#Italian recipe
brunchbinch · 6 months
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Pasta alla norma (x)
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jennifersblog-en · 12 days
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I have tried an Italian recipe: girelle di pane.
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A chi piace la zuppa inglese?
62 g di tuorli
95 g di albumi
90 g di zucchero semolato
75 g di farina “00”
32 g di fecola di patate
zucchero semolato e zucchero a velo per spolverare
Sbatti i tuorli d’uovo con 50 g dello zucchero totale fin quando non avranno quadruplicato il loro volume;
Monta a neve gli albumi prima da soli e poi, quando saranno diventati bianchi, aggiungendo a pioggia la restante parte di zucchero;
Setaccia la farina e la fecola di patate;
Incorpora una prima parte degli albumi montati a neve ai tuorli in modo da uniformare le consistenze. Fallo sempre mescolando dal basso verso l’alto;
Incorpora, in altre due volte, il resto degli albumi e le farine al composto. Sempre mescolando dal basso verso l’alto;
Metti il composto in una sacca da pasticciere e forma i savoiardi su una teglia foderata con carta da forno, dovranno essere lunghi 10/12 cm e larghi 1 cm;
Cospargi i savoiardi con zucchero semolato e poi con zucchero a velo e cuocili in forno statico preriscaldato a 180°C con la porta lasciata leggermente aperta con una pallina di carta stagnola per circa 10 minuti. I savoiardi dovranno avere, una volta cotti, un bel color nocciola;
Fai raffreddare i savoiardi e poi conservali in un contenitore ermetico.
50 g di zucchero
100 g di acqua
100 g di alchermes
scorza di arancia
scorza di limone
In un pentolino metti acqua, zucchero e scorze di agrumi e porta tutto ad ebollizione;
Non appena il tutto bollirà e lo zucchero sarà sciolto spegni e fai raffreddare. Una volta freddo aggiungi l’alchermes e metti da parte.
300 g di latte intero
2 tuorli
70 g di zucchero semolato
20 g di amido di riso
scorza di arancia
300 g di latte intero
2 tuorli
70 g di zucchero semolato
20 g di amido di riso
2 cucchiaini di cacao amaro
50 g di cioccolato fondente al 70%
scorza di arancia
Aromatizza il latte con la scorza d’arancia e fallo scaldare a fiamma dolce;
Nel frattempo, in una ciotola, unisci tuorli, zucchero e amido (e nel caso della crema al cioccolato anche il cacao amaro);
Aggiungi poco alla volta il latte caldo alle uova, mescola e rimetti tutto in pentola;
Fai cuocere a fiamma bassa fin quando la crema non si addensa;
Togli dal fuoco e, per la crema al cioccolato, aggiungi il cioccolato fondente tritato e fai sciogliere;
Versa poi la crema in un piatto e coprila con pellicola a contatto.
Bagna per pochi istanti i savoiardi nella bagna e disponili in una pirofila;
Metti la crema al cioccolato sul primo strato e poi ricopri con altri savoiardi bagnati;
Completa con la crema gialla, fai riposare in frigorifero per almeno quattro ore e servila con una spolverata di cacao amaro.
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najia-cooks · 2 years
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[ID: A soup with white beans, bitter greens, and a variegated white and gold broth in a large pot. End ID]
Minestra di pane / ribollita Toscana (Tuscan bread soup)
Minestra di pane is a Tuscan soup often made from leftover vegetables and stale bread. You can use whatever vegetables you have on hand for this recipe—traditional additions vary from family to family and according to region, but typically include cabbage, Tuscan kale, and cannellini beans. Minestra di pane is even better reheated the next day, when it is called "ribollita," meaning "reboiled."
Recipe under the cut!
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1 1/4 cup dried cannellini beans, or 4 cups (3 15-ounce cans) cooked
3 1/2 oz (100g) stale Tuscan or other crusty bread
1 cup olive oil
6-7 whole cloves, lightly crushed with the flat of a knife
2 large yellow onions, diced
2 large carrots, diced
2 stalks celery, diced
1 tsp salt, or to taste (more if using unsalted Tuscan bread)
1 tsp ground black pepper, or to taste
8 cloves of garlic, crushed and chopped
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
1 1/2 cups diced tomatoes, preferably San Marzano, or 1 15-ounce can crushed tomatoes
8 cups vegetable broth
1/2 small Savoy cabbage
2 bunches (180g) black cabbage (Tuscan kale)
2 Yukon gold or russet potatoes, diced (optional)
For the beans:
If using dried beans: wash beans and pick them over for debris. Soak beans overnight in enough water to cover them by several inches (or quick soak by putting them in a pot with enough water to cover them by several inches, covering the pot and bringing the water to a boil, removing from heat, and soaking for an hour).
Drain beans and cook them in a large pot with enough water to cover them by several inches for one to two hours until tender. Remove from heat and drain the beans, saving the cooking liquid.
If using canned beans: drain and rinse the beans and set aside.
For the bread:
If your bread is still malleable enough to cut: preheat your oven to 300 °F (150 °C) and cut bread into thin slices. Toast bread on a sheet pan for 10-15 minutes until very dry, turning over halfway through the cooking time. Rub one side of each slice of bread with garlic and set aside.
If your bread is too tough to cut, soak it in water until you can break it apart. Cut or tear the bread into small cubes and squeeze out as much water as you can, then set aside. I've made minestra di pane using bread that is very, very stale, or bread that's been frozen and thawed, using this method.
For the soup:
Prepare your vegetables. Dice the onions, carrots, celery, tomatoes, and potatoes. Crush and chop the garlic. Cut the Savoy cabbage into thin strips and roughly chop the Tuscan kale.
Heat 1 cup of olive oil in a large pot on medium low until shimmering. Add cloves and cook for thirty seconds until fragrant.
Add onion, carrot, celery, salt, and black pepper. Cook on low heat, stirring and scraping the bottom of the pot often, until soft and translucent, about 30 minutes. Increase heat to medium and cook until lightly browned, another 5-10 minutes.
Add garlic and red pepper and cook for a minute until no longer raw-smelling. Add tomatoes--push the onions to the side to let the tomatoes come into direct contact with the hot oil and fry for a few seconds before stirring them in. Increase heat to medium high and bring to a boil.
Lower heat to a simmer and cook until tomatoes are tender and almost dry, about 20 minutes.
Add vegetable broth, cabbage, and kale. Cover and simmer until greens are almost tender, about 20 minutes. Add potatoes and simmer 10-15 minutes until almost tender.
Purée 1 cup beans with 1 cup water (or the cooking liquid from the beans). Add bean purée plus the remaining cooked beans and simmer until potatoes are tender, 10-15 minutes. Taste and adjust salt and pepper.
To serve:
If using sliced bread: line the bottom of a serving bowl with a few slices of stale bread. Drizzle with olive oil and cover with a bit of soup. Continue alternating bread and soup, ending with a layer of soup. Cover and allow the bread to soak and soften for half an hour. Serve hot or lukewarm with another drizzle of olive oil and freshly ground black pepper.
If using soaked bread: add bread to the pot and stir. Remove from heat and cover, soaking for at least half an hour. Bring soup to the boil again and mix well before serving.
To make ribollita:
Minestra di pane is often made in large batches, because leftover soup will be used to make ribollita. Heat a few tablespoons of olive oil in a large skillet on medium-high and add leftover soup. Cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring continuously, until thickened. Ribollita should be thick enough to eat with a fork.
Serve hot with olive oil and black pepper. Ribollita is also commonly served with thin slices of raw onion.
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donewithnothing · 10 months
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simmeringstarfruit · 10 months
Crab Risotto with Fresh Pea Shoots
A decadent seafood risotto with warm spices, mushrooms and pea shoots. Inspired by the crab risotto recipe from Zelda Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, this dish is filled with rich, buttery seaside flavours.
Crab risotto can be made at any cooking pot in Hyrule by combining Hylian rice, goat butter, rock salt and any crab. Depending on the type of crab you choose, you can get different effects. For instance, bright-eyed crabs give stamina, while ironshell crabs can increase your defence and razorclaws increase your attack power. If you add 2 of the same crab, you can potentially increase the amount of the chosen effect, as well as its duration.
Crab Risotto in Zelda Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom: Hylian Rice, Goat Butter, Rock Salt + Any Crab
From my experimentation with different recipe combinations, I deducted that you cook a crab risotto with up to a level 2 buffer for an attack or defence, depending on the type of crab used, however this level 2 buff is a bit random – But! You must use at least 2 of the same crab to potentially get the level 2 buff. Using 2 of the same crab in your risotto can also increase the duration of the effect, but not by very much – about a minute or less.
1 lb (454 grams) fresh crab legs or imitation crab meat
4 cups broth
2 tbsp oil
½ cup onion, diced
¼ cup minced garlic
½ lb (2-3 cups)  mushrooms, sliced
2 cups thinly sliced bell peppers
1 cup Arborio rice...
(continued in post)
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zuppa del canavese ricetta invernale per le giornate fredde e nebbiose / Canavese soup winter recipe for cold and foggy days
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zwinglys · 7 months
The Best Tomato Pasta Sauce Ever
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zuccheroaveloblog · 8 months
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FANTASIA DI BRUSCHETTE un piatto allegro e colorato, per una cena tra amici o per un buffet nelle calde sere estive.
La FANTASIA DI BRUSCHETTE, incontra i gusti di tutti, da quello fresco del pomodoro crudo e della rucola a quello più deciso delle cipolle e del pecorino.
Seguitemi in cucina e prepariamole insieme.
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fashionita72 · 9 months
Pasta Amatriciana
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globalfoodiee · 1 year
Crispy Potato Baked Rolls
Servings: 2 Duration: 45 – 50 min Ingredients: 2 medium-sized potatoes, boiled and mashed 1/4 cup bread crumbs 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 egg 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup vegetable oil Instructions: Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). In a mixing bowl, combine the…
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daily-deliciousness · 18 days
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Cheese breadsticks
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Oggi voliamo in Puglia!
500 g di farina “0”
250 g di acqua
5 g di lievito di birra fresco
1 cucchiaino di sale
olio extravergine d’oliva
300 g di fiordilatte vaccino
150 g di pomodori pelati
3 cucchiai di Parmigiano Regginao o Pecorino
Olio di arachidi o di girasole alto oleico per friggere
Disponi la farina a fontana su un piano di lavoro o in una ciotola e aggiungi il lievito, metà dell’acqua e l’olio extravergine d’oliva. Poi inizia ad impastare;
Quando il lievito sarà amalgamato nella farina aggiungi il sale e la restante parte d’acqua e termina di impastare;
Metti l’impasto a lievitare, per un’oretta a temperatura ambiente e poi in frigorifero;
Scola i pelati dalla passata o dal liquido di governo, tritali grossolanamente e mettili a scolare in un colino;
Taglia il fiordilatte a cubetti e mettilo a scolare;
Quando saranno passate un paio d’ore unisci i due ingredienti e il Parmigiano (o il pecorino);
Quando l’impasto sarà lievitato dividilo in 10 panetti e poi stendili con l’aiuto di un mattarello fino ad arrivare a uno spessore di 3/4 mm;
Metti il ripieno su un lato del disco di pasta e poi, con l’aiuto di un po’ di acqua, chiudi a mezzaluna facendo uscire tutta l’aria e pressando bene i bordi;
Scalda un litro d’olio di arachidi o girasole alto oleico portandolo a 160/170°C;
Friggi i panzerotti uno alla volta per non far abbassare troppo la temperatura, fin quando non saranno ben dorati da entrambi i lati;
Falli scolare dall’olio in eccesso su una griglia e poi lasciali intiepidire prima di servirli.
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今回使用したアクアパンナの採水地は、ワインや食文化、芸術でも名高いイタリアのトスカーナ地方・スカルペリアという地域です。フィレンツェから車で2時間ほどかけて山を登ったスカルペリアは、美しい手つかずの自然が広がっている風光明媚な街です。そんな自然豊かな環境で採水されたアクアパンナの、なめらかなの��越しと軽やかさを活かして、栄養満点のスープをつくります。 材料(3人分) アクアパンナ 1000gサルシッチャ 160g人参 200gキャベツ 130g玉ねぎ 120gじゃが芋 100gセロリ 50gほうれん草 50gミックス豆 50gロマネスコ 40gグリンピース 20gバジル 2gローズマリー 1本タイム 1本塩 5g黒コショウ 1gパン 二切れ(80g)エクストラバージンオリーブオイル…
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今回使用したアクアパンナの採水地は、ワインや食文化、芸術でも名高いイタリアのトスカーナ地方・スカルペリアという地域です。フィレンツェから車で2時間ほどかけて山を登ったスカルペリアは、美しい手つかずの自然が広がっている風光明媚な街です。そんな自然豊かな環境で採水されたアクアパンナの、なめらかなのど越しと軽やかさを活かして、栄養満点のスープをつくります。 材料(3人分) アクアパンナ 1000gサルシッチャ 160g人参 200gキャベツ 130g玉ねぎ 120gじゃが芋 100gセロリ 50gほうれん草 50gミックス豆 50gロマネスコ 40gグリンピース 20gバジル 2gローズマリー 1本タイム 1本塩 5g黒コショウ 1gパン 二切れ(80g)エクストラバージンオリーブオイル…
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simmeringstarfruit · 6 months
Cheese Risotto with Fresh Herbs
The ultimate in cheesy indulgences, this cheese risotto with fresh herbs is the cosiest of comfort foods. Inspired by the cheesy risotto recipe from Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you can easily whip up this cheesy dinner in just 45 minutes! Perfect for a weekday dinner, or something a little fancier and romantic – make it as cheesy as you like! Jump to Recipe Printable Recipe This luxurious…
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