overall, I'd give it a 6/10.
It's been an adventurous ride, for sure!
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age-of-greta · 6 months
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(Don’t Fear) The Reaper
Author’s note: hi!!! Week 3 of our spooky Halloween series here!! It’s Sammy’s turn! Next part will be out on the 30th at midnight, it’s longggggggg hehehe. Pls ignore the typos and enjoy :)) vibes!
Pairing: Sam x reader
Warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption, heavy petting, minors DNI
Word count: 4.2k
It was cold. That was the first thing you noticed as you stepped out of Poppy’s car. The air was thicker with the fog machines going off everywhere, some Rob Zombie song was playing quite loudly in the background, and laser lights were everywhere. But you were cold and slightly irritated. Poppy had dragged you here to this haunted house with her tonight so she could be with her boyfriend, Josh. You liked Josh, you really did- but being around Josh meant being around all of them too. They were just simply too extroverted for your liking. In group settings you felt strange and out of place. They were always so on, something that Poppy had adapted to well. You, not so much. You and Poppy had been best friends for years, and when she met Josh all those months ago you were truly happy for her. Finally, a decent guy. She absolutely deserved it, she deserved the world, and Josh could give that to her. She wanted you to go everywhere with them, which stuck out to you as odd at first. You didn’t want to third wheel. However, once you finally got the hang of things you realized that Josh didn’t go anywhere hardly without his brothers. Alas, you were all giant third wheels that would eventually turn into a group dynamic. In these group hangout sessions you kept to yourself mostly, you had guessed you were shy. There had been plenty of times you had shown another side to you, but that always involved alcohol. Perhaps you felt so strange because you always felt two eyes that found you. You weren’t sure if you were being dramatic or imagining it, but Sam Kiszka always stared at you. You positively could not figure out why. He never even spoke to you, unless you were both inebriated- then you two carried on like you had known each other for years. However, there was this one night. You were both drinking and he kissed you. Without rhyme or reason. You wondered if you hallucinated it. He never spoke of it and you never told anyone. Despite his online persona, Sam was relatively quiet too. Often observing before talking unless it had to do with their music. He was probably the reason you felt so uptight tonight, but you didn’t know how to tell Poppy that. It would sound strange and delusional.
Now you fumbled with your fingers as Poppy scanned the crowd for Josh and company. You glanced down at your Doc’s, you should have worn thicker socks. You could feel a blister begging to begin. You stopped and bent down, tucking your light wash jeans into the spot where your boot was rubbing you. It felt better, but now you had to speed walk to catch up with Poppy. You followed her bright salmon colored vest through the crowd and the mass of blonde curls. She was always so bright and cheery in contrast to your black bodysuit that you stupidly didn’t wear a jacket with. At least there were heaters in the line portion.
“Josh!” You heard Poppy let out a squeal as she ran and embraced him. It had only been a week since she last saw him, but it looked like a reunification from war.
Then you saw the whole gang. Jake in his typical array of silver necklaces, Danny with his perfect curls, Josh in all white like a cult leader, and Sam with his hands in his pockets, his eyes had already found you.
A spark and a scream had jostled you away from your thoughts. You jumped as a clown in sliding knee pads continued to harass you.
“Fuck.” You muttered as the clown got right up in your face. “Okay, thanks for that.”
Fucking clowns.
Your face got slightly red as everyone had seen that interaction.
“He almost got ya didn’t he!” Danny yelled as you approached the group.
You let out a half laugh. “Yeah, he did.”
“Isn’t this place marvelous? Look at that giant spider! Just spectacular effects. Shall we get in line? We have everyone’s tickets.” Josh says, turning his head in awe.
“Lead the way babe!” Poppy says, taking his hand.
They lead the pact as you try and squeeze to be near Poppy, but a conversation from Jake doesn’t allow that.
“New boots?” He asks, as he matches your stride.
“They are- and I am stupid enough to try and break them in here.” You reply with a laugh.
“Ah that shit is rough. That’s why I wear my shoes until they are quite literally bursting at the seams. I hate breaking in shoes.”
“Yeah I have a feeling you will be investing in blister patches.” Danny says, jumping into the conversation.
“Thankfully I already have some.” You say, as you all get into line. It was Josh and Poppy, Danny, Jake, you, then Sam. You had hoped that Poppy would have pulled you up there with her, but she was too engulfed with Josh to pay attention. You were on your own.
“So, how was the festival?” You ask, generally to make small talk.
“It was great. There were so many people there it was a little overwhelming honestly.” Danny said, throwing his hand through his hair.
“Yeah way more than we anticipated. It ended up being electrifying, but at the beginning we were shitting bricks. Sam even took a little tumble on stage.” Jake said with a smirk as he looked at his younger brother.
Sam huffed. “Never going to let that one go- are you?”
“No.” Jake replied with a laugh. “But yeah, overall really good. Great weather, astounding atmosphere, plenty of drinks. Speaking of..” he trailed off and reached over to get his twin’s attention. “Shooters?”
Josh’s smile grew wide. “Absolutely dear brother. Alas, Daniel and I are DD-ing so only one for us.”
Josh passed around the shots, sending them down the line. Jake handed you two and raised his brow, silently asking if you were doing one.
“Fuck it.” You said with a nod.
You turned around to give one to Sam. “Here you go.”
“Thanks.” He said, taking the small bottle from your hand. “Cheers.”
“Cheers.” You replied back with a small smile.
Then you all tried to secretly ingest your shot, but doing anything with them secretly was a challenge. You had gotten strange looks from everyone else in line. You never knew if it was because they were famous or slightly obnoxious when drunk. Oh well.
As the line grew shorter you began to feel anxious. You loved going to haunted houses, but typically you held onto Poppy. Now you were going to have to fight your way up there to her. Inevitably, everyone took another shot minus Josh and Danny. You could see the front now, you had retreated back to quietness as Jake and Danny carried on a conversation about some new project they were working on. Leaving you and Sam to stand in silence. You decided to try and break the ice.
“Have you been to this place before?” You turn to him and ask.
He seems off in his own world until he realizes you’re actually speaking to him. “No I haven’t. Last year we were touring around this time. Didn’t have a lot of free time for festivities and all. Have you been here?”
You shake your head. “Nope. It looks cool though. I just hope there aren't a lot of strobe lights, they make me dizzy.”
He cracked a smile. “You would hate our shows then.”
“Oh shit!” You heard Poppy giggle out.
You shot your head towards her and Josh who were giggling at one another.
“What?” You asked, confused.
“It’s two at a time!” Poppy yells back to you. “They won’t let more than two go in together!”
Jake immediately links arms with Danny. “Dibs on Daniel!”
You feel your stomach drop. That means it’s you and Sam, by yourselves. Fuck.
You slowly inch yourselves closer and closer to the front. Until before you know it Poppy and Josh go in, her arms nervously linked with his. You hear her scream immediately when they shut the doors. Jake and Danny move up to the front and Jake gives you a salute.
“See ya on the other side.” Then they go in.
Finally, it’s just you and Sam standing there awkwardly under the red neon blinking signs.
“Hello madam! Are you ready to experience the horrors behind this door?” A tall man in a twisted up clown mask asks you as he leans down close to your face. “Mhmmmm she is pretty. They’ll like her back there a whole lot. Better hope your boyfriend holds onto you real tight!”
You glance over at Sam who is looking at the clown man entirely unamused.
Fucking clowns.
“Tough crowd tonight. Let’s see how long it takes one of you to scream.” The clown yells, opening the doors of the haunted house.
It’s smoky and pitch black inside. You glance over at Sam who gives you a shrug before heading inside. You two take a few steps in before the door shuts behind you. Immediately your senses are assaulted with loud sirens as three masked figures pop out of the shadows. Pure reflexes kick in and you grab onto Sam’s arm. You thought this might annoy him, but there was no way you could go through this without holding onto someone. If he did mind, he didn’t show it. He continued to lead the way through the darkness. You made it to the first room, a ghastly kitchen seen with blood and guts splattered. Sam laughed a little at the pig chef that jumped out from behind the door. You swore you could hear Poppy scream from what sounded like a few feet away. Sam continued to lead you through rooms full of animatronics, loud noises, screaming actors, and plenty of props. You were a little frightened, but it was a fun haunted house. You were having a good time until you entered a room where immediately you see a strobe light going off. You closed your eyes trying to brace yourself from the flashing lights. Then something strange happened. You feel Sam grab you and squeeze slightly with his free hand. He guides you out of the room rather quickly, but not before a masked bloody bunny jumps out and screams at you.
As you enter the next room you can faintly hear Jake’s voice. You must have caught up with everyone.
“You okay?” Sam leans down and whispers in your ear.
His breath on your neck raises goosebumps, but you can’t fully understand why.
You look up at him and nod, unable to figure out what to say.
“Ah there they are!” You hear Poppy’s voice ring from up ahead.
Just ahead in the distance you can see everyone else halting to wait on you. It’s still dark, only illuminated by red lights. You can see Jake, he raises his eyebrows at Sam and shoots a smirk as you two approach. Danny does something similar.
“Thank God, Sam has her. Okay now that we are all together again, are we ready?” Poppy says looking back.
“Onward!” Jake yells in a moderate British accent.
Even though you’re in your group again, you still clutch Sam’s arm.
It seems as if you all have made it to the last leg of the haunted house. In a group setting, everything seemed less intimidating. Jake and Danny couldn’t take a single aspect of it seriously, that made you giggle. Poppy still shrieked and laughed with Josh at every turn. She was so happy with him. You loved that for her. You had made it to a tunnel where it was insanely dark. You could only hear your friends in front of you. But you also heard masked figures screaming and growling.
“The door is shut! What the fuck!” Poppy yelled out, attempting to lead the group out.
“Welcome to hell.” Jake laughed.
You stood around but could feel someone standing directly behind you. You still couldn’t see. Then, you felt someone grab your shoulder and pull you. You yelped as they jerked you back away from Sam in the pitch black.
“Hey what the fuck! Let me go!” You yelled trying to find your way back. Once you had been dragged to the back a split second later, a switch flipped and neon lights lit up the room to reveal a carnival tunnel. A masked bloody clown had pulled you back around two feet away from everyone else. As soon as your eyes adjusted to the light, you saw Sam making a beeline for you. He looked, angry?
“The fuck is your problem?” He spat, still barreling towards you.
Is he yelling at you?
You stood confused for a second until he reached out and grabbed your hand, pulling you back to him.
“Don’t fucking touch her. You don’t just grab and pull people.” Sam said to the masked clown, taking you back to the group.
The clown just started laughing and shrugging.
Fucking clowns.
“Oop. Sammy’s pissed!” Josh says with a laugh.
Then the door opens and you’re all herded outside into a tiny maze. Sammy still had a hold of your hand. It made you… nervous. You could feel your hand getting clammy, but you tried to ignore it. Through the maze you were met with more actors, props, and loud noises. Finally, you knew you had made it to the end when Leatherface began to chase you out with a chainsaw. Everyone roared with laughter when you all had cleared the weapon wielding maniac.
“I’ve got to say. That was pretty damn fun.” Josh said, clapping his hands and laughing.
“It was! We should go to the bonfire over there!” Poppy exclaims, matching Josh’s energy.
“That’s a yes, because they have spiked cider.” Jake replies.
“It was fun, but what in the hell happened in the tunnel?” Danny asks, perplexed looking towards you and Sam.
You hadn’t realized, but you were still holding hands. Immediately you let go and wiped your hand on your jeans, trying to play it cool.
“I don’t know. That fucking clown literally yanked me back and dragged me by my shoulders.” You said, through a laugh.
“I thought they weren't supposed to touch you?” Poppy said, puzzled.
“They aren’t.” Sam said, finally speaking. “What in the hell goes through someone’s head to yank another human like that? He pulled her so hard. It was ridiculous.”
Josh chewed on his cheek trying to hide a smile while Jake snickered at the ground.
What was so funny?
“Yeah, that's a bit much. Glad you were there Sam.” Danny says, with a shit eating grin.
Sam rolled his eyes and you stood there unsure of what to say.
The bonfire was interesting. There weren’t horror characters there, just a lot of people drinking. There were hay bales by the fire, which is where you and Poppy sat while the boys went off to get drinks and snacks.
“So… how was going through with Sam?” Poppy asked you, innocuously.
You shrugged at her. “I felt bad that I grabbed onto him. I’m sure he felt strange, but there was no way I was going through by myself.”
Poppy let out a laugh. “I don’t think he minded too much.”
Before you can ask her what she means Josh appears with a drink for Poppy and a bag of popcorn.
“Sam has yours.” Josh says to you with a smile.
You turn your head and see Sam carrying two drinks and a bag of popcorn. He sits on the hay bale next to Poppy. You get up, letting Josh have your spot and sit next to Sam.
“Thank you.” You say, taking the cup from Sam.
“You’re welcome.” He starts. “You can have some popcorn too, I won’t eat the whole bag.”
“Okay, thanks.” You say, reaching in to grab some.
You two sit in silence for a moment while you watch Jake and Danny find their seats on the hay bale next to you.
“This is so good.” You say, sipping the cold spiked cider.
“Yeah. You can tell it’s fresh. None of that artificial shit.” Sam offers in response.
“Sorry I grabbed onto you like that in there. I love haunted houses, they just make me anxious sometimes.” You say, trying not to sound weird.
Sam lets out a small laugh. “It’s okay. I’m the same way. I’m glad you were my partner. It would have been embarrassing to hold onto Daniel and too obnoxious to go in with Jake.”
You laugh at that and sip your cider. You were having a fun time. Maybe you had been too judgmental about doing things with them, letting your own anxieties get in the way. You enjoyed being around Sam, he just made you feel nervous. You couldn’t figure out why, he had always been nothing but nice to you.
Conversations began to flow and so did more drinks. You all had polished off the shooters and Josh and Poppy got cozy together. Inevitably, you had started to feel the alcohol and came out of your shell, having a lively conversation with Jake and Danny about Taco Bell.
“Baja blasts are so gross! It tastes like cotton candy acid!” You say giggling.
“Blasphemy! Usually I love it when you drink, because you’re fun. But tonight you speak nothing but blasphemy!” Jake practically yells.
“Okay okay. Sorry to kill these vibes but I think Pops and I are going to head out. Danny, would you mind driving y/n home?”
“Yeah of course.” Danny responds, throwing a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
Your stomach sinks. You had very seldom been alone with them without Poppy as a buffer. You hoped you weren’t a burden.
“Call me tomorrow!” Poppy states, giving you a small hug before running off with Josh.
“Have fun you crazy kids!” Jake yells at them.
You all watch them walk off. Then Jake nudges Danny and smirks at Sam. “We’re going to grab some more drinks.”
Then, it’s just you and Sam again.
“They’re going to be so sick in the morning.” Sam says with a small smile.
“Yeah I can imagine. You guys can drink like tanks.”
Sam laughs. “Thank you?”
“Just being honest. Speaking of, sorry you’re pawned off on me again. If you want to go grab drinks with them you’re more than welcome to.”
Sam frowns at you. “Pawned off on you? Is that really what you think?”
You furrow your brows at him. “Yeah I mean you had to go through with me in the haunted house and now you’re stuck entertaining me at the bonfire.”
Sam sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Fuck okay here we go. Do you not think that it has all been done intentionally? You really haven’t picked up on the way these assholes smirk and smile and scoff at us- well more specifically me?”
You’re taken aback at his words.
“I like you. There it is. Okay? I have a stupid little crush on you, I always have. Do you not remember when I kissed you? You never said anything about it, so I tried to ignore what I felt. But fuck it I can’t. I like you, and obviously I have done a piss poor job of showing it if you think I’m some sort of babysitter for you.”
You sit there absolutely stunned. No idea what to say. Maybe it was the liquid courage coursing through your veins, or the adrenaline at the admission. But you leaned over, and you kissed him. Right on that hay bale by that bonfire. He kissed you back immediately, shocked initially. His hand cupped your face and your whole body flooded with warmth. You disconnected your lips and Sam’s face was dusted with pink.
“Well… fuck me. I guess I should have said that a long time ago if I knew I would have gotten that.”
You giggled at him. “I’m sorry! I don’t know what came over me. This is unprecedented to say the least. I kind of thought you hated me.”
He scoffed at you. “Hated you? No, I have pined over you for months. I was just unsure how to even navigate that. You make me nervous.”
You make him nervous? What the hell was going on?
“You make me nervous!” You admit with a laugh.
“Well here’s to being nervous together I guess? Wanna go grab another drink?” He asks, getting up and reaching for your hand.
“Sure.” You respond with a smile extending your hand to take his.
He leads you to the drink stand and orders two more. You sip on them and giggle at one another.
“I could use a smoke. You down?” He asks.
You glance around. “We will have to go somewhere secretive. No one else is smoking.”
He smirks at you. “Go somewhere secretive? With you? Absolutely.”
You bite your lip at his playfulness as he takes your hand and leads you behind a shed. It’s darker over here, he’s only illuminated by a blue light. He fumbles with his pockets before pulling out a pack of cigarettes. He shakes then vigorously against his hand before selecting one. He puts it between his teeth and flicks the lighter. You can’t help but think how attractive he looks at this moment. He takes a drag and exhales, his eyes flicking towards yours. Then he hands you the cigarette. You take it between two fingers and bring it to your lips, taking a puff. He looks at you the same way.
“What?” You ask with a small smile.
“You’re so fucking hot. You know that? It’s been so hard for me to keep my hands to myself everytime we have drank together. I damn sure didn’t keep my thoughts to myself. I just can’t believe this is finally happening. I didn’t think I would ever have the guts to tell you.” He says, running his fingers through his hair.
You take one more drag and hand it back to him. “Yeah? Good things come to those who wait.”
He leans in, dangerously close to you and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. “They do.” He coos.
His eyes are bouncing between your eyes and lips. His hand is impossible hot and you can hear your heart thumping in your chest. He swipes his thumb across your bottom lip before slowly leaning in. You kiss him back, feverishly this time. Not wanting to come up for air. This time a different sensation takes you over, not a warmth but a fire. His hand finds your waist and he squeezes you lightly, causing an unintentionally moan to leave your lips. “Fuck.” He growls in your ear as he attacks your neck with kisses. You can feel him pressed against you and you want nothing more than to take him into this shed. You pull him closer to you, practically as close as you can get and run your hand through the back of his hair, lightly tugging. He returns back to your lips, devouring every kiss. You run your hand over his waistband as he shutters into you. You’re entirely unsure how you two are going to progress this situation. However, the universe had different plans.
“Sam! Where the fuck are yo-“
Jake. Danny. Caught.
Your eyes get as big as saucers as you see them standing there with their flashlights on their phones pointed directly at you two.
“Oh goddamnit really?” Sam asks, trying to cover his pants.
“No FUCKING way!” Jake yells out. “You finally did it Sammy boy!”
“Woooo about time!” Danny yells, as he cackles and bumps shoulders with Jake.
“Would you please fuck off?” Sam seethes.
They both throw their hands up in response. “Leaving in ten with or without you!”
Sam returns his attention back to you, clearly flustered. “I’m sorry. They’re fucking brain dead.”
You clear your throat. “Uh, yeah. This will be fun to explain.”
“What are we going to explain?” Sam asks, testing the waters.
You wrinkle your nose. “I don’t know… What exactly is this?”
Sam laughs. “What do you want it to be?”
You bite your lip. “I’m not sure, but I like kissing you.”
He smiles. “I like kissing you too. Tell you what, how about I take you on a proper date. We can go from there.”
“Hmmm. I guess I could be open to that.” You say, batting your eyes.
He laughs and shakes his head. “You’re going to drive me crazy. You know that.”
“Is that a challenge?”
He leans down and kisses your head. “Let’s get out of here.”
He takes your hand and leads you back towards the cars, passing the haunted house.
“This drive back is going to be brutal. They’re not going to shut the fuck up.” Sam says, sighing.
“If my intuition is correct, Josh will be at mine and Poppy’s house. They will come in and our secret is up.” You add.
“Maybe we should just get an Airbnb for like a month. Away from them.” He jokes.
“Don’t tempt me with a good time.” You find his eyes and smile.
As you’re exiting towards the parking lot a familiar face jumps out in front of you and screams. You recognize him as the clown that sent you into the haunted house at the beginning of the night.
“Well well! Looks like loverboy finally figured out how to hold on to his girlfriend!
Fucking clowns.
Sam smirks at him. “I did and I’m never letting her go.”
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cruciomione · 5 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
Thanks for tag @bioloyg <3
Star Sign(s): Scorpio Sun (I literally never remember my other ones, I should probably memorize them)
Favorite Holidays: Christmas and Halloween. even tho i find it harder to feel the holiday spirit up until the very last minute i love christmas so much. and not even to be corny but its true that when you grow up you start to care less about the presents and more about the memories with family and friends.
i grew up in a religous family so my parents didnt let me celebrate halloween but i still love it with my whole heart. im a november baby so i love fall and all things eerie and spooky.
Last Meal: McDonalad's snack wrap and one of those new fruit splash drinks. its exam season so ofc im eating like shit. will probably eat some ice cream when i get home after my physiology exam in 30 minutes. so yay to junk food
Current Favorite Musician: currently ive been really enjoying pinkpantheress. her new album is literally 10/10. she has such a knack for melodies, and her lyrics are very eerie and poetic while maintaining a cutesy 2000s vibe. shes also a sampling queen.
honoarble mentions: ive been listening to a lot of janet, rosalia and red velvet these days too.
Last Music Listened To: feedback by janet Jackson. bro istg you have to clear the area when this comes on, i cant help but dance
Last Movie Watched: last movie i watched was bride wars. honestly a classic movie, so funny and i love wedding movies so i reccomend it. that was a month ago tho, which is crazy.
Last TV Show Watched: like the wonderful person who tagged me i watched the bear last. i just rewatched s02e01. ive been doing this thing where i'll either rewatch episodes for research, boredom or just because i get sucked in rewatching a specific clip that makes me want to rewatch the whole episode.
Last Book/Fic Finished: last fic i finished was keeping up with the berzattos by chefskiss40 on ao3. ive reread it like 3 or 4 times now and im patiently waiting for an update. its just so good, i love the domestic vibes. im not a fan of seeing my ships start families in canon but in fic? oh i could read that forever
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: not really abandoned but sorta modified? the sydcarmy high school au i started in the summer was a good concept but i didnt really have a concrete idea where the overall story would go. BUT im planning on maybe doing a series which is just a collection of one shots of them in HS? OR i plan on doing a multi-chapter shorter story that is an AU that also takes place in a high school setting but with a twist that i dont want to reveal bc that would mean i would have to commit to it. lol
Currently Reading: nothing. unless you count all these articles/research papers I've been reading for my health research studies course (think i aced the exam yesterday so maybe all the pain was worth it)
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: doesnt really count as research but basically i was on pinterest creating boards for 3 different fics. was researching wedding dresses for a nat & syd fic where they go wedding dress shopping (will be finishing after my last exam). also just creating two other boards to inspire myself to start the au i teased above and my bones and all AU/retelling i talked about last month. i want to watch some more cannibalism media and maybe research about 80s pop culture and politics before i dive into that one fully.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: ummmm probably just being a menace on twitter with my friends that i made through being a reveluv. we talk every single day, and they are some of the best people i know. maybe the times we used to get up early or stay up late for comeback season, watch the kcharts being updated hourly and crack jokes about group we liked and didnt like
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: technically THG is having a resurgence right now but im way too into the bear to really get back into it and also i havent seen the new movie. im excited to once exam season is done but i feel like the hype is already dying so i dont see myself getting too into it.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: uhhhh cant think of one tbh.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: honestly every sydcarmy fic idea i have that would take multi chapters to flesh out. one shots are very safe for me. but im praying i'll commit to it. esp the bones and all AU lol
this was fun
tagging some ppl to do this too, only if you want!
@amieraisposting @chefkids @sennenrose @sydneys-adamu @sydneyscarm @happylikeasadsong @chansoooo1-blog
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