#Johnny Lawrence x reader
hauntedfictionland · 7 months
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happy74827 · 2 months
He’s Got The Fire
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[Johnny Lawrence x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: To your surprise, Johnny shows up at your window unannounced, but it doesn’t take long to realize it’s not for kicks {GIF Creds: pilvimarja}.
WC: 2076
Category: Slight Hurt/Comfort, Slight Fluff
Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t started writing this franchise earlier given how it’s about equal with my love for BTTF
The sun had already gone down a while ago, the air was crisp, and the sky was starry. It was the perfect evening to watch the moon rise. The wind carried a chill, and the trees were almost bare, swaying in the breeze.
With a sigh, you closed the book you had been reading and stretched your legs, looking out the window of your room. By now, everyone had been asleep for a few hours, and you worked on upcoming assignments to pass the time. But when you had gotten to your last one, you just couldn't be bothered anymore, so you set it aside.
The quietness was nice, and the light from the moon cast a blue-ish glow on everything around you. You were so calm, but there was still something that had you feeling off.
He was never around much lately. It wasn't surprising, but it was disheartening. Ever since that championship loss a while back, he had been training even harder, and when he wasn't training, he was out doing god-knows-what.
You understood how important Cobra Kai was to him, but the fact that he was putting everything else on the back burner really had you worried. He had a tendency to go down the wrong path and not think about the consequences until after the fact. You hoped that wasn't what was happening this time.
Pulling your knees up, you rested your head on them and looked out at the night. There was a full moon, and you wondered if Johnny had noticed. He used to love taking walks at night just to see the moon and look up at the stars.
He had changed so much since then. That fire inside of him burned so brightly that sometimes you wondered if it would burn him, too.
Sitting like that for a while, you lost track of time. It was easy to get distracted and drift away from reality when your mind wandered. It was something you were trying to work on, and you were actually doing pretty well.
Until you heard a pang on your window.
Sitting up, you looked around, wondering if a bird had flown into it, but you saw nothing. Your mind immediately went to a branch falling or something like that, and you were ready to dismiss the strange noise and go back to daydreaming.
But the pang came again, and your heart leaped in your throat. You stood and cautiously moved toward the window. At the same time, a face popped up from below, and you shrieked.
He motioned for you to open the window, along with attempts to hush you. It was a very frantic gesture, and you felt your heart rate rise. You quickly opened the window and stuck your head out.
"Johnny?!" You whispered-yelled, and he was pulling himself up. "What are you doing?"
"Shhh!" He held a finger to his lips and looked behind him, and your eyebrows furrowed.
"Do you want the whole neighborhood to know I'm here? Let me in!"
You stared at him for a moment longer before helping him through the window. It didn’t go as smoothly as one would expect, like the movies, but he managed to tumble in. You stood there, arms folded, as he dusted himself off.
You haven’t seen him in so long, and the day you choose to miss him, he shows up out of nowhere. You would’ve called yourself psychic if it weren’t for the fact that Johnny always did the unexpected.
He looked… good, to say the least. The red jacket still fit him perfectly; his blonde hair was combed and fluffy, and his eyes were still focused and alert, even if his body language seemed a little sluggish.
To be honest, Johnny was the most beautiful person you had ever laid eyes on. His sharp jawline, his toned muscles, and that cocky smile of his. The way his eyes crinkled when he laughed and the way he always looked at you like you were the only girl in the world.
For a while, you didn’t understand why he chose to pursue you, of all people. He could have anyone he wanted. You weren't exactly a social butterfly, and you always got nervous and shy in the presence of others.
Johnny was the opposite of you. He was outgoing, and his charisma attracted everyone to him. And the way his voice was so smooth and deep. He could be the most annoying person on the planet, but when he said your name, you would melt.
So when he asked you out, you thought it was some sort of joke. I mean, he was the hottest guy in school. And you were just… you.
But then you realized there was more to him than just the bad boy exterior. He had a sensitive side, and his vulnerability was endearing. His family was… well, a lot. His mom was nice, but she had her fair share of issues, and his stepfather was a piece of work.
It only took one date to realize the Johnny you were accustomed to wasn’t the real him. The real him was like you… except he could kick ass and had some pent-up anger issues.
And yet, here you were.
"Johnny-" You began, but he stepped toward you and wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head. You stood stiffly, arms at your sides.
"God, I've missed you."
That was the last thing you expected him to say. You felt your face heat up, your chest warm up, and your shoulders slumped. You melted into his embrace, wrapping your arms around him.
"I've missed you too."
You could feel him grin against the top of your head, and he squeezed you a little tighter. He was so warm, and it made you forget the fact that he was literally climbing through your window at almost midnight.
After a minute or so, he pulled away and held your face in his hands. You were looking into those piercing blue eyes, and you could feel butterflies in your stomach.
"Why are you here?" You asked, your voice a little above a whisper.
He hesitated, and that was the moment you knew something was wrong. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"I, uh… I needed to see you."
You raised an eyebrow, but you didn't say anything. You were waiting for him to elaborate, but when he didn't, you sighed and grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards the bed. You sat on the edge, and he followed.
"Johnny," You said, turning toward him and placing a hand on his knee. "Talk to me. What's going on?"
"Nothing, I just… wanted to see you."
You didn't say anything. You knew better than that. So you waited.
"Okay, okay," He sighed. "Look, I'm not gonna lie to you, but I can’t tell you why."
"That's reassuring."
"It's just… things are… well, I just needed to get away. It's nothing, I'm fine, don't worry."
You were silent. You didn't really know what to say. There was so much going on, and it was hard for you to believe him when he told you not to worry.
"Is it… Is it Sid? Your mom?"
"Just…” He shook his head and stood, rubbing the back of his neck. He started pacing, and that was when you knew he was really upset. “Just drop it, alright? Everything's fine."
“You ignored me for the past two weeks, Johnny. Something is wrong."
He stopped and glared at you, and you froze. You were taken aback by the expression on his face. He seemed frustrated and almost angry.
The look… you knew it wasn’t directed at you, but you couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. He was always so hot-headed and stubborn, and when his mood shifted, you had a hard time knowing what to do.
He seemed to realize his expression and looked away, rubbing the back of his neck with a sigh.
"Sorry, God, I'm sorry, it's not you. I'm just-" He sighed and plopped back down on the bed next to you, running his hands over his face. "I'm a fucking mess, okay? Just forget I came."
It was weird how, in certain situations, you could completely shift into a different person. You’ve seen it in movies and TV, and it was a cliche. You didn’t think it would ever happen to you.
And yet, the second you heard the words come out of his mouth, you were hit with an overwhelming urge to turn his head towards yours, grab his face in your hands, and kiss him.
So you did.
You couldn’t really tell him why you did it. It just felt like the right thing to do, and it was an impulse. You figured it was the best way to let him know that you were here and he wasn’t alone.
The second your lips met, he was leaning into you, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer. You could feel the passion and desperation behind the kiss, and it took you a moment to match his energy.
He was rough and intense, and he pulled away after a few moments, moving to your neck. You gasped and gripped the collar of his jacket, feeling the heat of his lips on your skin.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say. And it was true. You had missed him more than you had thought. You had almost forgotten how much of a force he was to be reckoned with.
You let out a shaky breath, trying to form words, but failing. Instead, you tugged on his jacket and pulled him towards you, hoping he would get the message.
And he did.
His lips found yours again, and he was pushing you back, holding himself above you with one hand. His other was moving up your shirt, his fingers grazing your stomach, causing goosebumps to rise.
Your breath hitched in your throat as his fingers danced across your ribs. His lips were rough, but they moved with such grace and delicacy it was hard to keep up.
He pulled away for a moment, and you looked up at him, catching your breath. His blonde hair was messy, and his eyes were a little hooded. He looked like a mess, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
You reached up and brushed his hair back, giving him a soft smile.
“Is that…” His eyes peered away from you, and you raised an eyebrow. "Do you still have that damn elephant?"
Your eyes followed his, and you spotted the elephant in question. It was a gift Johnny had given you back when things were different. Come to think of it, you weren’t even sure you were together at that point.
"Why wouldn't I?" You asked, and he chuckled. “Ozzy's special."
"You named it? What are you, ten?"
You swatted his arm, and he laughed again. His eyes found yours, and you couldn’t help but smile at him. It felt like old times.
"Don't make fun of him. You gave him to me."
"Yeah, whatever," He rolled his eyes, but his smile remained. "Can't believe you kept him."
"I keep a lot of stuff, Johnny. Especially when they're meaningful."
He was silent for a moment, his eyes still focused on you. The moonlight was shining through the window and casting a shadow on his face.
"I keep a lot of things, too."
Before you could say anything, he was leaning down and kissing you again. You could tell this one was different, more meaningful, like he was pouring his heart and soul into the kiss.
And he was.
He wanted you to know how he felt about you without actually saying it. And although you weren’t really sure what was going on, you had a feeling this was what it was.
The fire inside of him was burning again, but finally, after so long, he realized that he needed to take a breather every now and then. Add some water to the flames.
It was a delicate balance. And although he may be bad at showing his feelings, talking about them, or acknowledging them, you were there to make sure he didn't lose himself in the heat.
And maybe, just maybe, the flame was a little more subdued, and the burn a little less harsh.
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johnnysbl0ndehair · 6 months
more jealous Johnny please <3
You have no idea what this means to me♥️🐍
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who can't stand others looking at what's his
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who always has to hold your hand when you're out so others get the hint
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who only trusts the other Cobras to be alone with you
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who once got in a fight with your lab partner just because he asked if he could go over to your house to study
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who lets you know that he doesn't want you around Daniel
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who's just really hurt and scared you'll leave him
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who was so happy when he found out you were coming to the tournament because you got to see him fight
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who makes it very clear that you two are dating..and since he told them all of the other boys seem too scared to talk to you
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who has Bobby or Jimmy sit next to you in any classes you don't have together
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who gets so pissed off knowing all the other boys look at you
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who knows they won't try anything though because they're too scared♥️
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satelitis · 10 months
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in which johnny lawrence is in second place to daniel larusso yet again, but we all know boys don’t cry.
g/n reader x johnny lawrence / g/n reader x daniel larusso (he’s lowkey the villan in this lmfao—)
warnings: fighting,swearing,insecurity, toxic masculinity, emotional abuse in the household. ⚠️ANGST NO FLUFF HERE⚠️
based on the song boys don’t cry by the cure , thank you to spence ml @mictodii for the inspo <3
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i would say i’m sorry if i knew that it would change your mind
verbal communication was not johnny lawrence’s strong suit. he tended to be a more action oriented human being. especially when he started bullying daniel larusso, soon after he first arrived in receda. all it took was one black eye to develop around daniels eye, for you to break things off with johnny.
it had only been 2 weeks since he had moved to receda but more fights had arose between you and johnny than you had ever had in your 9 and a half months of dating.
“i’m not dating a bully.” you told him forcefully, your y/c iris’ full of disappointment and animosity, were now trying to dig away at the guilt and hurt in his own.
but i know that this time i’ve said too much been too unkind.
“well it’s not my fucking fault that larusso always gets what he fucking wants! i have nothing left, so if your going to leave me for him that’s fucking fine with me i wouldn’t expect any less! just another brick in the fucking wall.” he spat, now making full eye-contact with you.
johnny immediately knew that he had fucked up but it was too late, your eyes once full of disappointment were now doused in confusion as you didn’t even know who you were talking to at this point. as you bit the inside of your cheek, you turned around and walked the other way not wanting to say another word to johnny as you ventured home.
the moon didn’t shine that night. nor did the stars. the plethora of clouds had made it hardly visible to view the only thing you could count on one hundred percent of the time.
i try to laugh about it , cover it all up with lies.i tried to laugh about it hiding the tears in my eyes.
the next day at school you didn’t look, nor speak to johnny lawrence. he gazed at you from across the halls and lunchroom but it didn’t fix anything.
“johnny what happened between you and y/n?” bobby asked, as he had noticed you hadn’t even acknowledged johnny. johnny laughed bitterly.
“nothing man, we’ve just been off lately, nothing major.” he told the blonde boy as he looked at you, a bright smile on your face as none other than daniel larusso was talking you. joking with you. making you laugh.
cause boys don’t cry, boys don’t cry.
johnny glared at the brunette, trying not to let tears form in his eyes.
i would break at your feet and beg for forgiveness, plead with you but i know that it’s too late and there’s nothing i can do.
johnny had came up with a plan to get you back and apologize. he had bought you your favorite flower and was going to surprise you. he even wrote out a thorough thought out apology in hopes that you would forgive him and he could get you back.
soon enough, every fiber in johnny was inflamed with resentment and anger. daniel larusso had his arm wrapped around your shoulder. he was kissing your cheek. and he was complimenting you.
so i tried to laugh about it, cover it all up with lies, i tried to laugh about it cover the tears in my eyes.
that night bobby had called johnny to see how it went.
“so johnny did you get the girl back?” he asked him. johnny chuckled.
“nah man it’s funny cause she wasn’t home. her mom said she was out with her friends so..yeah.” he lied straight through his teeth. the moments of you and daniel playing in your head again. tears soon began to spill uncontrollably.
“woah johnny man, are you crying? hey it’s okay man.” bobby tried to console once again over the phone. soon enough sid, johnny stepfather came up the stairs.
“boy would you quit that racket?! and stop crying like a little girl, cause boys dont cry! you hear me? boys don’t cry!”
i would tell you that i loved you if i knew that it would make you stay but i know that it’s no use and that you’ve already gone away.
johnny knew it from the day he met you, he loved you. he was just waiting for the right time to say it. however he never got to. daniel had taken you from him faster than a blink of an eye. it was too late. he wasn’t getting you back and he knew it. what was the point?
misjudged your limit, pushed you too far, took you for granted, thought that you needed me more.
johnny didn’t know when enough was enough. so when you broke up with him, he was distraught. he never really understood what he was missing till you were gone and far far from his reach and in daniels now. johnny truth be told couldn’t live without you, and unfortunately he had to find that out the hard way.
now i would do most anything to get you back by my side
johnny tried, and tried to get you to talk to him, and hear him out. but there was no use. you were happier with daniel. and he knew that and understood he had to come to terms with it as well. even if it was going to be hard. he valued your happiness over everything and if that happiness came from someone that wasn’t it, then so be it.
but i just keep on laughing, hiding the tears in my eyes
on the surface johnny seemed okay. he seemed as if he had moved on. sensei kreese had taught him to channel all his grief and anger into karate and cobra kai but within every laugh was hidden tears. because we all know. boys don’t cry.
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AN: why did this lowkey suck. okay bye.
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scorpioncobrababe84 · 1 month
Headcannons for how ck characters would soothe you on your period
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Daniel would be so sweet, make you some tea or any snack you wanted. He’d run a bath, rub your back, he would even watch Mamma Mia with you or one of your other fav comfort movies. Maybe he’d have some sort of special thing he learned from Mr. Miyagi, like that green tea stuff from tkk3. he would make you feel special during your whole cycle, but especially cared for now.
Johnny would probably be a bit of an idiot. ask if you want some beer. he’d order pizza for you both and sit with you, put something on and hold you. maybe he’d help you stretch or something to “show those cramps you’re not a pussy.”
Terry would have top chefs making you foods that are good for your period, ensuring nothing could cause more cramps. he’d get a maid to run a very luxurious, lush bubble bath for you, he’d def give a really good massage, and probably want to have period sex to help with cramps? he is not squeamish at the sight of blood. he’ll either pamper you or pay to have you pampered.
Kreese would be surprisingly sweet and gentle i feel. if anyone gave you a hard time for not being so active and upbeat because of your period he would go ballistic on them and tell them that you can do things at your own pace this week. he’d def bring you ice cream, and ask if youre okay. he’d want to lay down with you and make sure your cramps arent hurting you too much. anyone or anything that hurts you is an enemy to him.
Robby would involve a lot of kisses. kisses all over to make you feel better. he’d be a great listener and let you get everything off your chest when you’re emotional. he’ll cuddle you, and give you a lot of reassurance.
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mdpplgtz03 · 1 year
OMG WE HAVE THE SAME NAME! LIKE ITS SPELLED THE SAME AS MINE😭😭 Sooooo I was wondering if you could another Johnny L. Story? Nothing to fancy but could you do one where young Johnny and y/n are having trouble with there relationship but ultimately having it sorting out? OK THANK YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY:)
Silly arguments lead to foot massage-Johnny Lawrence
Pairing: Young!Johnny Lawrence x young!reader
Warnings: mentions of blowjob (just the word)
Author's note: Hi! And same name! oh my god! Ahh! 🥰 Hahaha. Thank you for requesting! Even though I don't take requests for Johnny at the moment, yours was sweet I couldn't say no. I decided to not add too much angst about it but instead make it short but also a silly but fluffy situation. I hope you like and enjoy this!
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"Oh c´mon baby, I was joking, you know?” Johnny, my boyfriend tries to hug me but I don’t let him.
“Are you serious?” he asks concerned, “I was just joking Y/N…Baby. I only have eyes for you and you know it" but still, I don't answer and instead I turn around, looking at the sea.
We are currently on the beach, far from the party that happens every weekend. Johnny and I always come together to these parties but today I couldn't since I had to work late and so I told him that I will see him there.
When I got there, I saw him watching a girl, a beautiful girl from class, and he was agreeing with his friends about how hot she was.
Only has eyes for me? My ass!
"Y/n… c'mon, I'm telling the truth, okay?" He sighs when he sees that I don't have any intention of talking to him. He catches me off guard when he hugs me from behind, moving my hair to plant a sweet kiss on my neck. Those kisses are my weakness, and he knows it.
"That's not going to work, Johnny."
"C'mon… yeah, I said she was hot, okay? I admit it. But she is not my type. I don't like those kinds of girls," he pauses to turn me around so I can look him in the eyes. "You are my only type y/n I want you, and only you. Besides… you give the best blowjo–"
But before he finishes I smack him on the chest.
"Shut up!"
He smirks "I'm serious!"
Johnny takes my face with his hands and kisses me. "But aside from that, you are funny, intelligent, and way more hotter than anyone else. You are real, you don't fake, and I love that."
You can't help but melt at his words, fuck, that's why you love him. Everytime you get mad you solve it.
Johnny sees the smile that it's appearing on your face.
"You owe me a foot massage for what you did. Okay?"
Johnny laughs and nods with his head. "What about a movie night, followed by a pizza and a sleepover at my house? Of course the massage will be included. And don't worry, we will have all the house for ourselves"
"Okay, deal" you giggle.
He raises an eyebrow, "what? No kiss to seal the deal?"
You put on your tiptoes, your arms resting behind his head, as you lean in to kiss him."
"Deal sealed".
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sensei-venus · 3 months
Something fluffy, poly! Daniel Amanda and Johnny where Reader gets sick when she's at home with the Twins! Robby and Sam. But then it turns out she's pregnant with Anthony?
Reader wanted to act like she was fine that whole afternoon but she knew it was a lie. That morning she woke up overly sore and tired out of nowhere with a belly that felt like it was full of lead. But she sucked it up for babies. Everyone had work that day so she was the only one home that day to take care of them.
Johnny had early classes at the dojo.
While Daniel and Amanda were off to the dealership for an important morning meeting about new inventory that would be hitting the dealership soon.
After a few morning kisses spread between all of them, a few peaks to the kids cheeks and they where gone. Off to work leaving her and the twins alone. Days like this she was grateful that the two children were almost six.
Only a few months and they would be turning six together and the following year be eligible to start school. There was a hint of mixed emotions on that. A big part of her was sad that her babies would be leaving the nest so soon but it had to be done. They grow up so fast.
"Mama! are you going to help me with my picture or not?" Samantha grinned as she held up her half colored paper. The coloring book page of a cartoon princess was only half colored in. She had done her very best to keep inside the lines clearly.
Reader quickly put her thoughts to the back burner before smiling down at the girl and nodding. Sitting down next to the girl at the kitchen table she grabbed a crayon and started to help by filling in some of the blanks. The whole time Sam talked about the princess they where coloring in. Giving the made-up girl a whole background that Reader was eating up.
“Mama look at my T-Rex….” Robby shyly said from across the table. He pushed over his completed page. A bright green and brown trex was drawn and colored out on the piece of paper. Reader grinned and looked over to him “Robby that’s so good! You did amazing, he looks so real! Did you like coloring him in?” Robby slowly started to smile. It was a bit of a surprise when Robby started to age up next to his older twin, who just so happened to be only three minutes older than him, and was the shyer one of the two.
Sam took the head of being more outgoing and outspoken while Robby liked to sit in the background for a while until he wanted to really come out. He was such a sweetie that Reader couldn’t help but spoil him.
While Sam was more of a daddy’s girl with the guys, Robby was HERS. He was definitely more of a mamas boy.
The happy thought was cut off by the weight in her gut. It made her physically stop for a moment. Trying her best not to vomit right then and there. With what will power she had she stood up and covered her mouth. With urgency and the last bit of strength she had “Mom needs to go-“ and practically ran from her spot at the table.
The sound of scrapping chairs filled the room behind her while she ran down the hallway.
The kitchen sink was not a option, she needed to hold onto the toilet for what ever was about to happen. Her eyes watered while pushing past her bedroom door and then though her bathroom one. Both hands where on her mouth as she almost threw up into them but was lucky enough to get to the toilet in time. Her knees crashed to the floor as she flung the seat up. Hunched over the porcelain with both hands gripping the bowl she puked.
A few stray tears fell as she vomited everything she had ate in the last few hours. Breakfast and the lunch she sheared with the kids. The feeling of weight leaving her stomach made her head spin. The taste of acid filling her mouth made her gag even harder. It felt like forever before she finally stopped puking. A few dry heaves later and she was almost falling over the toilet rim. With a shaky breath, sweaty body and tear stained cheeks she gently fell back into her butt. She closed her eyes for a moment while trying to breath again.
It wasn’t until she heard the sound of light whimpers did she open her eyes again.
Robby and Sam stood in the doorway with scared eyes. Well, it was mostly Robby who looked the most scared out of the two. He held Sam’s hand as they watched from the doorway.
“Mama!” Robby almost cried as he walked into the bathroom and collapsed next to her on the floor. His hands gripping at her shirt in tiny fists. She rubbed his back as they both tried to relax. When she was able to breathe right again she quietly said “It’s okay, I’m okay, I’m sorry that I scared you like that. Mama didn’t feel good and she didn’t want to get sick on you and Sam.” Looking up at her with teary eyes he nodded.
“Does your tummy hurt Mama? Like when I was sick that one time. I threw up like that too but you helped me and cleaned me up.” He mumbled. If Reader wasn’t suddenly so tired she would have laughed. With a tinny smile she replied “Kinda like that. But I’m okay now so don’t worry.”
Robby nodded and tried to push his head up for a kiss but Reader could only give a small laugh and put a hand over his mouth lightly “Ahh no kiss, mama just threw up. Her mouth is yucky and she doesn’t want you getting sick either.” Robby pouted but seemed to understand.
“Sam baby will you get mommy a water bottle from the fridge? Please and thank you.” Sam bolted out of the doorway and back out to the kitchen. The sound of the fridge door opening and closing was heard before the pounding of her feet followed. Practical flying back into the room she handed her mama the nice cool water. Reader rinsed her mouth out, spitting back into the toilet before flushing it. After a few good minutes, she felt safe getting up off the floor. Robby was almost attached to her side, still a little shaken.
“How about we take a little nap since mama isn't feeling so good.” Reader did her best to muster up a calm voice. The puking only did so much to make her feel any better than she was. If anything it made her more tired than she was.
Robby almost bolted out of the room, jumping onto her huge bed with a giggle. Sam looked at him then back to Reader. Her big eyes filled with questioning almost as if she was asking “Are you sure your okay?” it was sweet of her. But Reader shooed her off. She followed suit of her twin by climbing up on the bed next to him. They both giggles while throwing the covers around. Hiding under them. Their heads poked out to look back at her.
She gave a small laugh “You two get comfortable, I'm going to clean up a little and go to the bathroom.” the two kids ducked back under the blankets. Reader rolled her eyes before closing the door.
She looked for a rag to clean up with, to wipe everything down. Digging around under the sink she felt around for the spare fabric. Her hand knocked into something making it fall and tumble out onto the floor. Sighing she grabbed whaever it was. Her eyes widened when she turned the small box around, reading the packaging.
Pregnancy tests.
It had been years now that she hadn't taken one. The last time she did- it was when she found out she was pregnant with the twin. That felt like it was so long ago.
She could remember it so clearly. Sitting on the bed, Daniel paced around the bedroom, Johnny lying on the bed while Amanda looked over her shoulder in excitement. Watching as the test started to slowly turn positive over the span of five or so minutes.
The memory made her hear flutter a little in her chest.
Why not take one for fun?
A stupid gag almost. Maybe it would spice things up if someone found it in their trash later on. She almost laughed at her own stupid idea.
Breaking the seal she took out two tests and went to work. Peeing on both of them before flushing and washing her hands. Cleaning long forgotten. For a split second, she felt a bit sad. Knowing that the tests would be negative. It wasn't like they were trying to get pregnant again, but still. The feelings and emotions still bubbled up as she left the tests to load. A small beep alerted her that they were both done so she flipped them over.
Her heart almost stopped put of pure shock as she gazed down at them.
Both tests were bright and positive. The lines are bold and bright against the bright white result paper.
Her heart felt like it would stop at any moment from just looking at the positive pink lines. This was real, very very real. She was pregnant with her third baby an she only found out from jokingly taking a stupid pregnancy test for fun. Pacing around the bathroom did nonthing to calm her spicking nerves. So many questions went thogh her mind in that very moment.
How was she going to tell her husbands and wife?
When did this even happen?
How far along was she?
All of those things filled her head making her even more nauseous. Taking a long deesp breath she tries to calm down.
“Mama are you coming? Me and Robby are getting tired.” Sam’s voice rang out from the other room.
“I'm coming!” Reader lightly yelled. She placed the used tests on the counter to be dealt with later on. Straightening herself up she walked back into her room with a grin. Finding the twins bundled up in the sheets and blankets. Reader climbs up onto the bed, flipping the covers over to reveal the two kids. They both laughed as they were uncovered.
“Scooth over so I can get in there,” she mumbles while getting between the two. They cover backup. Both twins snuggle up to her sides, heads resting on her chest.
“Your heart is really fast mama.”
“Are you okay?”
Reader smiled while playing with Sam’s light curls.
“Well I'm a little excited because I found out some really good news.”
Both kids perked up at the statement.
“What if Mama told you that you guys would be having a little brother or sister soon?” Sam gasped loudly. Her eyes were big while replying “Like a baby?!?” Reader nodded “Like a baby. I'm going to have another baby and give you guys a little sibling.” she laughed at the girls reaction.
“The baby is in your belly right? That's where Miss Page had her baby at.” Robby spoke up mentioning the woman who works at the dealership who recently had a baby. Robby pokes at her squishy belly. Sam joins by rubbing at the flesh.
“Yep, but they're really tiny right now so you can't really see them just yet. They have to grow a bit more before you guys can see them in my tummy.”
“Does Mommy and Papa and Dad know?”
“No not yet, but, I was thinking before they get home we could think of a special way to tell them. How does that sound? We can do something special to tell them about your new sibling.” both kids beamed at the idea. They both try to scatter of the bed but Reader holds them back. She laughs while pulling them back onto the bed.
“Not yet guys! Mama still isnt feeling so hot. We can start planning after our nap okay.” the twins reluctantly nodded but laid back down next to her. Cuddling up into her sides once again to finally go to sleep.
Who knows what will happen in the next few hours.
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(Part 2??)
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iovesia · 1 year
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❥⠀masterlist. ⠀:⠀ ( the karate kid masterlist. )
synopsis: headcanons of johnny dating a reader in miyagi-do.
warnings: johnny is jealous. lovers to rivals to lovers?. slight angst & fluff. one cobra kai reference. not proof read.
pairings: johnny lawrence   𝒙   fem!reader.
josie's note .⁺ ˖ ⌒ this was a request for anon, but i accidentally deleted the ask, i'm so sorry, but i hope you enjoy. — likes, & reblogs are highly appreciated ♡ !!
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Johnny thinks you’re a total badass for doing karate. He loves having that as a way to bond with you, since karate is practically his whole life. 
You definitely kept that fact that you’re training with Mr. Miyagi and Daniel on the down low. Whenever he asks what or where your dojo is, you quickly distract him with a kiss on the lips.
You love Johnny, but it boils your blood whenever you watch as he and the Cobras relentlessly torment Daniel. You constantly have to reprimand him for it.. which leads to a lot of arguing.
The secret’s finally out after the Halloween dance, when you, Daniel and, Mr. Miyagi marched into the Cobra Kai dojo. As Mr. Miyagi and Kreese argue, you couldn’t help but feel Johnny’s stare piercing into you.
“Why did you lie to me?” Johnny snaps. You recoil as he slams your locker door closed.
“I didn’t lie…” a sigh escapes your lips. “I just didn’t tell you.”
“Yeah, you didn’t tell me that you're spending all your free-time with that punk!” He sneers, his lip curling into an ugly scowl.
"Yeah, well that punk is my friend! You promised me that you guys would leave Daniel alone. Next thing I see, you guys are kicking the shit out of him—" You retort angrily, your nails digging into your palm.
"Oh, friend, yeah? You're getting pretty close to your friend." Johnny scoffs, the venom dripping from his voice.
Yeah… Johnny’s jealousy spikes through the roof once he connects the dots. All those times you spent at your karate practices, or were busy over the weekend was to train with Daniel Larusso —his enemy— against Cobra Kai, no less.
You probably (temporarily) break up after that, both of you firmly dedicated to your side of the karate “war”. 
You try to avoid him as much as humanly possible. When you see him in the halls, you grab Daniel’s arm and turn yourselves around. You sit at the furthest table away from him and his group at lunch. 
Although he’s unreasonably angry with you, he misses you so much. He misses your jokes, sparring together, going on dates with you to Golf ‘n Stuff, riding with you on his motorbike. But unfortunately his loyalty to Kreese and Cobra Kai triumphs over your relationship. 
When the All-Valley finally rolls around, you wait on the sidelines, anxiously watching Daniel get through the first few rounds. You try to keep your gaze away from a certain blond cobra, but a few stolen glances let you know that Johnny is well on his way to the final round.
There’s a short intermission before the final match. Your heart is beating out of your chest, and you decide to get some water. Walking out into the hall, you find the last person you expected standing in front of the water fountain.
“Ready to watch me kick your boyfriends’ ass?” Johnny smirks, taking a sip from his water bottle, his gaze firmly avoiding you.
“He’s not my boyfriend. You are.. or at least you were until you turned into this jealous prick,” you quipped, the words slipping out before you could stop yourself.
“You were supposed to be on my side!”
“I am on your side!”
“No, you’re not!” You failed to miss the way his eyes become glassy, and a pang of guilt bloomed in your chest. “You—”
The interrupting intercom blared throughout the gym, echoing into the hallway. Johnny takes a shallow breath, unfamiliar nerves wracking through his body. “Whatever… I guess I’ll see you out there rooting for me.” He finished in a sarcastic manner, his eyes finally meeting yours.
“I’m always rooting for you, Johnny.”
Much to your surprise, Daniel managed to beat Johnny, and was crowned as the new All-Valley champion. Although you were proud of your friend, part of you felt sorry for Johnny.
Even more so, once you went outside the gym and watched as he was berated and assaulted by his own Sensei. Mr. Miyagi thankfully came to his aid, successfully knocking down Kreese.
You slowly approached Johnny and the other Cobras, who were perched miserably on the sidewalk. You sat down next to the bloody-nosed blond, wrapping an arm around him and resting your head on his shoulder.
Miyagi-do or not, in the end, you’d still pick him— every time.
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gemini-sensei · 5 months
I've concluded that none of the ck characters could maintain a fwb relationship at all. Here's how long I think they'd last before admitting to/catching feelings.
Miguel: 1 month
Sam: 4 months
Robby: 2 and half months
Demetri: 2 weeks
Tory: 18 months (she bottles up her feelings for a while)
Hawk: 6 months (also bottles up his feelings)
Moon: 6 weeks
Yasmine: 7 months
Daniel: 3 months
Johnny: 4 months on and off, calls it off entirely instead of admitting he couldn't maintain this type of relationship, calls it back on after a month and admits his feelings
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@sensei-venus thoughts? Lol
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cades-outsider · 1 month
NSFW Alphabet: Young Johnny Lawrence
Warnings: NSFW
NSFW Alphabet
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A= Aftercare (What he's like after sex) Younger Johnny definitely has no clue what aftercare is at first. He's not used to affection and receiving love, over time you'll start to show him how important aftercare is to both of you. After that, his go to aftercare would be making sure you use the bathroom after sex, cleaning you up, then cuddling naked until you both fall asleep.
B= Body Part (His favorite body part of yours) Your boobs for sure, that's the first thing he looks at, more like gawks at. While in missionary he'll use each hand for each boob to hold on to, he's so gentle because he doesn't want to hurt you.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum basically) He doesn't have a preference, although the thought of cumming in you is very appealing to him, he doesn't know what he'd do with a kid while he's a teenager.
D= Dirty Secret (Johnny's dirty secret) Johnny really wants to make love to you in his car, it's a wonder it hasn't happened yet. He wouldn't admit it, but he's kind of nervous to even ask and he doesn't know when or how to approach the topic.
E= Experience (How experienced is Johnny) He definitely doesn't know much especially if you were his first, but he knows a lot from his imagination that he just uses on you. Though he makes it seem like he's more experienced for the first time you both have sex.
F= Favorite Position (His favorite position) Definitely missionary, he's a simple teenage hormonal boy who likes to get the full view of his girl while he makes her take his cock.
G= Goofy (Is he goofy during sex) Not really, he tends to be more serious during sex, especially if it's a very romantic and intimate moment with you, then he's the opposite of rough or goofy.
H= Hair (Does the carpet match the drapes) Definitely. Johnny will pretty much always have the mindset that it's more manly to have hair down there. But he did experiment when you first got together, he tried shaving incase you decided to have sex or go down on him, but he quickly decided it wasn't for him.
I= Intimacy (How romantic is Johnny during the moment) Johnny isn't very romantic, but that doesn't mean he isn't sweet during sex. He cares about his pleasure, but he also has the need to make sure you're taken care of. Now, if it's a special day (anniversary or valentines), then he'll be more romantic. Rose petals around the bed, some pretty candles lit up... if you're both alone at his mom and stepdads house, then he'll even run you both a bubble bath afterwards. He truly cares about you, and while he may have a hard time expressing it, he still tries for you.
J= Jack Off (Masturbation) Johnny does it all the time, when he's not busy with you or karate of course. But if there's no possible way to get off then he'll get off by the thought of you or some of your Polaroid pictures he has.
K= Kink (How kinky is Johnny) Johnny is not kinky. He's more caring and careful during sex, but there has been moments when he's jealous or angry and he takes it out on you, but he would never hurt you physically. He does like to lightly wrap his hands around your neck, and he loves to slap your ass and dig his nails into your hips while you ride him, but never beyond that.
L= Location (Favorite places to do the do) Johnny's favorite place to have sex is in his room, where no one can distract either of you. He doesn't like the idea of being in public and having sex, but if he needed a quickie or something made him jealous, then that would quickly change.
M= Motivation (What gets Johnny going) Your mouth really gets him going. The way you subtly bite your lip while you're working on homework, or the way your lipgloss makes them more noticeable. It turns him on so much and he can't help but imagine your lips wrapped around his cock.
N= No (A turn off, something Johnny would never do) He would never bring hitting into sex, with how he's treated by his sensei and his step dad, he wouldn't want that pain or trauma inflicted on you, even if you gave him consent to do so.
O= Oral (His preference in giving and receiving) He loves both, but he loves receiving more because of the way you treat him and how you respect his body. You take care of his wants and he doesn't want that to go away.
P= Pace (Is he fast and rough, slow and sensual; etc) Johnny can be both. While he's mainly sweet and sensual in the moment, he can also be very rough and fast. Especially if he sees you around Daniel or any other boy for that matter. He wouldn't tell you who you couldn't hang out with, but he would make it known that he didn't like Daniel talking to you, and if Daniel didn't take the hint, then Johnny would make it known that you were his.
Q= Quickie (Johnny's opinion in quickies/fast and rushed sex) He is always up for a quickie, he would never turn one down. Johnny likes to take his time with you, but that doesn't mean he won't fuck you in such a hurry that you can't speak. You could be anywhere and say you were mildly horny, and he would rush you into the nearest bathroom.
R= Risk (Does he like to take risks) Johnny is definitely a risk taker. If you asked him to try new things then he would for you, but never anything physically harming. You could easily persuade him to do anything for you, except, inflicting physical pain on either of you.
S= Stamina (How long can he go for, and how long does he last) Johnny can go pretty long, well, he prefers to take his time with you. The most he could last would probably be an hour, with a lot of foreplay leading up to actually fucking.
T= Toy (Does he like to use toys) Not really. He prefers for you to use him, hence, you to use his mouth and cock how you like. He would never say no to trying toys, but he just likes the feel and taste of you without them.
U= Unfair (How much does he like to tease, does he tease) Johnny loves to tease you, matter of fact- he constantly does it. He loves to drag out the process, touching you inch by inch, making you beg for his cock before giving you even his fingers. Every time he does it and you whine, he just gives you that same cocky smirk with the comment “what? Can’t take it?”
V= Volume (How loud is Johnny during the moment) Johnny is rarely loud. He gives the occasional grunts, groans, and slight whimpers- but he’s more of a touchy person, so he’d be digging his nails into your hips and grabbing all over you before he’s moaning constantly.
W= Wild Card (Random head-con for Johnny) Johnny has always wanted to lean you over his motorcycle and fuck you raw. When he’s alone and you’re nowhere to be found, he jerks off to the thought of you letting him fuck you raw as he has you bent over his motorcycle. He doesn’t like the idea of it being so out in the open, but honestly, if you were to say yes, he would lose all self-control.
X= X- Ray (Lets see what's going on in them pants shall we) Johnny is a solid 6 inches. He’s not too big, but not too small. He has a good girth too, which really adds to it.
Y= Yearning (How high is Johnny's sex drive) His sex drive is pretty high. If you’d let him, he would probably fuck you every day, twice a day. But on the days that he is extremely horny, he cums quicker. Thus, making it easier for him to fuck you multiple times a day.
Z= Zzzzz (How fast does Johnny fall asleep afterwards) Johnny doesn’t fall asleep right away, he makes sure you’re taken care of before he knocks out. He’ll usually clean you up right after and then hold you close to his chest, rubbing your lower back as you talk about random stuff before finally falling asleep.
This was like heavily requested soooo here you go!!!
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stinkygirl009 · 11 months
Johnny: “do you think I ca-“
Y/n: “no.”
*and continuing to finish there homework*
Johnny: “fine.”
Johnny: “what if I-“
Y/n: “No, you can’t dirt bike over Dutch and tommy, Bebe.”
Johnny: “but WHYY, there fine with it!!”
Y/n: “Your going to end up hurting yourself and your going to say-
“Why didn’t you tell me not to do it?” You don’t want that to happen again right, johnny?”
Johnny: “…no…BUT it won’t happen again I promise!!”
Y/n: “you better not do it johnny.”
Johnny: “ok…☹️”
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nobitchs-world · 1 year
“Bunny” “princess” “ babygirl” “pumpkin”
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ilovekitkatok · 4 months
・✧*:・Lana Del Rey's songs for your relationship with these characters:
Karate Kid III - Million Dollar Man
You said I was the most exotic flower Holding me tight in our final hour I don't know how you convince them and get them, babe I don't know what you do It's unbelievable And I don't know how you get over, get over Someone as dangerous, tainted and flawed as you
One for the money And two for the show I love you, honey I'm ready, I'm ready to go How did you get that way? I don't know You're screwed up and brilliant Look like a million dollar man So why is my heart broke?
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Cobra Kai - Off To The Races
My old man is a tough man, but He got a soul as sweet as blood-red jam And he shows me, he knows me Every inch of my tar-black soul He doesn't mind I have a flat broke-down life In fact, he says he thinks it's what he might like about me Admires me, the way I roll like a rolling stone
Likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom, Château Marmont Slippin' on my red dress, puttin' on my makeup Glass room, perfume, cognac, lilac fumes Says it feels like heaven to him
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Karate Kid - Blue Jeans
Blue jeans, white shirt Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn It was like, James Dean, for sure You're so fresh to death and sick as c-cancer
Big dreams, gangsta Said you had to leave to start your life over I was like, no please, stay here We don't need no money, we can make it all work
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Cobra Kai - Norman Fucking Rockwell
Goddamn, man-child You fucked me so good that I almost said: I love you You're fun, and you're wild But you don't know the half of the shit that you put me through Your poetry's bad, and you blame the news But I can't change that, and I can't change your mood Ah-ah
'Cause you're just a man It's just what you do Your head in your hands As you color me blue Yeah, you're just a man All through and through Your head in your hands As you color me blue Blue, blue, blue
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johnnysbl0ndehair · 6 months
Explicit content
I'm thinking about Johnny and the rest of the cobra Kai gang sitting in Jimmy's basement around on a couch talking about how you are
"did you see her tits today man? Shittt" Dutch chimed in stopping your boyfriends train of thought as he rolled his eyes "what I wouldn't do" said Tommy as everyone laughed and snickered
But this wasn't a one time thing. Anytime Johnny invited you to hang out with everyone he saw the way Dutch was eye fucking you, or how Bobby kept complaining your shoes.
It made his blood boil, so whenever you were all together he made sure to be extra touchy feely. Holding your hand, calling you cute little names, practically sucking faces in front of everyone as a reminder of who you belonged to.
In Johnny's mind you were his territory, he can be so defensive and positive.
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bullet-prooflove · 28 days
Lifesaver: Johnny Lawrence x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989
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The night Johnny gets arrested outside the strip mall, it’s you he calls to bail him out. You’re a last resort, one rung above his stepfather. He looks rougher than the last time you saw him. His  cheeks are unshaven, his hair just a little too long. His eyes are red rimmed and bloodshot, the scent of whiskey clinging to his skin.
“You’re a lifesaver.” He says, his lips brushing over your cheek before he lets himself out of your car.
You sigh because despite the fact it’s been over a year since you last saw each other, you’re still the person he comes to when he’s in need of a rescue.
He doesn’t invite you inside the apartment but he leaves the door open, you can’t help but follow inside. You think he does it on purpose, that he wants you to see you’re better off without him. His place is a mess, vacant pizza boxes and empty beer cans, a half drunk bottle of vodka stored along side the couch. The TV is smashed, the shards embedding into the threadbare carpet underneath.
He doesn’t look at you, he simply steps into bathroom closing the door behind him. You hear the shower click on, the sound of running water before you go routing through his kitchen drawers, searching for garbage bags. You know what it looks like when Johnny’s suffering, you suspect this is why he ghosted you last year. He must have hit a rough patch with his mental health, fallen into a spiral. He’s a proud man, he wouldn’t have wanted you to see it.
You’re halfway through cleaning up the living room by the time he steps out of the bathroom, a towel slung low over his hips. It’s clear he doesn’t expect you to still be there, that you’d take one look at his place and walk back out again.
“You don’t need to do that.” He tells you, snatching the bag out of your hand.
You give him a hard look and he gives you one back.
“I didn’t invite you to come in here and bust my balls.” He snaps as he clutches onto his towel. “In fact I didn’t invite you in at all.”
“Johnny…” You say and he holds up his hand to dismiss you before retreating to the bedroom and closing the door behind him.
You know where his aggression comes from, it’s a place of shame, of hurt. It devastates you to see him like this, so angry, so bitter. The Johnny you knew was warm, self-depreciating. He had a smile that could light up a room, that made your heart beat a little faster in your chest.
When you let yourself into the bedroom it’s a similar state. There’s dirty laundry piled up in the corner, empties on the nightstand, it looks like it hasn’t been touched by sunlight in months.
Johnny’s curled up under the sheets, he’s pulled on a t-shirt and boxer shorts. You toe off your shoes at the bottom of the bed before you climb onto the mattress alongside side of him. Your arm loops around his waist, your chest pressing light against his back. You feel the tension ebb out of him as your lips brush over the curve of his throat lightly. His fingers capture yours, entwining them as he tucks your hand against his chest, so you can feel his heart beat against your fingertips.
“Johnny.” You whisper and he grips your hand a little tighter waiting for rebuke because that’s the way it’s always been for Johnny. He’s chastised his actions, beaten down, battered. It’s the reason he’s so abrasive, it’s way of protecting him from the pain that comes with caring for another person, from disappointing them.
“I’m gonna stay a while, help you get back on your feet.”
“I don’t need a babysitter.” He chides and you can sense the tiredness in his voice. You can’t imagine how exhausting it must be, fighting every single day just to live.
“I know.” You whisper as you hold him close. “But you do need a friend.”
Love Johnny? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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augustinapril · 7 months
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♥︎ — 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 — ♥︎
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hi!! it's snowed where I live, and I wanted to do a cute winter event even though it's only october!! which means this is NOT a christmas event, so please don't send in any asks that are Christmas themed. ♥︎
this event will go from october 27th—november 3rd !! send in as many asks as you want.
all tags added to the post are only to get reach for the event!! not all characters I write for are tagged, so check the masterlists to see and also send me an ask if there's a character not on there!! I might have forgotten to add them </3
masterlist and guidelines and navigation post
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𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐚 — [MOOTS ONLY!] send this is an I'll tell you what winter activity you remind me of!! ♥︎
𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 — send in a cute winter date idea and fandom, and I'll tell you what character would most fit it!!
𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬 — send in a winter prompt and a character, and I'll write you headcanons or a blurb
𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐬 — ask games like cym, kmk, etc. !! ask games are so fun, and I love them so much. <3
𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 — give me a character from my masterlist & a scenario, and I'll make you a moodboard!!
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tagging moots for reach:
@stqrluvr @lu-vin-it @renqiisnce @book-place @dizzyntrr @jaidens @crazyf0rswayze @stvrlighttgabss @brklynbb @solutopia @carelikeribbonsinyourhair @yellowjaxxx @dljcem
also, a quick note to my moots: I'm sorry I don't talk to you guys very often :(( I wish I could more snd oll try to, but sometimes I just get so busy. know I LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎
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