ectomoog · 4 months
The Ecto Moog Vanilla Experience
Updated for 1.20.4
I’m the unwilling user of a MacBook Air, and I’m also someone with strong (picky) preferences for ✨vibes✨, and so to play Minecraft casually on my laptop, I’ve had to jump through several hoops to achieve what I would consider a good vanilla experience.
At this point though, I’ve put probably too much time and effort into it, and so I thought to justify that I’d make a beginner's guide to all the mods, resource packs and game options I use, as of February 2024 (1.20.4). 👇
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I will attach a hyperlink to any resources I mention :)
Ok so to start off, yes, I technically I don't actually play true vanilla Minecraft, but the mods I have installed are all client-side, and for the purpose of improving or optimising the vanilla experience. You can find me and a list of (almost) all these mods on Modrinth.
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Fabric & Modrinth (Intro)
To mod the game, I use Fabric. I know that Forge has had some… drama? recently, and I’m gonna be honest I’ve never tried Quilt (I will at some point), but Fabric is super widespread, tons of mods use it so it works just fine for me 😁. When I’m looking for mods, I really prefer to use Modrinth, just because I can follow everything and it’s a really well designed website. (I also tried their launcher but I think it needs a little work?)
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As part of Fabric, I do have the Fabric API in my mods folder.
Performance & Optimisation
I use these mods are to make the game run better. Minecraft is notorious for being very poorly optimised, and these mods have been made by a ton of very talented people to fix that.
JellySquid’s Sodium is the hot optimisation mod right now for rendering and graphical fixes. It doesn’t have the cosmetic features of Optifine, like dynamic lighting or zoom, but it’s super compatible and gives me great performance. Combined with my other mods, at a 15 chunk render distance in the overworld, I averaged around 50 fps. For a MacBook, that's not bad at all.
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To accompany Sodium I've also got Indium, an add-on that provides support for the Fabric Rendering API, which is required for mods that use advanced rendering effects, and Reese's Sodium Options, which adds a better options screen for Sodium’s video settings- it looks better basically.
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Lithium is a general purpose optimisation mod that improves systems like game physics, mob AI, block ticking, etc without changing vanilla mechanics.
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Starlight rewrites the entire lighting engine to fix performance and errors. Made for bigger servers, but helpful for client users. I think this is in place of Phosphor.
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Dynamic FPS
Dynamic FPS can reduce the game’s FPS when it’s just running in the background- useful for a laptop.
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Some more specific optimisation mods:
Entity Culling avoids rendering entities that aren’t directly in your field of view, which is much more thorough than the vanilla approach.
Ferrite Core reduces the memory usage of Minecraft in a ton of different ways.
Immediately Fast optimises how things like entities, particles, text, GUI are rendered, by using “a custom buffer implementation which batches draw calls and uploads data to the GPU in a more efficient way.”
I'm not a programmer so I can’t really explain what Krypton does, something to do with networking stacks, but I know it optimises.. things, lowers server CPU usage and reduces memory usage. I’m barely following along with a lot of these mods.
Fabric Language Kotlin is a dependancy that enables the use of the Kotlin programming language for other Fabric mods. To be honest, I’ve forgotten what mod needs this but I don’t want to delete it, just in case.
These mods aren’t necessarily about performance, but they do enhance the game in a vanilla kind of way, in my opinion. Some of these could be up for debate but I do think they compliment the base game.
Lamb Dynamic Lights
Lamb Dynamic Lights is a simple but thorough dynamic lighting mod that adds light-emitting handheld items, dropped items and entities.
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Zoomify is a super configurable zoom mod. Maybe this is just because of Optifine’s influence, but i think they should add zoom to the base game. At least I feel cool using it 😎
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To make Zoomify work, you’ll need, YetAnotherConfigLib, a config library that fills in a couple of holes.
Better F3
Better F3… makes the F3 menu better. There’s the option to customise literally everything, you can colour code, shift and delete parts of the menu depending on your use case, it’s less insane and looks a whole lot better.
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MiniHUD allows you to display customisable F3 lines on the main screen, along with several client-side overlay renderers. I just use it for the mini-F3, and I have my FPS, coords and cardinal direction in the top left corner. It’s honestly more helpful than you’d assume.
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MiniHUD requires MaLiLib (masa’s Litemod Library) which is a library mod for mods made by masa and others.
ModMenu adds an in-game menu where you can view the mods you’re running and access their details and setting menus.
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Shulker Box Tool Tip
Shulker Box Tool Tip adds a preview of the inside of a Shulker box when it’s in your inventory.
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Some more specific experience mods:
Bobby is a rendering mod that allows the player to render more chunks than a server’s fixed distance, by loading in previously generated chunks saved client-side. You can also render them straight from a singleplayer world file. To be honest, I don’t often run into this issue but it’s helpful to have lol.
Cloth Config API adds a config screen for mods in-game.
Iris is a mod that makes shaders super easy, and compatible with Sodium. It's down here because I don’t use shaders often, but it’s essential if you do.
A lot of these mods are subject to change as I find better or updated alternatives, and I'm always on the lookout for more 😁
Resource Packs
For vanilla Minecraft, I actually only use one resource pack, but if you’re familiar with Vanilla Tweaks, you’ll understand why this deserves its own category.
This resource pack allows you to pick which small changes you want to add, and a lot of them are really cool. Some of my favourite tweaks are:
Dark UI
Quieter Nether Portals
Circular Sun and Moon
Numbered Hotbar
Golden Crown
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The other tweaks I have are: Classic Minecraft Logo, Lower Warped Nylium, Lower Snow, Lower Crimson Nylium, Lower Podzol, Lower Paths, Lower Grass, Wither Hearts, Ping Color Indicator, Borderless Glass, Lower Fire, Lower Shield, Transparent Pumpkin, Noteblock Banners, Quieter Minecarts, Variated Unpolished Stones, Variated, Terracotta, Variated Stone, Variated Logs, Variated Mushroom Blocks, Variated End Stone, Variated Gravel, Variated Mycelium, Variated Planks, Variated Bricks, Random Moss Rotation, Variated Cobblestone, Variated Grass, Random Coarse Dirt Rotation, Variated Dirt, Darker Dark Oak Leaves, Shorter Tall Grass, Circle Log Tops, Twinkling Stars, Accurate Spyglass, Unique Dyes, Animated Campfire Item, Red Iron Golem Flowers, Brown Leather, Warm Glow, Horizontal Nuggets, Different Stems, Variated Bookshelves, Connected Bookshelves.
Game Options
For the sake of the full experience, here's the important game options:
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The End 😇
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And that's the whole thing! A lot of this could change at any moment based on my play style, but I think this is a really well rounded experience for vanilla Minecraft. Let me know if there's anything else I should try 😁
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unorthodoxx-page · 9 months
Tale of Spirits Sneak Peek and reminders
Below is a final sneak peek for chapter 20, which should be up Sunday!
Just a reminder to anyone who missed it. After Chapter 20 is posted the next update will be a mass upload of the entire work, so there will be another hiatus after this post (a small one though, a little over a month)
Anyway, here's the sneak peek! Something fun and small.
Katara POV
Donnie chuckles before leaning back with a loud shout.  “Raph!  Leo!  Someone get in here to laugh at my amazing joke.”
“I can’t believe I was scared of you,” Sokka sighs.
“Hey, I’m still scary,” Donatello says.  His shell opens to release two thin metal appendages.  They wiggle back and forth in an odd sharp motion while his own arms squirm in the air.  She snorts, he looks like a jellysquid.  “Oooh, look at that.  Four arms, bet I’m pretty scary now.”
Sokka hides the pull of his face in his hands and Katara looks away with a laugh.  “Sure,” she grins.  “Super scary.”
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senkobingus · 2 years
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Oh mah gah my first ask :DDD
Bapc jellysquid oc rambling that I don't have a name for yet (I might call them cornette who knows) ekekeke
I kind of based them off the princess in the jellyfish story
She's a princess, she's actually a squid alien but she disguised herself as a jellyfish, wears a large cloak that looks like a jellyfish to disguise herself as one, because she thinks no one finds squids interesting, who would find squids interesting?
She's a jellysquid lmao,
Also she has no bones 💃 (Yes I based them off the inklings from splatoon I couldn't resist they're really adorable)
almost everyday she'd go to a meadow of flowers that sat before a lake that reflected the sky so clearly it was like a mirror
She'd stare at herself at the lake and wept sometimes she couldn't stop weeping even if she wanted to, too distraught from hiding knowing that she will be thrown out and bring shame to the kingdom if they ever found out their beloved jellyfish princess was a squid, too tired of hiding
One day a certain outlaw approached her at the meadow and asked
"Why do you hide yourself?"
"Because I have to"
"But why?"
"Because I'm a squid, I don't look as luminous or as beautiful as a jellyfish, who would find me interesting?"
"I find you interesting"
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emetkoto · 2 years
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@jellysquiding was printing character sheets and I was hanging out at the front desk with her and she goes "here's your receipt" and I take it and it's them
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Feathered Beakworm is catching a Jellysquid!
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jackie-mae · 7 years
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I made a Jellypus... squid thing!
Jellypus: @lazyartz
Jellysquid" me
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Day 1 - Creatuary
Glowsquid egg in slime infested areas will sometimes hatch into a Jellysquid. The parasitic slime’s acid combined with the squid’s venom is a potent cocktail; thankfully, unlike cave spiders, they do not pursue prey. More of a hazard than an active threat when caving. Drops slimeball (singular) and occasionally glow ink sac (also singular)
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ghostly-creator · 2 years
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haven't posted in a while, have a Jellysquid merman, he honger.
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ghoulsquid · 2 years
trashsquadleader——-> JellySquid ——-> ghoulsquid
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Memorabilia comics, Neo and Myrin, jellysquid, long cat, sock cat, my friend's @princesslocket characters that I doodle with neo, peaches and dragon as ratfruits and a the first ref I had of Fausfir
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audrabalion · 6 years
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More #dailydrawing 😁 12: a super quick, no pencil, #doodle of a #tapdancing #monster 13: Sometimes I get caught up in what to draw, that it takes so long to do it. And then sometimes I remember that it doesn't matter what I draw, or if it's good even, so long as I do something. Therefore, whatever this is. #cat #squid #jellyfish #jellysquid #catfish #octopus #catopus #octocat #tentacle #tentaclecat #princess #pastel #pencilcrayon 14: For #valentinesday I drew a #gorgon (not #medusa). Cheesy line if this was a card: "You must be a gorgon, because when our #eyes meet, I am under your #spell" 😝 15: Sketched up a #matriochka #doll design based on our #ukrainiandance group, #sonechko (which means #sunshine). The next day, I did up a #digital version. #ukrainian #matryoshkadoll 🇺🇦 16: Here is a #pencil #sketch of @empyclaw while he was playing a game on iPad. This day marked 13 years together with this #handsomeman 💖 #portrait #beard #love #anniversary #teamwork 17: No idea what to draw as usual, so I splotched some of my #pearlescent #watercolor #paint down, then inked this #creepy #spirit 18: Always good to #practice #inventing airships! Maybe I can use this for the #Flight19comic card game? #steampunk #airship #ink #aviation #imagination
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ectomoog · 1 year
The Ecto Moog Vanilla Experience
[ Disclaimer!! this post is outdated- ill update it probably by november, or when all these mods are updated for 1.20.2 😁 ]
I'm an unwilling user of a MacBook Air, and I'm also someone with strong (picky) preferences for ✨vibes✨, and so to play Minecraft casually on my laptop, I've had to jump through several hoops to achieve what I would consider a "tailored & premium" vanilla experience. At this point though, I've put probably too much time and effort into it, and so I thought to justify that I'd make a guide to all the mods, resource packs and game options I use, as of May 2023 (1.19.4). 👇
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I will attach a hyperlink to any resources I mention :)
Ok so to start off, yes, I technically I don't actually play true vanilla Minecraft, but the mods I have installed are all client-side, and for the purpose of improving or optimising the vanilla experience. You can find me on Modrinth, but here are all the mods I use:
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Fabric & Modrinth (Intro)
To mod the game, I use Fabric, (rather than Curseforge). I know there are other modding tools, but Fabric works very well for me, and honestly the Forge website and launcher are pretty ugly, so I've stuck to Fabric up until this point. I ideally use Modrinth to download mods, as I like the design of that too.
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As part of Fabric, I do have the Fabric API in my mods folder.
Sodium, Lithium and Phosphor
In the past I've used Optifine, but in December 2022 I switched to JellySquid's, Sodium, Lithium and Phosphor. So far, they work a *lot* better, in terms of optimisation. While they don't have the dynamic lighting, zoom or other cosmetic features that Optifine does, the performance they manage to achieve on my non M1 Mac is amazing. On average, at a 15 chunk render distance in the Overworld, I averaged around 45 fps. I'm actually really exciting about that because it allows me to actually play the game properly lol.
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2. Lamb Dynamic Lights
To compensate for Sodium, I use Lamb Dynamic Lights, which is a simple but thorough dynamic lighting mod that adds light-emitting handheld items, dropped items and entities.
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3. WI Zoom
Again, to compensate for Sodium, I use the Wurst-Imperium Zoom mod, which provides the zoom from the Wurst Client as a standalone mod. This is understandably shady, but it's very useful and feels at least vanilla-adjacent.
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4. ShulkerBoxToolTip
A very minor mod, and one used by Xisumavoid, ShulkerBoxToolTip allows you to look inside a shulker box while it's in your inventory.
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5. Better F3
Better F3 does exactly what it sounds like - it improves the F3 menu. I haven't optimised mine yet, but there is the option to colour code and shift/delete parts of the menu depending on your use case, and it looks a lot better too.
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6. Mod Menu
Just in case you need to know what mods you have installed, and where to find information on them, Mod Menu provides that in game, which is super helpful.
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7. FastLoad
FastLoad removes 441 chunk generating and implements different loading screens, and allows for the world to be generated a lot quicker.
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Resource Packs
For vanilla Minecraft, I actually only use one resource pack, but if you're familiar with Vanilla Tweaks, you'll understand why this deserves its own category.
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I've picked a lot of tweaks in Vanilla Tweaks, and some of them are more obtrusive than others. Some of my favourites are:
Dark Mode UI
Lower Fire
Quieter Nether Portals
Circular Sun and Moon
Bedrock Menu Title
Gold Hemlet -> Golden Crown
And the rest are:
Don't Eat the Bowl!, Bedrock Menu Title, No Panorama Overlay, Literal Gamerule Names, Numbered Hotbar, Dark UI (1.19.3 - 1.19.4), Ping Color Indicator, Wither Hearts, Lower Fire, Borderless Glass, Lower Shield, Translucent Pumpkin Overlay, Directional Hoppers, Visible Tripwires, Visual Note Block Pitch, Quieter Nether Portals, Quieter Minecarts, Quieter Fire, Quieter Pistons, Quieter Sculk Shriekers, Variated Dirt, Variated Coarse Dirt, Variated Grass, Variated Cobblestone, Variated Moss, Variated Bricks, Variated Birch Logs, Variated Red Mushroom Blocks, Variated End Stone, Variated Gravel, Variated Mycelium, Variated Planks, Variated Bookshelves, Variated Stone, Lower Grass, Circular Sun and Moon, Twinkling Stars, Circular Log Tops, Shorter Tall Grass, Whiter Snow, Different Stems, Red Iron Golem Flowers, Vertical Nuggets, Unique Dyes, Animated Campfire Items, Splash Bottle o' Enchanting, Accurate Spyglass ,Golden Crown
In-Game Options
I'm very picky with my in-game options, but they're all quite small changes, and so probably aren't worth discussing all that much, I'm just going to drop the most important ones below:
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The end :)
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That's my complete Ecto Moog vanilla experience! I'm sure I've missed some things, but overall that's how I've customised my experience. Let me know if there's alternatives I should try...
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musicalronpa · 6 years
Hello everyone! We're glad to present you our Danganronpa PMV which took a whole month for us to make so finally it's ready! The artists who took part in making this happen are:
Pirra (Naegi and Kaito) avorizo (Ishimaru) dani (Mondo) Caustic (Byakuya) Lenish (Mukuro and Gundam) kat (Toko) Dashman (Genosider) surii (Kyoko) Adryan (Sayaka) bakasobaka (Chihiro) Alex (Leon and Kaede) NickyStarlight (Junko) nishi (Celeste) Default (Asahina) tirami (Sonia and Mikan) Fura (Hiyoko and Nekomaru) Riel (Chiaki) wintaisy (Kazuichi) eryomich (Hajime and Mahiru) Squish (Izuru) JellySquid (Nagito) rikkutori (Fuyuhiko) Ira (Twilight Syndrome girls and Tenko) superkisa (Tsumugi) kamigarin (Rantaro) Imma (Saihara) kcedar (Kiibo) huyandere (Maki) kyarokyun (Kokichi)
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jollyparaphernalia · 5 years
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Now Mel can be the jellysquid he was always destined to be. 
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emetkoto · 3 years
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heyyyyyy buddy <3 :knife_emoji:
im not on my own computer rn if you cant tell from the. everything about this
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dekkyu · 7 years
i love you mom
ily2 jilly 💖💖
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